Purulent scab in the nose. Boogers: causes of appearance - physiological and pathological, how to get rid of them and treat them. Causes of scabs in the nose

On similar symptoms Almost everyone who has had the opportunity to visit an otolaryngologist complains. The prevalence of this problem may surprise you, but why does it occur so often, and Can dry nose and crusts be a symptom of a serious illness?

Causes of crusts and dry nose

What are crusts in the nose? This is mucus, blood or pus that accumulates in the nose and dries to form a crust. In fact, such consequences are caused by a malfunction of the mucous membrane.

Because of the crusts, the blood supply to the mucous membrane is disrupted, and poor nasal breathing, and as a result, a person’s well-being.

This is enough to motivate you to actively fight the disease. True, relief often comes only during the procedures.

External causes of dry nose

TO external reasons all possible impacts should be included external environment. Dry nose and crusting can cause:

  • visit to the steam room;
  • insufficient air humidity;
  • long stay in a dusty room;
  • injuries and burns of the mucous membrane;
  • emotional and psychogenic factors;
  • reaction to animal fur;
  • cold;
  • sudden climate change;
  • inhalation of certain substances;
  • use of air conditioner and air freshener.

Interesting to know! Symptoms are typical for workers in the chemical, textile, and cement industries. Happens to janitors, miners and librarians, plasterers.

Hormonal reasons

Often the occurrence of dry nose and hard crusts is associated with hormonal fluctuations caused by:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • hormonal imbalance, accompanied by the production of an increased amount of the hormone progesterone;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • postmenopausal period, both in women and men.

Reaction to substances in medications

One of the reasons for the formation of dry crusts in the nose is rhinitis, which appears due to the use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

doctors say that there may be improper use of the drug, too long or too frequent use, a reaction to the components of the drug

Vasoconstrictors, or decongestants, as experts also call them, do not cure a runny nose., they only relieve symptoms. And the mechanism of their action is as follows: they inhibit the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases and secretion decreases.

With prolonged use of drugs of this type, the epithelium is damaged.

Diseases and pathologies

Diseases and pathologies constitute the widest group of causes causing dryness mucous membrane and the appearance of crusts in the nose. These include:

  • Long-term rhinitis– chronic allergic rhinitis.
  • Ozen's disease or foul runny nose. The disease is accompanied by atrophic changes in the mucous, bone and cartilage tissues and the release of an unpleasant-smelling secretion.
  • Scleroma. The mucous membrane is affected by the Volkovich-Frisch bacillus. Accompanied by dryness and nasal congestion, which is not relieved by medications.
  • Autoimmune disease– Sjögren’s syndrome – dry syndrome. Gland pathology internal secretion, in which the mucous membrane dries out.
  • Wegener's granulomatosis. Also an autoimmune disease characterized by changes and inflammatory lesion blood vessels.
  • Concretion- nasal stone. It consists of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate salts.

As it enlarges, it prevents the secretion from coming out, and when you try to remove it, it scratches the mucous membrane, as it has sharp edges, which further aggravates the situation. Ultimately, dried secretions and dried blood accumulate in the nose.

The cause of the formation may be pieces of cotton wool or foreign bodies caught in the nose.

  • Folliculitis and other diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Herpetic rashes.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Stomach problems.
  • Problems with the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system.
  • Vitamin and iron deficiency.
  • In addition, dryness and crusts in the nose can be caused by injuries:
    deformation of the nasal septum,
    broken nose,

The reason may be anatomical features nose structure:

  • congenital pathology, such as a deviated nasal septum;
  • wide nasal passages;
  • close location of vessels to the surface.

Sometimes the cause cannot be established, then the diagnosis will contain the word “idiopathic”

Sensations that complement the clinical picture of crusts in the nose

The sensations that a patient experiences with diseases that manifest themselves with similar symptoms cannot be called pleasant: dryness and burning, feeling of tightness of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion.

Added to this is the inability to recognize odors, dry mouth due to constant breathing mouth, snoring

SYMPTOMS may be supplemented by headaches arising from difficulty breathing and, as a consequence, lack of oxygen, and bad smell.

It is important to know! It is difficult to remove crusts without damaging the intradermal layer of the nose. Most often, such manipulations lead to the formation of new crusts, cracks, and subsequently, over a long period of time, to erosion of the mucous membrane.

How to diagnose the disease

To identify the cause, a specialist takes a smear for microflora, does an X-ray or tomography of the nasal sinuses to exclude the purulent origin of the crusts, and performs rhinoscopy.

In some cases, an endoscope is used for deep examinations. It is important to determine the degree of the inflammatory process and the source of its spread.

The crusts are clearly visible during rhinoscopy.
Often they cover the walls tightly, without gaps. You can diagnose the origin of crusts by their color:

  • white– this is dried mucus;
  • dark appear after prolonged exposure to a dusty room or outdoors;
  • yellow and green talk about purulent inflammations, are a sign of infection, they often accompany sinusitis;
  • red signal weak blood vessels, burst capillaries, and atrophic changes in the mucosa. There may be no discharge, but there is a burning sensation and dryness, and crusts form in the nose.

Ideally, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Treatment can be either general or local. If there is pathology, then folk remedies the problem cannot be solved, it may be necessary surgical intervention.

Ways to treat dry and crusty nose

If symptoms are caused external factors, then sometimes it is enough to eliminate them, and the condition will improve.

Newborn babies also sometimes develop crusts in their nose due to dryness. One way to get rid of crusts is a simple procedure for removing them. It is sometimes not easy to carry out the procedure, since children do not like it very much. They turn their heads and cry.

To remove crusts from a newborn or small child child, a cotton swab is used, which is moistened in sterile oil.

The flagellum is placed in the child’s nasal passage, scrolled a little and pulled towards itself. The crusts are softened and removed.

Treatment is medicinal

Use drugs local action, produced in the form of ointments, drops and sprays.


Apply to turundas and cover the nasal passage with crusts or take with a cotton swab and coat the nasal passages. The procedure is usually carried out after washing up to 3 times a day, most often before bed and after waking up.

Depending on the causes of the disease, ointments of different compositions are used:

After daily use ointment, relief comes in about a week.


They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Polydexa. Contains vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic action: phenylephrine, neomycin, polymyxin.
  • Isofra. Contains the antibiotic framycetin. Has a powerful effect antibacterial effect. Useless for allergic rhinitis.
  • Relieve dryness with sprays such as Marimer, Otrivin more, Physiomer, Salin, Humer– all of them are based on isotonic sea ​​water. Strengthens blood vessels and has an antibacterial effect.

Drops: Essentially, these are the same drugs as sprays, only in a different form.


Passed through a nebulizer. If the crusts have bacterial origin, use antiseptic drugs: Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Dioxidin.

Sinus rinsing

Washing is done with Aquamaris and Aqualor 3-4 times a day..

In addition, hypertensive and isotonic solutions.
Even ordinary Vaseline is used for treatment. It prevents crusts from drying out and has a moisturizing effect.

It is important to know! If the disease lasts for a long time, if it is not treated by other means, cauterization is performed, due to which the growth of new cells is activated.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are in no way inferior in effectiveness to medications, and in some cases their use is more justified.


Inhalations with the addition of essential oils menthol, mint, eucalyptus. You need to put a few drops of oil in hot water and inhale the vapors, covering your head with a towel.

Washing the nasopharynx

  • Rinse with infusions of linden, chamomile, and mint.
  • Prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile and linden together. 3 tbsp. l. Add 400 ml of water to each plant and bring to a boil. They insist.
  • Birch leaves, mint(1 tbsp each) pour one glass of boiling water, infuse, filter, add 1 tsp. soda
  • Good to use natural sea water. People who know bring a bottle with them from the sea just in case. It also helps with colds. Used for rinsing and as drops. If there is no sea water, you can prepare it yourself: take 1 liter of water for 10 g of salt. The solution is brought to a boil; when it cools, it can be washed.
  • Plantain infusion Prepare this way: take 40 g of dry plant per 200 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter, and rinse.

Nasal drops

The oil has a healing effect and also softens the crusts. Use any vegetable oil, but it’s best to take sea buckthorn. You can simply smear the mucous membrane with your finger or soak a tampon with oil and put it in your nose overnight. You can lie down with your head thrown back, generously lubricating your nasal passages with oil for 25–30 minutes.

In addition to sea buckthorn oil, oil is used for instillation tea tree, olive, grape seeds.

Tea tree oil is mixed with baby cream to make it thicker. Sea buckthorn oil is used in combination with oil wild rose(rosehip), burying one day sea ​​buckthorn oil, the other is rosehip oil.

  • Milk stimulates mucus production, softens crusts. It can be instilled into the nose.
  • Aloe and Kalanchoe juice is instilled 2 drops in each nostril. Can be diluted 1:1 with water. The juice of carrots and beets is instilled in the same way.
  • Honey and onion drops are prepared for instillation. Mix 50 ml of water, 3 tbsp. l. chopped onion, 0.5 tsp. honey Strain before the procedure.

Other Treatments for Dry Nose

Some treatments cannot be classified into the above categories., For example:

  1. Inhalation of powder seaweed . The powder is ground into dust in a coffee grinder and inhaled carefully so that the powder does not get deep into the respiratory tract.
  2. Complex therapy using boiled potatoes, soda and menthol oil. Oil is instilled into the nose, and boiled warm potatoes are applied to the sinuses. Until the potatoes cool. After the procedure, the nose is washed with soda.
  3. Propolis ointment. Take equal amounts of propolis and baby cream. Propolis is melted in a water bath and quickly mixed with the cream.

Note! Bath procedures have a beneficial effect on the body's condition due to moisturizing the mucous membrane.

It would seem that dryness and crusts in the nose do not require special attention and treatment. However, this problem may be insurmountable for some.

Remember that the list of possible causes includes serious diseases, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Useful video on the topic of treating dryness and crusting in the nose

The appearance of painful crusts, wounds or pustules in the nose is a problem that almost every person faces. But what to do if sores constantly form in your nose? Only a specialist can advise treatment in each specific case. After all, this problem can be caused by a large number of various reasons. In this article we will try to understand them and how to treat the disease, taking into account its etiology.

Why do abrasions, wounds and ulcers appear in the nose?

Doctors name many reasons why sores constantly form in the nose:

  1. Inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is most often caused by acute or chronic runny nose. In most cases, sinusitis or sinusitis are to blame for the appearance of painful crusts. In addition, to pathological process Trauma to the mucous membrane can result (for example, due to the habit of picking the nose or due to a bruise), resulting in the formation of abscesses, hematomas or subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  2. Boils. This problem is often caused by hypothermia, stress, infection that gets on the mucous membrane from dirty hands, as well as the presence chronic diseases that reduce immunity.
  3. The reason for the appearance of sores with sycosis lies in the presence of a source of constant purulent discharge (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.). As a result of this, a person develops a purulent inflammatory process in the hair follicles located at the entrance to the nasal canal. They are caused by a staphylococcal infection.

Treatment of sores in the nose

Small inflammatory processes can also be treated at home. They can be very effective in cases where sores constantly form in the nose, streptomycin, Acyclovir, tetracycline, oxolinic). Good results are also achieved by using antiseptic solutions(“Chlorhexidine” or “Miramistin”), which prevent infections from developing in wounds and speed up their healing.

When boils appear, it is also possible independent decision problems, but in most cases it is required long-term treatment, aimed primarily at strengthening the immune system. On initial stage For furunculosis, the patient is prescribed antibacterial ointments (for example, Triderm), as well as antibiotics (Ceflazin, Vancomycin, etc.). Anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Diclofenac) are also used. And in order to avoid surgical intervention, which is possible for more severe stages diseases, the patient is prescribed laser therapy.

Sycosis, as a rule, has a long course, there are often relapses, so the main attention in the process of its treatment is directed to eliminating the main cause of the disease. In addition, the patient is offered to make lotions from antiseptics and astringents. It is recommended to treat the affected areas with ointments several times a day (Gentamicin, Levomekol, Flucinar, etc.). To get rid of crusts, gauze turundas soaked in a trypsin solution are inserted into the patient's nose.

What is ozena

If sores constantly form in the nose and the smell is bad, then the doctor may suspect the presence of quite rare disease- ozens. It is also called fetid runny nose.

Until now, the causes of this disease have not been fully studied, but most often it is observed with infection of the mucous bacterium Klebsiella ozaenae, with pathologies of the pterygopalatine or sympathetic node, as well as for endocrine disorders.

This disease has chronic form, and its treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. To do this, rinse the nose with saline solution, lubricate the wounds with streptomycin ointment, and intramuscular injections drugs “Gentamicin”, “Lincomycin”, “Oxacillin”, etc.

Eczema and erysipelas of the nose

In some cases, the reason why sores constantly form in the nose is eczema. This pathology most often develops in children and adults suffering from purulent sinusitis, in response to constant irritation of the dermis by secretions.

The first sign of the disease is redness and swelling of the surface of the skin at the entrance to the nostrils, then small, fluid-filled blisters appear. When they burst, they leave a wet surface on which cracks and crusts form.

Patients in such cases complain of pain and itching in the affected areas and, trying to remove dry crusts, further aggravate the process.

No less serious illness the nasal area is erysipelas. It develops due to minor abrasions, occurring at the wings of the respiratory organ as a result of squeezing out small suppurations, picking the nose, etc. If at the time of injury an infection gets into the wounds, then the process can cover the entire nasopharynx and even lead to a narrowing of the larynx.


If sores in the form of eczema constantly form in the nose, then it will take a long time to treat them. And the main attention will have to be paid to eliminating the causes of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to perform sanitization of the sinuses and adenotomy.

To eliminate skin lesions, lotions from a solution of resorcinol or tannin are used. Syntomycin emulsion is also quite effective in these cases.

Erysipelas can only be treated in a hospital. Therapeutic measures include massive use of antibiotics, treatment of affected areas with antiseptics, ointments and emulsions (for example, silver nitrate solution, ectericide, or emulsion, etc.). In addition, patients are treated with ultrasound and laser therapy at the affected area.

Problems caused by serious illnesses

Separately, we should mention severe pathologies that can lead to the constant formation of sores in the nose. We will not post photos of the signs of these diseases and a description of their treatment here, since this is too big a topic. And the pathologies themselves require long-term and qualified treatment. But they should still be listed.

  1. Syphilis. At the beginning of the development of the disease, a chancre, after which swelling of the mucous membrane develops, accompanied by purulent discharge. IN childhood Congenital syphilis can be detected, accompanied by chronic rhinitis, which is practically untreatable. On last stage Syphilis causes persistent ulcers in the patient's nose, the nasal bone is destroyed, causing the bridge of the nose to sink.
  2. Tuberculosis of the nose. It manifests itself with ulcers and tumors similar to those that occur with sarcoma.
  3. Tumors. Both benign and malignant neoplasms requiring urgent examination and emergency care.

Why do children constantly develop sores in their noses?

A child often develops sores in the nose associated with the development of a bacterial infection. Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis most often settle on the mucous membranes, as a result of which small wounds are formed there, from which mucus is released. This provokes herpetic rashes near the nostrils, redness of the nasopharynx and its swelling.

If the listed signs are detected, it is necessary to show the child to a specialist - an ENT specialist - to prescribe therapeutic procedures. Otherwise, the patient faces severe complications in the form of pneumonia, meningitis, etc.

Treatment of staph infection

If little patient Sores constantly form in the nose; only a specialist should decide how to treat them. Most often, the ENT prescribes antibiotics (Azithromycin, etc.), as well as medications that help restore the microflora of the mucous surfaces of the nasopharynx (Linex, etc.).

Very effective means It turns out that saline solutions are used to rinse the child’s nose, as well as vasoconstrictor drugs.

Herbal inhalations give a good effect. But the treatment infectious lesions nasal mucosa requires mandatory medical supervision and individual selection of medications.

Disease Prevention

Most often, ulcers, wounds and cracks in the nasal cavity form in people whose immunity is weakened. For the same reason, women complain that sores constantly form in the nose after childbirth. In order to avoid their development or recurrence of already observed problems with the mucous membrane, you should adhere to some rules:

  • at the end of winter and spring it is necessary to take general strengthening vitamins;
  • do not overcool;
  • do not touch your face with unwashed hands;
  • do not use other people's cosmetics, handkerchiefs or towels;
  • when dry crusts appear in the nose, they should not be damaged so as not to provoke the spread of infection;
  • during medical procedures you should take a new one every time cotton swab for lubricating wounds;
  • When you have a runny nose, it is better to use disposable napkins rather than handkerchiefs.

And remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Often yellow and brown crusts in the nose are caused by an infection such as staph getting into the wound. Black or green crusts in large quantities and with an unpleasant odor indicate atrophic rhinitis, which is more common in women. But there are also many other causes and predisposing factors.

A scab is a crust formed by coagulated blood and dead tissue. The nasal mucosa is one of the most delicate parts and is therefore very vulnerable to infections. For normal functioning the mucous membrane needs constant hydration. When exposed to dry and warm air, it dries out, which leads to the formation of crusts. The presence of ulcers in the nostrils, as well as a predisposition to colds, frequent runny nose and head injuries from blows or falls can cause scabs in the nose.


Dry mucous membranes

One of the common causes of nasal scabs is dry nasal mucosa. A dry nasal passage can be caused by extremely dry or hot weather, or by a medical condition such as Sjögren's syndrome, in which one of the symptoms is dry nasal mucosa. In this case, the crust is formed due to the massive destruction of mucosal cells. Typically, the scabs are small and few in number, accompanied by a burning sensation, and occur more often in young people.

The habit of picking your nose (with your fingers or other objects) leads to the formation of scratches, which can develop into large wounds and even ulcers. When an infection occurs, they do not heal for a long time and are accompanied by the formation of crusts.


Bloody scabs in the nostrils in this case– this is a very serious problem. The problem of bloody crusts due to bleeding is more common in children, although adults are also at risk. Factors such as recent surgery (rhinoplasty), blood congestion, broken nose, bleeding disorder (hemophilia), presence of nasal tumors, leukemia, etc. increase the risk of nosebleeds. Bleeding is not always noticeable. It can also occur at night, and in the morning dried crusts in the nose will be noticeable.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis – serious illness, in which, in addition to inflammation of the nasal mucosa, destruction of its tissues, as well as bones, occurs. This is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of black or green crusts that have an unpleasant odor due to the proliferation of microbes in dying tissues. Women are more likely to suffer from this disease, especially among the poor.

Allergic rhinitis

Swelling of the inferior turbinates and narrowing of the airways in a patient with hay fever. Can be easily confused with polyps

Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is a form of allergy that affects the entire respiratory system, including the throat. In particular, inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs. Symptoms include runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, severe inflammation etc.

Non-allergic rhinitis

Non-allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of the nose due to infection, colds and other factors not related to allergens. Nasal cavity becomes swollen, leading to nasal congestion or runny nose. But the non-allergic form is less likely to cause crusting than the aforementioned hay fever.

Here are some reasons:

  • Infections – viral, bacterial and fungal
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Exogenous factors such as smoke, perfume, smog, alcohol, spicy foods, weather changes, etc.


Herpes, or, as they also say, a cold on the face (has nothing to do with the common cold)

Another one possible reason The formation of crusts in the nose is associated with a viral infection caused by herpes. Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. And if the partners are engaged oral sex and left untreated, it leads to the appearance of greenish-yellow purulent scabs that will be difficult to cure.

Rhinoplasty or septoplasty

Although rhinoplasty is performed to correct and shape a deviated septum, it can also lead to crusting. Initially, small scabs form in the nose or near the nasal septum, and during the healing process, larger scabs may form.

It is very important to be observed by a doctor throughout the illness and rehabilitation, and under no circumstances try to self-medicate. The condition may worsen and lead to difficult and painful breathing.

Other causes of painful crusts in and around the nose

Continuing the topic of scabs, we will shed light on infections and other problems that lead to the formation of crusts in the nasal cavity.


Sometimes scabs in the nose can be the result of an infection associated with respiratory tract. Here are some of them:

Sinus infection or sinusitis

As a rule, sinusitis is accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the tissues lining the paranasal sinuses. Because of this, some people scratch inner surface nose, leading to bleeding. In this case, you need to apply for medical care, for the diagnosis of acute or chronic sinusitis.

Herpes virus


Another infection is viral herpes. At the onset of the disease, it appears as fluid-filled ulcers in the nostrils that can spread to the mouth area. When they dry out, they become crusty, which can be painful to the touch.

Swelling of the glands

Due to infection, the nasal glands (Bowman's glands, seromucous and anterior serous glands) may become swollen. Such swelling, for example, of the serous mucous membranes, has a negative effect in that it deprives them of the ability to moisturize the nasal mucosa.


If you are a sunbathing enthusiast, you are also at risk of getting crusts on your nose and near your mouth. Their formation begins as small blisters that turn red over time when exposed to high temperatures.

Medicines and drugs

In addition to other reasons that we have discussed, the reason for the formation of scabs can be the use of certain medications that dry out the nasal mucosa.


In order to decide on treatment tactics, you need to find out the reason for the appearance of the crust. Basically, they are all treatable. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, the treatment process will be much easier and faster.

Pharmacy drugs

Majority medicines and sprays do a good job of treating crusts in the nose, and have strong antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiallergic properties.

One of the topical medications for nasal scabs is antibiotic ointments. For example, this is like this active substance, like intranasal mupirocin, which is effective in eliminating nasal scabs caused by resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

According to the website of the medical company Healthtap, some products for local treatment should not be used on the nasal mucosa. For example, Triple Antibiotic Ointment. Also be careful with decongestants. They can lead to rhinitis medicamentosa.

Saline solution

You can fight the problem of scabs in the nose by simple means, such as saline solution. It has a slight vasoconstrictor property, due to which a therapeutic effect is observed.

This remedy will help you cope with infections and is effective in relieving symptoms such as nasal congestion after a cold, allergies or hay fever.

Saline solutions are absolutely safe and can be used by everyone, even pregnant women and children.


If surgery has taken place, your doctor may prescribe antiseptic medications to fight the bacterial infection.


Another method of dealing with crusts is “cauterizing the affected area with acid, hot metal or laser.” Naturally, such procedures are very painful, but sometimes it the only way effective fight with scabs. In this case, the doctor will use a liquid nitrogen for pain relief during the procedure.

Cauterization may be useful in treating cancerous scabs. In any case, this should only be carried out by specialists.

Non-healing scabs

Sometimes it happens that even after full course treatment, the problem of crusts in the nose remains relevant, or after a seemingly complete recovery, you again find scabs. Here are some reasons why scabs don't heal or come back.


In addition to infection, crusty nose can also be caused by cancer. You should be especially concerned if the problem persists for too long.

Some drugs

Another reason that makes it difficult to get rid of nose scabs is drugs. For example, cocaine. It burns the mucous membrane when inhaled.

Unfortunately, this habit can lead to the formation of long-term, non-healing crusts in the nose. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of the habit itself, otherwise no treatment method will give the desired effect.

Staphylococcal infection

Nasal vestibulitis - bacterial damage

Reason staphylococcal infection is a pathogenic group of Staphylococcus bacteria that can lead to the appearance of boils in the nose.

How to get rid of crusts on your nose faster?

First of all, you need to get rid of the habit of picking your nose. The second point that is worth paying attention to is the hygiene of the nasal cavity, as well as around the mouth. These measures must be followed to prevent the spread pathogenic bacteria. To do this, use antibacterial soap.

Secondly, to alleviate the condition, you can apply warm compresses and use salt solutions, (but not in the case of herpes). Severe wounds that do not heal for a long time will most likely need to be cauterized.

If you are facing the problem of crusts in your nose, there are several good ways that will help you alleviate your condition. By applying these tips, it will be easier for you to get rid of scabs on your nose.

Stop smoking

Cigarette smoke causes inflammation of the mucous membranes, which causes the formation of crusts and scabs. One of the reasons this happens is that the smoke is nutrient medium for bacteria. If you are prone to nosebleeds, smoking will make the situation even worse.

Completely heal all injuries, ulcers and scratches

It is imperative to ensure the complete healing of all wounds and scratches in the nose. In addition to this, take good care of hygiene during the treatment process by regularly washing and cleaning all wounds to prevent bacterial infections. During the postoperative period, you must follow all care recommendations provided by your attending physician.

Stop picking your nose

This is very important advice for good health. It is necessary to get rid of this habit as soon as possible if you want to cure scabs in the nose. Besides this, you can get other unwanted effects, such as:

  • Formation of bloody and painful scabs
  • Slowing down the healing process
  • Possible bacterial infection

Moisturize the mucous membrane

The nasal mucosa should always be well moisturized. This will speed up the healing process and make it a little easier general state. You can use Vaseline for this.

Blow your nose carefully

If you feel the need to blow your nose, try to do it as delicately as possible, otherwise there is a possibility of rupture of small blood vessels, which will only worsen the situation.

Avoid allergens

If you can't get an allergy test, try to at least avoid contact with the most common allergens, such as pollen, mold and animal dander.

Use humidifiers

Use a humidifier indoors, especially when warm time of the year. It is best to turn it on at night, this will have a beneficial effect on the healing process.

Nasal boogers are dry crusts that form in the nasal cavity from mucous secretions mixed with dust, dead epithelial cells and foreign particles. Thick mucus covers the inside of the nasopharynx, moisturizes it and performs a protective function, acting as a barrier to dust and dirt that tends to enter the bronchi and lungs with the air flow. Besides cleansing atmospheric air from foreign substances and gases, nasal discharge prevents the growth and development of opportunistic microflora in the respiratory system.

The nasal mucosa is a special filter that cleanses and moisturizes the air. Excessive content of foreign agents in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the viscosity of mucus. Moisture evaporates from the mucous membrane, becomes thicker and forms dry crusts, which are popularly called “boogers”. This common phenomenon occurs most often in young children.

A viscous secretion that covers the ciliated epithelium and moisturizes the mucous membrane is synthesized by small glands located throughout the surface of the nasopharynx. When reducing them secretory function Dry crusts form in the nose. Boogers irritate the mucous membrane and cause an irresistible desire to get rid of them. Nasopharyngeal discharge normally contains proteins, epithelial cells, salts, enzymes, and interferons. When the concentration of proteins increases, the mucus dries out, which leads to increased crusting in the nose.

The risk group consists of the following categories of people:

  • IN to the greatest extent Residents of metropolitan cities are susceptible to this phenomenon, which is associated with a high concentration of exhaust gases in the atmosphere, dust in the air, and overcrowding of the population.
  • Children. The nasal mucosa in babies intensively filters dust coming from outside, which also contributes to the formation of crusts.
  • Aged people. In old age, the body undergoes atrophic changes: the nasal mucosa becomes thinner and becomes covered with crusts that are difficult to remove.

Physiological reasons

Diseases that cause crusts to appear in the nose

Boogers in the nose occur due to the following diseases:

  • The common one is manifested by a runny nose, which is quickly cured with drops and sprays. In advanced cases, the pathology is complicated by atrophy of the mucous membrane and bone tissue. If the patient has difficulty breathing through the nose, the crusts spread an unpleasant odor and impair the sense of smell, it is necessary to consult a doctor for rhinoscopy.
  • Herpetic viral infection It manifests itself first by the appearance of bubbles on the nasal mucosa, which open and wounds form. Over time, the ulcers scar and become covered with green or yellow crusts. If the pathology is not treated, then pus will begin to seep from under the crusts.
  • Hormonal surge during treatment hormonal contraceptives accompanied by the appearance of crusts in the nose. Pregnant women, children puberty, faces in menopause are also prone to frequent crusting.
  • Acute infectious diseases manifested by fever, which dries out the mucous membrane, which also ends with the appearance of crusts in the nose.
  • in a child it is often accompanied by dry white boogers. The child has difficulty breathing due to an enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil. When crusts appear in the nose, sleep is disturbed and the sense of smell disappears.
  • Chemical and thermal burns can provoke inflammation and dysfunction of the goblet glands located in the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Injuries to the nose lead to the appearance of bloody boogers. Under the influence of a traumatic factor, the blood vessels located in the nose rupture. More often blood boogers are caused by foreign bodies entering the nose, “picking” in the nose, intense nose blowing, weakness and fragility of blood vessels, and degenerative phenomena in the nose. Black dried boogers disrupt nasal breathing and cause discomfort in the nose.
  • Endocrine diseases cause metaplasia of goblet cells - the replacement of glandular cells with any others while maintaining the main type of tissue.
  • Overuse of vasoconstrictor nasal drops leads to dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane and degeneration ciliated epithelium. Dryness and itching in the nose worsen in the morning or with a sudden change in temperature.
  • Diarrhea, excessive urination and sweating cause dehydration and thickening of muconasal secretions.
  • In the early postoperative period Many crusts appear in the nasal cavity, which indicates a dysfunction of the mucous membrane.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs – vasomotor, . Green boogers in the nose appear in people with infectious pathology.
  • Allergy.
  • When the nose closes the opening between the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Patients develop white snot, which dries out over time and turns into crusts. white.


Boogers in the nose are not a pathology. Getting rid of them at the initial stage is not difficult. In order not to start the process before the crusts penetrate from the nose into the pharynx, you need to know about the basic methods of treatment.

Drug therapy

To get rid of crusts in the nose, experts recommend using special ointments and oils that soften the mucous membrane and allow boogers to freely leave the nasal cavity. Rinse your nose with boiled water, infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs.

If the problem remains and the “goats” continue to “attack”, you need to contact an ENT doctor.


  • Photodynamic therapy- a method of influencing the mucous membrane of light waves, normalizing the functions of the nasal membranes and stimulating lymph flow.
  • Ion therapy- introduction into the body using direct current medicinal substances, improving the condition of the tissue structures of the nose. This is a kind of electrophoresis of medicinal substances using stationary electrodes.
  • UHF therapy has a lasting therapeutic effect.



To avoid the appearance of boogers in the nose, it is necessary to perform preventive procedures:

  • Open windows to ventilate the room,
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning
  • Use humidifiers
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene and care for the nasal cavity,
  • If necessary, lubricate the nasal passages with peach oil or baby cream,
  • Stop smoking.
  • Play sports and toughen up.
  • Eat properly.
  • See a doctor promptly.
  • Avoid drafts and hypothermia.

Boogers in the nose are an unpleasant sign that is often a symptom of certain diseases that require treatment. therapeutic assistance. In case of intense and abundant crusting, you should contact an ENT doctor who will diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

What to do if dry crusts constantly form in your nose? What is the reason for their occurrence?

In the nasal cavity there is a thin covering - mucous epithelium. It has special cells that produce mucus necessary for the body. These semi-liquid secretions are designed to prevent dust particles and various microbes from entering the body. In addition, they moisten the breath and improve the sense of smell.

Causes of crusts in the nose

If crusts form in a person’s nose, then most often he does not see this as a problem. You can easily remove them yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor about this problem.

Dry crusts in the nose, the causes of which are not always immediately clear, can lead to other problems, such as:

  • labored breathing,
  • excessive dryness in the nasal cavity,
  • gradual loss of smell,
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor,
  • atrophy of the mucous membrane,
  • expansion of the nasal cavity.

The reasons why crusts may form have not yet been established.

Adults and children are susceptible to the disease.

This usually happens in the following cases:

  1. Congenital pathology.
  2. Changes in the mucous membrane due to negative factors- cold or injury.
  3. Hormonal disbalance.
  4. Stressful state of the body.

With congenital pathology, a person may pay attention to the width of the nose and some underdevelopment of the nasal sinuses. In this case, dry crusts have bothered him since early childhood.

However, parents constantly look after the child, rinsing and clearing the nose, so the problem remains invisible. With age, parental care ceases, so a crust in the nose begins to form constantly.

When the mucous membrane in the nose is damaged and treatment is not started on time, an irreversible process of disintegration of the membrane may occur, leading to the formation of various growths, pus and an unpleasant odor.

Therefore, in case of injury, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to prevent deformation of the nose. You should also avoid complications from colds. It is necessary to begin treatment of a runny nose from the first days of illness.

Under stress, the mucous membrane can change for the worse.

Hormonal imbalance can also affect the mucous membrane. Taking medications that produce progesterone leads to severe dryness in the nose. For this reason, crusts appear in the nose in large numbers.

In addition, the change hormonal levels may happen in menstrual period. After the end of menstruation, hormones return to normal, and the crusts disappear on their own.

Like other organs and tissues human body, she suffers from all negative emotions. Prolonged depression can cause the mucous membrane to dry out. Because of this, crusts and other growths appear in the nose in adults.

In addition, changes in the mucous membrane and the appearance of dry crusts can be influenced by gastrointestinal disorders, acclimatization and poor weather, work in hazardous industries where a person has to inhale irritating substances.

Causes of green and bloody crusts

Why might green or bloody crusts appear in my nose? Regular dry crusts are white or transparent.

Due to exposure environment- dirty air and dust - they can acquire a grayish tint. But if the crusts turn green, then an infection has appeared.

If crusts with blood constantly form in the nose, this may be due to weak blood vessels. Such processes do not occur in a healthy body, so this is an alarming signal. There are a large number of capillaries in the nasal cavity and sinuses. They supply nutrients tissues that are located near the nose. If an injury occurs, it is accompanied heavy bleeding. How weaker vessels, the longer it doesn't stop.

The main reasons for the appearance of blood crusts are:

Reasons for appearance
Vascular abnormalities. The structure of the walls of blood vessels in the nose is porous. Under the influence of injuries, infections and other external and internal reasons the structure may become deformed and enlarge. For this reason, red blood cells actively penetrate through the walls of blood vessels and mix with mucus, which leads to the formation of bloody crusts. Congenital structural features of the nose. In some people, the vessels are located close to the mucous membrane. Because of this, crusts with blood form.

A bloody crust in a child’s nose can occur due to constant picking and injury to the mucous membrane.

The appearance of crusts is caused by: getting into the nose foreign body, allergic rhinitis and excessive use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Regardless of the cause, this phenomenon is an unpleasant symptom in adults and children, so it is necessary to establish correct diagnosis and start treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease and treatment

At the initial appointment, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints and finds out how long ago the scabs began to appear. He asks whether the patient took any medications and used sprays to independently get rid of unpleasant symptoms. He then recommends doing a rhinoscopy. This is a detailed examination of the nasal cavity. Based on it, conclusions are drawn about the mucous membrane - how thin and atrophied it is.

When the cause is established, the doctor prescribes treatment. It can be conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment uses procedures such as iontophoresis, organotherapy, irrigation and lavage.

The surgical method is used when the mucous membrane is severely deformed and conservative treatment no longer helps.

Used in the treatment of blood crusts medications to strengthen blood vessels. If crusts with blood appear due to high blood pressure, then are assigned medicines for its regulation.

To prevent the appearance of crusts in the nose, it is recommended to regularly care for the nasal cavity by rinsing it sea ​​water. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and promptly eliminate infectious foci in the body.

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