Bloating after eating. Bloating: what to do? Constant bloating, what to do

It is immediately worth noting that a healthy person does not experience bloating. This phenomenon indicates that food is not digested, rots and releases various gases in large quantities. As a symptom, this can only indicate that the patient has a digestive disorder and his movement cycle is disrupted food bolus through the intestines and its processing, bacteria and digestive acids.

Accumulation of air in the intestines is quite common. Gas accumulation in the stomach is unlikely, but it can occur. It will appear constant belching air. In particular, this occurs in chronic and acute cholecystitis. Hydrogen sulfide is released in large quantities, which gives. But usually this symptom is a consequence of dysbiosis and enzymatic deficiency of peptides and gastric juice.

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Nadezhda Nikolayevna

2012-05-08 00:05:47

Doctors, advise me what to do. At the same time, I suffer from chronic pancreatitis and liver hepatosis. So, I know that I need to constantly use hepatoprotectors and enzymes to maintain the pancreas. However, I read information that simultaneous administration They are not recommended, especially for a long period of time. How can I support my pancreas and keep my liver from failing? Maybe there is some kind of scheme?

2012-05-08 13:46:01

Firstly, you need to take hepatoprotectors and enzyme preparations in courses. Otherwise, dependence on drug stimulation may develop. Your pancreas will stop producing enzymes on its own. The liver will also become dependent on constant external interference. Natural reproduction of hepatocytes may stop. Therefore, try to alternate courses of taking hepatoprotectors and enzyme preparations in consultation with your personal physician.

2012-05-24 20:22:22

Pharmacies won’t prescribe a beauty recipe, but they may recommend something like that. I'm serious, no irony. I think the best place to start is with your health. If something hurts, then you are unlikely to “glow with happiness.” Basically, all diseases come down to malfunctioning intestines. If so, then, as a doctor, I would advise taking Hilak Forte. It contains mass useful vitamins at any time of the year and everything will be in order better light. I hope my review finds its reader.

Andrievsky Anton

2012-06-11 10:27:48

You need to constantly monitor the condition of your intestines. Avoid problems such as constipation or irregular bowel movements. Then the skin will be clean and fresh.

Andrievsky Anton

2012-09-07 05:35:35

This is not a rare occurrence when, under the influence emotional stress the balance of microflora in the intestines is disrupted. And the beginning school year- unconditional stress for the child. That's why Hilak Forte helped you. But don't forget about correct mode nutrition. Required full breakfast. At school, the child must receive a hot meal at lunchtime.

2012-09-05 16:17:40

Yes, you never think that a child who is completely healthy might lose all his intestinal functions on the first of September gastric tract, but there is a way out, Hilak Forte will help! I’m telling you the product is simply excellent, after the course of treatment we completely forgot that we had such problems, Hilak works great, and most importantly, quickly and without side effects)

Alina Grishanova

2012-11-11 10:21:37

I have always had problems with my intestines. Some helped, some not so much. It’s very inconvenient in life; you have to constantly watch what you eat. It’s clear that you have to keep an eye on it in any case, but... there are, you know, feasts, just going to a restaurant... and everyone tries everything delicious, and like a crazy person I’m constantly asking for the ingredients)). Then the child began to have colic, and he was still small... the doctor advised us to give Babynos... and the child felt better. I started taking it quietly after meals, and you know, it makes me feel better!)) but...I this normal? after all, the drug seems to be for children... But it helps me, at least when I’m visiting, I can now relax and rest peacefully, without worrying about my sneaky intestines))


2012-11-13 07:14:05

Good afternoon Tell me what should be done if bowel movements are not regular?

Andrievsky Anton

2012-11-16 09:01:21

If you have no pathologies gastrointestinal tract, then irregular bowel movements may indicate decreased motility. In this case, you should include in your diet more products containing fiber (cabbage, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals). Physical exercises that stimulate the work of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are also necessary (try at least regularly going for walks up to 3 km a day). I think this will help you improve your bowel function. If the problem is not solved, then you should contact a gastroenterologist for a detailed examination.

2014-06-20 16:32:58

My stomach is swollen after poisoning, what should I do?

2014-03-14 00:31:56

Hello, Doctor. My husband has a huge digestive problem. He has constant bloating and belching. Even in the morning the stomach is inflated like a ball. He doesn't eat right, although he doesn't drink or smoke. But he has had this problem for several years now. He consulted doctors, but their treatment did not help. Please tell me what a sign this could be? and could this indicate some kind of disease? And also how to treat? Is there a chance of a full recovery if it has already turned into chronic form? Thank you in advance.

2014-06-20 16:34:14

A day after the poisoning, I drank a laxative, and he was still swollen

2014-06-19 06:39:24

Hello. My problem is simple - my stomach is constantly filled with gases. When there is a lot of them, it begins to squeeze them and, accordingly, hurt. That is why getting up in the morning brings a rather large portion of pain. On the surgical side, no problems were found in my body, other than gastritis and clusters of lymph nodes on the right side of the abdomen. What advice do you have about this?

2015-03-17 04:22:28

Hello. Give me some advice. (For some reason I can’t go to the doctor right now). The third day in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium (I would say at the border of the rib and epigastrium) Blunt pain, intensifies with inhalation. Sometimes the burp is just air. No more symptoms. There is no pain when pressing. There is no pain when the abdominal muscles are tense. It seemed to me that it started suddenly - I woke up in the morning and it hurt. This may be due to the fact that last month I don’t move much - my leg is in a cast. And literally before the pain started, I had bad flatulence for several days (I ate a lot of green onions). I tried to take noshpa, allohol, Activated carbon- Yesterday in the evening it became a little better, and in the morning again... I hardly eat. Just a little rolled oats in water without oil. What could this be and what could I do while I can’t get to a doctor?

2015-02-14 06:22:00

I have bloating without gas, pain under my left ribs is dull aching, sometimes sharp, sometimes tingling. Papcreatin and anti-bloating medications do not help. Prolonged stool retention. Does not depend on food intake or type of food. Recently I started taking Allohol, after which the bloating decreases a little, diarrhea in the morning, rumbling, pain from left to right under the ribs. Nausea is almost constant. Weakness. Fatigue. I went through examinations, everything is normal, no one in the city can read the test for dysbacteriosis. It is clear that there are some deviations, but no one knows what this means. Diagnoses were diagnosed: chronic pancreatitis, dyskinesia lower sections intestines. When I'm bloated, I constantly want to eat. A lot of. Please, help!

2014-11-05 20:25:19

Hello Milena. As you have already read in the article, this state should not normally exist. What could be the cause of constant bloating and belching? First of all - poor nutrition, intolerance to certain foods, fast eating and talking while eating, chronic diseases digestive tract, imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines. And you are right - your husband needs to be examined and treated. Even if the disease has a long course and has become chronic, there is always a chance of recovery. If you do nothing, then healing is impossible.

2015-03-03 12:36:46

Nice article, thanks! It is written correctly about the reasons. Often everyone just thinks that they are not eating well, although there are many more reasons, incl. all sorts of diseases. Therefore, I try to take Helinorm as a preventative measure to avoid any gastritis and ulcers, and diet is also very important. Be healthy!

2014-11-05 20:30:34

Hello Martha. If you have taken treatment, then there must be a diagnosis. Judging by the treatment and diet, you most likely have hepatitis. Due to the enlargement of the liver, the stomach also became larger. Treatment for hepatitis is long-term. If the prescribed therapy is not effective, talk to your doctor so that you can have it corrected.

2015-02-12 11:44:36

Write to me by email if you want to help yourself. Your problem is from long-term use antibiotics. You need to undergo rehabilitation of the entire gastrointestinal tract and everything will fall into place. A healthy intestine is your immunity, so all problems are due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

2015-01-15 20:08:15

Digestive problems can be adjusted by including dietary supplements in your daily diet, changing your food intake and, if possible, avoiding stress or reacting to it more easily. I am a nutritionist and have 12 years of experience in this field. If someone interesting, with pleasure I'll share.

2015-01-19 01:48:38

Doctor, I have a question, let’s say after the diagnosis of chronic panureatitis, the patient underwent a course of treatment with zero groove, bonchigar and magnesium B 6. After that, New Year I drank for 6 days, in terrible doses and ate not according to my diet. And no symptoms other than mild bloating. Maybe the diagnosis was wrong? Or is this normal after treatment.

2015-02-05 16:02:19

Hello. I have constant bloating. I took antibiotics for a long time, and did not take antifungal tablets or nystatin. I think this is the reason for the bloating. Please advise how to treat.

2014-10-31 23:05:11

Half a year ago, after eating, my stomach became like that of a pregnant woman. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I always watch my diet. I don’t eat fried food at all. The only meat is stewed chicken. In general, I eat according to diet number 5. And I have the following problem: (Neither espumizan, nor enema, nor mezim, nor allohol..nor herbs help: (I fell into depression. And there is no gas. And if there is, it doesn’t come out well.

Why do patients have a swollen, hard stomach? The answer to this question can be given by an experienced doctor after a diagnosis. One of the main and most common problems faced modern medicine, is bloating or, in other words, excessive distension. This symptom can indicate not only the onset of a disease, but also be the only manifestation of the disease internal organs, which are located in abdominal cavity.

The feeling that the stomach is bloated and has slightly increased in size is quite subjective. People in this case often complain that they feel a feeling of fullness and internal bloating. This condition sometimes goes away on its own, and the cause may be a disruption in the functioning of certain organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hard belly may be associated with the patient’s excess weight or even some spinal defects, which an experienced specialist can easily distinguish from ordinary bloating. After all, it will not be difficult for a competent doctor, after studying the anamnesis and with a detailed external examination, to determine why the discomfort appeared.

What could be the causes of bloating in a completely healthy person?

Absolutely healthy people bloating often occurs from accumulated air or gases.

  1. During a meal, a person can easily swallow a large portion of air, consume a large number of all kinds of carbonated water, which can cause bloating. But don't be afraid. If this is really the only reason, then the bloating will soon go away. Excess air that has entered the human body is partially regurgitated, and the remaining air goes straight into the intestines, and there are only two ways out: either all the accumulated air comes out naturally, or is absorbed by the intestinal walls.
  2. Gases can be formed during the digestion of food, which, as is known, enters the stomach and intestinal tract. Gas formation can also be caused by taking soda, which can neutralize gastric secretions.
  3. Another cause of bloating can be a large amount of baked goods and sweets eaten. The fact is that such products are very rich in carbohydrates, which are easily digestible and can cause a fermentation reaction. As a result, gas formation increases.
  4. When you eat potatoes, legumes, cabbage and some other foods quite often, remember that they can also be one of the main causes of bloating. The thing is that these products contain quite a large amount of starch and fiber.

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Diseases that cause bloating

If the patient has at least some kind of fermentopathy, then gases can easily form bloating. For example, in the body of many adults, there is a deficiency of the enzyme, which is necessary for the breakdown of lactose into two main components: glucose and fructose.

This enzyme can be produced in small intestine. If the body does not have enough lactose, then the milk, along with undigested milk sugar, goes straight into the body. colon and already there, thanks to the local microflora, it is processed. As a result, active gas formation occurs, which also occurs after eating.

One of the main causes of flatulence in people is completely different age category may be dysbacteriosis. With this disease, the intestinal microflora changes significantly, and the balance between harmful and beneficial bacteria in the body is disrupted.

It is important to remember that both types of bacteria live in the body of every person. If a person is healthy, then positive microorganisms suppress pathogenic (harmful) ones with great ease. If there are signs of dysbacteriosis, then pathogenic microflora increases significantly, disrupting the digestion process and causing severe bloating and gas formation.

In medicine, there are many other diseases that can be accompanied by bloating either constantly or after eating.

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What to do if there is pain and hardness in the lower abdomen?

The first and main advice is to avoid self-medication, especially if pain and hardening occur quite often or constantly.

To undergo examination and receive advice, the patient must contact a gastroenterologist. The specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and only then will he be able to name the causes of the disease, confirm or exclude the presence of a particular disease. When diagnosing, the following studies are most often carried out:

  • analysis of stool for intestinal microflora;
  • study of gastric juice in the human body;
  • specially designed bacterial analysis feces;
  • thorough examination of bile;
  • Ultrasound of all organs responsible for digestion in the human body.

If the patient has a hard stomach, then it is imperative to adjust and balance the diet. Products that can increase gas formation should definitely be excluded from the menu. Eat exclusively hard-ground bread every day, limit the amount of vegetables and fruits (do not overdo them), and consume fermented milk products in small quantities.

Reinforced physical exercise will be able to help the body fight the disease faster. There is no need to exhaust yourself with exercise in the gym - a daily three-kilometer walk will be enough. If after diagnosis no disease is confirmed, then balanced diet And healthy image life will help a person get rid of annoying discomfort.

After forty years, you can often notice a hard stomach in men. Some representatives joke that it is a “bundle of nerves,” but stress is not always the cause of compaction of the mass. Much more often, fat builds up due to overeating, low physical mobility and addiction to foamy drinks. But there are other options for a man’s stomach becoming elastic and overly dense. They should be examined in more detail.

Causes of a bloated and hard belly in men

Hardness effect muscle fibers there is more than one factor causing this phenomenon. Causes of a hard belly in men can be caused by systemic disorders work of internal organs. A feeling of fullness appears after overeating, drinking too much sweets, or carbonated drinks. No action is required, just moving around is enough for the condition to improve.

Important! Constantly bloated big belly may be a sign lumbar lordosis– forward-facing bend. The bulge appears due to overweight– a spinal defect is diagnosed by examination by a specialist, who will prescribe appropriate treatment.


The intestinal microflora is populated by many bacteria necessary for the normal functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to taking antibiotics, poor nutrition, stress, bacterial balance is disrupted. Food that enters the stomach is not digested, rots and causes fermentation. The result is a hard, bloated belly. Lack of treatment for dysbiosis will lead to pathological consequences for the whole body, one of which is toxic poisoning by fermentation products.

To avoid this, you should adjust your diet, take probiotics and for some time go on a diet limiting sweets, fatty and other foods that cause discomfort.

Intestinal blockage

The first symptom is pain in the abdomen. There may be a feeling of hardening in some part of the intestines, stool retention occurs, and gases do not pass away. Painful sensations of varying intensity and character increase and are localized. The result is a hard, elastic stomach, the causes of blockage are different: from poor nutrition to pathological changes in the functioning of internal organs.

If constipation does not go away for a long time, homemade (enemas) and medications, you need to see a doctor. It will require examination and identification of the provoking factor, then prescribed treatment.


This disease is caused by inflammation of the peritoneum, which is what causes a tight stomach in men. The membrane lining the insides becomes inflamed with advanced appendicitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines and other pathologies. The contents of the internal organs enter the peritoneum, which leads to peritonitis.

The rapid absorption of substances into the mucosal tissue causes the immediate spread of infection through the blood; the lack of immediate help threatens sepsis. Signs of peritonitis:

  • the stomach is very hard, dense, the skin is stretched tightly;
  • vomiting appears, but unlike poisoning, vomiting does not bring relief, but aggravates the patient’s condition;
  • body temperature rises;
  • arises constant feeling thirst;
  • weakness sets in;
  • heart rate increases;
  • I sweat more than usual.

There is no home treatment for peritonitis. Urgently needed surgical care, otherwise the patient does not survive 24 hours.

Other causes of bloating

If a normally healthy patient is faced with the pathology of a tight abdomen, and there is not a single sign listed above, you should look for another reason why men have a hard abdomen. There are several of them:

  1. Severe stress, experiences. Nervous breakdowns disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause bloating. It is best to change your diet, lighten it and take a sedative.
  2. Appendicitis. Often the symptoms are vague and there is normal pain on the right side, no temperature. If the symptom does not go away within an adequate period of time, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Pancreatitis is another reason why the stomach is like a drum in men. The first symptom is pain in the navel area spreading to the abdominal area. Then vomiting begins, the stomach swells, and sometimes diarrhea appears.
  4. Acute cholecystitis manifested by pain in the heart area, increased body temperature, the man may sweat profusely.
  5. Strangulated hernia also leads to compaction abdominal muscles. Symptoms: sharp pain in the area of ​​the hernia, spreading in breadth. If the hernia cannot be repaired, immediate assistance from a surgeon is required.
  6. Very tight belly– symptom peptic ulcer stomach and/or duodenum. When perforation occurs, vomiting of blood begins, and the stool turns black. The patient may lose consciousness. Failure to treat will result in death.
  7. Due to injury to internal organs, a bloated abdomen may also appear.

Important! The pre-infarction state is accompanied by pain in the stomach and swelling of the abdominal muscles. You should remember this if you have heart problems. Self-medication is ineffective, urgent medical attention is needed.

A hard stomach in men occurs due to abscesses, abdominal ascites (dropsy), disruption of the blood vessel located on the abdominal wall. There are many reasons, and in order to prevent the development of the disease, you should be attentive to the symptoms that appear.

In what cases is emergency medical care necessary?

When you should not look into the reason why your stomach is hard, but call an ambulance immediately:

  1. seizures acute pain at any point of the body;
  2. pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea and fever;
  3. pain with changes in skin color in the area of ​​the lesion;
  4. heaviness, discomfort in the lower abdomen, a feeling of hardness in the intestines;
  5. severe pain accompanied by bloody stools or the release of bile;
  6. bloody vomiting, hardness in the abdominal muscles.

If these problems occur, you should not self-medicate. It is advisable not to take painkillers or other medications. The onset of relief is a temporary factor, but lubricating clinical picture diseases. It will be more difficult for the doctor to determine why the stomach is tight; the reason may not be obvious, which will affect the further course of treatment.

Bloating is a condition in which a person is worried increased gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

How does bloating appear?

If flatulence becomes a constant problem, then a person begins to wonder why constant bloating bothers him over a long period of time. Constant gas formation causes significant discomfort. IN in good condition When eating food, a small amount of air is swallowed, and a little later it comes back out, so only part of this air passes through the stomach into the intestines. Frequent bloating abdominal pain bothers those who swallow large amounts of air. At the same time, there is a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is quite understandable that a person prone to increased gas formation is also concerned about the fact why bloating appears in an inappropriate environment.

Normally, gases are released about 10 times a day. In people suffering from increased gas formation, this happens much more often.

Very often, with increased formation of gases, a person is bothered by nausea and bloating. In addition to abdominal pain, vomit , belching , diarrhea . The temperature may rise, general weakness and dizziness may occur.

Pain in the abdomen is a consequence of the accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen. They irritate pain receptors in the intestinal walls. After releasing gas, the pain decreases. Pain may manifest itself in the form of periodic spasms, noted in different points belly. At the same time, the abdomen is enlarged and very tense. Severe bloating causes intense, but usually short-term pain.

Why does bloating occur?

Severe bloating and abdominal pain are often the result of eating foods that are rich in fiber. It is fiber, which is found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, that provokes increased gas formation, as a result of which a person has a stomach ache, and bloating can bother him for a long time. Sometimes bloating causes lower back pain and other symptoms. The same problems occur due to frequent consumption of carbonated drinks containing carbon dioxide.

There are other causes of bloating in women and men. For example, the causes of bloating after eating can be determined by swallowing air during eating. A person swallows especially a lot of air, eating food hastily, talking while eating.

Sometimes severe bloating is the body's response to stressful situation. Due to emotional overload occurs spasm intestinal smooth muscle, slows down peristalsis .

Constant bloating Abdominal pain often begins to occur in a person with age. The reason for this phenomenon is age-related weakness of the intestinal muscles. Symptoms of bloating can occur in women who are menstruating.

However, it is worth remembering that belching and bloating may indicate the development of chronic disease. Bloating, nausea, abdominal pain and other symptoms may occur with colon cancer , diverticulum , nonspecific ulcerative and etc.

Sometimes the reasons lie in the intake of certain medicines. For example, antibiotics destroy intestinal microflora and provoke dysbacteriosis . If a person abuses laxatives, over time this leads to problems with the formation of gases.

Constant bloating and gas are common in people who suffer from constipation . Feces that are retained in the intestines make it difficult to pass gases. As a result, constipation leads to the fact that a person experiences periodic abdominal pain and frequent bloating.

Most often, those people who do not pay attention to the rules complain about bloating and gas formation. healthy eating. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that if increased gas formation occurs, you must seriously adjust your diet. If gas formation is observed after a person has eaten a specific food, then food intolerance can be suspected. Some people are intolerant lactose , which can manifest itself both from the first years of life and later, in school age. At celiac disease the body does not accept proteins from cereals

Severe bloating during pregnancy is very common occurrence in women who are pregnant. Bloating on early stages begins to worry the woman due to the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes during pregnancy. As a result, food is not digested as intensively. During pregnancy, the uterus gradually enlarges and puts pressure on the intestines. Because of this motor functions intestines are disrupted, and the woman develops constant feeling heaviness and bloating in the abdomen. We should not forget that during pregnancy a woman’s hormonal background , therefore they are often expressed precisely by bloating. Bloating as a sign of pregnancy can appear already in the first weeks. Despite the fact that bloating during pregnancy, as a rule, is not a pathology, if you constantly experience flatulence and bloating, you should tell your doctor about these symptoms. After all, a pregnant woman can develop colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Heaviness and bloating in women can manifest themselves in different ways in the period before the onset of menstruation. As a rule, a woman gradually begins to feel that her bloating is increasing. Pain and bloating affect the entire lower abdomen, but sometimes painful sensations localized on the lower left or lower right.

Newborn babies often suffer from bloating. This phenomenon is usually called intestinal colic. The causes of bloating in newborns are physiological in nature: the child’s gastrointestinal tract has a special structure. Gradually, over time digestive system matures and the colic stops. However, severe bloating after eating in a baby may also indicate gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, consult a doctor if bloating and abdominal pain constantly bother your baby.

Despite the fact that there are many reasons leading to bloating, sometimes increased gas formation is mistaken by a person for other ailments. In some cases, a person confuses bloating of the stomach and abdomen with heart attack , . Only a consultation with a doctor and examination will allow you to determine correct diagnosis. You should definitely consult a specialist if abdominal pain continues for a very long time and is accompanied by vomiting, weight loss, fever, and the appearance of blood in the stool.

How to get rid of bloating?

Often, to eliminate increased gas formation, it is only necessary to adjust daily meals. If a person manages to determine which foods provoke bloating, then simply eliminating them from the diet can normalize the situation. Sometimes bloating is caused by eating too fatty and fried foods. You can also temporarily reduce the amount of plant fiber in your diet.

If a person is worried about increased gas formation, then the most the best remedy Only a doctor can choose for bloating. Any medicines should be taken only after a correct diagnosis has been established. An attack of flatulence, the cause of which is errors in nutrition, will help relieve such effective remedy, How Activated carbon . It is necessary to thoroughly crush 3 tablets of coal and wash down the powder with water. For adult patients, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with drugs containing enzymes that help break down lactose.

Which anti-bloating tablets to choose depends on the frequency of occurrence this symptom. If increased gas formation occasionally bothers a person, drugs based on. This and other known means. Such medications are also used in the postoperative period.

When asked what best medicine from bloating, can answer and ethnoscience. Exist effective recipes herbal remedies, the use of which significantly alleviates the condition of adults and children prone to bloating.

Alternative treatment for bloating involves the use of recipes that include chamomile,caraway and dill seeds, valerian root, yarrow herb etc. Sometimes treatment with folk remedies allows you to completely replace any pills. However, uncontrolled use folk remedies may subsequently lead to unexpected unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is best to initially tell your doctor about all the symptoms that accompany bloating. The patient must inform him whether he is bothered by diarrhea , constipation , belching etc. It is especially important not to use folk recipes without a doctor's approval when treating flatulence in children. Moreover, when receiving herbal decoctions and infusions, the dosage, preparation characteristics, and time of administration are important - before or after meals. Even if a person has proven ways to get rid of bloating, this does not mean that in a particular case they will be effective.

To relieve the symptoms of bloating in a newborn, many methods are practiced. Can alleviate the child's condition light massage abdomen, applying a warm diaper to the tummy. If the baby is very restless, after consultation with the pediatrician, he can be given some medications. These are drugs with bifidobacteria And lactobacilli , antispasmodics, drugs that stimulate intestinal motility, products based on simethicone .

Flatulence often occurs in smoking people, as well as those who are accustomed to leading sedentary lifestyle life. If bloating is common symptom, it is advisable to eat food more often, but in smaller portions. It is advisable to always eat food in a calm environment, without haste. This way the digestive system will work more smoothly.

A hard belly can cause discomfort for anyone: men, women, and even children. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Let's look at the problem of a hard belly in more detail.

Woman's hard belly

Many women complain of heaviness in the abdominal cavity, as if this part of the body suddenly became large, hard and swollen. But often the cause of trouble is a banal violation of the principles of healthy eating and a passion for heavy fatty foods, which is not absorbed by the body. Are you full of buns? Loaded up on yoghurts? In this case, a hard, puffy bottom most likely means there is a lack of enzymes to digest milk and flour products.

In this case, getting rid of a swollen and hard belly is very simple: remove buns and dairy products from your diet, introduce vegetables into your diet and take special enzymes after meals.

We are treated with an enema!
Along with pharmaceutical drugs An enema is great for healing a hard belly. Just fill the pear with water at room temperature: the intestines will quickly clear and you will feel better. And in order not to cause problems for yourself in the future, and not to ask why everything happened, eat all your food slowly, chewing every bite, and do not wash down your meal with large quantities of water.

Hard belly during pregnancy

It’s another matter if a woman’s lower abdomen becomes hard and swollen in the first weeks of pregnancy. This could be a signal dangerous pathology– hypertonicity of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage and loss of the child.

For more later– around 25-27 weeks – a tense and hard abdomen often indicates the beginning of “training contractions” - this is how the body prepares to give birth. And in the last trimester - at 38-39 weeks, this part of the body may become tight and hard (and even hurt a little) due to the proximity of childbirth.

Hard tummy in a newborn

The first months of a baby’s life are the most important. During this period, the newborn may suffer from colic, which he tolerates very hard, knocking his legs and crying bitterly. The reason for the baby’s belly to bloat, when it becomes tight and hard to the touch, can be explained simply: the baby’s digestive system is not fully formed and has difficulty digesting food, which is why gases constantly accumulate in the intestines.

Helping your baby cope with the problem is not difficult: just give a light massage of the tummy clockwise, do simple exercises by bending and straightening the legs, and give a special medicine for colic. Regular Dill water- also a proven and very effective remedy for bloating in infants.

About the benefits of water.
Water procedures provide invaluable assistance in the fight against intestinal colic. It has been proven that systematic bathing helps a bloated belly get rid of accumulated gases faster, and colic goes away. Bathing in water with decoctions of chamomile flowers, string or potassium permanganate has a particularly beneficial effect.

A man has a hard belly

By the age of 40, men very often acquire a large, unsightly belly, which they like to call a “labor callus.” However, work has nothing to do with it. Much more often, the reason for the appearance of a huge bloated belly in a representative of the stronger sex is gluttony, addiction to foamy drinks and a sedentary lifestyle. Diet and exercise in these cases are the best cure for a large “labor blister” that interferes with progress. full life(including sexual ones).

However, it happens that a large, hard abdominal cavity of a person is evidence of pathology and a global malfunction of the body.

Reasons why the stomach becomes stone:

  1. Attack of appendicitis.
  2. Stomach ulcer (and even cancer).
  3. Liver diseases.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of a blood vessel located on the abdominal wall.
  6. Abcesses.
  7. Cholelithiasis.
  8. Peritonitis.
  9. Oncology.
  10. Abdominal ascites (edema).

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, but notice that the “stoniness” of your stomach is increasing, and even after a diet it is tight and bloated, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Any disease, as doctors rightly note, can be effectively treated exclusively by early stages. Health to you, beautiful and toned tummies!

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