Alcohol during menstruation: pros and cons. How does alcohol affect your periods? Rules of behavior during critical days

Menstruation is a normal process in the body of every representative of the fair sex, although many women perceive them as a punishment or “heavenly punishment.” They can be understood, because critical days cause not only discomfort, bad feeling, but also pain, and in some cases even severe painful sensations.

Each woman chooses for herself a method of dealing with negative symptoms menstruation and premenstrual syndrome. Some people use painkillers, others simply don’t go outside and lie in bed the entire period, but very often women can use alcoholic drinks to relieve pain. But is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation? Let’s try to figure it out in this article.

Features of female physiology

First, let’s take a short digression and look at what menstruation is and what factors it can be influenced by.

The first critical days occur in girls aged 12-14 years, it is at this time that their reproductive stage begins, which ends with the last menstruation at approximately 50-55 years. The presence of menstruation indicates that a woman reproductive system works correctly, and the woman herself has every chance of becoming pregnant and carrying a child.

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but it can fluctuate between 21-35 days and this is the norm, because it is not the duration of the cycle that is important, but its regularity. During critical days the female body is renewed, the uterus gets rid of excess endometrium, which comes out in the form of blood and clots. The “cleansing” process lasts 3-7 days. It is under the control of the pituitary gland, which synthesizes the substances needed for work. female body hormones.

The duration, volume and intensity of pain during menstruation can be influenced by many factors:

  • hormonal background;
  • general state women's health;
  • psychological and emotional state;
  • atmosphere at home and at work;
  • ecological situation;
  • bad habits, especially the influence of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • poor nutrition.

Normally, menstruation occurs with mild discomfort, without any noticeable severe symptoms. But with a certain combination of the above factors, excruciating pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, weakness, drowsiness and poor health may occur.

Drinking alcohol on menstrual days

Women can drink alcohol during menstruation for different purposes. Sometimes this period is simply superimposed on the celebration of some important event, and some women use alcohol as an anesthetic for severe pain during menstruation. Each of these reasons is not significant, since in any case, alcohol has a negative effect on the body. Let's look at how alcohol affects a woman during her period.

If a woman drank light alcohol or beer during menstruation, then this will definitely lead to an increase in the intensity of the discharge. If alcohol was drunk not on the first, but on the penultimate or last critical day, then your period may extend for another 1-2 days.

When menstruation occurs, women may experience various symptoms caused by hormonal changes. It could be headache, pain in the lower abdomen and back, which are also caused by changes in nervous tissue and contractions of the uterine muscles, poor health and swelling of the breasts. If a woman is sure that these are symptoms of menstruation, and not another pathology, then it is quite acceptable to drink a glass of wine to relieve stress and improve emotional state. If the pain is very strong, then you should not dull it with alcohol, since it may indicate the presence of diseases of the uterus or its appendages. Alcohol can be used to cover up the exacerbation of any disease, and miss the moment to cure it.

You should not combine alcohol with painkillers, since the reaction of each body may be different. Such a combination can cause allergies, increased or decreased blood pressure and other consequences, which we will discuss later.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

The consequences of drinking alcohol during menstruation can be very different, because alcohol affects the entire woman’s body, without exception, especially during a period when its protective functions are significantly reduced. Alcohol consumed during menstrual periods can cause the following pathologies and negative processes in the female body:

  • alcohol can cause vasospasm, blocking the release of fluids from tissues. As a result, swelling occurs and the arterial pressure, and the woman’s well-being deteriorates significantly;
  • alcohol is really on short term dulls the pain, but no more than half an hour, until nerve endings passage is blocked nerve impulses. But as the effect of alcohol decreases, the woman’s condition worsens sharply, because the pain does not go away, but is only masked;
  • during menstruation, a woman has an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the body, which causes emotional swings, depressive states and irritability, drinking alcohol only increases psycho-emotional imbalance;
  • If you treat the pain of premenstrual syndrome with alcohol, this can significantly affect your cycle. At the same time, it can become either irregular or its duration may change;
  • alcohol has a diuretic property, and exacerbation is possible during menstruation chronic cystitis or simply occurs frequently and painful urination Thus, alcohol can only worsen a woman’s well-being.

In some cases, drinking even small doses of alcohol during menstruation is strictly prohibited:

  • heavy and prolonged periods;
  • frequent delay of menstruation;
  • short duration of the period between critical days;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • severe pain during menstruation, the cause of which may be not so much a delicate period as a serious illness.

How does alcohol affect your periods?

No specialist has any doubt that alcohol during menstruation harms the female body. This issue is repeatedly discussed in the specialized literature and is confirmed by many studies, but at the moment there is no reliable information about the specific permissible dosage of drinking alcohol during menstruation. Let's consider how alcohol can affect a woman who drinks it during her menstrual period:

  • due to alcohol duration menstrual flow may increase by 2-3 days;
  • if a woman tries to cope with the pain caused by premenstrual syndrome by drinking alcohol, her period may be delayed for a period of several hours to several days;
  • drinking strong alcohol definitely causes increased bleeding. Research shows that a woman normally loses up to 250 ml of blood during one menstruation, but after trying to eliminate the pain syndrome with vodka, cognac or any other strong alcoholic drink, blood loss reaches 600 ml. This is a significant amount of blood, the loss of which can greatly affect a woman’s well-being;
  • During menstruation, many representatives of the fair sex may experience surges in blood pressure; due to alcohol, this condition can only worsen, since alcohol causes dilation blood vessels, and then their spasm, especially in combination with smoking cigarettes, which often accompanies the consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

If we talk about wines, then there are still disagreements among experts, since some consider them useful and even necessary for blood loss, while others classify them as alcoholic and, accordingly, prohibited for consumption during menstruation. In fact, the mechanism of the effect of red wine on a woman’s hormonal background during menstruation has not yet been sufficiently studied, therefore, even though it helps improve blood clotting and restore its circulation in the blood vessels, it is better to drink wine in limited quantities, with great caution and only dry.

Rules for drinking alcohol

The activity of the female body does not depend on holiday dates in the calendar, it does not have any days off, so it often happens that the period of menstruation occurs at the time of celebrations with feasts and, of course, drinking. The best option would complete failure from drinking beer and strong alcohol, but sometimes a woman just wants to pamper herself a little. In such cases, one should take into account following rules drinking alcohol during menstruation:

  • According to experts, red wine has a beneficial effect on the body's recovery after blood loss, but this does not mean that you need to drink a whole bottle of wine. To activate the restorative function, it is enough to drink a glass of red wine, preferably dry or semi-dry, throughout the evening. Wine is useful only in small quantities, you can drink no more than 0.15-0.2 liters per evening;
  • must be strict limited use whiskey, cognac, rum, vodka, since strong alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect on the female body. You should also not drink cocktails based on them;
  • You should not drink champagne during this period, as it can cause bloating, which is extremely undesirable during menstruation, since enlarged loops of the colon can put pressure on the uterus and thereby increase bleeding;
  • It’s also not worth drinking beer during menstrual periods, although it’s not strong alcoholic drink, but it causes fermentation, and overuse beer with untimely emptying Bladder may cause pressure on the uterus and increased bleeding;
  • during parties and holidays you need to behave calmly, dance slow dances, and not take part in competitions associated with excessive physical activity;
  • Under no circumstances should you smoke. The combination of alcohol and tobacco negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, which leads to increased bleeding. Cigarettes can provoke spasms of blood vessels in the brain and, as a result, problems with the central nervous system;
  • When drinking alcohol during menstrual periods, a woman needs to drink extra a large number of water and juices to strengthen the excretory system and increase volume liquid blood. Such measures help reduce the impact of alcohol on the female body;
  • at feasts with alcohol consumption you need to eat lean fish, meat with stewed vegetables or vegetable salads, that is, food should be light and quickly digestible.

Rules of behavior during critical days

To reduce the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menstruation itself, you need to put into practice some advice from gynecologists. Their recommendations are very simple and, if carefully followed, really help cope with the discomfort associated with the onset of menstruation. Experts give the following advice:

  • During menstruation, it is advisable to follow a diet. A woman should not eat fatty and spicy food, fried foods and baked goods are not recommended. You also need to exclude from the diet those foods that can cause fermentation, bloating and increased gas formation and also cause constipation or diarrhea;
  • To compensate for blood loss during menstruation, it is imperative to adhere to drinking regime. It is best to drink juices clean water or green tea. Some women have a question: is it possible to restore water balance with beer? The answer is definitely “no,” since beer is a low-alcohol drink that does not benefit even healthy people, not to mention a woman’s weakened body during menstrual periods. Drinking beer can only increase blood loss and cause problems with stool;
  • Stagnation of feces and urine should not be allowed, since during menstruation any problems with the excretion of waste products can cause an impact on the uterus and, as a result, cause increased bleeding;
  • You shouldn’t subject the female body to excessive physical activity; to keep your body in good shape, you can walk and do your favorite household chores.

Some women think that drinking alcohol can relieve menstrual pain and other manifestations of menstrual periods, but this is a misconception that, on the contrary, can harm health. In case of pronounced pain during menstruation, you should definitely seek help from a doctor, since in 15-20% of cases this may be a sign that a woman has problems in the sexual sphere that require special treatment.

During this delicate time, a woman should not even consume drugs containing alcohol, let alone alcoholic beverages. To restore blood loss, you can drink a glass of red wine, but not earlier than 2-3 days after they stop. If a woman experiences any controversial issues Regarding diet, drinking and other aspects of life during the onset of menstruation, it is better to ask a specialist at the antenatal clinic for advice.

In the middle of the last century, a study was conducted in Europe on how daily use hard cheese on blood cholesterol levels. The results were more than surprising. It turned out that the residents of France had more low level cholesterol compared to other Europeans, not only because their daily diet was hard cheese, and in to a greater extent because they drank a glass of red wine every day. This find allowed us to talk about the benefits of red wine, while beneficial influence The drink was also noticed to have an effect on other body systems, including women’s health.

But is it still possible to recommend that women fight PMS and menstrual pain with alcohol? I propose to talk about who can drink a glass of wine during their period, and who should completely limit their alcohol consumption during this time.

The whole truth: how alcohol affects your periods

The fact that alcohol (especially beer and spirits) negatively affects the female body is irrefutable. Some exception is allowed for dry red wine. Moreover safe dose for the average female weight - this is 70 ml per day. But often women during PMS and during menstruation drink alcoholic beverages in much larger dosages. The reason for this is the desire to reduce pain in the lower abdomen and normalize mood. Unfortunately, this is not always safe.

The question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol during menstruation has not yet been given a definitive answer. Some doctors absolutely prohibit it during this period. female cycle. Others cannot prohibit something that supposedly helps patients reduce pain. There are experts who, on the contrary, recommend taking 100-200 grams of alcohol for women whose periods are too painful.

The main effects of alcohol on a woman’s body during menstruation can be described as follows:

  1. Dilates smooth muscle vessels. This especially applies to cognac and vodka. Moreover, if cognac first expands the lumen of blood vessels and then spasms it, then drinking vodka leads to persistent dilation of the vessel, and as a consequence, blood supply to the organ. For a bleeding uterus, this can lead to more discharge and even actual bleeding. Moreover, at first it may seem that your periods have stopped, and then they will begin with even greater force (they will become heavy periods).
  2. Toxic effect of ethanol on the liver. One of the stages in the conversion of estrogen (the main female hormone) occurs precisely in the liver. Permanent damage to her tissue will cause the woman to lose a significant portion of her body's estrogen. Namely, this hormone is responsible for beauty, youth and external attractiveness.
  3. Entry of hormones into the body from outside. During the production of some types of beer, small amounts of free estrogens are formed. If you consume this drink excessively, you may experience negative effects high concentration of estrogen in the body: obesity by abdominal type, pathology of the kidneys and pancreas.
  4. The effect of addiction (attachment) to alcohol. Its constant use to ease the flow of menstruation leads to the fact that a woman becomes psychologically unable to continue to endure her critical days without “doping” in the form of alcoholic drinks.

On the one hand, with such a number of formidable side effects alcohol, the answer to the question “is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation” becomes clear. But what about those representatives of the fair sex for whom alcoholic drinks during PMS and on menstrual periods are a real salvation?

Hello, Angelina, 20 years old. Why shouldn't you drink alcohol during your period? A glass of cognac before meals in the first two days of my period helps me a lot.

Good afternoon, Angelina. I would not recommend that you drink strong alcohol to relieve pain, especially in such quantities. There are other ways to eliminate pain. Please contact your gynecologist so that a specialist can select one for you. effective method pain relief.

How often do you visit a gynecologist (not during pregnancy)?

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Once a year

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Once every 2 years

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Is it possible to drink strong alcohol during menstruation?

We can answer unequivocally that during menstruation you should not drink strong alcohol. Such alcohol is generally contraindicated for the female body. His harmful influence at long-term use affects every organ.

Some women are very severe course PMS (premenstrual syndrome) people resort to drinking strong alcohol to reduce the symptoms of the disease, normalize mood and remove excessive anxiety before menstruation. Often such a desire leads, on the contrary, to increased PMS symptoms. Drinking strong alcohol is a trigger sharp changes mood, headaches and, conversely, aggravates the woman’s condition.

In addition, in the period before menstruation, a woman may already be pregnant. There is no delay yet and she may not know about her interesting position. Alcohol consumption is one of the main causes of abortion during pregnancy. early stages, as well as the birth of children with anomalies incompatible with life.

Good afternoon, Tatyana, 26 years old. A week ago I overdid it with strong alcohol. Now there is a delay of menstruation by 3 days. Tell me, can menstruation be missed due to alcohol? Thank you.

Hello, Tatyana, the cause of menstrual cycle disruption and delay can be either an unplanned pregnancy or excessive alcohol consumption. I recommend that you do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and also, in case of a week’s delay, conduct an express pregnancy test.

Drinking beer during your period: pros and cons

Despite the fact that beer, to a lesser extent than strong alcohol, exhibits Negative influence on nervous system, nevertheless, it is also not recommended during menstruation. There are cases when women take warm beer to relieve pain. Perhaps this drink helps cope with pain syndrome. But due to the fact that hops (the main ingredient in production) are rich phytoestrogens, permanent regular use This drink leads to the following consequences:

It is worth remembering that women who often drink beer almost always experience an irregular menstrual cycle, lack of ovulation and painful menstrual periods.

Hello, Victoria, 19 years old. Is it possible to drink beer during menstruation? A few glasses a day to relieve pain in the lower abdomen.

Hello, Victoria. Drinking beer during your period can reduce pain. But doctors do not recommend drinking this drink on menstrual days.

Doctors recommend drinking red winewine for menstruation

Menstruation is natural process, which should not limit a woman in any way these days. And of course, you shouldn’t cancel an important event where you need to have a few drinks. At the same time, of all alcohol, it is better to give preference to dry red wine.

Overall, when faced with painful menstruation you can choose one of several options:

The harm that can be caused by painkillers is not always the same as or less than the harm from an alcoholic drink. If we take into account beneficial features dry red wine, then drinking 1 dose of this drink (50-100 ml) once a day during menstruation is no worse than strong drug pain relief.

Hello, is it possible to drink red wine during menstruation? Maria, 34 years old.

Hello Maria. It is allowed to take one dose of dry red wine per day during menstruation.

Ask a free question to a doctor

Once a month, every girl who has reached reproductive age, undergoes a natural physiological process - menstruation. It consists in the fact that the functional layer of the uterus (endometrium) that has grown over the month is rejected, which is removed from the woman’s body through bleeding from the vaginal cavity. During such a period, a representative of the fairer sex needs to be as careful as possible in her desires and try to limit herself from heavy physical activity, because during menstruation a woman’s health becomes more vulnerable to various diseases.

Due to the fact that everyone knows about the restrictions during “these” days, many people ask the question: “Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation?”

Harm from alcohol during menstruation

Drinking alcoholic beverages is already swipe on the health of your body, and drinking alcohol during menstruation is a double blow. It is worth remembering that a woman is a future mother who must carefully monitor the state of her women’s health. A drinking girl endangers not only herself and her body, but also the health of her unborn child.

A number of examples of how alcohol affects menstruation:

  • if you drink in menstrual period such type of alcohol as cognac or vodka, you can be immediately hospitalized in the nearest hospital with intense blood loss, because this type alcohol provokes vasodilation, which, in turn, causes a large volume of blood to flow to the uterus. And the first procedure, carried out by qualified doctors, will be the removal of alcohol from the body using droppers and injections;
  • It is also not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages during menstruation due to the fact that the condition alcohol intoxication implies a surge of energy and provokes a person to many physical actions, and, as everyone knows, during menstruation you should, on the contrary, try to limit your load;
  • Alcoholic drinks also have a very negative effect on the proper functioning of the kidneys, since during menstruation the urination process occurs much more often than on everyday days. Alcohol is also a good diuretic. Such a double load on the body is very dangerous for the kidneys and leads to a malfunction in their functioning;
  • symptoms of menstruation are frequent and severe pain in the lower abdomen. In combination with alcohol, the pain becomes much more intense, and painkillers medical supplies are unable to calm them down;
  • if you often drink alcohol during menstruation, this can cause a delay in menstruation for a certain period or even for the rest of your life;
  • on “these” days, drinking alcohol often leads to poisoning;
  • in a state of alcoholic intoxication, there is a desire to consume large amounts of nicotine, several times more than on ordinary days. The action of alcohol dilates blood vessels, and nicotine, on the contrary, provokes their narrowing. Due to their frequent simultaneous combination, the risk of heart disease, blood clots, vascular and blood pressure problems increases.

If you still have to drink alcohol during your period because of a celebration, a long-awaited holiday or an important meeting, then you should adhere to the existing number of recommendations:

  • try to limit yourself in the amount of alcohol you drink, it’s better if it’s just one glass, and the safest drink in in this case red wine will be served;
  • during menstruation, avoid using homemade tinctures various herbs or fees. They often cause an increase in the intensity of bleeding;
  • Try not to take immersion baths before events. During menstruation, the uterus opens and there is a high risk of contracting a fungus or infection;
  • If you have been drinking, try to limit the activity of your actions. Exercise stress very unfavorable on critical days;
  • as a snack for an alcoholic drink, use salads, low-fat foods that are steamed, boiled fish, seafood or various vegetables and fruits;
  • try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke;
  • try to be less nervous and strain your emotional health, which during menstruation is not in the best condition anyway.

If you still decide to drink, then these rules are very necessary in order to cause minimal harm to your body. But it’s better to think several times before drinking alcohol whether you are willing to run the risk of developing all sorts of consequences for the sake of short-lived and harmful pleasure.

Alcohol affects many processes in the human body. However, the number of women drinking this type of drink, such as beer, is constantly growing. In some regions, the share of alcohol consumed by the fair half of humanity has already become equal to the same figure for men. There is a misconception that drinking alcohol during menstruation is possible and even necessary. Let's look at this problem in more detail.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation? The answer to this question can be considered from different points vision. In fact, no one can stop a woman from drinking alcohol at any time. Here you must decide for yourself whether drinking alcohol is worth the consequences it entails. WITH medical point From a perspective, alcohol consumption is undesirable in principle, because it negatively affects the functioning of many body systems.

What are the consequences of drinking alcohol?

Menstruation is the beginning of a new cycle in a woman’s body, which is created so that conception occurs and pregnancy occurs. At this time, hormonal levels change, physiological processes regulating the reproductive mechanism take place. female body. By drinking alcohol, you contribute to the development following deviations in organism:

Even after drinking a little beer, you can get these unpleasant consequences how an increase in the number of pimples and problems with their removal are consequences hormonal changes combined with beer. Malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche are also possible, and the risk of formation can be significantly increased. chronic diseases, especially if you drink vodka.

When drinking alcohol, even if it is a small amount of beer, you risk exacerbating all the existing consequences and negative manifestations of menstruation.

You may not pay attention to them, but the more often alcohol is taken, and the greater the amount of it when taken, the more harmful the effect it will have in the end.

Holidays and menstruation

If your period fell on a holiday and you had to drink at a banquet or party, you should try to minimize the consequences of this fun. The best solution in this case is the opportunity to drink after drinking alcohol special means, removing harmful and toxic substances- for example, polysorb or Activated carbon. They have a good absorption effect, absorbing harmful substances.

You can reduce your alcohol consumption if you are addicted and drink frequently, change the frequency and nature of the substances you use, for example, switch to beer, which low content alcohol.

It is obvious that drinking alcohol, even beer, no matter how harmless it may seem, is a process that brings only temporary pleasure, and its consequences are much worse. Satisfying the need for drinking is not worth what it entails.

Red wine during menstruation

Drinking red wine is indicated for many diseases, especially those related to hematopoiesis, since in small doses, red wine such as Cahors, Cabernet, Isabella helps accelerate this process. The question is how often and how much you need to drink it. Here people confuse the usually permissible dose in a glass of wine per day with the medicinal effect.

Why shouldn’t you drink red wine in such quantities, especially when you have your period? This is too huge a dose to act as medicine. The reaction will be the opposite. Instead of benefit there will only be harm. You, of course, will cheer yourself up for a while, forget about pain and poor health, even sing songs or dance, but this will not improve the quality of your blood. We are talking about a tablespoon, preferably with honey and walnut once a day. Of course, you won’t have to sing songs with such a dose, but this drug will help your blood cells.

Can I drink beer or strong alcohol?

Unlike red wine, beer should not be drunk in any quantity. It is not a medicine. Excessive load on the kidneys and too much fluid in the body will lead to disruption water balance during the menstrual period. Why? Beer affects the body differently. This type of fermentation should not be allowed to occur in the digestive tract.

Ethanol, which is contained in beer, together with other beer ingredients, will bring the body great harm. A couple of glasses of beer during menstruation can contribute to the formation of low-quality blood, which next cycle, and possibly longer, will be accompanied by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, age spots. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone beer until the end of your period.

For this reason, you should not drink vodka, whiskey, brandy and other strong drinks. Cognac dilates blood vessels during its presence in the body. It will relieve stress and pain for a while, and you will sing with joy. But after its release, the vessels will sharply narrow, which will lead to the formation of capillary ruptures and the appearance of “stars” on the skin.

Of course, if the body constantly received a dose of alcohol, it got used to it, and by abruptly depriving yourself of this “doping”, you risk falling under the influence of serious stress and even a nervous breakdown. You need to wean off gradually, always reducing the amount of alcohol you drink, then one day completely giving up alcohol will not become a problem for you, but will be a natural solution, a manifestation of caring for your own body.

It has long been known that alcohol has different effects on women and male body due to their physiological characteristics. A woman gets drunk much faster, and the body’s recovery takes longer and is more difficult. What is this connected with? The reason lies in the fact that a woman’s body is not genetically adapted to accept and process alcohol. After all, it has a detrimental effect on its fundamental system – the reproductive system. Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation and what consequences should be expected?

The most important indicator of women's health is complete and regular menstrual cycle. It indicates that the reproductive system is functioning at the proper level, and the woman at this moment is ready to conceive and bear a child.

The physiological cycle is on average 28 days, but normally it can be from 21 to 35. The main thing is the regularity of menstruation, not the duration. The period of menstruation itself, when the body gets rid of excess endometrium of the uterus in the form bleeding with clots, ranges from 3 to 7 days. The whole process is controlled by the pituitary gland, which synthesizes the necessary hormones at the right moments.

Not only hormonal levels affect the nature of bleeding (duration, volume, pain), general health, psycho-emotional state and the surrounding atmosphere also play an important role.

Ideally, periods should not cause physical ailments. However, in modern world absolutely healthy people no: environmental conditions, regular stress, genetic disorders, bad habits, inappropriate diet. All this leads to the fact that menstruation turns into a real test (painful and painful in the lower abdomen, poor health, drowsiness, weakness).

Alcohol during menstruation

Many girls consider menstruation a natural state of the body, they resign themselves and simply endure physical illness. Others take painkillers and antispasmodics to alleviate their condition, and some see the solution to their problems in drinking alcohol every month, believing that it relieves pain and improves overall well-being.

The desire to make your life easier is quite understandable, but is it true that strong drinks relieve unpleasant symptoms? Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation? And what consequences does it have for the body?

Women should be especially careful when drinking alcohol. The ethyl in its composition does not spare any organism, and women are more sensitive, even more so. Gynecologists strongly recommend that the fair sex give up alcohol not only during menstruation, but in general. Then the ability to give birth to a healthy and strong baby increases several times.

Consequences of drinking alcohol during menstruation

Psychological and hormonal state

During menstruation, a woman’s hormonal background is unstable, her psycho-emotional state reacts sharply to external stimuli, her mood changes quickly, she often wants to cry and be offended. Alcohol during menstruation has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, aggravating an already difficult situation.

Thus, ordinary malaise can lead to depression, hysteria, nervous breakdowns, inappropriate behavior, psychosis, and even more so after alcohol. In a state of uncontrollability, a woman can ruin family relationships and get dangerous injuries, To get into an accident.

If you drink strong drinks for several days, you may notice a change in your sleep and rest patterns; your sleep becomes very light, shallow and restless, and you suffer from bad dreams and frequent night awakenings. The woman becomes even more tired, irritable and whiny.

Drinking alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the thyroid gland, as a result of which it is unable to produce hormones in the required quantities. In this case, a disorder of the entire human reproductive system is possible (irregular periods or their complete absence, amenorrhea, infertility,).

Reproductive system disorders

Alcohol is a major risk factor for unwanted chromosomal mutations. Nicotine and alcohol intoxication causes defects in parts of the genetic apparatus. Disturbed chromosomal structures can cause mutations in cells, which are transmitted both to the next generation and after one or two generations.

Therefore, women with alcoholism are more likely to have miscarriages or give birth to defective children who differ from their peers in terms of appearance, physiological and mental development.

It also spreads to the ovaries. During menstruation, the female genital organs are especially sensitive to any negative impact. As a result, some of the ovarian cells die, and some turn into adipose tissue.

Changes occur in the maturation of the egg, which sooner or later lead to an early onset of menopause. Injury fallopian tubes leads to a decrease in their lumen and decreased patency. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes – common reason infertility, being treated surgically, wherein full recovery not guaranteed.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

suffer from the destructive effects of alcoholic beverages internal organs people, especially those who are no longer completely healthy. In other words, the harmful effects of alcohol extend to all existing chronic diseases:

How does alcohol affect your periods?

Pain relief - for this, some girls take alcohol. In very small doses, it really relieves spasms and relaxes muscles, but few people stop after the first glass. Further, the effect of alcoholic drinks is the opposite: the spasms intensify, the pain becomes unbearable.

In this case, painkillers and antispasmodics should absolutely not be taken; in combination with alcohol, they can cause the most unexpected and dire consequences (allergic reaction, pressure surges, poisoning and others).

Strong drinks dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow, including to the genitals. In addition, blood pressure increases. During menstruation, this can lead to heavy bleeding, which is difficult to stop on your own. You will have to seek help from a hospital, where they will first put in an IV to remove toxins from the blood, and only then will they stop the bleeding.

Alcohol promotes fluid retention in the body, poisoning it with toxins, which significantly worsens overall health. Dizziness, headaches, and decreased blood pressure appear. And if you add all this to the usual symptoms of menstruation, the overall picture looks completely depressing.

Regular and long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to disruption of the stability of the cycle, delays appear, changes in the duration and volume of bleeding. Literally several years of alcoholism and it will be impossible to say in advance when exactly the next period will come and whether it will come at all.

Rules for drinking alcohol during menstruation

It is impossible to adjust your entire life to your menstrual cycle. It happens that it is during this period that a holiday falls, accompanied by a cheerful feast. What feast is complete without alcohol? What to do to ensure that alcohol causes minimal harm women's health, if his reception is inevitable? Knowing how alcohol affects menstruation, we can deduce several simple rules its use.

You can afford to drink a glass of dry red wine. It will even be useful for the hematopoietic system and emotional state. However, the second should already be abandoned. It is better not to drink strong alcoholic drinks at all, not during menstruation, never.

Homemade homemade herbal tinctures are strictly prohibited. They may cause a long delay, profuse bleeding, it is better not to experiment with herbs during this important period for health.

Smoking is harmful, and in combination with drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous. Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, while cigarettes cause blood vessels to constrict. The result of such games with blood vessels can be fatal: thrombophlebitis, ischemia, dystonia, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, arteritis.

Nutrition during this period should be light and quickly digestible, so as not to create additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

It is difficult to control yourself while intoxicated, but you should still limit your motor activity during menstruation and stop dancing. Sudden movements may increase pain, spasms, and cause bleeding.

By following these simple recommendations, you can avoid many negative consequences drinking strong drinks. If possible, it is better not to attend noisy parties at all these days. You can stay at home, call your good friends and treat yourself to a piece delicious cake, because sweets too excellent remedy mood lifter, no worse than alcohol.

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