Turmeric - beneficial and harmful properties. Methods of application. Magic turmeric: taken correctly Benefits of turmeric

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of turmeric.

Medicinal plant turmeric - herbaceous plant. Family: .

general information about the medicinal plant: turmeric.

Benefits of using turmeric water. Why should you drink a glass of water with turmeric in the morning? Video

Turmeric. Description. A perennial herbaceous plant with a rhizome and elongated, pointed leaves placed on long petioles. The flowers create a spike from the inflorescence, in the center medicinal plant growing, at the base itself (at the ground). Cylindrical shape rhizomes, sometimes a finger-like extension is formed. Growing in tropical Asia, on the African continent and the Antilles.


Turmeric. Photo of turmeric.

Turmeric for cancer. Video

Wherein increases Fine .

PRECAUTIONS WHEN USING TURMERIC. Allowed to use turmeric without the permission of the attending physician. At the same time, when using large quantity can be annoying gastric mucosa and call nausea and vomiting. Application turmeric undesirable when bile ducts obstruction (stone disease).


A drink with turmeric is a unique secret to longevity. The island of Okinawa holds the record for the number of centenarians. The average life expectancy in Okinawa for men is eighty-eight years and for women ninety-two years.

The secret of health and longevity The record for residents of the Japanese Okinawa Prefecture in consuming unique drinks lies in turmeric base. Regular use drink this risk can be reduced oncological diseases emergence, And heart attack. In addition, already from the first techniques, you, You will feel vigor and an amazing surge of strength.

Turmeric - useful to look at! Video

How to prolong youth and heal the body? Two recipes.

1. Healing drink with turmeric and lime.

Ingredients needed:
- 1 glass of boiling water;
- a quarter spoon of tea turmeric;
- 1 teaspoon ();
- 1 teaspoon sugar.
Quarter teaspoon turmeric Pour boiling water over it and let it brew for two minutes.

Turmeric is familiar to most housewives. This is a type of ginger. Its other name is turmeric. Turmeric root is dried and a really useful and delicious spice. It grows wild in India. Specially grown in the East.

Turmeric contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, calcium and iodine. It also contains a huge amount useful vitamins. This spice has extraordinary properties, which are inherent in antibiotics. This natural medicine, which is not capable of harming our body.

Turmeric contains essential oil and terpenes. Phytonutrient substances become real antioxidants. They allow you to rejuvenate the body and protect against tumors of various origins.

Benefits of turmeric for the human body

Traditions oriental medicine have ancient roots. Turmeric is believed to be incredibly beneficial. Doctors are confident that this seasoning can give ideal elasticity to the ligaments. That is why it is recommended for athletes.

Turmeric allows you to cleanse the body's energy channels (chakras). There is no doubt that turmeric has special benefits for those whose lives are connected with art. According to astrologers, turmeric can bring prosperity.

Research was carried out at the Delhi Institute. It turned out that turmeric helps thin the blood. It lowers blood pressure perfectly. Another unique ability of turmeric has also been identified, namely to reduce sugar levels.

Turmeric perfectly improves digestion, as well as the microflora inside the intestines.

Turmeric in cooking - recipes

Turmeric is often used in confectionery, drinks and alcohol. The fresh taste is very reminiscent of ginger. Perfectly complements egg dishes, pilaf, salads and sauces.

Turmeric is often used as a natural coloring for chips, cheese and some other popular foods.

Turmeric can be added to various dishes to give them a special taste and aroma.

Turmeric for weight loss

It is especially worth noting the undoubted benefits of turmeric for weight loss, which is often a concern for representatives of the fair half of humanity and allows them to effectively lose weight. The plant is actively used to treat skin diseases.

Turmeric contains curcumin. It is curcumin that prevents the formation of new fatty tissues. The result is maximum quick release from unwanted weight. Metabolism is completely normalized. It is worth adding turmeric to daily diet to effectively burn excess calories that could later be stored as fat. Excess water comes out perfectly. Blood circulation improves significantly. All these features of turmeric contribute to weight loss.

Turmeric drink recipes for weight loss

First you need to boil water (500 ml), then add regular tea (4 tablespoons), take a little cinnamon, ginger (4 pieces), turmeric (2 tablespoons), honey (teaspoon), pour boiling water over it all and let it brew . When the drink has cooled, add kefir (500 ml). Take the composition daily for dinner or at.

There is an easier way. Take turmeric powder (1.5 tablespoon), boiling water (1/2 cup), unboiled milk (1 cup). You can also add honey. This cocktail is taken immediately before bed.

Turmeric in medicine

Turmeric is completely harmless. Can be used to treat people of any age and is approved even for children over 2 years of age.

If you sprinkle open wound with turmeric powder, the bleeding will stop and the wound will be completely disinfected.

Just add honey to turmeric and it will be effective. healing compress. It will help with sprains, bruises and inflammation in the joints. You can mix turmeric and ghee to make an ointment for ulcers, ulcers and boils.

Relief from flatulence and diarrhea. Treatment of stomach diseases

Take turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) and water (glass). You should drink 1/2 glass before meals.
Sinusitis, acute respiratory infections, runny nose

Take turmeric (1 teaspoon) and water (400 g), as well as salt (1 teaspoon). Warm water is a must. The nasopharynx should be rinsed with this solution. Excellently removes mucus and disinfects.

Turmeric is also an excellent prophylactic to prevent colds. In this case, the recipe remains as for a cold, and the water is at room temperature.

For burns

You need to take turmeric and aloe. Mix everything thoroughly to obtain a fairly thick mass. The composition is applied to the burn. Helps relieve pain, disinfect and heal.

For urticaria

Turmeric is added to food, this allows you to heal faster.

For allergic asthma

It is good to drink milk with turmeric. Helps relieve seizures. The recipe is simple, you need hot milk (1/2 cup) and turmeric powder (1/2 teaspoon). Take this drink on an empty stomach up to three times a day.

For anemia

Take seasoning (1/4 teaspoon) and honey. Take on an empty stomach. The body receives all the necessary amount of the element - iron.

For inflammatory eye diseases

Take water (0.5 liters) and turmeric (2 teaspoons). The composition is boiled and evaporated by half. After this, cool well and filter. The procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day. Helps remove.

Turmeric for women - how to use

Turmeric is a spice for the fair half of humanity. It is actively used in masks that treat inflamed skin. It also allows you to achieve a slight lifting effect.

Turmeric face masks for wrinkles

For rejuvenation. Take turmeric (teaspoon), milk (teaspoon) and honey (teaspoon). The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Leave for 30 minutes. It's best to do it before bed. The result is noticeable after three procedures. Inflammation will decrease, the complexion will become smoother.

Turmeric for inflammation

Turmeric is suitable for problem skin. Take black clay (1 teaspoon) and a little water, as well as turmeric (1 teaspoon). The mask is applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. Conducted 4 times a week. Course of 8 procedures.

Hair mask with turmeric

A healing mask helps to heal and nourish hair. You need to squeeze the juice out of oranges (2 pieces), add the pulp of ½ apple, ½ banana and turmeric. All this is placed in a blender and crushed to a homogeneous consistency. The mixture is rubbed into the hair (clean and damp). The mask is left for 30 minutes. In this case, the head must be wrapped in a towel. After complete drying, it is washed off.

Turmeric for breast enlargement

Turmeric allows you to enlarge your breasts. This spice can have a positive effect on breast size. The recipe is simple, take turmeric (1 teaspoon) and add milk (warm, but not boiled). Drink three times a day. The course lasts 30 days. Side effects are missing. The immune system is also strengthened.

Turmeric for acne

Turmeric helps effective disposal from acne. You can make a healing cream. To do this, take turmeric (1 teaspoon) and water. The components are mixed to a paste. The mixture is applied to the face and washed off after drying.

Turmeric contraindications

Since turmeric has strong effect, it cannot be used in parallel with medications. The result of the combination may be a distortion of the overall picture of the disease. The use of cucurma is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

If you have any chronic diseases, you should definitely consult a specialist.

If you suffer from hypotension and hemophilia (poor blood clotting), you should definitely visit a doctor.

Don't try too hard. For 5 servings of the dish, only 1 teaspoon of this delicious seasoning is enough. If you put too much turmeric, you are highly likely to get an upset stomach.

As many as 20 cancers common in the United States and Europe are virtually unknown in the southeastern Indian state of Arisa. Oncology among residents of this rural area occurs only in oral cavity(due to chewing tobacco).

While studying the composition of their diet, scientists came across a curious phenomenon. Hindus eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, which they grow themselves without any pesticides. And they flavor their food with turmeric every day.

Already know everything about the medicinal properties of spices?

Click below point No. 3 - recipes and dosages.

And don’t forget about the contraindications from point No. 5.

Quick navigation through the article:

No inflammation - no cancer: how it works

Is it possible that the yellow powder from the popular curry seasoning has such strong anti-cancer properties? - you doubt.

  • Exactly! More than 3 thousand studies around the world confirm the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric. And the fight against systemic inflammation - best prevention cancer.

At the very beginning of cancer development, there are always cells attacked by an external enemy - radiation, virus or chemical. If the body is healthy, damaged cell recognized by the killer lymphocyte, our immune defender. It causes defective cells to commit self-destruction, scientifically speaking, it stimulates apoptosis.

But if the immune system weakened chronic inflammation or constant attacks by harmful chemical agents, apoptosis is not triggered. The affected diseased cells begin to divide and multiply - this is the beginning of a cancerous tumor.

Turmeric, like some other plants, contains such powerful anti-inflammatory biocompounds that they are equated to official drugs.

Beneficial properties in comparison with drugs

The chemical composition of turmeric is illustrated in the infographic below.

We continue to be surprised! Here is a list of drugs that turmeric can compete with - in terms of strength beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Antidepressants (Prozac);
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Anticoagulants (Aspirin, Clopidogrel);
  • Painkillers;
  • Medicines for the treatment of diabetes (Metformin);
  • Medicines for arthritis;
  • Sulfasalazine for intestinal diseases;
  • Corticosteroids.

The reason for turmeric's many health benefits is a bright yellow polyphenol from the curcuminoids family.

Impacts studied:

  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect due to stimulation of apoptosis of defective cells without harm to normal ones;
  • Natural antibiotic and immunomodulator;
  • Antidepressant effect by reducing monoamine oxidase activity;
  • Prevention of Alzheimer's disease (based on the amyloid theory of its occurrence);
  • Expectorant effect for bronchitis, cleansing for runny nose, local emollient for sore throat;
  • Antibacterial potential, including when applied externally.

Let's compare some synthetic medications and the scientific information about the spice that confirms a similar effect from curcumin.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Journal of Oncogene, July 2012, study results from Stanford University: aspirin, ibuprofen and curcumin from turmeric were compared. The last one won. ()

The most extensive health benefit of turmeric is controlling inflammation.

Many severe conditions- cancer, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, high level cholesterol and chronic pain- may be resistant to traditional therapy as a result of inflammation, and curcumin can suppress it more effectively than traditional medications.

Prevention and treatment of cancer

Stunning results from preliminary research at Harvard University in 2007. ()

Scientists combined chemotherapy and turmeric and found a much greater effect in stopping cancer growth than with traditional treatment. Preliminary conclusions:

  1. Turmeric is particularly effective in treating several types of cancer ( bone tissue, stomach, large intestine, prostate, breast and pancreas).
  2. Experimentally in mice, the growth of melanoma was stopped.
  3. In patients with breast cancer, the increase in metastases in the lungs stopped.

Diabetes treatment

Taking turmeric for diabetes provides extensive positive result. It concerns both the pancreas itself and prevention vascular complications in all tissues of the body.

In 2009, Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications published a study from Auburn University that examined the spice in treating diabetes. Promising findings: “Curcumin is 400 times more effective than Metformin. It dramatically improves tissue sensitivity to insulin and can reverse type 2 diabetes and prevent vascular complications in the eyes and legs.” ()

Protection against atherosclerosis

What is atherosclerosis in simple words? When the inner lining of blood vessels suffers from oxidative stress and becomes inflamed, the body tries to patch up the damaged areas with cholesterol. As a result, plaques form that narrow the lumen of the arteries.

Traditional therapy is statins, drugs with a lot of side effects, primarily for the liver and kidneys. In search of an alternative, scientists are increasingly inclined to accept fish oil and curcumin.


Medicines against blood clots: Aspirin, Clopidogrel (Plavix), Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Warfarin and others. Side effects are numerous: from back pain and migraines to shortness of breath and allergies. ()

According to numerous studies, turmeric fights the formation of blood clots, but has no contraindications unless taken in excessive doses.


Journal of Phytotherapy Research, April 2014 Study of 60 volunteers diagnosed depressive disorder moderate to determine the effect of treatment with curcumin and fluoxetine (Prozac). Results: "Curcumin is well tolerated and as effective as Prozac." ()

Good digestion

Increasing bile secretion is a direct way to normalize digestion, especially for people who suffer from constipation. In Germany, a list of herbs for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract and general health. Turmeric is already on the list. Recommended dose - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Curcumin can lead to remission in patients with chronic ulcerative colitis, but does not have the side effects that distinguish sulfasalazine. In addition, in medium dosage it supports the liver and intestinal microbiota.

For joint health

The main drugs for arthritis put the stomach and heart at risk. Turmeric has no pronounced side effect, but significantly reduces inflammation inside the joint and reduces pain.

Journal of Phytotherapy Research, 2012, study on 45 volunteers with rheumatoid arthritis. Three groups were studied - treatment with turmeric, diclofenac and a combination of substances. Conclusions: “The minimum pain score was achieved in those patients who took only turmeric.” ()

Recipes for using turmeric for medicinal purposes

The best companion for turmeric is black pepper!

Due to piperine, freshly ground (!) hot seasoning multiplies the benefits of curcumin. Piperine slows elimination medicinal substance from the body and thus enhances its absorption. Two spices together - the greatest effect of home remedies.

“Liquid gold” with turmeric and lemon

For 1 serving we need:

  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Turmeric - ½ teaspoon
  • Warm water - 1 glass
  • Black pepper - 1 pinch
  • Honey - to taste

Combine and mix the components. We take pleasantly warm water. Add honey to taste (no more than 1 teaspoon), if there is no need to strictly limit sugar (diabetes, obesity, protein diet).

Dosage regimen: 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up.

Accompany your drink with butter!

Just one teaspoon healthy oil(olive, coconut) will enhance the positive effect. Curcuminoids are fat-soluble, i.e. their digestibility increases in the presence of fats.

Benefits: prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, general health.

"Golden milk" according to Ayurveda

For 2 servings we need:

  • Turmeric - 2 teaspoon
  • Clean water - ½ cup
  • Milk (from 2.5% fat) - 2 cups
  • Oil almonds- 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper - 2 pinches

Combine water and turmeric in an enamel pan and put on fire. Our task is to keep the mixture on low heat for 3-5 minutes. Then add milk and butter to the mixture and wait for the first signs of boiling (steam and small bubbles will appear along the walls of the pan). Remove from heat, let cool and add ½ teaspoon of honey if desired (improves taste).

Purposes of use: cancer prevention, recovery menstrual cycle, cleansing and healing.

Simple turmeric tea for bronchitis and colds

You need water, 0.5-1 teaspoon of turmeric and a pinch of black pepper. Stir spices in 1 glass hot water and drink instead of tea. This quick-to-prepare drink is effective for colds, bronchitis and for the prevention of the serious diseases listed above.

How long should I take it?

1 glass per day without restrictions.

Unlike milk (contraindications for casein and lactose intolerance), turmeric tea can be used by all people. By adding a little oil, you will increase the absorption of therapeutic curcuminoids.

The positive effect of the miracle powder also extends to the skin. Acne, eczema, psoriasis, any inflammatory processes and noticeable rejuvenation. Read soon in a separate article.

Dry spice for intestinal microflora

Up to 2 teaspoons per day(divided into 2 doses in the morning and evening) in a simple drink. Preferred are moderately fat warm milk or kefir prepared at home from starter culture. Don't forget to add a pinch of black pepper and shake before use.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks, with a break of 1-2 months. It is useful to conduct such courses regularly in addition to enriching the diet with fiber (, psyllium, cabbage salads,).

In a separate article.

Recipes for a tasty and healthy menu

Turmeric as a seasoning: where to add it? How we use healing spices in nutrition:

  • Kefir smoothie with apple, carrots and turmeric;
  • Sprinkle the omelette with spices;
  • (boiled egg, tuna in own juice, a little sour cream, salt, turmeric);
  • Add to homemade sauces for salads and steamed vegetables;
  • Especially tasty cauliflower and broccoli stewed with garlic and turmeric;
  • We often use turmeric or curry seasoning in soup, pilaf, stews from vegetables, meat and fish (put into the dish at the end of cooking);
  • Brown rice or steamed with dried fruit pieces, coriander and turmeric.

In the video below there is a beautiful and juicy white fish with turmeric on the lining - for inspiration for new ones culinary recipes with health benefits.

Where to buy quality turmeric

When purchasing spices, it is important to insure against counterfeiting. Unfortunately, it is topped up with cheap raw materials, dyes are added, and most importantly, they use too aggressive processing technologies. As a result of the beneficial properties, the cat cried, and the price was like true value.

Our goal with the right choice is long-term technological manufacturers for curcumin supplements or natural organic turmeric powder using technology that retains maximum beneficial properties.

Where and how do we buy?

We tend to trust giant online stores (iherb), where we select a mid-priced brand with a long history in the market, environmentally friendly technology and detailed reviews to a specific position with a total score of 4.4.

  • When checking out any iHerb cart, enter our personal code RVW630 for 5% discount.

Contraindications for use

A dozen excellent beneficial properties and simple recipes: does turmeric really have no reverse side? There are strict and relative contraindications to the reception. These include:

  • Allergy (especially when applied to the skin - itchy rash);
  • Increased risk of bleeding (especially with simultaneous administration Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Clopidogrel and other anticoagulants);
  • Cholelithiasis with stones larger than 5 mm.

At high doses turmeric (over 3-4 teaspoons per day) possible:

  • Nausea, diarrhea, gallbladder hyperactivity;
  • Deterioration of liver function tests;
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus in pregnant women;
  • Increased blood loss during menstruation.

How to properly store turmeric?

Dark glass container, tight lid, dry place. Avoid direct sun rays. Place the organic powder in the refrigerator.

We'd be interested to hear if you use turmeric. Beneficial features and contraindications, recipes for oral administration and rave reviews from scientists prompted us to once introduce the spice into daily menu. Are you ready to join?

Thank you for the article (13)

Turmeric (or yellow root, or “Indian saffron”) is a plant of the ginger family, native to Southeast India. IN European countries and Russia, powder from the rhizomes of the plant is used in cooking as a spice, giving dishes a pleasant aroma and a beautiful yellow color. The unique health benefits of turmeric are not as well known.


The chemical composition of the plant is unique: in addition to a whole complex of vitamins (ascorbic and a nicotinic acid, B vitamins, vitamin K), it includes micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron), essential oils and others.

The most valuable natural substance of turmeric is called “curcumin”. This natural polyphenolic compound gives the spice a pleasant golden color and has a wide range of healing effects.

It is useful to know what turmeric has medicinal properties and about its use for women and men.


For women

  • optimizes metabolic processes, enhances the effectiveness of fasting diets;
  • improves skin condition, eliminates pimples and acne;
  • rejuvenates the body as a whole;
  • helps improve the condition of women reproductive function, normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • helps get rid of breast tumors;
  • helps reduce symptoms premenstrual syndrome(PMS).

For men

  • improves the functioning of the urinary system, prevents infections;
  • helps prevent prostate cancer;
  • improves libido and at the same time increases potency;
  • improves sperm quality, improves male fertility.


For women

  • pregnancy: the spice promotes contraction of the muscles of the uterus, so expectant mothers are not prohibited from seasoning a dish with turmeric, but should not use it in any way medicinal purposes must be refused;
  • breastfeeding: the effect of turmeric on nursing mothers and infants has not been studied, but it is better to exercise caution, since this spice is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age;
  • other contraindications to the use of golden spice in women are the same as those in men.

For men

  • individual allergies;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage: cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and others;
  • hypotension (turmeric helps lower blood pressure);
  • diabetes mellitus (danger sharp decline blood sugar);
  • taking anticoagulants and what is to come within the next 15 days surgical intervention(in both cases, turmeric should be avoided as it reduces blood clotting).



Turmeric helps alleviate the condition of patients suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, and gout. They are advised to consume turmeric with honey and milk. This mixture will be useful for the prevention of injuries and sprains, as it has a positive effect on the elasticity of ligaments. Preparing the mixture is not difficult: add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of honey to a glass of freshly boiled milk, mix thoroughly and immediately drink in small sips. The product must be taken before bed, and to achieve the effect, the course must be taken for 30 days.


The spice cleanses the liver of toxins and thereby improves the functioning of this organ. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric 2 times a day, with food or in dry form, with water. More strong remedy- a decoction based on equal parts of this spice and celandine herb. To prepare the decoction, take 1 teaspoon of each component, mix well and pour a glass of boiling water; strain when cool and take 0.5 cup three times a day.


Curcumin strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. To prevent atherosclerosis, it is useful to regularly drink kefir or another fermented milk drink with a teaspoon of turmeric.

Gastrointestinal tract

The antiseptic properties of turmeric make it an effective remedy for diarrhea and flatulence. For treatment, you should take 1 teaspoon of spice 3 times a day with a glass of warm water. boiled water. Turmeric has a pronounced choleretic effect, and therefore helps with gastrointestinal diseases caused by decreased bile secretion, for example, cholecystitis.

Disease Prevention

Regular consumption of turmeric prevents the development of type 2 diabetes, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, cancer (especially colon cancer).

Curcumin, how natural antibiotic, helps prevent diseases respiratory system(tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis) and the digestive system.

According to some reports, regular use Turmeric reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

For weight loss

Turmeric cleanses the body of toxins, improves metabolism, disperses bile and burns excess fat. Here, turmeric root has proven its beneficial properties in practice: specially prepared cocktails with it accelerate weight loss.

A “fat burning” cocktail is easy to prepare at home. You need to boil half a liter of water, add 4 tablespoons of black tea, cinnamon on the tip of a tablespoon, 4 pieces of ginger, 2 tablespoons of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of honey. Pour 500 milliliters of kefir into the cooled mixture and take this cocktail once a day, preferably as dinner.

Losing weight girls successfully use and more in a simple way cocktail preparation: 1.5 tablespoons of turmeric powder should be poured with half a glass of boiling water and pour in a glass of pasteurized milk. For taste, you can add a little honey and take it before bed.

Another recipe for ladies who want to lose weight is a body exfoliant. Has a slight anti-cellulite effect. To prepare the product, you need to take half a glass of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. The resulting thick, homogeneous mixture is applied to “problem areas” during use. water procedures and perform self-massage with vigorous circular movements using a hard washcloth. A contraindication to such anti-cellulite massage is the presence of damage and inflammation on the skin.

For face

Turmeric - universal homemade cosmetic product.

First of all, the bactericidal properties of this spice are used, which help in the fight against acne and acne. There are many recipes for anti-inflammatory masks, the simplest one: mix 1 teaspoon each of black clay and turmeric, dilute with a small amount warm water and apply to face for 15 minutes.

Mature women know about the anti-aging effect of turmeric. To prepare a light lifting mask, take equal proportions of turmeric, honey (almond oil or aloe juice as an option) and warm milk, mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin for 30 minutes.

For oily and mature skin, apply a solution of turmeric essential oil externally, which can be purchased in pharmacies.

Turmeric also helps in the fight against freckles. A teaspoon of spice is combined with an equal amount of cucumber or lemon juice, apply the mixture pointwise and leave for 15 minutes. This procedure is repeated every day until the freckles turn pale.

So, like any plant medicine, turmeric has beneficial properties and contraindications. It would be useful for any housewife to know how to use the spice in home health recipes.


With milk

One of the most popular recipes is called “Golden Milk”.

A course of treatment with this remedy (4-6 weeks) helps improve the condition of joints and ligaments, soothe nervous system, cleanse the body of pathogenic bacteria(which is effective for chronic inflammatory diseases), cleanse blood vessels, improve skin condition and generally rejuvenate the body.

  1. To prepare one “serving” of a medicinal drink, you will need 2 tablespoons of turmeric, which should be poured into a small saucepan and filled with a glass of cold water.
  2. Stirring gradually, bring the mixture to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Place the resulting thick mass in a tightly sealed glass container and store in the refrigerator for no more than a month.
  4. To prepare “golden milk”, take 1 teaspoon of the prepared mass and dilute it in a glass of warm milk. To improve the taste, you can add sugar or honey to the drink.

You should drink a glass of “golden milk” a day, morning and evening.

With honey

Another effective remedy- turmeric with honey, the medicinal properties of which are best manifested in treatment colds And acute pain in the joints, lumbar region.
IN natural medicine The recipe for “golden honey” is known.

  1. You need to take 100 grams of natural bee honey and add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder (15 grams) to it.
  2. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Transfer the mixture into a well-closing glass container and store in a cool place.

To alleviate the condition of the flu, colds or radiculitis, it is recommended to take half a teaspoon of the mixture: on the first day of illness - every hour; V next days- every two hours. You can drink it with tea or plain water.

With pepper

  1. You need to mix a quarter teaspoon of turmeric with 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. Add freshly ground black pepper at the tip of a knife.
  3. Mix everything with a quarter glass of water and drink immediately.

With coffee

Turmeric softens the negative effects of caffeine on the body: it helps stabilize the heart rate and prevents it from increasing. blood pressure. Simply adding a pinch of turmeric to ready-made coffee is enough.

With ginger

Tea with these spices has anti-inflammatory and general strengthening effect, invigorates, improves immunity.

  1. To prepare tea, bring 1 cup of water to a boil in a small saucepan.
  2. Place 1/3 teaspoon of turmeric and the same amount of grated ginger root in boiling water.
  3. Reduce heat and let the mixture simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting tea, cool until warm state and drink with honey and, to taste, a slice of lemon, orange or lime.


The product is used externally to relieve pain in joints or sprains, healing minor wounds and burns, eliminating cracked heels and the like.

  1. First you need to make a turmeric paste: pour 2 tablespoons of the spice into a glass of water, bring to a boil and, stirring constantly, cook for 10-12 minutes until a thick, bright yellow mass is obtained.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of natural olive (you can use coconut, apricot or almond) oil to the resulting paste and cook over medium heat for another 5 minutes.
  3. Cool the finished oil, strain and store in a closed glass container in the refrigerator.


The medicinal extract of turmeric is produced industrially: to obtain 1 kilogram of the product, it is necessary to process about 25 kilograms of the plant root. It is a powerful antioxidant that can be used:

  • For general health improvement body;
  • as part of antitumor therapy;
  • to stimulate bile synthesis;
  • for weight loss (reducing appetite and improving metabolism);
  • to relieve hangover syndrome.

The extract can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty health food store.

So, the medicinal properties of turmeric are truly universal, so including ground turmeric in your diet as a spice will be beneficial for anyone. If turmeric is used as remedy, you should take into account existing contraindications, and it is best to consult a doctor.

Once a work colleague gave me a recipe for “golden milk”, which heals and rejuvenates the body. Turmeric makes it golden. I took this recipe, but didn’t really study it, I put it in the folder where I keep all sorts of useful tips and happily forgot about him.

But recently I heard that turmeric is very beneficial for our body, and I remembered the recipe for golden milk.

I became interested, and I decided to find out what kind of plant this is, about the beneficial and harmful properties of turmeric, as well as about methods of use.

I hope this information will be interesting and useful not only to me.

Turmeric - beneficial and harmful properties

What is turmeric

Turmeric is a genus of monocotyledonous plants of the ginger family. The rhizomes and stems of many species of this genus contain essential oils and yellow dyes (curcumin) and are cultivated as spices and medicinal plants. The most widely used spice is turmeric longa (other names are home turmeric, turmeric).

Turmeric has been used as a spice for a very long time, more than 2500 years. At first it was used only in Indochina and India, where it was also grown. Later she was recognized by residents of other countries.

The spice itself is powder yellow color- obtained from the root. The root itself is covered with a very hard peel, underneath it there is a rich orange pulp.

Due to the properties of turmeric, similar to saffron, it was given a second name - Indian saffron.

Turmeric - beneficial properties

Translated from Latin, turmeric means the dignity of the earth.

The composition of turmeric is vitamins B, A, C, E, K, D, as well as iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. But you shouldn’t consider turmeric as a source of vitamins and microelements, since it is still a spice and is used in small quantities.

Turmeric is more interesting because of other substances that, even in minute quantities, can have a healing effect. These are essential oils and their components, among which curcumin deserves special attention.

Curcumin is a natural coloring agent that turns foods yellow and Orange color. The food additive E100 is made from it, which is added when making cheeses, butter, margarine, yogurt, mayonnaise, giving the products a marketable appearance. This food supplement allowed in Russia ( Customs Union EAEU), Ukraine, European Union. It is considered safe and even beneficial.

So what are the beneficial properties of turmeric, or rather curcumin, because it is what gives turmeric its healing properties.

According to scientists, curcumin has antiviral, antiarthritic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antitumor properties, and stimulates the immune system.

All this allows the use of curcumin-based preparations, as well as turmeric as folk remedy in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The list of beneficial properties of turmeric is quite extensive:

  • turmeric normalizes blood pressure
  • protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis
  • strengthens the heart muscle
  • normalizes kidney function
  • cleanses the blood and improves its circulation
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels
  • turmeric protects the liver from toxins, from harmful action long-term use of medications
  • provides beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces excretion and acidity gastric juice, has an antiulcer effect
  • helps with diarrhea and flatulence
  • turmeric is effective for inflammation of the gallbladder, prevents stone formation in gallbladder
  • improves digestion, especially when eating heavy foods
  • reduces cravings for sweets and fatty foods, which makes it possible to use turmeric for weight loss
  • Turmeric is an excellent natural antibiotic, and its use in this capacity does not worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract
  • helps increase the body's resistance various kinds infections
  • It is useful to use turmeric for migraines and headaches associated with liver disease
  • The diuretic properties of turmeric contribute to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body
  • the antiseptic properties of turmeric can relieve sore throat, remove mucus, and disinfect inflamed mucous membranes
  • turmeric stops bleeding, heals wounds, relieves swelling in injuries
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints, reduces pain and inflammation in arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism
  • turmeric is indicated for diabetes
  • is an excellent preventative against Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia)
  • scientific experiments have shown that, exhibiting antitumor activity, curcumin is able to stop the growth and development of tumors and cause the death of tumor cells.
  • in India, turmeric is considered a means of preserving youth and beauty, and is widely used there as a cosmetic product: improves complexion, cleanses the skin, opens sweat glands

Methods of using turmeric in folk medicine

  • I’ll start right away with “golden milk”, since I remembered it. This milk helps with diseases of the joints and spine, restores intervertebral lubrication, removes calcium deposits, and restores the capillary network blood vessels, cleans them, improves protective properties the body, strengthens the immune system, removes toxins and waste from the body, improves complexion, rejuvenates the entire body.

Golden milk recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of turmeric
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tsp. honey

Mix turmeric with water in a small container, put on fire and, stirring constantly, cook for 6-7 minutes. You should get a thick brownish paste. When the paste has cooled, transfer it to a glass jar, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. In the evening before going to bed, warm a glass of milk, but do not boil it, and add 1 tsp. turmeric paste. To stir thoroughly. You can drink it like this, or you can put a teaspoon of honey in your mouth and wash it down with “golden milk”. Accept " golden milk» course of 40 days once a year. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

  • For diarrhea and flatulence – 1/2 tsp. turmeric per 200 ml. water - take before meals.
  • For a cold (fever, cough), grind turmeric with honey 1:1. Take 1/2 tsp. three times a day. You can make a drink - heat a glass of milk well, add 1/8 tsp. turmeric, 1 tsp. honey, mix well and drink immediately. If you burn turmeric powder in a dry frying pan and inhale the smoke, you can cure chronic cough.
  • For joint diseases (arthritis), mix turmeric, honey and ginger 1:1:1 - take 1/2 tsp. 2-3 times a day before meals. You can also prepare an ointment for the treatment of arthritis - add turmeric powder to melted Ghee 1:4 and rub on sore areas. This ointment also helps with muscle and ligament sprains.
  • Sore throat will help relieve gargling solution: 1/2 tsp. turmeric and 1/2 tsp. Stir salt in a glass of warm water.
  • For anemia, take 1/2 tsp 3 times a day. turmeric with the same amount of honey.

Methods of using turmeric in cosmetology

Face mask: 1/2 tsp. Mix turmeric powder with 3 tbsp. l. yogurt, apply the mask to the face, neck, and décolleté. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

In addition, I suggest watching the video

Ways to use turmeric in cooking

Turmeric has a spicy, subtle aroma and a slightly pungent, slightly rough taste. It is used in cooking different dishes, it goes well with different spices. But it must be used in small quantities, since even a small overdose can worsen the taste of the dish. It is recommended to use 2-3 g. turmeric for 5-6 servings.

Turmeric goes well with dishes made from cereals, legumes, and vegetables, and gives poultry broths a pungency and a beautiful color.

The spice is added to pilaf immediately before adding rice, after the meat is completely cooked. The average norm is 0.25 tsp. for 1 kg of rice.

Turmeric gives baked goods a golden color and allows the products to stay fresh longer without going stale.

IN Asian countries turmeric is added to water before boiling, to oil for frying, to flour in which fish or other products are rolled.

Turmeric is an essential component of the curry mixture.

Turmeric - harmful properties

Turmeric is safe in small quantities, but... overuse may cause harm.

If you have any chronic diseases, and you apply medicinal preparations, you should consult your doctor before using turmeric as it has interesting property– enhance the effects of other substances.

Turmeric should not be used for gallstones and severe blockage of the bile ducts. Turmeric – excellent choleretic agent, but if you start using it during an exacerbation, you will probably get a negative result.

Turmeric thins the blood, so it is not compatible with anticoagulants, which are prescribed, for example, for varicose veins veins or heart attack.

Turmeric should not be used for acute jaundice and acute hepatitis.

Use with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Children can consume turmeric after 5 years of age.

Another disadvantage of turmeric is that it does not wash well from clothes, do not forget about this when you use it. In ancient India, turmeric was used not only as a food dye, but also as a textile dye.

Here it is interesting plant– turmeric. I’m sure that if you don’t use it yet, like me, for example, then after learning about the beneficial and harmful properties of turmeric and how to use it, you will pay attention to this spice.

P.S. When the turmeric root dries out a little, it literally turns to stone, so it’s better to buy it already crushed. Turmeric quickly absorbs foreign odors and also loses color when exposed to sunlight, so buy it in sealed packages. Store turmeric powder in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, away from direct light. The shelf life of turmeric is 2-3 years.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

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