Age-related urinary incontinence in dogs. Urinary incontinence in dogs

A four-legged friend in the house is usually a joy, albeit with some troubles. Even from the first days of its appearance in your home, when the puppy leaves puddles on the floor and chews on shoes.

But it happens when urinary incontinence occurs in adulthood. And this is not always a sign of approaching old age or a demonstrative expression of dissatisfaction. In most of these cases, the pet needs emergency care.

There are two types of causes of urinary incontinence in dogs:

  • against the background of a certain disease(cystitis, ectopia, muscle weakness, polypsidia, spinal injury, nervous breakdown, urolithiasis disease);
  • not related to the pet's illness.

Urinary incontinence in dogs not related to illness may have the following reasons:

  • true- the animal secretes fluid spontaneously and constantly, it seems to be leaking. Complete cure it is almost impossible here, but supportive treatment is quite effective;
  • stressful- fear or joy, just nervous overexcitation. All this can cause a puddle to appear in the wrong place;
  • uncleanliness- as a rule, this is simply a lack of upbringing;
  • territorial designation- during the period of sexual activity, animals of both sexes can indicate their place of residence in this way;
  • senile incontinence- diagnosed in old age and associated with weakened reflex activity;
  • consequence of sterilization.

Pathology can occur suddenly, during stress, but more often painful condition minor manifestations begin. In the risk group, in addition to older dogs, are our four-legged friends with increased physical activity and excitability.

Bitches are also susceptible to a similar disease. large breeds. And among the breeds that most often suffer from it, veterinarians statistically identify the following:

  • setters.

In many cases, the disease is alarm signal the onset of the disease.


Distributed whole line canine diseases, the syndrome of which is urinary incontinence. Let's consider the treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs in the context of relevant diseases.


Most often, this disease is main reason an unpleasant situation happening to your pet.

It is almost impossible to cope with cystitis without the help of a veterinarian.

Yes, and this animal’s disease can only be identified after appropriate tests.

Cystitis usually manifests itself in the form of unexpected bowel movement Bladder while the dog is sleeping. But there are also daytime leaks, accompanied by frequent urges to urination.

The cause of this condition may be hypothermia or infection. The disease is treated with antibiotics. But the dog owner needs to know: quick effect drugs are not given, it can occur only 4-5 days after the start of treatment.

Unfortunately, people have a recurrent nature and in 60% of cases it recurs if the course of treatment is not completed completely.


This the disease is congenital and is characterized by abnormal location of the ureters. They go directly to the rectum or vagina in females, bypassing the bladder. And it turns out that urine simply has nowhere to accumulate, at least for a while.

Ectopia is diagnosed in early age and in most cases successfully corrected surgically under general anesthesia.

Weakness of the urethral muscles

Usually occurs in bitches due to decreased nerve sensitivity sphincter- a muscle ring that inhibits the outflow of urine. It may be of the senile type, but is more often observed in childhood. Under treatment hormonal drugs, but the course of treatment continues throughout life.


The dog is constantly thirsty, a lot and in large quantities drinks water, hence the frequency, sometimes uncontrolled urination. It may be a consequence of other diseases of the kidneys or even the uterus in bitches, diabetes mellitus or intoxication due to the development of tumors. It can be treated depending on the nature of the concomitant disease.

In case of persistent thirst the animal must not be restricted in its access to water, but contacting a veterinarian should be mandatory!

Spinal injury

This serious trouble mainly individuals with elongated bodies are susceptible, for example, As a result of damage nerve endings spine the dog loses sensitivity in certain places, including the area genitourinary system. Sometimes it can occur after it is very difficult to treat, if at all.

Nervous breakdown

May be congenital or acquired due to, for example, severe fright. It can be treated with appropriate medications as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Urolithiasis disease

This is usually a disease of male dogs. Stones that accumulate in the bladder irritate it or clog the sphincter. It turns out that sometimes urination does not occur even with strong desire, and then suddenly it happens spontaneously. With this course of the disease, certain medications or surgical intervention are prescribed.

Consequence of sterilization

Veterinarians still cannot accurately determine the causes of urinary incontinence after sterilization. While experts are inclined to believe that this is the result of hormonal changes.

This complication occurs in approximately 10% of cases.

Accordingly, treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs after sterilization is prescribed hormonal drugs by administering them using endoscopy.

Sometimes practiced surgerythe work of the corresponding muscles is stimulated by suturing them or simply change the location of the bladder.


To avoid this very unpleasant phenomenon or to minimize the possibility of its occurrence, You need to follow a few simple but necessary rules:

  • walk your pet more often- if he endures the urge to urinate for a long time, the sphincter may begin to contract spontaneously;
  • avoid hypothermia dogs, do not let them into the water in the cold season;
  • observe ;
  • avoid injury animal;
  • limit yourself from stressful situations.

And most importantly, you should be more attentive to your friend and at the first signs of illness contact a veterinary clinic.

The sooner healing begins, the more likely a positive result.

Additionally, watch a short video about such a pathology as urinary incontinence in dogs:

It is generally accepted that the problem of dog urinary incontinence, as a rule, overtakes our pets in old age. However, it is not. Unfortunately, young dogs can also suffer from urinary incontinence. And we invite you to talk about why this happens, and what can cause this condition, and most importantly, how to help your pet in such a situation in our publication today...

Urinary incontinence in dogs

Veterinarians say that

Your dog does not necessarily have to live to a ripe old age in order to start walking under itself. Not at all. In fact, this can happen to any dog, young or old.

And, in this situation, it’s not enough that, as a way out of the current circumstances, make a decision to simply move the dog to live in the yard (it’s good if you live in a private house and there is an opportunity in the yard). By the way,

Causes of urinary incontinence in dogs

According to veterinary experts,

timely contacting a veterinarian with a problem such as dog urinary incontinence can be cured in 7 out of 10 cases!

And, now imagine how many poor animals were thrown onto the street, or simply killed (some consider euthanasia a humane way of killing), only for the simple reason that their owners did not know what caused this condition in their pet, and how to can help in such a situation. To ensure that you and I do not join the ranks of such would-be owners, we provide below a list of causes of urinary incontinence in dogs. Ah, conclusions... Draw your own conclusions. Is it worth it to throw the animal out into the street or euthanize it?! So, the reasons:

  • True incontinence - spontaneous release of urine or its constant leakage - is the only reason that cannot be corrected, but can be treated.
  • Stress incontinence – all it takes is for your dog to become very nervous or feel a surge of joy and excitement, and he can make a puddle.
  • Uncleanliness - in this case, the dog is simply not raised correctly and does not know how to ask to go to the toilet, and in in this case the owner must be educated.
  • Territory marking - unsterilized females and males can mark their territory during sexual activity.
  • Senile urinary incontinence occurs in dogs in extreme old age and is caused by a weakening of reflex activity.

You must understand that

in the case when a dog consciously relieves itself in the room where it lives or is located, this also cannot be considered a medical problem and called incontinence. Most likely, this is done out of spite, to annoy the owner.

Well, in order to determine which of the above stated reasons is the cause of urinary incontinence in your dog, you need to observe the animal’s behavior, and of course, address your problem to veterinarian, who will be able to summarize and diagnose your problem, and accordingly, give you recommendations and prescribe a course of treatment, if necessary.

However, in addition to the above reasons for urinary incontinence, this condition may also be explained by the presence of a certain disease in your dog. So, incontinence can be a symptom of such diseases, How:

  • Cystitis or infectious diseases urinary tract– this disease can be diagnosed by taking a general clinical urine test. If the diagnosis is confirmed, antibiotic therapy is prescribed for 1-3 weeks. As practice shows, just a few days after starting a course of antibiotics, if incontinence is a symptom of cystitis, urination processes are normalized. However, it is recommended to continue treatment to the end - a relapse of the disease is possible if the course of treatment is incomplete.
  • Polydipsia – overuse fluid as a result of irrepressible thirst and, as a result, uncontrolled urine output. This condition, in turn, may indicate diseases such as (purulent inflammatory process, which occurs in the uterus), diabetes, Cushing's syndrome, diabetes insipidus, chronic renal failure. In order to determine which disease is the root cause of your pet’s condition, it is necessary to pass clinical and biochemical tests blood, general clinical analysis urine, examine internal organs, and take functional specific tests.
  • Pathologies of the bladder sphincter (more often occur in females) - can be either congenital or acquired, as a result age-related changes in the dog's body, obesity, decreased sensitivity of sphincter receptors. Treatment is symptomatic - hormone therapy, antidepressants (have the property of relaxing the bladder muscle and contracting the bladder neck muscle), taking alpha-agnes.
  • Pathology of the ureters, when the ureter itself begins in the kidneys and, bypassing the bladder, enters either the vagina or rectum. In this case, surgical correction is prescribed.
  • Damage spinal cord and spine in the lower lumbar region. In order to eliminate such a symptom, a surgical operation is necessary that decompresses the pinched area, which is responsible for the innervation of the sphincter and bladder.

Preventing urinary incontinence in dogs

We are responsible for the health of those who live with us under the same roof and are called our pet. Therefore, we must do everything in our power to ensure that our dog does not encounter such a phenomenon as urinary incontinence. To do this, owners must ensure that the dog eats properly, avoid overcooling the dog, educate the animal, and if any disease is suspected, do not wait until the situation reaches a dead end and the dog cannot be helped, but contact veterinary specialists in a timely manner.

Health to your pets!

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Urinary incontinence in dogs is a problem that can occur regardless of the age of the pet. Considering the seriousness this state and how unpleasant it is in everyday life, every owner is strongly recommended to consult a veterinarian. This will allow you to quickly begin treatment for your dog and eliminate the likelihood of complications and critical consequences.

If you suspect urinary incontinence, it would be best to refrain from punishing your dog. Most likely, she really cannot cope with this problem and may even experience serious pain that the person is not aware of.

Veterinarians call factors that provoke pathology:

  • Infectious lesions of the urinary tract in 64% of cases are the cause of incontinence. We are talking about inflammation of the bladder, urethra and urolithiasis;
  • genetic pathologies, namely a weakened bladder sphincter;
  • constant consumption of water (especially in summer);
  • stressful situations, for example, fear.

In addition, the causes of urinary incontinence in dogs may include diseases prostate gland(including oncology), prolapse of intervertebral discs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the condition can be true, associated with uncleanliness, and can be provoked by marking the territory (in unsterilized pets during sexual activity). Pathology also occurs due to age, which is directly related to the weakening of the sphincter and the genitourinary system as a whole.

Experts point out that there is a tendency for representatives of certain breeds to develop a similar problem. We are talking, in particular, about spaniels, Dobermanns and English shepherds.

Main symptoms

The leading symptom is urination in inappropriate places (at home) or at unusual times. Another signal should be considered the absence of shame or fear. Whereas, if the problem was related to anxiety or stress, the reaction would be the opposite. The next symptom veterinarians call the presence of wet spots that usually form after going to bed on sleeping place. This is not typical for pets and should certainly alert the owner.

Another manifestation of this problem is hypertrophied cleanliness. In this case, dogs are confident that if they lick their genitals, urinary incontinence will stop. The consequence of this is irritation in the specified area or, for example, redness.

Is it safe for humans

The development of this condition will naturally raise the question in the owner’s mind, what to do if a dog has urinary incontinence and is it safe for humans? Veterinarians reassure, drawing attention to the fact that there is no danger to adults and children this pathology does not carry. This is true even when infectious origin incontinence. However, we should not forget about cleanliness and personal hygiene, thoroughly washing “marked” areas. In this case, the condition pet will be 100% safe for humans.

Problem after sterilization

Spayed or neutered dogs have a 5 to 20% chance of developing urinary incontinence; in certain breeds, rates can be as high as 60%. It should be understood that:

  • the pathology is not associated with incorrectly performed intervention or infection in the genitourinary system;
  • most common cause states turn out to be hormonal changes, influencing the degree of receptivity of smooth muscles, sphincter activity;
  • Such problems tend to progress, making optimal closure of the sphincter almost impossible.

It is noteworthy that urinary incontinence in a dog after sterilization may not develop immediately, but after months or even two to three years. More often pathological condition develops between the ages of three and five years due to the removal of reproductive organs. That is why it is very important for owners to monitor any changes in the behavior of their pet, because they may be the first signal that hormonal changes have begun.


Before starting a rehabilitation course for incontinence in a dog, you need to take care diagnostic examination. Speaking about this, veterinarians point out that urinary incontinence is confirmed nearby laboratory tests, radiography and, for example, ultrasound.

In the list of necessary laboratory research there is a urine test that determines its composition, certain types cellular structures and biochemical elements. Next, the veterinarian is required to carry out a urine culture, which will determine and check the degree of effectiveness of a particular antibiotic in treating the existing problem. To other mandatory diagnostic measure include:

  • blood test showing general state body;
  • radiography, which shows the presence or absence of inflammation and neoplasms;
  • Ultrasound, which also allows you to confirm or refute the data obtained as a result of radiography.

Only after a full diagnosis can a decision be made on how to treat urinary incontinence in old dog or, for example, a young person.

Features of treatment

The recovery process is most often achieved through the use of symptomatic therapy. However, in some cases, surgery is the only treatment option. Noting Features conservative treatment, pay attention to the introduction of hormone therapy, with specialists giving preference combined means. They are most often associated with estrogenic and progestrogenic characteristics.

Medications called sympathomimetics, which are alpha agonists, may be used. They significantly increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder neck, as well as the urethra. In the most difficult situations, veterinarians insist that symptomatic mimetics be used within the same course with hormonal names.

Another feature of conservative treatment should be considered the permissibility of using drugs included in the category of antidepressants. They are able to have the following effects: simultaneous relaxation of the muscles of the bladder and contraction of the muscles of its neck. It is advisable to carry out such treatment of incontinence in dogs until the symptoms completely disappear. If the problem does not disappear within several months, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian and re-diagnosis.


Indications for such intervention in dogs include:

  • pathologies and injuries in the bladder area;
  • the presence of stones in the bladder;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • presence of neoplasms.

Usually, two methods are used: colposuspension and urogynecology of the bladder. The first type of intervention is used exclusively for female dogs. It involves moving the neck of the bladder into the cavity inside the peritoneum. Due to this, pressure indicators from the outside muscle structure the walls will act synchronously on the bladder and urethra. The consequence of this is an increase in pressure and resistance, which gives the dog the opportunity to significantly better and faster control the process of urination.

Urogynecology, as the name suggests, is a technique similar to colposuspension, but used for male dogs. It allows you to achieve the same results in terms of eliminating urinary incontinence.

Prevention of urinary incontinence

The rules associated with the prevention of urinary incontinence in pets are no different from the recommendations that are aimed at maintaining immune system dogs. Thus, in order to reduce the risk of developing this symptom, it is strongly recommended:

  • monitor the animal’s diet - it must contain vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as all other components important for normal life;
  • apply vitamin components in separate form and after consulting a veterinarian, who will suggest a suitable complex depending on the age of the dog and the characteristics of its body;
  • eliminate the possibility of hypothermia in the dog, which can provoke the development inflammatory diseases, cystitis and other forms, the treatment of which may take several months;
  • do not forget about training your pet, who must know that emptying the bladder is only permissible outdoors;
  • eliminate long waits when the dog really wants to go outside.

If any incomprehensible or unusual symptoms or changes in your pet’s behavior appear, veterinarians recommend not delaying visiting a specialist and starting a rehabilitation course. This is what will allow you to avoid the development of complications and critical consequences. Owners should remember that the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs are most easily identified and treated at the initial stage.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

    Marina 10:24 | 21 Feb. 2019

    Hello. A Maltese boy, one and a half years old, very timid, began to leave a trail behind him when he moves, runs and pees at this time, if he stops, he ponds in place, presumably I associate it with anxiety, I started noticing it after visiting the groomer, I left it there for 2 hours. What should I do?

  • Natalia 20:28 | 20 Feb. 2019

    Hello! I had a Doberman, my Deri died because she was already old! I adopted a dog from a foster home. She is a simple mongrel. But they told me his fate, that they, that is, puppies, were found in a bag on the street. They were picked up and came out when they became They were taken to their owners for 2 months. But for some reason they gave mine back! They said that they couldn’t keep an eye on him. Soon I took Billy. Over time, I began to notice that he couldn’t cope with urine! He couldn’t handle it. So I think, or they were caught a cold on the street when they were thrown out. or the owner who was before me beat him. Billy can’t control himself when he’s happy. When he hears something like that outside the window. Well, I think he’s very scared. Or maybe he has cystitis. He’s 3 months old. What should I do? help.some home methods.medicines.

  • Svetlana 15:36 | 02 Feb. 2019

    Hello. I have a 5-year-old Toy, he began to pee in droplets, raises his paw every minute and stands for a long time. I rarely take it outside now, because... does not recognize clothes. Behavior has not changed, nor has appetite. At home he pees once or twice a day. How can I help him?

  • Hello, my Shar Pei, now an adult, not long ago began to notice that he began to urinate once and then only squats, but there is no urine, only a drop of blood. And he also began to urinate at home and cannot wait to go outside, although I have been walking with him at the same time for 6 years, tell me what is it and how can you identify it

  • Hello, please tell me the dog started peeing in the last week and is afraid to pee himself, he pees all over, shakes with fear and then hides, after a while he comes and asks for forgiveness (he climbs in to kiss) we thought maybe it could be because he’s sitting on the window, but now Cold

  • Good afternoon, we took a Labrador almost from the street, a girl, up to a year old, approximately 7-9 months. Before that, she changed several houses and owners(
    There is a problem with incontinence, she is not sterilized.
    Going to the toilet outside is fine. But at the same time, both day and night, there was a constant wet place under her, the hair on her legs and tail began to turn yellow(
    We visited several veterinarians: according to ultrasound and examination, she was healthy.
    They prescribed prozerin injections and furomag tablets - there was no effect, urination increased. There are no impurities of blood, pus or anything else. She doesn’t exactly sit down, but just sleeps, sits - and it’s dripping from her ((
    We wipe, change the bed constantly so that it is dry.
    The reasons are unclear (the veterinarian advised me to buy propalin to try, but without an accurate diagnosis I somehow don’t want to put the dog on this medicine
    Could this be due to stress from moving? What herbal herbal medicine would you recommend for your dog to drink to combat stress?

When a dog is clean and fluffy, it's wonderful. But the animal’s body also tends to get sick, and sometimes unforeseen, emergency situations arise that cause inconvenience.

Urinary incontinence is not a disease, but a symptom, and this phenomenon must be treated with great caution.

Sometimes, of course, it happens that incontinence happens like this, but this happens once, but if it becomes permanent, you need to understand that it will not go away on its own.

Urinary incontinence is possible under stress.

Features of incontinence

  • females of large breeds;
  • from rocks - Doberman Pinscher, Airedale Terrier, Setter, Collie, Poodle ;
  • dogs with a nervous temperament such as sanguine and choleric (active, excitable);

Airedale terrier dogs are more susceptible to the disease.

Age also matters. This is due to the structural features of the genitourinary system, and in order to understand its mechanisms you need to delve into the basics of anatomy.

Anatomical nuances

The dog's urinary system consists of:

  • kidney. They produce urine, the basis of which is water and animal metabolic products (ammonia, creatine, uric acid, mineral salts, medicinal substances, toxins). Kidneys regulate water-salt balance and cleanse the blood coming to them, maintaining its balance. Urine formation is one of the complex processes. At night, less urine is formed than during the day, and the intake of succulent food rich in proteins stimulates its formation. The kidneys are a continuously working organ, but urine excretion is periodic. Urine accumulates in the pelvis, which contracts and forces it into the ureters.
  • ureters , which rhythmically contract, propel the flow of urine into the bladder;
  • Bladder , from which urine cannot flow freely into urethra, since sphincters (muscle ring) stand on the obstacle. Their work is well established: the sphincter relaxes, the bladder contracts and thus the organ is emptied;
  • urinary canal.

Urine, consisting of water and waste products, is formed in the kidneys.

The process of urine excretion is regulated by the activity of the central nervous system.

Causes of incontinence in dogs

Causes of incontinence may be:

  • natural, associated with the characteristics of nervous temperament;
  • acquired, caused by a specific disease.

Urinary incontinence can be a sign of a medical condition.


It is possible for a dog to produce a small amount of urine when he is extremely happy.

  • Behavioral or natural causes, as a rule, are accompanied by small discharge . If you know your dog's manners well, you may have repeatedly noticed him urinating when he is extremely happy. Such urination is very difficult to correct and, as a rule, accompanies the animal throughout its life.
  • Stress incontinence can be either one-time or permanent. . A dog may show it once when frightened, while still a puppy, but then never repeat it. It happens that constant fear when meeting, for example, a more aggressive relative, will be accompanied by urination.
  • Incontinence during estrus is also natural. . This is especially true for young females (first, second hunt). In this case, sometimes squatting may not be accompanied by urination, and the owner, by carefully observing, should already understand what exactly is happening in the female’s body.


Acquired urinary incontinence can be attributed to old age. With age, muscles lose elasticity and the ability to work synchronously. Such incontinence can be either inflammatory in nature (advanced chronic, which was not accompanied by treatment) or non-inflammatory, when muscle weakness is a genetic feature.

Older dogs often experience urinary incontinence.


Hypothermia can cause cystitis in a dog.

If the dog is young and active, but incontinence occurs, then the following diseases can be diagnosed:

  • Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder is possible with decreased immunity due to hypothermia, overheating, stress factors, common infections(chlamydia, leptospirosis), local infections genitourinary area that penetrate the genitourinary system. To establish a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination and laboratory tests are necessary, both to determine the functionality of the kidneys and for bacterial culture to determine the most active antibiotics to provide assistance.
  • Urolithiasis disease . It develops in dogs not in the kidneys, but in the bladder and clogs the sphincter. Impaired functioning of the sphincter leads to involuntary release of urine, however, these signs can alternate with urine retention and this must be clearly perceived by the owner. Males are diagnosed with the disease earlier than females due to anatomical features. It is also possible to differentiate because urine is released involuntarily and in drops. For diagnosis, ultrasound and a full examination are necessary.
  • Urethritis. Inflammation of the urinary canal is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and sometimes requires even more long-term treatment. Violation of its function may be accompanied by the fact that the animal makes attempts to urinate, but urine is not released, and sometimes it occurs spontaneously;
  • Endocrine diseases (, sugar insipidus, Cushing's syndrome,). These diseases are associated with a large intake of fluid by animals (polydipsia), therefore, it will be excreted in large volumes, sometimes spontaneously.
  • Spinal injuries and tumor processes in the area that is responsible for the innervation of the urinary system. Nerve entrapment, partial or temporary, may lead to persistent symptoms, alternating character.

How to Treat Dog Incontinence

As can be seen from the listed reasons, urinary incontinence in a four-legged animal cannot be treated without establishing an accurate diagnosis. You cannot prescribe therapy based on one symptom - urinary incontinence.

Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed.

A comprehensive examination to identify other symptoms, conduct tests and studies, identify the real reason can lead to successful overcoming of this trouble.


Among medications used for urinary tract diseases: antibiotics, sulfa drugs and immunomodulators, hormonal agents , promoting both muscle contraction and relaxation.

Antibiotics are used to treat dogs.

Application sympathomimetics and antidepressants It is also necessary to increase the tone of both muscles and nerve endings.


Compliance with the rules of care and feeding, avoiding hypothermia and overheating of the dog will greatly help prevent inflammatory incontinence.

  • Do not neglect basic rules that can reduce the body’s resistance . At this time, the virulence of microorganisms increases significantly, and the processes become irreversible.
  • Don't expect the situation to resolve itself . When the first signs appear, contact qualified professionals immediately. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by examining the animal. Do not try to treat yourself; the slightest delay can cost the life of your four-legged dog.

You cannot treat your dog yourself; you need to consult a veterinarian.

Video about urinary incontinence in dogs

One-time urinary incontinence in a dog can occur due to a banal outburst of emotions, for example, when a beloved owner returns home after a long absence. But chronic or frequent incontinence is a signal of a problem, so it is important to know what exactly can contribute to the appearance of puddles on the floor, furniture, and carpets.

Why does canine incontinence happen?

First let's list harmless reasons that cause incontinence in dogs. These include:
  • Strong emotional outburst – when an animal experiences fear, joy, fear, then involuntary one-time excretion of urine is quite understandable and acceptable;
  • Markers to mark your territory – similar behavior is observed both in male dogs (most often) and in representatives of the fair sex. Puddles can be especially common during estrus in females, as well as in males who feel that there is a “lady” nearby who is ready to mate;
  • Puddles in inappropriate places as revenge on the owner – sometimes dogs deliberately pee where they shouldn’t, in order to annoy the owner if he yelled or punished him;
  • Uncleanliness – usually dogs relieve themselves either while walking or pee in the litter box. But there are animals that periodically neglect the rules of the toilet, making puddles where they feel like it. As a rule, this is what dogs do if the owner is not too interested in proper education pet;
  • Age-related changes – in an old dog, the bladder muscles weaken, which leads to incontinence;
  • Congenital incontinence – dogs of any age can have pathologies genitourinary organs, which leads to urine leakage.

When is urinary incontinence dangerous for dogs?

What to do if incontinence cannot be explained by the reasons listed above? Unfortunately, sometimes the problem can be caused by the following ailments:

  • Severe nervous disorder – if an animal that has experienced fright or tragedy pees constantly, then the reason may be stress. Moreover, in addition to incontinence, the animal will also have the following symptoms: excitement (manifested in the constant search and “removal” of non-existent fleas, active movement back and forth around the apartment, loud barking for no reason, ignoring), apathy (the dog lies indifferently in one position, does not want to neither eat, nor walk, nor play; when walking, the animal tucks its tail and ears pitifully). Sometimes you can bring a dog out of a serious condition with moderate physical activity, kind and private communication. Sometimes antidepressants may also be needed. It is important not to punish a dog that is clearly behaving unusually, but to find out the cause of the stress;
  • Ectopic ureters - connection of the ureters directly to the urethra, although normally urine enters the bladder, and only then into the urethra. During ectopia, urine flows out involuntarily, and the dog cannot control the process. Incontinence with this problem is only a minor nuisance, since dogs with ureteral ectopia often develop serious genitourinary diseases: vaginitis, orchitis, epididymide and others. Often sick individuals are infertile. Pills and injections cannot eliminate this problem; antibiotics can only help prevent infections. The only way out– surgery to insert the ureters into the correct position;
  • Polydipsia– insatiable consumption of water by a dog, usually due to a malfunction of the brain and kidneys. If an animal continually empties a bowl of water or seeks to quench its thirst by drinking from a puddle or reservoir, then this may be caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland, which causes the production of antidiuretic hormone allowing the kidneys to produce urine. It is not surprising that a dog with polydipsia may be incontinent while sleeping or awake. Often polydipsia can only be the cause of some dangerous disease. Thus, brain tumors, problems with thyroid gland, kidney nephrosis, diabetes. Treatment for the dog is prescribed based on blood and urine tests, once the exact cause of increased thirst and incontinence is determined;
  • Complication after sterilization – sometimes in dogs after such operations there is a weakening of the muscles of the genitourinary system and the sphincter of the urinary tract as a result of a hormonal disorder. Most often, urinary incontinence in a dog after sterilization occurs 4-6 months after surgical intervention. In this case, urine can be involuntarily released both occasionally (for example, during periods of excitement) and daily. Treatment involves both medicinal methods(drugs to strengthen the sphincter), and operations to restore the muscles responsible for urine excretion;
  • Urolithiasis disease – an illness caused by the formation of stones and sand in the organs of the urinary system due to bacterial and viral infections, poor nutrition, low activity. In addition to incontinence with urolithiasis, dogs may experience pain during urination, blood in the urine, apathy and refusal to eat, and thirst. Treatment of urolithiasis involves the introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics, antibiotics to the animal, lavage of the bladder, and the introduction of food for dogs with urolithiasis into the diet.

How to treat urinary incontinence in a dog?

As we found out above, urinary incontinence in a pet can be caused by a number of reasons, some of which are quite serious. So, when identifying incontinence, you should do the following:
  • Try to determine what could have caused the problem. If an animal, for example, made a puddle on the floor after visiting the veterinary clinic, then there is nothing much to worry about (the dog just got a little nervous). But if the animal is clearly unwell ( pain syndrome, plaintive squealing, refusal to eat, etc.), then you will have to urgently contact a specialist;
  • To understand why a dog has urinary incontinence, you will need undergo urine and blood tests, ultrasound and x-ray examinations . To make a diagnosis, it is important to inform the specialist about all alarming symptoms, which accompanied incontinence;
  • If the animal is incontinent due to illness or a complication after surgical intervention, then neither swearing, nor even beatings are acceptable. Educational measures will not help either. The only way out is to go to the veterinary clinic ;
  • Save furniture from unpleasant odor dog diapers will help with urine and stains. However, this does not at all preclude the need to see a doctor.

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