Inflammation of the bladder in men: how to defeat cystitis quickly and effectively? Therapy based on natural remedies. How to treat bladder inflammation in men: basic medications

Cystitis is a disease genitourinary system, developing as a result inflammatory process in the wall Bladder. This pathology quite common in men. The disease is characterized by unpleasant manifestations that disrupt the usual rhythm of life. To prevent the disease cystitis from developing into chronic form, when the first signs of illness appear, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Forms of cystitis in men

In medicine, there are three types of cystitis:

  • acute cystitis (appears within 2-3 hours);
  • chronic cystitis (the patient experiences constant discomfort);
  • recurrent form of cystitis (symptoms recur after about 2 weeks).

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

  • Frequent urination (several times per hour).
  • Constant urge to urinate, with urine coming out in small portions.
  • Pain and burning sensations during urination (pain sensations are determined in the area of ​​the bladder and urethra, as well as in lumbar region back).
  • Frequent urination in small portions at night.
  • The urine is opaque (cloudy), and may be mixed with blood.

Symptoms of acute cystitis

  • Frequent urination.
  • Symptoms of cystitis in men can manifest as small increase body temperature, but in some cases, if the inflammatory process has spread to the kidneys, then chills occur and the temperature rises to 39-40°.
  • Pain may also be felt in the perineum, in the area anus and genitals.
  • The urine is cloudy and contains white blood cells, bacteria, and a thickening of the bladder lining cells.

If you suddenly have signs of cystitis and just as suddenly disappear, this does not mean that the disease itself has gone away; most likely, this indicates that the disease has become chronic. Therefore, when the first symptoms of cystitis appear, you should visit a doctor.

Chronic cystitis - symptoms

Difficulties that a patient may encounter if he develops chronic cystitis: symptoms can be erased, which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What can cause cystitis?

The form and symptoms of cystitis in men depend on the type of bacteria that contribute to the development of this disease.

  • Microorganisms of opportunistic intestinal microflora ( coli, Klebsiella, Enterococcus, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus).
  • Bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, herpes type 2, Candida fungi).
  • Nosocomial infections - cystitis may appear after surgical intervention or placing a catheter (staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, Escherechia, Protea, Klebsiella, Yersenia, Morganella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, herperovirus, chicken pox, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, paramyxovirus).

Ways of infection with cystitis

  • The ascending route is through the urethra (the most common route of infection).
  • Descending route - pathogens enter the bladder through the kidneys.
  • Lymphogenic route - infection occurs from neighboring pelvic organs. This route of infection is typical for women. This is due to the peculiarity of the anatomical structure.
  • Hematogenous route - infection occurs through the blood (bacteria are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, and thus enter the bladder).
  • Direct path - infection can occur when ulcers in nearby organs open.

Non-infectious causes of cystitis

  • Irregularities at work immune system.
  • Various hormonal imbalances.
  • Malfunctions of the nervous system (lead to fibrosis of the bladder). This is the most severe form of cystitis.
  • An allergic reaction that can manifest itself in the form of cystitis.
  • Radiation therapy, which was carried out in the pubic area or lower abdomen.
  • A burn to the walls of the bladder can occur due to the introduction of various chemicals into its cavity.

Infectious causes of cystitis

Cystitis in men often occurs due to stagnation of urine in the bladder due to:

  • tumor diseases;
  • urolithiasis;
  • bladder diverticulum;
  • hit foreign bodies;
  • prostate adenoma.

Symptoms of cystitis in men can occur due to the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system:

  • with urethritis (inflammation of the walls of the urethra);
  • with orchitis (inflammation of the testicle);
  • with vesiculitis (inflammation in the seminal vesicles);
  • with prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate);
  • with pyelonephritis (kidney disease).

The appearance of cystitis is facilitated by various anomalies of the genitourinary system (various narrowings that prevent the outflow of urine):

  • phimosis (narrowing foreskin in boys);
  • intravesical obstruction (subvesical obstruction of the urinary tract is a congenital anomaly).

The above diseases significantly increase the risk of developing cystitis, but this does not mean that all men with certain health problems suffer from it. The chance of developing the disease increases in the presence of certain accompanying factors.

Predisposing factors

  • Hypothermia.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Wearing tight underwear.
  • Violation of personal hygiene.
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder, which occurs due to prostate adenoma and prostatitis.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Availability chronic diseases other organs.
  • The appearance of cystitis may be a consequence medical manipulations(catheterization, urethrocystoscopy).
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the bladder (stones, cystostomies, stents in the ureters).

A doctor will help you cure cystitis and determine the exact cause of the disease. Due to incorrectly identified factors that provoked the pathology, self-medication of this problem can lead to serious complications and the development of chronic cystitis.

Conservative therapy for cystitis

Treatment of cystitis is directly dependent on the form of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. Treatment of the disease is often carried out using antibacterial drugs. The choice of one or another group of antibiotics depends on the type of pathogen. Basically, tablets for cystitis have wide range actions, that is, they fight various types of pest microorganisms. Therefore, drugs can be prescribed before test results are received. When the causative agent of the disease is accurately identified, antibacterial agents are taken at home, according to the instructions for use or as prescribed by the doctor. The following drugs can be used for treatment:

  • "Levofloxacin".
  • "Nevigramon."
  • "Ciprofloxacin"
  • "Palin."
  • "Nolitsin" or its analogue "Norbactin".
  • "Furadonin".
  • "Monural".
  • "Augmentin" or "Amoxiclav".
  • "Furagin".
  • "Rulid."
  • "Nitroxyline".
  • "Furazolidone".

The treatment course of taking antibacterial drugs is on average 7-10 days (sometimes 2-4 weeks). An exception is the drug "Monural" - it must be taken once in a dose of 3 grams.

But, despite the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs, they cause great harm body and cause side effects:

  • in the cardiovascular system;
  • in the genitourinary system;
  • in the central nervous system(weakness, drowsiness, frequent headaches, blurred vision);
  • V digestive tract(diarrhea or constipation, nausea, pain and bloating in the abdomen, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, etc.);
  • allergic reactions;
  • hematopoietic disorder.

Cystitis: treatment

Drugs for plant based in some cases they can cure cystitis. Such products containing plant extracts are the safest and significantly reduce the risk of developing side effects. But in most cases, herbal preparations are prescribed in combination with antibacterial therapy. These are such as:

  • "Lingonberry leaves and chamomile";
  • "Canephron" is the most effective herbal preparation from cystitis;
  • "Monurel";
  • "Cyston";
  • "Phytolysin".

Painful symptoms of cystitis in men are eliminated with the help of non-steroidal painkillers and antispasmodics, such as:

In addition to drugs for cystitis, additional therapeutic procedures may be indicated:

  • physiotherapy (UHF, iontophoresis, inductothermy);
  • sitz baths with medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile, calendula;
  • diuretic herbs;
  • douching the bladder with antiseptic solutions;
  • surgical treatment.

In some cases, immunotherapeutic and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. They are taken to activate the immune system to fight pathogenic bacteria.

During the treatment period, it is recommended to adhere to bed rest, diet and abstain from sexual intercourse. Treatment is stopped only as prescribed by the doctor according to the results of tests that must be taken by the patient at the end of the course of therapy.

Proper nutrition

Diet for cystitis is an important component of treatment; it also helps to improve the patient’s well-being during the period of exacerbation of chronic cystitis and when its acute form appears. The basic rule of such a nutrition system: in the first half of the day it is recommended to eat foods that are “hard” to digest, and in the second half of the day the menu should consist of light and dietary dishes.

Diet for acute cystitis

The diet for acute cystitis has one general rule: foods that irritate the walls of the bladder are completely excluded from the diet: pickled foods, smoked, spicy and salty foods, various seasonings. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of potentially dangerous products:

  • soda, sweets;
  • flour products premium, potatoes;
  • strong tea and coffee.

Nutrition for chronic cystitis

During the period of remission, there are generally no strict dietary restrictions. But there are still some recommendations that must be followed:

  • limit the consumption of fatty and carbohydrate foods;
  • focus on fermented milk products;
  • eat wholemeal bread, unpackaged cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • useful for cystitis vegetable soups, freshly squeezed juices, chicken and lean meat;
  • from daily diet diet, exclude foods that lead to irritation of the bladder walls (smoked meats, alcoholic drinks, canned food, seasonings, hot sauces).

Diagnosis of cystitis

Treatment of cystitis is usually prescribed after examining the patient, which includes:

  • urine culture test;
  • palpation of the scrotum and prostate, examination of the genitals;
  • tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, prostate and bladder.

Prevention measures

Despite the fact that drugs for cystitis quickly and effectively fight the disease, it is still better to prevent the disease than to treat it. Prevention will not only help prevent the development of cystitis, but will also improve your health in general. What do preventive measures include? It will be useful:

  • Elimination of stress, lack of sleep, hypothermia.
  • Eating vegetables and fruits.
  • Refusal of spicy, fatty and smoked foods.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily.
  • Systematic and complete emptying of the bladder.
  • Prevent hypothermia.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • It is not recommended to wear very tight underwear.
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Visit a urologist once a year for a preventive examination.


It is important to understand that cystitis is serious illness, which in case untimely treatment can lead to serious problems with health, and in some cases to irreversible processes.

  • Acute cystitis will become chronic.
  • A decrease in bladder capacity may occur.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • The inflammatory process can spread to the kidneys (pyelonephritis), the urethra (urethritis), and the tissues surrounding the bladder.

To avoid severe consequences, you must consult a doctor and strictly follow all his prescriptions.

Kidney disease and UVP are considered to be predominantly women's problem– according to statistics, they are the ones who encounter pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis most often. But it happens that representatives of the stronger half of humanity are familiar with such pathologies firsthand.

And how inflammation of the bladder in men manifests itself and how it is treated: we will discuss it in our review and video in this article.

What causes bladder inflammation in women and men? Interestingly, the risk factors for the disease will differ between genders.

Gender matters

As we have already found out, an inflamed bladder in men is diagnosed quite rarely - approximately 0.7-0.8%. In this case, patients older than 40-45 years are predominantly affected.

This is interesting. For comparison, every third representative of the fair sex on our planet has personally encountered this unpleasant illness at least once.

Explain this big difference It’s quite simple – just remember the basics of anatomy. The urethra in men is long and narrow. In addition, it is located away from the external opening of the rectum.

In the weaker sex, the infection often spreads upward path along a short and wide urethra, therefore inflammation of the bladder in women - common problem, especially during pregnancy.

So, experts highlight following reasons inflammation of the bladder (UB) in men:

  • foreign bodies/stones MP;
  • tumors;
  • diverticula;
  • BPH;
  • urethral stricture;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • epididymitis;
  • diabetes;
  • spinal injuries;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • general decrease in immunity;
  • transurethral operations.

Note! In boys, the disease often develops against the background of phimosis (pathological narrowing of the foreskin) or neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder.

Such inflammation in men can develop according to several pathogenetic scenarios:

  1. Infectious process against the background of existing organ damage genitourinary area– urethra, prostate, epididymis. Nonspecific pathogens are more common (and the course of the disease is no different from inflammation of the bladder in women) - E. Coli, St. Saprophiticus, Proteus, Klebsiella. They can enter the bladder by ascending, descending, hematogenous, lymphogenous or direct routes. Less commonly diagnosed are specific cystitis caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, gonococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, etc.
  2. Chronic inflammation MP also develops in various urological diseases that occur with obstruction of the urinary tract and stagnation of urine. In this case, the urine itself becomes excellent nutrient medium for the proliferation of microbes that affect the bladder: inflammation in men must be treated comprehensively.
  3. Symptoms of bladder inflammation in men of a non-infectious nature are less common. This form of pathology may be associated with exposure chemical substances(contained, for example, in some medications), trauma to the mucous membrane urinary stone, burn, etc.

Clinical manifestations

As a rule, the signs of inflammation in women and men are the same.

Patients complain of:

  • feeling of discomfort, pain in suprapubic region, which intensify as the disease progresses;
  • frequent and painful urges on urination, which may be false;
  • burning, cutting along the urethra at the time of urine discharge;
  • sometimes – urinary incontinence;
  • change in the color of urine - with exacerbation of cystitis, it becomes cloudy, sometimes mixed with blood;
  • general signs of bladder inflammation in men (weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, low-grade fever) are usually mild.

Important! With the development of severe forms of cystitis (hemorrhagic, phlegmonous, gangrenous), intoxication of the body can be significant.

During the first episode of the disease, symptoms of an inflamed bladder persist for 10-14 days.

Then there are three options:

  • with timely and adequate treatment – ​​complete recovery;
  • chronicity of the inflammatory process - a sluggish course of the pathology with periodically developing exacerbations;
  • formation of complications.

Table: Complications of cystitis in men: symptoms and treatment:

Name Description Symptoms Treatment

  • unilateral/bilateral lower back pain;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • cloudy urine;
  • change in clinical tests(leukocytosis, leukocyturia, accelerated ESR).
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • taking uroseptics, antispasmodics;
  • according to indications - hospitalization.

Pathological reflux of urine from the bladder into higher structures
  • At the initial stage there is an asymptomatic course.
  • As the disease progresses:
  • increase in body T;
  • pain along the ureters and in the lower back;
  • leukocyturia.
At the discretion of the doctor:
  • conservative therapy (taking medications aimed at preventing urinary tract infections);
  • endoscopic injection correction;
  • surgical treatment – ​​antireflux surgery.

Rupture of the wall of an organ with the release of its contents into the pelvic cavity and/or abdominal cavity Severe pain in the lower abdomen Surgery - operative recovery MP wall integrity

Diagnostic principles

As a rule, it will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to suspect cystitis based on the patient’s complaints and the symptoms of the pathology.

However, the standard medical instructions involves the following clinical, laboratory and instrumental tests:

  • genital examination;
  • examination and palpation of the scrotum;
  • prostate examination (through rectum);
  • bacterial culture of urine and urethral smear;
  • PCR testing for major STDs;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • urodynamic examination;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder, prostate and kidneys;
  • cystoscopy.

Treatment methods

How to treat cystitis in order to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms and avoid the development of complications?

Treatment of bladder inflammation is a complex process, including:

  • correction of the regime and lifestyle in general;
  • diet;
  • taking medications.


Before treating a disease with pills, it is important to create optimal conditions for the patient to recover. In the acute period, especially if the symptoms of intoxication are severe, it is recommended bed rest.

Also, during treatment (and after it), it would be useful to refuse bad habits and adherence to the principles of healthy lifestyle.

Medical nutrition

The diet for bladder inflammation should be gentle - it is recommended to eat light soups, cereals, lean meats, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

In addition, products with a diuretic effect will be especially useful:

  • Watermelon and melon;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Pumpkin;

There are also foods that are extremely undesirable to eat during cystitis: treatment in men prohibits the consumption of:

  • fast food;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • salt in large quantities;
  • semi-finished products and canned food.

Drug therapy

In most cases, cystitis cannot be treated without taking medications.

Doctors prescribe the following medications for bladder inflammation:

  1. Antibiotics (drugs of choice - fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins).
  2. NSAIDs (usually in tablet form, but suppositories are also effective for inflammation).
  3. Plant uroseptics.
  4. Antispasmodics.
  5. Vitamins.

Note! Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended as an auxiliary treatment for chronic cystitis.

In general, if therapy is started in a timely manner, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Already after 2-3 days from the start of taking properly selected antibiotics, the symptoms of intoxication go away and the discomfort decreases. The patient feels much better.

To prevent the development of the disease in the future, doctors recommend following the rules of personal hygiene, emptying the bladder on time, and drinking enough fluids daily. Don’t forget about regular visits to the doctor - for prevention and early detection genitourinary diseases.

Questions for the doctor

Differences in treatment of the disease in men and women

Hello! I read the article, and all the signs seemed to be written about me: pain above the pubis, and strong burning sensation when urinating, yesterday the temperature even rose a little (up to 37.5). Only I'm a girl. Are there any peculiarities in treatment for me, or is everything as described above?

Good day! In general, symptoms and treatment are the same for women and men. However, you did not indicate whether you addressed your complaints to a doctor. Before starting any therapeutic methods, be sure to consult with a specialist and undergo an examination (standard minimum - OAC, OAM, ultrasound MP). Get well soon!

Hemorrhagic cystitis

Hello! Dad is 72 years old and has colon cancer. He is currently in the hospital after recently undergoing a course of chemotherapy. Today the doctor said that my father’s condition has worsened and hemorrhagic cystitis has developed. What kind of disease is this? Is it dangerous?

Hello! Hemorrhagic cystitis (HC) is an acute injury to the mucous membranes, occurring with deep damage. It is manifested by cutting and pain when urinating, the appearance of scarlet blood in the urine.

The causes of this pathology are different. These include infections, exposure to radiation, and taking certain toxic drugs (as in the case of your dad).

Treatment of HC is predominantly symptomatic; hemostatic agents (Vikasol, Etamzilat), iron supplements, and, if indicated, antibiotics are prescribed. If cystitis occurs without complications, epithelization of the bladder walls usually occurs after 7-10 days.

Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder in men, is a disease that is much less common than in women. This is due, first of all, to the difference in anatomical structure representatives of both sexes. In addition, cystitis in men also occurs according to a slightly different scenario.

To begin with, it makes sense to understand how the male urinary system fundamentally differs from the female one. The first and most basic difference is in men urinary system is also a sexual specialist, and a special specialist, a urologist-andrologist, deals with its pathologies.

The male urethra (urethra) simultaneously serves to remove sperm produced by the testicles with the participation of the prostate gland.

This channel, which has two S-shaped bends, is quite narrow and long, sometimes reaching 23 cm in a calm state of the penis and lengthening by another 6-8 cm in an erect state. These anatomical features make it difficult to wash out an infection that has entered the urethra with the flow of urine during urination. In addition, it “willingly” joins the inflammatory process prostate, located under bladder. The opposite scenario is also possible, when an inflamed prostate initiates an inflammatory process in the urethra and bladder.

Causes and manifestations of cystitis in men

Among the main causes of the disease are the following:

  1. Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis)
  2. Inflammation of the urethra (urethritis)
  3. Benign (adenoma) and malignant neoplasms prostate
  4. Urolithiasis disease
  5. Inflammatory kidney diseases
  6. Venereal diseases
  7. Hypothermia due to weakened immunity.

Symptoms of cystitis in men repeat the symptoms similar disease in women, but they also have their own characteristics. So, the main symptoms are:

  1. Frequent painful urge to urinate with decreasing portions of urine output
  2. Cutting and burning during urination
  3. Nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen
  4. Change in urine color and odor
  5. Hematuria (blood in urine)
  6. Pyuria (pus in urine)
  7. Edema
  8. Possible increase in temperature
  9. Decreased libido, weak erection.

It should be noted that in some cases, when inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary system in men may not have any noticeable manifestations, so doctors strongly recommend visiting a specialist every six months for early detection possible illness. This will allow you to get a higher effect from his treatment in the future. Transition of the inflammatory process into chronic stage can cause irreparable damage to the male reproductive system.

Main features and methods of treating cystitis

To accurately determine the pathogen causing cystitis, the doctor must conduct the necessary tests. To clarify the nature of the disease, the patient may be offered a cystoscopy - examination internal cavity bladder using a special optical device. This procedure cannot be called pleasant, but with its help the most accurate diagnosis is possible, and therefore more accurate effective treatment. Allows you to accurately identify foci of inflammation in the cavity of the bladder and radiography using a contrast agent.

The inflammatory process can occur both at the level of the mucous membrane and penetrate deeper into the tissue, causing inflammation of the bladder wall in men. In addition, cystitis can occur both in acute form and become chronic if timely measures are not taken.

Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system is dangerous due to irreversible processes in the tissues of the bladder - their excessive growth and loosening of the mucous membrane.

The inflamed areas granulate and begin to bleed. These negative changes can result in a reduction in bladder capacity and the development of incontinence. In addition, the patient will constantly feel discomfort in the pubic area and have problems with urination.

As already noted, the bladder in men is closely connected with reproductive function, and the inflammatory process that is constantly smoldering there will inevitably spread to the organs of the reproductive system.

The first signs of inflammation should alert you and force you to immediately consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this will not only not get rid of the problem, but can also seriously harm your body! Solving the basic question of how to treat and what to treat with is the prerogative of a specialist.

On video - detailed description bladder functions, symptoms of inflammation and methods of its prevention:

After spending necessary examinations, which have already been mentioned above, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate pills (most likely, these will be antibiotics) in order to extinguish the foci of inflammation. An indispensable component of treatment is a special diet that excludes fried, spicy, salty, spicy, smoked foods and involves drinking water in an amount of at least one and a half to two liters per day. To reduce pain, you can use a warm heating pad on the pubic area and hot foot baths. IN severe cases Bed rest is recommended.

Treatment of inflammation with herbs is quite acceptable, but as a measure that complements the main treatment, and only after consultation with your doctor. Consumption is encouraged cranberry juice which is wonderful antibacterial agent. It is possible to use herbs that have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, calendula, etc. They can be consumed instead of tea. Echinacea infusion, which strengthens the immune system, will also be useful.

Inflammation of the bladder is cystitis. Although the disease rarely develops in men, not a single representative of the stronger sex is immune from it. By what signs can pathology be recognized? How to cure bladder inflammation in men? What is better – drug therapy or folk remedies?

Inflammation of the bladder in men: symptoms

Both the treatment of cystitis and the degree of its effectiveness largely depend on the correct interpretation of the signs of the disease. The main symptoms of bladder inflammation in men are:

  1. Frequent and very intense urge to do small things. Cystitis is not a problem that can be ignored: a strong desire to visit the toilet occurs literally every 10-20 minutes.
  2. Pain during urination. The painful process of removing urine from the body is the second “scourge” of the disease. Mostly discomfort occurs at the beginning and end of urination. Sometimes the cramps additionally invade the rectal area, further worsening the man’s well-being.
  3. A never-ending feeling of fullness in the bubble. It does not leave a person in principle. Coming out of the restroom, the patient again feels that the bladder is full and requires emptying.
  4. Difficulty urinating. Cystitis is often complicated by the inability to properly satisfy a natural need: a man has to make an effort to urinate.
  5. Discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, are localized in groin area, affecting the penis and pubis.

The main problem in making a diagnosis is that in almost all cases of male cystitis the disease is secondary. That is, it did not develop directly under the influence of infection, but as a result of damage to other organs. Mainly these are the kidneys, prostate gland and urethra. Sometimes the pathology is associated with sexually transmitted diseases.

If the doctor pays attention only to typical signs cystitis without full examination and without prescribing therapy for other organs, the treatment will not give results. Inflammation of the bladder will subside for a while, but then reappear.

Complicated cystitis in men: symptoms

The inflammatory process may worsen. Often due to the fact that the disease is left unattended and untreated; sometimes due to an overly weakened immune system.

Recognizing complicated cystitis is quite simple. It manifests itself with the following signs:

  1. Blood in urine. The phenomenon is called hematuria and accompanies hemorrhagic form diseases. Blood indicates deep damage to the bladder, in which those affected are blood vessels. With cystitis, hematuria is observed in the last portion of urine, although the same symptom may also indicate stones in the bladder. If blood appears at the beginning of urination, then the urethra is most likely damaged. Hematuria throughout the entire process “hints” at kidney pathology.
  2. Increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above. Inflammation of the bladder is occasionally accompanied by low-grade fever (37-37.5 degrees): this temperature is considered a normal reaction of the body to infection. If the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees, then the problem concerns not so much the bladder as the kidneys closely connected to it. Pyelonephritis – common complication cystitis.
  3. Headaches, discomfort in the heart area, unreasonable fatigue, drowsiness, cloudy urine. All these are symptoms of severe damage to the body. Perhaps the inflammatory process depleted his resources and made him helpless against the disease. In some cases, such signs are a consequence of hemorrhoidal cystitis, associated with constant blood loss.

Symptoms of a complicated inflammatory process indicate the need to visit a doctor. Therapy should absolutely not be carried out at home.

Treatment of cystitis in men: medications

An approach to treating both men and women female cystitis generally matches. First of all, tests are prescribed to determine the nature of the disease:

  • illness caused by pathogenic bacteria, need to be treated with antibiotics (Nolitsin, Augmentin, Monural, Furadonin, Amoxiclav, Furagin);
  • illness caused by viruses is treated antiviral drugs(Acyclovir) in combination with immunomodulatory agents (Gepon, Uro-vaxom).

It is in determining the type of cystitis that the “trick” of its treatment lies. If you “poison” a viral disease with antibiotics, a violation will occur intestinal microflora, while the symptoms of inflammation will not go away.

Therefore it is not recommended to take medications without the consent of the doctor. Of course, there is always a chance to guess right, but there is no less chance that the chosen remedy will be ineffective. Although adherents of self-medication often prescribe themselves Furadonin (0.1 g three times a day for about a week) and Monural (single dose of the drug).

Doctors definitely recommend supplementing drug therapy funds based medicinal plants, such as Canephron, Cyston or Phytolysin. No less useful are entirely natural “preparations”: juices, fruit drinks and compotes from cranberries and lingonberries, as well as infusions and decoctions of bearberry. Thanks to natural remedies The diuretic activity of the body is enhanced, which contributes to the rapid elimination of infection.

A patient with hemorrhoidal cystitis can be treated in a hospital. For this form of the disease, hemostatic and vascular strengthening agents are indicated. The drugs Etamsylate and Dicion are often used. In case of bladder tamponade due to blood clots, rinse with saline solution.

Treatment of the bladder in men using traditional medicine methods

Home remedies may help relieve symptoms somewhat, although complete cure I rarely have to talk. But ethnoscience does not lose popularity: primarily due to its accessibility and saving time on visiting a doctor.

Required item home treatment– ingestion of drinks prepared from plants. Basic recipes:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. flaxseeds glass of water, boil for five minutes, then let it brew. Drink before meals three times a day until the signs of the disease subside. The optimal dosage is 200 ml at a time.
  2. Pour a glass of millet into 600 ml of water and leave overnight. Drink the strained liquid three times a day for a week. The product helps relieve pain very well.
  3. Dilute 3 tbsp. l. cranberry juice 150 ml water, add a little honey. Drink the resulting product three to four times a day for a couple of weeks.
  4. Take 5 g of bearberry leaves, birch buds, thuja and hernia shoots. Pour the mixture with a liter of water and bring to a boil. Drink the decoction throughout the day, warming each serving if necessary.
  5. Prepare a mixture of grated apple, onion and honey (1 teaspoon of each ingredient). This “delicacy” is consumed before meals. You cannot stock up on medicine for future use: it must be fresh.

You should stick to your diet. The list of prohibited foods includes: fried, over-salted, spices, alcohol, strong coffee. It's good to eat pumpkin seeds, watermelons, melons.

In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is permissible to perform warming (but they are prohibited in case of hematuria). It is necessary to take a warm shower, apply a warm heating pad or a bag of hot salt to the lower abdomen. This way you can relieve pain and get rid of discomfort.

Treatment of male cystitis must be supervised by a doctor. Folk remedies can only complement therapy, but not replace it. At the first symptoms of the inflammatory process, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

A disease that is often caused by infections different types or the presence of irritating substances is male cystitis. This disease affects both men and women. It all depends on the characteristics of the urethra.

Many men wonder whether cystitis occurs in men at all? Unfortunately, despite the fact that women still get sick more often, since they have wide urethra– men suffer from such problems too. Depending on the nature of the disease, there are primary and secondary cystitis. In turn, the primary type of the disease is characterized by pain in the bladder itself and is divided into two types:

  • the manifestation of the acute form is caused by infectious and thermal damage, including chemical burns, incorrect selection of medications;
  • a chronic type of disease is caused by the intervention of microorganisms or subsequently by injury or poor quality treatment (chronic disease).

Inflammation of the bladder in men occurs as secondary pathological processes, for example, in the form of complications from other urological ailments.

The disease in question is divided into different shapes, it all depends on the pattern of observed inflammatory processes during internal tissues. Cystitis can be polypous, fibrinous, cystic or catarrhal.

Experts identify two more dangerous forms, such as:

  • necrotic;

They are accompanied by a strong intoxicating effect, causing great complications.

Symptoms of cystitis in men

Leading manifestations acute cystitis in the stronger half they arise in the form of imperative urges. Also, when the disease in question appears, difficulties and (stranguria), noticeable cloudiness of the urine arise.

Associated symptoms with cystitis:

  • dizziness;
  • low patient activity levels;
  • low ability to work;
  • chills;
  • heat.

Despite the fact that cystitis in men has different symptoms, but in the end the bladder and nearby tissues always suffer. Also, everything is accompanied by severe cuts and burning sensations, as well as difficulty urinating. At rest, especially in a lying position, the penis hurts, discomfort appears in the groin, in the pubic area and scrotum.

If we compare the volumes of urine that come out into healthy person and in a patient with cystitis - they decrease by 30-40 ml. Sometimes regular fluid incontinence occurs, especially during sleep. Signs of cystitis in men are the occurrence of leukocyturia, pyuria, microscopic and macroscopic hematuria.

If representatives of the stronger sex have severe form pathology, especially during manifestation (hemorrhagic, phlegmonous or gangrenous type) - intoxication phenomena may appear, accompanied by high temperatures and. In this case, the urine becomes dark and cloudy. As for the smell, it is also unpleasant. Sometimes observed blood clots in its composition. In a more advanced form, there are particles of the mucous membrane that have come off.

Acute cystitis in men and its signs

Upon closer examination of the symptoms of this disease, it turns out that they are very similar to the symptoms that appear with prostatitis in men. Both pathologies provoke from the very beginning:

  • urination itself is accompanied by strong painful sensations and pains;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Judging by simple signs, without a thorough diagnosis, distinctive features almost not. There are situations when cystitis manifests itself in the same way as prostatitis.

During acute cystitis, in most cases, after the main urination, a small portion of liquid is released. The reason for this is irritation of the corresponding number of receptors that are located in the affected mucous membrane. Often cloudy urine is accompanied by a large number of leukocytes - this is pus. Also, during the onset of symptoms, blood clots are sometimes detected. When treating such a pathology, only high-quality medications for cystitis in men will help; this should only be done by a professional doctor.

IN human body everything is closely connected. During the course of the disease, as mentioned above, deterioration occurs general condition.

Both men and women experience:

  • at initial stages stays at 37.5 °C;
  • brokenness;
  • drop in mood;
  • noticeable lethargy.

It is important to remember that this is only visible symptoms, for a more thorough analysis of the general condition, it is important to undergo a complete diagnosis. If this is not done, then the pathology can develop into chronic course, which is much more difficult to cure.

A complication of cystitis may be the appearance of pyelonephritis (an infectious inflammatory process in the kidneys). If there is stagnation of urinary fluid, an infection from the urinary tract can spread to the kidneys.

Signs of male chronic cystitis

There are situations when all the signs indicating cystitis are poorly expressed. But over time, the processes progress to damage to another organ, such as the prostate gland. In any case, the first and most important signal indicating the need to take appropriate medicine for cystitis in men is painful sensations with frequent urination. Moreover, the urinary tract itself is not capable of holding a lot of liquid (if the bladder becomes inflamed, it can shrink).

If ulcers occur during chronic cystitis, then blood will definitely be present in the urine. When chronic illness had its onset from necrotizing cystitis, then when examining the urinary fluid, a certain amount of breakdown products of the tissue of the bladder or urethra is found in it. When complications occur, cystitis turns into paracystitis, and nearby tissues become inflamed.


If troubles arise, then men should contact a urologist. He is the doctor who treats the disease in question. In any case, the doctor is able to diagnose correct diagnosis only after the following procedures have been completed:

  • an analysis is done for the presence of tuberculosis (acid urine test);
  • determination of hidden infections by analyzing smears taken;
  • obtaining information from general analysis urine for the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes and many other components;
  • identifying the sensitivity of bacteria to action medicines;
  • It is not necessary to do it, but it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the kidneys;

Sometimes inflammation of the bladder in men becomes chronic, and cystoscopy is mandatory. This is necessary to identify foreign bodies, stones, and neoplasms. At this study It is necessary to conduct a high-quality biopsy.

Cystoscopy is prescribed only in cases of persistent acute cystitis. Symptoms of cystitis in men manifest themselves differently, so treatment is prescribed only after a qualitative study. If necessary, cystourethrography and uroflowmetry are additionally prescribed during diagnosis.


If the diagnosis is made and cystitis is confirmed according to all the rules, the patient is required to remain in bed during treatment. If pathological symptoms are also supplemented by high temperatures, it is important to lower it to normal indicators using the appropriate remedy.

Important: When sick, the patient should drink a lot. This will be required to speed up the body’s self-cleansing of stones and many other foreign bodies.

With an abundance of fluid, the source of infection is washed out faster. The average volume that a patient should consume is 2.5-3 liters per day. During treatment it is recommended to follow special diet. The consumption of sour and spicy foods is prohibited.

Use of medications

In practice, treatment of cystitis in men is more often carried out using antibiotics, physiotherapy, herbal medicine and drug treatment. Adequate selection is carried out by experienced specialists. It is important to correctly identify the causative agents of the disease.

Many doctors prohibit self-treatment at all. Any medications without recommendations should not be used, as there is a risk of complications. In most cases, the course of treatment lasts from one week to two.

It happens that cystitis in men is treated with antispasmodics, such as No-shpa or Papaverine. Sometimes experts prescribe the use non-steroidal drugs(Diclofenac or Nimesil).

Herbal medicine and its role

This procedure is considered mandatory in the treatment of cystitis. During the fight, special compositions in the form of tea are used. They have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. These drugs are developed exclusively on a plant basis.

Leaves are often used:

  • lingonberries;
  • horsetail;
  • plantain or bearberry.

But before use, it is important to make sure that there is no allergic reactions on plants.

To relieve inflammation and reduce unpleasant symptoms It is recommended to use the following medications: Canephron, Phytolysin or Cyston. Today similar drugs are made from berry extracts, such as cranberries. Often, cranberry juice is used during the treatment of illness.


In order not to think on your own about how to treat cystitis in men, it is important to seek help from a specialist. If you overcome acute period manifestations of pathology, the urologist can prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment methods. This method It relieves inflammation quite well.

  • magnetic laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • high frequency;
  • ultrasound;
  • mud therapy.

To carry out such health program Special sanatoriums are perfect. At quality treatment the possibility of relapse is excluded.

Symptoms and treatment of cystitis depend on the diseases that appear in parallel with cystitis (prostatitis, adenoma, pyelonephritis and others). They often act as primary sources of infection causing cystitis.

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