Beaver stream: how to take it and what it helps with. Beaver stream: what diseases it treats and how to take the tincture

The beaver's stream represents effective medicine, which helps get rid of many serious diseases. It brings tangible benefits to men in particular. Below we will try to figure out what kind of substance this is, why it should be used, under what conditions clinical manifestations and what diseases its use is indicated.

Beaver stream: description of the substance

Beaver musk, also called castoreum or beaver musk, is a unique animal-derived aromatic substance produced by male or female beavers. It has a specific, pronounced odor.

Benefit of this substance due to the fact that the basis of beaver nutrition is only high-quality, natural food. The animal eats only plant foods. The processed remnants of healing substances, which have significant healing power, enter his body.

Scientists conducted studies, the results of which showed that beaver stream contains more than forty very valuable biologically active substances.

Release form of this medicine there are different types:

  1. Natural beaver stream. Usually it is a dried gland. Extremely in rare cases You can find fresh iron on sale.
  2. Alcohol tincture based on beaver stream. This medicine is absolutely ready for use.
  3. Powder used to prepare a product based on alcohol or vodka.
  4. Ointments and rubs. The products that are produced in this form have a powerful therapeutic effect and are intended for external use.
  5. Kasolin is a medicine used to combat erection problems and many other diseases of the male reproductive system.

What are the benefits of beaver stream?

Despite the fact that the substance has not received official recognition by medicine, it is used in therapeutic purposes, as a strong stimulant, since the medicine helps get rid of many diseases. For some diseases it perfectly complements standard methods treatment.

First of all, it is used for oncological diseases as most powerful means, which stimulates and restores. Helpful this product will be for men, beaver stream helps strengthen the body of patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy procedures.

This substance also helps with excessive fatigue, depressed state and other problems that are caused by a deficiency or absence of vital microelements.

It is recommended to use the beaver stream for people who are exposed to intense physical activity and, above all, to athletes. The active substances that make up this medicine help increase physical and mental activity, ability to work and psycho-emotional endurance. Speaking in simple words, the person will be able to work long time without losing mental clarity. Thanks to this, the properties of beaver stream are highly valued.

However, the main function of the substance is that its healing qualities allow it to be used to improve potency and function of the prostate gland. It has high efficiency against various malfunctions of the proper functioning of the male genitourinary system.

The beaver stream is very beneficial for male patients, as it helps normalize hormone levels and restore the functioning of the prostate. In some situations, the medicine can also be used to treat female diseases; for this reason, it is no less actively used in gynecology.

Attention! Given medicine significantly increases sexual activity of people. For some diseases of cardio-vascular system The use of a beaver jet is not recommended. Before you start using the drug, you must consult a doctor.

Below is a list of pathologies that a beaver jet is used to combat. Indications for the use of this medicine are as follows:

  1. Various wounds, injuries, bruises, hematomas - the substance helps wounds heal faster.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemia, heart attack, stroke, high or low blood pressure, paralysis that develops due to severe impairment of cerebral circulation.
  3. Furunculosis and other skin diseases.
  4. Mental disorders.
  5. Diseases of the blood composition.
  6. As a medicine for speedy recovery after undergoing surgery.
  7. Various types of hepatitis.
  8. The beaver stream benefits the health of the male reproductive system, as it is used to treat prostatitis and other inflammations in the pelvic organs.
  9. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis.
  10. Prevention and therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis and arthrosis.
  11. Severe lung diseases, in particular pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma.
  12. Metabolic disorders.
  13. Varicose veins and its complications - thrombophlebitis and other problems. The beaver jet eliminates well painful sensations, swelling, promotes the resorption of blood clots and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  14. Influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, ENT diseases - for these diseases it is useful to breathe in the fumes of this substance.
  15. Castoreum applies if a person has been exposed to radioactive radiation.
  16. The medicine is prescribed for diseases that are caused by serious purulent infections.
  17. Oncology.
  18. Gynecological problems and kidney diseases. Healing qualities For women, this remedy allows it to be used for inflammation of the reproductive system.
  19. The substance is used as ear or eye drops.
  20. To get rid of excess weight.
  21. Finally, the product can be used as an effective prophylactic drug for people who lead an active lifestyle. In addition, the beaver stream helps against many inflammatory diseases.


Each medicinal medicine has certain contraindications, this also applies to beaver stream. This drug must be consumed according to a strictly established scheme. When calculating the dose, the patient’s body weight and age are taken into account. Medicines sold in pharmacies have detailed instructions instructions for use, which must be strictly followed.

Despite the fact that there are no obvious contraindications to the use of beaver jets, and experts speak extremely positively about the drug, you still need to take into account that there may be individual intolerance.

If negative reactions occur when consuming beaver stream, you should definitely visit a doctor. Improper use of the product can be harmful to health. It is extremely undesirable for pregnant women to resort to taking a medicine that has such a powerful effect.

It is necessary to use the product according to a strictly established scheme, only in this case it will help cope with many diseases.

The drug can be taken orally or used externally. In order for the components of the medicine to penetrate the body faster, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture from the substance. This is also possible at home.

This is done this way:

  • it is necessary to grind dried or fresh beaver gland;
  • pour alcohol or vodka, the alcohol content should be at least 50 percent.

It must be taken into account that the quality of the alcohol must be very good. The ingredients are taken in the following ratio: 100 g of beaver gland should be taken per 50 ml of liquid. When the components are combined, you need to leave the product for three days to infuse.

Note! The mixture can be considered ready when it turns a bright cognac color.

You only need to prepare the medicine in a glass container and infuse it in a cool, dark place. Maximum efficiency funds will be observed after three months.

From this substance you can make a medicine in the form of suppositories. You should buy oil candles at the pharmacy and heat them until they melt. After this, add a small amount of crushed dried gland the size of a match head. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then the mixture must be cooled and placed in the refrigerator. Next, suppositories are formed from the composition, which will contain beaver stream extract.

A method for treating some diseases with beaver stream

Here are the treatment plans for diseases using beaver stream-based products:

  1. Diabetes. The product is mixed with the same amount of water and natural vinegar. The medication is taken for 30 days, one teaspoon after sleep.
  2. Low blood pressure. The product based on alcohol and beaver jet is taken daily, 5-6 drops. The therapeutic course is 12 months.
  3. Flu and colds. For treatment using beaver stream tincture, inhalations are made.
  4. Adenoma. Treatment in this case will last six months. Daily dosage The medicine is one small spoon, which should be taken before eating.
  5. Gynecological problems. The product is taken one teaspoon three times a day. The course of therapy is 30 days. Then, for three months, six drops of the medicine are taken.
  6. Problems with potency. First of all, the patient must donate blood for testosterone. This is necessary to calculate the dose. First, the tincture is taken in a dosage of 1 tsp. three times a day. After normalizing hormone levels, you should take a course of support, which involves taking six drops every day for 12 months.
  7. Festered wounds. In this case, rinsing is carried out with a tincture of water.
  8. Prostatitis. Reception is carried out according to the scheme - daily a teaspoon of tincture. Suppositories are placed at the same time. A similar treatment regimen will be used for hemorrhoids.
  9. Oncology. Water is added to the tincture. At 6 o'clock you need to take three drops, after 2 hours - seven, after another 2 - nine, then after the same amount of time - 15. At 21 o'clock there will be the last dose of the drug. It is very important to adhere to the established therapy regimen.
  10. Candidiasis. Use a tincture with alcohol or water. Internal intake with a dessert spoon. Beaver jet is used to treat other diseases of the female reproductive system, in particular infertility.

Video: how to take beaver stream

Jet beaver - application, recipe, instructions

What is this anyway - beaver stream? Preparation and methods of using beaver stream.

Those who have not encountered this remedy sometimes ask what kind of beaver stream this is, is it urine? Of course not.

Beaver stream is an animal aromatic substance (castoreum), a brown dense mass with a rich musky odor. These paired glands are found only in beavers and beavers; active nutrients“for a rainy day”: used by beavers in case of illness, wounds, or hunger.

Chemical composition beaver streams has been studied by many researchers. More than forty valuable substances were discovered in it. And this is no coincidence, - organic matter, excreted in urine by other animals, accumulate in the mentioned glands in the beaver.

Considering the diet of beavers - about 150 species medicinal plants– the stream is a healing remedy that helps with more than a hundred different ailments.

Castoreum. A few words about history

Beaver stream has been valued since ancient times: in the old days it cost 4 times more than beaver pelt. Already in the 16th century, it was included in the list of official medicines; the so-called “elixir for all diseases” was discovered, the recipe of which, unfortunately, was lost.

However, already there is enough knowledge about beaver stream to consider it a powerful immunomodulator that benefits any organism. The jet is more likely not a medicine, it is a valuable biological substance that significantly increases immunity, thanks to which your body finds a lot of strength and energy to fight against any illness.

Medicinal derivatives (that is, of animal origin) are already known in Ancient China, Ancient Rus', in Europe.

The soldiers of Alexander Nevsky used a tincture of beaver stream: the tumors quickly subsided, cuts from arrows, swords, and spears healed.

Mao Zedong used beaver spray to treat his diabetes mellitus.

Ivan the Terrible, injured during the capture of Kazan, was quickly brought back to his feet with this remedy.

Peter the Great treated with this remedy hangover syndrome, as well as colds: having a sharp musky-tar smell, beaver stream perfectly treats respiratory diseases.

Alexander Pushkin, while in exile in Pyatigorsk, treated his joints with a beaver stream. In addition, Pushkin has a work “Ode to a Beaver Stream”: as a fan of women, he praises natural "Viagra".

In the 19th century, beaver stream was successfully used to treat severe and protracted mental illnesses, different types epileptic seizures, manic psychoses And .

The Institute of Space Medicine, having conducted a lot of research, made castoreum tinctures for astronauts.

The beaver stream was prescribed to those in the Chernobyl accident zone, victims and liquidators, for leukemia, leukemia, and the consequences of radiation sickness.

Beaver stream application

Let us clarify: beaver stream has never been and never will be a dietary supplement. Also, it does not replace medications prescribed by a doctor; you cannot stop taking them, but should be used in combination with each other.

In general, castoreum is used in the form of powder, tincture, ointments - externally and internally. This unique natural substance has a general strengthening, rejuvenating, tonic, and immunorestorative effect. In addition, beaver stream is used in cosmetology, having a rejuvenating effect, and also in perfumery as an odor fixer and a natural fragrance.

Castoreum– an excellent assistant to traditional medicine, especially if laser therapy, chemotherapy, and other non-natural remedies are prescribed.

Often, patients, taking the jet to treat one problem, find that they simultaneously received other improvements: for example, joints were treated, and vision and general well-being also improved, and the skin was rejuvenated. It’s just that castoreum acts comprehensively, generally strengthening the body.

First of all, the beaver stream is considered an excellent solution for female gynecological and especially male urological problems. It’s not for nothing that beaver stream is also called "Russian Viagra"(“natural Viagra”).

Prostate adenoma, impotence, urethritis, prostatitis, weakness, and pain when urinating are cured. The prostate is the second heart in men, after forty it should be given special attention, the beaver stream is a wonderful helper in this.

However, its effect of increasing sexuality should be taken into account: after all, with some cardiovascular problems, sexual activity is contraindicated. Therefore, before using the jet, consult your doctor.

In gynecology, the effect is as follows: thrush, candidiasis, colpitis, cystitis, pain in the chest and lower abdomen disappear, cysts resolve, inflammation of the glands, and bartholinitis disappear.

The range of applications of the beaver jet is very wide: for stroke paralysis and angina pectoris, and ischemia, hypertension and hypotension, hepatitis A, B and stomach diseases, for pulmonary and respiratory diseases, even pneumonia and tuberculosis, for radiculitis and osteochondrosis, for furunculosis and barley, sepsis and herpes, for severe cancer and blood diseases.

The beaver jet destroys viruses, staphylococci, fungi, and Koch's bacillus. The stream of a beaver normalizes hormonal background and pressure, inflammatory, tumor, infectious processes, cramps are relieved.

It quickly and effectively helps with renal failure, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, cardiovascular system, nervous disorders.

Taking products with a stream of beavers speeds up recovery from injuries, surgical operations, receiving wounds: the jet enhances metabolism, stimulating the rehabilitation of the body.

If you instill a product with castoreum into your eyes, itching, inflammation, and a feeling of sand are relieved, and in general your vision improves at a rapid pace. Ear drops cure auditory nerve, clarify the thought process, improve hearing.

There are good reasons to believe that a beaver stream can overcome even a pyogenic infection, against which antibiotics are often powerless: there is a fact that a beaver stream has cured a newborn from sepsis.

To prevent joint diseases, it is especially effective to use it in a Finnish sauna or Russian bath.

Healthy people can use it for vitamin deficiency, loss of strength, fatigue, and for prevention. For record achievements, it is recommended for athletes to take it.

The main “side effect” of the beaver stream, no matter what you treat with it, is an increase in mood and performance and vigor, improvement in appearance and nerve condition, general rejuvenation and peace.


Beaver stream, like any remedy, must be taken according to a calculated course, under the supervision of a doctor. The course and dosage are prescribed according to the person’s height and weight. Although experts say: there are no contraindications for taking a beaver stream, it is still necessary to take into account the tolerability of the substance and infusion components individually, and be sure to follow the prescribed dosage.

Like any medicine, an overdose of beaver stream can have unnecessary consequences. In any case, be sure to consult your doctor.


The beaver jet can be used either as alcohol tincture, powder, and rectal suppositories.

For the tincture, you need to finely chop the dried beaver gland so that it infuses faster. Then pour into a jar, fill with alcohol or vodka: 100 g of stream per 500-700 ml. But it is best to use 70% medical alcohol.

Leave for several weeks (3-4) at room temperature in a dark place, shaking it every three days. You will get a cognac-colored tincture.

You can store the beaver jet tincture in the refrigerator or at room temperature. dark place. There will be sediment at the bottom - no need to remove it.

To obtain the powder, beaver stream, separated from blood, fat and mucus, is dried in a cool place without direct sun for about a month until hard, and then finely chopped or grated. The powder can also be used to make a tincture.

To prepare candles, you need to purchase herbal extract candles at the pharmacy and melt them in a water bath. Add powder from the beaver stream to the melted mixture: for one candle - powder the size of a match head. Mix thoroughly and pour it into suitable forms, put in the refrigerator to harden. Suppositories are used in the treatment of prostatitis or hemorrhoids.

Beaver stream application and dose.

Using beaver stream tincture internally for prevention- 1 teaspoon twice a day, morning and evening. In the evening, three to four hours before bedtime, otherwise you may have difficulty sleeping. During treatment take 1-1.5 teaspoons three times a day.

If a person cannot drink alcohol at all, then either the tincture prepared with alcohol is very diluted with water, or the tincture is not made at all, and the beaver stream is taken in powder. The Chinese advise taking bread and putting a grain of beaver stream inside.

If the disease is pulmonary and alcohol is contraindicated, then the tincture is not taken orally, but “inhalations” are made with it: the jar is opened and inhaled - either through the nostrils in turn, or through the mouth.

In general, medicinal infusions, ointments and powders from the beaver stream are recommended for everyone, and for men, for potency, sexual activity and, in particular.

Note: You need to know that all kinds of problems and sores, in more than 80% of cases, are associated not with the physics of the body, but with psychology. These are frequent stresses, complexes, anxiety disorders, (VSD), etc. And they cannot be solved only with medicines and infusions; all this can only help in healing, but does not eliminate the Cause itself. And if you feel that something is wrong with you, your thinking and your way of life, then isn’t it time to really take care of yourself? You can see where to start, how and what to do.

Video about Beaver Stream and where the product is used

P.S. Video about preparation and where you can buy beaver stream >>> ()

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How and how long to infuse beaver stream with vodka? What kind of substance is this, who is it useful for, let’s look at it today.


This is about biological fluid beavers, both females and males, secreted by special perianal glands. In terms of consistency, contrary to popular belief, it resembles wet sand rather than an oily liquid. With its help, animals mark the territory they occupy.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain this valuable biological material without killing the animal. Any supplier of drugs based on it who assures that animals do not suffer is a liar.

Beaver stream has a characteristic sharp musky odor, which can be felt even from a great distance. The chemical composition of this biological material is quite unique. Here is a far from complete list of substances with high biological activity:

Essential oils;
Minerals and salt;
Benzoic acid;

Considering the high popularity of this medicinal drug, as well as the huge number of scammers who want to make a little extra money on people’s ignorance, it would not be amiss to describe what a real beaver stream should look like:

It should look like a small dry sac, the color of which varies from light brown to dark brown. The presence of mold is unacceptable.
The aroma of a properly processed and well-dried potion should resemble the smell of a leather belt. If the substrate emits a fetid, nauseating odor, it means it was not processed correctly. You cannot purchase such a product ( high risk poisoning by decomposition products of biological tissues).
The consistency of the beaver stream should be dense, but not rocky-dense. With strong pressure, compression marks should appear. Dried glands are simply useless. Their acquisition makes no sense.

It is important to buy glands only from Siberian beaver. The stream of its closest “relative” - the Canadian beaver - does not have such healing properties and therefore is valued much lower. Both types of animals are quite widespread in Russia.

Beneficial features beaver stream

The effect of beaver stream components on the human body is extremely multifaceted. A whole “bouquet” of biologically active substances contained in this material can influence many parts of human metabolism.

The beaver stream is strong natural antiseptic. External use of drugs from this substance helps suppress growth pathogenic microflora, which in combination with anti-inflammatory characteristics contributes to the rapid and effective elimination skin septic diseases.

Oral intake can also be very effective for dysbiosis or protozoal damage to the intestines. The reason for such a high antibacterial effectiveness of beaver stream is determined by a whole complex of specific substances, but primarily by benzoic acid.

Beaver stream has a pronounced antispasmodic effect. When using tinctures, they are eliminated painful sensations in the intestines or gall bladder, blood pressure is normalized, headaches are suppressed.

The antispasmodic effect also underlies the processes of normalization of urination. The use of this drug promotes the gentle and effective treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis, which in a number of cases even allows one to avoid or delay surgical treatment.

You also can’t ignore sedative effect beaver jet, the severity of which can sometimes exceed even the effect of pharmaceuticals. Application of this folk medicine quickly eliminates the negative effects of stress factors and helps normalize sleep.

Beaver stream is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. They say that the effect of this drug is so pronounced that it is better to consult a specialist before using it.

How to infuse beaver stream?

There are a great many recipes for preparing this magical elixir. Strictly speaking, each traditional healer or healer “adopts” his own unique technique infusion of the drug.

Below I will give a very universal and fairly simple method of infusing a stream with strong alcohol. By the way, experts recommend using 96 percent ethanol instead of vodka or cognac. They say that in this case the drug is better infused. So, the correct infusion of beaver stream:

All traces of dirt and remaining hair should be removed from the jet.
Using a sharp knife, you need to chop the beaver stream (the finer the better).
For infusion, you need to use only glass containers.
Add vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 500 - 800 milliliters of alcohol per 100 grams of substrate.
Duration of infusion is no more than a week. In most cases, even 3 days is enough.
If the tincture turns out to be too strong (the color intensity is higher than cognac), you need to add a small amount of alcohol.

Both external and internal use is possible. It is recommended to use it orally before meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon of the drug, previously diluted in 50 milliliters of water. The duration of treatment is about a month.

External use is possible as a component of ointments, in compresses, in suppositories. Some treatment methods involve instillation weak solution in the nose and ears. IN general use The benefits of such a miraculous elixir are extremely multifaceted and are determined solely by diagnosis. If you need beaver stream with vodka, then use the minimum amount of vodka according to the recipe above to prepare it.


Beaver stream is a fairly effective medicine natural origin. Because of this, it would not be superfluous to consult a specialist before use.

Since ancient times, folk healers have valued the beaver family for the unique components contained in fatty deposits. The beaver stream has been used to treat both elementary ailments (hiccups) and serious illnesses (hysteria and plague). The medicinal infusion is recommended for men with diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.


Beaver stream what is it? This is the endocrine gland of the animal. It is produced by special beaver odorous substances - paired glands that are unique to the beaver family. Animals deposit biologically in the pouch active substances. They use them extremely necessary cases– in case of injury, illness or hunger. The beaver's stream is located on the belly under the skin next to the paired glands and genitals.
There is a secret to extracting the beaver gland; if it is not extracted correctly and is not separated from the fat and blood, then medicinal properties will be spoiled. It needs to be dried in a cool place for about a month.

Beaver jet medicinal properties and contraindications

Traditional medicine recommends taking beaver streams for almost all diseases, since beavers are very selective in food and feed only on the most healthy and nutritious plants. Research has shown that beavers feed on more than 150 species of plants.

Therapeutic effect have the following substances:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • borneol;
  • p-ethylphenol;
  • acetophenone;
  • benzoic, cinnamic and salicylic acid.

In general, the secret gland contains about 50 substances useful to humans. She carries out both external and internal treatment.
Since this medicinal product is completely natural, it has no contraindications. However, you need to know the measure and dosage, otherwise it may have a bad effect on your well-being.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the tincture have wound healing and antitumor qualities. Beaver musk is endowed with the following properties:

  • general strengthening;
  • tonic;
  • stress-protective;
  • normalizing;
  • anti-infective.

The beaver jet has medicinal properties and the reviews from those treated are only positive. The yellow-brown substance helped women with many gynecological diseases, and returned men to sexual health. A properly assembled product can be given to children, but little ones are repulsed by the smell.


This medicinal product has no contraindications. It’s just that some people don’t like the sharp, characteristic smell, which you can get used to over time.

The use of beaver stream in folk medicine

According to traditional doctors, the beaver stream is necessary for both the sick and the healthy. Its application is relevant all year round, because the substance is a powerful immunomodulator. An infusion based on castroleum is used as a diuretic and vasodilator. The healing properties have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous and immune systems. The beaver gland is used to treat vision, skin, infectious and viral diseases.

The beaver family is considered the best salvation for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In ENT practice, medicinal concentrates of animal origin are also actively used. Alcohol tincture increases performance so much that a person can stay awake all night and be alert.
Excellent treatment of oncology, hepatitis A and B and jaundice with the beaver jet. Traditional healers recommend using the tincture to restore health after chemotherapy and laser correction.


The most popular way of using beaver stream among people is tincture with alcohol; alcohol only improves the healing properties of the gland. Beaver stream preparation of tincture recipe is based on high-quality vodka or medical alcohol, pre-diluted to 40-50 degrees. Grind the dried gland and pour it into a glass bottle, fill it with diluted alcohol and leave for three days. The product is prepared in a ratio of 100 g. raw materials per 500 ml of alcohol. Shake the mixture daily, and after 3 days pour it into a larger plastic bottle. The resulting preparation must also be diluted with vodka to obtain a cognac color. It is impossible to say exactly how much liquid is required. It all depends on the size of the beaver stream and its concentration. Photos and videos of properly prepared food can be found online.

For women

The healing properties of the animal's subcutaneous gland are very useful for women. They treat candidiasis, colitis and bartholinitis. Treatment of cysts and inflammation of the glands is also effective. For oral treatment of advanced ailments, you need to use vodka tincture or powder. The tincture is taken 1/3 tsp. three times a day during or after a meal, you can take 1 tsp. before bedtime. Both the smell and the taste are unpleasant, so before drinking, hold the coffee drink in your mouth and immediately take the tincture; it is better to wash it down with coffee too. Only this drink and chicory can “overpower” the smell of the beaver stream.

Beaver stream has medicinal properties for women and has been used in aqueous extract and powder. If a woman uses the powder, its dose should not exceed a match head. The powder can also be washed down or added to coffee; some people add it to bread. For treatment gynecological diseases douching with an aqueous extract is used. Microenema is done every other day, 1 ml. You can insert tampons for no more than an hour.

For men

Men in Rus' called the beaver stream Russian Viagra and showered it with praise. It treats prostate adenoma so effectively that even in advanced cases you can do without surgery. The medicinal infusion relieves pain during urination, treats urethritis, impotence, premature ejaculation and prostatitis. A man over 40 years old, during age-related changes, should undergo a course of iron treatment once a year.

For men to decide sensitive issues you need to drink bean stream tincture for 4 months with breaks. In the first 15 days you need to drink 5 drops once a day a quarter of an hour before meals. For the next 15 days, take 5 drops. only 2 rubles/day In the second month you need to take 10 drops in the morning and at lunch. After month break and again in the 4th month, drink the tincture, 10-50 drops, depending on the course of the disease and the age of the patient. For these purposes, the use of powder and pharmaceutical capsules will be effective.

Medicine reviews

“Elixir for all diseases” received only good feedback. The medicinal infusion is actively used for skin diseases, and the disease goes away in a couple of days. Women noted that a two-week course significantly improves their condition during the period of gynecological diseases. Reviews from mothers who gave the product to their children are not so enthusiastic. Therapeutic effect Indeed, it occurs immediately, but children have difficulty taking even capsules. In some children, bitterness causes vomiting. Reviews say that it is better to use the infusion in the form of oral drops.

Men are also delighted with animal products. Some people got rid of infertility with its help. Reviews say that sexual attraction noted after 55 years. However, everyone noted that the use of a beaver jet, the dose and course of treatment are selected individually. Some people get by with 5 drops for a month, while others need to drink 50 drops.

From ancient times traditional healers used to fight various diseases components produced in the bodies of various animals, such as deer antlers, bear bile, snake venom, castoreum, or beaver stream, badger fat and others. IN this review Let's take a closer look at why beaver stream is useful, its use from various pathologies in the human body, as well as side effects and possible contraindications.

Castoreum is an aromatic liquid that is produced in the pear-shaped preputial glands of beavers and beavers. The beaver uses this remedy to heal wounds and eliminate diseases, mark territorial boundaries of its habitat, lubricate its fur, and as a reservoir of nutrients during periods of famine. Even in ancient times, humanity learned to use this healing liquid for its own benefit.

The benefits of castoreum are: wide range healing substances included in its composition, of which the following are of particular value:

  • salicylic, cinnamic and benzoic acids;
  • borneol;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • acetophenone;
  • castorin;
  • quinol and p-ethylphenone, which are very widely used in modern medicine, pharmaceuticals, perfumery and cosmetology.

Very often the stream of these animals is recommended to be used during development cardiovascular pathologies in the form of atherosclerosis, ischemia, stroke, angina pectoris and hypotension, as it helps strengthen vascular walls, restore blood pressure, eliminate swelling, normalize hormonal balance in the body and improve blood microcirculation processes.

Moreover, castoreum effectively fights migraines and dysfunctions of the nervous system (hysteria, neuroses, psychoses, frequent depression and psycho-emotional instability in stressful situations).

No less effectively, the beaver jet helps treat gynecological and urological diseases. The use of castoreum-based products for women helps eliminate pathologies such as thrush, colpitis, cystitis, and promotes resorption cystic formations and normalizes general state ladies experiencing menopause, menopausal syndromes and other “delights” of hormonal imbalance in the body. The use of castoreum in men improves general well-being for progressive urethritis, prostatitis and prostate adenoma, as well as to normalize premature ejaculations and restore the potency of the male reproductive organ.

Eventually regular use beaver musk in patients with pathologies of the renal organ system, the following changes are observed:

The natural stream of beavers is considered the most powerful natural antibiotic, which promotes the destruction of viral and bacterial pathogenic microorganisms, Koch bacilli and staphylococci, on the basis of which it is used for the treatment of colds in order to promptly eliminate dry cough, symptoms of flu, hypertension, tuberculosis and various forms of pneumonia. Preparations based on beaver stream effectively combat herpetic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, fungal diseases, furunculosis, hematomas, sprains. They even promote the regeneration of damaged tissues during various fractures, and are also used for weight loss.

Castoreum is considered an excellent assistant in the treatment of hepatitis A and B, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with inflammatory lesion pancreas, which is called pancreatitis, as well as in oncological tumors. This substance helps the human body:

  • recover faster in the postoperative period;
  • helps to increase and strengthen the body's immune system;
  • prevents the development of varicose veins and effectively eliminates progressive varicose veins;
  • normalizes vision, the quality of which decreases against the background inflammatory disease eye (cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis), as well as against the background of age-related changes;
  • contributes as much as possible rapid recovery after suffering paralysis;
  • and also improves a person’s performance and mental activity.

Undoubtedly, castoreum is not some kind of panacea, but it healing power has been an indisputable fact for many centuries, especially since a huge number of diseases can be eliminated only thanks to this component.

Types of medicinal products with beaver stream

Beaver stream can be purchased at various forms, and the method of use will depend on the form in which it will be purchased. Castoreum can be used in two ways: both internally and externally in the form of ointments, suppositories, tinctures, capsules, and powder.

Products for external use

To carry out procedures for rubbing and lubricating the affected areas of the skin, you can use an alcohol tincture of beaver stream, which can easily be made at home from natural fresh or dried beaver glands purchased from a professional hunter. Let's take a closer look at the recipe for preparing alcohol tincture:

  1. To do this, you need to chop it using scissors, a knife or a coarse grater. small piece dry beaver stream and place it in a glass container.
  2. Then you should pour the crushed castoreum with alcohol, preferably 70%, observing the proportion: 500 ml of alcohol per 100 g of castoreum.
  3. Mix everything, close the container with a tight lid and place in a cool, dark place to infuse.

It is recommended to infuse castoreum in alcohol for at least 7 days, until the liquid acquires a pleasant cognac tint. If the color turns out to be too dark, then the liquid should be diluted with a small amount of alcohol and left to infuse for the same period.

For pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, a water infusion of beaver stream can be used by rubbing or applying compresses, and it is also used to accelerate tissue regeneration processes for cuts, wounds, bruises and sprains.

Ointments based on beaver stream are popular and are recommended for removing pain syndrome for the following pathologies:

  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis.

To prepare an ointment based on castoreum yourself, you should melt 200 grams of animal fat (pork, beef, badger, bear) and dissolve 100 grams of castoreum crushed to a powder in it. It is recommended to heat the resulting mixture over low heat for the next 10 minutes, then cool and can be used as medicine.

Internal use

For oral administration for preventive purposes, you can use both alcoholic and aqueous infusions of beaver musk, as well as to cure many diseases. internal organs or to strengthen the immune system.

In the presence of a prolonged inflammatory process in the cavity of the human body or in case of a severe disease that cannot be treated drug treatment drugs traditional medicine, castoreum can be used in small quantities in its natural powder form.

For cancer patients, it is often recommended to take Ankhara extract or balm in the form of a ready-made pharmacy tincture.

For elimination urological diseases in men and for the treatment of gynecological diseases in women, rectal and vaginal suppositories are used, which can be purchased at retail pharmacies or prepared independently. For homemade Healing suppositories should be purchased at the pharmacy; herbal-based suppositories; preference should be given to suppositories with chamomile or belladonna extract. The purchased suppositories should be completely melted in a water bath, then the resulting mass should be mixed with castoreum powder, in the ratio of one match head per candle. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, pour into molds and cool.

Pharmacies also sell capsules with beaver stream extract, called Castocrin. The dosage of use should be prescribed for each person individually.

Rules for the treatment of diseases and dosage of products with beaver musk

According to the statements of traditional healers, beaver stream is useful for all inhabitants of our planet: both sick and healthy. The most popular is a tincture of beaver musk, prepared at home, which is recommended to be taken for preventive purposes, 2 drops three times a day, half an hour before eating. This will help strengthen the immune system, filling the body with vitality and energy.

To provide a therapeutic effect in the treatment of a certain pathology, it is recommended to take the tincture 1 teaspoon per day. You can also consume castoreum in powder form, 1 gram three times a day, with your favorite coffee drink. Let's take a closer look at how to take medications with beaver musk to treat various pathologies.

Male diseases

Preparations based on castoreum are most often used instead of Viagra, as this remedy effectively normalizes and restores sexual powers V male body. To do this, you should drink a tablespoon of alcoholic tincture of beaver stream at least twice a day, washed down with a strong coffee drink, or take dry powder in the amount of 1 gram, which is approximately equal to one match head, also with coffee. The same treatment regimen will help cure impotence.

For the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma it is recommended to use rectal suppositories with castoreum, which must be administered once a day for two weeks. If the need arises, such courses of treatment can be repeated up to 3 times a year. Or take one teaspoon of alcohol tincture three times a day and simultaneously treat problem areas with an ointment based on beaver musk for a month to half a year.

Women's problems

To treat candidiasis, an alcohol tincture of musk should be properly diluted with water, in a ratio of 100 ml of water per teaspoon of extract, moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution and insert into the vaginal cavity, this procedure should be repeated once a day for 6-14 days.

You can use pharmaceutical vaginal suppositories with beaver stream to treat inflammatory processes, cystitis, infertility and other diseases of the genitourinary system. The method of their use, how much and for how long they should be used is described in detail in the attached instructions.

In parallel with the use of candles, traditional healers recommend taking a teaspoon of alcohol tincture per day for a month, which will help not only eliminate the underlying disease, but also increase the level of immunity.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Cardiovascular and circulatory system

So, let's look at the basic recommendations on how to drink beaver stream tincture for the treatment of cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Firstly, to dilate blood vessels, fight atherosclerosis and coronary disease, secondly, to restore the body after a stroke. You should take a teaspoon of castoreum infusion three times a day for a month. Then take a break for a month, then it is recommended to resume the course of treatment for 30 days, after which another rest and another course of treatment. Then you need to give the body 6-7 months to rest, and, if necessary, repeat the therapy.

The same treatment regimen is used for:

  • strengthening venous vessels;
  • reducing bad cholesterol levels;
  • dissolution of formed blood clots;
  • preventing the formation of new blood clots.

Regular use of castoreum tincture will help relieve swelling and pain during the development of thrombophlebitis, as well as reliably consolidate the results after full recovery.


It is important to understand that the use of castoreum in the development of cancer is prescribed only as an additional therapy to the main treatment. To get the most effective results treatment oncological pathologies, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of 500 grams of castoreum, 100 grams of musk deer stream and the same amount of bear bile. The resulting product, after consultation with the doctor, should be used according to the prescribed dosage and regimen, which is developed individually for each person.

Neurological problems

For treatment neurological diseases The tincture is prescribed at an increasing rate. That is, on the first day it is recommended to take one drop of tincture twice (morning and evening), on the second day two drops of tincture, and so on according to the principle of increase. Having reached 14 drops in one dose, you should take 14 drops for two days, then in the opposite direction, that is, every day one drop less, also 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days, and on the last day the dosage should be 1 drop twice.

Warning! With progressive epilepsy, it is not recommended to take the tincture orally; it should only be inhaled directly from the bottle when an attack begins.


To prevent endocrinological diseases such as diabetes, it is recommended to take one teaspoon every morning before breakfast.

To treat such diseases, the same alcohol tincture is used, to calculate the dosage of which there is a special table based on the following formula: for every 5 kg of a person’s weight, 1 drop of castoreum alcohol tincture is recommended. The duration of the course can last from a month to three.


For treatment skin diseases, such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, herpes and others, a water or alcohol infusion will help, which should be used to apply compresses to the affected areas of the epidermis for 15–20 minutes in the form of moistened cotton swabs. At small rashes You can use alcohol or water extract of castoreum to lubricate problem areas.

During education ulcerative lesions On the skin, you can instill an aqueous infusion of beaver musk, one drop into each sore.

Gastrointestinal diseases

When problems develop with gastrointestinal tract It is recommended to use beaver stream infused with alcohol or high-quality vodka, 5 ml three times a day, half an hour after meals. Due to the fact that the tincture has a specific taste, it should be taken with coffee, chicory or honey. The course of treatment can last from 10 days to a month.

Colds and respiratory diseases

With frequent colds, enlarged lymph nodes and organ diseases respiratory tract Pure aqueous extract of castoreum will help effectively, which should be dissolved in 50 ml warm water and take every three hours throughout the day. And before leaving for evening sleep should be rubbed chest and a lymph node that is inflamed, alcohol infusion castoreum. Carrying out such activities will help restore immunity as soon as possible and normalize the general condition of the body. Water tincture Even a frequently ill child can take it. But for children, it is better to inhale the vapors of the tincture from the bottle three times a day for 5–10 minutes or take a decoction based on medicinal herbs.

For cosmetic purposes

Due to the fact that beaver stream has rejuvenating properties, it is recommended to apply a cream based on it to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté twice a day. This will help get rid of small expression wrinkles, make deep wrinkles less noticeable and increase skin tone and elasticity.

Important! When applying ointment or cream to the face, it is recommended to avoid the area around the eyes.

Prevention of diseases and boosting immunity

Dosage of using beaver stream in for preventive purposes against diseases and to strengthen and enhance the immune system of the whole body, it should not exceed one dessert spoon per day or two teaspoons in two doses, half an hour before eating. It can be used for preventive purposes as food additives washed down with compote, sweet tea or coffee, juice and other pleasant drinks. This regimen of taking castoreum is used to eliminate vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue, depression and overwork of the body.

It is important to remember that castoreum has an stimulating effect, so the last dose of the tincture should be no later than 2–2.5 hours before going to bed in the evening. Otherwise, insomnia may develop.

Duration of beaver jet treatment

The duration of the course of taking beaver stream depends on the type of pathology and the severity of its development. For an uncomplicated type of disease, the duration of taking castoreum can last from 10 to 30 days. For effective treatment more serious pathologies, such as prostatitis, infertility, sarcoidosis, hepatitis and others, a course of treatment folk remedy may last up to 6–8 months.

Overdose and side effects

The duration of the course of taking beaver stream for certain indications for use and dose should be determined by a specialist, since in case of overdose or taking too much high doses, the patient may experience side effects such as:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • disturbance of psycho-emotional balance with increased irritability.

During pregnancy, castoreum can only be used on water based, after agreement with the attending physician.


In most cases pharmaceutical drugs and products prepared at home from beaver musk have no contraindications, with the exception of:

  • individual intolerance;
  • emergence allergic reaction the body to take musk;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands (in the case of using alcohol tincture).

Receptions of castoreum, according to the prescribed course of treatment and in accordance with specified dosage, will significantly increase the effectiveness when interacting with medications therapeutic treatment, and will also strengthen immune system body and will allow you to completely cure even chronic diseases inflammatory in nature.

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