Pain in the lower abdomen in men before defecation. What does pain in a man's lower abdomen indicate? Pain in the groin area

Pain of this type is in most cases associated with chronic diseases inflammatory nature of the male genital organs.

What does pain in a man's lower abdomen indicate?

This phenomenon is much less common than women experience, because in women they are mostly associated with their women's problems(gynecology).

Men experience pain in the lower abdomen according to various reasons. It often happens that men do not react at all and do not pay attention to any pain. Does your lower abdomen hurt? Let it pass! He probably ate the wrong thing - this is the reaction often manifested by a man. But this should and must be taken more seriously!

Pain usually indicates chronic or acute inflammatory process. For example:

Inflammation of the testicles and their appendages. Inflammation of the testicle is expressed by pain in groin area.

Inflammation of the prostate gland. Acute prostatitis can cause particularly severe pain in a man's lower abdomen, which will intensify when urinating or defecating. Such pain may radiate to the sacrum and/or anus.

Pain that occurs in the lower abdomen in men can also occur with benign or malignant tumors of the genital organs or their area.

Cystitis. It can be caused by hypothermia, frequent stress, and decreased immunity. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, cystitis is often accompanied by more frequent urination;

Various genitourinary diseases so to speak, problems are also accompanied by pain. It can be various problems: both kidney stones and pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Pain from pyelonephritis may be accompanied by fever, chills, and increased body temperature;

Hypothermia. What can lead to problems with prostate gland(prostatitis), and in the future to worse complications (after all, for men, their virility, their ability to procreate is very important... a man should always be on top).

Poor nutrition, diet or not proper nutrition (common problem today), which leads to peptic ulcers of the digestive system and, accordingly, causes pain in the lower abdomen, the pain can be sharp and aching;

And a lot of this kind can be assumed different options. But you shouldn’t guess and “invent” diagnoses for yourself. If a man experiences any discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen, it is best to make an appointment with a urologist or andrologist, and they will explain everything to you and guide you through necessary examination, tests, ultrasound, if necessary, and then they will diagnose correct diagnosis and will prescribe the necessary prescriptions to eliminate your existing problems. It is quite possible that your fears and sorrows will be dispelled much faster, and it took you so long to decide to visit these specialists.

It goes without saying that when any type of pain in the lower abdomen appears in a man, a thorough urological examination by an experienced doctor is required. And the sooner it is done, the sooner the disease caused by the ongoing inflammatory process or tumor will be detected. All these diseases are early stage much easier to cure.

Pain in the lower abdomen as a signal to call an ambulance

Sometimes pain in a man can occur due to diseases of any organs located in the abdominal cavity. There are a number of diseases that require emergency surgical intervention. This:

Pain that occurs during acute appendicitis, an inflammatory process in the appendix, which is located on the right side of the colon. Pain in this disease may have different localization, since this process is located individually in each person. Pain can occur in the lower abdomen, but more often on the right. For some, it may occur first in the navel area and only then move to the right in the lower abdomen. In practice, they can be anywhere in the abdomen. What is always the same is that the pain is acute and painful, very often accompanied by vomiting and nausea. With such pain, only a doctor can help, so you must call an ambulance immediately. If inflammation of the appendix is ​​suspected, under no circumstances should you take any painkillers that can blur the picture of the disease, much less apply heat to the stomach.

Pain caused by pinching inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia is some protrusion of an entire internal organ or part of it through the inguinal opening to the outside under the skin. In this case, compression may occur in the area of ​​the inguinal opening of this organ. In such cases, a sharp pain appears in the pinched area, which can radiate down the abdomen. The hernia, which was previously reducible, now cannot be reduced, nausea and subsequent vomiting appear, as well as stool retention. This condition requires urgent and urgent surgical intervention.

Diverticulitis. Pain on the left side of the abdomen is often accompanied by fever, chills, and nausea;

Pain in the lower abdomen as a symptom of prostate problems

Pain in the lower abdomen in men occurs with inflammation of the prostate in 60% of all cases of diagnosing the disease. Since the disease often occurs in a latent form, it is difficult to treat correctly and the pain that appears is often attributed to other diseases. The disease begins to manifest itself after hypothermia, stress, circulatory disorders due to improper work of cardio-vascular system.

Inflammation of the prostate is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and pain when urinating. Pain also spreads to the groin, perineum, testicles, and men experience problems with erection.

Prostate adenoma is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Even if these neoplasms are benign, they are not safe, as narrowing occurs urethra. As a result, disturbances appear in the process of urination.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma:

  • pain in the penis and groin area,
  • discomfort;
  • painful sensations during an erection;
  • pain during ejaculation and during sexual intercourse;
  • painful urination.

Diagnosis of diseases accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen in men

Pain in the lower abdomen in women in 70% of cases is associated with gynecology, but in men everything is much more complicated; in order to understand why such sensations occur in men, one must undergo a complex diagnostic course.

If men have pain in the lower abdomen, then it is best for them to immediately go to an appointment with a urologist or andrologist. The pain may have aching character, and maybe spicy. Painful sensations can pass into the groin and perineum, as well as into the rectum.

Cystitis can cause lower abdominal pain in men. Associated symptoms- This frequent urge for urination, incomplete emptying Bladder. The disease is very dangerous for humans because it occurs very rapidly and quickly becomes chronic. Therefore, treatment should begin at the first symptoms; the disease can be effectively cured while it is in the acute stage. A urologist also diagnoses the disease. If treatment is not carried out, pain will appear every time after hypothermia, with a decrease in immunity, or during stress.

Abdominal pain can occur due to problems with the genitourinary system. Stones in the kidneys or bladder, inflammation of the kidneys are accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, increased body temperature, chills and fever. Retention of urination can also cause pain if the kidneys are fine. In this case, in order to get rid of the pain that appears, it is necessary to cure the cause of urinary retention. A nephrologist diagnoses the disease.

And also when the testicles hurt and pain appears in the side, in the back, in the replaceable fluid; urine with blood, cloudy urine with pungent odor; groin lumps and ulcers; allocation clear liquid from the penis or pus. In addition, a curved shape of the penis may be observed during an erection; chills, nausea, vomiting and problems with urination; inability to achieve an erection and maintain it; swelling of the scrotum; increased pain during coughing, physical activity, bending…. If such symptoms are present, you should consult a doctor: urologist, traumatologist, proctologist.

Classification of types of pain in men in the lower abdomen

If the pain began suddenly, this indicates an acute pathology. These can be all kinds of organ ruptures, problems with the genitourinary system or digestive tract. For example, for acute pain characterized by urinary tract obstruction, intestinal obstruction, acute pathology peritoneum.

If the pain begins gradually, then this indicates inflammation, obstruction or a sluggish ongoing process.

If the pain is rhythmic, pulsating, then this indicates increased intracavitary pressure in the hollow organs.

Continuous pain in the lower abdomen in men often occurs due to inflammation.

Men behave worse than children when they are sick. Especially if pain occurs in the lower abdomen. When a baby feels bad or is in pain, he runs to his mother. Cries, complains and tries to explain or show where it hurts.

A man, on the contrary, is not used to crying, because real men don’t complain! And he remains silent like a partisan, poisoning his life with torment and doubts and bullying those around him. While either pulling Blunt pain will become severe and you will have to see a doctor, or it will be too late.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by inflammatory processes.

Painful sensations in the lower quadrant of the abdomen can be sharp, dull, cramping, cutting and stabbing.

They can radiate to the leg, anus area, and intensify during physical activity and when visiting the toilet, accompanied by problems with urination and defecation. The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in men:

  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • renal colic;
  • venereal diseases;
  • strangulation of a hernia, including the spine;
  • intestinal inflammation, obstruction;
  • appendicitis;
  • prostate diseases;
  • oncopathology of the prostate, testicles, penis.

Often the symptoms of these diseases are similar. Therefore, you should not self-diagnose. Start off active actions should be a visit to a urologist, since most diseases relate specifically to his specialization. If you suspect inflammation of the appendix or intestines, or cancer, the doctor will redirect you to the right specialist.

Diseases of the urinary system

Pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of a disease of the urinary system.

Cystitis is considered female disease, since the urethra of the fair sex is shorter and wider than that of men and the pathological microflora reaches the bladder faster.

But the strong half of humanity is not immune from this. Inflammation of the bladder is a complication of urethritis - an inflammatory process in the urethra. The cause may be hypothermia or an STD. Symptoms of cystitis and urethritis:

  1. burning and pain in the urethra;
  2. painful urination;
  3. cloudy urine, strings or clots of pus;
  4. swelling of the edge of the urethra;
  5. lower abdominal pain;
  6. in advanced cases, nausea.

Similar symptoms are observed when sand or stones pass through in renal colic. Stones passing through the ureters cause severe, cramping pain. The patient cannot find a place for himself and rushes about.

If the stones are small or sand is rejected, then the symptoms may be vague, and the pain is nagging and of moderate intensity.


Appendicitis - causes abdominal pain.

The inflammatory process in the appendix causes severe pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.

On initial stage the diseases may be persistent, but with the development of pathology pain syndrome intensifies. Additional symptoms:

  1. nausea;
  2. vomit;
  3. defecation disorder;
  4. the patient lies on his side with his legs bent;
  5. blood and urine tests show high leukocytosis.

If such symptoms appear, hospitalization in a surgical hospital is indicated.

Intestinal pathologies

Dumb nagging pain in the lower abdomen are accompanied by the following pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract:

Join the pain syndrome additional symptoms. In inflammatory processes, these are nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, flatulence, bloating, and the temperature may rise.

With obstruction, in addition to pain, the desire and urge to defecate remains, but it is impossible to carry it out. As it increases pathological process the patient begins to feel feverish and may vomit feces. In this case, the patient is indicated for immediate hospitalization surgery department hospital.

Pathologies of the sigmoid colon are accompanied by pain that radiates to the lower back and left leg. The pain intensifies with movement and defecation. The causes of the pathology are dysbacteriosis, infection, treatment with aggressive drugs and procedures.

Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, syphilis, infection by Trichomonas, opportunistic microorganisms such as chlamydia or ureplasma - in addition to specific symptoms characteristic only of them, can cause pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom is characteristic of a long-term course of an untreated inflammatory process.

Prostate pathologies

Alcohol abuse affects the prostate.

The prostate is a delicate, necessary and vulnerable organ. The quality of his work depends on normal functioning reproductive system men.

Inflammatory diseases of this gland are called prostatitis. The infection enters the prostate from the urethra, bladder, and intestines.

But in itself it rarely causes an inflammatory process. It takes a confluence of unfavorable circumstances. At risk are:

  • men leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • persons who are overly active sex life. But its complete absence is also unfavorable.
  • affects the prostate;
  • chronic defecation disorder;
  • systemic and prolonged hypothermia;
  • alcohol abuse.

The disease can develop acutely, but can be of a sluggish chronic nature. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Problems with urination - pain during the process, sluggish stream, frequent urge with a small volume of urine released.
  2. Increase in temperature during an acute process. Without proper treatment, it may begin septic shock with a decrease in temperature to 35 degrees.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen and anus area.
  4. Long-term treatment with preventive courses. Forecast at early start therapy is favorable. But without treatment it is extremely unfavorable.

Inflammatory diseases of the testicles

Inflammatory diseases of the testicles can cause fever.

Orchitis is an inflammation of one or both testicular glands in a man.

This disease is a consequence or complication of infectious and viral diseases, gonorrhea, syphilis, fungal flora, tuberculosis, brucellosis. Symptoms of testicular pathology:

  • pain in the affected organ;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum;
  • the organ is enlarged;
  • temperature up to 39 degrees in an acute process and up to 38 in a chronic process;
  • general weakness.

Without treatment, there is a high probability of developing an abscess. Infertility develops. With a chronic process, infertility takes on a stable form.

Orchitis can be combined with an inflammatory process in the organ appendage - epididymitis. Treatment is conservative, aimed at suppressing the infectious or other agent. If therapy is ineffective and there is an abscess or infiltrates in the scrotum, surgical intervention is indicated.

Oncopathologies of the prostate and testicles

With prostate diseases, urination disorder is observed.

Prostate and testicular cancer is a group malignant diseases male reproductive system.

Prostate cancer pathologies develop in old age. Often the prognosis is unfavorable due to late consultation with a doctor.

Testicular cancer, on the contrary, is typical for young men in active reproductive period. It responds well to treatment.

A man diagnosed with testicular cancer has a very high chance of becoming a father. Symptoms of prostate cancer:

  1. urination disorders - increased time to empty the bladder, a feeling of incomplete emptying;
  2. pain in the lower abdomen.

Treatment is both conservative with the use of chemotherapy drugs, radio irradiation, and surgical with complete or partial removal organ. Testicular cancer has the following symptoms:

  • the presence of a compaction in the structure of the organ;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sometimes severe pain due to tissue necrosis;
  • inflammation of the organ appendages.

Already at the first stage of oncopathology, the appearance of secondary tumors in the nearest lymphatic collectors is possible.

Therapeutic tactics depend on the type of tumor. Currently, complex treatment methods are indicated, combining irradiation before and after surgery, tumor removal, and massive chemotherapy.

This video will tell you about the causes of pain and rumbling in the stomach:

Some conclusions

Dull pain in the lower abdomen is an uncharacteristic sign of a large number of diseases, both the reproductive system and the kidneys and intestines.

Do not self-medicate. In some pathologies, this is a delay in precious time.
Start your examination by visiting a urologist. Since most diseases with pain in the lower abdomen are its specialization. It's not scary, although it can be unpleasant. But, you are a man, not a little toddler!

Women often present with pain in the lower abdomen, but similar complaints also occur among men. If discomfort arose suddenly - this often becomes the reason for calling an ambulance. Pain in the lower abdomen in men itself is not a specific symptom and may indicate various diseases. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is important to correctly characterize the pain itself and its location to the doctor. In men, such symptoms become a signal of the presence of a serious disease that cannot be neglected.

Why do men have lower abdominal pain?

Complaints of pain in the pelvic area are rare for men and indicate an acute inflammatory process of internal organs, which can become chronic without proper treatment. This becomes the reason why the lower abdomen hurts. Unpleasant sensations may occur during sexual intercourse, coughing, or urination. There are cases when the pain is not associated with illness, for example, with regular constipation, appendicitis, while running, or when receiving an injury in this area. Cramps in the lower abdomen are caused by problems with the following organs:

  • testicles;
  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • seminal vesicles;
  • ureters;
  • prostate gland;
  • large intestine;
  • small intestine.

The vast majority of women visiting the hospital with pain in the lower abdomen are associated with diseases of the reproductive system. In men, this cause is extremely rare; more often in the stronger sex, inflammatory processes occur digestive tract or urinary tract. It is important not to procrastinate and not delay in visiting a doctor if you have pain in the lower abdomen, and not to let the problem become chronic.

Possible causes of pain

  1. Inflammation of the testicle and/or its epididymis.
  2. Intestinal obstruction.
  3. Malignant or benign tumor genitourinary system.
  4. Renal colic, urolithiasis disease.
  5. Delayed urine outflow in acute form.
  6. Inflammation genitourinary organs. We are talking about the bladder (cystitis), inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis). The pain when urinating may become stronger or weaker. Sometimes it radiates to the penis, anus, and scrotum.

Localization and nature of pain

When visiting a doctor at an appointment, the patient is required to ask about the nature of the pain (stabbing, cutting, dull, aching, cramping, encircling) and location (right, left, middle of the lower back, center of the abdomen). Exact description will help the doctor correctly determine which internal organs project this pain and prescribe treatment.

What is on the lower left side of the abdomen:

  • part of the large intestine;
  • kidneys;
  • testicles;
  • possible development and strangulation of a hernia.

What is located on the lower right side of the abdomen:

  • appendix - inflammation of the appendix;
  • kidneys – inflammation or renal colic;
  • ureter - inflammation;
  • gallbladder - inflammation;
  • testicles;
  • part thick and small intestine– pinching or inflammation;
  • genitourinary organs.

Nature of pain:

  • With spasms of smooth muscles and tubular organs of a person, pain of a different nature may occur. Possible strong and sharp pains, colic, contractions.
  • In inflammatory processes, pain is usually constant and gradually increasing.
  • Hepatic and renal colitis manifests itself in the form of spasmodic pain.

These characteristics give the doctor only general idea about the disease, are required additional tests. There are atypical manifestations of the disease, for example, with “spasmodic” symptoms, the pain can be nagging or dull. There are cases when, with appendicitis, the patient complains of colic, which occurs due to the reaction of the appendix membrane to block the lumen.

For prostatitis

The disease is an inflammatory process of the prostate gland. The causative agent, as a rule, is atypical microflora. The infection has many ways of penetration: from neighboring organs, through the blood or during medical procedures. The provoking factor is sometimes changes in sexual activity (prolonged abstinence or too active sex life), a sedentary lifestyle, decreased immunity, and obesity.

In its acute form, prostatitis is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen in men, when discomfort radiates to the perineum, sacrum or anus. Sometimes the pain can spread to the external genitalia and inner thighs. Depending on the form of inflammation, the intensity of symptoms varies. Characteristic signs will be a frequent urge to urinate, increased temperature, heaviness and disturbances in stool (constipation).

With vesiculitis

The disease is an inflammation of the seminal vesicles. They are located on the sides of the prostate gland and participate in the production of sperm. Vesiculitis often becomes a complication of epididymitis, urethritis or prostatitis, but sometimes acts as an independent disease. Often pain is transmitted along the spermatic cords to the testicles. It becomes stronger as the bladder fills, which creates pressure on the seminal vesicles.

This disease is characterized by spermatic colic - acute pain during ejaculation in the testicles, perineum and lower abdomen. This happens due to a violation of the evacuation of secretions during ejaculation. In acute vesiculitis, fever and pulsating pain are observed. At untimely treatment and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, sexual disorders occur (frequent erections, persistent excitability, emissions), which leads to infertility.

For appendicitis

In atypical cases of appendicitis, discomfort may begin in the center of the abdomen, but often the pain appears sharply in the lower right side. This indicates acute appendicitis which requires surgery. Otherwise it is possible death. To avoid sad consequences, if you experience sharp and growing pain in your right side, you should go to the hospital or call an ambulance. Symptoms intensify when walking and subside when lying down; the disease is accompanied by fever, vomiting, and nausea.

For intestinal diseases

When the left side in the lower abdomen hurts, this indicates possible defeat sigmoid colon. This section of the intestine is located under the rectum. Frequent characteristic of the disease loose stool(diarrhea), bloating, painful urge to defecate. The nature of the pain depends on the severity of the inflammation: sharp cramping or pulling, aching. The cause of intestinal inflammation can be various factors: dysentery, circulatory disorders, ulcerative colitis, cancer tumor etc.

For cystitis and kidney inflammation

Cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder, is more common in women. In men, due to the fact that the urinary canal is long and curved, the infection does not reach directly to the bladder. Cystitis, as a rule, becomes a consequence of other diseases, for example, prostatitis, urethritis. In the described case, pain in the lower abdomen in men will be in suprapubic region, you will also experience pain when urinating. In the acute form there will be periodic bloody-purulent discharge.

The cause of persistent shooting pain in men on the right or left and frequent urination may be renal colic. People are accustomed to the fact that the kidneys belong to the back rather than to the stomach, and pain contractions are not associated with this organ. The cause of pain is urolithiasis. She in equally often diagnosed in men and women. Surgical intervention is not necessary, but the discomfort cannot be ignored, because in the future a secondary infection or acute urinary retention occurs.

Emergency measures for acute pain

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Place the patient on the sofa, provide peace and access to fresh air.
  3. Apply a cooling compress to the lower abdomen. Keep it for no more than half an hour.
  4. You can take 2 tablets of no-shpa (no more).
  5. You should know what not to do: enemas and laxatives are prohibited. This will complicate the diagnosis.
  6. The patient should abstain from food and drinks. In case of acute thirst, you can moisten your lips and tongue.

Video about pain in the lower abdomen

We generally believe that a man should be able to endure pain and not pay attention to it, because this is supposedly the manifestation of masculinity. But, from the point of view of doctors, any pain is a signal about a pathology that has appeared in the body, so ignoring it is at least stupid, and mostly simply dangerous.

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen in men and women, as you understand, are slightly different. And today we will try to figure out what causes these alarming symptoms in the stronger sex, and what diseases may be behind this.

How the lower abdomen hurts in men with cystitis and prostatitis

Most often in men, pain in the lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis. It can be described as aching, pulling, aggravated by urination. At the same time, the frequency of trips to the toilet also increases noticeably. Rarely, cystitis may be accompanied slight increase temperature.

An equally common cause of pain in the lower abdomen in men is prostatitis. The pain in this disease is characterized as cutting and pulling, radiating to the groin and testicles. When urinating, the pain becomes especially pronounced. This disease is also accompanied by weakening of erection.

With prostate adenoma, dull pressing pain caused by urinary retention due to severe narrowing of the urinary canal. This disease is accompanied by a noticeable increase in the urge to “small”, intensifying at night. In the severe stage, urinary retention and erectile dysfunction appear - this requires immediate hospitalization of the patient in the urology department.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a man caused by varicocele and kidney disease

With varicocele, dilation of the veins of the testicle and spermatic cord, pain most often manifests itself on the left, radiating to the scrotum. In advanced cases, it has a bursting character, the scrotum significantly increases and sag, and left testicle decreases noticeably. The tortuous veins are clearly contoured.

Kidney stones or inflammation in them (pyelonephritis) are also accompanied by pain radiating to the groin, accompanied by chills, fever, and often nausea. This pain appears suddenly, lasts from a couple of minutes to several days and requires mandatory examination by a specialist.

Pain in the lower abdomen in men with intestinal diseases and appendicitis

Various pathologies in the intestinal area can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. This could be, for example, intestinal obstruction. If it is formed in the large or small intestine, then the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, characterized as dull spastic pain. It is accompanied by a delay in defecation, while the urge to defecate remains preserved. Untreated obstruction causes general weakness, dizziness, nausea, fever and vomiting of feces.

Appendicitis is another reason painful in men. Lower abdomen, note, in in this case It doesn't start hurting right away. The first symptoms are painful sensations in the navel area, which, intensifying, sink lower and are accompanied by an increase in temperature and a single vomiting. Suspicion of appendicitis requires urgent medical attention!

Do not ignore the pain, do not tolerate it, and best of all, contact a specialist to avoid serious problems with health!

We generally believe that a man should be able to endure pain and not pay attention to it, because this is supposedly the manifestation of masculinity. But, from the point of view of doctors, any pain is a signal about a pathology that has appeared in the body, so ignoring it is at least stupid, and mostly simply dangerous.

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen in men and women, as you understand, are slightly different. And today we will try to figure out why these alarming symptoms arise in the stronger sex, and what diseases may be behind this.

As in men with cystitis and prostatitis

Most often in men, pain in the lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis. It can be described as aching, pulling, aggravated by urination. At the same time, the frequency of trips to the toilet also increases noticeably. Occasionally, cystitis may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

An equally common cause of pain is prostatitis. The pain in this disease is characterized as cutting and pulling, radiating to the groin and testicles. When urinating, the pain becomes especially pronounced. This disease is also accompanied by weakening of erection.

With prostate adenoma, a dull pressing pain is caused by urinary retention due to severe narrowing of the urinary canal. This disease is accompanied by a noticeable increase in the urge to “small”, intensifying at night. In the severe stage, urinary retention and erectile dysfunction appear - this requires immediate hospitalization of the patient in the urology department.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a man caused by varicocele and kidney disease

With varicocele, dilation of the veins of the testicle and spermatic cord, pain most often manifests itself on the left, radiating to the scrotum. In advanced cases, it has a bursting character, the scrotum significantly increases and sag, and the left testicle noticeably decreases. The tortuous veins are clearly contoured.

Kidney stones or inflammation in them (pyelonephritis) are also accompanied by pain radiating to the groin, accompanied by chills, fever, and often nausea. This pain appears suddenly, lasts from a couple of minutes to several days and requires mandatory examination by a specialist.

Pain in the lower abdomen in men with intestinal diseases and appendicitis

Various pathologies in the intestinal area can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. This could be, for example, If it is formed in the large or small intestine, then the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, characterized as dull spastic pain. It is accompanied by a delay in defecation, while the urge to defecate remains preserved. Untreated obstruction causes general weakness, dizziness, nausea, fever and vomiting of feces.

Appendicitis is another cause of pain in men. The lower abdomen, for your information, in this case does not begin to hurt immediately. The first symptoms are painful sensations in the navel area, which, intensifying, sink lower and are accompanied by an increase in temperature and a single vomiting. Suspicion of appendicitis requires urgent medical attention!

Do not ignore the pain, do not tolerate it, and best of all, consult a specialist to avoid serious health problems!

Abdominal pain, sexual dysfunction and urinary dysfunction are familiar to many people. And often such symptoms occur in combination.

What can be suspected in a man if he has pain in the lower abdomen on the left? What diseases of the genital organs are accompanied by this symptom? Is there a connection between the spine and abdominal pain? What diseases of the digestive system cause men to feel pain in the lower abdomen? Which doctors should I contact? Below we will answer all the questions.


Localization of pain in the lower abdomen on the left in men indicates pathology of various organs:

  1. The most common cause is urological diseases - prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, urolithiasis, malignant tumor in the bladder and prostate, vesiculitis.
  2. Pathological changes in the spine.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.

To identify the cause of pain, you may need to consult a urologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist.


The most common disease for pain in the lower left abdomen is prostatitis. The prostate gland is located deep in the pelvis, in close contact with the front bladder, and behind - with the rectum. This inevitably leads to the spread of pain from the prostate to neighboring organs - the sacrum, penis and anterior surface of the thighs. Important! In men, pain is felt in the lower left abdomen because the rectum is projected here.

Other signs of prostatitis:

  • The function of urination is impaired, up to urinary retention. But when trying to empty the bladder, pain occurs.
  • There is difficulty in defecation.
  • In the acute stage, signs of intoxication appear - an increase in temperature to 39.5 ° C, deterioration in health.

If treated incorrectly during this period, severe complications develop:

  • prostate abscess;
  • inflammation of the venous plexus and tissues around the gland.

In less severe cases, acute prostatitis becomes chronic with frequent relapses.

Causes of prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate can begin after hypothermia in the legs or pelvic area. The infection often spreads to the prostate from the bladder or urethra with cystitis. Bacteria can enter the prostate through the bloodstream from neighboring inflamed organs - the large intestine. In the same way, the infection penetrates from distant organs, for example, from the tonsils with chronic tonsillitis. Pathogens:

  • E. coli is detected in 86% of cases;
  • less often staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus.

Prostatitis also develops after infection with sexually transmitted infections. In this case, the disease is caused by bacteria:

  • Trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • gonococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • gardnerella;
  • viruses;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida.

Prostatitis can develop due to congestion in the pelvis due to sedentary image life, with dysfunction of the genital organs. Sexual abstinence, sexual immoderation and interrupted sexual intercourse also provoke the development of prostatitis. Risk factors include alcohol consumption, obesity, and decreased immunity. Predisposing factors for the development of prostatitis are prolonged riding of a motorcycle or car.

Diagnosis of prostatitis

Urological examination includes several methods:

  1. Using a physical method through the rectum, the urologist identifies an enlarged gland. During palpation, the doctor collects gland secretions and urine for examination.
  2. Laboratory analysis detects an increased number of leukocytes in the urine. In prostatic juice, in addition, there is a decrease in the number of lecithin grains.
  3. Bacterial culture of urine and blood to determine the causative agent of infection. But the analysis result comes in 5 days.
  4. Conduct quick method diagnosis of prostate secretions using PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Not a single pathogen can escape this diagnostic method, be it alive or killed as a result of treatment. Therefore, the analysis shows a positive response even after a previous infection. To determine acute or chronic stage infections an additional ELISA reaction (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is performed.
  5. In doubtful cases, transrectal ultrasound diagnostics is performed.

If necessary surgical intervention High-precision research methods are used - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography).

Treatment of prostatitis

After identifying the pathogen, urologists prescribe treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • painkillers and antispasmodics, including in the form of rectal suppositories;
  • prostate massage;
  • physiotherapy is used at the stage of subsiding of the acute process - microwave therapy or electrophoresis with medicinal substances.

In case of urinary retention, a trocar cystotomy is performed.

Urolithiasis disease

In men, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is also caused by kidney disease. Nephrolithiasis, kidney stones or urolithiasis, urolithiasis are names of the same disease. It is manifested by the formation of stones in the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

Nephrolithiasis is found in men aged 20 to 50 years. Stones are usually found in one kidney or ureter.

Important! The number of stones amounts to several hundred. And the sizes vary from grains of sand to 12 cm in diameter. Therefore, the disease is popularly known as “sand or salt in the kidneys.”

The main reason for stone formation is metabolic disorders, leading to the formation of insoluble salts of urates, oxalates, and phosphates. Over time, stones are formed from them. Risk factors for itch:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system - prostate adenoma, cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis.

In most patients, pebbles and small crystals move up the ureter and are excreted in the urine. When passing sand, abdominal pain is felt.

Typical signs of kidney stone disease:

  • Abdominal pain of varying intensity either subsides or intensifies, but does not completely disappear. Severe attack renal colic requires medical attention. If it moves along the ureter, a stone larger than the width of the ureter gets stuck, causing severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, where it is located Bottom part ureters.
  • During an attack, patients experience nausea, vomiting, and painful urination.
  • Small stones or salts in the urine are not uncommon in people with urolithiasis.
  • Red blood cells in the urine are a typical sign of kidney stones, especially after an attack of colic. In this case, the urine turns pink, reddish, or the color of “meat slop.” In other cases, hematuria can be detected microscopically or using special test strips.

Urolithiasis can be hidden for years and is discovered by chance.

Diagnosis of urolithiasis

Stones in urinary tract and kidneys are detected by instrumental examination methods:

  • Ultrasound is the most accessible, safe and reliable method for detecting stones.
  • In doubtful cases or in preparation for surgery, a highly accurate diagnostic method is done: MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography).

Instrumental examination methods are carried out after laboratory detection of blood, salts, and leukocytes in the urine.

Treatment of kidney stones

For frequent attacks, urologists use methods to destroy or remove stones:

  • SWL (shock wave lithotripsy) is used for kidney stones and upper sections ureters. After destruction, the stones come out naturally.
  • URS – ureteroscopy. The device with the camera is inserted through the bladder and advanced along the ureter to the kidney. It is equipped with tools for crushing and extracting stones.
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is endoscopic method removal of large stones. A device with a camera is inserted into the kidney through a small puncture in the abdomen. It is used to crush and remove kidney stones.

During a moderate attack of abdominal and lower back pain, urologists prescribe outpatient treatment - painkillers and antispasmodics Ibuprofen, Baralgin. Doctors prescribe Tamsulosin, Nifedipine to speed up the passage of stones.


Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, in which pain is felt in the lower left abdomen. Anatomically, this small formation is located in the upper part of this organ. The seed comes out of it through the tubules of the appendage.

The infection usually penetrates the epididymis through the blood flow from the prostate. The causative agents of the disease are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, chlamydia, gonococcus. Epididymitis develops with urogenital chlamydia, tuberculosis and gonorrhea. The development of the disease is facilitated by hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, and placement of a catheter for urination.

Signs of acute epididymitis:

  1. The disease begins acutely – within 3–4 hours. Acute pain in the scrotum radiates down the abdomen with left-sided epididymitis.
  2. Temperature rise to 38.0°
  3. Swelling of the scrotum.

Chronic inflammation develops gradually. Pain in the testicle increases, and swelling of the scrotum appears. Acute chronic epididymitis can be treated with antibiotics. But with untreated inflammation, the infection spreads to neighboring organs. In this case, complications arise:

  • orchitis - inflammation of the testicle, spreading to the scrotum;
  • sepsis – blood poisoning;
  • infertility.

Urologists make a diagnosis by external examination and palpation of the scrotum.

Treatment of epididymitis:

  1. Antibiotics Unidox Solutab 100 mg twice a day or Ofloxacin 200 mg 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  2. Applying a suspension bandage with ice to the scrotum to reduce inflammation and pain.
  3. Rectal suppositories Diclofenac to relieve inflammation and pain.

Important! Self-medication leads to complications or chronic course epididymitis. Bilateral inflammation of the epididymis is the cause of male infertility.


Urethritis is another disease in which pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the left or right. Even with acute illness no increase in temperature is noted.

Main symptoms:

  • Stinging and pain spreads along the entire length of the urethra. Anatomically, its lower part goes down the abdomen on the left and right, where pain is felt on one or both sides.
  • Copious mucous discharge from the urethra in the morning.
  • Cloudy urine sometimes with drops of blood at the end of urination.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Redness of the glans penis with sticky lips of the urethral opening.
  • Pain during erection.

Causes of urethritis:

  • A common cause of the disease is sexually transmitted infection.
  • Urethritis also appears after hypothermia. The causative agents of the disease are staphylococci, streptococci, and E. coli, which ascend into the urethra through the ascending route from the bladder during cystitis. Bacteria spread from neighboring (intestines) and distant organs (tonsils) through the bloodstream.
  • Allergic urethritis occurs after using condoms, soaps, and shampoos. Medicinal substances also cause allergic reactions.
  • Non-infectious urethritis develops after the passage of salts or stones through the urethra.

Congestion in the pelvis with a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of urethritis.

Diagnosis and treatment of urethritis in men

The diagnosis of the disease is established by collecting anamnesis, palpation of the abdomen and examination of the external genitalia.

Laboratory testing is aimed at identifying infection:

  • IN general analysis urine is determined a large number of leukocytes.
  • To determine the type of pathogen in men, a culture of discharge from the urethra or the first portion of urine is done. Bacterial culture also determines the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics.
  • antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor after determining the type of pathogen;
  • drugs to restore normal intestinal flora;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • immunostimulants and vitamins.

It is impossible to cure urethritis on your own, since therapy is aimed at destroying the pathogen, which is determined in the laboratory. After the course of treatment, urologists conduct a follow-up examination. With inadequate treatment, urethritis becomes chronic with frequent relapses.

Important! For men, urethritis is dangerous due to complications such as epididymitis, prostatitis and infertility.

Digestive system diseases

A common cause of pain in the lower abdomen is pathology of the digestive system. Anatomically, in men, the rectum and sigmoid colon are projected in the lower abdomen on the left. Therefore, when they become inflamed, pain is felt here. In addition, the nerve plexus of the rectum and sigmoid colon are interconnected with the prostate gland and urethra.

Intestinal diseases extending down the abdomen:

  • proctitis (proctosigmoiditis);
  • constipation due to colitis;
  • bowel obstruction, diverticula, or tumor;
  • hernia;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • colon tumor.

Let's look at some of those diseases.


Proctitis (proctosigmoiditis) is an inflammation of the inner lining of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Signs of proctosigmoiditis:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen spreads to the perineum, bladder, groin area, and sometimes the buttocks and the front of the thighs.
  • In acute proctitis, there is a frequent urge to stool or the discharge of a small amount of crumbly feces with particles of blood and mucus.
  • Chronic proctosigmoiditis is accompanied by frequent mucus discharge from the intestines, causing itching and irritation of the skin around the anus.
  • Dyspeptic disorders - diarrhea, less often constipation.

The doctor makes a diagnosis of proctitis based on the following criteria:

  • Palpation of the abdomen is painful in the lower abdomen on the left.
  • The skin around the anus is irritated.
  • When palpated with a finger, sphincter spasm and pain are noted.

Instrumental and laboratory methods research:

  1. Rectoscopy shows hyperemic mucous membrane with erosions and ulcers.
  2. A scatological examination of stool reveals an increase in the number of leukocytes. Red blood cells and fungi are also visible. With protozoal infection, amoebas, lamblia, and worm eggs are detected.
  3. The bacteriological method (culture) identifies gonococci, dysentery and paratyphoid bacteria.

If sexually transmitted diseases are suspected, the Wasserman and Koch reaction is performed, as well as a blood test using PCR and ELISA.

Causes of proctitis

Several reasons contribute to the development of the disease:

  • Infections – bacterial and amoebic dysentery, typhoid fever. In homosexuals, proctitis is caused by syphilis and gonorrhea bacteria.
  • A common cause of proctitis is constipation, when dried feces linger for a long time in the rectum, mechanically and chemically irritating its walls. The same effect on the rectum is exerted by potent laxatives and the administration of hypertonic and essential oil mixtures and glycerin with an enema.
  • Allergic proctitis after eating crayfish, mushrooms, squid.

Proctitis is a manifestation general inflammation intestines.

Treatment of proctitis

After the examination, the proctologist prescribes a set of therapeutic measures depending on the cause and causative agent of the disease. The action of the drugs is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, which relieves men of pain in the lower left abdomen. For this purpose medications are prescribed:

  • Antibiotics. For giardiasis, Intestopan is prescribed.
  • Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories.
  • Warm therapeutic enemas with Protargol or rosehip decoction.
  • After the acute process has subsided, physiotherapy and balneotherapy are used - diathermy currents, mud panties.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system

A common cause of lower abdominal pain in men is inflammation of the sciatic nerve. . With this disease, the roots of the lumbosacral spine are infringed. The cause of compression is a herniated intervertebral disc.

Symptoms of a herniated disc:

  • The most common early sign– This is lower back pain associated with movement. A displaced disc impinges on the roots coming out of the spine.
  • One of the signs of a hernia is pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right. In neurosurgery there is a term “cauda equina syndrome”. It means impaired sensation and movement of the limbs, as well as urination and defecation. The cauda equina is an extension of the 40 nerve roots that emerge from lumbar region and descend in the form of a bunch all the way to the coccyx. The tail is responsible for innervation lower limbs, as well as pelvic organs - rectum, bladder. When the cauda equina is affected, pain appears along the course of the cauda equina - in the limb, perineum, buttocks, lower abdomen on the left or right, depending on the side of the lesion. In the later stage of cauda equina syndrome, urination and defecation are impaired. After all, the transmission of nerve impulses to the rectum and bladder is disrupted during a hernia. More often, pain in the lower abdomen appears later than in the lower back, but there are exceptions.

Signs of bladder dysfunction are difficulty starting to urinate and lack of urge. The functioning of the rectum is also disrupted in the form of constipation and difficulties in passing gases. In the advanced stage of cauda equina syndrome, the urge to urinate and defecate is completely absent. The patient suffers from urinary and fecal incontinence.

Causes of intervertebral hernia:

  1. The lumbosacral spine is the most vulnerable part spinal column. It carries the greatest load and is more likely to be injured when falling. Regular lifting of weights over the years can trigger the development of a hernia.
  2. Hereditary predisposition – the structure of the bones and ligaments of the spine – contributes to the formation of the disease.
  3. Osteochondrosis is also a provoking factor.
  4. Weakness of the back muscles.
  5. Curvature of the spinal column.
  6. Insufficient nutrition of vertebral tissues.

A neurologist and vertebrologist are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hernia. After examination, doctors use instrumental methods examinations:

  • X-ray of the spine.
  • CT (computed tomography).
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  • Myelography (lumbar function using contrast).

Therapy for cauda equina syndrome consists of conservative and surgical method treatment. If the disease is caused inflammatory diseases spine (spondylitis or Paget's disease), then conservative methods are used. For intervertebral hernia, surgical intervention is performed.

Based on the above, we note. Most often, pain in the lower left abdomen in men is caused by inflammation of the genitourinary system. If the urologist does not identify the disease, most likely the cause of the disease is proctitis or another intestinal disease. In this case, the diagnosis is carried out by a proctologist or gastroenterologist. Less commonly, the cause of abdominal pain is caused by spinal pathology, which is dealt with by a neurologist.

Men do not feel pain in the lower abdomen as often as the fair sex. For the latter, such sensations are familiar and may occur periodically. But the stronger sex usually tries to ignore such symptoms, although the causes of discomfort can be serious.

Only a doctor can determine exactly what needs to be done if pain in the lower abdomen occurs, so a visit to an experienced specialist is required. The doctor must know the individual characteristics of the pain syndrome that occurs. He is interested in information about the prerequisites, concentration and sensations of pain.

Causes of pain

We can list the most characteristic causes pain that occurs in men in the lower abdomen:

  • Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer. The pain is aching if the disease is chronic and very acute, having the nature of contractions, during exacerbations.
  • Inflammation of the appendix. The pain varies in nature, and does not necessarily appear on the right side. A characteristic symptom is acute pain, nausea, fever.
  • Localization of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen indicates inflammation of the diverticulum if it is accompanied by nausea and low-grade fever.
  • In addition to acute pain, a strangulated inguinal hernia causes vomiting and sometimes loss of consciousness. This condition requires urgent surgery.
  • The inflammatory process of the kidneys also provokes pain in the lower abdomen.
  • A similar process in the testicles (orchitis) provokes pain in the groin.

Rarely causes similar pain in men oncological process, although pain appears at a late stage of tumor development.

How the lower abdomen hurts in men with illnesses

The main symptom is a fairly frequent need to urinate, although the single volume of urine released is tiny, about 10 ml. This may result in urinary incontinence. When urinating, pain is felt; men need to make some effort to start emptying.

The beginning and end of the process is painful. The pain feels like pain in the urethra and burning. Sometimes the pain is tolerable, but can be intense. Between urinations, men experience pain in the pubic area, groin and penis.

Pain with cystitis

At acute cystitis symptoms of general poisoning appear, heat, headache, excessive sweating, general weakness, chills. The presence of such indications requires hospitalization of the patient.

In the case of the development of a gangrenous form of cystitis, it contains mucus and blood, has putrid smell. At chronic form Cystitis symptoms are more restrained, pain is minor.

Prostatitis pain

The prostate actively produces sex hormones. When its cells become inflamed, prostatitis occurs. Men with this disease feel cutting and aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, accompanied by aches throughout the body. Especially similar symptom significantly intensifies at the moment of ejaculation, when sexual intercourse occurs after a sufficiently long abstinence.

The pain gradually spreads throughout lower sections abdomen, capturing the perineum and rectum. The process of defecation becomes painful and painful. It happens that prostatitis develops asymptomatically, immediately becoming chronic without a man noticing.

In acute prostatitis, the disease is pronounced and manifests itself sharply with the following symptoms:

  • frequent and painful urination;
  • groin pain;
  • violation of potency;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • increased sweating and body temperature.

Pain with varicocele

The pain spreads to the thigh, lower back, lower abdomen, perineum and penis, resembling the symptoms of neuralgia. Particularly unpleasant sensations occur in the evening, after walking for a long time or carrying heavy objects.

Taking a horizontal position or raising the scrotum can help ease the pain. Patients often find relief by supporting the scrotum with a hand in a pocket or wearing swimming trunks. The pain may not be constant, but may only be caused by physical overload.

The symptoms of appendicitis depend on the well-being and age of the man, on the individual characteristics of how this appendix is ​​located in the peritoneum. The typical picture is characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium.

When diagnosing, doctors use the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the right testicle is caused by pressure on the base of the scrotum;
  • the right testicle spontaneously tightens;
  • Palpation of the pain area causes the right testicle to be pulled up.

Pain caused by intestinal diseases

Men experience pain in the lower abdomen due to volvulus. This is the popular name for intestinal obstruction. The pain is concentrated in the navel area.

First, episodic attacks of sharp pain appear, after which the pain syndrome acquires a compressive, dull character. Developing obstruction stretches the intestines, causing vascular ischemia.

Emergency measures for severe pain in the lower abdomen

With some symptoms, the man’s condition is considered urgent, requiring urgent intervention. These are:

  1. Tense abdomen and acute pain lasting more than an hour.
  2. The pain symptom increases significantly with coughing, movement, or any movement.
  3. Before the painful symptoms, there was difficulty defecating and bloating was observed.
  4. Black stool with blood clots.
  5. Along with pain, blood pressure decreases, heart rate increases, sweating and nausea appear.


Cause in men pain symptoms lower abdomen may become various diseases. To establish an accurate diagnosis, allowing you to begin an adequate drug treatment, a full examination is required.

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