Why does a girl's belly grow? Why does the belly grow? Poor diet and lack of exercise

A big belly causes a lot of problems. And besides, it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing. It can appear in both women and men. If the belly has increased in size in the female half of the population, then pregnancy immediately comes to mind. For men, everything is much more complicated. Therefore, it is worth understanding why the belly grows? We'll tell you.

Why does it grow big belly in women and men? In modern times, this problem is quite acute, but not everyone takes it seriously and does not look for the reason for its occurrence.

Doctors have derived some parameters that fall within normal limits. For women, waist size should not exceed 88 centimeters, and for men - no more than 94 centimeters.

A huge belly acts as a disease that must be treated.

The causes of a big belly may be hidden in the following:

  • flatulence and problems with stool. For constipation intestinal tract becomes clogged, which leads to the appearance of a protrusion. At the same time, it becomes hard and increased gas formation is observed;
  • poor digestion of food as a result of dysbiosis, increased putrefactive processes, increased gas formation;
  • tract. In modern times, many people observe protein diets. The diet includes a large number of meat dishes, a lot of fried and dairy products, eggs. Due to such a menu, food does not have time to be digested, which leads to pain and bloating;
  • lack of an enzyme called lactase. It is responsible for digesting lactose, which is found in dairy products. Against the background of this process, nausea, pain and bloating occur;
  • formation of a tumor-like formation;
  • a pathological process when the abdomen enlarges in a certain place. If the belly grows in the upper part, then the cause may be diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • the presence of gynecological or urological problems;
  • Availability bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.

A big belly can also occur for another reason - fluid accumulation. This disease has distinctive feature: The stomach inflates evenly. At the same time, the skin looks taut and smooth.

This disease is commonly called ascites in medicine. It occurs for a number of reasons, including:

  • tumor-like formations;
  • inflammatory processes in the peritoneum;
  • illnesses of cardio-vascular system and kidneys. They arise due to stagnation of blood and disruption of the outflow of fluid from tissue structures. Then the patient's arms, legs and face swell;
  • cirrhosis of the liver. Outflow disturbance is observed venous blood to the liver. Against this background, the pressure in the abdominal cavity.

It happens that the belly grows and healthy people. The reasons are hidden:

  • constant consumption of carbonated drinks;
  • drinking soda for heartburn;
  • taking a lot of cabbage, fresh rye bread, grapes, garlic, legumes and melons;
  • haste while eating and swallowing large amounts of air;
  • undergone surgery in the form of laparoscopy.

Many men wonder why their belly has become larger. One of the reasons is the abuse of beer. It includes not only ethanol and hops, but also female hormones. With constant use, not only the stomach, but also the mammary glands increase in size. Often men's voice changes. He becomes more feminine. Therefore, it is foolish to think that beer does not cause any harm.

If a woman's belly has grown, then perhaps this is a signal of pregnancy. In the first weeks after conception, the stomach seems to swell. This phenomenon occurs due to the production of large amounts of progesterone. This hormone relaxes the muscle structures of the uterus to hold the fetus. But it also affects digestive tract. As a result, a large amount of gases accumulates in the organ.

Additional symptoms may include delay, nausea, and increased drowsiness. To confirm pregnancy, you need to do a test and then go for an ultrasound.

The belly during pregnancy increases significantly in size after the 15th week of pregnancy. The organs of the fetus are already formed, and therefore all forces are directed towards its growth.

Preventing belly growth

If the belly begins to grow, then it is necessary to identify the cause of this process. During pregnancy, a woman does not need to do anything. These processes are completely reversible. In order for your belly to return to its original size after childbirth, you need to eat right during pregnancy and strengthen the muscle structures of your abdomen.

When your stomach protrudes for other reasons, you need to follow several recommendations.

  1. Stop drinking beer.
  2. Take regular walks.
  3. Do abdominal and strengthening exercises muscle structures abdominal cavity.
  4. Go swimming in the pool. Women can go to yoga or water aerobics during pregnancy.
  5. Avoid stressful situations. Very often, people begin to gain weight due to stress, eating large portions of food.
  6. Eat properly. You need to avoid fried, fatty, hot, spicy and smoked foods. The diet should be aimed at maintaining proper nutrition. Dairy products must be excluded. Instead, the diet should include dairy products, which are rich in beneficial bacteria.
  7. Eat in small portions, but more often up to 5-6 times a day.
  8. Remove from diet simple carbohydrates. This includes buns, cookies, sweets, and chocolate.
  9. There should be fats on the menu, but they should be healthy. These include fish dishes, avocado, nuts.
  10. Don't forget to comply drinking regime. Often, due to lack of fluid, the body begins to make reserves on its own. Against this background, swelling appears in the face, legs, and arms. To avoid this and throw off a few extra pounds, you need to drink two liters of water a day. The first glass is taken in the morning immediately after a night's rest.

If the appearance of a huge belly is associated with the accumulation of fluid, then you should urgently consult a specialist. The patient will be prescribed a thorough examination, which primarily includes ultrasound diagnostics.

To get rid of a bulging belly, you need to undergo a surgical procedure. It is aimed at removing excess liquid. After graduation rehabilitation period must be observed proper nutrition and exercise regularly. They will help.

If abdominal wall moves away unevenly, and there is a formation of protrusion on the right or left, then you also need to visit a doctor. Perhaps the reason lies in diseases of the internal organs: liver, spleen, intestines, gall bladder.

The belly can bulge in the navel area when umbilical hernia. In this case, the patient will feel constant pain, heaviness, and tingling when making movements. As an adult this pathology requires surgical intervention.

Exercise to reduce belly fat

How then? If your belly begins to grow due to poor nutrition, abuse of beer and a sedentary lifestyle, then you can perform a number of exercises at home.

  1. First exercise.
    Need to accept supine position. Place your hands on the frontal area. You should bend your legs knee joints, while the feet rest on the floor. The head and shoulders are raised one time, lowered two times. You need to repeat such movements at least 20 times.
  2. Second exercise.
    Take a lying position. The arms are located along the body. This exercise is a little more difficult than the previous one. First, the arms and head are raised, then the torso. The movements are performed in two steps. Then the torso, head and shoulders drop. You need to repeat at least 15 times.
  3. Third exercise.
    Lie on your back and place your hands under your head. Bend your knees and lift them up. Raise your torso and try to reach your knee joints with your elbows.
  4. Fourth exercise.
    Position yourself on your back. Bend your legs at the knee joints. At one time you need to raise your shoulders and head. Turn your body to the right by two, turn straight by three, turn left by four. Then take the starting position.
  5. Fifth exercise.
    An exercise called a plank will help you get rid of a bulging belly, strengthen your abdominal muscles, and develop stability. It is enough to perform it once a day every day. In a month, the results will be visible: the stomach will retract a little, the abs will acquire beautiful outlines, the legs and arms will become stronger.

    To perform the exercise, you need to sit in a knee-elbow position. That is, the arms bend at the knees and rest on the floor. In the first days, you should stand in this position for no more than 20 seconds. As soon as the body gets used to it, increase the time to 30 and 45 seconds.

  6. Sixth exercise.
    If the stomach is swollen in the background large cluster gases, then the simplest exercise will help. It is necessary to take a lying position. Place your arms along your body. Bend your legs at the knee joints. We begin to make movements as if we were riding a bicycle. It is advisable to press your knees as close to your chest as possible.
  7. Seventh exercise.
    It is necessary to take a lying position and place your arms along your body. Raise your legs so that the angle between them and the floor is approximately 45 degrees. They should be held in this position for 10-15 seconds.

Training must be constant. To get the desired effect, you must follow a diet at the same time as doing the exercises.

Most often, the belly can grow for reasons related to the quality of food consumed. This phenomenon is quite unpleasant, but in most cases it is completely correctable. If an enlarged belly is accompanied by pain, swelling or increased gas formation, you need to urgently visit a doctor.

In fact, there are many reasons for fat deposits in the waist area. Once the cause is determined, it will be easier to choose the most effective means figure correction. Now we will list the main factors that provoke abdominal growth.


In women, the belly may also begin to grow as a result of the development of certain diseases. Probably the most dangerous of these diseases is considered diabetes. But there is no need to rush to sound the alarm, because in addition to abdominal growth, this disease also manifests itself with other symptoms. If you began to notice that you began to need fluid more (especially in the cold season), your legs began to swell a lot after a normal working day, your skin condition has deteriorated significantly (irritations and rashes often begin to appear on it), this may well be a sign that you have diabetes. But there is no need to panic and start self-treatment, because this disease can only be diagnosed by a specialist based on blood tests and other factors.

Male body type

Women often have a growing belly because they have a masculine body type. This does not mean at all that in this case they lack femininity. This is simply a sign that the fat in her body prefers to accumulate on her stomach. The female body type is characterized by an even distribution of fat deposits throughout the body or their accumulation in the hips or on the back, just below the shoulder blades. If this is the reason that causes your belly to grow, there’s nothing you can do about it, so you’ll just have to constantly fight the extra pounds.


The growth of the abdomen is actually affected not by the pregnancy itself, but by the consequences after it, because after childbirth, in addition to happy motherhood, stretched and weakened abdominal muscles also await you.

This reason is relevant not only for women who have given birth, but also for young girls who lead sedentary lifestyle life. As a result of the weakening of the abdominal muscles, it becomes flabby, constantly grows, and accumulation of body fat. By the way, this reason is inherent not only in the female, but also in the male body.

Abuse of sweets, overeating

Eating in the evening is the worst thing for our waistline. You need to forget about the myth about eating after six o'clock in the evening, because it is actually not true. You just need to stop looking in the refrigerator two hours before bed and eat your fill fatty foods for dinner and snack on candy afterwards. Sweet and salty foods are also prohibited. If you want to eat in the evening, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat some oatmeal.


Another bad habit, which in its own way negative impact the figure is almost no different from overeating, is smoking. Forget the myth that smoking helps girls stay in shape. The thing is that smoking worsens metabolism, which is why switching to proper nutrition without quitting smoking will not bring the desired effect.


Alcohol is harmful in any quantity, and red wine, oh beneficial properties which has been talked about so much is no exception. remember, that beautiful figure and alcohol are incompatible concepts. IN as a last resort, you can afford a little alcohol for the holiday, but nothing more.

Why is alcohol harmful to your figure? It turns out that when alcohol enters the body, it is first absorbed into the walls of the stomach, as a result of which food is not absorbed, passing immediately into fat deposits in the waist, legs and hips. That is why, if you want to have a slim waist, consumption alcoholic drinks you will have to cut back and urgently do exercises to lose weight in the abdominal area.


An optimistic attitude guarantees a beautiful waist, but constant worries and stress contribute to the growth of the belly. Some women lose weight during stress, but there are not so many of them. Most often, during times of stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, due to which girls gain weight. In addition, stressful situations force you to eat more.

In this case, diets help little. It is better to try relaxation techniques: yoga, aromatherapy, meditation, etc. It is also advisable to engage in sports, because intense training helps relieve stress and promotes the production of joy hormones.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Irregular and unbalanced nutrition is dangerous because the body experiences a lack of essential vitamins and microelements. To lose weight in the abdominal area, you need to eat right and take vitamins. Vitamin C is especially useful for weight loss.

Posture problems

Sedentary work takes away from us more health than many bad habits. Consequence sedentary image In life, spinal diseases and poor posture often occur, which, in turn, leads to the formation of a large belly. Internal organs due to incorrect posture, they gradually move forward, which is why the belly is formed.

How to solve the problem in this case? It is advisable to perform a set of exercises for posture and move more. If desired, you can devote a few minutes to fitness even in the office.

Fasting, bad diet

It is a very stupid idea to want to lose weight through fasting. The thing is that during fasting, cortisol (stress hormone) is released in the body. That is why severe dietary restrictions harm not only the waist, but also the figure in general.

Lack of sleep

IN Lately Experts are increasingly saying that the state of your figure directly depends on your sleep. Moreover, a tendency towards obesity and abdominal growth in women can arise both from lack of sleep and from excessive time spent in bed. Optimal quantity sleep for an adult is at least 5, but no more than 8 hours.

In the case of each person, this is all purely individual, and if, for example, 6 hours of sleep is enough for you to get enough sleep, this does not mean that this will also be enough for your friend. You need to sleep as much as you need to wake up rested, then your figure will be fine. The main thing is to try to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Poor physical fitness

Fat deposits, including in the abdominal area, usually appear due to low physical activity. Therefore, if you eat right, but lead a sedentary lifestyle, you don’t have to dream of a beautiful waist.

Hormonal disorders

This can also cause fat to accumulate around the waist, but there is little that can help in this situation. It is imperative to seek help from a specialist and undergo the necessary course of treatment.

Why does a woman's belly grow?, and regardless of whether they are overweight or not? Besides that extra centimeters do not decorate the body, it is also a risk factor for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and metabolic syndrome. Fat deposits in the waist area are called visceral, as they accumulate around the abdominal organs, including the liver. The likelihood of health problems is especially high if body volumes increase at normal weight.

Although these may be completely natural reasons, for example, structural features of the figure. There is a tendency to accumulate fat in the upper part of the body. At the same time, the legs generally remain slender. Specifically in such cases, when the appearance of extra centimeters is caused by natural reasons, it is difficult to significantly influence the way the body looks. Body type cannot be corrected, but you can follow an appropriate routine and lifestyle to stay in shape. How to find out the reason why the belly is growing, how to cope with this annoying problem and whether it is possible to avoid the accumulation of fat in the waist area. Find out more by reading the article further.

In most cases, extra centimeters at the waist appear due to abuse of high-calorie foods and low physical activity, we recommend reading the article about. The problem is especially relevant after 30 years. Metabolic processes at a young age proceed much faster, therefore, even with increased absorption of food, the body remains slim. After 30, all body processes slow down, and extra calories instantly affect your appearance.

Quite often, the female half begins to grow a belly only because they are predisposed to this due to their physique. With a masculine body type, girls retain their femininity and attractiveness, but their extra centimeters primarily accumulate at the waist, just like in men. If this is the reason, then what should I do? Unfortunately, it has a significant impact appearance there won't be a body. You can only adjust your diet and reduce volumes through special training.

Please note: Completely natural cause a swollen waist becomes weak abdominal muscles. If in youth muscle elastic and resilient, then with age it becomes flabby.

It is worth noting that this especially applies to women who have given birth. Solving an existing problem is much more difficult than preventing it. An excellent prevention of the appearance of a belly is exercise and regular physical exercise on the abs and sides.

The picture below shows the main “types of belly”, from left to right – wine, bloated, stressed, mother, hypothyroid, pear-shaped:

How poor posture affects belly size

Sometimes extra centimeters in the waist area are a consequence of incorrect posture. Moreover, even with low weight, the tummy can protrude greatly. The reason for this is that the curvature of the spine leads to the displacement of the abdominal organs from their proper places and as a result they protrude slightly forward.

This problem is common among teenagers and the condition only gets worse as they get older. Very often such violations lead to sedentary work when the spine long time be in an awkward position. How to be in this case?

Practical advice: Strengthen your back muscles and your body as a whole, improve your posture. A swimming pool is recommended for these purposes. It is quite possible to correct minor spinal problems.

The water takes part of the load on itself, and the vertebrae return to their natural correct state. The result is maintained by the back muscles, which are also strengthened by swimming. With regular training, displaced organs will return to their places, and figure flaws will also be corrected.

Hormonal imbalances and waist size

Every day, the amount of energy expended is reduced, but the level of activity and food consumption remains the same. Which understandably leads to weight gain. This is actually why the belly of women grows with age.

Important: studies have found that 35% of women with the onset of menopause do not feel the taste of sweets, which complicates the control of their consumption. And 45% deliberately indulge in sweets, which leads to disruption of carbohydrate metabolism and increases the likelihood of developing diabetes. As a result, body weight increases, in particular the stomach.

The effect of stress on a woman’s body and excess weight

The accumulation of fat around the waist can also be a result of stress. These concepts are interrelated, since the body under stress begins to actively produce cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat deposition. In addition, many people prefer to survive stressful situations by eating food. In this case, you should control your diet and try not to overeat. nervous tension. It is recommended to drink more water, as liquid will reduce stress hormones. , breathing exercises– all these ways of dealing with stress are much more beneficial for your figure.

How to get rid of belly fat by adjusting your diet

Poor nutrition, of course, is the leader among the causes of fat accumulation in the lower abdomen. Therefore, you need to know what dietary mistakes lead to the appearance of deposits on the waist.

In particular these are:

  • large portions and overeating, that is, what leads to stretching of the stomach walls;
  • not regular meals, when a person either doesn’t eat for a long time or gets very full;
  • no breakfast, eating most of the food after noon;
  • presence in the diet harmful products: sweets, chips, fatty foods and so on;
  • large amounts of sugar consumed and products containing it;
  • incorrect diet.

To get rid of your belly and extra pounds on your sides and waist, you should review your diet and build your menu on the following habits:

  • no quick crash diets;
  • frequent split meals are recommended;
  • a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • eating protein foods;
  • Fats must be included in the diet, but useful sources: nuts, fish, etc.;
  • the menu should be as varied as possible;

Snacks are allowed, but they must be healthy. Fruits, some nuts, boiled eggs, vegetables. If you feel hungry, it is better to satisfy the need for food.

The less movement, the larger the belly

Another common reason for the accumulation of belly fat is physical inactivity. For the body, lack of movement is a serious burden. There is nowhere to spend calories and their excess accumulates in the waist area. And this is not the only negative consequence, muscle atrophy, problems with blood vessels and various diseases. Only muscle work can cope with fat deposits, which means more physical activity. If energy is not consumed, then the muscles become weak and unable to perform their functions, in particular, break down fats.

It is clear that in this case the problem can only be solved by physical activity. Ideally, exercise should be done several times a week. It is important to combine types of exercises, for example, cardio with a complex of abdominal exercises or muscle strengthening.

Practical advice: If you can’t devote time to full-fledged sports, you can simply increase your motor activity. Walk several stops, take the stairs on foot. The main thing is to understand that lying on the sofa will not get rid of your belly.

Why does the belly begin to grow after childbirth?

After the birth of a child, a difficult period begins for the female figure. This is due to the following reasons:

  • As the fetus grows, it stretches the walls of the abdomen and it can be difficult to return to its previous shape after childbirth;
  • changes occur in hormonal levels, which also affects appearance;

In combination, all these factors can greatly affect your figure. What to do in this case? First, breastfeeding promotes postpartum recovery. It is also important to control nutrition; the diet should be balanced. You need to set aside time for rest, sleep and exercise. There are special training sessions for mothers with babies. Even ordinary walks in the park with a stroller will be beneficial for a woman’s figure, health and mood.

She’s thin herself, her belly is big: why?

It happens that the stomach sticks out unsightly even in slender women. And it is not possible to cope with such imbalances either by adjusting nutrition or by sports training.

There may be the following reasons for this:

  • Flatulence. Causes bloating and enlargement of the abdomen. The cause of flatulence may be dysbacteriosis, any digestive disorders, or it may also be a temporary phenomenon caused by food.
  • If toxins accumulate in the intestines, then digestion worsens, food collects, and the volume of the abdomen at the top increases. In this case, bowel cleansing with laxatives or an enema will help.
  • Disproportions in the figure are also caused by congenital pathology, which is characterized by an elongated intestine.

There are many reasons why women's bellies grow. Whatever the cause of this condition, you can solve the problem by adjusting, first of all, your lifestyle and diet. It is advisable to give up bad habits, maintain physical activity, and not sit at the computer for long periods of time. If you have problems with weight, you should immediately consult your doctor. By taking the necessary measures, with a slight increase in waist size, you can quickly return to your previous shape and prevent the development of many serious diseases.

Having a cute baby bump after 30 and a big belly by 40 is common. Excess weight is only one of the reasons. Why does your belly grow if you are not pregnant and do not overuse buns? To get rid of your belly, you don’t always need to pump up your abs until you’re blue in the face, or rather, it always helps.

After 30, all metabolic processes in the body slow down (and after 40 they work even slower): the question “How to quickly lose belly fat?” becomes most relevant during women's gatherings. Still would! There are a lot of beautiful dresses, you want to be seductive, but your belly sticks out and spoils the whole picture. Changes hormonal background, the skin on the abdomen loses elasticity faster, we don’t particularly strain the abdominal muscles (of course, if we don’t go to the gym), bloating, gastrointestinal dysfunction and fluid retention...

If you don’t work on these problems, then first the excess appears around the navel, and then the stomach in women seems to creep up, towards the chest. Sometimes it feels like 4-5 months of pregnancy, although you are not expecting a baby, and answering questions from sympathetic well-wishers is very unpleasant.

So, we suggest checking to see if one of the 7 unobvious facts is the cause of your big belly without pregnancy.

1. Gynecological problems and diseases
The size of the abdomen may increase with malignant and benign tumors uterus and ovaries. Sometimes the stomach will grow very noticeably in this case. After all, the size and weight of neoplasms can be enormous (up to 10 kg!). If fibroids occur, the size of the uterus increases and the stomach really becomes like a pregnant one. Before the advent of ultrasound, such problems were sometimes confused with pregnancy, but now it is not difficult to determine the cause of an enlarged abdomen if you go to the doctor in time. You can also get rid of your belly by simply curing a gynecological illness.

2. Ascites - peritoneal dropsy
The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is a consequence of various serious illnesses - cardiovascular failure, liver cirrhosis, cancer. Naturally, you can’t do without a doctor and serious examinations, but by visiting a doctor, you can not only get rid of your belly, but also become a healthy person.

3. False pregnancy
You've heard that this happens in animals. As for women, there is a version that when you really, really want a child, the body begins to adjust and feels a little pregnant, even the hormonal background changes: the breasts swell, the belly grows. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. And, of course, fitness helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts. You know, as psychologists say now: the child chooses his parents. Once you're okay, everything will happen. In fact, there are many children who would be happy to have a mother like you. Only they are still in the orphanage, and you are in suffering.

4. Psychosomatics
From a psychosomatic point of view, a large belly is a desire to take up more space in space. Very often this happens to female managers who need to become a significant character in the company, subordinate everyone, constantly criticize and condemn. Another psychosomatic cause of belly fat is a lack of love for oneself and one’s body. Experts say that it is possible to remove the belly in this case. If you loosen your grip a little at work, broadcast more goodness and work on strengthening femininity. It is important, of course, not to forcefully pull on your dress and heels and speak in an unctuous voice, but to push your steely commands inside, and naturally, gradually regain your softness and acceptance.

5. Birth control pills
Quite probable cause abdominal enlargement - reception contraception. If the pills are chosen incorrectly, they can disrupt your hormonal balance and lead to the appearance excess weight and accumulation of fat or fluid in the abdominal area. For some funds by-effect- bloating. Here it is important to monitor yourself and consult a doctor, and not buy good pills that suit your friend.

6. Desserts
If you like to end your meal with dessert, then your legs, arms and face may remain thin (but believe me, this won’t last long), but your tummy will grow. Just remember: finishing your lunch with dessert is the worst thing you can do for your belly. Yes, you will, of course, improve your mood, but there is so much to absorb and digest different products It will be very difficult for your stomach right away. Is your soul asking for dessert? Is he really asking? Then eat. Instead of lunch. Do you hear? Instead of lunch, not instead of dinner. By the way, questions balanced nutrition- these are always questions of beauty, youth and health. And after 40 years, 50% of success depends on diet.

7. Cigarettes
Smoking is evil. You know this, but you think that you can’t quit smoking when you have a big belly, because you’ll definitely gain weight, and your belly will only get bigger. In fact, how nicotine affects the condition of blood vessels and metabolic processes in the body cannot be compared with any desserts. In addition, it eliminates smoking effective workouts, but abs, scissors, cross-fit and Pilates have not been canceled. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to quickly pump up your abs with your blood vessels and hemorrhoids. Besides there is different systems breathing exercises.

Excess belly fat is unsightly and unhealthy: it is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Unhealthy belly fat is called visceral fat - it accumulates around the liver and other abdominal organs.

Even people of normal weight who have excess belly fat are at risk for health problems. To prevent this, the site will tell you why the belly grows and how to remove excess fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Why the belly grows in men and women: possible reasons

Sometimes, when we gain weight, we ourselves can determine the reason for the increase in kilograms - a decrease in physical activity and/or overeating. As a rule, to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to adjust your diet and increase your calorie consumption during active pastime. However sometimes reason for weight gain is not so obvious, and fat accumulates in certain areas of the body, for example, in the abdominal area.

Why the belly grows, you need to pay attention to the following factors

  • nutritional features;
  • beverages;
  • level of physical activity;
  • hormonal background;
  • intestinal microflora.

Try to reduce the amount of sugar and trans fats in your diet so that less fat is deposited in the abdominal area.

Trans fats are the most harmful fats in existence because their stability is achieved by saturating them with hydrogen (hydrogenation). And such fats are used to extend shelf life various products eg crackers, muffins, baking mixes. Trans fats have been proven to trigger inflammation and can lead to insulin resistance, heart disease and other diseases. It is not surprising that the belly of such substances grows in both men and women.

Adequate protein in the diet is very important because protein is not only the main building material for the body, it is not stored in reserve, but also allows you to control the feeling of hunger and speed up metabolism. Lack of protein in the long term leads to weight gain and belly growth due to increased levels of a hormone called neuropeptide Y.

To control weight, you also need to consume enough fiber - it fills you up, stabilizes hunger hormones and allows you to eat less high-calorie foods. If the diet is dominated by carbohydrates and lacks fiber, a person unsuccessfully tries to fight the feeling of hunger and gains weight.

What drinks cause belly fat deposition?

The first and most important liquid enemy flat stomach is alcohol. Firstly, it contains too much sugar, which itself promotes fat accumulation. Second, liquid calories do not affect appetite in the same way as solid foods.

If you drink calories, you don't get full, so you add food on top. And, as a rule, this food is quite high in calories and harmful. In addition, alcohol promotes inflammation, liver disease and other health problems and, as studies show, suppresses calorie burning and promotes fat storage. This explains why the belly grows and also why it is called a beer belly.

Sweet soda has long been rightfully accused of causing weight gain because it contains huge doses of sugar. However, fruit juices are also not best drink for those who want to protect their belly from excess fat, because even unsweetened 100% fruit juice contains a lot of sugar. If you compare 250 ml of juice and the same amount of cola, they will contain the same amount of sugar - 24 grams.

How physical activity levels affect belly fat

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most significant factors risk of poor health. The decline in human activity levels has been observed for several decades. The study, which was conducted from 1988 to 2010 in the United States, showed that with a decrease in physical activity, weight gain, including an increase in abdominal girth, increased in men and women.

Physical activity will not only help prevent the accumulation of belly fat, but also improve your overall health.

But the harm of inactivity doesn’t stop there. Research also shows that people who have lost belly fat gain the weight back when they become more inactive.

What hormonal changes can lead to belly growth?

During the menopausal period, women often wonder why their belly grows. The fact is that during puberty, the hormone estrogen causes the body to accumulate fat in the thighs and buttocks - this is how a woman prepares for a potential pregnancy. Menopause occurs after menstruation stops, and during this time estrogen levels drop sharply, causing fat to be deposited in the abdominal area.

Another hormone increased level which can provoke abdominal growth is cortisol. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands in stressful situations However, constant stress leads to the appearance of a “cortisol belly”. Lack of sleep also increases cortisol levels and causes weight gain.

How gut microflora affects fat accumulation

The human intestine is home to various bacteria. Some of them benefit the body, others harm it. An imbalance of bacteria in the gut increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Some studies show that the predominance harmful bacteria leads to weight gain, including in the abdominal area. Scientists have found large amounts of bacteria in obese people Firmicutes and suggested that such bacteria increase the amount of calories absorbed from food.

There may be many answers to the question of why the belly grows: poor eating habits, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, lack of physical activity, imbalance of bacteria in the intestines, frequent stress and even illness. In some cases, the belly grows due to the influence of several of the above factors.

Therefore, the site believes that the approach to getting rid of belly fat should be comprehensive - correct image life will allow you to maintain harmony for many years.

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