Swine flu. Swine flu, symptoms and treatment

The drug Grippferon is produced on the basis of recombinant interferon obtained by genetic engineering, so there is no risk of contracting viral infections transmitted through blood.

As for instillations on damaged mucous membranes, if the damage is inflammation due to a viral infection, then the use of Grippferon will be effective in treating the disease. If damage to the mucous membranes occurred as a result of thermal, chemical, mechanical or other influences, then it is better for you to consult a specialist for advice.

Is it true that Grippferon was created specifically for the treatment of influenza and is less effective for other acute respiratory viral infections?

No, that's not true. The antiviral protein interferon, which is part of Grippferon, acts on all types of respiratory viruses that cause ARVI. Therefore, Grippferon works equally well for both influenza and other colds viral origin.

How does Grippferon differ from regular leukocyte interferon in ampoules?

Firstly, leukocyte interferon, which is available in ampoules, in powder form, is obtained from donated blood. Currently, drugs obtained from blood, as a rule, are used only for life-saving indications due to the entry into the body of foreign genetic material from destroyed viruses and the danger of infections (AIDS, hepatitis, etc.). Unlike him recombinant interferon, which is part of Grippferon, is obtained using genetic engineering technologies without the use of human blood.

Secondly, Grippferon has higher activity. One bottle of Grippferon replaces 100 ampoules of human leukocyte interferon. In clinical studies, Grippferon has been shown to be more effective than human leukocyte interferon.

Thirdly, this is a matter of ease of use. Interferon from ampoules must be dissolved in water before use. Grippferon is a ready-made drug.

Is it possible to take the drug out of the refrigerator and warm it at room temperature before giving it to the child?

Yes, Grippferon can be kept at room temperature for a certain time. Although in in this case this is hardly advisable. Does the child breathe cold air outside? Both the air and the drops quickly warm up in the nose... 2-3 cold drops will not make the baby get sick.

How to properly store Grippferon?

Grippferon should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C, otherwise it gradually loses its activity. If necessary, Grippferon can be carried with you during the day, and put back in the refrigerator at night. During this time, interferon will not lose its properties. An open bottle should be used within a month.

What is the mechanism of action of the drug Grippferon?

The mechanism of action of interferon ( active component Grippferon) is based on preventing the reproduction of any viruses that enter the body through Airways. Interferon stops the replication (reproduction) of all types of respiratory viruses. It disables the ribosomal complex - the “printed circuit board” on the basis of which new viruses are produced. Unlike interferon preparations used in the form of suppositories, Grippferon has local action. It prevents the proliferation of viruses in the nasal mucosa - the place where they enter the body.

Is it possible to use Grippferon for a long time?

With a seasonal increase in the incidence of ARVI, Grippferon can be instilled once every 2 days for long period time. It must be remembered that the drug contains polymers that have a decongestant effect, and with prolonged use it can dry out the nasal mucosa. Therefore, every 10-12 days it is necessary to take breaks for 2-3 days. But, as a rule, in for preventive purposes Grippferon is used when there is a real danger of disease. For example, upon contact with a patient, hypothermia. This is called "emergency prevention."

Is it possible to use Grippferon for ARVI in a newborn child?

Since January 2004, the drug has been approved for use in children from the first days of life. When treating influenza and ARVI in children under one year of age, it is prescribed 1 drop in each nasal passage 5 times a day.

What is emergency prevention of influenza and ARVI?

If there is a risk of contracting acute respiratory infections (hypothermia, contact with a sick person, stressful situation) it is enough to drop Grippferon into the nose once as quickly as possible to block the reproduction of viruses and thereby prevent the disease from developing.

Can Grippferon be used while breastfeeding? The instructions say that it is possible from birth and during pregnancy. But it is not clear what to do with the lactation period.


Grippferon passed all the necessary clinical researches and is recommended for use even during pregnancy, so when breastfeeding it can also be used. In addition, Grippferon is available in the form of nasal drops, and its penetration into breast milk minimal.

Can Grippferon be used during pregnancy?

In accordance with the instructions dated October 31, 2005, Grippferon is approved for use throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

How does Grippferon combine with other medications?

If you start using Grippferon when the first signs of a cold appear (1-2 days), then, as a rule, in 50-60% of cases other drugs will not be required. If it is necessary to take other groups of drugs (for example, anti-inflammatory drugs), Grippferon has no contraindications for compatibility with other drugs (with the exception of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs).

It should be noted that when using the drug Grippferon, the need for additional medications is reduced by 50%. Using Grippferon, you can save on antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, cough and runny nose medications, etc.

Is it possible to instill Grippferon into the throat if the first sign of the disease is a sore throat?

Can. Although special clinical studies on this topic have not yet been carried out, medical practice this method of application is already in use. Interferons, entering directly into the site of infection, protect cells, be it the nose or throat.

Does it make sense to start taking Grippferon if three days have passed since the onset of the illness?

Yes, it has. The use of Grippferon significantly mitigates the course of the disease and, as clinical studies have shown, significantly reduces the risk dangerous complications. However, the sooner you start using Grippferon, the better. Interferons included in the drug block the mechanism of virus reproduction, and it is better if this occurs immediately after infection.

How does Grippferon affect the general condition of the immune system? Do the cells themselves stop producing interferon? What are the dangers of excess interferon?

Using Grippferon, we introduce ready-made interferon into the body. At the same time, cells do not stop producing their own interferon. Single dose“Grippferon” ranges from 1000 to 3000 IU and does not cause any side effects.

What can you expect from Grippferon in case of overdose?

Grippferon contains recombinant interferon at a dosage of 10,000 IU/ml. In the treatment of hepatitis and in oncology, tens of thousands of times more high doses interferon. Therefore, an overdose of Grippferon is, in principle, impossible, even if you drip the entire bottle into your nose.

What are the side effects of Grippferon? They say that it dries out the nasal mucosa.

At correct use the drug does not cause side effects. However, dry mucous membranes long-term use may appear. To avoid this, it is better to take breaks from using the drug for 2-3 days every 10 days of use. Or use the drug once every two days.

How often do you need to drip the drug to avoid getting infected if you have constant contact with a sick person?

For prevention, it is enough to use Grippferon 1-2 times a day, depending on age. Children under 14 years old: 2 drops in each nostril, adults - three. According to research, small doses of interferon are effective for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. And such a small dose as Grippferon contains (about 500 IU in one drop) is enough to resist viruses. The effectiveness of low doses of interferon has already been proven.

Large doses of interferons are used in oncology; they are able to inhibit cell growth. Small doses only suppress the reproduction of viruses, which, in principle, is required for the prevention and treatment of ARVI.

Does it make sense to take Grippferon if you have had a flu shot?

It has. Because influenza vaccine contains only three strains of the influenza virus, the most likely to occur in the upcoming epidemiological season. But firstly, the WHO forecast does not always turn out to be correct, and exactly those strains arrive that are expected (today, more than 2000 (!) flu genomes are known). And, secondly, even if the forecast turns out to be correct, influenza during seasonal diseases accounts for no more than 10-20% of acute cases. respiratory infections. The rest is ARVI, against which the vaccine turns out to be powerless.

Does Grippferon help with swine flu?

Since the interferon in Grippferon does not interact with the virus itself, but makes cells immune to it, the drug is effective against all types of viruses. Including H1N1. Recent studies support it antiviral effect for human influenza H1N1 viruses. Thus, the drug stably suppressed the replication of influenza virus in cell culture, A subtype H1N1 strains: A/Krasnoyarsk/18/05 (H1N1), A/SPb/03/05 (H1N1), A/Krasnoyarsk/8/05 (H1N1), A/Novosibirsk/5/05 (H1N1).

Are there Grippferon drops for children?

There is no special form of Grippferon drops for children. The drug itself is approved for children from the first days of life. Lower doses of the drug are simply used.

Is it possible to use Grippferon immediately after vaccination? Or is it better to let some time pass?

The use of Grippferon has nothing to do with vaccination. If necessary, it can and should be instilled, both before and immediately after, and weeks and months after vaccination. The fact is that Grippferon and vaccines affect different parts of the immune system. The principle of the vaccine is based on the fact that a small dose of a virus is introduced into the body, to which antibodies are produced. This is the so-called specific immunity" However, a sufficient amount of antibodies necessary to protect the body is not produced immediately. In addition, these antibodies act only against one virus, its causative agent. In addition, the vaccine promotes the production of antibodies to only three varieties of the influenza virus; in total, more than 2000 (!) varieties of influenza are known in nature. Typically, during an epidemic, several various viruses. And often a person who, it would seem, has just been ill, again finds himself in bed with a fever and runny nose, because he has received a new virus, to which the old antibodies have no effect at all.

Interferons help the body survive - an important part immune system, the so-called “nonspecific immunity”. These proteins are formed in response to a virus infecting a cell. They inhibit the development of the viral process and help cells survive until the arrival of the main “army of defense” - antibodies. It does not matter which virus attacks the body.

If for some reason a person does not produce interferons, then the virus becomes fatal for him: the virus multiplies too quickly and antibodies do not have time to be produced in sufficient quantities. On the contrary, if a person produces a lot of interferons, then the infection, although present in the body, may go completely unnoticed. At the same time, the production of interferons is reduced under the influence of factors such as overwork, stress, lack of sleep, nervous experiences, chronic diseases heart, liver and lungs. In addition, fewer interferons are produced in children under 2 years of age, as well as in people over 60 years of age. If we take into account all these factors, we can conclude that the majority of metropolitan residents produce insufficient amounts of interferon to properly resist viruses, and therefore interferon must be administered from the outside. Today, fortunately, this is very easy to do. It is enough to drip Grippferon into the nose, which already contains ready-made interferons. Moreover, the sooner such help arrives for the body, the better. After all, during infection, new viruses are born every minute, ready to attack still healthy cells.

Grippferon can also be used for prevention when there is reason to believe that viruses already present in it enter the body or are activated. For example, in contact with a sick person, in case of hypothermia. I note that the vaccination for such emergency prevention doesn't fit.

How to use Grippferon for treatment?

If you are already sick, then to treat influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, at the first signs of the disease, Grippferon is instilled into the nose:

  • up to 3 years of age, 2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day
  • aged 3 to 14 years, 2 drops in each nasal passage 4 times a day
  • adults: 3 drops in each nasal passage after 3-4 hours

The course of treatment is five days.

More than half of the patients, having started taking Grippferon with the appearance of the first signs of the disease, feel healthy the very next day. However, this feeling is deceptive - viruses continue to multiply. For full recovery The drops must be used for at least two to three days. True, the dosage at feeling good can be reduced.

It is best to start using the drug from the first day of illness. If you use Grippferon on the 3rd-4th day of the disease, there will be an effect, but not so significant. Interferons contained in the drug inhibit the development of the virus. And the faster they begin to act, the easier it will be for the body to cope with the disease.

How to use Grippferon for prophylactic purposes?

Grippferon is universal and safe drug for emergency prevention of influenza and other respiratory diseases viral infections. Any cold is viral in nature. It has been shown that in the cold season, much more viruses circulate in the air than in the warm season. In warm air, the influenza virus remains viable for several hours, in cold air - much longer. At the same time, a person passes up to 16,000 liters of air through the lungs per day. And this air contains hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses, 60% of which settle in the nasal cavity. When a person becomes hypothermic, the nasal mucosa swells and loses its protective properties, and activated viruses gain freedom of action. To stop their reproduction, it is enough to drop Grippferon into the nose - 1-2 times a day in an age-appropriate dosage. In the same way, Grippferon is used for emergency prevention after contact with a sick person. Moreover, prevention should be carried out as soon as possible. Interferons (the active substance of Grippferon) make cells immune to the virus, and the faster this happens, the better. And since interferons do not directly contact viruses, it does not matter what kind of “aggressor” entered the body. Whether it is one of the 2000 varieties of influenza or any of the 200 types of acute respiratory viral infections, Grippferon is equally effective.

It is advisable to use “Grippferon” when visiting mass events, on an airplane, train, public transport during an epidemic or when there is a real danger of infection. For example, when traveling to a country where cases of swine flu have been detected. A single instillation of the drug protects against viruses for two days. Therefore, there is no point in using it often. The drug contains vasoconstrictor polymers, which can dry out the mucous membranes, and if used too often, even cause nose bleed. Therefore, you should not use the drug unless clearly necessary. It is better to use Grippferon once every two days. When there is a seasonal increase in incidence, the drug is instilled in an age-specific dosage in the morning once a day or every other day. However, when using Grippferon daily, after 1-2 weeks it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 days so as not to dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. If you have to constantly communicate with a patient, when the risk of infection is very high, for prevention the drug is taken in an age-specific dosage once a day throughout the entire period of contact.

Serological diagnosis involves the determination of specific antibodies (immunoglobulins of classes M and G) in the patient’s blood serum using the complement fixation reaction, hemagglutination inhibition reaction or enzyme immunoassay. A patient can be considered infected only when the antibody titer increases more than fourfold. The very fact of identifying specific immunoglobulins does not indicate the presence of infection in the body at the time of the study. This limits the clinical significance of this type of diagnosis.

V. Treatment of swine flu

Swine flu therapy includes antiviral and symptomatic treatment.
Antiviral therapy includes appointment the following drugs or combinations thereof:
1) Alpha interferon preparations (Viferon suppositories, Genferon suppositories, Roferon-A bottles, Realdiron bottles). Drugs in this group have a broad antiviral effect, which increases their importance in the treatment of swine flu due to the possibility of viral associations. Alpha interferons are prescribed in daily dosage from 150,000 units to 1,000,000 units per day, depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. The drug can also be prescribed to pregnant women from 14 days of pregnancy.

2) Arbidol. The drug has an antiviral effect against influenza A viruses. It is most effective during the first 5 days from the onset of the disease. When starting treatment more than late dates efficiency decreases. It is prescribed in the form of tablets of 200 milligrams every 6 hours. The course of treatment is at least a week.

3) Oseltamivir. This drug has high activity against influenza viruses, including swine flu. Treatment regimen for adults: prescribed in tablets of 75 milligrams every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.

4) Kagocel. Belongs to the group of immunomodulatory drugs, having the ability to enhance the production of endogenous interferon. Available in the form of 12 milligram tablets. Prescription regimen: 2 tablets three times a day - one day, then 1 tablet three times a day for three days, then 1 tablet twice a day for a week. The drug is effective for mild forms of the disease or for prevention.

Symptomatic treatment includes antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen), vitamin therapy (Centrum, Vitrum, Multitabs). Appointment possible antihistamines(suprastin, tavegil, diazolin). In cases of connecting a secondary bacterial infection antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions: penicillins (flemoxin, augmentin, amoxiclav), cephalosporins (suprax, cefazolin, ceftazidime), macrolides (chemomycin, azithromycin, fromilid). At severe forms diseases is carried out infusion therapy(electrolytes), glucocorticosteroids, muscle relaxants, drugs affecting the cardiovascular system, bronchodilators are prescribed.

VI. Prevention of swine flu

To prevent swine flu, experts from the World Health Organization have prepared the following recommendations:
1) Wash your hands regularly and often with soap.
2) Avoid close contact with people showing signs of colds.
3) News healthy image life, observe sleep and rest patterns.
4) The diet must contain sufficient amounts of proteins and vitamins.

Methods for specific prevention of swine flu have been developed. For this purpose, the following vaccines can be prescribed: “Pandemix” (manufactured by Glaxosmithkline), “Fosetria” (manufactured by Novartis), . "MonoGrippol" (domestic production of the Petrovax company). These vaccines have undergone clinical trials and have shown high efficiency in the prevention of swine flu.

VII. Prognosis for swine flu

The prognosis for life is favorable. The mortality rate from swine flu is less than 1 person per 1000 cases and is the lowest in the past 4 influenza pandemics. Less than 5% of all patients experience severe disease.

There are now many ways to treat and prevent viral infections. various drugs. Some are available by prescription only, while others are freely available. Consumers doubt: which product will be truly effective and also safe? To answer this question, you need to know about the nature of the viral infection.

Choice the right remedy helps prevent the development of influenza

If you have swine flu, treatment, medications and symptomatic remedies are prescribed by your doctor. Only then can you be sure that therapeutic measures will be effective. You can buy medications yourself, but they are not always chosen correctly. Most medications that have an antiviral effect are based on the induction of interferon. They increase their own innate and acquired immunity, stimulating protective cells. Do you want to know how effective popular remedies are in treating swine flu?

Effectiveness of vaccination

Patients believe that vaccination against viral infection is the best and most effective means of protection. Is it really? Does Grippol Plus protect against swine flu?

This vaccine is recognized as an immunomodulatory agent. It contains antigens that are isolated from influenza A and B viruses. Stable immunity is formed for up to 12 months. The effect of the vaccine begins a week after administration. Grippol Plus can be used in children from six months of age. A contraindication for administration is an allergy to egg white, and sharp forms diseases.

Despite all the judgments and promises, in last years Experts have doubts about the effectiveness of vaccination. It has been suggested that it does not help prevent swine flu. However, the product provides cross immunity. When infected, the disease is less acute and does not cause complications.

Tablets Remantadine, Orvirem

There is an opinion that Remantadine against swine flu is one of the best and inexpensive means . This drug actually has an antiviral effect. According to the instructions, it is used for five days. It is acceptable to give tablets to children from the age of seven. As the manufacturer promises, Remantadine helps quickly and effectively with swine flu and other types of subtype A. Side effects caused by the drug may include allergies, dyspeptic disorders, and the medication can also affect the nervous system.

Remantadine is one of the the best means to fight swine flu

The follower of the drug Remantadine was the drug Orvirem. The active ingredients present here are rimantadine, sodium alginate. This medicine is used in children from one year of age. How effective is Orvirem for swine flu? Studies have shown that using the drug for prevention gives excellent results. 8 out of 10 people who had contact with the infected did not get sick. Treatment with this remedy helps reduce the duration of the pathology and also prevents possible complications. If you are faced with a choice: does Remantadine help with swine flu or is it better to choose Orvirem, then the preference of doctors falls on the second drug.

Application of Cycloferon

Cycloferon is used quite often to prevent swine flu.. The action of the drug is based on the release large doses interferon in lymphoid tissues. The medicine is effective against many viral infections. For the purpose of prevention, adults need to take tablets according to a certain schedule with a break on days 3 and 5. The medicine is prescribed to children from 4 years of age. It is also permissible to administer the medication in the form of an injection solution.

It’s hard to say how effective the drug is. Some experts believe that this medicine is not able to eliminate swine flu, as well as seasonal flu.

Nasal remedy Grippferon

Grippferon for swine flu, as for other diseases, is administered into nasal cavity . The drug is available in the form of drops or spray. For children it can be used from the first days of life. It is important that this medicine can be used during pregnancy. Expectant mothers have a several-fold increased risk of infection. How effective is the antiviral drug?

Grippferon drops or spray act on the nasal mucosa, creating an imperceptible protective film on it. It prevents many infections from entering the body, and the causative agent of swine flu is no exception. The medication is effective in prophylactic use, but it cannot cure an existing swine influenza virus. The patient requires more effective, potent medications.

Syrup, tablets Cytovir

Cytovir for swine flu can be given to children (in a certain dose) from the age of one year. The medication contains bendazole and thymogen. The suspension also contains ascorbic acid. The drug is used for treatment for four days. For the purpose of prevention, it is permissible to use an antiviral drug for a month. As the instructions promise, the medication is effective against many viruses, including subtypes A and B. The active substance prevents the replication of viruses, causing an immune response in the body. In addition, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Cytovir can be given even to children to fight influenza

Amiksin tablets for adults and children over 7 years old

The medicine Amiksin against swine flu is used for treatment or prevention. Its active ingredient, which is tilorone, stimulates the production of three types of interferon. Due to this, there is a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. It is prohibited to use the tablets during pregnancy, lactation, and children under 7 years of age. Doctors recognize this medicine as highly effective in the fight against ARVI.

Ingavirin for swine flu

Ingavirin against swine flu has been used especially actively in recent years. This medication can be taken for treatment or prevention. The drug is contraindicated for young children and pregnant women. The instructions for use say that Ingavirin acts quickly and effectively against swine flu. The manufacturer guarantees the effectiveness of the medicine specifically for this type of disease, as well as its subtypes.

Ingavirin should be taken for a week to prevent swine flu and treat this pathology. The medicine has a pronounced immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

Homeopathy: Anaferon

Anti-flu tablets Anaferon officially recognized as a false drug. It has been proven that homeopathy cannot cope with infectious, viral and, especially, bacterial diseases. This tool contains antibodies to interferon. The effect of the drug Anaferon on swine flu is a placebo effect. Despite this, the instructions and the manufacturer claim that the drug is effective for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, which includes swine flu.

The action of Anaferon is associated with the placebo effect

Kagocel: a drug with residual effect

The drug Kagocel is widely used against swine flu.. These tablets can be taken by adults, as well as children over those years. It is known that the medicine provokes the synthesis of interferons alpha and beta. The manufacturer positions Kagocel as follows: effective means that it can suppress the infection spreading in the human body for several days. Despite this, you need to take the medicine as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear. The effect of this medication is long-lasting. It remains effective for 5 days after the last dose.

Medical opinion

What do doctors say about all the drugs against swine flu? Latest Scientific research showed that all antiviral drugs are ineffective against this disease. Only neuraminidase blockers can suppress the replication of the virus. Today there are two popular drugs: Relenza and Tamiflu. You will not be able to purchase them yourself, as they are sold exclusively by prescription.

Relenza - effective blocker, suppressing the replication of the virus

Patients who report the effectiveness of interferon-based antivirals could recover on their own. Doctors came to this conclusion after numerous tests. If you suspect you have swine flu, contact your doctor immediately. Don't listen to your friends' advice or ask your pharmacist for advice. Incorrect treatment often provokes complications that can even lead to fatal outcome.

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Is it possible to instill Grippferon into the throat if the first sign of the disease is a sore throat?

Can. Although special clinical studies on this topic have not yet been conducted, this method of application is already used in medical practice. Interferons, entering directly into the site of infection, protect cells, be it the nose or throat.

Does it make sense to start taking Grippferon if three days have passed since the onset of the illness?

Yes, it has. The use of Grippferon significantly softens the course of the disease and, as clinical studies have shown, greatly reduces the risk of dangerous complications. However, the sooner you start using Grippferon, the better. Interferons included in the drug block the mechanism of virus reproduction, and it is better if this occurs immediately after infection.

How does Grippferon affect the general condition of the immune system? Do the cells themselves stop producing interferon? What are the dangers of excess interferon?

Using Grippferon, we introduce ready-made interferon into the body. At the same time, cells do not stop producing their own interferon. A single dose of Grippferon ranges from 1000 to 3000 IU and it does not cause any side effects.

What can you expect from Grippferon in case of overdose?

Grippferon contains recombinant interferon at a dosage of 10,000 IU/ml. In the treatment of hepatitis and in oncology, tens of thousands of times higher doses of interferon are used. Therefore, an overdose of Grippferon is, in principle, impossible, even if you drip the entire bottle into your nose.

What are the side effects of Grippferon? They say that it dries out the nasal mucosa.

When used correctly, the drug does not cause side effects. However, dry mucous membranes may occur with prolonged use. To avoid this, it is better to take breaks from using the drug for 2-3 days every 10 days of use. Or use the drug once every two days.

How often do you need to drip the drug to avoid getting infected if you have constant contact with a sick person?

For prevention, it is enough to use Grippferon 1-2 times a day, depending on age. Children under 14 years old: 2 drops in each nostril, adults - three. According to research, small doses of interferon are effective for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. And such a small dose as Grippferon contains (about 500 IU in one drop) is enough to resist viruses. The effectiveness of low doses of interferon (See link...) has already been proven.

Large doses of interferons are used in oncology; they are able to inhibit cell growth. Small doses only suppress the reproduction of viruses, which, in principle, is required for the prevention and treatment of ARVI.

Does it make sense to take Grippferon if you have had a flu shot?

It has. Since the influenza vaccine contains only three strains of the influenza virus, the most likely to occur in the upcoming epidemiological season. But firstly, the WHO forecast does not always turn out to be correct, and exactly those strains arrive that are expected (today, more than 2000 (!) flu genomes are known). And, secondly, even if the forecast turns out to be correct, influenza during seasonal diseases accounts for no more than 10-20% of cases of acute respiratory infections. The rest is ARVI, against which the vaccine turns out to be powerless.

Does Grippferon help with swine flu?

Since the interferon in Grippferon does not interact with the virus itself, but makes cells immune to it, the drug is effective against all types of viruses. Including H1N1. Recent studies confirm its antiviral effect against human influenza H1N1 viruses. Thus, the drug stably suppressed the replication of influenza virus in cell culture, A subtype H1N1 strains: A/Krasnoyarsk/18/05 (H1N1), A/SPb/03/05 (H1N1), A/Krasnoyarsk/8/05 (H1N1), A/Novosibirsk/5/05 (H1N1).

Are there Grippferon drops for children?

There is no special form of Grippferon drops for children. The drug itself is approved for children from the first days of life. Lower doses of the drug are simply used.

Is it possible to use Grippferon immediately after vaccination? Or is it better to let some time pass?

The use of Grippferon has nothing to do with vaccination. If necessary, it can and should be instilled, both before and immediately after, and weeks and months after vaccination. The fact is that Grippferon and vaccines affect different parts of the immune system. The principle of the vaccine is based on the fact that a small dose of a virus is introduced into the body, to which antibodies are produced. This is the so-called “specific immunity”. However, a sufficient amount of antibodies necessary to protect the body is not produced immediately. In addition, these antibodies act only against one virus, its causative agent. In addition, the vaccine promotes the production of antibodies to only three varieties of the influenza virus; in total, more than 2000 (!) varieties of influenza are known in nature. Typically, during an epidemic, several different viruses spread at once. And often a person who, it would seem, has just been ill, again finds himself in bed with a fever and runny nose, because he has received a new virus, to which the old antibodies have no effect at all.

Interferons help the body survive - an important part of the immune system, the so-called “nonspecific immunity”. These proteins are formed in response to a virus infecting a cell. They inhibit the development of the viral process and help cells survive until the arrival of the main “army of defense” - antibodies. It does not matter which virus attacks the body.

If for some reason a person does not produce interferons, then the virus becomes fatal for him: the virus multiplies too quickly and antibodies do not have time to be produced in sufficient quantities. On the contrary, if a person produces a lot of interferons, then the infection, although present in the body, may go completely unnoticed. At the same time, the production of interferons is reduced under the influence of factors such as overwork, stress, lack of sleep, nervous experiences, chronic heart, liver and lung diseases. In addition, fewer interferons are produced in children under 2 years of age, as well as in people over 60 years of age. If we take into account all these factors, we can conclude that the majority of metropolitan residents produce insufficient amounts of interferon to properly resist viruses, and therefore interferon must be administered from the outside. Today, fortunately, this is very easy to do. It is enough to drip Grippferon into the nose, which already contains ready-made interferons. Moreover, the sooner such help arrives for the body, the better. After all, during infection, new viruses are born every minute, ready to attack still healthy cells.

Grippferon can also be used for prevention when there is reason to believe that viruses already present in it enter the body or are activated. For example, in contact with a sick person, in case of hypothermia. Please note that vaccination is not suitable for such emergency prevention.

How to use Grippferon for treatment?

If you are already sick, then to treat influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, at the first signs of the disease, Grippferon is instilled into the nose:

  • up to 3 years of age, 2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day
  • aged 3 to 14 years, 2 drops in each nasal passage 4 times a day
  • adults: 3 drops in each nasal passage after 3-4 hours

The course of treatment is five days.

More than half of the patients, having started taking Grippferon with the appearance of the first signs of the disease, feel healthy the very next day. However, this feeling is deceptive - viruses continue to multiply. For complete recovery, the drops must be used for at least two to three days. True, the dosage can be reduced if you feel well.

It is best to start using the drug from the first day of illness. If you use Grippferon on the 3rd-4th day of the disease, there will be an effect, but not so significant. Interferons contained in the drug inhibit the development of the virus. And the faster they begin to act, the easier it will be for the body to cope with the disease.

How to use Grippferon for prophylactic purposes?

Grippferon is a universal and safe drug for emergency prevention of influenza and other respiratory viral infections. Any cold is viral in nature. It has been shown that in the cold season, much more viruses circulate in the air than in the warm season. In warm air, the influenza virus remains viable for several hours, in cold air - much longer. At the same time, a person passes up to 16,000 liters of air through the lungs per day. And this air contains hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses, 60% of which settle in the nasal cavity. When a person becomes hypothermic, the nasal mucosa swells and loses its protective properties, and the activated viruses gain freedom of action. To stop their reproduction, it is enough to drop Grippferon into the nose - 1-2 times a day in an age-appropriate dosage. In the same way, Grippferon is used for emergency prevention after contact with a sick person. Moreover, prevention should be carried out as soon as possible. Interferons (the active substance of Grippferon) make cells immune to the virus, and the faster this happens, the better. And since interferons do not directly contact viruses, it does not matter what kind of “aggressor” entered the body. Whether it is one of the 2000 varieties of influenza or any of the 200 types of acute respiratory viral infections, Grippferon is equally effective.

It is advisable to use Grippferon when attending public events, on an airplane, train, or public transport during an epidemic or when there is a real danger of infection. For example, when traveling to a country where cases of swine flu have been detected. A single instillation of the drug protects against viruses for two days. Therefore, there is no point in using it often. The drug contains vasoconstrictor polymers, which can dry out the mucous membranes, and if used too often, even cause nosebleeds. Therefore, you should not use the drug unless clearly necessary. It is better to use Grippferon once every two days. When there is a seasonal increase in incidence, the drug is instilled in an age-specific dosage in the morning once a day or every other day. However, when using Grippferon daily, after 1-2 weeks it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 days so as not to dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. If you have to constantly communicate with a patient, when the risk of infection is very high, for prevention the drug is taken in an age-specific dosage once a day throughout the entire period of contact.

Source: firnm.ru

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Several years ago, a new type of influenza appeared, to which the population did not yet have immunity. Influenza type A, H1N1, became known as swine influenza, since outbreaks of this disease occur quite often in pigs. This influenza virus is practically not transmitted to humans from these animals, only in very rare cases.

This virus is very difficult for patients to tolerate and is complicated by viral infections lungs and can be fatal. In this regard, it is very important to know which ones are effective antiviral drugs from swine flu.

Influenza epidemics occur almost every year. When the threat of getting sick during the season increases, many people decide to take various antiviral medications for both prevention and treatment purposes. Exists various shapes and influenza strains and, as a rule, the cause of seasonal increases in incidence are several types of viruses.

Effective ones have been developed from some strains medicines, from others not yet. Often, many do not understand at all what, how and with what they are trying to be treated.

Antiviral drugs are usually dispensed in pharmacies with a prescription in the form of tablets, inhalers or mixtures. Flu medications are designed to treat influenza viruses only; they will not help fight other infections or viruses. Cure the flu antimicrobials or antibiotics are not allowed.

If swine flu is diagnosed, treatment with these drugs can only be done with a doctor’s prescription. Before taking any antiviral drugs Be sure to consult with your doctor and carefully read the instructions for the medications.

Treatment should be aimed at suppressing influenza viruses and preventing its reproduction. In addition, antiviral drugs for swine flu enhance the body's natural production of antibodies against the attacking virus and enhance immunity.

To enhance treatment antiviral agents Some rules must be followed. So, if you have the flu, you should never continue to do your daily activities and work; you must strictly follow bed rest. If you carry the flu on your feet, it can lead to serious complications.

The influenza virus is treated with antiviral drugs such as Amantadine, Rimantadine, Oseltamivir or Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir or Tsanamivir (Relenza) and others, which we will discuss in this article. But first, let's talk about the prevention of this disease.

How to treat swine flu

Swine flu does not always occur in severe form, there are cases of moderate and mild course diseases. Treatment in such cases involves bed rest, plenty of warm fluids and antipyretics for high temperatures.

But in order to prevent possible serious complications, antiviral drugs for swine flu were specially developed. These medications suppress the spread and reproduction of the virus in the body. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor and only in severe manifestations of the disease.

Antiviral drugs help speed up the healing process, relieve symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of serious complications. But most effective treatment will happen if you start taking an antiviral drug no later than 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.

Recent studies have shown that the influenza A virus (H1N1), which infected people, turned out to be resistant to Amantadine or Rimantadine.

Remantadine was effective against influenza type A for many years. But those who had swine flu felt the uselessness of this drug. This is explained by the fact that Remantadine belongs to antiviral drugs adamantine class. And the H1N1 swine flu strain has a different composition and shell structure, so Remantadine is ineffective.

Arbidol for swine flu

Arbidol is one of the cheapest antiviral drugs that helps defeat swine flu by suppressing influenza viruses type B and A. Arbidol helps to increase the production of interferon by the body.

It helps to increase not only general but also cellular immunity of the body, which is important in the treatment of viral infections. The use of Arbidol should be avoided by those people who are allergic to the substances included in the drug, as well as those who have cardiovascular diseases And serious illnesses liver and kidneys.

Tamiflu (Ozeltamivir) is effective against all influenza viruses types A and B, including swine. Main active substance Tamiflu is oseltamivir phosphate. It was created due to the increased incidence of swine flu.

Tamiflu suppresses the reproduction and spread of swine flu viruses throughout organs and tissues, and also prevents the release of viruses from the patient’s body into the environment.

Oseltamivir(Tamiflu) is used to treat and prevent influenza A and B viruses in children under one year of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In cases severe course Swine flu There are practically no contraindications for the use of this drug.

But treatment of mild forms of the disease is not recommended for them due to the presence of many side effects, such as severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, disorders heart rate, otitis media, conjunctivitis, nosebleeds and allergic reactions.

When treating Tamiflu, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the indicated doses.

Ingavirin is an inexpensive and effective antiviral drug. When it enters the body, it inhibits the swine flu virus, interfering with its development and reproduction. In addition, Ingavirin has a good anti-inflammatory effect and has virtually no side effects.

The drug is not prescribed to children, pregnant women and people with allergies or individual intolerance to certain substances in the drug.

Kipferon It has not only antiviral, but also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It promotes the rapid production of interferon, affecting immune system. The drug contains a large amount of synthetic interferon, which helps to quickly and effectively suppress the virus and its spread in the body.

The drug has no significant side effects, but it is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and during lactation only at the discretion of the doctor.

Cycloferon increases the production of interferon, affecting the immune system. The drug also has an antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effect. Active substance accumulates in the tissues of the liver, spleen, intestinal mucosa and lungs, activating the production of lymphoid substances.

Cycloferon has no side effects, but it is contraindicated for people with liver cirrhosis and allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate the components of the drug.

Ergoferon effective in the treatment of swine flu and its other modifications of types A and B. Take the drug at the very first symptoms of the disease.

Sometimes Ergoferon is prescribed to prevent serious complications and the formation of superinfection. The medicine has virtually no side effects, but should be avoided by children under 6 months of age and people who suffer from improper absorption of lactose.

is a good antiviral drug and also has antimicrobial property. It can be used in the treatment different types flu not only to adults, but also to children over 6 years of age.

Kagocel helps to increase the production of interferon in the body, which increases the human immune system.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as those with lactose deficiency and galactose intolerance, should avoid using the drug.

Genferon helps increase general and cellular immunity, and also has not only antiviral, but also antibacterial properties. The drug may cause allergic reactions such as itching, as well as side effects such as decreased appetite, headache, chills, fever. But they appear very rarely, usually only when taking large quantity interferon.

Oseltamivir(Tamiflu) and Zanamavir(Relenza) are prescribed only by your doctor. These antiviral drugs are designed to avoid serious complications. Medicines such as arbidol, gripferon, viferon, kagocel, cycloferon and others are also used, but their effectiveness has not been proven.

Antiviral drugs for swine flu with timely and correct intake will help cope with the disease. Take care of your health!

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