Healthy fats and fatty acids. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, their role in nutrition

Fats - macronutrients, essential participants good nutrition each person. The daily diet should include different fats, each of them performs its own function.

From a physiological point of view, fats are an integral component of the trio of macronutrients that provide the basic needs of the human body. They are one of the main sources of energy. Fats – compound element of all cells, they are necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, provide thermal insulation of the body, and participate in the activity of the nervous system and immunity.

The official name for the fats that make up food is lipids. Those lipids that are part of cells are called structural (phospholipids, lipoproteins), others are a way of storing energy and are called reserve (triglycerides).

Energy value fat is approximately twice the energy value of carbohydrates.

In their chemical essence, fats are esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids. The basis of animals and vegetable fatsfatty acid, different composition which determines their functions in the body. All fatty acids are divided into two groups: saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids are found mainly in animal fats. These are solids with a high melting point. They can be absorbed by the body without participation bile acids, this determines their high nutritional value. However, excess saturated fatty acids are inevitably stored.

The main types of saturated acids are palmitic, stearic, myristic. They're in different quantities found in lard, fatty meats, dairy products ( butter, sour cream, milk, cheeses, etc.). Animal fats, which contain saturated fatty acids, have a pleasant taste, contain lecithin and vitamins A and D, as well as cholesterol.

Cholesterol is the main sterol of animal origin; it is vital for the body, since it is part of all cells and tissues of the body, participates in hormonal processes and the synthesis of vitamin D. At the same time, excess cholesterol in food leads to an increase in its level in the blood, which is one of the main risk factors for development cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. Cholesterol is synthesized by the body from carbohydrates, so it is recommended to consume no more than 300 mg per day with food.

The preferred form of consumption of saturated fatty acids is dairy products, eggs, organ meats (liver, heart), fish. The proportion of saturated fatty acids in daily diet should account for no more than 10% of calories.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids are found mainly in foods of plant origin, as well as in fish. Unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized, they are not very resistant to heat treatment, so it is most useful to consume foods containing them in their raw form.

Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into two groups, depending on how many hydrogen-unsaturated bonds between atoms they contain. If there is only one such connection, these are monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs); if there are several of them, these are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Monounsaturated fatty acids

The main types of MUFA are myristoleic, palmitoleic, and oleic. These acids can be synthesized by the body from saturated fatty acids and carbohydrates. One of the most important functions of MUFAs is lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. The sterol contained in MUFAs, p-sitosterol, is responsible for this. It forms an insoluble complex with cholesterol and thus prevents the absorption of the latter.

The main source of MUFA is fish fat, avocado, peanuts, olives, cashew nuts, olive, sesame and rapeseed oils. Physiological need in MUFA makes up 10% of daily calories.

Vegetable fats are mostly poly- or monounsaturated. These fats can lower blood cholesterol and often contain essential fatty acids (EFAs): Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

The main types of PUFAs are linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic. These acids not only form part of cells, but also participate in metabolism, ensure growth processes, and contain tocopherols and p-sitosterol. PUFAs are not synthesized by the human body, therefore are considered essential substances along with some amino acids and vitamins. Arachidonic acid has the greatest biological activity, which is scarce in food, but with the participation of vitamin B6 it can be synthesized by the body from linoleic acid.

Arachidonic acid and linoleic acid belong to the Omega-6 family of acids. These acids are found in almost all vegetable oils and nuts. The daily requirement for Omega-6 PUFAs is 5–9% of daily calories.

Alpha-linolenic acid belongs to the Omega-3 family. The main source of PUFAs of this family is fish oil and some seafood. The daily requirement for Omega-3 PUFAs is 1–2% of daily calories.

An excess of foods containing PUFAs in the diet can cause kidney and liver diseases.

Polyunsaturated fats include fish, walnuts, almonds, flax, some seasonings, soybean oil, sunflower oil, etc.

Trans fats

(or) is obtained by processing vegetable fats and is used in the production of margarine and other cooking fats. Accordingly, it ends up in chips, hamburgers and most store-bought baked goods.

That which increases the level in the blood bad cholesterol. This increases the risk of blockage of blood vessels and heart attacks, and contributes to the development of diabetes.


Consumption of fats is necessary for the full functioning of the body. But everything needs to be done wisely.

The benefits of fat, even unsaturated fat, are possible only if it is consumed correctly. The energy value of fat is unusually high. A glass of seeds is equal in calorie content to one kebab or a whole bar of chocolate. If you overuse unsaturated fats, they will cause no less harm than saturated fats.

The positive importance of fats for the body is undeniable if you follow simple rules: minimize the consumption of saturated fats, completely eliminate trans fats, consume unsaturated fats moderately and regularly.

Are you interested in knowing what unsaturated fatty acids are? In this article we will talk about what they are and what health benefits they provide.

Fats in the human body play an energy role and are also a plastic material for the construction of cells. They dissolve a number of vitamins and serve as a source of many biologically active substances.

Fats improve the taste of food and cause a feeling of prolonged satiety. If there is a lack of fat in our diet, disturbances in the body's condition may occur, such as changes in the skin, vision, kidneys, weakening of immunological mechanisms, etc. In experiments conducted on animals, it has been proven that an insufficient amount of fat in the diet helps reduce the duration of life. life.

Fatty or aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are present in plant and animal fats in esterified form. They are divided into two types depending on chemical structure and connections between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are also divided into two types - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Types of Unsaturated Fatty Acids

Unsaturated fatty acids are fatty acids that contain at least, one double bond in a fatty acid chain. Depending on the saturation, they are divided into two groups:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids containing one double bond;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids containing more than one double bond.

Both types of unsaturated fats are predominantly found in plant products. These acids are considered healthier than saturated fatty acids. In fact, some of them have the ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk heart diseases. Linoleic acid, oleic acid, myristoleic acid, palmitoleic acid and arachidonic acid are some of them.

Foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids

Foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids

  • Corn oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Salmon
  • sesame seeds
  • soya beans
  • sunflower seeds
  • walnuts

Benefits of Unsaturated Fatty Acids

There are several benefits that unsaturated fatty acids provide to our health. Foods containing monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are considered healthier than those containing saturated fatty acids. The fact is that molecules of saturated fatty acids, entering the blood, tend to bind to each other, which leads to the formation of plaques in the arteries. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are made up of large molecules that do not form compounds in the blood. This leads to their unhindered passage through the arteries.

The main benefit of unsaturated fats is their ability to lower levels of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, thereby reducing the likelihood of heart disease such as strokes and heart attacks. Of course, it is almost impossible to eliminate all saturated fats from your diet, but many of them can be replaced with unsaturated fats. For example, switching to olive or canola oil for cooking can greatly reduce your saturated fat intake.

Dietary fats contain fat soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, D and E, which are necessary to maintain good health. and E are antioxidants and help maintain immune system so that we stay healthy. They also help in blood circulation and preventing the formation of plaque in the arteries. Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of bones and muscles.

Other benefits of unsaturated fatty acids:

  • have antioxidant effect;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduce arterial pressure;
  • reduce the risk of certain cancers;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • improve blood flow (prevention of blood clots)

Important: fats consumed in food must be fresh. The fact is that fats oxidize very easily. Harmful substances accumulate in stale or overheated fats, which serve as irritants for the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and disrupt metabolism. IN dietary nutrition Such fats are strictly prohibited. Daily requirement healthy person in fats is 80-100 grams. During dietary nutrition, the qualitative and quantitative composition of fats may change. It is recommended to consume a reduced amount of fat for pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, diabetes, exacerbation of enterocolitis, and obesity. When the body is exhausted and during the recovery period after long-term illnesses, on the contrary, it is recommended to increase the daily fat intake to 100-120 g.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: what foods they contain, benefits

What are polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are a type of dietary fat. PUFAs are one of the types of healthy fats, along with monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats are found in plant and animal foods such as salmon, vegetable oils, and some nuts and seeds.

Use moderate amounts Eating polyunsaturated (and monounsaturated) fat instead of saturated fat and trans fat can benefit your health. Polyunsaturated fats are different from saturated fats and trans fats, which can increase your risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Biological role of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for proper development young organisms and maintaining good health of people. These acids belong to the Ω-6 and Ω-3 families.

Linoleic acid (C18:2 Ω-6) is also among them, as well as longer chain fatty acids derived from linoleic acids in animal and human tissues, which also belong to the Ω-6 family:

  • Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DHLA) (C20:3, Ω-6);
  • arachidonic acid (AA) (C20:4, Ω-6);
  • α-linolenic acid (C18:3 Ω-3).

And which belong to the Ω-3 family:

  • eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (C20:5, Ω-3);
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (C22:6, Ω-3).

20-carbon acids are substrates for the synthesis of eicosanoids, which contain prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, hydroxy and epoxy fatty acids and lipoxins, which are necessary for metabolism.

Eicosanoids - tissue hormones and their role in the body

Eicosanoids can be considered as the outermost transmitters of the first class, which enhance or weaken the regulatory activity of hormones and neurotransmitters at the cellular level. Substrates for the synthesis of eicosanoids are located in phospholipids in the cell membrane.

IN last years many facts have been established that prove that eicosanoids have very wide range activity.

They have a significant impact on the regulation of activities of cardio-vascular system and tissue oxygenation, and also have an antiarrhythmic effect (reducing the risk of arrhythmias). They control blood pressure regulation, balance in blood clotting and decoagulation, and stability blood vessels. They regulate the content of lipoproteins, in particular HDL, and specific lipoprotein proteins.

They influence the adaptation of the body's immunity to inflammatory processes, proliferation (regeneration and reproduction) of cells, the activity of hormones and neurotransmitters, gene expression and the activity of many organs (such as the brain, kidneys, lungs and digestive tract), the sensation of pain and many other physiological and biochemical processes.

Important Ω-3 family

It has been found that people who eat plenty of seafood containing Ω-3 fatty acids are less likely to suffer from diseases common in industrialized countries.

It was found that these people had a markedly reduced incidence of atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia, breast carcinoma, colorectal cancer, intravascular thrombi and asthma. It has been experimentally proven that fish oil has healing effect for cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction and psoriasis.

Much scientific evidence has been collected that shows that fatty acids from the Ω-3 family have very positive influence on the circulatory system. Fish oil has been found to have a strong hypotensive effect (lowering blood pressure); therefore it should be recommended for arterial hypertension. They also reduce serum levels of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides, and cholesterol (particularly total cholesterol) while increasing HDL cholesterol. ()

How polyunsaturated fats affect your health

Polyunsaturated fatty acids may help. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance that can cause arteries to become smaller or clogged. Low level LDL cholesterol reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 and . These are essential fatty acids necessary for the body for brain function and cell growth. Our bodies DO NOT produce essential fatty acids, so you can only get them from food.

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for your heart in several ways. They are helping:

  • Reduce triglyceride levels (a type of fat in the blood).
  • Reduce the risk of irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
  • Prevent the slow formation of plaque on artery walls (cholesterol plaques).
  • Reduce slightly blood pressure.

Omega-6 fatty acids may help:

  • Control blood sugar levels.
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Reduce blood pressure.

Consumption rate of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Your body needs fats for energy and other functions. Polyunsaturated fats - healthy choice. Dietary Guidelines In 2010, they gave the following recommendations for how much fat you should consume each day:

  • Get 25 to 30% of your daily calories from fat. Make sure that most of these fats are monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.
  • Limit your intake of saturated fat (found in red meat and whole dairy products)—less than 6% of your daily calories should come from this type of fat. For a 2,000-calorie restricted diet, you should consume no more than 120 calories or 13 grams of saturated fat per day.

Use healthy fats may lead to certain health benefits. But consuming too much fat can lead to weight gain. All fats contain 9 calories per gram. This is more than twice the calories found in carbohydrates and proteins.

It is not enough to add products with high content unsaturated fats into a diet filled with unhealthy foods and fats. Substitute saturated or trans fats instead. In general, eliminating saturated fat is twice as effective at lowering blood cholesterol levels as increasing your intake of polyunsaturated fat. ()

Reading food labels

All packaged foods have ingredient labels indicating their fat content. Reading these labels can help you keep track of how much fat you eat per day.

  • Check the total amount of fat in one serving. Remember to count the number of servings you eat in one sitting.
  • Look at the amount of saturated fat and trans fat per serving. The rest is not healthy saturated fat. Some labels will list monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, but most will not.
  • Aim to ensure that the majority of your daily fat intake comes from sources containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Many fast food restaurants also provide information about the ingredients on their menu. If you don't see it, ask about it service staff. You can also find the ingredients on the restaurant's website.

Where are polyunsaturated fatty acids found?

Majority food products have a combination of all types of fats. Some have higher amounts of healthy fats than others. Here are the main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • fish such as , and
  • avocado oil
  • sunflower oil
  • corn oil
  • soybean oil
  • safflower oil
  • peanut butter
  • Sesame oil
  • walnut oil

To get the health benefits, you need to replace unhealthy fats useful.

  • Eat walnuts instead of cookies as a snack. But be sure to stick to small portions, as nuts contain a large number of calories.
  • Replace some animal meat with fish. Try to eat at least 2 servings per week.
  • Add ground seeds flax in your dishes.
  • Add walnuts or sunflower seeds to salads.
  • Use corn or safflower oil instead of butter and solid fats (such as margarine).

The benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Marine fish and fish oil are the most popular and known sources polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and. It is known that these PUFAs have many beneficial properties, including well-pronounced hypotriglyceridemic and anti-inflammatory effects that help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, various studies show promising antihypertensive, antitumor, antioxidant, antidepressant, antiadhesive and antiarthritic effects.

Moreover, recent studies also indicate anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects of these fatty acids in metabolic disorders. Thus, n-3 PUFAs have several health benefits mediated, at least in part, by their anti-inflammatory actions; therefore, their consumption should be encouraged, especially from dietary sources. ()

Reduce triglyceride levels in the blood

The benefit of polyunsaturated fatty acids is that they lower triglyceride levels. American Heart Association recommends to people with high level triglycerides replace saturated fat in the diet with polyunsaturated fats.

Polyunsaturated fats bind and eliminate harmful fats such as saturated fat, cholesterol and triglycerides. In a study led by researcher E. Balk and published in the journal Atherosclerosis" in 2006, fish oil was found to improve levels of "good" cholesterol, known as lipoproteins high density(HDL), and reduces triglyceride levels.

Another study led by William S. Harris, published in May 1997 in " American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" shows that consuming about 4 grams of fish oil daily reduces triglyceride levels by 25-35%.

Reduce blood pressure

Polyunsaturated fatty acids may help lower blood pressure. Several studies have discovered this property, including a study led by researcher Hirotsugu Ueshima published in the journal Hypertension"in 2007. The study analyzed diets different people. It was found that people who consumed fish oil and polyunsaturated fats had lower blood pressure.

Improves depression and ADHD

The benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids include the potential to improve symptoms of depression. Some studies have shown benefits and others have not, although the supplement does not appear to be harmful. In a study published in the journal Nutrition Reviews", which was conducted in 2009 and led by researcher J. Sarris, found that omega-3 fatty acids used on their own probably do not provide benefit unless they are used in combination with an antidepressant.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids may also benefit attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A study conducted in January 2000, led by researcher J. Burgess, and published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", reports that 100 boys with ADHD were found to have low levels polyunsaturated fats, which may be associated with ADHD symptoms and the potential to reduce symptoms.

There are two types of fats: or unsaturated. Depending on the type, fats have different influence on a person's well-being. Let's look at how these two types differ from each other, and also, by consuming which foods, the body acquires them. By distinguishing the effect of these fats on the body, you will be able to organize proper nutrition for yourself and your family.

For a person to be healthy, he needs to regularly eat fat, because when it decomposes, it is divided into very useful fatty acids. They are the main supplier of vitamins and energy.

It is not advisable to eat foods that contain too much saturated fat. Oversaturation of the human body with them invariably leads to a high percentage of cholesterol in the blood. This factor several times increases the possibility that over time a person will develop problems with the heart and vascular system.
Products fried on palm or are harmful because they contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, which are not excreted from the body.

In milk, meat and all food products based on them (lard, cheese, cream, red tenderloin, milk, internal fat and poultry skin) also contain saturated acids.

Types and meaning

For normal human life, the body requires the presence of fats, which are divided into 2 types:

  • MUFA- monounsaturated, hardening at a temperature of +5 °C.
  • PUFA- polyunsaturated, always in the form of a liquid substance.

Both acids have a positive effect on the human body, in particular on the cardiovascular system, they lower the total cholesterol content.

Monounsaturated fats are officially called Omega-9 fatty acids. They are recognized by the American Heart Association. bringing health for the heart muscle and general well-being person. This statement is true until people begin to exceed the norm for consuming these fats.
Translated from “medical” into understandable language, a person should eat foods of varying calorie content throughout the day, but 25–35% of foods should contain healthy fat.

Important! How can a person without an academic degree “by eye” determine which foods contain which fats? To do this, it is enough to see that the vegetable oil does not harden while in the room. This means that it contains monounsaturated fatty acids.

For example, if a woman’s daily diet should contain 2100 calories, then fat will account for 500 to 700 calories. It will be very good if this fat is unsaturated. If you convert 500 to 700 calories to grams, that's about 55 g to 78 g per day.

We need to remember that by eating just 1 gram of fat (any type), we consume 9 calories.

Omega-9 fatty acids contain a lot of vitamin E. It is this vitamin that provides powerful support to the cardiovascular system.
These acids can be found in oils from the following plants:

  • sunflower and corn;
  • ripe olives and hazelnut;
  • rapeseed and safflower.

And these fats are also present in tropical and.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are healthy fat for the body, the main characteristic of which is the ability to remain in a state of fluidity, despite ambient temperature(both warm and cold). The most important of them are acids and.
It is their presence in the body that makes it possible for normal human development, muscle and body growth. Fatty acids have important impact and on the functioning of the human brain.

Polyunsaturated acids enter the body along with the food consumed, otherwise the body simply has nowhere to take them from.

Here is a list of foods containing unsaturated fats:

  • various seafood (fatty fish, scallops, shrimp);
  • walnuts;
  • tofu cheese.

Fat polyunsaturated acids It is also found in sufficient quantities in the oils contained in grain germs (soybean, poppy seed, watermelon and sunflower).

Impact on humans and benefits

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated liquid acids have a positive effect on general state human health, the beauty of his hair, nails and skin. They provide significant support to the body of athletes who experience high physical stress.

Fat-rich foods are one of the important ingredients for creams and all kinds of ointments for the skin. Ointments and creams that contain unsaturated fatty acids have both cosmetic and healing qualities.
With their help, they improve the condition of the skin of the body, face, nail plates, hair Unsaturated fatty acids reduce inflammatory processes in the body.

With their help, human skin better performs its protective functions, because it is their deficiency that serves as an impetus for the coarsening of the surface layer of the skin and the impenetrability of sebaceous pores. As a result of all this, the infection gets deep into the dermis, and inflammation (pimples, boils) forms in these places.

Unsaturated fatty acids necessary for creating cosmetics:

  • stearic and palmitoleic;
  • eicosene, linolenic;
  • linoleic and erucic;
  • and aceteruca;
  • nylon and arachidonic.

Unsaturated acids have more mobility chemical composition than saturated acids. The more double bonds they have, the faster they oxidize, and this ensures the liquid state of the substance. Rapid oxidation allows unsaturated fatty acids to act on the lipid layer and help cosmetics containing water-soluble substances, penetrate under the dermis layer.

How to determine that there is a lack of unsaturated acids in the human body:

  • hair becomes thin and brittle;
  • the skin becomes narrower and rougher;
  • hair begins to fall out partially or completely;
  • skin diseases or eczema may begin;
  • nails lose shine;
  • “tears” appear on the skin near the nail plates.

In the diet of people involved in sports, they must be present; they must be at least 1/10 of the total amount of food.
If you deviate from this ratio and reduce the amount of fat, this will have a bad effect on athletic performance:

  • anabolism of muscle tissue decreases;
  • testosterone ceases to be produced;
  • weakens the immune system.

Without it it is impossible to achieve high results in athletics, weightlifting and bodybuilding. And their absorption depends only on the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the body.

Triglycerides are protectors of the body, with their help:

  • excessive energy costs are covered;
  • the integrity of the joints is maintained;
  • overworked muscle tissues are restored faster;
  • oxidative and inflammatory processes are suspended;
  • muscle mass increases.

If the body has a significant deficiency healthy fats, then the following negative processes gradually occur in it:

  • metabolism stops or slows down;
  • vitamin deficiency may begin;
  • Cardiac disorders develop;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system begin;
  • complete or partial dysfunction of the liver may begin;
  • No nutrition is supplied to the brain cells.

IN daily nutrition The athlete should include foods such as fatty fish and vegetable oils.
Each athlete has his own norm for the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in food (from the total amount of food):

  • for gymnasts - 10%;
  • for foil players - 15%;
  • for wrestlers -20%.

Did you know? You should know that daily norm healthy fats should be half " visible to the eye"and located: in vegetable oil, which was seasoned vegetable salad or in butter on your morning sandwich. The remaining half of the fatty acids are present in our diet secretly: in sausages or sausages, in dairy products or in confectionery baked goods.

Omega-3 fatty acids are recognized by doctors as the most essential for humans. The approximate daily value of 1–2.5 g is intended to be consumed with food. Omega-3 fatty acids are found most in fish oil.
These fats are very important for healthy hair, they contain:

  • which helps dissolve phosphorus and calcium in the body;
  • , promoting elasticity and flexibility of hair;
  • iron, which delivers oxygen to the hair roots.

Omega-3 fatty acids protect the scalp from inflammatory processes, dryness and itching, and promote fastest growth hair.

You can compensate for the lack of these fats in the body by taking the following pharmacological drugs:

  • "Omega 3 Forte".

After a person finishes taking the course of these drugs, his hair loss stops.

Hair masks that saturate them with Omega-3 fatty acids

Mask against hair loss - add 1 share of fish oil to 3 parts of olive oil, mix everything evenly. This mass is applied to the hair and distributed evenly throughout it. After which the hair is wrapped in plastic film, a terry towel is placed on top of the film. This mask stays on the hair for 3-4 hours, after which it is washed off with not too much hot water and shampoo for this hair type. like this healing mask apply 5-6 times a month.
Mask to prevent split ends - fish oil is placed in a small container and heated in a water bath. Warm fish oil is applied to the ends of the hair, after which the hair is wrapped in polyethylene or cling film. The preventive mask remains on the hair for 40–50 minutes, after which it is washed off with hot water.

Mask for nourishing hair and saturating it with moisture - take 2 tablespoons of heated water in a water bath until warm state fish oil and mixed with fresh chicken yolk(it is advisable to take homemade eggs). The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp. The head is wrapped in a terry towel for half an hour. After this time, the mask is washed off with moderately hot water. Nourishing mask It is enough to do it 2 times a month.

Did you know? The first shallow wrinkles can be removed using cosmetic preparations, which are based on Omega acids. These miracle acids maintain the youth of the upper layer of the dermis, its aquabalance and save the purity of the skin from acne.

It must be remembered that Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the building blocks from which necessary for a person triglycerides. They guard the immune system, improve and stimulate the functioning of brain cells, fight inflammatory processes and prevent the development of oncology.

With their help, the blood density is thinned to optimal, they facilitate the flow of nutrition to the bones and joints, muscles and muscle ligaments, kidneys, heart, liver and other internal organs.

Unsaturated compounds can be obtained from the following natural products:

  • canola oil;
  • walnut kernels;

Triglycerides are strong hepatoprotectors and provide permanent liver protection. Simultaneously healthy fats help remove cholesterol plaques from the blood, thereby protecting the body from atherosclerosis, thrombosis, lack of oxygen in the heart, and arrhythmias in the ventricles. Fatty acids constantly provide the body's cells with material for their structure. This allows cells to renew themselves more often, and a person remains young longer. Healthy fats are powerful antioxidants.

Important! Overheated during cooking high temperatures healthy fats lose their positive traits and become accumulators of harmful substances. These substances destroy the human body, negatively affecting the liver, kidneys, metabolism in the body and the digestive system. Healthy and wholesome dishes should be steamed, boiled, or baked. Fried foods lose their beneficial qualities, their value becomes a minus value.

If in daily menu If unsaturated fatty acids are included, then after a while the following diseases or painful symptoms will subside:

  • rapid or chronic fatigue;
  • aches in the joints of the arms, legs, lower back;
  • peeling, itching and dryness of the skin;
  • diabetes 2nd type;
  • depressive state;
  • absent-mindedness and inattention;
  • separation of the nail plates;
  • split ends and brittle hair;
  • heartache;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In order to determine how much unsaturated fatty acids is needed human body, you need to consider several factors:

  • what kind of work a person does (hard physical or mental);
  • what age is he?
  • what climate zone does he live in?
  • how strong or weakened his immunity is.

Norm of unsaturated fatty acids per day:
  • temperate climate zone- the daily dose of healthy fats in the body fluctuates around 30% of all food eaten;
  • Far North zone- the daily norm of triglycerides increases to 40% per day (calculated from the total calorie content of food eaten);
  • professions related to big physical activity , - such workers should receive 35% healthy fats per day;
  • people over 60 years of age and older- they need to get a reduced salary daily dose triglycerides (below 20% of the total calorie intake);
  • healthy adults- the daily norm of healthy fats is 20%, translated into grams - from 50 to 80 g of fat per day;
  • people exhausted by a long illness or recovering- they are entitled to an increased portion of healthy fats (from 80 to 100 g per day).

Did you know? According to nutritionists, an adult can completely block daily requirement in fatty acids if you eat a small pack (100 g) of potato chips or several rings of raw smoked sausage (within 10 g).

To feel good and maintain your health long years, nutritionists recommend not including fried foods and dishes on the menu instant cooking(“Mivinu”, “Rollton”, etc.). They also suggest reducing the amount meat dishes on the menu, replacing them with fish dishes. Instead of store-bought chocolate and sweets, it is much healthier to treat yourself to nuts. Cereal porridges are also useful.
If you make it a rule to start the day with a small spoon (dessert) of vegetable oil on an empty stomach, this will have a very good effect on your work gastrointestinal tract. The best vegetable oil to choose is olive or flaxseed.

To help the workers of Omega acids in their creative work, a person needs to support the body with vitamins D, B6, as necessary, and also take antioxidants.

About excesses and shortcomings

Compounds of fatty acids and glycerol esters are called triglycerides. From school, people have learned that the cells of the human body are built from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. By assimilating all these compounds, the human body receives strength for growth and regeneration. Lethargy or energetic behavior also depends on the intake of healthy fats.

Did you know? Where do the body's unused fats hide? Excess fat that has not been converted into energy for humans tends to accumulate. Every person has such a “fat ND”. A man of average height with a normal physique has about 10 kg of “fat capital”, and a woman of the same physical parameters accumulates a fat reserve of 12 kg.

Metabolism will be organic and energetic only when the ratio of substances received in the body is as follows: 55% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and 30% fats.

By consuming foods containing vegetable or animal fats, we replenish the body's deficiency in triglycerides. Each of these products has a unique combination of fatty acids.

What else are healthy fats responsible for?

  • for the creation of prostaglandins, which have a strong effect on blood pressure, uterine tissue and cells of the nervous system;
  • for creating a fatty insulating layer that is located under the skin and protects a person from mechanical damage internal organs, brain and from hypothermia.
  • healthy fats are delivered “to their destination” (A, D, E, K);

We must not forget that oversaturation of the body with healthy fats (more than 40–45%) can cause an effect that is far from positive. A person begins to gain weight, fat is deposited on his sides, anabolism and immunity decrease, and libido decreases. An excess of triglycerides leads to the fact that a person quickly gets tired and cannot concentrate on one activity for a long time.

In what foods can you find unsaturated fatty acids?

  • in nut kernels - pecans, cashews, and others;
  • in avocados and sunflower seeds, and;
  • in concentrated fish oil or fatty varieties fish (tuna, trout, mackerel, sardine);
  • in oatmeal and dried fruits;
  • in vegetable oils and soybeans;
  • in black currant berries.

To stay healthy and youthful for as long as possible, it is essential for people to consume foods that contain adequate amounts of saturated and unsaturated fats every day.

Important! The healthiest vegetable oils are those obtained by cold pressing (without prior frying). Such vegetable oil should be stored in a sealed glass container, in a place where the contents of the jar will not come into direct contact with Sun rays. Also, this place should be cold and dark.

They bring to the body great benefit: support the protective functions of the skin, thin the blood and prevent the body from accumulating excess weight. But, like any useful substances, you need to consume unsaturated fatty acids in moderation, since they have a very high calorie content. Consume healthy food and take care of your health!

Many people are very mistaken, thinking that if you remove fats from your diet, you can quickly lose weight. Fatty acids are extremely necessary for the body; you should not replace them with “light” spreads and oils. On the contrary, low-fat food leads to a lack of nutrients - minerals, vitamins, as a result, metabolism is disrupted, and you quickly gain excess weight. Lipids are essential for normal metabolic processes, because toxic substances and waste begin to accumulate in tissues and cells, thus the body ceases to be cleansed.

What does a low-fat diet lead to?

Unfortunately, quite often this type of diet leads to the body being completely depleted. By eliminating fats in the body, the required amount decreases:

  • Enzymes.
  • Hormones.
  • Useful connections.

Please note that a person must receive all useful substances from food. Every body needs linoleic and linolenic acids. The skin will tell you about their deficiency: it becomes wrinkled and dry. Over time, the hair noticeably becomes dull, then it begins to fall out, and dandruff appears.

In case of deficiency of healthy fatty acids, serious inflammatory process, blood supply and fat metabolism are also disrupted, subsequently the person ages quickly.

In addition, the digestive process is disrupted, the person suffers from constant constipation. Over time, the skin and hair dry out, nails break and peel, the mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth dries out. In women, the microflora in the vagina is disrupted, immunity sharply decreases, so frequent infectious and bacterial diseases are a concern.

Foods with saturated fatty acids

To enrich the body with saturated fatty acids, it is recommended to consume beef, pork, poultry, lamb, as well as dairy products: cream, milk, butter, cheese. Small amounts of saturated fatty acids are found in margarine, coconut oil, palm oil and other artificial fats. Please note that the latest list of products has a negative impact on your health.

Products with unsaturated fatty acid

This type of acid is divided into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. You should definitely eat foods that contain a lot of different unsaturated fatty acids.

A lot of omega 9 is found in rapeseed, flaxseed, olive oil, as well as in olives, almonds, macadamia, hazelnuts, pistachios, and some types of poultry meat.

Even 30 years ago, scientists thought: consuming monounsaturated fat does not affect blood cholesterol levels. In case of high cholesterol, nutritionists recommend replacing saturated fat with monounsaturated fat.

What foods contain polyunsaturated fats?

It is important to understand that this type of fatty acid includes Omega-6 and Omega-3. They are extremely necessary for the body, otherwise basic life processes will be disrupted.

Polyunsaturated fatty acid is found in rapeseed, soybean, corn, flaxseed, sunflower, safflower oil, as well as in walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin, poppy, sesame, and sunflower seeds. A sufficient amount of the substance is found in fish, tofu, seafood, soybeans, leafy vegetables, and wheat germ.

It has been proven that with the help of fatty acids you can:

  • Normalize blood cholesterol.
  • Normalize blood pressure.

Attention! If oils are stored incorrectly, they quickly begin to deteriorate and can cause serious harm.

To benefit the body, properly store and consume fresh food, and constantly replenish the body's reserves with polyunsaturated fats.

How much fatty acids does a person need?

Nutritionists are confident that 30% fat is enough for health benefits. They are 60% monounsaturated, 30% saturated and 10% polyunsaturated. It is allowed to consume 30% vegetable and 70% animal fats. The main thing is to constantly monitor your calories.

It is best to consume fats in natural products, rich in nutrients - nuts, sea ​​fish, seeds, olives. Be sure to include unrefined vegetable oil, natural lard, butter.

Eliminate refined oils, other processed fats, hydrogenated fats, and oil substitutes from your diet. Keep in mind that it is prohibited to store fats in light, heat, or open air. But it is better to fry foods in melted butter or olive oil. Remember that unrefined oils cannot be subjected to heat treatment.

The effects of unsaturated fatty acids on the body

It is this type of fat that provides all cells with sufficient energy. Also, due to these acids, heart function improves, a sufficient amount of hormones is produced, and the activity of the brain and nervous system is restored. If you eat right, you won't get different allergic reactions, you will be protected from a malignant tumor.

Unsaturated fatty acids are excellent for strengthening the immune system. The substances are especially useful for blood vessels and the heart. With their help, you can increase the level of useful and reduce the amount of harmful. This improves blood composition, vascular elasticity, and normalizes blood pressure.

Omega 3, 6, 9 fats are of no small importance for the liver - they reliably protect it from destructive processes, which is why they are components of hepatoprotectors.

So, fatty acids play an important role in human life. If you feel that you are lacking nutrients, change your diet, take fish oil, biologically active additives With vegetable oil, contact a specialist. Fatty acids are extremely necessary for the child's body. In case of their shortage, serious problems may begin with the central nervous system, physical, mental development. Carefully monitor your diet, do not forget to improve your health.

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