Large tonsils. Tonsillitis or very large tonsils. Complications on the kidneys, heart and joints

A healthy body is able to protect itself from emerging illnesses. Those organs that are responsible for this protection can also sometimes get sick and cause discomfort in life. Enlarged tonsils in this case are a common disease among adults and children. About what tonsils are, symptoms of their inflammation and other answers to FAQ read below.

Where are the tonsils located?

For those who do not know what tonsils are, they are real guards who protect you from various bacteria and microbes entering the body through the oral cavity. They are called tonsils. In the professional sphere, they are usually called tonsils. As soon as the “enemies of health” in the form of harmful microorganisms reach the mucous membrane of the throat, the pharyngeal tonsil begins to work intensively. It increases in size and kills all microbes.

The tubal, pharyngeal, lingual and palatine tonsils are formed in the fetus as early as 12-14 weeks after conception and accompany a person throughout his life, protecting him from harmful bacteria. It also happens that the tonsils become inflamed and become enlarged. Modern treatment methods do not require surgical intervention. This is a major breakthrough in medicine. After all, doctors recently removed enlarged tonsils immediately after the patient complained. However, specialists, knowing what they were needed for, fought with all their might to ensure that the tonsils remained in their place.

Signs of inflammation of the tonsils

When you visit your doctor when you have a cold or flu, he or she will always ask you to open your mouth wide. So he examines the cavity and mucous membrane of the throat, which may indicate the presence of enlarged tonsils. Inflammation of the tonsils is also called tonsillitis, which appears as a complication after a sore throat. If signs of this disease are detected, the patient is immediately prescribed treatment, which includes rinsing, taking medications and regular examination by a specialist.


Tonsillitis, or inflamed tonsils, has its own specific symptoms that are very similar to the symptoms of a sore throat. Using them, you can independently determine the presence of inflammation in the tonsils:

  • acute form of sore throat;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • the throat hurts a lot when swallowing;
  • migraine;
  • heat;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  • smell from the mouth;
  • loss of voice.

If a child has enlarged tonsils, then you will immediately know about it, because being sick, he will not be able to simply eat or drink hot tea. Large tonsils in children can lead to other, more serious consequences. For example, too much swelling of the tonsils interferes with normal breathing. Because of severe cough they may start to bleed. Here it is necessary emergency hospitalization and intensive treatment of the patient, and possibly surgical intervention, and even removal of tonsils.


As mentioned above, tonsil disease is often caused by a sore throat. There is a concept of hypertrophy of the glands, or chronic tonsillitis, which is a pathological disease associated with adenoids. Chronically inflamed tonsils are often noted in children aged 3-15 years. This disease can cause not only discomfort in everyday life, but also psychological disorders due to a lack of oxygen in the brain, due to the difficulty of breathing due to peculiar plugs from the tonsils. The main symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are:

  • nasal voice;
  • incomprehensible speech;
  • consonants are pronounced incorrectly;
  • restless sleep;
  • loose, moist cough at night;
  • snore;
  • hearing impairment.

Treatment methods

There are several methods for treating sore tonsils without surgery. To prevent the disease from requiring such an approach, it is necessary to identify tonsillitis in a child or adult in time and seek help from a specialist. He will conduct a full examination and make a conclusion, after which he will issue a prescription and recommendations for caring for the oral cavity and inflamed tonsils.

Folk remedies

In addition to receiving prescribed medicines, it is important to properly care for the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils folk ways. If you feel unwell, have a fever, or discomfort in your throat, then you need to rinse several times a day. Mix soda or sea ​​salt in glass warm water and gargle. Such care will help avoid serious consequences with enlarged tonsils, and in some cases even a visit to the doctor.


The easiest way to treat enlarged tonsils is to take strong antibiotics. Only your doctor can prescribe them for you. Please note that you need to take this medicine only according to your prescription and in the doses indicated there. Since antibiotics are potent drugs, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications and warnings written in the instructions. This treatment is not advisable for small children with inflammation of the tonsils.

Cauterization of tonsils

There are many ways to get rid of enlarged tonsils: from folk recipes to the most modern technologies. One of these is cauterization. Don't be scared and exclude him from possible options treatment. Cauterization of the tonsils is performed liquid nitrogen or using ultrasound. This kind of “freezing” of diseased tonsils has become popular in Lately. Literally in one visit she is able to relieve the patient of discomfort and sore throat.


The essence of freezing with liquid nitrogen is to destroy pathological tissue tonsils, contributing to the development of tonsillitis. Exposure temperature below 120 degrees Celsius. Used during the procedure special drug, supplying gas at the appropriate temperature. To treat one tonsil, you need to spend about half a liter of nitrogen. Using a special nozzle, a specialist applies nitrogen only to the tonsil itself, thereby preventing freezing nearby organs. The treatment time for one tonsil is 2 minutes.


Inflamed tonsils can be easily treated with ultrasound. Modern drugs can save you from this disease in just 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out through the cervical soft tissue by fixing the applicator on the lower jaw. Ultrasound frees the lacunae of the tonsils from stagnant fluid, which causes inflammation to spread. For better effect applied to the mucous membrane special remedy, which promotes better passage of ultrasound.

Removal of tonsils under general anesthesia

If your doctor has prescribed urgent removal of your tonsils, then the inflammation has become serious. Don't worry - this operation is quick and easy. Formerly doctors We performed trimming of enlarged tonsils for everyone who presented with such a problem. Therefore, there is enough experience in carrying out such a procedure. There are several ways to remove tonsils general anesthesia:

  • Using traditional surgical instruments: scissors, scalpel and loop.
  • Infrared laser method.
  • Ultrasonic scalpel.
  • Using a cold radio knife.

All methods are performed under general anesthesia and take no more than 30 minutes. After the operation, the patient is taken to the general ward, where he recovers. An ice bag is applied to the neck. When trimming the tonsils, be sure to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Should be observed balanced diet after removal of tonsils. The feeling of sore throat will accompany the patient for another 10-14 days.

Video: tonsil removal

To fully understand how the operation to remove enlarged tonsils occurs, we suggest you watch the video below, which not only describes and shows the entire process in detail, but also indicates the symptoms and causes of tonsillitis. It is not recommended for particularly sensitive people to view this video, as it contains surgical materials, as well as photographs. internal organs.

Enlargement of the tonsils - their inflammation (acute or chronic tonsillitis) or proliferation of lymphoid tissue (hypertrophy) is a fairly common pathology in childhood.

Conservative treatment of this disease is a complex and lengthy process, but it allows you to avoid surgical intervention and preserve the natural protective barrier in the baby’s nasopharynx.

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What are tonsils and how do they enlarge?

Tonsils are important organ immune system, preventing any pathogenic agents (viruses, bacteria or fungi) from entering the body as a result of the production of special antibodies that prevent them from settling on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and multiplying.

The tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue and are located between the palatine arches, in the nasopharynx and at the root of the tongue. Both the palatine tonsils (tonsils), located at the junction of the oral cavity and the pharynx behind the palatine arches, and the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids), located high on the back wall nasopharynx.

With inflammation, the palatine tonsils increase in size, discomfort and sore throat are noted, the child develops weakness, lethargy, headaches and fever.

In an infant, these palatine tonsils are not visible; their gradual enlargement occurs against the background of frequent inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (viral or bacterial nature) due to an increase in the infectious load on the child - after the start of active communication with peers or after registration in a children's team.

Frequent and prolonged colds, acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats, adenoiditis, sinusitis cause a weakening of the child’s immune system, and the tonsils cannot cope with such a load, which leads to a compensatory increase in the tonsils. The more often the tonsils become inflamed, the faster the pathological growth of lymphoid tissue occurs in them, and only timely treatment pathological process can reduce hypertrophy of the glands and eliminate foci of infection.

In most cases, both acute and chronic inflammation of the tonsils is caused by pathogenic staphylococcus and streptococcus, and over time, permanent foci form in the tissues of the tonsils bacterial infection, and there is a gradual decrease in their protective function. As a result of this, the so-called “ vicious circle“- instead of a protective function, the palatine tonsils are chronic foci of infection, and their periodic inflammation reduces both local and general immunological reactivity of the child.

What to do in this situation and how to stop the increase in lymphoid tissue is the main question of adequate treatment of tonsil hypertrophy and chronic tonsillitis.

Causes of pathology

Most often, enlarged tonsils in a child are observed with frequent episodes of respiratory infections or colds, which are provoked by general hypothermia of the body, conditions that cause a decrease in the child’s immunity, local hypothermia of the throat, including:

  • protracted respiratory and infectious diseases;
  • endocrine diseases and disruptions;
  • lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis;
  • thymus enlargement;
  • severe somatic pathologies;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • congenital abnormalities of the immune system;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • violation of nasal breathing (polyps, deviated nasal septum, adenoids).

In addition, the development of pathology may be due to:

  • constant sore throats;
  • family predisposition to tonsil hypertrophy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • bad living conditions child's life.

Signs and degrees of tonsil enlargement

Enlarged tonsils may appear as hard or soft round structures. With normal hypertrophy (proliferation), they do not have signs of inflammation (redness and swelling), there is no widening of the lacunae and no purulent contents in them.

There are three degrees of enlargement of the tonsils depending on their location to the midline of the pharynx:

  • 1st degree – no more than 1/3 (30%) from the line of the palatine arches to the middle of the pharynx. It may not manifest itself clinically; difficulties in swallowing, discomfort and sore throat, prolonged acute respiratory viral infections and colds, which are often complicated by otitis media, sinusitis, and sore throats, are less common.
  • 2nd degree – from 1/3 to 2/3 from the arches to the midline of the pharynx. Enlarged tonsils cause difficulty swallowing, choking, loss of appetite, snoring during sleep, speech defects, frequent respiratory infections and sore throats
  • 3rd degree – from 2/3 to complete closure of the tonsils in the middle of the pharynx. Accompanied by persistent swallowing disorders, constant snoring and snoring during sleep, impaired breathing through the nose, nasal, unintelligible speech, headaches, lethargy, weakness associated with oxygen starvation of cells, hearing loss, frequent episodes of tonsillitis with purulent plugs or accumulation of pus in the lacunae.

Treatment methods

Many parents are concerned about the question: what to do to cure enlarged tonsils in a child. With severe hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils and chronic tonsillitis, otolaryngologists often recommend their removal. It is important to know that you should not rush into surgical intervention - first you need to use less radical techniques:

  1. Conservative treatment.
  2. Immunostimulating therapy.
  3. A wide arsenal of folk remedies.

It is important to remember that only correct and lasting conservative treatment using medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and folk remedies under the mandatory supervision of an ENT doctor will save the child from this pathology.

Therapy with folk remedies

In order to effectively treat enlarged tonsils in a child at home, traditional medicine recommends rinsing, taking herbal teas, and using healing oils.


For gargling, herbs with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties are used:

  1. For grade 1-2 hypertrophy of the tonsils, rinses with infusions of sage, calendula, yarrow, and St. John's wort. The product is prepared in the standard way: pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Gargle with this infusion 2-3 times a day.
  2. In case of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, an antiseptic collection is prepared, which is used 5 to 8 times a day to rinse the throat. The collection consists of equal parts of the following herbs: calendula, sage, oak bark, licorice root, linden flowers, eucalyptus leaves, wild rosemary and elecampane. The components are mixed in a dry container. The infusion is prepared in a thermos - two tablespoons of the collection are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 6-8 hours.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea has active anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It consists of the following medicinal herbs, taken in equal proportions:

  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • yarrow;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Linden blossom;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • calendula flowers;
  • eucalyptus, currant or raspberry leaves;
  • peony roots
  • calamus root.

Plant materials are mixed in a separate dry container. To prepare a daily serving of tea, take a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. The drink is given to the child warm, 2-3 tablespoons. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

Treatment with propolis

You can treat enlarged tonsils in a child using alcohol tincture of propolis. The product is only suitable for children over 10 years of age. To prepare the tincture, crushed propolis must be mixed in equal parts with alcohol (1:1), leave for 5-7 days in a cool, dark place. Take 5-10 drops 3 times a day for 10 days. The course can be repeated 3 times with a break of 7 days.

For children of primary school and school age use a mixture of propolis with butter and honey. The ingredients of the mixture (propolis and oil are taken in a ratio of 1:10), mix in a water bath, add a little honey. Store in the refrigerator and take the healing mixture 1/3 teaspoon 2 times a day, dissolving in the mouth.

St. John's wort oil

For cooking healing oil you need to take three tablespoons of the most crushed dry herb St. John's wort and a glass of refined olive or sunflower oil, leave in a dark glass container for 20-25 days. Lubricate hypertrophied tonsils 3 times a day.

Lemon juice

Lemon or lime juice is used to relieve pain and disinfect tonsils.. It is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1 with warm water and add honey. Drink through a straw 2-3 times a day to disinfect the source of infection.

Beetroot decoction to reduce inflammation of the tonsils

Grate one large beetroot, add water (5 glasses), cook for 30 minutes, cool and use as a gargle 3-4 times a day.

Parents should know that most often tonsil hypertrophy is observed in children from 5 to 9 years old, and from 10 to 12, their age-related involution (gradual decrease) occurs. But this does not mean that enlarged tonsils do not need to be treated - foci of chronic infection as a result frequent colds, tonsillitis and viral infections cause frequent inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of chronic tonsillitis caused by hemolytic staphylococcus. This microorganism, with its long-term persistence on the tonsils, has a pathological effect on the heart and kidneys, causing the development of tonsillogenic cardiopathy, carditis, rheumatism and glomerulonephritis. The occurrence of these diseases is much more dangerous for the baby’s health, and their treatment is much more difficult.

Whether there is a age restrictions when hypertrophy of the tonsils occurs? Although an increase in the size of these lymphoid formations is more often detected in childhood, the possibility of the development of hypertrophic processes in adult patients cannot be excluded. There are many reasons why tonsil hypertrophy occurs; it is not always associated with the presence of inflammation and is more often considered as an adaptive-compensatory phenomenon. Should enlarged tonsils in adulthood be considered a pathology and how dangerous is it? What treatment methods can be offered to the patient?


Before talking about why the tonsils can become enlarged and how this process objectively manifests itself, you need to imagine where these tonsils are located. anatomical formations and to which functional system they belong to the body. The Pirogov-Waldeyer lymphadenoid ring, localized in the oropharynx, is an immune barrier at the entrance to the respiratory and digestive tract. It is formed by several tonsils:

  • paired palatine, or tonsils, localized between the palatine arches;
  • paired tubes located at the pharyngeal opening auditory tube;
  • unpaired nasopharyngeal (pharyngeal), located in the vault of the nasopharynx;
  • unpaired lingual in the mucous membrane of the root of the tongue.

Tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue, like peripheral organs The immune system is formed at the stage of intrauterine development and persists throughout life. Moreover, some of them (pharyngeal, lingual, tubal) may undergo age-related involution, expressed in a decrease in size and functional activity. Involution, in essence, means reverse development, transformation of an organ. It has great importance to consider the reasons explaining the enlargement of the tonsils in an adult, since due to age characteristics functional hypertrophy is characteristic of children, and age-related involution occurs at the age of 13-15 years. Hypertrophy, that is, an increase in the size of the amygdala, can be caused by various reasons. Why do tonsils and other lymphoid formations enlarge? This leads to:

  1. Congenital developmental anomalies.
  2. Absence of age-related involution.
  3. Constant trauma to the tonsil tissue (for example, rough food).
  4. Tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils).
  5. Frequent infectious diseases, immunodeficiency.
  6. The presence of foci of chronic infection in the oropharynx.
  7. Endocrine disorders.
  8. Women taking hormonal contraceptives.

When the tonsils are enlarged, they interfere with adequate breathing and contribute to the formation of pathological changes. If in childhood hypertrophy tactics can be wait-and-see, in the treatment of adult patients it is necessary to take measures immediately after the diagnosis is established. Thus, any of the tonsils can hypertrophy; The process in adults is irreversible and requires treatment.


Hypertrophy of the tonsils is a process that is classified not only according to the type of enlarged lymphoid formation. Expressiveness clinical manifestations is directly related to the severity of changes in size, therefore it is customary to divide the enlargement of the tonsils and pharyngeal tonsil into three degrees. In relation to the remaining components of the lymphadenoid ring, only the fact of hypertrophy is considered. A synonym for hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil is the term “adenoids”, “adenoid growths” - contrary to ideas about this pathology, it can occur not only in children, but also in adults. The degree of hypertrophy (1, 2 and 3, respectively) is compared with the coverage of the vomer, a bone plate located in the nasal cavity, by lymphoid tissue:

  • covering the upper third;
  • covering the upper two thirds;
  • covering the entire opener.

When the tonsils are enlarged, anatomical landmarks are used to determine the progress of the pathological process: the edge of the anterior arch and the tongue, which is located in the midline of the pharynx. If the tonsil fills 1/3 of the distance between them, they speak of 1st degree hypertrophy, if 2/3, they speak of 2nd degree enlargement of the tonsils. It is possible to conclude that the patient has grade 3 hypertrophy if the tonsil reaches the uvula.


How does enlarged tonsils manifest? Symptoms are due to anatomical location lymphoid formation and the degree of its hypertrophy.

Palatine tonsils

Enlargement of the tonsils in adults occurs quite rarely, and is not always a reason for complaints. Hypertrophied tonsils can be discovered accidentally, for example, during a routine examination. At the same time, with a significant increase, violations are formed:

  1. Nasal breathing.
  2. Vote.

Improper nasal breathing leads to a cascade of pathological changes: an increased risk of infection, swelling and nasal congestion (vasomotor rhinitis), concomitant damage to the pharyngeal tonsil, auditory tube, and middle ear. Since the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth (which can also be difficult if the tonsils are enlarged), the mucous membrane of the oropharynx dries out and his throat may hurt. During sleep, snoring and temporary cessation of breathing occur - the patient wakes up lethargic, tired, experiences frequent headaches, and is irritated. The voice becomes nasal, the patient has difficulty swallowing food.

Pharyngeal tonsil

The patient may complain:

Possible symptoms also include absent-mindedness, impaired ability to concentrate, and persistent fatigue that does not go away even after a long sleep. The patient may be pale, have a nasal voice, and have his mouth slightly open to facilitate breathing. Frequent rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis are noted. Some patients experience urinary incontinence, migraines, and nightmares with sudden awakening.

Lingual tonsil

The increase manifests itself:

  • attacks nonproductive cough;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • voice change;
  • loud snoring.

If, along with an increase in the volume of lymphoid tissue, there is a proliferation of venous plexuses in the area of ​​the tongue root, a strong paroxysmal cough can lead to disruption of the integrity of blood vessels and bleeding.

Cough occurs as a result of pressure on the epiglottis and irritation of the superior laryngeal nerve.

Tubal tonsils

The key complaint is impaired hearing acuity. Conductive hearing loss occurs - it is associated with difficulty conducting sound waves. Such hearing loss is persistent and difficult to treat. Enlarged tonsils in adults are expanding lymphoid tissue, which causes a progressive decrease in hearing acuity and a gradual increase in changes. Unilateral enlargement is accompanied by pathological changes on the right or left - for example, if the right tonsil is enlarged, the right auditory tube suffers and, accordingly, the middle ear cavity on the right. The prerequisite for the occurrence of hypertrophy of tubal lymphoid formations is often adenoids and chronic adenoiditis. Hypertrophy of any of the tonsils does not mean the simultaneous presence of inflammation. The throat does not change with hypertrophy of the tonsils unless there are concomitant infectious and inflammatory changes. If it is red, there are deposits on the mucous membrane, and the patient is worried about pain when swallowing, fever - you need to think about infection.

Treatment approaches

Treatment for hypertrophy is mandatory if clinical symptoms occur. How to treat enlarged tonsils in adults? A combination of surgical and conservative methods is used, with surgery being the main method; other methods allow you to consolidate the result, prevent relapses (repeated episodes) and complications. If the patient does not experience difficulty breathing, does not complain of bad dream, snoring, does not indicate other characteristic signs, hypertrophy is not dangerous for him. However, regular monitoring is mandatory - and it is advisable that the same attending physician examine the throat. This makes it easier to compare changes in dynamics. If we are talking about paired lymphoid formations, but one tonsil is enlarged, before starting treatment, differential diagnosis— chronic inflammatory processes, the presence of a cold abscess, and the presence of a neoplasm are excluded. How to treat enlarged tonsils? For this purpose, methods of mechanical and physical influence are used:

  1. Tonsillotomy.

This is a surgical cutting off of part of the tonsil - during the operation, tissue is removed within the anterior palatine arches. The issue of tonsillotomy is considered for grade 3 hypertrophy.

  1. Diathermocoagulation.

Heating tissue using current high frequency— in this case, irreversible coagulation of proteins occurs. The method is also called therapeutic cauterization. Can be shown at 2 degrees of magnification.

Severe hypertrophy of the tonsils in adults is an indication for surgical intervention.

Adenoids in an adult patient must be removed because they cannot undergo involution and provoke irreversible changes in the nasal cavity. Adenotomy is carried out using a special instrument - an adenotomy. Laser removal is also currently practiced. With hypertrophy lingual tonsil Surgical excision is not used as this may increase the risk of bleeding. Preference is given to safer methods - cryosurgical treatment or diathermocoagulation. Also applies radiation therapy. If we are talking about hypertrophy of tubal lymphoid formations, the left tonsil and/or the right tonsil are enlarged, curettage (curettage) of the growths, and radiation therapy are performed. At the same time, measures are taken to restore the patency of the auditory tube, and the throat and nasal cavity are sanitized, and foci of chronic infection in the teeth and gums are eliminated. Conservative therapy is carried out mainly in the postoperative period and may include the prescription of drugs:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • anti-inflammatory, etc.

The list of medications is determined in accordance with an assessment of indications and contraindications and is individual in each specific case. The drugs can be used systemically (tablets, injections), locally (lozenges, sprays, drops). During the treatment process, it is necessary to periodically examine the throat. Tonsil hypertrophy in adults is treated by an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). Timely request for medical care will allow you to select the most gentle methods of influence, to avoid the formation of irreversible changes associated with enlargement of the tonsils and other lymphoid formations.

Inflammation of the tonsils in a child- a problem with which many parents are well familiar. The disease occurring with the enlargement of this organ can be independent. This may indicate the occurrence of a serious pathology in the child’s body. A change in the baby's behavior is the main symptom indicating a problem. Inflammation of the tonsils

Causes of hypertrophy

In the human body, tonsils or tonsils perform a protective function. This organ is located at the intersection of the nasal canals of the pharynx, directly at the base of the tongue. From the outer part of the neck, the tonsils are palpable, especially if they have increased significantly in size. The main function they perform is in preventing the entry of bacteria and infections along with food, water and air. If the number of pathogens that enter the pharynx is excessive and the lymphoid tissue cannot cope with its main function, then its inflammation occurs, as a result of which it becomes the causative agent of the pathological process, as it progresses, the tonsils enlarge. When this organ is enlarged in a child, experts call this disease chronic tonsillitis or its acute form. Another name for this disease is angina.

An increase in the size of a child's tonsils can be considered as a sign of a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system, as well as dysfunction of the filtering organ, which accumulates microorganisms and gradually becomes inflamed.


Signs that indicate enlarged tonsils are the following:

  • the lymphoid gland changes in size. This is established by external palpation;
  • pain in the nasopharynx;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • dysfunction of the respiratory system;
  • the appearance of problems with sleep;
  • red throat with irritation;
  • increase in body temperature.

When the tonsils increase in size general condition worsens child. He begins to feel weak, but his state of apathy is quickly replaced by irritability. It becomes difficult for the child to breathe, not only through the nose, but also through the mouth. Often the baby shows signs of inexplicable fear. He looks lethargic and shows weakness motor activity. He has no desire to play. The child's appetite is poor, he eats little and drinks little fluid. The process of inflammation of the tonsils often occurs with the appearance of a specific odor from oral cavity. The organs adjacent to the tonsils - lymph nodes and adenoids increase in size during inflammation. This is the outcome of the developed inflammatory process. This can be determined by green-gray nasal discharge or a yellow coating on the tongue and tonsils, as well as a specific odor from the mouth. With inflamed tonsils, body temperature can rise sharply up to 40 degrees or its increase may occur gradually. When examining a sick child, the doctor, based on the results of a pharyngoscopy, can accurately name the degree of inflammation of the baby’s tonsils and determine the reasons that provoked painful condition, appoint effective therapy. Streptococci and staphylococci that enter the body in most cases are the most common reasons enlarged tonsils. Their penetration provokes complications during chronic tonsillitis, leads to the appearance of acute tonsillitis, thereby contributing to the occurrence of symptoms that parents can easily notice. IN in some cases with inflammation of the tonsils, the process occurs in only one tonsil.

How to treat?

In children, therapy for enlarged tonsils differs from that used for adults. The doctor prescribes specific medications for the child. Mostly, the specialist prescribes macrolides, since when taking penicillin-type drugs, a child’s body may experience allergic reaction. IN individually is happening doctor's selection of doses s, as well as the course of treatment, which after the onset of remission should in no case be interrupted. In addition to medications, additional therapy should include, as Dr. Komarovsky agrees, rinsing procedures and inhalations, for which herbal decoctions or infusions should be used. It is also recommended to irrigate diseased tissues with children's antiseptics. When tonsillitis occurs in a chronic form, then in this case children with this disease are registered. During periods of exacerbation - spring and autumn preventive therapy is carried out in full accordance with the individual program selected by the doctor. In order to ensure regulation of the size of the lymphoid gland, the doctor prescribes treatment methods that have a gentle effect on the inflamed tissue. If a specialist observes a deterioration in the child’s immune system, the development of rheumatism or heart disease in addition to impaired activity vascular system, then surgery is recommended. This measure is carried out mainly to ensure that the child does not lag behind in his development and does not develop mental decline.

Conservative methods

Among the traditional therapeutic methods of treatment used for inflamed tonsils ah, include the following:

  • antibacterial methods, which are based on taking drugs with an immunostimulating effect. They also include rinsing and lubricating enlarged tonsils with antiseptic drugs;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures with ultrasound, laser, as well as the use of other energy sources for therapeutic effects on an inflamed organ;
  • vitamin therapy.

To provide successful treatment the following conditions must be met:

  • the sick child must be provided with bed rest;
  • should be given alkaline drink warm;
  • a gentle diet should be prescribed, consisting of warm dishes in a shabby form;
  • a sick baby should be provided with dry warmth by wrapping a knitted scarf.

Effective ways to rinse areas of inflammation:

  • chamomile, sage and mint: a handful of herbs must be poured with boiling water in the amount of 2 cups;
  • a solution based on salt and soda. The drugs are taken in a ratio of 1:1:30, respectively;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide: you need to take one teaspoon of the product and dilute it in water in an amount of 250 ml;
  • propolis infusion: alcohol solution 40 drops should be diluted in 200 ml of water;
  • Furacilin solution: two tablets are ground and diluted in 200 ml of water.

The procedure should be carried out before using ointments and sprays prescribed by a doctor, up to five times a day immediately after meals. Washing makes it possible to get rid of bacteria, inflammation of the tonsils, as well as clean them from plaque. For the treatment of children, experts recommend the following medications: Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Sumamed. These medications are selected individually. The doctor is guided by the results of the tolerance test, as well as taking into account the resistance of the strain to certain types of drugs. As additional treatment measures for the child, it is necessary to provide:

  • A large amount of warm drink for a sick baby: give light tea with lemon, made from dried fruits or diluted natural juices;
  • fractional meals: the diet should consist of light broths, puree soups and cereals in liquid form;
  • Food and drink given to a sick child should be warm. In this case, they will not irritate the inflamed tonsils;
  • The patient must adhere to special diet. He should also be given a course of multivitamins. If the therapy does not give the desired effect, and the disease begins to progress, then it is necessary to remove the tonsils. This will prevent further infection of the child’s body.

Surgical methods of treatment

Based on the results of the therapy performed, as well as the general examination child's doctor gives an answer to the question why it is necessary to carry out tonsil removal surgery. Due to the fact that tonsils are a powerful filter and provide protection for the body, their removal can negatively affect the child’s health. That's why doctor highly qualified First of all, he will try to make every effort to cure the organ suffering from inflammation. If the therapy did not produce results, then only in this case will he decide to undergo surgery to remove the tonsils. The purpose of the operation occurs if:

  • the child experiences exacerbations of the chronic form more than 4 times during the year;
  • There are complications in the form of pyelonephritis, polyarthritis, as well as diseases of the heart muscle.

In all other cases, increased formation that occurs in children under 6 years of age should be considered normal, based on environmental conditions. Usually, if a child’s body functions correctly, the size of the tonsils should return to normal by the age of 10 years. When an organ is not functioning correctly, only in this case is a decision made to perform an operation. The operation to completely or partially remove the tonsils is performed under local or general anesthesia. It is recommended to adhere to the second so as not to traumatize the child’s psyche. The methods used during surgery differ in the amount of tissue that is removed during surgery, as well as the amount of blood loss after the operation. Used to remove tonsils in children 4 ways:

  • radio wave;
  • laser destruction. It is used for children over 10 years old;
  • cryofreezing;
  • ultrasonic.


Many parents are faced with the problem of sore tonsils in children. Experts call this problem tonsillitis. If this condition occurs, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, since otherwise the child’s body may become infected. For the reason that the child has at a young age The immune system is not fully developed, which can cause serious health consequences. When visiting a doctor, a specialist examines the child and, if necessary, prescribes additional examinations, which allow you to determine the cause of the appearance of inflamed tonsils, as well as prescribe effective treatment. If the therapy did not have the desired effect, then in this case an operation is performed to remove the inflamed tonsils. There are a number of methods that can be used during surgery. The most commonly used are radio waves and ultrasound. Laser destruction is also used, but it is used only when removing tonsils in children over 10 years of age.

All tissues, organs and cells of the body are designed to protect a person from all kinds of ailments. One of the main organs that perform this function is the tonsils, which serve as a barrier to the passage of infection deeper into the body. This organ produces antibodies that destroy the infection. But if the functioning of this protective organ is disrupted, inflammation occurs, in other words, tonsillitis (tonsillitis).

The culprit for enlarged tonsils in an adult is often a continuous source of infection: disease of the oral cavity and teeth, ear inflammation, sinusitis. To prevent the disease from becoming a constant companion and causing even more harm, it is necessary to apply careful treatment until complete recovery.

The cause of inflammation of the tonsils can be diseases of the oral cavity, sinusitis, and ear diseases.

Why do tonsils enlarge in adults?

Adults suffer from enlarged tonsils due to an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, due to pathogenic bacteria, which remain on the folds of the tonsils. The cause of enlarged tonsils is chronic diseases, when the protective function of the organ decreases and the patient is a source of pathogenic bacteria.

Diseases associated with inflammation of this protective organ are called tonsillitis or tonsillitis. They arise due to insufficient functions of the lymphatic system, as a result of which pathogenic pathogens are constantly present in the protective organ. Large tonsils can be due to a chronic runny nose, as well as with otitis, caries, sinusitis, when bacteria constantly live in the body, which the immune system is unable to fight. Enlargement of the tonsils can be caused by hypothermia, excessive physical activity, and stress.

Why is tonsil enlargement dangerous?

Adults with inflamed tonsils are at risk of developing rhinitis, which increases the inflammation in the throat, otitis media also develops and the sinuses suffer, which become inflamed due to an existing infection. When the tonsils are enlarged, fatigue and weakness to prolonged physical activity are observed. If the inflammatory process persists long time, there is a risk of formation various kinds diseases associated with lower and upper respiratory tract, kidneys and cardiovascular system. When the tonsils become enlarged due to inflammation, an allergic reaction may occur in the human body.

How does enlarged tonsils manifest?

When the tonsils are enlarged, this indicates that there is an infection in the human body, which has caused an inflammatory process in the throat. The reasons why the tonsils have become enlarged are various diseases, one of which is respiratory, which is accompanied by various symptoms, namely: pain when swallowing, high body temperature, runny nose, cough and general deterioration of health. The doctor may note redness of the throat, ulcers and purulent deposits.

When the tonsils have become very large, the doctor may talk about the following diagnoses:

  • infections associated with the herpes virus, syphilis, when the tonsil is enlarged on only one side;
  • pernicious anemia, in which there is damage to the mucous membrane with ulcers on both sides;
  • diphtheria of the pharynx is characterized by dense films on both sides and swelling in the neck area.

The cause of the disease must be determined by a doctor based on the examination and symptoms that bother the patient.

How to stabilize the condition?

When the tonsils are enlarged, they need to be treated immediately. Rinse the inflamed areas with herbal mixtures, drink plenty of fluids and take a vitamin complex. Elimination of the disease includes:

  • homeopathy;
  • ultrasound;
  • herbal therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy.

Use herbal teas to rinse the affected areas to prevent complications.

In case of damage to a large area, conservative treatment is not always effective, then surgical intervention is resorted to. Surgical method represents the removal of part of the inflammatory area of ​​an organ that performs a protective function, and does not entail severe rehabilitation. Surgery is necessary to avoid chronic disease in the future.

What to do when tonsils need treatment?

The first thing you should do is see a doctor who will diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. The inflammatory process in the tonsils can be treated conservatively or surgically. Do not forget that enlarged tonsils are just a symptom of various diseases, so in order to identify which one, the patient is referred for tests. Only by results laboratory research may prescribe appropriate antibiotics.

But when fighting inflammation, antibiotics alone are not enough. Gargling various drugs, which can be purchased ready-made in pharmacy chains or using traditional methods. Tonsils are cleansed using medicinal solutions, herbal infusions, and inhalations. You cannot fight this disease without drinking plenty of fluids and taking a vitamin course. For prolonged illnesses, physiotherapy is prescribed. Folk remedies that treat inflamed tonsils at home have the following recipes:

  • Herbal infusion for rinsing. To prepare a herbal decoction you will need chamomile, violet flowers, string and pine buds. The herbs should be filled with water at 100 degrees Celsius and allowed to brew for two hours.
  • Propolis tincture.
  • Red pepper and honey for internal use. To prepare this remedy, you need to put a pepper pod and honey on compress paper. Next, you should set the bottom of the paper on fire so that the honey begins to melt and remove the pepper.
  • Kalanchoe tincture. Rinsing is carried out three times a day for five days.
  • Lemon juice with honey, diluted with warm water. Rinse three times a day.
  • Sage with vinegar for compresses.
  • Crushed warm potatoes for compresses.
  • Compresses based on lavender or eucalyptus oils.
  • Beetroot juice. For cooking beet juice you need to grate a glass of the vegetable and mix it with a spoonful of vinegar, after the medicine has infused, filter it and gargle with the resulting juice. This long-term treatment which can last two weeks.
  • Decoctions of lingonberry leaves and meadowsweet flowers. To prepare decoctions, take 2 tablespoons of the collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to boil for ten minutes and leave for a couple of hours, then filter.

Before using medicinal decoctions based on herbal collection You should consult your doctor so that he can select a more correct and suitable method for eliminating the inflammatory process in the tonsils. You need to do treatment on time and follow the recommendations:

  1. carefully treat the oral cavity;
  2. carry out disinfectant rinses;
  3. use iodine to treat inflamed areas;
  4. maintain bed rest;
  5. use separate utensils;
  6. carry out rinses based on soda, calendula or furatsilin;
  7. use a vitamin complex to boost the immune system;
  8. Do not eat salty, spicy, hot or, conversely, cold foods and drinks.

What if the treatment didn't help?

There are cases when it was not possible to cure the inflamed tonsils, then surgical intervention is used. It comes in several types:

  1. operation with an ultrasonic scalpel or laser;
  2. operation with specially designed scissors or an electric knife.

Before performing an operation to remove the tonsils, you should remove caries from the teeth, take the necessary tests and take an x-ray of the heart and lungs. However, surgery may be contraindicated in patients with tuberculosis, kidney disease, and pregnant women. recent months, patients with heart problems.

  • paired palatine, or tonsils, localized between the palatine arches;
  • paired tubal, located at the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube;
  • unpaired nasopharyngeal (pharyngeal), located in the vault of the nasopharynx;
  • unpaired lingual in the mucous membrane of the root of the tongue.

  1. Congenital developmental anomalies.
  2. Absence of age-related involution.
  3. Constant trauma to the tonsil tissue (for example, rough food).
  4. Tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils).
  5. Frequent infectious diseases, immunodeficiency.
  6. The presence of foci of chronic infection in the oropharynx.
  7. Endocrine disorders.
  8. Women taking hormonal contraceptives.

  • covering the upper third;
  • covering the upper two thirds;
  • covering the entire opener.
  1. Nasal breathing.
  2. Vote.

  • for a constant runny nose;
  • for headaches, dizziness;
  • for snoring during sleep;
  • for coughing attacks.

The increase manifests itself:

  • bouts of unproductive cough;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • voice change;
  • loud snoring.

  1. Tonsillotomy.
  1. Diathermocoagulation.

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • anti-inflammatory, etc.

  • infections associated with the herpes virus, syphilis, when the tonsil is enlarged on only one side;
  • pernicious anemia, in which there is damage to the mucous membrane with ulcers on both sides;
  • diphtheria of the pharynx is characterized by dense films on both sides and swelling in the neck area.
  • homeopathy;
  • ultrasound;
  • herbal therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy.

  • Herbal infusion for rinsing. To prepare a herbal decoction you will need chamomile, violet flowers, string and pine buds. The herbs should be filled with water at 100 degrees Celsius and allowed to brew for two hours.
  • Propolis tincture.
  • Red pepper and honey for internal use. To prepare this remedy, you need to put a pepper pod and honey on compress paper. Next, you should set the bottom of the paper on fire so that the honey begins to melt and remove the pepper.
  • Kalanchoe tincture. Rinsing is carried out three times a day for five days.
  • Lemon juice with honey, diluted with warm water. Rinse three times a day.
  • Sage with vinegar for compresses.
  • Crushed warm potatoes for compresses.
  • Compresses based on lavender or eucalyptus oils.
  • Beetroot juice. To prepare beetroot juice, you need to grate a glass of the vegetable and mix it with a spoonful of vinegar; after the medicine has infused, filter it and gargle with the resulting juice. This is a long-term treatment that can last two weeks.
  • Decoctions of lingonberry leaves and meadowsweet flowers. To prepare decoctions, take 2 tablespoons of the collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to boil for ten minutes and leave for a couple of hours, then filter.

  1. carefully treat the oral cavity;
  2. carry out disinfectant rinses;
  3. use iodine to treat inflamed areas;
  4. maintain bed rest;
  5. use separate utensils;
  6. carry out rinses based on soda, calendula or furatsilin;
  7. use a vitamin complex to boost the immune system;
  8. Do not eat salty, spicy, hot or, conversely, cold foods and drinks.
  1. operation with an ultrasonic scalpel or laser;
  2. operation with specially designed scissors or an electric knife.

All tissues, organs and cells of the body are designed to protect a person from all kinds of ailments. One of the main organs that perform this function is the tonsils, which serve as a barrier to the passage of infection deeper into the body. This organ produces antibodies that destroy the infection. But if the functioning of this protective organ is disrupted, inflammation occurs, in other words, tonsillitis (tonsillitis).

The culprit for enlarged tonsils in an adult is often a continuous source of infection: disease of the oral cavity and teeth, ear inflammation, sinusitis. To prevent the disease from becoming a constant companion and causing even more harm, it is necessary to apply careful treatment until complete recovery.

The cause of inflammation of the tonsils can be diseases of the oral cavity, sinusitis, and ear diseases.

Adults suffer from enlarged tonsils due to an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, due to pathogenic bacteria that remain in the folds of the tonsils. The cause of enlarged tonsils is chronic diseases, when the protective function of the organ decreases and the patient is a source of pathogenic bacteria.

Diseases associated with inflammation of this protective organ are called tonsillitis or tonsillitis. They arise due to insufficient functions of the lymphatic system, as a result of which pathogenic pathogens are constantly present in the protective organ. Large tonsils can be due to a chronic runny nose, as well as with otitis, caries, sinusitis, when bacteria constantly live in the body, which the immune system is unable to fight. Enlargement of the tonsils can be caused by hypothermia, excessive physical activity, and stress.

Adults with inflamed tonsils are at risk of developing rhinitis, which increases the inflammation in the throat, otitis media also develops and the sinuses suffer, which become inflamed due to an existing infection. When the tonsils are enlarged, fatigue and weakness to prolonged physical activity are observed. If the inflammatory process persists for a long time, there is a risk of the formation of various kinds of diseases associated with the lower and upper respiratory tract, kidneys and cardiovascular system. When the tonsils become enlarged due to inflammation, an allergic reaction may occur in the human body.

When the tonsils are enlarged, this indicates that there is an infection in the human body, which has caused an inflammatory process in the throat. The reasons why the tonsils have become enlarged are various diseases, one of which is respiratory, which is accompanied by various symptoms, namely: pain when swallowing, high body temperature, runny nose, cough and general deterioration in well-being. The doctor may note redness of the throat, ulcers and purulent deposits.

When the tonsils have become very large, the doctor may talk about the following diagnoses:

infections associated with the herpes virus, syphilis, when the tonsil is enlarged on only one side; pernicious anemia, in which there is damage to the mucous membrane with ulcers on both sides; diphtheria of the pharynx is characterized by dense films on both sides and swelling in the neck area.

The cause of the disease must be determined by a doctor based on the examination and symptoms that bother the patient.

When the tonsils are enlarged, they need to be treated immediately. Rinse the inflamed areas with herbal mixtures, drink plenty of fluids and take a vitamin complex. Elimination of the disease includes:

homeopathy; ultrasound; herbal therapy; physiotherapy; magnetic therapy; laser therapy.
Use herbal teas to rinse the affected areas to prevent complications.

In case of damage to a large area, conservative treatment is not always effective, then surgical intervention is resorted to. The surgical method involves removing part of the inflammatory area of ​​an organ that performs a protective function and does not entail severe rehabilitation. Surgery is necessary to avoid chronic disease in the future.

The first thing you should do is see a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. The inflammatory process in the tonsils can be treated conservatively or surgically. Do not forget that enlarged tonsils are just a symptom of various diseases, so in order to identify which one, the patient is referred for tests. Only based on the results of laboratory tests can appropriate antibiotics be prescribed.

But when fighting inflammation, antibiotics alone are not enough. Gargling is carried out with various preparations, which can be purchased ready-made in pharmacy chains or using traditional methods. Tonsils are cleansed using medicinal solutions, herbal infusions, and inhalations. You cannot fight this disease without drinking plenty of fluids and taking a vitamin course. For prolonged illnesses, physiotherapy is prescribed. Folk remedies that treat inflamed tonsils at home have the following recipes:

Herbal infusion for rinsing. To prepare a herbal decoction you will need chamomile, violet flowers, string and pine buds. The herbs should be filled with water at 100 degrees Celsius and allowed to brew for two hours. Propolis tincture. Red pepper and honey for internal use. To prepare this remedy, you need to put a pepper pod and honey on compress paper. Next, you should set the bottom of the paper on fire so that the honey begins to melt and remove the pepper. Kalanchoe tincture. Rinsing is carried out three times a day for five days. Lemon juice with honey, diluted with warm water. Rinse three times a day. Sage with vinegar for compresses. Crushed warm potatoes for compresses. Compresses based on lavender or eucalyptus oils. Beetroot juice. To prepare beetroot juice, you need to grate a glass of the vegetable and mix it with a spoonful of vinegar; after the medicine has infused, filter it and gargle with the resulting juice. This is a long-term treatment that can last two weeks. Decoctions of lingonberry leaves and meadowsweet flowers. To prepare decoctions, take 2 tablespoons of the collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to boil for ten minutes and leave for a couple of hours, then filter.

Before using medicinal herbal decoctions, you should consult your doctor so that he can select a more correct and suitable method for eliminating the inflammatory process in the tonsils. You need to do treatment on time and follow the recommendations:

carefully treat the oral cavity; carry out disinfectant rinses; use iodine to treat inflamed areas; keep bed rest; use separate dishes; rinse based on soda, calendula or furatsilin; use a vitamin complex to boost the immune system; do not use in food that is salty, spicy, hot or, conversely, , cold foods and drinks.

There are cases when it was not possible to cure the inflamed tonsils, then surgical intervention is used. It comes in several types:

operation with an ultrasonic scalpel or laser; operation with specially designed scissors or an electric knife.

Before performing an operation to remove the tonsils, you should remove caries from the teeth, take the necessary tests and take an x-ray of the heart and lungs. However, surgery may be contraindicated for patients with tuberculosis, kidney disease, pregnant women in their last months, and patients with heart problems.

Are there age restrictions for the occurrence of tonsil hypertrophy? Although an increase in the size of these lymphoid formations is more often detected in childhood, the possibility of the development of hypertrophic processes in adult patients cannot be excluded. There are many reasons why tonsil hypertrophy occurs; it is not always associated with the presence of inflammation and is more often considered as an adaptive-compensatory phenomenon. Should enlarged tonsils in adulthood be considered a pathology and how dangerous is it? What treatment methods can be offered to the patient?

Before talking about why the tonsils can enlarge and how this process objectively manifests itself, you need to imagine where these anatomical formations are located and what functional system of the body they belong to. The Pirogov-Waldeyer lymphadenoid ring, localized in the oropharynx, is an immune barrier at the entrance to the respiratory and digestive tract. It is formed by several tonsils:

paired palatine, or tonsils, localized between the palatine arches; paired tubal, located at the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube; unpaired nasopharyngeal (pharyngeal), located in the vault of the nasopharynx; unpaired lingual in the mucous membrane of the root of the tongue.

Tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue, like peripheral organs of the immune system, they are formed at the stage of intrauterine development and remain throughout life. Moreover, some of them (pharyngeal, lingual, tubal) may undergo age-related involution, expressed in a decrease in size and functional activity. Involution, in essence, means reverse development, transformation of an organ. This is of great importance for considering the reasons that explain the enlargement of the tonsils in an adult, since age-related functional hypertrophy is characteristic of children, and age-related involution occurs at the age of 13-15 years.

Hypertrophy, that is, an increase in the size of the amygdala, can be caused by various reasons. Why do tonsils and other lymphoid formations enlarge? This leads to:

Congenital developmental anomalies. Absence of age-related involution. Constant trauma to the tonsil tissue (for example, rough food). Tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils). Frequent infectious diseases, immunodeficiency. The presence of foci of chronic infection in the oropharynx. Endocrine disorders. Women taking hormonal contraceptives.

When the tonsils are enlarged, they interfere with adequate breathing and contribute to the formation of pathological changes. If in childhood hypertrophy tactics can be wait-and-see, in the treatment of adult patients it is necessary to take measures immediately after the diagnosis is established.

Thus, any of the tonsils can hypertrophy; The process in adults is irreversible and requires treatment.

Hypertrophy of the tonsils is a process that is classified not only according to the type of enlarged lymphoid formation. The severity of clinical manifestations is directly related to the severity of changes in size, therefore it is customary to divide the enlargement of the tonsils and pharyngeal tonsil into three degrees. In relation to the remaining components of the lymphadenoid ring, only the fact of hypertrophy is considered.

A synonym for hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil is the term “adenoids”, “adenoid growths” - contrary to ideas about this pathology, it can occur not only in children, but also in adults. The degree of hypertrophy (1, 2 and 3, respectively) is compared with the covering of the vomer, a bone plate located in the nasal cavity, by lymphoid tissue:

covering the upper third; covering the upper two thirds; covering the entire opener.

When the tonsils are enlarged, anatomical landmarks are used to determine the progress of the pathological process: the edge of the anterior arch and the tongue, which is located in the midline of the pharynx. If the tonsil fills 1/3 of the distance between them, they speak of 1st degree hypertrophy, if 2/3 - they speak of 2nd degree enlargement of the tonsils. It is possible to conclude that the patient has grade 3 hypertrophy if the tonsil reaches the uvula.

How does enlarged tonsils manifest? Symptoms are determined by the anatomical location of the lymphoid formation and the degree of its hypertrophy.

Enlargement of the tonsils in adults occurs quite rarely, and is not always a reason for complaints. Hypertrophied tonsils can be discovered accidentally - for example, during a routine examination. At the same time, with a significant increase, violations are formed:

Improper nasal breathing leads to a cascade of pathological changes: an increased risk of infection, swelling and nasal congestion (vasomotor rhinitis), concomitant damage to the pharyngeal tonsil, auditory tube, and middle ear.

Since the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth (which can also be difficult if the tonsils are enlarged), the mucous membrane of the oropharynx dries out and his throat may hurt. During sleep, snoring and temporary cessation of breathing occur - the patient wakes up lethargic, tired, experiences frequent headaches, and is irritated. The voice becomes nasal, the patient has difficulty swallowing food.

The patient may complain:

for a constant runny nose; for headaches, dizziness; for snoring during sleep; for coughing attacks.

Possible symptoms also include absent-mindedness, impaired ability to concentrate, and persistent fatigue that does not go away even after a long sleep. The patient may be pale, have a nasal voice, and have his mouth slightly open to facilitate breathing. Frequent rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis are noted. Some patients experience urinary incontinence, migraines, and nightmares with sudden awakening.

The increase manifests itself:

bouts of unproductive cough; discomfort in the throat; swallowing disorders; voice change; loud snoring.

If, along with an increase in the volume of lymphoid tissue, there is a proliferation of venous plexuses in the area of ​​the tongue root, a strong paroxysmal cough can lead to a violation of the integrity of the vessels and bleeding.

Cough occurs as a result of pressure on the epiglottis and irritation of the superior laryngeal nerve.

The key complaint is impaired hearing acuity. Conductive hearing loss occurs - it is associated with difficulty transmitting sound waves. Such hearing loss is persistent and difficult to treat. Enlarged tonsils in adults are growing lymphoid tissue, which causes a progressive decrease in hearing acuity and a gradual increase in changes.

Unilateral enlargement is accompanied by pathological changes on the right or left - for example, if the right tonsil is enlarged, the right auditory tube suffers and, accordingly, the middle ear cavity on the right. The prerequisite for the occurrence of hypertrophy of tubal lymphoid formations is often adenoids and chronic adenoiditis.

Hypertrophy of any of the tonsils does not mean the simultaneous presence of inflammation.

The throat does not change with hypertrophy of the tonsils unless there are concomitant infectious and inflammatory changes. If it is red, there are deposits on the mucous membrane, and the patient is worried about pain when swallowing, fever - you need to think about infection.

Treatment for hypertrophy is mandatory if clinical symptoms occur. How to treat enlarged tonsils in adults? A combination of surgical and conservative methods is used, with surgery being the main method; other methods allow you to consolidate the result, prevent relapses (repeated episodes) and complications.

If the patient does not experience difficulty breathing, does not complain of poor sleep, snoring, or does not indicate other characteristic signs, hypertrophy is not dangerous for him. However, regular observation is mandatory - and it is advisable that the same attending physician examine the throat. This makes it easier to compare changes in dynamics.

If we are talking about paired lymphoid formations, but one tonsil is enlarged, before starting treatment, a differential diagnosis is carried out - chronic inflammatory processes, the presence of a cold abscess, and the presence of a neoplasm are excluded.

How to treat enlarged tonsils? For this purpose, methods of mechanical and physical influence are used:


This is the cutting off of part of the tonsil surgically - during the operation, tissue is removed within the anterior palatine arches. The issue of tonsillotomy is considered for grade 3 hypertrophy.


Heating of tissues using high frequency current - this causes irreversible coagulation of proteins. The method is also called therapeutic cauterization. Can be shown at 2 degrees of magnification.

Severe hypertrophy of the tonsils in adults is an indication for surgical intervention.

Adenoids in an adult patient must be removed because they cannot undergo involution and provoke irreversible changes in the nasal cavity. Adenotomy is carried out using a special instrument - an adenotomy. Laser removal is also currently practiced.

For hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil, surgical excision is not used, as this can increase the risk of bleeding. Preference is given to safer methods - cryosurgical treatment or diathermocoagulation. Radiation therapy is also used.

If we are talking about hypertrophy of tubal lymphoid formations, the left tonsil and/or the right tonsil are enlarged, curettage (curettage) of the growths, and radiation therapy are performed. At the same time, measures are taken to restore the patency of the auditory tube, and the throat and nasal cavity are sanitized, and foci of chronic infection in the teeth and gums are eliminated.

Conservative therapy is carried out mainly in the postoperative period and may include the prescription of drugs:

antibacterial; antiseptic; vasoconstrictors; anti-inflammatory, etc.

The list of medications is determined in accordance with an assessment of indications and contraindications and is individual in each specific case. The drugs can be used systemically (tablets, injections), locally (lozenges, sprays, drops). During the treatment process, it is necessary to periodically examine the throat.

Tonsil hypertrophy in adults is treated by an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). Timely seeking medical help will allow you to select the most gentle methods of treatment and avoid the formation of irreversible changes associated with enlargement of the tonsils and other lymphoid formations.

Enlarged tonsils can occur not only in children, but also in adults. This paired organ lymphatic system, located in the throat between the palatine arches. It is needed in order to delay the infection that has entered the oral cavity and destroy it. The body tries to prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the respiratory tract.

This is what enlarged tonsils look like

The tonsils produce special antibodies - macrophages, which have the ability to distinguish pathogenic bacteria. After studying the harmful microorganisms, they capture them and destroy them in the folds of the tonsils. Ideally, all pathogens should be completely neutralized. But this doesn't always happen.

Failure of the functions of the lymphatic system leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, because pathogenic bacteria in this case cannot be completely destroyed. They remain in the folds of the tonsils to begin their destructive activities. Only antibiotics can help the body cope with microbes in this case.

Acute tonsillitis must be treated on time, strictly following all the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise the untreated disease becomes chronic.

At chronic disease There is a decrease in the protective function of the tonsils and their increase is observed. A person becomes a carrier of pathogenic bacteria that can remain in the oral cavity for a long time, regularly becoming active and attacking the body, greatly reducing immunity.

The palatine tonsils, which are enlarged, look different in adults. Some of them are supported on a stalk, slightly adjacent to the palatine arches, others are closely connected to them. Their surface is smooth, with free gaps. There may be no signs of inflammation on the surface of the tonsils; their color can be pale yellow or bright pink. They can have a dense or soft consistency, look spread out, loose.

Insufficient function of the lymphatic system has become main reason chronic inflammation tonsils Disruption in the functioning of lymph flows leads to the constant presence in the tonsils of adults of pathogenic pathogens, microbes belonging to the pyogenic group. Most often, the tonsils are affected by streptococci, less often by staphylococci or pneumococci.

One of the reasons for enlarged tonsils is a chronic runny nose.

In the presence of caries, chronic runny nose, inflammation maxillary sinus, otitis media, these bacteria are constantly in the human body, and the immune system cannot cope with them, destroying them completely. With hypothermia, increased physical activity, or stressful situations, they are activated, and then a temporary exacerbation begins. The inflammatory process is sluggish and is accompanied by enlargement of the tonsils.

These forms of tonsillitis are dangerous because the constant presence of infection in the body attacks the respiratory and cardiovascular system, can cause arthritis, rheumatism, and kidney disease. Adults suffer from constant malaise, weakness, sleep poorly, snore in their sleep, and are tormented by night cough. Over time, otitis media develops, followed by hearing loss. Chronic enlargement of the tonsils causes difficulty breathing and painful swallowing of food.

Until recently, the tonsils were considered superfluous processes that did not carry a functional load. And enlarged tonsils were immediately removed, believing that there was no need for their treatment.

But the organ, which consists of lymphoid tissue, is considered a significant element of the immune system of the body of every person.

The tonsils are located in the larynx, at the level of the root of the tongue between the arches, as shown in the photo.

In fact, the tonsils act as a kind of barrier, so that bacteria and germs do not pass further into the body. And the macrophages that produce tonsils begin to actively destroy pathogenic foci.

When the infection stronger immunity, inflammation appears, resulting in enlargement of the tonsils. But this process can be stopped by providing appropriate treatment, which will not allow the infection to advance beyond the upper respiratory tract.

If the tonsils are removed, then viruses and pathogens can easily reach the lungs and bronchi, provoking an inflammatory process in these organs.

Factors that provoke inflammation of the throat in adults and children often lie in the ingestion of allergens and persistent foci of infection.

Thus, pathogenic microbes settle in the adenoids, carious areas of the teeth and directly in the tonsils.

Such reasons provoke inflammation of the tonsils in adults, but in a small child these organs can be enlarged without this process occurring.

Hypertrophy of the tonsils in children can occur due to:

  1. developmental pathologies;
  2. asphyxia during childbirth;
  3. genetic predisposition;
  4. intrauterine infection.

There are 3 stages of hypertrophy:

  1. – the gland covers a third of the lumen between the midline of the pharynx and the palatine arch;
  2. – 2/3 of the lumen is blocked;
  3. – one tonsil is in contact with another, as in the photo.

It is worth noting that grades 2 and 3 hypertrophy complicate processes such as breathing and swallowing.

And stage 1-2 should not be treated in every case, since as the child grows up, in many cases the lymphoid tissue decreases on its own.

In order for the treatment of hypertrophy to be successful, drugs are used that can eliminate allergic symptoms and localize the infectious focus.

For quick fix unpleasant symptoms antihistamines are prescribed. But don’t think that if you have an allergy, a red throat will go away on its own. When the tonsils are enlarged and inflamed, the immune system weakens, resulting in a risk of infection.

With such processes, the tonsils become larger and become inflamed. Treatment of this phenomenon is carried out according to a certain scheme.

If the symptoms of the disease are local, then there will be enough funds traditional medicine and rinsing with antiseptics local action. But if the throat becomes inflamed due to pharyngitis or tonsillitis against a background of elevated temperature, then, as a rule, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for tonsillitis.

And if the nature of the disease is viral, then it is best to treat adults and children with antiviral drugs which should be administered orally.

It is worth noting that a sore throat does not go away on its own without medication; it becomes chronic and does not manifest itself in any way until the next exacerbation. It is not a fact that the next time pathogens become active in the tonsils. They can be transported along with the blood to the brain or genitourinary system, causing acute inflammation.

Treatment of enlarged tonsils in children, when the condition is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, is carried out in the same way as in adults. First, the doctor determines the factors causing hypertrophy, and then measures are taken to destroy bacteria.

Modern medicine offers to treat a sore throat with topical medications with the addition of antibiotics.

These drugs can be used in the treatment of children and adults, because they are practically not absorbed into the blood, and therefore adverse reactions develop extremely rarely.

Adverse symptoms include:

  1. unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  2. constant sneezing;
  3. sore throat.

But, if such manifestations occur, it is not necessary to abandon therapy. To mandatory therapeutic measures applies:

  • At elevated temperature– compliance with bed rest;
  • Consuming plenty of liquid, preferably one that has vitamin and anti-inflammatory properties (rosehip decoction, chamomile tea And so on).

If treatment with medications and folk remedies turns out to be ineffective and the enlargement of the tonsils does not go away, then surgical intervention may be necessary, during which the tonsils are removed.

But today, tonsillectomy is increasingly being performed, in which the lymphoid tissue is not completely excised. However, this does not mean that large, large tonsils will be excised or pulled out during acute inflammation - first, therapy will be carried out to put the disease into remission, and only after that the operation is performed.

It is important that during the operation there are no open infectious foci. After all pathogenic microflora can spread throughout the body along with the bloodstream, causing inflammation in various systems and organs.

It is worth noting that surgery performed using an ultrasonic scalpel or laser does not adversely affect the child’s health. This operation is done under local anesthesia without having a negative effect on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

In addition, enlarged tonsils in children are surgically treated if this process is caused by congenital pathologies.

After all, the proliferation of lymphoid tissue complicates the respiratory and sucking processes in children, therefore, in the presence of straight tissue, it is excised.

With unpleasant painful sensations In the area of ​​the throat where the tonsils are located, both adults and children collide. Immediately after the first symptoms appear - pain and dryness in the throat, difficulty breathing, high fever - the sick begin to treat themselves.

Self-medication and incorrect diagnosis lead to the progression of the disease to a severe form and complications. To avoid having your tonsils removed, you should consult a doctor. who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent therapy.

Functions and structure of the tonsils

Tonsils are organs of the human body’s immune system. Their main function is antibacterial protection against pathogenic microbes penetrating the oral cavity. by airborne droplets and provoking inflammatory diseases. The second, no less important task of lymphoid cells, colloquially called tonsils, is hematopoietic. They supply lymphocytes into the bloodstream and control their content in the required quantity.

There are six tonsils in total:

  • A pair of palatals. As you can see in the photo below, the palatine tonsils are the largest from those available. They are located on the sides of the pharynx in the tonsillar niches. To see where the tonsils are, you should open your mouth wide and look in the mirror. The free surface of the lymphoid formations, covered with several layers of epithelium, is turned towards the pharynx. Each formation has crypts - cracks. The other side of the palatine tonsil fuses with the lateral surface of the pharynx using a capsule.

  • A pair of tubes located in the nasal cavity at the mouth of the auditory tube. Normally small organs in case of hypertrophy block the connection between the nose and middle ear, causing otitis media and hearing impairment.
  • Pharyngeal. It is almost impossible to independently see the location of the tonsil, called the nasopharyngeal or pharyngeal tonsil. The organ located in the back of the nasopharynx can be detected only when it is significantly enlarged and in a position hanging over the uvula.
Enlarged adenoids—the so-called inflamed pharyngeal tonsil—are especially dangerous for children. Children cannot breathe fully, hearing loss occurs, and otitis media develops. If drug treatment does not work, the adenoids are removed.
  • Lingual. Where the tonsil is located is clear from its name - it is located at the root of the tongue. A rough formation with tubercles is covered with lymphoid tissue. When inflamed, the tonsil interferes with eating and hurts when talking.

What healthy tonsils look like and where they are located

Glands healthy person have the average size, usually they do not extend beyond the arches of the pharynx. But exceptions are possible - Some people have large tonsils due to anatomical features rather than disease.

Photo: this is what healthy tonsils (tonsils) look like

The naturally uneven surface structure of the tonsils should not be pronounced and lumpy. Healthy tonsils are indicated by their color; usually it is uniform, pinkish in color, without red furrows or inclusions.

The back wall of the oral cavity, palate, and uvula with healthy tonsils are evenly colored and have no signs of inflammation. The pharyngeal mucosa should be free of swelling and have a pronounced pattern of blood vessels. There should be no purulent deposits or unhealthy plaque on the surface of the tonsils themselves.

Diseases that occur due to dysfunction of the tonsils

  • Sore throat, accompanied by high fever, increased lymph nodes, headache, weakness, severe pain in the throat, difficulty swallowing movements. When infected with herpetic sore throat, purulent blisters appear on the tonsils, which over time turn into small ulcers.

First aid

It is difficult to swallow, the temperature has risen, when examining the throat, redness or pustular rashes are found - call a doctor. Before a specialist arrives, patients should not take fever-reducing pills, but only if it does not exceed 39 °C. High temperature will help the body cope with infection and destroy harmful microorganisms.

Scheme for relieving the patient’s condition:

  • Drink plenty of warm drinks.
  • Gargling with salt water, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula).
  • Rinse with Furacilin, Miramistin, Dioxidin and other products recommended by your doctor diluted with water.
  • Dissolving lozenges with a calming and analgesic effect.
  • Bed rest.
You should take antibiotics, and preferably all other drugs, only as prescribed by your doctor.

Causes of enlarged tonsils

Tonsils enlarge if the body is infected with strepto-staphylococci or viral infections. This happens as a result:

  • The transition from normal inflammation to chronic inflammation.
  • Decreased immunity during hypothermia, stressful situation or due to other reasons.
  • Irritation or poisoning from chemicals, allergens, unusually spicy foods.

You can compare what normal and inflamed tonsils (tonsils) in the throat look like in the photo:

Removal of tonsils: pros and cons

The debate about the need to remove or preserve tonsils has been going on for a long time and with varying success. Those who advocate that nature does not deal with the structure of unnecessary organs give the following arguments about the benefits of the tonsils:

  • Producing a huge amount of immunoglobulins, the tonsils of a healthy person contribute to proper development and protecting the body from viral infections.
  • The porous surface of the tonsils serves as a barrier to pathogenic microorganisms seeking to enter the throat and internal environment body. Once in the center of the immune cells, the harmful bacteria die.

Proponents of surgery believe that even normal tonsils can eventually cause major health problems:

  • During certain diseases, for example, chronic tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis, proper operation lymphatic formations undergo malfunctions and irreversible changes. The tonsils are constantly inflamed, do not allow you to breathe freely, and harmful bacteria are not eliminated.
  • Frequent purulent sore throats can cause a throat abscess, a general infection of the body.
  • Constantly enlarged tonsils lead to hearing impairment or deterioration of respiratory functions.

Most doctors agree with the removal of tonsils in the most severe cases: when the body is unable to respond to drug treatment.

Disease Prevention

Strengthening the immune system prevents inflammatory processes from developing. In order to prevent the development of diseases, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle: avoid bad habits, eat right, monitor the general condition of the body. To maintain normal tonsils, it is enough:

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Avoid cold drinks.
  • Eliminate all possible sources of infection: sinusitis, caries, sinusitis.
  • At the first signs of infection, contact a medical facility.


When can tonsils be considered enlarged, and when are their sizes normal?

To determine the size of the tonsils (tonsils) and whether they are enlarged or not, doctors use a special comparative scale described in the table below:

Tonsil size Description
0 The tonsils are located in a depression formed by the folds of the mucous membrane of the throat and do not protrude from it.
1+ The tonsils protrude beyond the recess in which they are located, but cover the throat by less than a quarter
2+ The tonsils protrude beyond the recess in which they are located, but cover the throat by less than half
3+ The tonsils protrude beyond the recess in which they are located, but cover less than 75% of the throat
4+ The tonsils protrude beyond the recess in which they are located and cover more than 75% of the throat

Tonsils of size 0 are considered normal. Tonsils of size 1+ and 2+ are considered moderately enlarged.

When the tonsils reach size 3+ or 4+ they are considered very enlarged. In medicine, this condition is also called hypertrophy of the tonsils, which stands for constant increase in tonsil volume.

How dangerous is it if a child has constantly enlarged tonsils? What consequences and complications may arise from this?

During observation of children who had enlarged tonsils for a long time, it was found that this condition can cause the following consequences and complications:

Sleep disordered breathing and psychological problems

Due to the fact that enlarged tonsils can more or less significantly block the throat, during sleep, some children have difficulty breathing (this is possible even with the degree of enlargement of the tonsils 1+ or 2+).

In particular, the child may stop breathing for a while, breathe through the mouth and snore. It is not life-threatening, but over time it can cause a number of problems in the child's behavior and development.

During respiratory arrest, the child partially wakes up. If breathing stops many times during the night, the child does not have time to achieve the deep levels of sleep that the brain and the entire body need to rest. For this reason, children with permanently enlarged tonsils may become irritable, inattentive, get tired quickly, begin to lag behind in school, and may experience bedwetting (enuresis).

Some children with permanently enlarged tonsils grow more slowly than their peers.

Another cause of difficulty in nasal breathing in a child may be enlarged adenoids. cm Adenoids in children.

Swallowing disorder

One study found that enlarged tonsils may interfere with the passage of food down the throat during swallowing. Like sleep disordered breathing, it is not life-threatening, but can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms. You can assume that your child has enlarged tonsils that are interfering with food swallowing if you notice:

  • That he often chokes when eating or drinking;
  • He has a lot thick saliva or mucus in the mouth;
  • He sometimes vomits for no reason;
  • He clears his throat frequently to clear his throat;
  • It happens that the liquid you drink begins to flow out through your nose.

Persistent (chronic cough)

While researching information for this article, we found several case reports published in professional journals that reported children in whom enlarged tonsils caused permanent chronic cough, which lasted for months and did not respond to any treatment. These descriptions reported that the cough disappeared only after the tonsils were removed.

Based on these descriptions, it can be said that persistent cough, associated with enlarged tonsils, does not develop often, but the appearance of this symptom is quite possible.

There are also reports that enlarged tonsils can (also quite rarely) cause so-called wheezing , similar to the breathing of children with asthma.

Like the other symptoms mentioned above, associated with enlarged tonsils, a persistent cough is not dangerous, but because of it, children are often subjected to numerous examinations and numerous attempts at treatment, which is very difficult for both the child and the parents.

Frequent colds

During the search scientific information, associated with the problem of constantly enlarged tonsils in children, we were able to find reports that children with this problem actually suffer from sore throat more often than other children and they more often develop a fever and sore throat.

Complications on the kidneys, heart and joints

Complications to the kidneys, joints and heart that many parents fear are not directly related to the size of the tonsils or how often the child has a sore throat.

As shown in the article Evidence-based patient guidance for issues related to acute pain and sore throat these complications can only occur in children infected with a special type of microbe ( beta-hemolytic streptococcus from group A).

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