Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the frontal sinuses. Fluid in the frontal sinus what to do

Acute frontal sinusitis or frontal sinusitis in other words is a very complex disease, which is an inflammatory process in the frontal paranasal sinuses. In this case, damage to only the frontal sinuses is uncommon; frontal sinusitis usually occurs in parallel with sinusitis or other types of sinusitis.

Types of frontal sinusitis

Based on the nature of the disease, two forms of inflammation of the frontal sinuses can be distinguished:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Acute frontal sinusitis is characterized by the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the frontal sinuses and nasal cavity. Moreover, due to swelling of the mucous membrane and blocking of the frontonasal canal, the inflammatory process progresses quite quickly. The duration of this form of the disease is 2-3 weeks.

The transformation of the acute process into chronic frontal sinusitis is facilitated by insufficient cleansing frontal sinuses . This often occurs due to a severe curvature of the nasal septum, as well as due to incorrect treatment of inflammation. The duration of chronic frontal sinusitis is on average 4 to 6 weeks.

By appearance inflammatory process distinguish:

  • exudative frontal sinusitis - characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the frontal sinuses. It, in turn, is divided into catarrhal, serous and purulent frontal sinusitis;
  • productive inflammation - tissue proliferation inside the sinuses (polyps, cysts). An example is polyposis frontitis.

By etiological factor(i.e., depending on the pathogen) inflammation of the frontal sinuses can be classified as:

  • viral frontal sinusitis, which is caused by viral infections. Moreover, most often, this form of inflammation is not an independent disease, but a consequence of ARVI;
  • bacterial frontal sinusitis - occurs when attached to viral inflammation various types bacteria;
  • Fungal frontal sinusitis occurs when there is a fungal infection. Most often, this type of inflammation of the frontal sinuses occurs in older people;
  • allergic frontal sinusitis is a consequence of allergic reactions;
  • mixed frontitis, including several various shapes inflammation.

Based on the localization of the process, two types of frontitis are distinguished:

  • unilateral (right-sided and left-sided frontal sinusitis) – the inflammatory process occurs only in one of the sinuses;
  • bilateral - simultaneous damage to two frontal sinuses.

Causes of frontal sinusitis

The immediate cause of damage to the frontal sinuses is the penetration of various viruses, microflora, and fungi into them. Due to hypothermia, common cold or even allergies, the body is not able to give the required resistance to infection. As a result, swelling occurs and ventilation of the sinuses stops.

However, mucus production continues, and after some time the sinuses become completely filled. This ideal conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms and the appearance of pus, which is then absorbed into the blood and poisons the entire body.

Among other factors for the occurrence of frontal sinusitis great importance have:

  • allergic or infectious rhinitis;
  • congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing due to enlarged nasal turbinates; in children, frontal sinusitis can form as a result of enlarged adenoids;
  • the presence of a focus of chronic infection (for example, staphylococcus) or bacterial carriage, in which pathogenic microorganisms can remain in the human body for a long time and do not manifest themselves in any way;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • injury to the frontal bone or paranasal sinuses.

Symptoms of sinusitis

The disease frontal sinusitis is a disease of the whole organism, as a result of which it has certain clinical manifestations:

  • are common;
  • local.

General signs of frontal sinusitis are the result of intoxication of the body or disorder cerebral circulation. Among common symptoms- hyperthermia (overheating), increasing headache. Dizziness, general weakness and other similar disorders of the body are often noted.

Discharge from the nasal cavity, difficulty in nasal breathing - local Clinical signs: frontal sinusitis, depending on the form of the disease, can manifest itself in different ways. In contrast to the acute course of the disease, chronic frontal sinusitis has less intense symptoms; they do not have a clear localization and consistency.

The earliest and main symptom acute inflammation frontal sinuses is a spontaneous local headache in the area of ​​the eyebrow, on the side of the affected sinus. In the case of a chronic process, it has a diffuse, bursting character, and intensifies when the head is tilted forward, as well as when the eyes move.

Pain in the forehead area is most intense in the morning, because horizontal position the channel between the sinus and the nasal passage is filled with pathogenic contents, which impairs the cleansing of the cavity.

It is also possible that discomfort in the temporoparietal or temporal region on the side of inflammation. The pain may be sudden or appear with light pressure in the area of ​​the frontal sinus.

Most copious discharge from the sinuses are noted in morning hours. This is due to a change in body position and the subsequent outflow of accumulated purulent fluid.

In addition, with inflammation of the frontal sinuses, the sense of smell is often reduced or completely absent. There is also lacrimation, photophobia, and decreased vision, which is associated with involvement in the inflammatory process. optic nerve and/or eyeball. However, this happens extremely rarely.

Everyone should know how frontal sinusitis manifests itself. Only in this case can the disease be recognized initial stage development and take necessary measures to eliminate the disease in order to prevent the development of complications.

Diagnosis of frontal sinusitis

Define acute and chronic inflammation frontal sinuses can only be examined by an otolaryngologist. It is worth understanding that self-medication in such cases is absolutely contraindicated.

The doctor, as a rule, prescribes special instrumental examination methods before making a diagnosis of frontal sinusitis: x-rays are the main method of diagnosis.

Radiography allows you to get a holistic picture of the disease:

  • determine the shape, size, condition, relationships of the frontal sinuses;
  • clarify the positions of other formations of the facial skeleton;
  • identify pathologies in the area of ​​the frontal sinuses;
  • set the thickness of the brow ridges and bone walls or complete absence frontal sinus.

Frontitis in the picture looks like a darkening of the image of the sinuses. U healthy person The color intensity of the frontal sinus and orbit should be identical. Contrary to what x-ray examination– the most convenient and available method diagnostics, the sensitivity of this technique is limited. For example, in children, frontal sinusitis can easily be confused with simple rhinitis on X-rays.

A fairly popular way to diagnose inflammation of the frontal sinuses is endoscopy or sinusoscopy. This is new, very accurate surgical method using a special device - an endoscope. Thanks to direct visual inspection, it allows you to clarify the features of the inflammatory process. In addition, diaphanoscopy is often used - illumination of the paranasal sinuses using a bright beam of light.

Other instrumental ways to determine sinus inflammation are:

  • ultrasonic echolocation - in this case, the reflection of the ultrasonic signal from the sinuses is analyzed;
  • thermal imaging (thermography) – remote or contact registration infrared radiation skin surface in the area of ​​the frontal sinuses;
  • laser flowmetry – examination of blood flow in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

But it is worth understanding that similar methods diagnostics of frontal sinusitis can only be considered in conjunction with the main ones.

Except instrumental ways When making a diagnosis, an ENT doctor is also based on an examination of the patient and laboratory data that help identify the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Consequences of frontal sinusitis

Timely contact with a specialist helps to avoid undesirable consequences inflammation of the frontal sinuses. Moreover, in this case, the disease frontal sinusitis will be completely cured. However, an incorrectly selected course of therapy or prolonged chronic frontal sinusitis can lead to very serious complications:

  • meningitis – damage to the membranes of the brain and spinal cord;
  • abscess ( purulent inflammation) brain;
  • blood poisoning;
  • osteomyelitis ( purulent process, developing in the bone) of the frontal bone and many others.

As seen, the consequences of frontal sinusitis can be extremely serious. Moreover, there are cases with fatal. Therefore, you should not delay going to a medical practitioner, much less neglect treating the inflammatory process, at least at home, but certainly under the supervision of your attending physician.

Catarrhal frontitis is enough serious illness nasal cavity, which can lead to severe consequences. This disease occurs when the frontal sinuses in the frontal part of the face become inflamed. As a rule, people attribute the first symptoms of the disease to ordinary headaches, thereby making a big mistake. To avoid disastrous consequences, at the first signs of catarrhal sinusitis, you must immediately contact an otolaryngologist who, based on the clinical picture, will make the correct diagnosis.

Symptoms that can be used to identify the inflammatory process of the frontal sinuses are divided into 2 groups:

  • local signs;
  • general signs.

The combination of these groups will help to separate catarrhal frontal sinusitis from other causes of diseases associated with headaches, as well as to exclude the presence of sinusitis.

So, let's look at each type clinical picture in details.

Local signs

Local signs or local status is the current condition of the patient at the time of contacting a specialist. In the presence of catarrhal sinusitis, the following picture of the patient’s condition is observed:

  1. Throbbing pain. It is constantly or at short intervals in the frontal part, above the surface of the nose.
  2. Rhinitis. Patients often experience nasal congestion or mucous discharge from one or both nasal passages.
  3. Tearing. In addition to snot, patients with bright light experience discomfort in the eyes, from which tears appear.

Often, patients may experience purulent products of cell secretion (snot), which not only flow from the nose, but also flow into the oropharynx.

General signs

On general symptoms Intoxication of catarrhal sinusitis will be indicated by the following indicators:

  • increased body temperature;
  • excessive overflow blood vessels above the frontal sinus;
  • malaise general condition the body when all parts of the body hurt and ache;
  • swelling upper eyelid, superciliary part and lower forehead area.

Patients also often experience drowsiness and weakness.

Having identified all these symptoms of catarrhal sinusitis, the specialist, before prescribing treatment, must understand the causes of the disease.

Causes of the inflammatory process

The causes of catarrhal sinusitis may be a large number of. The fact is that the human skull consists of a porous structure with many sinuses in the nasal cavity, which perform one or another function. Thus, the frontal frontal sinuses are designed to protect the human body from various harmful microorganisms and other pathogens that penetrate through the upper Airways. Failure of protection and the onset of the inflammatory process, as a rule, occurs when immunity decreases. The following infections are the provoking factors at this moment:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal.

These inflammatory processes can occur in two types: acute or chronic.

In the first variant, when suffering from frontal sinusitis, the frontal sinus may hurt not only on one side, but also on both sides at once. At the same time, it is observed severe swelling nasal mucosa.

In the second case, the disease progresses quite for a long time resistant to treatment due to late diagnosis or other abnormal findings.

Diagnosis confirmation

After the specialist conducts visual inspection patient and will identify the source of the disease, for a more accurate diagnosis, a X-ray examination And general analysis blood.

With the help of an X-ray examination, it will be possible to establish the nature of the inflammation, as well as the stage of the disease.

A general blood test will show the number of leukocytes and ESR, which will determine the type of infection.

Important: Some people, due to their individual natural structure, do not have frontal sinuses. Therefore, if you have frequent headaches, you cannot make a diagnosis yourself without the testimony of a specialist.

Treatment methods for catarrhal sinusitis

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist prescribes a treatment method for catarrhal sinusitis. Therapy includes:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical intervention.

The method of treatment depends on the stage and progression of the disease.

Drug therapy

At frontal frontal sinuses, which occur in an uncomplicated form, are mainly used conservative treatment, using various drugs. Each remedy is aimed at combating or eliminating certain symptoms.

So, drug therapy includes use:

  1. Antibacterial agents. These drugs inhibit the growth and development of harmful microorganisms, thereby eliminating infectious diseases.
  2. Vasoconstrictor medications. These drugs reduce the syndrome of inflammation of the internal tissues of the nasal cavity, which occurs in the presence of rhinitis.
  3. Vitamins. Preparations containing flavonoids and ascorbic acid will help strengthen inner fabrics nose
  4. Physiotherapy. Such procedures are prescribed to warm the frontal sinuses, thereby reducing mucus secretion.
  5. Antipyretic medications. These drugs will help reduce fever and body aches.

To eliminate swelling of the frontal region and eyes, specialists may prescribe antihistamines, which will also contribute to the overall improvement of the body.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention used only when conservative treatment does not bring a positive result. If the disease continues to progress with elevated temperature more than 2 weeks, the specialist will have to admit the patient to the hospital for further surgical interventions.

To the paranasal sinuses, in addition to, lattice labyrinth, sphenoid and maxillary sinuses, also include the frontal sinuses. All these air cavities are also called paranasal sinuses. Distinctive feature frontal sinuses - absent at the time of birth. They develop only by the age of eight and are fully formed only after puberty.

The frontal sinuses are located in the frontal bone behind the brow ridges. These cavities are paired and have the shape of a triangular pyramid. Inner surface covered with mucous membrane. They are formed by several walls:

  • front or front;
  • posterior or cerebral;
  • bottom;
  • internal or intersinus septum.

The internal divides the frontal bone into two parts - left and right. Most often they are not symmetrical, since the bony septum is deviated to one side from the midline. The base of the sinus is top wall the orbit, and the apex is located at the junction of the anterior wall with the posterior one. With the help of the frontonasal canal, also called the anastomosis, each frontal sinus opens into the nasal passage.

The anterior wall of the sinus is the thickest - we can feel it by running our hand over the forehead just above the eyebrows. In its lower part, between the superciliary arches, there is a bridge of the nose, and a little higher are the frontal tubercles. The back wall is connected to the bottom at a right angle.

However, the structure of the sinuses is not always the same as described above. Known rare cases, when the internal partition separating the sinuses is not vertical, but horizontal. In this case, the frontal sinuses are located one above the other.

There are other deviations in the structure of cavities. For example, inside them there may be incomplete septa - peculiar bone ridges. Such a sinus consists of several bays or niches. different, more rare anomaly, are complete septa - they divide one of the cavities into several, forming multi-chamber frontal sinuses.

Functions of the frontal sinuses

Along with others accessory cavities the frontal sinuses serve for efficient work body. Given the fact that they are absent at birth, there is a hypothesis that The main function of the frontal sinuses is to reduce the mass of the skull. In addition, the frontal cavities:

  • act as a kind of shockproof “buffer” that protects the brain from injury;
  • participate in the breathing process: air from the nasal passages enters the cavities, where, interacting with the mucous membrane, it is additionally moistened and warmed;
  • take part in the formation of sounds and increase vocal resonance.

Diseases of the frontal sinuses

Considering that the frontal sinuses are hollow formations lined with mucous membrane, they can be affected by viral or bacterial infections. Penetrate pathogenic microbes along with the inhaled air. When the body's resistance is low, an inflammatory process may occur.


Inflammation “originates,” as a rule, on the nasal mucosa, and then spreads through the nasolacrimal duct to the frontal sinuses. Swelling occurs, as a result of which the canal is blocked, and the outflow of fluid from the sinuses becomes impossible. This is how frontal sinusitis develops. The isolated environment that has formed is ideal for the proliferation of bacteria and the formation of pus.

Frontal sinusitis is mainly treated with medicines. In this case, complex therapy is prescribed: vasoconstrictors, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Physiotherapy may be performed as prescribed by a doctor. An operation to open cavities is required only in cases where treatment does not lead to recovery and there is a possibility of complications.

Unlike others, the thinnest back wall not educated bone tissue, but spongy. Therefore, even with minor inflammatory processes, it can collapse and allow the infection to spread to other organs..

Frontal sinus cyst

A frontal sinus cyst is a small spherical container filled with fluid and having thin, elastic walls. The size and location of such a neoplasm may vary. This tumor occurs under the same circumstances as frontal sinusitis.

As a result of inflammation, the outflow of fluid is disrupted, but mucus continues to be produced and accumulated. And since it has nowhere to go, over time a cyst forms. The treatment for this disease is surgery.

Diagnosis of sinus diseases

The symptoms of diseases of the frontal sinuses, be it frontal sinusitis or a cyst, are the same. The only difference is that the cyst, if it is small in size, is quite long time may not show any signs at all. In addition, a minor neoplasm is not always detected even when routine examinations at the ENT specialist.

Symptoms of diseases

The main symptoms of frontal sinus disease are:

  • pain in the forehead, which intensifies with pressure and fatigue;
  • purulent nasal discharge, often odorless;
  • disruption of normal breathing, usually from the affected cavity;
  • swelling and redness of the skin at the site of the inflamed sinus;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness.


If there is even the slightest suspicion that frontal sinusitis or a cyst is developing, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. This doctor, after interviewing the patient, will perform a rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal cavity and paranasal cavities. To confirm the diagnosis, as well as to determine the presence and level of pus, an x-ray may be prescribed.

In particularly advanced cases, it is carried out CT scan. This type The study also allows us to determine how large the frontal sinuses are, the presence in them additional partitions what has important when performing surgery. To identify the causative agent of the disease, microbiological studies discharge.

X-rays are often used if the maxillary sinuses- the frontal cavities are also clearly visible in the photographs. This type of study is ineffective for diagnosing other sinuses, since they are poorly visible on the image.

Possible consequences and prevention

In cases of incomplete recovery or with advanced frontal sinusitis, the disease may take chronic form. This is dangerous due to frequent relapses of the disease and other serious consequences in the form of meningitis or inflammation of the brain.

To prevent illness, try to avoid hypothermia, harden the body, promptly treat acute respiratory diseases and runny nose. And then you won’t have to study the frontal sinuses, their structure and functions with the help of photos, consult an otolaryngologist and carry out treatment.

Frontal sinusitis is a disease in which inflammation of the frontal sinus occurs. The most common form of this disease is catarrhal sinusitis. This is the initial stage of the disease, it is characterized by ordinary inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinuses, and impaired mucus outflow.

Frontitis can develop when it gets into the frontal sinus:

  • Influenza viruses;
  • Adenoviruses;
  • Various bacterial pathogens.

If, during catarrhal frontal sinusitis, Haemophilus influenzae or streptococci enter the frontal sinus, then purulent frontal sinusitis develops. This form of the disease is life-threatening and requires immediate treatment.

Basics difference between purulent sinusitis and catarrhal– this is the presence of purulent contents.

The main causes of the development of the disease include not only viral and bacterial infections. Frontitis can develop:

  • If you are allergic to various components inhaled air;
  • If the nasal septum is damaged or deviated;
  • The presence of various foreign bodies in the nose and frontal sinus;
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases(otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis) also contribute to the development of the disease.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of frontal sinusitis include:

  • Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing (this occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane);
  • Discomfort and pain that spreads to the forehead and area around internal corners eye (with catarrhal form aching and dull pain);
  • Mild headache that quickly returns after taking analgesics;
  • Weakness and fatigue, decreased appetite and apathy may appear;
  • Watery eyes, photophobia and eye discomfort appear;
  • Slight increase in temperature with catarrhal form;
  • Copious mucous discharge, which is observed in the morning immediately after waking up. Secretion production increases with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The mucus secreted is usually clear and liquid.

General principles of treatment

To spend quality treatment catarrhal sinusitis, it is necessary to carry out an accurate diagnosis of this disease. The doctor must conduct an examination and assess the condition of the nasal mucosa, and, if necessary, prescribe a mucus test to identify pus and identify the pathogen.

The simplest and most sufficient exact method, in which acute catarrhal frontitis is determined - x-ray examination. It helps determine the location and nature of inflammation.

Treatment of the disease may include various areas:

Relieving swelling.

To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, local vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed ( Rinostop, Nazivin, Tizin).

For catarrhal form it is better to use combination drugs, which contain anti-inflammatory components. For better effect used in the treatment of frontal sinusitis various oils(eucalyptus, fir, etc.). They provide an additional moisturizing effect, which has a positive effect in the treatment of this disease.

Antiallergic drugs.

If frontal sinusitis is caused allergic edema, are appointed antihistamines (Suprastin, Erius, Tavegil, Fenistil).

Washing with special solutions.

The effectiveness of using the solution has been proven sea ​​water for rinsing the nose. Applies to Aquamaris or Aqualor.

Anti-bacterial and -fungal drugs.

If bacterial or fungal pathogens are present, appropriate means are prescribed to combat them ( Bioparox, Kameton, Isofra, Polydexa).


At severe course diseases, especially with purulent frontal sinusitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.


To prevent the disease and treat uncomplicated catarrhal forms, inhalations are used mineral water, saline solution or essential oils.

Treatment of frontal sinusitis in two days

If you are diagnosed with catarrhal sinusitis, it can be quickly cured in just two days. To remove the inflammatory process, you need to rinse your nose with saline or antiseptic solution.

Before each cleansing procedure, for better penetration medicines in the sinuses, you should use vasoconstrictor drugs. The following solutions are used for cleaning:

St. John's wort decoction.

This plant has a bactericidal effect (kills germs). To prepare the solution, take one teaspoon of St. John's wort and 250 ml hot water. All this should be brewed and infused, washing should be done with a warm solution three times a day.

A weak solution of sea water.

Relieves inflammation (teaspoon per liter boiled water). It is better to rinse several times a day to ensure the outflow of pathogenic contents from the nasal sinus.

Potato steam.

To cure yourself at home in two days, you can inhale with potatoes. To do this, boil the potatoes, then you need to cover yourself with a blanket over the pan of boiled potatoes and breathe for 10 minutes.

Remember, this method treatment is used only if there is normal temperature bodies.
At the end of the day you should prepare a compress from black radish.

It is necessary to consolidate the result. Having finely grated the fruit, wrap it in gauze bandage and apply to the eyebrow areas for 15–20.

Radish will be good therapeutic effect and will not allow the disease to progress. Thus, the next morning you can feel a noticeable result from the treatment.

Swelling of the frontal sinuses may be a complication of the previous infectious disease, since a decrease in immunity leads to the unhindered penetration of pathogens into this section of the nasopharynx. Since this disorder interferes with leading a normal lifestyle and poses a threat to health, it is worth considering its main symptoms, as well as treatment methods.

It is worth remembering that the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the frontal sinuses directly depend on the type of pathogen. As observed by a specialist this disease can be caused by bacteria and viruses.

The first category includes streptococci. The second is represented by adenoviruses, coronaviruses and rhinoviruses. The cause of the disorder may also be polyps in the nasal cavity, a manifestation allergic reaction, septum injury, hit foreign body into the respiratory tract.

The onset of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses is determined by the following signs:

  • throbbing pain that increases when the head is tilted, radiating to the temples;
  • general weakness;
  • rapid increase in temperature;
  • nasal discharge in the form of pus or yellow-green mucus;
  • dizziness and cramps when changing body position;
  • swelling in the sinuses, spreading to the orbital part or corner of the eye.

Important. Surgical treatment of the disease is the first task of doctors when diagnosing it, since in its advanced state it can cause complications. The most severe consequences of the inflammatory process in the sinuses include meningitis.

Treatment methods

Since diseases of the frontal sinuses are classified as serious pathologies, they require the appointment and monitoring of a course of treatment by a specialist. In addition to an external examination, the presence of the disease is determined using a blood test, tomography, X-ray, and rhinoscopy. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about the focus and severity of the disease.

When determining what to do if the frontal sinuses hurt, doctors have at their disposal a whole range of means: various means:

  • surgical methods;
  • medicines of various types;
  • therapeutic procedures;
  • folk remedies.

Important. With proper preparation of the complex, these methods will help to quickly and safely relieve symptoms and eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process.

List of medications

If the disease is determined to be initial stage, the doctor prescribes several types of drugs:

  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • painkillers;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibiotics.

The first group of drugs includes Naphthyzin and their analogues. The purpose of all these drops is to relieve swelling in the sinuses. At the same time, the looseness of the nasal mucous membranes decreases, and the amount of mucus secreted decreases. All this has a beneficial effect on the patient’s well-being.

Since the disease is associated with severe headaches, a number of drugs are aimed at relieving it. Painkillers are used for this wide range actions. If it is necessary to relieve an exacerbation of an allergic reaction, the use of antihistamines is required. These include Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin and other means of similar action.

In case of severe inflammation, antibiotics are used. In order for their action to produce results, a preliminary test is carried out for the susceptibility of bacteria on active substance specific medicine. This allows you to select a product that effectively eliminates certain type pathogen.

If the disease leads to a rapid deterioration in health, and specialists do not have three days to take a sample, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. And in the absence of a significant positive effect from therapy, the doctor decides to resort to more radical measures.

Folk remedies

The inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses at the initial stage can be treated with prescriptions traditional medicine, having previously discussed the chosen method with a specialist. Therapy of this disease includes the following methods:

  1. The first one is based on therapeutic effect boiled egg. To begin the procedure, it must be wrapped in natural fabric and applied to the inflamed area of ​​the forehead. As soon as the temperature of the egg begins to drop, it can be used for rolling in the area of ​​inflammation.
  2. Another recipe involves making bags, which are then filled salt or sand. The selected component must first be heated. This tool used as a warming compress, applying it to the place where the painful sensations. Since these components do not cool down so quickly, they can be used for long procedures.

Since most traditional methods involve treating the inflammatory process by heating, they can be used before pus begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the frontal sinuses. Otherwise, therapy can only make the situation worse.

Surgical treatment methods and procedures

A good addition to drug treatment There will be a nasal rinse. This is one of safe ways remove purulent and mucous formations, as well as disinfect the mucous membranes of the nose. For this procedure you can use:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • alkaline mineral water no gases;
  • infusion or decoction of chamomile.

Important. All these means count good antiseptics, which have a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

In severe cases of the disease, as well as in the absence of a positive effect from other methods, the pus in the forehead is removed surgically. For this purpose trepanopuncture is used. This type surgical intervention can be performed in two ways: through the anterior surface of the frontal bone or through the eye wall.

The second option is acceptable only if it is impossible to complete the first technical reasons, because it is considered more dangerous to the patient's health.

Surgery is preceded by an x-ray. It allows you to identify the thinnest part of the bone through which it will be easier to manipulate. Based on the photograph, the doctor makes markings on the forehead. A hole is made in the selected location through which a cannula is inserted into the frontal sinus.

It is used to pump out pus. The vacated space is washed and filled with medicine. Similar treatment can last from three days to a week. The decision on the duration of the procedure is made by the doctor based on the patient’s condition and the dynamics of the disease.


The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the frontal sinuses is classified as a pathology that requires surgical treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Most of its symptoms can be identified by external inspection. A row special methods diagnostics will determine the severity of the disease and the type of infectious agent.

Based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed, including the use of medications of several directions. Along the way, the doctor may recommend rinsing the sinuses or warming up traditional methods. Surgery is considered last resort, which is used if more gentle methods do not bring any effect.

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