Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies: reviews. Sensorineural hearing loss: how to prevent complete deafness

Auditory dysfunction is a partial (hearing loss) or absolute (deafness) inability to perceive surrounding sounds. Inflammatory processes in the auditory analyzer can provoke the development of pathology, common infections, barotrauma, prolonged exposure to noise, damage auditory nerve etc.

The occurrence of a problem is indicated by distortion of sound signals and difficulty perceiving the speech of the interlocutor. Ignoring the signs leads to further deterioration of hearing and the development of complete deafness. Treatment of deafness with folk remedies allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing, which leads to partial or full restoration sound perception.


According to statistics, approximately 8% of all inhabitants on the planet suffer from hearing loss. At the same time, the development of sustainable hearing loss can be caused by a wide range of environmental and biological factors. The effectiveness of treatment of the pathology largely depends on the cause that provoked the decrease in hearing acuity. Experts include the main ones:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • age-related changes;
  • lead or mercury poisoning;
  • ear pathologies (otitis, eustacheitis);
  • serious traumatic brain injuries;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • blockage of the ear canal with wax;
  • infectious diseases (flu, pharyngitis, sore throat).

It should be noted that hearing treatment with folk remedies will be effective only if there is no damage to the circuit auditory ossicles, ear labyrinth and eardrum.

If auditory dysfunction was caused by a serious injury, it will be possible to eliminate the problems only after undergoing surgical treatment.

How to improve your hearing at home? The cause of hearing impairment is very often the blockage of the external auditory canal by cerumen. If it completely blocks the ear canal, there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, as well as resonance own voice in the head (autophony).

The following types of folk remedies can be used to soften and eliminate wax plugs:

  1. almond oil: place 5-6 drops of warmed oil daily in sore ear for 10-15 days;
  2. onion juice: grate 1 onion, then squeeze out the juice using gauze. Place 3-4 drops of juice into a stuffy ear for 2 weeks;
  3. hydrogen peroxide: slightly warm up a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then drop 5-6 drops of the product into the ear canal.

After softening, the cork must be removed from ear canal. To do this, the head is dipped into water so that the ears are under water. This creates conditions for rapid evacuation of the plug from the ear canal.

Treatment of deafness

Baked onions are one of the most effective remedies alternative medicine, allowing to eliminate hearing loss. The product contains substances that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in cells, which accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. It is advisable to use baked onion juice in case of chronic inflammatory processes in the middle ear cavity.

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  1. make a depression in one onion;
  2. put 1 tsp in the formed depression. dill seeds;
  3. bake the onion in the oven until a brown crust appears;
  4. chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it.

To eliminate deafness, you need to instill 7-8 drops of juice into the sore ear every day for a month.

Important! Onion juice should not be used for treatment purulent inflammation at the stage of their exacerbation. Severe irritation ear mucosa will only accelerate the process of spread of purulent foci.

The development of hearing loss may be associated with impaired blood circulation in the ear, which negatively affects tissue trophism. To restore normal blood microcirculation, herbalists recommend using propolis tincture. She has a pronounced irritating effect, which promotes increased blood supply to the mucous membranes in the middle and outer ear.

Unlike synthetic drugs, folk remedies for deafness do not help reduce local and general immunity. Overuse of antibiotics often causes pathogenic flora in the ear cavity. For liquidation purulent processes that provoke hearing impairment, cedar tincture can be used.

Cedar tincture – natural antiseptic, which includes useful microelements, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins B and E. To prepare the tincture, you need:

  1. pour 1 glass of pine nuts with alcohol or vodka;
  2. let the tincture brew in dark place within 30 days;
  3. strain the prepared product.

How to restore hearing at home? To eliminate hearing loss caused by inflammation or damage to the auditory nerve, it is enough to drink 50 ml of water daily with 10 drops of tincture diluted in it. The average course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Calamus tincture

Calamus – unique product, which has antispasmodic, analgesic, decongestant and tonic effects. According to many herbalists, herbaceous plant accelerates the tissue healing process. His medicinal properties due to the presence in the composition of such useful substances like vitamin C, tannins, choline, essential oils, zinc, manganese, etc.

Regular use of the product allows you to restore normal blood circulation in the mucous epithelium that lines the surface of the ear cavity. The soothing and regenerating effect of the product leads to the elimination of hemorrhagic rashes that occur with other types of ear pathologies that provoke the development of deafness. How to restore hearing at home?

To prepare medicinal tincture, necessary:

  1. grind the washed calamus root;
  2. use gauze to squeeze out the juice;
  3. mix juice with 20% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio;
  4. leave the solution in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  5. drink 1 tsp. tinctures three times a day before meals.

Important! Alcohol tinctures should not be used by patients suffering from increased acidity stomach. Irritation of the stomach lining can cause ulcers.

People say: “trust, but verify.” Therefore, if you or someone close to you has a hearing impairment (conductive or sensorineural hearing loss has occurred), then in addition to medical methods treatment of hearing loss, it is worth knowing about traditional methods of treating hearing loss.

In this article we will talk about the most effective folk recipes for the treatment of hearing loss, which are useful to combine with the doctor’s recommendations.

Folk remedy for hearing loss No. 1: treatment with propolis

propolis is a folk remedy for many diseases

For treatment, it is not necessary to take propolis itself - you will need not the pure substance, but its 30% tincture, i.e. alcohol infusion propolis, as well as olive oil (if it is not available, you can use corn oil).

Mix propolis tincture with oil. One part of the tincture will require 3 or four parts of oil. Mix these two liquids thoroughly by shaking vigorously several times to form an emulsion.

After this emulsion has formed, take medical gauze and prepare small turundas from it. Soak the resulting turundicas in the prepared medicinal emulsion so that they are properly saturated with it. And then insert the turundas into the ear canals, but so as not to damage the eardrum: do not pack the ear too tightly.

Turundas should remain in the ear canals for 36 hours, after which they must be removed. Such procedures must be carried out every other day, and the total number of procedures per course of treatment is 10-14.

If you need to cure hearing loss in a child, the recipe changes slightly. Turundas are inserted into the ear canals of children not for 36 hours, but only for 10-12 (i.e. at night).

If alcohol tincture no, you can use pure propolis. To do this, you need to roll propolis with your hands in the form of small flagella and insert them into the ear canals. Try to do this very carefully so that when removing the propolis particles do not remain in the ear.

Treatment of hearing loss with propolis is especially effective for inflammatory diseases of the ear - acute, subacute and chronic otitis media.

Please note: for polypous growths, as well as granulations eardrum similar method traditional treatment cannot be carried out!

Remedy No. 2: garlic treatment

With this method of treatment, garlic can be used in two forms - in the form of juice and in the form of garlic itself.

When using garlic juice in treatment, you need to mix it with corn (or better yet, olive) oil in the following ratio: one part garlic juice - three parts olive or corn oil.

The resulting mixture must be shaken well, and then 1-2 drops of the resulting emulsion should be instilled into each ear. This folk recipe for hearing loss should be used for 14-21 days. Then you need to take a break for seven days, and then repeat the procedures again in the same quantity.

If you want to use whole garlic rather than garlic juice in the folk treatment of hearing loss, then you need to do the following. Rub the garlic on a fine grater, and then add camphor oil to the resulting pulp. The ratio of substances should be as follows: for one clove of ground garlic you need to add 2-3 drops of camphor oil.

After this, take medical gauze, which needs to be folded in several layers, and add the resulting mixture of garlic and camphor oil to it. Form small turundas and insert them into the external auditory canals. This folk recipe is effective for hearing loss caused by neuritis of the auditory nerve, as well as for sulfur plugs.

No. 3: onions

There are several ways to use onions in the folk treatment of hearing loss.

Method one: take onion juice and place a few drops of it in each ear canal. This recipe is especially effective for hearing loss, which is accompanied by tinnitus.

Method two: onion compress. Take a small piece of onion and heat it gently in the oven or microwave.

After this, wrap this piece of onion in medical gauze, folded in several layers, and carefully so as not to damage auditory pathways and eardrum, place the compress into the external auditory canal.

It is important that the edge of the gauze remains outside so that the compress can be easily removed. This compress is applied in the evening and left overnight, and removed in the morning.

In parallel with the onion compress, the onion mixture is instilled into the nose. To prepare it, take onion juice and mix it with boiled water in a one to one ratio. Once a day, place 1-2 drops of the mixture into each nostril.

The folk method Treatment of decreased hearing (a combination of onion compresses and nose drops) should be carried out over a course of 3 weeks.

Method three: take a medium-sized onion bulb. Make a hole in it with a sharp object or knife. Add one teaspoon of cumin seeds to the resulting hole.

After this, bake this onion in the oven until it becomes Brown. After the onion has cooled, wrap it in several layers of gauze and squeeze thoroughly. What remains in the gauze is the necessary folk remedy.

This mixture should be instilled into the ear on the side where hearing is impaired, 9-10 drops three to four times a day. note that this remedy It should only be instilled when warmed to body temperature.

In order for this medicine to retain its medicinal properties, it must be stored in the refrigerator, but before using it, the product, again, must be heated to a comfortable temperature.

The course of treatment with this remedy is carried out for 3-4 weeks.

No. 4: bay leaf (laurel)

Bay leaf can be used not only as a seasoning, but also as effective remedy with hearing loss. It is believed that active medicinal substances, contained in laurel, improve blood supply to the brain and sensory organs (including the organ of hearing). If so, then drugs from this plant will be especially useful in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.

There are also several ways to use bay leaves to treat hearing loss.

Method one. Take dried Bay leaf and crush it. To prepare the medicine you will need approximately 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves of this plant.

Then dilute them in one glass of boiling water and leave the broth to steep for two hours. After this time, strain the resulting broth.

It must be used as follows: 3-4 drops of the resulting product must be instilled into each ear twice a day. The course of treatment with a decoction of bay leaves must be carried out for two weeks.

Method two. Finely chop the bay leaf in quantities of three to four to five pieces. For grinding, you can use, for example, a coffee grinder or similar device. To the resulting mixture, add one tablespoon of 9% (table) vinegar, as well as 100-150 ml (half a glass) of vodka.

Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and leave it to infuse in a place protected from light for 14-15 days. After this, strain the solution. A folk remedy for the treatment of hearing loss is ready!

For one week, instill this remedy in the amount of 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. Next week, increase the dose of this remedy - instill 2-3 drops of the product at the same frequency. Use this regimen until your hearing is restored.

This medicine will be especially effective for treating the consequences of inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs in recovery period- when combining this method of traditional treatment with drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Method three. Finely grind the bay leaf by hand or (preferably) in a coffee grinder. Take 3-4 tablespoons of the resulting bay powder and mix it thoroughly with one tablespoon sunflower oil. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for seven days. After this, strain the resulting emulsion, and it can be used.

This remedy can be used in two different ways. If this medicine is to be used only to restore hearing, it should be rubbed into the skin at the temples three times a day.

If, together with hearing loss (or in isolation from it), it is necessary to cure persistent tinnitus, you need to use another method.

Place two or three drops of this emulsion in both ears twice a day - morning and evening.

Hearing is one of the sense organs that ensures a normal quality of human life. When it is damaged, a person cannot fully perceive the sounds of the surrounding world: speech, music, industrial noise, and so on. In 73% of cases, hearing impairment is caused by sensorineural hearing loss. In this condition, one portion of the auditory nerve is damaged, often permanently.

To this day, there remains “confusion” with the designation of the diagnosis. On the Internet, medical reports and old monographs you can find the following terms: cochlear neuritis, neuritis/neuropathy of the auditory nerve, perceptual hearing loss. All these are outdated concepts that lost their relevance in 1992 with the release of the 10th edition of the International Classification of Pathologies (ICD-10). These recommendations proposed a general concept - “sensorineural hearing loss.”

Anatomical features of the auditory nerve

The auditory nerve is the VIII cranial pair. His way has no clinical significance with this disease, since the level of damage does not affect the symptoms of auditory neuritis. They occur when any area is damaged, from the receptors located in the hair cells of the inner ear to the brain stem (more precisely, its pons).

Important features that affect the symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss are the following:

  • The fibers of the auditory nerve trunk are distributed heterogeneously. At the periphery (along the edge of the trunk) there is a path for conducting low sounds. Closer to the center there are fibers that conduct higher tones. Therefore, first of all, with this pathology, the perception of low sounds suffers;
  • Due to the fact that the vestibular part of the VIII pair goes together with the auditory one, patients often experience: imbalance, and other signs of damage to these fibers;
  • Since the conduction of sounds does not suffer in sensorineural hearing loss, and the nerve trunk is affected gradually, complete deafness (anacusia) rarely occurs in the initial period of the disease;
  • It is possible to develop atrophy (malnutrition) of the nerve trunk due to its prolonged compression (edema, neoplasm, and so on). In this case, hearing impairment becomes irreversible.

Given that sensorineural hearing loss affects only the nerve trunk (before it enters the brain), lesions most often occur on one side (in one ear). However, the development of a two-way process is possible.


National recommendations for otolaryngologists suggest classifying sensorineural hearing loss according to three criteria: location of the lesion, rate of development and degree of “deafness.” The disease is also divided into acquired and congenital, but the latter is extremely rare. For example, when congenital syphilis, otosclerosis, progressive hearing loss with damage to the labyrinth.

Depending on the location of the pathological process, the following are distinguished:

  • Unilateral (right and left side);
  • Double sided:
    • Symmetrical - the disturbance in sound perception is the same on both sides;
    • Asymmetric – hearing function is changed differently on the right and left.

Most often, unilateral hearing loss occurs, since the development of damage on both sides requires some common pathological factor.

There are the following options for the rate of development of “deafness”:

The type of development of deafness depends on the degree of damage to the auditory nerve. If its atrophy develops, as a rule, the disease becomes chronic.

Degrees of sensorineural hearing loss

The degree of sensorineural hearing loss is determined by the patient’s hearing threshold (how loud a person cannot hear the sound). There are five options:

This is the most common classification approved by WHO. The degree of sensorineural hearing loss must be determined in accordance with it.


With sensorineural hearing loss, the following negative factors always occur:

  • disruption of microcirculation (nutrition) of auditory receptors, which reduces their sound-perceiving function;
  • compression of nerve fibers by surrounding tissues (edema, tumor, as a consequence of injury, etc.), which leads to disruption of impulse transmission from receptors to the brain.

These conditions can develop for the following reasons:

Group of factors How does it affect the auditory nerve? Examples
Consequences of infections (mainly viral)

Certain types of viruses and microorganisms have a tropism (propensity to infect) nervous tissue, especially cranial nerves.

By damaging their cells, infectious agents often cause irreversible changes in hearing function.

  • ARVI;
  • Herpes simplex virus;
  • Flu;
  • Epidemic;
  • (any type);
  • Neurosyphilis.
Vascular diseases (most often chronic)

First of all, there is a disruption in the nutrition of hearing receptors, due to which their function gradually decreases and then is irreversibly lost.

There is also a violation of microcirculation in the trunk of the nerve itself.

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Impaired circulation in the vertebrobasilar area (chronic or acute);
  • Hypertension (stages II-III);
Diseases of the spinal column
  • Spondylosis;
  • Unco-vertebral arthrosis of the first cervical vertebrae (up to the 4th);
  • Spondylolisthesis, in which “syndrome” develops vertebral artery"(this vessel is compressed).
Traumatic agents As a rule, damage to the auditory nerve receptors occurs due to traumatic agents. However, with a significant blow to the temporal region (more precisely, to the mastoid process), the nerve trunk itself can be injured.
  • Mechanical traumatic brain injury (abbreviated as TBI);
  • Acoustic trauma. Chronic exposure to sounds louder than 70 dB. Acute acoustic trauma – sound more than 120-130 dB;
  • Barotrauma (due to a pronounced pressure difference).
Chemical agents Tropism for nervous tissue often leads to damage to the VIII pair and sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Substances of industrial origin (benzene, aniline, arsenic, mercury, hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, and so on);
  • Household chemical agents (alcohol, nicotine in high doses);
  • Some pharmacological preparations: aminoglycoside antibiotics (streptomycin, vancomycin, gentomycin, amikacin), cytostatics (cisplatin, endoxan), antimalarials and some antiarrhythmics (quinidine)
Radiation agents (extremely rare) Radioactive radiation can damage any tissue in the body, but nerves are much less affected than others. Therefore, this factor is extremely rare.
  • Radiation therapy for malignant tumors;
  • Single contact with a significant source of radiation and prolonged contact with a radioactive object of low strength.
Idiopathic process Damage to the auditory nerve is more common due to vascular disorders. However, the exact mechanism is unclear. The exact reason is unknown

The clinical picture does not depend on the cause of the development of sensorineural hearing loss (with the exception of cerebrospinal meningitis), therefore it is taken into account only when diagnosing the disease.


The most significant complaint of patients is hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss can manifest itself in only one ear or on both sides at once (see). As can be seen from the classification, it can be varying degrees: from the inability to hear whispered speech to anakusis. First of all, the perception of low sounds (bass speech, low tones in music, etc.) suffers. Subsequently, poor audibility of high-frequency sound occurs.

  • - in 92%, a decrease in sound perception ability is accompanied by constant intrusive noise on one or both sides (see. It can have a different timbre, often noise of mixed tonality (high and low sounds merge into each other).
  • not typical for sensorineural hearing loss (only at the time of injury).

Since the vestibular fibers pass along with the auditory fibers, patients often experience following symptoms:

  • , which intensifies with movement;
  • Unsteady gait;
  • Loss of coordination (inability to perform precise movements);
  • Constant nausea, periodic vomiting.

Other signs of the disease may be present, depending on the cause of hearing loss.


Sound perception impairment is one of the socially significant problems. Therefore, if sensorineural hearing loss is suspected, the patient must be hospitalized in the ENT department of the hospital, if possible. To suggest this disease it is enough:

  • Patient complaints about the above symptoms;
  • Presence in anamnesis possible reasons which could lead to illness.

After hospitalization, additional diagnostics are carried out to confirm and clarify the diagnosis.

Speech hearing test

A basic test that does not require any equipment. First of all, the audibility of whispered speech is examined. It is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The distance between the doctor and the patient should be 6 meters. The patient should turn his ear toward the doctor, while simultaneously closing the other auditory opening;
  • The doctor pronounces words mainly with low sounds (hole, sea, window, etc.), then with high ones (thicket, hare, cabbage soup);
  • If the patient cannot hear low/high sounds, the distance is reduced by 1 meter.

Normal: low sounds of whispered speech should be clearly distinguishable by patients from a distance of 6 meters, high sounds - 20 meters.

If necessary, a similar study is carried out using spoken language.

Tuning fork study

The first and simplest method instrumental diagnostics hearing functions. Using low-frequency and high-frequency tuning forks, the type of impairment is determined (inability to produce sounds or sensorineural hearing loss).

What is a tuning fork? This is a special instrument that produces a sound of a certain frequency. It consists of a stem (which the doctor holds) and branches (when struck, a sound is produced). In medicine, two types of tuning forks are used: C 128 (low frequency) and C 2048 (high frequency).

The following tests are important for diagnosing sensorineural hearing loss:

Test name How is it carried out? Normal result
  • The tuning fork is struck on the jaws and placed with the stem on mastoid(the area behind the auricle). This is a method for determining “bone conduction”;
  • After the patient stops hearing it, it is brought directly to the ear canal. This is a method for determining "air conductivity";
  • The test is positive if the patient again hears the sound of a tuning fork near the ear canal (at least for a few seconds). Negative – if he doesn’t hear.
Positive Positive (negative if sound conduction is impaired)
Weber The tuning fork is struck on the jaws and placed in the middle of the head (between the ears). The patient hears the sound in the middle of the head or equally on both sides Sound is heard more strongly in the healthy ear

Determining signs of sensorineural hearing loss in patients allows us to confidently assume its presence. However, audiometry is necessary to make a final diagnosis.


This examination is carried out using a special sound generator of a certain frequency - an audiometer. There are several methods for using it. Traditionally, threshold audiometry is used to diagnose sensorineural hearing loss.

This is a method for determining the hearing threshold in decibels (one of the functions of an audiometer), bone and air conductivity. After receiving the results, the device automatically builds a curve for the patient, which reflects the function of his hearing. Normally it is horizontal. With sensorineural hearing loss, the line becomes slanted, airy and bone conduction decreases identically.

To clarify the sound-perceiving function, there are additional modern audiometry techniques:

Audiometry method What does it show? Norm Result for sensorineural hearing loss
Pure tone suprathreshold audiometry

The presence of damage to the auditory nerve receptors.

The patient's differential sound intensity threshold (DIST) is determined.

Differential sound intensity threshold 0.8-1 dB Differential sound intensity threshold less than 0.6-0.7 dB
Auditory sensitivity to ultrasound

Presence of lesions in the auditory nerve trunk or brain stem.

The sensitivity of a person to ultrasound is determined.

Humans perceive ultrasound up to 20 kHz The sensitivity threshold increases
Speech audiometry

The ability of the patient to communicate in society.

His ability to understand someone else's speech is determined.

100% speech understanding. Any decrease in word recognition ability.

The methods described above are used to clarify the patient’s condition; they are rarely used in clinical practice.


Medical tactics differ significantly depending on the form of sensorineural hearing loss, so their treatment is considered separately. One thing remains unchanged - early treatment of the patient (when the first symptoms appear) significantly improves the prognosis of the pathology.

Treatment of sudden/acute form

If there is a suspicion of acute neuritis of the auditory nerve, the patient should be immediately admitted to the ENT/neurological department of the hospital. The patient is shown a “protective” auditory mode, which excludes any loud sounds(loud speech, music, environmental noise, etc.).

  • Glucocorticosteroid hormones intravenously (Dexamethasone). As a rule, it is prescribed for 7-8 days, with a gradual reduction in dose;
  • Drugs to improve blood circulation, including in nervous tissue (Pentoxifylline/Vinpocetine). Recommended dosage regimen: intravenously for 8-10 days;
  • Antioxidants (vitamins C, E; ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate).

If after hospital treatment The need for drugs remains, they are prescribed for further use, but in the form of tablets.

Treatment of subacute/chronic form

In these forms, the pathology takes on a stable or slowly progressive course. In order to slow down the decline in sound-perceiving function, the patient is advised to take the following measures:

  1. “Protective” auditory mode;
  2. Treatment of other concomitant diseases that could lead to the development of sensorineural hearing loss;
  3. Supportive treatment regimen similar to that for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss acute form. On average, 2 times a year.

In addition, due attention should be paid to the patient’s adaptation to society with the help of specialized medical equipment.

Methods of rehabilitation of patients

Currently developed effective techniques for adaptation of patients with chronic sensorineural hearing loss. Unfortunately, most of them assume surgical intervention, and only one method is performed with federal funding (at no cost to the patient).

Methodology Installation conditions How it works?
Hearing aids using air conduction devices (preferential method) 2-3 degrees of sensorineural hearing loss The term “hearing aid” is common among the population, which refers to these devices. By size they are divided into:
  • BTE;
  • In-ear.

They are fixed in the ear. Perceiving sounds environment, the devices amplify them and direct them through the ear canal.

Installation of a middle ear implant
  • 3rd degree of hearing loss;
  • Inability to use an external device.
Its principle is similar. The difference is that the device is installed surgically into the patient's middle ear.
Installation of a cochlear implant
  • Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of the 4th degree;
  • Ineffectiveness of “hearing aids”;
  • Patient's wishes;
  • The patient has no contraindications for surgery.
This is a device that is quickly installed in inner ear. The implant converts the sound coming from external environment, into electrical impulses that are transmitted further along the nerve trunk to the brain.

Sensorineural hearing loss – socially significant illness, which reduces the quality of life of patients. That is why, if this diagnosis is suspected, the patient should be immediately hospitalized and treatment should begin to increase the chances of restoring the viability of the nerve. However, in the absence of such an opportunity, rehabilitation methods have been developed that will allow a person to feel comfortable in society.

Frequently asked questions from patients

Are there effective alternative methods for treating sensorineural hearing loss?

No, however, there are physiotherapeutic methods that have proven their effectiveness: endoural administration of certain drugs (Galantamine, Dibazol, Nicotinic acid, and so on), massage of the parotid and collar areas, pulsed currents.

Will my hearing recover after treatment?

This depends on the form of sensorineural hearing loss. In patients with sudden/acute forms, recovery occurs within 1 month in 93% of cases. With subacute and chronic hearing loss, the prognosis is more negative.

Is there an alternative to hearing aids?

Yes, but with less efficiency. A group of scientists in 2011 conducted a study using the following methods: low-frequency vibrosound stimulation, electroreflexotherapy and pedagogical activation of the hearing system. They are aimed at restoring auditory nerve receptors, but are not common in Russia.

Is sensorineural hearing loss inherited from children?

The transmission of hearing loss due to syphilis, progressive labyrinthitis and congenital otosclerosis is reliably known. In other pathologies, the role of heredity has not been proven.

How to treat incoordination and dizziness with neuritis?

They are treated according to a similar scheme. It is possible to include nootropics (Cerebrolysin) and anticholinesterase substances (Neuromidin) in the course. Only the treating neurologist can supplement therapy and choose the final tactics.

The problem of hearing loss has recently become very relevant. Today, hearing impairment affects many people of all ages. Clinically significant hearing loss often leads to total deafness. To avoid such a serious complication, it is necessary to study the causes and symptoms, as well as become familiar with preventive measures.

What is hearing loss: general information

Hearing loss is a hearing loss that is characterized by difficulty perceiving speech at medium and short distances. In some cases, the patient does not hear someone else's whisper. There are also situations where a person can only distinguish very loud voices. As a result, this leads to the inability to communicate normally with others.

Today, hearing loss is a common problem. It is observed in the elderly, young people and even newborns.

Main symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of hearing loss is hearing loss. Sometimes it is observed only in a specific frequency range. Significant and mild hearing loss may also occur.

Other characteristic symptoms:

  • noise in ears;
  • slight dizziness;
  • slurred speech;
  • nausea and even vomiting.

Children who suffer from hearing loss often experience slower speech and mental development.

Causes of the disease

Typically, hearing loss is detected in childhood. In this case, the causes of hearing loss may be otitis media, measles, acute respiratory infections and influenza. One of the main causes is considered to be middle ear disease. So, purulent discharge sometimes they do not dissolve, which is why scars appear on the eardrum, causing the development of hearing loss.

In adults, the disease in most cases is of an industrial nature. In other words, noise and strong vibrations at work are considered to be the causes. Poisoning and atherosclerosis often lead to hearing impairment.

In old age, the disease occurs against the background of age-related changes in the inner ear and auditory nerves.

Degrees and types of hearing loss: classification

Experts distinguish 4 degrees of the disease:

  • 1 degree of hearing loss (26-40 dB)– the patient does not hear quiet sounds and cannot understand speech at a great distance;
  • Level 2 hearing loss (41-55 dB)– quiet sounds and conversation in a noisy environment are practically inaudible;
  • 3 degree of hearing loss (56-70 dB)– only fairly loud speech can be clearly heard, conversations on the phone or with several people are difficult;
  • 4 degree of hearing loss (71-90 dB)– loud speech is difficult to perceive, telephone conversations can't be heard at all.

There are 3 types of hearing loss, which differ in the level of damage:

  • Conductive a type of hearing loss. It is explained by the presence of an obstacle in the path along which the sound travels. Such an obstacle may be sulfur plug, various pathologies, otosclerosis, tumors, damage to the auditory ossicles, eardrum, external and otitis media.
  • Sensoneural or neurosensory a type of hearing loss. Characterized by a decrease pain threshold when perceiving sounds. Symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss are painful sensations when the sound barely exceeds the threshold of audibility. The disease can develop due to pathologies of the auditory nerve, autoimmune diseases, Meniere's disease. Infectious diseases such as meningitis and measles can also sometimes cause sensorineural hearing loss. After taking a number of antibiotics, including gentamicin and monomycin, hearing loss becomes irreversible. In some cases, this type of hearing loss occurs due to strong industrial or household noise, as well as mercury or lead poisoning.
  • Mixed a type of hearing loss. It develops in the presence of several factors that can cause sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. To correct such a disorder, only complex Hearing Aids.

Hearing loss is divided into several types depending on the time of development of hearing loss:

  • Sudden hearing loss. A few hours are enough for such a disorder to develop. The causes of this type of disease are considered to be tumors, exposure to measles and herpes viruses, certain drugs, as well as various injuries. This type of hearing loss is usually one-sided. Self-healing occurs after a few days. IN in rare cases the violation is irreversible.
  • Acute hearing loss. Develops within 2-5 days. Characterized by slow hearing loss.
  • Chronic hearing loss. Hearing loss occurs gradually. This process can take several months. This type of disease has a progressive and stable stage.

Degree of hearing loss and disability

Disability group III is established when diagnosing bilateral hearing loss of IV degree. If the patient is found III degree diseases, and hearing aids provide satisfactory compensation, then disability in most cases is not determined. Children with hearing loss of III and IV degrees are assigned a disability.

How and how to treat the disease: methods and methods

The following methods are used to treat hearing loss:

  • Surgical intervention. Indicated for damage to the auditory ossicles and eardrum. Myringoplasty and tympanoplasty are most often performed. In most cases, such an operation for hearing loss can restore hearing.
  • Taking medications, hearing aids, physiotherapy. Similar treatment is indicated for sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. It is carried out for a mixed form of the disease.

In addition to the above methods, at stages I-II can be used folk remedies. In any case, only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

Traditional methods

  • At conductive hearing loss, first of all it is necessary to remove mechanical obstacles that make it difficult to pass sound waves. Yes, it should be removed sulfur plugs and relieve swelling that forms as a result of inflammation. If the cause of the disease is considered to be impaired blood circulation, as well as malnutrition nerve, then appropriate medications are prescribed, including antibiotics, and vitamin complexes. Acupuncture and laser puncture are also indicated.
  • Treatment sensorineral hearing loss involves the use of a pressure chamber and electrical stimulation. IN severe cases hearing aid is indicated. No surgical intervention is performed.
  • At mixed varieties are usually prescribed antihistamines and medications that improve microcirculation in the brain and hearing organs. Surgery involves cochlear implantation. A special implant is carefully installed in the middle ear, making it possible to perceive sound waves and further transmit nerve impulses.
  • To correct hearing loss, modern Hearing Aids. With their correct selection and proper use, hearing often begins to recover. This is due to the training of the relevant organs.

Folk remedies

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies is effective in initial stages diseases.

  • Warm decoction of hops helps get rid of the feeling of tinnitus.
  • It is recommended to eat ¼ part daily lemon with peel. It can be sweetened with a spoon of honey. This remedy is indicated for hearing loss caused by otitis media.
  • You need to instill 3 drops of natural almond oil, alternating ears every day. The course of treatment lasts a month. This procedure helps improve hearing.
  • Sometimes used to treat hearing loss garlic. It is crushed to a paste, and then 2 drops of camphor oil are added. The mixed mass is wrapped in gauze and carefully inserted into the ear. At the appearance of a lung The burning agent must be removed.

Hearing loss in children: features of course and treatment

If you suspect hearing loss in a child, you should contact audiology center. Experienced specialists will make an accurate diagnosis and determine the degree and form of hearing loss. Suitable treatment will also be prescribed. This is possible thanks to modern methods research and special devices. Thus, today it is possible to detect hearing impairment even in newborn babies.

If you let the situation take its course, in most cases the child’s hearing loss will progress. Without appropriate treatment, children often become deaf.

In some cases, surgical intervention is indicated for children, although in practice drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures are most often used.

In the treatment of childhood hearing loss, they are often used Hearing Aids. Such devices do not affect pathological processes. Wherein little patient able to correct his own speech. Thanks to hearing aids, it is possible to avoid delayed development of the psyche and speech. Most children with to varying degrees Those with hearing loss who use hearing aids do not differ from their healthy peers in terms of developmental level.

Necessary prevention of hearing loss

  • timely competent treatment viral diseases;
  • timely treatment of hearing diseases;
  • reducing noise levels in production;
  • During pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid infectious diseases, including influenza.

In order to notice hearing loss in time, regular examination is required. Observation by an experienced specialist is recommended for people who work in noisy industries. Children should also be examined every few months, because advanced hearing loss can cause delayed speech development and intellectual retardation.

In most cases, hearing loss develops slowly, so if hearing loss is detected early, the likelihood of recovery is very high. If grade III-IV is diagnosed, then you should select a suitable treatment method and use a hearing aid.

Hearing impairment can be represented by two groups of diseases: deafness and hearing loss. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 5% of the world's population suffers from them. That's 328 million adults and 32 million children. Several reasons lead to deafness, ranging from heredity to inflammatory processes.

Deafness can be congenital or acquired. Some types of it are curable, others, unfortunately, are not. Rehabilitation programs are most successful with timely detection of deafness and early referral to a specialist.

Deafness and hearing loss: what's the difference?

Different professionals may classify hearing loss differently. In modern Russian practice It is customary to divide it depending on the range of perceived decibels into:

  • Light;
  • Average
  • Deep (heavy).

In the first two forms we speak of, at last degree- about deafness. Hearing loss can also be unilateral or bilateral. In case of bilateral severe deafness, the patient is assigned disability group III or II.

In practice, these two diseases differ in whether a person is able to distinguish speech addressed to him or not. If a patient cannot hear someone literally shouting in their ear, they have profound hearing loss. The critical threshold for the intensity of perceived sound for hearing loss is 25 dB, for deafness - 80 dB. A separate disease is congenital deaf-muteness, in which a person is unable to perceive sounds at all.

Causes of deafness

Deafness can be due to two main types of causes:

  1. Sound conduction disturbance those. problems in the part of the nervous system that is responsible for transmitting signals from the ear to the brain. This type of deafness is called conductive deafness.
  2. Impaired sound perception. Behind these pathologies are problems directly related to auditory analyzer(the ear and the nerves located in it). In this case, the disease is called sensorineural or sensorineural hearing loss.

Causes of deafness can also be:

  • Congenital;
  • Acquired.

The first group includes:

  1. Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and at birth.
  2. Jaundice in the neonatal period.
  3. Some diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, in particular syphilis,.
  4. Hereditary diseases are the cause of hearing impairment in approximately 30% of cases. At the moment, about a hundred deafness genes have been discovered, which can be located on any of the non-sex chromosomes.
  5. Taking drugs with ototoxic effects by the mother during pregnancy.

Acquired deafness can develop as a result of the following factors:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the ear -.
  • Taking drugs with ototoxic effects.
  • Injuries, presence of foreign objects in the ear canal.
  • Prolonged exposure to noise. The threshold for such sound radiation is 70-75 dB and 4000 Hz.
  • Disruption nerve cells auditory canals due to age-related changes.

Diagnostic methods used in audiology

The first step of the doctor is to collect the patient's medical history. Therefore, even if the specialist does not ask all the necessary questions, it is important to pay attention to following signs deafness:

  1. Inflammatory diseases preceding hearing loss;
  2. Previous ear and head injuries;
  3. The presence of tinnitus and its nature;
  4. The presence of such temporary or persistent symptoms like dizziness and nausea;
  5. Improved hearing under certain conditions, such as in noisy environments.

Next, a study of the patient’s perception of whispered and loud spoken speech is usually carried out. During it, the doctor asks you to repeat the words that he names from different sides and on at different distances from a patient.

Tuning fork tests help more accurately diagnose the degree of hearing loss. The doctor moves the sounding tuning fork along the auricle and asks the patient in which position he hears better, as well as the time during which he perceives the sound. Tests make it possible to separate conductive and sensorineural pathologies.

Sound conduction is studied using audiometry methods. For this purpose, special devices are used - audiometers. Tests are carried out in soundproofed rooms. Patients hear sounds of different frequencies and volumes and state their perceptions. This makes it possible to establish the degree of pathology, as well as the area where conduction is impaired.

Treatment and rehabilitation programs

Most therapeutic methods for treating deafness for Russian citizens are currently either difficult to access or ineffective. Therefore, the main way to combat the disease is through measures to rehabilitate patients. They come down to two main methods:

  • Hearing aids;
  • Teaching a patient to read lips.

Currently, active research is underway in the field of correction of congenital diseases in infants caused by fetal hypoxia. MedPortal writes: “ Positive results Stem cell treatments for sensorineural deafness in mice have led the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to authorize Phase I safety and Phase II studies of the treatment in a small group of children.” In the future, this may give children suffering from deafness a chance to lead a full life.

Conservative treatment methods

For mild deafness, the following therapeutic strategies may help:

  1. Electrical stimulation. The mechanism of its effect on the affected structures of the ear and nerve fibers has not yet been fully clarified. It is only known that electricity can improve the functioning of the stapedius muscle, the V, VII and X nerves, as well as the inner ear. In addition, some devices that produce current for therapeutic purposes (Etrans, Transair, Neurotrans) are capable of stimulating the production of endorphins, affecting the corresponding part of the brain. These substances enhance the processes of repair and regeneration throughout the body, including in relation to nervous system and ear.
  2. Taking opioid peptides as well as neurosensory peptides of human blood serum. Studies devoted to the study of their activity in sensorineural hearing loss were carried out in Russia in the late 90s of the last century. During these years they were shown positive influence on hearing function, but the mechanism of their action has not yet been identified.
  3. Taking biostimulating serums and antioxidant drugs (Bioselen, Audioinvit). These medications promote recovery damaged structures ear. Their effect is currently being actively studied. It has been shown that Audioinvit is able to improve the hearing of patients with reversible changes in 61% of cases, and it also increases the success of hearing aids. At the moment, the drug is difficult to find on the open market, but some clinics practice its use.

Important! Treat deafness medicines or using physiotherapy methods makes sense for unilateral lesions.

Another indication is the acquired nature of the disease. For example, cells of the inner and middle ear damaged after otitis media can be partially restored.

Installation of hearing aids

In most cases, the device acts by amplifying the sound of speech. High-quality products practically do not distort it; when using other audio prostheses, the sound can undergo quite strong changes. Modern models are able to automatically adjust the volume to avoid pain at the patient.

Professor Palchun V.T. writes in one of the sections of his book devoted to this issue: “The greatest positive effect from hearing aids occurs in persons with damage to the sound-conducting apparatus, and less in those with sensorineural hearing loss.” However, patients in both of these groups can significantly improve their quality of life by using hearing aids. Prosthetics are usually not performed in case of deafness in one ear, since the ability to perceive sounds is practically not affected.

The need to correct deafness follows not only from the convenience of the patient.

Important! Over time, those suffering from this disease experience significant deterioration in their speech as they lose the ability to hear themselves.

Deaf children are developmentally delayed and begin to speak later.

Learning to read lips

This method was widely used in ancient times; apparently, it was used in ancient times, not for teaching deaf people, but for performing mystical rituals. Modern audiologists use different techniques depending on the age and intelligence of the patient. The two main methods used are analytical (Schmaltz-Fisher) and dynamic (Muller). In the first case, people suffering from deafness first learn the sequential positions of the lips when pronouncing vowels, and then - consonant sounds. The emphasis in the method is on the development and training of attention and vision. In Müller's dynamic version, the most important thing is the change in lip position when moving from one sound to another.

One of the biggest challenges is teaching lip reading to children who have been deaf since birth. Development of speech and communication skills is important
since they largely determine the functioning of the cerebral cortex and, of course, the socialization of the child. In the Soviet Union, the Rau method was practiced, which boils down to showing pictures to deaf children and pronouncing the objects depicted on them. The same author developed the principles of teaching speech when reading from lips using speech therapy correction.

Today, along with Rau’s methods, sensory development is widely used with the maximum use of the senses available to the child. Practice has shown that such activities help stimulate the cerebral cortex of deaf children. It is also recommended that such children be taught to read as early as possible in order to develop a full-fledged vocabulary.

Prevention of deafness

Basic preventative measure is a mass examination of patients as part of standard examinations. In Russia they are held annually at most enterprises and in government organizations. Persons working in conditions constant noise, may undergo medical examinations more often. Children are examined by an otolaryngologist at certain age periods, even in the maternity hospital or clinic during the first month, audio screening is carried out to identify the risk of developing deafness in each individual child.

Ototoxic drugs should be avoided during illness if other drugs are available. medicines. IN

Important! Cause hearing loss when long-term use aminoglycoside antibiotics: streptomycin, neomycin, kanamycin, gentomycin.

It is also necessary to strive to reduce the noise load on the ear. If possible, you should avoid portable listening devices (player, iPad), limit attendance at loud concerts, and use earplugs when working in the workshop.

Another nonspecific preventive measure is the timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ear - otitis, labyrinthitis, etc. Chronic infections can seriously damage the ability to hear, eventually leading to complete deafness.

Video: hearing impairment, in the program “Live Healthy”

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