Women's anti-inflammatory candles list of the best. The principle of operation of Betadine suppositories. Signs of inflammatory processes

Candles (suppositories) and vaginal tablets in gynecology they are used as an aid in complex treatment inflammatory diseases. Most often they are prescribed for erosion (ectopia) of the cervix, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina (colpitis/vaginitis), appendages (adnexitis) and uterus (endometritis). Used both vaginally and rectally. The medicine quickly, within an hour, penetrates the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. It is not destroyed in the liver, and therefore has a local effect on the source of inflammation for quite a long time. The choice of a specific drug depends on the type of inflammatory causative agent identified, the severity of the disease and the patient’s medical history.

Candles as medicine

The therapeutic drug is prescribed based on the results of a smear analysis for pathogenic flora, depending on the identified cause of inflammation and the type of infectious agent. Therapy lasts 5-14 days. Suppositories are administered once at night or twice a day. In some cases, treatment may be longer or carried out in cycles. For example, 10 days immediately after menstruation for 3 months in the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis.

Therapy of sexual partners should be carried out simultaneously.

The action of candles is aimed at:

  • suppression and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. They are often used in parallel with douching antiseptic solutions(potassium permanganate, sodium bicarbonate, rivanol, chlorhexicide) or herbal decoctions(sage, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula), as well as while taking antibiotics;
  • relief of symptoms of inflammation (pain relief, relief of itching and irritation).

ON A NOTE! In addition to suppositories for treatment gynecological diseases can use ointments that are applied topically, including using tampons.

Types of suppositories and types of inflammation

When several species are identified pathogenic microflora preference is given to complex drugs (Terzhinan, Macmiror, etc.). When diagnosing a disease caused by a single pathogen, a single drug can be prescribed that has a targeted effect on the cause of inflammation, for example Betadine for candidal colpitis.

Among the pathogens colpitis can be:

  • specific - gonococci, fungi of the genus Candida, etc., Trichomonas, chlamydia etc. Medicines containing metronidazole and its derivatives are prescribed: Trichopolum, Klion D, Ginalgin, Meratin-combi, Terzhinan, Tinidazole (Gaynomax suppositories), Trichocid, Trichomonacid, Mikozhinax, Hexicon, Neo-Penotran, Fluomizin. When found gardnerell anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed vaginal suppositories Ginalgin, Klion-D, Metronidazole and Terzhinan. Treatment genital herpes produced using antiviral drugs (Viferon).
  • nonspecific - streptococci, staphylococci, several types of microbes. Suppositories are prescribed with antibacterial effect: Betadine, Mikozhinax, Hexicon, Meratin-Combi, Terzhinan, Polygynax.

Inflammation of the appendages and uterus (adnexitis, endometriosis)

Suppositories are used only for symptomatic therapy. They are an important component of combined treatment, but they cannot eliminate the cause of inflammation on their own. Inflammation of the uterus and/or appendages is accompanied by an intoxication syndrome characterized by weakness, fever, and lack of appetite.

Along with intravenous infusions and antibiotics are prescribed antibacterial suppositories:

  • rectal, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Movalis, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Flamax);
  • and/or vaginal, to destroy anaerobic microflora (Fluomizin, Terzhinan).

Cervical erosion

To prevent postoperative inflammatory processes candles are prescribed:

  • before (antifungal, for example, Livarol, Polygynax, Hexicon)
  • and 4-5 days after (bactericidal and wound-healing action: Galavit, Depantol, Suporon, Eucole, Revitaxa, phytor or sea ​​buckthorn candles)

After treating inflammation, medications are prescribed that normalize the vaginal microflora. Such products contain bifidobacteria, dried (Acilact, Bifikol) or live (Bifidumbacterin), as well as lactobacilli (Lactozhinal, Vagilak). The contents of the ampoules are mixed with water and administered vaginally on cotton swabs. Lactonorm suppositories and Longidaza suppositories, which have antioxidant properties and prevent the formation of adhesions, are also used.

The table shows the suppositories most often used in the treatment of gynecological inflammation.

Name, main composition Action Contraindications. Notes
Combination drugs
contains the antibiotics polymyxin B and neomycin, as well as the antifungal component nystatin.
Effective against candidiasis (thrush).

It has a bactericidal and antibacterial effect, but some types of streptococcus and anaerobic bacteria are not sensitive to the antibiotics included in the drug. It is used prophylactically before childbirth, operations, and diagnostic procedures.

Does not apply when:
Terzhinan, includes the antibiotic neomycin, antifungals nystanine and ternidazole, as well as prednisolone, Applicable:
  • in the treatment of vaginitis, which is caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, including Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida;
  • for the prevention of infections before operations, childbirth, and installation of an IUD.
Does not apply when:
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy (first trimester) and lactation.
Mikozhinaks, includes metronidazole, nystanine, chloramphenicol, dexamethasone. Anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiprotozoal action. Effective against most anaerobic bacteria. Extremely rare, but can cause gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness and headaches.

Not prescribed for

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Incompatible with alcohol and disulfiram.

McMiror complex, contains nifuratel and nystatin. Antiprotozoal, antibacterial, antifungal action. IN in rare cases may cause itching and skin rash.
Klion-D 100, contains miconazole and metrodinazole, Antibacterial, antifungal and anitprotozoal action. May cause allergies, nausea, headaches and dizziness.

Not prescribed for:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

With caution - for patients with liver failure and diabetes.

Incompatible with alcohol.

Metarin-combi, based on ornidazole, contains neomycin and nystatin. Effective against anaerobic cocci, trichomonas, yeast-like fungi. May cause allergies, drowsiness, headache, feeling tired, dry mouth.

Does not apply when:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy (first trimester) and lactation.
Depanthol, contains dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine bigluconate. Antimicrobial, regenerating, metabolic effect. Not prescribed for:
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

Suppositories for rectal use
Diclofenac, contains diclofenac sodium, a derivative of phenylacetic acid.

Voltaren(based on diclofenac sodium).

Indomethacin(based on indoleacetic acid derivative).

Movalis(based on myeloxicam).

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antipyretic effect. Relieves swelling and spasms. Not prescribed for:
  • hemorrhoids;
  • proctitis;
  • intestinal erosions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hematopoiesis disorder.

Apply rectally, together with the start of a course of antibiotics

Betadine, based on iodine, Antiseptic. Effective against most microbes, fungi, bacteria and protozoa. May cause allergic reactions.

Not prescribed for:

  • diseases thyroid gland(hypothyroidism);
  • liver, kidney, heart failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
Hexicon, contains chlorhexidine bigluconate Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Effective against chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureplasmas, treponemas, herpes virus types I and II. May cause itching and allergic reactions.

Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Does not cause disturbances in the vaginal microflora.

Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Dalatsin, contains the antibiotic clindamycin. Used for bacterial vaginosis. Not prescribed for:
  • history of antibiotic-associated colitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Not compatible with erythromycin.

Fluomizin, contains dequalinium chloride Antiseptic. Active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Not prescribed for:
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • for ulcers of the vaginal and cervical mucosa.

Allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

Arilyn, based on metronidazole Antimicrobial and antiprotozoal action. Not prescribed for:
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation. Incompatible with alcohol and disulfiram.
Vaginorm. Contains ascorbic acid Prescribed for chronic vaginitis caused by anaerobic bacteria to normalize the vaginal microflora. Not used for vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Livarol (based on ketoconazole),
Clotrimazole (based on clotrimazole),
Natamycin (natamycin based),
Nystatin (based on nystatin),
Pimafucin (based on natamycin).
Active against dermatophytes, streptococci, staphylococci, yeast. Not prescribed for:
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation (Pimafucin is allowed);
  • skin tuberculosis.
Viferon, based on the immunomodulating antiviral drug interferon. Antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Effective in the complex treatment of urogenital infections. Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Combines well with all medications, including antibiotics.

Allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

This video talks about different types of vaginal suppositories for thrush.

The cost of anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories averages from 300 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of suppositories in the package.

Combined vaginal and rectal medications are most often used for mixed diseases when multiple pathogen species are present. Monopreparations are selected depending on the severity of the disease, the identified types of inflammatory pathogens and concomitant pathologies in the patient. In most cases, suppositories are part of complex therapy and for maximum efficiency Actions The drug and the regimen for its use must be prescribed by a specialist.

Update: October 2018

Almost no disease affecting the female reproductive organs can be treated without the use of suppositories, which are used either vaginally or rectally.

This is especially important in the treatment of inflammatory gynecological processes. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are widely used in gynecology, but in addition to their advantages, they also have a number of disadvantages, as do all other medications.

Suppositories as a dosage form

Candles (suppositories) are considered one of dosage forms medical supplies and consist of a base (which gives the shape of a candle) and a medicinal substance. Characteristic feature suppositories is their ability to remain solid at room temperature and melt to a liquid state at body temperature. According to the method of administration, suppositories are divided into 3 groups:

  • rectal - inserted through anus into the rectum and may be shaped like a cigar, cone, or pointed cylinder;
  • vaginal - inserted into the vagina and come in the form of balls, egg-shaped or cone-shaped;
  • sticks - inserted into the cervix, ureter, into the external ear canal and so on.

The advantage of suppositories is that medicinal substance enters the blood quickly (after 30 minutes about 50%, after 1 hour - 100%), bypassing digestive tract without being destroyed in the liver. In addition, suppositories that are administered vaginally, in addition to their generalized effect, have a local effect on the site of damage. When using suppositories, there are practically no allergic reactions, and the administration of suppositories itself is quite simple and painless.

Candles for women with colpitis

When the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed, we talk about. Depending on the infectious agent that caused the inflammatory process, vaginitis can be specific (for example, trichomonas, fungal, gonorrheal, etc.) and nonspecific (staphylococcal, streptococcal, polymicrobial). Distinctive features colpitis are discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia (itching, burning are unbearable), an increase in vaginal leucorrhoea, as a rule, they have bad smell, there may be an increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and urinary disorders.

The main importance in the treatment of colpitis is the prescription of local therapy aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms and suppressing their activity. In the first 3–4 days, douching is prescribed (no more than 2 times a day, see) with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, rivanol, sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate) and/or decoctions medicinal herbs( , melissa, ). Anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with douching.

Treatment of colpitis with vaginal suppositories depends on the pathogen, that is, suppositories are selected that are most active against a particular pathological microflora. Therefore, any medicine prescribed only by a gynecologist based on the result clinical picture, laboratory tests and the patient’s medical history, self-medication is unacceptable and dangerous.

Nonspecific vaginitis

For nonspecific colpitis, suppositories are usually prescribed, the main components of which include a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug and/or an antiseptic. Good anti-inflammatory suppositories include:


If gardnerella is detected in the smear, suppositories are prescribed, the main active ingredient in which is metronidazole. This list includes:

  • Ginalgin(Ukraine), contain tinidazole, sinestrol, vitamin C, lactic acid, daily before bed for 7 - 10 days
  • Terzhinan, Meratin-combi(Ukraine), (Ukraine) twice a day for 12 days
  • Metronidazole, Flagyl, Trichopolum(vaginal tablets) twice a day for 10 days
  • Klion-D— consists of metronidazole and miconazole, it is recommended to use it once a day for 10 days (about 200 rubles)

Colpitis caused by Trichomonas

If trichomonas are found in the vaginal contents, suppositories with Metronidazole are prescribed ( antimicrobial effect, effective against anaerobic microorganisms - Trichomonas) and its derivatives:

  • Ginalgin, Klion D, Trichopolum, Flagyl, Pitrid 1 per day for 10 days.

Other suppositories are also widely used:

  • Tinidazole (Gaynomax suppositories) for 10 days
  • Macmiror complex (500 rubles) consists of nifuratel and nystatin, therefore it is used for chlamydia, candidiasis, trichomoniasis and nonspecific vaginitis, used in a course of 8 days, one at a time before bedtime
  • Terzhinan
  • Meratin-combi
  • Mikozhinax one daily for 10 days
  • Trichomonacid course for 10 days
  • Trichocide twice a day
  • Neo-penotran (700-800 rubles) - contains metronidazole and miconazole, twice a day for two weeks
  • Hexicon for 7 – 20 days three times a day.

Treatment with anti-inflammatory suppositories for trichomonas colpitis is carried out over a three-month period (immediately after menstruation) in cycles of 10 days.

Genital herpes

The main emphasis in the treatment of genital herpes is on antiviral drugs. Suppositories are used locally, the components of which are antiviral agents:

  • A-interferon 1 – 2 times a day for 1 week
  • Viferon twice a day for 5 – 7 days
  • Poludan three times a day for 7 – 10 days, treat the vulva and insert tampons with ointment into the vagina
  • In addition to suppositories, ointments are used for tampons and treatment of the vulva: acyclovir, bonafton, epigen, alpizarin, megosin

Candidiasis colpitis

After etiotropic therapy (suppression of activity and death of the pathogen) in the treatment of colpitis, the second stage begins, aimed at reviving normal microflora vagina. The purpose of the second stage is to create conditions for the proliferation of lactobacilli and increase their number. The list of candles used includes:

In addition, the contents of ampoules with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are diluted with water and administered intravaginally on tampons (colibacterin, bificol, bifidumbacterin).

Suppositories for adnesitis, endometriosis - for inflammation of the internal organs of the reproductive system

Inflammatory diseases internal organs female reproductive system are caused by both specific (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and others) and nonspecific microorganisms. Inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) is said to occur when pain appears in one or both groin areas, having the nature of dull, aching and cutting.

Endometritis - inflammation of the uterus is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubis and often occurs after intrauterine interventions (), curettage, surgical delivery). Both adnexitis and endometritis occur with a pronounced intoxication syndrome, manifested by a significant increase in temperature, weakness, fatigue, and lack of appetite.

The treatment of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs includes, first of all, antibacterial drugs. Along with intravenous infusions and suppositories are prescribed with antibiotics, both for adnexitis and endometritis.

Treatment with suppositories for adnexitis and endometritis has several goals. Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories are suppositories whose main components are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs have a number of effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • antipyretic.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are realized due to the ability of drugs from the NSAID group to suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are formed in large quantities during inflammation and cause pain. Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with the start of antibiotic therapy for a total cycle of 7–10 days:

  • suppositories with Indomethacin 1 time in the evening
  • Movalis suppositories 1 time before bedtime (active ingredient myeloxicam) for 5 - 7 days
  • Voltaren suppositories morning and evening
  • belladonna suppositories 1 to 3 times a day (strong analgesic)
  • 1 suppository daily
  • Flamax suppositories (active ingredient ketoprofen) once for 7 days

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for adnexitis and endometritis are also prescribed intravaginally. First of all, pursuing the goal of sanitizing the vagina and suppressing anaerobic microflora, in particular Trichomonas.

Vaginal suppositories include fluomizin and terzhinan, the main substance of suppositories is metronidazole. The treatment cycle lasts 7–10 days, 1–2 suppositories are prescribed daily.

After completing therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs (both suppositories and injections or tablets), it is necessary to restore the normal biocenosis of the vagina. For this purpose, suppositories with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (bifidumbacterin, acylact and others) are prescribed. also in recovery period for inflammation of the pelvic organs are used.

Longidaza suppositories are a drug that has proteolytic properties and prevents the formation of adhesions or resolves them. Besides enzymatic activity Longidaza normalizes immunity, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The course of treatment is long, from 14 to 21 days, suppositories are administered rectally, 1 at a time before bedtime.

Suppositories for cervical erosion

More than half of the fairer sex and childbearing age have cervical erosion. In the case where multilayer squamous epithelium, located in the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​desquamated, and the defect site is “occupied” by the columnar epithelial cells lining cervical canal, talk about cervical erosion.

Therefore, a more correct name for the disease is ectopia (protrusion of columnar epithelial cells) of the cervix. The factors that provoke cervical ectopia are varied, but therapy for the disease consists of destroying the pathological area on the cervix by chemical, electrical, laser and other methods.

From the above it follows that there are no suppositories for cervical erosion; all suppositories are prescribed before and after radical treatment ectopia.

On the eve of treatment of cervical ectopia (by any method: laser, cryodestruction, radio wave, etc.), anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed for preventive purposes (for 5–7 days every evening). This prevents the development of postoperative inflammatory processes of the cervix. Typically, candles are used:

After cauterization of cervical ectopia, 4–5 days after the manipulation, it is recommended to administer suppositories that not only have bactericidal properties, but also have a wound-healing, antioxidant and stimulating effect on the body as a whole and on the area with the wound surface.

  • For example, they are effective in treating postoperative period cervical erosion, sea buckthorn suppositories, Depantol, Suporon, Galavit, Galenophyllipt suppositories, phytor suppositories, as well as Revitax and Eucolek suppositories. Treatment with suppositories with reparative properties is prescribed for a period of 10–14 every day, 1 suppository in the evening.

Suppositories for women with inflammation are distinguished by an impressive variety, which allows you to choose best option treatment

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are a popular method of treating ailments reproductive organs. Suppositories have different composition, shape and purpose. But all of them are aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, have fast action, eliminate symptoms women's diseases. This method of therapy has become widespread; we will consider the advantages of use and a list of anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology.

Suppositories - what types are there?

Suppositories for women with inflammation are distinguished by an impressive variety, which allows you to choose the optimal treatment option for a specific form of the disease. The classification is based on the method of introducing the suppository into the body:

  • vaginal - used for insertion into the vagina, usually have round shape, less common ovoid;
  • rectal - used for insertion into the anus, presented in the shape of a cone and a bullet;
  • uterine - used for insertion into the cervix, have the shape of a stick.

Fact: anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology have exclusively natural composition, because reproductive system requires gentle treatment measures. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of therapy is significantly increased, while the risk of allergic reactions is minimized. The main components of the drug are water, gelatin, medicine and glycerin.

Suppositories in gynecology: is this type of treatment so flawless?

The advantages of such therapy include:

  1. medications quickly dissolve in the blood, while acting on the source of inflammation. They don't provide overall influence on the body, carrying out only local therapy, safe for neighboring organs;
  2. fast action - noticeable results after just a few times of use;
  3. a complete alternative to injections - the medicinal components of the suppositories are delivered blood channels at the same rate as injection medications;
  4. minimal risk of allergies or individual intolerance to components;
  5. ease of use.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology also have a number of disadvantages, including a burning sensation, constipation and increased gas formation, the occurrence of nausea. You should not use the drug if you have been diagnosed with cracks and inflammation of the rectum.

Suppositories for the treatment of the vagina - indications for use:

  • development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
  • painful syndromes in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of dryness in the vagina;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • the presence of infections in the mucous membranes;
  • reproductive dysfunction.

Advice: during pregnancy, a woman’s body is susceptible to various infections and microbes. This is explained by a decrease in the body's protective functions. For the treatment and prevention of ailments during this period, you can use Livarol, Pimafucin, Primafungin.

Suppositories for cystitis

This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process, the focus of which is located near the bladder. The main symptoms are burning and itching when going to the toilet. Most often, the disease is a consequence of a cold. Light form cystitis is treated with suppositories based on chamomile, oak bark, propolis, and celandine.

Suppositories quickly eliminate inflammation and effectively fight pathogenic bacteria. In addition, they are a powerful pain reliever, which is important in the presence of uncomfortable and painful symptoms.

In cases where a severe form of the disease develops, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Hexicon;
  • candles with palin;
  • Betadine;
  • Syntomycin suppositories.

Suppositories for thrush

This disease is one of the most common diseases female organs. It is characterized by a fungal infection, the symptoms of which are serious discomfort. IN in this case apply antifungal suppositories for the vagina, the highest quality of which are the following:

  1. Zalain;
  2. Irunin;
  3. Nystatin;
  4. McMiror;
  5. Econazole;
  6. Metronidazole;
  7. Miconazole;
  8. Clotrimazole.

Suppositories for vaginitis

The disease manifests itself in inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The main symptom is severe itching and burning in the external genital area. There may be discharge that has a persistent and unpleasant odor. In the initial form of the disease, douching with herbal decoctions is prescribed. In more advanced cases, the following types of suppositories may be prescribed:

  • Terzhinan;
  • Betadine;
  • Polygynax;
  • Hexicon;
  • Meratin-combi.

Suppositories in gynecology - a list of names for the treatment of gardnerellosis

The disease is characterized by abundant damage to the genital organs by bacteria of the Gardnerella group. They make up the microflora of any woman, but pathogenic processes can begin during a weakened immune system. The disease manifests itself painful symptoms, pulls in the lower abdomen.

According to statistics, gardnerella appears in every third woman throughout her life. Suppositories are used as therapy, the main component of which is metronidazole. The most popular drugs based on it are Klion, Ginalgin, Terzhistan. The average course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.

Suppositories for genital herpes

The disease is dangerous because it often has no signs on the body of its carrier. In most cases, it can be contracted through sexual intercourse. Herpes manifests itself in the form of blistering inflammations on the genitals. The lion's share of therapy in this case is given to suppositories. Gynecological anti-inflammatory suppositories list:

  • Vitaprost;
  • Viferon;
  • Poludan;
  • A-interferon.

Suppositories for cervical erosion

The disease manifests itself as pathological change fabrics, which entails copious discharge, symptomatic signs, disturbances in the balance of microflora. Erosion is serious illness, therefore, its treatment requires complex therapy which includes the use of candles:

  • Livarol;
  • Depanthol;
  • Hexicon;
  • Depanthol;
  • Suporon;
  • Ovestin.

The course of treatment is prescribed depending on the therapy used. On average, the use of suppositories lasts at least 2 weeks. Depending on the results, a repeat course may be prescribed. It is possible to destroy the pathogenic area of ​​the uterus only with the help of chemicals and laser methods. Suppositories are an additional treatment measure.

Suppositories for inflammation of the appendages

The disease is seasonal, as it often appears after hypothermia or a cold. In rare cases, inflammation may occur due to a decrease in the protective function of the immune system, unprotected sexual intercourse, or damage to the walls of the uterus. foreign objects. Depending on the factor that caused the development of the disease, a treatment program is established. Most often it is based on candle therapy. In this case, the following types will be the most effective: Mikozhinaks, Terzhinin, Metran-Combi, Polyzhinx.

Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories - list

This type of suppository is used to treat colpitis, inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, adnexitis, and endometriosis. Most effective drugs are the following:

  1. Flamax;
  2. Anuzol;
  3. Voltaren;
  4. Hexicon;
  5. Neo-Anuzol;
  6. Procto-Glyvenol;
  7. Diclofenac;
  8. Movalis;
  9. Mikozhinax.

This is important: remember that in gynecology, such suppositories are only an addition to the main type of treatment. Their use enhances the effect of basic antibacterial drugs, and recovery occurs much faster.

Thanks to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology for inflammation help to quickly and effectively relieve a woman from diseases of the genital area. Suppositories are convenient because they act locally and therefore relieve symptoms within a short period of time. unpleasant symptoms caused by infection or inflammation.

Also, suppositories are prescribed as a prophylactic agent before a variety of interventions - childbirth, abortion, surgery, or when installing contraceptive hormonal devices. After the main treatment, thanks to suppositories, the microflora of the vagina can be restored.

In gynecology, suppositories for all inflammations are divided into three groups:

  • vaginal, which are inserted directly into the vagina;
  • rectal for insertion into the rectum;
  • special suppositories that resemble a stick with a rounded tip, which are intended for the cervix or urethra.

The doctor may prescribe you suppositories for the treatment of gynecological diseases, which are intended only for rectal administration. And this is not surprising, since the vagina and intestines are closely connected. These candles are shaped like a cylinder, tapering towards the top. They resemble a bullet. Vaginal suppositories have oval shape, but there are also cones and cylinders.

All suppositories have similar composition. They are made from a base - fats such as glycerin, paraffin or gelatin, adding an active substance to this mass. In the refrigerator or at temperatures up to +30ºС, gynecological suppositories remain hard due to inflammation. As soon as they enter the vagina, where the temperature can reach +37ºС, or even higher, the melting process begins. As a result, the active substance is released.

Suppositories have only a local effect. The active substance almost does not enter the general bloodstream and does not burden the body’s cleansing systems - the liver and kidneys. The mucous membranes of the vagina and rectum are lined from the inside with small capillary mesh, through which the active substance penetrates into the blood. As a result, it circulates in blood vessels, supplying the pelvic organs. Thanks to this, the desired therapeutic effect will be provided.

Suppositories for infections in gynecology have a significant advantage over drugs used orally. And all because they do not pass through the organs gastrointestinal tract, that's why side effects from the digestive organs are excluded.


Depending on their purpose, candles are divided into several groups:

  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • from specific infections;
  • painkillers;
  • to restore microflora.

Suppositories for inflammation in a feminine way not only eliminate this unpleasant process with its symptoms, but also fight pathogens. This complex effect allows you to minimize the number of drugs used. In addition, some suppositories also contain vitamins, which allow faster restoration of damaged tissue and support local immune reactions.

Which suppositories to use for inflammation in gynecology is decided only by your attending physician. There are drugs whose active ingredient is natural origin. These are usually herbal extracts. The most popular are suppositories based on synthetic components, which have powerful antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial effects.

With antibiotic

These products are aimed at fighting bacteria. The antibiotic has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, preventing them from developing. Typically, treatment of inflammation in gynecology consists of eliminating pathogenic flora.

The choice of one antibiotic or another depends on the causative agent of the disease. When prescribing, the doctor takes into account contraindications, and also indicates the duration of administration and the required dosage. Violation of recommendations is fraught with serious harmful consequences for the body.

You will certainly hear the following names from your doctor - suppositories for inflammation in gynecology most often contain the following active ingredients of the antibacterial spectrum:

  • penicillin;
  • neomycin;
  • kanamycin;
  • streptomycin;
  • erythromycin;
  • azithromycin and the like.


When prescribing suppositories for women’s inflammation, the gynecologist takes into account the location of the problem, since the pathological process can affect the ovaries, the uterus or its cervix, and appendages.

The main component of such suppositories are non-steroids, which eliminate pain symptom and swelling caused by inflammation. The mechanism of action is to block the production of prostaglandins associated with the occurrence of pain. Typically, derivatives of acetic acid are used, as well as preparations containing ichthyol.

With phytocomponents

Suppositories for inflammation in gynecology, containing medicinal plants- sage, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, belladonna, extracts from coniferous trees. They may also include healing oil cocoa as a base and sea buckthorn oil. Typically, such suppositories have no contraindications and are successfully used in all categories of women.


Below we will look at which specific suppositories for inflammation in gynecology are used in this or that case. Suppositories can be either the main drug for treating the disease or an auxiliary one. It all depends on pathological process, which struck reproductive system. The gynecologist also decides which form is best to choose - vaginal or rectal.


This disease can be caused by sexually transmitted infections. The reason for this is chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas and other bacteria. Then medications based on metronidazole are prescribed.

In the case of candidal vaginitis, antifungal drugs such as fluconazole are used.

Nonspecific vaginitis, in which local opportunistic flora actively multiplies, is treated with synthetic antiseptics (chlorhexidine) and herbal decoctions in the form of douching. In this case, suppositories for gynecological diseases are used as aid.

As we see, therapy includes both antiseptics and antimicrobials, as well as various antibiotics that destroy pathogens.

We have already said that they are particularly effective complex preparations, containing several active substances at once.

Below you will find suppositories for inflammation of the female organs, the name of which may already be familiar to many:

  • Hexicon;
  • Polygynax;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Mikozhinaks and others.

Terzhinan suppositories are popular among gynecologists. This drug combines the antifungal substance nystatin, the antibiotics neomycin and ternidazole, and prednisolone, an anti-inflammatory drug.

Such suppositories with antibiotics in gynecology for inflammation are prescribed for vaginitis of various natures. They cannot be used by those under 16 years of age. Possible individual reaction to the drug, which should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Before use, dip the candle in water for 30 seconds. Then inserted into the vagina before bed. The duration of therapy is no more than 10 days.


This disease is also called thrush, in which Candida fungi living in the vaginal environment are particularly active. To eliminate their excessive amounts, antifungal suppositories are used to treat inflammation in gynecology and for prophylaxis during antibacterial therapy, if there is a predisposition to this disease. Commonly prescribed suppositories in this case are ketoconazole or itraconazole.

As you know, candidiasis often affects pregnant women. But not all drugs can be taken during this period. So if unpleasant symptoms occur in the form cheesy discharge and itching, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Vaginal dysbiosis is caused by gardnerella bacteria, which causes unpleasant symptoms. To cope with them, you will definitely be prescribed vaginal tablets for inflammation. They are inserted into the vagina. Let us again remember the previously mentioned Terzhinan. The drug copes well with these harmful microorganisms. Even in this case, suppositories with metronidazole will be effective.

When carrying out antibacterial therapy, an imbalance in the vaginal environment may occur. To get rid of this problem, the use of probiotics is necessary. Thus, suppositories for the prevention of gynecological diseases caused by microflora disorders are presented below:

  • Vagilak;
  • Bifidumbactenin;
  • Acylact.

Acylact suppositories contain not only lactobacilli, but also other beneficial microorganisms. When using them, the mucous membrane is populated with the “correct” flora, displacing the pathogenic one. Acylact suppositories are effective not only for dysbacteriosis, but also as a prophylaxis if surgery or childbirth is coming. In case of erosions, their administration is not recommended.

Dosage - 1 suppository per day. The duration of therapy is about 10 days. To restore the microflora, the start of administration should occur no earlier than 5 days after antibacterial therapy.


In case of inflammation of the bladder, cystitis is often diagnosed both by tests and by symptoms. Patients complain of painful and frequent urination with a strong burning sensation.

In gynecology, suppositories for inflammation of the bladder are prescribed only by a doctor. As is known, bladder, vagina and intestines are three closely interconnected organs, so suppositories inserted into the vagina will help relieve inflammation, swelling, relieve pain and deal with pathogenic flora.

Most often, gynecologists recommend drugs based on syntomycin. Besides, beneficial effect suppositories called Palin based on pipemidic acid will provide relief. It exhibits antibacterial properties and belongs to the group of quinolones.

These suppositories are prescribed for urological pathologies: in addition to cystitis, the drug is effective for urethritis and pyelonephritis. Until the age of 14, Palin is prohibited, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therapy lasts 10 days. 1 suppository is inserted into the vagina.

If you have inflammation in gynecology, treatment with what tablets besides suppositories will be indicated in case of cystitis if the form is already advanced? As it turned out, Palin is also available in tablets for oral administration.

For mild forms of cystitis, while the disease is just developing, they will help inexpensive candles for inflammation in gynecology, made on the basis of medicinal herbs.


One of the most famous gynecological diseases, in which the inflammatory process affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries, called adnexitis. Pathology occurs due to hypothermia.

Symptoms of adnexitis are pain of various types in the lower abdomen. Body temperature may rise and general state- weakness, loss of appetite. For this disease, rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories are most effective in gynecology for inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. When administered into the rectum, the active substance will quickly enter the bloodstream of the pelvic organs, namely, to the appendages.

The following are suitable for the treatment of adnexitis: rectal suppositories:

  • Mikozhinax;
  • Fluomizin;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac and others.

As well as additional therapy candles with belladonna are suitable.

All suppositories against inflammation in gynecology contain from 50 to 200 mg active substance. The frequency of administration depends on this. The more active component, the less often they need to be used. It is very important to tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have. Since candles also have contraindications. The duration of therapy is usually about two weeks or less, this will be decided by the gynecologist.


For erosive lesions of the cervix, suppositories cannot completely eliminate the pathology. Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology for inflammation of the cervix are prescribed as an adjuvant that protects against infections and has a healing effect.

For this purpose the following is prescribed:

  • Hexicon;
  • Depanthol;
  • Polygynax.

Depanthol has an antimicrobial effect due to the presence of chlorhexidine in the composition, and an analogue of vitamin B15 will take care of stopping inflammation. In addition to erosion, these suppositories are recommended for vaginitis and other pathologies. They are used 2 times a day for 10 days.


When the inner layer of the uterus becomes inflamed, endometritis is diagnosed. Most often, the pathology occurs after surgical interventions and may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology for inflammation of the uterus in the case of endometritis:

  • Declofenac,
  • Logindaza,
  • Flexen.


This disease occurs if the endometrium grows excessively, thereby causing heavy discharge during menstruation, as well as intermenstrual bleeding and pain.

With such pathological conditions Rectal suppositories are indicated. Nice candles for inflammation in gynecology in this case - these are Diclofenac and Indomethacin. Thanks to the active ingredients, pain subsides and the inflammatory process stops.

You can try suppositories based on cocoa butter with the addition of extracts of sea buckthorn, calendula, mistletoe, wormwood and other herbs used in gynecology.


We looked at which suppositories are most often used for inflammation in gynecology. Finally, let's talk about the rules for using suppositories.

Typically, suppositories are inserted into the vagina or rectum at night. To do this, you need to toilet the genitals and empty your bowels with an enema, if rectal suppositories are indicated for you. Hands must be clean. The suppositories are administered while lying on your back.

After the manipulation, you should not get up for at least 15 minutes so that the candle has time to dissolve. Sometimes anti-inflammatory tablets in gynecology for inflammation must be dipped in water before use. This will be discussed in the instructions.

Never self-medicate, especially if you are pregnant. Any drug must be prescribed by a doctor. Despite the fact that anti-inflammatory drugs in gynecology for inflammation are available in pharmacies, they have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, specialist supervision is mandatory!

The cost of a suppository depends on the active substance and the reputation of the manufacturer. You can always find an analogue for almost any drug. You can also ask your gynecologist about this. Remember, cheap suppositories for inflammation in gynecology may not be as effective, carefully study and compare the composition!

Adnexitis is dangerous disease female reproductive system. It can not only cause discomfort and painful sensations, but also lead to infertility. Therefore, treatment of the disease should begin as early as possible.

In case of inflammation of the appendages, treatment is carried out using various drugs. They can be in the form of tablets for internal use, as well as local funds to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Doctors often prescribe suppositories for inflammation of the appendages in gynecology. They help quickly eliminate disorders in the body and restore women's health.

Types of products in gynecology

For various disorders genitourinary system For women, gynecologists prescribe suppositories. They are presented in the form of candles, which, under the influence human warmth are starting to melt.

The suppositories contain active substances and an oil component. All drugs are divided into several groups.

  • Rectal suppositories are presented in the form of a cone. They are inserted into the rectum through the anus.
  • Vaginal suppositories have more rounded shapes in the form of a cone or cylinder. Due to this type, they are easily inserted into the vagina.
  • Suppository sticks are inserted into the cervix or urethra.

Depending on the method of action, candles are divided into several types:

Names of the most effective suppositories for inflammation of the appendages

All drugs for the treatment of adnexitis are divided into vaginal and rectal. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the indications, symptoms and condition of the woman.


Vaginal suppositories for adnexitis are inserted into the vagina. They act directly on the source of inflammation due to local application. Therefore, drugs of this type are most often used by gynecologists in the treatment of adnexitis.

Highlight a large number of drugs that help cope with the disease. One of them is Polygynax. The product consists of two antibiotics (polymyxin and neomycin) and the antifungal component nystatin.

Suppositories fight a large number of pathogens:

  • streptococcus;
  • coli;
  • ureaplasma.

They also act on the fungus, which often appears during the period of illness.

The drug is used for various diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, it can be used as prophylactic before childbirth, operations.

Treatment is carried out for 12 days. One suppository is used per day, which is inserted into the vagina before bed. The preventive course is 6 days.

No less effective means is Hexicon. Suppositories help eliminate inflammation in the ovaries. Despite the fact that the drug is used for antiseptic purposes, it can be used as a prophylaxis for diseases that appear as a result of sexual transmission of infection.

The product allows you to fight various pathogens of adnexitis:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas;
  • treponema;
  • gardnerellas.

The peculiarity of Hexicon is that it does not violate natural microflora vagina. Therefore, the drug can be used to treat the disease in pregnant women.

Treatment is prescribed using one suppository twice a day. If disease prevention is carried out, then it is necessary to reduce the dosage to one suppository per day.

Betadine suppositories have an antimicrobial effect. It not only eliminates adnexitis, but also thrush.

When two suppositories are prescribed per day for a week. If diagnosed, therapy is carried out using one suppository per day for two weeks.

Some patients report burning and itching after administration of the suppository. However, the signs should resolve quickly. It is worth remembering that the drug can lead to allergic reaction. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with possible side effects and contraindications in advance.

Candles are not prescribed to women:

  • suffering from diseases endocrine system(thyroid disease, hypothyroidism);
  • having insufficient functioning of the kidneys, heart and liver;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

The inflammatory process can be eliminated with the help of Pimafucin suppositories. The product also helps to cope with the manifestations of thrush.

Candles are prescribed once a day. The doctor determines the duration of treatment according to individually. On average, therapy is carried out for 6–9 days.

Undesirable side effects may occur after using the drug. The reaction is caused by the influence of cetyl alcohol, which is part of the product. It provokes itching and irritation.

If you notice any discomfort during treatment, you should inform your gynecologist. He can cancel the drug by replacing it with another.

There are other effective vaginal suppositories that help cope with adnexitis.

  1. Can fight infections candles Klion-D. They also eliminate harmful bacteria and fungus. At the same time, the drug does not disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.
  2. For adnexitis, Terzhinan suppositories can be prescribed. However, they have a large number side effects and disrupt the vaginal microflora.
  3. If a fungus is detected, the use of Ketoconazole will be required.
  4. Livarol suppositories have an antifungal effect. They are prescribed when primary symptoms diseases.
  5. When the body is infected with various bacteria, Travogen is prescribed.
  6. Movalis is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Suppositories also relieve pain and normalize body temperature.
  7. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory suppositories with indomethacin can be used vaginally.


Rectal suppositories, unlike vaginal suppositories, are considered drugs systemic impact. Active components are absorbed into the blood through the rectum, which speeds up the healing process.

When using products inserted into the anus, the composition does not leak out with germs. All substances are absorbed and go directly to the site of inflammation.

The most common means to eliminate adnexitis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They help fight inflammation, lower body temperature and eliminate pain syndrome.

Women are advised to use:

  • Voltarena;
  • Diklaka;
  • Ortofena.

The doctor may also prescribe Flexen and Ichthyol suppositories. All of them quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease, restoring women's health.

The drugs contain diclofenac or indomethacin, which are active substances to combat the inflammatory process.

Rectal administration is provided for Diclofenac. It eliminates pain, inflammation, normalizes body temperature and fights various pathogens. During treatment, one suppository is prescribed before bedtime.

It is worth remembering that the remedy is not allowed for all patients. The drug is not prescribed to women:

  • having a stomach ulcer, intestinal erosion;
  • those suffering from hemorrhoids;
  • with impaired functioning circulatory system;
  • during pregnancy.

Candles with belladonna

Suppositories with belladonna help eliminate spasms and inflammation. They are inserted into the rectum one suppository 2-3 times a day.

The drug is not used in patients diagnosed with glaucoma. It can also lead to side effects such as:

  • dilated pupils;
  • dizziness;
  • constipation;
  • dry mouth.

If such signs appear, you should inform your doctor and stop taking the suppositories.

It is worth remembering that medications should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. After all, when independent use After suppositories, various complications may appear.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should tell your doctor about the presence of such ailments in advance.

To neutralize negative influence drugs on the body during treatment you need to drink milk. In this case, the products should be used no longer than 5 days. If you experience stomach pain, you should inform your gynecologist. It is also worth noting the appearance of burning, pain or specific discharge from the genital tract.

When using candles, various consequences may occur:

  • addiction;
  • violation of intestinal and vaginal microflora;
  • decreased immune defense.

Therefore, at the end of therapy, it is worth conducting a course of restoring the microflora using products prescribed by the doctor.

Additional folk remedies

Additionally, when treating adnexitis, your doctor may prescribe folk remedies. They help the body cope with the disease faster and also enhance the effectiveness of medications.

Highlight various compositions made from natural ingredients.

  • Chronic adnexitis can be treated with plantain and aloe. Add crushed plantain leaves to boiling water in an amount of 100 ml. The composition is cooked for 3 minutes. After cooling and filtering, aloe juice (14 drops) is added to the broth. The resulting solution is used for douching, injected into the vagina for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily for 2–3 weeks.
  • Steam baths over milk heated to 95°C are useful. You need to sit over the pelvis for 10 minutes.
  • Doctors recommend using a decoction based on Chernobyl, chamomile and Veronica officinalis. 5 teaspoons of herbs are mixed in a container. After this, a tablespoon of sweet clover is added to the mixture. The composition is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. You need to drink the decoction before bed for several days.
  • Helps cope with inflammation potato juice. It should be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals for 2 months.
  • You can insert tampons into the vagina, soaked in a solution of the juice of one clove of garlic and 2-3 drops of celandine juice, diluted in 50 ml of water. The drug is administered for several hours. The procedure must be repeated after 2–3 days.
  • You can take a decoction of St. John's wort internally by steeping one tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water. The composition is brought to a boil an hour after infusing on the stove, and then cooked for 15 minutes over low heat. After cooling and straining, the product is taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 5 tablespoons.

It is worth remembering that folk remedies are taken only in combination with medications. They, just like medications, should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

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