All the reasons why large bags appear under the eyes of women and what they signal. Swelling and bags under the eyes causes and treatment

For some, the presence of “bags” under the eyes is just a cosmetic problem. Some people think this is a consequence of lack of sleep. However, if every morning you see a swollen face in the mirror, you should think about whether lack of sleep is really to blame, than then carry out the neglected treatment of bags under the eyes.

It is worth saying a little about the anatomy of the human eye socket - this will help to better understand the essence of the problem. Since the eyeball is a fairly fragile and delicate organ, it needs constant protection. The role of a protector and shock absorber is played by a layer of adipose tissue (periorbital fat) that surrounds the eye in the orbit. The delicate skin of the eyelids is separated from the fat by a thin membrane formed by connective tissue. Thanks to this, the periobital tissue does not leave the orbit.

Causes of bags under the eyes

The cause of the appearance of “bags” is the reduced elasticity of the dividing membrane: it stretches, bulges and a so-called hernial protrusion is formed, which externally manifests itself in the form of “bags”. Their occurrence can also be triggered by an increase in volume and strong growth of fiber, which ultimately comes out of the orbit. Due to the ability of fiber to accumulate fluid, even a slight protrusion of it becomes noticeable.

Adipose tissue can greatly increase in volume due to edema, which can be caused by many reasons. Among them: excessive consumption of alcohol, salt or other substances that retain fluid in the body, strong ultraviolet radiation (in this case, the skin is protected and begins to accumulate moisture), as well as eye fatigue.

“Bags” under the eyes, caused by fluid retention, are usually visible only in the first half of the day. This is explained by the fact that after lunch, as a rule, a period of wakefulness begins, which means that blood circulation is activated. Because of this, the removal of excess fluid from the upper body occurs without any problems.

If this is not observed, and the “bags” remain unchanged throughout the day, the problem is most likely due to overgrown periorbital tissue. The occurrence of this defect is almost always due to a genetic predisposition. The skin above the bulging fat layer darkens, which often causes discomfort.

Age-related changes in the body also leave their mark: the elasticity of tissues deteriorates, and the fat layer in the lower part of the eye socket grows greatly. This is why this defect is so often observed in older people, because over time, fewer and fewer factors are required that can provoke it. In addition, the older the patient, the higher the chance of developing diseases, causing delay liquids.

Diseases that cause bags under the eyes

First of all, bags under the eyes can be one of the symptoms of kidney disease. Characteristic feature in this case, the speed at which edema appears is literally within 2-3 hours. In addition, general weakness, lower back pain occurs, the temperature rises, the characteristics of urine change (color and transparency), and its quantity increases. All the symptoms described are characteristic of inflammatory kidney diseases, which are complications of tonsillitis or other colds.

An additional factor that has a positive effect on the development of edema in such diseases is the release of a protein called albumin from the body in the urine. It is necessary to retain water in the blood and does not enter the urine when the kidneys are functioning normally. If any pathologies occur, in laboratory conditions it is always possible to calculate how much protein is released from the body. A general blood test will not hurt, as will an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. It is also necessary to monitor the patient's arterial blood pressure.

Swelling of the tissue surrounding the eyes can be caused by inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses, which are necessary for warming and also humidifying the air inhaled by a person. This diagnosis is confirmed if the patient has severe pain in the area paranasal sinuses(can appear on one or both sides), in some cases, runny nose, stronger on the affected side, fever, etc. The nature of the inflammation can be either viral or bacterial. The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis only after examining and interviewing the patient, as well as on the basis of data obtained as a result of radiography and clinical analysis blood. If the maxillary sinus, located on the sides of the nose, becomes inflamed, a diagnosis is made. Frontitis is diagnosed with inflammation of the sinus located at the bridge of the nose and above the eyebrows.

At allergic diseases"bags" may also occur. For example, with, which manifests itself in inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and develops due to their increased sensitivity to certain substances called allergens. Main symptoms: itching, redness of the eyes, and swelling. A characteristic feature is seasonality: exacerbations occur during flowering periods of various plants. In this case, it is necessary to protect the patient from any contact with the irritant substance as quickly as possible and seek help from a doctor.

The nature of conjunctivitis can be not only allergic, but also chemical or infectious. Bacteria can enter the particularly sensitive mucous membrane of the eye in different ways, for example, through contact with dirty hands or other objects. Irritating effects are often caused by substances in the air, dust and low-quality cosmetics. An ophthalmologist will determine the causes of conjunctivitis and prescribe appropriate treatment for bags under the eyes.

It is worth saying a few words about edema, which occupies a special place in the list of allergic edema. This is a reaction to an allergen that develops very quickly and often threatens the patient’s life. At the first signs that appear in rapid emergence swelling in the face and neck, dry cough and breathing problems, you should urgently call an ambulance medical care. This acute allergic edema, in addition to the subcutaneous tissue, has Negative influence also on muscle and mucous membranes. During the reaction to the irritant substance, the level of vascular permeability to protein and liquids sharply increases. Swelling that affects the walls of the larynx is very dangerous, because this can block the access of air to the lungs and, ultimately, the person will suffocate. In summer, such swelling can be caused by a bite various insects, especially if it was produced in a place saturated with vessels or near the head.

Conjunctivitis and swelling of the tissue can also be caused by acute respiratory viral infections, combining pain in the throat, fever and runny nose.

It is impossible not to mention, which manifests itself in insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Its main symptoms: swelling of various parts of the body (face, legs, arms, internal organs), slowing down the body's metabolism (obesity, slow speech, pulse, dry skin and baldness). When neglected, it causes myxedema - extensive, elastic swelling of the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue, covering its entire surface. Laboratory research confirms the diagnosis: it determines how low the level of hormones in the blood is. After this, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Sometimes the cause of bags under the eyes is heart disease. In this case, the person usually feels pain in the left side of the chest and shortness of breath during physical activity. When the heart is chronic, it cannot cope with its responsibilities; many organs suffer from a lack of oxygen and essential nutrients delivered through the blood. In this case, swelling begins from below and, in the absence of necessary treatment, from the legs rise to the rest of the body. If they get to the face and eyes, everything can end sadly. Such swelling of all internal organs and subcutaneous tissue is called anasarca and often leads to death. Heart disease is confirmed by ultrasound and electrocardiogram, as well as monitoring blood pressure and the amount of lipids in the blood.

The incidence of puffiness under the eyes does not depend on a person’s gender, but men are much less likely than women to attach importance to them and, as a result, later seek help from a doctor. The appearance of “bags” under the eyes of children is often observed.

Bags under the eyes of a child

The occurrence of swelling under the eyes in children is not always a symptom of any disease. “Bags” can appear in completely healthy child in the following situations: with excessive consumption of liquids or foods containing a large number of salt, after crying for a long time, as well as after sleeping in an unnatural position in which the head was located lower than the body.

In these cases, the swelling goes away on its own; it is only necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. However, children are often susceptible to the same diseases as adults, which means that bags under the eyes can be one of the symptoms of these diseases. Consult your pediatrician if:

  • The onset of edema occurred suddenly. Associated symptoms such as red eyes, clear discharge from the nose and anxiety without apparent reason may indicate an allergic reaction that requires immediate attention.
  • Along with the appearance of “bags,” the body temperature rose, headaches began, as well as lower back pain. All this, as well as problems with urination, indicates kidney disease.
  • In addition to swelling, bulging fontanelles, crying and anxiety are observed.
  • The “bags” do not go away for a long period of time, constantly increase and are observed throughout the day.

Bags under the eyes during pregnancy

The occurrence of edema during pregnancy is often a completely normal phenomenon caused by fluid and salt retention in the body. In addition, the accumulation of water in adipose tissue and fiber contributes to weight gain and increased skin moisture.

However, sometimes bags under the eyes can indicate various diseases, which pose a danger to both the mother and the fetus. These could be kidney pathologies, gestosis or other diseases, so it is advisable to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Treatment for bags under the eyes

“Bags” under the eyes can be cured on your own only if the cause of their occurrence is simple swelling of the periorbital tissue. To do this, you need to restore your routine, give up (at least temporarily) bad habits and start following a diet, eliminating foods with a high salt content from your diet.

Folk cosmetics can also be very effective. For example, quite often various compresses with infusions of sage, dill, chamomile and other herbs help get rid of swelling. It makes sense to do massage and periodic exercises that strengthen the eye muscles. A cosmetologist can recommend professional products, however, the most radical method The fight against edema is surgery (blepharoplasty).

There are many medications and in various ways treatment of this defect, however, be extremely careful. Do not use drugs that are not intended for this purpose to treat bags under the eyes. Otherwise, everything can end disastrously: the skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive and tender, and it is very easy to cause irritation.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using various diuretics. Their use can disrupt the balance of microelements in the body, which ultimately leads to heart pathologies.

In addition to problems with appearance, under-eye “bags” do not cause any inconvenience. However, you should not delay going to the doctor, as this may negatively affect the prognosis of the disease, the symptom of which is swelling. As a result, incorrect treatment of the kidneys or heart may be prescribed, which will cause irreversible changes in these organs.

Which doctor should I consult for bags under my eyes?

Since “bags” are a symptom of many serious diseases, only a doctor can understand the problem. To directly eliminate the “bags,” consult a cosmetologist who will determine the cause of the swelling of the fiber. Then see a therapist. Consultation with other specialists of a narrower profile makes sense only after additional examinations, which are assigned as needed.

High estrogen levels can be both physiological and pathological. A physiological increase in estrogen levels can occur in the first phase of the menstrual cycle and a few days before menstruation. IN Lately Among postmenopausal women, additional estrogen-based medications are increasingly being used. The effect of this therapy is a rejuvenation of the body visible even to the naked eye ( smoothing of wrinkles, smoothness and velvety skin, increased efficiency, etc.). However, taking estrogen from outside is not recommended by oncologists, as it leads to a manifold increase in the risk of breast cancer. A pathological increase in estrogen concentrations can occur with the appearance of a pituitary tumor.

Low blood levels of thyroid hormones ( T 3 and T 4) can develop with a disease such as hypothyroidism, the extreme manifestation of which is myxedema ( mucous swelling). Hypothyroidism can develop when there are disorders at the level of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the thyroid gland itself ( tumors, brain strokes, etc.). Hypothyroidism is also quite common against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis in the terminal stages, when there is practically no functional thyroid tissue left. There is also iatrogenic hypothyroidism ( developed due to medical error ) when low thyroid hormone levels occur after surgical removal its part or all of its tissue, as well as due to an overdose of thyreostatics - drugs that block the formation and release of the above hormones.

The cause of the development of edema in in this case is pronounced violation protein metabolism with the accumulation of albumin and mucin in the intercellular space. As a result, oncotic pressure increases, and fluid from the bloodstream gradually moves into the intercellular space, causing swelling not only of the eyelids, but also of other soft tissues and internal organs.

Genetic predisposition to eyelid swelling

In some patients, swelling under the eyes may occur with early age for no apparent reason. The presence of edema in close relatives may be indicative of genetic predisposition to bags under the eyes. However, it should be noted that before finally coming to such a conclusion, all other above-mentioned causes of this disease should be excluded.

Diagnosis of the causes of eyelid swelling

Diagnosis of eyelid edema should be given due attention, since in addition to a cosmetic defect, they may indicate serious violations on the part of immunity, metabolism, hormonal levels, nutrition and lifestyle.

Diagnosis of eyelid edema with age-related changes

In order to conclude that swelling under the eyes is one of the manifestations of aging, some features should be taken into account. Bags under the eyes with age-related changes usually appear after 50 years and are accompanied by a decrease in elasticity skin on other parts of the body. In addition, other organic causes of edema should be excluded, since they are often one of the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs.

If you have age-related swelling of the eyelids, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Some physiotherapy procedures based on stimulation of the skin with very low intensity currents have a good effect. Such procedures are prescribed by a physiotherapist.

Diagnosis of the traumatic cause of eyelid edema

Trauma to the eye and surrounding soft tissue is often associated with eyelid swelling. The mechanism of such edema may be associated not only with inflammatory changes, but also with direct rupture of blood vessels with elements of bruising. In connection with the above, the development of such edema occurs rapidly, and its severity can be so great that it leads to the closure of the palpebral fissure. A few hours after the injury, red blood cells in the area of ​​edema are destroyed, and the released hemoglobin is transformed first into oxyhemoglobin, which has a bright burgundy color, and then into reduced hemoglobin, which stains skin in a dark blue shade. At the end of the first week after injury, the swelling gradually subsides, and the skin turns first green and then yellow due to the transformation of reduced hemoglobin into methemoglobin, biliverdin and bilirubin, respectively. Clearing the bruise ( ecchymosis) occurs gradually from the periphery to the center.

In rare cases, after plastic surgery in the eyelid area, the drainage of lymph may be impaired. Such swelling may persist for a longer period of time over several months.

If you have swelling of the eyelids resulting from an injury, you should immediately go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, since this is how you can be examined by a traumatologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, and, if necessary, a neurosurgeon in the shortest possible time. If the injury causing swelling under the eyes is life-threatening or disabling, then the necessary examinations available locally will be carried out there. If more expensive studies are required, the patient can be urgently transported to larger clinics.

Diagnosis of allergic causes of eyelid swelling

Allergic swelling of the eyelids can develop with a local and generalized allergic reaction. An allergen can be absolutely any substance, but more often it is mold, dust mites, citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, peanut butter, antibiotics, washing powder, etc. In a local reaction, the allergen directly contacts the surface of the cornea or conjunctiva of the eye. As a result, a classic inflammatory reaction develops, accompanied by swelling spreading to the upper and lower eyelids. Such swelling can be unilateral if the irritant hits only one eye and bilateral if it hits both.

One of the types of generalized allergic reactions is angioedema, otherwise called Quincke's edema. In this case, the allergen enters the body most often through an insect bite or through food, less often through skin contact. Thus, the allergen penetrates the blood, binds to antibodies, forming complexes circulating throughout the body. When these complexes settle on the inner lining of blood vessels ( intimate), its inflammation develops. When the intima becomes inflamed, the barrier function of the blood vessels is disrupted, and the liquid part of the blood, and sometimes the formed elements, are released ( red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) into the intercellular space. First of all, areas rich in loose connective tissue swell, that is, the eyelids, lips, earlobes, scrotum and labia. Then, in the absence of the necessary medical intervention, swelling can spread to the cheeks, cheekbones, tonsils, neck and even chest. The danger of this swelling is that if it spreads to the neck, there is a risk of closure of the glottis and death from acute respiratory failure. A feature of this edema is the obligatory symmetry. The rate of its development depends on the amount of allergen and the degree of sensitization ( sensitivity) of the body to it.

If allergic swelling of the eyelids occurs, you should immediately call ambulance and if the doctors deem it necessary, then be hospitalized in the allergy department or even the intensive care unit. Before the ambulance arrives, you can use some of the medications available in your home medicine cabinet, such as suprastin, loratadine and clemastine. The optimal dose for an adult is one tablet, and for a child the dose should be calculated according to the instructions based on his age or weight.

Diagnosis of the toxic cause of eyelid swelling

Toxic swelling of the eyelids implies entry into the body a certain substance leading to fluid retention in soft tissues. Thus, it is necessary to determine the toxin itself, its source and the route of its penetration into the body.

As stated earlier, the three most common toxins today include alcohol, nicotine and cosmetical tools. Of course, we cannot fail to mention exhaust fumes, food preservatives and even medicines. Large laboratories are engaged in determining the amount of these substances in the blood, and these studies do not yet have any practical significance for the common man. However, the mechanism of the pathogenic effect of toxins on the body has been well studied, so their use is definitely not recommended.

Thus, the diagnosis of toxic eyelid edema is based primarily on medical history. If you suspect swelling of the eyelids of this etiology, you should contact a therapist or dermatologist, and also interrupt the flow of the toxin into the body as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of renal pathology leading to swelling of the eyelids

Kidney disease is one of the most serious causes leading to the appearance of bags under the eyes. The immediate cause is impaired renal filtration, which causes protein to pass from the blood into the urine. Accordingly, a biochemical blood test should look for a decrease in the concentration of total protein, and a general urine test should look for its increase. Also, leukocytes, red blood cells and various casts can be detected in the urine, indicating probable cause diseases.

A general blood test reveals leukocytosis ( increase in the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood). If the respiratory infection is viral, which is most often observed, then an increase in percentage lymphocytes. When a bacterial infection develops, an excess of band neutrophils appears. An ophthalmoscopic examination reveals hyperemia of the vessels of the sclera and conjunctiva. Type-specific infections may be present pathological changes eye.

If you suspect swelling under the eyes of an infectious etiology, you should consult an ophthalmologist. If the ophthalmologist who examined the patient excludes a specific viral or bacterial eye infection, then you should contact an infectious disease specialist, general practitioner or family doctor.

Diagnosis of hormonal changes leading to swelling of the eyelids

As stated earlier, puffiness under the eyes can be a sign of one of the endocrine diseases. In particular, we are talking about hypothyroidism and hyperestrogenism ( increased concentration of estrogen in peripheral blood), which can be either physiological or pathological.

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is based on medical history, objective examination, laboratory tests and instrumental tests. From the anamnesis, cases of hypothyroidism in close relatives or previous operations on thyroid gland. Women may have amenorrhea and numerous unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant. There are cases of excessive intake of thyreostatics ( drugs that block the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones into the blood) in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

During an objective examination of the patient, it is noted increased dryness skin and its peeling in the elbows, knees and soles. Face is swollen ( there may be swelling under the eyes), heart rate is below normal ( 40 - 50 beats per minute), excess weight is often present against the background of decreased appetite. The patient does not tolerate cold well, is apathetic and depressed. Over time, there is a decrease in memory and concentration.

Laboratory tests indicating hypothyroidism are low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood - thyroxine ( T 4) and triiodothyronine ( T 3). To determine the cause of hypothyroidism, it may be necessary to determine the level thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and antibodies to thyroid peroxidase ( anti-TPO).

To assess the size and structure of the thyroid gland, an ultrasound examination is performed. Thyroid function is examined using scintigraphy. To exclude pituitary adenoma, a targeted X-ray of the sella turcica is performed. If an increase is suspected, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is performed.

Diagnosis of hyperestrogenism is based on medical history, gynecological examination, laboratory tests and instrumental studies. When collecting anamnesis, you should pay attention to the predominant appearance of edema in the first part of the cycle before ovulation ( 12 - 16 days from the end menstrual flow ) and a few days before the start of discharge. Less likely to be present heavy bleeding during menstruation. During a gynecological examination, swelling and tenderness of the neck of the mark with dysplasia of its epithelium may be noted.

From laboratory tests it is necessary to resort to determining the level of estrogen in the blood. If the latter are elevated, then the level of gonadotropic hormones should also be determined in order to differential diagnosis between primary and secondary hyperestrogenism. However, unfortunately, the reagents for performing the above-mentioned analyzes are quite expensive and are not available in all laboratories.

Among instrumental studies, preference should be given to ultrasonography ( ultrasonography) pelvic organs. More accurate data are obtained from intravaginal examination than from visualization through the abdominal wall. If you suspect tumor formation of the pituitary gland, targeted radiography of the sella turcica or magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

If swelling under the eyes develops, presumably due to a hormonal imbalance, you should consult an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

Diagnosis of genetic predisposition to swelling of the eyelids

On good grounds, it can be argued that the patient has a genetic predisposition to swelling of the eyelids, based on anamnesis ( similar swelling in close relatives) and after excluding all pathological reasons listed above.

How to get rid of swelling of the eyelids?

Due to the fact that bags under the eyes can be caused by various reasons, methods for eliminating them vary. The main attention should be paid to diseases against which edema develops, since they may have more serious prognosis for good health. The symptomatic treatment of edema caused by age-related changes or genetically programmed comes into the background.

Treatment of eyelid swelling with age-related changes

Drug treatment of eyelid swelling with age-related changes is based primarily on the use of ointments and creams based on substances that increase its turgor ( elasticity), improving nutrition and blood supply. These substances include vitamin E, vitamin C, flavonoids, hyaluronic acid, etc.

Also wide application found eye drops that improve blood circulation in the superficial layers of the eye, such as Visine, Okoumetil, Octilia, etc. Such drops are recommended for severe and prolonged eye strain, in particular when working at a computer. Restoring adequate blood circulation to these structures reduces the severity of edema and congestion of the conjunctiva ( spider veins on the white membrane of the eyes). At the same time, swelling under the eyes caused by the flow of fluid to the inflamed conjunctiva also decreases.

The third group of medications that most postmenopausal women resort to are estrogen-based medications. Their use is practiced both externally and internally. Creams containing estrogen effectively and quickly eliminate wrinkles under the eyes. Perhaps it is for this reason that their price can be several times higher than other drugs from this group. The use of hormones internally leads to a systemic effect, manifested by skin rejuvenation, the appearance of a characteristic healthy glow, slowing down the involution of the genital organs, and much more. However, the risks associated with systemic use of estrogen-containing drugs are also great due to the manifold increase in the risk of breast and cervical cancer.

Another branch of traditional treatment for bags under the eyes is cosmetic surgery. Like all methods, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include a persistent effect over a fairly long period of time without the need to take any additional medications that have various side effects. The disadvantage is the risk associated with any surgery. During surgery, complications such as bleeding, inadequate response to painkillers and muscle relaxants may occur. Postoperative period It is dangerous due to the risk of suppuration and spread of inflammation to the eye tissue, infection with hepatitis viruses, etc. We should also not forget that the result of cosmetic surgery on the eyelids depends, not least of all, on the skill of the surgeon.

Traditional medicine
Traditional medicine includes various tinctures, lotions and homemade ointments. The most common way to relieve puffy eyes is to apply used tea bags to them for 5 to 10 minutes. Cucumber and potato masks also have a pronounced effect. These plants contain substances that can sharply tighten the skin, eliminating wrinkles and reducing puffiness under the eyes.

Applications are also found nourishing masks, consisting of sour cream and chopped parsley. If you don’t have time to prepare, apply, and then wash off the mask, then applying pieces of ice from the refrigerator to your eyes for 5 to 10 seconds with breaks of 30 seconds can have some effect. The temperature contrast tones the muscles of the eyelid and the thinnest elastic fibers of the skin, leading to its tension and reduction of swelling.

Treatment of traumatic eyelid edema

Traditional drug approach
Drug treatment for traumatic swelling of the eyelids is limited to local and systemic use anti-inflammatory drugs and less often antibiotics. If a skull fracture is diagnosed, it is treated according to the severity. As the fracture heals, the swelling will gradually subside.

Local treatment consists of the use of heparin-based ointments and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Has a good anti-edematous effect homeopathic ointment traumeel. A compress using a solution of magnesium sulfate reduces the intensity of the bluish coloration of the skin during traumatic swelling of the eyelids. When using ointments, creams and compresses, you should keep in mind that getting them into the eyes can cause irritation and severe pain.

Traditional medicine
Among the traditional medicine for traumatic swelling of the eyelids, there are lotions based on herbs that have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. These include field chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort, linden, aloe, oregano, etc. The temperature of the lotions should be approximately equal to body temperature, since both cold and hot solutions can lead to the progression of inflammation.

Treatment of allergic swelling of the eyelids

Traditional drug approach
Allergic swelling of the eyelids is eliminated by taking medications that prevent the development of the allergic reaction itself. The most common drugs that have these properties are antihistamines ( suprastin, diphenhydramine, clemastine, loratadine, etc.). Preference is given to representatives of the latest generations, which include loratadine, which has a longer duration of effect and a relatively small amount side effects. However, representatives of the first generation remain emergency drugs ( Diphenhydramine and Suprastin) due to the short duration of the effect, which is sometimes necessary in complex treatment and combination with other drugs. In addition, some antihistamines, in particular diphenhydramine ( diphenhydramine), have significant sedative effect, in fact being side effect, however, actively used in some situations.

The second no less important group of medications for the relief of allergies are adrenal hormones and drugs based on them. In particular, such hormones include prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc. Often hormonal agents included in sprays eye drops and ointments for topical use.

Calcium preparations and adsorbents have less pronounced antiallergic effects. The most common calcium salts include gluconate and chloride. Adsorbents, the most famous representative of which is Activated carbon, are most effective when the allergen is expected to enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. However, it has been scientifically proven that, even just being in the intestinal lumen, activated carbon to some extent eliminates circulating allergen from the blood, reducing the severity of the hyperergic reaction.

Traditional medicine
It should be warned that the use of traditional medicine for treatment allergic conditions could be extremely risky. Puffiness under the eyes is one of the first signs of angioedema ( Quincke), for which there is high probability spread of inflammation to the respiratory tract and development of asphyxia ( airway obstruction). Therefore, treatment with folk remedies is recommended only for mild skin rashes, and not for swelling of the eyelids.

Treatment of toxic edema of the eyelids

Traditional drug approach
The essence of the traditional treatment of toxic eyelid edema is primarily to stop the entry of the toxin into the body, eliminate that part of it that is already in the body, and also to minimize its negative effects.

If the toxin is alcohol or nicotine, then first of all it is necessary to get rid of these bad habits. Elimination of toxins that have already entered the body is carried out through gastric lavage. Gastric lavage is carried out by drinking a large amount of liquid and artificially inducing vomiting ( pressing the fingers on the root of the tongue). If the patient is extremely weakened, gastric lavage is performed by introducing a nasogastric tube. Used in an unconscious state intravenous infusion physiological solution or solutions that adsorb toxin from peripheral blood ( hemodesis). Extracorporeal drugs are also used technical means such as plasmapheresis.

You can minimize the negative effects of toxins by knowing the paths of their pathogenic effects on the body. For example, in case of alcohol intoxication, glucose and vitamin C are administered intravenously. During hangover syndrome Diuretics that cross the blood-brain barrier and eliminate cerebral edema may be extremely useful ( veroshpiron, mannitol) and caffeine, which reduces the feeling of general fatigue.

Acute nicotine intoxication, unlike alcohol intoxication, rarely manifests itself as swelling under the eyes. Another thing is chronic intoxication, when not only nicotine, but also combustion byproducts are deposited in the skin over many years of smoking. Of course, to get rid of the negative effects of such intoxication in short time will not work. However, given the fact that the human body is a self-healing system, you just need to provide it with the necessary conditions and resources for this. As stated earlier, the first step is to quit smoking. In addition, you need to exercise, eat a varied and rational diet, and drink freshly squeezed juice several times a day. The first changes will become noticeable after 1 month, when one complete renewal of the epidermis occurs. As you get rid of adipose tissue, the nicotine that has been deposited in it for a long time will gradually be removed from the body.

It should also be remembered that most heavy metals when released into the peripheral blood, it causes acute renal failure, causing swelling under the eyes. More specific information on this issue is found in the section on renal edema.

Traditional medicine
For the treatment of puffiness under the eyes toxic etiology In folk medicine, substances that have a diuretic effect are used. Along with copious urination, toxins are removed from the body. Plants that have a diuretic effect include birch and burdock leaves, as well as cucumbers, melon, watermelon, etc. Edible plants are used directly as food, while infusions and decoctions are made from birch and burdock leaves, which are consumed internally.

In addition, you can use it quite freely local means, nourishing and toning the skin. Among such products, there are masks based on sour cream, cucumbers, blue clay, parsley, etc. Used tea bags placed on the eyelids have a slight anti-inflammatory effect if their temperature is slightly higher than body temperature.

Treatment of renal edema of the eyelids

Traditional drug approach
Based on traditional drug treatment The first step is to eliminate the cause that led to kidney pathology. Secondly, the goal is to restore normal filtration function.

For infectious kidney damage, antibiotics are indicated, excreted primarily through urine ( ciprofloxacin, metronidazole). For autoimmune and systemic diseases, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used ( dexamethasone, prednisolone). In case of amyloidosis, nephroblastoma and end-stage renal failure, the only method of restoring kidney function and even saving the patient’s life is its removal with transplantation of a healthy donor kidney.

Mandatory components of the treatment of renal failure include diuretics. They act by different mechanisms and are used accordingly in different situations depending on the water-electrolyte balance and the goals set. Their most common representatives include furosemide, spironolactone, triamterene, mannitol, etc.

Drugs that strengthen the vascular wall have some effect ( ascorutin, etamsylate, vitamin C, etc.). It is important to maintain the necessary water-electrolyte balance through additional intake of certain nutrients ( raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes with skin, etc.), as well as by introducing the missing electrolytes in tablet form or through infusions. The diet must be appropriate for the species kidney disease, since some of them have restrictions on the amount of protein, and some on the amount of electrolytes.

Traditional medicine
Due to the fact that renal edema is caused by low levels of protein and electrolytes in the blood, folk remedies rarely have a more or less positive effect. The fact is that it is almost impossible to restore the required amount of microelements and blood protein by using infusions, decoctions and extracts from herbs and animal tissues. In addition to this, patients with renal pathology require reduced fluid intake ( usually no more than 500 ml per day).

However, symptomatic treatment of renal edema may have some effect. In particular, applying chopped potatoes, cucumbers or persimmons to the eyelids can be used. Complete disappearance of swelling under the eyes can occur with initial stages kidney disease, however, only for a while. With moderate and severe severity of the disease, the effect is either extremely short-term ( no more than half an hour), or is completely absent.

Treatment of infectious eyelid swelling

Traditional drug approach
A necessary condition the disappearance of bags under the eyes in infectious diseases is the elimination of the pathogen and the inflammation caused by it. For bacterial damage to eye tissue, antibiotics are used ( neomycin, Traditional medicine
As a rule, traditional medicines are not able to provide a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal effect. Therefore, it should be remembered that the basis of treatment is the use of ready-made drugs traditional medicine. You should not rely only on folk remedies, since in the vast majority of cases this leads to a worsening of the disease and even disability.

Eye washing can slightly enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of traditional medicines weak solution chamomile, sage or calendula.

Treatment of hormonal swelling of the eyelids

Traditional drug approach
Treatment of swelling under the eyes due to hypothyroidism is based on the introduction into the body of the missing thyroid hormones. The most common drugs in this group include eutirox, tireotome, etc. When the hormonal levels stabilize, the bags under the eyes will disappear on their own.

Traditional medicine
Traditional medicine for edema of this etiology is not used, since the manufacturing process hormonal medications is extremely complex and requires precise dose titration, which is not feasible at home. Symptomatic treatment of edema may have some effect.

Treatment of genetic edema of the eyelids

Traditional drug approach
Medicines are not used to treat genetically caused swelling of the eyelids due to their uselessness. The most effective way to eliminate them is cosmetic surgery on the eyelids, after which the swelling disappears for many years, or even for life.

Traditional medicine
Medicines from the national health resort for edema of this origin are not required, since the disease itself is absent. Local reduction of swelling is achieved through the use of compresses and masks based on skin tightening products ( cucumbers, potatoes). A temporary effect is achieved by applying pieces of ice to the eyelids for 5 - 10 seconds with breaks of half a minute. Temperature contrast leads to reflex contraction subcutaneous muscles and toning the elastic fibers of the skin.

How dangerous is surgery to remove bags under the eyes?

The operation to remove bags under the eyes is called blepharoplasty and is considered relatively safe, since it does not involve working with large blood vessels. However, as with any surgical operation there is a risk of medical personnel error, inadequate response to anesthesia, or postoperative purulent complications. The decision on the need for surgery should be made only after all violations of the organs and systems of the body that led to the appearance of edema have been excluded.

Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive operation, since all manipulations are performed with a minimal incision, which is performed along the free edge of the eyelid. During the operation, excess connective and fatty tissue, as well as excess skin, are eliminated. If necessary, the shape of the eye is corrected and part of the cartilage and muscles are excised.

General anesthesia is considered optimal by introducing the patient into unconsciousness, complete muscle relaxation and artificial ventilation lungs. The duration of the operation is from half an hour to two hours, depending on the goals and the surgeon’s technique. Full recovery after surgery in the absence of complications occurs after 10 - 12 days.

Towards risks plastic surgery include complications such as bleeding, perforation of the membranes of the eye, intersection of the nerves and muscles responsible for the movements of the eyelids. It is extremely rare for a patient to have an inadequate reaction to anesthesia due to the congenital lack of an enzyme that destroys active substance necessary for anesthesia. As a result, the patient does not recover from anesthesia long time and requires constant ventilation and intubation. Prolonged intubation, in turn, is dangerous for the development of nosocomial pneumonia.

Postoperative purulent complications are dangerous due to the spread of inflammation to the eye tissue and its loss as an organ of vision. Their development may be due to insufficient treatment of instruments, loose suturing of the wound and improper care after her in the postoperative period.

Is there a massage for bags under the eyes?

Massage for bags under the eyes exists and is aimed at improving the outflow of fluid from connective tissue located under the skin of the eyelids.

Eyelid massage can be performed both in beauty salons and at home. Of course, professional massage therapists work in beauty salons and the effect of their work should be high. However, with a little practice, anyone can train enough to perform massage as well as a specialist.

When performing a massage, you should follow some rules. First, you should massage your eyelids in the morning after washing your face. Secondly, before and after the massage it is necessary to apply moisturizing and nourishing creams to the skin. Thirdly, during all exercises the following order of movements is assumed: the lower eyelid is massaged from the temporal edge to the nasal, and the upper eyelid from the nasal edge to the temporal. There are three main types of movements, performed in the following order - stroking, light tapping and squeezing out excess fluid by rolling a finger from one edge to the other over the pad. It is considered sufficient to perform 3 to 5 movements in each direction during each of the three exercises. Fourthly, initially the tissues located closer to the free edge of the eyelids should be massaged, with a gradual shift to the periphery. In other words, there is a gradual shift outward from the center.

When performing a massage, you should remember that you should not put pressure on the eyeballs, as this can cause reflex bradycardia ( decreased heart rate) and even loss of consciousness.

Why do dark circles form? bruises) under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes can appear both in the presence of swelling of the eyelids and in their absence. The reason for their appearance lies in the deposition of pigment in the skin and subcutaneous space. Depending on the type of pigment, one color or another is observed. The intensity of the color is determined by the amount of pigment.

The most common are circles under the eyes Brown. Their appearance is caused by the deposition of a pigment called melanin in the skin. Its excess secretion occurs in response to ultraviolet rays hitting the skin. Thus, excessive tanning leads to hyperpigmentation of the skin around the eyes. Puffiness under the eyes makes areas of hyperpigmentation more visible due to some bulge. In addition, numerous wrinkles form above the bags under the eyes, and the skin in this area gradually thickens, making it appear darker.

The second type of pigment is hemoglobin and its metabolites ( biliverdin, bilirubin, etc.). Hemoglobin is released when red blood cells enter and break down in the interstitial space. The most common cause of the above is direct trauma to the eye. Blood can enter the periorbital space when the base of the skull is fractured in the area of ​​the anterior cranial fossa. In this case, the so-called “glasses” symptom is observed, that is, a clearly defined cyanosis in the projection of the eye sockets. Initially, such circles have a bright red tint. After a few hours they turn blue, and after a few days they gradually turn green, turn yellow and disappear altogether.

Elimination of circles under the eyes is facilitated by addressing their cause. With melanin ( brown) circles it is recommended to abstain from sunbathing and use anti-sun creams. With hemoglobin circles ( red, blue, green and yellow) it is necessary to use absorbable substances, such as heparin ointments and compresses with a solution of magnesium sulfate. It is important that these substances under no circumstances come into contact with the conjunctiva and sclera of the eye.

What causes bags under a child's eyes?

The main reasons for the appearance of bags under a child’s eyes include injuries, periodic lack of sleep, and excessive physical and mental stress. To more rare reasons include allergic reactions, eye infections, kidney failure and genetic predisposition.

Conflicts between children increasingly result in fights, which result, in particular, in bruises under the eyes, accompanied by swelling of the eyelids. If you suspect such swelling, you should first consult a traumatologist and ophthalmologist in order to exclude serious injury. When damage to the skull bones is ruled out and the integrity of the eye is not compromised, you should apply a cold bandage to the site of swelling and just wait. The bruise will go away on its own in 10 to 14 days.

Lack of sleep, physical and mental fatigue
Puffiness under the eyes can also occur when high loads at school and systematic lack of sleep. Long time wakefulness and eye fatigue when reading or working at the computer leads to impaired lymphatic drainage. As a result, fluid retention occurs in the periocular tissue. In order to eliminate such swelling, you should review the child's daily routine, eliminate some additional activities, reduce the time spent on the computer, and allocate more time for sleep.

Allergic reaction
An allergic reaction can also cause puffiness under the eyes. As a rule, such swelling is symmetrical and combined with swelling of the earlobes, cheekbones and lips. If you suspect allergic edema, you should immediately call an ambulance and take necessary medications (suprastin, dexamethasone).

Eye infections
Eye infections can develop as a complication of injury, foreign body or a pronounced decrease in immunity. Eye injuries are understandable given the excessive activity of many children. A marked decrease in immunity may be a sign of HIV infection or be a consequence of prolonged treatment of a certain disease with glucocorticosteroids. Infectious diseases eyes are treated by completely destroying the pathogen. For viral infections it is prescribed antiviral drugs, at bacterial infections- antibiotics, and for fungal infections - antifungal agents. Ways to strengthen the immune system should be discussed with the attending physician, taking into account the prescription for the underlying disease.

Renal pathology
Unfortunately, renal pathology affects children of all ages. The impaired filtration function of these organs leads to a decrease in the amount of protein in the blood. When the protein concentration decreases, the liquid portion of the blood flows into the intercellular space, causing edema to form. Elimination of such edema occurs only when the underlying disease is treated.

Genetic predisposition
A genetic predisposition to edema can appear at a very early age. In order to finally make sure that edema is caused by a hereditary factor, one should not only collect a family history, but also make sure that there is no other organic cause of edema. In other words, genetic predisposition does not exclude the possibility of developing pathological swelling under the eyes. If there is no doubt about the origin of the edema, a plastic surgeon can begin to eliminate them, since there are no other effective methods there is no treatment for them.

One day you may go to the mirror and discover that your reflection has bags under its eyes. What should you do to get rid of them? But simply eliminating this unpleasant phenomenon will not be enough if you do not determine why bags under the eyes appear and what aspects of your life need to be adjusted to avoid their appearance in the future.

We present a short overview explaining why bags under the eyes need to not only be masked, but also prevent the occurrence of this problem by taking effective measures against these small unsightly swellings.

What are these bags under the eyes?

As people age, they often notice some change in the lower part of their eyelids, ranging from slight swelling to actual bags. These are the notorious bags under the eyes. They are the result of a downward displacement of the fatty tissue that protects the eyeball, and if we ourselves can reduce this defect and prevent its occurrence, then often the only way its complete elimination is a surgical procedure.

Note that age does not cause this problem. Everyone should think about why bags under their eyes suddenly appeared, since they may indicate more serious changes in a person’s life.

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

Age-related sagging skin is the main cause of bags under the eyes:

The skin of the lower eyelid is very thin and fragile, and contains fewer muscle fibers that support it. Over time, as the skin ages, the fibers that should give the skin flexibility and elasticity lose their tone and relax, fluids such as blood and lymph flow through them more and more slowly and are retained in the tissues of the eyelids. The lower eyelid in this situation becomes especially vulnerable to the occurrence of edema and the stretching of the skin caused by it.
Note that this is the main answer to the question of why bags under the eyes occur in men. However, anyone can find themselves in this situation, regardless of age.

Hereditary factor

Age, however, is not entirely responsible for bags under the eyes. Many young people are also familiar with this problem. Explain why bags under the eyes in men and women appear in quite at a young age, it is possible from the point of view of hereditary-genetic predisposition.

Stress and lack of sleep are responsible for the appearance of puffiness under the eyes

If bags under the eyes combined with dark circles have become a common habitual phenomenon, as a rule, their cause is an unsuccessful sleep pattern. It is important to ensure that you maintain a good sleep rhythm.

Indeed, stress, anxiety and lack of sleep are the most common explanations for why women develop bags under their eyes. Often, to restore and preserve the natural beauty of their face, all they need to do is start getting enough sleep!

Stagnation of fluid - aggravates the appearance of bags under the eyes

Many factors provoke water retention, which causes the formation of bags under the eyes.

Depending on a person’s lifestyle and his overall health, the volume of the bags changes even during the day! It is fluid retention that can explain why bags under the eyes in women appear after a night's sleep. After all, they often use facial moisturizers at night, one of the mechanisms of action of which is to provoke fluid retention in the tissues.

In order to avoid the phenomenon of water retention by the tissues of the eyelids, it is important to avoid consumption in the afternoon. alcoholic drinks and be sure to follow a low-salt diet.

Unbalanced diet

Poor nutrition and digestive problems, especially when following unbalanced diets, most often explain the appearance of bags under the eyes.
However, it should be noted that fluid retention in the tissues of the eyelids can be associated not only with nutritional reasons caused by improper eating and drinking, but also with more serious reasons. We recommend that if this defect persists, you contact the appropriate specialists.

Sun exposure

Bright sunlight, artificial light and solar radiation increase skin dryness. The same applies to the skin under the eyes. When it is exposed to them, the body tries to restore its natural hydration by retaining fluid in the tissues.

Hormonal imbalance

Natural conditions of the female body such as pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause are associated with hormonal changes. In the case of hormonal imbalance, identifying its causes may explain why bags under the eyes of women appear with some regularity. Normalization hormonal levels can prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon for every woman without surgical intervention.

Mechanical impact

Thin and soft skin the eyelid instantly stretches with any, even minor mechanical impact on them. They rubbed their eyes after sleep, did not remove makeup carefully enough, used hot water when washing your eyes... All these actions lead to stretching of the skin and the formation of bags under the eyes.

Stay healthy

As we see, in addition to genetic factors and natural aging skin, the reasons for the formation of bags under the eyes are largely related to a person’s lifestyle.
A balanced diet, good sleep, and minimizing the influence of various stress factors are immediate reasons problems with the appearance of the eyelids.
Knowing why bags appeared under the eyes, you understand what to do.

First of all, take care of your health! learn good habits to stay healthy and prolong your youth, and it will immediately show on your face.

How to reduce bags under the eyes?

When regaining your health, in the fight against bags under the eyes, do not forget about the aesthetic side.

We offer several tips to reduce this unpleasant phenomenon:

  1. Get enough sleep full recovery time,
  2. Protect the skin under your eyes from chemical and mechanical influences.
  3. Avoid direct sun rays, wear sunglasses.
  4. Eat a nutrient-rich diet, eat fiber-rich foods fresh fruits and green vegetables,
  5. Normalize water-salt balance, drink plenty of water and eat less salt,
  6. Improve blood circulation around the eyes, including using massage techniques, for example, massaging the lower eyelid with light movements from the inside out,
  7. Reduce stress on the body,
  8. Strengthen the skin of your eyelids, for example, with a cool wash.
  9. A little coolness against swelling of the eyelids
  10. Cold activates blood circulation and lymph flow in tissues.

We offer several tips for strengthening the skin of the eyelids with the help of cold:

Cold compress

After waking up, you may sometimes notice that the skin around the eyes is slightly swollen. To correct this, simply place cotton pads or cotton pads soaked in cold water on each eyelid and hold for a few minutes until warming begins. Eye swelling will be significantly reduced after this procedure.

You can also take a few small ice cubes wrapped in a napkin or towel to avoid damaging your skin. The effect will occur faster due to the lower temperature of the ice.


Metal spoons will cool quickly in the refrigerator. Placed on the eyes, they will create the same effect as cold water or ice cubes.

Fruits and vegetables

Cool thin, cold slices of apple, tomato, cucumber or potato and place them over your eyes before heating.
This method will be more effective if you use their chilled or frozen juice.

Video: bags under the eyes causes and treatment

In contact with

Every person, be it a woman or a man, at least once in his life has encountered the phenomenon of bags under the eyes. Such a picture not only gives the face an ugly and unhealthy appearance, but also, in some cases, signals serious illnesses. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a specialist in time and identify possible causes of swelling.

Causes of bags under the eyes

The eyeball is designed in such a way that it is separated from the eye socket by a layer of adipose tissue, which acts as a shock absorber. In turn, it is separated from the eyelid by a connective tissue membrane that holds adipose tissue inside the eye socket. Considering the described anatomy of the eye, until recently it was believed that the causes of the appearance of bags under the eyes were the loss of elasticity of the connective tissue membrane. As a result, it stretches, begins to sag outward and is no longer able to hold for a long time fatty tissue inside, forming a kind of hernia. This is how bags are formed.

However, recently the opinions of experts have diverged, and each of them puts forward their own point of view regarding the formation of bags.

The second reason why bags appear under the eyes is associated with swelling of the periorbital tissue. Such swelling, as a rule, appears in the morning, and by the evening it becomes almost invisible. In the case of growth of adipose tissue, bags and swelling under the eyes do not go away and persist throughout the day.

Perhaps these are the most common reasons for the formation of bags. In addition, eyes may become swollen due to:

  • hereditary (genetic) predisposition to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue - similar phenomenon observed from an early age;
  • excessive fatigue, chronic stress, nervous overstrain, drinking a large amount of alcohol in the evening, as a result - bags under the eyes in the morning;
  • sitting for a long time in front of the computer, scrolling through channels and watching TV for many hours;
  • fans of pickles and marinated products are at risk, since salt can retain fluid in the tissues, causing the formation of swelling and, accordingly, bags under the eyes;
  • hormonal imbalances that occur in a woman’s body as in days menstrual cycle, and for other reasons, can also provoke fluid retention;
  • the causes of bags under the eyes in the morning are also associated with age, when a gradual growth of periorbital tissue occurs in the body with its subsequent sagging under the lower eyelid;
  • Regularly appearing bags under the eyes can be a consequence of diseases and ailments such as: allergic reactions of various origins, heart problems, upset nervous system, kidney or gall bladder diseases.

The last reason should be a cause for concern and contact the appropriate doctor. Bags under the eyes in such cases will not disappear until measures are taken to treat the underlying disease. Very often there may be a temporary improvement in the patient's condition, and the bags under the eyes usually disappear. However, with the next exacerbation of swelling under the eyes, swelling under the eyes cannot be avoided.

Why do bags under the eyes appear in the morning? This happens due to long or poor sleep, but by the evening the swelling goes away. Under the direct influence of gravity and stimulation of blood circulation, fluid begins to gradually flow away from the upper part of the body, in this case, from the eyes.

And finally, bags under the eyes can form due to poor and low-quality cosmetics. Very often, many women try to save money on cosmetics and purchase cosmetics of unknown origin from an unknown company. Such products tend to irritate the eyes, which leads to the formation of bags.

How to solve the problem of bags under the eyes?

First, you need to determine the main reason that provoked this phenomenon. If the reason lies in eye fatigue (books, TV, computer, etc.), bad sleep, stress and nervous overexcitation, worry, then there should be no reason for panic and anxiety. By following simple procedures and giving your eyes the opportunity to rest a little, the bags will gradually disappear within two days.

If the swelling does not go away for a long time (several weeks, or even months), or takes a chronic form, then it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination. In addition, if the bags form in the morning and persist throughout the day, and, in addition, the patient is bothered by frequent complaints about the heart, pain in the abdominal cavity, poor functioning of the liver and gall bladder, then a visit to the doctor is simply a must. It is quite possible that there is a malfunction in one of the organs.

It is extremely important to know that self-medication and witchcraft prescriptions in such cases are strictly prohibited. No advice from grandmothers, neighbors, or work colleagues should be taken as a basis for treatment. Otherwise, irreversible consequences are possible.

So, if a person’s health is fine, nothing bothers him, then simple rules and measures aimed at removing excess fluid from the body will help.

Firstly, you should, if possible, limit the amount of salt you consume, since it can retain fluid in the body and cause swelling.

Green tea will help remove fluid from the body. It has a diuretic effect, due to which it not only removes excess fluid, but also thoroughly cleanses the body of harmful substances, which, in turn, are also “provocateurs”.

Lotions made from infusions of sage, chamomile, regular black tea and dill have a good effect. These herbs are taken in equal proportions, poured with boiling water, infused and cooled. The lotions should be warm, never hot, otherwise you can damage the eyelid and mucous membrane of the eye. Use clean cotton swabs, with a different swab for each eye.

Well, if the bags under the eyes are age-related, then no amount of herbal lotions or abstinence from salt will help. If there is no desire to come to terms with such a “diagnosis,” then the only way out will be eyelid surgery (the so-called blepharoplasty). The essence of the procedure is that fragments of adipose tissue of the required size are excised, followed by plastic surgery of the orbital septum. Only in this case can you forget about bags for many years.

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