Why do people sweat when it's not hot? What to do if it's hot? How to escape the heat in an apartment? How to escape the heat outside? Cold drinks at home

Stuffiness is common in an apartment or office. Many people are familiar with the sensations: there is not enough air, the air is stale, it is difficult to breathe - Russian dictionaries also give such definitions of stuffiness. Often these sensations are associated with heat and lack of oxygen. But if you look at it, the reason is completely different.

The feeling of stuffiness is created by carbon dioxide ( CO2 ). The same one that every person constantly exhales. It turns out that we are the reason for the stuffiness in any room.

The units for measuring CO 2 levels are ppm (parts per million). This is the number of CO 2 particles per million air particles. 1000 ppm = 0.1% CO 2 content.

The carbon dioxide standard for the street is 400 ppm. For indoor spaces - no higher than 600 ppm. At 800-1000 ppm, problems with well-being and health already begin.

Above 1000 ppm: o general discomfort, weakness, headache. Concentration drops by a third. The number of errors in work is growing. Particularly critical for asthmatics. Above 2000 ppm: health hazardThe number of errors in work increases greatly. 70% of employees cannot concentrate at work.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of stuffiness in a room and the symptoms associated with it: fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, inability to concentrate, difficulty breathing. Many people associate such conditions with a lack of oxygen. However, measurements show that indoors the level of carbon dioxide increases much faster than oxygen decreases. For example, while in school class carbon dioxide (CO) levels 2 ) already reaches 1500 ppm (0.15%), the oxygen content remains virtually unchanged. There is still enough oxygen, but carbon dioxide is already in excess.

A study was conducted at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in which young and healthy people took part, average age who was 21 years old. Despite the fact that the duration of the sessions was only 140-210 minutes, the study showed that an increase in carbon dioxide concentration from 600 to 1500 and 3000 ppm causes deviations in a person physical condition and in performance, in particular - in the ability to concentrate. The effect is clearly shown in this 5-minute video:

If you stay in a room for a long time where the level CO2 above 600-800 ppm, carbon dioxide can affect the body in the following ways:

1. May cause negative changes in the blood

Normally, the acidity (pH) of human blood is approximately 7.4. This is the standard for organism. When the concentration of CO 2 increases, the blood becomes acidic, which is scientifically called acidosis. The English scientist D. Robertson determined the following minimal physiological consequences of acidosis:
moderate increase in pressure.

With more severe acidosis, a person becomes lethargic, drowsy, and a state of anxiety appears. This is typical for rooms with a lot of people. But if you go out into the fresh air for a long time, everything gradually returns to normal.

Research conducted in Taiwan has shown thatthat under the influence of carbon dioxide at levels above 800 ppm, an increase in the number of markers is observed in the body of office employees oxidative stress, indicating negative changes in DNA. The longer a person is in stuffy room, the more of these markers there are.

3. Negatively affects the nasopharynx and respiratory organs

Italian scientists presented the results of their research at the European Respiratory Congress in 2006tory society. The result showed that more than 60% of schoolchildren in Europe were much more likely to experience hard breath, shortness of breath, dry cough, rhinitis and nasopharyngeal problems than their peers who studied in well-ventilated classrooms.

4. Increases asthma attacks

Researchers from South Korea found that if children with asthma are exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide, they are more likely to experience asthma attacks.

5. Negatively affects the brain and blood circulation

Soviet scientist O.V. Eliseeva found out back in the 1960s that even short-term inhalation of carbon dioxide at a concentration of 1000 ppm (0.1%) by healthy people causes breathing problems and negatively affects blood circulation and brain activity. To avoid these problems, she recommended maintaining a level in the room CO2 not higher than 500 ppm.

6. Causes symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome

The term Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Sick Building Syndrome - SBS ) has long been used by scientists to describe the symptoms experienced by employees in some office buildings. Symptoms of SBZ associated with high level CO 2 in the office include fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating, apathy. A person who suffers from SBDS experiences these symptoms while in the office, and they usually improve when they leave work.

What you need to know about carbon dioxide in the apartment

Installing plastic windows and metal doors with seals in an apartment deprives the room of natural ventilation, and carbon dioxide accumulates there.

Carbon dioxide is most harmful in the bedroom. If the windows are closed and there is no supply ventilation, Carbon dioxide levels can increase to 10 times normal overnight. Because of this, you have a headache in the morning after sleeping, you wake up poorly slept and exhausted.

Scientists believe that quality air in the bedroom is more important for good sleep than the duration of sleep.

Recommendations for good night:
Be sure to ventilate the room where you sleep well before going to bed.
Open a window or window at night. If the street is noisy, you don’t want dust from the street flying into the apartment, and you are afraid of drafts, install good supply ventilation with air purification, like.
Don't close the bedroom door.
Control the level CO2 in the bedroom - keep it no higher than 600 ppm. The easiest way to do this is again with the help of forced ventilation.
Don't sleep with your head covered with a blanket. Doctors do not recommend doing this, because during sleep you breathe the air that you exhale, and it contains a lot of carbon dioxide and little oxygen.

What you need to know about carbon dioxide in the office

Carbon dioxide negatively affects brain activity, so the maximum permissible concentration of carbon dioxide in the office should be maintained within 600 ppm.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of lack of fresh air, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating during a long meeting. The reason for this is that in a room where there are many people, the level of carbon dioxide quickly increases.

In offices it is necessary to install an effective supply ventilation system. This is the only way to ensure a healthy and comfortable atmosphere for employees.

Adaptation of the article “Carbon dioxide” from the book: Yu. Gubernsky, I. Gurina “Air in the home and health. Popular encyclopedia.” - St. Petersburg: Vedas, ABC-Atticus, 2011.

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She began to pay attention to the heat when she began to sleep little, while she gets enough sleep, does not sleep during the day, and feels great most often, if not for the heat.

Not getting enough sleep is bad, after thinking about it, it seems to me that maybe such a symptom is a sign of some nervous tension. She sleeps little, not because she wants to, but because she has to. When I don’t sleep much, the windows are also wide open.

Indeed, some people feel constantly hot, while those around them feel quite comfortable. This situation may be caused by at least three of the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance (mainly in women): body temperature fluctuates due to hormonal fluctuations. Fluctuations in hormones are especially noticeable: during pregnancy, in stressful situations, and in adulthood.
  • High blood pressure: When your blood pressure rises above normal levels, your body reacts by heating up.
  • high blood sugar.

If you are concerned about this problem, you should consult a doctor and get tested to accurately determine the cause.

There may be several reasons why some people feel constantly hot.

The first is individual characteristics; some people feel comfortable when it’s cool. It's just like some people like cold and others like heat.

The second is a hormonal imbalance, which can occur not only during menopause. You need to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for hormones.

The third is problems with the cardiovascular system.

Check your thyroid gland. Pay attention to how much your person eats hot food and drinks hot tea. Exactly everything hot and how much cold food to eat, drink clean water. In general, it should be clear to everyone that the best option in everything, this is the golden mean. If she is hot all the time, you can cool the body with products of a cold nature. Look at Ayurveda. I experimented on myself, excluded everything hot and switched to salads, I made sure to drink water at room temperature and not just one glass a day, but as it should be. everything was restored very quickly and I even began to freeze.

It happens that a person’s temperature rises slightly due to stress, nervous overstrain, raising blood pressure. In this case, you need to take a deep breath and exhale several times, or get distracted and lie down for a minute in silence.

It happens that a person continues to have an elevated temperature due to internal inflammatory processes, then it is necessary to get tested and seek help from a specialist.

I'm always hot in life. Probably due to the fact that I am hypotensive and my temperature is almost a degree lower than normal. In winter I wear a thin jacket and thin socks under my jacket and still come with a wet back. And in the summer, life generally freezes for me. By the way, I’m overweight only 45 kg, so it’s not just a matter of weight.

There may be several reasons for this; first of all, you need to be examined, from medical problems it could be vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with the thyroid gland, there could be problems with hormones, but you may feel absolutely normal.

Also, the feeling of so-called heat can be due to anxiety or stress, also in very active people, if you are constantly on the move, then this is completely normal.

A friend of mine has this problem. But he has an objective excess weight. By the way, I also noticed that when I had a lot of excess accumulated on me, I sweated a lot more. And it feels stuffy all the time. It is clear that excess weight brings with it a whole host of different delights, including problems with blood vessels.

Why can a person be constantly hot when others are fine?

Not menopause, no fever, not sick, but constantly complains that it’s hot both at home and at work.

Problems with blood vessels. Weak. Just the heat load is discomfort. Scientifically speaking, it is vegetative-vascular dystonia. My daughter has the same problem. She can't stand the heat. Moreover, everyone around is fine, but she is hot. And if there is little fresh air in a closed room, then there is generally a guard.

By the way, I have the opposite problem - constant chilliness. Poor blood circulation in the vessels. When my daughter and I go to the bathhouse, I constantly sit in the sauna, but she doesn’t get out of the cool pool.

By the way, feeling constantly hot can be a sign of other problems, for example, with the thyroid gland.

Here are some of possible reasons why a person can be hot when others feel normal: a person can sweat in a stressful situation (or as a result of prolonged stress - like the body’s increased sensitivity to even small irritants), with excess weight, when subcutaneous fat does not allow heat to escape properly body, in women during menopause, disorders of the thyroid gland, inflammatory process, side effects some medications, withdrawal symptoms of some medications. It is best for a person to observe his body - exactly what conditions precede the appearance of fever - this will better help identify the possible cause.

What diseases cause a person to constantly sweat?

During the hot season, everyone tries to cool down in every possible way; our body also contributes to this - it produces sweat. However, for some, this problem is acute in any weather; they are constantly hot and sweat profusely. This not only causes physical inconvenience due to wet clothes and the smell of sweat, but also affects your psychological state and communication with others.

Why is a person hot?

Everyone knows from childhood that the normal human temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius, and any shift from this figure represents a deviation from the norm. Heat in our body is generated from decay nutrients, mainly fats and carbohydrates, so the food we eat directly affects the thermoregulation process of our body.

Balance is important in heat exchange: the more heat comes from outside, the more of it the body must give away. To increase the amount of heat given off, the capillaries dilate and sweating increases. When sweat evaporates from the surface of the body, the skin cools and the body returns to normal temperature.

Typically, a person becomes hot during physical activity, wearing airtight clothing, after eating hot food and drinks, or under stress. In addition, during infectious diseases, when the temperature rises, we also experience fever and begin to sweat profusely.

But what to do if such a condition does not depend on the weather and other conditions described above, but manifests itself constantly and intensely? This should alert you, since profuse sweating may be a symptom of a serious illness, so at the first opportunity you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If no diseases are diagnosed, then you have hyperhidrosis. WITH medical point vision is not a disease, but since it brings a lot of trouble, it can and should be treated.

The causes of hyperhidrosis can be different, if you undergo examination by a qualified specialist, he will easily identify the root of the problem. And if you know why hyperhidrosis appeared, you can get rid of it more effectively.

Causes of local hyperhidrosis

This ailment can be divided into 2 types - local (when one or more parts of the body sweat) and general (when the whole body sweats). The causes of their occurrence vary, with the local one often acting as an isolated disease, and the general one often being a symptom of another disease.

Typically, the patient complains of excessive sweating in the armpits, palms or feet, and sometimes all together; these are mainly people 15–30 years old. Hyperhidrosis often manifests itself in childhood or adolescence, during puberty. This occurs due to a hormonal imbalance in the body, and hormones can produce very serious changes in the body.

The causes of local hyperhidrosis have not yet been precisely established; the opinions of researchers are divided. Some of them believe that patients have an increased number of sweat glands, while others are sure that it is normal, but the nervous system reacts more vividly to any external stimuli, which is why sweating is unhealthy. Such irritants may include physical activity, acute or fatty foods, alcohol, stress and emotional stress. Many people with normal sweating notice that during times of strong excitement, for example, defending a diploma or signing in the registry office, their palms become wet. People with hyperhidrosis experience this all the time; any excitement can trigger the sweat glands, and the thought that they might get into an awkward situation with wet palms or armpits, just serve as such excitement. Therefore, such people often end up in vicious circle, and don’t know how to get out of it.

Often local hyperhidrosis can be hereditary trait. 40% of the patients surveyed had people in their family who also suffered from this problem.

Causes of general hyperhidrosis

With this species, everything is much more complicated; the doctor will not be able to immediately tell what it is associated with, since the list of diseases in which it can be observed is very long. The patient will have to undergo a full examination, as a result of which, using the method of exclusion, the specialist will find that very disease.

Endocrine diseases

The endocrine system is involved in sweating because it is connected to the autonomic nervous system, which, in turn, sends impulses to the sweat glands, causing them to work. To diseases endocrine system, accompanied by hyperhidrosis, include the following:

  1. The most common disease is hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), this disease is characterized by an increased concentration of thyroid hormones in the body. As a result, all metabolic processes, including sweating, accelerate and become more intense. Symptoms, in addition to excessive sweating, are sudden onset of irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, tachycardia, swelling of the eyelids, protrusion of the eyeball forward, gastric disorders, etc.
  2. Often, general hyperhidrosis occurs in diabetes mellitus, a disease characterized by elevated levels of glucose in the blood, and changes affect all organs and systems of the body. The autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the secretion of sweat, also suffers; it increases when the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply, often this happens during sleep. Hyperhidrosis in diabetes cannot be treated; its intensity can only be slightly reduced. To do this, you need to correctly create a daily routine and ask your doctor to prescribe a specialized diet. You cannot do this on your own, as you can harm the body even more.
  3. Hypoglycemia is the antipode of diabetes; in this disease, the level of glucose in the blood, on the contrary, is below normal. This causes a rush of adrenaline, which results in increased sweating. Other symptoms of this disease include trembling, rapid heartbeat, and lightheadedness.
  4. Menopausal syndrome or, in other words, menopause, which is characterized by a decrease in the functions of a woman’s ovaries, making pregnancy impossible. In this case, the occurrence of hyperhidrosis is a consequence hormonal imbalance, the intensity of sweating depends on lifestyle and emotional state. Excessive sweating can be observed both before the onset of menopause and in its initial stages; 90% of women sweat heavily. This often manifests itself during sleep, and with such intensity that you have to change your bed linen several times a night.
  5. Pheochromocytoma is a hormonally active tumor of the adrenal glands that produces substances of biological origin, for example, dopamine, adrenaline, etc. Diagnosing pheochromocytoma is often very difficult because characteristic symptoms do not appear. However, a combination of conditions such as arterial hypertension and hyperhidrosis often helps the doctor understand what the problem is. The increased production of adrenaline in this disease is what causes increased sweating.
  6. Another hormone-related disease is carcinoid syndrome. Carcinoids are tumors of neuroendocrine cells that affect hormonal balance; their diagnosis is as difficult as in the case of pheochromocytoma, since symptoms appear in a maximum of 45% of cases. The reasons for this lie in the rapid destruction of biologically active peptides in the liver. With this disease, serotonin, prostaglandin, histamine and other hormones are produced, which indirectly affect the fact that people sweat a lot.
  7. Acromegaly is a disease associated with a violation of the concentration of growth hormone in the body, resulting in disproportionate forms of the skeleton and soft tissues; hyperhidrosis in this case occurs in 60% of patients. At the same time, patients experience enlarged pores, due to which sweat begins to be released more intensely than before, and its consistency becomes thick and oily. This disease affects people from 20 to 40 years of age, both female and male.

All these diseases are very serious, they are accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations, and the consequences from them can be irreversible. Therefore, it is very important when such a seemingly shameful feature as hyperhidrosis manifests itself, consult a doctor in order to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment. Many people are embarrassed to turn to a specialist with such a problem, but by doing so they only harm their body even more.

Infectious diseases

General hyperhidrosis in infectious diseases accompanied by high fever is considered normal. People sweat because the body fights an infection that has entered it, the immune system comes into play, this is a kind of adaptation mechanism to the changes that are taking place. In addition to the familiar flu and colds, there are other infectious causes of general hyperhidrosis:

  1. Septicemia is a disease in which microorganisms secrete toxic substances, which is why the temperature rises and, as a result, profuse sweating begins. Such microorganisms can be intestinal bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, strains. With seticemia, other symptoms are also observed: the skin acquires a yellow tint, and many hemorrhages form. First, a pinpoint rash appears, which coalesces to form pale pink to purple spots all over the body. These spots often form painful blisters. At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a therapist so as not to start the problem and get rid of it as soon as possible.
  2. Tuberculosis. From this terrible disease, in addition to others severe symptoms, people also sweat profusely, which is a consequence of the body’s desire to get rid of toxins. At the initial stage, few can determine that they have tuberculosis, considering it common cold, but if you listen to your body and consult a specialist in a timely manner, you can protect yourself from developing the disease. When a person becomes infected with tuberculosis, at first he feels general weakness, the temperature rises to 37 - 38 degrees, as a result of which he feels chills. To reduce sweating associated with this disease, it is necessary to make lotions from herbal decoctions or take baths with essential oils until tuberculosis is completely cured.
  3. Malaria. This is very serious illness, which kills more than 3 million people worldwide every year, with outbreaks concentrated in African countries. For a person infected with malaria, hyperhidrosis is one of the first signs of the disease, along with headache, chills and vomiting, which appear on average 2 weeks after infection. Timely medical intervention can save the patient's life, so you should not hope that the symptoms will go away on their own after taking antiviral drugs.

Nervous system diseases

The nervous system sends impulses to the sweat glands, so disturbances in its functioning also affect the intensity of sweating. Among the most common diseases accompanied by hyperhidrosis are the following:

  1. Parkinson's disease. With this disease, areas of the brain are damaged, as a result of which general hyperhidrosis is often observed. In addition, symptoms include trembling of the body or its individual parts, impaired posture and urination, decreased potency, and in the later stages dementia is observed.
  2. Stroke. This disease is accompanied by narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. If this department is responsible for sweating, then it may increase noticeably. In this case, hyperhidrosis can continue even when the danger has already passed, but after some time the excess sweating still goes away.

Treatment of excessive sweating

If hyperhidrosis is an isolated problem and not a symptom of any of the above diseases, it can be controlled. To do this, you can use prevention, traditional medicine, traditional medicines, hardware treatment and even operations. Everyone chooses a method for themselves; it cannot be said that the same remedy will suit everyone.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to take a shower daily, monitor the room temperature and wear clothes and shoes only from natural materials. In addition, you should regulate your diet and, if possible, avoid bad habits, it would be useful to play sports.

Traditional medicine suggests making lotions, compresses and baths from herbal decoctions. Oak bark, chamomile, calendula and mint help well in the fight against hyperhidrosis. You can make compresses from them or add a decoction to the bath during water procedures.

As traditional medicines, you can use tablets, ointments and enhanced antiperspirants. But before choosing one or another remedy, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects.

Cosmetology clinics offer the use of iontophoresis or laser to reduce sweating for a certain period. In addition, injections of Dysport and Botox into problem areas are popular; this can save you from hyperhidrosis for six months.

Operations are the most radical method to get rid of the problem, people resort to it when all other methods have not helped. There are several varieties surgical intervention, each with its own risks and benefits.

I am constantly hot and sweating - what is the reason?

The human body constantly produces a small amount of sweat, which is not noticeable provided that the rules of hygiene of the body, underwear and clothing are observed. In the summer it increases slightly. Under certain conditions, excessive sweating occurs, which is accompanied by hot flashes. This condition is observed if a person is in conditions elevated temperature air, in a stuffy room or physical stress on his body is significant. Hot flashes and sweating in this case are considered a normal physiological reaction. After the influence of the causative factor ceases, they disappear. However, it happens that a person is constantly hot and sweats for no apparent reason.

Causes of constant sweating and hot flashes

Often these symptoms are secondary and are signs of various diseases and conditions. In most cases, these are not the only signs of pathology, but they are pronounced. They cannot be hidden or eliminated cosmetics, they negatively affect the quality of life and intimate relationships. The following main ones are distinguished causal factors constant sweating and heat:

  • physiological menopause in women;
  • pregnancy period;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • genetic predisposition.

These symptoms can occur during the day and at night in women and men in equally. External influences can cause sweat and fever in a sleeping person. This may be an unventilated room with high air temperature, thick, synthetic bedding and a blanket.

Increased emotionality and sensitivity of women sometimes manifests itself night sweats. This phenomenon is typical during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. If this happens constantly during menopause, then the woman often experiences insomnia and chronic fatigue. This can also be caused by eating spicy food before bed, smoking or drinking alcohol.

Many diseases are characterized by sweating and fever during sleep. At this time of day, there is a maximum rise in body temperature - a sign of the body’s fight against the disease. Sweating indicates that its temperature balance is stabilizing.

In patients with hypertension, hypertension often develops at night with signs of severe sweating and fever. After a stroke and heart attack, these symptoms appear along with a rise in blood pressure, accompanied by fear and anxiety.

Development of symptoms in diseases and conditions

Profuse sweating and hot flashes during physiological menopause plague almost all women. This characteristic features during menopause. They appear with the first changes in hormonal levels and are present until a stable pause occurs, although they often appear several months or years after this.

These symptoms create significant discomfort in a woman’s life, because sweating is significant and fever can be accompanied by skin hyperemia. They appear in a stuffy room, after an emotional or physical activity, eating hot food and at rest.

Changes in weather also affect their frequency and intensity. They don't stop at night. The next heat can surge within a few seconds after the previous one.

Their appearance is sudden, they can occur at the most crucial moments associated with work, study, communication, rest and sleep. The reason for this is a decrease in the level of production of hormones - estrogens, which affect the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus of the brain.

Lack of hormones generates false messages to the center about overheating of the body. The response to this is the expansion blood vessels and excess sweat. The intensity of hot flashes and sweating, their quantity depends on the individual characteristics of the body. After this, a feeling of cold sets in.

Fever and hyperhidrosis may appear in boys during adolescence, when they hormonal background unstable. These signs occur in adult men with prostatitis, which developed as a result of hormonal disorders.

During pregnancy, the level of hormone production also changes. The first 3 months of its development are characterized by the production of large amounts of progesterone, and the level of estrogen is reduced. The mechanism of development of hot flashes and sweating through a false effect on the hypothalamus is similar to that which occurs during menopause.

There may be a slight rise in temperature, which goes away on its own. In subsequent months, symptoms are not expressed or appear slightly. This condition may persist for a short time after childbirth, while the production of progesterone prevails over estrogen. Especially during breastfeeding. This normal phenomenon in women and does not require treatment.

One of the main manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is sweating and hot flashes. They are caused by an imbalance in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the peripheral nervous system. In this case, the heat is expressed by facial hyperemia.

VSD of the hypertensive type is usually preceded by nervous tension, so the pressure rises, tachycardia develops, and a feeling of fear and chills appear. At the same time, the person experiences embarrassment due to sweating and hot flashes, and the symptoms intensify.

Hypertension is expressed by a feeling of heat throughout the body, the skin is hyperemic, and sweating occurs. High blood pressure causes disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic part of the peripheral nervous system, which are expressed by these symptoms.

They are accompanied by headache and heart pain, tinnitus, blurred vision, and swelling of the face. Sweating is often generalized. Hot flashes are caused by tachycardia, which accelerates blood flow. But it should be noted that arterial hypertension in most cases is a sign of another disease.

Diabetes mellitus affects many organs, including the sympathetic nervous system, which provokes hyperhidrosis. Increased heat generation is associated with activation of metabolic processes. Sweating is generalized, but more pronounced in the area:

At the same time, the skin of the lower body is extremely dry.

For hyperthyroidism thyroid produces an excess amount of thyroid hormones, which significantly accelerate metabolic processes in the body. At the same time, there is an increase in oxygen consumption by the cells of organs and tissues, which increases the formation of heat. The body reacts by sweating. The skin of patients is moist from hyperhidrosis and warm from hot flashes.

Tumors in the hypothalamus affect the heat regulation center and cause excessive sweat production. Biologically active substances produced by malignant neoplasms dilate blood vessels, contributing to the occurrence of hot flashes.

Pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands) always causes excess production of hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, which stimulate heat production and dilate blood vessels. The disease is expressed by a very strong feeling of heat.

Psycho-emotional stress, especially accompanied by a feeling of fear, causes increased production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. The hormone activates work sympathetic division peripheral nervous system, affecting sweat secretion. An attack of heat, as a result of dilation of blood vessels, and hyperhidrosis increases nervous tension and activates the processes even more.

Sweating spreads to the armpits, face, palmar surfaces, soles of the feet. In this case, hyperhidrosis is localized.

A hereditary factor in the occurrence of sweating and hot flashes is recognized.

Such signs may also appear with infectious diseases, alcoholism

Important when taking any medical product read the instructions carefully. Side effects medications may cause excessive sweating and a feeling of heat.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to these conditions and seek advice from a specialist.

Health and Living Healthy with Elena Malysheva

Not the official website of the Health and Live Healthy programs, Elena Malysheva

Why is it hot all the time

Advice for people who feel hot all the time.

Today we will talk about those people who are constantly hot. You will learn why it can be hot, what health problems lead to such feelings. Feeling constantly hot is a symptom. Some diseases may be dangerous, and some may not be too dangerous.

If it's hot all the time, you need to check TSH level. If it is low, then the function of the thyroid gland is increased. When the thyroid gland works intensively, and it is a battery in our body, we feel hot. The person is hot, the temperature may even be elevated.

But there are other reasons why it can be hot. It can be hot during menopause. When production decreases female hormones, and FSH increases in the blood, then thermoregulation is disrupted. Such symptoms can begin long before menopause.

To prevent hot flashes, you need to take female sex hormones. They are prescribed by a doctor. The tides will disappear. If such treatment is contraindicated, then doctors influence the nervous system with small doses of antidepressants.

In the 21st century, doctors believe that living with hot flashes is the lot of illiterate women. If you feel hot all the time, you should have a colonoscopy to detect bowel cancer. Carcinoma causes a person to feel hot all the time. This tumor gives hot flashes, redness of the face, and palpitations.

We remind you that the summary is only a brief summary of information on this topic from a specific program; the full video release can be viewed here Live healthy: Issue dated June 29, 2016

Why are some people always hot and others always cold?

“I never understood people who can walk around naked in the terrible cold. I freeze at the first convenient opportunity: when a windbreaker is enough for everyone else to keep warm, I also need a sweater...” “When normal people are cold, I just burn from the inside! I can’t figure out where this feeling of heat comes from when it’s chilly and windy outside...” Each person is an individual, and this is very easy to demonstrate using the example of thermoregulation. We feel differently under the same conditions and usually don’t think about why this happens. It’s good that you can always consult a specialist: the scientific explanation of the miracles of thermoregulation is very interesting...

Sudden hot flashes and chills are indicators of poor health. Even if you consider yourself an absolutely healthy person, some points may be missed. Anemia, malnutrition, various infections, metabolic disorders, thyroid problems, overweight - common reasons problems with thermoregulation. For example, acidosis, popularly called “acetone,” can cause a sudden feeling of heat and increased sweating. Violation acid-base balance body at poor nutrition, diabetes mellitus, fasting leads to serious consequences, including unpleasant sensations akin to fever.

Nervous tension, stress, conflicts with relatives do not go unpunished. Most often too nervous people suffer from hot flashes, sweating, and nervous tremors. You might be hot long time after eating too much food: this is how the body signals that something is going wrong. Most often people are cold low blood pressure, those who often do not get enough sleep. People who feel lonely also tend to freeze even at normal temperatures - emotional condition closely related to body thermoregulation.

Food, clothing, the state of the nervous system, lifestyle in general - all this affects our climate control. Knowing these facts, you understand: any discomfort can be corrected if you comprehensively change your life for the better!

When you often freeze, eat liquid hot food, tune in to a positive mood and cheer yourself up in every possible way. If you tend to be overly hot, calm your nervous system and do not eat harmful foods.

Why is it always hot and stuffy?

I am 37 years old. Gender male. My problem is this. I'm constantly hot. And I'm constantly sweating because of it. That is, it is not “cold” sweat, at night, for example, as some complain, or during excitement. I feel hot first, when other people feel quite comfortable. I feel comfortable only under a combination of three conditions:

1. Temperature 20 degrees.

As soon as I start moving, just walk for more than 1 minute, I get hot and start sweating. The areas that sweat the most are the armpits, back, head and, excuse me, the perineum. The latter is the most painful. It gets wet there, clothes get wet and rub against the skin. The skin becomes blistered and chafed until it bleeds. Walking is very painful, that is, impossible. For the last couple of years (precisely in the summer, in the winter I got by) I covered these abrasions with adhesive tape. Now in the summer (and this is a violation of thermoregulation and subsequent sweating increases every year) it is so humid between the legs that the patches no longer stick. I save myself (for now) with Dry-dry antiperspirant, I apply it there almost every evening. In principle, a little less, but the rest of the body sweats, with the exception of the palms. Palms, on the contrary, are always dry.

In 2008, I took hormone tests again. Everything is normal again. I went for a consultation with an endocrinologist, she threw up her hands and advised me to see a neurologist.

In 2008, more problems began, which I initially linked together with the main one. I started having a low-grade fever. Of course, I didn’t know such a word then. I started going to doctors (already my own). He told me what worries me, namely:

1. The temperature rises in the morning to 37.1-37.3

3. Around nine or ten in the evening the temperature becomes normal, i.e. 36.6

4. Later (when I went to see doctors for the second time, the next year) I added information that this did not happen in the spring and summer, but started again in early September, just like the first time.

5. I tried to connect this somehow with my “heat resistance”

As a result, I passed a bunch of tests (HIV, fluorogram, tumor markers, urine, feces, numerous blood tests, including at the SES, consultation with an immunologist-allergist, infectious disease specialist, ENT specialist). All tests are good. Sugar is normal. As a result, they found only dysbiosis, which I diligently treated, with a shift for the better, and the herpes virus, which I already knew about.

At the same time, with the temperature, I felt very bad, completely uncomfortable physically, and complete apathy psychologically. (At the same time, I considered my long-standing, “main” illness (hotness and sweating) to be a lesser evil, if only because by dressing lightly and not moving too much, you can avoid this. Or, after training, go to the shower and everything is ok.)

Then I got tired of all this, and I went to the Internet. As a result, I found signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. I even experimented with taking valerian and observing a subsequent decrease in temperature after half an hour. It was February 2010, my second “temperature” year.

I myself understood what I needed. Pouring cold water, bathing, cold and hot shower twice a day, skiing several times a week, swimming pool. I haven’t had this problem (with low-grade fever) for two years now. I started getting sick less often. Herpes on the lips began to “fall out” much less frequently, before about once every two months, now once every six months. Although this is also not normal, and it also worries me.

I then went to my therapist and told about my VSD (the diagnosis I made for myself), after which she wrote me a diagnosis of “VSD with impaired thermoregulation.”

I then hoped that my main illness (hot and sweating) was also from this “opera”. But my recent study of the signs of VSD showed that, apart from low-grade fever and some character traits (excitability, suspiciousness, tearfulness), I have little in common with VSD patients. They complain about panic attacks and fainting, but I never had this. The only thing is that sometimes, when I get up from a squatting position, my vision gets dark and I feel a little dizzy. But this happens very rarely.

Now my illness has taken such forms that my mood drops at the thought that I need to go somewhere on foot, climb the stairs without an elevator. I’m immediately hot, my clothes are wet. I'm tired of explaining to colleagues and friends that it's not hard for me (to do something or go somewhere), but it's hot. They don't understand this naturally. They ironize and joke about the fact that I am always lightly dressed, incl. in winter. Honestly, I'm desperate right now. I feel like some kind of disabled person. It’s good that I live in the north and our summers are not hot. After reading some information on the Internet, I concluded that I have generalized hyperhidrosis. [Links are available to registered users only] Please help.

I’ll name my chronic diseases again: osteochondrosis cervical region spine, JVP, frequent herpes, dysbacteriosis (was). Sometimes, once every six months or a year, I have stomach problems. Strong Blunt pain in the abdomen, in the navel area and slightly above, nausea, diarrhea, temperature up to 38.5, body aches, chills. The day continues. The most severe form is 12 hours, and then it’s not comfortable for another day. It doesn’t feel like dysentery (I’ve been sick a couple of times). One general practitioner did not say anything, the other said that this was an exacerbation of JVP (medicine - Bifiform, Hilak Forte, Mezim). This happened for the first time in 2007.

I would also complain about decreased memory and attention.

Thank you

How does a person adapt to heat?

Heat is an excessively high ambient temperature ( more than 30 degrees Celsius). This article will talk about how the human body adapts to such high temperatures and what to do when it is too hot.

Human body designed to feel comfortable both in summer and winter. For this purpose, there is a thermoregulation center that ensures the body’s temperature remains constant and triggers compensatory mechanisms in response to changes in ambient temperature. In the summer, to prevent heat stroke, mechanisms are activated to cool the body.

Body mechanisms aimed at preventing heatstroke, the following:

  • decrease in heat production by the body;
  • maximum increase in heat transfer.
These mechanisms are based on the principle of thermoregulation, that is, heat production - heat transfer. This means that the body is capable of both producing heat ( heat production), and give it away ( heat transfer). The balance between these two processes is regulated by the thermoregulatory center, which is located in a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. It maintains a constant body temperature ( about 36 – 37 degrees) regardless of the ambient temperature. The exception is fever, when the body temperature changes due to infection. In other cases, the hypothalamus ensures the constancy of body temperature. When ambient temperature decreases, heat transfer decreases, heat production increases. When it’s hot outside, the opposite happens - heat transfer increases sharply, production decreases.

The brain receives signals about temperature changes from skin receptors. These are special heat receptors ( sensors), which are embedded in the superficial layer of the skin. They instantly react and send signals to the brain when the ambient temperature changes even by 2 - 3 degrees.

The mechanisms for reducing heat production and increasing heat transfer are as follows:

  • All processes in the body slow down. Breathing becomes shallow, heart rate becomes slower. All this happens in order to stop the production of heat.
  • Skin vessels dilate, and the volume of circulating blood in them increases. This leads to increased heat transfer.
  • At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, the sweat glands are activated. Sweat production is the main mechanism of heat transfer. So, by evaporating, sweat cools the body, leading to a decrease in body temperature lower than the ambient temperature. Sweating can significantly lower your body temperature, but it is important to understand that it loses a large amount of fluid.

How to escape the heat in an apartment?

When staying in an apartment during the heat, it is very important to stop the sun's rays from entering the room. Light from the sun can increase the temperature in a room by 5 - 10 degrees, thereby creating Greenhouse effect. To avoid this, you need to close the windows with thick curtains or hang blinds. Reflective film, which can be attached to the curtains on the window side, will help reflect the sun's rays as much as possible.

Helps you cope with the heat in your apartment more easily the right clothes. It is not recommended to wear thick, synthetic fabrics, because they interfere with heat transfer and create additional heat for the skin. Loose cotton clothing will not interfere with heat transfer and will not create a greenhouse effect.

What to do if your room is hot in summer?

It is recommended to keep the windows closed during the day, while it is recommended to open them in the morning and evening to ventilate the room. A well-ventilated room will prevent oxygen starvation of the body. To refresh the room as much as possible, you can resort to a draft. To do this, you need to simultaneously open the windows in opposite rooms. This will help cool the room quickly, but it is also important to avoid catching a cold. To avoid this, it is not recommended to stay indoors during a draft.

Replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps will help reduce heat production in the room. The latter emit half as much heat as conventional incandescent lamps.

What can and cannot be done if you have a chill?

Why shouldn't you drink alcohol during the heat?

What you shouldn't do during the heat is drink alcohol. From use alcoholic drinks worth refusing for several reasons. Firstly, when drinking alcohol in the summer ( and this even applies to beer) the load on the cardiovascular system increases. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the heat increases several times. Secondly, when alcohol enters the body, it needs a lot of water. It breaks down and uses body water for its metabolism. This is what explains dry mouth after drinking heavily. However, in the summer, the body already loses water in large quantities, and drinking alcoholic beverages can even lead to dehydration. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding drinking alcohol while relaxing on the beach and in other places, as this increases the risk of heat stroke several times.

It should also be noted that in summer the effect of alcohol increases. This is explained by the fact that the blood vessels are dilated, and blood circulation in them is more intense. Alcohol very quickly penetrates through the gastric mucosa into dilated arteries and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.

Cold drinks at home

Cold drinks, prepared independently at home, are a good way to cope with thirst. In addition, the feeling of quenched thirst after them lasts for a long time, unlike industrial drinks. The fact is that various industrial juices and carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, and very little time after drinking them, the feeling of thirst arises again.
There are several types of homemade drinks, each of which has its own characteristics and specific preparation.

The following types of soft drinks are distinguished:
  • fruit drink;
  • kvass;
  • lemonade;
  • compote;
  • Herb tea.
All types of homemade soft drinks should be kept in the refrigerator, as they do not contain preservatives and the heat can spoil the drink. The shelf life of any drink does not exceed 2 days.


Morse is a drink that contains berries or fruits ( fresh or frozen), water and additional components ( sugar, mint, ice). The history of fruit drinks goes back many centuries, and back in ancient Rus' it was prepared from wild forest berries and were used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat certain diseases. Today this drink is also used in the fight against certain diseases, and there is even such a definition as sea therapy ( fruit drink treatment).

Rules for preparing fruit juice
To prepare this drink, any berries or fruits can be used, but it is advisable to take those that have a lot of juice. The raw materials need to be kneaded ( crush with a device for mashed potatoes, For example) and squeeze out the juice using gauze. If fruit juice is prepared from frozen products, before carrying out this procedure, they must be thawed by keeping them at room temperature for 15 - 20 minutes. Dishes for preparing fruit juice should be used glass or ceramic, not metal.

The remaining raw material after squeezing the juice must be poured warm water at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit and bring to a boil over low heat. Then the broth should be strained from the extracts, cooled and combined with the squeezed juice. You can add various additional ingredients to taste.

The following components can be used as an addition when making fruit juice:

  • sugar ( added at boiling point);
  • honey ( added after the broth has already boiled and cooled slightly);
  • mint ( added to the finished chilled drink);
  • lemon zest ( added during extraction of raw materials);
  • citrus slices ( used as a decoration for ready-made fruit drinks);
  • vanilla ( put when boiling);
  • cinnamon ( added when boiling);
  • ice ( used for cooling the finished fruit drink).
There is another, simpler method of preparing fruit juice, which eliminates the boiling process. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, the raw materials need to be squeezed out and poured with boiled or mineral water. still water in the proportion of a liter of liquid per 300 - 400 grams of fruit. It should be noted that this fruit drink is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity.

What components are used for fruit drink?
Any berries and fruits that have juicy, watery pulp can be used as the main component for preparing fruit juice. It is recommended to choose seasonal local fruits, because imported products differ increased content nitrates and other harmful substances.

The following are the most popular fruits for making fruit drinks:

  • cherry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn ( the boiling process is mandatory).
Sugar, mint and other additional ingredients are not prerequisite when preparing fruit juice.

Recommendations for choosing fruit drink
In addition to quenching thirst, fruit juice has a positive effect on a person’s well-being. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to choose the type of fruit drink that will be most useful to a particular person.

  • Lingonberry. This drink will be useful for people with low resistance to various infections, as well as those who are employed in hazardous industries, because lingonberries remove harmful metals from the body.
  • Crimson. Indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, and improves blood characteristics. Raspberry juice is also recommended if you are prone to frequent colds, digestive disorders.
  • Cranberry. Cranberry juice is recommended for women with chronic diseases urinary system ( for example, with cystitis). The drink is also useful for gastritis with low acidity, edema, and kidney problems.
  • Blackberry. Blackberry juice improves function gastrointestinal tract, therefore, its use will be of particular benefit to those who suffer from constipation. The drink also lowers blood pressure ( therefore not recommended for hypotension), activates the process of bile outflow.
  • Cherry. Recommended for joint problems, as the berries prevent salt deposition. Cherries contain a lot of melatonin, a substance that is responsible for the sleep process, so if you are oversleepy, this drink is not recommended to be taken in the morning. If you have problems with sleep, you should not miss taking this fruit drink in the evening.
  • Bilberry. This fruit drink is indicated for people with vision problems, as well as those who expose their eyes to regular stress ( works on a computer, knits, repairs or produces small parts).
  • Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn drink should be taken if you are prone to diseases of the respiratory system ( bronchitis, sore throat). In addition, this fruit drink is recommended for frequent stress, nervous fatigue, and depression.
  • Currant. Fruit juice from currants, especially black currants, is recommended for high cholesterol. All varieties of this berry have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the drink will be beneficial for chronic infections.


Kvass is a drink that is produced by fermentation. Traditionally, kvass is made from bread, yeast, sugar and water, but there are other varieties of this drink. Since the basis of cooking is fermentation process, then kvass is a carbonated drink with a small amount of alcohol ( not higher than 1.5 percent). Therefore, kvass is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

There are the following types of kvass:

  • classic bread yeast kvass;
  • kvass from Borodino bread;
  • apple kvass;
  • dried fruit kvass.
Classic bread yeast kvass
Classic kvass is made from bread, yeast ( dry or pressed), water and sugar. The choice of bread affects taste ready drink. So, if you use rye bread, the kvass will turn out dark with a rich, sharp taste. If you take wheat-rye bread, the drink will be lighter and have a milder taste. The process of preparing classic kvass consists of 3 stages.

Bread yeast kvass is prepared according to the following rules:

  • First stage. First you need to prepare the starter. For this you need half a loaf of bread ( 200 – 250 grams) cut into finger-thick slices and dry in the oven. It is important that the bread does not burn, because the kvass will have a bitter taste. Dried crackers should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, add 60 grams of sugar ( you can use reed) and grind into a paste. The resulting mass needs to be cooled naturally (that is, do not put it in the refrigerator) to 35 degrees, then add 20 grams of dry or 30 grams of regular yeast. After this, the container with the starter must be covered with a cloth ( plastic cover is not allowed) and leave to ferment at room temperature for one day.
  • Second phase. After the starter is ready ( the foam that appears at the beginning of fermentation must settle), the mass should be transferred to a larger container ( The best option is a 3 liter glass jar). 200 - 300 grams of crackers are added to the starter, after which the vessel must be filled with cool syrup, which is prepared from water and 50 grams of sugar. Then the jar is covered with a cloth and left in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Third stage. The final stage is filtering the drink, for which gauze folded in several layers is used. Kvass should be poured through cheesecloth into a container with a tight-fitting lid and placed in the refrigerator. The remaining bread mass can be used to prepare 1 – 2 more servings of the drink.
Kvass from Borodino bread
Kvass from Borodino bread is prepared by analogy with classic kvass, but without the addition of yeast. In addition, 50 grams of raisins are added to this drink. Add raisins while preparing sourdough. Since the drink is prepared without yeast, the fermentation process may take longer than with a traditional recipe. As a rule, it takes about 3 days for the starter to be completely ready.

Apple kvass
This type of kvass is prepared from any varieties of apples, but it is better to take those that have a sour taste, which will give the drink a characteristic sourness. To prepare a liter of kvass, peel and seed 3 apples, cut into slices, add a liter of water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes of boiling, remove the container from the stove and cool the apple broth to 35 degrees. Then you need to pour 200 milliliters of the broth into a separate vessel, add yeast there and wait until foam appears on the surface of the liquid ( Depending on the type of yeast, it may take from 15 minutes to an hour). After this, the fermented yeast should be poured into a container with a decoction, add sugar to taste, lemon juice ( if the apples are not sour), cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for a day. If desired, you can add cinnamon, honey instead of sugar, vanilla, mint to kvass.

Dried fruit kvass
Kvass from dried fruits is prepared according to the same principle as apple kvass. The only difference is that instead of 5 minutes, the dried fruits should be boiled longer - from 15 to 20 minutes. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and figs can be used as raw materials.

Recommendations for consuming kvass
During the fermentation process in kvass, various enzymes are formed ( substances that aid digestion), probiotics ( beneficial bacteria), amino acids. Thanks to its composition, the drink has a positive effect on all organs of the digestive tract and especially on the intestines. Regular use kvass helps normalize microflora, which will be useful for those who often suffer from dysbiosis, constipation and other similar problems.


Lemonade is a soft, sour-tasting drink traditionally made from lemons.

How to make lemonade?
To prepare approximately 1.5 liters of drink, you will need 10 - 12 lemons average size. Citrus fruits must be scalded hot water, in order to remove from them harmful substances that they are treated with during transportation. Then you need to peel the zest from the lemons with a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice out of them. The zest should be covered with sugar ( 150 – 200 grams) and pour a glass hot water. If desired, you can add mint to the syrup, after which the liquid should be left for 15 - 20 minutes so that the zest gives off its aroma. Then you need to strain the cooled syrup and add lemon juice and a liter of water ( You can use sparkling or still water). The drink should be stored in a dark container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, because exposure to light destroys the vitamins present in it.

In addition to lemons, oranges are often used to make lemonade. The proportions of citrus fruits are based on personal preferences. Thus, the most popular recipe is one in which oranges and lemons are used in equal parts. This drink has a pronounced citrus aroma and characteristic sourness. If you make lemonade only from oranges, you should significantly reduce the amount of sugar so that the drink does not turn out too sweet. You can also add grapefruit and tangerines to lemonade, and replace mint with basil and oregano.

Recommendations for drinking lemonade
Thanks to a large number vitamins, lemonade will be useful for people who are often exposed to colds. Those who work in air-conditioned rooms especially often catch colds during hot weather. Lemonade also normalizes metabolism and improves brain activity and increases productivity.


Compote is a decoction of fruits or berries with added sugar. This drink is the most popular and has a large number of preparation options. The difference between compote and other cooling drinks is its longer shelf life ( from 3 to 5 days), since the fruits from which it is prepared undergo heat treatment.

How to prepare compote?
Among all the compote recipes, it is impossible to single out one that could be called classic. The composition of raw materials, proportions, cooking features - all these factors are determined, to a greater extent, only by personal preferences. There are only general rules, which should be taken into account when preparing this drink.

The following general rules for preparing compote are distinguished:

  • Dishes. It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils to prepare compote, since many beneficial substances are destroyed upon contact with this metal. It is better to use enamel pans.
  • Main raw materials. You can prepare compote from any berries or fruits in various combinations and proportions. Compote made from dried fruits also quenches thirst well.
  • Water. Used to prepare compote pure water, which is taken at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit. If you want to get a richer taste of the drink, the volume of water should be reduced.
  • Sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the taste of the fruit and personal preference. On average, 2–3 tablespoons of sugar are used per kilogram of raw materials. For quince compote, sour apples or tart pears, the amount of sugar can be increased to 5 tablespoons.
  • Additional components. To obtain unusual taste, various spices or herbs are added to the compote. Apple compote is combined with cinnamon, cloves or allspice ( in peas). Leaves of the cherry itself are added to the cherry compote or Bay leaf (1 – 2 leaves per liter of liquid). Mint and green cardamom are added to peaches and apricots.
  • Cooking time. The less vegetable raw materials are cooked, the more intense the taste of the compote becomes, but its shelf life is reduced. On average, you should cook compote, for example, from apples for 10 – 15 minutes. If the drink is made from watery berries ( for example, from raspberries), then the cooking time should be reduced to 5 minutes. If dried fruits are used as the main component, the cooking time should be increased to 20 minutes.

Herb tea

Tea brewed from herbs helps quench thirst, and also gives strength and has a strengthening effect, which is important with the onset of summer and high temperatures. You can drink this drink warm ( in this form, it not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body resist heat), and chilled.

How to make herbal tea?
This drink is prepared from fresh or dried herbs, water and sugar ( can be replaced with honey or not used at all). You can also add lemon, spices, ice. If tea is prepared from fresh raw materials, use a tablespoon of chopped herbs per glass of boiling water. The herbs need to be filled with water and left to infuse. When preparing tea from dry herbs, take a teaspoon of the raw material, add a glass of water and bring to a boil.

In almost any work group, and often in families, the problem arises that someone is too cold, and someone is too hot. The first ones wrap themselves in sweaters, rugs, blankets and do not get out of woolen socks, the second ones prefer to wear T-shirts and sit in a room with the windows wide open. Why we feel the climate differently, as well as how to solve this problem without resorting to conflicts, read the article.

Normally, our body temperature is maintained at 36-37 degrees, fluctuating slightly throughout the day. This constant temperature is ensured by balancing the mechanisms of heat transfer and heat production developed by our body.

Thanks to the coordinated work of the heat regulation mechanisms presented above, the independence of our body temperature from fluctuations in ambient temperature is ensured, which distinguishes us from cold-blooded animals.

Our body spends 75% of the energy it produces to maintain a stable body temperature, regardless of weather conditions

It would seem that if the constancy of our body temperature is ensured by the same mechanisms of thermoregulation for everyone, then why do we perceive the same environmental temperature differently? There are several reasons for this, so let's look at it in order.

Women get cold faster

This is far from a myth, but the most proven fact. Back in 1998, scientists confirmed the opinion that women are more sensitive to cold weather conditions. This is due to the uniform distribution subcutaneous fat in a woman’s body, which, on the one hand, ensures better heat retention in the internal organs, but at the same time leads to the fact that the blood rushing to the internal organs does not have time to heat the arms and legs.

Body temperature in women is 0.4 degrees higher than in men, and legs and arms are 2.8 degrees colder

In addition, heat perception in women also depends on the menstrual cycle: depending on its stage, the temperature internal organs can fluctuate within one degree. So if you're constantly fighting with your partner for the right to sleep under the duvet, remember that your man really is hot. Men should not be surprised that in the heat, your better half’s hands feel like two “ice pieces”.


Very often, pregnant women complain that they are constantly hot. This phenomenon is a variant of the norm and is associated with the work of a hormone such as progesterone. The role of this hormone is to prepare and assist in bearing a child. In particular, progesterone is responsible for increasing the production of sebum, increasing blood pressure, inhibiting contractions of the uterine muscles, etc.

Generally speaking, the role of this hormone is to create all the necessary conditions for normal development fetus, including temperature conditions. That's why expectant mother There is a change in thermoregulation, characterized by the predominance of heat production processes over heat transfer processes.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid dysfunction can make you either a cold guy or a hot guy. This is due to the amount of hormones produced by the gland called thyroxine and triiodothyronine. They are responsible for the production of energy in our body (breakdown of glycogen, increase in blood glucose levels, breakdown of fats, etc.).

Hypothyroidism is also characterized by dry skin, splitting nails, brittle and hair loss, puffy face, lethargy and constant fatigue.

With a lack of these hormones, there is a decrease in metabolism and a decrease in the amount of energy produced by the body, 75% of which, as we remember, our body spends on maintaining a stable temperature. Energy deficiency leads to a decrease in body temperature, and, as a consequence, to constant chilliness and intolerance to cold. In medical circles, a decrease in thyroid hormone levels is called hypothyroidism.

In the opposite case, when there is an increase in the level of thyroid hormones - hyperthyroidism, the person is worried excessive sweating and heat intolerance. Such a person is always stuffy and hot, has a rapid pulse, and may have problems with heart rhythm. Despite the normal and even increased appetite a person with hyperthyroidism rapidly loses weight, and his irritability and nervousness causes a lot of concern to others.

Disorders in the autonomic nervous system

Malfunctions of this system can also lead to hypersensitivity to cold as well as to warmth. The nature of the disturbance in heat perception depends on the influence of which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails over the body - sympathetic or parasympathetic. In the first case (sympathicotonia), increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, chills, cold extremities, pallor, etc. occur.

In the second case (vagotonia), a slowing of the pulse, increased sweating, decreased blood pressure, a feeling of heat in the head and face, weakness, heaviness in the head, suffocation, etc. are observed. These phenomena can be permanent, systemic, local or episodic. Very often mixed disorders can be observed, with a combination of symptoms typical for each case, or their alternate manifestation.

Raynaud's disease and scleroderma

Raynaud's disease most often affects women at a very young age - 20-40 years old and is manifested by a sharp spasm of blood vessels, usually in the upper extremities. Clinically, the spasm is manifested by a feeling of numbness and coldness in the fingers, their pallor and cyanosis, and severe pain.

In turn, Raynaud's disease can only be a symptom of a dangerous systemic disease, affecting small vessels, called scleroderma. The occurrence of this pathology is to a certain extent associated with a genetic predisposition, but its occurrence is provoked by hypothermia and infections of the nervous system.

Diagnosis of the causes of heat perception disturbances

In order to understand the reasons for constant chilliness or, conversely, a feeling of stuffiness, you should go through certain diagnostic studies. Among them:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for thyroid hormones;
  • ECG (cardiogram);
  • Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiogram);
  • Ultrasound of vessels of the upper/lower extremities.

How to deal with sensitivity to cold/heat?

If all tests are normal, you should fight intolerance to cold or heat on your own.

In the first case, you should pay attention to a contrast shower. It will not only improve thermoregulation in the body, but also strengthen the immune system, so you will be less likely to experience colds. Also, in order to improve thermoregulation, walking barefoot around the apartment/dacha will be useful.

A foot massage, either manually or using a dry brush, helps to overcome cold feet. This simple procedure will increase blood flow to the extremities and relieve the feeling of chilliness.

In the second case, all efforts must be directed to improving heat transfer processes. Wear clothes in light colors, made from natural fabrics that are highly breathable, which is necessary for normal evaporation and contact with air. Replace bed linen with silk, as this is the most breathable fabric and also has hypoallergenic properties.

Last year broke all temperature records, but 2017 is not going to lag behind. According to forecasts from the World Meteorological Organization, it could be the warmest on record. What to do if your apartment is very hot in summer, and how to survive the heat in the city? We've collected everything valuable advice in one longread.

How does heat affect the body?

Physical discomfort from heat is the lesser of the evils. What's worse is that it can be harmful to your health. The human body is sensitive to changes in the environment, and the capabilities of the thermoregulation system are not limitless.

Heat causes the body to overheat. Skin temperature rises, and heat exchange between the body and external environment increases significantly. Sweating becomes more intense, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. Because of this, the mucous membranes, designed to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body, dry out, and the body’s defenses are reduced. Children are especially susceptible to this process: their thermoregulation mechanism is not yet fully formed, and in the heat their body temperature rises faster. That's why even in mid-July, kids can catch a cold infection.

Violation water-salt balance also drains muscle tissue. They do not receive enough nutrition, their performance decreases, fatigue and discomfort appear.

On hot days, it’s a good idea to help the body come into balance, not overload it, and try to reduce the ambient temperature as much as possible.

How to cope with heat in an apartment: household appliances

They say that if you concentrate and imagine something cold, you can actually feel the coolness. But if thoughts about ice cream and Everest do not affect you, then we advise you to move from the spiritual to the material and look for salvation among household climate control appliances. They will help normalize temperature and humidity, a decrease in which during hot weather can have a negative impact on health. But first things first.

Air conditioner

The most popular type of air conditioner in everyday life is the wall-mounted split system. It consists of two blocks - external and internal. Freon continuously circulates between them. In the indoor unit of the air conditioner, freon changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state and, in the process of evaporation, takes heat from the air. The cooled air is supplied back to the room, and the freon heated from the room air enters the external unit.

Many modern split systems are equipped with an inverter, which allows you to smoothly change the heating and cooling power. Due to this, inverter air conditioners are quieter and, as a rule, more economical than conventional ones.

Life experience says: under certain circumstances, an air conditioner can show insidiousness and, along with the desired coolness, bring a sore throat, runny nose, and even an attack of radiculitis. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to approach the choice of the location of the device with all responsibility. The main thing is to exclude long stay person in the area where the cold air stream is directly directed: this is approximately 2–3 meters from the device. In the bedroom, it is recommended to hang the air conditioner above the head of the bed. This way the recreation area will be protected from direct exposure to cold air.

When using an air conditioner, you must remember that it requires care and attention. If filters are not changed regularly according to the instructions, bacteria can grow on them.

And one more important point that is often not known or forgotten. The air conditioner does not provide fresh air from the street. Therefore, you will still have to ventilate the room, regardless of the temperature outside the window. In a clogged room, even with air conditioning, a person will soon feel lethargic.

Air conditioners with fresh air that have appeared recently (we devoted an entire article to them) also do not eliminate the need to ventilate. They supply only about 30 m3 of fresh air per hour. Compare with a specialized ventilation device: its productivity reaches 160 m3/h. This is enough to provide fresh air to five people. In addition, the use of air conditioners with inflow is limited in the cold season. And the breather can be used not only in June-July-August, but all year round, thanks to the heating function. So it would be optimal to use two devices: entrust the breather with ventilation, and the air conditioner with cooling.


A fan is a cheap and cheerful way to escape the heat. Of course, if the room is very hot, then the air conditioner will help out faster and more efficiently. But the fan is not without its advantages. Affordable price, ease of installation, lack of need for any maintenance and low cost - these are, in fact, the reasons why many, answering the question “what to do if the house is hot?”, choose a fan.

When choosing a fan, pay attention to the diameter of the propeller blades: the larger it is, the stronger the device will accelerate the air. The most popular fans are floor fans. But if the room is small and there is nowhere to place such a fan, look for wall-mounted models. Ceiling fans are still more commonly seen in food service establishments than in friends' living rooms. But lately they are still gradually penetrating into design projects.


No, a humidifier does not help with heat. In the sense that it cannot reduce the air temperature. But in cases where heat is combined with dry air, a humidifier is strictly recommended for use. By supporting at least at home, we allow the mucous membranes to rehabilitate their protective capabilities. True, it is important not to overdo it: excessive humidity in the heat makes sweating difficult and therefore difficult to tolerate. Therefore, a humidifier should only be used in dry weather.

There are several ways to make your life easier in the heat without using special devices.

To keep the hot sun out of your rooms, close the windows with thick curtains or blinds. An alternative method: glue a reflective film to the window glass, which prevents the room from heating up.

If possible, try to limit the amount of time you use electrical or gas stove, otherwise the air will heat up even more. During the heat, you can try to give up hot dishes and switch to fresh vegetables and fruits, especially since appetite usually decreases in summer.

Cold air is heavier than hot air and sinks. Therefore, during abnormally hot weather, you can change your usual bed to a mattress on the floor - it’s cooler there.

Pets also suffer from the heat and, as a rule, become thirsty more often than usual. It is important to ensure that there is always water in their feeder. But you shouldn’t leave meat or fish for the whole day: in the heat, food quickly spoils. It's better to switch to dry food.

How to survive the heat in the city

Whatever oasis you create in your apartment, sooner or later you will have to leave it and go out into the scorching heat. What to do in hot weather in the city?

The first step is to take care of your equipment: clothes in the heat should be light, it is better to give preference to natural materials, cotton and linen. Synthetic clothing impedes heat transfer and prevents the evaporation of moisture, which is necessary to cool the body.

Eating in hot weather should be given special attention. Heavy high-calorie foods at this time are not the best choice, because the body has no need for extra energy. But spicy food, on the contrary, is indicated for use in hot weather: it increases sweating and thereby promotes thermoregulation. Just remember to drink spicy foods with plenty of water to prevent dehydration. In hot weather, it is advisable to eat little by little, but often - 5-6 times a day. It is better to abstain from alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks: all this provokes dehydration. Give preference to water, plain or mineral.

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