Herbs are antispasmodics and vasodilators. Folk vasodilators: the best for blood vessels from nature

What dilates the blood vessels of the brain? Such information will be useful for both young people and older people. As can be seen from medical statistics, the need to use special medications arises in many people. You can prevent problems by including foods that dilate blood vessels in your diet - this will allow you to maintain your health in good condition without resorting to synthetic drugs. Let's try to consider what dilates the blood vessels of the brain, which options are more effective, and which are the safest.

It is important!

If a person suffers from diseases associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain, in certain situations the doctor may prescribe special tablets. You will need to follow his instructions very precisely, without adjusting the recommended program, without canceling it or replacing the prescribed remedy. But in the absence medical advice You should not abuse drugs. If you often experience a headache or other symptoms indicating a lack of blood supply, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to identify the cause of the disease and fight it. Attempts to cure symptoms if they are associated with pathology using home methods will not lead to success; you should not count on it. You need to treat your health with extreme care and attention.

Well, what if discomfort rarely bother you, then you need to know what dilates the blood vessels of the brain, have it on hand suitable remedy so that if such a situation occurs, you can quickly provide yourself with first aid.

Relevance of the problem

Often changes in the quality of the circulatory system of the brain are observed due to age, which affects the most different organs and systems. However, as can be seen from medical statistics, the problem has now become significantly younger and worries not only average age, but also boys and girls.

Almost anyone who abuses alcoholic drinks or tobacco products, knows firsthand which pills dilate blood vessels in the brain. The problem is relevant for those who lead an inactive life, move little, eat salty, fatty foods, have overweight. To sum it up: an impressive percentage of our society faces, to one degree or another, unpleasant consequences impaired blood circulation. Doctors are calling: if you suspect serious abnormalities, there is no need to delay, you should immediately visit a doctor in order to preserve your health and quality of life.

Vessels: what affects?

What dilates the blood vessels of the brain, which contributes to the reduction of the lumen? There are quite a few factors known to be associated with diet, physical activity, bad habits, the opportunity to relax and recuperate. Stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the human body.

To optimize the activity of the circulatory system, heart, brain, you need to exclude fat, fried foods, salt, add greens, vegetables, dairy, and fish to your diet. Vegetable oils (olive, flax, sunflower) will bring benefits - however, they are not suitable for frying, but are suitable only as a salad dressing. To improve the quality of your blood, you should pamper yourself with berries and fruits. If the body receives vitamins and minerals in the quantities it needs, this has a positive effect on all organs, including blood vessels, brain, and heart.

Plant components for human benefit

It has long been known how to expand the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies - plants and herbs that have a positive effect on the condition of organs have been used by healers for centuries. Some are good as a long course, others can be used once. Perhaps the most popular option is drinks prepared with honey, lemon, and ginger. They activate blood flow and supply the heart muscle necessary components, have a positive effect on the immune system and strengthen the body’s strength.

An alternative option is tea brewed with valerian rhizome. The plant relieves spasms and perfectly calms. Take a glass of boiling water for a teaspoon of crushed rhizome, wrap it in a shawl and let it brew until the liquid cools. They drink gradually, all day, one sip at a time.

Pepper ointment

Various are known folk remedies to dilate blood vessels in the brain, and one of good options- an ointment made from hot pepper. For three dried pods of the bitter variety (no need to separate the seeds), crushed in a mill, take half a liter of liquid hot pig lard (not boiling water!), mix thoroughly, let cool. The product will have to be stored in the refrigerator, using small portions for rubbing. Treat palms and feet. It helps a lot if your limbs are chilly and your blood flow is slow. At the end of the massage procedure, you need to wrap the treated areas with a woolen shawl.

If you don’t want to prepare the ointment yourself, you can purchase a drug intended for external use that dilates the blood vessels of the brain at the pharmacy. There is currently a fairly wide variety of specific products available for sale without a prescription. Many are quite cheap and accessible to the general public. Please note: if the problem bothers you to the point that you have to use pharmaceutical products regularly, it is probably time to visit your doctor.

Alcohol products and blood flow

There are so many rumors and opinions about whether alcohol narrows or dilates the blood vessels in the brain! Some say that it only makes it worse, while others are convinced that this is the optimal treatment for any ailment, including those associated with the brain, heart, and blood vessels.

Experts point out that under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels actually expand, and even a small amount - a tablespoon of the drink - is enough. But you shouldn’t expect a larger volume therapeutic effect, the result will only be toxic to the liver. Alcohol cannot be combined with most drugs, so when taking a therapeutic course, resort to this folk way is strictly not permitted.

Vitamin PP

It is marketed as nicotinic acid. Famous positive influence on the cerebral blood supply system. Under the influence of such a drug, which dilates the blood vessels of the brain, the flow of life-giving fluid is activated both to the limbs and to one of the most important human organs - the brain. In practice, the effect is felt by tingling of the feet, palms, head, and blushing the cheeks.

The drug is intended for long-term use - daily after meals orally or injectively, the duration of the program is a month. For adults, the dosage of tablets is three times daily, 2 tablets (100 mg). Nicotinic acid cannot be used when stomach ulcer And high acidity juice

Aspirin, analgin

Perhaps these are the most famous and currently actively used vasodilator drugs for the brain. Shows a positive effect for minor ailments. The dose must be selected individually, focusing on general state body and disturbing manifestations. It is recommended to seek help from a qualified doctor before starting a therapeutic course; it is strictly not recommended to prescribe program treatment for yourself.


This vasodilator for the brain shows quick results - almost immediately after use. If the spasm provoked a strong headache, just take a pill, and after a short time the problem will disappear. If the situation repeats, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause - there is a possibility that the syndrome is caused by a serious pathology. Alternative remedy with a similar effect - “Spazmalgon”. Both have proven themselves well, have long been known, and are considered by many to be almost a lifesaver.

Inexpensive and reliable

A good option is Papaverine tablets. In pharmacies they charge only 10 rubles for one package, so the availability of the product is comparable to the analgin and aspirin mentioned above. The product is one of the indispensable products; it is recommended to have it in home medicine cabinet just in case. The drug helps eliminate high blood pressure, relieves spasms, headaches go away under its influence.

Not only Papaverine tablets are on sale, but also suppositories for rectal use, injection solution and preparation intended for use in childhood- the concentration of the active component in one tablet is lower than in the regular release. The product has a number of contraindications; the manufacturer warns of the possibility of side effects. There is a possibility of development allergic reaction. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use to investigate the causes of vasoconstriction, determine which remedies will be most effective, whether it is worth using medications with papaverine, and whether they are suitable for a particular patient.

Vinca alkaloids

Many people know that good effect Cavinton tablets help with vasoconstriction. The instructions for use of this drug contain a mention that the active ingredient is vinpocetine, that is, a vinca alkaloid. This group of compounds has long been used in the pharmaceutical industry. Medications made from natural raw materials. The effectiveness is characterized as antispasmodic, the walls of the vessels relax, due to which the lumen increases. Vinca alkaloids have a positive effect on brain tissue, activating metabolic reactions.

Proper use in accordance with the instructions for use of Cavinton tablets and other medications containing vinca alkaloids can improve blood flow at the level of microscopic vessels, since platelets do not stick together under the influence of the medication. The use of the drug allows you to provide high-quality nutrition to the nervous tissue, which has a positive effect on the brain as a whole.

Nootropics to help people

Drugs in this group stimulate brain function and have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. They can be used when wide range pathologies, including those associated with mental disorders. The most famous representative of the group of nootropics is Piracetam. Instructions for use (analogues of the drug - “Nootropil”, “Memotropil”) contain a mention of possible intolerance, therefore the medication should be used only with prior agreement with a doctor.

The price of Piracetam varies around 40 rubles per package containing 60 tablets. A solution for injection is also available for sale.

Combined and effective

Perhaps almost any modern person who has at least once encountered such a problem knows exactly how well Citramon dilates the blood vessels of the brain. The medication simultaneously relieves spasms, eliminates painful sensations, has a positive effect on blood pressure, increases the lumen of blood vessels and lowers the temperature if fever is observed. Therapy with its use is widespread not only for headaches various reasons, but also colds.

“Citramon” is quite cheap - about 10 rubles per package with a dozen tablets, sold in almost any pharmacy, and is included in the list of vital drugs in our country. Experts recommend always keeping at least one tablet of tablets in your home medicine cabinet in order to provide first aid to a suddenly ill person.

Grains and beans against vasoconstriction

Positive effect on the condition human body provides whole grain. Bread made from such a product is saturated dietary fiber, which helps remove toxic components from the body and cleanse the circulatory system of harmful cholesterol. In addition to bread, oatmeal, buckwheat, and brown rice will also be beneficial.

Legumes - beans, lentils and other representatives of this class of plants - are distinguished by the abundance of fiber, protein structures, and iron. In addition, these products contain a lot folic acid, and here fatty acids not at all. Including dishes using beans in a regular diet helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and dilate blood vessels. It is considered to be good preventative measure against stroke. Fiber, which legumes are so rich in, has a positive effect on the peripheral circulatory system.

Asparagus and cabbage benefit the body

Asparagus is an excellent product that effectively cleanses the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the brain, including the blood flow in it. It is considered to be one of the most powerful natural cleansers arterial system. Obsolete inflammatory processes can be eliminated by adding adequate amounts of greens to your diet. Active components, contained in organic material, eliminate minor blockages. Asparagus is a good side dish and has an exquisite taste, especially if cooked correctly. The product is perfectly digestible if seasoned with a small amount of olive oil before serving.

Including dishes with cabbage in the menu will bring excellent results. All types and varieties are suitable, even the usual white cabbage, even exotic ones. All varieties are rich in minerals, vitamin complexes. Regular use the product in food helps prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, therefore reducing the likelihood of blood clots, circulatory system maintained in a clean condition, the gaps do not narrow.

Frequent headaches accompanied by dizziness can be caused not only by overwork or anticipation of bad weather, but also by vasoconstriction, which causes a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the blood. As a result, there is a shortage of supplies. useful substances to all organs, which disrupts the natural performance of their natural functions.

Vasoconstriction: life-threatening

Narrowed blood vessels force the heart to work harder, which causes an increase in blood pressure and increased stress on the artery walls. This condition is a prerequisite for the development of a large number of diseases, including stroke and heart attack. What vasodilating folk remedies for the brain are recommended to be taken in order to restore their structure and elasticity? How to help yourself?

Hawthorn will restore blood vessels

Vasodilating folk remedies, which also have the property of clearing the arteries of foreign debris, will help restore the normal metabolic process. An effective drug, helping to expand blood vessels and relieve spasms, a decoction of hawthorn is considered. For cooking healing agent 20 g of fruit should be boiled in 200-250 ml of boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

You need to drink hawthorn decoction 20-25 minutes before meals, take a tablespoon throughout the day in 3 doses. Instead of fruits, you can use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed raw materials per glass of water.

We treat blood vessels with herbs

To expand and cleanse them, the use of a herbal complex of birch buds and flowers is effective pharmaceutical chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle. These components, taken 100 grams each, should be mixed. To prepare the healing remedy, take 1 tbsp. spoon of the resulting raw material, brew it with 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then you need to cool, filter, and, if desired, sweeten with honey. Divide the resulting volume in half. Drink one half immediately, the second half warm in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is until the entire prepared mixture is used up. As preventive measures It is recommended to clean the vessels in this way once every 3-4 years.

This healthy garlic

Vasodilating folk remedies are unthinkable without ordinary garlic. You need to take the middle head of the product, peel it, mash it thoroughly in a mortar, and then pour in 1 cup vegetable oil(preferably unrefined).

Leave overnight in a cool place. The next morning, in a separate container, dilute 1 teaspoon of the resulting product with 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Healing composition Take 20-30 minutes before meals three times throughout the day. The duration of garlic therapy is 3 months.

Valerian will help

Folk remedies for dilating blood vessels, characterized by a positive effect, are valerian rhizomes, which should be finely chopped and dried. Then we measure out 10 g of the finished raw material, combine it with a glass of boiling water and boil for about 30 minutes from the moment of boiling in a water bath, after which we leave for about 2 hours. Accept natural medicine you need 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times throughout the day.

Potato peels and hazel will restore blood vessels

Just like hawthorn decoction, it can help dilate blood vessels and clear them of stagnation. To prepare it in half a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes, you need to boil the clean skins of 4-5 potatoes. Filter the finished product and drink half a glass half an hour before meals.

In treatment blood arteries You can effectively use various vasodilating folk remedies, among which the leaves and bark of common hazel have proven themselves well. Dried crushed raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. Place the spoons in a glass container, brew a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 60 minutes. Take the product orally in 2-3 doses throughout the day, 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

An effective remedy - Baikal skullcap

Herbal treatment for narrowed blood vessels is effective with the use of skullcap Baikal - a plant common in Far East and Transbaikalia and containing in its composition essential oil, resins, flavonoids, tannins. To prepare healing decoction, you need to brew 1.5 liters of boiling water with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pre-chopped root. Let the solution sit for 60 minutes. Drink a tablespoon every 3 hours. Baikal skullcap dilates blood vessels, relieves spasms, and restores the activity of the nervous system.

Schisandra chinensis: medicinal properties and contraindications

In recovery cardiovascular activity Traditional medicine uses Chinese - a deciduous vine that has a pleasant, specific lemon aroma. To treat diseases, all parts of the plant are used, characterized by general strengthening, heart-activating and blood circulation-regulating properties. A small handful of fruits can replenish the body’s daily supply of energy. The fruits of the plant have a positive effect on the reflexive mental activity of the brain and do not deplete nerve cells.

Schisandra infusion should be consumed warm, twice a day, a tablespoon. To prepare it, you need to brew 10-15 g of fruits (pre-chopped) with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 4-6 hours, then strain.

At correct dosage and the contraindications of which have been fully studied by traditional medicine, does not give any complications. It is not recommended to use drugs based on heart problems, nervous excitability, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

The right diet will keep you healthy

Vasodilator folk remedies have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases, but without a correct diagnosis, home therapy can be harmful. Therefore, consultation with a medical specialist on maintaining your own health is mandatory.

If you want to help your blood vessels restore elasticity and structure, you should control your diet by eliminating alcohol. There is a popular belief that 50 grams of cognac daily helps dilate blood vessels. This is true, but the effect of alcohol is short-term. In the future, the vessels will begin to narrow and become more clogged, while the body will no longer be able to cope without daily doses of alcohol.

During the treatment period, pork will have to be preferred to chicken, lean veal or turkey. You should avoid fatty cheeses butter, sausages. Fish, which can be eaten boiled, stewed, or baked, will be useful in your daily diet. It is not advisable to fry it, or use it in the form of preserves and canned food. Daily consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy salads and herbs is recommended. Following these simple recommendations will significantly reduce the rate of contamination and vasoconstriction.

Along with medication and home therapy, while following a gentle diet, it is recommended to adhere to a number of additional measures aimed at preserving the natural functions of the body:

  • Healthy sleep. For normal functioning vessels and wellness In general, it is important to get enough sleep, leaving 8-9 hours for sleep.

  • Cold and hot shower. Alternately pouring hot and cold water is the best charge for blood vessels, forcing them to expand and contract.
  • A massage that perfectly stimulates the vascular system.
  • Sauna or bathhouse. During these procedures, the body warms up, blood vessels dilate, and spasms are relieved.
  • Walking on fresh air exercises performed every day for at least half an hour provide an influx of oxygen to all tissues of the body.

Vasoconstriction is a disorder that manifests itself in patients regardless of age and gender. Symptoms of spasm in the form of headaches, dizziness are often tormenting modern man. Why is the tendency for such complications to appear in Lately Has it become more frequent?

This is all due to an unhealthy lifestyle, physical inactivity, eating disorders, bad habits. All of these factors have an extremely negative effect on health.

Folk vasodilators are emergency measure self-help, using them on an ongoing basis without consulting a doctor is impermissible. Such actions may cause irreversible consequences. Treatment should be selected by a qualified doctor who can determine the real reason manifestations of spasm and pick up medicine impact.

Traditional medicine methods certainly have the right to life, but they can only be used as additional method. The doctor must select the drug with the optimal effect, assessing its interaction with other components of therapy. First of all, you should consider the causes and danger of such a deviation, and then methods to combat it.

What is the danger?

When the patient arterial pressure is normal, but vasospasm occurs, oxygen enters the heart tissue in insufficient quantities. In this case, the heart increases its rhythm of work to obtain the necessary component.

Against this background, blood pressure increases significantly, and hypertension can develop. Vascular walls At such moments they experience severe stress and become thinner.

If the blood vessels in the human body are narrowed, malfunctions appear throughout the body and the person may feel following symptoms(depending on the type of failure, the intensity of their manifestation may vary):

  • constant or recurrent headaches;
  • pronounced changes in blood pressure are recorded;
  • the development of heart failure is possible;
  • heart rate increases.

This condition is dangerous due to high risk development of heart attack and stroke - these conditions take the lives of thousands of patients every year.

Attention! With serious damage to the arteries, there is a risk of developing an aneurysm. Such formation is a real “time bomb”. The formation can completely block the vessel, as a result of which the process of transferring nutrients to the heart or brain is disrupted (see).

The danger of such a condition is the rupture of education. As a result of this complication, hemorrhage occurs in the tissue of nearby organs. Such violations can cause disability with complete loss of ability to work or provoke death.

Based on the information described, it is worth concluding that narrowing of the arteries in the human body entails danger.

Dilatation of arteries by means not traditional medicine- these are temporary methods of improving well-being, which are not recommended to be used continuously without consulting a doctor. In fact, vascular constriction is a symptom indicating the presence of problems in the functioning of the body. In any case, the cause of such deformation must be identified and eradicated.


Doctors say that the main reason for the narrowing of arteries in the body is an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and the ratio of substances of small fractions. The formations “stick” to the walls of the artery and accumulate in certain places until they completely block its lumen.

An increase in cholesterol concentrations in the human body often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Obesity. Excess weight is formed in a person against the background of certain dietary disorders and lack of physical activity. It has been proven that obese people are 3-4 times more likely to encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases and are registered with a cardiologist and phlebologist.
  2. Systemic pathologies such as diabetes mellitus.
  3. Patients suffering hypertension, also face vasospasm.

Alternative treatment for vasodilation can be used only after comprehensive examination body in combination with medications. If a patient regularly experiences headaches, he should consult a physician.

A specialist with a broad specialization will give the patient a referral for examination and then refer him to a specialist doctor. The video in this article talks about folk methods dilation of arteries.

Features of the use of traditional medicine

Despite the progress in the development of modern pharmacology, patients often prefer to use products based on medicinal herbs to combat pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

This desire is explained by the following factors:

  • with individual selection of the components of the healing mixture, therapy will help achieve sustainable results;
  • folk remedies for eliminating spasms act gently and do not lead to side effects;
  • the price of raw materials for preparing decoctions and infusions is not high - often the components of the collection can be assembled independently;
  • the product is completely natural and consists of herbal ingredients;
  • the list of contraindications is small compared to traditional medicine.

However, it should be remembered that the use of certain herbs is contraindicated in patients with following states and pathologies:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • systemic pathologies endocrine system associated with organ dysfunction;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Herbal preparations should be taken with particular caution by allergy sufferers. If you react to any component of the composition, a generalized allergy may occur.

Fact! The effect of using herbal decoctions and infusions appears 2-3 months after the start of use. Therefore, they cannot be used as the main means of therapy for patients with serious disorders. Delay in such cases is dangerous.

Vasodilator fees

To prepare infusions and decoctions that dilate blood vessels, single-component and multi-component preparations are used. The classification of herbs according to the principle of action is discussed in the table. Some of the plants are shown in the photo.

The instructions say that to achieve the best results, it is recommended to mix herbs with different effects. However, to form a collection healing potion Doing it yourself based on personal preference is not recommended; components may interact differently.

Not only healers, but also a doctor will tell you how to dilate blood vessels using non-medicinal means. Many representatives of traditional medicine do not refute the healing capabilities of herbal remedies.

Attention! You should not give in to external security. Plants have powerful medicinal powers, so cook medicinal decoction need to be followed with dosages.

Valerian decoction

This plant has not only a calming, but also an antispasmodic effect. To prepare a decoction that dilates blood vessels, follow the instructions. 2 tbsp. l of valerian root, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes steam bath. After this time, the broth is infused for 2 hours and filtered through cheesecloth.

The finished composition is stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.


To prepare the collection, chamomile flowers are used. The mixture is easy to prepare - 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers are poured into 150 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion should be filtered and drunk in two doses.


Linden tea has the following qualities:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • eliminates nervousness;
  • relieves stress;
  • eliminates anxiety;
  • helps strengthen vascular walls.

Pour a tablespoon of plant flowers into 1 cup of boiling water.


The composition helps eliminate headaches due to its antispasmodic effect. The product has a calming effect.

To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp is required. spoons of hawthorn, which should be simmered over low heat for 5 minutes, then strain. The decoction should be stored in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l mixture 2 times a day.

Alcohol tinctures

The following infusions of medicinal herbs have a vasodilating effect:

  • mint tincture;
  • hawthorn tincture;
  • eucalyptus infusion;
  • infusion of valerian root;
  • Corvalol drops.

For cooking medicinal mixture 20 ml of each component is required. All substances are mixed in a large dark glass container and 10 pieces are added. carnations. All components are thoroughly mixed and sent to a dark place for 2 weeks.

The finished composition is taken 30 drops daily.

Attention! The composition has a pronounced vasodilating effect and acts dramatically in comparison with previous infusions. Before using the component for therapy, you should consult a doctor.

resort to radical methods therapy is not necessary. Black and green tea have a slight vasodilating effect, but they should also be prepared with caution.

A strong drink will help you cope with a headache attack. Strongly brewed tea can provoke an attack of hypertension. Such means for dilating blood vessels are indeed effective, but it is impossible to choose the appropriate recipe on your own.

During life, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the human body. These processes lead to total loss elasticity, narrowing of the passage channel, disruption of blood flow through vascular system. The main reason is unfavorable age-related changes, which cannot be avoided. Ultimately, a person begins to suffer from diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. Illnesses are typical for older people age groups, but recently there has been a trend of “rejuvenation” that is conquering the middle categories. For young people, the root cause of this is an unbalanced diet, unhealthy food, alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking, systematic physical exercise. Many of these diseases can be prevented if you consume vasodilator herbs. We will look at how to do this and what kind of potion is suitable below.

Ways to dilate blood vessels

During the narrowing of blood flow channels, a person’s general condition worsens. Are noticed frequent pain in the head area, noise appears in ears, slight dizziness, loss of performance. Failure to respond to the above symptoms in a timely manner will lead to strokes, fatal outcome. It is immediately necessary to mention that the recovery cycle will be quite long and complex. Therapy will not achieve its positive effect unless the following requirements are met:

  • properly selected diet;
  • use of the complex medical supplies for weight loss;
  • complete cessation of alcohol and tobacco;
  • moderate physical activity on the body with systematic. Or increase the level of activity in the absence of activity;
  • sleep at least eight hours a day, get full rest;
  • use folk remedies to dilate blood vessels.

Food. The condition directly depends on what is located on our table immune system. To maintain normal levels, you need to consume: the maximum possible amount of greens all year round, fish, vegetables, seafood. It is not recommended to eat fried, smoked or canned fish. Only boiled, baked, stewed. Among meat products, turkey, chicken, and veal are useful. Be sure to include low-fat dairy products in your diet. It is not recommended to use completely low-fat ones. Completely get rid of butter, pork, sausages in any form, lard.

Treatment with drugs. The method is used if the first one did not help achieve the desired result. It is strictly not recommended to self-medicate. All prescriptions must be carried out only with the help of a specialized doctor.

Traditional methods

Basic vasodilators:

  • valerian infusion: to prepare, pour boiling water over the contents and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take internally at least three times a day, a tablespoon, after mixing with water;
  • include in daily diet honey and garlic in small doses for general prevention body;
  • infusion based on: birch buds, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle. Mix the whole composition thoroughly, pour half a liter of boiling water, cover and let it brew in dark place about an hour. You can cool the liquid in cold water, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth, add sweetener to taste, drink on an empty stomach;
  • garlic oil: peel several heads of garlic, mash, add 100 - 150 ml. sunflower oil, lemon juice to taste. Consume before meals for a month, three times a day;
  • hawthorn and its berries: pour about 50 grams of fruit into 300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Consume before meals, three times a day, liquid temperature should be at room temperature;
  • hazel: chop the bark and leaves of the product mechanically, pour boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink every day for a month, three times before meals;
  • dill with valerian: mix crushed leaves with honey, add boiling water, leave for 24 hours in a dark place. Take a tablespoon daily, for a month, before meals.

Note! Any traditional medicine prescription should be agreed with your doctor. ethnoscience cannot act as the main type of therapy, only as an addition to drug treatment.

In addition to the recommendations mentioned above, you should strictly adhere to the following unwritten rules:

  • every day take a walk in the fresh air, in the park area, for at least half an hour;
  • daily sleep should be at least eight hours;
  • take a contrast shower in the morning;
  • visit a sauna or bathhouse once a month;
  • if possible, visit a massage therapist;
  • treat in a timely manner accompanying illnesses without allowing a chronic course.

These simple ways and methods can prevent the appearance of unwanted symptoms and diseases. Systematically maintain a healthy and active image life, then everything will be fine. All the best. See you soon. Do not be ill.

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