Severe swelling of the ankle. Infusion of flax seeds. Why does the ankle hurt and swell?


Quite often a person has various reasons swelling of the ankle joint occurs. The pathology is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by pain and inflammation. The ankle is a complex joint in its structure and bears a significant part of the load. Therefore, when edema occurs, the quality of life deteriorates greatly, but for proper treatment you should know the reason for the appearance of such a symptom.

Why does the joint swell?

There are various causes of ankle swelling, but the most common are:

  • injuries - bruises, ligament tears, fractures;
  • injuries skin with damage or preservation of the joint itself;
  • varicose veins of the leg;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis with dystrophy;
  • gout;
  • inflammation of the joint capsule;
  • diseases of the heart muscle;
  • kidney disease;
  • infection in and around the joint tissue;
  • impaired lymphatic drainage;
  • cirrhotic changes in the liver;
  • long-term static or dynamic loads on the joint.

It becomes clear that ankle swelling is not an independent disease, but only acts as one of the many signs of the underlying disease. For this reason it is very important when the slightest sign pathology, consult a specialist and conduct a complete and thorough examination.

Symptoms of edema

Swelling manifests itself in this way:

  1. Severe pain occurs. At traumatic injury it appears immediately after a sprain, fracture or rupture. Pain syndrome is also accompanied by aseptic and infectious inflammation. This sign worsens with movement.
  2. When you try to feel the pulse, you can determine its acceleration in the affected area. At vascular pathology sometimes its absence is stated.
  3. The patient feels stiffness and limited mobility of the joint.
  4. The skin takes on a different shade. It may become pale, red (with severe inflammation) or even cyanotic.
  5. Swelling in the ankle area is visually determined, which can be stable and also increase or decrease over time. If venous outflow is impaired in the first stages, swelling goes away after an overnight rest.
  6. On palpation, the swelling is hard, soft, can move under the arm or remain unchanged. Local temperature increases, remains the same, or decreases (the skin becomes cold to the touch). If you make a hole, then when renal pathology it quickly levels out, and in heart failure it persists for some time.

When the ankle joints swell, the causes must be identified. This is important because the impact on etiological factor determines a positive prognosis for the patient’s recovery.

First aid and treatment

The provision of assistance directly depends on the type and degree of swelling. Let's consider the most common pathology.


If swelling is a sign of injury (bruise, wound, sprain or fracture), then the patient needs assistance, which is carried out before the doctor arrives:

When the patient goes to a traumatologist, the doctor will finally determine the degree of damage to the ankle. And in this case, treatment will consist of applying a splint or plaster cast, and using anti-inflammatory drugs. Calcium supplements and UHF therapy are also used. Physical therapy is used to restore mobility in the joint.

Arthritis or arthrosis

Since arthrosis is an inflammatory process and is often caused by infection, in this case, acute period The patient is prescribed antibiotics. To relieve pain, people take analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, including local use. If it is not possible to stop the acute process, then glucocorticoids are recommended. The patient should follow a certain diet and undergo physical therapy. To restore cartilage tissue it is indicated long-term use chondroprotectors.

For arthrosis, treatment follows almost the same scheme; often the patient is injected with hormonal drugs directly into the joint to slow down the destruction process. Otherwise conservative therapy is symptomatic and aimed at alleviating the condition.

Other diseases

Treatment of ankle swelling is aimed at restoring or improving the functioning of the diseased organ:

Traditional treatment

When the ankle swells, in some cases you can additionally use the recipes of traditional healers.

  1. If the liver function is impaired, a collection of herbs helps. It contains three parts each of horsetail and yarrow and two parts each of adonis and celandine. Two large spoons of this collection are poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After 45 minutes, filter the broth and squeeze out the cake. The resulting volume is brought to a volume of one glass, the entire portion is divided into two daily doses.
  2. If swelling in the ankle area is caused by heart failure, then a collection of silver birch, rose hips, and steelhead will help (2:1:1). The collection in the amount of two tablespoons should be poured into 200 ml hot water and leave in a warm place for one hour. After straining, take a quarter of a glass three times a day.
  3. At severe swelling You should take foods that help remove fluid from the body. These are watermelon, grapes and their juice, pumpkin, cucumber, parsley.


If swelling of the ankle joint is just beginning, then following these tips will help prevent its development:

  1. You should wear only high-quality and comfortable shoes. The heel should not exceed 5-6 centimeters.
  2. You need to lead an active lifestyle, take walks every day, swim, ride a bike, and do gymnastic exercises.
  3. Limit the use of salt in food.
  4. Watch your weight.
  5. During pregnancy, wear preventive compression stockings.

The ankle joint is a rather complex joint of bones that provides the ability to perform many functions. He constantly experiences serious stress associated with vertical position body, suffers from systemic pathologies, which often results in swelling and pain. Therefore, if the ankle joint is swollen, this is serious reason to conduct an examination to identify the cause of swelling and take timely measures. A delayed visit to the doctor can provoke soft tissue lymphostasis and other serious problems, which will require longer treatment.

Causes of edema

A tumor of the ankle joint can occur if:

Additional reasons why the ankle swells:

Provoking factors include excess weight, wearing high-heeled shoes, engaging in heavy physical labor, work that involves spending the entire day on your feet or sitting in a chair.


Any unpleasant symptoms, appearing in the lower extremities, require immediate appeal to the doctor. Effective treatment can be prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the causes of the pathology. The initial appointment is carried out by a therapist or traumatologist.

To make a diagnosis you will need to undergo full examination, including:

  • Blood and urine examination.
  • Ultrasound of the ankle joint.
  • X-ray.
  • MRI of the joint.

If your leg is swollen in the ankle area due to some disease, you will need the help of more specialized specialists.

General principles of treatment

The therapeutic course is selected depending on the cause of the pathology, general condition patient's health. The first priority is to limit the load on the sore joint and avoid long walks. If your leg swells when there is extra pounds, recommended special diet. Reduce the inflammatory process, eliminate pain syndrome help medications prescribed by a doctor. When the joint is swollen and begins to hurt, the treatment regimen includes physiotherapeutic procedures and the use of traditional medicine. Great importance doctors give physical therapy, helping to restore lost joint functions.

  • Use elastic bandage for rewinding a joint to improve blood circulation.
  • Use a cane when walking to reduce stress on the ankle.
  • In case of injury, immediately apply cold to the injured joint to prevent the development of a hematoma.
  • Do not take independent action if you suspect a fracture. Wait for help from a specialist.

Even if a person simply twists his ankle, it is better to consult a doctor to make sure there is no serious damage to the ankle.

Drug therapy

All medicines, prescribed for edema, can be divided into the following groups:
  1. Anti-inflammatory. Effective action provided by Diclofenac, Movalis, Indomethacin, Piroxicam.
  2. Painkillers. They are represented mainly by means for external treatment in the form of ointments, gels - Diklak, Fastum.
  3. Drugs that improve blood circulation and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels - Detralex, Diosmin.
  4. IN severe cases Corticosteroid injections are prescribed. They are injected into the joint in a course of up to 10 procedures.

To protect the liver from negative impact medications, they must be taken after meals. What to do when drug treatment is ineffective and the inflammatory process persists? Often you have to resort to surgical intervention. This last resort, in which the joint is replaced with an artificial prosthesis.


Video - Massage for ankle swelling

Physiotherapeutic procedures

In addition to drug treatment The traumatologist recommends taking a course of physiotherapy. Procedures are prescribed by a doctor taking into account existing pathologies and the severity of symptoms.

Effective for:

  • Mud therapy.
  • UHF therapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Hydromassage.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Hydrogen sulfide baths.
  • Complex of physical therapy.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Massage. Lightly massage the leg from the foot to the knees.

All physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at eliminating pain and reducing inflammation. Appointed after completing the course drug therapy. It is worth considering that any heating in the presence of acute inflammatory processes or purulent accumulations is contraindicated.

Folk remedies

For centuries in folk medicine Many methods have been accumulated, if the ankle joint is swollen and painful, how to treat it in this case . They are effective when the damage is minor, for example, if a person slightly twists his leg. To prepare products for old recipes We use only safe and non-toxic components.

Among the most popular:

There are a huge number of recipes that have proven their effectiveness over many centuries when the ankle is swollen. However, folk remedies cannot be considered a panacea. They improve the patient’s well-being, speed up the process of joint restoration, and are an excellent addition to drug therapy. A person who simply sprained his ankle can use any home remedy that helps reduce pain and swelling.

Diet for edema

Proper, balanced nutrition is the basis get well soon. It is necessary to add foods to the diet that help remove excess fluid. These are various berries, juices, low-fat varieties fish, greens, poultry, rabbit, onions, garlic, dairy products, porridge on the water, vegetable soups. Indispensable for salt-free diet is seaweed.

Prohibited products include: confectionery, smoked meats, canned food, baked goods, strong tea, coffee, citrus fruits. You will have to give up fatty and spicy foods.

If you are obese, you will need to consult a nutritionist who will select a special diet that will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Preventing the appearance of edema is much easier than wasting time and money on treatment. Doctors recommend wearing comfortable shoes, avoiding heavy physical exertion on the leg joints, eating right, treating diseases of internal organs in a timely manner, and avoiding ankle injuries.

Swelling of the leg in the ankle, symptoms of this condition cause discomfort and general malaise of the person. There are many reasons that cause swelling. Depends on small dislocations, minor injuries, serious fractures and swelling play a role.

It is impossible to draw conclusions on your own about the causes of edema. You need to seek help from a doctor.

Why does ankle swelling occur?

Before considering the causes, it is worth giving a clear understanding of the ankle. The ankle joint is connected to the bones of the leg using tendons. Joint movements depend solely on muscles and ligaments. When a person, while moving or at rest, feels severe pain, talk about pathological changes at the specified location. More often the reasons are as follows:

Passive lifestyle

Human for a long time leads an inactive lifestyle, muscles and joints do not train. If there is not enough fluid in the human body, the influence of such a regime will affect the ankle. A similar thing happens if there is too much fluid in the human body. The tumor is temporary, often manifests itself during pregnancy. Fluid is poorly removed from the body if a person takes medications for a long time. The legs swell in women during the menstrual cycle. The joint is loaded due to heavy weight body. Wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time. Diseases of internal organs, all kinds allergic reactions in the body. Problems with venous and blood pressure have been detected. Joint diseases, such as arthrosis, arthritis or gout.

The listed manifestations are dangerous to health; if you ignore the symptoms, there is a risk of remaining disabled for life. There are times when a tumor does not cause alarm. For example, during menstruation women should not worry about this, but in other cases the phenomenon is an alarming signal.

What to do if there is swelling in your ankle

The above reasons are considered the main ones. Many people make a big mistake by not paying attention to the symptoms, which later has a negative impact on the circulatory system. The patient can initially relieve the swelling on his own at home, but he will not be able to completely get rid of the symptoms.

Some people believe that swelling is absolutely harmless. If the phenomenon does not go away for a long time, you should seriously think about the far from harmless nature of the deformation.

How to treat swelling of the legs

First of all, treatment is based on relieving symptoms; if leg swelling occurs after a long walk and is a result of stress, it is enough to simply raise your legs up, improving blood circulation, it is permissible to do light massage. Let's consider the main methods of combating leg swelling:

Swelling of the ankle

If the tumor arose due to the accumulation of too large quantity liquids, it is more correct to use special diuretics, use only as prescribed by a doctor. If swelling in the ankle is difficult to explain based on the nature of its occurrence, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. After necessary diagnostics and identifying the reasons that caused joint swelling, medications are selected to help relieve the inflammatory process. Often swelling occurs due to gout, and often occurs when a joint is injured. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms; in addition to the tumor, the patient may experience severe pain. After the patient’s condition has normalized, the doctor prescribes medications aimed at relieving inflammatory process.Due to injury or ordinary dislocation, the leg becomes swollen. Damage to the joint develops, but we have to additionally talk about rupture of ligaments and tissue. Treatment depends on the severity of the injury. The doctor has the right to determine what happened to the leg after a thorough diagnosis.

Ankle dislocation

People often suffer from ankle fractures; a similar problem occurs when a person is careless on slippery surfaces in winter. The explanation for the swelling is simple: during a fracture, swelling of the soft tissues is observed, blood flows into the fracture site. The person experiences severe pain and multiple pathologies occur.

To avoid complications, you need to clearly understand that injuries are dealt with exclusively by a professional; you simply cannot cope with such a disease on your own. If the bones heal incorrectly, there are serious consequences for a person's health. In particularly difficult cases, when it is not possible to overcome the tumor on the ankle, surgical intervention is required.

Traditional methods of combating ankle swelling

Methods to combat the tumor are taken immediately, eliminating the risk of the leg becoming seriously ill. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to do a light massage of the leg in the joint area, increasing blood circulation. Then it is permissible to calmly move on to traditional medicine.

Ice compress

First of all, ice is used to swell the joint. It’s good if the ice contains a decoction of herbs: cornflowers, sage, chamomile. For ankle injury it is more correct to use special baths with an infusion of these herbs. In some cases, it is recommended to prepare a special decoction using flax seeds.

Home remedies will not bring much relief immediately; after two to three weeks you will feel lighter. Remember traditional methods should be used for treatment only after the recommendation of a doctor. This strictness is explained simply: for example, for selected diseases, flax and some herbs are prohibited from being consumed.

Particular attention is paid proper nutrition. If a joint is damaged, care should be taken to remove fluid from the body in a timely manner. Nutritionists recommend consuming more vegetables and fruits, it is advisable to buy watermelons. Grape juice will help in the fight, drunk an hour before meals.

Prevention for ankle swelling

We must not forget about preventive methods. In many cases, treatment may not be necessary at all, just staying attentive to your health is enough. For example, if a person is extremely overweight, one should adhere to special diets, reducing the load on the legs.

Often for the sake of external beauty girls have to wear high-heeled shoes, such shoes have a detrimental effect on their feet, causing injuries and swelling of the joints. It is acceptable to wear heels on special occasions or for part of the day. If a person works and stands on their feet all day, it is recommended to find time to perform a couple of simple movements that relax the muscles.

At the slightest manifestations signs, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Many diseases are treated with initial stages, in advanced cases, treatment can drag on for years. Remember, your beauty depends on a careful attitude to health.

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1 Causes of ankle swelling

There are many reasons for swelling:

Gout. The disease appears when the production of uric acid. Due to a metabolic failure, the joint accumulates extra salt, which causes swelling and pain. A sprain is the most common cause of swelling in the leg. If the leg is swollen at the ankle, it can be assumed that the ligaments or internal tissues are torn. Swelling can also occur after a fracture. In this case of damage, pain in the ankle area and other signs characteristic of injury occur. In this case, more serious treatment is required - the application of a splint or plaster. Osteoarthritis is associated with wear and tear of the cartilage, which impairs the functioning of the joint. This disease often occurs in older people. In such cases, the ligaments and muscles of the leg weaken, causing pain. Arthritis is a joint disease caused by infection. It can have several varieties: psoriatic is caused by skin psoriasis; rheumatoid occurs due to a long-term inflammatory process in the joint or surrounding tissues; septic arthritis is caused by bacteria that provoke an inflammatory process.

6. Plantar fasciitis represents inflammation connective tissue. The disease develops due to high blood pressure on the heel caused physical activity or if you are overweight. Uncomfortable shoes can also provoke the disease.

If your leg hurts and swells around the ankle joint, the reasons may be:

Disturbances in the blood circulation system, causing the release of blood into the tissues. Problems with venous valves and decreased venous tone. Injuries that damage muscles or inner fabrics. Accumulation in the joint capsule serous fluid. The doctors are shocked! The BUNE will evaporate in a couple of nights! The surgeons were numb with surprise...

2 Diagnosis of the root cause

The causes of leg swelling in the ankle and its treatment are determined only by a doctor. To do this, certain studies are carried out:

x-ray of the injured leg; CT scan; Ultrasound of the ankle.

To determine the state of blood flow, you need to perform rheovasography.

3 Basic principles of treatment

If the ankle joint on your leg is swollen, a specialist should identify the causes and decide what to do. A set of measures to treat swelling should be aimed at:

to stimulate blood circulation in the extremities at the micro level; to increase venous tone; to reduce vascular permeability; to remove purulent accumulation.

In case of serious damage to the joint, treatment of the wound and, if necessary, reposition of bone fragments is necessary.

After which either gypsum bandage or an Ilizarov apparatus is installed.

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How to treat the ankle joint if it is swollen and painful? It is impossible to do without conservative treatment. To eliminate symptoms, you will need medications of various effects:

Antibiotics to eliminate harmful effects accumulated pus. Steroid hormones Diprospan and Kenalgon, which are injected into the joint cavity. To reduce inflammation and traumatic swelling, drugs in the form of drops or gels based on horse chestnut, for example L-lysine aescinate and Aescin. Drugs to improve blood microcirculation: Trental, Curantil and Pentoxifylline. To strengthen the venous wall, Diosmin or analogues are used: Detralex, Phlebodia and Vasoket. This group of drugs requires a long course of treatment.

What to do if the joints on your legs are swollen? Various ointments with anti-inflammatory effects will help relieve swelling:

Diclak-gel; Ibuprofen ointment; Nise gel. IMPORTANT TO KNOW! TOP 5 remedies for VARICOSE. Which one is recognized as the best? Write it down!

They can only be used after consulting a doctor, as in some cases they can be harmful.

If your ankle and ankle are swollen and painful, you can do professional massage. First, the massage therapist kneads the spine, then the hips and legs, and then moves on to the foot. The following techniques are used during massage: rubbing, stroking and kneading. This causes irritation of the ankle joint capsule. Due to this, it decreases painful spasm, muscle tone improves.

4 Traditional recipes for the treatment of edema

Conventional methods are used to treat ankle tumors. The most popular folk remedies for swelling of the legs without contraindications and side effects:

The simplest is the use of ice, which is applied to the site of injury. Ice can be made from healing decoction chamomile, sage, yarrow or cornflower. It is important to know that ice is effective only during the first day, after which it is better to move on to warming procedures. To warm up the sore spot, it is recommended to use sand preheated in a frying pan and placed in a bag, which is applied to the sore spot. Alcohol-furatsilin compresses are one of the varieties of semi-alcohol compresses, but instead of water, a furatsilin solution is used for dilution. Compresses must be kept overnight. If the swelling is severe enough, you can take foot baths with an infusion of herbs: sage, horsetail and chamomile. However, with thrombophlebitis, taking baths is strictly prohibited. A decoction of flaxseed helps a lot. It must be taken 6 times a day, half a glass. You can add fresh fruit juice to give it a nice taste. Semi-alcohol compresses will also help relieve swelling. It is prepared as follows: alcohol is diluted with water; a napkin is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the problem area; The top of the compress should be insulated with woolen cloth.

This type of treatment can be combined with physical therapy.

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If your leg is swollen at the ankle, the following methods will help:

use of magnet; electrophoresis with calcium; phonophoresis with hydrocortisone.

When using compresses, you must remember that they are prohibited in the presence of abrasions, wounds, accumulations of pus or blood.

5 Preparations, ointments, folk remedies

Aescin; Vasoket Detralex Diosmin; Diprospan; Kenalgon; Chime; L-lysine escinate; Pentoxifylline; Trental; Phlebodia; Furacilin. Diclak gel; Ibuprofen ointment; Nise gel.

Folk remedies:

ice; alcohol; chamomile; sage; horsetail; yarrow.

Swelling in the ankle area is the result of the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. A tumor of the ankle joint develops as a result of various injuries and various diseases.


1. Injuries - bruises, ligament tears, dislocations, sprains and fractures cause swelling. How severe the swelling will be depends on the severity and extent of the damage.

2. Many medications that relieve high blood pressure (hypertension) mental disorders, may be the cause. Hormonal agents, blockers calcium channels and antidepressants promote water retention in the body. This is side effects all drugs from these groups.

3. Violation of peripheral circulation caused by:

  • varicose veins;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • aging of the vascular wall.

In this case, the ankle area is dotted with swollen veins. This condition causes not only swelling, but also heaviness, pain and an unesthetic appearance.

4. Irregularities in work lymphatic system(after surgery, infection, internal trauma) can cause the accumulation of excess fluid in soft tissues. Lymphostasis lower limbs Usually it makes itself felt quite quickly, but in some cases it develops hidden for a long time.

5. is an inflammatory disease that causes swelling, soreness, local fever and hyperemia. Movements in the joint are limited, walking is difficult.

6. Blockage (obstruction) of blood vessels in the lower leg area.

7. Soft tissue infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

Swelling is also accompanied by dangerous insect bites, cirrhosis of the liver, malnutrition, congestive heart failure, scleroderma, diabetes, ill-fitting shoes, prolonged standing and gout.


Therapy should be prescribed by a doctor, it depends on the reasons that provoked the disease. My patients use

(the reasons for the development of pathology will be described below) is a real problem for some people. It means that there is an inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the joint. Naturally, this pathological condition accompanied by pain and decreased mobility.

Features of the pathology

If a person exhibits swelling, the causes should be found out first. Only in this case will the treatment be effective. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in this joint. However, if it does not appear due to injury, then pain a person, as a rule, does not have.

Basically, edema (its causes can be completely different) does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient and is more common in older people. However, there are cases when consulting a doctor is mandatory. Sometimes the patient may not even suspect what caused this pathological condition.

Why does the disease develop?

If the ankle joints swell, the reasons may be:

  • Injuries: sprains, sprains or torn ligaments, bone displacements, bruises, wounds or fractures.
  • Varicose veins blood vessels. In this case, the tone of the venous walls is lost, the pressure in them increases, and blood circulation is disrupted.
  • Arthritis. This is an inflammatory pathology of the joints, characterized by swelling and pain.
  • Arthrosis. This chronic pathology is accompanied by degeneration of joint tissue.
  • Gout. This disease is very common among men. Its peculiarity is that swelling of the ankle joint (the causes of its development pose a more serious danger to human health) appears due to the inflammatory process caused by the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints.
  • Bursitis. Here the disease occurs due to excessive production synovial fluid, which accumulates in the ankle.
  • Cardiac diseases.
  • Bacterial or viral infection soft tissues.
  • Excessive body weight.
  • Standing for long periods of time or huge pressure on the joint.
  • Taking some hormonal drugs.
  • Blocking the function of the lymphatic system.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

The cause of edema must be determined as accurately as possible. Otherwise, therapy may not have the desired effect.

Symptoms of pathology

So, the signs of the disease depend on what the underlying cause is. However, the following main signs of pathology can be identified:

  1. Pain in the affected area.
  2. Redness of the soft tissues surrounding the joint.
  3. Feeling of pulsation.
  4. Increased temperature in the affected joint.
  5. Feeling of fluid presence and vibrations in the ankle.

First aid to the victim

If the causes of swelling of the ankle joint (erythema) are due to injury or too much stress, then you should urgently call a doctor. Before his arrival, the victim can be given first aid.

First of all, the injured limb should be immobilized and a cold compress should be placed on the ankle. To eliminate pain, you can use Voltaren anesthetic ointment.

In addition to swelling, the patient may have other symptoms that require immediate medical attention. This should be done if:

  • Swelling increases due to poor functioning of the kidneys or heart.
  • The affected area becomes warm to the touch.
  • Got up basal temperature bodies.
  • Swelling suddenly appeared during pregnancy.
  • Any home therapy methods did not help get rid of the pathology, and its manifestations only intensified.

Diagnosis of the disease

When you contact a doctor, you need to tell him when the swelling appeared, at what time of day it worsens, and whether other symptoms are present. In addition, the patient is prescribed a whole range of instrumental studies:

  1. X-ray.
  2. MRI or CT.
  3. Ultrasound of the damaged joint.

In addition, the patient passes lab tests urine and blood. You may need to consult an endocrinologist, cardiologist or other specialists.

How to get rid of the disease?

Treatment of ankle swelling and the causes of its development should be determined by a specialist. Self-diagnosis can only worsen the patient’s condition.

Drug treatment involves the use of the following drugs:

  1. Diuretics: Ketazone, Benemid. They help reduce the amount of fluid in the body.
  2. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen. They are prescribed if the swelling is caused by arthritis, arthrosis or other pathology, causing inflammation. In addition, the person is advised to remain in bed.
  3. Chondroprotectors: "Ortroflex", "Teraflex".
  4. Local painkillers.
  5. Intra-articular injections of hormonal drugs that can quickly eliminate pain: “Hydrocortisone”. They can only be used 1-2 times a year.
  6. Medicines to improve blood circulation in the affected joint.

When inflammatory diseases It may be necessary to remove purulent contents from the joint, as well as use antibiotics. The patient is also prescribed massotherapy, exercise therapy. However, all exercises and techniques should be performed very carefully so as not to cause further harm. In particularly difficult cases, the patient is indicated for surgical intervention.

An important part of therapy is diet, since the patient needs to establish metabolic processes in the body.

Folk remedies in the treatment of edema

If the patient has swelling of the ankle joint, the causes (treatment folk remedies also gives good effect) must be eliminated. If you remove only the symptoms, they will soon return with a vengeance.

The following recipes will be useful:

  • A decoction using flax seeds. You need to steam 4 large spoons with a liter of boiling water, leave for about 60 minutes (preferably in dark place) and strain. You need to take the medicine 150 ml up to 8 times a day.
  • Birch bud tincture. You will need 20 g of dried raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol. The mixture should be infused for 3 weeks. The product is used as follows: 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. This medicine helps speed up metabolic processes in organism.
  • Burdock leaf compress. The plant must be thoroughly crushed and mixed to a viscous liquid. Next, the mixture is spread on the damaged ankle and covered with fleece. You can also wear a warm one
  • Honey-vinegar mixture. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon each. Next, the mixture is dissolved in a glass warm water and is taken three times a day. The course of therapy should not exceed 3 weeks.

If a person periodically experiences swelling of the ankle joint, the causes and treatment of the pathology are the information that must be studied in order to be able to fight the disease. Naturally, you also need to know the rules for preventing the disease. It is important to follow the following recommendations from experts:

  1. After a long walk, your leg should be given a rest. You need to lie down and put your ankle on a pillow so that it is at a level above your heart.
  2. Refuse sedentary lifestyle life. It is advisable to perform simple gymnastics daily to strengthen muscles and ligaments.
  3. Reduce the amount of salt you consume, which only delays excess liquid in organism.
  4. Requires constant support normal weight bodies.
  5. Choose underwear and clothing that will support your ankle and thigh well. However, nothing should put too much pressure on the limb.

That's all the information about such a pathology as swelling of the ankle joint. The causes and treatment are now known to you. Be healthy!

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