A common male disease. Male diseases in urology: symptoms

Male diseases have always been considered delicate issue. As a rule, men show incredible patience, try to get rid of the problem on their own and delay visiting a specialist, which is very dangerous for both health and life.


All ailments that occur in men are divided into several categories:

  • diseases that cause inflammation;
  • violations in the structure male organs;
  • neoplasms;
  • various injuries.

Diseases of the male genital organs may be associated with developmental disorders, hormonal imbalance etc. Taking certain medications, interrupted sexual intercourse, bad habits– provoking factors for the development of diseases such as infertility, etc. Alarming symptoms can be observed in both older and younger men. Among the main reasons for their appearance is the lack physical activity, disorderly sex life, poor nutrition, self-medication.

The skin of the genital organs is quite thin and requires special care. Lack of hygiene may result in blockage sebaceous glands, as a result of which excess secretion accumulates in them. Similar situation increases the risk of infection.

On the skin of male organs the most various diseases. Almost all of them inevitably lead to inflammatory reactions. Spots and changed skin color may indicate dermatitis, candidiasis or a simple allergy. Nodules that appear above the skin and are accompanied by itching are a sign of lichen or scabies. Most often, men suffer from sexually transmitted diseases such as thrush, herpes, and allergies.

  • Thrush

This disease is characterized by itching, redness, burning sensation and swelling foreskin. Sometimes possible white coating. It is characterized by symptoms such as grayish-white discharge with a cheesy consistency and problems with urination.

  • Herpes

A chronic disease caused by the herpes virus type 2. Among the main symptoms are swelling, severe itching and pain, and the appearance of many blisters with transparent contents. Later, ulcers appear in their place. As a rule, the disease manifests itself when the immune system is weakened.

  • Balanoposthitis

When the foreskin gets hit infectious agents, inflammation begins - balanoposthitis. Therapy depends on the cause of the disease and may be antifungal, antibacterial or antiviral.

The nature and danger of the rash can only be determined by a doctor. In most cases, examination is not enough for diagnosis, so the patient is sent for a comprehensive examination and samples.

  • Allergy

An allergic reaction that appears on the skin of the male organs is usually associated with the use of detergents or condoms. And its symptoms are very similar to the clinical picture of herpes.

They are caused by hard work, too much sports, visiting public baths, as well as excessive sweating and poor hygiene. Infection is possible through sexual contact when partners do not use protective equipment.

Fungal diseases are manifested by symptoms such as itching, rashes, plaque forming on the head of the penis, and painful urination.

Inflammatory diseases

Among male sexual diseases caused by infection in the body, there are:

  1. Epididymitis and orchitis are inflammation of the testicles.
  2. - an inflammatory process affecting the urethra.
  3. Prostatitis is a disease affecting the prostate gland.
  4. Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the foreskin and penis.

The most frequent illness– prostatitis. This disease has bacterial origin and two forms - acute and chronic. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • discomfort during sex;
  • discomfort in anus during defecation;
  • heat;
  • problems with erection.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs can spread to other parts, so timely health care.

This group includes diseases that are transmitted during sex. Interestingly, in women the symptoms are more pronounced, while in men they are insignificant. That is why representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry to visit the doctor.

There are more than thirty different bacteria and viruses that can enter the body during sex. Among the most common diseases are syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, herpes, etc. Men who prefer sex without a condom or have many partners are at greatest risk of infection. Symptoms of diseases of the genital organ in men are as follows:

  • unpleasant discharge;
  • itching and unbearable burning sensation;
  • pain when urinating;
  • redness.

Every man should understand that sexually transmitted infections often lead to infertility. In addition, they influence immune functions, promote development and inflammation internal organs. Therapy is carried out using antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

Therapy for diseases diagnosed in the stronger sex must be comprehensive. And first of all, it is aimed at combating the causative agent of a specific disease. For infections, an antibiotic is required; antiviral agents may be prescribed.

Symptomatic therapy helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The patient may be prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications. Treatment of fungal diseases of the male organs is carried out using tablets and ointments - they relieve redness, itching and other symptoms of irritation.

Conservative treatment methods, involving the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, are the main part of the treatment of diseases of the male organs.


Sex education, the use of contraceptives, and the exclusion of casual relationships will help to avoid diseases of the genital organs in men. Chronic foci of infection should not be ignored - even ordinary caries can lead to the development of the disease.

It is very important to treat on time accompanying illnesses to avoid sexual dysfunction in the future. Regular preventive examinations help identify the disease early stage which can be quickly cured. Therefore, if you notice alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and select a treatment regimen.

Many men try to lead healthy image life, eat right and, if possible, not suffer from men's infectious diseases. All their ailments are due to nerves, neglect of their health and basic ignorance. Male diseases force the stronger sex to go to great lengths just to regain health. How should a man behave in such a situation, what should he know about this insidious disease?

Causes of male diseases?

Currently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing “syndrome X” in modern men, which includes, in addition to atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus, sexual dysfunction. Organs that make up the male reproductive system, sometimes have developmental defects and are affected by diseases.

Diseases of the male reproductive system are associated with a decrease in the formation of total and free testosterone. Male infertility occurs:

  • when stressful situations in the patient's life;
  • as a result of drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance.

It has been established that everything male ailments can be divided into several groups:

  • diseases associated with the appearance inflammatory process in tissues;
  • pathological changes in the structure of the genital organs;
  • neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • damage to the genital organs as a result of trauma.

Symptoms of the disease are observed in young and elderly men in equal proportions. The reasons for their formation are associated with lack of physical activity, poor environment, promiscuity in sexual relations, poor quality nutrition and self-medication. In many cases male diseases are formed in childhood.

A visit to a urologist for men is a very difficult and delicate matter. Therefore, infectious diseases of the genital organs are often difficult to treat due to the pathogen’s addiction to chemotherapy drugs. Refusal of treatment and timely diagnosis complicates the treatment of the inflammatory process and destroys the health of men

Diseases associated with disorders of the structure of the genital organs

It is very important to recognize the disease in time: in young children, the doctor often diagnoses a violation of the formation of the genital organ. Timely treatment can eliminate any pathology. The most common changes in the structure of the genital organs in men are:

  • testicular underdevelopment;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • dropsy of the testicles;
  • cyst in the spermatic cord.

The penis with a developmental defect is shortened back wall urethra. First of all, when pathology appears, narrowings and valves form in it. One of the structural disorders is a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin (phimosis). Numerous defects in the structure of the reproductive system do not allow men to perform their main function - to reproduce. Milder changes in the anatomy of male organs can cause inflammatory processes and disharmony in the sexual sphere.

When phimosis appears, numerous symptoms occur that worry the patient:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • filling the foreskin with urine;
  • difficulty in exposing the head.

The cause of the disease is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and poor quality treatment of inflammatory processes.

Men often experience a hydrocele, in which fluid accumulates between the membranes of the testicle. The disease develops as a complication after injury or as a consequence of the inflammatory process in people of working age.

Infantile hydrocele appears when there are malformations of the child’s reproductive system. Very often, when examining the external genitalia, the doctor reveals an enlarged scrotum. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of difficulty eliminating urine.

In adult men, hydrocele contributes to sexual dysfunction and decreased physical activity. Observed functional disorders in the functioning of the diseased organ. The disease can be cured using surgical methods. Self-medication with the use of warm compresses leads to generalization of the inflammatory process and an increase in the amount of exudate.

In cryptorchidism in men, the testicles do not descend into the scrotum. They can be located in the abdominal cavity or occupy a certain position in groin area. To treat the disease in men, therapy using drugs is used restorative action. Medicines are used that accelerate the formation and development of the tissues surrounding the testicles. Treatment up to 12 years of age can be surgical, otherwise emergency care is required. surgical care with torsion or strangulation of the testicle.

Open and closed changes in the integrity of the reproductive system are divided into deep and superficial. Violations of the integrity of the genital organ and bruises cause symptoms of shock and severe bleeding in a man. The patient needs emergency medical care.

Inflammatory processes of the male reproductive system

Even if a man does not experience any unpleasant symptoms for a long time, there may be a hidden infection in his body.

She is called:

  • mushrooms;
  • viruses;
  • bacteria and representatives of the protozoan class.

Weakening of the immune system activates opportunistic microflora: enterococci, Proteus, coli. Often infectious diseases are combined with acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the tissues of the testicles. Inflammatory processes occur latently and can be detected by an increased ESR in the blood.

Male diseases often result in impaired spermatogenesis and infertility. The causative agents of infectious inflammatory processes can be chlamydia, mycoplasma, and herpes virus. The inflammation they cause leads to severe complications in the urinary and genital organs.

With balanitis, the glans penis is involved in the inflammation process. The causes of inflammation are associated with stagnation of urine, weakness of the immune system, colds, and hypothermia. The disease spreads to corpora cavernosa, kidneys, bladder, prostate gland.

Among infectious processes, the most dangerous purulent pyelonephritis requiring emergency medical attention.

It has been established that inflammatory processes in the male genital organs are accompanied by hormonal disorders(change in testosterone production), weakened immune system.

The list of inflammatory ailments in men is extensive, but prostatitis occupies a special place in it. In many cases, the disease does not make itself felt, proceeds hidden, and the patient is not bothered alarming symptoms. The disease is often complicated by inflammation in the seminal vesicles. caused by bacteria, manifest as:

  • pain in the lower third of the back;
  • general malaise;
  • discomfort in the scrotum.

Most often, acute prostatitis begins with chills, pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by impaired excretion of urine or its complete retention in the bladder. The prostate and its ducts may be involved in the inflammatory process.

Although bacterial prostatitis refers to infectious processes, it is not transmitted through sexual contact. Treatment of the disease is effective in initial stage inflammatory process. Incorrect therapy or self-medication causes suppuration in the prostate, which is eliminated with the help of a puncture.

Urethritis and epididymitis: symptoms and treatment

Various microorganisms can cause inflammation of the urethra. The patient is concerned about disturbances during urination, slight discharge from the neck of the canal, hyperemia and swelling in the area of ​​the external opening. When the process is generalized, inflammation covers all departments urinary system, scarring occurs in urethra and its narrowing.

To treat urethritis, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. Having identified the type of pathogen, you can select the most effective remedy for therapy. It is easy to prevent the disease: timely treatment diseases of the reproductive system and the regulation of sexual contacts help maintain health.

When the epididymis is affected, epididymitis occurs. This disease has different causes: inflammation is caused by chlamydia and gonococci. Violated normal outflow urine, which, being infected, enters the appendage and causes its inflammation. The culprit of the disease may be an infected prostate.

The patient is worried painful sensations in the appendage. The testicles are involved in the inflammatory process, and more often one of them hurts. Suffering general state: body temperature rises, a burning sensation is observed in the urethra.

Treatment is prescribed by a specialist using tetracycline antibiotics or erythromycin. In elderly patients, sulfonamide drugs have the greatest effect:

  • biseptol;
  • bactrim;
  • septrin.

Infectious sexual diseases and their treatment

This group of diseases includes:

  • venereal diseases;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes;
  • hepatitis B, C, D;
  • cytomegalovirus and AIDS.

Trichomonas can cause acute illness sexually transmitted. It is very difficult to diagnose in men. The patient may notice discharge that does not bother him. Long-term, untreated trichomoniasis causes infertility. Itching is observed, the prostate and bladder are involved in the process. Treatment of the disease must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor for a long time.

With mycoplasmosis, a man does not feel sick, but as the disease progresses, infertility develops.

Balanoposthitis occurs quite often. Inflamed tissues swell and erosions occur. Treatment is aimed at strengthening the immune system and preventing intracellular infections and precancerous conditions.

Papillomavirus is unsafe for the male population. It causes a latent process, but at the same time the sick person is the source of infection. Symptoms of the disease in a man appear as:

  • burning after sexual intercourse;
  • presence of genital warts;
  • activation of urological diseases.

Treatment is multifaceted, including treatment of the underlying disease and restoration of lost immunity. Therapy is not carried out outside of exacerbation of the disease.

A man must be healthy in order to continue his family line. The well-being of children and the whole family depends on it. In order not to waste your strength, it is necessary to begin treatment of all male diseases on time.

Prostate adenoma (adenoma prostate gland) in essence, the term is somewhat outdated, and therefore used today in a slightly different form - in the form of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate adenoma, the symptoms of which we will consider below, is more familiar in this definition. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a small nodule (possibly several nodules), which gradually increases over time. Peculiarity of this disease is that, unlike cancer of this area, prostate adenoma is benign education.

Azoospermia is a disease characterized by the absence of sperm in the seminal fluid. This disease is one of the forms male infertility. It should be noted that with this disease it is quite difficult to conceive a child even through one of the reproductive methods. It is impossible to answer the question “can azoospermia be cured” unequivocally, since everything will depend on the form of the disease and the etiological picture.

Asthenozoospermia is a disease in which the number of motile sperm is significantly reduced. A tenth of such patients subsequently become infertile. However, this pathology can be overcome if you choose effective treatment.

Balanoposthitis is quite common inflammatory disease skin of the penis. According to statistics, every year 11% of men on Earth suffer from this disease. Balanoposthitis in men, according to ICD-10 ( international classification ailments) is a double disease, as it involves an inflammatory process both in the head and on the inner layer of the foreskin.

Peyronie's disease is a pathology characteristic only of the male half of humanity. The disease is characterized by pain during erection, which occurs against the background fibrotic changes in the tunica albuginea. The disease is rare, and it is more common in males aged between forty and sixty years.

Varicocele is a change in the veins in the area spermatic cord, formed as a result of exposure to varicose veins and occurring in combination with a violation of the outflow from the testicle venous blood. Varicocele, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of bursting and nagging pain, heaviness and discomfort localized in the scrotum, as well as visible venous expansion, often occurs due to inflammation and rupture to which varicose vessels are exposed, which is accompanied by hemorrhage in the scrotal area.

Vesiculitis is an inflammatory lesion that occurs in the seminal vesicles. Vesiculitis, the symptoms of which are largely smoothed out, acute manifestations does not have, which leads to late treatment of patients for appropriate medical care, and also determines some difficulties that are relevant in the process of making a diagnosis.

HIV in men is dangerous viral disease, which today cannot be completely cured. Has several routes of infection. It affects mostly men reproductive age. Transmission from mother to fetus is possible. In this case, the symptoms of the disease will appear in childhood.

Hydrocele (hydrocele) is a disease that causes fluid to accumulate in the testicle. This pathological process leads to a significant increase in the size of the male genital organ. Hydrocele of the testicle can occur not only in adults, but also in infants.

Inflammation of the prostate is a disease that is typical only for males and is characterized by an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The disease occurs between the ages of twenty and fifty, but the main risk group is men over thirty.

Hemorrhoids in men are a frequently diagnosed ailment that causes a large number of psychological and physical troubles, as well as greatly reducing the quality of life. In representatives of the stronger sex, this disease occurs several times more often than in women. The disease is an expansion of the veins of the plexuses of the rectal vessels. It is characterized by their loss and bleeding, as well as the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Gynecomastia in men is a pathological enlargement of the mammary glands, which develops as a result of the proliferation of glandular or adipose tissue. This pathological formation can be observed on one breast or on both. The mammary gland can reach up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

The prostate gland is responsible for producing the liquid part of the seminal fluid and also helps expel this liquid during ejaculation. Glandular prostatic hyperplasia is a benign formation that is formed from glandular epithelium prostate. Its inner part grows in size, which can increase from the size of a chestnut to the size of an orange.

Hypospadias is a disease innate character, which is characterized by a violation of the structure of the male genital organ. This disease leads to the disruption of the natural shape of the penis in men and, as a consequence, the process of urination. In addition, the pathology causes psychological discomfort to the patient and leads to sexual dysfunction.

Gonorrhea in men (syn. gonococcal infection, fracture, gonorrhea) is an infectious-inflammatory process, organ-damaging genitourinary system. Suppuration of the mucous membrane occurs, causing characteristic symptoms. Self-medication in in this case is impossible because it could lead to severe consequences, in particular infertility.

Sexually transmitted infectious diseases are a group of venereological pathologies, the main route of transmission of which is unprotected sexual contact. STDs are clinically heterogeneous nosological units, which are highly contagious, that is, infectious, and therefore pose a direct danger to human health.

What infections are sexually transmitted

The World Health Organization classifies STDs as follows::

  1. Typical sexually transmitted infections
  • lymphogranulomatosis (inguinal form);
  • granuloma venereal type.
  1. Other STDs:
  • which primarily affect the organs of the reproductive system:
  1. urogenital shigellosis (occurs in persons with homosexual sexual intercourse);
  2. trichomoniasis;
  3. candidal lesions of the genital organs, manifested by balanoposthitis and vulvovaginitis;
  4. gardnerellosis;
  5. scabies;
  6. flat spots (pediculosis pubis);
  7. molluscum contagiosum.
  • which primarily affect other organs and systems:
  1. neonatal sepsis;
  2. Giardia;
  3. AIDS;
  4. amebiasis (typical for persons with homosexual contacts).

The main difference between any representative of an STD is its high susceptibility to changes in conditions in environment. For infection to occur, there must be direct contact between a sick person and a healthy person, and in some cases this is not necessarily sexual intercourse; household contact will be sufficient, as, for example, in the case of a viral disease. The danger increases in the presence of defects in the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin, which are the entrance gates for any infection. The risk of contracting an STD increases significantly during anal intercourse, using common funds personal hygiene and sexual toys. note: Almost all viral and bacterial sexually transmitted diseases penetrate the placental barrier, that is, they are transmitted to the fetus in utero and disrupt its physiological development. Sometimes the consequences of such infection appear only several years after the birth of the child in the form of dysfunction of the heart, liver, kidneys, and developmental disorders. Regarding the type of pathogen, sexually transmitted diseases are:

Highlight following reasons that contribute to the spread of STDs:

  • very close household contacts;
  • unprotected sex, which also includes anal and oral sex;
  • use of shared towels;
  • non-compliance necessary rules sterilization of instruments (diseases are transmitted through contaminated instruments in medical, dental, cosmetology institutions, as well as in manicure and tattoo parlors);
  • procedure for transfusion of blood and its elements;
  • parenteral drug administration;
  • transplantation of organs and tissues.

STD: symptoms

The clinical picture of sexually transmitted diseases is slightly different, but, in general, there are a number of signs that are characteristic of almost each of them:

  • excessive weakness;
  • purulent or mucous discharge from the urethra;
  • cloudy urine;
  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination;
  • ulcers and ulcers in the groin, on the external genitalia;

For other organs, symptoms may appear depending on the type of infection that affects other systems. For example, the liver suffers from hepatitis, bones are affected in the last stages of syphilis, and chlamydia can affect joints.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in women

The presence of certain symptoms of STDs in women is explained by the characteristics of their physiology. The following signs should alert a woman and become a reason for an emergency visit to the gynecologist:

  • pain and feeling of dryness during sex;
  • single or group zoom lymph nodes;
  • dysmenorrhea (disturbances in the normal menstrual cycle);
  • pain and discharge from the anus;
  • itching in the perineal area;
  • anal irritation;
  • rash on the labia or around the anus, mouth, or body;
  • unusual vaginal discharge (green, foamy, smelly, bloody);
  • frequent painful urges to urination;
  • swelling of the vulva.

Sexually transmitted diseases in men: symptoms

You can suspect an STD in men based on the following signs::

  • blood in semen;
  • frequent and painful urge to urinate;
  • low-grade fever (not in all diseases);
  • problems with normal ejaculation;
  • pain in the scrotum;
  • discharge from the urethra (white, purulent, mucous, with an odor);
  • rash various kinds on the head of the penis, the penis itself, around it.

Important: Most sexually transmitted pathologies are asymptomatic. It is very important to ask for medical assistance immediately after the first symptoms appear to prevent progression and complications.


If there are any suspicious signs from the genital organs, especially after unprotected sexual intercourse, you should consult a doctor as early as possible. Self-medication in this case is fraught with complications and serious consequences. Sometimes the symptoms of an STD disappear some time after their onset, and the patient thinks that he is healthy and everything went away on its own. But this only means that the disease has passed into a latent, that is, hidden form, and continues to circulate in the body. Important: If you detect suspicious symptoms, you must notify your sexual partner and undergo an examination with him andget tested for STDs. The diagnostic scheme includes the following points:

  • Survey. The doctor collects a detailed medical history from the patient, he asks about complaints, how long ago they appeared and their severity. Usually, a patient who has already consulted a doctor has various types of elements (ulcers, rashes, erosions) on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, pain, burning, itching when urinating. It is also important to find out the number of sexual partners, previous sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptive methods used, whether there were unprotected sexual contacts. A woman undergoes mandatory gynecological examination, and for a man urological, during which a specialist detects objective symptoms of STDs. If necessary, it is also possible to consult a dermatovenerologist.
  • Laboratory research. They are the basis for confirming the diagnosis. Testing for sexually transmitted infections involves testing blood and other biological fluids patient.

In particular, the following diagnostic methods are used:

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections

Appropriate therapy is always prescribed only by the attending physician based on test results. Depending on the identified pathogen, a treatment regimen is drawn up.
Most diseases can be successfully treated, but there are some that are considered incurable

  • hepatitis C;
  • herpes types 1 and 2;

At the same time, maintenance therapy allows you to remove symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition. Among the medications prescribed by a doctor, the following groups of drugs can be used:

  • to activate the body's immune response;
  • antiviral, allowing to accelerate remission when viral infection will go into the latent phase;
  • hepatoprotectors are used to support the liver in case of severe damage;
  • cardiac glycosides support the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes are part of general strengthening therapy;

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Symptoms of STDs in men

The content of the article:

Sexually transmitted diseases are very diverse, but they are united by the tendency to chronicize the pathological process, especially when treatment is started late. In this article we will analyze the main symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men, as well as the actions necessary to confirm the disease.

STD is an acronym meaning infection With high degree contagiousness and transmitted predominantly sexually, they also use the abbreviation STI - sexually transmitted infections, and among doctors it is customary to call such diseases venereal, but not all sexually transmitted infections are them.

Major STDs in men

The majority of sexually transmitted diseases affect both men and women, but it is possible to identify diseases that most often affect men. In the practice of urologists and dermatovenerologists, a large number of different classifications of sexually transmitted diseases are used. But in practice, the most convenient and understandable classification remains based on etiological characteristics, i.e. according to the pathogen that caused the STD or STI.

The most common diseases affecting the male reproductive system and urinary tract include:

Diseases of a bacterial nature: syphilis, chlamydia, ureoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea and others,

Protozoa: Trichomonas is the most common protozoan and is the cause of trichomoniasis,

Viruses: herpes (genital herpes in men), papillomavirus (human papillomavirus infection), HIV - have systemic impact on the body, as well as the development of neoplasms at the site of the lesion.

Pediculosis pubis

All of the above STIs (sexually transmitted infections) tend to affect the urogenital tract and reproductive organs men, which determines the signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men through the formation of a characteristic clinical picture.

Effect on the body

It is important to understand that all sexually transmitted infections have different influence on the body and cause pathology various localizations and degree of expression, which helps to carry out differential diagnosis and identify a specific pathogen. Some infectious agents affect only the urinary system and have characteristic local symptoms: an unpleasant odor, rash and itching.

Local venereal diseases include: candidiasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureoplasmosis and others. However, the other part can cause systemic phenomena with the development of a pathological process in various organs and systems. For example, with syphilis primary symptom is chancre in the form of a sore on the skin of the penis. If you miss the moment of onset of the disease, then syphilis goes into a latent form and gradually destroys almost all tissues of the human body. When syphilis passes into a latent form, diagnosing the disease becomes seriously difficult, which can lead to diagnostic errors.

HIV infection is especially insidious, it does not cause local damage to the genital organs, does not have a specific clinical picture, but destroys the cells of the immune system, which leads to the development of serious complications. Lymphadenopathy is the only typical symptom disease and is manifested by an increase in almost all lymph nodes. Lymphadenopathy is not accompanied by pain, so only an experienced doctor can suspect it during a physical examination of the patient. After years, and sometimes decades, HIV infection smoothly turns into terminal stage– AIDS, when the immune system is completely destroyed.

Sexually transmitted diseases affecting the genitals and urinary system

These STIs include gonococci, chlamydia, uroplasma and mycoplasma, as well as fungi of the genus Candida.

These infections are characterized by damage to the external and internal genital organs of men. Venereal diseases in acute form affect the organs of the genitourinary tract and cause their inflammation: urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and others.

Herpesvirus and papillomavirus lead to the formation of ulcers or growths in the external genital area or can lead to oncological diseases reproductive system.

IN chronic form Sexually transmitted diseases may not give any clinical picture, in which case the course is considered hidden.

Symptoms of STDs in men

Symptoms of STDs in men are varied and vary according to various stages the disease that caused them. So you can highlight primary signs venereal diseases and secondary.

Smell. An unusual odor is a sign of an STD. Most sexually transmitted diseases cause purulent-inflammatory reactions on the part of the diseased organism. For gonorrhea and others bacterial infections sexually transmitted diseases arise purulent processes in the urethra and prostate gland, which are accompanied by the appearance of very unpleasant odor, especially at the time of separation of purulent masses from the urethra.

Itching and burning. The first sign of a sexually transmitted disease in men is the appearance of itching and burning in the intimate area. Most often occurs severe itching directly at the site of development of the infectious-inflammatory reaction in response to the introduction of an infectious agent. A burning sensation in the groin is associated with irritation nerve endings due to inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the urogenital tract and internal genital organs. In other situations, a burning sensation in the groin can be caused by a fungal infection of the skin, since fungi of the genus Candida multiply mainly in a humid environment and in elevated temperature. The most typical location of the lesion is the groin. When the pathogen is localized in genitourinary tract itching and burning occur at the time of urination.

Rashes. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men are often accompanied by skin rashes. Changes to skin external genitalia, pubis and groin area may be of different nature. Pimples on the penis can occur due to damage by Treponema pallidum due to syphilis, herpes virus infection and candidiasis.

Pain. Symptoms of STIs in men are often accompanied by pain. Localization pain almost always coincides with the site of the lesion or is directly determined in the projection of the organ that has undergone an infectious-inflammatory process. Pain occurs due to irritation of sensitive nerve fibers due to massive tissue swelling.

Unpleasant sensations when having sex- are also symptoms of STDs. In addition, a man may experience discomfort during ejaculation or during urination, which also indicates damage to the genitourinary tract.

Damage to the oral mucosa. Symptoms of STDs in men's mouths are not that common. However, a symptom of mucosal damage oral cavity is important for making a diagnosis. Ulcerations occur in the mouth, the color of the mucous membranes changes to yellowish, and there may also be manifestations of tonsillitis. In case of defeat herpes virus infection You can often find rashes on the lips.

For hidden infections affecting the male genital organs, the above symptoms are also characteristic, but their severity is much lower, to the point that a sick man may simply not notice them. Hidden sexually transmitted infections include mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, chlamydia, and human papillomavirus.


The first signs of STDs in men with these diseases begin to form much later than the time of infection. This period called incubation or latent. The asymptomatic period can last up to two months, while an infectious process develops in the body all the time, and the man most often does not suspect it. Symptoms of hidden STDs in men may appear after a decrease in general immunity against the background of other diseases, which significantly complicates the diagnostic search.

Asymptomatic sexually transmitted diseases

STDs without symptoms in men are represented by diseases such as ureaplasmosis, genital herpes and human papillomavirus infection. Under some circumstances, these diseases may not cause any symptoms for many months. clinical manifestations. Despite this, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes and papillomavirus infection slowly progress and have a detrimental effect on the tissues and organs of the sick man. These infections are often detected when routine examinations and are an unexpected find for men. In order not to miss sexually transmitted diseases without symptoms, men should be examined once a year.

Diagnostics and necessary tests

When a man contacts a specialist and if an STD is suspected, a urologist or dermatovenerologist refers the patient to undergo a standard diagnostic complex. After completing the research, the specialist conducts differential diagnostics and establishes the cause of the disease. Immediately before heading to diagnostic procedures The specialist performs an examination and physical examination of the patient to draw up the most complete clinical picture of the disease. Tests for STDs are described in detail on our website.

List of standard diagnostic procedures:

A smear from the urethral canal followed by a bacterioscopic examination;

Sowing biological material from a patient on nutrient media. Sowing and microscopy are a mandatory research method, as they are highly informative;

Enzyme immunoassay allows you to identify specific pathogens and hidden infectious processes in the patient's body;

Ultrasound of the internal genital organs to determine the degree of activity of the inflammatory process;

Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) is the most expensive research method, but the most accurate today.

The above research methods make it possible to identify all the most common sexually transmitted diseases when the first signs of STDs appear in men, as well as to determine the degree of organ damage and the severity of the disease.

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