Plantain: medicinal properties of the plant or why is it so valued? Medicinal properties of plantain: what does roadside herb treat?


Dear readers, today on the blog we will talk about the medicinal properties of plantain. Even children know that plantain is a useful and medicinal herb. Remember your childhood - as soon as there was a scratch or abrasion, and all your friends were already looking around for plantain to apply to the wound. I think many people have treated their knees this way. And they did everything absolutely right. The ability to stop bleeding and heal a wound, and even prevent it from becoming infected, is the most known property this grass. However, besides this, plantain can be useful for digestive system and in the fight against cough. This is exactly what our conversation will be about the beneficial and medicinal properties of plantain.

Moreover, the beneficial and medicinal properties of plantain are preserved in its fresh, and dry. And in dry form we can brew it and use it for health all year round. We can prepare it ourselves or buy it at the pharmacy.

Already from the name itself it is clear where plantain usually grows - near the road, in meadows, in wastelands, in garbage areas. And its name can also be interpreted as a companion of one who walks along the road. Plantain is an ancient plant, known since the times Ancient Greece and Rome, where doctors already used it for healing. Plantain is also called “tears of travelers.” Legend has it that travelers who had traveled long distances rubbed their feet blood and were unable to continue their journey. Then they began to cry, and their tears that fell on the edge of the road became plantains. They applied its leaves to their wounds and were thus healed and were able to continue on their way.

About 250 species of plantain are known, but the most common type of plantain in our country is the great plantain.

Plantain grass. Medicinal properties and uses

  • As already mentioned, the most famous and main “usefulness” of plantain is its hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound-healing effects. The reason for this beneficial property is the high content of tannins and phytoncides, which provide a bactericidal effect, as well as the presence of polysaccharides that promote rapid healing and reduce inflammation.

But the properties of plantain do not stop there. It will be useful to know that plantain also:

  • Plantain increases appetite and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Helps with flatulence, colitis, gastritis and ulcers with low acidity.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the effectiveness of other drugs in the fight against malignant tumors and leukemia. Protects internal organs from damage due to radiation or chemical therapy.
  • Copes with diseases respiratory tract, effective for bronchitis, tuberculosis and pleurisy.
  • Good effect on nervous system– depending on the type of infusion, it can tone or vice versa – calm and lower blood pressure.

Plantain grass. Medicinal properties

Plantain is interesting because not only the leaves, but also the seeds can be used for medicinal purposes. And from the leaves you can prepare an infusion or obtain juice, which can also be useful.

Plantain leaf. Medicinal properties

According to research, plantain leaves contain special substances that affect cholesterol metabolism in the body and also help fight ulcers. My dad treated his trophic ulcers on his legs this way. I also applied fresh plantain leaves (before this, they must, of course, be washed and dried) and burdock leaf. Everyone takes turns. And be sure to tie your leg with an elastic bandage.

And also fresh leaves and the juice extracted from them can be used as antibacterial agents, have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.

Young plantain leaves are great for making salads and soups. Use everything in the summer season.

Plantain grass. Healing properties for the stomach

  1. Thanks to its wound-healing effect, plantain can be useful in the treatment of certain stomach diseases: gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers. However, it is important to remember that treatment with plantain can only be done if the acidity of the stomach is reduced. But with high acidity, you should not use plantain-based preparations.
  2. For stomach pain, you can simply chew a few green plantain leaves.
  3. Plantain infusion. Recipe. For the treatment of chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, enteritis, colitis, you can prepare the following infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Then strain the infusion and drink it within an hour. This - daily norm and a glass of this infusion should be drunk every day.

Medicinal properties of plantain juice

To increase acidity gastric juice, you can take juice from plantain leaves. To do this, juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves collected from May to September - about 1-2 tablespoons. Mix it with one tablespoon of honey, dilute all 100 ml warm water. This mixture should be taken 3 times a day before meals for a course of one month.

With the help of plantain juice, you can also effectively fight suppuration of wounds and speed up their healing. Fresh juice is very useful for the first treatment and helps well if the wounds do not heal for a long time.

I suggest watching a video about the medicinal properties of plantain.

Plantain grass. Medicinal properties for cough

The use of plantain for respiratory diseases is especially relevant when there is an allergy to pharmaceutical drugs or a ban on the use of chemical medications. And the effectiveness of plantain is also recognized by official medicine. After all, plantain is part of natural extracts and essential oils, which are the basis of many cough syrups. But with your own hands, from the raw materials collected with your own hands, you can prepare natural remedy From cough.

3 tablespoons fresh leaves and 3 tablespoons sugar, and better than honey, if there is no allergy, mix in a fireproof container and place under a closed lid on a warm stove. You need to ensure that the heat is minimal and simmer for four hours. Take the resulting syrup half an hour before meals, one teaspoon 4 times a day.

The whole secret is that plantain decoctions or syrups stimulate the functioning of the bronchi and especially the excretory system. The secretion of mucus is activated and sputum is thinned, which is exactly what is necessary to get rid of a cough. And the flavonoids contained in plantain grass help increase immunity and strengthen the body during the period of illness and during the recovery process.

Another recipe that will help with bronchitis and whooping cough will relieve dry cough.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dry leaves, leave for two hours and strain. Take a tablespoon before meals (20 minutes before) four times a day.

Plantain grass. Medicinal properties for infertility

Another useful property of the wonderful plantain is its ability to help in the fight against infertility. Moreover, it is used by both men and women. Plantain is especially useful, the medicinal properties of which are also used in gynecology for women. In particular, because it contains a special substance - phytosterol, whose composition is close to female hormones. With its help, in women it is possible to restore the hormonal balance that so often accompanies, but is mainly the cause of, disorders menstrual cycle, problems with ovulation and untimely menopause.

The most common recipe for women with ovulation disorders:

1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for two hours. Next, the infusion is filtered and taken 20 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon four times a day. The period of administration is important, namely the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

A recipe that is suitable for both men and women

1 tablespoon of dry leaves is brewed in a glass hot water, then heats up in a water bath for another five minutes and then infuses for an hour. The resulting decoction should be drunk half an hour before meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day. Course – 21 days. Next, you should take a break for a week and repeat the course if necessary.

Plantain seeds. Medicinal properties

Another "component" natural medicine– seeds. They are also used in the fight against infertility. Moreover, an infusion of plantain seeds has a positive effect on both men and women.
Plantain seeds need to be ripe (this is the case if you prepare them yourself). They already have close to brown color, and not green or yellow, like a young, immature plant.

1 tablespoon of plantain seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water (200 ml) and left to cool. You should get a kind of jelly-like mass. Some healers believe that such a recipe is “unfinished.” And they recommend that after the seeds have been poured with boiling water, cook for a maximum of 5 minutes in a water bath. Drink the resulting decoction half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Another recipe using plantain seeds helps with diarrhea.

Pour 1 tablespoon of plantain seeds into half a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals. Usually improvement occurs quite quickly.

Plantain root. Medicinal properties

Let me note once again that not only the leaves, but also the roots of plantain are valuable. They are also used as remedy. Our grandmothers used the simplest recipe for toothache. To stop tooth pain, plantain root, wrapped in gauze, is placed in the ear on the side where the tooth hurts. You can additionally rinse your mouth with plantain decoction. Of course this is emergency help for those cases when it is not possible to quickly get to a doctor. However, use this method, ignoring the necessary medical care, it is not worth it and even dangerous to complicate the situation with a bad tooth.

Dried plantain roots help with illnesses thyroid gland and diseases of the adrenal glands.

An extract is also extracted from the roots of plantain, which is used for bites of snakes, bees and other insects. By the way, just a chewed plantain leaf applied to a bee sting will become an “ambulance” in conditions where it’s difficult to quickly get to medical institution does not work, and the reaction to insect bites is unknown.

Plantain. Medicinal properties and contraindications

Do not forget that plantain is still a medicinal product. And any medicinal product has its own indications and contraindications. Plantain is not recommended for use by people with increased blood clotting and those who have blood clots. And even unjustified and long-term use of plantain-based drugs increases the risk of blood clots and increases blood clotting.

Despite the fact that plantain is used in the treatment of stomach diseases, it can only be used for patients with low acidity. This means that those who have high acidity should not use recipes with plantain.

And as always, be careful if your body is allergic to any medicinal plants. Start “acquaintance” with the drug with small doses – preferably half the doses indicated in the recipes.

And for the soul, we will listen today KVATRO group. Volare . Famous group performs a wonderful song. I hope you have a rest and positive emotions.

I wish everyone health, harmony in the soul, simple joys in life. Apply simple recipes to maintain your health.

Dear readers, today we’ll talk about that herb that many of us have undeservedly forgotten. We will talk about the herb Ivan tea. The tea ceremony in Rus' involves a big...

Plantain - grass, about amazing healing properties ah, every person knows it from childhood. Everyone knows that a wound or bruise will stop hurting if you apply a bright green leaf to the damaged area. However, the healing power is inherent not only in the leaves, but also in the stems and seeds.

Where does plantain get such properties? What does it contain? How else can this plant be used? This and many other things are now worth talking about in detail.

Vitamin C

This is the first component of plantain. There is a lot of vitamin C in the grass. Its benefits are as follows:

  • Positive effect on the central nervous system.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • Participation in the process of production of proteoglycans by cartilage cells.
  • Work stimulation endocrine glands.
  • Participation in blood renewal processes.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Supporting the body during diabetes, as well as after a stroke and heart attack.
  • Participation in restoration processes.
  • Healing of ulcers and wounds.

In addition, vitamin C is a powerful energy booster that can restore strength when overworked.

Beta carotene

Many of the properties of plantain grass are determined by the presence of this powerful unsaturated hydrocarbon in its composition. Beta-carotene, when entering the body, is synthesized into vitamin A, the benefits of which everyone knows. In addition, this substance has the following properties:

  • This is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from radicals that provoke the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
  • It reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Beta carotene lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Has a positive cosmetic effect on hair, nails and skin.
  • Prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma, improves vision.
  • Helps cope with diseases genitourinary system.
  • Accelerates skin regeneration for ulcers, wounds and burns.
  • Supports the functioning of the prostate gland.

In addition to the above, beta-carotene helps maintain immunity, effectively combating infectious processes. According to some studies, the intake of this substance into the body in large quantities helps to inhibit the destruction of cells in AIDS.

Vitamin K

Many properties of the medicinal herb plantain are due to the presence of this substance in its composition. Vitamin K has a strong effect on clotting. That is why bleeding quickly stops if you apply a leaf or plantain pulp to the wound. It is also important to note the following:

  • Vitamin K has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.
  • Normalizes metabolism in the connective and bone tissue.
  • Helps the body absorb calcium and vitamin D.
  • Prevents the appearance and development of osteoporosis.
  • Participates in redox reactions.
  • Promotes the synthesis of proteins necessary for pulmonary and cardiac tissue.

In addition, vitamin K neutralizes such strong poisons as aflatoxin, coumarin, and many others similar in composition.

Other components

In smaller quantities, plantain herb contains:

  • Bioflavonoids. These are strong antioxidants.
  • Various enzymes.
  • Damage and citric acid.
  • Tannins. They have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent properties.
  • Phytoncides. They prevent infections.
  • Glycoside aucubin, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.
  • Alkaloids. Promote cardiac activity and have a positive effect on the central nervous system.
  • The most important microelements (selenium, molybdenum, calcium, cobalt, potassium, copper, iron).

Plantain seeds deserve special attention. Many people know about the herb and its properties, but not everyone knows how great their benefits are. In addition to the above, they also include:

  • Proteins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Saponins. These are substances that help with coughing, thin mucus in the bronchi and increase the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Slime. Its content is about 44%.
  • Irreplaceable fatty acid.

It is difficult to talk about the importance of each component that makes up this plant, since there are so many of them. So it’s worth summarizing them and generally talking about the benefits of plantain.

Compresses and ointments

It is possible to promote the healing of wounds or eliminate pain in swollen areas. in an effective way than by simply applying a sheet to them. It's better to make a compress.

To do this, you need to rinse large fresh leaves in water and grind them thoroughly into a paste. Place the resulting mass on the damaged area and carefully “fix” it on it by wrapping it with film. No need to tighten. Or, if it’s not a limb, and you can’t wrap it up, you can simply stretch the film over the mush and secure the edges with adhesive tape. It is advisable to wear it for 10-12 hours.

For purulent skin diseases may I help homemade ointment from plantain. You just need to mix the grass (10 g) with Vaseline (100 g) and rub the resulting mixture on the damaged area.

Or you can prepare the ointment differently. Squeeze the juice from fresh leaves - you should get 2 tablespoons. Mix them with fresh butter, add a teaspoon of honey. It is recommended to lubricate burn, purulent and inflamed wounds with this ointment. Optimal quantity procedures - 3-4 times a day. The pre-treated area should be washed with hydrogen peroxide or manganese solution.

Decoction of leaves

This medicine, which is easily prepared at home, has a number of medicinal properties. The plantain herb in a decoction reveals all its power. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Gum inflammation and periodontal disease.
  • Diseases respiratory system and throat. Most effective when bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, whooping cough and pleurisy.
  • Dysentery.
  • Stomach diseases caused by low acidity.
  • Colitis, hemorrhoids, increased gas formation.
  • Gallbladder diseases.
  • Hypertension initial stage.
  • Headaches, arrhythmia, problems with blood vessels.
  • Inflammation of the eyes.
  • Acne, rashes and inflammatory skin processes.
  • Parametritis and inflammation related to the genitourinary system.
  • Dermatitis and urticaria.
  • Insomnia, neurasthenia and exhaustion.
  • Lymphostasis and swelling.
  • Leukemia, malignant skin ulcers, cancer.

In general, there can be many indications for taking the decoction. Plantain herb is really effective, the main thing is to remember to drink it healing medicine and keep it in moderation.

How to prepare a decoction?

There are two great recipes, and both are simple.

  • Pour 10 grams of plantain leaves hot water(250 ml).
  • Send container to water bath and keep it covered for half an hour.
  • Strain.
  • Pour 5 grams of plantain into a liter of boiling water.
  • Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Leave it covered for a day.
  • Strain.

To prepare the decoction, you can use not only dry plantain purchased at the pharmacy, but also natural one. But you will have to grind it thoroughly. And it’s better to take 2-3 times more raw materials, taking into account the fact of shrinkage.

Seed decoction

The herb plantain has quite a wide range of uses. Its seeds, in addition to the listed effects, also have additional effects. A decoction based on them is capable of:

  • Normalize female hormonal levels.
  • Relieve the condition of diabetes mellitus.
  • Soothe the gastric mucosa, protect it from irritating factors, and relieve inflammation.
  • Establish intestinal motility, promote the removal of toxins.
  • Positively influence potency.

How to prepare such a decoction? There are also two recipes here.

  • Pour the seeds (1 tbsp) into an enamel container.
  • Pour a glass of water.
  • Boil for one minute.
  • Leave for 30 minutes covered.
  • Strain.
  • Pour boiling water (350 ml) over the seeds (1 tbsp).
  • Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Strain.

Drink this amount per day in three doses with equal time intervals between them.

Could there be harm?

Yes, just like any other product or medicine. And we must mention contraindications. Plantain grass is far from harmless. And a person, unknowingly, can harm himself. The contraindications are as follows:

So, plantain herb has not only medicinal properties. And, as you can see, there are contraindications. Therefore, before you start taking any product based on it, you should consult your doctor. Or at least start with small dosages. With absence negative reaction you can increase the dose to normal.


Much has been said above about the medicinal properties, benefits and harms of plantain herb. It should also be noted that excellent cosmetical tools that contribute to:

  • Smoothing wrinkles of any type.
  • Eliminate purulent inflammation.
  • Traceless healing of cracks and wounds.
  • Softening the epidermis.

Regular use of plantain-based products really gives a wonderful effect. It is not surprising, because it contains organic acids, flavonoids, tannins and the listed vitamins that are simply necessary for the skin.

Cosmetics at home

If you want to help your skin, you can make ice from plantain. Cryomassage improves lymphatic drainage, strengthens blood vessels, and works against wrinkles.

You will need:

  • Dry plantain, crushed - 8 grams.
  • Filtered water - 80 ml.
  • Wheat oil - 5 ml.

The water must be heated, then pour dry grass into it and cover with a lid. Stir and leave for 2 hours, covered. After time, strain and add oil. Pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. You should wipe the previously cleansed facial skin with frozen cubes before going to bed and apply moisturizing cocoa butter to it after the procedure.

You can also make a lotion that effectively tightens pores, soothes pustules and treats purulent rashes. Required:

  • Dry plantain - 12 g.
  • Cognac - 50 ml.
  • Water - 90 ml.
  • Peach oil - 6 ml.

What do you need? Infuse plantain in cognac for a week. Then strain the liquid and add oil and water to it. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle and install a spray nozzle on it. Shake before each use. Can be applied to the skin either with a cotton pad or just like that.

Well, plantain is truly a real natural healer. Once again, this is confirmed by the fact that many medications are made on its basis.

Remember how in childhood we were in no hurry to fill broken knees iodine or brilliant green. It bakes and is ugly. The kids knew another way to disinfect the wound - apply a plantain leaf. There are others beneficial features roadside medicine. I testify to some of them popular names plants: seven-leaf grass, boil grass, porannik, reznik, krovospas. Mentions of him healing power found in ancient Slavic recipes and treatises Chinese medicine. Nowadays it is in demand by the official pharmacopoeia. We suggest taking a closer look at the situations and how to prepare medicines from plantain, and familiarizing yourself with the contraindications for use.

Plantain: general information

The plant belongs to the flowering department, plantaginaceae family. Biologists count about 150 species, distributed across all continents.

Greater (common) and flea plantain are in demand in medicine. Traditional healers also use other varieties: lancefolia, isphagula.

Some variations are listed in the Red Books of regional significance.

Plantains are annual or perennial herbaceous, less often semi-shrub plants with a wide threshold of compliance with a variety of environmental conditions for the development of new populations. Their seeds are spread by wind and water and carried by animals, birds and people.

Real natural healers:, And . They can save us from many ailments and replenish the body with useful vitamins.

Plantain: beneficial properties

Medicines prepared from the tops and roots of plantain are characterized by widest spectrum actions:

  • bacteriostatic;
  • hypotensive;
  • immunotonic (minor);
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • decongestant;
  • wound healing;
  • antispasmodic (moderate).

They are recommended for atherosclerosis and hypertension, diseases of the respiratory system, hepatobiliary system and gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, diarrhea and intestinal inflammation (including bacterial etiology). Externally used for wounds, abrasions, boils and skin ulcers.

Plantain for men

Healers advise men on the beneficial properties of plantain for infertility. Using a medicine based on seeds activates sperm, which enhances the ability to conceive. Zinc and selenium in the leaves justify the advisability of using them for treatment and early prevention impotence in the form of teas, lotions, herbal baths.

Importance plantain for women

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of plantain for women, especially during pregnancy. Nature has provided for a reduction immune functions maternal body to prevent rejection at the time of fetal conception and development. During this period, resistance to viral and bacterial infections, and the use of specific drugs is extremely undesirable. A fresh or dry leaf will help solve the problem. Natural medicine will have a bactericidal, antiviral and moderate immunomodulatory effect. Herb tea based on this raw material, drunk 20-30 minutes before meals, will improve intestinal motility, relieve the expectant mother from possible constipation. The composition of bioactive substances balanced by nature is safe for health.

Antispasmodic and hemostatic properties are valuable for women suffering from painful menstruation with increased bleeding, as well as during the postpartum recovery of the uterine walls.

Let us also mention the benefits of plantain for weight loss. Dietary supplements with this component suppress appetite and have a strong diuretic effect.

For treating babies

The plant is used as a natural antihistamine for the treatment of children with infancy. Other indications for children:

  • bronchitis;
  • achylia states;
  • all gastrointestinal diseases that are not accompanied by high acidity;
  • lesions of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • Diaper rash.

Thanks to allantoin (a component of plantain juice), babies quickly get rid of itchy skin, allergic dermatoses, painful syndrome from insect bites, consequences (scars) from burn injuries, dark spots, the growth mechanism of healthy and strong hair.

Teenagers will find this medicine useful to fight acne. A decoction of plantain seeds helps cure bedwetting in children.

Plantain seeds: medicinal properties (recipes)

This part of the plant contains the following: useful elements:

  • mucus;
  • fixed oils;
  • fiber.

Amino acids, vitamin and probiotic components are present in less significant quantities.

The seeds, as well as their husks, are used as a diuretic and mild laxative, recommended for hypertension and atherosclerosis, impotence in men, as well as for natural normalization and stimulation hormonal levels female body. Based on them, compositions are prepared for external use, which are useful for lubricating abrasions, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, and calluses. Thanks to the content dietary fiber This - excellent remedy to stabilize the digestive system.

For readers, we offer witchcraft recipes.

For peptic ulcers and colitis

Mash 1 teaspoon of seeds, add water (250 ml), boil for half an hour over low heat in a sealed container. Filter, bring the volume of boiled liquid to the original volume. Take 1-3 tbsp. spoons every time before meals.

Plantain decoction for pyelonephritis, inflammation Bladder, ducts

4 tbsp. Pour spoons of seeds into a liter of water, boil, stirring and cook for 5-7 minutes. After removing from heat, leave for ≥ an hour. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of decoction half an hour before meals, 3-4 times a day.

The same composition, additionally steamed in a water bath, is recommended for men to improve ejaculation and activate sperm.

For inflammation of the ureter and to improve clinical effect

For weight loss and body cleansing

To lose weight and cleanse the body, there is no need to prepare a decoction. It is enough to soak the seeds in liquid overnight. It is important to eat both the swollen seeds and the infusion in which they were located. Meal timing: 30 minutes before and an hour after. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Plantain leaf: medicinal properties (recipes)

This phytoraw material is suitable for both per oz consumption and external use. The following are identified in the leaves of plantain:

  • vitamins C and K;
  • glycoside aucubin;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • useful macro- and microelements.

Medicines containing this component have an antihistamine and sedative effect, reduce blood pressure, and increase secretion bronchial mucus, have a wound-healing, hemostatic and bacteriostatic effect.

And you can use the medicinal properties of plantain leaves in different ways.

Infusion for bronchitis and colds accompanied by a cough with viscous sputum

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves are poured into ½ liter of boiling water and left for more than 15 minutes. The product is filtered and drunk 1/3 glass three times a day half an hour before meals. To enhance the effect of expectoration, you can additionally dissolve a Mucaltin tablet at each dose. In the absence of prepared herbs, it is recommended to dilute the pharmaceutical extract in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of hot water. This solution should be taken at least three times a day, like tea.

In case of inflammation of the eyes, it is kept twice as long and used in the form of a compress.

Alternative option:

Grind 5-6 fresh or 10-15 medium-sized dried leaves, leave for half an hour, pour a glass of boiling water. Add a pinch to the composition baking soda and a teaspoon of honey. Gargle with the resulting solution every hour until improvement occurs. physical condition and relieving unpleasant symptoms.

Plantain juice effective for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis.

Method of preparation and use of this miracle remedy.

Squeeze out the fresh phytomass, mix the resulting liquid with honey (1:1), boil for 20 minutes. Take at regular intervals according to Art. spoon. Frequency - three times a day. Store in an airtight container in the cold.

For the prevention of atherosclerosis take 2 tbsp. spoons of juice with half a dose of honey 3-4 times a day before meals. The course is one month.

For cancer patients prepare a specific extract.

Fresh leaves, crushed with a stainless steel tool, are poured with honey or sugar in equal volumes, after which the workpiece is placed in a warm and dark place for 10 days. It is necessary to ensure that the juice is always above the pulp to avoid the formation of mold. Afterwards, the liquid is squeezed out, poured into a glass container, and stored in the refrigerator door. Drink a spoonful of juice 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Full course It is recommended to calculate such treatment based on the volume of 3-5 three-liter jars of crushed leaves and a similar amount of honey or sugar. If year-round use is necessary, plantain tincture is prepared instead of juice. Freshly squeezed extract is mixed with alcohol (proportion 2: 1) and stored in the refrigerator.

For external use, the leaves crushed into a pulp are coated on the affected area, a warm compress is placed on top, changing the bandage every 3 hours.

Plantain syrup- safe, versatile and effective remedy From cough. The medicine is sold in pharmacies, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, wash fresh leaves collected in an ecologically clean area thoroughly, wait until dry, and chop. An additional component is sugar. Place layers 3-4 cm thick in a glass container, alternating sweet and medicinal components. Keep in a cool, dark place, checking periodically: pour any syrup that appears on top into a separate bottle.

Plantain root: medicinal properties

Many people are not even aware of the medicinal properties of plantain roots. But for herbalists it is also valuable, since it has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, is useful for the adrenal glands, endocrine system. An elixir is squeezed out of the roots - an antidote against the bites of poisonous insects and reptiles.

The easiest way to use it is for toothache. To combat this problem, a clean root is placed in the ear (from the side of the enraged tooth). They say that after about half an hour the sensations become dull, which means the medicine can be removed.

Plantain: contraindications for use

Patients with thrombophlebitis and people with increased function To prevent blood clotting, psyllium preparations should not be taken. Another contraindication that excludes the use of plant-based medicines is gastritis or peptic ulcer with high acidity. In rare situations, individual intolerance to phytocomponents is possible, up to allergic reactions, which is the recommendation for use therapeutic agents with other components.

Alcohol tincture contraindicated for children; it and the syrup are not recommended for pregnant women

Plantain is a herb that most people have known about its benefits since early childhood. Many mothers, if their child suddenly received an abrasion or cut, immediately applied a bright green oblong leaf of this amazing plant to the sore spot. And it happened small miracle: the blood stopped and the pain gradually subsided.

Mothers did exactly the right thing, because stopping bleeding, relieving inflammation and pain, and preventing infection from getting into the wound are the most common beneficial properties of plantain. But his help does not end there. It is effective in treating cough and fighting inflammation digestive tract, and even in cosmetics.

Plantain is an annual or perennial herb belonging to the Plantain family (lat. Plantaginaceae). The leaves are oblong, sometimes ovate, bright green, distinguished by the presence of several longitudinal veins. It has a basal rosette, from the center of which long flowering stems grow. The inflorescence is a spike, the fruit is a capsule with small seeds.

In Latin, plantain sounds like “plantago”. This word comes from the words “planta” - foot, and “agere” - to move. Indeed, the leaves of this plant lowered to the ground look a little like traces of a human sole.

Ancient names for plantain: road worker, traveler, fellow traveler. There are also names that reflect its beneficial properties: porannik, poreznik, boil grass, and even the unusual one - “grandmother” (apparently, we are talking about a grandmother-healer).

The grass is distributed throughout Russia, except for the northern regions. It grows in the forest, and along roads, and near residential buildings, and in fields, and in gardens, and in vegetable gardens.

An interesting point: plantain adapts well to any type of soil and can grow even in wastelands and dry areas. It is considered a weed, but this does not detract from its healing qualities.

The stems, leaves and seeds of the plant are used to prepare medicines. They can be harvested during all warm months, from May to September. Most of the beneficial properties of this plant material are preserved in dried form.


Medicinal properties plants are due to its unique chemical composition. All its parts contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamin K;
  • bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants;
  • enzymes;
  • citric acid and uronic acids;
  • tannins;
  • glycoside aucubin, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant;
  • phytoncides – substances that prevent infection;
  • alkaloids;
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, molybdenum, cobalt and selenium.

The composition of plantain seeds requires separate consideration. Thanks to your healing qualities they are used in official medicine and homeopathy to treat a wide range of diseases. In addition to the above substances, the seeds contain:

  • mucus – content reaches 44%;
  • saponins (bitters) – substances that thin the mucus in the bronchi, help with coughing, and increase the secretion of gastric juice;
  • essential fatty acids (oleic and oleanolic);
  • proteins;
  • amino acids.

Medicinal properties

The most famous beneficial properties of this plant are stopping bleeding, relieving pain, fast healing wounds, abrasions or cuts. This is explained high content vitamin K, tannins and phytoncides, which relieve inflammation and prevent infection.

Plantain will also help with insect bites and shallow burns. To do this, just crush the leaf a little in your hand to release the juice and apply it to the sore spot.

The healing properties of the plant are not limited to this. Also:

  • improves appetite and enhances intestinal motility;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the effectiveness of drugs in the fight against cancer;
  • softens side effects from chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
  • has a positive effect on the human nervous system: helps with neuroses and depression, relieves stress.

Sphere therapeutic use plantain is very extensive. Based on it, a large number of medicines are produced that have the following beneficial qualities:

  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorants;
  • calming;
  • diuretics;
  • laxatives or fixatives;
  • sleeping pills;
  • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalizing blood pressure.


The leaves of the plant are used in the preparation of ointments, infusions, decoctions, extract and juice. They have a negative effect on streptococci, staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and therefore cope well with purulent wounds on the skin, abscesses and phlegmons (a type of acute purulent inflammation).

Decoctions and tinctures from plantain leaves have pronounced mucolytic properties. In other words, they dilute mucus and help it clear from the bronchi and lungs, so they are effective not only in treating simple forms of respiratory infections. These medicinal drinks improve well-being with such severe conditions, such as bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough and pneumonia.

To prepare a healing infusion, the plant material is poured with hot water, infused and filtered.

The leaves of the plant are used both as a mild laxative for difficult stools, and as a fixative for intestinal infections, for example with dysentery. And the extract is indispensable for gastritis, enteritis and ulcers of the stomach or duodenum, inflammation of the pancreas.

Syrups are made from plantain. For these purposes, the juice squeezed from the leaves is mixed with honey. This composition is effective for ARVI, sore throat and colds accompanied by high fever.

The beneficial leaves of the plant are also used in dentistry. They are used for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. In these cases, rinse oral cavity decoction 3-4 times a day.


The beneficial mucilage contained in the seeds envelops the irritated mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines and helps relieve inflammation, which is why they are good in complex therapy diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis with low acidity, colitis, enteritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

A decoction of plantain seeds is often used in complex treatment diabetes mellitus, as well as infertility in men and women. But for patients suffering from these diseases, there are contraindications, so treatment should be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.

Plantain can lower blood cholesterol levels. With regular use of plant seeds, the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease is reduced.

This herbal remedy Helps the body get rid of toxins and bile acids.

Hormonal imbalances and diseases of the genital area in women (adnexitis, endometriosis, adhesions in the pelvis) are an indication for the use of plantain seeds.

In addition, a decoction from the seeds of the plant is considered effective means for the treatment of childhood or senile enuresis. It has a diuretic effect and relieves swelling. Cotton pads soaked in warm broth help with inflammatory eye diseases (for example, conjunctivitis).

Poultices made from an infusion or decoction of the seeds of this herb are excellent for helping nursing mothers get rid of cracked nipples. To do this, simply dip clean gauze into the broth, squeeze it out and apply it as a compress to the sore spot for about 1 hour.

In cosmetology

The properties of plantain have also been used in cosmetology. Juice from the leaves cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation, and eliminates acne. As a result, the skin becomes clean, healthy and radiant. You can freeze the juice in molds and wipe your face with ice cubes every day - a very useful and easy-to-perform procedure. You can also make homemade soap based on the plant sap.

Plantain is endowed with excellent moisturizing properties. The following mask will help dry skin: the infusion of the plant is mixed with starch until a paste-like mass is obtained, it is applied in an even layer to the face and neck for half an hour, then removed with a cotton swab.

Fresh plantain leaves are also suitable for speeding up the healing of calluses and cracked heels. The plant material must be crushed and applied to the sore spot overnight.

Plantain has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. You can prepare a simple one homemade cream: Mix the plant infusion with honey and butter. You need to apply the composition to your hands before going to bed.


Plantain is not such a harmless herb as it might seem at first. The specific properties of the plant impose a number of restrictions on its use for medicinal purposes.

Main contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance is rare, but even the slightest possibility should be taken into account.
  • Tendency to form blood clots, since the plant contains a large amount of vitamin K, which increases blood viscosity.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Gastritis with high acidity.

The listed contraindications do not apply to external use of the plant. But if you want to take decoctions or infusions of the plant internally, consulting a doctor is necessary. Only he can make such responsible decisions.

It is contraindicated to collect and harvest plant leaves in areas with polluted ecology, in industrial zones, in urban areas or along roads. The plantain absorbs all the chemicals from the air and soil, and such a “medicine” will not bring any benefit at all - only harm.

Use in cooking

The plant is also widely used in cooking. Healthy salads, soups, snacks are prepared with it, and it is added to homemade preparations (canned tomatoes, cucumbers). The leaves of the plant add a fresh note to casseroles, puddings, omelettes, porridges, cutlets and purees. They make very tasty cabbage soup, the recipe for which is almost the same as the recipe for nettle cabbage soup.

Plantain is suitable both as fresh herbs and as a seasoning. By the way, in Japan this plant is grown on an industrial scale for use in the food industry and pharmacology.

That's how much benefit something that, at first glance, inconspicuous, but amazing plant! Plantain has a lot of healing properties, thanks to which it can be used in many areas of medicine to treat a whole range of different diseases. Besides this, it has great importance in cosmetology and cooking. But it has some contraindications, so before using decoctions and infusions of plantain internally, be sure to ask your doctor’s advice.

Plantain has been known for its medicinal properties since the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. Among the Arab and Persian healers of the Arabian Peninsula, it had special status among the rest medicinal plants. The Indians who once lived in America saw a connection between the appearance of the plantain in their areas of residence and the appearance of the white man. This is where the name of the grass came from among the local population. The plant was called the “white man’s trace.”

Due to its ability to grow along roads in Russia, the grass received a different name - plantain. Although it can also be found in clearings, vacant lots, meadows, on the banks of reservoirs, on a personal plot, etc. Plantain grass grows throughout Russia, as well as the states bordering it. Traditional healers, pharmacists and cosmetologists have long found ways to use the full power of the plant for the benefit of humanity.

Plantain. Description

The plant reaches no more than forty cm in height. At the same time, it releases one or more arrows. Their length reaches thirty centimeters. There are inflorescences at the ends of the arrows. Seeds ripen on them. Plantain flowers are shaped like a cylindrical spike up to five centimeters long. The leaves of our plant are located in the root zone. They have clearly defined veins. The rhizome of the plant is short, in the form of threads.

Being perennial plant, plantain (photo below) has more than two hundred species worldwide. Of these, about ten different representatives grow in Russia. All of them are united into one family - plantain herbs.


In June, plantain is completely saturated with nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to collect it during this period. Although it is worth noting that the plant is ready for use in any summer month. After collection, sorting occurs, during which damaged leaves and other plants accidentally caught are removed. After this, the plantain must be dried. During the procedure, the grass must be protected from direct sun rays. They kill everything useful microelements and vitamins in the plant. Therefore, they dry it in the open air under canopies at a temperature not exceeding sixty degrees. Periodically during this procedure the plant must be stirred. This will speed up the grass harvesting process.

Plantain: medicinal properties

To combat various diseases leaves, seeds and roots of the plant are used. All parts of the plantain are rich in nutrients. But the leaves are most often used. Vitamins A, C, K, glycoside, aucubin, ascorbic acid, saponins, tannins. Flavonoids, organic acids, polysaccharides, bitterness, traces of alkaloids, carbohydrates, fatty oils - plantain contains all this. The medicinal properties of the plant are high. The herb is used as a pain reliever and to increase appetite. Plantain is also an antidepressant. For chronic ulcers, to increase acidity and heal wounds, this plant is used. Experts also recommend using it for fistulas, abscesses, and boils. In the fight against bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, gastritis, whooping cough, this plant can have a powerful effect and provide a positive effect.

Tinctures, extracts, decoctions and even juice are prepared from plantain.

Plantain leaf juice

People have long used plantain juice to normalize digestion and treat eye injuries. It is also used in homeopathy. Plantain herb is included in many medicines. For example, in medications that are intended to combat otitis media, normalize kidney function, heart rate, neutralization of gastritis, activation of sexual desire. The juice has the ability to stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. When acne and acne it is also recommended to use it. The juice prevents the appearance of new defects. It heals old rashes. Facial skin becomes clean, smooth and healthy.

To combat gastritis and ulcers, plantain juice is taken fifteen minutes before meals three times a day, one tablespoon. The course of treatment is up to sixteen weeks.

To prepare plantain juice at home, you will need part of the cutting with washed leaves. cold water. Then all this must be left to dry for a while, after which you need to pour boiling water over the leaves, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice through gauze or cotton cloth. If the liquid turns out to be very saturated, then the mass will need to be diluted with water exactly half and boiled for several minutes. So that the juice retains its beneficial properties long time, it is recommended to dilute it with alcohol. You will get a tincture. You will need two parts juice to one part alcohol.

When will plantain tincture help?

Large plantain is used to prepare the tincture. IN medical purposes such medicine used to combat diseases of the digestive system. The tincture will also help with problems with the kidneys and urinary organs. Doctors recommend its use to relieve expectoration, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, and inflammation of the bronchi. The tincture is used for external use - for example, for skin lesions, wounds, inflammation of the throat and nasopharynx. The drug is also used orally half an hour after eating. Depending on the individual disease and medical indicators the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

In case of individual intolerance, plantain tincture should not be used.

Beneficial properties of plantain seeds

In addition to the healing properties of plantain leaves and roots, a decoction of the seeds of the plant in question is also used for medicinal purposes. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of dry mass per 1 liter of boiling water. The seeds successfully cope with gastrointestinal disorders. Methods have been developed to treat diabetes mellitus, as well as infertility in men and women using this remedy.

Healing properties of the root

This part of the plant contains many useful substances. Plantain root successfully helps with herpes. To do this you need to take three plants. We use them together with the root. Wash and dry the grass well. The roots must be finely chopped and poured with 150 ml of red wine. Then you need to add the same amount of water. It is important that the wine is dry. The resulting solution can be drunk three times a day, fifty milliliters.

Also, crushed dry plantain root is used to treat the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. The methods and dosage are developed by a specialist, having studied all the characteristics of the patient.

A small portion of plantain root can help relieve ear pain. For this traditional healers they recommend putting a piece of it into ear canal. But don't push the spine too far! Position it so that it can be easily removed.

Plantain in cosmetology

Plantain grass, thanks great content vitamins and microelements, is successfully used in cosmetology, providing a healing effect on the skin of the face and body. You can purchase a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy. Its prices are low. You can also cook it yourself. To do this, we dry the leaves, as already described above. Most often in cosmetology, infusions from the leaves of the plant are used.

They are used to moisturize the skin. Plantain leaf juice is suitable for cleansing. For the care of oily and problem skin again the plant in question is used. It is recommended to wipe your face with pieces of ice from plantain infusion.

Compresses or masks have a moisturizing, anti-allergic and soothing effect. The plant reduces wrinkles and prevents skin irritation.

Plantain infusions are used to care for hair, skin of hands and feet. Many cosmetic products contain this component in their composition. After using the infusion, hair becomes silkier, smoother and easier to comb. The skin of the hands and feet becomes moisturized and healthy.


Despite the uniqueness of its properties, this plant cannot be used uncontrollably. Plantain when producing gastric juice in excess of normal and increased acidity, for some intestinal ulcers, for severe blood clotting, and for the presence of blood clots, doctors rarely prescribe it. Long-term use plants for medicinal purposes causes unpleasant phenomena. Blood clotting may increase and a tendency to form blood clots may appear. Plantain should be used with extreme caution by people with allergies to any plants. It is recommended that before using the plant in question for treatment, you must pass all necessary tests to find out the tendency to thrombosis.

This is how much benefit a seemingly ordinary herb can bring! Plantain is of great importance in medicine and cosmetology.

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