Dull pain behind the sternum in the center. Chest pain requiring urgent treatment. Pain in the rib area due to breast cancer

Quite a common symptom. Such sharp and stabbing pain is often perceived as cardiac, but it may not always be associated with the cardiovascular system.

The very sensation of pain can arise from irritation nerve endings. When approaching the chest nerve plexus branches into nearby organs. Therefore, pain can be felt not only when the heart muscle is damaged, but also other organs of the system.

It is extremely important to visit on time for diagnosis. Self-medication in in this case It’s better not to deal with it, as soon as a specialist can correctly recognize the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Localization of pain

Pain caused by damage to the heart muscle is usually located on the left side chest. This one has aching character, without the exact location of the pain itself. The causes of development can be development, heart attack, cardioneurosis, pericarditis.

With the development of angina pectoris, the pain has a radiating character, radiating to left hand, shoulder, neck and shoulder blade area.

Duration painful spasm lasts no more than 15 minutes and is usually relieved by taking a nitroglycerin tablet. If the attack continues and the pain does not stop, then it is worth assuming the development of myocardial infarction, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Cardioneurosis is more aching and less noticeable, located in the lower left part of the chest. The patient may feel a rapid heartbeat, a sense of fear, his face becomes red and his blood pressure rises.

Remove these discomfort can reception sedatives, normalization of sleep and rest patterns, general emotional relief.

Failures can also cause the development of cardioneurosis hormonal levels. For recovery, monitoring by a homeopathic doctor, adherence to the regimen and taking prescribed medications by a doctor are necessary.

Myocarditis is characterized by attacks of pain in the sternum. The pain is very similar to a heart attack and the duration of the attack differs. An attack of myocarditis is quite prolonged and cannot be relieved with nitroglycerin. The pain is mainly acute and stabbing in nature and requires hospital treatment.

Persistent dullness and aching may indicate the development of pericarditis. Sometimes during an exacerbation it can worsen and spread to the shoulder and shoulder blade, which is very similar to angina attacks.

Pericarditis is characterized by increased pain from breathing. How deeper man breathes, the stronger and more painful symptoms. This disease is usually treated in a hospital.

Other causes of chest pain

If the pain is localized in the upper lobe of the chest and is constant, then it is worth assuming the development of aortic aneurysms or any other lesion, which is very life-threatening. Such pain requires immediate emergency care and relief through surgery.

Stomach colic is sometimes mistaken for heart pain. When the muscles of the stomach contract, signals are transmitted through the nerve endings common trunk which a person can feel in the sternum area.

Such pain can be easily recognized by monitoring the dependence on food intake, the appearance of a feeling of heartburn, nausea after eating.

With severe sperm-like pain, symptoms similar to angina pectoris, a diaphragmatic hernia may be hidden. Such a hernia develops from gastric juice entering the cavity of the diaphragm, which pinches it during compression, this is especially typical in supine position. An accurate sign of its development will be a decrease in the attack when taking a standing position.

The development of osteochondrosis can also affect pain in the thoracic region. When the intervertebral discs are injured, the nerve endings are pinched, which transmit a signal along the nerve column to the retrosternal region. Such pain can develop when the discs in the thoracic spine are damaged.

The pain is stabbing in nature, intensifying with movement. General painkillers and heating the affected area with compresses help relieve an attack.

The development of pain in the sternum can also be caused by an inflammatory process in the lungs. Often this pain behind the sternum is caused by pleurisy. At the same time, such pain is accompanied heat, severe cough and painful inhalation. Treatment requires hospitalization.

When pain develops, you need to remember:

  • Produce or designated other specialists;
  • Adhere to the prescribed regimen;
  • When severe attacks call a cardiologist at home or ambulance;
  • Do not self-medicate;
  • Provide the patient with rest.

The sternum is the bone oblong shape, connecting the ribs and collarbones in the center of the chest. Behind it are the main human organs: heart, lungs, stomach, pancreas and others. Chest pain is very important symptom many diseases. To determine the urgency of medical care, it is necessary to correctly systematize its types and causes. The sternum is also called the entire chest.

Nature of the pain syndrome

Chest pain often accompanies diseases internal organs, located there, but there is also a recoil when systemic diseases. Its manifestations are very diverse. To clarify the cause of its occurrence, it is necessary to determine the parameters of such pain and clearly describe it.

  1. Character: pulling, pressing, prickly, burning, aching.
  2. Type: sharp or blunt.
  3. Localization: straight, left or right relative to the center of the chest.
  4. Place of impact: in the left hand, under the shoulder blade, etc.
  5. Time of appearance: a certain part of the day.
  6. Provoking physical efforts: coughing, strong breathing, swallowing or other movements.
  7. What reduces pain: medications, drinking, rest, special body position.

A careful study of the events preceding the onset of pain is also required, hereditary diseases, professional risks.

After obtaining a complete picture of the examination, you can pre-diagnose the disease or identify other causes, causing pain in the sternum, determine the procedure for treatment and their urgency.

When urgent hospitalization is required

It is necessary to know the manifestations of pain in diseases that are life-threatening. In these cases, prompt hospitalization and urgent initiation of treatment are required.

Characteristics pain syndrome in the sternum are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Name of the disease Nature of pain
Myocardial infarction Not a severe case: pressing, intense, localized on the left side of the sternum, with impact in the left arm and under the shoulder blade, lasting more than 30 minutes. The resting position and nitroglycerin do not work. Severe case: the same pain, but of very strong intensity, lasting more than a day and radiating to all parts of the upper half of the body. Sometimes it does not go away even with narcotic analgesics.
Dissecting aortic aneurysm Unbearable, sudden, most severe at the beginning with aortic dissection. Localization: between the shoulder blades with impact in the lower back, hips ( inner surface), into the sacrum.
Pulmonary embolism Sudden, very acute, the same as during a heart attack.
Spontaneous pneumothorax Sudden, localized pain behind the breastbone or in the part of the chest where the lung is damaged. Intensifies during breathing, relieves when lying on one's side. Radiates to the shoulders, arms, neck.
Spontaneous rupture of the esophagus The same as during a heart attack, but worsens when swallowing, inhaling, coughing.

If you suspect any of these diseases, urgent medical assistance And full examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Hospitalization, drug treatment, surgery reduce the likelihood fatal outcome, which is quite high.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Some diseases also cause chest pain, but they do not require urgent hospitalization, just call a doctor at home. Such diseases are shown in Table 2.

Table 3

Name of the disease Nature of pain
Angina pectoris Paroxysmal, lasting several minutes, intense, with a return to the left top part bodies. Relieved by rest and nitroglycerin.
Cardiomyopathy The same as for angina pectoris.
Mitral valve prolapse Localized behind the sternum or on the left, occurs with strong excitement, lasts a long time. Not controlled by nitroglycerin.
Esophageal carcinoma Strong, constant, arising behind the sternum. It does not go away with rest and strong analgesics, even narcotic ones, often do not work.
Reflux esophagitis Burning, strong, worse when lying down and bending forward.
Disorders of the esophagus Paroxysmal, similar to angina pectoris. Depends on the meal. Affect it: analgesics, nitroglycerin, drinking water.
Diaphragmatic hiatal hernia Moderate, occurs behind the sternum after physical activity or eating. Relieved vertical position body, vomiting or belching.
Menopausal cardiopathy Prolonged, varied, pain similar to angina pectoris. It does not increase after physical activity, but, on the contrary, weakens.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia The same as during a heart attack, but can be controlled with sedatives.

Pain in the sternum most often occurs as a consequence of the above diseases, but in addition to them, there are other reasons for its occurrence. Exist different kinds classifications for provoking factors.

Any regular pain is a cause for concern

You can group diseases that cause chest pain according to the effect of any movement.

1. If it intensifies when you inhale:

  • Chest injuries;
  • Pericarditis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Any abnormalities in the sternum (chest) or in the cardiovascular system.
  • Renal colic;
  • Hematological diseases;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Renal colic.

2. Worsened by coughing:

  • Tracheitis;
  • Flu or ARVI;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Pneumothorax;
  • Pleurisy.

3. Intensifies when swallowing:

  • Diseases of the esophagus;
  • Tumors;
  • Neuromuscular diseases.

Regular chest pain - alarm signal, requiring attention and identification of the cause. A complete examination under the supervision of a doctor is necessary. After all, the appearance of such pain may indicate serious violations health and threat to human life.

Chest pain can occur from a wide range of diseases and factors. That is why, first, it is necessary to exclude the most dangerous of them, for example, pathologies or neoplasms on the heart or lungs. After this, suppurative processes are eliminated, and only after this the diagnosis of other disorders that can cause this symptom is carried out.

It is a mistaken belief that only heart disease can cause such pain. Most often painful sensations are observed in a disease such as, which is characterized by compression of the intervertebral discs. The localization of pain is also very important sign, for example, pain on the right most likely occurs against the background of, or, and on the left, the appearance of unpleasant sensations is provoked by problems with the heart, stomach or lungs.

In addition, pain when coughing can be caused by double pneumonia. The occurrence of such pain syndrome is characterized by dull and It's a dull pain, spreading it in different directions relative to the center of the chest. Pain often spreads to the arms and back, and can also occur in certain time. They can be provoked by completely different factors - from something as harmless as a strong breath or cough, to various diseases. Various types of symptoms can reduce the intensity of pain. medications, ensuring complete rest for the patient, as well as a certain body position.


As mentioned above, pain in the chest can be caused by various factors that are not always related to pathological processes, which means that it can occur in an absolutely healthy person. Thus, the causes of pain syndrome are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system. Such disorders are characterized by the fact that pain can be localized not only on the right and left, but also completely cover the chest. The pain lasts up to 15 minutes, and in some cases it can go away on its own, and sometimes intensifies with horizontal position body, from strong inhalation or coughing;
  • when blood clots occur, pain occurs in the middle;
  • osteochondrosis – in which depletion occurs cartilage tissue in the spine, which leads to the formation intervertebral hernias and the appearance of pain strictly in the center of the sternum;
  • various diseases respiratory organs. In this case, the pain may increase when swallowing or coughing;
  • Oncological tumors of the lungs lead to pain in the respiratory system - this is due to the prevalence of metastases;
  • wide range diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or reflux, in which gastric juice enters the esophagus. The pain is expressed in varying intensity and is often localized with right side;
  • peptic ulcer - in this case the pain is clearly felt at the bottom of the sternum, exactly in the middle;
  • inflammation of the joints in the chest causes pain at the level of the ribs, and when pressed, leads to severe spasms.

Causes of chest pain in healthy people or those who do not have problems with the above bodies:

  • foreign object in the esophagus. In this case, the pain will intensify not only with strong inhalation, but also with eating food;
  • at severe cough, not necessarily caused by diseases;
  • eating large or poorly chewed pieces of food leads to pain in the middle of the chest;
  • excessively high body weight;
  • performing heavy physical activity that is unusual for a particular person;
  • against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • uncomfortable positions while working, studying or sleeping;
  • lasting influence stressful situations;
  • age-related changes human body.

Some of the second group of factors influence the formation of a disease such as osteochondrosis, which is the main cause of chest pain.

If the painful syndrome intensifies with inspiration, then this may be due to injuries or bruises of the chest or gastrointestinal tract, or, or. The pain usually occurs on the left side of the chest. In cases of increasing intensity of pain when coughing, these may be - colds, cancer or osteochondrosis. If the pain increases when swallowing, then this is a disease, tumor or foreign object in the esophagus.


Depending on the causes of the formation, this symptom may be accompanied by certain signs, the occurrence of which requires consultation with a doctor. These include:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • impaired breathing and shortness of breath (appears due to pain in the chest when coughing);
  • short-term loss of consciousness - caused by chest pain on the left and can be a sign of a heart attack;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • change in heart rate;
  • severe dizziness;
  • increased chest pain during sudden movements, strong physical exertion, as well as sudden sneezing or coughing (often observed with osteochondrosis);
  • muscle weakness;
  • the appearance of a feeling of aching.

You should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance if the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • a change in the nature of the pain, for example, from dull to sharp, especially if it lasts several days and occurs in the center or left;
  • increased pain in a horizontal position of a person or transition from the left side to the right;
  • It is not possible to eliminate the pain with various medications.

Often the pain is localized on the left side, but can also spread to the healthy right side or be based in the middle.


Diagnostic measures for chest pain are mainly aimed at identifying the “provocateur” disease. Diagnostic techniques include:

  • provision by the patient complete information about the course of such a disorder, when the first symptoms were first noticed, how intense the pain is and in what place it formed. Such information will help the doctor determine the underlying pathology much faster. For example, if the pain first appeared on the left, then it could be problems with the heart or respiratory system, on the right - disorders in the gastrointestinal tract or osteochondrosis, and if in the middle - then this is either cancerous tumors, or a foreign object in the respiratory system (in this case, the pain will intensify when swallowing and coughing);
  • laboratory examination of urine and blood tests - this will best show whether a person has viral or infectious diseases;
  • ECG - will give full picture about the work of the heart;
  • Ultrasound, CT and MRI of the patient’s internal organs;
  • additional consultations with more specialized specialists.

After receiving all the results, the doctor prescribes treatment for the main disorder and medications to eliminate symptoms.


Therapy for chest pain involves treating the underlying disease, which in some cases can take a long time. If after diagnosis it was not possible to do this, the patient must be admitted to a hospital and undergo a more in-depth set of examinations. In most cases, the patient is prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids;
  • hormonal medications;
  • antibiotics;
  • surgery indicated only for the formation of blood clots, the presence of oncological tumors, as well as for removing a foreign object;
  • physiotherapy;
  • special diets And complete failure from bad habits;
  • diuretics are prescribed for osteochondrosis to relieve swelling from the vertebrae.

But that's just general methods therapy. A treatment plan is assigned to each patient individually, based on diagnostic results, factors of occurrence, location, and, most importantly, the characteristics of the manifestation of pain when coughing or inhaling, as well as general condition patient's health.

Substernal pain, pain in the sternum: causes, symptoms and what it can be associated with, help, treatment

Chest pain is a syndrome that can occur as with non-dangerous diseases, and with serious, sometimes life-threatening heart pathology. In this regard, any patient should know and be able to distinguish the main signs of “dangerous” pain, and also seek timely treatment medical care.

Why does the sternum hurt?

Pain in the chest can be localized anywhere - in the region of the heart on the left, in the intercostal spaces on the right, in the interscapular space, under the scapula, but the most common pain is in the sternum. The sternum is the bone to which the collarbones and ribs are attached via cartilage. It is not difficult to feel it in yourself - it is located between the jugular notch above (the dimple between the inner ends of the clavicles) and the epigastric region (one of the areas of the abdomen between the ribs) below. The lower end of the sternum has a small protrusion - the xiphoid process.

Often the patient reasons like this: if the sternum “covers” the area of ​​the heart, then it can only hurt because of cardiac pathology. But this is far from true. Due to the fact that the sternum is the anterior border of the mediastinum region, in which several organs are located, the pain syndrome can be caused by diseases of any of them.

So, the main reasons why the sternum hurts are the following:

1. Pathology of the cardiovascular system:

  • seizures,
  • development of acute
  • - the occurrence of thromboembolism in pulmonary arteries,
  • and - inflammatory processes in outer shell the heart and the cardiac muscle itself.
  • or its rupture,

2. Intercostal neuralgia- “pinching” of the intercostal nerves by spasmed muscles between the ribs or located along spinal column. In this case, chest pain is called thoracalgia of vertebrogenic origin, that is, chest pain caused by spinal pathology.

3. Pathology of the stomach or esophagus:

  • GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease),
  • esophagitis - inflammation of the inner wall of the esophagus,
  • tear of the esophageal mucosa, for example, with Mallory-Weiss syndrome (bleeding from the veins of the esophagus with injury to its wall when frequent vomiting, more common in people who abuse alcohol).

4. Traumatic injuries - bruises or fractures of the sternum.

5. Congenital or acquired deformities of the sternum- shoemaker's chest ( funnel deformity), keeled ribcage ( chicken breast), cardiac hump.

6. Inflammatory processes in the respiratory system- tracheitis (more often causes pain behind the sternum), pneumonia (rare, but can manifest as pain in the sternum).

7. Oncological diseases - metastases to the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, lymphoma.

How to distinguish pain in the sternum in various diseases?

Differential diagnosis is carried out on the basis of clarifying the nature of the patient’s complaints. The doctor needs to know many nuances regarding pain in the chest due to various pathologies.

Typical zone of irradiation of pain in angina pectoris

So, for angina pectoris Pain in the chest almost always occurs a few minutes after the start of physical activity, for example, when climbing to your floor, when walking down the street, when exercising in gym, after sexual intercourse, when running or vigorously walking, more often in men. This pain is localized in the middle of the sternum or under it and has the character of pressing, squeezing or burning. Often the patient himself may mistake it for an attack of heartburn. But with heartburn there is no connection with physical activity, but there is a connection with food intake or with an error in diet. That is, chest pain after physical activity- practically reliable sign angina pectoris (angina pectoris). Often, pain from angina can radiate to the scapula, jaw or arm, and is relieved by taking it under the tongue.

If the patient develops acute myocardial infarction, then the chest pain becomes intense and is not relieved by taking nitroglycerin. If after 2-3 doses nitroglycerin under the tongue at intervals of every five minutes, pain in the sternum persists - the likelihood of a heart attack is very high. Often this pain is combined with shortness of breath, a general serious condition, bluish facial skin and a dry cough. Abdominal pain may occur. However, in some patients the pain may not be severe, but may be characterized as mild discomfort behind the sternum. However, even in this case, he needs to call an ambulance or go to a 24-hour hospital himself to perform an ECG. Thus, a sign of a heart attack is chest pain that is not relieved by taking nitroglycerin for more than 15-20 minutes.

variety of irradiation of pain during myocardial infarction

PE is a deadly condition accompanied by chest pain.

At thromboembolism (PE) pain in the sternum area can take on a diffuse character, occurs sharply, suddenly, is accompanied by severe shortness of breath, dry or wet cough, a feeling of lack of air and blueness of the skin of the face, neck and upper half of the chest (strictly up to the inter-nipple line). The patient may wheeze, lose consciousness, and especially severe cases die at lightning speed. Aggravating data from the anamnesis is the presence of operations on the veins the day before or severe bed rest(for example, in the postoperative period). PE is almost always accompanied by substernal pain or pain in the chest, as well as blue skin and a general serious condition of the patient.

Dissecting aortic aneurysm (thoracic) is extremely dangerous and prognostic unfavorable emergency condition. Pain when an aneurysm ruptures spreads from the sternum to the interscapular region, to the back, to the abdomen and is accompanied by a serious condition of the patient. Blood pressure drops, signs of shock develop, and without help the patient may die in the coming hours. Often the clinic of aortic rupture is mistaken for renal colic or for acute surgical pathology belly. A doctor of any specialty should have an idea that intense, very pronounced retrosternal pain, radiating to the abdomen or back with symptoms of shock, are signs of possible aortic dissection.

At hypertensive crisis pain in the sternum area is not very intense unless the patient develops myocardial infarction. Rather, the patient feels slight discomfort under the sternum, due to the increased load on the heart with high blood pressure.

Any of the described conditions may be accompanied by acute heart failure (left ventricular failure, left ventricular failure). In other words, a patient with chest pain may develop pulmonary edema, which manifests itself as wheezing when coughing with sputum. Pink colour and foamy character, as well as pronounced.

So, If a person has pain in the sternum and it is difficult for him to breathe, he should immediately seek medical help, as he may have pulmonary edema.

Pain due to diseases of other organs is slightly different from cardiac chest pain.

Yes, when intercostal neuralgia(most often in women) pain under the breastbone or on the sides of it. If the muscles to the right of the spine are spasmed or inflamed, then the pain is localized on the right side of the sternum; if on the left, then on the left side. The pain is shooting in nature, intensifying at the height of inspiration or when changing body position. In addition, if you palpate the intercostal muscles along the edges of the sternum, sharp pain occurs, sometimes so severe that the patient screams and tries to dodge the doctor’s fingers. The same thing happens on the side of the back in the area of ​​the interspinous muscles at the edges of the spine. So, if a patient has pain in the sternum when inhaling, most likely he has problems with the spine, he took an incorrect body position (“pinched”), or there could be a hole in it somewhere.

At sternum injuries the sensations are of the nature of acute pain, poorly relieved by taking painkillers. After an injury, it is necessary to urgently perform an x-ray of the chest cavity (if a fracture is suspected), since rib fractures are also possible, and this can lead to injury to the lung. Chest deformities are characterized by long-term pain to varying degrees severity, but usually the patient has pain in the middle of the sternum.

If the patient has pathological processes in the esophagus and stomach, then the pain from the epigastric region radiates to the sternum. In this case, the patient may complain of heartburn, belching, and also note bitterness in the mouth, nausea, retching or pain in the abdomen. There is a clear connection with eating disorders or with food. Often the pain radiates to the sternum when localized ulcerative defect in the stomach.

In case of gastroesophageal reflux or hernia hiatus diaphragm, the patient can relieve pain by drinking a glass of water. The same thing is observed with achalasia cardia, when food cannot pass through the spasmodic section of the esophagus, but then the pain in the sternum takes on a bursting character, and the patient experiences profuse salivation.

Inflammation of the respiratory system usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature, first with a dry and then with a wet cough, and the pain takes on the character of rawness behind the sternum.

In each patient, it is necessary to separate acute and chronic chest pain:

  • Acute pain is of a sudden, acute nature, but the degree of intensity varies among different patients - in some it is more pronounced, in others it is comparable to only minor discomfort. Acute pain caused acute pathology- heart attack, paroxysmal tachycardia, dissecting aneurysm, rupture of the esophagus, fracture of the sternum, etc. As a rule, in extreme dangerous conditions With high risk fatal outcome, the pain is unbearable.
  • Chronic pain may not be as intense, so people with chest pain consult a doctor later. Such pain in the sternum is characteristic of angina pectoris, sternum deformation, GERD, esophagitis, etc.

In order to determine what exactly causes chest pain, the doctor must carefully evaluate the patient’s complaints.

What actions should you take if you have chest pain?

When a symptom such as pain in the sternum appears, the patient needs to analyze the factors preceding the pain (stress, injury, exposure to a draft, etc.). If the pain occurs acutely and is very intense, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is advisable to call an ambulance or go to any 24-hour department of the nearest multidisciplinary hospital yourself. If there is minor pain or discomfort in the sternum, which in the patient’s opinion is not caused by acute cardiac pathology (young age, no history of angina, hypertension, etc.), it is permissible to go to the clinic to see a therapist on the same or the next day. But in any case, only a doctor should establish a more precise cause of chest pain.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examination:

  1. Chest X-ray,
  2. Exercise tests (, - if stable angina is suspected),
  3. Biochemical blood test,

Emergency care for chest pain

Emergency assistance can be provided to the patient if it is presumably known what is causing the pain. For angina pectoris, it is necessary to place a tablet under the patient’s tongue or spray one or two doses of nitromint or nitrospray. At high blood pressure should be allowed to dissolve or drink antihypertensive drug(25-50 mg captopril, anaprilin tablet). If you don't have it at hand similar drugs, it is enough to dissolve a validol tablet or drink a glass of water with 25 drops of Corvalol, Valocordin or Valoserdin.

In the case of acute severe cardiac pathology, as well as the patient’s serious condition (PE, myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema), the patient must unbutton the collar, open the window, sit in a reclining position or with his legs down (to reduce blood filling in the lungs) and urgently call an ambulance, describing the severity of the condition to the dispatcher.

If the patient is injured, you should give him a comfortable position and immediately call an ambulance. If a person is not in in serious condition, you can give him a painkiller tablet (paracetamol, ketorol, nise, etc.).

Chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs in the acute stage do not require treatment emergency assistance by the patient himself or those around him, if he is not in serious condition. It is enough to wait for the ambulance to arrive or for an appointment with your local doctor.

How to treat chest pain?

Substernal pain should be treated as prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination. Severe pathology of the heart, esophagus, trachea, as well as injuries are treated in a hospital setting. Hypertension, tracheitis, esophagitis, intercostal neuralgia are treated under the supervision of a local doctor in a clinic at the place of residence.

For angina pectoris it is prescribed complex treatment- hypotensive ( ACE inhibitors), rhythm-lowering drugs (beta blockers), antiplatelet agents (aspirin-based blood thinners) and lipid-lowering drugs (statins).

After suffering severe cardiac diseases (heart attack, pulmonary embolism, aneurysm dissection, pulmonary edema), treated in a cardiology or cardiac surgery hospital, regular ongoing medical supervision is required in a clinic at the place of residence. Treatment is selected strictly individually.

Inflammatory diseases of the trachea and lungs are treated with antibacterial drugs. Thoracalgia is treated by rubbing with anti-inflammatory ointments and drugs from the NSAID group (Nise, Ketorol, diclofenac, etc.).

What consequences can happen if you ignore chest pain?

It often happens that the patient for a long time suffers painful attacks behind the sternum, and as a result may end up in a hospital bed with a heart attack or other serious pathology. If you do not pay attention to attacks of pressure or burning pain behind the sternum, you can get dangerous complication angina pectoris in the form extensive heart attack myocardium, which will not only subsequently lead to chronic heart failure, but can also be fatal.

ischemia and myocardial infarction and the prerequisites for their development

If we talk about the pathology of other organs, then the consequences may also not be the most pleasant - ranging from chronicity of the process (with pathology of the stomach or lungs), and ending with not diagnosed in time malignant tumors in the organs of the mediastinum.

Therefore, for any acute, rather intense, or chronic chest pain, it is necessary to receive qualified medical care.

Pain in the middle of the sternum can occur at the most various reasons. And this does not always indicate problems with organs that are located directly in the localization zone. Often such sensations can be an echo of diseases even of those organs that are located in abdominal cavity. To start right effective treatment, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause and then build on it in the future, and not ignore the phenomenon. Our body always signals us in time about any problems that have arisen. Therefore, it is important to learn to hear and correctly understand these signals.

Possible causes of pain in the middle of the chest in women and men

One of the most common reasons are, of course, all kinds of heart problems. For example, angina pectoris ischemic disease and even myocardial infarction. In any of these cases, the person feels pain on the left side, but it can radiate to different places and can also be felt in the middle of the chest. The painful sensations are very strong and stabbing in nature. It seems to a person that thousands of needles are being stuck into him. Such symptoms are extremely dangerous, since heart disease can even lead to death.

If the pain occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, you may even lose consciousness. At this moment, the person’s pulse noticeably quickens, and the face and lips become pale. You should call an ambulance or, if the attack was short-lived, immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist. Nitroglycerin, which instantly dilates blood vessels, will help normalize a person’s condition.

Sometimes the cause is lung disease. For example, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis. In this case, the pain will intensify with a strong sharp sigh and cough. Explain painful sensations in this case it’s quite simple - these diseases cause damage to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

Sometimes pain in the middle of the sternum leads to various problems With gastrointestinal tract. For example, diaphragmatic abscess, ulcer duodenum or stomach. Because of them stomach pain may radiate to the chest area.


Only an experienced specialist can accurately determine the cause of the appearance. Often during an appointment, the doctor asks the patient additional questions that help identify other symptoms of a particular disease.

  • For example, if a person begins to experience pain due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then additional symptoms there will be pain in the stomach or in the left hypochondrium, frequent sensation heartburn, nausea and even vomiting without obvious reason. Here the patient will be prescribed additional tests and examinations related to the condition of the stomach, which will help to make an accurate conclusion about the cause of the pain.
  • In case of lung diseases, additional symptoms include cough, sore throat and sore throat, often elevated temperature bodies. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment will ultimately be aimed specifically at eliminating lung problems.
  • If the cause of the pain lies in an unhealthy heart, then the person will periodically feel tingling and discomfort in this area, begin to get tired often, and may experience shortness of breath even with minimal exercise. physical activity, it will be difficult to breathe.

Diseases that can cause pain in this area

Diseases may include:

  • , reflux esophagitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diaphragmatic abscess;
  • pleurisy, pneumonia, tracheitis and bronchitis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • angina pectoris, heart failure and ischemic disease;
  • osteochondrosis and other diseases that lead to unstable work thoracic spine.

Even despite the abundance medicines and drugs on the shelves of modern pharmacies, it is almost impossible to instantly eliminate and even alleviate chest pain that appears due to all the diseases described above.

First, you will need to go to an appointment with a specialist who can diagnose the main cause of the pain, and then the patient will be prescribed long-term complex treatment.

Even if pain appears rarely and is barely felt, this may indicate the development and complication of a disease. Therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the fewer consequences the disease will have for the human body.

Pain in the sternum due to injury

It can also appear due to injuries resulting from road accidents, falls or other injuries. If a person receives a blow in this area, this can lead to muscle rupture, which causes severe pain. As a rule, in these cases, the pain will clearly intensify with deep sharp exhalations and inhalations, turns, bends and some other physical exercises.

If the injury was particularly strong and serious, then the pain can be felt even by pressing on the middle of the chest or simply by placing your hand in this area. Most likely, this indicates a fracture or crack in the bones.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact a surgeon and also take an image that will allow you to establish the exact cause. Until visiting a doctor, the patient should avoid physical activity and remain at rest so as not to worsen his condition with careless movement.

Unpleasant sensations after training

If the pain appeared after sports training, then this could be due to several reasons. More often it occurs in beginners in sports who perform exercises on pectoral muscles, forgetting about safety precautions or exceeding your capabilities (excessive loads).

This also applies to athletes who prefer exercises such as dips, especially with weights.

If the whole point is a simple overload, then after 2-3 days the pain should go away. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

Video with a professional doctor about the work of the thoracic spine

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