Body acidity products. What is an alkaline system? Changes in Health as Balance Shifts

Proper nutrition is the key good health person. “We are what we eat” is a centuries-tested truth. But, as a rule, we try to monitor the energy composition of food. Be sure to take into account the calorie content of certain products. We pay due attention to the vitamin composition.

But we completely forget about acidity alkaline balance our body. But the state of human health depends on its ratio. And many diseases are triggered by a violation of the acid-base ratio in the blood.

For normal functioning of all organs and systems, it is necessary to eat 20-25% acidic foods, and 75-80% meadow.

Alkaline foods and their role

Alkaline are natural products plant origin. They saturate the body with all the necessary valuable substances and at the same time work like a brush: they cleanse and remove all harmful components. An alkaline environment is most harmonious for the proper functioning of all human cells. This plant food, which is easily digestible, does not cause difficulty in processing by the gastrointestinal tract and does not leave harmful toxic substances.

Harm from excess acidic foods

Sour foods are foods of animal origin. It is difficult for the body to absorb, and it is difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to digest it. Such products leave toxins and waste in the body. These harmful substances gradually accumulate in the cells of the body and cause many diseases. The most common among them are: osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, gout.

At regular use If acidic foods are consumed, the body works in increased mode and is quickly depleted. This leads to such unpleasant symptoms like causeless weakness, fast fatiguability, apathy, insomnia, lack of appetite, headache of unknown etiology.

The skin becomes dry and a rash appears in the form of acne. Work is disrupted gastrointestinal tract- bloating and belching appear. A lack of calcium in an overly acidified body causes muscle and joint pain, and overall immunity decreases.

What happens in the body when there is excessive acidification?

When acid-base balance is not disturbed in the body, then carbonic, uric and lactic acids, which are released from acidic foods as a result of metabolism, are neutralized by the puddle environment. But if there is an imbalance towards acidity, then the body uses additional resources to neutralize the acid.

To combat acidity, sodium is used as the “heavy artillery”. Gradually, its reserves in the body are exhausted, then calcium reserves are used. Calcium is removed by the body from skeletal system and from teeth.

As a result, calcium deficiency leads to brittle and brittle bones. Teeth also lose their strength. Such a malfunction in the body leads to a disease such as osteoporosis. The body urgently needs additional calcium. And from food, with age, calcium is difficult to absorb and a vicious circle results.

In this state of the human body, irreversible processes of degeneration of the body occur at the cellular level. The body simply wears out and the aging process accelerates.

How to prevent acidification in the body

In order to maintain the acid-base balance at the proper level, it is necessary to adjust the diet, making it as balanced and beneficial for the body as possible. Calcium, potassium, sodium, copper, magnesium and iron have an alkaline effect on the body. An acid reaction in the body is caused by lactic, uric and carbonic acids, as well as carbon dioxide, phosphorus, iodine, chlorine, and sulfur.

To maintain the normal ratio of acidic and alkaline substances, you need to consume 2 parts of acidic foods and 6 parts of alkaline foods throughout the day. The list below will help with this.

List of Alkaline Foods

Of the fruits that have the most alkalizing effect:

  1. apricots, dried apricots;
  2. figs;
  3. peaches;
  4. plums, prunes.

To a lesser extent, alkaline properties are present in the following fruits:

  1. apples;
  2. bananas;
  3. pineapples;
  4. avocado.

The most alkaline berries are:

  1. currant;
  2. watermelon;
  3. strawberry;
  4. raspberries.

The following berries have less alkaline properties:

  1. cherry;
  2. cherries.

Vegetables that have a pronounced alkaline effect are:

The alkaline effect is less pronounced in the following vegetables:

  1. potato;
  2. artichoke.

Among other groups of products, the following have an alkaline effect:

  • melons;
  • oatmeal;
  • ginger;
  • parsley;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • asparagus;
  • sea ​​kale.

List of sour foods

The foods that most acidify the body include:

  1. Coffee, tea, all sweet carbonated drinks, beer;
  2. Fried, hot, spicy dishes;
  3. Sweet confectionery products;
  4. Jams, preserves;
  5. Meat and offal;
  6. Nuts (especially peanuts);
  7. Eggs;
  8. Pasta;
  9. Squids, mussels;
  10. Legumes.

Table of acidifying and alkalizing products

Alkaline products (+) Sour foods (-)
Apricots +++ Peanut -
Dried apricots ++++ Starch -
Peaches +++ Corn grits -
Currant +++ Barley grits -
Watermelon +++ Flour -
Melon +++ Mutton -
Currant +++ Ham -
Bananas++ Bacon -
Apples++ Veal -
Figs ++++ Chicken -
Grapes++ Cheese -
Prunes +++ Fish -
Orange +++ Liver -
Dates++ Cancers -
Cherries++ Game -
Carrot ++++ Mussels -
Tomatoes ++++ Shrimps -
Beetroot ++++ Eggs -
Cucumbers +++ Cream -
Potatoes +++ Beans -
Pepper +++ Butter -
Radish +++ Oysters -
Oat groats +++ Bread -
Milk +++ Baking -
Serum +++ Jelly -
Green peas++ Jam -
Asparagus++ Jam -
Raisin++ Mamalyga -
Cranberry + Pasta -

To maintain a normal acid-base balance, you must adhere to these recommendations from specialists.

The acid-base table of foods will help you in creating the optimal diet. The acid-base balance should consist of 70-80% alkaline foods and 20-30% acid-forming foods. There are good and bad acid-forming foods out there, it's important to know the difference. Because bad acids should be avoided consistently. It is not always easy to correctly correlate the basic and acid-forming properties of food products in everyday life.


Acid-base balance

The blood needs the right balance of acidic and basic (alkaline) compounds to proper operation. This is called acid-base balance. Your kidneys and lungs work to maintain acid-base balance. Even small deviations from the normal range can have a significant impact on your vital organs.

Acid and alkaline levels are measured on the pH scale. An increase in acidity causes the pH level to drop. An increase in alkalinity causes an increase in pH levels.

When the level of acid in the blood is too high, it is called acidosis. When your blood is too alkaline, it is called alkalosis.

And alkalosis is caused by a problem with the lungs. Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are caused by a kidney problem.

Each of these acid-base imbalances is caused by an underlying disease or disorder. Treatment depends on the cause.

How to check the acid-base balance of the body

It is not easy to tell what the acid-base balance is at any given time. The only real external signals that can be are - weak bones, receding gums, weak or broken teeth and muscle loss, and even these signs are not necessarily indicative.

This is why checking your acid-base balance is so important for your health. Testing your body's pH will give you an idea of ​​whether your body is tending toward metabolic acidity or being in the balanced, slightly alkaline state that it needs. This test is relatively simple and can be performed in your own home.

Acid-base balance of urine

It is better to test the second urine of the day. Your first urine will be overly acidic as it dumps waste from the night before. When you're ready, just tear off small piece litmus paper and place it in the stream of urine for a few seconds. Or, you can pee in a small cup and dip the paper in your urine that way.

Look at the color of your paper and compare it to the color chart on the litmus paper. You want to target a urine pH level of 6.0-6.5. Although many alkalizing diets and websites will claim that 7.0-7.5 is needed, I don't think this is ideal based on science and my research. If you check later in the day and your urine is more like 6.5-7.0, this is normal as we become more alkaline during the day.

Acid-base balance measurement

First, our kidneys need to eliminate acids, so we want our urine to do acid work. If the urine is too alkaline, it could mean that the kidneys are not working properly or there is something going on in the metabolic state. Keep in mind that some supplements, such as vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium, may throw off your pH balance a little in some cases. If you want to know your "true" pH, go a few days without supplements and then test again.

Acid-base balance of saliva

This measures your body's enzyme stores and the function of digestive organs such as the stomach, pancreas and liver. You need to check first in the morning before brushing your teeth or even drinking water. The ideal range is 6.5-7.0. This shows that you have a good supply of minerals, but it also shows that you are digesting your food well. If more than 7.0, your digestive system may be a little sluggish and you may have problems with gas, constipation and mildew/mildew.

Our acid-base chart lists virtually all alkaline and all acid-forming foods.

You may be wondering why we keep talking about the alkaline diet and not the basal diet. This is simply because we do not recommend an alkaline diet as a permanent diet:

A purely basal diet is excellent for detoxification and also accompanies a colon cleanse. Thus, the main diet is more for short-term actions.
-Basic nutrition consists not only of alkaline foods, but also acidic foods. After all, not all acid-forming foods are bad and unhealthy.

What does alkaline mean?

Don't think that the designation is alkaline, it's like alkaline soap.
Rather, it is about how food acts in the body and what substances are produced when it is metabolized in the body.
Please note that there are currently many different acid-base tables on the Internet or in the literature - and they are all different more or less from each other.

Alkaline Fruit Chart

Apples Mango
A pineapple
Apricots Nectarines
Avocado Olives (green, black) Grapefruit
Bananas Oranges
Clementine Papaya
fresh dates Peaches
Strawberry Prunes
Figs Lingonberries
Grapefruit Quince
Blueberries Currants (red, white, black)
Raspberry Gooseberry
Melons Dried Fruits
Cherries (sour, sweet;) Watermelons
Kiwi Grapes (white, red)
Limes Lemons
Tangerines Prunes

Alkaline Vegetables Chart

Algae (Nori, Wakame, Hijiki, Chlorella, Spirulina) Okra
Artichokes Pepper
Eggplant Parsnips
Whitening Celery Parsley Root
Cauliflower Radish
Green beans Radishes (white, black)
Broccoli Romanesco (Flowers)
Chicory Brussels sprouts
Chinese cabbage Beetroot
Peas, fresh cabbage leaf
Fennel Shallot
Green onion Black root
Cabbage Asparagus
Cucumbers Cabbage Spitz (Sugar Loaf)
Potato Tomato (raw)
Garlic White cabbage
Kohlrabi Savoy
Pumpkin types Zucchini
Leek (Leek) Onion
Chard Celery
(white turnips)

Tables of alkaline mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms Shiitake
Champignons White mushrooms
Rings Truffles
Chanterelles...and many others

Table of Alkaline Herbs and Alkaline Salads

Batavia salad Lollo-Salads (Biondo/Rosso)
Savory Marjoram
Borage Horseradish
Spanish Salad
Cress Melissa
Chinese cabbage Nutmeg
Chicory Carnations
Pepper Oregano
Dill Parsley
Watercress salad Pepper (all types)
Iceberg lettuce
Chicory Allspice
Field salad Rosemary
Fennel seeds Arugula (Arugula)
Friseesalat Saffron
Garden Cress
Ginger Sorrel
Capers Green onions
Cardamom Black Cumin
Chervil celery leaves
Coriander Thyme
Salad Vanilla
Cress Wild Herbs
Cumin Hyssop
Cumin Cinnamon
Pan di Azucar Bitter winter salad
Lovage...and many others

Alkaline Sprouts Table

Alfalfa-Sprouts Radishes-Cabbage
Fenugreek Sprouts Radish Sprouts
Brown Millet Sprouts Rye Shoots
Broccoli-Cabbage Cabbage-Cabbage
Spelled sprouts Arugula Sprouts
Barley sprouts Mustard sprouts
Millet-Sprouts Seeds-Sprouts
Flax Seeds Wheat Sprouts Shoots
Lentil Sprouts...and many others

Table of Alkaline Nuts and Seeds

Forest Almond
Walnut Maroni (Chestnuts)

Alkaline protein

Lupine Protein Tablets Lupine flour

Alkaline Drinks

Fruit smoothie
Green Smoothie
Herbal teas
Protein shake with Lupine protein
Water with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
Lemon water (200 ml water with the juice of half a lemon)

Acid-Forming Products

Sour or acid-forming foods should be combined with main foods as much as possible.
Acid-forming foods are not automatically bad or unhealthy in any way. On the contrary, there are foods that can act acid-forming, but at the same time are very healthy, such as nuts or legumes.
Unlike the bad ones, they only act on a few levels of acidification.
The so-called good acidic foods should definitely be included in the nutritional base, while you abstain from the bad ones.

Good acid-forming foods

  • Organic grains (such as spelt, Kamut or barley in small quantities - much like wheat germ or sprouts)
  • Grain products such as bulgur and couscous, but from spelt, from wheat
  • Oats/oat flakes (BIO-quality)
  • Millet rice and whole grains (brown rice)
  • Legumes (e.g. bean kernels, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc.)
  • Cocoa powder High Quality, as well as homemade chocolate
  • Corn (eg polenta, corn pasta)
  • Nuts (eg. walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, coconut flakes frost (also coconut), etc.)
  • Oilseeds (e.g. sesame, hemp seed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, Poppy, Chia seeds, etc.; the seeds are sprouted, they become more alkaline depending on the sprout)
  • Plant-based protein powders (if protein deficient), such as hemp protein, rice protein, and pea protein
  • Pseudo-grains (eg quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat)
  • Animal products from organic Agriculture V in moderation(such as organic eggs or fish from organic aquaculture)
  • Tofu (organic only) and quality fermented organic soy products such as miso and tempeh

Good acid-forming drinks

  • Green tea (properly prepared - under low temperatures and short brewing)
  • Lupine coffee
  • Drinking chocolate (homemade, such as almond milk and raw cocoa powder)
  • High quality herbal drinks: rice drink, oat drink, soy drink – respectively without Süssungsmittel, flavourings, thickeners, etc.

Bad acid-forming foods (animals)

  • Eggs from traditional farming
  • Fish and seafood from conventional aquaculture or from contaminated regions
  • Meat from traditional agriculture
  • Meat Broth, Sausages, Ham
  • Dairy products (for example, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, whey and all cheeses, also sheep and goat; and low-fat dairy products)

Exception: butter, ghee and cream (bio-quality), which can be classified neutrally

Bad acid-forming foods (plant-based)

  • Vinegar (wine vinegar, exception: unclarified apple cider vinegar)
  • Finished products of all types
  • Cereal products made from flour (Bread and pasta, such as bread, buns, pretzels, cakes, cookies, sweet particles, pasta, etc., some breakfasts, e.g. corn flakes, Ready-made corn flakes, crunchies, etc.)
  • Gluten containing products (for example, seitan products such as vegetarian sausages, bolognese, etc.)
  • Ketchup (exception: homemade, such as tomato and date ketchup)
  • Sour canned food
  • Mustard (exception: high quality organic mustard)
  • Soy products (if highly processed, particularly textured soy proteins
  • Ice cream (water, soy and frozen yogurt - exception: Alkaline ice)
  • Sugar (all products that contain sugar) – coconut sugar.

Bad Acid Forming Drinks

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks

Carbonated drinks (such as lemonade, cola, etc.), soft drinks, such as juice from concentrate, protein drinks, sweetened milkshakes, weight loss drinks.
Coffee, beans, instant and decaffeinated coffee
Mineral water and generally carbonated drinks
Tea (black tea, fruit tea, iced tea, etc., only Herb tea alkaline)

Don't forget to drink clean water!

Back in 1931, Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburgfrom Germany received Nobel Prize linking the appearance of cancer with a violation of the acid-base balance (pH) in the human body. The fact is that cancer cells arise and multiply in an acidic environment, and die in an alkaline environment within a few hours.

The normal level of alkaline balance in the body is 7.36 and it directly depends on what we eat and what we drink. Simply put, everything that gets into us either oxidizes or alkalizes our body.

Otto Warburg continued his research and made another amazing discovery: cancer can be cured with... calcium. And calcium, as everyone knows, is an alkali! But today’s article is not about calcium, but about foods that either lower or increase the alkaline balance of our body.

Normal acid-base balance is one of the MOST important conditions proper functioning of all chemical processes in our body. The supply of oxygen to every cell of our body and the normal functioning of all cells depend on the acid-base balance. If the balance is disturbed, the metabolism is disturbed. The cell stops receiving oxygen, weakens, the body stops fighting, and pathologies arise. A healthy acid-base balance is the key to the proper functioning of all body systems: starting from absorption useful elements and ending with the removal of processed food waste and cleansing the body of toxins and waste.

The food we eat and process leaves waste in us. To combat oxidizing waste, our bodies have reserves of alkali, but they are not unlimited. To fight oxidizing waste, our body gives up its reserves of minerals that are vital for us: first sodium, which we already have very little of, and then calcium, magnesium. Teeth suffer, and bones become brittle and porous, which in medicine is called osteoporosis. The body begins to age prematurely.

Unfortunately, in high-speed modern world basic food products are products fast food and they promote oxidation in the body. It's vital to consciously add more to your diet. products that increase the alkaline balance in the body. Our organs should have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH of 7.36. If the pH of the body is below 7.36, the environment is acidic and this is called acidosis. Many symptoms and illnesses that affect most modern people, indicate precisely acidosis, acidification of the body.

How to check your acid-base balance?

Testing yourself is quite simple. There are special litmus strips that you can use to easily determine your pH level, even at home. You can also get tested in a laboratory. You can test saliva or urine.

Urine pH indicators and their interpretation:

– 5.5 – 6.4 – acidic environment,

– 6.5 – 7.5 – neutral,

- more than 7.5 - alkaline environment.

It is important to remember that the very first time you go to the toilet in the morning, your urine will be more acidic. This is due to the fact that the kidneys cleanse the body all night and remove remaining acid. It is better to check the acid level the second time you go to the toilet. The acidity of urine is influenced by many factors, so it is better to take several acidity measurements and calculate the arithmetic average before drawing a conclusion about your level of acid-base balance.

Remember that if your pH is less than 7, unfortunately, your body has a favorable environment for the proliferation of infections, fungi, viruses, etc.

Signs of body acidification

In fact, the state of the body’s acid-base balance is not deservedly ignored in the modern world. Doctors often treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Apparently, they have already lost hope for patient awareness and a return to healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.

As mentioned above, a lack of calcium in the bones is most often a consequence of acidity in the body. Increased acidity also leads to headache, upset stomach, joint pain, allergies, decreased immunity. Affects the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. Violation of the acid-base balance VERY STRONGLY affects endocrine system human: causes malfunctions thyroid gland, pancreas, disrupts the balance of all hormones in the body. General malaise, fatigue, frequent colds, and skin diseases can also indicate acidity in the body. Acidification occurs cumulatively, from minor symptoms to severe disruptions in the functioning of the body.

What to do to save the right balance in organism? Use more foods that increase the alkaline balance in the body.

For healthy person in the diet it is important to adhere to the ratio of oxidizing and alkalizing products 50X50, for the patient 80X20 (80% alkalizing, 20% oxidizing products).

Acidosis and your weight?

With acidosis (oxidation of the body), weight begins to grow rapidly. Not having time to cope with oxidizing food residues, the body sends them to body fat. The more acidified your body is, the easier and faster you gain excess weight. In addition, with acidosis, the level of cortisol increases, which regulates metabolic processes, and insulin levels are disrupted. These disorders also lead to the deposition of fat accumulation.

As a result, the more acidic your body is, the harder and harder it is for you to burn calories, and your fat accumulation grows faster and faster, adding extra weight to you and taking away your health.

What foods acidify the body?

The most common enemies of normal acid-base balance are sweets, white flour products, carbonated sweet drinks, they strongly oxidize the body. Oddly enough, these products do not taste sour. It is very surprising that the sour-tasting lemon is the “king” of alkalization! This is not a mistake; lemon creates an alkaline environment in the body.

Foods that primarily acidify the body:

Sunflower oil replace with olive oil.

- Play sports, it helps to alkalize the body.

Our body is also constantly exposed to free radicals. This is also an oxidation process, only with different mechanisms. To fight this oxidation and free radicals we need ANTIOXIDANTS. A very detailed article about this and

A recipe for delicious apricot jelly that helps alkalize the body

Dried apricots – 150 g

Dried apples - 100 g

Raisins – 60 g

Freshly squeezed orange juice - 4 cups

Cook all ingredients over low heat until the fruit becomes soft.

Grind in a blender until smooth. Keep refrigerated.

This was a real discovery for our editors! As it turns out, many foods that people are used to eating create an acidic environment in the body, which slows down metabolic processes. This is where excess weight, premature aging and many unpleasant diseases. The only salvation is restoration of acid-base balance And healthy harmony in all complex system called "the human body".

"So simple!" prepared for you list of alkaline foods, the use of which will turn you into a healthy and happy person.

Alkaline foods

  1. Lemon
    Lemon is truly an amazing fruit! It would seem, how can such an acidic product reduce the acidity of the body? It's all about pH. Its level (which is 9.0) makes yellow citrus most alkaline product. This powerful tool from a cold, viral diseases and heartburn not only helps fight increased acidity, but is also a natural antiseptic.

    Lemon is an indispensable product for cleansing the liver. It seems that great occasion start your day with a glass warm water with a slice of lemon.

  2. Swiss chard
    Swiss chard is one of the most alkaline foods, its leaves are loaded with vitamins, protein, fiber and mineral salts. The plant helps normalize blood sugar, enhances brain activity and restores vision. Swiss chard is incredibly beneficial for of cardio-vascular system, so feel free to add a bunch of chard to your summer salad!
  3. cucumbers
    Cucumber is one of the most ancient vegetable crops. This alkaline product helps to quickly normalize the digestion process and neutralize the acidic environment. In addition, this simple vegetable consists of 90% water, which makes it very useful for improving the condition of facial skin.

  4. Radish
    Eating radishes helps normalize intestinal motility, reduces cholesterol levels, activates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps fight skin diseases. Interestingly, radishes are most beneficial when consumed in pure form, not in salads.
  5. Celery
    Celery is also on the list of the most alkaline foods. He is able to slow down aging process, improve water-salt metabolism, stimulate secretion gastric juice and normalize blood sugar. The root and leaves of the plant contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential oils.

  6. Garlic
    This aromatic product is not only a source of alkali, but also an important link in maintaining immunity. He has high antimicrobial properties, and its spicy aroma will decorate any dish.
  7. Beet
    A very familiar product for us, and also useful! All the vitamins, minerals and fiber contained in the vegetable have a beneficial effect on the body, giving youth and health.

  8. Avocado
    This green, oily fruit helps normalize the acid-base balance; it is rich in vitamins, amino acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen the cardiovascular system. Great product!
  9. Melon
    Melon has an amazing pH value of 8.5. The use of melon is indicated for urolithiasis, kidney diseases and colds. The juicy pulp of the aromatic fruit lifts your spirits and helps overcome insomnia and stress. Add this product to your diet and you won't regret it.

    Watermelons, by the way, are no less useful, because they contain a huge amount of fiber and water. And besides, they are an alkaline product.

  10. Buckwheat
    If you still only eat rice, you probably haven’t tried buckwheat! Its nutritional properties will provide you with energy for the whole day. Love buckwheat, and your cardiovascular system will certainly thank you with excellent health.
  11. Banana
    Banana is an amazing fruit. This magnificent one energy source contains a huge amount of pectin and starch, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

    The pulp of the fruit contains vitamins, iron and endorphins, so bananas can not only energize you, but also lift your spirits. Thanks to low content protein and salts, bananas are very beneficial for those who suffer from kidney disease.

  12. Chicory
    This alkaline product not only perfectly replaces coffee, but also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Chicory contains inulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. And pectin, which chicory is rich in, helps satisfy the feeling of hunger and pacify the appetite.
  13. Berries
    As it turned out, in addition to a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, juicy berries contain fiber and antioxidants necessary for intestinal function, which can slow down the aging process of the body. Both tasty and healthy!

  14. Broccoli
    This variety of cabbage is rich in vitamins and microelements that are necessary for healthy work kidneys, as well as for the normal functioning of bone and connective tissue.
  15. A pineapple
    Native South America rich in vitamins A and C. It helps overcome sore throat, pneumonia, arthritis, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and accelerates the healing process of wounds. Pineapple juice is recommended to be consumed to strengthen memory and for kidney diseases. Pineapple almost does not contain protein but rich dietary fiber and fiber.

  16. Grape
    Thanks to its generous composition, this delicious berry helps strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk oncological diseases, helps normalize arterial pressure and get rid of joint pain.

    Grapes are very useful for nervous system, helps cope with stress and normalizes sleep. The main thing is that grapes help slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body!

  17. Brussels sprouts
    Eating Brussels sprouts is recommended for atherosclerosis, coronary disease, constipation, diabetes, allergies and even to get rid of insomnia. Since cabbage contains a lot folic acid , it is very useful for pregnant women. This vegetable also helps to get rid of excess weight.

  18. Mango
    The sweet pulp of the fruit contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and pectin. This fragrant fruit is a natural antidepressant, because it helps relieve stress and improve mood. With minimal calories and protein, mango is ideal product for those who want to part with extra pounds. It seems like you couldn’t imagine a tastier diet!
  19. Spinach
    Such a combination of vitamins and microelements beneficial for the human body is not found in any greenery. A healing properties spinach has long been valued by supporters healthy eating. Diabetes and asthma, anemia and oncology recede before spinach. If you add this simple product to your diet, the health of your skin, hair and teeth will certainly improve.

  20. Quinoa
    Due to the content of a huge amount of proteins, nutritional properties it is able to compete even with animal products. Quinoa renders restorative effect, cures gout and radiculitis, helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids and cancer.

    Quinoa seeds help remove toxins from the body and normalize digestive processes. And, it would seem, a weed!

  21. Alfalfa sprouts
    The composition of alfalfa sprouts is unique. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and chlorophyll- a powerful catalyst for all biochemical processes that occur in human body. Alfalfa improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin.

    It has a strong alkalizing effect, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevents aging. The main thing is that this is delicious and useful product available all year round!

  22. Flax seeds
    Flax seeds are a very alkaline food, containing huge amounts of fiber and vitamin E. And its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the symptoms of hot flashes in women. during menopause.
  23. Papaya
    This strange fruit resembles a melon, and its aroma is in many ways similar to the aroma of raspberries. Exotic fruit It is surprising in that it contains a special substance - papain, which helps improve digestion processes, especially after eating meat dishes.

The list goes on and on. Our editors have collected the most effective of them, because the health of our readers is above all!

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

Alkaline foods are those foods that, when introduced into the body, give an alkaline reaction, raising the pH, which helps balance the acid-base balance. For human health, it is not at all necessary to give up acidic foods, but there should be less of it in the diet.

Acidic foods contain acid-forming substances that neutralize the pH in the body. That's why proper nutrition should consist of 70% alkaline foods and 30% acidic.

What foods are alkaline? Why does the body need such food? What causes the violation acid-base balance? What to do to maintain the acid-base balance without harm or damage to health? Read on!

Food: acids and alkalis

All food is divided into acidic and alkaline. A sign of this division are the final substances produced during the digestion of food. TO acidic products refers to food of animal origin, except for some dairy products (amino acids are produced during its digestion).

To alkaline - vegetables, fruits and other plant foods, as well as yogurt, milk, yogurt (the end products are salts formed as a result of the synthesis of organic acids, these acids themselves and sugar).

Below is a more detailed table diagram with information about which foods acidify and which alkalize the body.

Consequently, products that acidify the body are predominantly animal foods, and products that alkalize the body are primarily plant foods. For the full and healthy functioning of vital systems, it is important to maintain a balance of acids and alkalis that come in with food intake.

Why are alkaline foods needed?

Oxidation of the body through intake of acidic foods leads to diseases internal organs caused by the formation and accumulation toxic substances, And premature aging. In addition, oxidizing foods are difficult to digest. Alkaline foods are easier to digest and help speed up the process for acidic foods.

Moreover, the final product alkaline food promotes the breakdown of excess acids, preventing intoxication of the body, helps.

So, we figured out what alkalization of products is.

Yogis and Vedas who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition generally refuse sour foods, believing that in this way they rid their body of clogging. Today, the alkaline diet is recognized by leading nutritionists as effective method ridding the body of toxins and preventing unwanted acid processes.

Table of products that alkalize the human body
Weak alkalization of the body Average alkalization of the body Strong alkalization of the body Very strong alkalization of the body
Pork lard Fresh apples Whole milk Fresh vegetables and green root vegetables
Dried apples Milk serum Vegetable juices
Ripe bananas Fresh and dried fruits Fruit juices without sugar
Grain, fresh green beans, fresh green pea Lemons, oranges
Oat groats Green tea
Fresh nuts: almonds, coconut, brazil
Greens: parsley, dill, cilantro

Acid-base balance: how to maintain

From a scientific point of view, the optimal proportion of alkaline and acidic foods is 3:1. The fact is that initially our body produces much more acid than alkali, which is why it is so important to include foods with high degree alkalization to neutralize the resulting acidic environment and maintain your internal balance of acid and alkali normal.

Experts say that the only truly reliable way maintain normal acid-base balance - combine proper nutrition with active and in a healthy way life, do not disdain physical activity and monitor the proportions of substances consumed by the body with food.

Table of alkaline products by degree of alkalization

1 - weak

2 - average

3 - strong

4 - very strong


Degree of alkalization

Green peas

Fresh apples

Milk serum

Oat groats

Potatoes with skin


Fresh beans


Black currant


Various berries

Dried figs

Video about alkalizing products and their effects

Finally, watch Dr. Skachko’s useful video with a detailed story about processes in the body: alkalizing properties of breath, products that alkalize the blood, acidification through physical activity, alkalinization of urine.

Remember: it is important to correctly combine products for alkalization of the body and for oxidation. Eat right, exercise and be healthy!

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