Sumamed - instructions for use. Suspension and tablets "Sumamed": complete instructions for use for children, antibiotic analogues

Composition of the medicinal product Sumamed

1 bottle contains active substance azithromycin in the form of dihydrate - 500 mg and
excipients: citric acid, sodium hydroxide.

5 ml of the prepared suspension contains
active substance azithromycin (in the form of dihydrate) - 200 mg and auxiliary components: sucrose, trisodium phosphate anhydrous, hydroxypropylcellulose, xanthan gum, cherry flavor J7549, banana 78701-31, vanilla D-125038, colloidal silicon dioxide.

Dosage form

tablets of 500 mg No. 3.
tablets 125 mg No. 6.
capsules 250 mg No. 6.
20 ml bottle of powder for preparing a suspension (syrup) 100 mg/5 ml.
a bottle of 20 ml and 30 ml of powder for preparing a suspension (syrup) forte 200 mg/5 ml.

Pharmacological properties

Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Azalide antibiotic, a representative of a new subgroup of macrolide antibiotics. When high concentrations are created at the site of inflammation, it has a bactericidal effect.

Gram-positive cocci are sensitive to Azithromycin: Streptococcus pneumoniae, St. pyogenes, St. agalactiae, group CF and G streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus,St. viridans; gram negative bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, Legionella pneumophila, H. ducrei, Campylobacter jejuni, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Gardnerella vaginalis; some anaerobic microorganisms: Bacteroides bivius, Clostridium perfringens, Peptostreptococcus spp; as well as Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Treponema pallidum, Borrelia burgdoferi. Azithromycin is inactive against gram-positive bacteria resistant to erythromycin.

Suction. Azithromycin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, due to its stability in an acidic environment and lipophilicity. After oral administration of 500 mg of Azithromycin, the maximum concentration of azithromycin in the blood plasma is reached after 2.5–2.96 hours and is 0.4 mg/l. Bioavailability is 37%.

Azithromycin penetrates well into the respiratory tract, organs and tissues of the urogenital tract (in particular, prostate gland), into the skin and soft fabrics. High concentration in tissues (10-50 times higher than in blood plasma) and a long period half-life is due to the low binding of azithromycin to blood plasma proteins, as well as its ability to penetrate into eukaryotic cells and concentrate in the low pH environment surrounding the lysosomes. This, in turn, determines the large apparent volume of distribution (31.1 l/kg) and high plasma clearance. The ability of azithromycin to accumulate predominantly in lysosomes is especially important for the elimination of intracellular pathogens. It has been proven that phagocytes deliver azithromycin to sites of infection, where it is released during the process of phagocytosis. The concentration of azithromycin in foci of infection is significantly higher than in healthy tissues (on average by 24-34%) and correlates with the degree inflammatory edema. Despite its high concentration in phagocytes, azithromycin does not have a significant effect on their function.

Azithromycin remains in bactericidal concentrations at the site of inflammation for 5-7 days after taking the last dose, which made it possible to develop short (3-day and 5-day) courses of treatment.

The elimination of azithromycin from blood plasma occurs in 2 stages: the half-life is 14-20 hours in the range from 8 to 24 hours after taking the drug and 41 hours in the range from 24 to 72 hours, which allows the drug to be used once a day.

Indications for use Sumamed

Infectious diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug: infections of the upper sections respiratory tract and ENT organs - sore throat, sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), tonsillitis (inflammation palatine tonsils/gland/), otitis media(inflammation of the middle ear cavity); scarlet fever; infections of the lower respiratory tract - bacterial and atypical pneumonia (pneumonia), bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi); infections of the skin and soft tissues - erysipelas, impetigo (superficial pustular skin lesions with the formation of purulent crusts), secondary infected dermatoses ( skin diseases); genitourinary tract infections - gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis (inflammation urethra) and/or cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix); Lyme disease (borreliosis - infection, caused by the spirochete Borrelia).


Increased sensitivity to macrolide antibiotics. Caution is required when prescribing the drug to patients with severely impaired liver and kidney function. The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients indicating allergic reactions in the anamnesis (medical history).

Cautions for use

During pregnancy and lactation, sumamed is not prescribed, except in cases where the benefits of using the drug outweigh the possible risks.

It is necessary to observe a break of 2 hours while using antacids. Use with caution when pronounced violations liver function, kidney function, cardiac arrhythmias (possible ventricular arrhythmias and prolongation of the QT interval). After discontinuation of treatment, hypersensitivity reactions may persist in some patients, which requires specific therapy under medical supervision.

Interactions with drugs

Enhances the effect of ergot alkaloids, dihydroergotamine. Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol - enhance the effect (synergism), lincosamides - reduce the effect. Antacids, ethanol, food slow down and reduce absorption. Slows down excretion, increases serum concentrations and increases the toxicity of cycloserine, indirect anticoagulants, methylprednisolone and felodipine. By inhibiting microsomal oxidation in hepatocytes, it prolongs T1/2, slows down excretion, increases the concentration and toxicity of carbamazepine, ergot alkaloids, valproic acid, hexobarbital, phenytoin, disopyramide, bromocriptine, theophylline and other xanthine derivatives, oral hypoglycemic agents. Incompatible with heparin.

Directions for use and dosage Sumamed

Sumamed is taken once a day, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.

Infections of the respiratory tract, skin and soft tissues: 500 mg for 3 days. Chronic migratory erythema: 1 g on day 1, then 500 mg from days 2 to 5. For stomach diseases and duodenum associated with Helicobacter pylori 1 g (2 tablets of 500 mg) per day for 3 days. Sexually transmitted diseases (uncomplicated urethritis/cervicitis): 1 g once.

Infections of the respiratory tract, skin and soft tissues: 10 mg/kg 1 time per day for 3 days. The exception is chronic migratory erythema: 1 time per day for 5 days at a dose of 20 mg/kg on the 1st day, then 10 mg/kg from the 2nd to the 5th day.

Side effects

Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, less often - vomiting and flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines). A transient (transient) increase in the activity of liver enzymes is possible. Extremely rare - skin rash.


Symptoms: nausea, temporary hearing loss, vomiting, diarrhea.
Treatment: symptomatic; gastric lavage.

Storage conditions

List B. In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

As the instructions for use indicate, the drug Sumamed is an antibiotic with a wide therapeutic spectrum of action.

Infectious microorganisms that can provoke various severe inflammatory diseases of the respiratory, digestive, and other body systems in humans are sensitive to this drug.

When taking Sumamed, the indications for use of which are described in detail in the instructions, a pronounced bactericidal effect is achieved healing effect.

The therapeutic effect of this drug is due to its pharmacological affiliation with macrolides. Also, this remedy belongs to the latest (second) generation of antibiotics, the main active ingredient which contains the substance azithromycin.

Principle of action and effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis

The drug Sumamed, the indications for use of which affect most diseases respiratory system, is considered very effective when prescribed to patients with prostatitis. At the same time, among large quantity various medications containing azithromycin, Sumamed is considered by doctors to be the most effective in treating prostatitis.

This therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the increased frequency of raw materials that are used during the synthesis of the drug. Moreover, the effect of the antibiotic, as well as its safety in relation to patients, was confirmed not only by research, but also by numerous observations of patients by doctors themselves.

The effectiveness of Sumamed in relation to prostatitis is justified by the following:

  • The drug has a broad bactericidal therapeutic effect, so it is active not only against ordinary staphylococci, but also against specific pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.
  • The product acts not only on the walls of microbes, but completely leads to the suppression of their vital activity and reproduction.
  • Even after the initial intake of an antibiotic capsule or tablet, high concentration a drug that is sufficient to begin to suppress the outbreak of bacteria.
  • After completion of therapy, the antibiotic substance remains in the blood for another week and provides a protective effect against re-progression of the infection.

Sumamed, whose indications for use allow it to be prescribed for most diseases of the upper respiratory tract, has several disadvantages of use for prostatitis. Thus, treatment of this disease with Sumamed increases the risk of intoxication of the body. Moreover, the cost of an antibiotic is an order of magnitude higher than its analogues with an identical therapeutic effect.

Indications for use

Prescribing Sumamed is indicated for infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract (including ENT diseases), such as tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, as well as infectious bronchitis.

The antibiotic will be effective for genital infections (urethritis) and lesions skin(erysipelas, dermatosis secondary form, erythema).

Additional indications for the use of this antibacterial agent are genitourinary infections, tonsillitis and cervicitis in women (inflammation of the uterus).

It should be noted that assign this medicine only the attending physician can, taking into account age, indications, and the presence of concomitant diseases at the patient. Self-medication with Sumamed is strictly prohibited, especially in relation to children.

Contraindications and side effects

It is prohibited to use Sumamed if the patient has an individual intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary ingredients of the drug. Heart and vascular diseases are also a significant contraindication.

Use with caution and only under medical supervision this antibiotic needed for patients with impaired renal and liver function. Also, it is necessary to treat with such a remedy exclusively for its intended purpose during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the elderly patient.

If contraindications are ignored and therapeutic therapy without taking them into account, the patient’s likelihood of developing side effects increases several times.

When taking Sumamed powder or tablets orally side effects develop infrequently. Despite this, a person is at risk of experiencing the following adverse reactions:

  • Deterioration of digestion, which will be expressed in nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, and gastritis. There may also be a decrease in appetite.
  • All kinds allergic manifestations in the form of a rash on the skin.
  • Deterioration of kidney function, nephritis and candidiasis in women.
  • Deterioration of heart function, chest pain, arrhythmia.

Additional possible side effects may include increased drowsiness, decreased enzyme production, headache and weakness.

According to Internet resources, from adverse reactions When treated with Sumamed, no more than 2% of patients suffer. This indicates overall favorable tolerability of the drug in most cases.

Sumamed: active ingredient, features of administration for various diseases, analogues and cost of the drug

The drug Sumamed, the active ingredient of which is azithromycin, is effective in early stages prostatitis. In this case, this active antibiotic can be prescribed in capsules or tablets.

The permissible pharmacological dosage of Sumamed, the active substance of which belongs to the macrolides, is 1 g three times a day. The general recommended course of therapy is 7-10 days.

As for taking the drug in the form of an oral suspension, it is not suitable for the treatment of prostatitis. This form The release of the product is used to treat young children.

Directions for use and dosage for other diseases

To treat infections of the reproductive system and urethritis without complications, you need to take 1 g of the drug once. If these diseases persist for a long time, you should take 1 g of the drug three times a day. The course of treatment is one week.

During therapy for stomach diseases caused by streptococcus, you should take two tablets per day. The course of treatment is 3 days.

To eliminate infectious lesions of the respiratory system, you need to take one antibiotic tablet once a day. The duration of therapy is 3-5 days.

It should also be noted that if during treatment a person experiences abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or other danger signs complications, therapy should be stopped and the patient should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If necessary, the specialist can adjust the dosage of the antibiotic or replace the drug with a safer analogue.


The antibiotic Sumamed has quite a lot medicinal analogues, which have similar therapeutic effect. Among them, the most effective are Azithromycin, Amikacin, Erythromycin and Azitrox.

Despite the fact that the analogues described above have the same active substance as Sumamed, it is important to consult a doctor before using them, since such drugs can have different features treatment and permissible dosage.


Sumamed, the active substance of which is contained in equal quantities in different forms release of the drug, is considered a product in the middle price category. Its cost is determined by the specific place of sale, as well as the form of release of the medicine.

Thus, average cost capsules are 450 rubles, the price of tablets starts from 420 rubles. As for the oral suspension, it will cost 260 rubles.

Where can I buy

Today you can purchase the antibiotic Sumamed in almost any pharmacy or on the website of distributors of this drug. It is also worth remembering that product packaging may differ. This is justified by different antibiotic manufacturers.

It is an antibacterial drug from the macrolide category. This is a new generation antibiotic that is prescribed to adults and children to treat bacterial infections. It can be found at any pharmacy and purchased from a prescription. The drug has a number of contraindications and side effects, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Sumamed belongs to the macrolide antibiotics. It is the least toxic and most safe group antibacterial drugs that effectively destroy pathogens, but rarely give side effects.You can buy Sumamed at any pharmacy; its price is relatively low. In some cases this is the only possible antibiotic. It is often prescribed to treat children.

The main active ingredient of the drug is azithromycin. This is a semi-synthetic antibiotic that disrupts bacterial protein synthesis, thereby destroying most pathogens. Azithromycin is active against a large number of bacteria, however, some microorganisms are resistant to macrolides, so before use it is advisable to test the sensitivity of the pathogen to certain drugs.

Sumamed is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, penetrating the tissues of the lungs, genitals, skin, etc. The drug has several forms that are convenient for use: hard-shell tablets, gelatin-coated capsules, and powder for preparing a suspension. The suspension is recommended for the treatment of young children.Tablets are available in dosages of 125 and 500 mg, capsules - 250 mg, powder for suspension - 100 mg.

This is a type of tissue antibiotic: the drug is slowly eliminated from tissues, where its concentration is much higher, in the blood plasma.

For this reason, Sumamed is taken short courses(3-6 days) because after the last dose it remains in the body for up to a week. Azithromycin is slowly eliminated from the body because it binds poorly to blood proteins.Sumamed should be stored in a cool place. dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 and not lower than 15 degrees. The diluted suspension is used for 1 course of treatment and is not stored after that.

Excipients vary depending on the form of release. The suspension contains sucrose and citric acid, capsules - sulfur dioxide as a preservative, tablets - calcium and corn starch.can be taken simultaneously with other drugs, subject to a certain interval, but antibiotics should not be combined with alcohol, since azithromycin enhances its effect and increases the concentration of alcohol in the blood.


Sumamed is prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract caused by bacterial infection

The list of diseases for which it is permissible to take Sumamed is quite wide. This has a wide spectrum of action, so it is prescribed for various bacterial infections.

However, before use, it is advisable to undergo an analysis to determine the microorganism and its sensitivity to azithromycin. Taking Sumamed for an inappropriate infection leads to the emergence of resistance in pathogenic bacteria.

Indications for taking Sumamed:

  • . Usually treated with antibiotics acute form bronchitis. At Acute bronchitis caused by a bacterial infection, there is an accumulation of thick sputum in the bronchi, after some time it is expectorated. Possible admixtures of pus. For bronchitis of unknown etiology, Sumamed is prescribed to prevent complications.
  • . Pneumonia is most often caused by streptococcal bacteria and therefore requires treatment with antibiotics. Sumamed is effective against streptococci. Pneumonia often begins as common cold, but with constant heat. Then fever, chest pain and difficult sputum begin.
  • . Antibiotics are often prescribed for purulent tonsillitis(angina), in which purulent plaque or individual ulcers can be found on the palate and tonsils. Sumamed effectively fights the disease and prevents complications.
  • . For bacterial sinusitis (inflammation of the facial sinuses), antibiotics help cope with the cause of inflammation, destroy pathogenic bacteria and prevent the disease from becoming chronic, more severe.
  • . Otitis media can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. Sumamed is prescribed either for prevention or for signs of a bacterial infection: purulent discharge from the ear, elevated temperature bodies.
  • Borreliosis. Borreliosis is an infectious disease that can be contracted by a tick bite. The infection is transmitted through the saliva of the tick, penetrates all organs and tissues, and without treatment leads to complications and sometimes disability.
  • Skin infections. Sumamed is prescribed for various lesions skin of a bacterial and non-bacterial nature: erysipelas, dermatoses and dermatitis, acne.

Dosage and rules of use

The dosage of Sumamed should be determined by a doctor. It depends on the age and condition of the patient, the sensitivity of bacteria to azithromycin, and the presence of side effects. The effectiveness of the drug largely depends on proper use.

Antibiotics are taken according to certain rules, violation of which can lead to both a lack of progress in treatment and complications, the development of immunity in bacteria and a decrease in own immunity at the patient.Sumamed is taken once a day, regardless of the form of release. It is slowly eliminated from the body and more frequent dosing is not required. As a rule, the dose varies, but not the frequency of applications.

Drug dosage:

  • Children weighing more than 5 kg are prescribed a suspension in a dosage of 2.5 to 5 ml per day, depending on the severity of the condition.
  • Adults are prescribed tablets at a dosage of 500 mg once a day. Children from 6 to 12 years old - at a dosage of 125-250 mg.

After preparing the suspension, it is stored in the refrigerator and shaken thoroughly before use. It is not recommended to store ready suspension in the sun and use more than 3-5 days.

The course of treatment lasts 3 days, if necessary extended to 5 days.

It is not recommended to extend or interrupt the course on your own. The lack of effect within 5 days may indicate insensitivity of the bacteria, so extending the course is not always effective; most likely the doctor will replace the drug with another one. Quick effect indicates that bacteria are sensitive to azithromycin, but taking the drug for less than 3 days leads to a rapid relapse of the disease and the development of resistance in bacteria.

When taking the suspension, use a measuring spoon or syringe, which are present inside the package. Each time after use, the spoon or syringe must be rinsed well with running water.

Useful video - How to properly prepare the Sumamed suspension:

The antibiotic should be taken at the same time every day. This is necessary to maintain sufficient levels of the drug in the blood. Taking Sumamed does not depend on food intake, but it is believed that food may partially reduce the absorption of azithromycin.

If there are side effects in the form of dysbiosis, Sumamed can be combined with probiotics: Acipol, Linex, Bifidumbacterin.When treating multiple drugs, it is advisable to maintain a time interval of at least 2 hours between taking Sumamed and another drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Sumamed, like any antibiotic, has a number of contraindications and can lead to adverse reactions. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions. Side effects in the absence of contraindications and compliance with the dosage occur very rarely, since Sumamed belongs to the category of the most gentle antibiotics for healthy tissues.

Among the contraindications, manufacturers usually indicate the following conditions:

  • Liver and kidney diseases. Severe chronic renal and liver diseases, as well as renal and liver failure make it difficult to remove the drug from the body. It begins to accumulate, which leads to various complications.
  • . Sumamed is contraindicated for women who are breastfeeding. The drug passes into breast milk and enters the baby's body, causing gastrointestinal disorders and other complications. If taking Sumamed is necessary, the question of interrupting breastfeeding is raised.
  • Childhood. Children under 3 years of age are contraindicated in taking Sumamed tablets. From 6 months you can give the suspension as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Individual intolerance. Taking Sumamed is undesirable if the body is intolerant to macrolides. Side effects appear very quickly.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a direct contraindication. Taking an antibiotic during pregnancy is not advisable, but it can be prescribed if potential benefit exceeds the risk.

Despite the fact that side effects occur rarely (less than 1% of cases), they are indicated in the instructions as possible. Among the side effects, gastrointestinal disturbances most often occur: nausea, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, lack of appetite, gastritis, increased gas formation. Allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, redness, and swelling are also possible. From the outside nervous system Fainting, dizziness, drowsiness, anxiety, insomnia, and impaired sense of smell may occur.

When taking Sumamed, hearing and vision impairment may occur, including partial deafness and blindness. The antibiotic may have negative impact on the liver, especially if liver diseases were already present: hepatitis, liver dysfunction, jaundice, liver failure.

The price of Sumamed depends on the pharmacy chain. The price for tablets (500 mg each) varies from 8 to 10 dollars, for suspension – from 3.5 to 4 dollars, for capsules – from 8.5 to 10 dollars.

If the drug is intolerant, the doctor may replace it with an analogue:

  • . This drug is similar to Sumamed, but it is only available in tablets and capsules, which should not be given to children under 3 years of age. It's more cheap analogue, but sometimes it is recommended to take Sumamed, since it is less likely to cause side effects. Often prescribed for respiratory tract infections, genitourinary system And skin diseases. The antibiotic is taken once a day, but preferably not with food.
  • Zitnob. The drug also contains azithromycin. The drug is available in tablet form. However, Zitnob is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and weighing less than 45 kg. Its dosage is not intended for the treatment of small children and infants. Also, the drug is not prescribed for lactose intolerance.
  • Azitrox. The drug is based on azithromycin and also contains mannitol. Available in the form of capsules of 250 and 500 mg. Prescribed for various bacterial infections, Lyme disease, in the treatment of gastritis due to Helicobacter pylori in the composition complex therapy. Taking capsules is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. Azitrox is not taken with food, as it impedes the absorption of the drug. If antacids are taken for gastritis, they reduce the effectiveness of Azitrox.
  • Ecomed. Antibiotic based on azithromycin. Often prescribed infants due to its gentle effect on the body. Available in powder form for the preparation of suspensions and tablets. It is used in the same way as Sumamed.
  • Zitrolide. The drug with azithromycin is available in capsule form. Recommended for adults and children over 12 years old. Like all macrolides, take 1 capsule once a day. The price of the analogue is approximately the same as Sumamed, the composition is similar.

All drugs contain azithromycin, so if you are intolerant to macrolides, replacing them with analogues is ineffective. The antibiotic itself needs to be replaced.

Sumamed is an antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of action, belongs to the new macrolide subgroup of antibiotics, and has a bactericidal effect when it reaches the site of inflammation. It has a detrimental effect on gram-positive cocci, gram-negative bacteria, and certain anaerobic microorganisms. Available in different forms: powder, tablets, capsules.

The main active ingredient of the drug Sumamed is azithromycin. Sensitive to this substance significant amount harmful bacteria that cause various diseases person. Azithromycin has a detrimental effect on pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae), streptococci agalactiae, pyogenes, viridans, as well as streptococci of groups G and CF. The use of Sumamed is also harmful for Staphylococcus aureus - Staphylococcus aureus.

In addition to the above-mentioned harmful bacteria, azithromycin is able to successfully suppress the vital activity of a mass of gram-negative bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae (Haemophilus influenzae), Moraxella catarrhalis (a common causative agent of mucous infections in children, as well as exacerbations of bronchitis in adults), whooping cough bacteria (Bordetella pertussis and parapertussis), the causative agent of legionellosis Legionella pneumophila, the bacterium H. Ducrei (causes the development venereal disease chancroid), bacteria Campylobacter jejuni (causes the development of campylobacteriosis), gonococci Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Gardnerella vaginalis (provokes the disease gardnerellosis).

Sumamed also suppresses the reproduction of some anaerobic bacteria. Among them are the following: Bacteroidesbivius (causes the development inflammatory diseases pelvic organs), Clostridium perfringens (provokes food intoxication in humans, as well as gas gangrene), peptostreptococci Peptostreptococcus spp (in connection with other microorganisms contribute to the occurrence of mixed infections in humans), Chlamydia trachomatis (causes chlamydia infection), Mycoplasma pneumoniae (responsible for diseases respiratory system, lung and throat diseases), Ureaplasma urealyticum (causes ureaplasmosis), Treponema pallidum Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis), Borrelia burgdoferi (provokes the development of Lyme disease).

It is worth remembering that Sumamed and its active ingredient azithromycin are inactive against gram-positive bacteria sensitive to erythromycin.

Bioavailability active substance is at the level of 37%. The drug is mainly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, and this happens very quickly. Azithromycin reaches its maximum plasma concentration approximately 3 hours after administration.

Thanks to high degree absorption, azithromycin is very quickly and well distributed in the urogenital organs (including the prostate gland in men), as well as in the organs and tissues of the respiratory system, soft tissues.

The effectiveness of the drug Sumamed in the treatment of diseases is due to the fact that its active substance has the ability to accumulate in lysosomes.

Due to the cumulative effect of the drug, it is taken for a short period of time, but at the same time it is able to continue to fight pathogenic bacteria for 5-7 days after the last pill taken.

Indications for use

Sumamed is prescribed:

The advantage of the drug Sumamed is that it does not need to be taken multiple times during the day. It is enough to drink a certain dose of medicine just once a day. Just remember that you need to take the tablets either 2 hours after a meal, or at least 1 hour before a meal.

You should not self-medicate, the dosage of this strong antibiotic should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the patient’s age and the degree of development of a particular disease.

The average dose of Sumamed for children with diseases of soft tissues, skin and various infections respiratory tract is 10 mg of the drug per 1 kg of weight. Admission is carried out once a day, treatment lasts 3 days.

In case of chronic migratory erythema, the dose is increased to 20 mg per day per 1 kg of child weight on the first day of treatment with Sumamed. In this case, the duration of treatment should be 5 days. Moreover, from the 2nd to the 5th day, the dose of the drug should be 10 mg per 1 kg of the child’s weight. You also need to take the tablet once a day.

Adult patients with diseases of soft tissues and skin, as well as respiratory tract infections, are recommended to take 500 mg of Sumamed once a day. Treatment continues for 3 days.

In case of chronic migratory erythema, adults are recommended to take 1 gram of Sumamed once a day on the first day of treatment, and from the 2nd to 5th day of treatment, reduce the dose to 500 mg.

For the treatment of diseases of the duodenum and stomach caused by the activity of Helicobacter pylori, it is recommended to take 1 gram of Sumamed. The dose is taken once a day, and the duration of treatment is 3 days.

For urethritis and cervicitis in uncomplicated forms, it is recommended to take 1 gram of Sumamed once.

Due to the fact that Sumamed is a modern antibacterial drug, it does not have many side effects, but you still need to know about them before starting treatment.

Most often, patients experience negative reactions during treatment with Sumamed from the organs. gastrointestinal tract. This may include nausea and/or vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea are observed much more often than increased gas formation in the intestines and vomiting.

It is possible that during treatment with Sumamed the levels of liver enzymes may increase. But allergic reactions to taking this antibiotic occur extremely rarely. If they are noted, it is expressed in the appearance of a skin rash.

The main contraindication to treatment with Sumamed is the patient’s excessive sensitivity to those antibiotics that belong to the group of macrolides.

If the patient has problems with the liver and kidneys, then treatment with the drug is carried out carefully, under the supervision of a specialist. If the patient has a history of allergic reactions to drugs, then treatment with Sumamed should also be carried out carefully.

Pregnant women and nursing babies breast milk Mothers are not treated with this antibiotic. Exceptions are possible only when the benefits of using Sumamed are significantly higher than the risks to the fetus and the body of the newborn.

If you are taking dihydroergotamine or medications based on ergot alkaloids, you should know that Sumamed enhances their effect. Chloramphenicol and tetracycline drugs enhance the properties of Sumamed, while lincosamides, on the contrary, reduce its effectiveness.

Eating, treatment with antacids and alcohol consumption reduce the absorption of Sumamed. The simultaneous use of Sumamed and carbamazepine, phenytoin, theophylline, hexobarbital, disopyramide, ergot alkaloids, valproic acid, bromocriptine, as well as other xanthine derivatives and hypoglycemic drugs increases their toxicity and concentration in the body.

In addition, Sumamed and heparin should not be taken at the same time due to their incompatibility.

An overdose of the drug can lead to vomiting, severe diarrhea, and possible hearing loss for some time. An overdose is treated, like any other, symptomatically. It is advisable to perform gastric lavage.

Release forms and composition

For ease of use, Sumamed is available in several forms:

  • tablets No. 3 containing 500 mg of active substance;
  • tablets No. 6 containing 125 mg of active substance;
  • capsules No. 6 containing 250 mg of active substance;
  • 20 ml bottles with powder intended for the preparation of syrup or suspension, 5 ml - 100 mg of active ingredient;
  • bottles of 30 and 20 ml “forte” with powder intended for the preparation of syrup or suspension with enhanced action, 5 ml - 200 mg of active ingredient.

In addition to the active ingredient azithromycin (500 mg), the powder bottles contain excipients - sodium hydroxide and citric acid.

When preparing a 5 ml suspension of the active substance azithromycin, there are 200 mg, the rest consists of excipients: sucrose, colloidal silicon dioxide, xanthan gum, hydroxypropylcellulose, trisodium phosphate anhydrous, cherry, vanilla and banana aromas.

If due to illness you need simultaneous administration and Sumamed, and antacid drugs, it should be remembered that between doses of drugs of these groups, a period of time of at least two hours is required. This is due to the fact that antacid drugs reduce the absorption of Sumamed, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

If your medical history contains records of the presence of heart disease or disorders of the liver and kidneys, then Sumamed is used with extreme caution.

The gradual progression of prostate inflammation provokes the manifestation of such unpleasant symptoms as frequent urge to urination, pain in the perineum and lower abdomen, lethargy and apathy. As a result of a violation of the outflow of lymph, pathogenic bacteria begin to develop in the prostate cavity, so to be effective, doctors prescribe antibiotic therapy with Sumamed.

However, in order to cure prostatitis as effectively as possible, as well as prevent the development of dysbiosis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to know the features and rules for using this drug.

Description of the drug

Sumamed is a drug that has wide range effects on pathogenic microorganisms. This bacteriostatic antibiotic is produced by a manufacturer from Croatia.

In addition to the above indications, the drug Sumamed is also prescribed for the treatment of ulcers that are not caused by mechanical damage gastric wall, but by the influence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Rules for dosing and use

The dosage regimen and use of the drug depends on the form of the drug, the patient’s body weight, the type of disease and the degree of organ damage. In order to understand the dosage regimen of Sumamed for adults, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table.

Sumamed tablets and capsules are taken 60 minutes before meals or a few hours after

Features of the use of tablets for children from 3 to 12 years

When selecting the dose of azithromycin for children, the main role is played by the child’s body weight. So, if a child weighs from 18 to 30 kg, then 250 mg should be taken to treat respiratory infections. (2 tablets) for three days. If body weight is from 31 to 44 kg, then the dosage of Sumamed is increased to 375 mg. per day, which is equal to three tablets (the duration of the course is also 3 days).

Features of using the suspension

Given medicine in the form of a suspension is prescribed to children aged from six months to three years. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult for a child to swallow a capsule or tablet, but the suspension has a pleasant taste and consistency. The suspension must be taken only once a day. It is not recommended to combine the drug with food.

After taking the suspension, the child should be given water to drink.

If the child is suffering infectious lesion respiratory tract or epithelium, then Sumamed should be consumed once a day. The course of treatment is 3 days. The dose of the drug is calculated according to the table.

For precise measurement suspension, you must use a syringe or measuring spoon included in the box with the drug.

Before using the suspension, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly.

For Lyme disease, Sumamed should be taken once a day according to the following scheme:

  1. 1 day – 20 mg. azithromycin per 1 kg;
  2. Days 2-5 – 10 mg. azithromycin per 1 kg.

For the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to properly prepare the suspension. To do this, add 12 ml to the bottle with powder. water and shake thoroughly. Next, measure out the required amount of suspension using a syringe or measuring spoon.

Possible contraindications

Sumamed has contraindications, which are divided into absolute and relative. TO absolute contraindications can be attributed:

  • Sensitivity of the body to azithromycin and other drugs of the macrolide group;
  • Liver pathologies that reduce the functioning of this organ and disrupt the filtration process;
  • Combining azithromycin with ergot alkaloids;
  • It is prohibited to take the drug in capsule and tablet forms to children under 12 years of age (with body weight less than 45 kg);
  • It is not recommended to take Sumamed in any form for children under six months;
  • Allergic reactions to auxiliary components - fructose, sucrose, etc.

Relative contraindications:

  • A disorder of neuromuscular transmission, which is characterized by muscle weakness(myasthenia gravis);
  • Concomitant use with digoxin.

Side effects

If the rules for dosing the drug and the duration of the course of using Sumamed are not followed correctly, experts note the occurrence of adverse reactions varying degrees gravity.

Pathologies that occur frequently Pathologies that occur infrequently Pathologies that occur rarely
· intense headache; · diarrhea; · abdominal pain, which is accompanied by vomiting and flatulence. · fungal infection mucous membranes; pharyngitis; intense weight loss; dizziness; disruption of the day and night routine; irritability; blurred vision, blurred vision; hot flashes; gastritis; dry oral mucosa; dry epithelium; · urticaria and dermatitis; · general malaise. thrombocytopenia (low platelet count); anemia; unjustified aggression;· convulsions; · pancreatitis; · hepatitis; · jaundice.

Sumamed and alcohol

The negative effects of alcohol on the human body have been known for a long time. It is especially dangerous to combine alcohol with medicines, in particular with the antibiotic Sumamed.

It is practically impossible to predict exactly what result the combination of azithromycin and alcohol will lead to. This is due to the fact that in one organism the processes of absorption of the drug may slow down, which leads to a loss of effectiveness of Sumamed. In another body, alcohol may increase the effects of azithromycin, leading to the following negative reactions:

Sumamed should be taken at least 3 days after drinking alcohol. Otherwise, you need to use adsorbents that will cleanse the body.

Analogues of the drug

To effectively treat an infectious disease, you can use analogue drugs that are identical in composition and, accordingly, pharmacological action. Such medicines include:

  1. Azivok (caps.);
  2. Azimicin (table);
  3. Azitrox (caps.);
  4. Azithromycin (table);
  5. Azithrus (susp.);
  6. Z-factor (caps);
  7. Zitrolide (caps);
  8. Sumamox (caps.);
  9. Hemomycin (caps).

A partial analogue of Sumamed is also isolated, which contains, in addition to azithromycin, secnidazole - antifungal components. This drug is produced under the name Safocid and has antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal effects.

If taking Sumamed causes side effects, then experts prescribe others antibacterial drugs to which pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive:

  1. Suprax (cefixime);
  2. Flemoxin Solutab ();
  3. Augmentin (amoxicillin);
  4. Zinnat (cefuroxime).

The dosage of the above drugs is selected individually.

Many patients are interested in which is better – Sumamed or Suprax. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since the effectiveness of antibiotics depends on the pathology and clinical picture. If we consider a disease such as, then the greatest efficiency Sumamed will have. This is explained by the degree of absorption and the duration of the drug’s effect on the body.

Sumamed treatment regimen for prostatitis

Sumamed is considered the most effective drug in the treatment of prostatitis, which is explained by the following advantages:

  • Clinical trials have proven that azithromycin quickly suppresses the bacterial flora in the male gland;
  • Sumamed does not call negative reactions when interacting with anti-inflammatory drugs of plant origin;
  • Sumamed should be taken for no more than 5 days, which does not cause damage to the liver and other gastrointestinal organs.

Treatment regimen for prostatitis No. 1: you need to drink 1 gram. drug once.

Treatment regimen for prostatitis No. 2: on the first day you need to take 500 mg. of the drug, the second and third days - 250 mg.

Treatment regimen for prostatitis No. 3: 500 mg is administered intravenously in the first two days. drug, after which treatment with tablets or capsules is prescribed.


This medicine can be easily purchased in pharmacies at an affordable price. The price of Sumamed may vary depending on the region of residence, dosage and percentage markup of the pharmacy.

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