Signs of appendicitis in women, symptoms, acute appendicitis. The first signs of appendicitis

Often, the first signs of inflammation of appendicitis are confused with a wide variety of attacks in approximately the same area: food poisoning, renal colic, indigestion, etc. The doctor can remove the appendix very quickly and accurately, however, with timely treatment, but this requires confirmation of the diagnosis. In order to recognize in time all the signs of the onset of inflammation of the appendix and in time to contact medical institution For required examination, need to know certain features appendicitis.

It is very important not to confuse the pain associated with appendicitis with the same menstruation, poisoning, colic, or other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Main symptoms

    The first thing to think about appendicitis can make you feel pain in the abdomen. Most often, if this is an inflammation of the appendix, then the pain is localized mainly on the right side or in the navel area. The pain may eventually move from the center of the abdomen to the right and go down, but not reach the border of the pelvic bones. Remember that in pregnant women, appendicitis may change location depending on the duration of pregnancy, so the pain may be slightly higher.

    Try to lie flat on a hard surface and press a little on your stomach in the area of ​​pain. If even with a fairly light pressure you experience a sharp pain in your right side, immediately call an ambulance.

    Usually, when you press on the stomach, you should feel that it is soft, the fingers slightly push through the tissues and sink into them. One of the symptoms of appendicitis is hard stomach, to some extent even hard. In addition, pay attention to whether swelling is present. Seek medical attention immediately.

    Try to stand up and walk straight. At the first signs of inflammation of appendicitis, it is impossible to do this without feeling severe pain. And if you try to “curl up” with your legs tucked up to your chest, the pain can be significantly reduced.

You should also pay attention to other signs of appendicitis, it is not at all necessary that they will all appear at the same time, just a few are enough to know for sure that it is time to ask for help from doctors:

    You should not delay visiting a doctor if you have risen very (38 ° - 39 °). In the event that it is significantly higher, call ambulance;

    chills and heavy sweating indicates the presence of inflammation in the body;

    Back pain similar to renal colic;

    False urge to defecate.

What exactly should not be done if the question is about possible inflammation appendix:

    If, in addition to abdominal pain, you have a high temperature, you should not wait, it is better to call a doctor or an ambulance.

    In no case do not take any painkillers or laxatives, this will only aggravate the situation when the diagnosis is made by specialists.

    Do not take any drugs for the stomach or intestines, they can only cause severe chemical reaction, which will provoke a rupture of the appendix.

    Try not to eat until you get medical attention, you may need surgery. This should also be done in order not to cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, which can exacerbate pain at times.

If you observe several signs of appendicitis in yourself, especially if they are accompanied by vomiting and severe pain, call an ambulance immediately!

After the doctors come to you, it is very important to accurately describe all your symptoms and signs. Do not disregard any violation that has occurred in the last 2-3 days (it does not matter if it is vomiting or diarrhea). Be sure to notify the doctor about the first pain sensations that you could not help but pay attention to.

Keep in mind that for a reliable diagnosis, the doctor needs to examine you completely, including palpating your stomach, in order to exclude you from the list possible diagnoses peritonitis. If necessary, the doctor may do a rectal examination to confirm or refute appendicitis. With peritonitis, the abdominal muscles will be very tense.

With an implicit or vague diagnosis, often prescribe additional examinations: and blood, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a probe (an instrument in the form of a thin rod designed for diagnostic or medical procedures in various cavities and canals of the human body), etc.

The most dangerous complication of appendicitis is its rupture. During the stratification of the tissue, all its contents are in abdominal cavity, which is sterile, the infection penetrates there. This can lead to the development of peritonitis.

It should be remembered that in children, the first signs of appendicitis may manifest differently, due to the immaturity of some body systems. In addition, not all children can clearly and distinctly explain where, how and what hurts them. Most often, the child suffers pain, believing that it just hurts the intestines, while he may refuse to eat and really want to sleep. Therefore, if the baby has refused his favorite dish, you should be wary and find out the reason for what worries him. Not all people have the symptoms and signs described above.

The classic symptoms do not appear in people who fall into the following categories:

    pregnant women in the 3rd trimester;

    obese people;

    renal colic;

    Crohn's disease (also referred to as terminal ileitis);

    ulcer and its perforation;

After appendicitis, a lot can change in the human body. Especially when it comes to a delicate female body. So, for example, after medical intervention ladies often find that they have a cycle failure, and menstruation begins to go the way they want.

Why there is a problem

After the past appendicitis and the corresponding medical intervention, situations are not uncommon when the time of the onset of the next menstruation in a lady suddenly begins to shift. It can be a delay, a double cycle at a time, and other troubles. But most often doctors talk about such a problem as a delay.

Why can this happen? Simply because the body during surgical intervention subjected to a rather difficult test. And everything is very much interconnected with how difficult the appendicitis was, how long the recovery after the operation took, what methods were chosen as further treatment.

If there was a simple intervention

If there was a simple, not particularly complicated appendicitis - for example, the appendix just became inflamed, a simple surgical intervention is usually used: laparoscopy. These are small punctures and removal of the appendix through them. After such an operation, the body recovers quite quickly, so if a delay suddenly appears, it will be literally a single one.

Laparoscopy is used when time is not running out, i.e. the process is not inflamed, there are no purulent abscesses, appendicitis is not in full swing. And this means that everything that follows may not be so difficult and difficult.

If there was a severe development of the problem

In situations where time is lost, and appendicitis is already quite complicated, quite serious problems may arise after its removal. Among them, a delay in the menstrual cycle will not be the worst.

So, for example, appendicitis missed in time can burst from the accumulated pus in it. As a result, after this, peritonitis can develop quite quickly. And here is the time when you should seek help is extremely important. The sooner, the easier the consequences will be.

As for menstruation, they can easily be affected by an inflammatory process (this is what develops during appendicitis and may well persist for some time after it), purulent problems, as well as powerful antibiotic therapy. Due to the fact that with a complicated course of appendicitis, all this takes place, failures in the menstrual cycle may well occur.

Among another of the reasons why menstruation failures can occur after appendicitis, nervous experiences are also included. Naturally, there is nothing pleasant in such an illness, and every person is very nervous during treatment. In addition, it should be understood that a complicated course of the disease can easily lead to the fact that the entire abdomen is cut to completely eliminate all problems. And this usually becomes serious reason in ladies for depression. After all, they will have a scar.

Naturally, against the background of this kind of failure in the body, many ladies begin to noticeably panic. Doctors say that this is not worth doing - you can worsen the situation even more. Therefore, the first thing to pay attention to is peace.

Start taking special sedatives which will relax the nervous system and give you peace of mind. Then there's a chance that menstrual cycle recover much faster.

It should also be clearly understood that due to the difficult and complex treatment, including antibiotics, the body can fail. After all, the immune system is broken. Try to correct the situation by adjusting the diet and starting to take additional lactose. Bacteria today can be purchased literally at any pharmacy. In addition, it would be useful to receive vitamin complexes. They will restore the body from the inside. And, of course, you should pay attention to your diet.

You can add special “female” vitamins and microelements to the diet, which will allow you to quickly restore the functioning of the female genital area in full.

Besides, Special attention should be on your schedule. Try not to overwork, walk more on fresh air. Be sure to get enough sleep. And when following such simple recommendations, you won’t even notice how your body will recover.

Sudden pain in the lower abdomen may be a sign of the development of pathological conditions of the abdominal organs. It is important to be able to recognize the first signs of appendicitis in short time and immediately call an ambulance! But appendicitis in women is difficult to diagnose, for a number of reasons. Why is this happening? The answer to this question is more...

Rudimentary process of the rectum - appendix - a hollow organ gastrointestinal tract, the structure of which contributes to its clogging and further inflammation - appendicitis.

Length appendix reaches 7-10 cm. With the help of the mesentery, the appendix is ​​​​attached to the wall of the caecum (in primary department large intestine). Being part of the intestines, the appendix produces gastric juice, but it is not enough to participate in digestive system. Therefore, this rudiment for a long time considered "redundant". According to the latest data, scientists have found lymphoid cells in the process, identical to those present in the tonsils. These cells have the ability to protect the body from infection. But their number is not enough for this role. So, experts still do not see a significant benefit from the appendix. But its inflammation can cause great harm.

Appendicitis is a fairly common disease that is diagnosed in women most often between the ages of 20 and 40. According to statistics, the appendix in women becomes inflamed more often than in men, which is explained by the difference in structure and physiology. female body. Consequently, it is more difficult to diagnose the disease in women, since the signs may be similar to the symptoms. gynecological diseases and complications during pregnancy. Therefore, at the first manifestations of appendicitis in women, it is urgent to call an ambulance team, delay is life-threatening.

Causes of appendicitis in women

The cause of appendicitis is a blockage of the appendix, as a result of which the process of inflammation begins, which usually proceeds in an acute form.

In women, the organs of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract are in close proximity to each other. With a close location of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, the disease of any of the organs located there has Negative influence to neighboring ones.

In this regard, not a small number of cases of appendicitis in women are recorded during pregnancy. As the uterus grows, its pressure on all surrounding organs increases, the blood supply of which is disturbed. Along with gallbladder, the appendix also suffers from the liver and pancreas.

Experts put forward several theories explaining the occurrence of inflammatory processes of the appendix:

  • Mechanical obstruction of the intestine. Any reason can be physical factor, at which the intestinal lumen is blocked: the presence fecal stones, foreign body, reproduction of helminths, increase lymph nodes. Intestinal obstruction may be due to the development of a tumor. The clogged organ continues to produce mucus, which presses on its walls from the inside, swelling of the appendix develops, and blood supply is disturbed. Internal pressure increases, blood circulation is disturbed, tissue necrosis develops. The affected areas become infected, begins purulent process. Over time, the abscess breaks through, and all its contents enter the abdominal cavity - peritonitis occurs (inflammation of the peritoneum - a condition close to lethal outcome.)
  • Past illnesses. Infections such as typhoid fever, intestinal forms of tuberculosis, staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, Escherichia coli, amoebiasis provoke the development of acute appendicitis.
  • Violations endocrine system. According to scientists, in the mucosa of the appendix a large number of cells that produce hormones, in particular serotonin, which causes inflammation of nearby tissues.
  • Failure of the vascular system. Inflammation of the walls blood vessels affects the walls of the appendix, inflammation occurs.
  • Atypical location or displacement of the appendix, in which the blood supply is disturbed, provoking appendicitis. This picture is most often observed in pregnant women.

In addition to the influence of local factors, the development of appendicitis in women is possible against the background of common factors with a decrease in social and living conditions.

  1. Improper nutrition, the exclusion of fiber from the diet, the use of fatty, indigestible foods, mono-diets.
  2. Chronic infectious diseases in adjacent organs (stomach, intestines, pancreas, genitourinary system, chronic infection of the tonsils.)
  3. allergic conditions.
  4. Constant stressful situations.

Signs of appendicitis in women - the main symptoms

The first symptoms occur mainly in the evening or at night. Pain in appendicitis appears suddenly, against the background of the normal state of the body. In acute appendicitis, attacks of pain from the very first minutes are unbearable.

Usually, pain occurs in the same direction as the appendix - in the right iliac region. However, with an atypical location of appendicitis in women, the pain is localized in those places where the appendix is ​​located:

  • with retroperitoneal location, pain is given in right side waist, groin and the area of ​​the ureters;
  • when located in the pelvic part - in lower part abdomen, pubis and perineum;
  • with subhepatic localization - in the right hypochondrium.

With an atypical location of the appendix, a gangrenous form of appendicitis with unexpressed symptoms is very dangerous: moderate pain, soft abdomen, satisfactory general condition.

Pain continues until death nerve endings appendix. After that, the pain subsides. But this does not mean that the problem was solved on its own. On the contrary, it is a signal for immediate hospitalization.

It is important to highlight the first signs of acute appendicitis in women, which occur against the background of general malaise, weakness and loss of appetite:

  1. Sudden pain in the abdomen, without a clearly defined localization. The pain can be of varying intensity, intermittent or constant. Over time, the pain moves to the area where the appendix is ​​located. Constant, with moderate intensity, the pain is aggravated by movement or coughing. Difficulties with walking are possible due to recoil in the leg.
  2. Nausea, single vomiting, not bringing relief. During pregnancy - severe shortness of breath.
  3. Tension of the abdominal muscles. In pregnant women, a "stone" belly can be a sign of uterine tone, making it difficult to make a diagnosis.
  4. An increase in body temperature to 37.2-37.7 degrees, sometimes - febrile fever, the appearance of white or yellow plaque in the language.

Appendicitis in women: features of the course

Despite the obvious pain, acute appendicitis in women is quite difficult to diagnose. Such pain may accompany various diseases pelvic organs, inflammatory processes in the genital organs, pathology of the abdominal cavity.

With proper diagnosis, the doctor will be able to identify the source of the pain. It is important to warn him previous diseases or unusual symptoms during the illness, such as:

  • vomit without bile may indicate cholecystitis or problems with the gallbladder;
  • belching, heartburn, gas formation are a sign of inflammation of the pancreas;
  • black stool - severe complications peptic ulcer stomach;
  • absence of menstruation - an ectopic pregnancy is possible;
  • transferred sexual infections - a focus of permanent infection of the female body, provoking inflammation of the appendix or organs of the genitourinary system.

When examining women with suspected acute appendicitis, exclude ectopic pregnancy, the possibility of miscarriage, inflammation of the ovaries or appendages.

Diagnosis of appendicitis in a pregnant woman is particularly difficult and is characterized by many nuances.

It is especially difficult to determine the localization of pain after the twelfth week of pregnancy, when almost all internal organs are displaced from their usual places by the growing uterus. A pregnant woman feels heaviness, pulling or stabbing pain. This is not a cause for concern, since most often these pains are accompanied by tissue stretching and redistribution of the center of gravity, as well as movements and jolts of the fetus.

To differentiate acute appendicitis in women from gynecological diseases, you should not rely only on pain syndrome. Pain from an inflamed appendix can radiate to the lower back, perineum, or any part of the abdomen.

A clear sign of appendicitis is constant nausea and vomiting. Many gynecological diseases do not have this symptom. Some inflammatory processes, cyst torsion or ovarian rupture outward signs it is difficult to distinguish from appendicitis, since they are accompanied by all the symptoms of this disease: vomiting, muscle tension in the abdominal cavity, signs of intoxication.

Either way, appendicitis or inflammation female organs can be the cause of severe consequences, so women should not postpone a visit to the doctor for any acute pain in the abdomen.

For correct setting diagnosis, in no case should you take painkillers before visiting a doctor.

In most cases, a general examination is enough for a doctor:

  • on palpation of the abdomen, a woman complains of pain in the right iliac region;
  • lying on the left side, palpation of the appendix area causes pain;
  • simultaneous pressing on the abdomen and raising the right leg increase the pain.

These and other techniques allow the examining physician to verify the inflammation of the appendix. However, women, especially during pregnancy, are prescribed an instrumental examination: ultrasound, radiography, CT scan, endoscopy or MRI. According to the results laboratory tests- leukocytosis and increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) - you can verify the development of the inflammatory process in the patient's body. In case of confirmation of acute appendicitis, a pregnant woman, regardless of the gestational age, is urgently hospitalized for an operation.

In atypical cases of the location of the appendix, a decision may be made to perform diagnostic laparoscopy. Instruments and a video camera are introduced into the abdominal cavity through micro-incisions, examining the caecum with nearby authorities. If an inflamed appendix is ​​found, it is removed.

Diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of acute appendicitis in women and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis:

  • adnexitis;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • renal colic;
  • right-sided pyelonephritis;
  • rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Classification of appendicitis

Appendicitis occurs in acute and chronic form. The acute form of the disease is classified according to the progression of the pathological process:

  • simple appendicitis;
  • catarrhal;
  • destructive forms - phlegmonous, apostematous, gangrenous.

These are the phases of the development of the disease, the attacks of which last from two to four days.

  1. After the first twelve hours of the onset of an attack (the stage of catarrhal appendicitis), which are characterized by pain in the stomach in the form of manifestations of gastritis, the stage of phlegmonous appendicitis begins. By the end of the first day, the pain is localized in the right iliac region. The nature of the pain is pulsating, intense. Constant feeling nausea, urge to vomit, signs of intoxication.
  2. On the second and third days, the stage of gangrenous appendicitis begins: the nerve endings of the appendix die off, sensitivity decreases, the pain recedes, which brings imaginary relief. The general intoxication of the body increases.
  3. By the end of the third day (the stage of perforated appendicitis), due to the perforation of the appendix wall, acute pain appears on the right side of the abdomen, which increases with time. The result is purulent peritonitis.

The greatest danger is represented by destructive forms of appendicitis, when the development pathological processes inside the appendix leads to the multiplication of bacteria in it, and then to the rupture of the walls. The infected mass of the appendix spills into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis, which is deadly for an already weakened body. The doctor's task is to quickly and correctly diagnose the patient's condition and perform the operation as soon as possible.

Misdiagnosis leads to immediate surgical intervention, It is not uncommon for women to get to the operating table with suspected appendicitis directly from the gynecologist's office, where they were treated for diseases of the female genital organs.

Treatment of appendicitis

The only treatment for appendicitis is surgical removal of the appendix. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

It is possible to remove the appendix by laparotomy. Through 3 small incisions in the right iliac region, an endoscope and manipulators are inserted, through which, with constant video monitoring, the process is removed. Recovery period after such an operation is much shorter.

Possible Complications

Despite the relative simplicity of the operation, do not underestimate the severity of acute appendicitis and possible consequences surgical intervention:

  • adhesive processes, accompanied by pain, intestinal obstruction and infertility;
  • abscesses in the abdominal cavity - the formation of pus-filled cavities around the appendix, under the diaphragm, between the loops of the intestines, accompanied by high temperature and fever;
  • peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum, which can lead to blood poisoning with a fatal outcome;
  • infiltrate - a dense formation around the process, consisting of connective tissue with loops of intestines soldered to it and strands of the omentum. Removal of the appendix is ​​not possible. A course of antibiotics is prescribed, at the end of which resorption of the infiltrate or its abscess is possible. In each of the development options, appropriate treatment is prescribed (appendectomy or drainage);
  • pylephlebitis - acute purulent inflammation portal vein and its branches due to the occurrence of infected blood clots, which leads to impaired liver function and death. The disease develops too quickly and leads to death.

There is no special prevention of appendicitis. The only thing the patient can do in case of acute pain- call an ambulance immediately.

An outstanding Russian surgeon I.I. Grekov called acute appendicitis a chameleon-like disease, which is not found where it should be, but is looked for in a place where they do not even think about it. This is a completely fair opinion. Indeed, even now it is sometimes difficult to establish a diagnosis of acute appendicitis, although surgeons are aware of its cunning, they recognize the masks behind which it is hidden.

The main symptom of acute appendicitis is pain. From a biological point of view, this backlash to a specific stimulus, which requires immediate identification of its source and elimination of the cause.

For classic version acute inflammation of the appendix is ​​characterized by the sudden appearance of moderate pain in the right iliac region. This pain is usually permanent, but there is also a wave-like pain, that is, it appears and disappears. Often, at the beginning of the disease, pain is felt under the breast, near the navel, in the right hypochondrium, and then moves to the right iliac region within a few hours. Usually, with acute appendicitis, patients do not moan, do not scream, do not throw themselves in bed, as with renal or biliary colic, do not acquire a characteristic horizontal position, as in a perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

With severe forms of acute appendicitis, the position in bed on the left side increases the pain, straightening the right leg is also accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. When walking, patients try not to load right leg. When coughing, sneezing, i.e. with tension of the abdominal press, the pain in the right iliac region becomes more intense. At further development illness, the pain intensifies and spreads to the entire abdomen. At the same time, it is already difficult to establish its localization. At the time of the breakthrough of the appendix, patients experience very severe pain in the right iliac region, which resembles a stab in the abdomen. The pain is diffuse in nature, and the patient cannot indicate the most painful place. This indicates the development of one of the most severe complications of acute appendicitis - peritonitis, that is, inflammation of the peritoneum. A few hours after the onset of the development of peritonitis, the so-called treacherous period, or a period of fake well-being, begins.

Despite the signs of a serious condition, the patient notes an improvement in well-being, the cessation of pain, is in a joyful, high spirits. The cessation of pain is explained by the death of the wall and the death of the nerve receptors of the appendix. During this period, patients refuse hospitalization, immediate surgery, and medical workers it takes a lot of tact to convince them of the need for emergency surgery.

According to the period of false well-being, a period of diffuse peritonitis begins. The intensity of the pain increases, and the patient's condition worsens even more. However, this disease does not always begin with a sharp pain in the abdomen. Sometimes these are incomprehensible pain sensations, heaviness in the abdomen in an indefinite place. Even experienced surgeons do not always associate this with the development of acute inflammation of the appendix. What should be done when incomprehensible sensations appear in the abdomen? First of all, in no case should you take painkillers and laxatives, thermal procedures, in a word, self-medicate. Thermal treatments(warmer, hot tub, Sun rays) increase the intensity of pain in all acute surgical diseases abdominal organs, in particular with appendicitis. This must be well remembered. Harm is done cleansing enema, taking laxatives, alcohol. In acute appendicitis, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite also appear. It is characteristic that nausea and vomiting are preceded by the appearance of pain, and not vice versa, as is the case with poisoning.

Nausea in most cases has a wave-like character. Vomiting is observed in about half of patients, more often it happens once. Only when diffuse peritonitis there is uncontrollable vomiting. If at food poisoning vomiting brings relief, but this is not observed with appendicitis. Loss of appetite is usually associated with nausea and vomiting. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the lips and tongue is a sign of the development of peritonitis. It does not disappear even after the patient drinks a large amount of liquid. It is too characteristic symptom acute surgical pathology. Acute appendicitis is accompanied slight increase body temperature - up to 37-38 ° C. Sometimes there is a chill, but it is more typical for purulent forms of inflammation.

In children, body temperature can reach 40 ° C. Also rarely, with severe inflammation of the appendix, body temperature remains normal. For the classic course of acute appendicitis, uncharacteristic urination disorders. In the first hours of the disease, there is no stool retention. Not typical for him headache, diarrhea. But the presence of these signs is by no means a guarantee against acute appendicitis. There is no disease in a person, under the mask of which he could not leak. And many diseases themselves can simulate acute appendicitis.

Only a close examination of the patient by an experienced surgeon can dispel doubts about the diagnosis. The course of acute appendicitis depends largely on various factors. main feature acute appendicitis - an increase in manifestations and a deterioration in the general condition with every hour of the disease. Therefore, the main solution is immediate surgery (no later than 2 hours after hospitalization). Acute appendicitis can be compared to a mine, which is equipped with a clockwork. If it is not disinfected, it will definitely explode. This explosion is a breakthrough of the offshoot, and requires the use of strong medicines and complex, time-consuming surgical interventions. The age of the patient significantly affects the course of acute appendicitis. In children, it is characterized by a particularly severe, insidious course, the rapid development of terrible complications.

Symptoms of appendicitis in children

Time here has especially importance, since the purulent process is steadily progressing, gangrene develops and a breakthrough of the process occurs. By the way, among surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity in children, acute appendicitis is 90%. Parents should remember this. According to foreign authors, with appendicitis, deaths under the age of 1 month. reach 81%. main reason these tragic consequences - a belated appeal for medical help.

Appendicitis in newborns

In newborns, appendicitis is extremely rare, but its course is very difficult. Characteristic features- restless behavior of the child, refusal of the breast, fever up to 38-39 ° C, often indomitable vomiting with an admixture of bile, bloating and tension in the abdomen, dryness of its peak. But only a doctor can correctly assess these manifestations. In children under one year, acute appendicitis is also rare. In addition to these signs, diarrhea is observed, and often constipation. Sleep is disturbed, the baby often cries. Signs of dehydration develop rapidly - dryness of the tongue and lips. In newborns and infants, severe (gangrenous) forms of acute appendicitis are more common.

Appendicitis in young children

In children early age(up to 3 years) appendicitis is severe, has many manifestations characteristic of intestinal infections, adenovirus diseases, pneumonia and infectious childhood diseases.

Unlike adults, in children in the clinic of acute appendicitis, not local signs(abdominal pain), but general (weakness, sleep and appetite disorders, whims). And only a careful examination allows us to suspect acute appendicitis. In children, undulating pain is much more common. We emphasize once again that deaths in acute appendicitis in children under 3 years of age are 10-20 times more likely than in older children. Therefore, a lot depends on the timeliness of the examination by the doctor. That is why all children of this age with the appearance of abdominal pain are immediately hospitalized in a hospital for a thorough examination and dynamic observation.

Starting from the age of ten, acute appendicitis manifests itself with almost the same signs as in adults. And yet they are more likely to experience pain in the navel or throughout the abdomen, restless sleep on the first night of the disease, and in children much less often the process is limited to the right iliac region. It is related to the development greater omentum, which in adults descends from the stomach and covers all the intestines in front, as well as with a low resistance of the body to the action of a purulent infection. Due to the underdevelopment of the greater omentum, the process spreads rapidly and causes toxic reactions. This once again indicates the need for immediate examination by the surgeon.

Features of appendicitis in women

As noted above, women are more likely to acute inflammation appendix than in men. So, on average, about 65% of women and only 35% of men operate for acute appendicitis. This is because in women, the appendix is ​​located next to the right ovary and fallopian tube. So it is possible that the infection penetrates into it from the uterine appendages. In women, a ligament is located between the appendix and the right ovary, which often leads to their parallel inflammation. Therefore, in some cases, with the appearance of pain of unclear localization, the examination is carried out by a gynecologist and a surgeon. Only in this way can the disease be recognized. Women should be aware that acute appendicitis can develop during menstruation. After all, at normal menstruation part of the blood the fallopian tubes can enter the abdominal cavity, causing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, that is, those signs that are observed in acute appendicitis.

Combination of appendicitis and pregnancy

An atypical clinical picture occurs when acute appendicitis is combined with pregnancy. Although this combination is observed relatively rarely (1:1000-1500 pregnant women), it causes considerable harm. Unfortunately, about half of these patients end up in surgical departments a day or more after the onset of the disease. The fact is that pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, a slight increase in body temperature sometimes in early dates may resemble a pregnancy toxicosis clinic.

Later, when the enlarged uterus pushes small intestine and appendix to the right hypochondrium, pain is attributed to a number of diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc., i.e. analyze everything, without even suspecting that the main source disease state is the appendix. The main signs of acute appendicitis in pregnant women are the appearance of pain in the right side of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dry tongue, fever. In the position on the left side (the enlarged uterus shifts to the left and presses on the appendix), the pain intensifies. The same is observed with coughing, tension of the abdominal press. Considering the foregoing, a woman should firmly understand that if any abdominal pain appears, she will immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist who will advise her on what to do next. Do not take your health lightly, because by doing so you can cause great harm not only to yourself, but also to your child.


The course of acute appendicitis also has its own characteristics in patients older than 60 years. According to foreign scientists, gangrene and rupture of the appendix in patients of this age are observed 5 times more often than in young people, and death with such a pathology, they account for 2% (after 70 years - 4.5%). This is explained not only age-related changes in the body, but also a careless attitude to their health.

So, unfortunately, only 5% of older people seek help in the first 6 hours, 15% - in the first 12 hours, about 25% - during the first day. The last 55% come to medical facilities much later - after 48 hours or later. In these figures lies the key to the unsatisfactory results of treatment of patients in this age group.

The acute onset of the disease is observed only in 70% of elderly patients. Pain in the right iliac region is noted only by 55% of patients, and the remaining patients experience only moderate pain, which, as a rule, is not paid attention to, since the general condition remains satisfactory. In about 20% of patients with acute appendicitis, body temperature remains normal, the pulse does not accelerate, and the number of leukocytes does not go beyond the normal range. Therefore, they do not worry about the appearance of minor pain, believing that it will pass by itself. modern medicine has a rich arsenal medicinal products, is fluent in various methods of operations. The age of the patient often does not matter, and even older patients are increasingly operated on for serious illnesses and their complications and get good results. Surgery overcomes age barriers. Therefore, timely contact with a medical institution is the key to successful, effective treatment elderly patients.

The main symptom of appendicitis is pain, which is of a varied nature. It can occur suddenly, be observed in the lower back, in the right lower abdomen and epigastric region. The pain in most cases appears sharp, less often pulling and cramping. It also increases with the tension of the anterior abdominal wall while walking and climbing. Arise discomfort mostly in the morning and late afternoon.

Common Symptoms of Appendicitis

Lack of appetite, liquid stool, nausea, vomiting - all this refers to the most common causes of appendicitis. Often they can be accompanied by painful and frequent urination. This is due to the fact that the disease progresses. Inflammation began to cross the bladder and ureter.

In order to reduce pain, you can take an antispasmodic drug. However, you can not drink more than 2 tablets. Only one-time use is allowed. It is impossible to reduce pain with cold compresses on the abdomen and use heating pads. All this will only lead to increased inflammation.

The increase in weakness and malaise is also appendicitis. They are noted by patients when strong inflammatory processes are observed in the appendix. Along with such symptoms, high fever with chills may be present. As a rule, it is not possible to bring it down with ordinary ones.

Wrong gait is also a symptom of appendicitis. Patients bend to the right side, and hold the stomach with their hand, thereby protecting it from concussions and reducing pain. At deep breath they celebrate sharp pains V suprapubic region which are of short duration.

After a diagnosis is made based on the results of the examination, the inflamed appendix is ​​removed. Timely operation is a guarantee full recovery. Do not forget, acute appendicitis with untimely surgery can lead to death. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of inflammation, you should immediately call for emergency medical care.

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Crohn's disease is chronic illness gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory process most often occurs in the distal ileum and colon.

Symptoms of the disease

The first symptoms of Crohn's disease may be diarrhea accompanied by pain in the abdominal region; feverish state; weight loss; anorexia. May be seen in the abdomen pain, palpation is determined volume education or tension.

For Crohn's disease, rectal bleeding is uncommon, except in cases of isolated damage to the colon. However, this phenomenon can also be observed ulcerative colitis. Approximately 1/3 of patients develop perianal lesions (in particular, fissures), which are the main symptoms of the disease. Sometimes Crohn's disease can be confused with symptoms of acute appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

In children, extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn's disease are most commonly observed, and gastrointestinal symptoms may be absent. So, diarrhea and pain in the abdominal region may not be observed, but arthritis, fever, growth retardation, anemia appear. They may be symptoms this disease in children.

According to the Vienna classification, Crohn's disease has three main forms:
- inflammatory, which can take several years and passes into the second stage;
- stenotic (obstructive);
- Primarily penetrating or fistulous.

The choice of treatment depends on the form in which the disease proceeds.


The etiology of Crohn's disease is currently unknown. Presumably the disease is infectious nature since the treatment is successful antibacterial drugs. The occurrence of Crohn's disease is associated with chlamydia, viruses, pathological changes in the intestinal microbiocenosis (decrease in the level of bifidobacteria, accompanied by an increase in the number of pathogenic enterobacteria, anaerobic microorganisms, potentially pathogenic strains coli). However, evidence that an infectious factor is the underlying cause in the occurrence of Crohn's disease has not yet been found. Also, the cause of the disease can be a disorder immune system, smoking, food allergy, stress.

Now a lot of attention is paid to the nutritional features that affect the development of this disease, for example, reduced content vegetable fiber in the diet and the use of chemical preservatives and dyes. The influence of the genetic factor is also not denied - about 17% of cases of Crohn's disease are also observed in the immediate relatives of the patient.

Do you have a stomach ache? It can be from anything: fatigue, poor-quality food, various kinds of diseases. But it can be a symptom of appendicitis - a disease that, if not noticed right away, you can face very serious problems with health.

When the vermiform process of the blind becomes inflamed, they talk about the presence of appendicitis in the patient. This disease can be caused either by infection of the appendix, or be the result of undigested food, if it clogged the opening of the appendix.

Appendicitis is treated only surgically. However, before the patient gets on the operating table, doctors observe his condition for some time. This is due to the fact that other diseases can be disguised as appendicitis.

If the diagnosis of appendicitis is still confirmed, then before the operation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to the patient to prevent the development of infection in the postoperative period.

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Acute appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the caecum, which is called the appendix. The appendix has a length of 5 to 20 centimeters and serves to maintain the immunity of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute appendicitis is one of the most common problems abdominal cavity requiring emergency surgery.

in that it can lead to the development of peritonitis if competent medical care is not provided in time. Therefore, doctors give great attention diagnosis of this pathology, without disregarding any of the manifested symptoms.


Primary and most severe symptom acute appendicitis is a sudden onset Blunt pain in the abdominal cavity without a clear localization. It may initially appear in the right iliac region, gradually spreading to the entire abdomen from the diaphragm strip to the small pelvis. A change in the localization of painful areas indicates irritation visceral peritoneum, that is, inflammation has already captured all layers of the process.
In some people, the appendix may not be located in typical place, but slightly shifted up, down or to the side. Then the localization of pain changes slightly.

The pain syndrome sharply increases in the supine position on the left side, when the position of the body changes, and also when the fingers are released after palpation. During palpation, it is also felt strong tension muscles on the right side.

Nausea, vomiting and stool changes

Nausea is a fairly common symptom. initial stage disease, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Especially often this purulent form diseases. The tongue is dry and coated with a white coating.

The chair is difficult, with the absence of discharge of flatus. In the event that the process is located in close proximity to the rectum or caecum, inflammation can also spread to the intestinal wall, which leads to accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum and, as a result, diarrhea, sometimes with.

Additional symptoms

On examination, the doctor should pay attention to predominantly costal breathing, tympanitis due to the accumulation of gases, lagging of the right lower quadrant of the abdominal wall during breathing. The temperature is often elevated. Blood test with a shift to the left side.

Many of the symptoms may not be pronounced, some of them look and are defined in a completely different way by a non-professional, so do not diagnose and treat yourself. If you suspect any, call your doctor immediately.

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