How dangerous are adhesions in the uterus, and how to prevent their occurrence. Adhesive process in the uterus

IN medical science Some experts call adhesions in the uterus neoplasms that form as a result of poor-quality and frequent surgical interventions and concern the mucous membrane of the main reproductive organ. Or those that arose as a result of the development of diseases internal organs women, leading to the formation of endometritis. Due to the resulting inflammatory process, infectious pathologies or trauma caused by the curettage procedure, the mucous membrane grows. Connections appear between the front and back walls uterus, and the healthy, normal endometrium completely dies.

Other medical experts call adhesions in the uterus synechea. And they are characterized as connecting septa formed in the uterine cavity. Similar phenomena are considered to be the causes:

  • Mechanical injury to endometrial tissue;
  • Inflammatory process of the endometrium.

Violation of the integrity of the cover and various damages mucous component very often occurs during abortion, with diagnostic studies conditions of the mucous membrane, when stopping bleeding after childbirth or removing a dead fetus during pregnancy. There is a high probability of receiving a similar injury to your uterus during surgery. caesarean section, genetic malformations of polyps formed on the surface of the endometrium.

The inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa will not take long to occur after complicated abortions or childbirth, and is used to prevent infection by pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. Penetration of tuberculosis bacteria into the cavity of the reproductive organ is especially dangerous.

A high degree of probability of the formation of a harmful disease called uterine adhesions belongs to patients who have a history of its unremoved remnants of the placenta contribute to rapid and active growth connective tissue. And the whole process takes place in as soon as possible before the endometrial layer is able to recover normal level. And the combination and combination of harmful factors quite often increases the rate of formation of such a diagnosis as adhesions on the uterus.

Adhesions in the uterus appear as a result of fusion and growth among themselves. In this case, the healthy endometrium is completely displaced. The thicker the neoplasm is, the more it contains muscle fibers And blood vessels, which significantly impedes the removal of synechiae from the uterine cavity. With the modest presence of adhesions, many patients do not even know about their existence. And they learn about their diagnosis during a random hysteroscopy procedure. A fairly large-scale phenomenon of connective tissue fusion leads to disruption menstrual cycle, menstruation becomes less abundant, until it stops completely. Outflow bloody discharge stops, and the endometrial layer is completely replaced by connective tissue.

In medical science, it is customary to distinguish three degrees of development of adhesions syndrome in the uterus:

  • In the first degree, there are thin, connective tissue cords that occupy twenty-five percent of the volume of the uterine cavity. The orifices of the fallopian tubes are characterized by free access in the same way as the fundus of the uterus;
  • At the second degree, entry into fallopian tubes partially closed by adhesions. Pathological process distributed over three quarters of the cavity of the reproductive organ;
  • In the third degree, the walls of the uterus almost stick together. Harmful adhesions consume the entire uterine cavity.

Main and serious consequences Adhesion syndrome in the uterus is persistent infertility. In such external conditions, it is very difficult for the sperm to reach the egg, which, after the maturation process, moves to But even if fertilization occurs, it will be almost impossible for the fertilized egg to choose a suitable place and be implanted into the wall of the uterus. Since its healthy normal mucous membrane is disrupted by the proliferation of connective tissue.

Damage to the cells of the basal layer of the endometrium, which are not capable of a recovery period, as well as impaired hormonal levels, characterized low level estrogens are the main causes of adhesions in the uterus. And in the fight against this disease, the main thing is not surgical intervention, physiotherapy or traditional methods of treatment, but a reliable determination of the cause of the formation of connective growths for each patient individually.

Many women face the problem of adhesions formed in the uterus. They can occur for several reasons: previous surgery, genital tract infections, some types of colds, also the consequences of abortion. All this leads to the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant.

Adhesions in the uterus are the presence of formed connective tissues between the walls of the uterus. They are also called synechia of the uterine cavity or Asherman's syndrome. The expression mainly used is adhesions in the uterus.

The peculiarity of the occurrence of adhesions is that they act as a kind of protectors of healthy tissues from the affected ones.


No disease occurs without a cause or effect of something. Many factors can lead to the formation of adhesions. The main ones are:

Hysterectomy is an operation to remove the most important organ for a woman – the uterus. After this, the main problem may be the appearance of adhesions. To avoid this, a woman needs to undergo certain procedures. Physiotherapy is the main aid in resorption, due to which they become elastic. Also, a woman needs to move actively to avoid the appearance of new synechiae.

If, after the surgical intervention, the patient develops a fever, the scars become inflamed and swollen, and pain begins, then an urgent visit to the doctor is required.

If the patient is not treated properly and does not pay attention to these symptoms, she may develop intestinal obstruction. This pathology leads to another operation.

After the operation, the woman needs to be observed by a doctor for some more time to prevent the formation of adhesions. Even if there are no symptoms of the disease, this is not a reason to refuse postoperative examinations.

Adhesions of the uterus and intestines

The causes of adhesions in the uterus and ovaries can also affect the intestines. Adhesive process sometimes spreads to all pelvic organs. It causes organs to stick together, which limits their mobility.

Spike presses on small intestine, blocks its lumen. Because of this, food is not digested, but begins to accumulate, which leads to bloating. This disease is called intestinal obstruction.


  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • over time, the pain intensifies;
  • vomit;
  • short-term diarrhea;
  • after 2 days, complete cessation of bowel movements and passing of gases.

Important: if you have these symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately!

If you delay and do not seek urgent treatment, the pathology will lead to death.

Upon examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment. At clinical picture An operation will be performed to remove adhesions.

Uterine adhesions and pregnancy

Many women cannot become pregnant due to adhesions of both the uterus and ovaries. But if this does happen, then adhesions can greatly overshadow the pregnancy. appear unpleasant sensations, as well as pain.


There are a number of reasons why adhesions may appear during pregnancy:


Besides pain The following symptoms also appear:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Basically, these symptoms appear with the clinical picture of third-degree adhesions. The chronic course of the disease is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and disruption of intestinal function. The adhesive process is often asymptomatic, which complicates treatment.

If pregnancy occurs, and the presence of adhesions is discovered after this, then this indicates that the main organs are functioning as they should. But it is quite difficult to treat detected adhesions during this period. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment for a pregnant patient. A special approach is required so as not to harm the child.

To reduce pain, a pregnant woman is recommended to have a special diet to reduce the load on the intestines and ensure its patency.

The main treatment for adhesions during pregnancy:

  • Use with extreme caution medications for pain relief.
  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent inflammatory processes.
  • Special physical exercise to prevent the appearance of new adhesions.
  • If these procedures do not help, then their dissection is required.

The dissection can be carried out due to the fact that the commissure is close to the uterus and as the organ grows, severe pain. This also leads to the appearance of inflammatory processes that the woman had before, but did not manifest themselves in any way.

The main thing during pregnancy is to trust doctors and not self-medicate in order to carry and give birth to a healthy child.


It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of adhesions. A cure has not yet been invented to completely get rid of this problem. There is no guarantee that the woman will follow all the doctors’ recommendations and that she will not experience adhesions again. But you can still use some preventive methods To avoid this problem:

  1. First and foremost, a woman needs to monitor her health and undergo gynecological examination at least 2 times a year.
  2. It is necessary to improve the functioning of the intestines. To do this, you need to eat less food that causes bloating and heaviness.
  3. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a pelvic examination. If synechiae are detected, they must be removed. If this is impossible, then the woman will not be able to get pregnant. There is only one option left for her - IVF.

And, most importantly, at the first manifestations unpleasant symptoms be sure to consult a doctor. In the early stages of detecting a disease, it is always easier to carry out treatment. If a woman has already had adhesions removed, she in any case needs to be observed by a doctor to prevent the formation of new synechiae.

For some women, removal of adhesions in the uterus may be a one-time operation, and some suffer from this problem quite often. How did this process go for you and how did you recover from it? Leave your comments.

Video: Surgery for adhesions in the uterus (Asherman's syndrome) in the right branch, fibrosis

Video: Adhesion (synechia) in the uterine cavity after a medical abortion

IN modern life a person has to meet various diseases, which many did not even know about before. Perhaps someone will say that it is better not to have an idea about many ailments. But if you are aware of all the events happening in the body, then timely treatment will have a positive effect. This article will discuss the phenomenon of adhesions. What is it, what are the symptoms and how to deal with this disease?

Adhesive process

To begin with, it’s worth talking about what kind of disease this is. And define the word adhesions (what is it). This disease is characterized by the formation of the finest fibers or films in the human body. They glue closely located organs together. This disrupts work separate system person.

It is worth noting that the adhesive process most often affects the fairer sex. In them, this disease occurs in the small pelvis. Despite this, the disease can appear in the digestive, circulatory, cardiac and other systems of the body.


It is almost impossible to see adhesions. They are so thin and transparent that human vision It's simply not possible. However, the presence of the disease can be suspected by the incorrect appearance. Often, the parts glued together are displaced.

The adhesive process can be diagnosed by manual examination or during ultrasound diagnostics. The gynecologist may suspect films located in the pelvis during an examination on the chair. The diagnosis is confirmed after an ultrasound procedure.

A disease such as adhesions has a variety of causes. Let's look at them in as much detail as possible.

Inflammatory process

Perhaps the most common cause of the disease is inflammation. During illness of a particular organ, it increases in volume and begins to secrete fluid. It is this mucus that over time turns into the thinnest threads, and subsequently becomes a dense film that connects the organ with the peritoneum or another part of one or another body system.

As mentioned above, women are most often affected by this disease. In them, the cause of the adhesive process in the pelvic area can be metritis (inflammation of the uterus), salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tube), adnexitis. It is worth noting that films are formed exactly in the organ where it was inflammatory process. However, with a severely advanced disease, fluid can also spread to neighboring organs.

Surgical operations

Almost always, after such manipulations, a person encounters a phenomenon called adhesions. You already know what it is. Why do these films form after such types of treatment?

Any operation is accompanied by blood loss. It can be moderate or abundant. After the end of the manipulation, the doctor always performs a toilet cleaning without fail. abdominal cavity, clearing it of residual blood and mucus. But during the healing period of wounds and sutures, leakage of ichor, drops of blood, or mucus may occur. This is what causes the formation of adhesions. It is worth noting that pathology develops precisely in the organ on which the operation was performed.

For example, when removing the appendix or undergoing intestinal surgery, adhesions form there. During heart surgery, thin films may appear between the chambers. During surgery on the female genital organs, the adhesive process affects this particular system. The wider the surgical incision and longer surgery, those more likely appearance of the disease.

Internal bleeding

During bleeding, adhesions may form inside the abdominal cavity. What it is? Let's consider this process.

Often, when an organ ruptures or is damaged, blood or a similar fluid is released. It is this that promotes the formation of threads, which subsequently become films. It is worth noting that each must be treated surgically, however, this does not guarantee that the disease will not affect the body.

Female reasons for the formation of adhesions

Adhesions on the ovaries, in or on the uterus can form due to various hormonal diseases. These include endometriosis, endometritis, fibroids and other diseases.

Also, with infections that were acquired through sexual contact and were not cured, an adhesive process occurs. A similar outcome may occur due to misuse intrauterine contraceptives or frequent abortions.

Symptoms of the disease

Depending on where the adhesions appear, symptoms may vary. Most often the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (with the formation of films on the area of ​​the respiratory system);
  • indigestion and pain in the abdominal cavity (with adhesions on the stomach, liver or gall bladder);
  • abnormal stool and pain during bowel movements (with intestinal adhesions).

Adhesive disease of the pelvis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • cycle disorders;
  • the appearance of pulling, aching or acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • inability to get pregnant or attachment of the fertilized egg in an unusual place;
  • fever, nausea or vomiting.

Disease correction

Treatment of adhesions of the pelvis or other organs can be carried out various methods. In this case, the age of the patient, the intensity of symptoms and the cause of formation must be taken into account. adhesive disease.

There are conservative, surgical and folk method how to treat adhesions. Let's consider detailed methodology carrying out correction.

Conservative way

Adhesions on the ovaries, in fallopian tubes ah or those located in other human organs can be cured with medications. It is worth noting that this method of correction is most often chosen when the symptoms of the disease are not too pronounced and do not cause discomfort to the patient.

Also, a similar technique is chosen when it is necessary to prevent the formation of thin threads and films between organs. This therapy is prescribed in conjunction with the treatment of inflammation, as well as after surgical operations.

Most often, the patient is prescribed injections of the drug Lidaza or Longidaza. When treating pelvic adhesive disease in women, the drug Longidaza is more effectively used in the form of rectal suppositories.

In addition, the doctor may recommend physical therapy. During manipulation, a special beam is directed to the area where adhesions are formed, which stops the growth of new tissue and prevents the formation of adhesions. Similar preventive treatment always prescribed after correction inflammatory diseases.

Surgical method of treatment

Adhesions, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in this article, can cause quite severe discomfort. And in this case they often resort to surgical intervention. Most often, this method is chosen when conservative therapy did not bring results.

It is worth noting that the removal of adhesions can be carried out in two ways: laparotomy and laparoscopically. Both of these methods are surgical intervention. Laparotomy is a fairly old and popular option. However, if it is possible and medical institution has the necessary equipment and specialists, then preference is given to laparoscopy.

Sometimes minor films that are removed by laparotomy form in larger quantities after the manipulation. That is why before surgery it is worth considering the complexity of the disease and possible consequences.

The most gentle surgical method remove adhesions - laparoscopy. During the procedure the patient is under general anesthesia. That is why there is no need to be afraid of pain and you should completely trust the doctor. The doctor makes several punctures in the abdominal cavity. A video camera is inserted into one of them, which transmits an image internal cavity on the big screen.

In addition, the doctor makes several more incisions through which manipulators are inserted. The number of these punctures depends on which organ the operation is performed on. Their number can be from two to four. Using these manipulators, the surgeon carefully separates the glued organs and removes the adhesions.

After the manipulation, the holes in the peritoneum are sutured, and the patient comes to his senses.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people prefer traditional methods of treatment. It is worth noting that such a correction should not cancel the doctor’s prescription. Many experts recommend combining the traditional method and the method of treatment with medications.

- St. John's wort. Treatment with such a decoction is quite common. To prepare the medicine you will need a dried and crushed plant.

Pour one glass of boiling water over one spoon. After this, boil the medicine for a quarter of an hour. Next, you need to cool the liquid and drink it one glass a day. The portion should be divided into four doses.

- Bergenia for the treatment of illness in women. The use of this remedy is not so common, but it is quite effective. You need to take 50 grams of the plant (root) and pour this bulk mixture hot water in the amount of 350 milliliters. This solution should be left for 8 hours in a dark place.

After this, the medicine is considered ready for use. The container with the decoction must be stored in the refrigerator. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of medicine in one liter daily boiled water. You need to douche with this remedy before going to bed.

Self-rupture of adhesions

It is worth saying that pelvic pain can go away on its own after pregnancy. While waiting for the baby, the reproductive organ stretches and grows. This allows the thin threads to separate on their own.

This process is most often painful. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe to the expectant mother taking analgesics and sedatives. In some cases, hospital treatment may be required.

In any case, treatment of adhesions should always be under the supervision of a specialist. Sometimes a gynecologist prescribes additional ones to a woman in order to determine the condition of her organs.

Prevention of adhesions

Every person knows that best treatment of a particular disease is its prevention. In order to avoid the occurrence of adhesions, you must carefully monitor your health.

Women are advised to regularly visit their local gynecologist and undergo blood tests once a year. possible infections. If an inflammatory process is detected, it is necessary to begin its treatment as soon as possible. This will help avoid fluid secretion and prevent adhesions. Lifestyle also plays an important role. Give up bad habits and exercise.

Also, representatives of the fair sex need to monitor their condition hormonal levels. To do this, it is not at all necessary to take a blood test. Carefully monitor the regularity of your menstrual cycle and your health. Avoid casual unprotected sex. This will help you avoid various infections, causing the adhesive process.

If you had to undergo any surgery, it is also necessary to prevent the formation of adhesions. Talk to your doctor and ask him to prescribe the necessary medical supplies. Full compliance with all prescriptions will help you avoid the occurrence of adhesive disease and its consequences.


Now you know everything about adhesive disease. If you are at risk, get tested and begin treatment, if necessary, before symptoms appear and symptoms begin. various problems with health.

Consult your doctor and choose the right technique treatment. Watch your health and always try to be healthy!

One of unpleasant complications gynecological diseases are adhesions. They lead to menstrual irregularities and infertility. In the article we will consider the causes of adhesions, as well as existing methods their treatment - medications(in the form of suppositories, for intramuscular administration) and folk remedies.

What are adhesions and why do they occur?

Adhesions in gynecology, or the adhesive process, is the process of fusion of the pelvic organs with each other using connective tissue. Normally this should not be observed.

Adhesions disrupt the mobility of internal organs, and if they occur between hollow organs or in their lumen, they impede their patency.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of adhesions in gynecology. Adhesions occur:

Pathological process in the area reproductive organs causes a response from the body - it tries to limit this process so that it does not occur further dissemination. And this is done through the formation of connective tissue in places of pathology - adhesions.

What happens to the body?

How does the formation of adhesions manifest in gynecology? The adhesive process disrupts normal functioning organs. Clinically, the adhesive process occurs in three variants.

Usually women do not pay attention to the above listed signs. The only reason to consult a gynecologist is the inability to get pregnant if a woman is planning motherhood.

The longer the adhesive process proceeds without treatment, the more difficult it becomes to cure it in the future.

Asherman's syndrome

One of the severe variants of the adhesive process is Asherman's syndrome, or the proliferation of adhesions inside the uterus. Here they are called synechia. The reasons for their occurrence are basically the same as for adhesions of other localization - inflammatory processes, frequent injury due to abortions or diagnostic operations, endometriosis.

Based on the number and nature of synechiae, three types of syndrome are distinguished:

There are also three variants of pathology depending on the prevalence of the adhesive process:

  • first degree - mild synechiae occupy no more than a quarter of the uterine cavity, the fundus of the uterus and the openings of the fallopian tubes are free;
  • second degree - mild or moderate synechiae, cover up to three quarters of the uterine cavity, do not lead to adhesion of the walls, the mouths of the fallopian tubes are not completely closed;
  • third degree - the entire uterine cavity is covered with dense synechiae, the openings of the tubes are closed, and the walls of the uterus may fuse together.

IN last years was developed new classification, taking into account almost all pathological manifestations of Asherman's syndrome. There are five degrees of the disease:

As a result, menstrual function is disrupted, such as hypomenorrhea or amenorrhea, and secondary infertility develops. If the exit from the uterine cavity is closed by adhesions, a hematometra develops - an accumulation of menstrual blood in the area of ​​the fundus of the uterus, which manifests itself pain syndrome in combination with the absence of menstruation. If a woman is able to get pregnant, then she can no longer bear a child - miscarriages or premature birth occur.

Tubal obstruction

The cavity is present not only in the uterus, but also in the fallopian tubes. The egg passes through them to enter the uterus, connect with the sperm and attach to the uterus. Adhesions can also form in the cavity of the fallopian tubes. They arise as a result of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the tubes - salpingitis, as well as after tubal pregnancy.

The adhesive process in the tubes can close part of their lumen or the entire lumen. However, even if only part is closed, pregnancy still does not occur.

Methods for diagnosing adhesions

The diagnosis of adhesions in gynecology is based on data from a survey, examination and instrumental methods research, the latter having highest value in diagnostics.

From the anamnesis, signs of a disorder are revealed menstrual function, the duration of the period during which a woman could not become pregnant. You can also collect data about possible reason development of the adhesive process.

Upon examination, little is revealed, since the adhesive process is localized quite deep in the pelvic cavity. On palpation, pain and a denser structure of the uterus can be noted. When examined on the mirrors, you can see a closed internal pharynx.

The basis of diagnosis is the use of instrumental research methods:

How is therapy carried out?

Treatment of adhesive disease is a labor-intensive process, especially if the pathology is in an advanced form. Various methods are used for this:

When treating adhesions medically, medications are initially used to eliminate the cause of adhesions.

If this is an inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, hormone therapy. If the reason is infectious disease- appropriate antibiotics are prescribed. The following medications are used to directly eliminate adhesions:

  • agents that dissolve fibrin - the main component of adhesions. These include Lidaza for intramuscular injection, Longidase in suppositories, Trypsin for intramuscular and intracavitary administration;
  • At the same time, hormone therapy is used to restore damaged endometrium and menstrual function.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment include laser therapy and electrophoresis on the area of ​​localization of the adhesive process with Lidaza.

The most effective method removal of adhesions is surgical treatment.

There are also traditional methods treatment of adhesive disease. However, they can only be used as complementary therapy and only after agreement with a specialist. Here are some traditional medicine recipes:

Folk remedies have a more general strengthening effect, but are not able to treat adhesions. Many women who use only folk remedies in such cases further aggravate their condition. After this " traditional treatment“An operation, and sometimes even several, is required to eliminate adhesions and infertility.

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