Prolapse of a kidney in a woman. Exercises and nutrition for nephroptosis of the right kidney

Prolapse of the kidneys is called nephroptosis. This is a pathology in which these organs have excessive mobility. Normally, the kidneys can move 1-2 cm up or down. This happens when the body position changes, as well as when breathing. With nephroptosis in vertical position the kidney descends into the abdominal cavity, and in severe cases, even into the pelvis (vagus organ).


The kidneys are held in the appropriate position with the help of special ligaments. When they are weakened, these organs can move much more than what happens when everything is normal.

If kidney prolapse develops, the causes of this pathology may be the following:

  • sudden weight loss, which leads to a decrease in the fat capsule;
  • hereditary excessive extensibility of connective fibers (for example, with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome);
  • sudden lifting of a load or injury in the lumbar region, which leads to damage to the ligamentous apparatus;
  • formation of hematoma in the perinephric tissue;
  • when kidney prolapse is observed, the causes of this disease may include abdominal pain, which, for example, happens during pregnancy;
  • heavy physical exercise;
  • infectious

Clinic. Features of pain syndrome in nephroptosis

At first clinical manifestations are missing. Subsequently, discomfort appears in the lumbar region. At first, the pain is pulling or aching, less often - stabbing in nature, quickly disappears, and is not pronounced. Then it becomes more intense, constant, and exhausts the patient.

Pain during kidney prolapse first occurs after physical activity, severe cough or due to lifting loads and decreases in the supine position. It should be noted that their localization is quite different - not only in the kidney area, but also in the back, abdomen, and under the shoulder blade. This is due to the fact that the displaced kidney compresses neighboring organs. Sometimes pain due to nephroptosis imitates renal colic and are characterized by irradiation into the genitals or groin area. During a painful attack, nausea and vomiting and fever may occur.

Patients also experience decreased appetite, constipation or diarrhea, functional disorders from the outside nervous system(neurasthenia, increased excitability), dizziness, insomnia and palpitations.

Degrees of nephroptosis

There are the following degrees of kidney prolapse:

First, the kidney can be felt when inhaling through the anterior abdominal wall. In this case, the patient may experience aching pain in the lower back, which are in supine position disappear. During exhalation, it moves to the hypochondrium. It should be noted that the kidney can only be palpated in very thin people; in all others it is not palpable.

Second degree - in the vertical position of the patient, the kidney completely leaves the hypochondrium, but when lying down it returns to its place. It can be straightened by hand without pain. At this stage of the disease, pain in the lower back becomes more intense and spreads to the abdominal area. They intensify with physical activity and disappear if the patient lies down.

Third, the kidney in any position emerges from the hypochondrium and can descend into the pelvis. Patients complain of constant abdominal pain, which can radiate to the lumbar region. Blood appears in the urine after exercise.


It should be noted that nephroptosis is a pathological process that leads to severe consequences. With a significant displacement of the kidneys, the ureter twists and bends, as a result of which the normal outflow urine. This leads to expansion of the pelvis and provokes hydronephrotic transformation.

In most cases, stagnation of urine causes pyelonephritis. It may also be observed urolithiasis disease and hematuria (the appearance of blood in the urine). In addition, nephroptosis can provoke spontaneous miscarriages, lead to stroke and total loss disability, so timely consultation with a doctor is the key to preventing a number of pathological conditions, which in in some cases pose a threat to life.

When renal prolapse develops, the consequences of this pathology may include arterial hypertension, which is associated with impaired blood supply to the diseased organ.

Conservative therapy

Treatment for kidney prolapse depends on the severity of the disease. At the initial stages, orthopedic techniques are effective. Patients are asked to wear special bandages, which are made individually for each patient. It should be noted that they need to be put on while lying down and tightened while exhaling. A contraindication to such therapy is fixation of a prolapsed kidney with adhesions.

If the cause of the pathology is a sharp decline weight, then treatment of kidney prolapse must include an appropriate diet, the purpose of which is to increase the perinephric fat layer. Patients are also advised to limit salt and meat in their diet to reduce the load on the diseased organ.

For elimination pain syndrome Patients are prescribed antispasmodics and painkillers. Warm baths and standing with your legs elevated have a positive effect. If kidney inflammation develops, complex treatment include antibiotic therapy.

It is important to strengthen muscle fibers abdominals and back. For this purpose, massage courses are prescribed, as well as physiotherapy. At the first stage of kidney prolapse, it is recommended Spa treatment, limiting physical activity and jumping.

Exercises to correct nephroptosis

A set of special exercises should be performed in the morning (on an empty stomach and on a soft mat). It is recommended to drink before classes warm water. The duration of the exercises should be at least 30 minutes.

1. You need to lie on your back with your knees bent. When inhaling, you should inflate your stomach, holding your breath, and draw it in when exhaling.

2. Take the previous starting position. When inhaling, raise the outstretched leg vertically, when exhaling, lower it.

3. Lie on your back and raise your legs, keeping your knees together. Inhale and spread your limbs, and as you exhale cross them.

4. Lie on your back and place a cushion under your lower back (you can use a pillow). Inhale - bend right leg, while exhaling, lower it. Repeat the exercise with your left leg.

5. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees (feet should be on the floor), alternately lift your left and then your right leg.

6. In a lying position, bend lower limbs in your knees, place the ball between them and squeeze it for a few seconds, repeating 4-5 times.

When performed correctly, this gives a good therapeutic effect.

Surgical therapy

Indicated for severe pain that leads to disability, chronic pyelonephritis with frequent exacerbations, as well as with significant loss Surgical treatment Prolapse of the kidney is also used for orthostatic hypertension, hydronephrosis and bleeding.

If nephroptosis is accompanied by severe inflammation in the kidneys, antibiotic therapy is first administered. A few days before surgery, patients should sleep with their legs elevated. This helps return the prolapsed kidney to normal position and facilitates surgical intervention.

The essence surgical treatment consists of fixing the kidneys to the muscles abdominal wall. It should be noted that there are several surgical techniques if kidney prolapse is diagnosed. The causes of this pathology, the peculiarities of its course and the presence of certain complications influence the method by which the surgeon will perform surgical intervention.

Traditional methods of treating nephroptosis

Methods traditional medicine can only prevent the progression of the disease and reduce the manifestations of pain. They cannot return the affected organ to its previous state.

Kidney prolapse develops. What to do? You should first consult your doctor. He will determine the most optimal therapeutic tactics and the possibility of using one or another folk method treatment.

As a rule, to improve the functioning of affected kidneys, it is recommended to rinse the flax seeds with water, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and fry them in a dry frying pan, then take 1 teaspoon three times a day, chewing well. You can also brew the stems of Kochia broom and take the resulting liquid before meals. A positive effect for nephroptosis is obtained by using an infusion of knotweed, rosehip leaves and echinacea flowers for a month, as well as taking baths in a decoction of straw and oats.

If the patient's condition does not improve, therapeutic tactics should be changed.

Prevention of nephroptosis

Treatment of kidney prolapse is much more difficult than its prevention:

It is necessary from childhood to monitor posture and prevent spinal deformities;

If it is necessary to carry a load, then it should be evenly distributed between two hands.

With an asthenic type of structure, strength exercises are contraindicated.

Excessive physical exertion, forced posture, prolonged standing or sitting, and exposure to vibration should be avoided.

During pregnancy, you need to wear a prenatal bandage.

You cannot drive yourself to the point of asthenia with exhausting diets.

It is necessary to protect yourself from injury, especially in the lumbar region.

You need to strengthen your abdominal muscles. To do this, you should regularly perform

If any discomfort or nagging pain in the lower back, you should immediately consult a doctor, undergo the appropriate tests or undergo the necessary instrumental examinations. It is worth remembering that self-medication can lead to a number of serious illnesses kidneys or even loss of the affected organ.

Symptoms of nephroptosis manifest themselves in abnormal mobility of the kidney, which can leave the confines of its own bed and descend into the abdominal space. Painful sensations are localized in the lumbar region and hypochondrium, but they do not always manifest themselves clearly, and quite often the disease can only be detected during an ultrasound examination.

The norm is considered to be a displacement of the kidneys by no more than 5 cm. Otherwise, the patient must promptly seek help from a nephrologist, who will competently explain how to treat the prolapse of the kidney. Such a diagnosis may lead to unwanted inflammatory processes and the formation of stones in damaged kidney tissue.

Causes and symptoms

Experts call the main reason for kidney prolapse to be a weakening of the normal functioning of the ligamentous-fatty apparatus, which determines the correct location of the organ. Weakness of the renal bed is often caused by congenital pathology and is associated with underdevelopment of connective tissues. However, there are other, acquired reasons for the ineffective functioning of the ligaments:

You should also know that most often signs of nephroptosis appear in people who are forced to spend a significant part of their lives on their feet, working in an upright position. In addition, it has been established that the right kidney is more susceptible to prolapse, since it is anatomically positioned somewhat lower than the left.

Characteristic nephroptosis of the kidney has symptoms that increase sequentially. Painful sensations on initial stage The development of the disease appears only after excessive physical stress of the body. As the disease begins to lower the kidney, the symptoms become pronounced, and disorders of various types appear:

In addition, the nature of the manifestation of symptoms is closely related to the severity of the disorder:

  1. First stage. Pain due to nephroptosis occurs when standing in an upright position for a long time. Therefore, it is enough to lie horizontally or on one side to reduce the outflow of blood from the damaged kidney and for it to return to its original position.
  2. Second stage. Characterized by sudden, paroxysmal, prolonged painful sensations under stress on the body.
  3. Third stage. Characterized by severe swelling renal tissue and incessant severe pain in the lumbar region.

You should know that the symptoms of the disease do not appear until the kidney has dropped more than 7 cm.

With this arrangement of the organ, significant stretching of the tissues of the renal fascia occurs, and the patient’s pain when the kidney prolapses becomes noticeable with a sharp change in body position.

Traditional and alternative treatments

How to raise a drooping kidney? The symptoms that arise and the treatment of the disease are closely related. For a patient with nephroptosis, treatment is prescribed already at early stage development of the disease, in order to avoid pathological changes in renal tissues. Most often, complications are associated with stagnation of urine: cystitis, pyelonephritis. Often complete destruction organ tissue contributes to the development of hydronephrosis and renal failure.

In order to avoid surgical intervention, it is necessary to use complex therapy, which includes the following procedures:

In addition, the nephrologist diagnoses the patient with renal prolapse, explaining what to do in case of such a disease, takes an anamnesis of the disorder, prescribes a urine test, ultrasound of the kidneys, urography, and also palpates the diseased organ through the anterior abdominal wall.

You need to learn how to maintain a prolapsed kidney in the correct position at home: stay in the horizontal position and wear a special fixing bandage. But it is worth remembering that such measures are applicable only at the first stage of kidney prolapse, so that problems with blood circulation and urodynamics do not worsen. With exhaustion and weight loss, treatment of nephroptosis is aimed at increasing the adipose tissue of the renal bed, that is, the patient is advised to increase the amount of food taken.

The need for surgical intervention

In case of nephroptosis, specialists diagnose the stage of the disease and choose an appropriate method aimed at how to raise the pubescent kidney. However, on late stages For this disorder, any methods are inferior to competent surgical intervention. The following severe symptoms can be considered indications for surgery:

There are also contraindications to surgery. Among them are:

  • advanced age of the patient;
  • chronic severe processes in the body;
  • organ prolapse abdominal cavity.

Nephropexy is performed openly or using laparoscopy. Surgery involves moving and fixing the kidney in its anatomical bed. If the operation is performed openly, the organ must be lifted and secured using the perinephric fat layer, muscle tissue and nylon threads. If the intervention involves laparoscopic punctures, then using precision surgical equipment the kidney is sutured to its fibrous capsule. Rehabilitation period is reduced due to the absence of the need to open the abdominal cavity.

Traditional medicine methods

Independent treatment of nephroptosis is possible using methods alternative medicine. The main therapy is aimed at maintaining a rest regime and using home-prepared remedies internally:

However, it should be understood that when the kidneys prolapse, treatment folk remedies permitted only as a general relief painful condition and relieving discomfort. These methods will not be able to return the diseased organ to its previous position. In addition, in order to maintain normal life activities, the patient must adhere to special diet excluding fatty, fried and canned foods.

It is also prohibited to receive:

  • vegetables containing oxalic acid;
  • legumes;
  • saturated broths;
  • fatty fish and meats.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that initial stage kidney prolapse has hidden or mildly expressed symptoms.

However, the disease is quite serious and has a number of complications, so therapy must be carried out at earlier stages of development. Treatment of nephroptosis is prescribed only by an experienced, competent nephrologist who can select the correct therapeutic complex in individually. Surgery is indicated only at the very last, advanced stage of the disease in order to avoid loss of organ functionality.

The kidney, like other internal organs, is fixed inside our body. IN in this case attachment occurs due to the renal bed and pedicle, and the shell itself is attached to the side of the spine.

Normally, the amplitude of vertical movement of the kidney does not exceed one centimeter.

Nephroptosis, which is what prolapse of the kidneys is called, is a phenomenon when an organ moves relative to its normal position by more than two vertebrae downwards. Thus, when inhaling or exhaling, the kidney can “travel” over distances of 10 cm or more. After displacement (dropping), the organ can remain in a new position or return to its original position.

Causes of pathology

Kidneys can prolapse due to many reasons, the most common of which are:

  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Trauma to the lower back with elements of hematoma of the perinephric tissue;
  • Heavy physical labor associated with lifting weights (more typical for women);
  • Infectious kidney diseases;

Women suffer from nephroptosis more often than men, as they have more elastic connective tissue, weak abdominal muscles and a shorter fatty capsule of the kidney than men.

Omission can be of several types. Depending on the degree of organ mobility, the following are distinguished:

  • Fixing;
  • Mobile type (another name for this pathology is wandering kidney).

The development of the fixing type of prolapse occurs in three stages:

  1. While inhaling Bottom part the organ emerges from the hypochondrium, and upon exhalation it returns to its original location. Also, a similar movement occurs in different positions of the human body: vertical and horizontal.
  2. The organ shifts to the pelvic region, and the second stage begins. Due to the increase in pressure in the renal vessels, red blood cells and proteins can be found in the urine. This is a painful period; the patient may feel colic in the lumbar region or a dull aching pain.
  3. At the third stage, the renal pedicle stretches and twists, as a result of which urine excretion becomes difficult and infectious complications appear.

Symptoms of pathology

The symptoms of kidney prolapse depend on the stage of the process.

The onset of the disease is not indicated painful sensations or changes in blood biochemical parameters. Occasionally, the patient may feel pain in the lower back, which quickly passes. The one-time nature of the pain makes timely medical assistance difficult.

Further, when the second stage of prolapse occurs, constant pain appears aching character, which become strong enough to incapacitate a person, lead to depression and loss of appetite. As a result of urine retention in the body, blood pressure also increases.

What is the danger of the disease

Nephroptosis is a process leading to more serious complications than the disease itself:

  1. , pyelonephritis, hydronephritis. There may not be any manifestations of kidney prolapse, but the structural process has already begun.
  2. A moving kidney can cause spontaneous miscarriages during pregnancy.
  3. Arterial hypertension and strokes.
  4. Loss of ability to work.


Kidney prolapse can be cured using traditional and folk methods.

During treatment, it is necessary to avoid heavy physical activity, shaking and jumping. To ease the load on your organs, you need to reduce the amount of salt and meat in your menu. You can follow special “kidney” diets, prescribed for kidney diseases.

If there are no indications for surgery, then the kidneys are fixed using a special lumbar bondage. It should be put on while lying down and tightened as you exhale. In addition, in case of lack of weight, the patient needs to follow a certain diet. Increasing the volume of the fat layer around the organ will help eliminate the disease faster.

An important element in the treatment of nephroptosis is LCF. Special exercises will help secure the kidney in one position, which will eliminate the possibility of further prolapse.

If the prolapse occurs below the fourth lumbar vertebra, then surgical intervention is required. In addition, indications for surgery may be severe pain, stable increase blood pressure renal nature, as well as irreversible dysfunction of the organ.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine methods for kidney prolapse are effective without the need for surgical intervention.

Traditional methods contribute to the powerful prevention of complications and smoothing of pain, but they are not able to return the prolapsed organ to its previous state.

  1. Flax, pumpkin, sunflower seeds and any nuts will be useful. Flax seeds must be irrigated with clean drinking water, sprinkle with powdered sugar and fry in a dry frying pan. Take regularly, 3-4 times a day, a teaspoon, chewing thoroughly.
  2. The stems of Kochia broom should be crushed and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:3 (for example, 2 tablespoons of herbs and 300 ml of boiling water). The resulting mixture should be brewed for about 12 hours, after which it should be filtered. Take the resulting liquid a quarter tablespoon between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  3. The next recipe is to take healing baths. Straw and oats must be finely chopped and mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 20 (for example, 1 kg of dry mixture must be diluted with 20 liters of water. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for about an hour, let it brew for several hours. The resulting solution can be used repeatedly, so you should take a clean bath.
  4. The mixture of the following components must be poured with boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes: knotweed, rose hips (petals), echinacea flowers and flax seeds. Take three times a day for one month.

Note! It must be remembered that in the absence of any improvements, it is required medical assistance! Treatment with folk remedies must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise there is a high probability of complications!

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Physical exercise

Special gymnastics is the basis of treatment for nephroptosis.

There are a number of healing exercises that need to be done at least once a day. The proposed complex will help strengthen the muscles of the back (lower back) and abdomen, and stabilize the position of the kidney inside the peritoneum.

  • "Martin". Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs together, straight, arms outstretched to the sides, palms down. At the same time, we lift our head, arms, chest and straight legs off the floor as much as possible. We hold this for 1-3 seconds, then lower ourselves. The exercise is done smoothly, without jerking. 10-15 repetitions are recommended. With poor physical fitness, raising the head, arms and legs is allowed. Important: do not bend your knees.
  • Starting position: lying on your back, hands with your palms down along your body. Raise each leg one by one without bending the knee. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
  • Lie on your back, pull your legs towards your stomach, bending them at the knees. Repeat up to 10 times. There is a lighter version - the same exercise, but performed alternately with each leg.
  • Lying on your right and then on your left side, raise your straight leg as high as possible. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • For the next exercise you will need a small ball: while lying down, squeeze it between your legs above your knees, holding it in a compressed position for 8-10 seconds. Repeat several times.

Depending on your health status and physical training, the set of exercises can be expanded. It is important to remember to pay attention to the lateral, oblique, rectus abdominis and erector spinae muscles. These muscles provide a powerful frame that prevents the kidney from descending and helps stabilize it. And, finally, a little secret: strengthening the abdominal and back muscles will save you from lower back osteochondrosis, which so often affects elderly and senile people.

Disease prevention

An excellent prevention of kidney prolapse is sports. Daily morning exercises, called “exercises,” will strengthen the muscles of the body and help the muscles cope better with unexpected heavy loads.

In addition to “charging”, you can connect morning or evening jogging, swimming in the pool, cycling and other activities. active image life.

Particular attention must be paid lumbar region, because strong abs are a guarantee against pinched spinal nerves, protrusions of intervertebral discs, and prolapse of the kidneys.

By regularly playing sports, a person may not be afraid that the next lifting of weights will cause similar consequences.

  • Symptoms of nephroptosis
  • What complications does the disease entail and what does it threaten?
  • Diagnostic measures
  • Treatment of the disease
  • An approximate set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen

The kidney is not an absolutely immobile organ. Its position may change depending on changes in body position and breathing. However, its displacement is insignificant; it retains its anatomical correct position. When the right kidney is prolapsed, it can move significantly below its natural position, sometimes penetrating into the pelvic cavity.

The main role in the fact that prolapse occurs is played by: the vascular pedicle of the kidney, the renal fascia and the renal fat capsule (its decrease as a result of a sharp and significant decrease in body weight can cause nephroptosis). Genetically determined general deficiency connective tissue, as a consequence, weakness of the fascial plates also leads to. In this state of affairs, along with nephroptosis, prolapse of other internal organs(uterus, stomach, anterior vaginal wall), in this case a general diagnosis is made - splanchnoptosis.

Injuries in the lumbar or abdominal area - falls, surgical interventions, bruises, excessive physical exertion - all these are causes of nephroptosis. Due to the fact that the muscles of the lower back or abdomen, which support the organ in its natural position, weaken, it falls abdominal pressure, the problem occurs in old age or with repeated or multiple pregnancy, which explains the fact that kidney prolapse is more common in women than in men.

Most often, prolapse of the right kidney occurs due to its initially lower anatomical location. Prolapse of both kidneys is also not uncommon - 1/3 of cases, while kidney prolapse is often asymptomatic.

Symptoms of nephroptosis

When the kidney prolapses, disorders are observed: pain, dyspeptic and nervous. The pain can be both dull and sharp. Blunt pain not intense, but constant. Or there is no pain as such, only some foreign body is felt in the hypochondrium.

If you are bothered by lower back pain that goes away when lying down, especially only on one side - the right, if the right kidney is drooping, then you should immediately visit a specialist without complaining about neuralgia. As practice shows, pain can be bilateral, since kidney prolapse occurs more often, but nephroptosis of both kidneys is also not uncommon.

Dyspeptic disorders are most often expressed in constant constipation. Heaviness and pain in the stomach, bloating, vomiting, and nausea may also be observed.

The course of the disease is divided into three stages:

  1. At the first stage, nephroptosis makes itself felt with minor pain while the person is in an upright position, which intensifies if the person experiences any physical activity. As a rule, the pain disappears as soon as the patient takes a lying position; when the person lies down, the kidney returns to its correct location.
  2. In the second stage, as the kidneys descend further, the pain becomes more pronounced and can become permanent. The bending of the renal vessels and ureter, which occurs at this stage of prolapse, leads to disruption of blood supply and urine outflow. At the second stage of the disease, ischemia and venous hypertension of the kidney, disturbances in renal hemodynamics and urination are observed. A urine test shows the presence of protein and red blood cells.
  3. During the third stage, all of the above processes are aggravated. The pain is intense and does not disappear when lying down. Severe ischemia of the renal tissue, venous hypertension and swelling of the kidney together contribute to the development of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney) and cystitis.

A urine test detects the presence of blood, white blood cells, and protein. Against the background of the disease, high blood pressure develops due to the hormone renin, excessively secreted by the kidney affected by ischemia.

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What complications does the disease entail and what does it threaten?

Overall launch and absence necessary treatment in advanced cases, nephroptosis can lead to renal failure, which can even lead to death. The consequences of kidney failure require regular blood purification using a special procedure - hemodialysis and donor organ replacement.

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Diagnostic measures

Nephroptosis is determined using ultrasound, which is important to perform while standing, since in a lying position the kidney can take its correct location and its prolapse will not be detected. The final diagnosis is made after detailed x-ray examination, urography in various positions.

It is not always possible to determine the disease using simple palpation; good tone abdominal muscles will make it difficult to palpate the kidney.

In addition, to make a diagnosis, clinical analysis urine.

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Treatment of the disease

In the early stages of kidney prolapse in the absence of complications associated with the disease, the so-called conservative treatment aimed at preventing nephroptosis. This includes wearing a special support bandage, gymnastics aimed at strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, and increased nutrition to restore the fatty capsule of the kidney.

Wearing a bandage can help only in the early stages of the disease. Do not rely entirely on the bandage, neglecting physical therapy, since it long wearing can lead to weakening of the lower back and abdominal muscles, which will worsen the disease. The bandage is wrapped around the waist and fastened while lying down, taking a deep breath.

Diet recommended rich in fats and carbohydrates, it is advisable that the food consist of easy-to-digest foods to avoid unnecessary waste, especially if kidney function has already been impaired. Physical education is also indicated only in the early stages of the disease. The possibility and intensity of gymnastics should be discussed with your doctor. In case of severe pain, other complications associated with nephroptosis, or renal failure, physical exercise may be prohibited.

Classes usually consist of simple exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal and lower back muscles. You can exercise 1-2 times a day. The total duration of classes should not exceed half an hour.

The kidneys are playing important role in human life. Thanks to these organs, harmful substances formed as a result of many physiological chemical transformations are eliminated. However, they are often targeted various diseases: infectious, allergic, oncological. Among all these pathologies, nephroptosis stands apart - prolapse of the kidney.

Features of the anatomical structure of the kidneys

The kidneys represent the beginning of a long journey called the urinary system. Direct blood purification is carried out in dense clusters of blood vessels - glomeruli. In special tubular structures (tubules), the process of urine formation is completed, which accumulates in the pelvis, after which it moves through the ureter into the bladder.

The kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity. However, they do not have a direct connection with neighboring organs (stomach, liver, intestines). They are located in the retroperitoneal space, limited by the spine, lumbar muscles and connective tissue membrane - the peritoneum. Permanent registration blood filtration organs were not conceived by chance. In a similar way, nature has created a safety margin - in case of any purulent disease of the intestines or other structures of the abdominal cavity, the kidneys will continue to do their job - excrete urine, maintain normal level blood pressure.

The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneum in close proximity to the spine

The kidneys, like any other organ, are fixed in a permanent place. The upper pole of the left is located at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra, the right - slightly lower, which corresponds to the 1st lumbar vertebra. Organs are held in this position due to:

  • limited length of renal vessels - arteries and veins;
  • connective tissue ligaments attached to the liver, spleen, duodenum, diaphragm;
  • adipose tissue located around the kidney;
  • intra-abdominal pressure created by the muscles of the back and abdominals.

Nephroptosis - medical term, indicating prolapse of one or both kidneys. The disease affects children aged 8 to 15 years and adults aged 20–40 years. Among recent pathology several times more common in women.


Nephroptosis is divided into the following types:

Sometimes pathological process affects several abdominal organs. In this case, splanchnoptosis is diagnosed, in which nephroptosis is only part of the disease.

Causes and development factors

The kidneys are normally characterized by the possibility of limited downward displacement, especially during inspiration.. Usually this value does not exceed one or two centimeters. However, lowering one or both of them is a more complex process than simply moving down.

The kidney has a structure facing the spine - the gate. This term refers to the totality three important anatomical components - renal artery, vein and ureter. It is around these formations that the organ moves: the upper pole deviates from the spine, while the lower pole approaches it. This process causes the vessels to elongate and their diameter to decrease.

The renal hilum is represented by the ureter, renal artery and vein

The kidney is very sensitive to changes in blood circulation. Twisting of blood vessels will inevitably lead to an increase in blood pressure, since the body clearly regulates the passage of blood through the glomeruli.

The disease often provokes a bend in the ureter. This factor will also not go unnoticed, since it will cause urine to begin to accumulate in the kidney, stretching the collecting system. An infection will quickly settle in such an organ. Nephroptosis will develop into pyelonephritis - bacterial inflammation of the calyces and pelvis. The expansion of the latter to an extreme extent is called hydronephrosis.

Hydronephrosis - pathological expansion renal pelvis

The right kidney is most often affected by prolapse, since the left one is more firmly fixed in its place. Women suffer from this disease several times more often due to a wider pelvis, as well as pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, a number of factors contribute to kidney prolapse:

Symptoms of kidney prolapse

The signs of nephroptosis differ and are directly dependent on the severity of the pathological displacement of the kidney. The organ has great compensatory capabilities, and therefore the disease can long time don't show yourself in any way. In this case, it is recognized by chance during a routine examination.

This is why there is a large discrepancy between the number of people with nephroptosis and the number of people suffering from this disease.

ON THE. Lopatkin

Urology 2011

In case of slight prolapse of the kidney clinical picture very meager:

  • dull pain in the lower back;
  • increased discomfort during physical activity;
  • disappearance of pain in a horizontal position;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • depression.

Further development of nephroptosis leads to the appearance of new signs of the disease:

Symptoms of nephroptosis during pregnancy may increase due to pressure from the enlarged uterus on the ureters. In children, against the background of intense lengthening of bones, all other structures (muscles, nerves, ligaments, blood vessels) do not keep up with the growth of the body in length. In this regard, the intensity of manifestations of the disease may increase in high school and adolescence.

Kidney prolapse - video

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of nephroptosis is complex and includes a number of mandatory studies:

Treatment methods

Treatment of nephroptosis is carried out under the guidance of a urologist. Therapy has the following goals:

  • fixing the kidney in the correct position;
  • normalization of blood pressure levels;
  • prevention of kidney infection;
  • elimination of painful sensations.

Drug therapy

Treatment with drugs is used for bright severe symptoms nephroptosis:

  • To eliminate pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Nimesulide, Nise;
  • To normalize blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are used: Perindopril, Capoten, Perineva, Valsartan;
  • for the treatment of infection, uroantiseptics are prescribed: Nitroxoline, 5-NOK, Norfloxacin, Furagin, Furadonin, Furazolidone;
  • To prevent kidney infection, herbal uroantiseptics are used: Canephron, Fitolysin.

During pregnancy and childhood Not all groups of drugs are approved for use.

Pharmacological drugs for the treatment of nephroptosis - photo gallery

Nurofen is an effective pain reliever
Perineva - a drug that normalizes blood pressure levels
5-NOK contains a powerful uroantiseptic nitroxoline
Canephron - a natural herbal preparation


Therapeutic exercise is an obligatory component of nephroptosis therapy. Improving kidney fixation occurs by increasing the strength of the back and abdominal muscles, as well as increasing intra-abdominal pressure. With regular exercise, you can achieve great success.

Physical therapy should be combined with wearing a special bandage. You need to put it on in the morning at the moment of exhalation, after which you can get out of bed and go about your business. During pregnancy, the nature of exercise may change depending on the period. Specialist consultation is required.

Bandage - a way to maintain the desired position of the kidney

Exercises for nephroptosis - table

Initial position Exercise technique Number of repetitions
Lying on your back Raise your extended legs a few centimeters above the floor and hold in this position for 10–15 seconds. 5–6 repetitions
Lying on your back with knees bent
  1. Pull your bent knees towards your stomach.
  2. Place a small ball between your knees and squeeze it.
10–12 repetitions
Lying on your back
  1. Raise your legs straight. As you inhale, spread your knees, while exhaling, cross your legs.
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing: while inhaling, pull in the stomach, while exhaling, stick out.
10–12 repetitions


Surgery for nephroptosis is prescribed in the following situations:

  • excruciating nature of lower back pain;
  • inflammation of the pelvis, in which the clinical picture does not improve with adequate treatment;
  • high blood pressure;
  • episodes of bleeding in the urine;
  • significant expansion of the renal pelvis - hydronephrosis;
  • kidney stones (urolithiasis).

There are many different surgical techniques, wearing common name nephropexy. The point of the intervention is to suture material create additional reliable fixation of the kidney in the required place. The choice of access and method of pain relief are selected individually.

Nephropexy - surgery to fix the kidney in the bed

Traditional treatment

Plants - effective remedy to prevent the development of infectious kidney pathologies. With your doctor's permission, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Herbal collection. Mix equal parts of dry leaves of lemon balm, knotweed, bearberry, kidney tea, elderberry flowers, St. John's wort, calamus root, flax seeds, fennel fruits. Pour three tablespoons of the mixture into half a liter of boiling water and leave for six hours. The resulting product must be taken after filtering as a tea before each meal.
  2. Horsetail 1 tsp. pour dry crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. After straining, take the product in small portions throughout the day.
  3. Herbal collection. Mix equal parts of dry crushed sage, St. John's wort, agrimony, lemon balm, cloves, and catnip. 1 tbsp. l. Place the mixture in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Filter and drink in three doses per day.

Plants in the treatment of nephroptosis - photo gallery

Sage has a pronounced antiseptic properties
Horsetail is used for nephroptosis
Melissa has a calming effect

Complications and prognosis

The prognosis for treatment of nephroptosis is usually favorable. IN severe cases with pronounced signs of the disease, the following complications may develop:

Nephroptosis is a pathology that requires serious attitude. The development of the process occurs over a long period of time, when there is a chance to correct the current situation with medications and physical therapy. Timely contact with a specialist and strict implementation of all recommendations is the key successful therapy kidney prolapse.

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