How dangerous is a cold on the lips for our body and how to treat it correctly? Treatment of cold acne on the face How long does it take for a cold on the face to go away

A cold on the face in the form of small transparent sores with liquid is nothing more than herpes. The virus can infect any area of ​​the skin, as well as the human mucosa. Often the herpes virus appears on the face, namely in. May be accompanied by pain and other symptoms. Therefore, you should understand in more detail the herpetic infection on the face.

The clinical features of the herpes virus may depend on a number of different factors. These include the type of pathogen, the immune capacity of a particular person, the type of infection, as well as previous before infection and illness.

The cause of herpes is decreased immunity

Herpes can appear on the face from various reasons. But in order to arouse it, a person will need to significantly reduce and worsen immune system. This is due to the fact that if the virus lives in the human body, it will not manifest itself as long as the immunity is strong. The main causes of herpes on the face and decreased immunity include:

  • Age, the disease manifests itself more often in children and old people.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stressful situations, tension.
  • Hypothermia of the face area.
  • Close contact with people who have an active herpes virus.
  • Immune system diseases or blood poisoning.

Here are the main causes of herpes on the face, but you need to know how to treat herpes on the face in the first hours of its manifestation. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself in detail.


Often the face appears only in and such a virus belongs to the first type. But the infection can also appear on other parts of the face, for example, on the beard, on the forehead, and there is also herpes on the cheeks. In complex cases of the disease, the virus spreads throughout the entire oral cavity.

What does herpes look like on the face? Clinically, it is a small group of small blisters with fluid in the middle. There is noticeable inflammatory redness around the formations, which resembles a rim. All inflammations of the facial skin are accompanied by itching, burning and possibly even pain.

Manifestation of herpes in the form of blisters

People who have not previously suffered from a similar disease should know the main stages and symptoms of herpes on the face. This will identify the virus and immediately begin treatment of herpes on the face.

The stages of disease development include

  1. A burning sensation and slight tingling of the affected areas of the skin begin to occur; patients experience a loss of strength, malaise, and sometimes an increase in temperature.
  2. Next, swelling begins to appear in those areas of the skin that were previously tingling. After which bubbles with liquid in the middle appear, with a diameter of 2 to 5 mm. The blisters are often very itchy.
  3. The fluid in the ulcers turns to pus.
  4. The swelling goes away a little, but not all of it, after which the ulcers burst and dry out.
  5. Then a skin crust appears in place of the blisters and the wounds heal under it.

Herpes heals and crusts over

It will take about a week to get rid of herpes on the face. It is recommended to begin the fight against the disease in the first hours of symptoms. This will help cure colds before they even appear. Treatment of herpes on the face, on initial stage, should be carried out with the help of (Acyclovir or Famciclovir). The ointment is able to quickly penetrate the virus cells and immediately kill them. Otherwise, the patient will have to go through all stages of treatment, and what’s worse, the virus may appear all over the face. As a rule, facial disease always appears in the same place.

For healthy people, the main danger lies in wounds that heal. This is what a healthy person can easily become infected with. Do not scratch wounds that itch, as the infection can easily spread to other areas of the face.
Having studied the main symptoms of herpes on the face, you can move on to the question of how to get rid of herpes.

It is impossible to completely cure a cold on the face in the form of herpes. This is due to the fact that there are no drugs that can cure herpes forever. Any treatment method can only provide a temporary result, and also allows you to remove active manifestations of the virus. But the virus remains in the body until the end of a person’s life, albeit in a passive mode. In this state, it is not dangerous and does not reproduce.

Zovirax for the treatment of herpes

So how to treat a cold on your face? To achieve this, the following therapy and prevention should be used:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle (eat normally, sleep, exercise);
  • It is forbidden to treat a cold and squeeze out tumors on the face at this time. They have very a large number of viruses that can be easily transferred to another part of the body;
  • , quickly, brilliant green or alcohol. They should be applied to the cold until a crust appears.
  • Vaseline and baby creams can be used to moisturize a crusted or dry area of ​​skin;
  • As pharmaceutical drugs, it is necessary to treat herpes on the cheek and other areas of the face using: Gepevir, Acyclovir, Zovirax;
  • If the form of the cold is more advanced, then tablets can be used: Acyclovir, Zovirax and Gerpevir.
  • Anyone should definitely undergo additional treatment by boosting the immune system. To do this, you can take vitamin C, Imunofan, as well as echinacea-based products;
  • The course of treatment also includes other drugs, which may be prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of herpes on the face at home should only take place with the consent of the doctor, and also as a supplement to traditional ones. cannot influence the infection as strongly as pharmaceutical drugs, therefore they are used to speed up recovery and relieve symptoms. How to quickly get rid of herpes:

  • It is recommended to use propolis tincture. To do this you need to mix 20 grams. propolis and 50 ml of alcohol and leave for a week in the refrigerator. During this period, you will need to shake the container every day. The finished product should be applied to inflamed areas. In addition, using the tincture internally will help quickly cure herpes on the face and other parts of the body. It is diluted in water in a dosage of 20 drops. The product is used once daily;

Propolis tincture works great against the herpes virus.

  • Ginger juice has proven itself to be excellent. IN fresh juice You should wet the cotton wool and apply it to the inflamed area of ​​the skin. This compress should be kept for 15 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. Possible burning of the affected skin;
  • Can be cooked homemade ointment, which will quickly cure herpes on the cheek or in the mouth area. You need to combine 2 cloves of chopped garlic, 1 tsp each. flour, honey and instant coffee and add 2 tbsp. natural yogurt. Having combined the components, the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day to all affected parts.

Such recipes are very helpful in coping with the disease. Other products have also proven themselves well: essential oil fir, cedar, eucalyptus and various types of conifers. Oils can be applied to inflamed skin, but they should be combined with vegetable oil in a 1:2 ratio. If the skin is oily, then the oil can not be diluted, but apply esters only to the affected skin.

The herpes virus on the forehead and other areas may occur in the form of a relapse, in which case the symptoms will not be so obvious and will not last so long. Sometimes the disease becomes chronic. Therefore, additional rashes may form on the face while the old rash has not gone away. But using the information from this material, you can quickly cope with the infection by learning how to treat herpes on the face.

All are presented here possible methods how to quickly cure a cold, but in order to prevent relapses and to prevent complications, you should maintain hygiene, lead a correct and healthy lifestyle, and also take different drugs and traditional medicine products that help strengthen the immune system. When the first signs of infection appear, treatment should begin and not wait until inflammation and rashes begin to appear.

More on this topic:

Enough common problem A problem that many people face is the so-called cold on the face. It brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but can even lead to serious consequences. Given the high relevance of the issue, such a seemingly banal disease cannot be ignored.

And although almost everyone who is not familiar with medicine calls the disease a “cold,” in essence it is completely different. In fact, rashes on the face are a form of herpetic infection. Viruses from the Herpes family infect 90% of the world's population, which is why this problem has become so urgent. And most cases are due to herpes simplex, which affects the skin and mucous membranes, in particular on the face.

The source of infection becomes a sick person. The pathogen is found in the contents of the vesicles and saliva, which means it can be transmitted through kissing and household contact (using towels and dishes). It is not excluded airborne– while coughing or sneezing. The degree of infection is largely determined by the social and cultural conditions of a person's life.

When a virus enters the body herpes simplex begins to multiply in epithelial cells. Then it penetrates the ganglion along the nerve fibers trigeminal nerve, where it is located long time in a sleeping state. In general, herpes or “colds” on the skin of the face belong to the group latent infections With chronic course, which are accompanied by periods of exacerbations and prolonged remissions. Activation of the virus and the start of its replication are observed under various adverse effects:

  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Physical fatigue.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Menstruation.

Thus, the central place in the mechanism of occurrence of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes is occupied by a decrease in local and general reactivity of the body. And in people with immunodeficiencies, the process is much more severe and often in widespread forms. In modern realities, often recurrent herpes can be considered a marker of HIV infection. Therefore, you should not take too lightly even such a banal disease as a “cold” on the chin.

The cause of herpes on the face lies in infection with a virus. It remains in an inactive state for a long time, and manifests itself when the body’s reactivity decreases.


Unfortunately, there is not yet a unified classification of herpetic lesions, which is associated with the variety of clinical forms of the disease. The virus affects many parts of the body and organs. In addition to rashes on the face, herpes causes other conditions:

  • Gingivitis and stomatitis.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Felon.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Meningoencephalitis.

Thus, the disease covers mucocutaneous, visceral and neurological lesions. Herpes can also be generalized (with immunodeficiencies). Primary infection almost always occurs in acute form, and relapses indicate that the process is chronic. Based on the severity of the manifestations, the disease is mild, moderate severity and heavy.


Herpetic skin lesions often occur with obvious signs. But with high immune tension, the infection can be subclinical, when it is diagnosed only by an increase in titers of antiviral antibodies. The typical picture of the disease is quite characteristic. First, in adults and children, on the cheek, lip, chin or near the entrance to the nose:

  • Feeling of fullness.
  • Burning and soreness.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling.

And after a few hours or a day, rashes appear in this place. On a hyperemic and edematous base, small bubbles (vesicles) with transparent contents appear. They appear as single or grouped elements that tend to merge. The bubble cap soon bursts, revealing erosions. The latter heal, becoming covered with a crust, epithelization proceeds without scars. The same rashes often occur on the mucous membranes of the mouth or conjunctiva. The general condition is not affected, but children may experience symptoms of intoxication (weakness, low-grade fever).

If a “cold” appears on your face, then you can safely assume a decrease in immunity in one form or another. And if in some patients the body’s defenses are weakened due to a banal respiratory infection, then in others there are very serious reasons for this. Long-term, widespread and often recurrent herpes becomes a reliable indicator of health problems requiring medical intervention.

The symptoms of herpes are quite typical. Its central component is typical rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Additional diagnostics

Before deciding how to get rid of a “cold” on the lip, it is necessary to clearly establish its origin. To do this, a number of laboratory tests are carried out:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Blood biochemistry (immunogram).
  3. Smears from the contents of vesicles (microscopy, PCR).
  4. Serological analysis (ELISA, RN, RSK).

First of all, you need to identify the presence of the herpes simplex virus in the body - directly or indirectly. But you will also have to carry out differential diagnosis with other diseases, for example, chicken pox or herpes zoster, multiforme exudative erythema, vesicular rickettsiosis.


Of course, everyone wants to get rid of a “cold” on their face. But for complete cure it is necessary to get rid of the virus in cells and nerve ganglia. And this task is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. In clinical practice, antiviral drugs based on:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Valacyclovir.
  • Famciclovir.
  • Panciclovir.

They have good effectiveness against herpes simplex viruses. For primary infection, therapy with oral forms (tablets) is indicated, and relapses in children and adults are treated with topical agents (ointments, cream). They help kill the virus inside the epithelium. The most common ointment for “colds” on the face is called Herpevir, Zovirax or Valtrex. Bubbles can be drying antiseptics(iodine solution or brilliant green) until a crust forms on them.

But local therapy will not have sufficient effect without influencing the body's defense mechanisms. It is necessary to treat a “cold” on the face with the use of drugs that increase the body’s resistance. These include immunocorrectors:

  1. Interferons (Laferobion, Viferon).
  2. Homeopathic (Anaferon, Aflubin).
  3. Vitamins (ascorbic acid).
  4. Herbal (Echinacea tincture, Imupret).

Do not squeeze out the bubbles or tear off the crusts that appear during the healing of erosions on the cheek or lip. This can lead to the spread of herpes to nearby areas and infection with secondary bacterial flora. Patients are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle: hardening, proper nutrition, exclusion bad habits. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely cure herpes; it is only possible to suppress its reproduction and put the disease into a state of long-term remission.

When faced with herpes, it is important not to delay visiting a doctor. The specialist will tell you what a “cold” on the face is and how to treat this condition. And to obtain a pronounced effect, the patient should strictly follow all recommendations.

The concept of a cold unites a wide group of acute respiratory infections. Diseases can be caused various viruses or bacteria, but are always accompanied similar symptoms: runny nose and nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, weakness and general malaise. Treatment of respiratory infections includes the administration of antiviral or antibacterial drugs and symptomatic medications that eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. Ointments for colds are effective remedies that help alleviate the condition and speed up recovery.

  • from a runny nose;
  • warming.

To treat a runny nose

The pharmaceutical market offers an extensive list local funds for the treatment of rhinitis, which may differ in composition, pharmacological effects, indications, contraindications. The action of some drugs is aimed at combating infectious microorganisms that cause the disease, while others effectively eliminate its symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition.

For a runny nose the following can be used:

  1. Oxolinic ointment. A product based on oxolin has a pronounced antiviral effect, suppresses the development of the herpes virus and other microorganisms. To treat viral rhinitis, the nasal passages are treated with the drug 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. You can also use Oksolin to prevent influenza and colds (2-3 times a day for several weeks) during a flu epidemic or in contact with a sick person.
  2. Pinosol. Combined remedy contains pine and eucalyptus oils, thymol, levomenthol, vitamin E. It has a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, suppresses the development of certain bacteria and fungal flora, reduces swelling and inflammation. Used for acute runny nose, in therapy chronic forms rhinitis (except allergic). Directions for use: 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  3. Evamenol. The product based on eucalyptus oil and levomenthol has a vasoconstrictor, local anesthetic and antibacterial effect. Used to treat acute or exacerbation chronic rhinitis. Apply to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages 2-3 times a day.
  4. Vibrocil. The drug based on dimethindene and phenylephrine has a pronounced vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect. Used in treatment various forms rhinitis, including colds, with the exception of atrophic rhinitis. Treatment of the nasal mucosa is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Warming ointments

Warming ointments for colds can be used from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear. They improve blood circulation in tissues, facilitate nasal breathing, thin mucus and promote its removal, and speed up recovery. Warming agents can be rubbed into the lungs massage movements to the back and neck area (for coughs and sore throats), apply to the wings of the nose (for rhinitis), use for inhalation.

Frequently appointed representatives of this group are:

  • Balm Vicks Active. The medicine contains eucalyptus and turpentine oils, camphor, levomenthol. It has a warming, secretolytic, antiseptic effect. Helps reduce cough, facilitates nasal breathing. A warming remedy for colds is used in the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age.
  • Suprima-Plus. A product based on camphor, thymol, menthol, eucalyptus and turpentine oils has an irritating and distracting, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Used 2-3 times a day; contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.
  • Roztiran. The product contains menthol, thymol, camphor, fir, eucalyptus and nutmeg oil. Has an expectorant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Warming ointment for colds is used 2-4 times a day; it is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

Attention! Warming agents for colds in adults and children should be used with caution, preferably after medical consultation. Despite their harmless composition, the drugs have a number of contraindications and can cause allergic reactions, and if used incorrectly, even skin burns.

List of effective ointments for colds in children

It is also possible to treat a cold in a child using local agents that have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and local antiseptic effects.

IN pediatric practice The same medications for the common cold are used as for adults: Oxolin, Pinosol, Evamenol are prescribed for children over 2 years of age, Vibrocil - from 6 years of age. For children over one year old, Viferon ointment can be used to treat respiratory infections, and gel can be used to prevent influenza.

Warming ointments

You can warm up and alleviate the symptoms of the disease in children over 3 years old with the same medications that are used in the treatment of adults. But for younger patients, other warming drugs need to be selected taking into account their age.

Effective warming medications for colds for children under 3 years of age:

  1. Pulmex Baby. Anti-cold ointment based on rosemary and eucalyptus oils, Peruvian balsam has an expectorant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Directions for use: twice a day for children from 6 months to 3 years, three times a day for children over 3 years of age.
  2. Eucabalus. The product based on pine and eucalyptus oils has an anti-inflammatory, mild antispasmodic, expectorant effect. Also suitable for the treatment of respiratory infections and cough in children over 6 months.
  3. Turpentine. Cold ointment based on turpentine oil has an antiseptic, local irritant and warming effect. Prescribed for children over 2 years of age. Effective for acute respiratory infections accompanied by a cough, chronic diseases organs of the respiratory system.

In addition to the above, you can use the following medications:

  • balm Golden Star(asterisk) – from 2 years;
  • Doctor Mom, Doctor Theiss Eucalyptus Balm, Combiflu, Badger - from 3 years.

Attention! Warming preparations should not be rubbed into the heart area or used at elevated body temperatures.

List of the best ointments for colds and acne

Often, with a respiratory infection, cold-like, inflamed pimples appear on the face or body. Most often they are localized on the chin, nose and area ears. Deep subcutaneous rashes are painful, have a bright red color, take a long time to heal, and are often complicated by purulent inflammation. To treat colds and acne in the nose, face and body, ointments with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components are used.

Effective ointments from cold acne on the face:

  1. Vishnevsky;
  2. Ichthyol;
  3. Salicylic;
  4. Streptocide;
  5. Syntomycin;
  6. Tetracycline;
  7. Levomekol.

In addition to ointments for colds and acne on the body and face, you can use:

  • fir oil (treat inflamed areas every 2 hours);
  • fresh aloe leaf juice (apply 4-5 times a day);
  • solutions of salicylic or boric acid (applied pointwise to inflamed areas several times a day).

Very often, against the background of the disease, herpes develops - vesicular rashes filled with transparent contents, most often localized on the lips. Its appearance is always accompanied by severe itching and redness of the affected area.

The following are used to treat herpes:

  1. Acyclovir. The drug based on acyclovir has a pronounced antiviral effect, prevents the appearance of new herpetic eruptions, reduces itching, and promotes healing. It is used from the moment the first symptoms appear, applied to the affected area 4-5 times a day. Sometimes, during treatment, local adverse reactions– burning, soreness. At long-term use Viruses develop resistance to the active component of the drug. Analogues of acyclovir: Vivorax, Zovirax, Acyclostad.
  2. Fenistil Pentsivir. A drug based on penciclovir with pronounced antiviral activity against the herpes virus. Apply up to 7 times a day with an interval of 2 hours. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
  3. Herpferon. An interferon-based product has an antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain and itching. Apply to the affected area up to 5 times a day for 6-10 days.
  4. Panavir. The drug based on plant polysaccharides has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, effectively eliminating the signs of herpes. Apply up to 5 times a day for 4-5 days. The medicine is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Important! Anti-herpes medications should be applied to the affected area in a thin layer, without rubbing.

The drugs listed in the review quickly alleviate the condition and accelerate recovery from various respiratory infections, and prevent infection during epidemics. Used to prevent colds antiviral drugs, and therapy is carried out with warming drugs. But it is important to understand that for children and adults, warming ointments for colds are prescribed as aids, complementing the main therapy. Self-use local medicines may not be enough for recovery.

If you have a cold on your face, then many things become inaccessible. It hurts to smile, you can't kiss, and waiting for it to go away on its own takes too long. Where does this unpleasant skin manifestation come from, and how can you get rid of it? Unfortunately, we are not talking about a cosmetic problem at all.

What does a cold look like and what is it?

Once you sit in a draft, get a little cold, or get caught in the rain, painful blisters filled with clear liquid. Touching becomes painful, severe swelling appears, and these discomfort last quite a long time. On the face, a cold at first looks like a small pimple, more often - several bubbles nearby. But soon they turn into a painful ulcer.

A cold is the name given to the external manifestations of herpes, and in most cases we are talking exclusively about symptomatic treatment. The herpes virus is present in the bodies of most people, but if the immune system is normal, then external manifestations you can't wait. That is why herpetic sores are called colds - the body, weakened by hypothermia, is no longer able to contain the virus that is constantly present in it, and now you can already notice the characteristic blisters on the lip.

How to cure a cold on your face

If a cold has already appeared, then you need to worry about it not getting bigger. The problem is the annoying debilitating pain, which is not so strong as to be exhausting, but at the same time your hands are reaching out to rub the painful blisters. They are easily injured, infection gets into the wound, and even more painful swelling can quickly form. Because of this, a small ulcer can quickly increase in size and “spread” to neighboring tissues.

A cold that is pronounced on the face requires intensive symptomatic treatment. Work great combined methods therapy - it is necessary to prevent infection from entering the wound, to reduce if possible painful sensations and help the body cope with the raging virus. For this purpose, they are used as folk remedies, and pharmaceuticals. For herpetic conjunctivitis, antiviral eye drops are prescribed.

The most effective folk remedies

If a cold is already noticeable on the face, then lotions made from warm tea, black or green, help perfectly. You can take a tea bag or moisten a piece of cotton wool with the tea leaves. You need to check that the tea is warm and without sugar. Tannins and tannins contained in tea reduce pain and relieve itching, soothe the skin and slightly dry the blisters. Oil helps a lot tea tree, infusion of chamomile.

Unappetizing, but very effective remedy - earwax. Fresh sulfur is applied to the itchy area even before a pronounced ulcer appears. Surprisingly, after such a procedure, a cold may not appear at all. Ear secretions contain sulfur and silicon, these substances prevent the manifestation of herpes.

Honey and propolis, which are often recommended as a panacea, can only be used if there is no allergy to bee products. You shouldn't put toothpaste on a cold; it can cause allergic reaction and seriously worsen the situation. Although toothpaste may bring temporary relief, it is such an unpredictable remedy that it is better to give preference traditional methods treatment.

Modern medicine

Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of antiviral ointments aimed specifically at eliminating the external manifestations of herpes. Acyclovir and Zovirax creams and other drugs of a similar type work best at the initial stage of skin rashes caused by the herpes virus.

If your face hurts due to a cold, you need to take into account the localization of the sensations. A characteristic “tickling” sensation along the edges of the lips or on the mucous membrane of the nostrils with high degree Probabilities point specifically to herpes. If you have any doubts or unusual location of pain symptoms, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment.

Cold on the face of a child

The main problem with treating children is that children scratch sores, introduce infection, and the problem worsens significantly. While the child cannot clearly communicate exactly where and how it hurts, the disease can be recognized and diagnosed only after a cold has appeared on the face. In this case, parents simply do not have time to apply preventive measures and engage in early treatment.

To remove sores as quickly as possible, you need to prevent scratching of the herpes as much as possible, or at least prevent infection. To do this, you need to use pharmaceutical products that not only eliminate skin manifestations, but also relieve obsessive itching, which causes the child to scratch his face.

Other cold symptoms

It's not always about herpes. If the face swells during a cold, and the pain is localized not along the edges of the mucous membranes, but on the cheek, temple and clearly “radiates” into the eye, then perhaps there is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This serious illness, which can become distinctly chronic, arises as a result of various negative impacts, from injury and infection to hypothermia, aggravated by the herpes virus.

Hypothermia often leads to exacerbations of various inflammatory processes, usually people say that it’s blown, and this explains literally everything: conjunctivitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, acne. The cause is not the cold itself, it is simply an additional provoking factor that reveals an existing problem.

Where else does a cold happen?

Happy are the people who are under the misconception that a cold can “jump up” exclusively on the lip or under the nose. Much more unpleasant is genital herpes, which is caused by a type 2 virus. The mucous membranes of the genital organs and adjacent tissues are also susceptible viral infection, as well as facial ones. Genital herpes can be transmitted through unprotected sex, so you need to understand your responsibility to your partner.

Herpetic rashes can appear on any part of the body, it’s just that the mucous membranes are the first to react to an increase in the concentration of the virus in the body, and if you don’t pay attention to this and don’t take care of the general condition of the immune system, the condition will worsen.

Preventive measures

You can become infected with herpes in any way: both sexually and simple household contacts. This is why it is difficult to find a person who is not a carrier of the virus. But being a carrier does not mean getting sick, and if the immune system is strong enough, you may not experience symptoms of the disease. To avoid unpleasant skin rashes, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and give up bad habits.

Self-medication can become more dangerous than no treatment at all. You get a cold on your face - how to treat it? Thousands of people ask themselves this question and, instead of visiting a doctor, begin to uncontrollably take antiviral drugs. This can have a positive impact and the likelihood skin manifestations is reduced to a minimum. But the virus at the same time becomes resistant to medications, and in the event of an exacerbation, it will not only become more difficult to select therapy, but the immune system may be seriously weakened.

If herpes appears on the lips more than four to five times a year, painful blisters and sores appear on the genitals or simply on the surface of the skin, then you need to undergo a full medical examination to rule out diseases with similar symptoms, and also make an appointment with an immunologist. Complex treatment will allow you to level out the amount of virus in the body and achieve serious improvement.

In other cases it will be sufficient to use antiviral ointments when initial symptoms: characteristic itching and burning in the place where groups of blisters will soon appear. Early use of herpes ointments prevents the appearance of skin rashes.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason for the appearance of acne on the face is weakened immune system.

That is why they mainly appear in the spring, when the body lacks vitamins and other essential microelements, and in the fall, when daylight hours are noticeably reduced.

Pimples appear:

  • when a person is sick with ARVI, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.;
  • when untreated chronic diseases digestive and endocrine systems;
  • during periods of disruption hormonal balance body;
  • for stress, lack of sleep, nervous disorders.

Pimples may appear on different parts faces.

On the nose

From the tip to the wings, pimples appear as a result increased sweating, when a person, wiping sweat from his face with his hand, brings dirt into an already existing small pimple and it increases significantly in size.

On the lips

Sometimes foci of herpes infection, which also becomes active during periods of hypothermia, can be confused with them.

In the ear

They appear as a result of a draft (it can simply blow near an open window on public transport) and are very painful.

On the chin

Cold pimples are easy to confuse with regular pimples. They can appear as a reaction to cosmetics, pollution, excessive sweating, and for the reasons listed above.


One of the causes of acne is fungus.

Impetigo is a vesicular-purulent rash that looks exactly like red, painful spots.

Its appearance is mainly caused by staphylococcus or beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

Treatment of fungal diseases starts with strict diet. Chocolate, coffee, soda, nuts are contraindicated for patients; vitamin complexes and immunomodulators are prescribed.

Local alcohol treatment or treatment with brilliant green or fucorcin is used.

Fungal diseases develop with at different speeds, antibiotics are often used in their treatment.


A boil, which can easily be mistaken for a cold pimple, often occurs due to staphylococcus or streptococcus entering the hair follicle.

If the boil has formed close to passing blood vessels, for example in the ear, then its rupture is simply life-threatening. Because blood vessels on the face are sent to the brain, and the outpouring of pus can occur inside, then infection in the blood usually leads to the most severe consequences.

This is fraught with inflammation of the soft tissues of the head and thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and infection of the brain.


If it disguises itself as pimples herpes virus, then it is treated with appropriate immunomodulators and special ointments: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Pancevir.

It is almost impossible to cure herpes, but you can reduce the frequency of rashes on the face by simply playing sports, hardening yourself, and improving your immunity.

Disturbances in the body

If acne appears as a result of disruption of the digestive system, endocrine, gynecological problems, then cure of the underlying disease also gives a cosmetic effect.

As a rule, after recovery, acne also disappears.

In any case, treatment should begin from the very beginning drink vitamin complexes, which are now widely available in pharmacies.


A variety of dermatitis can also be easily confused with colds.

To get rid of them, you need to identify the allergen and eliminate it from the environment.

Long-term chronic dermatitis is treated with hormonal drugs.

Plus, cancerous basal cell carcinomas can be mistaken for acne. Therefore, visiting a doctor is mandatory.

How to get rid of cold acne on the face?

  • During the morning hygiene procedures you need to use special ones for your face gentle remedies and tonics.
  • Every time the skin on your face sweats or becomes dirty, you need to wipe it with special antibacterial wipes.
  • You can't get too cold, in case of oncoming gusts of wind, you need to wrap your face in a scarf, collar or pashmina.
  • Diet - you will have to give up spicy, fried, flour, and sweet foods.
  • Daily baths with sea salt will significantly reduce the inflammatory process.

The cause of acne will be determined by a doctor who will prescribe necessary tests and will send you for consultation to related specialists.

In parallel with general treatment of the body and increasing immunity need to start local treatment skin.

Pimples can be smeared with triclosan or ointments based on salicylic acid. “Bepanten” and “Bepanten plus” are perfect for these purposes. When acne first appears bepanten will quickly stop the inflammatory process.

A wide variety of masks will help, moisturizing, nourishing, and increasing skin regeneration.


Excellent for cauterizing the skin. Iodine kills bacteria immediately, but is harmful to sensitive skin.


A universal antiseptic that protects against all bacteria.


Penetrates well into the skin, you can use it to make compresses and lotions.

Boric acid

Some people use boric acid for cauterization, but it must be used carefully; some people have individual intolerance.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment, which is common in medicine, helps well. It is suitable for those who can put up with the smell of tar for a while.

Sold in pharmacies special creams for cold acne - for example, Acyclovir or Lacri. Required in autumn and spring need to take a course of vitamins.

Masks from healing mud or clay. They are usually sold in sachets with a pre-determined single dose and are easy to apply. The clay should be kept on for about a quarter of an hour. inflamed area. You can find it in pharmacies special patch against colds and acne. This patch is applied to the affected area overnight. To urgently relieve swelling from a huge pimple on the face, for example, before work, they will help ordinary nasal drops. A few drops on the inflamed area will help relieve swelling and reduce the size of the pimple. If a pimple has formed right on your nose, this will help. interferon instillation- this will increase local immunity. There is a proven folk remedy for treating purulent acne with sulfur. The match is wetted with water and applied to the affected area.

A cold on the face, or as it is also called the herpes virus, appears in the body when the immune system is weakened. The right treatment will help you cope with the disease in just a few days. But if the herpes virus often appears on the face, then you should consult a doctor. How you can properly treat a cold on your face at home will be discussed in this article. It must be remembered that the herpes virus is in the body of every person, but it only manifests itself when the immune system suffers. And at this moment a cold “pops up” on the lips: unpleasant and itchy blisters that make the face unsightly and cause discomfort. This is where you will need remedies that can cure a cold.

If you intend to cure your cold sore on your face as soon as possible, visit your GP or dermatologist. The specialist will prescribe antiviral drugs and determine the prescription, timing and quantity for taking the medicine. Treatment of the herpes virus requires due attention, since this disease manifests itself repeatedly with a more severe rash on the skin.

Can be purchased special ointment"Acyclovir" and treat the affected skin areas with it. Use it three times a day until all symptoms disappear. If there is no improvement, it means that the virus has become resistant to the drug used.

Apply to affected areas around lips fir oil. Propolis tincture is perfect. Natural ingredients work well against colds on the face. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

A proven remedy is toothpaste. Before going to bed, apply some mint toothpaste to the sore. At first the sensations will seem unpleasant, but the pimples will begin to dry out and heal quickly.

Vitamin C helps in the fight against the virus, you can drink it vitamin complex or eat citrus fruits (lemons, oranges) daily. Sometimes your doctor prescribes immunomodulators.

How to treat a cold on the face so that the herpes virus does not appear for a long time. There is only one answer - strengthen your immune system. To do this, you can drink tincture of Eleutherococcus. You can brew a tincture of medicinal herbs: juniper, bird cherry, mint. Brew a spoonful of the herb with a glass of boiling water, and take half a glass 4 times a day, the course of treatment is a month.

Chamomile infusion (1 teaspoon per glass) will help cure colds on the lips. Strain the resulting broth, add a spoonful of 10% propolis tincture, mix it all thoroughly, and take. This medicinal tea is drunk 2 times a day. They can also treat the infected area.

Mint lotions, or rather its decoction, can quickly cure a cold on the lips. Pour one tablespoon of mint leaves into a glass of boiling water and set on steam bath for 25 minutes. Strain the finished broth, and apply lotions to the affected areas every hour using cotton swabs soaked in warm broth. Can be used fresh leaves mint, at the rate of 2 tablespoons of leaves per glass of water.

A cold appeared on the face

The appearance of a cold on the face is quite common. During the cold season, the immune system is weakened, and the body cannot always effectively fight viruses and bacteria on its own. As a result, a cold appears on the face.

The consequences of a cold on the face are often quite painful pimples. This explains the need for treatment colds. Weakening of the immune system is associated with the possibility of the herpes virus entering the body.

Types of colds on the face

Cold pimples look like purulent redness on the skin. At the first stage of their occurrence, redness of the skin appears, and the site of the pimple becomes noticeably thicker in comparison with the surrounding areas. At this moment there is no abscess on the surface and the place looks like inflammation under the skin. After a while it appears strong pain when touched.

Cold pimples can be located in the nose and appear after prolonged exposure to cold, hypothermia and sweating. When you lick your lips in the wind, pimples may appear on your lips. A draft may cause acne in the ears.

Causes of colds on the face

Colds on the face most often appear during the off-season, when there are sharp changes in ambient temperature. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is the fact that cold pimples can remain on the skin for quite a long time and not heal. In addition, sometimes they leave scars and unsightly scars. Thus images sudden change weather conditions can be considered the cause of colds on the face. Among the others possible reasons This phenomenon can be distinguished:

  • weakening of human immunity during the cold season;
  • action low temperatures, cold wind and severe frosts;
  • consequences of stress suffered by a person;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • prolonged exposure to drafts.

In order to understand how to eliminate a cold on the face, it is imperative to establish for what reason it arose.

How to get rid of a cold on your face

It is best to prevent the appearance of a cold on the face than to deal with it. To do this, during the cold season, you should provide high-quality facial protection with the help of nourishing creams, and you also need to strengthen your immune system with the help of multivitamins. You need to dress warmly and it is better not to appear in the cold unless necessary. If a cold does appear on your face, there is no need to comb the cold pimples and squeeze them out.

If the pimple from a cold has not yet matured, squeezing it will only ruin the whole situation. In this case, it is best to apply a targeted application of external treatments to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Face mask for colds

Wearing a cold mask on your face has proven effective against colds. correct use. This is ensured by compliance with the following recommendations:

  • the mask must be well secured and tightly protect the mouth and nose;
  • It is best not to touch it with your hands unnecessarily, but if you absolutely need to remove the mask, your hands should be washed with soap or lubricated with alcohol;
  • if the mask is damp, it should be replaced;
  • masks are disposable and should not be reused;
  • Once used, the mass must be thrown away.

Often, instead of masks, improvised means are used: scarves, scarves, fabrics to cover the mouth and nose. Their practicality is significantly lower than that of a mask.

Facial cold remedy

There are many remedies to eliminate colds on the face. In particular, this can be said about vitamin complexes. Their use allows you to qualitatively strengthen your immune system and prevent the development of colds on your face. A competent doctor can indicate the required vitamin complex.

This remedy is recommended for eliminating colds on the face. The skin is prepared by using alcohol or regular washing. After this, iodine is applied to the affected areas. Application is done using a cotton pad. The rapid penetration of iodine into the depths of the skin guarantees the elimination of bacteria. In this case, the procedure should be performed carefully, since this can damage the upper layers of the skin with iodine. To do this, you need to use Panthenol after half an hour. The whole procedure is repeated in the morning and evening.

Cold on the face, how to treat?

  • lubricate the cold with Zovirax or Acyclovir ointments three times a day;
  • Apply fir oil to the area of ​​the cold on your face every two hours;
  • if there is severe itching and inflammation, you can use toothpaste, it is applied to the skin at the site of the lesion and after complete drying it is completely eliminated;
  • It is recommended to take vitamin C in the daily amount every day;
  • if pimples have formed under the skin, Vishnevsky ointment helps;
  • Iodine is used to cauterize acne before going to bed;
  • Aloe juice is used up to five times a day to lubricate the affected skin areas, which reduces acne in size and eliminates inflammation.

If external treatments do not help, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. With its help, you can select immunomodulatory agents that strengthen the immune system and prevent the further formation of colds on the face.


A cold appears due to the herpes virus, which manifests itself when the body is hypothermic and the immune system is weakened. This can happen in autumn, spring or winter. But the most unpleasant thing about this skin disorder is the long healing process. Sometimes they even leave scars. In addition to the causes of skin infection, there may be:

  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Drafts.
  • Nervous overstrain.
  • A sharp drop in air temperature.
  • Frequent colds.
  • Herpes virus.
  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Oversupply male hormones and a lack of women's.

The difference between herpes and other skin diseases

Flaws on the face are very difficult to hide, unlike defects in the body or figure. But there are manifestations, for example, acne, you can apply to them Foundation, then you can’t hide herpes. IN Lately In cosmetology, all pimples that appear in the cool season are called colds. Any cold snap, weather change, drafts with a weakened immune system can lead to such manifestations.

But under the “mask” of acne from a cold, other more serious diseases can hide. This could be an allergic reaction, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Now it is important to know how to treat them.

Cold pimples are redness on the skin, purulent. On initial stage redness is noticeable, besides it is much denser locally, but there is no abscess on the surface, it looks like subcutaneous inflammation. After a short time, a very strong painful sensation occurs, which manifests itself when touched. If you have any doubts and you think you have another disease, you should consult a doctor.


Solving this problem takes time, how much depends on the immune system and the duration of the disorder. The problem is that very often acne is a manifestation of internal, more serious diseases. It is important to identify and eliminate the cause of the violation. But only the full complex, that is, both external and indoor application, can lead to recovery of the body.

Treatment is always more difficult than prevention. Try to follow a few rules to avoid problems.

  • Strengthen your immunity. Do exercises, hardening, proper nutrition and give up bad habits. Take vitamins or choose a vitamin complex. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • You can't squeeze pimples. This can leave you with scars or pits and may increase the number of breakouts. The worst thing is that you can additionally introduce some kind of infection. Besides, this place hurts.
  • Wash your face every morning warm water, and then use special cosmetics. They must contain either triclosan or salicylic acid.
  • Take a bath with sea salt, herbs or algae extracts.
  • Eat right. Eat less fried, smoked and sweet foods. Also limit your intake of seasonings and salt.


Top features that can help you determine what kind of acne you have. There are several manifestations.

  • Pain when touching reddened areas.
  • The most convenient places for acne to occur are: lips, nose, chin and ears.
  • Long aging process.
  • Manifestations in the form subcutaneous acne. Visually it looks like there is a lump there.
  • Appears in the cool season or after being in drafts.

Rash on the face and back

The appearance of rashes on the body is a common problem for many people. Inflammatory processes appear regularly. Some people suffer from a profuse rash, while others experience virtually no pain from the inflammatory process.

Inflammation occurs when the immune system is weakened. Neglect of hygiene rules, self-removal leads to spread infectious process. Complications that arise may leave scars. If the infection is severe, scarring may last a lifetime.

It is worth using externally, internal treatment. You should not remove the formations yourself. Proper timely treatment will help eliminate the problem without causing negative consequences. Elimination of the problem must begin after consultation with a qualified specialist to prescribe the correct, effective treatment. Improper use of drugs provokes allergic inflammation and intoxication of the body.

Medicinal way to eliminate the problem

Treatment of cold acne is effectively carried out with the help of medications, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Ointments are effective remedies. They are used at the initial stage of eliminating colds on the face, being an assistant for improving the skin. Antibiotics are prescribed at an advanced stage of the disease. Recovery takes longer and scars remain.

Elimination at the initial stage occurs with the help of drugs:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • antiseptics;
  • levomikol;
  • syntomycin ointment;
  • Travogen.

Eliminating cold pimples on the face with ichthyol ointment is quick and painless. The drug has a specific smell. When applying the ointment, it is necessary to protect the application site with an adhesive plaster. Do not apply the product close to your eyes. Contact may damage the eye and impair vision. Suitable for application to the chin, back, arms, legs. The listed areas do not pose a high risk for applying the product.

The ointment should be applied to cleansed skin to eliminate cold acne on the face quickly and effectively. You can use chamomile baths. It perfectly cleanses the skin of bacteria, steams the face, opening the pores, and stimulates the release of pus from the rash. The ointment used will have a better effect, bringing great effect. Do not keep the product for too long. The bandage should be changed after a couple of hours. The previous ointment must be thoroughly washed off with warm water.

Vishnevsky ointment treats colds and back problems, positively affecting the condition of the skin. Do not apply to the face; the pungent odor may be intolerable to the human sense of smell. It is worth using the ointment to eliminate cold acne on the back that brings discomfort. The principle of application does not differ from the above, it is based on permanent shift bandages.

Vishnevsky ointment quickly eliminates cold acne on the back without causing pain. Does not have the property of burning the wound. Application will not cause burning. It is worth covering the wound with an adhesive plaster and trying to limit the entry of sweat and dust. Cold acne on the back requires careful care. Having a disease, hygiene will be an excellent help in solving the problem.

The bandage needs to be changed frequently. Staying for more than three hours, the pus begins to have a negative effect. Cold pimples on the back can become more inflamed, causing a lot of pain. It is worth remembering that cold acne on the back requires no less careful care than on the face.

Using antiseptics, you can eliminate a cold pimple on your nose without harming your eyes. The preparations are applied using a cotton pad with light massage movements. It should be applied to cleansed skin as for dry seborrheic dermatitis, avoiding additional infection. Apply antiseptic drugs possible at the initial stage, to disinfect the damaged area of ​​the skin.

When filled with a large amount of pus, ointment should be used. A cold pimple on the nose will disappear with timely medical intervention. An advanced process may require surgical intervention.

Cold pimples can be treated using Levomikol ointment. Eliminates cold-related acne on the body without leaving scars. Has an antibacterial effect, eliminates the inflammatory process. Actively affects large abscesses. The ointment acts instantly, eliminating redness, drawing out pus, and removing painful formation.

The drug should be applied in a thin layer. The manipulation should be carried out several times a day. Application at night will be effective. The damaged area of ​​skin can be covered with a bandage. Having a mature formation, it is worth applying in a thick layer, four times a day. Several days of use will give a noticeable result, eliminating the unpleasant problem.

Syntomycin ointment will help eliminate a pimple on the chin for short term. An inflamed pimple on the chin brings severe discomfort and pain. It's worth remembering self-removal is strictly prohibited.

The chin enters the triangle area. Self-removal of the formation can provoke a profuse rash. Recovery will take a long time. There is no need to start a long recovery process.

The best remedy is ointments, tablets, Alternative medicine. The listed methods will give visible result, will get rid of the problem. The ointment will eliminate existing bacteria, will relieve the inflammatory process. Additionally, it is worth undergoing an examination to eliminate the possibility various types diseases.

It is worth taking vitamins to strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin. The tonic should be applied in a layer, using massage movements, slowly rubbing into the damaged area; as a supplement, you can use calendula tincture. Hands must be clean, the damaged area must be disinfected.

Preventive measures

Cold pimples on the face require the use of preventive measures to avoid further infection. Prevention can be used to avoid the inflammatory process.

It is worth adhering to certain rules:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. Avoid copious discharge port.
  3. Use cosmetics to cleanse your skin.
  4. Eat right.
  5. Give up bad habits.
  6. Get a medical examination.
  7. Take care nervous system.

By avoiding frequent hypothermia, you can avoid the popular question: how to get rid of a cold pimple quickly and effectively. In cold weather, you need to protect your skin with a scarf and dress warmly. Do not overcool the damaged area of ​​skin. Complications of the inflamed process may occur.

Exposure to cold air significantly dries out the skin, causing cupidosis and provoking inflammatory rashes. A weakened immune system accelerates the disease process.

Excessive sweating provokes an inflammatory process. Toxins leaving the body, retaining on the body clog pores, forming blackheads, purulent inflammation. The presence of profuse sweating indicates a disease. Often characterized by diabetes mellitus. Having strong sweating and frequent appearance of purulent rashes, it is necessary to undergo examination. Diagnostics will show the presence of the disease. The problem will be solved using a different method.

You can get rid of it by using cosmetics to cleanse the skin. Not worth using cheap means. It is necessary to use proven drugs. By buying cheap, low-quality cosmetics, you risk causing irritation of the epidermis. The treatment will be long and unpleasant.

Proper nutrition is the key healthy body, absence of diseases. Vitamins included in proper nutrition benefit the body. Healthy image life helps to quickly get rid of the disease. Food rich in vitamins helps speed up the process of eliminating inflammatory formation.

Giving up bad habits, even during treatment, will play a big role. Smoking and alcohol are negative factors, affecting the condition of the skin. By giving up bad habits while the problem is being eliminated, you can speed up the healing process and improve your health.

The formations that appear, inflammatory in nature, require medical examination to avoid various types of pathologies. After undergoing an examination, a person can be sure of the treatment method and find out the true cause of the inflammatory formation.

By stopping wasting your nerves, you can notice a significant improvement in your health. After all, stress is often the cause of rashes. Calming the nervous system can speed up the healing process.

What do cold pimples look like?

Such subcutaneous formations are a painful and very unpleasant ailment. Their formation occurs gradually. First, a compaction forms under the skin, which after some time develops into an inflammatory process.

As a result, cold pimples appear on the face, which are painful tubercles colored bright red. The skin around them is swollen and inflamed.

A regular acne looks a little different: at its tip there is purulent contents. The structure of cold formations differs more high density, so light squeezing is almost completely eliminated.

The maturation of such acne takes a long time, sometimes within 1 or 2 weeks. To the main distinctive features Skin neoplasms associated with colds include:

  • more often similar manifestations observed with the onset of cold weather;
  • acne on the body is very painful, characterized by a large extent of the inflammatory process;
  • long ripening period.

Subcutaneous inflammations are difficult to hide with decorative cosmetics, since they are quite extensive and convex. Experts do not recommend squeezing them out, as this can provoke more serious consequences. The pus, along with the infection, enters the blood, and with it, pathogenic bacteria are spread throughout the body. For this reason, if you want to forget about cold pimples on your face, then it is better to entrust the treatment to a qualified specialist who will tell you how to properly and safely deal with the disease.

Why do colds appear?

The main factor that leads to painful rashes is a weakened immune system. As a rule, this is typical for winter time, as well as for the off-season. Let's look at other reasons that cause a cold on the face:

  • acute forms of respiratory diseases;
  • external factors in the form of drafts and cold;
  • sudden decrease in temperature;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • viral infections;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gynecological diseases, as well as diseases of the endocrine system;
  • lack of female hormones and predominance of male ones;
  • deficiency of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

What does acne on the face indicate?

Cold formations on the skin of the face are closely related to the condition of the body, and their location can signal various pathologies. Experts use a certain theory that connects the place where a pimple appears with some internal organ.

  • On the lips. Such painful neoplasms indicate infection in the body, hypothermia, as well as the habit of frequently licking lips.
  • On the forehead. The location of neoplasms in this place indicates that intestinal function is impaired or there is chronic infection. The body requires high-quality cleansing. Rashes along the hairline indicate gallbladder disease.
  • On the head. Emergence painful pimple often associated with hormonal imbalance, hypothermia or infectious diseases. Rashes cause a lot of inconvenience and cause headaches.
  • On the nose. This area of ​​the face contains a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands, That's why skin Here they are almost always fat. This environment is very favorable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. A cold pimple in the nose is considered an even more unpleasant phenomenon. After the transfer respiratory disease the risk of subcutaneous formations increases.
  • Acne on the chin indicates chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

In the event that skin rashes are associated with diseases of internal organs, then first of all it is necessary to deal with them. Those. the root cause of the problem must be removed.

Effective treatment of skin tumors is possible only after eliminating factors that negatively affect the immune system.

How to get rid of cold acne? There are home methods that use natural ingredients. Before deciding how to get rid of a cold on your face and how to treat it, you should consult with a qualified specialist who will select the most effective course. Some folk recipes that have no contraindications can be tried before consultation. We'll talk about them below.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to get rid of cold acne on the face? At home, many patients use folk recipes. Such methods prevent the development of inflammation and activate the process of acne ripening. Let's look at several popular methods that help cure a cold on the face.

  • White clay mask. Powdered clay can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is diluted in a small amount of water and then applied to the forehead, cheeks, and chin. After drying, the cream mask is washed off. This ointment for colds on the face helps reduce inflammation.
  • Lotions. Treatment with herbal decoctions quickly reduces the manifestation unpleasant symptoms, disinfects the skin surface. How to cure a disease with herbs? To do this, you need to use celandine, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, prepare a decoction, and then wipe the painful areas.
  • A decoction of mint and valerian root. To prepare, you need to take 1 spoon of each component and pour boiling water. After the water has cooled, the broth is filtered, and then it can be taken orally or applied to inflammations.
  • Compresses. Cold pimples can be treated with compresses made from fresh carrots. The vegetable is grated, mixed with a small amount of honey, then applied to a gauze pad and applied to the infected area. The main component can also be potatoes, apples or cucumbers.

Before you decide how to treat cold pimples and how to remove irritation, you should try these options. If the result is not satisfactory, you should contact a specialist. Self-medication using unknown drugs or remedies advised by incompetent people is under no circumstances recommended - this can aggravate the situation.

If you have a cold on your face, then many things become inaccessible. It hurts to smile, you can't kiss, and waiting for it to go away on its own takes too long. Where does this unpleasant skin manifestation come from, and how can you get rid of it? Unfortunately, we are not talking about a cosmetic problem at all.

What does a cold look like and what is it?

Once you sit in a draft, get a little cold, or get caught in the rain, painful blisters filled with clear liquid appear on your lip, under your nose, or even in your nostril. Touching becomes painful, pronounced swelling appears, and these unpleasant sensations last for quite a long time. On the face, a cold at first looks like a small pimple, more often - several bubbles nearby. But soon they turn into a painful ulcer.

A cold is the external manifestation of herpes, and in most cases we are talking exclusively about symptomatic treatment. The herpes virus is present in the bodies of most people, but if the immune system is normal, then external manifestations may not be expected. That is why herpetic sores are called colds - the body, weakened by hypothermia, is no longer able to contain the virus that is constantly present in it, and now you can already notice the characteristic blisters on the lip.

How to cure a cold on your face

If a cold has already appeared, then you need to worry about it not getting bigger. The problem is the annoying debilitating pain, which is not so strong as to be exhausting, but at the same time your hands are reaching out to rub the painful blisters. They are easily injured, infection gets into the wound, and even more painful swelling can quickly form. Because of this, a small ulcer can quickly increase in size and “spread” to neighboring tissues.

A cold that is pronounced on the face requires intensive symptomatic treatment. Combined methods of therapy work great - you need to prevent infection from getting into the wound, reduce pain if possible and help the body cope with the raging virus. For this, both folk remedies and pharmaceuticals are used. Antiviral eye drops are prescribed.

The most effective folk remedies

If a cold is already noticeable on the face, then lotions made from warm tea, black or green, help perfectly. You can take a tea bag or moisten a piece of cotton wool with the tea leaves. You need to check that the tea is warm and without sugar. Tannins and tannins contained in tea reduce pain and relieve itching, soothe the skin and slightly dry the blisters. Tea tree oil and chamomile infusion help a lot.

An unappetizing but very effective remedy is earwax. Fresh sulfur is applied to the itchy area even before a pronounced ulcer appears. Surprisingly, after such a procedure, a cold may not appear at all. Ear secretions contain sulfur and silicon, these substances prevent the manifestation of herpes.

Honey and propolis, which are often recommended as a panacea, can only be used if there is no allergy to bee products. You should not apply toothpaste to a cold; this can provoke an allergic reaction and seriously worsen the situation. Although toothpaste may provide temporary relief, it is such an unpredictable remedy that it is better to opt for traditional methods of treatment.

Modern medicine

Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of antiviral ointments aimed specifically at eliminating the external manifestations of herpes. Acyclovir and Zovirax creams and other drugs of a similar type work best at the initial stage of skin rashes caused by the herpes virus.

If your face hurts due to a cold, you need to take into account the localization of the sensations. The characteristic “tickling” along the edges of the lips or on the mucous membrane of the nostrils is highly likely to indicate herpes. If you have any doubts or unusual location of pain symptoms, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment.

Cold on the face of a child

The main problem with treating children is that children scratch sores, introduce infection, and the problem worsens significantly. While the child cannot clearly communicate exactly where and how it hurts, the disease can be recognized and diagnosed only after a cold has appeared on the face. In this case, parents simply do not have time to apply preventive measures and engage in early treatment.

To remove sores as quickly as possible, you need to prevent scratching of the herpes as much as possible, or at least prevent infection. To do this, you need to use pharmaceutical products that not only eliminate skin manifestations, but also relieve obsessive itching, which causes the child to scratch his face.

Other cold symptoms

It's not always about herpes. If you have a cold and the pain is localized not along the edges of the mucous membranes, but on the cheek, temple and clearly “radiates” into the eye, then perhaps there is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This is a serious disease, which can become distinctly chronic, and occurs as a result of various negative influences, from injury and infection to hypothermia, aggravated by the herpes virus.

Hypothermia often leads to exacerbation of all kinds of inflammatory processes, usually people say that it’s blown, and this explains literally everything: conjunctivitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, acne. The cause is not the cold itself, it is simply an additional provoking factor that reveals an existing problem.

Where else does a cold happen?

Happy are the people who are under the misconception that a cold can “jump up” exclusively on the lip or under the nose. Much more unpleasant is genital herpes, which is caused by a type 2 virus. The mucous membranes of the genital organs and adjacent tissues are just as susceptible to viral infection as the facial ones. Genital herpes can be transmitted through unprotected sex, so you need to understand your responsibility to your partner.

Herpetic rashes can appear on any part of the body, it’s just that the mucous membranes are the first to react to an increase in the concentration of the virus in the body, and if you don’t pay attention to this and don’t take care of the general condition of the immune system, the condition will worsen.

Preventive measures

You can become infected with herpes in any way: both sexually and simple household contacts. This is why it is difficult to find a person who is not a carrier of the virus. But being a carrier does not mean getting sick, and if the immune system is strong enough, you may not experience symptoms of the disease. To avoid unpleasant skin rashes, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and give up bad habits.

Self-medication can become more dangerous than no treatment at all. You get a cold on your face - how to treat it? Thousands of people ask themselves this question and, instead of visiting a doctor, begin to uncontrollably take antiviral drugs. This can have a positive effect and the likelihood of skin manifestations is minimized. But the virus at the same time becomes resistant to medications, and in the event of an exacerbation, it will not only become more difficult to select therapy, but the immune system may be seriously weakened.

If herpes appears on the lips more than four to five times a year, painful blisters and sores appear on the genitals or simply on the surface of the skin, then you need to undergo a full medical examination to rule out diseases with similar symptoms, and also make an appointment with an immunologist. Complex treatment will help level out the amount of virus in the body and achieve significant improvement.

In other cases, it will be enough to use antiviral ointments when the initial symptoms appear: characteristic itching and burning in the place where groups of blisters will soon appear. Early use of herpes ointments prevents the appearance of skin rashes.

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