Feeling of dry throat. How to treat dry throat in children and pregnant women

Dry throat can be either a symptom of a certain inflammatory or infectious process, or the body’s response to external irritants. It should be noted that a feeling of dryness in the throat can be a sign of not only a local, but also a systemic illness. The infrequent and short-term manifestation of this symptom should not cause concern, whereas constant dryness in the throat requires consultation with a doctor and correct treatment.


Clinicians highlight following reasons dry throat:

  • irritation by chemical, toxic substances;
  • side effects from long-term use of certain medications, including allergic reactions;
  • too dry air;
  • As for the pathological processes that can provoke the development of this symptom, the following should be highlighted:

    • infectious processes of the upper respiratory tract;
    • complications after or;
    • atrophic;

    Somewhat less frequently, but still found among the etiology of this symptom of the body.

    Clinicians also identify a psychosomatic factor - with strong nervous overstrain or a stressful situation, short-term dryness in the throat may appear.


    A dry throat may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • redness of the throat;
    • enlargement of submandibular lymph nodes;
    • , which intensifies when eating or drinking;
    • hoarseness, hoarseness of voice, especially in the morning;
    • , for no apparent reason;
    • low-grade fever;
    • general deterioration in health, which may manifest itself as,.

    These signs are similar to clinical picture and influenza, so patients often do not seek timely treatment medical care, which is fraught with serious complications.


    Initially, a physical examination of the patient is carried out to determine the history of the disease and life. During the initial examination, the doctor must find out whether the patient has chronic diseases, did you take any medications during Lately, including to eliminate the symptom. To make an accurate diagnosis, the following laboratory and instrumental examination methods are used:

    • general clinical and biochemical analysis blood and urine;
    • allergen test;
    • taking a swab from the nasopharynx for pathological microflora;
    • Ultrasound thyroid gland;
    • radiography of organs chest;
    • gastrointestinal tract examination.

    The doctor can prescribe treatment only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Unauthorized use of any medications is unacceptable, as this can cause serious complications.


    The treatment program will depend on established diagnosis. Depending on the etiology of the symptom, drug therapy may include drugs with the following spectrum of action:

    • antibiotics;
    • antiviral;
    • antifungal.

    Also, to eliminate dryness, the doctor may prescribe medications local action– sprays, gargles. Such medications quickly relieve inflammation and acute symptoms.

    Except drug therapy, treatment may include physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • treatment based on magnetic radiation;
    • mucosal treatment mineral salts;
    • ozone therapy;
    • vacuum effect on the tonsil area.

    Dry throat can also be eliminated through methods traditional medicine. But such treatment must be agreed with a doctor and used only as an addition to the main therapy.

    • fresh carrot juice with honey;
    • radish drink with honey;
    • juice from white cabbage;
    • decoction of pomegranate peel;
    • cherry compote;
    • black currants, grated with sugar or honey.

    If the cause of your dry throat is infectious process or systemic disease, treatment should only be comprehensive with mandatory basic drug therapy.


    You can prevent dry throat, if this is a separate reaction of the body to certain irritants, if you apply the following recommendations in practice:

    • ventilation of the room, humidification of the air;
    • timely and complete treatment of all infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
    • drinking enough warm liquid.

    At the first symptoms, you should seek competent medical help and not self-medicate.

    Surely every person has experienced a feeling of dry throat, everyone knows how unpleasant it is. This symptom can be observed when various states and not necessarily pathological. Dryness can be temporary or permanent, but in most cases it is temporary. Moreover, it can appear during the day and disappear at night and vice versa. Mucous The oropharynx dries out for many reasons, and before starting treatment, you need to find the causes of this symptom.


    The throat is very dry most often due to infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are viruses, bacteria, fungi, bacilli, and helminths. The secretion of the oropharyngeal mucosa contains conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which, under unfavorable factors for humans, become pathogenic. It is enough to be very cold, eat ice cream in the cold, or communicate with a sick person for the infection process to start.

    Slime performs barrier function, prevents drying out and injury to the mucous membrane. When inflammation begins, the mucus dries out due to destructive vital activity pathogenic microbes that release toxins.

    Infection always occurs against the background of reduced human immunity

    Therefore, children under 6-7 years of age, pregnant women, elderly people, smokers, patients with chronic pathologies are constantly at risk.

    Causes of dry throat:

    Diagnostic tests

    To find out how to get rid of dry throat, you need to understand the cause of the pathology, and here you need the help of a specialist. He conducts a thorough survey, during which he finds out the patient’s complaints, the time of symptom onset, and finds out the pathologies that the patient suffered from previously or is currently suffering from. The doctor examines the nasopharynx, takes smears for bacteriological culture and, if necessary, prescribes consultations with other specialists: endocrinologist, hematologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. You may need a chest x-ray, ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity, fibrogastroscopy, blood and urine tests.

    Traditional therapy methods

    Complex treatment is selected depending on the cause condition.

    1. When bacterial infections antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions, symptomatic drugs, antihistamines, interferons. At severe course viral diseases are prescribed antiviral drugs. Antibiotics for ARVI are contraindicated.

    2. It is impossible to effectively treat throat diseases without following a diet and drinking regime. Foods that cause dryness are excluded from the diet: canned food, homemade marinade, dairy products, ice cream, fatty, sweet foods. There is no need to eat hot and cold dishes, so as not to irritate the throat again, as well as solid foods, so as not to injure it. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, but without peeling.

    The last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime

    You need to drink regularly throughout the day. These can be warm teas, non-acidic jelly and fruit drinks, low-fat dairy products, warm mineral water without gas. It is not advisable to drink hot chocolate, coffee, or alcoholic beverages.

    3. If the patient associates the appearance of a symptom with taking medications, it is imperative to tell the attending physician about this. Additional examination and subsequent treatment adjustment may be required.

    4. You should monitor the microclimate in the apartment. Maintain air humidity of 50-60% and temperature no more than 20 degrees, frequently ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, use humidifiers or place containers of water on heating devices.

    5. Treatment of dry and sore throat is not complete without local therapy. Frequently rinsing the nasopharynx with warm water helps saline solution. For tickling and coughing, the use of lozenges is effective. They do not act systemically on the body, therefore they are absolutely safe for health.

    6. As complementary therapy applies:

    • ozone therapy – ozone strengthens the immune system, improves blood supply to organs, has a beneficial effect on the entire body, enriches the blood useful substances;
    • laser therapy - affects at the molecular level not only the mucous membrane, but also the body as a whole. Under the influence of a laser, the trophism of the mucous membranes improves;
    • physiotherapy - restores affected areas;
    • mineral therapy – with the help of ultrasonic technologies, the mucous membrane is restored with mineral salts;
    • vacuum ultrasound – cleanses the tonsils and surrounding tissues, restores their structure.

    Traditional methods of therapy

    • You can remove dryness using vegetable oil: 5ml at night;
    • what to do to support water balance: boil carrots in milk, drink 10 ml after meals; carrot juice or radish juice or onion juice or cranberry juice with honey 1:1, drink 20 ml three times a day; drink cabbage juice;
    • brew viburnum, drink it as tea and gargle;
    • for rinsing, use boiled pomegranate peel; there are pomegranate seeds;
    • eat cherries in any form (compotes, preserves, jelly, fruit drinks, fresh and dried berries);
    • To strengthen the immune system, eat black currants in any form.


    Despite different reasons dry throat, prevention comes down to the same type of measures:

    • hardening of the body with childhood, strengthening the immune system;
    • rejection of bad habits;
    • rinsing the nasopharynx saline solution during the season of infectious diseases;
    • avoiding contact with infected people;
    • constant maintenance of an optimal microclimate in the apartment;
    • compliance with the drinking regime, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water, and in the summer - 2.5-3 liters of water to avoid dehydration;
    • timely visit to the doctor, dispensary observation for chronic diseases.

    The most various reasons may cause dry throat. Often this is one of the signs of infectious inflammatory diseases, but in some cases the reasons may be trivial and not related to pathology. Only after understanding why it appeared unpleasant feeling dryness, we can draw conclusions about how to deal with it.

    Causes of dry throat

    Drying of the mucous membrane can be caused by several reasons:

    • infectious diseases respiratory system(viruses, bacteria, fungi, including colds);
    • acute pharyngitis;
    • allergies, hypersensitivity of the body to all sorts of irritants (food, odors, polluted air, etc.)
    • physiological features in children and the elderly (thinning of mucous tissues);
    • excessively dry indoor air, smoking;
    • the habit of breathing through the mouth, as well as difficulty in nasal breathing due to a runny nose, sinusitis, or deformation of the nasal septum;
    • insufficient saliva production, hypofunction salivary glands.

    Depending on the root cause that caused dryness of the mucous membrane, this condition can be permanent or temporary. Most often, a temporary condition is observed, which in most cases is a consequence of exposure external factors, but not diseases.

    Symptoms of dry throat

    Most often, a feeling of dryness appears simultaneously with other diseases or as a result of allergic manifestations. That's why this symptom may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • attacks of coughing, often dry, scratching, hacking;
    • rhinitis, sinusitis and associated nasal congestion and discharge, headache, difficulty breathing through the nose, sneezing;
    • conjunctivitis, lacrimation, red eyes;
    • muscle pain, body aches;
    • hoarseness, hoarseness of voice;
    • high temperature, feeling of discomfort, drowsiness, apathy;
    • enlargement and redness of the tonsils, pain during swallowing.

    Upon examination, the mucous membranes in the throat area may look dull, stuck together, with elements of mucus. The throat is dry, irritated, there is a feeling of soreness and itching.

    Patients often ask the following questions about the symptoms of the disease:

    • There was dryness in the mouth and throat. What could it be?

    Often constant dryness in the throat and oral cavity associated with destruction of mucous membranes. This condition is not uncommon in old age, and it means the development of a pathological process with disruption of tissue structure. In case of destruction, a mandatory consultation with an ENT doctor is required. Locally, you can soften the mucous membranes by rinsing with solutions with the addition of vegetable oils.

    • There was a sharp feeling of dryness and soreness in the throat. I got sick?

    Such symptoms may mean the development of pharyngitis - an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which is accompanied by pain, soreness, or discomfort in the throat. Viral pharyngitis is the most common, but only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis during an examination.

    • I periodically feel dry mouth and a lump in my throat - is this dangerous?

    A feeling of discomfort, pressure in the throat, a feeling when it is difficult to swallow saliva - such complaints are often heard from many patients. Patients may indicate a feeling foreign body in the throat, for squeezing and soreness, itching, unpleasant feeling sore throat. Such signs in most cases develop as a consequence of previous stressful situations, and they do not depend in any way on the function of breathing or swallowing. Depressive states, psycho-emotional tension, stress, and anxiety provoke muscle spasms in the throat and drying out of the mucous membrane. This is usually considered a temporary phenomenon and disappears on its own within a few hours.

    • What do symptoms such as dry throat and cough indicate?

    Soreness and dry cough in most cases mean colds or acute respiratory infections, but not always. The same symptoms may occur if you have an allergic reaction (for example, to dust, fur, or pollen). Distinguish one painful condition from another the doctor can. Depending on the reason, he will make an appointment antihistamines, or antibacterial treatment.

    • I have a dry and sore throat, what should I do?

    If your throat hurts, your mucous membranes feel dry, and it becomes more difficult to speak, then, first of all, you can suspect that you have symptoms of laryngitis. Laryngitis is inflammatory process in the larynx, which can occur in acute or chronic form. Most often, laryngitis develops against the background of pathologies of the respiratory system: ARVI, influenza, whooping cough, etc. The disease can be triggered by factors such as smoking, eating ice cream in the cold season, etc. Pain usually occurs when swallowing, and dry Over time, the cough turns into a wet one.

    • I felt dryness in my nose and throat at the same time. What could it be?

    Dehydration of the nasopharyngeal mucosa can be observed under the influence of certain medications, for example, with long-term use nasal drops and sprays, or during treatment antihistamines. If this condition is accompanied by nasal congestion or discharge from it, then the initial period of development of a runny nose can be suspected. Humidity in the room also plays an important role in drying out the nasopharyngeal mucosa: low level Humidity can provoke not only drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, but also cause nosebleeds.

    • I recently noticed dryness and a burning sensation in my throat, and these symptoms still do not go away. It doesn't look like a cold. What happened with me?

    Severe dry throat may be a consequence of thyroid disease. This organ is located in the neck and is responsible for the production of hormonal substances that affect the functions of the brain, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. Discomfort in the neck or throat area may indicate improper functioning of the thyroid gland, for example, the development of hyperthyroidism. However, an accurate diagnosis can only be established on the basis of special studies.

    • What symptoms such as dry throat and white coating on the tonsils?

    Indirectly, such signs may indicate the development of tonsillitis, or, more simply, sore throat. Tonsillitis is accompanied by redness, swelling of the tonsils, plaque and pain when swallowing. Treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the disease: viral or bacterial.

    • What could sudden hoarseness and dry throat indicate?

    Loss of voice is a sign of laryngitis. Initial symptoms the disease may cause hoarseness, which, if left untreated, develops into complete loss vote. The disease is accompanied by a sore throat, dry barking cough In addition, dry throat, difficulty breathing and a bluish tint to the skin are often observed.

    • What kind of disease can we talk about if a dry throat appears at night and disappears during the day?

    The predominant drying of the mucous membrane at night is due to the fact that the patient cannot fully control his breathing at night and breathes through the mouth. This is especially true for people prone to snoring: constant air circulation through the oral cavity helps dry out the throat. The same situation is observed with a runny nose, in the presence of a deformed nasal septum, and with adenoids. An otolaryngologist will help you thoroughly understand the situation.

    • Dry throat appeared in the morning, disappearing during the day. Could this be a symptom of a disease?

    The feeling of dry mucous membranes occurs due to a lack of saliva, which should moisturize and cleanse the oral cavity. There can be many reasons - a simple lack of fluid in the body, dehydration, overeating at night, or diseases such as anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    • Can a dry throat occur after tonsil removal?

    Removal palatine tonsils, like any other operation, can lead to complications. For example, complications of an infectious-inflammatory nature may arise when the infection penetrates the surrounding tissues. The result of such a complication can be acute pharyngitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory diseases, which may be accompanied by drying of the mucous membranes.

    Is it possible to have a dry throat after antibiotics? For example, did I have a dry throat after Bioparox?

    Indeed, antibiotics can cause all sorts of side effects, and dry mucous membranes are one of these effects. Drying of the mucous membranes can be noticed 2-3 days after the start of the course of antibiotic therapy: the condition returns to normal only a week after completion of treatment. The severity of this side effect depends on the properties of a particular drug, on the dose taken, on the state of the body as a whole. The mentioned drug Bioparox is a polypeptide antibiotic that is used in the form of an aerosol. That is, active ingredient Bioparoxa - fusafungin - enters and acts directly on the mucous membrane. Such by-effect This drug, like drying out mucous tissues, is explained by the strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect of the drug. The feeling of discomfort is considered transient and completely disappears after the end of therapy.

    • How can you explain a dry throat after eating?

    This condition may be the result of diseases digestive system, for example, gastritis or pancreatitis. Gastritis can be suspected if there is additional symptoms such as stomach pain, loss of appetite, plaque on the tongue, nausea, bad taste in the mouth. Pancreatitis is manifested by pain in the left side of the abdomen, belching, increased gas formation, stool disorder, periodic attacks nausea and vomiting. To improve the condition, careful nutritional correction is required, as well as drug treatment.

    • If you have a dry throat during pregnancy, what does it mean?

    More common during pregnancy increased function salivary glands than decreased. Therefore, dry mucous membranes of the mouth and throat should be of concern. First, you need to determine the cause this state. Perhaps the humidity in the room is too low, or the woman drinks too little fluid, which is wrong during pregnancy - the blood volume should increase during pregnancy. If everything is fine with fluid intake and hydration levels, it is recommended to undergo a blood glucose test.

    • What can cause a dry throat in a child?

    The simplest household factor that provokes drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat in children is dry air, for example, during the winter heating season. Children react sharply to low humidity levels, because their mucous membranes are not yet sufficiently formed, so they have hypersensitivity. If, in addition to dryness, there are other symptoms (for example, runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, etc.), then you should definitely consult a doctor - this may be a sign inflammatory disease or allergies.

    Diagnosis of dry throat

    A thorough interview and examination of the patient allows us to determine the direction of the complaints, how long ago the symptoms appeared, their connection with previous injuries or medical procedures(for example, during gastroscopy, damage to the mucosa may be observed). There may have been a foreign body, contact with someone with the flu or ARVI, or hypothermia (drinking ice cream or cold drinks). The doctor also questions the patient about the presence occupational hazards, bad habits, etc. The appearance of viral, tumor or fungal infection of the mucous membranes is also not excluded.

    Some chronic diseasesendocrine pathologies, blood diseases - can also lead to the appearance of inflammatory and atrophic processes in the throat. For example, one of the first manifestations of hyperglycemia is thirst and dry oral mucosa. Patients with hypothyroidism often have trouble swallowing and the tongue becomes swollen and dry.

    Basic diagnostic measures should include pharyngoscopy, taking swabs from the nasopharynx and the surface of the tonsils, checking blood sugar levels, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and, if necessary, examination digestive tract. In addition, you may need consultation:

    • otolaryngologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • gastroenterologist;
    • neurologist.

    The diagnosis is established based on the results of a comprehensive examination.

    Treatment for dry throat

    If you experience discomfort and dry mucous membranes in the pharynx, you should consult an ENT doctor who will determine the cause. unpleasant symptom and will help you solve the problem.

    The treatment regimen depends on the nature of the disease: a viral disease is treated antiviral agents, bacterial - antibiotics, fungal infection– antifungal agents. In any case, an accurate diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

    If the mucous membranes become dry due to everyday reasons (low humidity, etc.), then, first of all, try to drink more fluids to compensate for tissue dehydration.

    Perfectly moisturizes the throat isotonic solution sodium chloride (can be bought at a pharmacy), which is dripped a few drops into nasal cavity, and also rinse your mouth and tonsils.

    In order to humidify the air in a room, special humidifiers are often used. If there is no such device in the house, then you can simply place plates of water on the heating radiators, or lay towels soaked in water on them.

    In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is important to determine the root cause of dry mucous membranes and direct all actions to eliminate it. If this condition continues for a long time and no effect is observed, you should consult a doctor.

    Remedies for dry throat

    • laser treatment based on the use of electromagnetic radiation. This therapy is carried out at the cellular and molecular level, having a beneficial effect not only on the nasopharynx area, but also on the entire body. The laser restores the mucous membrane, improving the processes of trophism and blood circulation in the affected areas;
    • mineral therapy is a finely dispersed treatment of the mucous membrane with mineral salts using ultrasonic technology;
    • organotherapeutic effect - type of therapy medicines, which are obtained from certain organs of various animals;
    • ozone therapy is a physiotherapeutic method of using ozone, which strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the entire body, stimulates blood flow and enriches the blood and tissues with useful substances;
    • vacuum ultrasound effect on the tonsil area - carried out using vacuum, ultrasound and ozonized solution. This procedure helps cleanse the tonsils and restore the structure of the tissues of the nasopharynx;
    • photodynamic treatment - involves the use of photosensitization and a visible light beam, which allows you to trigger a reaction with the production of atomic oxygen. Renders extensive healing effect on the body.

    Folk remedies for dry throat

    From dehydration of nasopharyngeal tissue traditional healers advise to use following methods and means:

    • Drink half and half carrot juice with natural honey.
    • Grate one medium carrot and boil it in milk. Take 2 teaspoons warm after meals.
    • Mix radish juice and honey in half, take 1 teaspoon up to 4 times a day, after meals.
    • Mix the juice of the onion in half with honey, take 1 teaspoon three times a day.
    • Drink fresh cabbage juice.
    • Eat as many pomegranates as possible. You can also use the peel for a decoction, which is recommended to rinse your tonsils at night.
    • Drink juice, compote or fruit drink from cherries, and also eat them fresh.
    • Drink tea based on viburnum, and also use it for rinsing.
    • Drink cranberry juice or fruit drink with honey.
    • Eat black currants, grated with sugar or honey.

    Treatment for dry throat at home can be enhanced by following these recommendations:

    • consume enough clean water;
    • Clean your mouth regularly using high-quality toothpaste and conditioner;
    • limit the amount of salt and salty foods in the diet;
    • get rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
    • monitor the air humidity in the room (optimal humidity should be from 40 to 60%);
    • promptly treat upper respiratory tract diseases.

    Lollipops for dry throat

    It is difficult to imagine restoration of the pharyngeal mucosa without topical medications:

    • lollipops;
    • sublingual tablets;
    • aerosols;
    • solutions for rinsing and irrigating tonsils;
    • lozenges

    Such drugs have become so popular due to their effectiveness, ease of use, and the ability to purchase them at any pharmacy without a prescription.

    • Strepsils – antimicrobial and fungicidal local drug. Indicated for use: 1 lozenge every 3 hours.
    • Trachisan – antimicrobial drug, intended for resorption in the oral cavity, 1 tablet every 2 hours, but not more than 6 per day.
    • Halls - sucking lollipops based on menthol, eucalyptus and glucose syrup. It is recommended to soften the pharyngeal mucosa, one lozenge every 2-3 hours.
    • Dr. Theiss lollipops with cranberries and vitamin C – natural stimulant cellular immunity. Restores mucous membranes, destroys microbes. Lollipops are prescribed 1 piece. up to 4 times a day.
    • Septolete – combination remedy, which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, refreshing and analgesic effects. Used for resorption in the oral cavity, 1 pc. every 2-3 hours

    As a rule, the use of lozenges does not have any effect systemic action on the body. For this reason, the use of such drugs is not only effective, but also safe for the body. However, if the tickling sensation continues with high temperature, fever, then taking lozenges alone will not be enough. You should see a doctor and undergo full course necessary therapy.

    Dry throat can be the result of... various diseases and states of the body. But often only an otolaryngologist can understand this issue, after a careful examination of the nasopharynx and assessment clinical manifestations and patient complaints.

    Dry throat is a sensation that many people experience. If your throat is dry, there can be a variety of reasons for this. Once you understand the cause, you can eliminate it and get rid of unpleasant sensations.

    Why does my throat dry out?

    Dry throat can be caused by diseases such as bad habits or everyday problems. Why does my throat dry out?

    The mucous membrane of the pharynx does not receive enough fluid, or its consumption increases due to the needs of the body. Due to lack of moisture, the throat dries out. This feeling should alert you; it is worth analyzing the possible reasons.

    Why does a dry throat occur?

    • Upper respiratory tract infections,
    • Non-communicable diseases
    • Exposure to external stimuli,
    • Physiological features,
    • Smoking,
    • Some types of food and drinks
    • Mouth breathing
    • Taking certain medications.

    Dry throat due to illness

    Many people notice that their throat almost always dries out when they have a cold. This sensation is the first sign of an incipient upper respiratory tract disease. The development of bacterial or viral infection. At first you feel that your throat is dry and itchy, but a little later other symptoms appear: sore throat, fever, signs of intoxication.

    This reason quite often causes discomfort. If at the first sign you take measures to destroy pathogenic microflora in the throat, you can avoid the development of the disease or speed up recovery.

    A feeling of a dry throat and cough often accompanies pharyngitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation back wall throats. The throat becomes red, swollen, and a dry cough appears due to irritation of the mucous membranes. A little later, other symptoms appear, such as sore throat when swallowing, fever, and general deterioration of the condition.

    Infections that cause a dry throat

    • Flu,
    • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections,
    • Angina,
    • Pharyngitis.

    Other diseases

    Impaired salivation can lead to a dry throat. When it decreases, the mucous membranes become drier.

    This condition can occur with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, with diseases of the thyroid gland with hormonal imbalance.

    Very often, dryness and sore throat are caused by an allergic reaction, and there may still be a sensation. This is explained by the reaction immune system, which tries to neutralize allergens entering the respiratory tract.

    The most dangerous reason Such a seemingly harmless symptom as dry throat is the development of tumors in the pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. The neoplasm interferes with the normal hydration of the mucous membranes and compresses the blood vessels. Malignant tumor causes numerous general symptoms, which affect the functioning of the entire body.

    Dryness due to external irritants

    The quality of the inhaled air, its temperature and humidity affect the condition of the respiratory tract, in particular the mucous membrane of the throat.

    The throat often gets very dry in city apartments during the heating season, because the air in the rooms becomes insufficiently humid.

    The same sensations can occur in people with sensitive mucous membranes during the dry summer months and in windy weather.

    All sorts of irritants and pollutants have a detrimental effect on our throat. We may encounter them at work, on the street. One of these harmful effects- This tobacco smoke. Active smokers more often suffer from throat diseases; their mucous membrane is constantly exposed to aggressive attacks, and therefore becomes more susceptible to any negative effects.

    Taking some pharmacological drugs(in particular antibiotics) can irritate the mucous membranes of the throat and cause dryness and soreness. The use of diuretic drugs and drinks with the same effect can lead to the same result. For example, coffee is a drink that has a diuretic effect, and drinking it often leads to a feeling of dryness in the throat.

    Breathing Features

    The characteristics of the human respiratory tract are such that breathing through the nose is natural. Thus, the air entering the lungs is moistened and warmed. If breathing through the nose is impaired for some reason, then the inhaled air reaches us “without preparation,” and the natural hydration of the mucous membranes is disrupted.

    This causes a dry throat. The throat dries out especially often at night, because during sleep we have no control over the breathing process. During sleep, even a slight runny nose can cause a person to start breathing through the mouth; an uncomfortable posture and some other reasons can cause snoring, which is also accompanied by mouth breathing, which causes dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat.

    The sensitivity of mucous membranes may increase due to age. This applies to babies whose mucous membranes have not yet fully formed, and old people who are already experiencing degenerative changes in organism. The throat becomes more sensitive to any irritants, and even slight dry air and foreign odors can cause discomfort and dryness in the throat.

    What to do when your throat is dry

    Often we do not pay attention to such minor manifestations. This really may not be anything serious. However, if you notice that after the first symptoms others appear, for example, tickling, coughing, pain when swallowing, then you should not ignore the feeling of dryness, because this may be the first “bell” of an incipient disease. You should consult a doctor if such sensations occur without visible reasons or continue for some significant time.

    So, if your throat is dry, what should you do? We need to try to find out the reason. This may require visiting an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist or other specialists. If necessary, diagnostic measures are prescribed.

    When your throat dries out, what to treat if it is pathological condition, the doctor decides based on the diagnostic results. In any case, the most effective way is to eliminate the cause. Humidifying the air and eliminating exposure to allergens and harmful substances will normalize the condition of the mucous membranes, and the dryness will go away. If the cause is a disease, then first of all it is necessary to treat it.

    Dry throat can also be a consequence of impaired nasal breathing due to vasomotor rhinitis and a deviated nasal septum. It should also be borne in mind that dry throat can be a symptom not only of ENT pathology, but also of diseases of other organs and systems, such as diabetes.

    Dry throat is an unpleasant sensation that occurs due to diseases of the nasopharynx. Only a highly qualified otolaryngologist can identify the cause of a dry throat after a high-quality examination and study of the entire medical history. As medical statistics show, dry throat most often occurs due to previous sore throats, colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI.

    If there is a feeling of dryness in the throat, then most likely this is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Most often, such inflammation occurs due to respiratory diseases, for example, due to scarlet fever, whooping cough, influenza or other common diseases. Dryness can also occur due to loud conversation in cold air. Dry throat can be caused by drinking cold alcoholic drinks, smoking, or inhaling various vapors or gases that greatly irritate the mucous membranes.

    Most often, dry throat is accompanied by pain during swallowing when speaking. Very often there is a dry cough, and the voice becomes rough or disappears altogether. A headache may also be present, and the body temperature may rise.

    Causes of dry throat

    The main causes of dry throat:

    • Bacterial infection;
    • Viral infection;
    • Smoking;
    • Allergic reaction;
    • Dry air;
    • Inhalation of harmful chemicals;
    • Spicy food;
    • A small amount of saliva secreted.

    Symptoms of dry throat

    As medical statistics show, dry throat most often appears due to diseases of the nasopharynx or in connection with allergic reactions. A dry throat may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Runny nose;
    • Cough;
    • Muscle pain;
    • Temperature increase;
    • Hoarseness of voice;
    • lacrimation;
    • Increased weakness of the body;
    • Enlarged or reddened tonsils;
    • The presence of a viral disease.

    If you have a dry throat or other similar symptoms Contact our clinic immediately for highly qualified medical care and quality treatment.

    Treatment for dry throat

    If you suffer from bacterial or viral disease and you have a feeling of dryness in your throat, you need to contact an experienced otolaryngologist. Only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, identify the cause of dry throat and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Treatment for dry throat in our clinic is selected by experienced doctors only after a high-quality examination and after studying all clinical symptoms and the entire medical history. Our treatment is an individual complex medical events, which will help you cope with such a common ailment as dry throat in the shortest possible time.

    Doctors at our clinic recommend not speaking loudly during the treatment of dry throat and allowing your vocal cords relax. It is also necessary to exclude alcohol from the diet, spicy food and coffee. Smoking is strictly prohibited during the treatment period. It is necessary to gargle with anti-inflammatory infusions or medications, do herbal inhalations and drink warm teas with raspberries or honey. In our clinic, dry throat is treated using modern and completely safe methods for the body to treat affected areas of the larynx, which return patients to a normal, familiar life in a short period of time.

    In our clinic, we use the following methods to treat dry throat:

    1. Laser exposure. Laser treatment is a set of tools and methods based on the use of electromagnetic radiation. Treatment is carried out at the level of cells and molecules, then chain reaction All therapeutic effect is transmitted throughout the body. The laser affects the affected mucous areas of the nasopharynx, which allows the mucous membrane to quickly restore.
    2. Mineral therapy. This treatment is a finely dispersed irrigation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract with mineral salts using ultrasound.
    3. Organotherapy. This treatment is a treatment that consists of a whole complex medicines derived from glands internal secretion or from other animal tissue organs. This treatment is based on the method of treating like with like.
    4. Ozone therapy. Is not medicinal method treatment. Ozone is used to influence the body. Ozone therapy is guaranteed to reduce negative effect from the use of chemicals and affects the pathological process in organism. This method regulates the ratio of disorders in the body, improves the condition internal organs, activates all protective functions and restores all body functions.
    5. Deep vacuum ultrasonic sanitation of the palatine tonsils. Using the tonsillor device, a triple effect is applied to the palatine tonsils, including vacuum, ultrasound and an ozonized solution. As a result of the procedure, the entire parenchyma of the organ is sanitized and its structure is restored.
    6. Photodynamic therapy. This treatment is based on the use of substances that are sensitive to light, that is, photosensitizers and visible light with a specific wavelength. The interaction of these two factors triggers a photochemical reaction that produces singlet oxygen atoms, which have a broad therapeutic effect.

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