Electrophoresis with potassium iodide for acne. Results of a comparative study of the effectiveness of galvanic mud therapy with potassium iodide electrophoresis in patients with deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Electrophoresis for bronchitis is used to improve the drainage function of the bronchi, which allows for the dilution and removal of mucus from the body. Physiotherapy for bronchitis uses not only electrophoresis, but also other methods of treating this dangerous disease. Only them complex application makes it possible to get rid of the disease in as soon as possible, because Chronical bronchitis due to a diffuse non-allergic inflammatory process in the bronchi, it often leads to the development of progressive impairment of respiratory function.

Application of medicinal electrophoresis

This method of treating patients with chronic form bronchitis is used by doctors as additional method human health.

Typically, when treating the disease in children and adults, physiotherapy methods such as UHF are used, since they allow the affected areas of the bronchi to be heated using a non-contact method. But this approach does not always allow you to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

It is often necessary to help medications reach the desired area respiratory system so that they can influence the causative agent of the disease.

For this purpose, electrophoresis is used - an electrokinetic phenomenon that allows the movement of particles of medicinal colloidal or protein solutions in liquid or gaseous media.

This occurs under the influence electromagnetic field, which allows small particles medicinal substance penetrate deeply into all pores of the human body.

Unlike UHF, which can only be applied correctly by a specialist, electrophoresis can be done at home, as small-sized devices are produced for treatment at home. This is especially helpful in the treatment of bronchitis in young children. They can undergo electrophoresis from 4 months of age. But such physical procedures are best carried out after consultation with your doctor.

How is treatment carried out using this method?

Electrophoresis is a procedure that is performed using a special apparatus and has some advantages over other methods of eliminating the symptoms of bronchitis. Medicines administered during this method of healing a person allow the medicine to accumulate in the patient’s epidermis. From there it is gradually washed away with blood and lymph fluid, and then spreads throughout the body.

This ensures continuous but gradual penetration healing substances V different organs patient, and at the same time eliminates the possibility of irritation in structures such as gastrointestinal tract or liver.

The complex effect on the disease is ensured by the delivery of microparticles of the drug under the influence of electricity directly to the site of the disease. At the same time, throughout the entire procedure it remains high concentration the drug in areas affected by bronchitis. The drug solution passes through a galvanic device and is ionized. This increases the activity of the microparticles of the drug, and they penetrate into all pores of the body. With electrophoresis, it is possible to simultaneously administer several medications to the patient.

The duration of the patient's treatment with this method, as well as the solutions used during the procedures, depend on the form of bronchitis diagnosed in the patient.

The duration of one procedure is usually from 10 to 20 minutes. Although, as mentioned above, it is now possible to purchase an electrophoresis device and carry out therapy at home, the procedure itself should be done only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is prohibited to prescribe medicinal solutions on your own, since this requires special medical knowledge, which most people do not have.

What is used to combat bronchitis

The best known methods for eliminating this disease are those using the following components:

  1. Use of various aerosols mineral waters, which are enriched with salts and alkaline elements.
  2. Application herbal infusions from sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort. They are used as antiseptic drugs.
  3. Antihistamines are used medications if the patient has severe hypersecretion of mucus or swelling has occurred on the mucous surfaces of the bronchi.
  4. Often used for electrophoresis are drugs such as Heparin, calcium chloride, Miramistin, Eufillin.
  5. Electrophoresis with magnesium, platyphylline, iodine, copper, ascorbic acid. It is carried out on the chest.

All of these types of electrophoresis are performed in sessions lasting no more than 15 minutes. The procedures are carried out daily, the course duration is 9 days.

This video talks about how to do electrophoresis correctly:

You need to know that besides positive qualities Electrophoresis also has contraindications. Cannot be carried out similar treatment patients who have been diagnosed with thrombophlebitis are diagnosed various diseases circulatory system and blood. It is forbidden to treat patients with acute viral infections, chronic lesions of the skin. Electrophoresis should not be performed on people who are intolerant to any component. medicinal solution or impact electric current. Doctors do not recommend such procedures for pregnant women.

Indications and contraindications for electrophoresis with aminophylline, caripazim, lidase, calcium chloride

Electrophoresis - refers to physiotherapeutic procedures and is practiced more than other methods in various diseases in adults and children. During the procedure, the human body is exposed to electrical impulses ( D.C.), generated by a special apparatus and providing a therapeutic effect at the general and local levels. At the same time, medications are administered through the skin or mucous membranes.

An excursion into the history of electrophoresis

The leading method of physiotherapy would not be possible without a continuous current generator, which was created by the Italian physicist A. Volta in the 19th century.

The first talk about electroomosis, which is the movement of solutions through capillaries under the influence of an electric field, took place back in 1809. It was then that the German scientist Ferdinand Reis first mentioned electrophoresis. However, his research was not widely disseminated.

In 1926, the first tube needed for the procedure was described by Arne Tiselius, a Swedish biochemist. The first device for electrical procedures was invented in 1936 - the previously proposed tubes were transformed into more efficient narrow cells, and a little later they were replaced by glass sections. Long-term research conducted on horse serum, made it possible to reveal the mechanism of action of electrophoresis: molecules having an electrical charge, under the influence of electric current in liquid medium move to the zone opposite to the charged electrode.

Devices for the procedure

Electrophoresis is performed using different devices, but the most famous is the “Flow”, which has been used in physiotherapy for more than 50 years. The structure of the device is simple: holes for electrodes marked + and -, buttons for determining the procedure time and a current regulator.

The new type of devices are equipped with digital indicators and displays (“Elfor”, “Elfor Prof”, etc.)

General positive effect of the procedure on the body

  • Reducing the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • Elimination of edema;
  • Reducing pain;
  • Stimulation of the production of substances with biological activity;
  • Relaxation of muscles with elimination of increased tone;
  • Calming effect on the central nervous system;
  • Improving blood microcirculation;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • Activation of protective forces.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

The action of an electric current causes the drug to be converted into ions with an electrical charge, which penetrate the skin. It is in the skin that the main part of the drug remains, a slightly smaller part is transported throughout the body through the lymph and blood.

Ions with different charge act differently on the body. Thus, negatively charged ions have:

  • secretory effect, i.e. influence the production of substances with biological activity and their entry into the bloodstream;
  • relaxing effect on smooth skin muscle tissue;
  • vasodilating effect;
  • normalizing effect on metabolism.

Ions with positive charge have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic effects.

Areas of skin involved in drug transport:

  • excretory ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • intercellular areas;
  • hair follicles.

The effectiveness of electrophoresis directly depends on the complete absorption of the drug, which is influenced by the following factors:

  • person's age;
  • the strength of the supplied current;
  • properties of the solvent in which the medicine is dissolved;
  • concentration and dose of the drug;
  • ion size and charge;
  • place for placing electrodes;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • individual characteristics of the body, such as tolerance and susceptibility of the procedure.

How is the procedure performed?

Electrophoresis is carried out in a physiotherapy room, medical worker. There are devices for home use, for each of which instructions are developed that must be strictly followed.

Classic percutaneous method. The nurse examines the areas of the body where the electrodes will be placed - the skin should be healthy, without moles, damage or inflammatory elements. A pre-prepared main drug is applied to one pad, which is a sterile gauze, and another medicine is applied to a second, similar one, most often 2% aminophylline, which improves blood circulation, relaxes smooth muscles and has a mild analgesic effect. The first gasket is connected to the positive, and the second to the negative.

After preparation, the pads are applied to the skin, electrodes are attached to them and fixed with a weight or elastic bandages, after which the device is turned on.

The current strength and procedure time are selected individually. The nurse gradually increases the current during the procedure and asks how the patient is feeling. Normal sensations are a slight tingling sensation at the site where the electrodes are attached. But burning, itching and pain are a signal to immediately stop the procedure.

The average procedure time is 10-15 minutes. Procedures for young children are shorter. The duration of the course is 10-20 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day.

Other methods of electrophoresis

  • Vannochkovy. The drug and solution are poured into a bath with built-in electrodes. After preparation, the patient immerses the affected part of the body in the bath.
  • Cavity. The solution with the drug is injected into the cavity (vagina, rectum) and one of the electrodes is inserted into the same cavity. The second electrode is attached to the skin. Used for diseases of the large intestine and pelvic organs.
  • Interstitial. The medicine is administered traditional way, for example, intravenously or orally, and the electrodes are applied to the projection of the affected organ. This administration is especially effective for respiratory pathologies (bronchitis, tracheitis).

Advantages and disadvantages of drug administration using electrophoresis

  • The introduction is not accompanied by pain;
  • Low concentration of the drug in the solution (up to 10%), which is sufficient to provide a high therapeutic effect;
  • Injecting the drug directly into the site of inflammation;
  • Minimum side and allergic reactions;
  • Long-term therapeutic effect of the administered drug (up to 20 days);
  • Passing classic way the passage of drugs through the gastrointestinal tract when taken orally, which means the bioavailability of drugs increases.
  • Not all drugs can be introduced into the body using electrophoresis;
  • The procedure itself has a number of strict contraindications.

Drugs used in electrophoresis

Depending on the charge, the drug is administered through the positive or negative pole. During the procedure, it is permissible to use only those drugs that penetrate the skin. Each medicine has its own indications and has a specific therapeutic effect. Let's consider the main drugs used in electrophoresis:

Potassium iodide solution for electrophoresis

There are many physiotherapeutic procedures that help speed up the recovery and rehabilitation process for diseases. internal organs. One of the most effective treatments that provides beneficial effect on the patient's condition, is the procedure of electrophoresis with iodine.

Features of manipulation

Electrophoresis is a therapeutic procedure in which human body is exposed to direct electric current, which has a general therapeutic effect and facilitates the penetration of medications through the skin and mucous membranes. During the procedure into the body through the space between cells, sebaceous and sweat glands, charged particles arrive.

The bioavailability of the medicine used for this manipulation is 2-10% of the amount applied to the pad. However, in this case, the medication is injected directly into the affected area. This leads to the fact that the substance accumulates in the “sore spot” in an increased concentration, significantly exceeding the dose received by injection or orally.

Indications for use

Electrophoresis is a painless, effective manipulation that can be prescribed even to pregnant women and small children. This physiotherapy is widely used as part of complex treatment many therapeutic, neurological, gynecological and traumatological diseases.

The treatment course consists of several sessions, the number of which is determined by the doctor individually. Doctors prescribe the procedure for:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, pleurisy, acute and prolonged bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
  • ENT pathologies: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases digestive tract: gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, damage to the pancreas and liver, inflammation and stones in gallbladder, colitis.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, varicose veins lower limbs, atheroclerosis.
  • Electrophoresis in gynecology is part of therapy for: endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, vaginitis, cervicitis.
  • Pathologies genitourinary system in men: prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
  • For injuries and illnesses musculoskeletal system: cracks, fractures, inflammation, dislocations and subluxations, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Neurological pathologies: neuritis, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, migraine, headache, vertebral hernias, paresis and paralysis.
  • Skin lesions: acne, psoriasis, trophic ulcer, bedsores, scar changes, dermatitis.

Electrophoresis is also prescribed during the recovery period after major operations to accelerate wound healing and scar formation.

Carrying out manipulation

The essence of electrophoresis is the directed movement of charged particles that make up the medication, perpendicular to the direction of current movement. To do this, special pads soaked in a solution of medications are placed on the patient’s skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

Depending on the technology for applying specialized electrodes, there are several insertion options:

  1. Percutaneous is the most common method.
  2. Bath treatment - in which the affected area, most often a limb (arm or leg), is placed in a container filled with the necessary drug.
  3. Cavity - with it into hollow organs (uterus, bladder, stomach) one of the electrodes and a drug solution are introduced. Another electrode is placed on the skin during the procedure.
  4. Interstitial - most often used in the treatment of pathologies respiratory tract. Solution at this method enters the body by injection or ingestion, after which the electrodes are placed over the pathological focus.

Many drugs are used for electrophoresis. Pick up necessary medication, duration and frequency therapeutic effects This can only be done by the attending physician or specialist physiotherapist after a thorough examination of the patient.

Features of the procedure

It is important to remember that the degree therapeutic effects depends on the method of administration of the drug and its degree of absorption. The efficiency of electrophoresis is also influenced by factors such as:

  • Age and health status of the patient.
  • Place of physiotherapeutic influence.
  • Duration of therapeutic effect.
  • Current strength, charge and size of ions.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.

Choose as much as possible effective medicine the doctor can only after a thorough examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis. The procedure itself can only be performed during the period of convalescence and recovery from illness.

Contraindications for carrying out

You need to know how to perform electrophoresis with potassium iodide and indications, as well as contraindications to it. This procedure has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the influence of electric current and the administered drugs themselves. That is why there are a number of contraindications to this manipulation, which must be excluded before prescribing to the patient. treatment course. These include:

  1. Malignant neoplasms.
  2. The patient has a pacemaker.
  3. Pathologies of the blood coagulation system.
  4. Skin diseases and injuries - eczema, wounds, abrasions and scars at the site where the electrodes are supposed to be applied.
  5. Exacerbation of inflammation or underlying pathology.
  6. Increased body temperature.
  7. Current intolerance and individual sensitivity to the drug.

Many women who have been prescribed a long course of physiotherapeutic procedures are interested in the question “is it possible to perform electrophoresis during menstruation?” Doctors do not recommend electrophoresis if electrodes are placed over the uterus and ovaries, as this may cause cycle disruption. In other cases, the procedure can be carried out, since menstruation is not a pathology.

Electrophoresis with iodine, magnesium and copper preparations

Potassium iodine, calcium iodide and other drugs are most often used when performing electrophoresis. Procedures with potassium iodide are widely used for:

  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Fibrous and bone changes around the joints.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Iodine solutions have an effective “absorbable effect” for lesions of large and small joints which made them the most popular medicines, used for electrophoresis in traumatology and rheumatology.

Magnesium preparations show effectiveness against lesions nervous system, neuritis, neuralgia, as well as various pathologies cerebral vessels.

Solutions with copper and zinc are used in the composition complex therapy in the treatment of infertility to stimulate the ovaries.

The use of physiotherapy in gynecology

Obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe electrophoresis for adhesions, cycle disorders, inflammation localized in pelvic organs. It is important to remember that the procedure is permissible only in the subacute period and during recovery.

Electrophoresis is also effective during pregnancy, since it is harmless to the baby, painless and effective way treatment. The procedure is prescribed for:

  1. Increased uterine tone.
  2. Threat of premature birth.
  3. Gestozakh.

IN in this case electrodes are placed in the cervical-collar area. Pregnant women can undergo electrophoresis with potassium; elements and vitamins must be administered. The composition of the solution used during the procedure is selected by the doctor individually in each case.

Electrophoresis is an effective and painless procedure that has earned many positive feedback. Many patients report rapid improvement general well-being and elimination unpleasant symptoms after completing a course of physiotherapy.

Galvanization method, the most common in physiotherapy.

Electrophoresis (iontophoresis, iontophoresis, ionogalvanization, galvanic ionotherapy, ionotherapy) is a method of electrotherapy that involves introducing various medicinal substances into the body in the form of ions through intact skin or mucous membranes using direct or pulsed current. The combined effect of current and medicinal substances on the body significantly increases the effectiveness of this method - the influence of the administered drugs and direct current is inseparable from each other.

Direct (galvanic) current causes irritation of skin receptors, which causes a number of general and local reactions body: improves blood and lymph circulation, stimulates tissue metabolism and recovery processes appears to have an analgesic effect.

Electrophoresis has the following advantages compared to other treatment methods:

  • A medicinal substance introduced by electrophoresis retains its specific effect on the body and usually does not have a general toxic effect;
  • Electrophoresis allows you to inject several medicinal substances from one electrode into any area of ​​the body of any size and location;
  • During electrophoresis, medicinal substances accumulate in the thickness of the skin - a depot of ions is created, which remain in the body much longer (up to 3 weeks);
  • The drug substance is slowly and gradually eliminated from the body;
  • Even small doses of medicinal substances administered using electrophoresis have active action, which is determined hypersensitivity tissues to them under the influence of direct current;
  • Electrophoresis does not affect the normal functioning of the tissue in the injection area;
  • The amount of administered medicinal substance can be dosed within a wide range by changing the size of the electrodes, the concentration of the solution, the current strength and the duration of exposure;
  • Electrophoresis allows you to have a local effect on a superficially located pathological focus;
  • The drug substance can be excreted from the body into the hydrophilic pad by changing the polarity of the direct current at the electrode.

Despite the fact that medicinal substances enter the blood from the skin depot in very small quantities, their biological activity is high, since they are in an electrically active state.

An electrophoresis session lasts approximately 15–30 minutes, procedures are carried out every other day, less often - every day. Usually from 10 to 30 electrophoresis sessions are carried out. To increase the efficiency of electrophoresis, it is often combined with inductothermy.

In places where electrodes will be applied, the skin should be protected from abrasions, scratches, scratching and other injuries. If there is still a scratch at the area where the electrode is applied, it should be covered with a layer of some insulating substance (for example), and additionally covered with wax paper on top.

After galvanization and electrophoresis procedures, it often occurs at the application site. itchy skin, therefore, immediately after the procedure it is recommended to lubricate the places where the electrodes are applied or, and the next day wash these places warm water with soap.

Electrophoresis in dermatology

Medicinal substances used in the treatment of skin diseases.

A 0.5–2.0% calcium chloride solution is used, taking into account pharmacological properties calcium: anti-inflammatory and astringent effect; reducing the permeability of capillary walls; calming effect on the nervous system. Electrophoresis of calcium salts is used for the purpose of local effects and obtaining reflex reactions.

2–3% magnesium sulfate solution. Electrophoresis of magnesium from a solution of magnesium sulfate is used to influence the nervous system and blood vessels. In cosmetology, magnesium electrophoresis is used in the treatment of warts.

1–2% solution or zinc chloride. Zinc chloride is a strong disinfectant and astringent. Electrophoresis of zinc salts is accompanied by painful sensations as a result of the cauterizing effect of zinc preparations and serves to produce reflex reactions. In dermatocosmetology it is used in the treatment of acne vulgaris, furunculosis, staphylococcal sycosis, non-healing ulcers, etc.

1% copper sulfate solution. Copper sulfate is a strong disinfectant and astringent used in electrophoresis to treat furunculosis.

It is usually administered from a 2% sodium chloride solution ( table salt) and is used to accelerate the resorption of scars and chronic infiltrates.

0.5–1.0% solution or . The mechanism of action of iodine introduced by electrophoresis is as follows: I − ions, transformed in tissues into iodine atoms, having a strong affinity for hydrogen atoms, split water. The oxygen released during this process destroys cellular matter, and the resulting breakdown products have a local and general stimulating effect on the body. Iodine electrophoresis is used for faster resorption of keloid scars and chronic inflammatory foci.

Administered from a 2% solution. Bromine has a calming effect, bromine electrophoresis is used for inflammatory diseases accompanied by pain; for pain accompanying herpes zoster.

For electrophoresis, a 5% solution of quinine hydrochloride is used, which is used in the treatment of lupus erythematosus.

1% water solution Ichthyoloa is used for hypertrophic scars and for the purpose of faster resorption of chronic infiltrates.

Electrophoresis healing mud has significant effectiveness - has a thermal effect on tissues, promotes penetration into the skin various substances contained in mud. Electrophoresis of therapeutic mud can be prescribed to patients for whom mud applications are contraindicated.

Electrophoresis of a 2% solution, solutions of calcium chloride and equal parts, as well as other medications is also used.

Electrophoresis for psoriasis

For psoriasis, electrophoresis is prescribed after the progressive stage of psoriasis has passed. For psoriasis, electrophoresis of hydrogen sulfide water (concentration up to 400 mg/l) is used on the affected areas of the skin for 20 minutes, daily or every other day. Electrophoresis of therapeutic mud is highly effective, facilitating the penetration of substances contained in it into the skin and providing thermal effect on fabric. Such procedures are prescribed in cases where mud therapy in the form of applications is contraindicated for the patient.

Electrophoresis at rosacea (acne rosacea)

Electrophoresis is sometimes used in the treatment of rosacea - for this purpose, a 1–2% solution of ichthyol or a 1% solution of copper sulfate is used. In total, the course of treatment consists of 15–20 sessions of electrophoresis (with a duration of one session of 20 minutes). Procedures are prescribed once every two days.

Vacuum electrophoresis

For some inflammatory and degenerative diseases, electrophoresis under vacuum is indicated - vacuum electrophoresis, which makes it possible to create in tissues a 2-5 times higher concentration of the drug substance than with conventional electrophoresis.


Electroelimination is a method of electrotherapy that involves removing certain substances from the patient’s body into a hydrophilic pad using electrophoresis. For example, this is how ions are removed from the body toxic substances with medicinal or for preventive purposes, a number of substances from eye tissue, calcium from bone tissue.

Electrophoretic skin test

Electrophoretic skin test- a method for assessing the body’s sensitivity to certain drugs, based on electrophoresis weak solution of the product being studied, followed by assessment of local skin changes.

Contraindications to electrophoresis and galvanization

Contraindications to electrophoresis and galvanization are: Malignant neoplasms, acute purulent-inflammatory processes, common dermatoses, severe vascular atherosclerosis, tendency to bleeding, acute diseases heart and blood vessels, intolerance galvanic current or increased individual sensitivity to the administered drug.

Update: October 2018

Electrophoresis refers to physiotherapeutic procedures and is more commonly used than other methods for various diseases in adults and children. During the procedure, the human body is exposed to electrical impulses (direct current), generated by a special apparatus and having a therapeutic effect at the general and local levels. At the same time, medications are administered through the skin or mucous membranes.

An excursion into the history of electrophoresis

The leading method of physiotherapy would not be possible without a continuous current generator, which was created by the Italian physicist A. Volta in the 19th century.

The first talk about electroomosis, which is the movement of solutions through capillaries under the influence of an electric field, took place back in 1809. It was then that the German scientist Ferdinand Reis first mentioned electrophoresis. However, his research was not widely disseminated.

In 1926, the first tube needed for the procedure was described by Arne Tiselius, a Swedish biochemist. The first device for electrical procedures was invented in 1936 - the previously proposed tubes were transformed into more efficient narrow cells, and a little later they were replaced by glass sections. Long-term studies conducted on horse serum have revealed the mechanism of action of electrophoresis: molecules with an electrical charge, under the influence of an electric current in a liquid medium, move to the zone opposite to the charged electrode.

Devices for the procedure

Electrophoresis is performed using different devices, but the most famous is the “Flow”, which has been used in physiotherapy for more than 50 years. The structure of the device is simple: holes for electrodes marked + and -, buttons for determining the procedure time and a current regulator.

The new type of devices are equipped with digital indicators and displays (“Elfor”, “Elfor Prof”, etc.)

General positive effect of the procedure on the body

  • Reducing the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • Elimination of edema;
  • Reducing pain;
  • Stimulation of the production of substances with biological activity;
  • Relaxation of muscles with elimination of increased tone;
  • Calming effect on the central nervous system;
  • Improving blood microcirculation;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • Activation of protective forces.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

The action of an electric current causes the drug to be converted into ions with an electrical charge, which penetrate the skin. It is in the skin that the main part of the drug remains, a slightly smaller part is transported throughout the body through the lymph and blood.

Ions with different charges have different effects on the body. Thus, negatively charged ions have:

  • secretory effect, i.e. influence the production of substances with biological activity and their entry into the bloodstream;
  • relaxing effect on smooth muscle tissue;
  • vasodilating effect;
  • normalizing effect on metabolism.

Ions with a positive charge have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic effects.

Areas of skin involved in drug transport:

  • excretory ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • intercellular areas;
  • hair follicles.

The effectiveness of electrophoresis directly depends on the complete absorption of the drug, which is influenced by the following factors:

  • person's age;
  • the strength of the supplied current;
  • properties of the solvent in which the medicine is dissolved;
  • concentration and dose of the drug;
  • ion size and charge;
  • place for placing electrodes;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • individual characteristics of the body, such as tolerance and susceptibility of the procedure.

How is the procedure performed?

Electrophoresis is carried out in a physiotherapy room by a medical professional. There are devices for home use, each of which has instructions that must be strictly followed.

Classic percutaneous method. The nurse examines the areas of the body where the electrodes will be placed - the skin should be healthy, without moles, damage or inflammatory elements. A pre-prepared main drug is applied to one pad, which is a sterile gauze, and another medicine is applied to a second, similar one, most often 2% aminophylline, which improves blood circulation, relaxes smooth muscles and has a mild analgesic effect. The first gasket is connected to the positive, and the second to the negative.

After preparation, the pads are applied to the skin, electrodes are attached to them and secured with a weight or elastic bandages, after which the device is turned on.

The current strength and procedure time are selected individually. The nurse gradually increases the current during the procedure and asks how the patient is feeling. Normal sensations are a slight tingling sensation at the site where the electrodes are attached. But burning, itching and pain are a signal to immediately stop the procedure.

The average procedure time is 10-15 minutes. Procedures for young children are shorter. The duration of the course is 10-20 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day.

Other methods of electrophoresis

  • Vannochkovy. The drug and solution are poured into a bath with built-in electrodes. After preparation, the patient immerses the affected part of the body in the bath.
  • Cavity. The solution with the drug is injected into the cavity (vagina, rectum) and one of the electrodes is inserted into the same cavity. The second electrode is attached to the skin. Used for diseases of the large intestine and pelvic organs.
  • Interstitial. The medicine is administered in the traditional way, for example, intravenously or orally, and electrodes are applied to the projection of the affected organ. This administration is especially effective for pathologies of the respiratory system (,).

Advantages and disadvantages of drug administration using electrophoresis


  • The introduction is not accompanied by pain;
  • Low concentration of the drug in the solution (up to 10%), which is sufficient to provide a high therapeutic effect;
  • Injecting the drug directly into the site of inflammation;
  • Minimum of adverse and allergic reactions;
  • Long-term therapeutic effect of the administered drug (up to 20 days);
  • The classic route of passage of drugs through the gastrointestinal tract when taken orally is bypassed, which means the bioavailability of drugs increases.


  • Not all drugs can be introduced into the body using electrophoresis;
  • The procedure itself has a number of strict contraindications.

Drugs used in electrophoresis

Depending on the charge, the drug is administered through the positive or negative pole. During the procedure, it is permissible to use only those drugs that penetrate the skin. Each medicine has its own indications and has a specific therapeutic effect. Let's consider the main drugs used in electrophoresis:

Drug name Indications Therapeutic effect

Drugs administered through the positive pole

  • and duodenum;
  • inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision;
  • bronchial asthma.
The secretion of glands decreases and the tone of smooth muscle tissue decreases. Pain is eliminated.
  • diseases associated with calcium deficiency (bone fractures, hip dysplasia);
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • allergic diseases;

Electrophoresis with calcium chloride is prescribed for blood clotting disorders.

Antiallergic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Replenishment of calcium deficiency.
Eufillin Electrophoresis with aminophylline is indicated for:
  • bronchial asthma;
  • impaired renal and cerebral circulation;
  • osteoarthritis, and intervertebral hernia.
Reducing smooth muscle spasm, reducing blood pressure, improving blood circulation and eliminating bronchospasm. Elimination of pain syndrome.
Vitamin B1
  • pathologies of the nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, paresis and paralysis);
  • diseases of the digestive system (ulcerative gastric ulcer and duodenum);
  • skin diseases (, dermatitis);
  • conditions accompanied by vitamin B1 deficiency.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiallergic effect. Normalization of metabolism and the functioning of these organs and systems.
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arthrosis, arthritis. Electrophoresis with karipazim for hernia in complex treatment on early stages disease helps to avoid surgery.
Softening cartilage tissue intervertebral discs. Scarring of damaged collagen fibers and restoration of their elasticity. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • allergic diseases (, dermatitis);
  • insomnia;
  • pain syndrome;
  • bronchial asthma, and peptic ulcer (as an additional treatment).
Calming, hypnotic, analgesic and antiallergic effect. Relaxation of smooth muscles.
Lidaza Electrophoresis with lidase is carried out when:
  • skin lesions (wounds, ulcers and keloid scars);
  • diseases musculoskeletal system(osteochondrosis, contractures);
  • eye diseases (retinopathy, keratitis).
Split hyaluronic acid, which is involved in the formation of scars. Reducing tissue swelling and slowing down the mechanism of contracture formation.
  • conditions associated with magnesium deficiency;
  • heart disease (hypertensive disease);
  • irritability, depression.
Normalization heart rate, work of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, radiculitis);
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma);
  • diseases of the digestive system (ulcerative gastrointestinal tract, colitis);
  • skin diseases (burns, ulcers).
More than 80 biologically active substances have a complex effect on the body, including regenerating, anti-inflammatory, etc.
Conditions that are accompanied by spasms (spasm urinary tract, bronchospasm, etc.). Elimination of muscle spasm, tone of smooth muscle tissue of internal organs. Vasodilating effect. Reduced blood pressure.
  • eye diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • Peptic ulcer and duodenum;
  • skin lesions (burns, trophic ulcers).
Acceleration of tissue regeneration processes. Stimulation of immunity at the local level. Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
Novocaine Pain syndrome accompanying the disease. Local anesthetic effect.

Drugs administered through the negative pole

  • inflammatory skin diseases, open wounds;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • neuralgia, neuritis, .
Anti-inflammatory effect. Growth inhibition pathogenic bacteria. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • infectious and inflammatory processes of the respiratory system (bronchitis, sore throat);
  • , sinusitis;
  • skin infections;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system (,).
Bactericidal effect on a wide range of infectious pathogens.
A nicotinic acid
  • gastrointestinal diseases (ulcerative gastric ulcer and duodenum);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • for a long time non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers;
  • diseases that occur with vascular spasms.
Vasodilating effect. Improved blood circulation. Reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  • skin infections (erysipelas, acne);
  • burns, wounds;
  • infectious diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, tonsillitis);
  • infections of the genitourinary system.
Inhibition of the growth of pathogenic flora.
  • varicose veins;
  • injuries, tissue swelling, bruises;
  • prevention of thrombosis.
Blood thinning. Anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Improving microcirculation.
  • joint diseases (arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis);
  • diseases of the ENT organs (sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media, pharyngitis);
  • radiculitis, myalgia.
Pronounced adaptogenic effect. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Increased nonspecific resistance of the body.

The following drugs can be administered from both the anode and cathode):

  • lidase
  • aminophylline;
  • humisol;
  • histidine;
  • trypsin and others.

Indications for electrophoresis

It is easier to list contraindications to treatment, since the procedure is indicated for most common diseases of almost all organs and systems. However, the lack of widespread use accessible procedure and interest of patients is explained by several factors:

  • Doctors do not always offer patients this method of auxiliary treatment;
  • since the procedures are carried out in a physiotherapy room, the course of treatment is burdensome for some patients;
  • not all people trust similar procedures and treat them with caution.

Indications for the procedure in small children under 1 year of age:

  • hyper- or hypotonicity of muscles;
  • neurological disorders of minor severity;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including dysplasia and immaturity of the hip joints);
  • diathesis;
  • burns;
  • diseases of the ENT organs.

Contraindications to electrophoresis – absolute and relative

As with any other physiotherapy procedure, electrophoresis has indications and contraindications. Contraindications are divided into absolute, in which the procedure is prohibited, and relative, in which the decision on the possibility of physical treatment is made by the doctor.

Electrophoresis is not performed in acute stage illness or exacerbation chronic pathologies- This absolute contraindication for all patients.

Absolute Relative
  • General serious condition patient
  • T 38 and more
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Electrical intolerance or medicinal product, used for treatment
  • Active tuberculosis
  • Severe mental illness
  • Malignant tumors
  • Renal and acute stage
  • Menstruation in women
  • Presence of a pacemaker
  • Severe cardiovascular failure
  • Integrity violation skin in places where electrodes are placed
  • Pregnancy
  • Hypertension in the acute stage
  • Children under 2 years old

Even in the absence of direct contraindications to the procedure, the doctor always weighs the pros and cons and evaluates general state physical and mental health before prescribing physiotherapy treatment.

Side effects of electrophoresis

If the procedure technique is fully followed, no side effects does not arise. It is possible to develop allergic reactions to the drug used for treatment. Often, hyperemia remains at the site where the pad was applied, which quickly disappears after removing the electrodes.

Characteristics of LF.

Liquid prescribed dosage form, an ophthalmic true solution for external use, a comprehensive free dispersion system with a liquid dispersion medium.

Compatibility – components are compatible.

Working copy:

Furacilini 0.02

Natrii Chloridi 0.85

Aquae purificatae 100 ml

Ophthalmic solutions are prepared under aseptic conditions with subsequent sterilization (Ministry of Health order No. 214 dated July 16, 1997). The solvent is freshly distilled purified water, because To eye drops There is no requirement for non-pyrogenicity. To provide osmotic concentration and for better dissolution of furatsilin, 0.85 sodium chloride is added to the solution. Because the total mass of dry substances does not exceed 3%, then the volume of the solution increases slightly, so take 100 ml of water. Furacilin is a coloring drug, stored in a special cabinet, dosed on hand scales designated for working with it. For more rapid dissolution Boiling or hot water is recommended (hot water used reduces the strength of the crystal lattice, increases the rate of diffusion, i.e. accelerates the dissolution process). Into a sterile stand, rinsed hot water peeled, measure 100 ml hot water purified, in which 0.02 g of furatsilin and 0.85 g of sodium chloride are dissolved with stirring. After cooling, the solution is filtered through a washed cotton swab into sterile dispensing bottles made of neutral glass. Filtering the solution is carried out through a washed cotton swab so that the filter material does not absorb the solution and the volume of the solution does not change. Submit for control for mechanical inclusions at UK - 2 (required), qualitative and quantitative control (required). The bottle is sealed with a rubber stopper, rolled with an aluminum cap, labeled and sterilized at 120 o C for 8 minutes (order dated July 16, 1997 N 214). After sterilization, the solution is re-checked for the absence of mechanical inclusions and labeled.

Design: main label “Eye drops”. The label indicates: compartment, method of application, date (day, month, year). There are additional labels “Keep cool, dark place", "Keep away from children."

Shelf life for break-in is 1 month (according to order No. 214 dated July 16, 2007).

Aquae purificatae 100 ml

Furacilini 0.02

Natrii Chloridi 0.85



Control at the manufacturing stages.

Assess the correctness of the design of the PPK.

The quality of the closure (the aluminum cap should not turn when checking manually, the solution should not spill out when the bottle is tipped over), the volume of the solution.

Decor. The label is written correctly, the date of preparation of the solution is indicated, shelf life, who prepared and checked the paintings.

Organoleptic control.

Liquid yellow color without mechanical inclusions.

There are many physiotherapeutic procedures that help speed up the recovery and rehabilitation process for diseases of the internal organs. One of the most effective methods of treatment that has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition is the procedure of electrophoresis with iodine.

Electrophoresis is a therapeutic manipulation in which the human body is exposed to a direct electric current, which has a general therapeutic effect and facilitates the penetration of medications through the skin and mucous membranes. During the procedure, charged particles enter the body through the space between cells, sebaceous and sweat glands.

The bioavailability of the medicine used for this manipulation is 2-10% of the amount applied to the pad. However, in this case, the medication is injected directly into the affected area. This leads to the fact that the substance accumulates in the “sore spot” in an increased concentration, significantly exceeding the dose received by injection or orally.

Indications for use

Electrophoresis is a painless, effective manipulation that can be prescribed even to pregnant women and small children. This physiotherapy procedure is widely used as part of the complex treatment of many therapeutic, neurological, gynecological and traumatological diseases.

The treatment course consists of several sessions, the number of which is determined by the doctor individually. Doctors prescribe the procedure for:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, pleurisy, acute and prolonged bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
  • ENT pathologies: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, damage to the pancreas and liver, inflammation and stones in the gall bladder, colitis.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, varicose veins of the lower extremities, atheroclerosis.
  • Electrophoresis in gynecology is part of therapy for: endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, vaginitis, cervicitis.
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system in men: prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
  • For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: cracks, fractures, inflammation, dislocations and subluxations, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Neurological pathologies: neuritis, trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, headache, vertebral hernia, paresis and paralysis.
  • Skin lesions: acne, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, bedsores, scar changes, dermatitis.

Electrophoresis is also prescribed during the recovery period after major operations to accelerate wound healing and scar formation.

Carrying out manipulation

The essence of electrophoresis is the directed movement of charged particles that make up the medication, perpendicular to the direction of current movement. To do this, special pads soaked in a solution of medications are placed on the patient’s skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

Depending on the technology for applying specialized electrodes, there are several insertion options:

  1. Percutaneous is the most common method.
  2. Bath treatment - in which the affected area, most often a limb (arm or leg), is placed in a container filled with the necessary drug.
  3. Cavitary - in this case, one of the electrodes and a medication solution is inserted into the hollow organs (uterus, bladder, stomach). Another electrode is placed on the skin during the procedure.
  4. Interstitial - most often used in the treatment of respiratory tract pathologies. With this method, the solution enters the body by injection or ingestion, after which the electrodes are placed over the pathological focus.

Many drugs are used for electrophoresis. Only the attending physician or a physiotherapist can select the necessary medication, duration and frequency of therapeutic effects after a thorough examination of the patient.

Features of the procedure

It is important to remember that the degree of therapeutic effect depends on the method of administration of the drug and its degree of absorption. The efficiency of electrophoresis is also influenced by factors such as:

  • Age and health status of the patient.
  • Place of physiotherapeutic influence.
  • Duration of therapeutic effect.
  • Current strength, charge and size of ions.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.

A doctor can select the most effective medicine only after a thorough examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis. The procedure itself can only be performed during the period of convalescence and recovery from illness.

Contraindications for carrying out

It is necessary to know how to conduct electrophoresis with potassium iodide and its indications, as well as contraindications. This procedure has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the effects of electric current and the administered drugs themselves. That is why there are a number of contraindications to this manipulation, which must be excluded before prescribing a treatment course to the patient. These include:

  1. Malignant neoplasms.
  2. The patient has a pacemaker.
  3. Pathologies of the blood coagulation system.
  4. Skin diseases and injuries - eczema, wounds, abrasions and scars at the site where the electrodes are supposed to be applied.
  5. Exacerbation of inflammation or underlying pathology.
  6. Increased body temperature.
  7. Current intolerance and individual sensitivity to the drug.

Many women who have been prescribed a long course of physiotherapeutic procedures are interested in the question “is it possible to perform electrophoresis during menstruation?” Doctors do not recommend electrophoresis if electrodes are placed over the uterus and ovaries, as this may cause cycle disruption. In other cases, the procedure can be carried out, since menstruation is not a pathology.

Electrophoresis with iodine, magnesium and copper preparations

Potassium iodine, calcium iodide and other drugs are most often used when performing electrophoresis. Procedures with potassium iodide are widely used for:

  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Fibrous and bone changes around the joints.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Iodine solutions have an effective “absorbing effect” on lesions of large and small joints, which has made them the most popular drugs used for electrophoresis in traumatology and rheumatology.

Magnesium preparations show effectiveness in cases of damage to the nervous system, neuritis, neuralgia, as well as various pathologies of cerebral vessels.

Solutions with copper and zinc are used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of infertility to stimulate ovarian function.

The use of physiotherapy in gynecology

Obstetricians and gynecologists prescribe electrophoresis for adhesions, cycle disorders, and inflammation localized in the pelvic organs. It is important to remember that the procedure is permissible only in the subacute period and during recovery.

Electrophoresis is also effective during pregnancy, as it is harmless to the baby, painless and effective method of treatment. The procedure is prescribed for:

  1. Increased uterine tone.
  2. Threat of premature birth.
  3. Gestozakh.

In this case, the electrodes are placed in the neck-collar area. Pregnant women can undergo electrophoresis with potassium; elements and vitamins must be administered. The composition of the solution used during the procedure is selected by the doctor individually in each case.

Electrophoresis is an effective and painless procedure that has earned many positive reviews. Many patients note a rapid improvement in their overall well-being and the elimination of unpleasant symptoms after undergoing a course of physiotherapy.

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