Rhodiola extract fluid. Rhodiola rosea tincture: instructions for proper use

Rhodiola rosea, tincture of which is used in modern medicine as a remedy for many pathologies, has long occupied a special place in ancient Greek, Tibetan medicine, was valued by the healers of the Altai Mountains. The plant is also known as “golden root” due to the bronze-gold color of the rhizome with a pearlescent sheen.

Rhodiola rosea – properties

Rhodiola rosea is a succulent perennial plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. It has straight stems reaching a height of about 40 cm, fleshy bluish leaves, flowers with yellow or greenish petals. Rhodiola blooms from late spring to mid-summer. The main value is the fleshy tuberous rhizome, which has a bitter astringent taste and smells reminiscent of the color of a rose. Rhodiola rosea grows mainly in mountainous regions, preferring the cold climate of the Urals, Eastern Siberia, coasts of the northern seas.

Goldenroot plant (Rhodiola rosea) medicinal properties acquired thanks to the unique chemical composition, studied in detail in the 60s of the last century. Scientists paid close attention to the underground part of the bush, which traditional healers always attributed the most beneficial features. Indeed, many qualities of the unique medicinal raw materials were confirmed, because more than 140 biologically active substances. We list some of the ingredients that make up the roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea:

  • organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, oxalic);
  • flavonoids (tricin, astragalin, kaempferol, rhodosin, rhodiolin);
  • glycosides (including rhodioloside);
  • trace elements (copper, silver, manganese, zinc);
  • tannins;
  • anthraquinones;
  • coumarins;
  • phenols;
  • sterols;
  • alkaloids;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • essential oils;
  • cinnamon alcohol.

To the list of medicinal properties characteristic of products based on the root part Rhodiola rosea, relate:

  • antibacterial;
  • painkillers;
  • adaptogenic;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunocorrective;
  • cardioprotective;
  • neuroprotective;
  • laxatives;
  • anticancer;
  • antimetastatic;
  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-allergic and others.

Rhodiola rosea tincture - indications for use

Rhodiola rosea (tincture) is often used as a remedy for oral administration, and with different types pathologies, different regimens for using the drug are indicated. In addition, the drug can be used externally - mainly as a wound cleanser, disinfectant and healing agent. Let us list the indications for use of golden root tincture in traditional and folk medicine:

  • diseases digestive tract(stomach, intestines, liver);
  • asthenic conditions;
  • nervous, mental fatigue;
  • physical fatigue;
  • neurosis, neurasthenia;
  • diabetes;
  • female diseases (amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, menopausal conditions);
  • anemia;
  • cancer;
  • radiation injuries.

Rhodiola rosea – tincture for women

It is believed that golden root tincture is one of the best means to preserve the health of the female reproductive system and sexual functions for many years. The drug is effective for hormonal imbalance, menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, uterine bleeding. By stimulating the activity of the ovaries and increasing the synthesis of estrogen, the root of the plant helps to restore sexual desire, reduce the negative manifestations of menopause, and helps to recover more quickly after childbirth.

Rhodiola rosea tincture for men

Rhodiola rosea (tincture) also has indications related to male sexual health. It is recommended for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, to increase the time of sexual intercourse, enhance libido, and enhance reproductive abilities. When signs of impotence appear long-term use medications can relieve this problem, while simultaneously preventing the development of inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Rhodiola rosea - contraindications

Due to the fact that alcohol tincture of golden root is a potent drug that affects many organs and systems, it also has a number of restrictions on its use. You should stop taking this medication in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to the components of the tincture;
  • organic brain damage;
  • feverish conditions;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • pronounced nervous excitability;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • tachycardia;
  • tendency to epilepsy-like attacks;
  • alcoholism.

Considering the powerful stimulating effect on the central nervous system, Rhodiola rosea preparations should be consumed in the first half of the day or no later than 4-5 hours before going to bed. When taking the medicine, you should strictly monitor the dosage, otherwise the following side effects may develop:

  • headache;
  • trembling in the limbs;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • jump in blood pressure.

Rhodiola rosea – preparation of tincture

Although a tincture from this plant can be bought at a pharmacy, many fans of herbal medicine have begun to grow Rhodiola rosea in their garden beds and prepare a tincture from its roots themselves. Some even grow this plant on balconies and on window sills in the room. To obtain effective result from treatment, it is not enough to know the right recipe How to prepare the tincture - the golden root must be prepared according to all the rules:

  1. Plants that are at least 3-4 years old have healing powers, so younger bushes are not suitable.
  2. The collection of raw materials is carried out from August to September - after the end of flowering.
  3. Having dug up the roots, they must be cleared of soil, washed under running water and dried in the shade.
  4. Next, the roots are cut into strips of 2-5 cm and dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 °C.
  5. Properly dried raw materials have a pinkish or White color, if the color is brown, then it is unsuitable for use.
  6. Dried roots should be stored in canvas bags in a dry, dark place for no more than three years.

Golden root tincture with vodka - recipe

Golden root, a vodka tincture from which is very simply prepared, is an almost universal medicine. Vodka and alcohol are powerful solvents that allow you to extract and preserve for a long time all the valuable substances contained in the root part of the plant. If Rhodiola rosea tincture is prepared at home using vodka, you should take care to purchase a high-quality certified product with a strength of 40% without additional additives.

Vodka tincture recipe


  • raw materials – 50 g;
  • vodka – 0.5 l.

Preparation and use

  1. Place the chopped roots in a dark glass container.
  2. Pour vodka, seal with a lid, put in dark place.
  3. Leave for a month, shaking occasionally.
  4. Filter the infusion and apply according to the type of pathology.

Tincture of golden root in alcohol - recipe

Somewhat less commonly used for preparing tinctures ethanol 70% strength, which can be bought at the pharmacy. IN in this case the infusion time is reduced, and the proportions of the ingredients are different, although the healing properties finished product will be the same as in the case of vodka tincture. Let's look at how to make an alcohol-based tincture of golden root.

Alcohol tincture


  • raw materials – 10 g;
  • alcohol – 0.5 l.

Preparation and use

  1. Pour the crushed roots with alcohol and place them in a sealed glass container.
  2. Leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth, take according to recommendations for existing disease.

Rhodiola rosea – how to take the tincture?

There are a lot of options for using the root of the radiola rosea plant, the tincture from which is prepared in alcohol or vodka. The product can be used as a one-time use to improve well-being for different pathological conditions, and long courses, sometimes repeated. It is better to find out how to drink golden root tincture from a specialist, since this takes into account the severity of the pathology, concomitant diseases, individual characteristics body.

Rhodiola rosea for colds

Thanks to antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to enhance defense mechanisms body, the drug successfully fights colds. In addition, it can be used for preventive purposes during the cold season, a period of mass incidence of respiratory infections. To do this, tincture of Rhodiola rosea in vodka is taken orally, 30-40 drops 15 minutes before meals, once a day for five days (dilute with water).

Rhodiola rosea tincture for panic attacks

For people suffering from recurrent symptoms panic attack, which may be associated with various problems in the body, treatment consists, first of all, in reducing the frequency and intensity of attacks. Rhodiola rosea (alcohol tincture) is one of the herbal remedies that can help with this, due to beneficial effects on the nervous system, calming effect. In this case, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment once a year lasting 1-2 months, taking 5-10 drops of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals.

Tincture of golden root to enhance potency

Thanks to the stimulating effect on the genital glands, activation of blood flow in the genital area, normalization mental state, golden root can restore male sexual activity. When decreasing male power Rhodiola tincture pink application has the following: take 1 ml of the product orally, diluted with a small amount of water, 30 minutes before meals three times a day. The duration of the course is 15 days.

Rhodiola rosea for frigidity

Sexual dysfunction, which is understood as a decrease or complete absence sexual desire, the ability to achieve orgasm, may be associated with psychological disorders, mental exhaustion, fatigue. In such cases, tincture of golden root can be beneficial for frigidity in women. It should be taken for 2-3 months, 15 drops three times a day a couple of hours before meals.

Rhodiola rosea for cancer

Many patients are interested in whether Rhodiola rosea tincture is used after chemotherapy. It is worth knowing that this plant is effective not only for restoring the body after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but can also be used to slow growth malignant formation, against metastases. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult with a phyto-oncologist. Often, Rhodiola rosea (tincture) is taken three times a day, a few minutes before meals, 30 drops, the course duration is at least a month.

Golden root, pink root, pink sedum

Perennial listed in the Red Book of Russia. Grows exclusively on Far East. The root has adaptogenic properties and stimulates the nervous system. Used in the form of tinctures and extracts to treat fatigue, psychoneurological disorders, genital diseases, infections, and injuries.

Name in Latin: Rhodiola rosea

Name in English: Rhodiola rosea

Family: Crassulaceae

The beneficial properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea remained virtually unknown to science and little studied until the middle of the last century. The reason for this is the limited area of ​​distribution of the culture, small areas of its natural population. The local population of Altai kept the areas where the golden root grows secret. Only in 1961, samples of the plant were discovered in the taiga by an expedition of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Features of Rhodiola rosea

There are many legends and traditions associated with this culture that live among the local population of the Altai Territory. The plant is credited with miraculous properties, and modern science I agree with many of them.

But in last years Rhodiola rosea has become a fashion trend, a “cure for all diseases”, an expensive and rare drug for cancer and severe blood pathologies. The properties of the plant do not always justify the hopes placed on it, since advertising repeatedly embellishes the actual capabilities of medicinal raw materials.


Perennial herbaceous plant has a large, powerful root. It develops horizontally and becomes woody on the surface. The color of the root is close to the shade of bronze or old gilding with a characteristic shine, for which the plant received the second, common name “golden root”.

Numerous adventitious roots extend from the rhizome, allowing the crop to extract enough nutrients from the poorest rocky soils. The compact herbaceous part of the golden root plant develops on the surface. It consists of many stems ranging from ten to forty centimeters in height. Typically, one plant has up to ten stems, although there are also specimens with single stems.

The herbaceous part is covered with paired opposite leaves. They are oblong, ovoid, pointed, with carved edges. In June and the first half of July, inflorescences form on the tops of the stems. They are shields of numerous yellow flowers, collected in compact groups.

In August, in place of the inflorescences, fruits ripen in the form of cocoons of green leaves. They contain seeds, which are used to propagate the golden root herb. Vegetative propagation of the crop is much weaker than seed propagation.

Geography and distribution

There are only a few areas of natural distribution of Rhodiola rosea in the world. Its plantings are found in Bulgaria, China, and Mongolia. The densest natural populations are located in Russia. Rhodiola rosea grows in cold and temperate climates. Optimal conditions for it are observed in the tundra.

The culture prefers rocky soils, so single specimens can be found in mountainous and foothill areas. According to the clarification of the Soviet botanist Schreter, in the region of Western and Eastern Sayan, along the banks of the rivers Irkut, Uda, Urgud, in the immediate vicinity of Lake Baikal, multi-ton procurement of plant raw materials is possible. However, in practice this seems impossible, since populations are scattered across several Altai ridges, and Rhodiola rosea grows in isolated individuals, without forming thickets.

Potentially attractive areas for harvesting plant raw materials are areas with rocky and pebble soil located near water bodies. Despite the ability of the golden root to grow literally on stones, the culture needs plenty of moisture and good soil drainage.

Collection and preparation

In many regions Russian Federation the culture is listed in the Red Book, which is why the use of Rhodiola rosea is limited. It is collected for the pharmaceutical industry in extremely small quantities. The high interest in it from medicine supports the development of small farms where golden root is cultivated on plantations. However, there is an opinion that only in natural conditions The growth of Rhodiola rosea forms a truly healing composition.

The herbaceous part of the plant is used for food and for making salads. IN medicinal purposes prepare the root. Previously, collection was carried out from the beginning of flowering until the seeds were completely ripened. It is important not to procure raw materials in the same areas constantly. It takes a minimum of ten years for the population to recover, during which time the site should not be re-collected.

It has been experimentally established that the process of growing a crop significantly changes the volume of its root part. During the period from flowering to seed ripening, the root of Rhodiola rosea increases twenty times. This discovery adjusted the recommended timing for the procurement of raw materials. The root must be collected at the end of August, when the seed pods on the stems are fully formed.

The largest bushes are used for harvesting. The rhizome is dug out as completely as possible, cleared of soil, and quickly washed with running water. Then the large parts are split, the cork peel is removed from them, and crushed into small pieces. They are left to air dry for several hours. The further drying process is carried out under a canopy, where the raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on newspapers. When using an electric dryer, set the temperature to fifty to sixty degrees.

Composition and properties

Modern research has made it possible to clarify the composition of the medicinal plant more fully. Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) includes at least one hundred and forty organic compounds, many of which are extremely rare in the wild.

Availability established high concentration tannins- from sixteen to twenty-two percent. According to this indicator, the raw material exceeds the composition oak bark. The presence of such a high amount of tannins explains the high astringent properties of the plant.

The culture also contains flavonoids, essential oils, sugars, and organic acids. A small amount of it contains the glycoside salidroside, which, according to Professor Tomsky medical university Albert Saratikov, and is the main agent therapeutic action medicinal plant.

Glycoside salidroside has a complex stimulating effect.

Specialists of the Amur State medical academy clarified the benefits of golden root. Its use is recommended for younger children, including toddlers, in order to prevent respiratory diseases. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by biochemical and morphological studies.

Applications of golden root

In recent years, the medicinal properties of golden root have been extensively studied by science. Researcher M.I. Zotova confirmed the stimulating effect when taking an extract prepared in alcohol. The experiment was carried out on animals. Repeated studies by a group of scientists led by S. Ya. Arbuzov showed that the endurance of mice when taking an alcoholic extract of Rhodiola rosea increases two and a half times.

The use of golden root in people exposed to intense physical or mental stress helps to increase the energy activity of the brain and reduces the intensity of oxidative processes in the muscles. A stimulating effect is achieved on the functioning of the brain, thyroid and thymus gland, gonads, which has been proven experimentally.

Instructions for use of Rhodiola rosea tincture include recommendations for its use as a soothing, refreshing agent, to improve performance. In some sources, the culture is mentioned as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, due to its antimicrobial and antiviral activity. The astringent properties allow the use of Rhodiola rosea in gynecology as an anti-inflammatory agent for colpitis and vaginitis.

In official medicine

Can be used in the form of purified rhizome extract according to indications. Recommended as an adaptogenic agent for stimulating the immune system and mental activity.

  • U healthy people . According to reviews, Rhodiola rosea improves memory, increases concentration, and increases performance.
  • In people suffering from neuroses. Reduces excitability and irritability, improves sleep. When taking the drug, patients are not bothered by drowsiness, apathy and fatigue, which manifests themselves when using other sedatives.
  • In patients with schizophrenia. Used as a remedy side effects during treatment with neuroleptic drugs. The frequency of side effects is reduced by two and a half times.
  • In patients with hypotension. The extract increases blood pressure, which normalizes the condition, eliminates headaches and weakness.
  • In athletes. For people involved in swimming, bodybuilding, athletics and other sports with high intensity loads, it is recommended to use it as an adaptogenic herbal remedy. Under the influence of intense physical activity in the brain are disrupted metabolic processes. The concentration of glycogen decreases, while the volume of lactic acid increases. This leads to the activation of anaerobic processes with a decrease in the energy reserves of the brain. The result of these processes is fatigue, weakness, and increased fatigue. Taking the tincture normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and improves resistance to stress factors.

How to take golden root depends on the patient's condition.

  • With high mental load. 5-10 drops morning and afternoon. You should start taking it two weeks before the upcoming intensive work.
  • For schizophrenia. 20-25 drops twice a day in combination with the main treatment of a nervous disorder.
  • To increase physical endurance. 15-30 drops two to three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The dosage of the product should be increased gradually, starting with five drops. Every three to four days, add five drops, observing the patient’s condition. The course is continued for fifteen to twenty days.

In folk medicine

Its use in folk medicine is wider. Vodka tincture is recommended for men as a remedy for impotence. In women it is used for amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation of an unknown nature. Treat conditions of neurasthenia, nervous exhaustion, loss of strength after infectious diseases, psycho-emotional disorders.

Astringent properties allow the use medicinal plant for stomach and intestinal disorders, for malaria. The effectiveness of the product has not been proven diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, liver diseases and anemia.

Alcohol tincture is used externally as antiseptic for wound healing, reducing intensity inflammatory processes throat, oral cavity.

Alcohol tincture

Prepare at home alcohol tincture Rhodiola rosea can be used according to the following recipe.


  1. Place the prepared roots in the container. You will need ten grams of dry raw materials or twenty grams of fresh ones.
  2. Fill with vodka with a volume of one hundred milliliters.
  3. Leave to brew for eight days.
  4. Strain.

For internal use use in a dosage of fifteen to thirty drops. For treating skin and mucous membranes, dilute a teaspoon of tincture in one hundred milliliters warm water. Use for rinsing, in the form of lotions.


The recipe for how to brew golden root will be useful for low blood pressure and physical, mental exhaustion. Drink the decoction as tea, morning and afternoon.


  1. Place the dry root in a container, you will need ten grams.
  2. Fill with hot water with a volume of two hundred milliliters.
  3. Simmer in a water bath for fifteen minutes.
  4. Strain.

During the boiling process, the broth loses some healing properties, so herbalists prefer to use an alcohol tincture. But in everyday life a decoction will be useful nervous disorders, insomnia, low blood pressure. Drink half a glass twice a day. Do not use at night, as the product has a stimulating effect.


There are few contraindications for Rhodiola rosea. It is forbidden to use it without consulting a doctor when severe symptoms nervous disorders. It is not recommended to use for hypertension, as a hypertensive crisis is possible.

In case of an overdose, pain in the heart area, insomnia, and increased irritability develop. It is recommended to strictly adhere to safe dose, enter medicinal drug with a minimum number of drops.

Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) has a proven stimulating effect on the nervous system. It improves brain function, stimulates muscle activity and performance. Use for nervous disorders can reduce side effects basic drugs. In folk medicine it can be used to reduce the severity of stress, support the body during high loads, helps with sexual weakness and a tendency to colds.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea remained virtually unknown to science and little studied until the middle of the last century. The reason for this is the limited area of ​​distribution of the culture, small areas of its natural population. The local population of Altai kept the areas where the golden root grows secret. Only in 1961, samples of the plant were discovered in the taiga by an expedition of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


The perennial herbaceous plant has a large, powerful root. It develops horizontally and becomes woody on the surface. The color of the root is close to the shade of bronze or old gilding with a characteristic shine, for which the plant received the second, common name “golden root”.

Numerous adventitious roots extend from the rhizome, allowing the crop to extract
enough nutrients from the poorest rocky soils. The compact herbaceous part of the golden root plant develops on the surface. It consists of many stems ranging from ten to forty centimeters in height. Typically, one plant has up to ten stems, although there are also specimens with single stems.

The herbaceous part is covered with paired opposite leaves. They are oblong, ovoid, pointed, with carved edges. In June and the first half of July, inflorescences form on the tops of the stems. They are shields of numerous yellow flowers, collected in compact groups.

In August, in place of the inflorescences, fruits ripen in the form of cocoons of green leaves. They contain seeds, which are used to propagate the golden root herb. Vegetative propagation of the crop is much weaker than seed propagation.

Useful properties of radiola

Rhodiola has many beneficial properties, for example, it improves heart function and increases arterial pressure, promotes the secretion of bile. The roots of the plant contain substances that are used to stop bleeding and restore the body's strength after extreme fatigue. Rhodiola is used as an excellent tonic and sedative.

Rhodiola is used for poor appetite, metabolic disorders and various types of inflammation. Rhodiola preparations are also used as an antipyretic or anti-allergenic agent. Rhodiola is used to treat acute and chronic radiation injuries, overheating or hypothermia. Rhodiola quickly heals wounds, improves vision and increases hearing acuity.

Rhodiola tincture is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system. Rhodiola has good action for pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases and bone fractures. Rhodiola also has restorative effect. It is used not only inside the body, but also externally, it has also found application: they make lotions and baths.

The delicious Rhodiola rosea boasts many beneficial properties. The roots contain such essential substances, which allow you to quickly stop bleeding and restore the body's defenses after overwork. Rhodiola rosea can increase blood pressure and significantly improve heart function. This herb stimulates mental activity and promotes the secretion of bile.

Rhodiola rosea has a calming and tonic effect. It is often prescribed for metabolic disorders, poor appetite and various inflammations. It should be noted that Rhodiola rosea has anti-allergenic and antipyretic properties. This herb has long been used to treat radiation damage, hypothermia and overheating of the body.

Rhodiola rosea can significantly improve vision and increase hearing acuity. This plant has therapeutic effect for skin diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, and bone fractures. Rhodiola rosea juice has early cleansing properties. In addition, Rhodiola rosea has an excellent general strengthening effect.

Rhodiola rosea: contraindications

This potent traditional medicine drug has several contraindications:

Uses of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola cures many diseases and ailments, and this is thanks to the ingredients it contains. useful substances. It is used for diarrhea, headaches, scurvy, menorrhagia, gout, scrofula and diabetes. Rhodiola is used externally to treat conjunctivitis, abscesses, and skin rashes. Its juice can be lubricated on the gums during pyorrhea. Rhodiola juice cleanses wounds. Rhodiola preparations help with impotence, gynecological diseases and anemia.

Rhodiola tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of the plant root and grind it into powder, pour it with 2 glasses of vodka. Leave it to infuse for 14 days in a dark place, shake it periodically. After straining the finished tincture, take it 20-30 drops three times a day half an hour before meals. This tincture is also taken by people who have a tendency to hypotension, although at first the tincture should be taken no more than 5 drops three times a day (but over time, the tincture is increased to 10 drops).

Collection to enhance immunity. Take 20 grams of rhodiola roots, the same amount of zamanika roots and rose hips. Add here 15 grams of hawthorn fruit and the same amount of nettle. All that remains to add to this mixture is 10 grams of St. John's wort herb. Now take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Place on the fire for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Let it sit for 4 hours and strain. The raw materials from the tincture must be squeezed out and thrown away, and about 200 ml of boiling water must be added to the resulting tincture. Take the ready-made collection, 70 ml three times a day.

Rhodiola infusion for colds and heart weakness. Take 10 grams of plant roots,
grind them and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 4 hours and strain. Take the prepared infusion half a glass three times a day. This infusion is used for nervous diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine for effective treatment of such serious illnesses decoctions and tinctures containing Rhodiola rosea are used for diarrhea, menorrhagia, fever, headaches, and scurvy. This herb is often prescribed for respiratory infections, to relieve fatigue and effective increase performance. Rhodiola rosea is effective for scrofula, diabetes, anemia, stomach diseases, impotence and severe toothache.

For conjunctivitis and all kinds of skin problems the plant is prescribed externally in the form of poultices and lotions, which are also effective for treating gums with pyorrhea (festering of the gums). Moreover, preparations with Rhodiola rosea are indicated for various gynecological diseases. To boost immunity, it is recommended to mix 20 grams of rhodiola rosea roots, 20 grams of rose hips, 15 grams of ripe hawthorn fruits, 10 grams of St. John's wort, and 20 grams of dense roots. Take a glass of boiling water for one and a half tablespoons of this mixture. Pour boiling water over the mixture and boil for 10 minutes.

After 4 hours of infusion, it is necessary to strain the product and squeeze out the raw materials. Add a glass of boiling water to the resulting tincture. The infusion is ready. It should be taken 60-70 ml 3 times a day. This product can also be used for lotions. To stimulate the central nervous system, it is recommended to use an alcohol tincture.

For use in medicinal purposes Rhodiola rosea has rhizomes. They should be harvested in July or August. To do this, you need to dig up the roots, thoroughly wash them of soil particles in cool water, then clean off brown cork and rotten parts.

After this, you need to cut the rhizome crosswise into small pieces, the length of which will be about 10 cm. And only then dry the raw material at a temperature of at least 50 degrees.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

For proper preparation For this product, it is recommended to take 50 grams of crushed plant roots, which should be filled with 400 grams of vodka. After this, set the mixture aside to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. It is advisable to shake the container once every few days. Before use, filter the finished tincture and use 5 drops at first, gradually increasing to 20 drops. The product is used orally 20 minutes before each meal. Such wonderful tincture indicated for patients prone to hypotension.

Rhodiola rosea infusion

A medicinal infusion of rosea rhodiola is prescribed for heart weakness and frequent colds. To prepare it, take 10-15 grams of roots, which we chop thoroughly and pour 250 grams of boiling water. After 4 hours, the mixture must be strained through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. A ready-made infusion of 80-100 ml is taken 3 times a day. It should also be noted that this remedy indicated for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous diseases.

Rhodiola rosea decoction

Miraculous decoctions of rose rhodiola significantly improve the functioning of the heart and important
of cardio-vascular system. Vessels become stronger, more functional and more resilient. A decoction is often prescribed for diseases of the housing and communal services, uterine bleeding, and also for impotence.

This remedy helps effective treatment thyroid gland and regulates blood sugar levels. For toothache and anemia, such a wonderful decoction will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. And healing decoction from the upper part of Rhodiola rosea is used to wipe the skin for cosmetic purposes.

Rhodiola rosea for children

Various decoctions and tinctures of Rhodiola rosea, as well as numerous preparations containing this herb, are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age. Otherwise there may be skin rashes, nausea and vomiting.


Country of origin


Product group

Herbal, natural preparations (herbs)

General tonic plant origin

Release forms

  • 30 ml - orange glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs. bottle 30ml

Description of the dosage form

  • Extract for oral administration (liquid) Extract for oral administration (liquid) from light brown to dark brown with a reddish tint with a characteristic odor; During storage, sediment may appear.

pharmachologic effect

Herbal product. The extract has a general tonic effect. Increases the body's resistance to adverse effects such as pollution environment, impact pathogenic microflora and viruses, exposure to high and low temperatures. Increases physical and mental performance.

Special conditions

Do not take in the afternoon. Maximum single dose liquid extract contains 0.63 g, daily - 1.9 g of absolute alcohol. Contraindication - childhood(up to 12 years old). With caution: children over 12 years of age.


  • 1000 ml of rhizome with roots of Rhodiola rosea 1000 g Excipients: ethanol 40% - sufficient amount to obtain 1000 ml of extract. rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea 1 kg/liter

Rhodiola extract liquid indications for use

  • Rhodiola liquid extract is used as a stimulant for asthenic conditions, increased fatigue, with neurasthenic conditions, vegetative-vascular dystonia. The drug can be used in patients who have had somatic or infectious diseases, in patients with functional diseases nervous system, as well as in practically healthy people with asthenia and decreased performance.

Rhodiola extract liquid contraindications

  • - hypersensitivity; - excitement; - insomnia; - arterial hypertension; - febrile syndrome; - pregnancy; - lactation period; - children's age (up to 12 years). With caution: alcoholism, head injury, brain diseases, children over 12 years of age.

Rhodiola extract liquid side effects

  • Irritability, insomnia, headache; allergic reactions.

Drug interactions

Enhances the effect of central nervous system stimulants, is an antagonist of drugs that depress the central nervous system (including antipsychotics (chlorpromazine), barbiturates, anxiolytics, antiepileptic drugs).

Storage conditions

  • store in a cool place 5-15 degrees
  • keep away from children
  • store in a place protected from light
Information provided

The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea and contraindications to its use are important to know for everyone who wants to improve their well-being without resorting to synthetic drugs. The plant contains a large number of antioxidants, collagen synthesis enhancers, stimulants immune system. In addition, it can stabilize the nervous system, relieving fatigue and eliminating stress. However, remedy There is a small list of contraindications, for example, it is not recommended to take Rhodiola for people with high blood pressure.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea (second, more famous name– golden root) affects almost all systems human body. The complex effect is due to the rich composition of the plant; it can increase blood pressure, stimulate the production and secretion of bile, and improve heart function. Rhodiola rhizome contains substances that affect the composition of the blood, helping to stop bleeding and saturate tissues with oxygen. Also, products based on this medicinal plant tone the entire body and help cope with fatigue.

Golden root is used for fast healing wounds, burns, treatment of various types of inflammation. The plant has an effect on gastrointestinal tract– increases appetite, improves digestion, stabilizes metabolism. In addition, it has antipyretic and antihistamine effect, which allows it to be used when various diseases And allergic reactions. The product can also increase hearing acuity and improve human vision.

Rhodiola rosea tincture has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and a general strengthening effect on the entire body. In practice, it is often used to combat tuberculosis and skin diseases. In addition, it promotes rapid healing of bones in case of fractures.

Products based on golden root are not only used internally, they can also be used externally. The most commonly used treatments are soaks, soaks and soaks.

For men and women

A large percentage of men cannot cope with the pace modern life As a result, they are constantly in a state of stress and fatigue. These factors contribute to the development of psychogenic impotence. That is, at the anatomical and physiological level there are no problems, but a man cannot fully enjoy communication with his other half.

Women often suffer from heavy discharge during menstruation, dysfunctional bleeding, disruptions in the menstrual cycle. These problems are most often associated with an imbalance hormonal levels, which is constantly changing. To bring it back to normal, it is recommended to take products based on golden root. They will reduce the amount of blood loss, stabilize hormones and menstrual cycle, will improve overall well-being.

It is also recommended to take medicines from Rhodiola rosea extract menopause. At this time, women feel a loss of strength, complain of headaches, pressure surges, and hot flashes. Minimize discomfort golden root will help.

In addition, Rhodiola will help restore the body's strength after childbirth, increase the flow of milk, and reduce the amount of discharge. Reception of the golden root in postpartum period is a prevention of depression, which often occurs some time after the birth of the baby.

For children

Children are allowed to use the medicinal plant only after consulting a pediatrician; in addition, it is not recommended to give Radiol to babies in their first year of life.

Impact on the children's body:

  • stimulates active games;
  • improves memory;
  • helps to concentrate attention;
  • is used for complex treatment tonsillitis;
  • reduces toothache;
  • improves digestion.

External use of the plant accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions.

Uses of Rhodiola rosea

The perennial plant has a versatile positive effect on the body, so it is used in various fields of medicine:

  • oncology – inhibits the growth and development of tumor formations;
  • therapy, pediatrics – reduces high fever;
  • allergology – fights allergy symptoms;
  • geriatrics – improves memory, promotes a surge of strength;
  • gynecology, obstetrics – minimizes blood loss;
  • cosmetology – stimulates collagen synthesis.

Sleep also improves, blood pressure rises, a person becomes more efficient and resistant to stressful situations.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, golden root is used for external and internal use. It is often added to creams that fight age-related changes skin. The plant is not aggressive, so it is suitable for sensitive girls.

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