How to stop a child's continuous coughing at night. Causes of night cough attacks in children. In children one year old and up to three years old

A cough at night does not allow the child or his parents to rest peacefully, and the parents try to stop the attack with everything possible ways forgetting that it is necessary to treat the cause of the cough, and not its consequences. But, nevertheless, as emergency measure You can use the medicine Sinekod.

Coughing is considered a normal reaction of the body; it is caused by a sharp contraction of the lungs and the release of air from the respiratory tract, and is not a consequence of heart failure - nothing to do with it.

Cough can be caused by various irritants and diseases, thanks to this reaction, the air leaving the lungs removes phlegm and various microorganisms from them.

So, it can be argued that a cough is a cleansing of the respiratory tract, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to treat the causes of its occurrence, especially if it is prolonged. At the beginning of the development of a cough, you can try to stop it with folk remedies.

If a child’s coughing attack begins at night, it is necessary to:

  • Wake him up if he doesn’t wake up on his own;
  • plant;
  • You can drink warm milk with honey, or just warm water;
  • You can also give 1 tsp. butter with honey.

To ensure that your child sleeps peacefully at night, you can put warm (not hot) paraffin on the child’s chest before going to bed and warm the chest for 20-30 minutes. Thanks to this, the bronchi will warm up, and there may be no coughing attack at night. If the attack does begin at night, despite previously taken measures, then it is necessary to inhale using a nebulizer, for example, you can use essential oil cedar

Also, to prevent a child from having a night cough, you need to ventilate the room before going to bed; it is also advisable to use a humidifier, since dry air contributes to a dry cough. If during an attack there is a rise in temperature, an attack of vomiting is observed, and the child also becomes lethargic, and breathing becomes wheezing and intermittent, you should immediately call an ambulance or a doctor.

When a child begins to have a night cough, the first thing to do is to calm the child down, then his condition should be alleviated. Well, after that, depending on the type of cough, stop its attack. If the cough is dry, barking, then you should use inhalations with mineral water or soda solution. If you don’t have an inhaler or nebulizer, you can simply let the child breathe over moderate warm water with the addition of soda.

If the cough is expectorant, then you should:

  • Place the child;
  • Tilt it forward slightly;
  • And start lightly tapping your palm on your upper back and chest.

This will allow phlegm and mucus to clear away better, improve breathing and, as a result, stop coughing at night. A night cough can be triggered by any allergy, and it can start suddenly and last quite a long time. long time. At the same time, the cough is quite long in time, and any accompanying symptoms Apart from a runny nose, nothing is observed. In this case, you should immediately see an allergist.

This will prevent a painful night cough and, at least, will give the child the opportunity to get some sleep. If the cough is not caused by an allergic reaction, then at night coughing can be prevented with tablets containing Mucaltin, or special drugs against cough, created on the basis of herbs. But such tablets are not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age.

What are the consequences of a prolonged cough in a child without fever?

A cough in children is almost always a sign of concern, especially if it is prolonged and does not go away for two weeks or more, then immediate action should be taken; the child should be immediately shown to a doctor so that a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis, you should:

  • Get tested;
  • Take an x-ray or fluorography;
  • And then treat persistent cough The child has.

If the cough is prolonged, then this may indicate some abnormalities in the body, for example, with an acute respiratory infection or with some kind of inflammation of the throat or nasopharynx. If any bacterial infection, then it should be treated with antibiotics, and if the cough is dry, then the doctor prescribes expectorants and antitussives, which makes it possible to cure this disease after some time.

A persistent cough may be caused by a foreign body entering the respiratory system, and chest pain may also occur.

Also frequent cough may be associated with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract; in certain diseases, stomach contents reflux into the esophagus and further into Airways. If the cough lasts a long time, this may indicate an allergy or some kind of contact of the child with irritants, for example, with any household chemicals. In any case, to get rid of the reasons, causing cough and, as a result of the cough itself, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment, and after some time, well-chosen treatment will cure the disease and stop the cough.

Instructions: how to stop a child’s severe cough

The cough may occur due to an asthma attack. To stop it, you need to relieve the spasm in the bronchi, to do this you should take a certain position, and if possible, relax the muscles as much as possible.

If this does not help, you should use a special inhaler.

If you don’t have an inhaler, you should call an ambulance so that the doctor can give you an injection of euphilin. A severe cough can be caused by various reasons, for example, if you have a sore throat. One of the diseases that causes a suffocating cough is laryngitis, in order to stop it, you should open hot water in the bathroom and take the child there so that he can breathe warm and moist air. If this remedy does not help and the cough worsens, you should immediately call ambulance.

A disease such as whooping cough can cause a paroxysmal, hacking cough if a child coughs, so you should consult a doctor as soon as possible; whooping cough can also be stopped by cool, fresh air. To prevent coughing from bothering you during sleep, it is recommended to drink a mixture of black radish juice and honey before bed. You can also make warm ones before going to bed. foot baths, but provided that there is no temperature.

A sudden cough after eating can occur in a child due to:

  • Problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • A large volume of food may contribute to this;
  • The child's consumption of fatty foods;
  • Lots of sweets.

This cough may also develop due to an allergy to certain foods. The cough often worsens in the morning after sleep; asthma and certain medications can contribute to it. It is enough to stop taking medications, get rid of bad habit to get rid of cough.

If a child has a constant cough, what should parents do?

A continuous cough may be caused by false croup which is accompanied by hoarseness and difficulty breathing. Treatment requires plenty of fluids, fresh air and minimal stress. vocal cords. Expectorants and steam inhalations should not be used.

A child's continuous cough may be caused by any respiratory disease if symptoms such as:

  • Temperature;
  • Runny nose;
  • Redness of the throat.

To treat it, you must first eliminate the disease; if this is not done, the disease will progress. Non-stop cough can also be caused by bronchial asthma, bronchitis, bronchoscopic syndrome. Also, inflammation of the larynx due to any infection can provoke an endless cough.

It is enough to eliminate these diseases and the incessant cough will subside.

A never-ending cough can be caused by inflammation of the tonsils and also the presence of adenoids; treating them will help relieve the cough. A persistent, persistent cough can also occur due to mucus irritation of the lining of the upper respiratory tract. It is enough to drink a lot of liquid to thin the mucus and take inhalations to get rid of such a cough.

Pediatrician's advice: how to stop a child's cough at night (video)

In any case, if cough is a serious problem and both a child and an adult suffer from it, it requires treatment first of all for the disease that caused it. And after treating the underlying disease, you can begin treating the cough.

Cough is accompanied by many infectious and inflammatory diseases. If a child begins to cough, then the cause of this may not only be a cold. Against the background of this symptom, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, laryngitis and a number of other diseases occur. Treatment can begin only after the cause of the ailment has been accurately identified. But parents should know how to calm their child’s cough.

How to distinguish between wet and dry cough

Coughing is a reflex, due to which the body tries to cleanse itself of irritants caught in the respiratory organs. Through muscle contractions and copious discharge mucus removes allergens, pathogenic microorganisms and foreign objects from the respiratory tract.

It is not the cough that needs to be treated, but its root cause; bronchospasms can only be calmed. But for this we need to know what type of cough we are dealing with.


Non-productive cough is hysterical, intense. But it does not bring relief, since the phlegm does not clear up. Such coughing attacks may result in vomiting. Depending on the disease, a cough may sound different:

  • False croup and laryngitis - rough, reminiscent of a dog barking;
  • Whooping cough is exhausting and annoying;
  • Allergies and nervous disorders– frequent and superficial.

The main goal of treatment for dry cough is to transform it into a productive form.

A dry cough usually indicates the onset of the disease, while a wet cough indicates the approach of recovery.


A wet cough is productive, that is, in this case, sputum is expelled. During a coughing attack, wheezing and gurgling sounds are heard in the baby’s chest, and at the end he clears his throat sticky mucus. Such coughing also often indicates serious illnesses, but it always indicates that the treatment is proceeding correctly.

How to help your baby

To stop a child’s cough, the doctor prescribes syrups and mixtures. For dry cough, drugs that suppress the cough center and mucolytics are prescribed. For wet coughs, expectorants are indicated. It is worth considering that mucolytics and antitussives should not be given at the same time. This will lead to stagnation and infection.

You can stop a strong, debilitating cough in a small child different ways. Dr. Komarovsky recommends first creating optimal conditions in the house for the baby’s recovery, and then only resorting to medications.

Air humidification

A sick child's room must be wet cleaned frequently. The fact is that dust particles that enter the respiratory organs lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and increased coughing attacks. Not only the floor, but also all surfaces are wiped several times a day.

Wet cleaning alone is often not enough to properly humidify the air. Therefore, it is recommended to hang wet towels in the children's room or use a special humidifier.

To humidify the air, you can put an aquarium in the nursery. This artificial reservoir will maintain constant humidity.

If a child has allergies, then it is better to avoid the aquarium and fish, since dry food is a strong allergen.

Removing allergens

If you experience frequent dry coughing at night, you may think about an allergy. The cause of this phenomenon can be household dust, animal hair, plant pollen and even food products.

To calm a child’s severe dry cough in this case, it is necessary to change the bed linen, remove feather pillows and blankets, and also remove all excess textiles that accumulate dust from the room.

In children's rooms you can often see a lot of large, plush toys. It must be remembered that they are good dust collectors. Therefore, if possible, they are removed or often vacuumed and washed.

The right diet

A sick child is always very weakened, so he has no appetite. You shouldn’t force your baby to eat if he doesn’t want to. During illness, you can indulge his desires for food. He may ask for a sandwich or sweet cottage cheese, this is quite enough to maintain strength. Food should not be cold or hot, as this will worsen the patient's condition.

It is important to organize correctly drinking regime. Thanks to the fluid, pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated from the body, toxic substances and allergens. The patient can be given water, tea, compote and fruit juice. When coughing, it is good to drink jelly; the viscous liquid envelops the mucous membrane and eliminates irritation.

You should avoid freshly squeezed concentrated juices. They greatly irritate the pharyngeal mucosa, which leads to increased coughing.


Inhalations will help to quickly relieve a cough attack in normal home conditions. They should be carried out using a nebulizer. This device sprays medicinal solutions, and the aerosol is delivered directly to the site of inflammation. For inhalation at home it is recommended to use:

  • Alkaline mineral water with released gas, suitable for Borjomi and Essentuki;
  • Saline solution;
  • Baking soda solution.

If the cough is accompanied by bronchial obstruction, the doctor may prescribe Berodual. This drug is pre-diluted with saline solution.

To facilitate the removal of viscous sputum, inhalations with Ambroxol or Lazolvan are prescribed. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes, 3-4 sessions are performed per day, with medicinal solutions alternating.

When performing inhalations, the child should use a children's mask that fits well to the face.

Folk recipes

Time-tested folk recipes will help you quickly relieve a cough attack:

  1. Give half a teaspoon of honey to a coughing child. It should be dissolved randomly for several minutes. This method of treatment is suitable only for those children who are not allergic to bee products.
  2. Place a teaspoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of butter in a glass of well-heated milk. Give a drink to a sick child.
  3. Milk and soda are good for coughs. Add a pinch of baking soda to a glass of warmed milk and give it to the patient. You can add a little honey and cocoa to the milk to improve the taste.
  4. Raspberry tea will help relieve a cough attack. To do this, dissolve a few tablespoons of raspberry jam in water.

If a debilitating cough is caused by whooping cough, then during coughing attacks the patient should be taken into the bathroom and turn on the hot water. The steam softens the mucous membrane, causing the cough to stop.

In the old days, patients with whooping cough were kept near bodies of water. Humidified air helped reduce the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks.

How else to help the baby

There are a number of other effective methods that will help reduce the intensity of coughing attacks.

Warming compress

If the child's temperature is normal, then you can apply a warm compress to the chest. It can be made from boiled potatoes, rye flour and cottage cheese. The flatbread is placed on the chest, covered with cellophane and a warm scarf on top.


After therapeutic massage The sputum also comes off quickly and easily. You can do it even for infants:

  • Gently tap the baby's back with your fingertips, movements should be directed from bottom to top;
  • Rub the back with the ribs of the palms;
  • Stroke the back and chest of the sick child with warm palms.

Before execution massage techniques You can apply a little Pulmex Baby or Badger ointment on your palms. You can also use turpentine ointment, but it is first diluted with baby cream.

After the massage, a sick child can be given a few spoons of Borjomi mineral water. This will make coughing easier.

Mustard plasters

Mustard applications warm up well soft fabrics, reduce irritation and inflammation. For sick children, mustard plasters are applied for no more than 5 minutes. To avoid skin burns, the applications are placed on top of a layer of gauze. Alternatively, mustard plasters can be applied with the reverse side.

Help with an attack of false croup

Attacks of false croup always frighten both the sick child and the parents. IN in this case Medicines don’t help much, so you need to act in the following order:

  • A window is opened in the room so that there is an influx of fresh air;
  • They take the baby in their arms and try to calm him down. It must be remembered that crying and irritation further increase the intensity of the attack;
  • Inhalation is carried out with mineral water or saline solution. If there is no nebulizer, then the mineral water is heated to 50 degrees, after which the baby is placed next to the pan so that he can breathe in the vapor;
  • You can take the baby to the bathroom and run hot water there. Hot steam soothes severe coughs;
  • Do foot baths. Take well-warm water into a bowl or small bucket, add a little mustard powder and dip the baby’s feet into the solution. After the procedure, the feet are wiped dry and rubbed turpentine ointment and put on cotton socks.

If such actions do not help and the sick child’s condition is worsening every minute, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance!

When to see a doctor right away

There are a number of symptoms that indicate severe pathological processes, occurring in the baby’s body. You should not hesitate to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • If the high temperature does not go down well for three days;
  • If the coughed up sputum contains streaks of blood or foam;
  • If a coughing attack ends in vomiting;
  • If there is a lot of bubbling and wheezing in the baby’s chest.

If you have any symptoms, call a doctor immediately respiratory failure . In this case, the baby is weak and turns blue all over. nasolabial triangle and breathing is difficult.

An intense cough attack in a child is most easily relieved by inhalation through a nebulizer. Warm tea, milk with soda and honey, as well as warm compresses will help reduce irritation of the respiratory tract.

The cough can indeed be nocturnal, and it becomes problem for all households.

We will talk about the causes and treatment of night cough in a child in this article.

Concept and characteristics

A cough is a reflex action of the body to irritants, external or internal.

This is the mechanism that allows the body get rid of mucus residues.

Coughing can be periodic (no more than 20 times a day) or paroxysmal, when coughing becomes physically difficult.

Night cough as a phenomenon natural. During the day, the child still moves enough, he is mostly in an upright position, and cleansing of mucus occurs by itself.

The mucus is either swallowed or comes out through the nostrils. But when the child lies down, the mucus concentrates in the throat and nose, which is why coughing and called night(the child almost always lies down only at night).


There are several main causes of cough. The most common case is colds and ARVI.

In this situation, everything is recognizable and familiar: temperature (but it does not always rise), runny nose, weakness, lethargy, chills,...

Other causes of night cough:

Not only these reasons can provoke a night cough. Sometimes a cough occurs due to infectious diseases. They may not manifest themselves in any way at first, only a night cough will indicate pathology.

What diseases can it cause?

How to stop nocturnal attack Does your child have a cough? Safe way in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Active coughing attacks can torment a baby in dark time days, preventing both him and his parents from sleeping. When he coughs strainedly, you need to help him quickly. A dry cough in a child at night means that the body is protecting itself from pathological microorganisms, viruses and foreign mucus in an enhanced manner.

The evening attack periodically worsens so much that it prevents sleep. However, a strong cough only helps to clear the child's throat, trachea and bronchi. The task of parents at this stage is to understand the cause of the disease and smooth out its symptoms.

There are conditions that cause a dry cough at night:

  • ARVI, cold results.
  • Allergic processes. Call sudden cough, may become an allergen household chemicals or flower.
  • Bronchial asthma. Usually torments the child in the second half of the night.
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis, runny nose.
  • Chronic pharyngitis. It is expressed by a dry cough and sore throat.
  • Teething. Promotes mild night coughing.
  • Dry air causes irritation of the respiratory tract.
  • Helminthiasis. Some types of helminths migrate through the lungs.

Whooping cough is also characterized by similar symptoms. This is a type of bacterial infection of the respiratory system, which is accompanied by a buzzing “” and its characteristic tearing.

Dry cough throughout the night

The attack intensifies due to certain processes. The cause is diurnal fluctuations in the nervous, endocrine systems. Evening activity vagus nerve and the nervous system is strengthened, narrowing of the bronchi occurs and difficulty in releasing sputum. In a horizontal position, it is more difficult for the body to supply blood to the bronchi. If a child gets sick with rhinitis, which is not accompanied by an accumulation of sputum, when lying down, mucus suddenly flows from the nasal passages into the nasopharynx area. This causes reflex cough impulses of an intensified nature.

There are the following characteristics of dry cough in children:

  • Suffocating.
  • Gorlova.
  • Barking.
  • Whistling.

The attack is also assessed by duration and duration. There are acute, subacute and chronic forms.

Severe cough with attacks to the point of vomiting

When a child's throat, face, and neck muscles are very tense, the excessive pressure in the throat may trigger the gag reflex. Vomiting is not severe, but can recur during a prolonged attack. The reasons for this condition are:

  • Previous acute respiratory viral infections and their complications.
  • Tracheitis, tracheobronchitis.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Allergic reaction.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when contents from the gastric environment enter the esophagus. The juice irritates the walls of the throat, causing a dry cough, profuse salivation, and sometimes attacks of vomiting.

A dry cough is suffocating, very exhausting for the baby and takes a lot of energy from him. The urge to vomit occurs immediately at the moment of coughing. Often children are afraid of the next cough shocks, lest they vomit again.

The phenomenon of vomiting when coughing is not dangerous, unlike vomiting when infectious process, poisoning. However, such urges signal that the child’s condition requires immediate adult intervention.

Cough that gets worse in the morning

Continuous dry cough normal temperature may indicate bronchial asthma. This is an allergic phenomenon of a chronic nature, which develops when the lumen of the lower respiratory tract narrows. Bronchial asthma has become increasingly diagnosed in young children. Cough attacks occur more often closer to the morning, as well as during and after physical activity. The pathology is characterized by a wheezing cough with shortness of breath, varying in intensity and duration.

Parents often note that after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection and the disappearance of all symptoms of the disease, after 2-3 days, coughing attacks resume and torment the child at 4-5 in the morning. Pediatricians say that due to the disease, the immune system is weakened and irritation of the mucous membranes remains. This is why “cough” relapses occur as a residual phenomenon.

Adenoiditis is another common disease characterized by a coughing attack. Adenoids in children occur as a complication after suffering from sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases. Clinical sign Adenoiditis is a cough attack that occurs against the background of irritation of the nasopharynx with mucus or pus. Pathological cough is a reflex reaction to impaired nasal breathing. It is constant in nature, disturbing at night, closer to the morning. Often, adenoids require removal so that the child stops suffering and can sleep normally.

Cough without fever

The absence of hyperthermia in the presence of a cough indicates a viral process in the child’s body. The disease begins with a slight sore throat, is accompanied by mild irritation and can gradually develop into an obsessive coughing attack. If the cause of the illness is a strain of influenza, the child will feel much weaker. Influenza often passes without fever and is characterized by a dry and hoarse cough, which becomes productive and completely disappears only 8-12 days after applying the correct therapy.

Against the background of irritants environment may arise allergic reaction, not accompanied by temperature. The allergens are:

  • House dust.
  • Bird fluff.
  • Animal epithelial cells.
  • Dust mites.
  • Cockroaches.
  • Chemicals.
  • Pollen.
  • Perfumery.

Frequent interaction with allergic pathogens will cause a chronic cough attack that cannot be treated with antitussive drugs. The only symptomatic signs of an allergy are a cough, runny nose, redness and watery eyes.

Dry air also causes sharp, spasmodic exhalations. Low indoor humidity leads to a dry cough. The baby's mucous membrane is not sufficiently moisturized. Small allergens do not have the opportunity to settle on the floor. Dust, hair, and small particles regularly enter the respiratory tract and cause irritation. Summer heat also dries out mucous membranes. At this time, the respiratory system literally works to its limits. The baby's immunity decreases, spasmodic breathing follows a dry throat.

A dry cough attack is sometimes caused by helminths. A number of worms provoke coughing due to their accumulation in the lung tissues. Typically, helminths live in the intestines, gradually seeping into vascular system. They travel through the bloodstream to other organs. Penetration of larvae into the upper respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi, trachea) causes dysfunction.

How to stop a child's night cough?

Sometimes during the day the cough reflex is absent, while in the evening it cannot be stopped. In such a situation, you need to help the baby and calm him down. If a child has attacks of dry cough at night, you need to move the baby to vertical position, sitting him down in the crib. Warm milk will quickly soften the mucous membrane of the throat and relieve soreness. mineral water with soda, chamomile infusion. A spoon of honey and a piece of butter, which you need to slowly dissolve, will also help to overcome the problem. Medications are used to treat prolonged cough attacks. folk remedies, inhalation.


Drug treatment in children is carried out based on the child’s age, etiology of the disease and its course. Medicines for the treatment of dry cough differ in composition, mechanism of action and release form. There are herbal, synthetic and combined. At painful cough specialists most often prescribe antitussive drugs of central and peripheral action. The first act directly on the cough center located in the brain, stopping cough impulses. Peripheral agents suppress the cough reflex and have an anti-inflammatory effect without affecting the respiratory center.

Medicines for plant based They are better tolerated by children, dilute mucus and speed up its discharge.

IN therapeutic purposes medications may also be prescribed systemic action– antibiotics, antivirals, antihistamines. Such remedies do not stop coughing, but they can cure the cause of the disease. IN medical practice The following tools are actively used:

Table of cough suppressants for children

Drug nameActive substanceFeatures of the drug
GedelixIvy extractHerbal preparation for persistent cough prescribed from birth
Fluditek CarbocisteinePrescribed to children from birth
AmbroxolAmbroxolA mucolytic agent that thins mucus in the lungs. Prescribed from 1–1.5 months
oversleptIvy extractTreats both dry and wet cough. Well tolerated and can be given to infants from birth
SinekodButamirate citrateCentral acting drug. Available in different forms. Drops are indicated for children from 2–3 months
LinkasAdhatoda vasikaDesigned for babies from 6 months
GerbionPlantain, primrose and ivy extractRelieves cough, eliminates irritation of the respiratory tract. Applicable from 6 months
StoptussinButamirate dihydrogen citrate and guaifenesinIn the form of drops it is prescribed from 6 months. The medication taken depends on the child's weight
LibexinPrenoxdiazinePeripheral acting agent, reduces sensitivity nerve endings, relaxes the muscles of the bronchi. Indicated for children from the first year of life
MukaltinMarshmallow extractPrescribed for children over one year of age
BronholitinGlaucine hydrobromide, ephedrine hydrochlorideCombined drug. It has antispasmodic and bronchodilator properties. Eliminates dry cough. Designed for children from 3 years old
GlauventGlaucine hydrobromideAppointed from 4 years of age
ErespalFenspiride hydrochlorideCombined syrup with expectorant properties. Helps with allergies and bacterial cough. Used from 5 years

With absence elevated temperature, to ease the attack, experts prescribe warming ointments. The means of such action are Badger, Pulmex, Eucabal. Pediatricians recommend using ointments for children over 2 years of age.

Expert opinion

Safronova Marina Arkadyevna

If a child's dry cough is caused by allergies, whooping cough or false croup, in these cases the use of warming ointments can aggravate the baby's condition. For example, the strong-smelling and allergenic components of Doctor Mom especially often contribute to an allergic reaction.


The procedures allow you to quickly liquefy mucus and reduce spasms of the respiratory tract. Inhalations have a direct effect on the muscles and mucous membranes of organs. They are prescribed from a very early age and are indicated for the following diseases:

  • Sinusitis and tonsillitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis of viral and bacterial etiology.
  • , pneumonia.
  • Cystic fibrosis.

Inhalation treatments are also excellent preventative measure which helps prevent exacerbations chronic bronchitis, avoid stagnation. Steam techniques and nebulizers are widely used in home practice. The latter are more effective option, allow you to overcome the disease early stage its manifestations exist in almost every medical institution. Their use is allowed even for children under 1 year of age.

The nebulizer allows you to accurately dose the drug and control the temperature. It eliminates the possibility of burns to the upper respiratory tract. The mechanism of action is the splitting medicinal product on the smallest particles and their penetration deep into the respiratory tract. This ensures the possibility of acting directly on the area of ​​inflammation. The product is diluted saline solution in a special glass. For one procedure you will need no more than 4 ml of the finished drug.

It is worth considering that 1 ml of saline solution is consumed by the nebulizer itself for operation.

The medicine is split into small particles of different diameters, ensuring penetration to a certain level of the respiratory tract. Elements measuring 2-4 microns can penetrate directly into the alveoli. For children, the use of masks that fit closely to the face is recommended. For older children, there is a special tube-mouthpiece that is wrapped around the lips. For inhalation for dry cough, children are prescribed the following medications:

If your body temperature is above 37.5 °C, steam inhalation is prohibited.

When working with a nebulizer, you need to remember that all procedures are carried out half an hour after eating. Food intake is carried out no earlier than an hour after inhalation. The maximum duration of the therapeutic course is 12 days. Inhalations can be performed every four hours.

Folk remedies

There are ways that can help a child with a dry cough at night at home. Proven folk remedies will eliminate the cough reflex. Before starting therapy, you need to find out what type of pathogen caused the disease. Often the symptom appears during ARVI. In this case it is enough bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Parents should respond carefully to changes in the child's condition.

To calm a cough, babies under one year of age are advised to drink a warm drink - this can be milk, water, compote, lime tea, chamomile decoction. If the child is not prone to allergies, you can add ¼ teaspoon of honey to the drink. A piece of butter with milk will also effectively relieve a cough attack before bed.

Ground 100 g of barley, poured 250 ml of water, brewed in a water bath for 20–30 minutes. The drink should be rare, it is filtered and given to the child several times a day, ¼ cup. Children under one year of age are given 1–2 teaspoons.

Pine buds have healing properties. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. To prepare the product, you need to bring the milk to a boil, add a tablespoon of pine buds to it and leave for at least three hours. The drink is intended for children over 3 years old. You should drink ¼ glass 2 times a day.

Another folk recipe is also intended for children over 3 years old and involves the use of onions. Its rings need to be boiled in milk. IN ready drink add a teaspoon of honey. You need to give your child one tablespoon of water every 2-3 hours.

Mustard will help quickly get rid of a dry cough. A tablespoon of its grains is mixed with vegetable oil, honey and 9% vinegar in equal proportions. The mixture needs to be heated, add a few tablespoons of flour to it and make two. One of them is placed on the child’s chest, the other on the back. It is important to place gauze and a layer under them cling film. Cover the top with a towel and lie with the compress for 10–15 minutes. If the child reports pain and burning, the compress should be removed immediately.

- one of the strongest means against colds and coughs. The root is grated or finely chopped with a knife. For a glass of boiling water you need ginger on the tip of a teaspoon. You can add currants, raspberries, honey or sugar to the finished liquid. It is better to drink the drink before bed - it perfectly relieves spasms of the respiratory tract and a sore throat. The recipe is suitable for children aged three years and older.

Komarovsky about night cough

Many doctor's videos talk about how to properly deal with a child's coughing attack. Evgeniy Olegovich claims that cough is an important component immune system. This effective method cleaning the respiratory tract, which allows you to get rid of excessively accumulated mucus in the bronchi. The main thing when coughing is to prevent the mucus from drying out. According to the doctor, a dry cough needs cool, moist air and plenty of fluids.

There is actually no need for mucolytics until the age of two. The doctor suggests giving up expectorant medications altogether. Drinking warm liquid, rinsing your nose and constantly humidifying the air will achieve the same effect without any risk. In order to moisten a dry cough, you need to bathe your baby often - moist air thins the mucus and helps to cough.

The most common cause of a nighttime dry cough in a child is a runny nose. It is enough to place the pillow higher, and the problem will be solved - the baby will be able to sleep. It is also permissible to use vasoconstrictor drops, but only in as a last resort. It is important to monitor the quality of the baby’s linen and remove dust sources, especially during illness. The doctor insists that daytime walks should not fall out of the child’s schedule. Fresh air is one of the the most effective methods treatment. However, if your body temperature is elevated, or the weather outside is “non-flying”, you should definitely stay at home.

When a child has a dry cough, it is important to create the right conditions environment to stop it. The speed of health recovery depends on this. Humidity levels should be maintained between 50-70%. A humidifier will help adjust this indicator. If it is not available, you can hang wet cloths over the radiators and frequently wipe the floors. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 19 degrees. The room must be constantly ventilated. You need to know that the critical period from the start of therapy is considered to be 2 weeks. If during this time you have not been able to cope with the cough on your own, it does not stop and there is a dynamics of deterioration, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Golubeva Natalia Nikolaevna

Diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases in children.

24 years of experience.

There can be many reasons for a sudden and prolonged cough, ranging from common factors: development viral infection, allergies and lung diseases, to less common helminthic infestations, pathologies of the thyroid gland or contact with the mucous membrane of the larynx of small foreign bodies. Regardless of the reason that provokes the cough reflex, quick withdrawal attack is the main help for a suffering person.

Coughing attack and its dangers

Prolonged coughing attacks bother people mainly at night; most often they are a symptom of some kind of serious illness, and do not develop as an independent disease. Among mothers of frequently ill children or people with allergies, you can often hear about coughing attacks during which it is difficult to breathe and fully clear the airways. Constant and frequent attacks of dry cough can damage the laryngeal mucosa and gradually exhaust the patient. In addition, a non-productive dry cough does not relieve a person of bacteria, viruses and sputum, and is therefore more dangerous.

Doctors call a dry cough unproductive because it does not help clear the airways.

A coughing attack develops especially often in young children between six months and two to three years of age; among adults, this symptom is more rare. It's connected with anatomical feature structure of the larynx and respiratory system of small patients: infants and young children have a very narrow funnel-shaped larynx, up to a centimeter thick, as well as underdeveloped muscles that facilitate breathing. All these nuances lead to rapid emergence swelling of the laryngeal mucosa, in which its lumen is reduced by half. Therefore than younger child, the greater the chance of a rapid spread of infection in the throat and the development of complications in the form of coughing attacks.

False croup, as a rule, attacks a child unexpectedly, most often at night

Does this condition require calling a doctor or can it be resolved independently? If the child toddlers in addition to coughing, is breathing heavily, has bluish skin and a foggy consciousness, then you should not hesitate - this condition is called false croup. If these signs are obvious, you should call an ambulance, let the doctors examine the child, and, if hospitalization is necessary, agree to go to the hospital. Coughing and difficulty breathing can be symptoms of extreme dangerous diseases-, obstructive, and bronchial asthma.

How to help a sick person at home

Provide assistance with paroxysmal cough possible without calling doctors, if the sick person does not have other alarming and dangerous symptoms: shortness of breath, high temperature, bluish skin and loss of consciousness.

At night, it is necessary to place another pillow under the patient’s back in order to change its position to a more vertical one: in this position, the development of an attack is less likely, since the back wall the larynx will not produce mucus irritant effect.

To alleviate the condition, it is recommended that the patient change the tilt of the pillow.

All general rules getting rid of attacks comes down to the rapid transition of a painful dry cough into a more productive wet one. To do this, the patient must be provided with sufficient fluids ( herbal infusions, tea, warm milk with honey, compote, still mineral water, etc.) and create conditions for moisture to enter the respiratory tract from the outside:

  • humidifying the air using a special device or by hanging wet towels, sheets, and placing containers of water;
  • taking a shower or bath provided there is no high body temperature;
  • regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is located.

If an adult suffers from coughing attacks smoking man, then he should get rid of addiction at least until full recovery- this will contribute to faster and easier recovery from paroxysmal cough.

Video: how to relieve a dry cough attack correctly

Use of medications

It is better to take certain cough medications only after consulting a doctor, since it is necessary to correctly determine the type of cough: dry or wet, only then select more effective medicines. Without correct diagnosis you can only make the situation worse.

For those who do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, there is special group drugs, equally suitable for the treatment of both dry and wet cough. For children from one year of age and adults, it is recommended to use Prospan, a herbal medicine that can be found both in the form of drops for inhalation and in the form of syrup. Prospan based on ivy extract helps to cope with coughing attacks and has both an expectorant and antitussive effect, promoting a faster transition of cough into productive one.

The drug has virtually no effect side effects, it can be given to pregnant women and even babies

Drugs for the treatment of dry cough attacks

A dry cough can be recognized by the following signs:

  • a sore throat;
  • soreness;
  • insufficient relief from cough;
  • lack of expectoration of sputum.

Taking medications that relieve irritation in the throat and moisturize the cough is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. Many of these drugs affect the cough center in the brain and block its functioning; some medications (codeine-based) can be addictive.

For a dry cough, it is good to take medications that actively promote mucus removal. After the cough changes to wet, doctors prescribe other drugs: expectorants or mucolytics (thinning phlegm).

  • Herbion with plantain extract;
  • Dr. MOM;

Such drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor, especially for children. These medications should not be taken simultaneously with mucolytic medications - this can lead to serious complications.

Photo gallery: drugs for dry cough

Sinecode - strong and effective drug, which has a suppressive effect on the cough center of the brain and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect Bronchicum can be used for any type of cough, it helps to liquefy and remove mucus Gerbion is a herbal remedy with antitussive, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. The main active ingredient of Codelac Neo is codeine, which can be addictive. Omnitus has a direct effect on the cough center, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect Stoptussin is a combined action drug that suppresses cough and reduces sputum viscosity

For attacks of dry cough, taking strong medications is justified if it is a symptom of an allergy. These medications may have a negative effect on nervous system, so in case respiratory diseases It is preferable to relieve coughing attacks by humidifying the air and drinking a sufficient amount of warm liquid.

Medicines to relieve attacks of wet cough

Attacks of wet cough are characterized by the passage of sputum clots, easier or more difficult, depending on its viscosity. Often during the next coughing attack you can hear wheezing in the chest, as well as a kind of bubbling or gurgling. Medicines taken to relieve this symptom should facilitate the removal of phlegm and help increase the mucus that is expelled when coughing (if necessary).

In the treatment of wet cough, inhalations are often prescribed, such as steam inhalations based on recipes traditional medicine, and with the use of special medications that the patient breathes using a nebulizer.

Steam inhalations prohibited in children under 4 years of age due to high probability development of bronchospasm, it is better to use a nebulizer to treat cough

IN the latter case expectorants and mucolytic drugs are best suited, which, in addition to increased expectoration of sputum, can provide antiseptic and antibacterial effect. These effects are very important during attacks of wet cough, since a bacterial infection can easily attach to difficult-to-remove mucus and develop more serious disease: pneumonia or purulent bronchitis.

To relieve attacks of wet cough, you need to get rid of its cause - inflammatory process in the bronchi, as well as edema of lung tissue. When the bronchial lumen returns to normal size The coughing attack subsides, swelling and inflammation decrease. Preparations based on fenspiride relieve spasms in the bronchi and have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Siresp;
  • Eladon;
  • Epistat;
  • Erispirus.

Mucolytic drugs that can thin sputum include agents based on bromhexine:

  • Ascoril;
  • Bronchosan;
  • Cashnol.

Medicines based on ambroxol:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Halixol;
  • Ambrogesal;
  • Ambrosan;
  • Flavamed;
  • Codelac Broncho;
  • Orvis Broncho.

Mucolytics, the main substance of which is acetylcysteine;

  • Acetylcysteine ​​Teva;
  • ACC long;
  • Fluimucil.

Mucolytics are not recommended for use by toddlers, since the use of such drugs can cause “swamping” of the lungs, and, as a result, provoke serious complications. The best solution for children is to take medications with a mucolytic and at the same time expectorant effect: Bromhexine or Ambroxol.

Drugs in which active substance carbocysteine ​​acts:

  • Fluditek;
  • Libexin Muco;
  • Bronchobos;
  • Libexin.

I am familiar with attacks of wet cough firsthand; unfortunately, for two years in a row, every spring my daughter has been suffering from pneumonia. We periodically see a pulmonologist to monitor emerging cough or general malaise, in order to, if possible, control the development of pneumonia. When we went to the pulmonologist to register, my daughter was recovering from her first pneumonia, and, to my horror, within a week she again developed a wet cough in the form of night attacks. We were already imagining returning to the hospital and taking antibiotics, but the doctor, after listening to our lungs, suggested that we just drink syrup. I was shocked: how will regular syrup without an antibiotic prevent complications? But, on the advice of a pulmonologist, I gave my daughter a drug based on carbocysteine, half an hour before meals. In addition, we had a massage and the baby constantly drank some kind of liquid: juice, tea, water, her favorite compote - it doesn’t matter. It was unexpected, but already on the first night my daughter slept peacefully and was not tormented by a wet cough. A week later we forgot about this symptom during the daytime.

Bronchodilator drugs are more often used for attacks of wet cough caused by bronchospasm. This situation is often observed in bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These drugs include Berodual, Serevent, Salbutamol and other prescription drugs.

Photo gallery: popular drugs for wet cough

Berodual - popular inexpensive drug, helps with bronchial spasm Fluifort is excellent in relieving coughing attacks accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate sputum. Lazolvan improves sputum discharge and relieves cough; in this dosage form it is suitable for inhalation ACC promotes increased mucus removal; taking the drug hot relieves coughing faster Bromhexine increases the secretion of secretions by the bronchial glands and is less toxic compared to other cough medications Erespal is able not only to relieve coughing spells, but also to help eliminate the current inflammatory process in the lungs

Folk remedies

Before using any of the folk remedies, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the components suggested in the recipe. Many of the ingredients of the product (honey, oil, baking soda) may cause negative reaction sick.

Warm milk remedy

At the onset of an attack of dry cough, you can give this drink, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Warm milk for coughs is a method passed down from generation to generation as a homemade panacea for relieving coughs from colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Heat the milk so that it is as hot as possible, but does not burn (about 50 0 C).
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to it and stir thoroughly.
  3. Wait until the oil and honey are completely dissolved.

The drink should be drunk hot, in small sips. The product softens the throat and well moisturizes the damaged laryngeal mucosa.

Onion broth

Onions have long been known as one of the best antiviral natural remedies. You can calm a cough by preparing an onion decoction, but not with water, but with milk.

It is best to boil the onion in milk until soft; if you are limited in time, then the onion can be cut into pieces


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Preparation of the drink:

  1. One onion should be washed and peeled.
  2. Place the onion in a saucepan and pour in a glass of milk.
  3. Cook the onion in milk over low heat for 50 minutes, then remove the vegetable.

The drink should be drunk while still warm, taken in teaspoons until the cough completely calms down.

Recipe with black radish

This root vegetable is known for its effectiveness in treating coughs and relieving attacks. For cooking healing agent It will take time, so it is better to prepare it in advance.

Radish juice contains a complex of phytoncides that have an immunostimulating, antiviral and mucolytic effect.


  • black radish - 1 large root vegetable;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Using a knife, cut a hole in the radish and discard the excess.
  2. Add honey to the resulting hole.
  3. Place the radish in a warm place for 4–5 hours.
  4. Mix the juice formed in the cavity with honey.

Radish should not be used for inflammation of the stomach or pancreas, as well as for gastrointestinal ulcers and existing severe heart pathologies.

Herbal tea with ginger

To prepare a remedy that helps relieve a cough attack, you can take any herbal tea, for example, use chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. The flowers are first poured with hot, non-boiling water for 20 minutes to preserve useful substances. Tea is ready.

The tea will relieve pain and irritation in the throat, warm you up and help cope with coughing attacks.



  1. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, take 1 teaspoon of the root.
  2. Add ginger to chamomile tea and stir.
  3. If necessary, strain the drink.

Ginger root has a good warming effect, so it can be seen in many folk recipes against cough The drug is taken every 4 hours and during a coughing attack.

Preventing coughing attacks

No matter how trivial the recommendation to adhere to the principles sounds healthy image life, but even here it does not lose its relevance. The likelihood of developing a coughing attack will be reduced with frequent and long walks. fresh air, as well as when quitting smoking and visiting places with accumulation of tobacco smoke.

At allergic cough care must be taken to reduce the risk of encountering an allergen: it is recommended to wet clean the house as often as possible, get rid of flowers and household items made from wool and fluff (carpets, pillows), house pets, and remove mold. The air should be clean and humidified, preferably in winter time use a humidifier for years.

Often coughing attacks can be caused by eating odorous and aromatic spices, spicy seasonings and carbonated drinks.

If the patient is most concerned about cold cough, then it’s worth boosting your immunity by consuming healthy products And vitamin complexes, sports and hardening (using contrast shower, walking barefoot in the summer). Good help The pool helps in this matter: swimming helps improve performance respiratory system, strengthen muscles chest and increase blood supply to the lungs.

It is also important to promptly treat an incipient illness and get vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal infection, this will help avoid development serious complications. Compliance with all recommendations for prescribed treatment and dosages of medications, visiting a massage therapist and herbalist will help you quickly overcome the disease and not return to it for a long time.

Coughing attacks can be relieved at home, but the patient’s condition should always be monitored. Severe shortness of breath, cyanosis skin, obvious lack of air are signals to call a doctor. If you know that one of your family members has a predisposition to coughing attacks, then you should take care in advance to prevent their occurrence and take measures to help: keep medications at home, agreed upon with your doctor, prepare in advance folk remedies that will help alleviate the patient’s condition. The right help and timely contact with a doctor will contribute to a speedy recovery.

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