Allergy to the smell of cosmetics, symptoms and treatment. Allergy to smells: what to do? Treatment of allergies to odors

Allergies are often called the plague of the 21st century. It ranks third in the ranking of “The most common diseases of mankind” according to the World Health Organization. According to these statistics, 10-20 percent of the world's population suffers allergic reactions every year.

Every day a person is surrounded by millions chemical elements, some of them are foreign to the body and can provoke allergies. The main reason for negative reactions in the body is odors. Allergies to flowers individual species animals, food are the most common. It is impossible to accurately calculate the number of allergens; any substance can act as an irritant.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is an incorrect reaction of the body to an allergen. Every day a person is forced to deal with a large number of chemical compounds and particles. After they enter the body, the process of recognizing the substance for danger begins. This mechanism helps protect against viruses, bacteria and toxins. In the event of a threat, the body's immune forces are activated to protect itself. If the immune system is suppressed or there is hereditary pathology, then a malfunction occurs and immune cells attack harmless substances that enter the body. This process causes

Are there allergies to smells?

Known to science nonspecific species allergies: to sunlight, for sweat, for cold, for smell. Doctors call the body's reaction to irritating smells “hypersensitivity.” It is impossible to call this an allergy in the classical sense, since the pathology is caused not by smell, but by the contact of irritant particles on the nasal mucosa. Therefore, there is a reaction to individual substances and objects, to cat hair or washing powder.

Causes of odor allergies:

hay fever

Hay fever (or hay fever) is a type of flower allergy.

Symptoms in adults:

  1. Allergic rhinitis, expressed in regular sneezing, discharge of liquid mucus from the nasal cavity, swelling of the nasal sinuses. When an infection occurs, sinusitis or sinusitis may develop.
  2. Conjunctivitis, characterized by the appearance of lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva, itching around the eyes, photophobia, sensations of pain or pressure in the eye sockets.
  3. Skin rash (urticaria), itching, dermatitis.
  4. Swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing. May develop into Quincke's edema, bronchitis, asthma.
  5. Symptoms of allergy to flowering in adults may be accompanied by: general weakness and fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, headache, change in body temperature.

Course of the disease

Hay fever appears during the flowering period and ends with it, that is, it is seasonal. But there is one exception. People prone to allergic reactions should avoid foods such as herbal teas, honey, alcohol, which is infused with herbs. These products may contain pollen, which is main reason the appearance of symptoms of a pollen allergy.

Diagnosis of hay fever

At the first signs of hay fever, you should immediately contact medical institution. And in case of Quincke's edema, you should immediately call an ambulance medical care. If there is no threat to life, then you need to consult your doctor. After the examination, the specialist may prescribe the patient to undergo additional research to determine the nature of the allergy.

If you have symptoms of a pollen allergy, tests are prescribed:

  • clinical analysis blood (if there is an allergy in the blood there will be increased level eosinophils);
  • analysis of nasal secretions;
  • sputum analysis;
  • analysis of discharge from the conjunctiva;
  • a blood test to detect specific antibodies in the blood that are characteristic of allergies;
  • skin tests which are done to identify the allergen.

Treatment of hay fever

The entire diagnostic process is carried out under the supervision of an allergist. If you have an allergy, a specialist will select best method treatment and prescribe medications that can provide the best results in the fight against hay fever. Help fight allergies:

  • antihistamines(“Tavegil”, “Zodak”, “Zirtek”, “Fenistil”);
  • corticosteroids for inhalation (Pulmicort, Nazacort, Ingacort);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

It would not be a bad idea to visit an immunologist, since an allergic reaction is closely related to defects in the immune system.

In addition to taking medications, treating flower allergies requires following a number of rules:

  1. Minimize patient contact with pollen. To do this, during the flowering period of herbs and plants, you should avoid visiting places with dense vegetation: greenhouses, flower beds, summer cottages, park areas, forests, etc.
  2. Regular wet cleaning of premises, at least 2 times a day.
  3. Avoiding plants at home.
  4. Exclusion from the diet of foods that can cause cross-pollinosis: honey, cereals (during flowering).
  5. The course of an allergy to birch pollen is especially complex. This is due to the fact that allergies are caused not only by small pollen and the proteins it contains. Each type of protein can independently provoke an allergy, and when there are three of them, the disease can be difficult for patients to tolerate and have unpleasant consequences, such as bronchitis or chronic asthma.

When treating such a complex allergic reaction, it is impossible to limit yourself to taking antihistamines alone. In addition, it is very difficult to limit contact with pollen, since it has a very small diameter and can float in the air for long hours.

One of the most popular irritants of this type- common birch pollen. An innovative method of treating birch pollen allergy is hyposensitization. Its essence lies in the introduction of an allergen under the patient’s skin in small doses under the supervision of an allergist. Over time, the body develops an addiction to the stimulus. The duration of treatment varies from 3 months to a year. Treatment begins during the period when the patient cannot come into contact with the allergen - in winter or late autumn.

Allergy to tobacco smoke

A negative reaction of the body to tobacco smoke is an allergy to the smell of cigarettes. The cause of the appearance is specific substances released during the smoldering of tobacco in a cigarette.

The main allergen is nicotine. In addition, allergies can be caused by:

  • flavorings included in cigarettes;
  • chemical compounds that are used in tobacco processing;
  • impregnation of cigarette paper.

The mechanism of allergy occurrence is as follows: by inhalation tobacco smoke all shells respiratory system get irritated. With continued regular smoking, the mucous membranes slowly become thinner, and the immune system respiratory tract suffers from constant “tobacco attacks”. As a result, the body's defenses react to cigarette smoke inadequate and an allergy appears.

Allergies to the smell of tobacco smoke affect both active and passive smokers. The latter have acute reaction, while active smokers have less severe symptoms.

Allergy symptoms:

  • cough, swelling of the throat and respiratory tract, sore throat;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • redness of the eyes and watery eyes;
  • rash accompanied by itching.

These symptoms are not dangerous and are common among 90% of allergy sufferers. It is worth paying close attention to the following manifestations of allergies:

  1. Swelling of the larynx, which can cause difficulty breathing or stop breathing. This is characteristic of Quincke's edema. In addition, the face and neck swell. When the first signs appear, you should immediately contact specialized assistance to the ambulance.
  2. Anaphylactic shock. Occurs immediately after inhalation of smoke. The patient complains of lower back pain, confusion, decreased frequency heart rate. IN in this case requires immediate hospitalization.

Allergy to perfume

Allergies to the smell of perfume are rare. It affects both men and women equally.

The cause of an allergic reaction is high level human sensitivity to the individual components that make up the perfume composition. Perfume manufacturing companies are trying their best to create a fragrant aroma, but this does not always have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. When perfume molecules enter the body, they can cause allergies in people who are predisposed to this disease.

The development of the disease occurs according to two scenarios:

  • Acute allergy. Accompanied by symptoms: swelling of the larynx, coughing and sneezing, rhinitis, burning sensation on the mucous membranes, skin rash and rash.
  • Slow development. In this case, the symptoms may be the same, but less pronounced. External manifestations allergies will intensify with continued regular use of perfume.

It is impossible to independently diagnose which component of a perfume you are allergic to. But it is worth remembering that allergies most often appear on sweet smell tropical plants and tart woody smells.


If allergy symptoms appear, you should stop using perfume. If it is possible to wash off the product, it should be done immediately. It is necessary to ventilate the room or go outside. Contact your doctor for help. Antihistamines, corticosteroids and vitamin therapy are used for treatment.

Allergy to paint

This is a specific type of allergy that affects a large number of people, regardless of gender and age. The smell of paint in an apartment is already unpleasant, and for allergy sufferers it is fraught with consequences.

Paint is a product of the chemical industry. It contains a spectrum of components that the immune system does not recognize correctly. As a result, a negative reaction appears.

Allergens contained in the paint:

  • phenols;
  • mercury;
  • cadmium;
  • lead;
  • etc.

It is a mistaken belief that eco-paints do not cause allergies. They emit less fumes into the air, but are also capable of triggering an attack of pathology.

Allergy symptoms:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • suffocation, swelling of the larynx and face;
  • lacrimation and a burning sensation in the eyes;
  • itching, skin rashes, peeling and eczema;
  • fainting.


If signs of an allergy appear, you should stop contacting the irritant, you need to open the windows and ventilate.

When anaphylactic shock the patient should immediately call an ambulance.

Give an antihistamine if possible.

Place the person on the bed so that if he loses consciousness he does not hit his head.

Caution should be exercised by people suffering from other forms of allergies, as they are at risk. This category of people develops an allergy to paint in 40% of cases.

Chemicals, as well as pollen from flowering plants, can be a source of odor allergies. Most often, people with allergies have hereditary predisposition, previous infectious diseases, the role of deterioration external environment V last years is also important. Every year the number of allergens increases; according to some scientists, already in the 21st century, allergies will occupy a leading place among human diseases.

What is a scent allergy?

Allergy first hereditary disease, hypersensitivity, inherited to any substances from surrounding a person environment acting through the immune system, but odor allergy itself is not immune disease. If there is an irritating odor, they will not turn on immune mechanisms. Intolerance to certain odors has nothing to do with the immune system. It would be more correct to call the body’s negative reaction to odors - intolerance.

Main symptoms

  1. Skin rash - urticaria.
  2. Rhinitis - nasal congestion; Since the disease is not allergic, nasal congestion is not allergic, but vasomotor. That is, it is caused by rich odors, and not by chemical compounds.
  3. Cough.
  4. Tearing.

Factors of intolerance can provoke: disorders nervous system, brain injuries, very strong mental stress.

Odor intolerance in children

The child's body is very sensitive and therefore childhood very common different types allergies and intolerance to any substances. Not only heredity plays a role important role, but maintaining order in the baby’s nutrition, care and hygiene.

Very often, a smell that is new to a child can cause a negative reaction, which can be more severe in a child; an allergy to perfume should be used with caution in the room where the baby is.

In children, an allergic reaction to odors can manifest itself in the form of:

  1. Skin rash.
  2. Itching.
  3. Changes in the skin.
  4. A sharp decrease in appetite and well-being.

Identifying and eliminating contact of a child with an allergen is the most effective way treatment. Treatment is carried out using antihistamines under the supervision of a children's allergist and pediatrician.

Allergy to strong odors

Every body is unique; there is no exact list of substances and products that cause allergic symptom. All odors that cause coughing, watery eyes, severe nasal congestion and are pungent.

Knowing that an allergy to odor does not have an underlying immune reaction, there is no point in using vasoconstrictor drops to treat rhinitis. They can only aggravate the problem, turning vasomotor rhinitis into chronic.

Allergy to the smell of cat urine

If you are a cat owner, you know this Strong smell. In addition to discomfort, you may encounter health problems. This pungent odor can irritate not only the mucous membranes, but also the lungs.

The smell of cat urine (ammonia) can cause severe rhinitis and watery eyes. Having an animal in the house, a person with such a reaction needs to clean only wearing a sanitary mask, ventilating the room more often. Changing your cat litter can help deal with the problem.

Allergy to the smell of perfume

In modern perfumery they are increasingly using latest developments in the field of chemistry. They are turning less and less often to natural ingredients and allergic reactions are not uncommon.

One or more components of a perfume most often cause a response in the body. If after using the perfume you experience suffocation, nasal congestion, lacrimation, dizziness, or headache. You should stop using them until the cause of the problem is determined.

Timely contact with specialists will help you quickly and easily get rid of the problem. Consultation with an otolaryngologist and allergist is necessary if negative reaction for a strong smell aromatic substances spirits With the help of medications and laser therapy, this disease will leave your life.

Do varnish and paint smells cause allergies?

The use of chemicals in everyday life is not an invention of our time. There is a lot of evidence that people have been using chemicals for a long time. The unusually rapid development of the chemical industry in recent decades and at the same time an increase in needs and demands modern man have led to a sharp increase in allergies in the world.

Due to its composition, the paint has a very specific, pungent odor that can cause:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Suffocation.
  4. Tearing.
  5. Reactions on the skin.

If any of the above reactions to paint and varnish products occur, you should stop using it and consult a doctor. The use of environmentally friendly paints, which many manufacturers are developing by abandoning harmful conventional paints, will help reduce harmful reactions to the body.

What if you are allergic to the smell of fish?

Despite the fact that odor allergies most often occur from strong “chemical” odors, there is a product natural origin which can cause allergic reactions. Although fish does not have a very pronounced odor, its aroma can cause both nausea and skin rashes.

You can mitigate allergy attacks by following very simple rules:

  • Try not to visit fish stores, departments with fish products, or markets.
  • Do not be in the room where fish is stored, cut, or prepared.
  • Read the product packaging carefully. In some products, manufacturers use fish flavoring, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Strictly monitor the storage of all kitchen utensils, which is used in cooking fish and store it separately.

Can Vanish cause an allergic reaction?

Vanish, like other members of the species chemical products capable of causing immediate reactions in the body, most often affecting the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Calling sharp cough, burning in the nose and throat.

Ventilate the room, gargle saline solution will help you remove discomfort. If within two hours the unpleasant sensations do not disappear or become more pronounced, you should immediately consult a doctor!

How to treat this disease? Medicines and traditional medicine

The answer is very simple - only a consultation with a doctor can solve this problem. The specialist will draw up competent treatment, suitable just for you.

Drugs such as: Claritin, Diazolin, Lorotadine, Zodak, etc., in individually the doctor will prescribe. To remove allergic reactions topical ointments and sprays are prescribed for the skin and mucous membranes.

Folk remedies can relieve swelling, burning, redness of the skin, and sore throat.

Here are some of them:

  1. Herbal infusions, such as chamomile, sage, ninesil, motherwort. To prepare the infusion you need: pour 200 grams of raw materials with 1 liter of boiling water, then leave for 2 - 3 hours. Rinse your nasopharynx with this solution.
  2. Herbal baths: oak bark, mint, celandine, nettle. These plants will help get rid of skin itching and rashes. The time for taking such a bath is 20 minutes. Freshly picked herbs are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 300 grams per 5 liters of water. Leave for 10-12 hours and add to bath water.
  3. Mumiyo. Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to use this remedy. Shilajit is taken and diluted in an amount of 1 gram in 1 liter of boiled or purified water. Take 100 ml before meals, in the morning.

It is worth remembering that the herbs themselves can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to use them with caution.

Allergies to odors can be caused by pollutants, chemicals, pollen of flowering plants. Reasons influencing possible appearance allergies are: structural changes himself infectious disease, worsening environmental conditions, hereditary factors.

What is a scent allergy?

Among patients, the most common complaints are: allergies to the smell of paint, allergies to strong odors, and even allergies to the smell of fish. According to medical experts, you need to understand the term “hypersensitivity,” which can mean:

  • allergic nature - immunological mechanisms are the basis;
  • non-allergic in nature - without immunological mechanisms.

One should also distinguish between the concepts of hypersensitivity and hyperreactivity, which is a violent response to any stimulus. Allergy is a hypersensitive reaction that develops under the influence of immunological mechanisms. Both options - hypersensitivity and hyperreactivity - can occur with food and drug intolerance. Intolerance to a particular odor excludes immunological hypersensitivity, so allergy to odor is not an applicable concept.

It has been proven that the body’s immune system fixes substances that molecular mass which are not lower than five thousand daltons. The molecular mass of volatile substances that have an odor ranges from 17 to 300 daltons, so the olfactory tract simply does not detect them.

Air particles entering the human respiratory system have different masses and cause olfactory intolerance or allergies. After all, allergens house dust, plant pollen has its own specific smell. An odor allergy is a reaction to certain type allergen, which occurs when you smell any odor. Very often a person blames the scent without thinking about it. true reasons emerging allergies.

The concept of “odor allergy” leads to obvious conclusions:

  • odor intolerance has nothing to do with the immune system and it is not entirely correct to call it an allergy;
  • immunological mechanisms are not activated when you smell, so life-threatening conditions such as angioedema and anaphylaxis cannot occur;
  • in the event of allergic reactions with patient complaints of odor intolerance, it is necessary to carry out specific immunotherapy and seek advice from a psychotherapist or aroma psychologist.

Symptoms of odor allergies

An allergy to odors has a number of symptoms - skin rashes, itching, nasal congestion, and sometimes suffocation.

Allergies are caused by perfume aromas and flowering plants - rose, bird cherry, lilac, jasmine. Allergies to the smell of paint, varnish, or freshly applied construction mixtures are common. If you go out into the air, the symptoms stop bothering you. Residents big cities most vulnerable. It is believed that the polluted air of megacities increases the possibility of damage to the bronchial mucosa.

Factors predisposing to allergies include: functional disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, injuries to parts of the brain, excessive negative response to the external environment ( psychological factor). Height human society leads to the emergence of new allergens, so it is necessary to develop the body’s resistance to aggressive factors environment.

Allergy to strong odors

Allergy to strong odors. What is it really? There are people whose bodies react violently to a strong smell. Watery eyes, nasal discharge appears, and breathing becomes worse.

Otolaryngologists claim that such symptoms are characteristic of vasomotor rhinitis, and not allergic. Signs of nasal congestion and rhinorrhea are provoked by rich odors, and not by chemical compounds. This process occurs in the cholinergic part of the autonomic nervous system. Vasoconstrictor drops are not recommended for use in this case, as they can cause chronic congestion nose For cupping unpleasant symptoms It is better to use sprays - “atrovent”, “cromohexal”, “cromoglin”.

An allergy to strong odors is most often a vasomotor rhinitis, which is treated with a course of intranasal blockades using “dicinone” and laser therapy. Hydrocortisone ointment is used during phonophoresis procedures.

Allergy to the smell of onions and allergy to the smell of fish are more likely to be individual intolerance to the product. It is very important to correctly identify the symptoms and remember that if you are intolerant to any product, the mechanisms of the immune system are not activated and this is not an allergy.

Fish itself is an allergen, so it is not surprising that even its smell can provoke allergy symptoms. The fishy smell can be dangerous for people with fish allergies.

Treatment of allergies to odors

Allergies to smells must be treated using integrated methods. At the first stage, the cause of the allergy is eliminated. Next, you should focus your energy on strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins. It is important to follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Choice medicinal product carry out by experimental method or consult an allergist. Among homeopathic remedies secrete "allergosan". The course of taking the medicine begins in advance of the flowering period in the amount of 3-5 capsules twice a day. Then take a break of 1-2 days after a weekly intake. In case of acute exacerbation due to an external irritant (odor, dust), take 1 to 3 balls 3-4 times.

Treatment for odor allergies is prescribed:

  • If you have reactions to perfumes, you need to protect yourself skin covering from the source of irritation, take “suprastin”, “erius”, etc.;
  • with a tendency to allergic manifestation you should always have with you the medication selected for you by a specialist;
  • if you are allergic to cosmetics, stop using them immediately;
  • After consulting an allergist, you can use folk remedies.

Treatment of odor allergies with traditional recipes

  • infusion of crushed wild rosemary herb – 1 tsp. products are poured into 400 ml. boiling water The solution, aged for an hour, is taken three times a day, 70 ml;
  • It is recommended to chew honeycomb twice a day for 10 minutes. You can chew honeycombs up to 5 times a day if you have severe allergic reactions. Used chewing gum is thrown away;
  • A solution made from a tablespoon has worked well honeycomb, diluted in 200 ml. water. Drink at night;
  • to prevent the development of exacerbations, it is necessary to consume for two weeks Apple vinegar, 2 tsp. which is dissolved in 100 ml. water. Take in the morning and at night;
  • prepare an infusion of 20 g of dry celandine, which is poured into 200 ml. cool water, bring to a boil, leave for an hour and consume orally 3 times a tablespoon;
  • An infusion of crushed hemp seeds also helps; the preparation method corresponds to the previous point.

Allergy to odors is itself a rare phenomenon, which is confused with intolerance to one or another product. It should be remembered that a real allergy triggers immunological processes in the body. Allergies to smells can be purely psychological in nature. It is necessary to distinguish between a true allergy to substances contained in the air other than odors, and an allergy to odors. If they were the same thing, doctors could easily identify the “smelling” allergen by influencing the olfactory receptors.

Some people subconsciously develop a syndrome of fear of allergy to smells, which leads to the appearance of a connection at the level of reflexes: a more intense smell poses a greater threat to me. Aromas can excite, relax, sharpen any feeling, etc. If there is a relaxing smell in the room, and the situation requires a reverse response, then the so-called odor allergy may appear. Therefore, you should take the selection seriously aromatic products, corresponding psycho-emotional state at this specific moment in time.

What is it often called? this state! If you are intolerant to odors, the immunological hypersensitivity reaction does not start, which eliminates the development of an allergic reaction.

Why do many people believe that they are allergic to smells? Unfortunately, some allergens, such as plant pollen and library dust, have rather strong odors. And a person associates a developing allergic reaction not with the allergen itself, but with its smell, which is a common mistake that can lead to tragic consequences.

The human immune system is capable of detecting only those substances whose molecular weight is at least five thousand daltons. However, the molecular weight of those volatile particles that have an odor does not exceed 300 daltons. That is, immune reaction cannot develop under the influence of those substances that it does not fix. However, intolerance to them, in turn, can develop, since a completely different reaction mechanism is involved here.

According to the regional allergy center of the Odessa region, a third of patients claim that they are allergic to odors. However, only 4% of patients have a significant odor intolerance.

Symptoms of odor intolerance

Considering the mechanism of development of odor intolerance, under no circumstances can Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock develop! These conditions can only be observed when a true allergic reaction occurs. If you develop symptoms in response to any odor, then it is necessary to conduct allergy tests to identify the allergen.

Particular attention should be paid to the development of the reaction to the smell of fish. Many people claim that the fishy smell is the reason they develop an allergic reaction. We emphasize once again that substances that are harsh and not pleasant smells are low molecular weight, that is, they are not perceived by the immune system. Therefore, you should look for the cause of the development of Quincke's edema or, without attributing them to odor intolerance.

    Skin rashes - urticaria.

    Nasal congestion - . In case of odor intolerance, rhinitis is not allergic, but vasomotor, and it must be treated accordingly. If you prescribe for vasomotor rhinitis vasoconstrictor drops, as in allergic rhinitis, then in this case you can only worsen the condition.

The development of rhinitis is provoked precisely by the smell, and not by exposure chemical compound. Unpleasant smell triggers reactions in the cholinergic part of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn causes vasoconstriction - vasomotor rhinitis.

    Cough. In Sweden, studies were conducted on the Chemical Sensitivity Scale for Sensory Hyperreactivity (CSS-SHR). According to the test results, it was revealed that 80% of those studied were intolerant to odors. And only 5% of people who started coughing as the main symptom of intolerance were not reliably identified into intolerance.

Provoking factors for odor allergies are:

    Functional disorders of the nervous system;

    Brain injuries;

    Nervous system disorders;

    Psychological stress. Often, the development of Quincke's edema in response to inhalation of a pungent odor is associated precisely with, and not a true allergy. In this case, in addition to an allergist, it is necessary to undergo examination by a psychologist.

Diagnosis of odor intolerance

If symptoms develop in response to strong odors, it is necessary to exclude exposure to allergens. That is why the same allergy tests are carried out as if an allergy is suspected.

You should definitely make an appointment with her, because odor intolerance can be a symptom of diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

And, of course, women should buy a pregnancy test, since female body V interesting position becomes sensitive to seemingly familiar odors.

Everything must be excluded possible reasons development of odor intolerance, before starting treatment for this pathology. Occasionally, odor intolerance can be a sign of cancer.

Treatment of odor intolerance

Not worth carrying out self-treatment, even if you are sure that you have an intolerance to odors, and not to a specific substance. Therefore, the first thing to do is to carry out a test to rule out a more serious pathology.

Exists whole line medications, which can significantly improve the condition of odor intolerance. However, they should only be prescribed (as in the case of vasomotor rhinitis, so as not to aggravate the course of intolerance).


    Narmatova K.K. Influence various factors environment on functional state olfactory analyzer and its role in human life // Ts.A.M.Zh., proceedings of the international conference of young scientists and students. Part 1, volume 8. Bishkek, 2002. -P. 116-119.

    Allergy to smell? As a manuscript. Dedikova Irina Vladimirovna, Candidate medical sciences, ENT doctor, assistant at the Department of Otolaryngology, OUDM.

    ZELENINA Elena Vasilievna Somatovegetative symptom complex in the structure of depression (typology, clinic, therapy). Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Allergies to odors are provoked various kinds chemicals and building materials, and it also occurs during the flowering of various plants that spread. What is the reason for such an unusual reaction of the body to rather pleasant odors of the environment?

Why are there allergies to smells?

One of the main reasons for the appearance of such allergies is the modernization and technological progress of modern society.

It was he who provoked intensive deforestation, the consequences of which were numerous allergies to almost all products produced by modern society.

Due to the constant deterioration of environmental conditions and fumes from factories, factories, cars, humanity suffers from a huge number of never before unknown diseases, including.

How to determine if you are allergic to smells

How does an allergy to various odors manifest itself? First of all, you need to know that predisposing factors to this species allergies are disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as injuries to parts of the brain. Enough important factor, which can provoke allergies is psychological, that is, a person is not inclined to perceive the environment or simply reacts negatively to everything that happens around him.

An allergy to odors manifests itself in almost the same way as a regular allergy to anything else. Among the symptoms of an allergy to odors, it is necessary to note rashes on the nose, nasal congestion and frequent transparent discharge, and sometimes even observed.
Residents of large cities are the most sensitive to various odors, since megacities affect the bronchial mucosa with their internal structure.

Do strong odors cause allergies?

Severe allergies to strong odors are very common. So what are these pungent odors? These are odors that immediately cause a person to experience watery eyes, clear nasal discharge, and difficulty breathing.

Despite the very common symptoms of this allergic reaction, it is not so easy to determine, since they are inherent in vasomotor rhinitis, which has nothing to do with allergic rhinitis. In such a situation, it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops, which can cause chronic nasal congestion.
Allergies to strong odors are treated with a course of intranasal blockades or using laser therapy.

There is no specific list of products that have strong odors, since everything depends on the body’s predisposition to a particular product and on how each person’s immune system perceives a particular smell.

Can paint cause allergies?

Cases of allergies to the smell of varnish or fresh plaster have become very common. This is provoked by the rapid development of the modern world in the technological direction. Many manufacturers are developing environmentally friendly paints because conventional ones are no longer in great demand, as they cause frequent allergies among customers.

Paint may cause you:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • lacrimation;
  • suffocation, as well as strong.

Long-term exposure to harmful paint substances will cause eczema, bronchial asthma or acute vascular insufficiency.

An allergy to the smell of paint is easy to identify: itching and flaking of the skin, redness and swelling of the skin, blisters and a red rash. The most dangerous is, which can lead to disability, and maybe to fatal outcome. Therefore, it is very important to quickly and accurately identify the allergen in order to avoid such unpleasant consequences.

Are perfumes allergens?

Allergies to odors have become very common. modern world. Why is this situation happening? The fact is that perfumers began to use artificial substances to create even better perfumes, which cause such an allergic reaction in the human immune system.

Symptoms of an allergy to the smell of perfume may include:

  • an unpleasant feeling of irritation in the throat;
  • sneeze;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.

On the picture: Headache if you are allergic to the smell of perfume

How to counteract allergies to perfume odors? First of all, you need to destroy contact with the allergen, and also wash your body with water, and also take antihistamines. It must be emphasized that in order to accept medical supplies Before that, you need to consult with an allergist, who will accurately determine your predispositions and the characteristics of the course of allergies specifically for your body.

What to do if you are allergic to smells

A person suffering from such an allergy needs to direct all his efforts to strengthen own immunity, and also to cleanse your body of toxins. In case of allergies to odors, a very effective hypoallergenic one is recommended.

To understand the allergies to which odors the reaction occurs, you will have to consult with an allergist.

Treatment of allergies to odors

The first step is to establish the causes of the allergy in order to prescribe the necessary set of medical treatments to eliminate the symptoms. Like any other disease, allergies must be treated using medicinal methods and folk methods.

After consulting with a doctor who specializes in various types allergic reactions, specific actions begin. Treatment of allergies to odors begins with the body’s reactions to perfumes, with innate tendencies human body to all types of allergies, as well as when the body reacts to medications.

Individually prescribed the following means:

  • and etc.

To remove local symptoms ointments and sprays are indicated for allergic reactions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Folk remedies to help

For advice from an allergist, you may be prescribed a course of treatment for odor allergies with the help of, which will also be effective in such a situation:

  • infusion of marsh wild rosemary herb (take three times a day);
  • chewing honey chewing gum (ten minutes up to five times a day);
  • solution of comb honey with water (use at night);
  • apple cider vinegar (for exacerbations and for prevention, twice a day: morning and night);
  • infusion of celandine with water (take a tablespoon three times a day);
  • infusion of hemp seeds with water (drink a tablespoon three times a day).

Video: Allergies, spring exacerbation

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