Surgical abortion, how it is done, consequences, pregnancy after surgical abortion. After surgical abortion

Artificial termination of pregnancy has an extremely negative impact on the health of patients, and recovery after an abortion sometimes takes several months. The duration of recovery depends on the duration of the interruption and the abortive method. It is clear that after non-invasive pharmaceutical abortion the body recovers faster than after curettage, which requires long-term rehabilitation.

It will take a lot of time to fully normalize physical and mental health

Since the duration of recovery depends on the type of abortion.

  • Medical termination is indicated when the gestational age is a maximum of 7 weeks. The patient is taking high-dose hormonal drugs, which suppress embryonic development. The fertilized egg is rejected and comes out with bleeding. A week after the interruption, the woman undergoes a control test ultrasound examination to eliminate the possibility of an incomplete abortion.
  • Surgical curettage is performed at 7-12 weeks. Such an interruption seriously undermines women Health and negatively affects the patient’s reproduction. A woman may feel the consequences of such an abortion for several months.
  • A mini-abortion is performed by vacuum aspiration up to 6 weeks. This procedure lasts about 5 minutes, the fetus is literally sucked out of the uterine body, thanks to negative pressure. With such an abortion, recovery lasts much less than with curettage.

The longest recovery is after an abortion performed surgically. Moreover, curettage curettage is fraught with the development of complications.

Treatment after interruption

Immediately after the interruption, the patient remains in the hospital; the stay can last several hours or days, depending on the type of interruption and the presence of postoperative complications. The patient is prescribed a weekly course of antibiotic therapy to prevent septic complications. To improve contraction of the uterine body, it may be necessary hormonal treatment involving the administration of oxytocin.

To improve blood flow and cleanse the uterine cavity from blood clots, moderate recommended physical activity. In some cases, physical therapy is performed. Vitamins are usually not prescribed, however, after treatment with antibiotics, dysbiosis may develop, leading to a drop in the level of B vitamins. IN similar situation reception recommended vitamin preparations or vitamin B complex.

If pain persists, see a doctor immediately

If a control ultrasound shows the absence of fetal remains in the uterus, the abdomen is painless and soft, and the bloody smear is insignificant, then the woman is sent home. For about one to two weeks after an abortion, the patient may experience hyperthermia up to 38 degrees, which is quite normal. But if hyperthermic conditions bother you for more than this period, then you need to urgently consult a specialist, because this symptom indicates pathology.

After discharge, the patient needs to undergo a smear from the vagina and cervix for vaginosis and infections, and also undergo ultrasonography to assess the condition of the endometrium and the uterine body as a whole. If it is found in smears increased content leukocytes or bacteria, then bacterial culture of mucus from the genital tract is carried out. If necessary, antibacterial or antimicrobial therapy is prescribed.

Restoration of the female body

In order for rehabilitation after an abortion to occur without any complications, the patient must observe sexual rest for at least a month. If a girl ignores this prohibition, then the likelihood of developing various kinds complications, especially after curettage. Sexual intercourse soon after an abortion is dangerous due to bleeding or rejection of the uterine mucous layer, which occurs against the background of infectious pathogens entering the injured uterus.

  • Physical recovery after an abortion occurs in about a couple of weeks, during which the girl is prohibited from any training. Just muscle tissue abdomen, rest is necessary during recovery.
  • Patients are also prohibited from lifting heavy objects, in order to avoid the penetration of infectious or bacterial pathogens; during recovery, they must refrain from taking a bath or swimming in open water or a pool.
  • The likelihood of post-abortion complications will depend on how smoothly the physical recovery occurs.
  • Abortion is always a stressful factor for a woman, so recovery after termination of pregnancy can be accelerated with the help of a properly formulated diet rich in microelements or vitamins, protein foods and fiber.
  • Periodically you need to check your blood pressure and temperature; if abnormal changes are detected, you need to go to the doctor.


The most damaged structure that requires rehabilitation after an abortion is the uterus. The longer the gestational age, the greater the damage to the uterine body, especially during surgical curettage. After the fetus is removed, the uterine body gradually contracts and takes on its full, generally accepted size after a few days. But it forms on the wall traumatic injury, which needs time to heal and fully build up the endometrial layer.

Normally, the uterine body recovers in about a month, and by the beginning of the next menstruation it acquires its normal parameters and healthy epithelium. After about one and a half to two weeks, the woman is examined by a gynecologist. If there are copious discharge, similar to meat slop, with a nauseating odor and a dark red tint, and the uterus is painful and enlarged, then an inflammatory lesion is diagnosed.

Endometritis usually occurs against the background of violations of the abortion technique, if fetal tissue remains inside, infection occurs during the abortion process or after it, as well as the formation of hematometra, in which blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. Therefore, a control ultrasound is performed, which confirms the cleanliness of the uterus and the absence of abnormalities.

Menstrual cycle

Many girls are interested in how to recover faster after an abortion. But some processes require certain deadlines. For example, restoration of the uterus takes about a month, and about the same amount is spent on restoring the cycle. After interruption, ovarian-menstrual regulation is disrupted, and the production of the required amount of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone stops.

It is difficult to say when menstruation will begin after an interruption, because it depends on many factors. various reasons such as the patient’s age and gestational age, abortion technique and presence chronic pathologies, as well as currents postoperative rehabilitation. Usually, menstruation resumes about a month after surgery, however, after surgical interruption, the recovery period of the cycle may become longer, and the nature menstrual flow This may also change in the first few months.

  • If enough for a long time If your periods are scanty, you need to go to a gynecologist for an examination.
  • There can be several reasons for scanty periods. One of them is associated with functional disruptions in the hormonal activity of the ovaries, hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
  • Often such complications arise after pharmaceutical abortion.
  • Also, scanty periods can occur with severe trauma to the endometrial layer.
  • Excessively heavy periods after an abortion for a long time are considered a dangerous symptom.
  • This occurs with endometrial hyperplasia or adenomyosis.

Ovulation in the first few cycles (2-3), as a rule, is also absent, although sometimes ovulatory processes are restored already in the first cycle.

Is contraception necessary?

It is advisable to keep a calendar to mark the beginning of menstruation

How to restore the body after an abortion? As already mentioned, in order for the recovery to go smoothly and without dangerous complications, strict sexual rest is required for a month. When sexual intercourse becomes possible, patients need mandatory contraception, because conception can occur already in the first cycle after interruption. The onset of pregnancy soon after termination is extremely undesirable; it is better to wait at least six months before conceiving, because there is a high probability of developing pregnancy pathologies. Oral contraceptives are used as an effective contraceptive method. birth control pills, mitigating hormonal complications and preventing neuroendocrine disorders.

It is recommended to take low-dose contraceptives, i.e. low content hormones. Estrogen simply increases blood clotting, and in the first few cycles the patient already experiences hypercoagulation. Usually girls are prescribed Mercilon, Rigevidon or Regulon, etc. They start taking pills on the day of the abortion, which will be counted as the first day of the new monthly cycle.

What affects the speed of recovery?

In fact, abortion is the same operation as many other interventions, so you will have to recover from it according to a certain scheme, observing medical recommendations. The gynecologist must monitor the patient’s condition during the rehabilitation period in order to promptly prevent the development of dangerous consequences or complications. These include expressed painful sensations in the abdominal area, heavy and prolonged bleeding or delayed menstruation, etc. If such problems arise, it is recommended to consult a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary therapy.

Overall, recovery from an interruption can be influenced by a variety of factors. Firstly, the patient's condition. If she suffers from any chronic or hereditary pathologies, then they will interfere rapid recovery. Secondly, the abortion technique. Usually, rehabilitation occurs most quickly with a mini-abortion, but after surgical curettage or pharma-abortion, complications are possible.

Thirdly, gestational age. The earlier the conception was interrupted, the safer and less noticeable for the body it will pass. Also important is the qualifications of the specialist performing the operation, restorative physiotherapeutic procedures, drug therapy And psychological readiness women to take this step. The speed of recovery also depends on the patient’s age than younger girl, the faster her recovery will occur after abortion procedures. But at the same time, young people may subsequently have problems with pregnancy, even infertility.

Abdominal pain after abortion

In general, painful sensations in the abdominal area after interruption are considered acceptable norm. Worries pain syndrome about a week or so. If the pain syndrome literally constrains, the woman cannot tolerate such pain, then she needs to consult a gynecologist. Reason painful complications a variety of conditions may occur.

  • If you are bothered by sharp, cramp-like pain, this is due to the presence of residual embryo-placental particles in the uterine cavity or the formation of hematometra.
  • Constant, aching painful sensations with hyperthermia indicate the onset of an inflammatory process caused by an infection that was previously latent.
  • In the first few days, an increase in thermodynamic parameters is quite normal, but when the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees for more than two or three days, urgent medical intervention is necessary.

To prevent the development of inflammatory complications after abortion, girls are prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for 5-7 days. This is especially important preventive treatment for patients who have bad smears or blood tests, urine tests, etc.

The recovery period is very important; the preservation of her reproductive functions and fertility depends on how accurately the patient follows gynecological instructions. It is important for girls to protect themselves from hypothermia and drafts, colds, and dress warmly, especially in cold or damp weather. Hygiene procedures needs to be done daily. You can’t take a bath yet, because dangerous bleeding may occur, but you need to take a shower, carefully washing your genitals with warm water.

Since bleeding occurs after an interruption, the pad must be changed every 3 hours to avoid infection due to blood stagnating in the pad. But tampons cannot be used after an abortion, because the blood absorbed into them serves as a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke uterine inflammatory complications and other pathologies.

Surgical (instrumental) abortion - is an abortion performed with dilation cervical canal(dilatation) and curettage of the walls of the uterus (curettage). Performed at the request of the woman up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. For medical and social reasons (rape) - up to 22 weeks.

Which type of abortion to choose

Of course, women have a desire to have an abortion without surgical intervention, the so-called medical abortion, but in many cases it is not available. The first disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure, from 5,000 rubles. The second disadvantage is the limitation of the possibility of performing a tablet abortion to five weeks, that is, two weeks of delay of menstruation.

The timing of surgical abortion is much longer - up to 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, or 8 weeks of missed menstruation. Although, you shouldn’t wait that long, every two weeks of pregnancy adds a 20% risk of perforation of the uterine wall and other complications. And the cost of a surgical abortion in Russia for Russian citizens with a compulsory health insurance policy is zero rubles, that is, the procedure is performed free of charge in an inpatient setting.

There is a compromise option - vacuum aspiration. It can be performed up to 7 weeks into pregnancy, which corresponds to three weeks of missed period. In this case, there is no need to expand the cervical canal or scrape out the walls of the uterus. The consequences of a surgical abortion can be much more tragic than such a “mini-option”. As a result of vacuum aspiration, mechanical damage to the cervical canal and uterine cavity is excluded, since instrumental revision of the uterus is not carried out, there is a very low risk of developing infectious process. Accordingly, the woman is not at risk of infertility in the future, and the body’s recovery occurs quickly.

But be that as it may, if the pregnancy is more than 7-8 weeks, doctors are unlikely to undertake vacuum aspiration; the fertilized egg is too large, and there is a significant risk of incomplete abortion.

How to act and what to expect

The simplest and free way- consult a doctor. Every gynecologist knows how to perform a surgical abortion. He will conduct an examination, take smears and send you for an ultrasound of the uterus. Upon confirmation interesting situation pregnancy is less than 12 weeks and the woman wishes to terminate the pregnancy, she will be given a referral for tests. This is necessarily blood for hemoglobin (it must be normal), blood for group and Rh factor (in case you have to do a transfusion, this is a rare occurrence), HIV carriage, fluorography (if it has not been completed within the last year).

So, this is how surgical abortion is performed in most Russian hospitals. If all tests are normal, a referral to a hospital is issued. On the appointed day, in the morning, you enter it. You need to have a robe, slippers and sanitary pads with you, preferably absorbent disposable diapers (2-3 pieces), they are sold in pharmacies. Upon admission, the doctor examines the patient again. She signs consent to the abortion, knowing that it threatens such and such consequences. Then he is sent to the general ward (if a separate service has not been paid for), where “abortionists” are admitted, and sometimes also girls with a threat of miscarriage. early stages.

Then everyone is called one by one. Those who have paid for general anesthesia are first interviewed by an anesthesiologist to determine whether they can be given such anesthesia and whether there are any contraindications. Afterwards, the woman goes to the small operating room and lies down on the gynecological chair. They inject her local anesthesia or general intravenous. In the first case, she will be as if half asleep all the time. In the second, he will fall asleep for the entire duration of the procedure.

When choosing the type of anesthesia, women are most interested in whether the pain during a surgical abortion is tolerable, and whether it is possible to get by with a free type of anesthesia. Of course, everyone's sensitivity threshold is different. But mechanical expansion of the cervical canal, using special instruments in the form of tubes of different diameters, which are alternately inserted into the cervical canal, is very painful. It is as painful as scraping the uterine cavity with a sharp curette.

True, there is a way to relieve pain and reduce the risk of damage to the cervix during its mechanical dilation. This is kelp algae and some medicines which lead to dilatation of the cervix. But this requires a hospital stay of at least 24 hours before the abortion, plus additional costs for the patient. And in most hospitals such expenses are not provided for. But if you have the means and opportunity, be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor.

How long does a surgical abortion last on average? Usually about 20 minutes. After which the nurse takes the woman to the ward on a gurney, or sometimes simply by hand. It is recommended to lie down for a couple of hours. This will help and heavy bleeding prevent it and recover from anesthesia. Often there is pain after a surgical abortion in the form of severe spasms of the uterus, similar to labor pains. In this case, the woman may be injected with an analgesic or antispasmodic. But after general anesthesia Severe pain is quite rare, since the woman is given a drip with painkillers during the procedure. The medicine continues to work for some time. But one way or another, you don’t need to endure the pain, you need to call the nurse and ask for an injection.

You are usually allowed to go home on the same day. The woman is explained about the discharge after a surgical abortion, how long it should last and what pathological phenomena need to be looked for Special attention. For some they last several days, for others 1-2 days. You need to pay attention to your well-being. If there is weakness, a stomach ache, or a fever, it is quite possible that the uterus has not completely emptied and an inflammatory process has begun. Or perhaps the abortion was incomplete. If bleeding continues to flow for more than a week after a surgical abortion, it may be in the uterus placental polyp and another cleaning is required.
At the same time, it can be bad if there was almost no discharge at all. Perhaps all the blood remains in the uterus, and it cannot come out due to cervical spasm. Although, it is also possible that the doctor simply “cleaned” it well, and the uterus quickly shrank. But one way or another, this will only be clear after an ultrasound. When surgical abortions are performed, doctors always recommend an ultrasound examination after 10-14 days, and sometimes earlier. Especially if the pregnancy was more than 7-8 weeks, then there is a high risk of complications.

Immediately after the abortion, the woman is prescribed antibiotics, taken for 5-7 days, and in parallel with them antifungal agents, since antibacterial therapy is the cause vaginal candidiasis. Physical therapy may also be prescribed.

Contraception, menstruation and new pregnancy

The real first period after a surgical abortion begins after about 28-35 days. But even before their onset, you need to carefully protect yourself from pregnancy if it is undesirable. You can start from the first day after an abortion hormonal contraceptives, if they are not contraindicated, use spermicides and condoms - which are less effective, but more affordable for many couples. It must be remembered that pregnancy after a surgical abortion can occur immediately. If this happens, the child can be kept, since a previously performed abortion is not a contraindication to a new pregnancy.

It should be noted that many gynecologists are now inclined to prescribe oral contraceptives women after abortions. And often even for those who do not particularly need contraception. The point is that the reception hormonal pills helps to increase the volume of mucus from the cervical canal, thickening it, which protects the surgically disturbed uterus, as well as the fallopian tubes and ovaries from infections.

It is not dangerous to begin sexual activity 2 weeks after termination of pregnancy, but only if by that time the bleeding from the vagina has stopped and the woman feels well.

If you don’t have your period after a surgical abortion, you had sexual intercourse, but you don’t want to keep the baby, you need to take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG. If there is no chance of pregnancy, then you can wait about 2-3 weeks, provided wellness, and then visit a gynecologist. Delayed menstruation is common side effect abortions.

Statistics report that approximately every second pregnancy on our planet ends in abortion. At the same time, methods of interrupting the development of the fertilized egg may be different. They all have their consequences. This article will tell you about the dangers of surgical abortion. You will learn the main consequences of this procedure.

Surgical abortion

Currently, there are three main ways to terminate a pregnancy. This includes gynecological curettage, vacuum aspiration and the use of medications. Each method has certain time limits.

Every woman can have a surgical abortion at will up to the third month of pregnancy (12 weeks). After this, an interruption can be made solely on indications. Gynecological curettage is performed up to 22 weeks of pregnancy progression. After this we talk about artificial childbirth.

How is the intervention carried out?

Surgical abortion (curettage) is performed under local or general anesthesia. In most cases, the patient is in a state of sleep. The procedure lasts from five to fifteen minutes.

Using a special device (curette), the gynecologist makes his way into the uterine cavity and scrapes it out. If necessary, the resulting material is sent for histological examination. The woman regains consciousness immediately after the manipulation, but must remain within the hospital walls for some time. Quite often, surgical abortion causes consequences. However, they can be immediate or delayed. Let's consider the main consequences of the procedure.

Tissue damage

One of the most serious and dangerous (instant) consequences of gynecological curettage is perforation. In some cases, during the insertion of dilators into the cavity of the cervical canal, damage to the tissue of the cervix occurs. However, this consequence is eliminated by banal suturing of the mucous membranes. Perforation of the uterine wall is a more severe complication.

Damage to the uterine wall occurs due to frequent inflammatory diseases and various chronic pathologies. The size of the curette and the professionalism of the doctor also play a significant role. It is worth noting that if the uterine wall is perforated, the patient needs emergency surgery. Sometimes it leads to complete removal of the organ.

The occurrence of adhesions

This complication is delayed. After a surgical abortion, a woman often develops adhesions. At the same time, they are formed in the cavity of the reproductive organ, the fallopian tubes. Often the ovaries are involved in the process.

When such a complication occurs, the woman experiences constant painful sensations in a stomach. Their localization is predominantly in the lower part of the peritoneum. The patient may also notice increased discomfort during menstruation and the inability to become pregnant.

Hormonal disbalance

Menstruation occurs immediately after a surgical abortion. The very day on which the manipulation was performed is considered the beginning of the next cycle. It is worth noting that such discharge is caused by unnatural interference. This is why severe hormonal disruption occurs in a woman’s body.

The first phase of the cycle is characterized by the production of estrogen. It is under their influence that the dominant follicle grows in the ovary. After ovulation and fertilization, the time comes for the release of progesterone. This hormone supports pregnancy. If it is abruptly interrupted surgically the release of progesterone is replaced by oxytocin, which, in turn, turns into estrogen. This restructuring is not going unnoticed. This is always stressful for the female body.

Inflammatory diseases

If you had a surgical abortion, the discharge should stop within one week. If this does not happen, we may be talking about inflammation.

Sometimes bacteria and pathological microorganisms are acquired during the procedure. However, most medical institutions currently use sterile, disposable instruments. The risk of acquiring pathology in this case is minimal. Inflammation can also develop as a result of an untreated infection. In this case, bacteria simply penetrate the damaged mucous membrane.


Many women who have had a surgical abortion suffer from infertility. However, the reason for the inability to conceive a child can be different. Some ladies developed problems with the endometrium after the manipulation. Others experienced a lack of ovulation.

It is worth saying that most problems can be corrected. However, this is not always easy. Some representatives of the fairer sex have to undergo treatment for several years after a surgical abortion.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a woman after a surgical abortion does not experience problems with conceiving, then another problem often arises along the way. Sometimes the resulting adhesions lead to ectopic pregnancy. The situation is aggravated by the inflammatory process in acute and chronic forms.

In most cases, the pathology occurs in fallopian tube. However, the fertilized egg can become attached to the ovary or at the exit of the reproductive organ. Such a pregnancy cannot develop normally and requires prompt medical intervention.

Psychological side of the issue

Surgical abortion has consequences not only in the form of deterioration in a woman’s health. Often manipulation causes a big blow to the psyche. At the same time, the representative of the fairer sex voluntarily takes this step. However, the subconscious of every woman is tuned to having children. That is why an abortion forever leaves a mark on a woman’s life and quite often subsequently causes a feeling of guilt.

Many women cannot recover from such an operation for a long time. Big influence Anesthesia, which often causes headaches, insomnia, also affects the patient’s health. chronic fatigue and so on.


Now you know how a surgical abortion can end. The price of such an event can vary from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. In government medical institutions this procedure is performed free of charge. However, a woman must have a passport and a health insurance policy. You also need to take into account the timing of pregnancy. Remember that the later the procedure is performed, the more likely development of consequences. Be healthy!

An abortion performed by any method is a severe injury for both physical health women, it is certainly the same for her psychological state. The recovery period after an abortion can vary from several days to a week. The full recovery period varies from person to person as it depends on a number of factors.

Features of the recovery period after abortion

Immediately after an abortion, the uterus contracts and gradually decreases in size. At this time, due to the fact that the cervix remains open for several days, it is possible to cleanse its cavity. Full recovery lining of the uterus (endometrium) occurs gradually over several weeks.

The duration of the recovery period after an abortion is largely determined by the chosen method of termination of pregnancy. According to statistics, recovery occurs fastest and with the least complications after a mini-abortion performed in the early stages. The procedure itself is quite quick and takes no more than 10 minutes, and if it is performed by an experienced doctor using ultrasound, complications occur in rare cases.

As a rule, the doctor gives recommendations regarding whether it is possible to take antibiotic medications after an abortion that prevent the development of infection against the background of a weakened immune system and other drugs for symptomatic therapy possible complications after the interruption.

Medical or drug abortion is considered safe by many estimates, although the drugs used for it can cause various side effects. It was after this method of abortion recovery period may be quite long-lasting as change occurs hormonal levels. These medications also affect many other systems of the body, which can affect the woman’s overall health.

After the procedure, be sure to ask your doctor about possible consequences. This is necessary in order to know why certain complications arise after an abortion and how dangerous they are.

Quite often after medical abortion pregnancy test is positive. This may be due to for various reasons. Sometimes hormonal levels are restored gradually. This can be judged by the positive dynamics of tests for the content of the hormone produced during pregnancy (chorionic gonadotropin). You can find out more precisely why a pregnancy test is positive after an abortion only from a doctor after additional research. Sometimes this is due to an incomplete or failed pregnancy, then an abortion will require another method of abortion. These factors influence how long the recovery period will take and what complications may arise.

Surgical abortion is considered the most dangerous of all types. Accordingly, recovery after it can be the longest, and the consequences for a woman’s health will be more severe.

Regardless of which method was used to terminate the pregnancy, doctors advise adhering to certain rules that will help reduce the duration of the recovery period.

It is recommended to stop sex life for at least 2-3 weeks after the abortion. When asked whether it is possible to have protected sex during this time after an abortion, doctors usually answer in the negative. This is due to weakened immunity after an abortion. At this time, there is a high probability that the infection can penetrate into the uterine cavity, inner layer which in the first time after the interruption is quite vulnerable. This warning especially applies to women who have had a surgical abortion.

Whatever method of interruption unwanted pregnancy the woman did not choose, after the abortion she needs to rest more and try not to succumb to irritation. Doctors also do not advise engaging in heavy physical labor for several weeks after an abortion. This can strain your abdominal muscles and cause bleeding.

You also need to ask your doctor why after an abortion you need to carefully monitor your health, especially body temperature and blood pressure. This will help distinguish life-threatening symptoms from minor ailments that will gradually go away on their own. Whether it is possible to take medications after an abortion to reduce the severity of these symptoms should also be found out from the observing gynecologist.

When asked whether it is possible to take baths and swim in the pool after an abortion, doctors also usually answer in the negative. For hygiene, they recommend taking only a warm shower, which will reduce the risk of infection of damaged internal genital organs.

In general, the recovery period after an abortion is characterized by the danger of various inflammatory processes localized in the pelvis, so it is necessary to monitor timely bowel movements and Bladder. It is also important to carefully follow the rules intimate hygiene, especially in the first days after the interruption, using boiled warm water with potassium permanganate. Underwear must be changed at least twice a day, preferably made from natural materials.

At this time you need to take care of good nutrition, saturated essential vitamins. To find out whether you can eat certain foods after an abortion, you need to talk to your doctor. You should also ask your doctor whether you can take painkillers after an abortion if pain occurs. severe pain and which ones exactly.

Despite the fact that recovery for each woman occurs individually and depends on age, health status, method of termination and the number of previous births and abortions, following these recommendations will restore hormonal levels in the minimum possible way. short time and will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Abortion is the artificial termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks. Currently, there are several methods of abortion, which are used depending on the period:

  • Vacuum abortion or mini-abortion (up to 6 weeks) – removal of the fertilized egg using vacuum suction;
  • Medical abortion (up to 7 weeks) - performed using medicines(mifepristone, pencrofton), which provoke miscarriage;
  • Surgical abortion (from 4 to 22 weeks) is an operation during which the doctor scrapes the uterus and removes the fertilized egg.

Any abortion as serious medical intervention, inevitably carries with it the risk of complications. Some Negative consequences and post-abortion complications may be specific to a particular method of abortion.

For example, with a medical abortion - mild pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, chills, fever, uterine contractions. In 1-2.5% of medical abortions, the pregnancy is not terminated; in up to 7.5% of cases, an incomplete abortion occurs, in which case curettage is additionally performed.

At vacuum abortions the risk of incomplete release of the fertilized egg is higher than with medication. In addition, violations menstrual cycle with a mini-abortion, more serious.

The most dangerous looking abortion is curettage (surgical abortion), because it is the most traumatic. During a surgical abortion, the uterus may be damaged by surgical instruments.

The risk of complications is significantly reduced if the method of termination of pregnancy is chosen taking into account its duration.

Complications that arise after an abortion are divided into two groups: early and late.

Early consequences of abortion

Early complications develop during or immediately after an abortion.

Discharge after abortion. Bloody issues symptoms that appear after an abortion usually last up to a week and are somewhat heavier than normal periods. In some cases, mild bleeding continues for up to a month.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of impurities in the discharge after an abortion, their color and smell. This will make it possible to suspect in time developing complication and take action.

It is also important to control the amount of blood loss. If after an abortion the discharge is too heavy (two maxi pads are consumed in an hour), you should see a doctor immediately, because this may indicate an incomplete abortion. The appearance of an odor may indicate an infection.

The first day of an abortion is considered the first day of the cycle. Normally, menstruation begins 3 weeks after an abortion; over the course of several months, a slight shift in the cycle (up to 10 days) is acceptable.

Perforation of the uterus- one of the most serious complications abortion. During the operation, the uterine wall is ruptured by the inserted instruments. The risk of this complication increases with the length of pregnancy. Perforation of the uterus requires immediate surgical treatment, and especially severe cases necessary surgical removal uterus. In addition, if the uterine wall is perforated, the intestines, bladder, or large vessels may be damaged.

Sometimes the cervix is ​​torn or cut. These consequences can significantly reduce the likelihood of pregnancy after an abortion or even lead to infertility. In subsequent pregnancies, pregnancy becomes more difficult, high risk uterine rupture during childbirth.

Heavy bleeding– occurs when large vessels are damaged, with uterine fibroids or after multiple births. Requires urgent treatment; in severe cases, blood transfusion is performed. If it is impossible to stop the bleeding, the uterus is removed, because prolonged blood loss can lead to the death of a woman.

Incomplete abortion– sometimes during an abortion the fertilized egg is not completely removed. In this case, bleeding develops, abdominal pain appears, and chronic inflammation uterus – endometritis. In case of this complication, a repeat abortion is performed, the remains of the fertilized egg are removed.

Penetration of infection into the uterine cavity during surgery can cause inflammatory processes and exacerbation of diseases of the pelvic organs - endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), parametritis (inflammation of the uterine tissue), salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes). In particularly severe cases, sepsis may develop - blood poisoning. This condition is very life-threatening and requires urgent treatment antibiotics.

Late consequences

Late complications after an abortion can occur months and even years after the operation. These are chronic inflammatory diseases, adhesions, hormonal disorders and dysfunction of the reproductive system organs.

During pregnancy, large-scale hormonal and physiological changes occur in a woman’s body, which ensure gestation, prepare the body for birth, feeding, etc.

Abortion – severe stress for an organism in which the hormonal system suffers primarily.

Menstrual irregularities

When, after an abortion, periods become irregular, with frequent delays, this is a very common problem, it occurs in more than 12% of patients.

Causes of menstrual irregularities after abortion:

Firstly, during an abortion it is removed slime layer the inner surface of the uterus (endometrium). In this case, deeper layers are often damaged, which leads to the formation of adhesions and scars. Subsequently, the growth of the endometrium occurs unevenly. Because of this, periods after an abortion become very scanty, or, conversely, heavy and painful. Unlike surgical curettage, after a medical abortion, menstruation usually returns immediately, because mechanical damage endometriosis does not occur.

Secondly, severe hormonal imbalance leads to disruption of the ovaries. Dysfunction develops, which contributes to other complications. Here are some of them:

  • endometriosis (ingrowth of the uterine mucosa into the muscle layer),
  • pathological growth of the endometrium (hyperplasia),
  • adenomyosis (modification of endometrial tissue due to inflammation of the uterine glands), etc.

Serious hormonal imbalances can lead to the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

Endocrine disorders

Callables hormonal imbalance, include dysfunction thyroid gland and adrenal glands, termination of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of breast cancer.

Inflammatory diseases

Directly affect the possibility of carrying a pregnancy after an abortion, can cause pain during sex, and as a result decreases sexual attraction, a woman experiences orgasm less often.

Inflammatory diseases, which very often accompany abortions, can negatively affect the blood supply to the fetus - its nutrition and breathing. The risk of pregnancy loss, stillbirth, fetal growth restriction, and newborn diseases increases. With severe complications, there is a high probability of developing infertility.

occurs much more often among women who have had an abortion, because adhesions formed in fallopian tubes, make their passage very difficult.

The effect of abortion on subsequent pregnancies

Abortion clearly has a negative impact on reproductive function. Forced dilation of the cervix during an abortion leads to its weakening, which can subsequently provoke a miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage during a subsequent pregnancy after one abortion is 26%, after two abortions – 32%, and after three or more – increases to 41%.

Adhesions and damage to the uterus prevent the fetus from attaching to the uterus, its incorrect location, and perforation can provoke its rupture during childbirth.

Female infertility

The impossibility of fertilization and pregnancy may occur as a result of dysfunction of the genital organs, if they are damaged or removed. According to doctors, up to 50% of all cases female infertility caused by previous abortions.

Recovery and rehabilitation after abortion

Rehabilitation after an abortion is aimed at reducing the risk of subsequent complications. The duration of recovery is influenced by the woman’s age, her state of health, the number of previous abortions and the presence of children (abortion is easier for healthy young women with children).

Medical rehabilitation includes antibiotic therapy to prevent inflammation. Some time after the abortion, an ultrasound should be performed to rule out incomplete abortion or other complications. An examination by a mammologist-oncologist is necessary to exclude the appearance of tumors in the breast.

Hormone therapy is often prescribed (eg. oral contraceptives), the drug should be selected by a gynecologist-endocrinologist taking into account the woman’s hormonal background. Prescribe vitamins, restorative drugs, balanced diet. For treatment gynecological diseases Physiotherapy and gynecological massage are widely used.

Another important component of recovery is psychological rehabilitation. Women may develop depression and feelings of guilt. Therefore, in many cases, the help of psychologists is recommended.

Sex and pregnancy after abortion

After an abortion, it is recommended to abstain from sex for at least 3 weeks. The fact is that after an abortion inner surface The uterus is an extensive wound surface, very vulnerable to any infection. During sex immediately after an abortion, the likelihood of infection increases significantly, which can cause serious complications.

Another reason to limit sex after an abortion is high probability the occurrence of a second pregnancy.

Unfortunately, no method of contraception currently provides a 100% guarantee, and until the periodicity of the menstrual cycle has been established, the likelihood of pregnancy after an abortion is high, even if you consider these days to be “safe.”

Pregnancy immediately after an abortion is very dangerous for the body, which has not yet had time to recover. In addition, a fertilized egg that attaches to fresh scar tissue will receive little nutrition.

Prevention of complications

Compliance with several simple rules can significantly reduce the risk of complications after artificial termination of pregnancy.

  • Prohibition of sex in the first three weeks after an abortion,
  • Monitoring discharge that appears after an abortion and, if necessary, consulting a doctor,
  • Avoidance physical activity during the first 2 weeks after surgery,
  • Timely emptying of the bladder and bowels,
  • Compliance with hygiene rules (regular toileting of the external genitalia boiled water or chamomile decoction, wear cotton underwear, during the first month after an abortion it is forbidden to take a bath, swim in the sea or pool, or visit the sauna),
  • Visit a gynecologist at least once every six months.

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