Rosehip oil: medicinal properties and methods of use. Rose oil

The benefits of vegetable oils for our body are enormous. They have an extremely positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and with their help many diseases can be cured. Among these oils, rosehip oil should be noted. His unique properties were used back in the seventeenth century, exclusively in medicinal purposes in traditional medicine recipes. Subsequently, it began to be widely used in the cosmetology field.

Composition and beneficial properties of rosehip oil.
The plant itself has a mass useful qualities, and absolutely everything is used (leaves, berries, seeds). And now they have learned to extract oil from it, or rather from the seeds of its fruits (Oleum Rosae). Popularly, rosehip oil is sometimes called “liquid sun.” The process of obtaining it is quite labor-intensive. First, the seeds of a wild plant are dried, then they are crushed, and then, using the hot extraction method, a liquid is extracted that has an oily structure, a specific aroma, different color(golden-pink to orange and sometimes brown) and a somewhat bitter taste. Thanks to this production method, rosehip oil completely retains all its properties and healing qualities plants. In particular, it exhibits antimicrobial, tonic, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating properties.

This unique natural product contains a huge amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids(palmitic, linoleic, oleic, etc.), it is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants (especially vitamin E, A, C, F), essential microelements (including iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, etc. ). The presence of essential fatty acids in rosehip oil determines many of its beneficial properties, in particular, regular use on the skin leads to increased protective properties of the skin (immunity), restoration of cellular metabolism, acceleration natural processes cellular renewal, preventing aging (the appearance of early wrinkles), so that the skin maintains a young, fresh and attractive appearance for many years.

Being excellent antimicrobial agent, rosehip oil also has high nutritional and strong moisturizing properties, which is why it is especially recommended for use in the care of thin, dry and aging skin. Due to systematic use, the skin looks healthy, moisturized, while its firmness and elasticity significantly increases. It is also important to note that rosehip oil has the ability to accelerate the healing processes of wounds and minor skin lesions.

But not only dry skin benefits from rosehip oil; it is also recommended to be used additionally when caring for normal and combination skin types. However, despite all its benefits, this oil is not recommended for those with oily skin.

Buy this effective remedy available at any pharmacy, the cost per bottle of 50 (ml) varies from 25 to 250 rubles. Sometimes it is sold in gelatin capsules with a pre-determined dosage of oil.

Using rosehip oil for facial skin.
Like most natural oils, it can be used undiluted. In addition, rosehip oil can be mixed with different types of cosmetic and essential oils, as well as dripped into creams, masks and other cosmetics for the skin, both ready-made and homemade.

The oil is ideal for those with dry skin with signs of flaking, as well as mature skin. It can be used as a night cream, or add a few drops to your night cream (per single serving). For combination skin, it should only be used on dry areas (usually the cheeks).

For combination skin, oil should only be applied to dry areas of the skin. This oil is recommended for absolutely everyone to care for the sensitive and thin area around the eyes. You can drive it in with your fingertips (preferably at night) in its pure form (which will increase blood flow and, therefore, increase the effect of the oil), or you can mix it with other oils (almond, olive, linseed, etc.) or enrich ready-made oils with it. cosmetic products intended to care for this area.

Excellent rosehip oil suitable for formulation massage mixtures for facial skin. A course of such a massage (twelve to fifteen procedures) significantly improves complexion, stimulates the normalization of sebum secretion, tightens the skin, and smoothes wrinkles. In addition, thanks to its softening and wound-healing properties, it is excellent for caring for the skin of the lips, treats jams and cracks in the corners of the mouth, and also serves as an excellent prevention of their occurrence. Application is quite simple, lubricate your lips with oil half an hour before going outside, especially when strong wind. That is, the oil will protrude into in this case as a lip balm or hygiene product.

Rosehip oil also gives excellent results in the fight against age spots. For this purpose, it is necessary to lubricate them two to three times a day with this oil until they disappear completely.

Recipes for the face with rosehip oil.
And here is the recipe effective mixture for cosmetic facial massage: combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil with essential oils of lemon balm, lemon and lavender, taken one drop at a time. Do self-massage of the face, moving strictly along the massage lines, for fifteen minutes. Blot off excess mixture with a paper napkin. After completing the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Face masks with rosehip oil.
To relieve inflammation and swelling, it is recommended to use the following face mask: first prepare a nettle infusion (purchase at a pharmacy, prepare according to the recipe on the back of the package), you will need one tablespoon. Next a tablespoon wheat bran mix with the resulting nettle infusion, let it brew for two to three minutes, and then add a teaspoon of rosehip oil. Apply the mixture to a cleansed face for half an hour, avoiding the eyelid area. Wash off the mask warm water.

To care for dry, mature skin with signs of aging, it is recommended to use the following recipe: combine a tablespoon of wheat germ and rose hip oils, then add two drops of patchouli and geranium essential oils to the mixture. The mixture can be used as a night cream, or in the form of a mask, leave it on for twenty minutes, and rinse with warm water.

For cleansing, nourishing, and moisturizing dry skin, this face mask is effective: two tablespoons of crushed oatmeal add a mixture of two beaten egg whites, add a tablespoon of liquid honey. Mix everything well, then add a teaspoon each of rosehip and walnut oils. Distribute the resulting composition onto a cleansed face and leave for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature.

To care for normal skin type, it is effective to use this mask: grind one egg yolk with a teaspoon of liquid honey and add a tablespoon of rosehip oil. Apply the composition to a previously cleansed face, excluding the area around the eyes, leave for about fifteen minutes, then remove with water at room temperature. The mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and has an additional tonic effect.

Perfectly nourishes, softens dry skin, makes it velvety, and also tightens and gives elasticity to aging skin, a mask made from apple pulp, crushed into pulp, and a tablespoon of rosehip oil. Apply the mixture to your face and wash off after fifteen minutes. boiled water room temperature.

Homemade face cream with rosehip oil.
To prepare such a cream, you need to melt half a glass of beeswax using a water bath, then combine it with a tablespoon soy lecithin. Then separately mix a tablespoon of rosehip oil with chamomile and grape seed oil, taken twelve drops each. After this, combine both mixtures. Place the composition in a clean jar with a lid and store it permanently in the refrigerator (about two weeks). Use as a night cream or mask.

Care for the décolleté area.
Rosehip oil is an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics for caring for the décolleté area. Tonic and nutritional properties oils give the skin in the décolleté area elasticity, tenderness and a healthy, toned appearance. Can be applied in its pure form, or can be added to homemade creams and lotions.

Using rosehip oil for hair.
The beneficial properties of this oil cannot but affect the hair. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, giving softness, strength, elasticity and a healthy shine, it perfectly fights scalp diseases, dandruff, dry and split ends, and is also an excellent stimulator of their growth. In addition, it restores weakened hair damaged as a result of frequent curling, dyeing, as well as the negative impact of factors environment. The oil has a strengthening effect on nails and serves as an excellent cuticle care product.

The oil can be added to ready-made and homemade shampoos and balms (ten parts of the product to one part of the oil), and you can also make masks based on them, mixing with other cosmetic and essential oils, taking into account the existing problem. In its pure form, it can be rubbed into the scalp and hair ends. This must be done half an hour to an hour before washing your hair. First, you need to wrap your head well; this will create an additional warming effect, which will increase the effectiveness of the oil. In case of hair loss or damage, this mask is restorative and strengthening. It should be done twice a week. Treatment course includes ten procedures, preventive - once every ten days.

Rosehip oil for stretch marks.
This is true unique product, which, among other things, can help cope with such unpleasant problem, like stretch marks (striae), and also prevent their appearance. Rosehip oil, when used regularly, makes unsightly stripes on the body less noticeable, reduces them in size, and if they are initially small, it will help get rid of them forever. It is recommended to apply rosehip oil in its pure form to areas affected by stretch marks, and also to combine it with effective assistants in this matter - rosemary, neroli and petitgrain oil. On a tablespoon of base, drop two drops of the named essential components. This procedure softens and moisturizes the skin, stimulates the regenerative functions of the skin.

Treatment with rosehip oil.
I must say that rosehip oil is, first of all, wonderful choleretic agent, which perfectly helps with cholecystitis, hepatitis and some other ailments, one way or another associated with impaired bile secretion. Being a natural antidepressant, with regular use (a teaspoon per day) it will help normalize metabolic processes in the body, get rid of toxins, strengthen the immune system, fight constant fatigue and irritability, will increase your psycho-emotional state.

It is also important to note that the oil stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which is especially necessary for various types of gastritis. It is also believed that this oil can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, fights excess weight.

Rosehip oil is also recommended for patients with atherosclerosis because of its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels; in addition, it serves as an excellent prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and stimulates the resorption of those that already exist.

Rosehip oil is very effective for burns and other skin lesions. To speed up tissue regeneration, apply compresses or dressings with oil to the damaged areas. It also has a positive effect on stomatitis and gingivitis, accelerating healing and increasing the immunity of the mucous membranes.

Rosehip oil is effective for diseases of the nose and throat (such as rhinitis, pharyngitis). Soak gauze swabs in oil and insert into the nasal passages for five to ten minutes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out three to five times during the day.

Very good given healing agent copes with cracked nipples in nursing mothers, dermatoses, ulcerative colitis, trophic ulcers and so on.

The oil is great for those who want to reduce their body size. It is effective to massage problem areas with rosehip oil. You can add cedar oil, St. John's wort and olives to it. Take all components in the same ratio.

I note that rosehip oil has practically no contraindications, the only exception being individual intolerance to the product.

Rosehip, or wrinkled rose, or dog rose, is a thorny perennial shrub that can be found everywhere. At the beginning of summer, its rapidly growing bushes are covered with fragrant large flowers, and in autumn the impenetrable thickets of the plant become strewn with spectacular bright red fruits.

Rose hips are widely used as a general strengthening and tonic. Dry rose hips are brewed as tea in winter to saturate the body with vitamin C.

But even more valuable and useful are the seeds of this plant, from which healing oil is made. Rosehip is full of useful substances:

  • except ascorbic acid it contains vitamins E, P, K and A;
  • more than 15 fatty acids (stearic, linoleic);
  • flavonoids and tocopherols;
  • micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper).

The healing properties of rosehip oil include:

  • stimulates the regenerative ability of skin tissue;
  • cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques and strengthens vascular walls;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and hormonal background;
  • improves bile discharge;
  • relieves inflammation and stops bleeding;
  • disinfects skin damage and accelerates healing;
  • slows down skin aging and protects against adverse environmental influences.

Reduces the body's susceptibility to infections, viruses and colds, improves general health, tones, gives vigor and improves mood.

Indications for use

The rich composition of rosehip oil allows it to be used as an external remedy and for oral administration. The drug is used as masks, ointments and compresses for the following cases:

  • softening of scars and keratinized areas of the skin;
  • elimination of skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • treats burns, calluses and corns;
  • tightens and smoothes the skin, moisturizes, nourishes and softens;
  • eliminates wrinkles and peeling;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks and reduces existing ones;
  • strengthens the skin's protective barrier against moisture loss and external factors.

The oil is used internally to treat the following diseases:

  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • exposure frequent colds and susceptibility to viruses;
  • disorders nervous system(depressive syndrome, sleep disturbance, loss of strength);
  • atherosclerotic vascular damage, high blood pressure;
  • coronary heart disease, tachycardia;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the digestive and biliary system (pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis);
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora, hemorrhoids, bloating;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx and bronchopulmonary system.

Rosehip extract helps normalize metabolism, which is successfully used for weight loss. It is also useful to take the product to cleanse the blood of toxins and excess cholesterol.


Not everyone and not always can be treated using rosehip oil. There are a number of contraindications that prohibit the use of the product in such cases:

  1. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, heart failure. Rosehip has the property of thickening the blood, which is dangerous in such diseases.
  2. The increased concentration of vitamin C extract irritates the stomach, so you should not use it internally. gastric pathologies With increased acidity.
  3. Pathologies of the pancreas. Long-term use of the drug can lead to destructive changes in gland cells and provoke a decrease in insulin production.
  4. Exacerbation of gallbladder and liver diseases.
  5. Do not use the product externally on skin prone to high fat content and the appearance of acne.
  6. Sensitivity to the components of rosehip oil and a tendency to allergic reactions.
  7. Use the extract internally with caution during pregnancy and childhood.

Do not keep pure oil on your skin for a long time. The skin may turn orange.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment with an oil extract and taking it orally, you must consult a doctor and select the dosage of the drug and duration of use.

For preventive purposes, they usually take 1 tsp. remedies in the morning and evening before meals. Children are given a couple of drops of oil, carefully monitoring the reaction.

The duration of continuous use should not exceed 30 days, after which a break should be taken.

When coughing

For throat diseases, sore throat and cough, it is useful to make compresses from gauze cloth moistened with the extract on the neck area.

Additionally, drink 1 tsp 4 times a day. means to soothe throat irritation, relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

For stomach ulcers

In combination with complex therapy and after consultation with the doctor, you can use the wound-healing and regenerating ability of rose hips to treat gastric ulcers.

In the morning, afternoon and evening, half an hour before meals, you need to drink 1.5 tsp. oils For convenience, you can take a dessert spoon.

Treatment must be supplemented with vitamin complexes and infusions of medicinal herbs.

For sinusitis

Rosehip oil effectively treats sinusitis in acute and chronic stage. The product softens the nasal mucosa and promotes rapid healing of damage.

At least five times a day, 3 drops of oil should be instilled into each nostril.

Twist cotton balls, soak in oil and inject into each nasal passage.

Do not use the drug for children under two years of age.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are treated with both external and internal use of rose hips. As a result, the nodes dissolve, irritation of the anus is eliminated, cracks heal and inflammation is relieved.

Drink 1 tsp in the morning, afternoon and evening. funds for at least one month. You can use pharmacy capsules with rosehip oil. They need to be drunk in 3 pieces according to the same schedule.

Mix a spoonful of the drug with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and apply to the sore spot for 20 minutes. Do such compresses 4 times a day.

In equal parts rosehip oil and softened pork fat mix and refrigerate. After cooling, form candles and store them in a cool place. Insert into the anus before bed.

In dentistry

To treat wounds and ulcers on the oral mucosa, and relieve inflammation in gum disease, dissolve a few drops of oil in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth twice a day.

It is useful to lubricate any damage to the oral cavity with the drug to disinfect and accelerate healing.

Rosehip oil for nose

A runny nose and nasal congestion can be successfully eliminated by instilling three drops of rosehip oil extract into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

Cotton flagella soaked in the drug and inserted into the nasal passages soften the mucous membrane well.

Use in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes oil extract Rosehip is used to soften and moisturize facial skin. It is used to treat cracks and wounds on the lips, mucous membranes and nipples of nursing women. Skin ulcers, eczema, and manifestations of psoriasis heal well with oil.

Providing a regenerating, softening and absorbable effect, the rosehip preparation reduces and smoothes scars and cicatrices, heals cracked heels and calluses, and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

The extract has a good effect on both hair condition and lightening age spots. The product can be diluted with water, mixed with creams, shampoos, other types of oils, or used in its pure form. When mixing oil with other components, you should not add more than 10-15% of the total volume.

Do not lubricate open and fresh surfaces of wounds with the extract. Rosehip oil can be applied directly to the skin or used in the form of compresses, masks, and lotions.

Rosehip oil for hair

Rosehip oil extract is not used for hair prone to excessive oiliness.

Distribute a few drops of the drug over the scalp, rub well and wrap with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, rinse well with hot water and shampoo.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of extract with two raw yolks, apply to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Wrap and keep for at least half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and shampoo, rinsing well to remove any remaining yolk.

Such procedures need to be repeated regularly, preferably a couple of times a week for a month. As a result, the hair follicles are strengthened, the scalp is moisturized and nourished, and the hair becomes shiny and smooth.

Help for facial skin

Soak a cotton swab in the extract and apply to areas of skin with damage or age spots for 10 minutes. Afterwards it is good to remove any remaining product.

Add a few drops of the drug to your favorite face cream, mix thoroughly and use as usual.

Lubricate your lips with a drop of oil at night or before going outside. This will smooth them out, heal cracks, moisturize and nourish. IN frosty weather will protect lips from chapping, and in hot weather - from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Apply a couple of drops of oil with tapping movements to the area of ​​facial wrinkles. After 10 minutes, remove excess with a napkin.

In 1 tsp. baby cream, add the same amount of aloe juice, 20 drops of olive oil and 10 drops of rosehip oil extract and vitamin B2. Mix thoroughly and spread over facial skin. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove the residue with a napkin and wipe with lotion.

After regular use, the skin is tightened and smoothed, wrinkles become less noticeable, dryness and irritation are eliminated. The skin acquires a healthy color and rejuvenates.

How to make at home

Rosehip oil is made from its seeds. The fruits of the May harvest are better suited for these purposes; they contain an increased concentration of vitamins and nutrients.

  1. Free the seeds from the pulp and grind into powder.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the seeds in a ratio of 1:10. It is better to take olive oil, but refined sunflower oil is also suitable.
  3. Simmer the mixture for 10-15 minutes in a water bath.
  4. Place to infuse dark place for 10 days.
  5. After straining, store the oil in a cool place.

Use the finished product externally for various skin lesions to relieve inflammation and as a disinfectant. You can drink it for diseases of the biliary and digestive system, to cleanse blood vessels and increase the body's defenses.


Rosehip is a widespread and well-known plant, the fruits of which can be found in every home. After all, it is considered a source of vitamin C and an indispensable assistant for strengthening the immune system in winter.

But its seeds also have a lot of medicinal properties and are the raw material for preparing a healing oil extract, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

The drug has been successfully used to improve the condition of hair and skin. But the extract can be used to treat diseases of internal organs only after consultation with the doctor.

We bring to your attention a video describing the recipe for an anti-aging face mask made from rosehip oil:

Most of us are well aware of the beneficial properties of rosehip or, as it is also called, wild rose. In medicine and cosmetology, the roots, leaves, and fruits of rose hips are actively used. An oil with amazing properties is obtained from the seeds of this plant. Already in the 17th century, it was known about the ability of rosehip oil to cure many diseases, and today it is gaining popularity as an effective cosmetic product that helps not only preserve and maintain the beauty of the skin, but also cope with defects such as burns, scars or stretch marks.

Composition and medicinal properties

Rosehip oil is a viscous liquid with a slightly bitter taste and a sugary woody aroma. Its color can vary from pink with a golden tint to orange and even dark red. It depends on the type of plant and the place where it grew. Oil obtained from wild rosehip seeds is a real concentrate of vitamins and other useful substances.

  • Rosehip oil contains almost everything fat soluble vitamins(A, E, beta-carotene), which means that beneficial influence on the skin and mucous membranes will be provided. And that's not it. They will also help improve hormonal levels, preserve vision, and strengthen cell walls.
  • In addition to fat-soluble ones, rosehip oil contains almost all vitamins C, F, K and group B.
  • This product is rich in antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process and help reduce the risk of developing cancer cells and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The oil contains many trace elements, including copper, potassium, calcium, strontium, molybdenum, phosphorus and many others.
  • Rosehip oil contains more than 15 types of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate intracellular metabolism, increase the body's protective functions, and help tissues recover faster.

Rosehip oil is produced only from the seeds of wild plants. First, they are dried in special chambers, and then crushed and processed. The oil can be produced by hot extraction or cold pressing. And although the former is somewhat cheaper, rosehip oil, obtained without additional heat, has stronger healing properties.

Uses of rosehip oil

Beneficial substances in the ratio in which they are included in rosehip oil determine the variety of healing properties of this product. Its judicious use will help improve the condition of many organs and systems of the human body.

  • Wild rose oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is a very effective treatment for dry or aging skin. Thanks to his balanced composition, it moisturizes, nourishes and improves protective properties skin.
  • This product is useful not only for external use. For example, rosehip oil has been considered a strong choleretic agent since ancient times. ethnoscience recommends its use for hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases associated with deterioration of bile outflow.
  • The oil will also be useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis. The components of this product will help strengthen the vascular walls, clear them of already formed plaques, and will also help reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Rosehip oil has wound healing and antimicrobial properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of frostbite and burns, as well as internal injuries.
  • The vitamins in the oil allow it to be used as an immunomodulator, increasing the body's resistance to external factors.
  • Rosehip oil has long been used to cope with upper respiratory tract infections. This applies to both a common runny nose and more serious diseases, such as sinusitis or pharyngitis.
  • Rosehip oil is an effective anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and other oral diseases.
  • In addition to all of the above, rosehip oil is a mild but strong antidepressant and is indicated for those who are constantly in stressful situations or prone to depression.

Rosehip oil relieves inflammation very well, and also smoothes out scars (including those left after acne) and stretch marks

"Liquid Sun" as a medicine

The healing properties of rosehip oil have been known since ancient times. Of course, when serious illnesses it should not be used as the main treatment, but as an auxiliary, supporting and strengthening agent, this product can be very useful.

From ENT pathologies

Since ancient times, people have successfully fought rhinitis with rosehip oil. Over the years, this method of treatment has not lost its relevance. To get rid of a runny nose, it is enough to instill rosehip oil into the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. It is optimal if after this you have the opportunity to lie down for 3–5 minutes. If this is not possible, you can simply soak cotton pads in oil and place them in your nose for the same amount of time.

To combat sinusitis, the frequency of instillation of rosehip oil should be increased to 6–8 times. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after the nasal passages have been cleaned.

Please note: rosehip oil should not be used to treat a runny nose in children under 12 years of age.

Wild rose oil is also great for throat infections. With its help you can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sore throat. Of course, this means cannot be the only one, and drug therapy must be carried out, but additional use of rosehip oil during treatment will help cope with the disease many times faster. To speed up recovery, you can lubricate the pharyngeal mucosa 2-3 times a day using a cotton swab soaked in the product, attached to a fairly long stick. This should be done quickly, but carefully, trying not to touch the root of the tongue to avoid gagging. However, you can simply gargle several times a day. Rosehip oil is quite liquid, and if you just take a tablespoon of this product into your mouth, you can special effort carry out the rinsing procedure. The main thing is that after rinsing is finished, do not swallow the oil. This is especially important for those who have problems with the pancreas.

Another effective remedy for throat diseases - this is a protein shake. To prepare it, the white of 1 egg is mixed with 1 ml of rosehip oil. The resulting mass is lubricated back wall sips or simply drink slowly in small sips.

After this procedure, you should not drink for an hour.

Otolaryngologists often advise their patients to include rosehip oil in their treatment as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

Rosehip oil aid They are also used in the treatment of gastritis with reduced secretion. The product accelerates the regeneration of damaged mucosa, reduces pain and reduces inflammation. The course of treatment is 21 days. During this time, the product is taken 1 tsp. in 20–25 minutes. before meals. If the secretion of gastric juice is increased, it is not recommended to use rosehip oil. The same applies to stomach ulcers. It is believed that high levels of ascorbic acid may have irritant effect on damaged mucous membrane.

To enhance the effect of treatment when ulcerative colitis You can use enemas with rosehip oil. To carry out the procedure, 50 ml of oil is heated to body temperature and injected into anus. It is advisable to do this at night. The course of such procedures ranges from 2 weeks to a month.

Rosehip oil is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It not only reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of inflamed areas, but also reduces the permeability of affected vessels, thereby reducing their bleeding. For therapeutic effect you can simply lubricate the anus area with oil 2-3 times a day or insert a tampon soaked in oil into the anus for 1-2 hours twice a day.

For skin lesions

Using rosehip oil, you can speed up tissue regeneration in case of burns or frostbite. To do this, a sterile napkin is soaked in oil, applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. It is recommended to change the bandage 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.

Rosehip oil will be effective in the fight against bedsores and trophic ulcers. Compresses with miracle cure. Soak a napkin in oil, place wax paper on top and secure with a bandage.

For dermatitis, in addition to external treatment with applications, which are 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. Apply to the affected areas, it is recommended to drink another 1 tsp. oils daily.

To enhance the effect when treating eczema, mix 10 ml of rosehip oil with 5 drops lavender oil. Then apply napkins soaked in the product to the inflamed areas 2-3 times a day.

Nursing mothers are often bothered by cracked nipples. Rosehip oil can also cope with this problem. Enough after each feeding for 30 minutes. Apply gauze pads soaked in oil to your nipples for a week.

A massage with rosehip oil will help get rid of stretch marks. The result will be noticeable within a month

For gum health

For diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis) along with the appointed dentist medical complex You can also use rosehip oil. To do this, apply oil to the affected areas using a cotton pad 4 times a day.

How to cook at home

You can not only buy rosehip oil at the pharmacy, but also make it yourself. Of course, this requires some effort, but the result is worth it. To prepare you will need rosehip seeds. It is best to take dried raw materials, but if necessary, you can use an oven or special devices for drying vegetables and fruits. You can dry the seeds on fresh air, but in this case the process will take several days.

Rosehip seeds for making oil at home can be bought in the store or dried in the oven yourself.

Dried seeds must be crushed as much as possible. A regular coffee grinder works well for this. The smaller the resulting particles are, the more beneficial substances will go into the oil. The resulting powder is poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 and left in a dark and warm place for 7 days. After the solution has infused, it is necessary to bring it to a boil and leave on low heat for 15–20 minutes. The boiled oil must be cooled and left to brew for another 10–12 hours, after which it is recommended to strain. The finished product is stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can also prepare an oil extract. To prepare it, they no longer use seeds, but crushed rose hips. To do this, they are first cleared of seeds and dried. Some sources allow the preparation of an extract from fresh berries, but you need to make sure that they are not frozen, since under the influence of low temperatures most useful properties the fetus is lost. The crushed berries are poured with oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 and kept for 7–10 days in a dark and warm place.

Rosehip oil in cosmetology

Many cosmetologists consider rosehip oil to be an incredibly effective remedy in the fight against wrinkles and some skin diseases.

For face

Because of large quantity Vitamins and nutrients Rosehip oil is a real godsend for those with dry and aging skin. Its use also gives good results for combination skin types, but for those whom nature has endowed with oily skin, this product is not suitable. It should also be avoided by people with acne, furunculosis and other foci of inflammation on the face. If you do not have such problems, then regular use of rosehip oil will help cope with the following phenomena:

  • loose or tight skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • fine wrinkles (including so-called crow's feet);
  • tired, unhealthy skin;
  • age spots;
  • scars, microcracks.

Methods of application

  • Rosehip oil can be used in its pure form. To do this, just wipe cleansed facial skin with it in the morning and evening. By the way, this method is optimal for those with dry skin. With the combined type, it is better not to treat areas prone to oiliness (forehead, T-shaped zone).
  • The oil can be safely added to those cosmetic creams and lotions that are used daily. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of oil to the portion that is directly applied to the skin. This method guarantees a particularly pronounced effect when caring for the skin of the eyelids.
  • If you mix the contents of vitamin A and E capsules (they can be purchased at any pharmacy) with a tablespoon of rosehip oil, you will get an effective remedy for caring for the skin around the eyes. It is recommended to apply the product to the eyelids in the morning and before bed, gently tapping it into the skin with your fingertips.
  • With regular application of oil, you can get rid of wrinkles on your lips and restore them to a smooth, well-groomed appearance.
  • In order to speed up the healing of wounds and microcracks on the skin, it is necessary to apply to them small pieces napkins soaked in rosehip oil, 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rosehip oil extract can be added 1 tsp. in any masks recommended for dry and combination skin. For example, skin prone to dryness can be pleased with a mask made from 2 yolks, ground with a teaspoon of rosehip oil. The product is applied to the face for 15 minutes. For combination skin, you can prepare a mask of oatmeal (2 tbsp.), brewed with 3 tbsp. l. boiling milk. After the mixture has cooled, add oil and apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes.

For eyelashes

Rosehip oil is not only excellent remedy, which supports the health and beauty of the skin, but also a real growth stimulator for eyelashes. If you apply it 2-3 times a week in the evenings on the eyelashes after removing makeup for 1 hour, then the result will be noticeable already in the third week.

To apply oil to eyelashes, you need to have a special brush, which must be kept perfectly clean. Apply a few drops of oil to the tip of your finger and moisten your eyelashes with them. After this, use a brush to distribute the oil first over the upper and then lower eyelashes. This must be done carefully, so that the product does not get into your eyes. After the procedure, the brush is thoroughly washed and put away until the next time.

To enhance the effect and provide eyelashes with not only growth, but also thickness, you can mix rosehip oil with fish oil. As a rule, they are mixed in equal parts. But you can also purchase a ready-made drug.

For hair

Rosehip oil is no less useful for hair. However, the same restrictions apply here as for skin. It is not recommended for those with oily hair to use oil, but for those with dry or damaged hair, this product is ideal.

The easiest method of use is to simply apply slightly warmed oil to the hair roots and rub it in, leaving it for 30–40 minutes. under plastic wrap and a warm towel. After this, the head is washed with daily shampoo.

Rosehip oil can be added to shampoos and other hair care products. As a rule, take 1 part oil for 10 parts of the product, mix them and use them for their intended purpose. At the same time, the hair receives a much larger amount of vitamins and after a few weeks becomes more manageable and well-groomed.

Video: once again about the benefits of rosehip oil


Despite impressive list beneficial properties, like any remedy, rosehip oil has a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use the product to treat children under 12 years of age;
  • because of high content vitamin K oil should not be used by people suffering from thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • You should refrain from ingestion if you have pancreatitis or if there is an exacerbation of other stomach diseases;
  • Do not forget about individual intolerance;
  • an overdose of oil may occur allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Nature often shares with us truly by magical means, and one of them is rosehip oil. With its help, you can not only restore beauty to your skin and hair, but also overcome many ailments. However, rosehip oil has its contraindications. Observing necessary measures precautions, you can replenish your vitamin supply without spending a lot of effort and money, strengthen your body and improve your appearance.


To prepare oil, use only fresh fruits rosehip- they contain the maximum amount of other useful substances. Optimal time for harvesting - from late August to early October. You can determine the ripeness of the fruit by the skin. If it is red, start picking berries. The use of overripe fruits with hard skin is undesirable.

Wash the collected fruits and dry them in the fresh air or in the oven. In the first case, it will take several days. In the second - 8-10 hours.

Grind dried berries rosehip in a coffee grinder until powdery. You can, of course, use whole fruits, but in this case the concentration of nutrients in the finished product will be several times lower.

Mix the resulting powder with olive or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3. Cover the dish with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place for 10-14 days.

Mix a little mineral water without gas and plant extract or infusion. You can take ready-made infusions that are sold at the pharmacy or make a rich decoction - a spoonful of dry chamomile, calendula, rose hips or any other ingredient plant origin pour boiling water and leave for two hours. The mixture of water and broth will make up the water part of the cream.

Prepare a fatty base - melt lanolin, fat or wax in a water bath. Separately, mix a few drops of essential oils - rosemary, lavender, grapefruit (or any citrus) or tea tree. Choose essential oils according to their effects - if you want to enrich your skin with vitamins, then choose orange or lemon oil, while tea tree oil or juniper oil have antibacterial properties. To increase the effectiveness of the cream and give the composition anti-aging properties, pour a spoonful of wheat germ oil or olive oil. Gently pour the mixture of oils into the melted base, stirring the mixture constantly.

Leave the container with the base and oils on the stove, turn on low heat and add the water component - stirring the mixture regularly, bring the composition until all ingredients are completely dissolved, and it will change its color to a dense milky white or cream. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the cream slightly. Beat everything with a whisk, mixer or blender, then add to the cream oil solutions vitamins - a drop of vitamin A and E. Mix everything well, beat a little more and pour into a glass jar. Homemade cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Cosmetic stores offer a wide range of anti-cellulite products. creams. However, the high cost of these funds may not justify the results. You can replace the finished cream with a product prepared at home.

You will need

  • - apple cider vinegar, massage oil;
  • - orange or lemon peels, body cream;
  • - body cream, essential oils;
  • - olive oil, honey, red pepper;
  • - essential oils;
  • - body milk, juniper oil.


Take apple cider vinegar and massage oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the body with massage movements. Apple vinegar promotes excretion from the body excess liquid, breaks down fat and also increases skin elasticity.

Prepare anti-cellulite cream from orange or lemon peels. Grind the peel in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder. Then thoroughly mix the resulting puree with nourishing body cream. Citrus fruits are known for their ability to break down fats.

Take body cream and mix with a small amount of essential oil. It is best to take orange, lemon, juniper or rosemary. You can also optionally add a couple of drops of sage, basil or ginger oil, which stimulate blood circulation and help remove toxins from the body.

Make a cream using red pepper. To do this, take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and whisk thoroughly with honey until smooth. Then add a whisper of ground red pepper and stir. Apply the cream to problem areas, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm running water. To avoid an irritant reaction, it is not recommended to leave the mixture on the skin for longer than the specified period.

The simplest option for preparing anti-cellulite cream is a combination of essential oils. You can use rosehip, juniper and geranium seed oils. They are quite effective in the fight against cellulite. If you wish, you can add a small amount of lavender oil to this mixture.

To prepare one serving of cream, take 30 ml of moisturizing body milk, which does not contain paraffins. Then mix it with a few drops of juniper essential oil. Cook everything in a ceramic container. You can add a drop of cayenne pepper oil. This way the product will acquire warming properties. Then beat the ingredients of the cream until smooth.

Video on the topic

Nutritionists recommend including a variety of salads on the menu more often. They don't have to be complicated or expensive. Lighter options with vegetables will be more beneficial, and hearty salads with cereals will successfully replace the main course for lunch or dinner.

You will need

  • Fish salad:
  • - 1 can of canned saury in oil;
  • - 0.5 cups of rice;
  • - small onion;
  • - 2 medium-sized pickled cucumbers;
  • - freshly ground black pepper;
  • - mayonnaise to taste;
  • - salt.
  • Sea kale salad:
  • - 1 can of canned seaweed without additives;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.
  • Oriental cabbage salad:
  • - 600 g white cabbage;
  • - 50 g vegetable oil;
  • - 1 pod of dried red pepper;
  • - 1 lemon;
  • - sugar and salt to taste.
  • Carrot salad:
  • - 2 carrots;
  • - 1 tbsp. spoon of rosehip syrup;
  • -1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice;
  • - 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • - 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed kernels walnuts.
  • Bean and apple salad:
  • - 150 g green beans;
  • - 2 carrots;
  • - 1 large apple;
  • - a bunch of parsley;
  • - 30 g vegetable oil;
  • - 25 g of 3% vinegar;
  • - salt;
  • - sugar;
  • - ground pepper;
  • - mustard on the tip of a knife.


Fish salad

Try one of the most simple options, perfect for a winter or fall lunch. If you want to cook it in the summer, pickled cucumbers can be replaced with fresh ones.

Cook the rice in salted water and let it cool. Drain the oil from the can. Cut the fish and cucumbers into cubes, chop the onion. Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and season with mayonnaise. Serve with thinly sliced ​​black bread.

Sea kale salad

One of the most inexpensive and quickest options to prepare is seaweed salad. Use ready-made canned food - for example, Far Eastern salad. Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel and finely chop. Drain the liquid from the jar and place the seaweed in a salad bowl. Add eggs and mayonnaise, mix and serve the salad. It is especially tasty with fresh grain bread.

Oriental cabbage salad

A very popular option, inexpensive and rich in vitamins, is cabbage salad. Bland cabbage will be successfully complemented by sour additives - lemon juice, lingonberries or cranberries. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage head and cut out the stalk. Cut the cabbage into cubes, scald it with boiling water and squeeze it with your hands. Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan without bringing it to a boil. Place the cabbage there, add red pepper, salt and granulated sugar. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it into the pan as well. Mix the salad thoroughly and let it sit for at least 4 hours. Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with frozen lingonberries.

Carrot salad

Unusual, but very tasty option- sweet carrot salad. It is good in the spring, when the body lacks vitamins. In addition, carrots, rich in fiber, improve digestion. Choose juicy, brightly colored root vegetables - they are especially healthy and tasty.

Fry the walnut kernels in a dry frying pan and pound in a mortar. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Place it in a salad bowl, add rosehip syrup, honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Toss the salad and sprinkle it with chopped walnuts.

Bean and apple salad

Prepare salad dressing. Place the oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard and sugar in a bottle, close it and shake well to mix all the ingredients. Chill the dressing in the refrigerator. Boil green beans in salted water, drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. Cut the beans into pieces. Peel the carrots and apples and chop into strips. Place vegetables and fruits in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing and toss. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with finely chopped parsley.

Rosehip oil is produced from the seeds of this plant. It is rich in vitamins, including B vitamins, vitamins C, E, P and betacarotene. In addition, seed oil is a storehouse of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, tocopherols, carotenoids, etc.


The benefits of the drug are enormous. Rosehip oil promotes tissue regeneration and the production of hormones in the body, activates metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and general strengthening effect, reduces vascular permeability. It is accepted:

  • with a deficiency of vitamins C and P in the body,
  • for stomatitis and gingivitis,
  • for skin lesions: bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers,
  • for dermatoses,
  • as a choleretic agent and ulcerative colitis.

It is especially worth noting the popularity of rosehip oil in cosmetology. It has an extremely positive effect on the condition of the skin: it fights the signs of aging, eliminates wrinkles and age spots, and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Thanks to the action on blood vessels, the product saturates skin and hair cells nutrients, moisturizes, heals skin and hair.

Rosehip oil is used as an enema for colitis, and is used internally for cholecystitis.


  • Individual intolerance to the drug,
  • Cholelithiasis

Side effect

It is extremely rare. By-effect may manifest as an allergic reaction.

Release form and dosage

The product is produced in liquid form in bottles of 50 or 100 milliliters

Mode of application

- for oral administration

The raw materials are diluted in water in a proportion of 10 grams to 200 milliliters, respectively. The solution is taken orally at 0.25-0.5 cups every 12 hours, that is, 2 times a day. The dosage for children is half as much. Children under the age of 14 should take no more than 0.125-0.25 glasses per dose.

Please note: the prepared solution can only be stored for 48 hours!

- for local use

Apply gauze pads and swabs soaked in oil for several hours.

Treatment is continued for several days - a course of 5 to 20 days.

- for external use

The oil is used in its pure form as an additive to wash gel, shampoo, face mask or cream. When mixing, it is recommended to adhere to a ratio of 1:10, where 1 part is rosehip oil, and 10 parts is a cosmetic product.

- in the form of enemas

Used to treat colitis. 50 milliliters are injected into the rectum every day or once every 2 days.

Interaction with other drugs

It has been noted that a number of agents reduce the effectiveness of rosehip oil: calcium supplements, mineral oils, vitamin E, neomycin, cholestyramine.

Terms of sale

To purchase the drug at a pharmacy, a prescription is not required.

Storage conditions

The bottle of oil is stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. best place at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

24 months.

Drug price

The cost of one bottle of rosehip oil with a volume of 50 milliliters ranges from 60 to 480 rubles.

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of rose hips or “wild rose”. Thanks to many useful properties this plant is actively used in traditional medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology and traditional medicine. Moreover, not only fruits, but also roots, leaves and even seeds of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. From the seeds of rose hips they learned to extract “Oleum Rosae” - an oil that people affectionately call liquid sun for its golden-orange color.

Mined medicinal extract by drying, grinding and hot extraction of oil from rosehip seeds. The oil has a special aroma and a slightly bitter taste, but with this extraction method it retains all its beneficial qualities.

The benefits and harms of rosehip oil for the body

Back in the 17th century traditional healers used in their medical practice healing properties rose hip oils. His used For treatment throat, he was dripped into the nose, it was used to heal burns, lacerations, scars, and was also used as a natural cosmetic facilities For skin And for hair. Rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, tonic and regenerating properties and can fight many diseases. Oil pressed from wild rose hips is a healing concentrate of nutrients and vitamins.


Rosehip oil contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic, linolenic, stearic, palmitic and myristic. The oil is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and F, as well as microelements: molybdenum, copper, strontium and macroelements: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and manganese.

9 Health Benefits of Rosehip Oil

  1. Treats liver diseases

    Rosehip oil has choleretic properties. Rosehip oil has been successfully used in the treatment of many liver diseases, especially those associated with impaired bile secretion (for example, cholecystitis and hepatitis). Rosehip syrup is also very effective in treating these diseases.

  2. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    Thanks to the impressive amount of beneficial substances, rosehip oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It improves the secretion of gastric juice, so doctors often recommend it for treatment gastritis, colitis and many other diseases gastrointestinal tract. At chronic constipation Rosehip syrup or oil is considered the best remedy.

  3. Helps prevent heart disease

    With constant or regular periodic consumption of rosehip oil, the level of cholesterol in the blood is kept at an optimal level. And this is very important for patients with cardiovascular diseases. The oil strengthens blood vessels well, which is important for normal blood circulation and, accordingly, for the healthy functioning of the heart.

  4. Prevents atherosclerosis

    Organic rosehip oil can prevent such dangerous diseases as atherosclerosis. By strengthening blood vessels, rosehip seed oil prevents them from becoming clogged with atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, the product has the ability to resolve existing blood clots.

  5. The anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of wild rose oil are successfully used for external treatment. thermal burns varying degrees, traumatic injuries skin and radiation injuries. With constant use of the oil, the regeneration of damaged skin surfaces significantly improves. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect of the oil also plays an important role in fast healing the most difficult cuts and lacerations. The oil easily solves the problem of cracked nipples in nursing mothers.

  6. Treats colds

    Rosehip oil is an excellent tonic and multivitamin remedy, which is successfully used as a cure for many infectious diseases. Rosehip oil is used for general weakness and vitamin deficiency; it is even recommended for postoperative patients. Great content Rose hips contain vitamins, micro- and macroelements to speed up the healing process of people with viral and infectious diseases.

  7. Treats ENT diseases

    Essential oil Rosehip is widely used for the prevention and treatment of many infectious and viral diseases, including diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis and other mucous diseases of the nose and throat with this miraculous remedy. Rosehip oil is instilled directly into the nose or soaked in gauze swabs; it is also lubricated in the throat to soothe severe soreness during inflammatory processes. The wound healing properties of the oil work successfully with dental diseases, rose hips treat stomatitis and gingivitis.

  8. Treats nervous disorders

    Rosehip oil is real healing elixir, which successfully copes even with nervous disorders. Firstly, it is an excellent antidepressant that helps fight synoptic and seasonal depression. Secondly, oil relieves symptoms of various nervous disorders, such as nervousness, short temper, irritability, depression and lack of self-confidence. Even regular tea with syrup or rosehip oil will lift your mood and improve your overall condition.

  9. Improves skin condition

    Rosehip seed oil has probably the most important property for female beauty - it heals the skin. The high content of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on sagging skin. The oil moisturizes, softens and makes the skin of the face, neck and décolleté elastic, eliminates irritation and even smoothes out wrinkles. By improving intracellular metabolism, it includes the protective properties of the epidermis against the accumulation of decay products. The oil tones the skin capillaries, which has a particularly positive effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes and lips.

How to prepare rosehip oil correctly

Rosehip oil can be purchased at any pharmacy on average 100-150 rubles per bottle (50 ml). For more convenient use You can purchase rosehip oil in capsules with the required dosage.

If you haven’t found rosehip oil in the pharmacy, and you have a lot of ripe healthy berries at your dacha or at home, this question goes away by itself. Rosehip oil can be made at home.

To do this, you need to chop clean dry fruits and immerse them in vegetable oil, the ratio should be 1:10. Then the combined almost finished elixir is placed in a water bath for an hour so that the berries give up all their useful material butter. After cooling, this oil is poured into containers convenient for you (preferably glass), which are then stored in a cool, dark place.

Rosehip oil made at home is no worse than a similar product made in production. It is useful, medicinal, nutritious and, importantly, much cheaper than purchased.

How to take correctly, instructions for use

Instructions for use of the medicinal product includes the rules for using the drug, as well as its contraindications. An overdose of oil can cause irreparable damage harm body.

The dosage must be observed as prescribed by the doctor or taking into account the instructions for use of the drug.

You should only buy a certified and high-quality drug; if you buy it secondhand or via the Internet, you can get a low-quality fake.

Indications for use

  1. In cosmetology

    Rosehip oil protects the skin from harmful environmental influences, in particular ultraviolet rays. It eliminates skin defects and postpartum stretch marks. Cream with rosehip oil moisturizes and tones the skin, protects from wrinkles. However, oil is contraindicated for oily skin with acne. Masks, which contain rosehip oil, are recommended for hair care, they eliminate dryness and dullness.

  2. In dermatology

    The oil can be used to treat ulcers, cracked nipples during breastfeeding, cut and lacerated wounds, bedsores and burns. It is used for dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. In addition, rosehip oil removes inflammatory processes on the skin and even resolves colloidal sutures.

  3. In gynecology

    The oil is used in combination with other medicines for the treatment of cervical erosion.

  4. In gastroenterology

    Rosehip oil is used as microenemas for diseases of the large intestine, rectal fissures, and also for ulcerative colitis. Rosehip oil is taken internally for diseases of the gallbladder and liver. The mild astringent secretory effect of the oil successfully copes with many disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Fish oil with rosehip oil is taken to increase immunity and strengthen the body.

Harm and contraindications

There are some contraindications when taking rosehip oil internally. The use of oil is prohibited when:

    heart failure;



    gastritis with high acidity;

    chronic diseases liver;

    increased blood clotting;

    individual intolerance;


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