Burdock leaf juice - medicinal properties and contraindications. Infusion for varicose veins. Preparing a miraculous infusion

Unpretentious burdock, like many medicinal plants, does not look very impressive. Summer residents consider him an aggressor, because when he appears in the garden beds, he behaves like a weed.

However, the plant also has useful qualities. The healing properties of burdock juice are well known.

When used correctly, it helps get rid of cosmetic problems and various ailments. There is more than one old proven treatment with burdock juice.

Where does burdock grow?

Plants are considered trash. Its representatives can be seen near homes. Favorite places are vegetable gardens, orchards, river banks. Large leaves are clearly visible along roads, in vacant lots, and landfills.

The plant is popularly called burdock, burdock, and burdock. It must be said that burdock and burdock are the same plant. If you see burdock oil in a pharmacy, know that it is made from burdock.

Burdock juice: medicinal properties and contraindications

Different parts of the plant have a therapeutic effect: roots, leaves, fruits. They are part of multicomponent preparations. Healing juice is prepared from green stems, leaves, and sometimes roots.

You can’t call it tasty; it’s very bitter. However, when comparing the beneficial properties and contraindications of burdock leaf juice, you understand that taste is not the main thing.

Beneficial features

Common burdock juice is characterized by:

  1. regenerating;
  2. antiseptic;
  3. sweatshop;
  4. wound healing;
  5. diuretic effect.

Modern folk healers began to share secrets of how to take burdock juice internally and use it externally. Folk recipes have been tested for centuries. Our grandmothers knew well what burdock juice heals.

Using the tool you can:

The benefits of burdock juice will also interest athletes. This natural spring protein. Daily morning intake 30 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. will help build up muscle mass. After a month of taking it, take a two-week break.

Burdock juice: what it helps with, patient reviews

IN folk medicine Burdock juice is used to treat:

  1. colds;
  2. gastrointestinal problems;
  3. kidney stone disease;
  4. joint diseases;
  5. hepatitis;
  6. skin diseases;
  7. hemorrhoids;
  8. dysbacteriosis.

It’s better to find out how burdock juice is beneficial, reviews help. From them you can find out that burdock is also good for prevention.

People who have suffered serious illnesses organs such as kidneys and liver, as well as oncology, they say that taking 1 tsp twice a year. drinking juice on an empty stomach for a month helps avoid relapse.

Allergy sufferers claim that the product has antihistamine effect. Taking the drug during the blooming period of allergens can significantly improve your well-being.

Contraindications for treatment with burdock

It is believed that burdock is absolutely harmless plant and has no contraindications. However, moderation has never hurt anyone.

  • Individual intolerance to both internal and external use is possible.
  • With increasing dosage, skin rashes are possible.
  • There are reviews that the juice can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

The effect of the drug on young children has not been studied enough. It is better for pregnant and nursing mothers to avoid this product. Remember to consult your doctor before drinking burdock juice.

How to drink burdock juice

You can drink burdock leaf juice with honey. Nothing is added to the preparation from the roots. Drink the product half an hour before meals. The dosage is selected individually.

Typically, treatment with burdock juice begins with a teaspoon, increasing the dose gradually. The course of treatment can last from a week to a month, with plans to take a break for a similar period.

For therapeutic effect For colds, decreased immunity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and for prevention, use the following dosage regimen:

  • the first 2–3 days – 1 tsp twice a day;
  • 2 days – three times a day, 1 tsp;
  • the remaining days of the course - three times 1 tbsp. l.

Burdock juice for tumors

Research has shown that burdock has a cytostatic effect. The antitumor properties of burdock juice are widely used by traditional healers.

To be convinced of this, just look at the positive reviews about burdock juice: what it helps with, what formations it affects. And these are, first of all, cysts and polycystic diseases various organs.

Dosage regimen: every 2 hours, 2 tsp. means, a month later the tumor is examined. If during this time the formations have not disappeared, but have become smaller, treatment is resumed after a week.

External use

Compresses are prepared for external use. Gauze or cotton fabric is soaked in liquid and placed on the affected area of ​​the skin for dermatitis, or on the projection of the diseased joint for arthrosis and arthritis. In field conditions, the rules for using burdock are simple: apply clean leaves to a scratch, wound, dislocation, or bite. You can grind them into a paste and secure the compress with a bandage.

Burdock juice: buy at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself

The medicinal properties and contraindications of burdock juice depend on the method of application and dosage. The most useful is freshly squeezed. If you do not have the opportunity to prepare it, you can buy burdock juice at the pharmacy for affordable prices.

Pharmacists offer concentrated extracts. Before taking, they are diluted with water. The bottle has a dispenser that makes it easy to count the required number of drops. It’s convenient, and it can be stored for up to 3 years.

Another advantage is the low price of burdock juice at the pharmacy. Buying it is cheaper than preparing it yourself. But if you spend the summer at the dacha, and the raw materials are literally under your feet, then why not show diligence in preparing the drug?

Preparing burdock juice

Juicy fresh leaves are suitable. Sometimes stems and roots are added to them. The raw materials are washed, soaked in water for 3–4 hours, dried, crushed and the liquid is squeezed out of it. The product is stored for a week in the refrigerator in a glass or ceramic container.

The liquid can be replaced with gruel (crushed leaves). Shelf life – 3 days. Sometimes cake is used. It is poured with boiling water (1:10), left for 2 hours, filtered.

How to prepare burdock tincture at home

For preservation, freshly squeezed juice is mixed with alcohol and honey (0.5 juice, 100 ml of alcohol, 0.5 kg of honey).

It is infused at room temperature for two days, then it is hidden in a cool, dark place. This tincture does not lose its properties for a year.

Take it in the same way as juice.


Healing burdock juice

Irina08/03/2016Healing burdock juice

Dear readers, today we will continue to get acquainted with the numerous properties of a plant so undeservedly deprived of attention by many, burdock, and we will talk in detail about the medicinal properties and contraindications of burdock juice.

Why should we pay attention to it? It cleanses the blood, helps solve liver problems, serves an excellent remedy for the prevention of oncology, delays development malignant neoplasms, it is used when women's diseases, especially for cysts and many other health problems. I read so much about this juice, I used it myself and my friends, I will share the information with you.

Burdock juice. Medicinal properties

First, let's briefly look at the medicinal properties of burdock juice, and then we'll talk about it in more detail. Medicinal properties burdock juice is as follows:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties,
  • Antibacterial,
  • Antitumor,
  • Choleretic effect,
  • Diuretic properties,
  • Diaphoretic properties,
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Anti-allergenic properties and some others.

The use of burdock juice in folk medicine

It is used both internally and externally.

It is taken orally for atherosclerosis, gastritis, ulcers, colds, liver and gallbladder diseases, poisoning, cysts, fibroids, for the treatment and prevention of oncology, and for diabetes.

Burdock juice is taken externally to treat wounds, ulcers, bedsores, sore throats and oral cavity mouth, for the treatment of burns, for acne, furunculosis, hair loss, dandruff and some other health problems.

Burdock juice. How to cook

To obtain burdock juice, young leaves of the plant with petioles are usually used, but sometimes juice is also made from the roots. You can read about the medicinal properties of burdock root, as well as what diseases and how you can treat with the root of this plant in my article Burdock Root. Medicinal properties. Contraindications.

Which burdock is suitable for juice? We don't miss the subtleties

Burdock leaves are collected in April-May-June away from roads, i.e. in an environmentally friendly place.

Many people are interested: if an urgent need arises, is it possible to use summer or even autumn burdock leaves to produce juice? Can. It's better to do something than to do nothing. Just spring leaves plants contain the maximum amount of useful and medicinal components, but autumn leaves, if they are still green, are not devoid of them. Carry out the treatment with those leaves that are available, and in the spring repeat the course with juice from spring leaves.

They also ask the following question: is it possible to use a decoction of the plant’s root instead of burdock juice? I think not. If it is said that juice is needed, it means juice, since in different parts plants may contain different medicinal components.

You can also buy burdock juice at a pharmacy or order it online.


How to prepare burdock juice? Here is the recipe itself.

The leaves are washed and, for better drainage of the juice, soaked in cold(!) water for 2-3 hours. Then the leaves are shaken off, slightly dried and crushed using a meat grinder (2 times). The resulting pulp is placed in gauze folded in several layers and the juice is squeezed out. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator on the top shelf for no longer than 3 days.

I myself like to use an old manual meat grinder. For some reason I trust it more than the electric one.

I wrote in detail about the beneficial and medicinal properties of burdock leaves in my article Burdock beneficial and medicinal properties. Contraindications. Application.

How to store burdock juice

It should be borne in mind that after just two days of storage, burdock juice begins to lose its main medicinal properties. Of course, treatment with freshly squeezed burdock juice helps to achieve maximum effect, but in order to be able to continue treatment out of season, burdock juice is canned. For these purposes, use vodka or alcohol. In my opinion, alcohol is better, since in this case the juice is slightly diluted.

Burdock juice with vodka

Burdock juice is mixed with vodka in a 1:1 ratio.

Burdock juice with alcohol

To prepare the mixture you will need 1 liter. burdock juice and 200 ml. 96% alcohol.

The shelf life of burdock juice with vodka or alcohol is 12 months. The container with the liquid should be protected from light and, for greater reliability, should be stored in a cool place.

How to drink burdock juice

Burdock juice is taken as in medicinal purposes, and for prevention. Since this juice is primarily very strong remedy to combat various neoplasms (cysts, etc.), including oncology, then many people, especially those who have a predisposition to these diseases or live in environmentally unfavorable regions, take it as a prophylactic agent.

A preventive course of treatment is carried out once a year.

For treatment, the regimen for taking burdock juice for most diseases has its own, but there are several generally accepted ones. Which regimen to choose depends entirely on the individual’s tolerance of this remedy, although in general burdock juice is well tolerated.

If during treatment you feel any discomfort, nausea, etc., then do not give up this remedy immediately - try reducing the dosage and/or take the juice less often. Acting in this way, after some time, slightly increase the amount of juice you take per day and observe your condition.

First regimen

1-2 days – 1 tsp. burdock juice 2 times a day;

3-4 days – 1 tsp. burdock juice 3 times a day;

5-30 days – 1 tbsp. burdock juice 3 times a day.

Then take a break for a month and repeat the course.

Second regimen

Burdock juice is taken 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day. Course – 7-10 days, break – 7-10 days, etc.

Sometimes, according to this scheme, burdock juice is taken for a month, a week off and the course is repeated.

Burdock juice is taken 20-30 minutes before meals, without eating or drinking anything, since the bitterness of the juice plays a big role in the treatment. If it is difficult to overcome the unpleasant taste of the juice, or you feel nauseated, then you can eat 1 tsp. honey and only in itself as a last resort take one or more sips of water.

Burdock juice with honey

Often, to enhance the healing properties of burdock juice, it is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Also recommend this method to increase shelf life. In my opinion, this is quite controversial issue, since the sugar in honey itself promotes fermentation. It’s better to simply take burdock juice with a teaspoon of honey when taking it.

A more acceptable method is to mix 250 ml. burdock juice and high-quality, mature (not young) honey, add 125-150 ml. 96% alcohol. Store the mixture in a cool place.

IN for preventive purposes Take 1-2 tablespoons of burdock juice with honey. 3 times a day for 30-60 minutes. before meals.

What does burdock juice help with?

Now let’s talk about what burdock juice helps with and the treatment of diseases.

Burdock juice. Antitumor properties

The most striking property of burdock juice is its ability not only to delay the development of malignant tumors, but certain components in its composition program the tumor to self-destruct. On the Internet you can find descriptions of cases of complete healing from this terrible disease burdock juice.

At female oncology In addition to taking burdock juice internally, you can douche with it.

Burdock juice is also taken during the postoperative period. It can be especially valuable in cases where chemotherapy or radiation is contraindicated for a person.

Treatment is carried out as described above according to one of two schemes.

Burdock juice for cysts

Burdock juice is strong and, most importantly, an effective remedy for treating cysts. Although they write that this remedy used for cysts on the liver and kidneys, but I found a description of a case where multiple cysts in the brain were cured with burdock juice.

Treatment is carried out according to one of the schemes described above. Often a month is enough to get rid of the cyst.

Just don’t forget to do an ultrasound immediately before starting treatment. Also do an ultrasound after one course of treatment with burdock juice to make sure that the remedy is helping.

Burdock juice for women

Burdock juice can be of great help to women's health. It can truly be called a female plant. For all the diseases described below, burdock juice is taken as described above, according to one of two schemes.

Burdock juice for ovarian and mammary cysts

Many women actually recover from ovarian cysts by undergoing treatment with burdock juice, which allows them to avoid surgical intervention.

This remedy also helps with chronic pain in the area of ​​the ovaries. Burdock juice is also drunk for breast cysts.

Burdock juice for mastopathy

For mastopathy, in addition to the mandatory intake of burdock juice orally, to enhance the effect, you should apply the leaves of the plant to the sore breast at night. The leaves must first be thoroughly mashed so that they release the juice, or dipped in hot water.

Drink burdock juice for pain or discomfort in the chest. You can read about other recipes for treating mastopathy with folk remedies here.

Burdock juice for other diseases of the female sphere

In addition to the already listed female diseases, which burdock juice helps get rid of, this remedy is taken for uterine fibroids. It also helps normalize menstrual cycle.

Due to its broad therapeutic effect on various female diseases, as well as its anti-inflammatory effect, burdock juice successfully treats infertility even in cases where official medicine turns out to be powerless.

Burdock juice for hepatitis

Burdock juice is used for treatment various forms hepatitis A. It also helps with various problems with the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts.

Drink 1 tbsp burdock juice. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, then take a month off and repeat the course.

Burdock juice for diabetes

Burdock juice contains a special substance - inulin, which helps increase the production of insulin by the pancreas and, as a result, reduces blood sugar levels.

Burdock juice for cleansing and healing the body

Burdock juice is used not only as remedy, with its help you can cleanse, heal and strengthen the entire body. This tool:

  • cleanses the blood, normalizes its composition and increases hemoglobin;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of metabolic products, waste, toxins, as well as heavy metals. Based on this ability, it is recommended to drink burdock juice after chemotherapy and radiation;
  • improves the function of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver and kidneys.

Based on all of the listed properties, burdock juice helps strengthen the immune system, improve general health.

I suggest watching a video about the medicinal properties of burdock juice.

Burdock juice. Contraindications

With such numerous and valuable medicinal properties, burdock juice has almost no contraindications. It is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy,
  • while breastfeeding,
  • with individual intolerance.

And for the soul, today we will listen to Francis Goya - Garden’s Delights This is the garden of pleasures that opens before us.

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Burdock has beneficial and medicinal properties. Contraindications. Application
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Burdock juice: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews

Such a widespread plant as burdock is probably known to everyone here. Thanks to its prickly leaves, an engineer from Switzerland came up with the Velcro fastener that is widely used today.

The plant is actively used in traditional medicine. Burdock juice is especially effective, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we will reveal in our article.


This plant is biennial. It blooms in the second year. The most valuable are the older leaves and the remaining parts of the burdock. In the first year, only leaves grow, and then a stem appears, which has a reddish tint. Burdock has a specific smell.

It grows everywhere in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, as well as in forests, although it can be found less often there.

Harvesting burdock root is done in early spring or late summer and autumn. The leaves are used for decoctions and extracts. They can also be eaten. Many people perceive this plant as a weed. Meanwhile, by preparing burdock juice (the medicinal properties and contraindications of which should first be studied) and taking it, you can help yourself achieve good health.


Burdock contains a lot of polysaccharide inulin, proteins and essential oil. It also contains ascorbic acid, as well as other acids (stearic, palmitic, malic, citric, coffee), tannins, resins and protein substances, as well as many micro- and macroelements: boron, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, tin and titanium.

The roots contain up to 45% inulin, are fat-like and bitter, tannins, mineral salts, bardan essential oil, organic acids, vitamin B.

The leaves are rich primarily in tannins, ascorbic acid, carotene, and essential oil.

In terms of usefulness, the plant is ranked on a par with ginseng. This is especially true for burdock juice.

Medicinal properties

Both the contraindications of the plant and its beneficial qualities manifest themselves in different ways. Let's first consider its medicinal properties.

Many women use a decoction of the leaves or burdock oil for their hair, which strengthens their hair and significantly improves its structure. However beneficial effect plants are not limited to this.

Burdock is used as a bile-, sweat-, and diuretic. It activates metabolism, the activity of the pancreas, liver, kidneys and gall bladder.

The plant is extremely useful for burns and bites, to relieve itching and inflammation.

For medicinal purposes, seeds, inflorescences, leaves and rhizomes are used.

The latter is used as a natural antiseptic. They treat the musculoskeletal system, strengthen the immune system and fight cancer. In addition, the root works well as a diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative. It is also widely used in cosmetology, where based on the root, burdock oil is prepared for oily hair and lotions for cleansing the skin, especially in the presence of acne in boys and girls or for the purpose of tightening the facial skin in case of emerging signs of aging.

But the most strong effect provides burdock juice prepared from leaves. The medicinal properties and contraindications in this case are expressed most clearly. It contains the strongest concentration of all substances that make up the plant.

It helps very well with inflammatory processes. And if you take a closer look at the hair shampoos presented on store shelves, in most of them you will find the plant we are considering in the composition.

But, besides the leaves, you can make juice from other parts of the burdock. However, when consuming, you should take into account what it is prepared from, since different substances are concentrated in all parts of the plant, which, in turn, have different effects on the body. The juice of burdock leaves is most often prepared. However, we will study the medicinal properties and contraindications, keeping in mind both one and the other parts.

Inulin, concentrated in the roots of the plant, actively helps in the treatment of diabetes. The fact is that the substance is a sugar substitute. Therefore, it helps reduce blood glucose and treats blood vessels, as well as the liver. Along with lowering cholesterol, it is possible to neutralize other harmful substances.

Thus, the juice from the roots of the plant will be very effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning with heavy metals and plant poisons.

Juice from burdock leaves has slightly different medicinal properties and contraindications. Essential bardan oil has an excellent effect on the skin and has a pronounced antiseptic and antiseborrheic property. Thanks to this, the product effectively treats affected skin and ulcers.


We looked at the medicinal properties of burdock juice. And now we will also study the contraindications and reviews.

However, there are not so many prohibitions when using burdock. Firstly, pregnant women are not recommended to drink it, like many other herbs. The same applies to the lactation period.

Since burdock juice is very concentrated, allergic reactions are possible. As with all herbs, in the case of burdock, individual intolerance may occur. Therefore, if you decide to use juice as a remedy, you should start doing this with small doses and low concentrations. This way the body will get used to the effect of the medicine. And if it is noticed negative reaction, simply stop taking burdock.


Juice from burdock leaves shows its beneficial properties and contraindications most clearly when prepared from fresh leaves. They contain so much vitamin C that the amount is 6 times greater than the amount found in lemon. In addition, as stated above, there is a huge amount of essential oils and various acids.

The juice is used for the most various diseases. It prevents the formation of salts and has an antitumor effect.

Culinary dishes

Burdock leaves are known not only in folk medicine. They are also used in cooking. Let's look at a few simple dishes.

To prepare the salad you will need a glass of cut leaves, a tablespoon of horseradish, two tablespoons of green onions and four tablespoons of sour cream. The burdock is thoroughly washed, immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then dried, cut and all the ingredients are added.

Also, like coltsfoot, burdock leaves are used to wrap cabbage rolls.

Soup can be made from both roots and leaves. To do this, add three chopped potatoes to boiling water (one and a half liters), sauté semolina with burdock and onions in oil, add tomato paste, stew and place the preparation in the soup. At the end, spices and herbs are added.

An interesting jam will be made from burdock. To prepare it, pour 50 milliliters of vinegar into a liter of water, pass a kilogram of burdock roots through a meat grinder and boil.

Another recipe includes sorrel leaves in addition to burdock roots. To prepare, take 400 grams of the first ingredient, 200 grams of the second, cook until they become soft, rub through a sieve, add a kilogram of sugar and cook again until tender.

Here's how to cook it mashed potatoes. For four potatoes, take a glass of pre-chopped burdock roots, two hundred grams of cheese, six cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of sour cream and spices. Place chopped potatoes, chopped rhizomes, seasonings and salt into boiling water. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, add sour cream, grated cheese and pepper.

You can also cook burdock with sorrel and even make a spicy Korean dish.

How to make juice correctly

Prepare the drink in the following way. Peeled and slightly dried leaves are passed through a meat grinder, after which the resulting pulp is squeezed out. The liquid can be drunk without any additives (read below about how to take the juice correctly).

In this form it is convenient to make juice in the summer, when the raw material grows right next to the house. But you can also prepare it for the winter. Then alcohol is added to the juice and a tincture is obtained. To do this, take half a liter of juice, 100 milliliters of pharmaceutical alcohol and half a kilogram of honey. This product can be stored for two years.

Freshly squeezed juice from burdock leaves is another matter. Medicinal properties and shelf life are the most important components that depend on each other. Unlike tincture, juice has a much shorter shelf life. However, compared to other juices, this period is also significant. It can be kept in the refrigerator for up to several weeks.

How to drink juice correctly

If the juice is taken for treatment purposes, it should be drunk in a course lasting from two weeks to a month. For ovarian and kidney disease (cyst), drink it before meals:

  • in the first days - morning and evening, a teaspoon;
  • in the next couple of days - three times a teaspoon;
  • on the remaining days of the course - three times a tablespoon.

The same dose is sufficient for liver disease (take before meals). But for urolithiasis, you can only take half a teaspoon three times a day for a month.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, juice from burdock leaves also exhibits medicinal properties. Then you are allowed to drink half a tablespoon before meals, also for a month.

For burns, wounds, ulcers, warts and even snake bites (by treating the affected area), burdock juice can be used.

The medicinal properties and contraindications (reviews of people who have tried the product confirm this) are incommensurable.

Burdock has been known to us since childhood and is widespread everywhere. But not all ordinary people know that in terms of its therapeutic effects on the human body, many traditional healers compare burdock with the pearl of Chinese traditional medicine - ginseng. Almost all parts of burdock are used for medicinal purposes: root, stem, leaves, inflorescences, seeds. However, juices isolated from various parts. Burdock juice has the greatest healing power if extracted from young parts of the plant, no more than a year old.

Description of the plant

Burdock is known by many names: burdock, lapushnik, tartar, thistle, burdock root, grandfather, dog lover. The naming varies depending on the area and popular name. The plant is unpretentious, grows in areas with different conditions and types of soils. The flowering period is very long, almost all summer months, but special properties young shoots have.

Composition of the plant, healing components

The roots of the plant are rich in a sugary substance - inulin, and can be used as food for patients with impaired absorption of sugar. By weight, this polysaccharide occupies up to half the weight of the raw root.

How to use burdock juice? What does this plant help with? The green parts of burdock contain significant amount ascorbic acid, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and immune system. The stem, leaves, roots are rich in macro- and microelements: manganese, boron, copper, iron, zinc, tin. Largest quantity active ingredients contains the root of the plant. In addition to inulin, it includes essential oils, beneficial acids, flavonoids. Not all components of the drug have a pleasant taste. The tannins, resinous substances and sitosterol contained give the plant extract a bitter taste, however, the benefits for many people are more important than gastronomic preferences.

All useful substances are preserved either in the extract or in the raw materials; when dried, many components lose their medicinal properties. Various are popular dosage forms with the addition of burdock: oils, tinctures, ointments, vitamin drinks, juices.

How to make burdock juice at home?

How to use burdock juice correctly, what this miracle potion helps with, we will consider further.

Due to the wide distribution of the plant, there are no problems with raw materials. It is important to follow the preparation technology and some recommendations in order to get the maximum benefit from burdock.

The preparation of raw materials for juice should begin in the first weeks of flowering. It is at this time that the plant has the most watery intercellular substance and is able to release more juice. In addition, young plants in spring and early summer contain the least amount of decay products. It is better to collect plants during periods of moderate precipitation, since excessive dryness of the soil can manifest itself in a decrease in the amount of sap per plant wet weight. You can use leaves with young petioles, which are still rich in moisture. The cut material is poured with cool water for 6 hours, then the bulk of the water is allowed to drain and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting biomass is loaded into a press with a filter, and the juice is squeezed out.

Burdock juice: application

The application of the hood is quite wide. The juice has antiseptic properties, due to the presence of tannins and resins. Used for healing wounds, bites, cuts, abrasions, thermal burns, abscesses, boils, eczema. What other medicinal properties does burdock juice have? The use of juice reduces the concentration of viruses and pathogenic bacteria on the treated surface. The tincture is prepared based on burdock juice (75%) and alcohol (15%), stored in the refrigerator until needed. Alcohol can be used to preserve various parts of the plant, as opposed to drying. useful components are saved.

Burdock juice: reviews

There are a lot of positive reviews about the use of burdock juice for medicinal purposes. Those people who have experienced its effect on themselves say that it activates metabolic processes, improves the outflow of sweat, removes excess fluid, improves kidney function, removes decay products and toxins.

Also, many people emphasize that burdock juice normalizes work digestive system. It is often used to treat ulcers of the digestive system, inflammation of the gallbladder and stomach. Due to the abundant content of mucus and protein substances, the juice has enveloping properties. Tannins slow down fermentation processes and activate the outflow of secretions from the endocrine glands.

What other properties does burdock juice have? Reviews about the use of this product are extremely positive, since it contains insulin and its use leads to normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The components of the juice have a beneficial effect on liver disease, including hepatitis.

It has also been noted that high protein content promotes growth muscle fibers. Spotted positive influence juice for joint diseases. More happening active recovery cartilage tissue and slow down the processes of destruction that have already begun. It is used for radiculitis, salt accumulation in joints, arthritis, arthrosis and pain caused by these diseases.

Juice is often used for gynecological diseases, inflammatory processes in the chest and pelvic organs.

The use of burdock juice for cancer

An alkaloid extracted from young parts of the plant is used in the treatment of patients with cancer. The drug is used externally and internally. It has been noticed that tumors do not increase in size, their development process slows down, this gives a person precious time. The presence of antioxidants in the composition helps the body cope with cancer cells at the onset of the disease and prevent a terrible illness.

Confirmed scientific studies have shown that concentrated burdock juice contains a substance that actively absorbs cancer cells and causes them to stop growing and die.

Use in cosmetic and food industries

How else is burdock juice used? The properties of burdock oil have a beneficial effect on the condition skin, hair and nails. The juice of this plant has long been used in the cosmetics industry.

Burdock juice is also used in cooking, namely in preparing meat dishes. Contains enzymes for easier digestion meat products acquire a unique taste.

The most effective recipes for using burdock juice

What else can burdock juice be useful for? The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a very long time. The use of burdock juice is most effective in fresh. However, preserved with alcohol can be used within a year.

How can you consume burdock juice? Medicinal properties for colds has burdock with honey (up to 5 times a day, 50 g). Composition of the mixture: 5 parts burdock juice, 5 parts honey and 1 part alcohol. Burdock juice is used one tablespoon before meals.

For joint diseases, it is recommended to use a mixture of honey and burdock juice (in equal parts), one spoon three times a day. Some mixtures include, in addition to the indicated components, olive oil as a source of fatty acids. The same mixture will have a therapeutic effect for diseases of the digestive system, the minimum systemic course is 3 weeks.

In case of urolithiasis, the juice helps remove sand; for this, one tablespoon of juice is used for a month, then a break is taken and the course is repeated.

Burdock juice is a treasure trove women's health. Its use is possible as an additional treatment for uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and diseases of the mammary glands. Use is possible only under the supervision of a physician, with periodic diagnostic measures, health tracking. The use of juice for the treatment of female diseases is carried out according to the following scheme: minimum dose, gradual increase, maximum allowable dose, break and repetition of the course.

Contraindicated for whom

Is burdock juice always exclusively beneficial? There are also contraindications for use. The protein content makes drinking burdock juice dangerous for people with allergies. It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You need to take the selection of raw materials seriously; you don’t need to make juice from plants that grew near a field of crops treated with various chemicals.

Some studies have shown that drinking burdock juice leads to excessive glycogen accumulation in the liver.

In any case, consultation with a specialist is strictly required, as is compliance with the dosage of the drug. Burdock juice is biologically active substances. It can sometimes be difficult to predict its impact on various systems and organs.

Dear readers, today we will continue to get acquainted with the numerous properties of a plant so undeservedly deprived of attention by many, burdock, and we will talk in detail about the medicinal properties and contraindications of burdock juice.

Why should we pay attention to it? It cleanses the blood, helps solve liver problems, serves as an excellent means for preventing oncology, delays the development of malignant tumors, and is used for women’s diseases, especially cysts and many other health problems. I read so much about this juice, I used it myself and my friends, I will share the information with you.

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties,
  • Antibacterial,
  • Antitumor,
  • Choleretic effect,
  • Diuretic properties,
  • Diaphoretic properties,
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Anti-allergenic properties and some others.

The use of burdock juice in folk medicine

It is used both internally and externally.

It is taken orally for atherosclerosis, gastritis, ulcers, colds, liver and gallbladder diseases, poisoning, cysts, fibroids, for the treatment and prevention of oncology, and for diabetes.

Burdock juice is taken externally to treat wounds, ulcers, bedsores, inflammation of the throat and mouth, to treat burns, acne, furunculosis, hair loss, dandruff and some other health problems.

Burdock juice. How to cook

To obtain burdock juice, young leaves of the plant with petioles are usually used, but sometimes juice is also made from the roots. You can read about the medicinal properties of burdock root, as well as what diseases and how you can treat with the root of this plant in my article Burdock Root. Medicinal properties. Contraindications.

Which burdock is suitable for juice? We don't miss the subtleties

Burdock leaves are collected in April-May-June away from roads, i.e. in an environmentally friendly place.

Many people are interested: if an urgent need arises, is it possible to use summer or even autumn burdock leaves to produce juice? Can. It's better to do something than to do nothing. It’s just that the spring leaves of the plant contain the maximum amount of useful and medicinal components, but the autumn leaves, if they are still green, are not devoid of them. Carry out the treatment with those leaves that are available, and in the spring repeat the course with juice from spring leaves.

They also ask the following question: is it possible to use a decoction of the plant’s root instead of burdock juice? I think not. If it is said that juice is needed, it means juice, since different parts of the plant may contain different medicinal components.

You can also buy burdock juice at a pharmacy or order it online.


How to prepare burdock juice? Here is the recipe itself.

The leaves are washed and, for better drainage of the juice, soaked in cold(!) water for 2-3 hours. Then the leaves are shaken off, slightly dried and crushed using a meat grinder (2 times). The resulting pulp is placed in gauze folded in several layers and the juice is squeezed out. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator on the top shelf for no longer than 3 days.

I myself like to use an old manual meat grinder. For some reason I trust it more than the electric one.

I wrote in detail about the beneficial and medicinal properties of burdock leaves in my article Burdock beneficial and medicinal properties. Contraindications. Application.

How to store burdock juice

It should be borne in mind that after just two days of storage, burdock juice begins to lose its main medicinal properties. Of course, treatment with freshly squeezed burdock juice helps to achieve maximum effect, but in order to be able to continue treatment out of season, burdock juice is canned. For these purposes, use vodka or alcohol. In my opinion, alcohol is better, since in this case the juice is slightly diluted.

Burdock juice with vodka

Burdock juice is mixed with vodka in a 1:1 ratio.

Burdock juice with alcohol

To prepare the mixture you will need 1 liter. burdock juice and 200 ml. 96% alcohol.

The shelf life of burdock juice with vodka or alcohol is 12 months. The container with the liquid should be protected from light and, for greater reliability, should be stored in a cool place.

How to drink burdock juice

Burdock juice is taken both for medicinal purposes and for prevention. Since this juice is, first of all, a very powerful remedy for combating various neoplasms (cysts, etc.), including oncology, many people, especially those who have a predisposition to these diseases or live in environmentally unfavorable regions, take it as a prophylactic.

A preventive course of treatment is carried out once a year.

For treatment, the regimen for taking burdock juice for most diseases has its own, but there are several generally accepted ones. Which regimen to choose depends entirely on the individual’s tolerance of this remedy, although in general burdock juice is well tolerated.

If during treatment you feel any discomfort, nausea, etc., then do not give up this remedy immediately - try reducing the dosage and/or take the juice less often. Acting in this way, after some time, slightly increase the amount of juice you take per day and observe your condition.

First regimen

1-2 days – 1 tsp. burdock juice 2 times a day;

3-4 days – 1 tsp. burdock juice 3 times a day;

5-30 days – 1 tbsp. burdock juice 3 times a day.

Then take a break for a month and repeat the course.

Second regimen

Burdock juice is taken 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day. Course – 7-10 days, break – 7-10 days, etc.

Sometimes, according to this scheme, burdock juice is taken for a month, a week off and the course is repeated.

Burdock juice is taken 20-30 minutes before meals, without eating or drinking anything, since the bitterness of the juice plays a big role in the treatment. If it is difficult to overcome the unpleasant taste of the juice, or you feel nauseated, then you can eat 1 tsp. honey and only as a last resort take one or more sips of water.

Burdock juice with honey

Often, to enhance the healing properties of burdock juice, it is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. This method is also recommended to increase shelf life. In my opinion, this is a rather controversial issue, since the sugar in honey itself contributes to fermentation. It’s better to simply take burdock juice with a teaspoon of honey when taking it.

A more acceptable method is to mix 250 ml. burdock juice and high-quality, mature (not young) honey, add 125-150 ml. 96% alcohol. Store the mixture in a cool place.

For preventive purposes, take 1-2 tablespoons of burdock juice with honey. 3 times a day for 30-60 minutes. before meals.


How to live a full life without a gallbladder

To learn more …

What does burdock juice help with?

Now let’s talk about what burdock juice helps with and the treatment of diseases.

Burdock juice. Antitumor properties

The most striking property of burdock juice is its ability not only to delay the development of malignant tumors, but certain components in its composition program the tumor to self-destruct. On the Internet you can find descriptions of cases of complete healing from this terrible disease with burdock juice.

For female oncology, in addition to taking burdock juice internally, it can be used to douche.

Burdock juice is also taken during the postoperative period. It can be especially valuable in cases where chemotherapy or radiation is contraindicated for a person.

Treatment is carried out as described above according to one of two schemes.

Burdock juice for cysts

Burdock juice is strong and, most importantly, an effective remedy for treating cysts. Although they write that this remedy is used for cysts on the liver and kidneys, I found a description of a case where multiple cysts in the brain were cured with burdock juice.

Treatment is carried out according to one of the schemes described above. Often a month is enough to get rid of the cyst.

Just don’t forget to do an ultrasound immediately before starting treatment. Also do an ultrasound after one course of treatment with burdock juice to make sure that the remedy is helping.

Burdock juice for women

Burdock juice can be of great help to women's health. It can truly be called a female plant. For all the diseases described below, burdock juice is taken as described above, according to one of two schemes.

Burdock juice for ovarian and mammary cysts

Many women actually recover from ovarian cysts by undergoing treatment with burdock juice, which allows them to avoid surgery.

This remedy also helps with chronic pain in the ovarian area. Burdock juice is also drunk for breast cysts.

Burdock juice for mastopathy

For mastopathy, in addition to the mandatory intake of burdock juice orally, to enhance the effect, you should apply the leaves of the plant to the sore breast at night. The leaves must first be thoroughly mashed so that they release the juice, or dipped in hot water.

Drink burdock juice for pain or discomfort in the chest. You can read about other recipes for treating mastopathy with folk remedies here.

Burdock juice for other diseases of the female sphere

In addition to the already listed female diseases, which burdock juice helps get rid of, this remedy is taken for uterine fibroids. It also helps normalize the menstrual cycle.

Thanks to its broad therapeutic effect on various female diseases, as well as its anti-inflammatory effect, burdock juice successfully treats infertility even in cases where official medicine is powerless.

Burdock juice for hepatitis

Burdock juice is used to treat various forms of hepatitis. It also helps with various problems with the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts.

Drink 1 tbsp burdock juice. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, then take a month off and repeat the course.

Burdock juice for diabetes

Burdock juice contains a special substance - inulin, which helps increase the production of insulin by the pancreas and, as a result, reduces blood sugar levels.

Burdock juice for cleansing and healing the body

Burdock juice is used not only as a remedy, but with its help you can cleanse, heal and strengthen the entire body. This tool:

  • cleanses the blood, normalizes its composition and increases hemoglobin;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of metabolic products, waste, toxins, as well as heavy metals. Based on this ability, it is recommended to drink burdock juice after chemotherapy and radiation;
  • improves the function of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver and kidneys.

Based on all of the listed properties, burdock juice helps strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

I suggest watching a video about the medicinal properties of burdock juice.

Burdock juice. Contraindications

With such numerous and valuable medicinal properties, burdock juice has almost no contraindications. It is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy,
  • while breastfeeding,
  • with individual intolerance.

And for the soul we will listen today Francis Goya - Garden's Delights This is the garden of pleasures that opens before us.

see also

Why do you always want to sleep? Burdock has beneficial and medicinal properties. Contraindications. Application Burdock root. Medicinal properties. Contraindications Burdock for hair Face masks made from burdock - the healing power of Dandelion plants. Treatment and beneficial properties

  • Blooming Sally. Beneficial features. Contraindications
  • How to brew Ivan tea. Medicinal properties. Application
  • Chamomile

Burdock juice is an effective remedy for many diseases. Housewives are wondering how to prepare burdock juice at home and how to preserve it so that they can have it throughout the year. healing agent. Preparing burdock juice in large quantities takes a long time. It is much easier to buy a ready-made concentrated extract at the pharmacy. But if there is a lot of raw materials, then it is better to prepare it yourself for future use.

Composition and properties of juice

Burdock juice contains many vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins. Is in it useful minerals, acids, tannins, resins and essential oils. All these components have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Burdock juice and its medicinal properties are actively used by herbalists. This drink has excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and choleretic properties. In addition, this drink has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-allergenic properties. This healing agent is used externally to treat many skin diseases and to strengthen hair.

The healing properties of burdock make it possible to take its juice for diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, and atherosclerosis. It is used for prevention and treatment diabetes mellitus And oncological diseases. For women, this remedy helps get rid of cysts, fibroids and mastopathy.


To make a high-quality drink, it is advisable to use young burdock leaves and shoots of the plant, they contain the maximum amount of useful substances. To do this, raw materials must be collected from April to June. Collect plants away from highways. The autumn foliage of burdock, although green, loses its medicinal properties. However, if there are no other raw materials, then this can be used.

The technology for squeezing juice from burdock leaves is simple. Before squeezing, leaves and shoots should be soaked in water for about 3 hours. cold water to remove the unpleasant bitter taste from them. Burdock plants are not used for such preparations. Then the plant is squeezed out, shaken off the water, slightly dried and passed through a meat grinder 2 times. The resulting mixture is placed in a gauze napkin, which is folded several times, and the juice is squeezed out through it. This freshly squeezed burdock leaf juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

For some diseases, it is recommended to squeeze the juice not only from the leaves, but also from the burdock root. To prepare this recipe, you need to grind the leaves and root of the plant taken in equal parts. Squeeze out the liquid from the resulting slurry. The remaining cake is not thrown away, but is filled with water in a ratio of 1:10 and left for about 2 hours. The resulting tincture is mixed with juice and stored in the refrigerator. It is important that every housewife not only prepares the healing remedy correctly, but is also able to preserve it longer.

To get juice from burdock roots, you need to choose a young plant, which means digging it up in early spring or autumn. The roots are thoroughly washed from the soil, rolled through a meat grinder and the liquid is squeezed out of them. How long will this product be stored? IN pure form The juice can be stored for no more than 3 days. With the addition of alcohol or vodka, the resulting drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Long-term storage of juice

For long-term storage of juice, it is mixed with vodka or alcohol. Making a tincture of alcohol and burdock nectar is very simple. Juice is prepared with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. The alcohol tincture is prepared in a different proportion: a glass of 96% alcohol is taken for 1 liter of nectar. This tincture burdock in vodka can be stored in a cool, dark place for a year.

Often, to enhance the medicinal qualities and to increase shelf life, any honey is added to burdock juice in a 1:1 ratio. Burdock nectar with honey can be consumed not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure. This mixture can be stored for a long time if you add 0.5 parts of alcohol to it.

To preserve the medicinal product, mix 0.5 liters of juice, 0.5 kg of honey and 100 ml of alcohol in a glass container. The tincture should stand at room temperature for 2 days. Then the container is tightly sealed with a lid and stored in a dark and cool place. The properties of this tincture last for a year.

Not all patients can drink the medicinal product in alcohol; in this case, it can be preserved for long-term storage. Bring the drink to a boil and preserve it in sterilized jars. This preservation can be stored in a cool place without losing its properties for about 10 months.

Other harvesting methods

Healing decoctions can also be prepared from burdock leaves, which can be consumed every day for a year. To do this, it is recommended to dry them in order to be treated all year round. It is advisable to dry in a dark, well-ventilated area. You can speed up this process in the oven, but the temperature should not exceed 45˚C. Canned dried leaves are stored for no more than 3 years.

Is it possible to freeze burdock juice, how to do it? To be able to be treated with burdock for a long time, the nectar from it can be frozen for the winter. Before preparing burdock juice in this case, young leaves (preferably only the top ones) are washed and dried. They are then chopped and put through a juicer. 50 medium leaves can make 100 ml of concentrated drink.

The juice prepared in this way is diluted with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting product is poured into special ice molds. We freeze the healing agent in the freezer, freezing should last until it hardens completely. Subsequently, frozen mixtures are used for treatment after they have thawed.

Canned burdock juice, frozen, tincture or decoction are very useful for the treatment of many diseases. But before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid unwanted complications. Like others folk remedies, it may have contraindications for use.

The medicinal properties of burdock (in Latin Arctium lappa, or Lappa major) - as burdock is often called - have been known since time immemorial.

Burdock roots are traditionally used for treatment, harvested either in late autumn or early spring, which are further dried.

Concerning leaves burdock, then they are not used as medicinal raw materials for long-term storage, since when dried they lose their medicinal properties.

However, in the practice of traditional medicine, there are many recipes that use juice squeezed from young burdock leaves. Traditional healers often recommend juice squeezed from the fresh root for treatment.

Juice, in the usual sense, is a liquid obtained mechanically or by steam from sufficiently hydrated plant tissue, usually from fruits and berries. By by and large, you can get juice from any part of the plant, since it is nothing more than moisture filling the intercellular space in which biologically active substances are dissolved.

The therapeutic effect of “live” juice often cannot be compared with aqueous extracts, since intercellular and intracellular moisture is akin to all fluid environments of the patient’s body, and therefore is absorbed an order of magnitude more efficiently.

Preparing burdock juice

Burdock leaves are no different high content moisture, especially in the summer, so for For the preparation of the medicine, only plants are used during the initial growing season.

Most optimal time to obtain juice from burdock leaves - spring (April - May), and even the beginning of summer (June), subject to heavy rainfall and moderate temperature conditions.

As the ambient temperature rises, the cells become lignified, making it difficult to extract fluid. It is problematic to obtain juice from coarse fiber tissue, so you have to resort to various tricks, for example, soaking the collected leaves in cold water for several hours.

Physiological processes in cut leaves do not stop instantly, therefore osmotic pressure in the cells it promotes “pumping” of fluid from the outside, thus, the water content of the tissues increases, therefore, the juice yield will be greater.

Young leaves, cut with petioles, are used to obtain juice.

  • After preliminary soaking in cold water (2 - 3, sometimes up to 5 - 6 hours), they must be passed through a meat grinder.
  • The juice is squeezed out of the pulp obtained in this way using a mechanical press. If you don't have a press, you can use a wooden rolling pin.
  • The crushed mass is wrapped in 2 layers of gauze, placed on an inclined surface and the juice is squeezed out by rolling.

It should be noted that the filling is carried out in small portions, which allows you to increase the yield of the finished product.

Burdock root juice get in a similar way, using only the roots of the first year of life (autumn or early spring collection). Lignified burdock taproots are not suitable for making juice, primarily because they lose their healing properties.

Medicinal properties of burdock juice

Freshly squeezed burdock juice has antibacterial activity and can be used as effective anti-inflammatory agent.

Burdock juice, when applied externally, often has a stronger effect than many known drugs: they lubricate traumatic and dermatological lesions skin.

By the way, for external use, the juice can be preserved with alcohol and stored for a long time in the refrigerator. For preservation, alcohol is used at a concentration of 20% in the proportion of 1 part alcohol to 5 parts juice.

Burdock root juice is commonly used for indoor use.

According to the results of scientific research, burdock juice turned out to be effective means for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and urinary system.

There is evidence that burdock juice can be used for the prevention and treatment of cancer in early stages illnesses.

Burdock root juice can also be prepared for future use by preserving it with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio.

Treatment with burdock juice

It is advisable to consume burdock root juice before meals, approximately 20 - 30 minutes.

Dosage per appointment can be from 1 to 2 tbsp.

Frequency of reception- up to 4 times a day.

  • When treating problems with the pancreas, burdock juice is most effective when taken in the morning, before 11 o'clock in the afternoon (from 11 to 13 the daily biorhythm of the pancreas continues).
  • Diseases of the digestive system can be effectively treated if you take the juice after 13 hours.
  • After 20 hours and before bedtime, the juice is taken in case of problems with the intestines and diseases of the urinary system.


Burdock juice, obtained from both leaves and roots, doesn't have absolute contraindications , however, a consultation with your doctor will help you choose the most efficient mode reception.

Recipes using burdock juice

- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • To prepare the product you will need juice squeezed from burdock roots and liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio.

The ingredients must be carefully mixed into a homogeneous mass (you can use a mixer) and left in a dark place for 3 weeks.

The treatment is a course; a course will require half a liter of juice and honey.

It is necessary to complete 3 courses, with a week break between them.

- Diseases of the liver and gall bladder. For treatment, juice from burdock leaves is used, which, due to its specific bitterness, has a beneficial effect on bile secretion processes and also promotes the regeneration of liver tissue.

The course of treatment is 7 days, repeated every other week. For treatment you need to take 3 courses.

The approximate juice consumption for the entire treatment period is 1 liter (take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day).

For preventive purposes, treatment is carried out once a year.

- Joint diseases. In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, which, as a rule, have an infectious component in their essence, liquid liniment is used, prepared from freshly squeezed juice of burdock leaves and vegetable (olive) oil.

  • The components are mixed into a homogeneous suspension in a ratio of 2:1.

In the treatment of gout and other diseases associated with salt deposition, in parallel with external use, juice obtained from the root (and/or leaves of burdock) is taken orally. Published by econet.ru

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines and treatment options, consult your doctor.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Also in early childhood We are all becoming familiar with a plant called burdock. Some people consider it a weed, but for others it is a means to get rid of health problems. So we’ll cover the topic of why burdock juice is good, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

About the medicinal properties of the drink

By drinking freshly squeezed burdock juice (the second name for burdock), you will normalize the metabolism in the body.

And the course use of the drink will improve the functioning of the kidneys, removing unnecessary fluid without harm and stabilizing sweating, as well as:

  • will help heal from stomach ulcers and inflammation in gallbladder, in the intestines. The ability of the product to envelop and eliminate fermentation processes will relieve flatulence and abdominal cramps;
  • will stop the growth of malignant cells. Burdock juice also normalizes the internal state, eliminating the negative changes that occur during cancer. This quality is explained by the presence of an alkaloid in the substance that can cure tumors;
  • normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • treats joint ailments, stopping the destruction of the affected areas and positively influencing the entire muscular system, promoting weight gain. And in case of injuries, the plant relieves inflammation and has a stabilizing effect;
  • normalizes body temperature during colds and infectious diseases, increasing the body's defenses;
  • as an additional remedy, it is used for gynecological ailments, helping to get rid of cysts and fibroids, as well as inflammatory diseases of the breast and all kinds of diseases of organs located in the pelvic area;
  • restores hair structure, stopping hair loss, and has a beneficial effect on facial skin, eliminating inflammation, pollution and preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles.

And cooked dishes with the addition of burdock juice not only give a unique taste, but also provide benefits for the digestive system.

All these qualities are inherent in the plant due to its rich chemical composition with a large number of substances important for our health - vitamin C is 6 times more than in lemon; the root contains a lot of inulin and polysaccharides; fiber and carotene; tannins, essential oils and amino acids.

Diseases cured by burdock juice

What does burdock juice cure? A huge spectrum of action allows it to be used as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antiseptic, analgesic, anticancer, antipruritic and laxative.

Indications for use.

Burdock juice is indicated for the following health problems:

  1. Constipation, dropsy, cystitis and sand in the kidneys.
  2. Hemorrhoids and lazy bowel syndrome.
  3. Menopause, mitigating symptoms.
  4. Gynecological cysts and cancerous tumors.
  5. Promotes the rapid binding and elimination of toxins, which is excellent for alcohol and food intoxication.
  6. Diabetes mellitus, removing excess sugar and stabilizing general state. At the same time, the drink has preventive action from increased blood sugar.
  7. Dystrophy in children and physical exhaustion.
  8. Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis and asthma, which is explained by the ability of the plant to quickly remove phlegm and relieve even old inflammation.

The effect of the drink also extends to the organs of the digestive system. Thanks to his ability to short time Damaged tissues are restored and digestive enzymes are produced.

When to use burdock juice

Burdock juice is used in many cases, such as prophylactic, and medicinal.

For a very long time, the drink has effectively helped relieve alcohol intoxication, as well as:

  • heal various injuries in the form of wounds, cuts and bruises;
  • strengthen hair roots, nourishing them and making them elastic;
  • normalize the functioning of the pancreas, prevent the development of diabetes;
  • heal ailments of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • treat skin diseases - eczema, furunculosis and allergic dermatitis;
  • stop the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • Important: a substance (crystalline) was found in the plant that programs cancer cells to die.
  • get rid of cysts in the breast (mammary glands), kidneys and liver, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to consume burdock juice for a week in the spring, after which a 7-day break is taken and the course is repeated. Since the shelf life of a freshly prepared drink is not long, it is better to purchase the ready-made composition at the pharmacy.

How to drink burdock juice

As already mentioned, this bitter drink treats and prevents many diseases. But you need to drink it correctly, which will protect you from possible negative consequences.

How to drink juice.

Depending on the problem, the part of the plant from which the juice is made is selected. For example, for the treatment of oncology, a drink is prepared from leaves, and for the liver and kidneys - from the roots.

Moreover, in the first case, you can sweeten it by mixing it with honey, and in the second, it is recommended to drink it in its pure form without any additives.

The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days with a break similar to the duration of treatment. You need to drink 1 large spoon three times a day before meals, half an hour before meals.

Now about ways to drink the drink when various diseases. For example, to treat cancer with burdock juice, you will need young leaves of a plant less than a year old. They must be placed in cool water for 2 hours, after which grind in a blender, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth and drink 1 tablespoon up to 5 times during the day.

Important: in order to prevent the development of oncology, take juice prepared in this way 2 times a year - in spring and autumn for a month, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

If you need to get rid of ovarian cysts, you need to drink the drink every 3 hours, except at night, for a month. At the end of the course, do an ultrasound. If they have significantly decreased in size, but have not disappeared completely, repeat the course after a week's break.

In order to heal from mastopathy, you will need to take the drink twice a day - a minimum course of 2 weeks. The composition can also be used externally, applied to the chest, at night.

Anti-diabetes juice is consumed as follows - 30 minutes after meals, 1 glass 4 times a day for 4 weeks. After a 2-week break, repeat the course.

The plant also helps with hair loss, and is much more effective than newfangled industrial products. To strengthen, regularly apply burdock oil to the scalp, to which you can add chicken yolks, vitamins A and E, as well as cocoa.

Making burdock juice at home

To prepare your own healing drink at home, you must meet certain conditions:

  1. The optimal time for collecting material is May or the beginning of flowering (the first weeks).
  2. Choose a day with high air humidity - the plant is most saturated with moisture at this time.
  3. Collect away from roads and industries.

Grind the roots and foliage of burdock, squeeze out the juice and set aside. Pour the resulting cake with water 1/10, respectively, and leave for 2 hours, then mix the juice with the thick mass, placing it in the refrigerator.

In what cases is burdock juice contraindicated and possible harm from use?

Like any other natural medicinal product, burdock juice can cause harm, so here is a list of contraindications to avoid this:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to plant components and allergic reactions;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • thrombocytopathy or slow blood clotting.

You should not drink the drink without consulting a specialist, especially when treating a serious illness.

Excessive consumption of the composition can also be harmful to health, causing the deposition of glycogen in the liver, which will gradually lead to obesity and other problems. Therefore, discuss treatment with burdock juice with your doctor and do everything correctly. Health to you and your loved ones!

Burdock juice is an effective remedy for many diseases. Housewives are wondering how to prepare burdock juice at home and how to preserve it so that they can have a healing remedy throughout the year. Preparing burdock juice in large quantities takes a long time. It is much easier to buy a ready-made concentrated extract at the pharmacy. But if there is a lot of raw materials, then it is better to prepare it yourself for future use.

Composition and properties of juice

Burdock juice contains many vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins. It contains useful minerals, acids, tannins, resins and essential oils. All these components have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Burdock juice and its medicinal properties are actively used by herbalists. This drink has excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and choleretic properties. In addition, this drink has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-allergenic properties. This healing agent is used externally to treat many skin diseases and to strengthen hair.

The healing properties of burdock make it possible to take its juice for diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, and atherosclerosis. It is used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and cancer. For women, this remedy helps get rid of cysts, fibroids and mastopathy.


To make a high-quality drink, it is advisable to use young burdock leaves and shoots of the plant, they contain the maximum amount of useful substances. To do this, raw materials must be collected from April to June. Collect plants away from highways. The autumn foliage of burdock, although green, loses its medicinal properties. However, if there are no other raw materials, then this can be used.

The technology for squeezing juice from burdock leaves is simple. Before squeezing, the leaves and shoots should be soaked in cold water for about 3 hours to remove the unpleasant bitter taste from them. Burdock plants are not used for such preparations. Then the plant is squeezed out, shaken off the water, slightly dried and passed through a meat grinder 2 times. The resulting mixture is placed in a gauze napkin, which is folded several times, and the juice is squeezed out through it. This freshly squeezed burdock leaf juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

For some diseases, it is recommended to squeeze the juice not only from the leaves, but also from the burdock root. To prepare this recipe, you need to grind the leaves and root of the plant taken in equal parts. Squeeze out the liquid from the resulting slurry. The remaining cake is not thrown away, but is filled with water in a ratio of 1:10 and left for about 2 hours. The resulting tincture is mixed with juice and stored in the refrigerator. It is important that every housewife not only prepares the healing remedy correctly, but is also able to preserve it longer.

To get juice from burdock roots, you need to choose a young plant, which means digging it up in early spring or autumn. The roots are thoroughly washed from the soil, rolled through a meat grinder and the liquid is squeezed out of them. How long will this product be stored? The juice can be stored in its pure form for no more than 3 days. With the addition of alcohol or vodka, the resulting drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Long-term storage of juice

For long-term storage of juice, it is mixed with vodka or alcohol. Making a tincture of alcohol and burdock nectar is very simple. Juice is prepared with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. The alcohol tincture is prepared in a different proportion: a glass of 96% alcohol is taken for 1 liter of nectar. This tincture of burdock with vodka can be stored in a cool, dark place for a year.

Often, to enhance the medicinal qualities and to increase shelf life, any honey is added to burdock juice in a 1:1 ratio. Burdock nectar with honey can be consumed not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure. This mixture can be stored for a long time if you add 0.5 parts of alcohol to it.

To preserve the medicinal product, mix 0.5 liters of juice, 0.5 kg of honey and 100 ml of alcohol in a glass container. The tincture should stand at room temperature for 2 days. Then the container is tightly sealed with a lid and stored in a dark and cool place. The properties of this tincture last for a year.

Not all patients can drink the medicinal product in alcohol; in this case, it can be preserved for long-term storage. Bring the drink to a boil and preserve it in sterilized jars. This preservation can be stored in a cool place without losing its properties for about 10 months.

Other harvesting methods

Healing decoctions can also be prepared from burdock leaves, which can be consumed every day for a year. To do this, it is recommended to dry them in order to be treated all year round. It is advisable to dry in a dark, well-ventilated area. You can speed up this process in the oven, but the temperature should not exceed 45˚C. Harvested dried leaves are stored for no more than 3 years.

Is it possible to freeze burdock juice, how to do it? To be able to be treated with burdock for a long time, the nectar from it can be frozen for the winter. Before preparing burdock juice in this case, young leaves (preferably only the top ones) are washed and dried. They are then chopped and put through a juicer. 50 medium leaves can make 100 ml of concentrated drink.

The juice prepared in this way is diluted with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting product is poured into special ice molds. We freeze the healing agent in the freezer, freezing should last until it hardens completely. Subsequently, frozen mixtures are used for treatment after they have thawed.

Canned burdock juice, frozen, tincture or decoction are very useful for the treatment of many diseases. But before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid unwanted complications. Like other folk remedies, it may have contraindications for use.

In the article we discuss burdock leaf juice - composition, benefits and contraindications, methods of using the drink for various diseases and in cosmetology. Using our recommendations, you will learn how to squeeze the juice from the leaves yourself, as well as make and use compositions with vodka and honey.

The juice of burdock leaves is prepared with vodka or honey and used for medicinal purposes. We are accustomed to consider burdock (or in other words, burdock) an annoying weed. Meanwhile, the benefits of burdock leaf juice are difficult to overestimate - its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times, it is used to combat many diseases.

Composition of burdock leaf juice:

  • Vitamins B, PP, E, C, K. Improve intercellular connections, provide normal level basic metabolism, participate in the production of hemoglobin, support the functioning of the immune system.
  • Selenium. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, ensures absorption fat-soluble vitamins, supports reproductive function, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves cell regeneration, and participates in the production of hormones.
  • Magnesium. Participates in the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy) and melatonin (the hormone of sleep), ensures the absorption of calcium, potassium and ascorbic acid, and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Iron. Regulates oxygen exchange in tissues, supports brain function and improves immunity.
  • Sodium. Regulates water-salt metabolism And acid-base balance, participates in the production of gastric juice, dilates blood vessels.
  • Manganese. Participates in the formation bone tissue, prevents the growth of fatty deposits in the liver, supports the work nervous system on high level, has a calming effect.
  • Calcium. In tandem with phosphorus and vitamin D3, it ensures the growth and strengthening of bone and cartilage tissue, improves transmission nerve impulses, contractility of muscle fibers, is involved in the regulation of blood clotting.
  • Phosphorus. Maintains metabolism at a high level, participates in the formation of bone tissue, provides normal work muscles, heart, kidneys.
  • Zinc. Regulates blood sugar levels, improves tissue regeneration, brain function, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Medicinal properties of juice:

  • antioxidant;
  • regenerating;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticancer.

Indications for use

Thanks to its rich composition, burdock juice received quite wide application in folk medicine. Moreover, each part of the plant has its own action and benefits.

What does burdock leaf juice help with:

  • influenza, ARVI;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • poisoning;
  • disturbances of intestinal microflora;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • inflammatory phenomena on the skin;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Juice from burdock leaves is useful for various neoplasms: the product has a resolving effect on cysts and prevents the development of oncology.

How to squeeze juice from burdock leaves

Choose plants of the first year of life, they contain more useful substances. When are burdock leaves collected for juice? Only young leaves collected between April and June are suitable (depending on the region of growth). Later they become hard and dry. The leaves need to be cut along with the petioles, and the higher up the stem, the better.

Raw materials should be collected in environmentally friendly places, away from roads, manufacturing enterprises, garbage dumps. Otherwise instead effective treatment and the benefits of burdock leaf juice will only result in harm, because the plant, like a sponge, absorbs harmful substances from the environment.

How to squeeze juice from burdock leaves:

  1. Rinse the raw materials under running water.
  2. Soak in clean water for 2−4 hours.
  3. Drain the liquid.
  4. Dry the leaves.
  5. Pass the raw materials through a juicer.

Even young burdock leaves do not contain much moisture, so the juice yield from them is very small: from 1 kg of raw materials you will get about 1 glass of medicinal juice.

If you don’t have a juicer, finely chop the leaves and squeeze the juice through gauze folded in several layers. True, in this case the juice yield will be meager.

Juice from burdock leaves quickly loses its medicinal properties, so the shelf life of the product is only 3 days in the refrigerator. Then it is better to prepare a new portion. If you have collected a lot of raw materials, then the excess leaves or the finished juice can be frozen.

How to take burdock leaf juice

How to take burdock leaf juice depends on the specific disease. Since the product has a pronounced bitter taste, it is usually seized with a small amount of natural, which only enhances the beneficial properties of the medicine.

For hepatitis and cholecystitis, drink 1 tablespoon of juice three times a day half an hour before meals. The first option of admission: course - 1 week, then - a pause of 1 week, then the course of admission can be repeated. The permissible maximum is 4 consecutive weekly courses. The second option: drink the juice for 30 days in a row, then take a break of 1 week, then the course can be repeated.

For ARVI and influenza, start drinking juice from burdock leaves as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear: 2 tablespoons three times a day, half an hour before meals, until complete recovery.

To cleanse the intestines, take 1 tablespoon of burdock leaf juice in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass. warm water. The course is no longer than 1 week. It is advisable not to use anything to counteract the bitterness of the medicine.

To obtain a general strengthening effect and for preventive purposes, drink the juice for 1 month according to the following scheme: the first 3 days - 1 teaspoon per day, the next 3 days - 2 teaspoons per day and the subsequent days - 3 teaspoons per day.

How to drink juice from burdock leaves for gastritis and stomach ulcers: dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in half a glass of warm water and drink half an hour before meals three times a day. Course - up to 1 month.

The juice of burdock leaves is also useful in gynecology. For vaginal dysbiosis and vaginitis, fibroids: dilute 1 tablespoon of juice and the same amount of honey in a glass of warm water, moisten a cotton swab and administer overnight. In addition, take 1 tablespoon orally three times a day.

To treat cysts and tumors, take 2 teaspoons of juice at intervals of 2 hours for a month. Then - a break for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tumor every month using an ultrasound machine.

If during treatment you experience nausea, abdominal pain, headaches, or allergy symptoms, stop taking burdock leaf juice immediately. Uncontrolled use of the medicine is unacceptable; be sure to consult your doctor.

Burdock juice with vodka


  1. Burdock leaf juice - 100 ml.
  2. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a dark glass bottle, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water and drink three times a day before meals.

Result: The product improves immunity, improves performance internal organs, struggling with depressive states and insomnia.

The shelf life of burdock leaf juice with vodka is up to 1 year.

Burdock leaf juice is more than effective for rubbing sore joints: dilute the product with any vegetable oil 1:1 if the skin at the application sites is irritated or damaged. In other cases, you can use the composition in its pure form. After the procedure, the joint should be insulated with a warm scarf.

Burdock juice with honey

To extend the life and enhance the healing properties of burdock leaf juice, mix it with honey. Alcohol also acts as a preservative in this recipe.


  1. Burdock leaf juice - 250 ml.
  2. Alcohol - 50 ml.
  3. Natural honey - 250 gr.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients in an opaque glass or ceramic container, seal tightly with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: For the first 3 days, take 1 teaspoon twice a day before meals. The next 3 days - 1 teaspoon three times a day. The next 3 weeks - 1 tablespoon three times a day. Course - 4 weeks.

Result: The tincture saturates with vitamins, strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing of stomach ulcers, fights dysbacteriosis and metabolic disorders.

Burdock leaf juice in cosmetology

The medicinal properties of burdock leaf juice are also popular in cosmetology: for restoration damaged hair and skin beauty.

To give damaged and depleted hair strength, shine and elasticity, cope with dandruff and accelerate the growth of curls - rub burdock leaf juice into the scalp half an hour before washing. Use 1-2 times a week for 1 month. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a mild shampoo with a natural composition.

If you suffer from acne, oily skin, grey colour face - dilute burdock leaf juice 1:1 with warm boiled water and wipe your face with the resulting product after washing. This lotion restores the acid-base balance of the skin, prevents the development pathogenic microflora, reduces sebum secretion, improves complexion.

For furunculosis, eczema, and trophic ulcers, make lotions from the juice of burdock leaves in their pure form. Apply up to 5 times a day on clean, dry skin.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite all the beneficial properties, burdock leaf juice also has contraindications. It is not recommended to take the drug:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with a tendency to allergic reactions.

Not recommended long-term use funds for people with varicose veins and a tendency to thrombosis: juice from burdock leaves thickens the blood. Or take blood thinners at the same time. A doctor should prescribe and calculate the dosage of such medications.

Burdock juice - reviews

Real reviews from people who have used burdock leaf juice:

Inga, 41 years old

My husband was diagnosed with erosion in his stomach. My mother advised me to drink a tincture of burdock leaf juice, honey and alcohol. I took one spoon three times a day. A month later, an ultrasound showed that the erosion had healed. But in addition to the tincture, my husband also drank olive oil on an empty stomach every morning. I think it worked as a whole.

Valery, 36 years old

Burdock juice is actually a powerful thing, but you need to take it with caution - there may be side effects. After two weeks of taking it, I developed nausea and an upset stomach. They advised to take a break for a week and start drinking a teaspoon at first and gradually increase the dose to a tablespoon at a time. It worked! By the way, I took it for gout and after a month of taking it, tests showed a decrease in the level uric acid, and began to feel much better.

Sergey, 34 years old

I drank juice for prostatitis in courses of 2 weeks. After just a couple of days, the symptoms decrease, the frequency of night trips to the toilet decreases, and the pressure, on the contrary, increases. And my wife drank for a cyst on her ovary: after two months it decreased in size. We continue to drink.

For more information on how to make burdock juice, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Procure raw materials in environmentally friendly places.
  2. If you can't stand the bitterness, eat the juice with a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Do not exceed the dosages and duration of use indicated in the recipes.
  4. Do not take the product if there are contraindications.
  5. Before taking burdock leaf juice, be sure to consult a specialist.

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