Autoimmune thyroiditis: treatment, symptoms, causes. Autoimmune thyroid disease

are conditions in which the immune system kills cells thyroid gland. This happens due to a failure of the protective function.

The condition is very dangerous for the body and can lead to irreversible consequences. To prevent complications of AIT (abbreviation autoimmune diseases thyroid), therapy should be started in a timely manner.

Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland occur against the background of disruptions in the immune system. Patients with a genetic predisposition, as well as people with weak or impaired immunity, are more susceptible to such failures.

A prerequisite for the development of AIT can be:

  • the appearance of tumors, both in the gland and in other organs;
  • excess iodine in the body;
  • surgical interventions;
  • neck injuries;
  • inflammatory processes in the neck area.

Anything that leads to cell regeneration or the fight against infections and viruses can lead to AIT. The more often a patient encounters provoking factors, the higher the risk of developing the disease.

Symptoms of autoimmune thyroid diseases

Or, manifests itself in the form of a complex of various symptoms. They can be either local or general.

The patient can for a long time do not understand that he is sick, since in the early stages the disease is characterized by general symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness, constant fatigue;
  • decreased speed of thinking;
  • increased sweating;
  • weight gain or rapid weight loss.

Often the patient begins to experience problems in the skin area. It may become an unnatural shade, become thinner, or peel off.

Then specific symptoms of the disease develop:

  • pain in the neck;
  • disturbances of most body functions;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • enlargement or other palpable change in the thyroid gland area.

Against the background of AIT, infections or viral diseases, since the immune system does not work correctly and fights not against external threats, but against an incorrectly calculated danger within.

Diagnosis of the disease

In the early stages of the disease, AIT practically does not manifest itself. If an organ enlargement or other change cannot be detected. The patient does not yet complain of fatigue or attributes it to physical and emotional overload.

As the disease progresses, the severity of symptoms also develops. The doctor can already make a preliminary diagnosis based on anamnesis and palpation.

However, an accurate diagnosis is impossible without additional examinations. First of all, the patient is sent to. With AIT, the levels of antibodies against the thyroid gland are 5-6 times higher than normal. To verify the presence of the disease, an ultrasound examination is performed.

In the final stages, a blood test may show the content of a large number of toxins that are formed as a result of the breakdown of gland cells.

Treatment options

Autoimmune thyroid disease requires urgent treatment. However, therapy should be prescribed only after a thorough examination of the patient. It is necessary to find out the reason why the deviation occurred and eliminate it. This will save the patient from relapses.

To maintain the functions of the endocrine system, medications are prescribed. They contain artificial substitutes for vital hormones.

With the help of the body's function it is maintained at the same level, but the process of breakdown of the thyroid gland does not stop.

Moreover, the drugs themselves have a detrimental effect on important organs. Work is disrupted, and deviations in the functioning of the nervous system are also likely to develop.

Another treatment option is surgery. Specialists can or even its entire volume. However, this is not more humane and effective method, than drug therapy, on the contrary.

After removal of the gland, the lack of hormone production becomes permanent, the patient faces multiple complications and an increased risk of cancer.

Removal of the gland is last resort, which is used if autoimmune damage to the thyroid gland has gone too far. With severe destruction, such an amount of toxins is released into the blood that can lead to death.

In this case it happens and is assigned. After it, the patient will constantly live on maintenance medications.

To avoid surgical intervention, you should undergo a special course of procedures on time. The most modern, effective and humane method of therapy is reflexology.

It is carried out using special equipment in a clinical setting. Most often, you have to visit private clinics to get it.

Reflexology can stop and even completely eliminate the autoimmune process in the thyroid gland without harmful consequences for the body.

Prevention of AIT

To prevent the development of thyroiditis, you should constantly monitor your own health. If you experience pain in the neck or swelling of the thyroid gland, you should not neglect consultation with a specialist.

Even people who have no complaints about hormonal system disorders should be checked regularly by a specialist (once a year). If you are particularly prone to disorders of the immune system or thyroid gland, preventive examinations should be performed more often.

The following patients need to visit a doctor at least once every six months:

  • people with a history of other autoimmune diseases;
  • patients with frequent respiratory ailments;
  • people whose relatives suffered from thyroid lesions;
  • patients with a history of hormonal imbalances.

Regular examination will help to identify the disorder in time and cure it. To reduce the risk of gland destruction, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food, and most importantly - monitor the state of immunity.

Endocrine diseases lead to hormonal imbalance, its metabolic processes Therefore, treatment of autoimmune thyroid disease is a priority for every person facing this problem.

IN medical practice Several types of thyroid diseases have been identified, in which not only the structure of this organ is disrupted, but also its functions, leading to hormonal disorders.

Causal factors

The causes of autoimmune thyroid diseases directly depend on the lifestyle a person leads and his environment. The main causes of this type of disease are:

  • polluted environmental situation;
  • living in areas with low iodine content in food;
  • genetic predisposition of a person.

Diseases of this type are important in the functioning of the body, since with the slightest manifestation and disruption of the thyroid gland, malfunctions begin to occur in many biological processes. Diseases of the thyroid gland can cause the development of severe irreversible processes in the body and lead to problems such as dementia, infertility, impotence, and work disorders of cardio-vascular system, developmental delay. In order to prevent such deviations, endocrinologists recommend regular examinations in order to identify the disease in the early stages and begin its treatment. This is important, since such pathologies significantly disrupt a person’s quality of life.

The role of the thyroid gland for humans is great in the form of those processes that are regulated thanks to its participation in the body. Its function is to release hormones containing iodine: thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which regulate metabolism and heat exchange processes. Their role is high in the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive, and gastrointestinal systems of the body. The normal state of this organ is of no small importance on mental condition person. The thyroid gland produces the iodine-free hormone thyreocalcitomin, which is involved in the process of calcium metabolism.

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Types of thyroid diseases

Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland are divided into several types, the development of which contributes to disruption of the structure and function of the organ. With hyperthyroidism, hormone production increases, with hypothyroidism it decreases. Many diseases are associated with a lack of iodine in the body - goitrogenic, non-goitrogenic, goiters - toxic, non-toxic, subacute thyroiditis and others. Each disease has its own special signs and symptoms.

Diffuse nodular toxic goiter - Besedov's disease, a pathology characterized by increased production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, which leads to their poisoning of the body and causes thyrotoxicosis. This disease is more often suffered by middle-aged women. IN Lately There has been a tendency towards a younger age indicator, which characterizes the fact that this type of autoimmune disease often affects teenagers. This disease is often recognized in pregnant women, as well as during menopause.

Considered to be a common occurrence characteristic symptoms This pathology is bulging eyes, which in medical practice is designated as autoimmune ophthalmopathy. With diffuse toxic goiter, myocardial dystrophy may develop. Treatment of this disease comes down to taking thyreostatics, and in some cases, the use of surgery, which involves constant hormone replacement therapy.

There are known autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland, the symptoms of which demonstrate a violation of its function. These include hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. As a result of increased thyroid function, hyperthyroidism develops, which is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • nervousness;
  • trembling of hands and body;
  • sudden, causeless weight loss;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension;
  • intestinal dysfunction.

Added to these symptoms are bulging eyes and pain in the eyes. Hyperthyroidism in young patients develops due to dysregulation of hormone production. In older people - due to its active production as a result of one part of the thyroid gland getting out of control.

Hypothyroidism leads to decreased thyroid function. This is one of the most common diseases among endocrine diseases. More often, with hypothyroidism, patients complain of inhibition of thinking, memory, increased fatigue, periodic feeling of cold, increased blood cholesterol, digestive disorders, and decreased sexual activity. To treat hypothyroidism, the doctor selects adequate hormone therapy and includes herbal remedies in the treatment process.

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Other types of thyroid diseases

As a result of the development of hypothyroidism, another autoimmune disease appears - thyroiditis, in which the human body begins to produce antibodies that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the thyroid tissues. This leads to disruption of its functions and a decrease in hormone levels. Disruptions begin to be observed in the cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, digestive system, in lipid metabolism. A person begins to experience mucoid edema of all organs, weight increases, and dysfunction occurs. digestive tract, pressure rises, stones appear in gallbladder and kidneys.

To determine how to treat this type of pathology, doctors conduct a thorough diagnosis and then prescribe adequate comprehensive treatment aimed at reducing aggressive autoimmune processes and normalizing thyroid function. A major role is given to the prevention and treatment of complications of emerging disorders in the cardiovascular, autonomic, nervous and digestive systems.

Nodular or diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland is characterized by the disease non-toxic goiter. In most cases, the disease develops as benign, but doctors recommend not to neglect it due to the possible “malignancy” of the nodes. In severe cases, treatment includes prevention of cancer processes.

Autoimmune thyroid diseases are inflammatory lesions tissues, which are expressed by damage, destruction, degeneration of thyroid cells.

Causes of autoimmune diseases

The pathological mechanism of the autoimmune reaction is based on the perception by the immune system of its own cells as antigens and the production of antibodies to them. As a result, T-lymphocytes attack healthy tissue, which causes inflammatory processes.

The etiology of autoimmune thyroid disease has not been fully studied, but it has been reliably established that heredity and genetic predisposition play a large role in the development of the disease. Since this disease most often affects women, it is assumed that the genetic defect is associated with an imbalance of estrogen.

Hereditary predisposition is established when a high level of antibodies to thyrocytes (AT-TPO) is detected in the body.

Predisposition does not mean that a person will definitely get sick. To start the pathological process, it is necessary to have provoking factors that change the activity of lymphocytes:

  • ARVI;
  • chronic throat infection;
  • poor environment, excessive consumption of iodine, chlorides and fluorides;
  • uncontrolled treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • radiation exposure, exposure to the sun;
  • stress, psychological trauma.

Mechanical injuries can provoke autoimmune thyroid diseases.


The disease develops in stages. At the first stage it is asymptomatic. In most cases, the gland does not enlarge and functions normally.

As the number of normally functioning cells decreases, the thyroid gland increases in size. The patient may complain of a feeling of constriction in the throat, general weakness, aching joints, fatigue, and irritability.

Autoimmune thyroiditis chronic type in the first years it manifests itself as thyrotoxicosis. Further progression of the disease ends with the phase of hypothyroidism.

The clinical picture of postpartum thyroiditis appears 3 months after birth in the form of mild thyrotoxicosis. The following signs are typical for this condition:

  • tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • feeling of heat;
  • increased sweating, sun intolerance;
  • weight loss with good appetite;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • irritability, emotional lability;
  • insomnia.

By week 19, the disease takes the form of hypothyroidism and aggravates the course of postpartum depression.

Other forms of autoimmune thyroid diseases do not have significant symptoms and do not lead to severe hormonal disorders.


The diagnosis is established based on the combination of a clinical examination of the patient, symptoms, and the presence of an autoimmune disease in family members.

Basic laboratory tests:

    1. Blood test for lymphocyte levels.
    2. Immunogram. It determines the presence of antibodies to thyroglobulin, thyroid hormones, and thyroid peroxidase.
    3. Determination of thyroid hormone levels, TSH. High TSH with normal T4 is a subclinical form. High TSH and low T4 are hypothyroidism.
    4. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  1. Fine needle biopsy. Helps identify lymphocytes and malignant cells.

The diagnosis is established if the following conditions are present:

  • high antibodies to thyrocytes;
  • decreased echogenicity of the thyroid gland during ultrasound;
  • Clinical signs reduced function glands.

Treatment is prescribed in the hypothyroid phase of autoimmune thyroid disease.


Thyroid diseases of autoimmune origin are called thyroiditis and include the group of diseases:

  1. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis of genetic origin. This group of diseases includes lymphomatous thyroiditis and Hashimoto's goiter (lymphocytic thyroiditis). The disease develops as a result of infiltration of the thyroid gland by T-lymphocytes into the parenchyma tissue of the gland.
  2. Painless thyroiditis. Associated with other factors that destabilize the immune system;
  3. Cytokine-induced thyroiditis. Develops as a result of long-term use of interferons in patients with hepatitis C.
  4. Postpartum thyroiditis. The mechanism of development of the disease is based on a sharp surge in immune activity after suppression during gestation.

The last 3 types of autoimmune thyroid disease result in complete restoration of function.

Autoimmune thyroiditis always has several phases:

  1. Euthyroid phase. This phase of the disease can last months or a lifetime. In this case, there are no disturbances in the functioning of the gland.
  2. Subclinical phase. T lymphocytes destroy thyroid cells, and the production of thyroid hormones decreases. The pituitary gland increases the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and due to increased stimulation of thyroid cells, the T4 level remains normal.
  3. Thyrotoxic phase. Mass death of thyroid cells leads to the release of their contents into the blood and an increase in thyroid hormones. Fragments of destroyed follicles provoke increased production of antibodies to them and T-lymphocytes, which leads to an acceleration of the destruction process.
  4. Hypothyroid phase. The disease enters this phase at the moment when the number of functioning thyrocytes becomes below the critically required level, and the thyroid gland is not able to produce sufficient amounts of hormones.

Autoimmune thyroiditis can be monophasic, occurring only in the form of toxic goiter or hypothyroidism.

In accordance with the phases of the autoimmune disease, separate clinical forms of thyroiditis are distinguished:

  1. Latent, without pronounced clinical manifestations. Diagnosed only immunological studies or manifests itself as mild hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis).
  2. Hypertrophic. It manifests itself as an increase in the size of the thyroid gland (goiter). The initial stage is manifested by thyrotoxicosis (toxic goiter), then the function of the gland normalizes or decreases.
  3. Atrophic. The thyroid gland has normal and reduced sizes. The symptoms are consistent with hypothyroidism.

Treatment of autoimmune disease

For treatment autoimmune thyroiditis special treatment not developed. The disease develops to the hypothyroidism phase, and then the patient is prescribed hormone replacement therapy (levothyroxine). Treatment is carried out with constant monitoring of TSH levels.

In the phase of thyrotoxicosis, the administration of thyrostatics is not recommended, since there is no hyperfunction of thyrocytes. At this stage, treatment is aimed at relieving secondary symptoms of the nervous and cardiovascular systems (beta-blockers).

Prednisolone is prescribed when an autoimmune disease is accompanied by infectious inflammation of the thyroid gland.

To reduce the level of antibodies, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ketoprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac) are prescribed.

Correction immune system carried out with the help of adaptogens and multivitamin preparations.

Severe hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, causing compression of the throat, is treated with surgery.


For different phases Autoimmune thyroid disease requires a different diet. The hormones T3 and T4 contain iodine. At the stage of thyrotoxicosis, the intake of iodine into the body is limited, and at the stage of hypothyroidism, food should be rich in this element.

If you have hypothyroidism, your diet includes foods rich in iodides:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • kelp;
  • shellfish

With thyrotoxicosis, the body's metabolism accelerates, so during this period food should be high in calories. Stimulating drinks (coffee) are excluded.

If you have hypothyroidism, your caloric intake should be low. Examples of nutrition - diet No. 8. Sugar, baked goods, fatty and smoked foods are excluded from the diet. Preference should be given to a protein diet (boiled meat, eggs), cereals.

Selenium, copper, and cobalt have a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

The diet must include vegetables and fruits that are a natural source of these elements (gooseberries, raspberries, garlic, cabbage, pumpkin, radish).


Patients with detected autoimmune thyroid disease without disruption of its functions are registered with an endocrinologist and are constantly monitored for timely detection of hypothyroidism.

The risk group for the occurrence of autoimmune processes in the thyroid gland during pregnancy includes women whose thyroid function is within normal limits, but antibodies to thyroid peroxidase have been detected. In such patients, the functioning of the thyroid gland is monitored at all stages of pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

The thyroid gland is an internal secretion organ, one of the most important regulators of metabolic processes occurring in the human body. It is very sensitive to external and internal influences. Disruption of its work immediately affects the condition of the integumentary tissues, weight, cardiac activity, the ability to become pregnant and bear a child; it can be seen “from afar”, looking at changes in behavioral reactions and speed of thinking.

20-30% of all thyroid diseases are a disease called “autoimmune thyroiditis.” Autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland is an acute or chronic inflammation of the organ tissue associated with the destruction of its cells by the body’s own immune system. The disease is more common in women; It proceeds for a long time without visible symptoms, so it can only be suspected during a routine ultrasound and determination of antibodies to gland peroxidase in the blood. Treatment is selected by an endocrinologist, focusing on the stage of the process. Autoimmune thyroiditis can be cured either completely or its activity can be controlled with constant medication: it all depends on the type of disease. The disease has a benign course.

The word “autoimmune” refers to a situation where inflammation is caused by one’s own immune system, attacking an organ (in in this case, on the thyroid gland). Why is this happening?

All cells, both microbial and “native” to the body, must “introduce themselves.” To do this, they display an “identification mark” on their surface in the form of special, specific proteins. They decided to call such proteins “antigens,” and other proteins produced by the immune system to eliminate them were called “antibodies.” Immune cells found in blood vessels, every second they approach each cell and check it for danger to the body precisely according to such autoantigens, checking them against their “list”. As soon as the immune system stops doing this normally (due to a violation of the quality of lymphocytes or a decrease in the number of its “army”), tumors appear, because during the process of division, “wrong” (atypical) cells appear in any tissue. But that’s not what we’re talking about now.

Even before the birth of a person, lymphocytes undergo specific training, as a result of which they receive a “list” of antigens of their cells, past which they pass and do not produce antibodies. But not all our organs (or their parts) normally have “allowed” antigens. In this case, the body surrounds them with a barrier of special cells that prevent lymphocytes from approaching and checking “ identification marks" Such a barrier surrounds: the thyroid gland, lens, male genital organs; such protection is built around the child growing in the uterine cavity.

When the barrier around the thyroid gland is destroyed—temporarily or permanently—autoimmune thyroiditis occurs. The genes that make lymphocytes more aggressive are to blame for this. Women get sick more often, since estrogens, unlike male hormones, affect the immune system.

Covering almost a third of all thyroid diseases, autoimmune thyroiditis occurs in 3-4% of all inhabitants of the Earth. At the same time, for the reasons stated above, the disease is more common in women, and the incidence rate increases with age. Thus, pathology can be detected in every 6-10th sixty-year-old woman, while 1-12 out of 1000 children are sick.

  1. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease. This is what is often called simply “autoimmune thyroiditis” and this is what we will consider as a disease with classical stages. This is a disease that has a genetic cause. Its course is chronic, but benign. To maintain a normal quality of life, you will have to constantly take hormone replacement therapy.

Hashimoto's disease is also called lymphomatous goiter, since the gland becomes enlarged due to swelling resulting from a massive attack of its tissue by lymphocytes. There is often a combination of this pathology with other autoimmune diseases, if not with this person, then in this family. Thus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is often combined with type I diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, damage to the lining cells of the stomach, autoimmune inflammation of the liver, and vitiligo.

  1. Postpartum thyroiditis: Inflammation of the thyroid gland develops around 14 weeks postpartum. It is associated with a special reaction of the immune system: during pregnancy it has to be suppressed so as not to destroy the child (the fetus is foreign in its essence), and after childbirth it can be excessively reactivated.
  2. A painless form of autoimmune thyroiditis. This is a disease with an unknown cause, but its development mechanism is identical to postpartum.
  3. Cytokine-induced form. It develops when the thyroid gland is “bombarded” by cytokines, which appear in the body in large quantities when long-term treatment interferon preparations – injectable “Laferon”, “Viferon” (this is how viral hepatitis C is usually treated before it results in cirrhosis, some blood diseases).

Depending on the degree of enlargement of the gland, there is another classification of autoimmune thyroiditis. Based on this, the disease may be:

  • Latent: the thyroid gland may be slightly enlarged or normal. The level of hormones and, accordingly, the function of the gland are not changed.
  • Hypertrophic: the size of the organ is increased either completely (diffuse form), or in one/several places (nodular thyroiditis).
  • Atrophic: the size is reduced, the amount of hormones produced is reduced. This is hypothyroidism due to autoimmune thyroiditis.

In order for any of the autoimmune thyroiditis to develop, a defect in the genes encoding the activity of the immune system alone is not enough. The triggering factor that a person considers to be the cause of his illness may be:

  • past influenza, less often - other respiratory viral diseases, as well as mumps and measles;
  • taking large amounts of iodine;
  • chronic infection in the body: chronic tonsillitis, untreated caries, chronic sinusitis;
  • living in poor environmental conditions, when a lot of chlorine or fluorine enters the body;
  • deficiency of selenium in the soil in the region of residence
  • ionizing radiation;
  • psycho-emotional stress.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is divided into several stages. One smoothly transitions into the other.

Hashimoto's disease begins when immune cells begin to “see” thyroid cells, thyrocytes. These are foreign structures for them, so they decide to attack thyrocytes and, with the help of chemicals dissolved in the blood, call their fellows to themselves for this purpose. They attack thyrocytes, producing antibodies against them. There may be the last different quantities. If there are few of them, a few gland cells die, the euthyroid phase of the disease is maintained, the levels of all hormones are not changed, there are symptoms only due to the enlargement of the gland:

  • the thyroid gland becomes visible;
  • it can be palpated, and determinations can be made on it;
  • it becomes difficult (like a “lump in the throat”) to swallow, especially solid food;
  • a person gets tired when doing less work than before.

The same symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis are observed in the subclinical phase of the disease. At this time, the number of cells in the gland decreases, but those that should be at rest are included in the work. This happens due to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

If there are too many thyroid-stimulated antibodies, a thyrotoxic phase develops. Its signs are as follows:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability, tearfulness, anger;
  • weakness;
  • hot flashes;
  • sweating;
  • a palpable increase in heart rate;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • it is difficult to be in a hot climate;
  • menstrual irregularities.

If the disease occurs in a child, at this stage what most often attracts attention is that he becomes very thin and does not gain weight, despite an increased appetite.

When antibodies destroy a large volume of the working zone of the gland, the last phase of autoimmune thyroiditis occurs - hypothyroidism. Its signs are:

  • weakness;
  • depression, apathy;
  • slow speech and reaction;
  • weight gain with poor appetite;
  • the skin becomes pale, swollen, yellowish and dense (does not fold);
  • the face is puffy;
  • constipation;
  • a person freezes quickly;
  • hair falls out more;
  • hoarse voice;
  • menstruation infrequent and scanty;
  • brittle nails;
  • joint pain.

In a child, hypothyroidism is manifested by weight gain, memory deterioration, he becomes more phlegmatic, and remembers material worse. If the disease develops in early age, mental development is significantly behind what it should be.

In this case, at 14 weeks after birth, symptoms of mild hyperthyroidism appear:

  • fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness.

They can intensify until a feeling of heat appears, sensation strong heartbeat, insomnia, rapid mood swings, trembling limbs. By the end of 4 months after birth (about 5 weeks after the first signs appear), symptoms of hypothyroidism appear, which are often attributed to postpartum depression.

It is characterized by hyperthyroidism, which occurs in a mild form: slight irritability, sweating, increased heart rate. This is all attributed to overwork.

Against the background of injection administration of "Alveron", "Viferon" or other interferons, symptoms of both increased and decreased thyroid function may occur. Usually they are expressed insignificantly.

Autoimmune thyroiditis at the subclinical, euthyroid and thyrotoxic stages does not interfere with conception, which cannot be said about the stage of hypothyroidism, because thyroid hormones affect ovarian function. If adequate treatment with synthetic hormones is carried out at this stage, pregnancy will occur. At the same time, there is a danger of miscarriage, since antibodies to the gland, the production of which does not depend on the amount of L-thyroxine (or Eutirox) taken, negatively affects ovarian tissue. But the situation is corrected with progesterone replacement therapy, which will maintain pregnancy.

A woman with thyroiditis should be observed by an endocrinologist throughout the entire gestation period. In case of a hypothyroid state during this period, he must increase the dose of thyroxine (the need for thyroid hormones of two organisms - mother and child - increases by 40%). Otherwise, if a small amount of thyroid hormones remains in the mother’s body during pregnancy, the fetus may develop severe pathologies, sometimes incompatible with life. Or he will be born with congenital hypothyroidism, which is equivalent to severe mental retardation and metabolic disorders.

If autoimmune thyroiditis is suspected, such a diagnosis is performed. A blood test is performed for hormones:

  • T3 – general and free,
  • T4 – general and free,

If TSH is elevated and T4 is normal, this is a subclinical stage, but if TSH is elevated and T4 levels decrease, this means that the first symptoms should already appear.

The diagnosis is established based on a combination of the following data:

  • The level of antibodies to the thyroid enzyme - thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO) in the analysis of venous blood is increased.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland determines its hypoechogenicity.
  • Reduced concentrations of T3, T4, increased TSH level.

Only one indicator does not allow such a diagnosis. Even an increase in AT-TPO only indicates that a person has a predisposition to autoimmune damage to the gland.

If the thyroiditis is nodular, a biopsy of each node is performed to visualize signs of thyroiditis, as well as to exclude cancer.

U different stages thyroiditis – various complications. Thus, the hyperthyroid stage can be complicated by arrhythmia, heart failure, and even provoke myocardial infarction.

Hypothyroidism can cause:

  • infertility;
  • recurrent miscarriage;
  • congenital hypothyroidism in a newborn child;
  • dementia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • depression;
  • myxedema, which looks like intolerance to the slightest cold, constant drowsiness. If in this state you enter sedatives, get severe stress or get an infectious disease, you can provoke a hypothyroid coma.

Fortunately, this condition responds well to treatment and, if you take drugs in a dose adjusted to the level of hormones and AT-TPO, you can not feel the presence of the disease for a long time.

The diet should be normal in caloric content ( energy value at least 1500 kcal), or better if you calculate it according to Mary Chaumont: (weight * 25) minus 200 kcal.

The amount of protein should be increased to 3 g per kg of body weight, and saturated fats and easily digestible carbohydrates should be limited. You need to eat every 3 hours.

What you can eat:

  • vegetable dishes;
  • baked red fish;
  • fish fat;
  • liver: cod, pork, beef;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • butter;
  • porridge;
  • bread.

Salted, fried, spicy and smoked foods, alcohol and seasonings are excluded. Water – no more than 1.5 l/day.

You need fasting - once a week or 10 days - days on juices and fruits.

Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis is completely medicinal and depends on the stage of the disease. It is prescribed at any age and does not stop even during pregnancy, if, of course, there are indications. Its purpose is to maintain thyroid hormone levels at physiological values(their control is carried out once every 6 months, the first control - after 1.5-2 months).

In the euthyroid stage, treatment is not carried out.

The doctor decides how to treat the stage of thyrotoxicosis. Typically, thyreostatics, such as Mercazolil, are not prescribed. Treatment is carried out symptomatically: for tachycardia, beta-blockers are prescribed: Atenolol, Nebivolol, Anaprilin; for severe psycho-emotional excitability, sedatives are prescribed. If a thyrotoxic crisis occurs, therapy is carried out in a hospital with the help of injectable glucocorticoid hormones (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone). The same drugs are administered if autoimmune thyroiditis is combined with subacute thyroiditis, but treatment is carried out at home.

In the stage of hypothyroidism, synthetic T4 (thyroxine) called “L-thyroxine” or “Euthyrox” and, if there is a lack of triiodothyronine, its laboratory-created analogues are prescribed. The dosage of thyroxine for adults is 1.4-1.7 mcg/kg of weight, for children – up to 4 mcg/kg.

Thyroxine is prescribed to children if there is an increase in TSH and normal or reduced level T4 if the gland is 30 percent or more enlarged age norm. If it is enlarged, its structure is heterogeneous, and AT-TPO is absent, iodine is prescribed in the form potassium iodide at a dosage of 200 mcg/day.

When a diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis is made to a person living in an area with iodine deficiency, physiological doses of iodine are used: 100-200 mcg/day.

L-thyroxine is prescribed to pregnant women if TSH is more than 4 mU/l. If they only have AT-TPO and TSH is less than 2 mU/L, thyroxine is not used, but TSH levels are monitored every trimester. In the presence of AT-TPO and TSH 2-4 mU/l, L-thyroxine is needed in prophylactic doses.

If the thyroiditis is nodular, in which cancer cannot be excluded, or if the thyroid gland compresses the organs of the neck, significantly complicating breathing, a surgical treatment.

If treatment is started on time, before more than 40% of the thyroid cell mass dies, the process can be controlled and the prognosis is favorable.

If a woman has already developed thyroiditis after childbirth, the probability of its occurrence after the next birth is 70%.

A third of cases of postpartum thyroiditis transform into a chronic form with the development of persistent hypothyroidism.

It is impossible to prevent the transmission of a defective gene. But it is worth monitoring the function of your own thyroid gland, as planned (especially if there is a tendency to gain weight or, conversely, to become thin), once every 1 year, by donating blood for T4 and TSH. It is also optimal to undergo an ultrasound scan of the gland once every 1-2 years.

A routine examination for T4, AT-TPO and TSH is especially necessary in case of pregnancy. These tests are not included in the list of mandatory studies, so you need to ask for a referral yourself, from an endocrinologist.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a pathology that mainly affects older women (45-60 years old). The pathology is characterized by the development of a strong inflammatory process in the thyroid gland. It occurs due to serious disruptions in the functioning of the immune system, as a result of which it begins to destroy thyroid cells.

The susceptibility of older women to pathology is explained by X-chromosomal disorders and the negative effect of estrogen hormones on the cells that form the lymphoid system. Sometimes the disease can develop in both young people and small children. In some cases, pathology is also found in pregnant women.

What can cause AIT, and can it be recognized independently? Let's try to figure it out.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is an inflammation that occurs in the tissues of the thyroid gland, the main cause of which is a serious malfunction in the immune system. Against this background, the body begins to produce abnormal a large number of antibodies that gradually destroy healthy thyroid cells. Pathology develops in women almost 8 times more often than in men.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis (the pathology got its name in honor of the doctor who first described its symptoms) develops for a number of reasons. The primary role in this issue is given to:

  • regular stressful situations;
  • emotional overstrain;
  • excess iodine in the body;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • the presence of endocrine diseases;
  • uncontrolled intake antiviral drugs;
  • negative influence of the external environment (this could be poor ecology and many other similar factors);
  • unhealthy diet, etc.

However, do not panic - autoimmune thyroiditis is a reversible pathological process, and the patient has every chance to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. To do this, it is necessary to ensure a reduction in the load on its cells, which will help reduce the level of antibodies in the patient’s blood. For this reason, timely diagnosis of the disease is very important.

Autoimmune thyroiditis has its own classification, according to which it occurs:

  1. Painless, the reasons for its development have not been fully established.
  2. Postpartum. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity weakens significantly, and after the birth of a baby, on the contrary, it becomes more active. Moreover, its activation is sometimes abnormal, since it begins to produce an excessive amount of antibodies. Often the consequence of this is the destruction of “native” cells of various organs and systems. If a woman has a genetic predisposition to AIT, she needs to be extremely careful and carefully monitor her health after childbirth.
  3. Chronic. In this case, we are talking about a genetic predisposition to the development of the disease. It is preceded by a decrease in the production of hormones in organisms. This condition is called primary hypothyroidism.
  4. Cytokine-induced. This type of thyroiditis is a consequence of taking interferon-based medications used in the treatment of hematogenous diseases and hepatitis C.

All types of AIT, except the first, are manifested by the same symptoms. The initial stage of development of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of thyrotoxicosis, which, if diagnosed and treated untimely, can develop into hypothyroidism.

If the disease was not detected in a timely manner, or for some reason it was not treated, this may cause its progression. The stage of AIT depends on how long ago it developed. Hashimoto's disease is divided into 4 stages.

  1. Eutheroid phase. Each patient has its own duration. Sometimes a few months may be enough for the disease to enter the second stage of development, while in other cases several years may pass between phases. During this period, the patient does not notice any special changes in his well-being and does not consult a doctor. Secretory function is not impaired.
  2. At the second, subclinical stage, T lymphocytes begin to actively attack follicular cells, leading to their destruction. As a result, the body begins to produce significantly less St. hormone. T4. Eutheriosis persists due to a sharp increase in TSH levels.
  3. The third phase is thyrotoxic. It is characterized by a strong surge in the hormones T3 and T4, which is explained by their release from destroyed follicular cells. Their entry into the blood becomes a powerful stress for the body, as a result of which the immune system begins to rapidly produce antibodies. When the level of functioning cells drops, hypothyroidism develops.
  4. The fourth stage is hypothyroid. Thyroid function can recover on its own, but not in all cases. It depends on the form in which the disease occurs. For example, chronic hypothyroidism can last for quite a long time, moving into an active stage followed by a phase of remission.

The disease can be in one phase or go through all the stages described above. It is extremely difficult to predict exactly how the pathology will progress.

Each form of the disease has its own characteristics of manifestation. Since AIT does not pose a serious danger to the body, and its final phase is characterized by the development of hypothyroidism, neither the first nor the second stages clinical signs Dont Have. That is, the symptoms of the pathology are, in fact, a combination of those anomalies that are characteristic of hypothyroidism.

We list the symptoms characteristic of autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland:

  • periodic or constant depressive state(purely individual sign);
  • memory impairment;
  • problems with concentration;
  • apathy;
  • constant drowsiness or feeling tired;
  • a sharp jump in weight, or a gradual increase in body weight;
  • deterioration or total loss appetite;
  • slow heart rate;
  • chilliness of hands and feet;
  • loss of strength even with adequate nutrition;
  • difficulty performing ordinary physical work;
  • inhibition of reaction in response to the influence of various external stimuli;
  • dullness of hair, its fragility;
  • dryness, irritation and peeling of the epidermis;
  • constipation;
  • decline sexual desire, or its complete loss;
  • menstrual irregularities (development of intermenstrual bleeding, or complete cessation of menstruation);
  • swelling of the face;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • problems with facial expressions, etc.

Postpartum, silent (asymptomatic) and cytokine-induced AIT are characterized by alternating phases of the inflammatory process. In the thyrotoxic stage of the disease, the manifestation clinical picture happens due to:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • sensations of heat;
  • increased sweating intensity;
  • feeling unwell in stuffy or small rooms;
  • trembling in fingers;
  • drastic changes in psycho-emotional state sick;
  • increased heart rate;
  • attacks of arterial hypertension;
  • deterioration of attention and memory;
  • loss or decrease in libido;
  • fatigue;
  • general weakness, which even proper rest does not help get rid of;
  • sudden attacks of increased activity;
  • problems with the menstrual cycle.

The hypothyroid stage is accompanied by the same symptoms as the chronic stage. Postpartum AIT is characterized by the manifestation of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in the middle of the 4th month, and the detection of symptoms of hypothyroidism at the end of the 5th - early 6th month of the postpartum period.

In painless and cytokine-induced AIT, no special clinical signs are observed. If ailments do appear, they have an extremely low degree of severity. If they are asymptomatic, they are detected only during a preventive examination in a medical institution.

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women:

It is almost impossible to detect its presence before the first warning signs of pathology appear. If there are no ailments, the patient does not consider it advisable to go to the hospital, but even if he does, it will be almost impossible to identify the pathology using tests. However, when the first adverse changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland begin to occur, a clinical study of a biological sample will immediately reveal them.

If other family members suffer or have previously suffered from similar disorders, this means that you are at risk. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo preventive examinations as often as possible.

Laboratory tests for suspected AIT include:

  • general blood test, which determines the level of lymphocytes;
  • a hormone test required to measure serum TSH;
  • immunogram, which establishes the presence of antibodies to AT-TG, thyroid peroxidase, as well as to thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland;
  • fine-needle biopsy, necessary to determine the size of lymphocytes or other cells (their increase indicates the presence of autoimmune thyroiditis);
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of the thyroid gland helps to determine its increase or decrease in size; with AIT, a change in the structure of the thyroid gland occurs, which can also be detected during ultrasound.

If ultrasound results indicate AIT, but clinical tests refute its development, the diagnosis is considered doubtful and does not fit into the patient’s medical history.

Thyroiditis may have unpleasant consequences, which vary for each stage of the disease. For example, during the hyperthyroid stage, the patient may have an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) or heart failure, and this is fraught with the development of such a dangerous pathology as myocardial infarction.

Hypothyroidism can lead to the following complications:

  • dementia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infertility;
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • inability to bear fruit;
  • congenital hypothyroidism in children;
  • deep and prolonged depression;
  • myxedema.

With myxedema, a person becomes hypersensitive to any downward changes in temperature. Even a banal flu or something else infection, transferred at a given pathological condition, can cause hypothyroid coma.

However, there is no need to worry too much - such a deviation is a reversible process and can be easily treated. If you choose the right dosage of the drug (it is prescribed depending on the level of hormones and AT-TPO), then the disease may not appear for a long period of time.

Treatment of AIT is carried out only on last stage its development – ​​in hypothyroidism. However, in this case, certain nuances are taken into account.

Thus, therapy is carried out exclusively for manifest hypothyroidism, when the TSH level is less than 10 mIU/l, and St. T4 is reduced. If the patient suffers from a subclinical form of the pathology with a TSH of 4-10 mIU/1 l and normal values ​​of St. T4, then in this case treatment is carried out only in the presence of symptoms of hypothyroidism, as well as during pregnancy.

Today, the most effective medications for treating hypothyroidism are levothyroxine-based medications. The peculiarity of such drugs is that they active substance as close as possible to the human hormone T4. Such drugs are absolutely harmless, so they are allowed to be taken even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drugs cause virtually no side effects, and, despite the fact that they are based on a hormonal element, they do not lead to weight gain.

Levothyroxine-based drugs should be taken “isolated” from other medications, since they are extremely sensitive to any “foreign” substances. The dose is taken on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals or other medications) with plenty of liquid.

Calcium supplements, multivitamins, iron supplements, sucralfate, etc. should be taken no earlier than 4 hours after taking levothyroxine. The most effective means based on it are L-thyroxine and Eutirox.

Today there are many analogues of these drugs, but it is better to give preference to the originals. The fact is that they have the most positive effect on the patient’s body, while analogues can only bring a temporary improvement in the patient’s health.

If from time to time you switch from originals to generics, then you must remember that in this case you will need to adjust the dosage of the active substance - levothyroxine. For this reason, every 2-3 months it is necessary to take a blood test to determine the TSH level.

Treating the disease (or significantly slowing its progression) will provide more good results, if the patient avoids foods that harm the thyroid gland. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the frequency of consumption of products containing gluten. The following are prohibited:

  • cereals;
  • flour dishes;
  • bakery products;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • fast food, etc.

At the same time, you should try to eat foods fortified with iodine. They are especially useful in the fight against the hypothyroid form of autoimmune thyroiditis.

In case of AIT, it is necessary to take the issue of protecting the body from penetration with the utmost seriousness pathogenic microflora. You should also try to clean it of pathogenic bacteria that are already in it. First of all, you need to take care of cleansing the intestines, because this is where harmful microorganisms actively multiply. To do this, the patient’s diet should include:

  • fermented milk products;
  • Coconut oil;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • lean meat and meat broths;
  • different types of fish;
  • seaweed and other seaweed;
  • sprouted grains.

All products from the above list help strengthen the immune system, enrich the body with vitamins and minerals, which, in turn, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and intestines.

Important! If there is a hyperthyroid form of AIT, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet all foods that contain iodine, since this element stimulates the production of hormones T3 and T4.

For AIT, it is important to give preference to the following substances:

  • selenium, which is important for hypothyroidism, as it improves the secretion of hormones T3 and T4;
  • B vitamins, which help improve metabolic processes and help keep the body in good shape;
  • probiotics, important for maintaining intestinal microflora and preventing dysbiosis;
  • adaptogen plants that stimulate the production of hormones T3 and T4 in hypothyroidism (Rhodiola rosea, Reishi mushroom, ginseng root and fruit).

What's the worst thing you can expect? The prognosis for treatment of AIT is, in general, quite favorable. If persistent hypothyroidism occurs, the patient will have to take levothyroxine-based medications for the rest of his life.

It is very important to monitor the level of hormones in the patient’s body, so once every six months it is necessary to take a clinical blood test and ultrasound. If during an ultrasound examination a nodular compaction is noticed in the thyroid area, this should be a good reason to consult an endocrinologist.

If during the ultrasound an enlargement of the nodules was noticed, or their intensive growth is observed, the patient is prescribed a puncture biopsy. The resulting tissue sample is examined in the laboratory in order to confirm or refute the presence of a carcinogenic process. In this case, ultrasound is recommended to be performed every six months. If the node does not tend to increase, then ultrasound diagnostics can be performed once a year.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a fairly common disease of the thyroid gland. The second name for this disease is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, after the name of the scientist who first described its symptoms.

With AIT, inflammatory lesions appear in the tissues of the organ as a result of the fact that its own immune system, for some reason, begins to destroy thyroid cells. All this leads to disruption of the body's hormonal balance.

It has now been proven that the occurrence of this disease is not a person’s fault. AIT can develop as a result of:

  • hereditary factor;
  • severe stressful conditions;
  • depending on gender (occurs much more often in women than in men);
  • poor environmental situation;
  • progressive infectious diseases.

Other reasons can also lead to the development of this disease, because each person is an organism distinguished by its individuality. So the cause may be a lack or, conversely, an excess of iodine.

Typically, Hashimoto's thyroiditis develops quite slowly, so special features on initial stage does not show. Very often, throughout life, the thyroid gland can continue to function fully. This condition does not pose a particular danger to humans, but requires constant monitoring of the development of the disease.

However, in most cases, this disease causes a disruption in the functioning of the thyroid gland, as a result of which it begins to produce either more or less hormones than the body needs.

As a rule, at the initial stage of AIT, the function of the thyroid gland increases, it begins to produce more hormones. This condition is called thyrotoxicosis. In the future, it may persist, or it may lead to hypothyroidism, i.e. on the contrary, to a decrease in hormone production. The symptoms of these two conditions are different in humans.

In this condition of the body, the thyroid gland produces more hormones than the body needs. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Irritability, aggressiveness, abrupt change mood, insomnia. In addition, a person experiences increased fatigue and apathy.
  • Appetite increases, while weight may not change or even decrease.
  • Severe hair loss and increased brittleness of nails.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women.
  • Bones become more fragile, which leads to frequent fractures.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, frequent diarrhea.
  • Sweating, poor tolerance to hot climates.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.

In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland, on the contrary, produces an insufficient amount of hormones for the body. It is characterized by its own symptoms of AIT. Here they are:

  • impaired attention, memory loss;
  • hair loss;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • slow speech;
  • excess body weight;
  • menstrual irregularities, infertility;
  • constant feeling of cold;
  • disruption of heart function, development of coronary disease;
  • constipation;
  • painful sensations in the joints.

The symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis are generally similar to any disorder of the thyroid gland. Therefore, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after the results of all tests are received. By the way, women detect the disease much earlier precisely because sudden loss hair, so they go to the doctor much more often before men. After all, for them, the loss of their luxurious hair can be a real tragedy.

There are several groups of autoimmune thyroiditis:

  • Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis or, as it is also called, Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This disease develops gradually. In this case, primary hypothyroidism first occurs - the production of hormones decreases. Chronic AIT is most often a genetic disease.
  • Postpartum thyroiditis. It appears as a result of the fact that during pregnancy the body’s immune system is suppressed, and after childbirth it is over-activated. And if there is a predisposition, then the occurrence of AIT is quite possible.
  • Painless. This form is very similar to the previous one, however, its exact causes have not been established.
  • If interferon drugs are used during the treatment of blood diseases and hepatitis C, this can provoke the occurrence of cytokine-induced thyroiditis.

With the last three types of the disease, similar symptoms develop. At the initial stage, thyrotoxicosis appears, which then most likely turns into hypothyroidism.

In addition, this disease can be divided into phases in which it develops. Here they are:

  • The first phase is characterized by the normal state of the thyroid gland, its functions are not impaired. The duration of this period can be quite long.
  • During the next phase, the cells of the organ begin to break down, resulting in a decrease in the production of thyroid hormone.
  • During the third phase of the disease, a large amount of thyroid hormone enters the blood due to the destruction of thyroid tissue. The result is thyrotoxicosis.
  • Subsequently, due to a sharp decrease in the hormone T4 in the blood, hypothyroidism develops. This is the fourth phase. After about a year, thyroid function can be restored, but sometimes hypothyroidism remains for a long time.

Sometimes in people the disease can be constantly in one phase, for example, only hypothyroidism or only thyrotoxicosis.

In addition to the previous classifications, Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be divided into several different forms:

  • Hidden (latent). In this case, the thyroid gland is in normal condition, its size is not changed, and its functions are not impaired. A person may have only minimal signs of thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism.
  • Hypertrophic. In this form of the disease, the iron increases in size. Distinguish diffuse form– the organ is increased in volume evenly, nodular – during the examination, nodular formations are revealed, or there may be a mixed – diffuse-nodular form of the disease. At the early stage, all the signs of thyrotoxicosis are characteristic, then this condition can gradually turn into hypothyroidism.
  • Atrophic form. It is most common in older people, while the functioning of the thyroid gland is sufficiently reduced, so signs of hypothyroidism predominate.

The most a clear sign autoimmune thyroiditis in children is the appearance of goiter. However, this does not mean that other symptoms are absent. You may also notice a decrease in attentiveness, constant fatigue, hair loss, weight gain. If such a disease is not treated, the consequences for the child will only be negative. The fact is that developmental problems can often be observed in such children; in addition, nodular forms of the disease greatly affect the child’s condition. Due to disruption of the thyroid gland, the body will not be able to fully cope with its functions. In addition, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, if not properly treated, can lead to the development of Graves' disease. And this disease is much more dangerous and serious. Therefore, it is not worth leaving AIT in children without treatment.

If, based on the results of all the tests, the doctor diagnoses “autoimmune thyroiditis,” then you should not immediately give up. Despite the fact that this disease cannot be completely cured today, doctors prescribe medications that make it possible to live a full life. normal life. Used in treatment medicines, which strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes, drugs that normalize cardiac activity and thyroid function. Since this disease occurs more and more often in people, the question, of course, arises as to whether homeopathy can be used for treatment. However, doctors do not advise self-medication; the consequences can be completely unpredictable. Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis with homeopathy is discussed individually for each patient.

Of course, if, having learned his diagnosis, a person decides that everything will go away on its own and does not treat the disease, then the consequences will not be very favorable. For example:

  • The nervous system is depleted, resulting in the development of mental illness, depression, memory problems.
  • The functioning of the heart is disrupted, heart disease develops, and cholesterol increases.
  • Sexual desire disappears, women experience problems with the menstrual cycle and, as a result, the inability to conceive.
  • As the goiter grows, problems with breathing and eating may appear.
  • AIT can develop into Graves' disease, which is the most dangerous. The fact is that with this disease almost all systems and organs of the body are affected. Graves' disease also greatly affects the thyroid gland, so it must be treated.
  • The worst thing that can happen as a result of autoimmune thyroiditis is the development cancerous tumor in the nodular form of the disease. That is why you should not start treatment and give up.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a disease that is increasingly being diagnosed in people in modern society. But it is quite possible to live with this disease if you follow all the doctors’ prescriptions.

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According to doctors, the percentage of various thyroid pathologies has increased significantly recently, so in this article we will look at autoimmune thyroiditis treatment different ways, and - most importantly - effective recommendations alternative medicine about factors influencing the development of the disease and its treatment. You will learn about the mechanism of occurrence of AIT, its signs and diagnostic methods. This is essentially a review article on treatments for Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

What do we know about the thyroid gland? The concept of “Graves' disease” immediately comes to mind. In fact, there are much more thyroid diseases, and not all of them boil down to the formation of a goiter on the neck; their symptoms are much more extensive. Today we will get acquainted with the most “incomprehensible” of them - autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT).

The world first learned about its existence at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the works of the Japanese doctor Hashimoto (Hashimoto). The Japanese described the characteristic symptoms he identified in 4 test patients.

Thanks to which this disease received his name and became known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Under a microscope, Hashimoto saw accumulations (infiltrates) of affected lymphocytes, plasma cells and connective tissue (focal fibrosis) in the tissues of the thyroid gland. And in 1956, when medical science took a big leap forward Antibodies to the gland's own proteins were found in the blood of patients. And thyroiditis began to be called “autoimmune.”

The main signs of Hashimoto's thyroiditis are visible under a microscope:

  • the presence of dead cells in the thyroid tissue (lymphocytes and plasma cells)
  • connective tissue proliferation (focal fibrosis)
  • detection of antibodies to thyreglobulin (AT TG) in the blood

What does "autoimmune" mean? If the word “immune” is more or less clear, then “auto” can be translated from Latin as “own”. As a result, we get some kind of process directly related to the immune system of our own body. With the concept of “thyroiditis” everything is also quite simple: “thyroid-” is associated with the Latin name of the thyroid gland (thyroid gland), and “-itis” means inflammation.

If the body is affected by autoimmune thyroiditis, antibodies - substances designed to protect the body from harmful agents, cease to “recognize” their own organ and begin to “attack” the thyroid cells.

As a result, the necessary cells are destroyed, and connective tissue takes their place. The production of hormones weakens, and the patient develops a state of hypothyroidism (the prefix “hypo-” indicates a decrease).

This process is clearly visible in the photo:

We can conclude: autoimmune thyroiditis is hypothyroidism, which arose as a result of a disruption of the immune system and the production of antibodies against the thyroid gland’s own cells. This leads to a decrease in the functions of the gland - hypothyroidism and premature aging of the body, as well as a disruption of the human hormonal level.

Here are some photos of patients with this disease - in varying degrees development and damage to the thyroid gland:

Photo of the initial stage - slight redness of the skin in the area where the gland is located:

Photo of further tissue growth, an enlargement of the thyroid gland is observed:

Photo of a more severe stage - asymmetrical enlargement of the gland, noticeable without palpation:

Severe stage of development of autoimmune thyroiditis:

As can be seen from the photo, the disease tends to progress slowly, destroying first the thyroid gland, and then the entire body. With atrophic thyroiditis, changes in the gland are not externally visible.

There are enough reasons that provoke the occurrence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. What factors influence the trigger mechanism of autoimmune thyroiditis? Among them are:

  • damage to the immune system: poor environment, unsystematic use of medications, malnutrition etc.
  • long-term stressful conditions: shocks, anxiety and worries
  • hereditary endocrine diseases in the family: not only AIT, but also diabetes, Graves' disease
  • excess iodine entering the body with food or medications
  • uncontrolled use of interferon and other antiviral drugs, especially in the treatment of acute viral infections and even for prophylactic purposes

However, it's not all bad. A number of prominent representatives of medicine believe that the autoimmune process is a reversible phenomenon.
In the initial stages, as the patient’s condition improves, after elimination excess load on gland cells, the level of antibodies in the blood gradually decreases. And the thyroid gland begins to work normally. This is why it is so important to diagnose thyroiditis in a timely manner.

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There are several stages of development of AIT. Each stage has its own symptoms. Let's talk about them briefly.

1. Hyperthyroidism is observed in the initial stage of development of AIT and lasts from a month to six months. During this period, a large amount of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 is observed in the blood.

Why does this happen: antibodies in large quantities destroy thyroid cells and the hormones that the cell managed to synthesize before its destruction enter the intercellular space. They get into the blood.
What symptoms occur:

  • pain in the area where the gland is located
  • Increased levels of hormones cause nervousness and short temper
  • soreness and swelling in the throat area, as if something is blocking it
  • before bed - lump in throat
  • increased sweating
  • rapid pulse
  • menstrual cycle failure

Euthyroidism characteristic of the second stage of development of Hoshimoto's goiter. Its symptoms are very similar to the condition of a healthy person: the amount of hormones in the blood has leveled out, the inconveniences listed above have disappeared and the person often calms down - nothing bothers him. But this is very deceptive.

During this period, neoplasms appear in the gland in the form of cysts and nodes, which gradually increase in size. The thyroid gland continues to be asymptomatically destroyed by the immune system. It can change sizes: increase, decrease or remain unchanged. Sometimes a slight redness is noticeable in the area where the gland is located - in the front of the neck.

3. Hypothyroidism- the third stage of development of AIT. It is characterized by a significant reduction in the production of thyroid hormones, which are so necessary for normal metabolism and maintaining the body’s condition in terms of high energy and beautiful appearance.

The main symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis at the stage of development of hypothyroidism:

  • despondency, feeling of hopelessness
  • tendency to depression
  • deterioration in performance
  • possible memory lapses
  • impotence, weakness, slowness and fatigue
  • metabolic disorders: excess weight and the appearance of edema, poor thermoregulation of the body
  • dry skin and rough areas - on the knees and elbows (hyperkeratosis)
  • bad hair and brittle nails
  • cysts form on female reproductive organs and in the mammary glands
  • unbalanced menstrual cycle
  • early menopause
  • there is a disruption in the body's entire metabolism
  • shortness of breath with any physical activity
  • possible heart failure, bradycardia
  • atherosclerosis at a fairly young age

The earlier the disease is detected, the easier treatment. This must be remembered and, at the slightest suspicion, undergo the prescribed tests and diagnostics.

Autoimmune thyroiditis, treatment of this disease can begin only after a thorough diagnosis. As practice shows, in the early stages, autoimmune thyroiditis does not manifest itself in any way. That is, the disease does not have its own specific symptoms.

Therefore, autoimmune thyroiditis is diagnosed based on the following factors:

  • the amount of antibodies to the proteins thyroglobulin and TPO (thyroid peroxidase) exceeds the norm
  • fibrosis of thyroid tissue

To exclude other thyroid diseases and make an accurate diagnosis, not only a clinical examination (examination and palpation) is required, but also tests are taken:

  • for antibodies to thyroglobulin and TPO
  • for hormones T3, T4 and TSH

Sometimes they resort to a biopsy: a piece of the thyroid gland is taken for examination; this excludes the diagnosis nodular goiter. To find out the size of the gland and the presence of nodes, an ultrasound is performed. Also, the endocrinologist will definitely ask the patient whether any of his relatives suffer from autoimmune diseases.

In patients, as fibrosis increases symptoms of hypothyroidism develop. The thyroid gland changes. Based on the type of gland damage, there are two forms of thyroiditis:

  • hypertrophic - the thyroid gland is enlarged in size, patients feel a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing, and sometimes breathing
  • atrophic – the gland, on the contrary, is reduced or its size is within normal limits

Just as there are no specific symptoms of AIT, there is no specific treatment. Doctors have not yet found methods that can effectively block the autoimmune process and the subsequent development of hypothyroidism.

Modern medicine offers two ways to tame a formidable disease - this is treatment with hormones and surgery . Replacement of thyroid hormones with synthesized hormones is preferable to surgery.
At increased function For the thyroid gland, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that block the production of antibodies. In an integrated approach to treatment, vitamin complexes and immunity-correcting agents are also used.

If thyroid function is depressed ( reduced), synthetic hormones are prescribed for its treatment.

At the stage when hypothyroidism has already developed, doctors prescribe the following hormonal medications:

  • Levothyroxine
  • Thyroidin
  • Triiodothyronine
  • Thyrotome
  • Tyreocomb

The most common treatment is Levothyroxine. The dosage is selected individually for each person. The clinical effectiveness of the drug is a reduction in the symptoms of hypothyroidism, observed 3-5 days after the start of treatment. Replacement therapy can last several months, years or a lifetime.

Since the disease progresses slowly, timely therapeutic measures effectively slow down the process. And over time, a long-term remission is achieved.

The use of such drugs reduces goiter, prevents thyroid deficiency and lowers the level of thyroid hormones. This neutralizes blood lymphocytes, which can provoke destruction of the thyroid gland.

The dosage is determined strictly individually.
If thyroiditis is subacute, then first remove inflammatory process. And as a result, swelling and pain decrease. The doctor may prescribe a steroid drug - prednisolone. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also reduce progressive processes in the thyroid gland. At the same time, they will create an immunosuppressive effect. But all this works only for mild forms of the disease.

With the proper approach to treatment, recovery occurs in a short time. But protracted cases and even relapses occur.
If the disease passes without symptoms, then it is necessary to remember that it occurs spontaneously and it is necessary to block its development.

There are times when surgical intervention is necessary. Surgical intervention The doctor prescribes it only in exceptional cases: when the disease is combined with a large goiter. It can put pressure on organs in the neck and interfere with breathing. The same situation occurs when the goiter progresses rapidly or there is no result after six months of treatment.

Surgery on the thyroid gland is possible in two cases:

  • if a goiter has developed large sizes squeezing neighboring organs
  • if there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor of the gland against the background of AIT

Complete removal glands (thyroidectomy) is used in extreme cases. For example, if the thyroid gland is completely affected by fibrosis. It is possible to remove one of the affected lobes. Most often performed partial removal of affected tissue (resection) with preservation of the active part of the gland.

The computer reflexology method makes it possible to completely restore the thyroid gland and its functions without hormones and surgeries.

The essence of the method is the use of knowledge oriental medicine that the nervous, immune and endocrine systems are one whole. Almost all thyroid diseases begin with primary failure in the immune system, and not in the endocrine one.

The ability to influence in tiny doses direct current on biologically active points, and through them the autonomic network of nerve endings - on the human brain, restores the function of the thyroid gland (regardless of whether it is low or high).

What does this give in practice:

  • nodules and cysts gradually resolve
  • Hormonal imbalance stops and the background of thyroid hormones normalizes, the body itself begins to produce hormones in the required quantities
  • makes it possible to completely stop taking hormonal medications (if you were taking them)
  • menstruation in women is restored and it is possible to give birth to a healthy child

As a result, the immune system is gradually restored, which means the main cause of autoimmune thyroiditis is eliminated.
I suggest watching a video from Gavrilova’s private clinic, which talks about such treatment.

An excellent method of restoring many body functions. Unfortunately, this is alternative medicine and wide application she doesn't find it. Used in private practice.

Recently, many reviews about Endorm treatment have appeared on the Internet. Endorm is a new non-hormonal remedy made from components of plant origin.

According to the manufacturers, an active substance, Albinin, has been synthesized from the medicinal plant Potentilla alba, which normalizes the production of hormones and restores not only the functioning of the thyroid gland, but also its structure.

The drug is also effective in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis. But, like any dietary supplement, Endorm is not perceived by traditional medicine as a medicine.

If you do not want to take hormones for the rest of your life and suffer from their side effects, then turn to homeopathy. According to specialists who practice the classical teachings of Hahnemann, homeopathy seems to have been created for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Because classical homeopathy It does not treat a specific disease, but heals the body on a subtle level, restoring the immune, endocrine and other systems.

Homeopaths believe that traditional medicine does not even try to treat autoimmune thyroiditis, but only makes a diagnosis and prescribes doses of hormones. Doctors don’t care how the patient feels: whether he is suffering or not. The main thing for them is to cure the disease, not the person himself.

Homeopathy treats the body at all levels: physical, emotional, and mental. Since we can talk about complete healing only if pathological processes in the body and psychological barriers in the head are eliminated.

Especially surgical treatment is harmful to the body. After removing nodes from the thyroid gland, you can expect them to appear in other organs, for example in the uterus or breasts in women. After all, all processes in our body are interconnected. If there are problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, then there is a high probability of pathology reproductive system and vice versa.

Homeopathy treatment is strictly individual. Each patient chooses his own drug in accordance with his constitutional type. There are no “thyroid pills” or “head pills.”

There is no universal scheme for the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis. And the choice of drug depends on the expressed symptoms and characteristics of each person. But one chosen homeopathic remedy will have a complex effect on the body.

How quickly will recovery occur? Despite the fact that the drug begins to act immediately, it may take years for complete recovery.

This depends on the stage of AIT and the duration of previous hormonal therapy. For some this may seem like a long time. But remember that Traditional medicine believes that autoimmune thyroiditis is incurable. Homeopathy, without surgery and hormones, even in advanced cases will help alleviate unpleasant symptoms and stop further development diseases.

The best effect when using homeopathy is observed in patients whose illness duration does not exceed 3 years. A year later, their tests for antibodies to the thyroid gland are negative. And there is no relapse of AIT.

There is an interesting program for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, developed by Academician EAEN, chief immunologist of the Irkutsk region B.V. Gorodisky. I will give the most important points from his speeches. I believe that this information will be useful for patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.

The immunologist believes that these diseases are like an iceberg - we see only a small part, the rest of the diseases are hidden and have not yet manifested themselves, but the process has long been started. And in the near future there will be a big surge in these diseases.

This is evidenced by the high level of registered antibodies - against almost every organ or organ system.

The main reason for this surge is the involution of the adrenal glands, their atrophy, which will lead to an increase in autoimmune diseases.

These are not diseases of the thyroid gland, joints or pancreas - this is a serious systemic disease of the whole body, based on the sixth degree of pollution and damage to the body.

There is a complex mechanism of disorders here - 8-10 years can pass between the onset of the disease and its clinical manifestation.

The process has been going on for a long time, the cells of the thyroid gland are being destroyed, antibodies have been working for destruction for a long time, but we have no idea about this until the number of damaged cells reaches a critical number, and the body is simply no longer able to produce thyroid hormones or any others. The clinical picture of autoimmune organ damage begins to appear. If at the beginning of the disease it is possible to correct the functioning of the gland, now it is much more difficult.

What is characteristic of an autoimmune disease at the stage of clinical manifestation:

1. 6 degree of body contamination
2. serious violations pineal gland
3. interhemispheric asymmetry, reaching up to 70% - 70% of the hemispheres do not understand each other and cannot work as a paired organ
4. disorders in the hypothalamic region, as a result of which the immune system and autonomic system suffer nervous system, metabolism and thermoregulation are disrupted.

The immune system has decided to destroy its own body - how does this happen? The development of autoimmune diseases is influenced by various factors, which we will consider below.

Hoshimoto's thyroiditis is a complex systemic disease. Its development can be triggered by any of the factors listed below.
1. Failure in the ratio of immune system cells. The mechanism is the same as with allergies - the balance between the cells of the immune system - helpers, killers and suppressors is disturbed. How this happens in practice:

  1. There are few or no T-suppressors, which means they cannot slow down the destruction process and preserve immunity.
  2. Cells that produce immunoglobulins begin to produce them against their own tissues, and not against microbes, as is normal. They produce them against heart cells, liver cells, pancreatic or thyroid cells.
  3. Antibodies land on the cells of the listed organs, killers rush to them and begin to destroy them.

This is how the autoimmune process develops. And try to stop him!

2. Enzyme disorders- a prerequisite for autoimmune diseases. The gastrointestinal tract plays a huge role in the development of autoimmune diseases. The body lacks enzymes- after 40 years we have only 20% of the necessary enzymes. There is nothing left to digest food with. You need to eat less meat heavy products, which require a large amount of enzymes for their digestion. There are enough enzymes in green leaves of vegetables. They should be eaten with meat. We eat meat and potatoes. Therefore, we teach ourselves to eat meat with enzymes - with a lot of greens.

This is an extremely important factor. And it is difficult to influence it - many damages to the human genetic apparatus at the genome level occur at the enzymatic level. Outwardly, this manifests itself in increased pigmentation or depigmentation of the skin, the appearance of some nodules on the bones that were not there before. And the reason is that some gene is switched off, the enzyme is not formed - a metabolic disorder begins.

Therefore, enzyme disorders are of enormous importance. Today everything is built on enzymes; any process depends on their presence. There are 40 thousand enzymes in our body. Only 4 thousand have been studied by mankind.
Microelements are also important. They take part in the synthesis of enzymes.

3. Streptococcus as a cause of membrane destruction in cells. Its chemical composition is very similar to all the basement membranes on which cells sit inside blood vessels, in a joint, in the heart, and in the kidneys. The immune system, trying to deal with streptococcus, begins to destroy all basement membranes. Where did streptococcus come from? With tonsils and tonsillitis. Glomerulonephritis forms in the kidneys, protein and red blood cells appear - real inflammation occurs.

Streptococcus is present in the body of many people. It is in the tonsils, in the blood, in the joints - it is anywhere! And when treating autoimmune diseases, the first step is to remove it. For this stop eating sweets. Streptococcus loves it very much. There should be no sweets in a body with an autoimmune disease. We refuse baked goods, sweets and chocolate, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment.

Very therapeutic fasting is effective- during fasting, we lose weight due to the fact that microbes die. They are not fed. And they begin to die by the billions. Already on the second day of fasting, intense intoxication occurs. The body becomes very ill. Microbes die in kilograms. You can help the body remove toxins faster by increasing your water intake and doing enemas or taking appropriate medications such as chitosan.

4. Silicon deficiency in the body. It is important to take care of a sufficient amount of silicon in the body. It is important for normal functioning pineal gland, which is made of silicon. In its absence or deficiency, metabolism in the body is disrupted, joints are destroyed, and the charge of cell membranes changes from negative to positive (normally, cell membranes are negatively charged).

It is silicon that gives the negative charge to the membrane - the outer surface of the cells is lined with sialic acids (or silicic acids - this is the same thing). Proteins combined with silicon produce sialic acids. No silicon - no negative charge on cell membranes.

Who loves to eat silicon? Microorganisms love it. Trichomonas, streptococcus, feeds on silicon with great pleasure. We almost always miss him physically. It is necessary to consume foods that contain silicon:
celery and horsetail - they lead in its content, it is found in asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, bell pepper, potatoes and other vegetables. The leaders in cereals are rice, oats, millet and barley.

As you can see, any of the listed factors can influence the start of the destruction of the body. Autoimmune diseases are serious diseases that have many different mechanisms of occurrence. Involved here:

Therefore, alternative medicine believes that no non-steroidal drug or hormone therapy There is no cure for this serious disease. Just relieve the symptoms, and the process of destruction will continue.

Also with autoimmune thyroiditis some nutritional aspects are important associated with protein intake.

Denatured protein is considered the most harmful at this moment, in simple terms - boiled (baked) meat, especially when taken after 14.00. There is a lack of enzymes in the body to digest them.

There is another factor. As soon as we have eaten meat, sausage or other product with denatured protein, the level of leukocytes (cells that protect our body) in the human blood increases to 200, 300 and more thousand, when the body normally contains 6-10 thousand. Why are there so many of them? The body tries to protect itself from poorly digested protein when it has not been broken down into amino acids. This is especially bad if a person is taking immunosuppressants, which inhibit the release of white blood cells from the bone marrow.

Therefore, people with an autoimmune disease can take meat from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., and then from 12 to 2 p.m., according to the biorhythms of the stomach and pancreas. Many people recommend during the treatment of exacerbations, switch to vegetable protein - walnuts, pine nuts, especially Brazil nuts. Having eaten 4 Brazil nuts, you can get your daily dose of selenium. It is especially recommended for men with sexual dysfunctions.

To alleviate the condition, it is possible to use food foil (it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect); it gives the effect of an energy blanket, which the Germans often use to relieve pain.

We wrap the neck (gland area) with foil at night, secure it - and in the morning it will be in holes. The condition will improve a lot.

A trivial one will help remove streptococcus tincture of calendula from the pharmacy - he is very afraid of her. It can be used not only externally, but also internally, for both adults and children. Dose - 1 drop per year of life. For an adult, 40 drops three times a day are enough, for small children - 1-2 drops.

For adults, drop it on water, for children - on a cracker and dry it naturally for three hours so that the alcohol evaporates. You can do it for future use and work with your child in this way, ridding him of streptococcus. Calendula works better than any antibiotic.

You can also buy at the pharmacy a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic, Citrosept, obtained from grapefruit seeds by Norwegian scientists. Use according to instructions.

Streptococcus is afraid of incense kerosene. The tincture works well walnuts using a special fraction of kerosene, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store. It's called Todikamp.

Application both local and internal. It is recommended to take 1 drop per 2 kg of weight 1-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, but start with 5 drops (there are instructions upon purchase). You can add it to the ointment or apply the drug itself to the pharynx, to the joints - where it lives.

It is also necessary to remove connective tissue that has formed scars as a result of long-term chronic inflammation. Enzyme preparations will help with this.

Why is the autoimmune process supported? Because antigens containing decayed thyroid cells circulate in the blood. Such patients are collected in private clinics, where they are treated with fasting. Passes in two weeks rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroiditis and other diseases.

Why does this happen: we didn’t eat protein, new antigens stopped being created in the blood, and the body coped with the load - it utilized all the old cells that circulated in the blood. Thus, the inflammatory process stopped - in just two weeks.

Therefore today good clinics who treat autoimmune diseases, practically no one uses anti-inflammatory drugs anymore. Patients are either put on fasting or fed amino acids and given enzyme preparations. That's all the treatment is. Next comes the restoration of the affected organ or system.

For those who, after reading the last paragraph, decided to start a hunger strike: this is not a simple hunger strike, it is a therapeutic one with the introduction of certain substances that will help stop the destruction of the body. Such a fast is carried out under the guidance of a specialist - otherwise your hemoglobin will drop, there will be stagnation of bile, exacerbation of the pancreas and other troubles.

Leeches have proven to work well against autoimmune processes - hirudotherapy. Leeches introduce about 200 drugs into the body, 6 very strong proteolytic enzymes, hirudotherapy greatly increases our electromagnetic field (in 40 minutes it sometimes increases tens of times).

These are the types of events that will definitely lead to effective results.. Cure of the autoimmune process will be better if you use the device invented by Bogdan Vladimirovich Gorodisky. This “SEM TESN” device can perform almost all the described measures to restore an organ affected by an autoimmune disease. You can find out the features of therapy using the SEM TESN device - an EHF device - by following the link.

Herbal medicine for autoimmune thyroiditis cannot replace the main treatment - this is what doctors think. The practice of alternative medicine suggests the opposite. But a professional phytoimmunologist should work here.
It is used in periods when the course of AIT goes into the following states:

  • eutheriosis – thyroid hormone levels are normal
  • subclinical hypothyroidism - the level of hormones T3 and T4 is normal, and thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH) slightly elevated

In this case, with the help of herbs, you can try to influence the mechanism of autoimmune aggression.

For these purposes, immunomodulator plants containing the iodine compound diiodotyrosine are applicable:

  • watercress
  • gorse
  • Icelandic moss and other lichens: parmelia, cladonia

It is worth noting that algae (fucus and kelp), rich in iodides, are contraindicated in the treatment of AIT, as they can provoke further development of the disease. Main principle Herbal treatment for this disease is to avoid herbs and foods that increase the iodine content in the body, causing its excess.

You can also use decoctions that contain:

  • meadowsweet (another name is meadowsweet)
  • sweet clover
  • powerful immunomodulator - echinacea

For thyroiditis, herbal treatment is often used to relieve individual symptoms. So, for constipation, flaxseed, Icelandic moss, nettle, soapwort, knotweed, marshmallow and mullein are added to decoctions. Strong laxative herbs (buckthorn, senna) are drunk separately.

The fees must include medicinal plants that help reduce viscosity and cholesterol in the blood:

  • mountain arnica
  • burdock roots
  • oat grass
  • dandelion roots
  • viburnum
  • raspberries
  • coltsfoot
  • evasive peony
  • sweet clover

And you can’t do without tonics. These include medicinal fruits and herbs growing on Far East, Altai and Siberia: aralia, eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea and ginseng.

Also used for autoimmune thyroiditis are: aquatic plants - duckweed, knotweed and cocklebur. But we should not forget, although herbal medicine sometimes works wonders, such treatment should not be perceived as a panacea.

Oil extracts are used for local application- light rubbing in the area where the gland is located. It’s very simple to do: take crushed grass mixture or mono-plant in equal proportions and the same amount vegetable oil. The extraction lasts a month in a warm and dark place. You can shake it. After a month, we express the oil and at night we do a pleasant massage of the thyroid gland, lubricating the neck with oil externally.

Most useful calendula oil- it perfectly relieves inflammation. Seed oil and celandine oil are also used.

Traditional medicine advises daily consumption of beetroot, carrot, lemon juice. Other juice mixtures are also used. See the recipes for their preparation below:

We always start with low dose- two teaspoons, and in the absence of negative phenomena, we increase their intake.

Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT)- chronic inflammation of the thyroid tissue, which has an autoimmune genesis and is associated with damage and destruction of the follicles and follicular cells of the gland. In typical cases, autoimmune thyroiditis has asymptomatic, only occasionally accompanied by an enlarged thyroid gland. Diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis is carried out taking into account the results clinical tests, Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, data from histological examination of material obtained as a result of fine-needle biopsy. Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis is carried out by endocrinologists. It consists of correcting the hormone-producing function of the thyroid gland and suppressing autoimmune processes.

The clinical picture of thyrotoxicosis in autoimmune thyroiditis is usually observed in the first years of development of the disease, is transient in nature and, as the functioning tissue of the thyroid gland atrophies, passes for some time into the euthyroid phase, and then into hypothyroidism.

Postpartum thyroiditis usually manifests as mild thyrotoxicosis at 14 weeks after birth. In most cases, fatigue, general weakness, and weight loss are observed. Sometimes thyrotoxicosis is significantly pronounced (tachycardia, feeling of heat, excessive sweating, tremors of the limbs, emotional lability, insomnia). The hypothyroid phase of autoimmune thyroiditis appears at 19 weeks after birth. In some cases, it is combined with postpartum depression.

Painless (silent) thyroiditis is expressed by mild, often subclinical thyrotoxicosis. Cytokine-induced thyroiditis is also not usually accompanied by severe thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism.

Diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis

It is quite difficult to diagnose AIT before the onset of hypothyroidism. Endocrinologists make the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis based on the clinical picture and laboratory data. The presence of autoimmune disorders in other family members confirms the likelihood of autoimmune thyroiditis.

Laboratory tests for autoimmune thyroiditis include:

  • general analysis blood- an increase in the number of lymphocytes is determined
  • immunogram– characterized by the presence of antibodies to thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, second colloid antigen, antibodies to thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland
  • determination of T3 and T4(total and free), TSH level in blood serum. An increased TSH level with a normal T4 level indicates subclinical hypothyroidism, an increased TSH level with a reduced T4 concentration indicates clinical hypothyroidism
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland- shows an increase or decrease in the size of the gland, a change in structure. The results of this study serve to complement the clinical picture and other laboratory results.
  • fine needle biopsy of the thyroid gland- allows you to identify a large number of lymphocytes and other cells characteristic of autoimmune thyroiditis. It is used when there is evidence of possible malignant degeneration of a thyroid nodule.

The diagnostic criteria for autoimmune thyroiditis are:

  • increased levels of circulating antibodies to the thyroid gland (AT-TPO);
  • detection of hypoechogenicity of the thyroid gland by ultrasound;
  • signs of primary hypothyroidism.

In the absence of at least one of these criteria, the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis is only probabilistic. Since an increase in the level of AT-TPO, or the hypoechogenicity of the thyroid gland by itself does not prove autoimmune thyroiditis, this does not allow establishing an accurate diagnosis. Treatment is indicated for the patient only in the hypothyroid phase, therefore, as a rule, there is no urgent need to make a diagnosis in the euthyroid phase.

Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis

Specific therapy for autoimmune thyroiditis has not been developed. Despite modern advances in medicine, endocrinology does not yet have effective and safe methods correction of autoimmune pathology of the thyroid gland, in which the process would not progress to hypothyroidism.

In the case of the thyrotoxic phase of autoimmune thyroiditis, the use of drugs that suppress the function of the thyroid gland - thyrostatics (thiamazole, carbimazole, propylthiouracil) is not recommended, since in this process there is no hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. At severe symptoms for cardiovascular disorders, beta-blockers are used.

If hypothyroidism manifests itself, replacement therapy with thyroid hormone preparations - levothyroxine (L-thyroxine) - is prescribed individually. It is carried out under the control of the clinical picture and TSH levels in the blood serum.

Glucocorticoids (prednisolone) are indicated only for simultaneous autoimmune thyroiditis with subacute thyroiditis, which is often observed in the autumn-winter period. To reduce the titer of autoantibodies, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used: indomethacin, diclofenac. They also use drugs to correct immunity, vitamins, and adaptogens. In case of hypertrophy of the thyroid gland and pronounced compression of the mediastinal organs, surgical treatment is performed.


The prognosis for the development of autoimmune thyroiditis is satisfactory. With timely treatment, the process of destruction and decrease in thyroid function can be significantly slowed down and long-term remission of the disease can be achieved. Satisfactory health and normal performance of patients in some cases persist for more than 15 years, despite short-term exacerbations of AIT.

Autoimmune thyroiditis and elevated titers of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO) should be considered as risk factors for future hypothyroidism. In the case of postpartum thyroiditis, the likelihood of its recurrence after next pregnancy in women it is 70%. About 25-30% of women with postpartum thyroiditis subsequently develop chronic autoimmune thyroiditis with the transition to persistent hypothyroidism.


If autoimmune thyroiditis is detected without dysfunction of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to monitor the patient in order to detect and timely compensate for the manifestations of hypothyroidism as early as possible.

Women who are carriers of AT-TPO without changes in thyroid function are at risk of developing hypothyroidism if they become pregnant. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition and function of the thyroid gland both early stages pregnancy and after childbirth.

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