Fish for weight loss - a list of low-fat and healthy varieties. Fish diet menu with recipes. List of fatty varieties of sea and river fish

Of course, a person’s health depends primarily on his lifestyle: the lack of bad habits, compliance with the work and rest regime, and also, of course, from the correctness and balance of the diet. After all, it is with food that our body receives all the nutritional elements it needs: vitamins, mineral particles, acids and other substances that ensure the full functioning of all organs and systems. And one of the required components of each healthy diet there must be fish. It is believed that fatty fish, the types of product of which are sea and river fish, have the maximum benefit for the body.

"List" of fatty fish

The fattest fish live in reservoirs with low temperatures. And this is understandable, because to maintain viability in such harsh conditions, living creatures need a fat layer that will protect them internal organs from hypothermia. Such fish contains from eight to twenty percent fat from the total weight of the carcass.

Fat sea ​​fish represented by halibut, nelma, chinook salmon, sardine, saury, and mackerel. Also on this list are notothenia, Atlantic herring and tuna.

Fatty river fish are represented mostly by residential forms of sturgeon and salmon. Such species constantly live in rivers and do not leave them for the seas at a certain age. Moreover, among the fatty river fish You can highlight the Baikal omul (more of a lake fish), as well as silver carp, nelma, river lamprey and river eel.

Why is oily fish valued, what are the benefits of consuming it?

Any type of fish proper preparation can bring great benefit to the human body. This product is a source of easily digestible protein that is easily processed by our body. Eating fish gives us a lot of essential amino acids and the right amount building material for cells and tissues, especially muscle.

Scientists have found that people who, due to the place where they live, eat a lot oily fish, are much less likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases. They are rarely obese. And lovers of sea oily fish practically do not encounter disturbances in the activity of the thyroid gland.

Such products are a source of the lion's amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids– Omega-3. Such substances are extremely important for the normal functioning of the entire body. Polyunsaturated fatty acids nourish the brain, improving its activity and positively affecting the ability to remember, analyze and reproduce information. In addition, such particles are important for the heart and blood vessels; they prevent atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease and other problems of this kind.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on the functioning reproductive system representatives of both sexes, they also optimize metabolic processes and stimulate the immune system. Systematic intake of them into the body helps improve health and appearance hair, skin and nails. Among other things, Omega-3 acids have a positive effect on the condition of joints, improving their mobility, preventing the development of arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Scientists have found that consuming a serving of fatty fish two to three times a week helps relieve shortness of breath, prevent the development of strokes and oncological diseases.

There is evidence that fatty fish improves the condition nerve cells brain and protects them from aggressive influences. Its consumption helps reduce the likelihood of developing depressive states, and bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder accompanied by hyperactivity, and even schizophrenia.

The beneficial components of such a food product will help reduce the intensity discomfort that occur during PMS and menstruation. Also, fatty fish will be beneficial during menopause, optimizing general state women.

Fish will also provide health skeletal system, will strengthen bones, prevent fractures or speed up their fusion. In addition, her useful components will help avoid caries, thinning tooth enamel and other dental problems.

It is believed that consuming fatty fish will be beneficial general condition digestive tract. Contained in it useful elements will help reduce the likelihood of developing inflammatory lesions intestines, and will also make the manifestations of Crohn’s disease less pronounced and ulcerative colitis.

It is worth considering that in order to receive maximum benefit For fatty fish, you should cook it exclusively in the oven, steamed or on the grill in foil.

Is fatty fish dangerous to health? Is it possible to cause harm?

So, if you want fatty sea and river fish to bring only benefits to your body, purchase it only at trusted retail outlets. In addition, be sure to expose such a product to good heat treatment.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

List of fatty fish and health benefits

Fatty fish have fat in their tissues and abdominal cavity in area gastrointestinal tract. Its fillet contains up to 30% fat, although this figure varies both within and between species. For example, fatty fish include small forage fish such as herring and anchovies, as well as other large pelagic fish such as salmon, trout, and mackerel ().

Oily fish can be compared to white fish, which contain fat only in the liver (much less than fatty fish). White fish include, etc. White fish are usually demersal fish that live on or near the seabed, while oily fish are pelagic - they live in the water column.

Fatty fish meat is a good source of vitamins A and D and is rich in (white fish also contains these nutrients, but in a much lower concentration). For this reason, consumption fatty varieties fish rather than white fish may be more beneficial for people, especially regarding cardiovascular diseases ().

However, it is known that fatty fish carry more high levels pollutants (such as mercury or dioxin) than white fish. Among the others beneficial effects Researchers note that omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish may help improve the condition. inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis.

Fatty sea fish: list

Oily fish contains significant amount fat in all tissues of the body and in the abdominal cavity. Here's a list of fatty fish:

  • sea ​​trout
  • anchovies
  • sardines
  • sprat
  • pollock
  • tuna
  • shark
  • Atlantic sturgeon
  • sea ​​bass
  • flounder

Older people who eat fish or seafood at least once a week are less likely to develop dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. In addition to providing vascular protection, omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil, may reduce inflammation in the brain and play a role in brain development and nerve cell regeneration ().

In a French study published in 2002 British Medical Journal (BMJ), followed 1,774 elderly residents of southern France over seven years. Scientists studied how much meat and seafood they consumed and how this was associated with symptoms of dementia.

The finding was that people who ate fish at least once a week had a significantly lower risk of being diagnosed with dementia over seven years. This study strengthened the research findings Annals of Neurology. Thanks to a longer study period BMJ provided stronger evidence of a genuine protective effect.

Cardiovascular diseases

Eating 200-400g of oily fish twice a week may also help prevent sudden death due to myocardial infarction, preventing cardiac arrhythmia ().

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), found in fish oil, appears to dramatically reduce inflammation by being converted within the body into resolvins, with beneficial effects for of cardio-vascular system and arthritis ().

In 1994 UK Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) recommended that people eat at least two servings of fish per week, one of which should be oily fish.

In 2004 UK Food Standards Agency has published guidelines on the recommended minimum and maximum amounts of oily fish to eat per week to balance beneficial features omega-3 fatty acids and the potential dangers of consuming polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins. It reaffirmed the 1994 guidelines of two servings of fish per week, including one serving of oily fish. However, it recommended eating no more than four servings per week, and no more than two servings for pregnant or breastfeeding women ().

Protection Agency environment USA (EPA) states that the maximum permissible oral dose of the toxic substance methylmercury is 0.1 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. The corresponding blood mercury limit is 5.8 µg/L. Restrictions apply to certain fatty fish:

  • marlin
  • swordfish
  • shark
  • tuna (to a lesser extent) ()

Recommendations for maximum consumption of oily fish were up to four servings (1 serving = 140 g) per week for men, boys and women past childbearing age, and up to two servings per week for women childbearing age, including pregnant and lactating women and girls. There is no recommended limit on the consumption of white fish.

Guidelines EPA And USDA The 2007 guidelines set a limit only for the consumption of oily fish with more than one part per million of methylmercury, specifically:

  • malacanths
  • king mackerel
  • shark
  • swordfish

However, there are restrictions for breastfeeding/pregnant women and children under six years of age. These populations should completely avoid consuming fish containing high risk mercury contamination (listed above), and limit consumption of fish with moderate and low levels of methylmercury to 340 grams per week. Consumption of longfin tuna (albacore) should be limited to 170 g or less per week.

Scientists have long proven that fish plays a key role in dietary nutrition. What kind of fish can you eat if available? concomitant diseases, the gastroenterologist will explain, but its presence in the diet is mandatory. Therefore, it should be included in the menu of those losing weight. Useful microelements and vitamins provide health, and Omega-3 fatty acids will give beauty to hair and nails. Therefore, eating fish will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also to maintain external beauty.

What are the benefits of fish for humans?

Before using the product in your diet, you should find out what the benefits of fish are for losing weight. Its pulp is useful due to its low-calorie protein content, which contains 25%. Easily digestible amino acids are digested in the stomach in 1.5-2 hours. It is also useful due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They strengthen the heart, prevent heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, stimulate brain function, nervous system, restore metabolism. Fish contains a lot of vitamins A and D, minerals - phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, calcium. They help strengthen bones and teeth. It is ideal to include protein in the menu fish dishes three to four times a week. To lose weight, you should increase this amount to daily intake. In addition to the benefits, there are also harms:

Medium fat content (from 5 to 10 grams) Salmon (Atlantic, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon), bluefish, catfish, rainbow trout, swordfish, catfish, capelin, carp, chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon

Very low content fat (less than 2 grams) Pollock, pike, pike perch, crucian carp, cod, flounder, haddock, lobster, scallops, shrimp.

Dietary and non-dietary fish list

Despite the fact that fish is very healthy, not all varieties are suitable for weight loss. To decide which fish has the most low calorie content, you need to find out about its fat content level. In some varieties of fatty fish, the caloric content can reach 300 kcal per 100 g, which significantly exceeds the caloric content of lean meat. Therefore, when going shopping, it is better to take a list with you. suitable fish for diet.

All fatty fish varieties should be removed from this list. These include:

  • acne;
  • mackerel;
  • sprat
  • halibut;
  • fatty herring;
  • sturgeon;
  • stellate sturgeon;
  • saury;

The fat content in oily fish is over 8%.

There are also moderately fatty representatives of the aquatic world. Percentage content their fat content ranges from 4 to 8. This product is more pleasant and delicate in taste than low-fat varieties of fish. Marine animals of medium fat content include:

  • sazanketa;
  • carp;
  • herring;
  • silverfish;
  • anchovies;
  • pink salmon;
  • lean herring;
  • catfish;
  • zander;
  • trout;
  • carp;
  • horse mackerel;
  • tuna;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • cheese;
  • sole;
  • river bream;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • smelt;
  • red-eye;
  • oily fish;
  • capelin (in spring).

The calorie content of moderately fatty varieties is 100-140 kcal, so they can be consumed occasionally on a fish diet for variety.

But still, low-fat fish for a diet is the best option.

The calorie content of such a product varies from 70 to 100 kcal per 100 g. The most dietary, with fat content up to 1%, are:

  • cod;
  • haddock;
  • navaga;
  • lemonema;
  • pollock;
  • pollock;
  • river perch;
  • vobla;
  • crustaceans;
  • shellfish

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Lean gills (1 to 2% fat) are:

  • pike;
  • zander;
  • Argentina;
  • crucian carp;
  • flounder;
  • Amur;
  • white-eye;
  • mullet;
  • burbot;
  • omul;
  • pristipoma;
  • grayling;
  • whitefish;
  • grenadier;
  • lamprey;
  • roach;
  • Sorog.

TO dietary varieties aquatic representatives, with a fat content of 2 to 4%, include:

  • hekjerekh;
  • tench;
  • rudd;
  • mackerel;
  • halibut;
  • ice fish;
  • saber fish.

Regular consumption of fish with a fat content of up to 4% will not only help you quickly lose excess weight, but also improve the health of the body.

Cod steaks with potatoes

4 servings, 234 kcal, cooking time 45 minutes.


  • 600 g cod fillet,
  • 8 potato tubers,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • 2 tablespoons yogurt,
  • 2 tablespoons rye flour,
  • 1 tablespoon grated horseradish,
  • 1 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt,

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them, chop them coarsely and boil them in salted water.
  2. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings.
  3. Wash the parsley and chop finely.
  4. Wash the cod fillet, cut into portions, salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in olive oil.
  5. To prepare the sauce, mix yogurt with lemon juice, horseradish and some parsley.
  6. Place the steaks and potatoes on plates, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with the remaining parsley and garnish with lemon slices and onion rings.

Pollock stewed with lemon

3 servings, cooking time 40 minutes, 176 kcal.


  • 600 g pollock,
  • 200 ml vegetable broth,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 celery root,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 0.5 bunch of dill, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut it into portions, rub with salt and pepper.

Peel the carrots and celery root, wash and cut into slices.

Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings.

Wash the lemon and cut into slices.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices.

Wash the dill greens.

Saute carrots, celery and onions in olive oil.

Place pollock in a thick-bottomed pan.

Place sautéed vegetables and lemon slices on top.

Pour in broth, add Bay leaf, simmer over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.

Place the finished fish on plates, garnish with tomato slices and dill sprigs.

Tender pike perch soufflé

Fish souffle – great option for those who, during a diet, want to diversify the menu with delicious and delicate dish. For this recipe you will need a couple of cloves of roasted garlic; it is better to prepare it in advance.

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh pike perch – 350 gr.
  • White of two eggs.
  • Low-fat cream – 100 ml.
  • Baked garlic.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Cut and rinse the pike perch carcass, separate the bones and skin. Cut the resulting fillet in small pieces, place in a blender.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Fish diet

Pour the cream into the blender bowl, add the garlic and spices, and grind everything thoroughly. Separately, beat the whites with a pinch of salt.

Combine the fish mixture and whipped whites in parts to obtain a homogeneous mass. The consistency of the mixture should resemble cream.

While the oven is preheating to 150 0C, form the soufflé. To do this, transfer the mass to cling film, twist it so that it looks like a sausage, tie the film well at the ends. Wrap the formed soufflé in foil and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

At the same time, you can bake vegetables for a side dish. Remove the package from the oven, let it cool, cut into portions, and serve with vegetables. This soufflé is unusually airy, delicious both hot and chilled.

Is it possible to replace fish

Seafood is a storehouse of unique vitamins and minerals, for which it is difficult to find an alternative. Fish is often called a meat substitute, especially for dietary purposes. There are times when you become allergic to delicacies, then you have to think about an alternative.

On a diet, you can replace fish with products plant origin. These include soybeans, tofu cheese and some types of legumes. For example, in terms of amino acid content, one serving of lentils is in no way inferior to the same amount of fish delicacy. On the negative side, amino acids of plant origin are absorbed much worse.

You can replace fish in your diet with mushrooms and nuts. If you choose cashew nuts, then in addition to proteins and amino acids, the body will be enriched with phosphorus. When choosing nuts or mushrooms for your diet, remember that the daily portion should not exceed 50 g.

An excellent alternative to dietary fish delicacies - flax-seed. In addition to fatty acids, they contain zinc, iron and calcium. Flax seeds can be ground into flour, consumed with kefir for breakfast or as an independent dish instead of porridge. You can replace fish seaweed, from which nutritious dietary salads are obtained.

Low-fat sea fish is an integral part healthy eating adult and should definitely be included in the menu for children.

If you monitor your health, you want to have slim figure, shiny hair and strong immune system– fish dishes should be present on your table as often as possible.

There are three categories based on the amount of accumulated fat:

  • Varieties are considered low-fat if the fat content is less than 4%.
  • Moderate fat content - no more than 8%.
  • Fatty breeds - more than 8%.

Note! The fat content of any breed can vary throughout the year, reaching its maximum value during the spawning period.

In dietary nutrition, fish of lean (low-fat) varieties has the greatest value. It is these varieties that nutritionists recommend eating at least three times a week.

The best low-fat varieties of fish for the diet are cod, pollock, pollock, flounder, amur pike perch, mullet, carp, trout, hake. It is their meat that saturates our body with a sufficient amount of calcium, iodine and phosphorus and helps to most naturally solve the problem of losing weight.

When compiling diet menu, be sure to include lean breeds in the list:

Name Fat, gram / 100 grams Protein, gram / 100 grams Calorie content, kcal / 100 grams Average price, rub. / kg
Cod 0,6 16 69,0 170 – 300
Far Eastern flounder 3,0 15,7 90,5 150 — 800
Pollock 0,9 15,9 73,7 65 — 95
Tuna 3,9 24,4 136,0 190 — 270
Icy 1,4 15,5 75,0 750 — 950
Blue whiting 0,9 16,1 72,3 55 — 80
Halibut 3,0 18,9 103,0 450 — 730
Small saury 0,8 20,3 143,2 95 — 120
Sea bass 3,8 17,6 117,9 235 — 320

Low-fat white fish with the best digestibility include haddock, cod and flounder. They contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine. These varieties have excellent taste qualities, and flounder meat is almost boneless.

The most dietary red fish are trout and pink salmon. They contain only 4 - 7% fat per 100 grams, while the fat content of salmon and salmon can reach 15 - 18%.

Note! Prepare dishes correctly - bake without oil, boil or place in a double boiler. It is these methods that allow you to preserve the maximum amount of useful elements in food.

River fish

The fish that live in our rivers and reservoirs have no less advantages than their marine counterparts.

Two hundred grams of river rock provides the adult human body with a third of daily norm protein necessary for normal functioning internal organs.

River fish is indicated for gastritis with low acidity, as well as patients with peptic ulcer disease. Her meat stimulates secretion gastric juice, thereby forcing the pancreas to work without overloading it.

Pike perch is rightfully considered the most delicious and nutritious of freshwater fish. This tasty, healthy breed is supplied to the markets of almost all regions of our country.

100 grams of pike perch meat contains:

  • Fat – 1.1 grams.
  • Protein – 18.4 grams.
  • Water – 79.2 grams.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids – 0.2 grams.
  • Calorie content – ​​84 kcal.
  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP.

Note! Before purchasing river fish, inquire about its habitat conditions. Unfortunately, with poor environmental performance, the carcass tends to accumulate harmful substances, which can negatively affect its beneficial properties for humans.

To choose the right inexpensive river fish, remember the following list of recommendations:

  • Fresh freshwater fish has a weak, nice smell river and algae.
  • The carcass is dense, without any suspicious spots or deformations on the skin.
  • The scales of freshly caught fish are shiny and moist, and the eyes are slightly bulging, not covered with a film.
  • The gills should be bright red.

Note! To prevent river fish from being bony after cooking, use little secret– before frying, make cuts on the carcass from the side of the spine. This will help fry the small bones until they are completely softened.

Lean fish for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a group of diseases in which the human pancreas becomes inflamed. This is very unpleasant and dangerous illness, which requires Special attention to the patient's nutrition.

In case of pancreatitis, it is contraindicated to consume fatty varieties, since the diseased organ cannot cope with a large amount saturated acids contained in their meat.

Important! During an exacerbation of the disease, you should refrain from eating even lean breeds. Fish can be introduced into food only on days 6–7 after the patient’s condition has stabilized.

If you have problems with the pancreas, you must follow some important rules consumption of fish and seafood:

  • Only skinny (low-fat) varieties are allowed.
  • Fried, smoked and salted fish dishes are contraindicated. You also need to give up canned food, and severe cases illnesses - even from fish soup.
  • You can cook fish exclusively by steaming or boiling it in unsalted water, after cutting the carcass into fillets.
  • For pancreatitis it is prescribed therapeutic diet No. 5, in which spicy, salty and fatty foods. When starting to prepare fish dishes, follow these recommendations.

The best varieties for pancreatitis: blue whiting, pollock, haddock, cod, mullet, lamprey, carp, pike, roach, burbot, grayling, whitefish, whitefish and omul. The fat content in these breeds is minimal (up to 2%). After the condition improves, medium-fat varieties such as sea bass, hake, icefish, mackerel, rudd and carp can be gradually introduced.

Important! For any deviations from normal health – nausea, vomiting or other painful symptoms, immediately give up fish products and switch to a gentle diet.

Regular consumption of dietary sea and freshwater fish reduces the risk dangerous diseases several times. Fish products successfully replace meat dishes; they do not require a mandatory side dish, being self-sufficient useful product. Make fish a regular part of your meal, and you can prevent the development of many ailments without resorting to medications.

Classification of fish according to fat content: fatty, moderately fatty and low-fat varieties, their calorie content, beneficial properties and the main representatives of each group.

Fish is valued for its unique balance of microelements and vitamins that we need for normal exchange active substances mental activity, wellness and moods.

Fish contains from 15 to 26% proteins and from 0.2 to 34% fats. Based on fat content, fish can be divided into three groups: low-fat (skinny), moderate-fat (medium fat) and fatty varieties.

Low-fat fish

Representatives of this group have a fat content of up to 4% and a calorie content of 70 to 100 kcal per 100 g.

Low-fat varieties of marine life include: flounder, cod, silver hake, blue whiting, sea bass, grenadier, pollock, navaga, haddock, pollock, and roach. River fish include pike, bream, river perch, ruffe, tench, pike perch.

Cod, haddock, pollock, silver hake, and navaga have a fat content of up to 1.4%. The most dietary fish product is cod. They are slightly inferior to it in their nutritional and dietary properties pollock, blue whiting and pollock.

Fish cooks quickly, is easily digested and is almost completely absorbed by the body, especially low-fat fish, which cannot be said, for example, about many types of meat.

Low-fat varieties fish is ideal for those who want to lose weight, as well as for feeding pregnant women and children. Fish with vegetables, baked in foil or steamed, using simple, natural seasonings is best dish for dinner.

Moderately fatty fish

Representatives of this group have fat content from 4 to 8% and calorie content from 90 to 140 kcal per 100 g.

Among marine life, moderately fatty varieties include: horse mackerel, catfish, tuna, pink salmon, lean herring, herring, sea bass, chum salmon, and sea bream. River fish include trout, carp, catfish, crucian carp, carp, and salmon. Chum salmon, horse mackerel, herring, sea bass, and tuna have a fat content of up to 6%.

Moderately fatty fish varieties are best source high-quality protein, so they, like low-fat types, are ideal for feeding athletes. Once a week, those who are on a diet can pamper themselves with them. Medium-fat fish is ideal for stewing, smoking and salting, but it is much healthier when baked or steamed. For small children, you can prepare dishes from trout, sea bass, carp and salmon.

Fatty fish

Representatives of this group have a fat content of 8% and a calorie content of 200 to 250 kcal per 100 g.

Fatty fish varieties include: halibut, saury, mackerel, eel, toothfish, omul, fatty herring, Caspian sprat, stellate sturgeon, chinook salmon, beluga, nelma, ivasi, sabrefish, burbot, whitefish, silver carp, nonothenia, sturgeon varieties.

For dietary nutrition Oily fish are not suitable. True, it is the most useful, especially sea water, as it contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for health thyroid gland, and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect blood vessels, prevent inflammation, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulate brain function, regulate blood pressure, improve metabolic processes in every cell of our body. These valuable substances are not found anywhere else except seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, but “plant” omega-3s are significantly less effective than “fish” ones. 300 g of fatty fish contains a weekly requirement of omega-3.

In the diet of those who are planning a long and active life, fish must be present, and different varieties of it. Regular consumption of meat from aquatic inhabitants helps reduce the risk of many diseases, preserve good figure and keep the whole body in excellent condition.

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