Medicinal properties of nettle. Nettle leaves: medicinal properties, instructions, use, indications, contraindications

Stinging nettle is well known in folk medicine, only for ignorant people this is a burning weed. Healing properties nettles are well known; it was previously believed that the plant could replace seven healers. It is difficult to answer what nettle cures, because it has proven itself to be universal medicine, helps against many ailments.

Benefits of nettle for the body

“Green doctor” - that’s what people call it herbaceous plant– is valuable food product, an effective remedy. The unique properties of nettle for the body are determined by its chemical composition. This is a balanced multivitamin concentrate and a storehouse organic matter, containing vital substances, including:

  • vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin K and others;
  • minerals: iron, silicon, gum, manganese, copper, nickel;
  • proteins, fats, fiber, sugars.

The plant contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and more carotene than sea buckthorn and carrots. In addition to the indicated vital important substances the grass is rich in chlorophyll, starch, tannins, flavonoids, histamines, phytoncides, glycosides, glucokinins. It contains organic acids. All these components determine the medicinal effect.

Nettle - medicinal properties for women

The beneficial properties of nettle for women have been confirmed by many years of experience in the effective use of medicinal and cosmetic products. Contraindications are the presence of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, pregnancy, individual intolerance. Masks, decoctions, lotions based on plant materials have a refreshing and tonic effect.

Effectively used to strengthen hair:

  • Fresh Juice;
  • infusion of leaves for rinsing hair.

A decoction of seeds is effective:

  • for the prevention of neoplasms in women;
  • used to stop bleeding;
  • makes it easier painful conditions during menstruation.

For men

The plant is also useful for men's health. The healing properties of nettle for men help restore sexual function and prolong full life men, enhance sexual attraction. In addition, infusions have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Nettle treatment (decoctions and tinctures) is effective for getting rid of prostate adenoma.

Medicinal properties of leaves

The leaves are a source of vitamins; young shoots are eaten for severe hypovitaminosis and to normalize metabolism. The medicinal properties of nettle leaves are manifested in improving blood circulation, have a blood purifying, hemostatic and vasoconstrictor effect, lower blood sugar. The leaves are used for anemia, allergies, and urticaria. May be a contraindication hypertonic disease.

Infusions and decoctions from the leaves provide pain relief, wound healing and antiseptic effect, they are effective for acne. The recipe for such tinctures is simple, their description is attached to medicinal raw materials purchased at a pharmacy. The dry leaf is slowly brewed with boiling water and consumed as tea. This remedy works well when nervous disorders. Multivitamin infusions from herbs provide restorative effect.

The brewed herb has therapeutic effect for bronchitis, for suffocation, has an expectorant effect. The use of the collection is effective for rheumatism, gout, and has an anticonvulsant effect. Contraindications are kidney disease. Without consulting a doctor, this herbal raw material should not be used, nor should it be prescribed, otherwise it can cause serious harm.

Nettle root

The medicinal properties of nettle are not limited to the use of only the leaves of the plant. The medicinal properties of dried nettle root have a very wide spectrum of action. On gastrointestinal tract syrup, tinctures from the root of the plant have a choleretic effect, activating the liver, stimulate appetite, work as a mild laxative, they are also useful for liver diseases.

People have been familiar with nettles since childhood; they are especially remembered by those who have been stung by them. Most often, the plant can be found on forest edges, in unturfed hollows formed by temporary watercourses, as well as on the banks of rivulets and streams. Nettle often grows on roadsides and in areas adjacent to the house, so people get rid of it, like other weeds. The burning plant is very common in Russia, Central Asia, Siberia, Far East and the Caucasus. But nettle is also found in China, Canada, Japan, North America, Korea, Australia, Europe and Asia. The properties, contraindications for use and advantages of the plant will be discussed in detail in this article.


The height of nettles ranges from 50 centimeters to 1.5 meters; the appearance differs slightly depending on the variety. If you notice a plant with dark green, jagged leaves and straight, tetrahedral-shaped stems, don't rush to pick it with your bare hands, or you may be seriously stung. There are mainly two species that grow on the territory of Russia - stinging nettle and stinging nettle. They also have contraindications for use, but before starting to talk about them, it is worth noting that the second has the most pronounced medicinal properties.

Benefits and harms

Like any drug or medicinal substance, it also has contraindications (they will be discussed a little later). The plant contains a large number of chemical trace elements. For example, vitamin K contained in nettle improves blood clotting and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, this substance is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and promotes the formation of bone tissue.

The burning plant contains flavonoids and tannins. Previously, it was even possible to save a person from death in case of severe frostbite. To do this, the affected areas of the body were simply wrapped in a blanket of nettles.

The plant also contains protein, and it is twice as much as in legumes. Thanks to cellulose polysaccharides, lignins and vitamins B, C, E, K, also included in nettle, there is a rapid removal of various toxins from the body.

Many of us know that the body needs beta-carotene to improve visual acuity. It turns out that it is found not only in carrots, but also in nettles.

To understand all the beneficial properties of the burning plant, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its chemical composition. 100 g of nettle contains 0.5 g of fat, 5.4 g of carbohydrates, all of the above vitamins, 3.1 g of fiber and 3.7 g of protein. It also contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, iron, chlorine and copper.

Nettle has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, helps improve blood clotting and relieves dark circles under the eyes. The plant is used for chronic diseases, atherosclerosis and tuberculosis. At weak immunity Nettle stimulates carbohydrate-protein metabolism in the body. Thanks to the medicinal properties of the burning plant, bleeding quickly stops. Nettle has not only a hemostatic effect, but also an antibacterial effect. The plant helps well in the fight against ulcers, wounds and ulcers.

Miracle remedy for women

What do you need to know about a plant like nettle? Contraindications and beneficial properties are the first thing you should pay attention to before starting treatment. For women, nettle helps cope with cramps and bloating during the premenstrual period. As mentioned earlier, the plant has a hemostatic effect, and this can be useful for heavy and prolonged menstruation.

Nettle helps women survive such a difficult period in life as menopause, because this herb contains active ingredients, which have a beneficial effect on female body. Taking a burning plant during menopause smoothes out unpleasant symptoms and improves health.

Nettle is also useful for nursing mothers, especially in cases where the baby is only on breastfeeding. The plant stimulates milk production.

Problems of a sexual nature

Men who have problems in the intimate sphere are recommended to include in their diet salads that contain nettle leaves scalded with boiling water ( medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant are discussed in detail in this article) or crushed seeds. Grape wine would be a good addition to such dishes. No less useful is tea made from dried nettle leaves collected during the flowering period. It increases libido, prevents the onset of impotence and helps in the treatment of prostatitis.

How to harvest nettles?

The leaves of the plant are collected when they have the maximum concentration useful microelements, usually this period occurs at the beginning and middle of summer. Although many healers believe that May nettle brings the most benefits. Medicinal properties and contraindications for use collected in different time the plants are identical. You need to dry nettles in a shaded place, spreading the leaves on clean paper or a cloth towel. Together with the stem, the grass is dried in a suspended state so that the top is below and also in the shade. If nettle leaves are overdried, some will be lost. useful properties. Drying can be considered complete when the petiole becomes brittle, but the leaves do not crumble into dust. To prevent raw materials from deteriorating, all damaged and darkened areas must be removed before storage. According to traditional healers, dried nettle leaves can be used for two years. Contraindications and medicinal properties of the plant are included in two unequal lists. True, the benefits of grass are still greater than the harm. Fresh nettle foliage can be chopped and frozen. You can also prepare the root, but this must be done before flowering.

Nettle infusion

At heat treatment Some components of the plant tend to break down, so this use option is more beneficial. Preparation of nettle tincture is the most effective method extracting beneficial properties. It can be used for external use, as well as for warming the extremities and eliminating painful sensations. Due to the alcohol content of this tool long shelf life. To prepare the tincture according to classical method you will need 200 g of young nettles (dry ones will need a little more) and 0.5 liters of vodka. The leaves of the plant must be thoroughly washed and cut. The prepared raw materials are poured with vodka and infused for 8 days. It is better to keep the mixture in the sun for the first day, and for the next few days - in dark place at room temperature. It is better to infuse the drug in a bottle or transparent glass vessel with the neck tied with gauze, but store it in a dark container. Before using herbs, you need to make sure whether they are allowed for you. Nettle is no exception. Contraindications to its use primarily concern people with a high risk of thrombosis.

Nettle juice

For preparation, young shoots and fresh leaves are used, everything is passed through a juicer. Drinking freshly prepared nettle juice three times a day (one teaspoon per dose) strengthens the body, improves blood composition and metabolism, and also has a hemostatic, diuretic, antifever, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. You can use it for rinsing oral cavity and as a lotion for wounds, burns, bedsores and trophic ulcers, and also for nose drops. The shelf life of juice in the refrigerator is no more than a day. Nettle extract produced by pharmaceutical companies has a similar effect. Since it is a concentrated juice, it can be used only after dilution with water and no more than 30-40 drops at a time.

Hair treatment with nettles

Substances contained in the plant bring great benefit scalp and hair follicles. Nettle decoctions and infusions will help normalize the condition of dry and oily hair. The main advantage of this treatment is that when cleansing and nourishing hairline natural oils from the skin are not removed. Medicines prepared from nettle can be used both on individual areas of the head and along the entire length of the hair.

A decoction of a burning plant gives the hair silkiness, shine and strength. To prepare it you will need: 150 g of nettle leaves, a liter of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of honey. All components are mixed and infused for an hour, then filtered and divided into parts. Add 2 cups of the prepared broth to a bowl of warm water and wash your hair.

Nettle: contraindications for use

Enough has been said about the benefits of the plant, now it’s time to talk about when it is better to stop using it. As mentioned above, nettle helps improve blood clotting, so it should be used with extreme caution in case of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins In such situations, the risk of blood clots increases, which can lead to blockage of blood vessels and undesirable consequences. May nettle, contraindications for the use of which are known in folk medicine, is not recommended for people with kidney disease and hypertension. The use of the herb during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, since such treatment can lead to involuntary contraction of the uterus and premature birth. If you have uterine bleeding, you will also have to stop using this plant.

In order to bring maximum benefit to the body, and not harm, everyone should know what beneficial properties this or that plant has, in our case, nettle. Contraindications to its use should not be ignored, because your life will depend on the correctness of the chosen treatment.

Nettle is a universal source of biologically active substances. Alternative medicine included this medicinal plant among the most useful representatives of the “green pharmacy”. The medicinal properties of nettle are especially valued for chronic inflammatory diseases, women's ailments, anemia, bronchitis, hair loss. The Russian people have long believed that the use of hot herbs replaces 7 healers. Let's find out why a seemingly ordinary plant is given an honorable role in alternative and official medicine how to use nettle leaves with maximum benefit for the body.

Legendary plant

According to an ancient parable, the stinging effect of nettle was given to it by God to protect it from destruction by people and animals. Many people are not averse to eating juicy greens, but the fear of stinging hairs stops them. There is a belief that nettle leaves and the medicinal properties of this herb successfully replace 7 healers. It is believed that even plant branches placed under the bed of a sick person protect against illness and help resist dark forces. Russian doctors recognized the healing properties of nettle back in the 17th century; they recommended using fresh leaves to treat wounds and lubricate ulcers on the body with juice.

Three centuries of use by scientific medicine

The “image” of the legendary plant has noticeably improved after a thorough study of its chemical composition and biological action active substances. Residents of modern cities should definitely pay attention to the property of nettle preparations to increase the body’s resistance to negative influences external environment. The plant helps with many diseases. The most valuable thing is its hemostatic and cleansing effect, tonic effect for a number of organs and systems.

Nettle will even save your head from hair loss. Medicinal properties and contraindications are included in two unequal lists. The first is much broader than the second; the plant brings more benefits than harm. Freshly cut nettle leaves can be eaten as a dietary product with virtually no contraindications.

Family Nettle genus Nettle: stings and heals

Thin and fragile hairs on the leaves and stems of plants are filled with sharp crystals of silicic acid salts. When the protruding part of the burning cell wounds the skin and breaks off, caustic compounds, such as formic acid, are released. “Burning” is the translation of the Latin name of the Nettle genus - Urtica. These are annuals and perennials that usually grow near homes as weeds. Medicinal value acquired the following types:

Active ingredients of stinging nettle

Impressive list natural ingredients contain fresh leaves and dried nettle herb. The medicinal properties of the plant are due to the presence of active ingredients in its parts:

  1. The green pigment chlorophyll is the “blood” of plants.
  2. Vitamin complex: A, E, B2, B9, K, C, RR.
  3. Formic and pantothenic acids.
  4. Glycoside urticin.
  5. Flavonoid quercetin.
  6. Tannins.
  7. Proteins and proteins.
  8. Phytoncides.
  9. Comedy.
  10. Calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese.

Medicinal properties of nettle

Plant preparations have wide range effects on the body. The burning hairs contain natural antiseptic- formic acid, as well as regulators of the functions of living organisms - acetylcholine and histamine. Together, these substances have an analgesic effect and help with radiculitis and polyarthritis. Nettle has a variety of effects on the body:

  • stimulates granulation and epithelization in the area of ​​damage;
  • increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content;
  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • regulates the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • increases coagulability when blood vessels are damaged;
  • improves basal metabolism.

Stinging plant in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of stinging nettle are valued for lung diseases. Traditional healers prescribe a decoction of the plant for anemia, bronchitis, spleen diseases, and diarrhea. Healers recommend rubbing fresh herbs for joint and muscle rheumatism, and in this way getting rid of warts on the body. Since ancient times, in folk medicine, juice was obtained from fresh nettle leaves and given to patients with fever, kidney stones and gallbladder, lubricated infected wounds with it.

Scalded nettle leaves in brooms for a Russian bath or herbal steaming in bags exude a healing aroma that has a beneficial effect on the body. In case of impaired kidney function or neuralgia, prepare brooms from fresh grass, steam them and apply them to the sore spot. Procedures with nettle bath broom relieve aches and pains colds, pain due to osteochondrosis and radiculitis. The cosmetic effect of the solution after steaming the herb and rinsing the body and head is to increase the elasticity of the skin, improve the condition and growth of hair on the head.

List of contraindications for treatment with a nettle bath broom and the use of procedures with steamed leaves:

  1. Feverish state of the body.
  2. High body temperature.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. Varicose veins

Stinging nettle in scientific medicine

An infusion of the leaves of the Urtica dioica plant is prescribed for different types bleeding. This is how doctors value the hemostatic effect that nettle has. The medicinal properties and recipes for preparing medications for use in internal bleeding are similar. For infusion, take 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves and brew 200 ml of water. Accept it medicine three times a day before meals, one tablespoon.

The Urtica dioica plant is present in the following medicines:

  • collection No. 2 for the production of medicine according to Zdrenko’s recipe;
  • medicine "Allahol";
  • liquid and thick extracts;
  • laxative collection No. 1;
  • briquettes from leaves.

Application medicinal plant and drugs made from it have a number of contraindications. These include late pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, bleeding caused by tumors and polyps internal organs. Nettle is contraindicated for those who suffer from increased blood clotting.

Benefits of nettle for women's health

Created by nature effective composition, which is used by the beautiful half of the population. This is the same green healer - stinging nettle. The healing properties for women include a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus. Medicinal plant increases the number of platelets, which delay the release of blood. The main fluid of the body begins to clot faster, the levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells increase.

The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamins, iron and other active compounds turns medicinal herb into a trusted friend women's health. Nettle is useful for lactation and restoration of the body after childbirth, as it increases hemoglobin, restores strength and strengthens the body. The shoots and leaves of the plant are eaten as dietary product. Young greens are cut into liquid dishes, old leaves are fermented like cabbage.

Recipes for using nettle for gynecological problems

Previously, nettle juice was used by midwives to stop uterine bleeding. Now folk recipes women can complement traditional methods helping your body during menstruation. The irregular nature and abundance of menstruation is often caused by inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. In such cases, the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of nettle are useful. Nettle leaves collected in environmentally friendly places are crushed and juice is obtained. During menstruation, take 1 teaspoon of medicine three times a day (before meals). The juice is first diluted with 2 tablespoons of water.

The medicinal properties of nettle in gynecology do not end there. A decoction of dry leaves is used during menstruation to normalize the volume of discharge. Preparation medicinal solution: take 1 full tablespoon of dry raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, then let stand for 2 hours. Take ½ glass before meals healing decoction(3 times a day).

Dead nettle. Medicinal properties of white damselfish

When preparing medicinal raw materials, one should distinguish between stinging nettle and stinging nettle. The first plant, a representative of the nettle family, was discussed above. Dead nettle, or white nettle, does not have stinging properties. The flowers of the plant do not hang in clusters, but form whorls in the axils of the cuttings of the upper leaves. The calyx is bell-shaped, the corolla is white.

IN medical practice White damask flowers have found application. The medicinal properties of nettle are due to the tannic and mucous components contained in the petals of the plant. The raw material contains the glycoside kaemferol, the flavonoid isoquercetin, saponins and some essential oil. Preparations from clasp flowers are used as astringents, hemostatics, diuretics and anti-inflammatory medicinal products. Traditional healers It is recommended to use an infusion of nettle flowers for colds, inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, and internal bleeding. Contraindications are the same as for consuming stinging nettle.

Therapeutic effects of nettle on skin and hair

The hot plant helps preserve and restore natural beauty and prevents hair loss on the head. Nettle vitamin complex - set natural ingredients for gentle care of body coverings and hairy part heads. The benefits of B vitamins for smooth and shiny curls and lush hair are well known. Freshly squeezed nettle juice stimulates hair growth, strengthens its follicles and shafts. Vitamin C and microelements increase protective properties cells, reduce Negative influence external environment.

Active use of fresh juice, decoction and infusion of a burning plant to improve appearance It started so long ago that no one remembers the authors of the most common recipes that include nettle. The healing properties for hair are manifested when using the decoction to rinse the hair after washing. It is very simple to prepare this remedy: you need to brew 2 full glasses of chopped or otherwise crushed fresh or dry leaves in 2 liters of boiling water. Then leave for 1 hour, wrapping the dishes to keep warm. You can rinse your hair with the prepared decoction 2 times a week. As a result, hair loss will stop, it will become shiny and smooth, and will emit a light aroma of green fields.

Recipes with nettle for facial skin

It is useful to use nettle compresses, masks and homemade creams with a decoction of the plant, juice or gruel on the face. fresh leaves. The procedures have an anti-inflammatory, restorative and rejuvenating effect. Remedy for oily skin from nettle leaves helps with unhealthy shine. To do this, you will need to chop a full glass of fresh herbs, steam 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave to steep.

The finished product must be passed through a strainer and diluted boiled water until the original volume is restored (200 ml). Wipe the face with a sponge or cotton swab. Nettle leaves, medicinal properties of homemade cosmetics with decoction, fresh juice plants help clean enlarged pores and speed up the healing of scars.

A mask with nettle and honey has a rejuvenating effect. To prepare it, take the components equally (nettle leaves are pre-crushed, honey is slightly heated). Apply cosmetic product better evening for half an hour, then rinse the mixture with warm water. Such homemade mask with nettle, when used weekly, helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin. The use of nettle helps heal acne and pimples.

Harvesting of dioecious and dead nettles is carried out during the flowering period, when all plant organs are already mature (except for seeds). Plants are usually collected on the outskirts settlements, in vacant lots, in forests away from highways. Leaves and flowers must be clean and dry, otherwise when dried they will darken and become unsuitable for treatment. Dry the grass and flowers by spreading them in a thin layer under a canopy, on a windowsill where there are no direct sun rays. It is necessary to regularly turn over and inspect raw materials, and remove blackened parts of plants in a timely manner.

Stinging nettle is familiar to everyone and everyone tries to avoid it so as not to get a dose discomfort, and it grows like a weed, so many people don’t pay any attention to it. In fact, this herb has a lot of beneficial properties, which became known back in the 17th century; it is still actively used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Despite some aggressiveness, this plant is very often used in folk medicine, including to combat various diseases joints. Many countries are already specially growing this plant in order to take full advantage of its properties. They resort to herbal medicine and within traditional medicine, but it is in the alternative approach that nettle is considered almost a panacea that can cure many diseases. Is this really so and whether this plant will help fight joint problems - we’ll try to find out.

Nettle for joint diseases: feasibility and contraindications

Nettle is known for its unique properties and useful substances

The name of this plant has similarities in many languages; it is often literally translated as “burning grass”, “fire tree”, “warming grass”. Why is nettle endowed with this amazing and unique property? The answer lies in the structure: the leaves and stem are strewn with numerous hairs that contain silicon, so they are quickly destroyed upon contact. In addition, the leaves contain a large amount of formic acid. As a result of the combination of these two factors, touching the plant “burns” your hands.

Perennial nettle, which is most often used in medical purposes, is saturated with the following substances:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • cellulose polysaccharides;
  • vitamins C, E, K and group B;
  • calcium, zinc, selenium, iron, phosphorus, copper, etc.

It is not recommended to use nettle during pregnancy.

The composition of the plant is the determining factor - it is this that determines a number of beneficial properties. First of all, nettle produces an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood clotting processes and has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, and the content of formic acid affects the reduction in the intensity of pain. In a situation where the body and its defenses are weakened, nettle will help normal metabolism substances. It is also often used as a contact antibacterial and hemostatic agent for wounds or cuts.

The study of the effects of the plant on the human body gives reason to note that some common symptoms joint diseases ( inflammatory process and pain) nettle remedies can still have a positive effect.

Despite such broad benefits in many areas human life, nettle also has its contraindications:

  • thick blood, or thrombophlebitis - direct contraindication to the use of nettle, since this plant increases clotting, which is dangerous for the listed diagnoses;
  • pregnancy is also a contraindication, since components from the plant can provoke premature uterine contractions;
  • You should not resort to this method if you have kidney problems.

How to use the product

Nettle is an excellent applied method of treating other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A complex approach to treatment joint diseases involves not only the classic drug approach, but also additional folk remedies, which reduce the time spent on recovery, and also remove painful sensations as a result of degradation or disruption of the anatomical structures of the joints.

Treatment of joint pain with the help of nettle is quite effective, since this plant contains a huge amount of formic acid, a complex essential vitamins and histamine, which allow you to successfully cope with pain.

For the treatment of arthrosis, the following nettle-based recipes are offered:

  • nettle decoction. The following are mixed and crushed in equal proportions: stinging nettle leaves, parsley root, black elderberry flowers, as well as oak bark. To prepare the decoction, pour one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, then put the resulting mixture on low heat. After boiling for five minutes, the broth should be left to cool. Accept medicinal product should be a two hundred gram glass twice a day in the morning and evening;
  • nettle infusion. To prepare the decoction you need the following ingredients: nettle leaves, peppermint, medicinal asparagus, wild rosemary, tricolor violet flowers, sweet clover herb, string and lingonberry leaves. All herbal elements are mixed in dried form and ground, after which 2 tablespoons of herbal components are poured with a liter of boiling water. The mixture must be placed in a closed container on the stove over low heat and brought to a boil, then simmer for ten minutes. The broth should be poured into a thermos, where it will infuse for 24 hours, after which it can be taken. You should drink the finished filtered composition 100 grams before each meal 30 minutes;
  • nettle bath. For medical procedure You will need a collection of the following herbs: stinging nettle leaves, black elderberry and currant leaves, tansy leaves and horsetail grass, as well as string grass. 300 grams of the plant mixture should be poured with three liters of boiling water and left to brew for a few minutes. After the time has passed, pour the composition into a bath of warm water - full course treatment is 25 procedures.

(Lavender body gel, Innisfree foam cleanser, Queen Helene rejuvenating gel mask, Neutrogena water anti-aging gel, E.L.F. Cosmetics mascara, EcoTools hair brush, etc.)
I share my cart and impressions of shopping at iHerb

Neutrogena, Hydroboost Water Gel (48 g)
Light in texture and quickly absorbed, Hydro Boost gel, pale blue in color, with a pleasant fresh sea aroma is simply a godsend for dry and aging skin prone to irritation and allergies. After using it, the skin feels great all day long, ideal for summer. Due to its light Oil-Free texture, it goes well under makeup, instantly absorbing - eliminates the feeling of tightness and irritation, restores elasticity and firmness, the complexion becomes fresh, wrinkles are smoothed out. I recommend the cream very, very much!

Jason Natural, Powersmile toothpaste (100 g)
Whitening, quite thick toothpaste with a non-aggressive mint aroma, non-chemical composition, with constant use- whitening effect. Very economical consumption - a tiny drop is enough to completely clean the oral cavity. Cleans, disinfects and refreshes for a long time.

Jason Natural, Sea Fresh toothpaste (100 g)
Good paste, we just took it to “finish off” the package, after trying it we decided that it was definitely worth taking it again. Pleasant taste, cleanses and whitens teeth well, foams moderately when used, strengthens gums, refreshes the oral cavity for a long time, has a chemical-free composition, convenient volume.

Desert Essence shower gel with Bulgarian lavender (237 ml)
A wonderful composition and effective shower gel - an unobtrusive aroma of lavender, the foam is not high, but it washes the body efficiently and most importantly - after washing there are no irritations or allergic manifestations, I will definitely buy it again.

Desert Essence conditioner with extra. red grapes (237 ml)
Wonderful conditioner for the weakened and fine hair with Italian red grape extract - natural composition, wonderful aroma, reasonable price, good volume of the tube - after it your hair becomes smooth, silky and manageable. The consumption is very economical.

Innisfree, Green Tea Facial Cleansing Foam (150 ml)
An effective cream for cleansing the skin of the face, when applied it turns into a persistent foam, after washing it off, the skin becomes lighter, cleaner, pores noticeably narrow, the face simply glows - it is easily washed off, the skin does not dry out or tighten after use. Ideal for combination skin prone to acne (PMS), blackheads, enlarged pores, irritation and allergic manifestations and those who don’t shy away from using Korean skincare products. Hardly suitable for those with dry and thin skin.

Queen Helene face mask-gel with extra grapes (170 g)
Remarkably cleanses and tightens pores, removes blackheads, gets rid of acne, refreshes and brightens the skin after use. Nice price, good tube size, fairly economical consumption (you shouldn’t use it more than twice a week) - for mixed skin types and the summer season - an ideal option for cleansing. Apply a thin layer to a clean face (except for the area around the eyes), leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the frozen mask is simply removed with your hands (like a second skin), after which rinse your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. I really like the feeling after this mask .

E.L.F. Cosmetics, Studio, lengthening mascara black (6.2 g)
An aesthetic container made of matte plastic, a very comfortable silicone brush with elongated bristles, thanks to which you can perfectly separate and evenly paint the lashes, does not fall off during the day, and is easily removed at the end of the day. cosmetic oil applied on a cotton pad, it is easily washed off with washbasins (without streaks). Ridiculous price, good product - minus not very little mascara itself in the tube.

Crystal deodorant body spray with lavender and white tea (118 ml)
The solid crystal has been living in our house for a long time and is used with success by all family members - each has their own, this time we decided to take it for testing in the form of a spray. The result is wonderful, we will definitely get different scents for the summer. The composition is natural, the smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, does not leave marks on clothes or the body, does not irritate the surface of the skin, does not cause allergies, works effectively as a deodorant - it does not interfere with sweating, but stops the proliferation of bacteria that cause the smell of sweat - a wonderful product. The volume is small, but the spray dispenser is quite economical.

EcoTools, Best Air Drying Brush
The comb is unusual and cool! Thanks to its donut shape (hole inside), it dries and styles hair very quickly and efficiently. Lightweight, fits comfortably in the hand - it performs its functions perfectly - it dries and styles hair efficiently, and wonderfully massages the scalp.

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