Radio wave coagulation of the cervix: a detailed description of the procedure. Cervical coagulation: should you be afraid?

Among the diseases that most women have to face, one of the most common is cervical erosion.

This is a very unpleasant pathology, which, however, is completely curable if appropriate measures are taken.

Among the effective modern methods erosion treatment, and many other pathological cervical conditions, we can especially highlight laser coagulation, which has long been successfully used in gynecology.

Advantages of the method, indications and contraindications

Method laser coagulation is one of the most gentle; unlike most other methods, it is indicated even for nulliparous women.

With its help, pathology can be eliminated without significant tissue damage.

The essence of the method is the targeted effect of a laser on tissue, during which light energy is converted into heat.

Thus, evaporation of cellular fluid and combustion of pathological cells occurs.

The entire process is controlled by a doctor, thanks to which the affected area can be clearly determined and tissue damage can be prevented.

In this case, blood poisoning and, with appropriate qualifications of the doctor and high-quality equipment, the formation of scars are completely excluded.

The method is especially convenient because it allows you to act locally on the affected areas, controlling the depth of penetration.

The use of laser also has some “side” effects, such as improving local blood supply to tissues, stimulating their regeneration, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Subsequently all functions female body, including reproductive, sexual and menstrual, are completely restored.

Indications for laser coagulation

Erosion I and II degrees.

Epithelial damage.


Multiple cysts.


Scar changes.

Cervical endometriosis.

Chronic cervicitis.

Ectopia and a number of other pathologies.

There are also contraindications to the coagulation procedure.

First of all, these include:


The period of lactational amenorrhea.

Cervical dysplasia III degree .

Inflammation in the vagina and cervix.

Malignant tumors of the female genital organs.

Presence of TORCH infections.

The inability to accurately determine the transition zone during the diagnostic process.

Extensive tissue damage.

Preparation for the procedure

Laser coagulation of the cervix is performed on an outpatient basis on the fifth or seventh day of the cycle in a regular gynecological chair and takes from ten to forty minutes.

Anesthesia (lidocaine is used) is most often used, although in some cases anesthesia may not be required.

Before resorting to the coagulation method, the doctor must conduct full examination, thanks to which you can find out the localization and depth erosion, and possible reasons development of pathology.

The examination includes colposcopy, testing for infections, cytology, hormonal background, Sometimes - biopsy.

In addition, it is usually required clinical analysis blood, for AIDS and RW.

Pathologies of the cervix may arise as a result hormonal disorders or infectious diseases Accordingly, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

After elimination causes of erosion may disappear on its own.

If, after therapy aimed at recovery hormonal balance or elimination of infection, the pathology remains, is carried out laser coagulation.

No additional training The method does not require patients.

Rehabilitation period

Complications after laser coagulation practically never happens.

In the first days after the procedure, the patient may experience nagging pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Serous-bloody or sanguineous discharge may be observed, which usually lasts 10-20 days and does not require treatment.

If the discharge becomes abundant, then you should consult a doctor.

Although laser coagulation is a gentle procedure, but still necessary rehabilitation period after its implementation, including limiting physical activity, abstaining from sexual relations for a month, visiting a bathhouse and sauna.

During the rehabilitation period, you should not use tampons or resort to douching.

About five days after coagulation Damaged tissue is completely rejected, but final recovery may take a month and a half.

Two months after the procedure, a follow-up examination is carried out, including colposcopy and cytological analysis.

It should be remembered that laser coagulation should only be performed by a qualified physician using quality equipment.

Only in this case can we guarantee the absence of complications, scars and burns.

For elimination pathological processes extending to the cervix, radio wave coagulation is used most often today. It's comparative new method therapeutic effects. Its effectiveness in the treatment of gynecological ailments is quite high. The procedure itself is painless and has a quick recovery period. However, it differs in some features, which we will focus on in today’s article.

Common cervical diseases

Frequency of inflammatory pathologies of the cervix, despite the development at an accelerated pace modern medicine, is quite high. The first signs of the disease can appear at absolutely any age. Reflecting on reproductive health women, they sometimes lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

All diseases of the cervix can be divided into three categories: background, precancerous and cancerous. The first category includes erosion, ectopia, polyps and leukoplakia. Precancerous processes include Various types dysplasia. It's already major changes, which can transform into oncological process. Cancers Almost always are the result of a woman’s inattentive attitude to health.

The reason for the prevalence of female gynecological pathologies is a feature of the structure of the genital organs. The vaginal part is covered flat epithelium, and the canal is lined with single-layer columnar epithelium. From about 16-18 years old, every girl’s body undergoes a gradual restructuring. One epithelium “seeks” to displace the other. The process itself proceeds extremely slowly and is physiological. However, certain factors can affect it, causing undesirable consequences.

This is, first of all:

  • frequent colds;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • viral infections;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • stress.

As a result of exposure to unfavorable factors, the body's natural defenses are depleted. The epithelial renewal process fails. At the same time, the mechanism of its degeneration into tumor cells. If the lady does not see a doctor, gradually benign education transforms into malignant.

Symptoms and principles of treatment of gynecological diseases

Signs of cervical disease do not appear immediately. They are characterized by long and asymptomatic. Many women turn to the doctor too late, when the process becomes irreversible. Therefore, it is so important to periodically undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

If you notice one or more symptoms from the list above, you should immediately visit a doctor.

  1. Painful menstruation.
  2. Unreasonable vaginal bleeding.
  3. Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  4. Painful intercourse.

After a comprehensive diagnostic examination and determining the diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. On initial stages the development of pathology is enough conservative treatment. In advanced cases it may be necessary surgery. One of its options is radio wave coagulation of the cervix.

The essence of the method

The essence of this method of therapeutic influence is that the effect on the reproductive organ is carried out by high-frequency radio waves. The radiation destroys pathological elements, but does not cause burns or physical cutting. The tissues evaporate, and the steam itself seals the cells and capillaries in the neck. At the same time, its healthy elements are not damaged, and the risk of complications is reduced to zero.

Indications and contraindications

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​considered unique method therapeutic effect, which has virtually no analogues. They resort to his help with most gynecological diseases regardless of the patient's age.

The procedure may have the following indications:

  • erosion;
  • cystic formation of the Bartholin gland;
  • cervicitis in chronic form;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyps, papillomas;
  • cervical hypertrophy.

This operation is very effective and affordable, but has some contraindications. Among them are:

  • pregnancy period;
  • low blood clotting;
  • mental disorders;
  • presence foreign objects in the body (pacemaker, IUD in the uterus);
  • genitourinary infections;
  • menstrual flow;
  • oncology.

The listed contraindications cannot be ignored. Otherwise, the consequences can be severe. Therefore, doctors always first examine the patient, and only then prescribe appropriate treatment.

Advantages of the method

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix has a number of advantages. Based on them, many doctors settle on this method treatment of diseases of the reproductive organ. For example, this procedure is successfully used to treat girls adolescence and nulliparous women. In this case, the decisive factor in choosing treatment tactics is to exclude tissue scarring. This means that subsequently during childbirth the cervical canal will open normally.

During the procedure, only pathological tissue is excised, while healthy epithelial cells remain intact. The use of a laser additionally guarantees a sterilizing effect. The intervention completely eliminates the likelihood of developing infectious process inside an organ or its inflammation.

Treatment of cervical erosion using the radio wave method is most often used. This method The therapeutic effect has managed to prove itself on the positive side. Under influence high temperatures the tissues affected by erosion completely evaporate. In their place, a film is formed, which after some time is rejected and removed from the body. This method of treatment leaves the woman a chance that in the future she will be able to take on the role of a mother.

Preparing for the intervention

Before starting treatment, the doctor must conduct comprehensive examination patient's health. Typically it consists of the following activities:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • Ultrasound;
  • smear cytology;
  • examination for various urogenital infections;
  • blood analysis.

A comprehensive examination allows you to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible. This approach helps to adjust the therapy, the intensity of the laser beam, and the duration of the procedure itself. The outcome of the operation is largely determined by the course of the disease and the stage of neglect of the pathological process.

It is worth noting that if a comprehensive examination reveals infections or inflammations in the pelvis, their therapy is initially carried out. Only after successful completion of the actions taken can you begin radio wave coagulation.

Description of the procedure and stages of its implementation

Usually the intervention is carried out on days 7-10 female cycle. During the procedure, the doctor directs a device with electromagnetic radiation directly to the site of inflammation. In this area, the temperature rises to levels where pathological elements begin to evaporate on their own. The bleeding capillaries are welded together, so the wound heals quickly, and scars do not remain after it.

Treatment of cervical erosion using the radio wave method, as well as ectopia and cervicitis, involves the use of painkillers before surgery. The duration of the procedure itself varies from 3 to 5 minutes. In the case of treatment of leukoplakia or removal of condylomas, excision is carried out within the boundaries of healthy tissue. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes. After this, the removed tissues must be subject to histological examination.

Recovery and rehabilitation period

In the first days after the intervention, some discomfort is possible: pain in the lower abdomen, slight bleeding. Complications can be avoided if you follow your doctor's instructions. The main requirement is compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Bloody discharge after radio wave coagulation of the cervix worries many women. Due to the abundant secretion, it is recommended to wash yourself twice a day. Taking a bath is strictly prohibited, since an infection can enter the wound along with water. It is better to wash in the shower and not use products with fragrances.

Sanitary tampons are strictly prohibited. In the period after the intervention you will have to give up intimate contacts. The entry of foreign flora into the body is unacceptable. Starting from the second month, sexual intercourse is allowed, but only with barrier means contraception.

Coagulation is not considered a major operation that involves long recovery. For the entire rehabilitation period sick leave not issued. However, at this time you should avoid intense physical activity, visiting saunas and baths. On the other hand, walks in the fresh air are encouraged.

Preparation for radio wave coagulation of the cervix plays important role, you should not neglect the doctor’s recommendations.

  1. 5-7 days before the date of the proposed procedure, you should avoid intimate contact.
  2. Before the operation itself, you should not overeat; it is better to do it on an empty stomach.
  3. It is recommended to carry out coagulation on days 7-10 of the female cycle.

The doctor should tell the patient about possible unpleasant sensations after the intervention (abdominal discomfort, nagging pain, increase or decrease in blood pressure).

Possible complications

Talking about probable complications, then after radio wave coagulation they occur extremely rarely. You should immediately consult a doctor if the temperature suddenly rises, the pain intensifies, or the discharge becomes profuse. Such signs may indicate the onset of an infectious process.

Among other complications of the procedure, doctors call:

  • isthmic-circvical insufficiency;
  • decreased fertility levels;
  • increase in probability premature birth or miscarriages.

The last two complications usually occur in women who have had a large area of ​​damaged tissue removed during the procedure. Therefore, 6 weeks after the intervention, they are recommended to visit the gynecologist again and undergo an examination. It is better to perform a control colposcopy after 3-4 months. This is exactly how much is required for final tissue healing and restoration of menstruation after radio wave coagulation of the cervix.

Every girl and woman should undergo at least once a year routine inspection at the gynecologist, for timely detection various diseases, which arise in our time regardless of age. Deterioration general health among the population is contributed by poor ecology, various sexually transmitted infections, as well as mechanical damage internal organs. With many deviations in women's health can be dealt with with help various methods coagulation.

Description of the procedure

Coagulation is a fairly quick and simple procedure that involves “cauterizing” the desired area using various methods to stop bleeding or remove various abnormal formations. If you do not treat various gynecological diseases in a timely manner, this can lead to infertility, severe inflammatory processes, and even the degeneration of cells into malignant tumor cells.

Advantages and disadvantages of cervical coagulation

Each method has its own pros and cons, we will talk about them later, but in general, coagulation has the following advantages:

  • these procedures can be performed by both women who have given birth and women who have not given birth, since the procedure is non-invasive, rarely leaves scars and allows you to subsequently become pregnant and give birth to a child on your own;
  • in most cases, rapid rehabilitation;
  • complications occur extremely rarely;
  • the duration of the procedure is extremely short (from 1 to 15 minutes);
  • the ability to eliminate only the necessary cells.

However, there are several disadvantages:

  • some methods are quite expensive;
  • in individual cases very painful sensations during the procedure;
  • long recovery period for some patients, especially with a large treatment area.

Indications and contraindications

This procedure can cure many female gynecological diseases. The main indications for various types coagulation are:

  • erosion;
  • scarring;
  • pathological stratum corneum;
  • polyps;
  • condylomas;
  • cystic formations in the vagina and cervix;
  • change in the size of the uterus;
  • endocervicosis;
  • eversion cervical canal out;
  • endometriosis;
  • dysplasia and hypertrophy of the cervix;
  • lesions of the mucous membrane leading to keratinization (leukoplakia);
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • putrid and persistent infectious lesions uterus;

Despite the relative safety of the procedure, there are several contraindications in which treatment should be postponed:

  • suspicion or presence oncological tumors;
  • acute stages or exacerbation chronic diseases pelvic organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • internal bleeding, including uterine bleeding;
  • metal implants;
  • urinary tract infections;

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, it is necessary to undergo an initial examination by a gynecologist, take a smear from the cervical canal for microflora and cytology. It is also necessary to conduct an analysis to detect sexually transmitted infections. Having received the results, the doctor will prescribe a colposcopy and sometimes a cervical biopsy to clarify the diagnosis and then determine the need for coagulation and choose one of the methods.

If infections are detected, you will first need to be completely treated, re-tested after a month and a half, and if recovered, a date for surgery can be set. Usually 7–10 days from the beginning are selected menstrual cycle. Half an hour before coagulation, some doctors advise patients to take antispasmodics (NOSHPA, Ibuprofen, Drotaverine).

Methodology for performing various types of coagulation

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation)

This method more often than others leads to various complications and is not used for nulliparous women, since there is a high risk of scar formation and narrowing of the cervical lumen, which will make it impossible to conceive a child naturally. Very often doctors resort to general or local anesthesia for electrocoagulation due to the painfulness of the procedure. There is also a risk of the following complications:

  • endometriosis;
  • severe bleeding that requires immediate surgical intervention;
  • formation of inflammatory processes;
  • hard, pronounced scars that make the process impossible natural birth due to the risk of uterine rupture;
  • very severe pain;
  • relapse of the disease.

Current is used to remove abnormal cells high frequency. The approximate duration of the procedure is up to fifteen minutes. A kind of scab, a necrotic focus, is formed on the treated surface, which gradually begins to be rejected and comes out of the vagina in the form bloody discharge. Since this method is most often used to remove large areas, sometimes incomplete elimination of the disease occurs due to the inability to accurately examine the tissue under the scabs that have formed. In this case, a repeat operation is prescribed.

Radio wave coagulation

This method is one of the most modern in our time. Using electromagnetic radiation, the surface of the cervix is ​​treated with abnormal cells that “evaporate” due to exposure to very high temperatures. A very big advantage of this particular method is the absence of scarring and cuts, the risk of swelling is minimized, and it also creates unfavorable conditions for pathogenic microflora due to the sterilizing effect. The capillaries at the site of exposure are soldered together, which prevents bleeding and promotes fast healing, the wound does not require additional treatment by special means. There were no cases of cervical deformation. Radio waves have a high ability to penetrate deep layers of tissue and cause instant cell death, which is why it is important to choose an experienced specialist to avoid severe burns or scarring. Usually, the doctor suggests using local anesthesia to exclude pain. However, the radio wave method is one of the most expensive and is not always affordable for patients. Suitable for nulliparous women.

Video about the radio wave method of treating erosion

Laser coagulation (vaporization and destruction)

One of the most effective ways cure extensive lesions of the cervix. Applicable local anesthesia, which is carried out using injections into the uterine area. The downside is the fairly strong stretching of the vaginal walls, since in addition to the laser device and gynecological speculum Additionally, a special device is introduced for drawing out processed products. Very often during recovery period patients are prescribed antibiotics, since cauterized tissues are not always rejected by the body themselves and can begin inflammatory processes.

Video about laser vaporization for dysplasia

Argon plasma coagulation

A completely new method, which is most often used in the treatment of erosions. Due to argon, radio wave transmission is enhanced, in which, under the influence inert gas non-contact transfer is carried out electric current with the formation of an argon plasma flame between the end of the electrode and the tissue area. This method is quite accurate and allows the doctor to treat only abnormal formations on the cervix, avoiding healthy areas. Many patients may experience pain during the procedure, but they are very rarely severe, which makes it possible to avoid the use of local anesthetics. This type of coagulation does not lead to the formation of scars; complete healing occurs in one to two months. There is also no smoking or charring of the treated surface. Already half a year after the procedure, you can plan a pregnancy.

Video about the procedure

Chemical coagulation

This method is the most inexpensive of all presented, however, it is also less effective. The doctor drains the uterus using a tampon and applies it to the desired area. special drug- Solkovagin, which in a short period of time leads to the death of the treated area, immediately after the procedure the chemical reagent is carefully removed. Since this medicine can also damage healthy cells of the cervix, the operation requires special care and precision, for which a colposcope is used. After a few days, the dead layer begins to peel off and new healthy tissue forms in its place.

Solkovagin is a local necrotizing agent; its excessive use can lead to burns and deformation of epithelial tissue.

Many patients note that the procedure is painless, extremely in rare cases scar formation or changes in the cervical canal occur. However, this method is not suitable for eliminating extensive lesions, since it cannot penetrate to great depths and mainly removes the upper layers of the mucosa. It is with chemical coagulation that a repeat operation is most often required. It is also not suitable for the treatment of cervical dysplasia and the removal of cancerous tumors. Most often used in the case of precancerous conditions of erosion and cervicitis.


The method is based on the influence of very low temperatures on the affected area with the help of nitrogen, due to which killing occurs pathological tissue. This method can be used in nulliparous women. The main advantage of this method is the absence of scarring at the cauterization site and accelerated healing cervix. And after the procedure, pain very rarely occurs and patients do not require anesthesia or anesthesia. The downside is that this method cannot remove large lesions; it is designed to affect small areas. If the doctor is not sufficiently qualified and carries out cryocoagulation for longer than the prescribed time, then scars may form on the cervix.

A speculum and a special instrument are placed in the vagina, its tip is brought to the selected area and nitrous oxide is applied for about five minutes, take a short break and repeat the procedure.

Postoperative rehabilitation

Do not be alarmed if you experience the following symptoms after surgery:

  • pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, most often of a pulling nature;
  • the appearance of light serous or bloody discharge for 2–3 weeks;
  • the first menstruation after coagulation is heavier than usual.

All these symptoms indicate the healing process and should not cause concern. After the operation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not use tampons for two months, use panty liners if you are bothered by discharge;
  • refrain from visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools and do not take baths, use the shower for a month;
  • exclude sports and any other activities for a month physical exercise, as well as lifting objects weighing more than three kilograms;
  • maintain sexual rest for at least a month;
  • douching and internal gynecological lavages should not be done;
  • follow-up examination with a gynecologist after 1.5 months;
  • colposcopy three months after surgery.

Possible consequences and complications

Each method has its own list of possible complications, which were described above. Are common Negative consequences after coagulation are extremely rare, but you should consult a doctor if you experience the following alarming symptoms:

  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • strong bleeding with clots;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • blood is released for more than three weeks.

All of the above signs may indicate the occurrence of various pathological conditions. After surgery, the following complications may occur:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • reduction of the canal and external lumen of the cervix;
  • istimiko - cervical insufficiency;
  • decreased ability to get pregnant;
  • risk of late stage abortions;
  • increased incidence of premature birth.

The last two complications rarely occur in small operated areas; they are more common in women who have undergone volume coagulation.

Many women suffer from cervical diseases. Over the years, this figure is only growing. This is due to ecology, stress experienced, heredity and concomitant diseases. Many pathologies of the reproductive organ are difficult to respond to drug treatment. Mostly recommended surgical intervention. Now this can be done in an almost painless way, using radio wave coagulation of the cervix. The method does not injure tissue and effectively combats pathological changes in the organ.

The essence of the method and its advantages

The essence of radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​that the reproductive organ is exposed to high-frequency radio waves. The procedure is based on the fact that the doctor acts on the affected tissue with an electromagnetic beam. The temperature of such exposure is very high, and pathological cells under the pressure of radio waves they begin to evaporate. The procedure is harmless, as it does not require incisions or stitches, and there is no tissue scarring or death of affected cells after it. This procedure allows you to avoid infection and the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Note! When exposed to pathological areas by radio waves, blood capillaries are cauterized, the wounds heal faster and the woman is less bothered by bleeding than with conventional surgery.

Interesting video:

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix has a number of advantages that give it superiority over other methods of combating pathologies of the reproductive organ:

  1. Excision of only affected tissue. Radio wave laser does not affect healthy cervical epithelial cells, which does not exclude their damage. The operation is precisely aimed at removing the affected tissue.
  2. No tissue scarring. This allows the method to be used for women who have not yet given birth. The procedure does not injure the cervix and does not threaten future pregnancy.
  3. Laser disinfection, which guarantees a sterilizing effect. The procedure eliminates the development of infection inside the organ and its inflammation.
  4. No change in the shape of the cervix. The organ remains normal and does not undergo pathological disorders.
  5. Fast healing. Under the influence of high temperatures, the capillaries are cauterized and do not bleed, which means that the formation of new epithelial cells occurs faster. No additional treatment with healing agents is required.
  6. No bleeding. This is also due to the fact that tissues quickly renew and heal.

Important! Along with positive aspects, the method has several negative aspects. These include high cost, individual sensitivity of women (painful procedure), low prevalence in small towns (lack of specialists), a long period restoration of the reproductive organ (happens rarely, depends on the degree and course of the pathology).

The method of radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​very effective in eliminating canal erosion. Under the influence of high temperatures, tissues affected by erosion completely evaporate. In their place, a film forms, which over time is rejected and removed from the body. IN short time the cells are completely renewed and the epithelial layer is healthy again.

Radio wave coagulation of cervical erosion gives a woman a chance for complete relief from such pathology and a successful recovery. This method also leaves a chance that the woman will have children in the future.

The operation of radio wave coagulation of the cervix does not leave stitches. Bleeding may occur after the procedure, but it is very minor and disappears quickly. Full recovery occurs in 1–1.5 months. During this time, the tissues are renewed with healthy cells.

Preparation for surgery, indications for the procedure

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must conduct a full examination, which includes the following mandatory procedures:

  • examination using ultrasound;
  • thorough examination by a gynecologist;
  • conducting smear cytology (detection of pathological changes in the cells of the cervix);
  • examination for the presence of various urogenital infections;
  • detailed blood test from a vein.

A comprehensive examination makes it possible to identify a specific pathology in a woman. This approach allows you to more accurately make a diagnosis and, based on it, adjust the intensity of the beam, as well as its frequency and duration of the procedure. The operation and its outcome depend on the course of the disease and the advanced stage of the pathology.

It is worth noting that if during the examination infections or inflammatory processes in the pelvis were detected, the woman is first prescribed a certain treatment. Only after its successful completion is it recommended to perform a cervical coagulation operation.


Cervical erosion was and remains the most common pathology, which is diagnosed even in nulliparous girls. Treatment of erosion requires close attention, since not only the condition of the cervical epithelium itself, but also the woman’s ability to bear children depends on the quality of the procedures performed.

What is chemical coagulation?

Chemical coagulation is performed using the drugs Solkovagin or Vagotil, from a mixture of which a special solution is prepared for cauterizing erosion. For precise application of products, colposcopy is used - it is with the help of this procedure that one can target the affected tissues of the cervix.

During the procedure, tissues are exposed chemical burn, which provokes repair mechanisms in tissues and as a result, new healthy epithelium appears. The drug penetrates 2.5 mm deep into the epithelium, which is enough to damage the pathological layer and restore a new one. Rejection of dead tissue takes several days, but recovery from chemical coagulation is longer.

Indications for the procedure

The chemical coagulation procedure is performed in almost any state medical institution. This is primarily due to the low cost of materials and ease of implementation, so cauterization can be performed in the same clinics where the woman is observed. Chemofixation is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. erosive lesions of the cervical mucosa;
  2. cervical cysts;
  3. putrefactive lesions of the vaginal epithelium;
  4. infections that cannot be treated with medications;
  5. cervical abnormalities detected by colposcopy.

Contraindications to the procedure

Chemical effects on affected tissue may not be as harmless as it seems. Therefore, for some categories of patients, doctors do not advise choosing the method of chemical coagulation. In particular, contraindications to cauterization of erosion are:

  1. acute cervicitis;
  2. carcinoma;
  3. vaginitis;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Some of these contraindications are relative. For example, after delivery and the recovery period, doctors advise the woman to return to the issue of chemical coagulation. But carcinoma is absolute contraindication- V in this case Doctors build a treatment plan differently.

Stages of cauterization

Before prescribing a chemical coagulation procedure, doctors conduct a series of tests - blood test, urine test, vaginal smear for microflora, papillomavirus test. If there are no contraindications to cauterization, the time for the procedure is set, and if necessary, anti-inflammatory therapy can be carried out.

During coagulation, the mucus that naturally forms there is removed from the vagina, and then the surface of the cervix is ​​treated with acetic acid to visualize the sites of epithelial damage. Then part of the pathologically altered epithelium is treated with a swab soaked in the drug. After a few minutes, the treatment is repeated again. After the second treatment, the remaining substance is removed with a clean swab.

A scab of dead cells quickly forms on the surface of the cervix, which protects healthy tissue from the penetration of microbes. During the process of regeneration of the epithelium, the resulting scab will fall off, and healthy tissue will remain underneath it. This process takes approximately 9-10 days, after which the dead tissue comes out of the vagina. It will take about a month for the affected area to completely heal. During this entire time, doctors monitor the healing process of erosion. Women are scheduled for a follow-up visit ten days after the procedure, two weeks and one and a half months later.

Despite the fact that most medical websites declare the possibility of sexual activity during the healing of erosion, in practice doctors insist on limiting intimacy at least in the first three weeks, when the scab comes off and stable epithelization of tissue begins.

Painfulness of the procedure

Doctors declare minimal pain during the procedure. Most women do not experience significant discomfort during coagulation, and describe their sensations as pulling, but tolerable. Because of this, women are not given anesthesia.

For the sake of fairness, we note that some of the women who underwent cauterization of erosion noted severe pain, similar to labor pains. Doctors believe this is due to low pain threshold and a negative attitude towards coagulation, so such patients can be given anesthesia if they wish.

Time costs

If we talk about treating erosion, this may take several weeks along with a series of tests. And the key treatment procedure – chemical coagulation – does not last long. Between several applications, only two to three minutes pass, which are necessary for the substance to be absorbed and react with the tissue. In total, the procedure may take from 20 to 30 minutes.

Due to the fact that painful sensations may occur, doctors recommend that the woman stay in the facility for another 15-20 minutes, after which she can go home.

Complications after the procedure

For most women, the procedure does not cause complications, but in a small percentage of cases, doctors diagnose the following: side effects:

  1. partial epithelization of tissue, which is associated with insufficient treatment of the damaged area of ​​the cervix;
  2. inflammatory changes in the place where cauterization occurred;
  3. cauterization with chemicals is fraught possible complications with conception in the future, therefore nulliparous women doctors do not recommend this procedure, but insist on more gentle methods of treating cervical erosion;
  4. the use of chemically aggressive agents threatens to reach not only the affected areas of the epithelium, but also healthy ones, so this can cause the formation of scars on healthy tissue;

What happens after the procedure?

After the chemical coagulation procedure, the cervix remains under the influence of a substance that causes epithelial damage. It will remain in effect for some time. A crust will very soon form on the cervix itself, which after a week will come out of the vagina on its own, as it is rejected by the healthy tissue that is forming underneath it.

All these changes go almost unnoticed for a woman, but doctors advise wearing sanitary pads, since natural discharge will form at the site of the burn, and sometimes mixed with blood. Doctors warn women about such consequences, so there is no need to be afraid of this.

There are no special requirements for a woman’s behavior at this moment, but some of them are dictated common sense regarding hygiene. During the recovery period, you should not engage in heavy physical labor, visit saunas, steam baths, swim in a pool or open water. Doctors recommend abstaining from sexual activity for three weeks.


The cauterization procedure may have different prices depending on the amount of erosion. Therefore, for two women with the same problem, the cost of treatment may differ significantly. In Moscow clinics, the procedure costs an average of 2,500 rubles, and in clinics in St. Petersburg - about 2,300. In the regions of Russia price policy does not differ sharply, but it is always possible to find both cheaper and more expensive centers providing this service.

Medical Center City, region Cost, rub.
ABC of health Moscow 1400-2000
On Clinic Moscow about 5000
Family clinic Moscow 2450
SM Clinic Saint Petersburg 1800
Ameda Clinic Saint Petersburg 2000
Family doctor Saint Petersburg 1000
Am Medica Kazan 700-850
Alliance 2000 Rostov 800
Stork Nizhny Novgorod 1000
Panacea Volgograd 980
Philosophy of beauty Permian 3000

Coagulation of cervical erosion is effective means, however, when carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to take into account all its features and choose the most optimal, low-traumatic treatment method.

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