Diarrhea and abdominal pain what to do. Diarrhea and abdominal pain: possible causes, associated symptoms and treatment

Many people are extremely careless about unpleasant sensations in the stomach, completely ignoring them or carrying out independent treatment.

This is prohibited, since even minor pain can indicate a dangerous illness.

To determine why your stomach hurts and diarrhea, and what to do to get rid of this pathology, you need to consult a doctor.

Diarrhea and abdominal pain: causes and treatment

If an adult has a stomach ache and diarrhea, then this may be symptoms of various diseases that indicate malfunctions within the body.

There are various reasons for such violations viral diseases, poisoning and other factors. Need to install in time original reason occurrence of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate them.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) often occurs in a situation where intestinal irritation is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it or if inflammation develops.

If sharp pain occurs near the abdomen (stomach or intestines), body temperature increases, and vomiting reflex, then such a condition can be assessed as severe. Treatment of the patient should be carried out in inpatient conditions.

Causes of diarrhea and abdominal pain

Taking into account the localization of pain and accompanying symptoms, the following main provoking factors of the pathological condition are identified:

  • When pathogenic microorganisms enter the digestive system, the patient experiences diarrhea. Disturbances in the digestive processes are associated with strong cutting sensations. A sign of dysentery will be diarrhea and paroxysmal pain near the abdomen. The patient's temperature rises and the skin begins to turn pale.
  • Severe stomach pain and diarrhea after eating expired food products.
  • Chemical intoxication is another provoking factor for diarrhea. The patient develops cutting painful sensations, increased sweating occurs. Before doctors arrive, you need to drink the maximum amount of fluid.
  • Disruptions in the digestive processes may indicate that the patient has colitis or enteritis. Characteristic feature This disease is considered to be an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes digestive organs. The patient complains of irritability. He loses weight due to impaired absorption of nutrients within the intestines.
  • Sharp pain on the right side abdominal cavity indicates the formation of appendicitis. In such a situation, it is necessary to transport the patient to the clinic without delay.
  • A stomach ulcer can cause disruption in the digestive processes. Pain occurs immediately after eating.
  • Dysbacteriosis becomes a provoking factor for diarrhea. Foam and mucus are observed in the patient's stool. The patient complains of bloating. An unpleasant sour aroma emanates from stool.


To know what to do if you have stomach pain and diarrhea, what to do to eliminate this phenomenon, and why you need to review your diet, you need to consult a doctor.

After the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed effective treatment aimed at:

  • restoration of proper functioning of the digestive processes;
  • eliminating loose stools;
  • counteracting pathogens;
  • recovery water-salt balance inside the body.

Drug therapy

To eliminate poisoning, you should use adsorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta). With watery diarrhea, the patient loses a large amount of fluid.

In order to counteract dehydration, ready-made saline solutions. They can be bought in pharmacies (Regidron, Hydrolit).

To relieve non-infectious diarrhea, a specialist may prescribe medications that are strong for diarrhea - Loperamide, Imodium.

Abdominal pain can be associated with improper enzyme production. Their lack can lead to disruption in the process of processing food masses.

The patient suffers from excessive gas formation and abdominal pain. It is possible to remove the disease using medications such as Mezim, Espumisan.

Treatment of dysbiosis involves the use of probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Linex). Inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa during gastritis can be eliminated with Maalox.

Therapy for abdominal pain with diarrhea in an adult is not limited to the use of medications. It is necessary to adhere to dietary nutrition in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

Required for long time exclude fatty varieties meat, fried foods and marinade, which irritate the mucous membranes.

Diet for stomach pain

At the initial signs of illness, you should not eat the following foods:

  • Sweets. They contain significant amount Sahara. During the processing of this food product, fermentation processes occur inside the intestines. A weakened body with diarrhea will not be able to resist infection.
  • It is forbidden to eat pickles, marinades and smoked foods. These products irritate the mucous membranes, worsening the patient’s well-being.
  • IN fresh fruit and vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which stimulates gastrointestinal motility. After eating such products, patients experience an increase in bowel movements.
  • Fermentation appears after eating dairy products and fruit juices.
  • Fatty meats make it difficult for the digestive system to function. It takes a long time to process. In this case, stagnation occurs, which disrupts the functioning of the intestines.

The diet of a patient with abdominal pain and diarrhea should include:

  • Rusks are very helpful in strengthening the stool. The product effectively counteracts loose stools.
  • If you feel better, your diet can be filled with boiled eggs and fish.
  • Allowed to eat low-fat varieties meat. It's beef or chicken.

To prevent dehydration, you should drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

Traditional treatment

There are very effective recipes, helping to eliminate pain when the stomach hurts and diarrhea is observed. These include:

  • Flax seed tincture. Cleanses the body of toxic substances. Place 1 tbsp in the container. l. seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. The mass is infused for 60 minutes. Take 200 g three times a day.
  • It is possible to get rid of severe diarrhea by rye crackers. The crusts are poured warm water and infuse for 15 minutes. The finished infusion is drunk 100 g every 2 hours. Diarrhea and pain go away throughout the day.
  • Crushed oak bark consists of large quantity tannins. This helps strengthen loose stools. If acute pain occurs in the abdomen, take 30 g of oak solution three times a day until recovery. To prepare the tincture you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials with 3 glasses of water. Afterwards, the broth is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Bird cherry tincture is very helpful for abdominal pain and diarrhea. It has an astringent effect. The infusion is used instead of tea. The decoction eliminates abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  • When the lower abdomen hurts or diarrhea occurs, prepare an infusion of blueberries. It is used for non-infectious diarrhea, colitis, enteritis. What to do to prepare: pour 4 tbsp into a clean cup. l. dry berries. Add 200 g of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes and then drink throughout the day. The berries are eaten.
  • Chicken stomachs. A handful of stomachs are washed, the film is removed, and dried in the oven. Then they are ground using a coffee grinder to a powdery mass. If the lower abdomen hurts or diarrhea occurs, swallow 1 tsp. powder with a sip of water.

How to avoid diarrhea and stomach pain

To know what to do to prevent the occurrence of such a pathology, you need to find out the doctor’s recommendations. He will advise you to comply with the following instructions:

There are a large number of diseases of the digestive system, during which water diarrhea occurs and the stomach hurts.

These symptoms may occur after eating, stressful situations or physical activity.

In some cases, pain, diarrhea and nausea occur suddenly and also disappear unexpectedly, without the need for therapy. In certain situations, medical intervention is required.

How to treat diarrhea and abdominal pain should be decided by a specialist. It is forbidden to make a choice of certain medications yourself.

IN best case scenario they will not give the expected result, and at worst, they will aggravate the situation.

When the pain is prolonged, diarrhea does not go away, and spasms are observed constantly, weakening for a while, and then flaring up with renewed vigor, the stomach constantly hurts and diarrhea is observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay.

This indicates disorders in the digestive system or malfunctions in the genitourinary or cardiovascular system.

Timely elimination of all diseases internal organs and systems, compliance preventive measures helps prevent the occurrence of these pathological processes.

If your stomach hurts and you have diarrhea, what should you do? What measures to take to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms? Could such manifestations indicate serious problems in the human body?

First you need to understand that diarrhea, or loose stool, is a signal from the body that indicates possible problems V gastrointestinal tract. If joins heat, severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen, then we can say with confidence: a serious disease is brewing in the body, which requires urgent treatment.

Abdominal pain with diarrhea can be caused not only by diarrhea, but also by:

  • serious problems in the intestines;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • appendicitis;
  • menstruation in women.

To relieve spasmodic pain, you can take No-Spa tablets and be sure to consult a doctor to find out the causes and make a diagnosis.

Remember! In a healthy body, diarrhea and stomach pain cannot occur for no reason; each of these manifestations requires consultation with a specialist.

Major diseases that are accompanied by such symptoms

  1. Dysentery. This is serious infection, which requires immediate hospitalization and hospital treatment. In addition to diarrhea, patients experience paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, the temperature rises to critical levels, and nausea and vomiting may occur. If mucus and blood begin to appear in the diarrhea, then a complex is carried out therapeutic treatment. It includes taking medications that restore intestinal microflora and antibiotics that will fight infection. For example, ranitidine helps remove toxins. Doctors definitely recommend following a diet. In the first few days, patients are allowed to drink only tea with crackers and a little steamed rice. During the entire treatment, patients should drink as much fluid as possible, preferably rosehip decoction.
  2. Diarrhea. The cause of the disease is disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, such manifestations indicate the necessary cleansing of the body from decay products, toxins and mucus. Diarrhea with pain is typical for alcohol and food poisoning. In such cases, loose stool helps the body return to normal. You should be wary of diarrhea, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • bloating;
  • sour smell of discharge;
  • bowel movements are foamy in nature;
  • observed constant rumbling in a stomach.

All these manifestations may indicate inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as mucus begins to be released in large volumes in the intestines, which reduces absorption. nutrients into the body.

  1. Enteritis. This is an inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the small intestine. Patients feel, cardiovascular disorders appear, general intoxication of the body and dehydration are observed. The cause of this disease is an unbalanced diet, lack of protein and vitamins in food. Because of this, intestinal absorption is impaired. useful substances, decreases motor function small intestine. If a doctor diagnoses a patient with such a disease, he prescribes cleansing enemas, drinking plenty of fluids, dietary food, astringent drugs.
  2. Appendicitis. Appendicitis often manifests as diarrhea. Abdominal cramps are moderate. Gradually the pain shifts from the epigastrium to lower sections. This disease is also accompanied by loss of appetite, increased urination, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Appendicitis can be diagnosed at home. It is enough to lie on your right side and press your knees to your chest, the pain will intensify. Such manifestations require urgent hospitalization sick.
  3. Period. In 5-6% of women, menstruation is accompanied by loose stools and. In such cases, there is no point in suspecting an intestinal infection. The reason for such manifestations will be:
  • failure hormonal levels- it is during this period that progesterone should be actively produced;
  • relaxed vaginal muscles.

There is no need to do anything in such a situation. Just wait a few days and all the symptoms will go away on their own. But if, after the cessation of menstruation, diarrhea does not stop, then you need to consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

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What else is the reason?

  1. Stomach and duodenal ulcers, cancer. These diseases cannot be identified only by the presence of diarrhea; the main symptom is stomach pain. Diarrhea may occur with such diagnoses, as irritation of the mucous membrane of these organs occurs. Very often, with prolonged diarrhea, intestinal or duodenal cancer is diagnosed. Clear evidence of the presence of oncology in the intestines and stomach are:
  • causeless weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sudden weight loss.

On initial stages Such diseases do not manifest themselves in any way. Only with sharp growth The tumor, with its critical size, patients complain that their stomach hurts and the diarrhea does not stop.

  1. In the early and late stages of pregnancy. In the last weeks of the term, the lower abdomen may begin to hurt due to diarrhea - this is the beginning of labor. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance so that they can examine and provide qualified assistance. On early stages Pregnancy diarrhea may be a sign of toxicosis. Due to hormonal changes, some women experience voluntary bowel cleansing. Such diarrhea is not dangerous if it lasts up to 3 days. If similar symptoms do not disappear on day 5-6, this may indicate the development of the disease in the body of a pregnant woman. It is also worth knowing that prolonged diarrhea in the early stages can provoke an increase in uterine tone, which will lead to miscarriage. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, find out the causes of diarrhea and abdominal pain, and take a course of medication.

Increasingly, patients complain of sharp pains in the abdomen, which are accompanied by diarrhea and nausea. This problem is especially relevant in the summer; it is at this time of year that food poisoning most often occurs. In addition to poisoning, these signs can signal several other ailments. In our article we will look at what to do if your stomach hurts, nausea and diarrhea.

Causes of the disease

  • Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, weakness - these symptoms are quite common in both adults and children. The reasons for their occurrence can be completely different. After contacting a doctor, first of all, the specialist finds out what the patient ate the day before in order to rule out possible food poisoning.
  • These symptoms may indicate either a single disease or several. For example, discomfort in the abdomen may occur due to taking too much fatty foods. Loose stools are associated with a possible intestinal infection, and nausea, in turn, can signal diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are often found in those losing weight who regularly exhaust themselves different diets. After fasting and eating too low-calorie foods, these symptoms occur.
  • If a patient regularly (more than a week) has severe stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea, most likely this is a serious pathology, for which it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. These signs are especially dangerous for young children.. If these symptoms bother you for more than three days, be sure to contact your medical institution.

In addition to the main reasons, this phenomenon can be observed due to climate change or after prolonged stress.

Possible diseases

Stomach pain, weakness, nausea and diarrhea are the first signs of the following diseases:

  • Mostly symptoms such as nausea, weakness, diarrhea and vomiting are the result of food poisoning. Often the main symptoms are accompanied by elevated body temperature. In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to wash stomach light manganese solution, and also drink enough liquid. This manipulation is necessary in order to avoid possible dehydration.
  • These signs are also characteristic of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the main symptoms, the patient complains of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.
  • Nausea, intestinal upset, pain in the stomach area are symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas or cholecystitis. These symptoms disappear only when complex treatment underlying disease.
  • If diarrhea occurs more than 7 times a day, nausea does not bring relief and is accompanied by vomiting, most likely it is an intestinal infection. If a patient is bothered by such symptoms, a visit to a doctor should be made immediately.
  • If, in addition to the main symptoms, streaks of blood are observed in the stool, the patient elevated temperature body and is worried about general weakness, most likely we are talking about dysentery.

If these symptoms are caused by food poisoning

If the cause of discomfort is poisoning, you need to provide assistance to the patient and begin full treatment:

  1. First of all, you need to rinse your stomach to remove toxins from the body.. A regular one will do for this purpose. boiled water room temperature or weak solution manganese The patient should drink at least a glass of liquid, and then artificially induce vomiting (using two fingers). The procedure must be carried out until the vomit becomes transparent.
  2. After gastric lavage, you need to start taking medications, which in turn fight toxins. Taking sorbents is necessary to remove toxins from the body that have managed to penetrate the blood. The most common is considered Activated carbon. It is taken according to the instructions, one tablet per 10 kg of the patient’s weight. In addition to activated carbon, there are more modern drugs, such as smecta, enterosgel, polysorb, filtrum. The dosage of each drug is individual; it is recommended to take it only after consultation with a doctor.
  3. Another important step in the treatment of food poisoning is drinking plenty of fluids.. The main signs of the disease are vomiting and watery diarrhea; these factors can lead to dehydration. It is for this reason that the patient should drink at least a glass clean water after each attack of vomiting or defecation.
  4. After the symptoms disappear, the patient needs to restore the intestinal microflora. For these purposes, experts recommend taking a course of drugs that restore microflora. These include: Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Linex. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the severity of the poisoning.
  5. If we are talking about an intestinal infection, a course of treatment is necessary antibacterial agents(tetracycline, ciprofloxacin).

If these symptoms are caused by a gastrointestinal disease

If nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea are caused by various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying disease:

  • To relieve stomach pain, antispasmodics such as nosh-pa or drotaverine are used.
  • If pain is observed in the stomach, it is necessary to reduce the acidity gastric juice, for these purposes, experts recommend taking omeprazole or omez.
  • If we are talking about chronic gastritis or stomach ulcer, it is necessary to take enveloping agents. These include Maalox or Almagel.
  • Helps get rid of nausea medicines, such as cerucal or metoclopramide.
  • An important factor in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is diet. Excessively fatty, smoked and spicy foods should be excluded. You should also avoid excessively cold or hot foods.

This information is not instructions for self-medication. Drug names are provided for informational purposes only. At the first of the above signs, be sure to consult a doctor.

If symptoms are caused by dysentery

This disease is detected after stool tests. If a doctor discovers dysentery in a patient, it is very important to start treatment as soon as possible, this will help avoid possible complications. The disease has various degrees severity, so treatment of dysentery is strictly individual. Treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting, since this disease is contagious. After completion of treatment, a repeat examination of stool is prescribed. As a preventive measure, patients are advised to maintain personal hygiene and thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before consumption.

Folk remedies

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home, you can use folk remedies
. These recipes will help the patient with abdominal discomfort and normalize loose stools:

Experts advise using it for serious illnesses. this treatment together with the main one.

  1. Take one pomegranate and peel the skins from the berries. Next, you need to place the pomegranate peel in a warm, dark place until completely dry. Once the crust becomes brittle, grind it to a powder state. Place one teaspoon of pomegranate powder in a glass, pour boiling water over it and close with a lid. As soon as the drink reaches room temperature, you need to drink half a glass of pomegranate tincture at the first symptoms.
  2. Peel the ginger root. Grind using a fine grater and place the resulting consistency in a glass container. Pour boiling water over the ginger and cover with a lid. The drink must be allowed to brew for at least 3 hours, after which it is necessary to drink 1/3 glass after each act of defecation or vomiting.
  3. To prepare the next recipe we will need young blueberry leaves. 8-10 leaves must be poured with boiling water, it is advisable to use a thermos. The drink should steep for at least a day, after which it is necessary to take half a glass before each meal. It is advisable to carry out treatment with blueberry tincture over a course of at least 7 days..

Prevention measures

To avoid becoming the owner unpleasant diseases such as dysentery or intestinal infection To avoid food poisoning, you must follow some preventive measures:

  • Avoid public pools or saunas.
  • After walking, be sure to wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits with hot water before eating.
  • We eat meat and fish only after heat treatment.
  • Check expiration dates before purchasing a product.

Pork, beef or lamb must be exposed to heat for at least 2 hours.

Follow preventive measures to protect yourself and your loved ones. If the first symptoms of serious illness appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea may occur due to various reasons. This indicates a disturbance in the functioning of the stomach, digestive system. A symptom may appear unexpectedly and take a person by surprise. If you know what to do with diarrhea, how to properly treat it, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant phenomenon.

Traditional methods

After consulting with a doctor, it is permissible to try traditional methods of dealing with loose stools. A list of ways to help cope with symptoms at home:

  • Rice. Rice porrige in water or a decoction is used to eliminate diarrhea in adults and children. They cook for the children. The product is given to drink before meals. On the third day the diarrhea goes away.
  • Starch. If your stomach is cramped, you can prepare potato broth. Boil a couple of medium potatoes. The broth after cooking contains starch. Take 100 ml of decoction throughout the day. The second method: dilute a teaspoon of starch in a glass of water and drink before meals.
  • Pomegranate. Pomegranate peels folk medicine used to treat diarrhea. Peel the fruit and remove the skins white film, dry a little. Steam in a thermos for several hours. Strain the broth. Take before meals.
  • Tea. Strong tea is used in the treatment of indigestion. Brew 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water, drink three times a day.

If your stomach periodically seizes, decoctions from medicinal plants will help cope with the symptom. Traditional methods effective when used correctly. Natural ingredients harmless to health.

Diet for diarrhea

Proper nutrition and diet table - required condition For quick recovery patient after diarrhea. If your stomach hurts, it is recommended to refrain from eating for the first day so as not to burden your stomach. Then eat small portions, 5-6 times a day.

It is allowed to include in the menu: porridge with water, lean broths, vegetable soups, steamed cutlets, crackers, dried fruit compotes, herbal tea.

As the patient's condition improves, new products are added to the menu.

Do not consume during diarrhea:

  • Sparkling water;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Peas, beans, lentils;
  • Dairy products;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Bakery products;
  • Coffee drinks.

If you comply correct mode nutrition, the stomach will recover after diarrhea in a short time.

What not to do if you have diarrhea

Every person has experienced diarrhea. Both children and adults are susceptible to stomach upsets caused by certain factors. Many people don't pay attention special attention loose stool. But diarrhea can be a signal of serious health problems. If you have diarrhea, you should not:

  • Start treatment on your own, especially medications, if a case of poisoning or infection occurs.
  • Apply a warm towel or heating pad to your stomach. It is believed that heat helps to reduce cramping in the abdomen and reduces cramping pain. Without knowing the exact cause of diarrhea, it is easy to make the situation worse.
  • Eat foods that have a laxative effect on the stomach.
  • Do not eat foods that irritate the intestines.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Some tips to prevent diarrhea:

  • Maintain good personal hygiene and wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
  • Avoid contact with sick people. If a family member is sick, prepare separate dishes.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Maintain proper nutrition at all times.
  • Lead active image life.

When the first symptoms appear, do not let the disease take its course, consult a doctor. This will help reduce treatment time and restore health.

Everyone at least once in their life has felt how unpleasant it is when their stomach hurts and diarrhea does not stop. Diarrhea and stomach pain have plagued humanity since time immemorial. The first attempts at reasonable treatment of abdominal cramps with diarrhea were made more than 2500 years ago by Hippocrates. Despite the efforts made, about 30% of the world's population suffers from abdominal pain and loose stools.

In third world countries, 1 million children die every year from diarrhea, and many have constant stomach pain. The problem of stomach pain and diarrhea is serious; it needs to be solved comprehensively, using medical advances and folk remedies.

Types of diarrhea

Diarrhea is watery stool more than 3 times a day, accompanied by severe abdominal pain. Lasting up to 2 weeks pathological process considered spicy. If your stomach hurts and diarrhea does not stop beyond this period, then we are talking about a chronic form of the disease. The name "diarrhea" is the vernacular equivalent of the term "diarrhea", which comes from the Greek "diarrhea", that is, "to flow, to flow".

Stomach pain and diarrhea are symptoms of an extensive list of diseases that range from basic uncleanliness to cancer. The mechanisms of occurrence of pathology differ depending on the provoking factor and its location in the intestine:

  • V small intestine A secretory type of diarrhea develops when water and salt metabolism due to the activation of cellular enzymes. Water simply “oozes” from the intestinal walls, the body quickly becomes dehydrated;
  • localization in the large intestine is characterized by an invasive type of pathology when an infectious agent causes local inflammation with the release of large amounts of mucus from the intestinal walls;
  • an increased concentration of Na ions in the intestinal contents “pulls” water from the cells. This is how saline laxatives work;
  • disorders nervous system enhance the secretion of substances that stimulate contraction of intestinal muscles, accelerate peristalsis and evacuation of intestinal contents;
  • the inflamed mucous membrane of the colon with ulcers and erosions secretes mucus, pus, and blood, which dilute the feces.

When the stomach hurts and diarrhea continues to torment the patient, you should not hope that everything will resolve itself. It is necessary to determine the causes of intestinal disorder to choose the best way fight him.

Causes of abdominal pain with diarrhea

The reasons why it doesn’t end are conventionally divided into several groups. Chronic form diarrhea with periodic cases in which the intestines hurt, provoked by:

  • long-term inflammatory processes Gastrointestinal tract - stomach diseases, ulcers, colitis, enteritis, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis;
  • when the liver hurts and there is obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • neoplasms of various origins in the intestines;
  • congenital metabolic disorders, expressed in intolerance to a certain food component, for example, gluten or lactose;
  • metabolic diseases - diabetes, thyroid pathologies;
  • genetic abnormalities of the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constant nervous tension.

These reasons cause prolonged diarrhea with infrequent pain in the stomach. This serious illnesses, the treatment of which requires hospital conditions and qualified doctors.

Much more often in living conditions Acute diarrhea occurs. The following factors can cause pain in the intestines:

  • uncontrolled use of laxatives;
  • poisoning with alcohol and toxic drugs;
  • bacteria – salmonella, staphylococcus;
  • fungi – mold, yeast;
  • viruses - rotaviruses, better known as intestinal flu;
  • helminthic infestations.

Viral infections are transmitted from carriers of the infection through airborne droplets and contact. In 70% of cases, a microbe (bacteria, fungi) is the reason that a person has a twisting stomach and loose stools. Bacteria and microscopic fungi are not dangerous in themselves. They release toxins harmful to humans, which cause sharp pain in the stomach with diarrhea. Poisoning occurs through contaminated food, dirty hands, and drinking poor-quality water. According to statistics, Russians are most often poisoned meat products, eggs, ready-made salads with mayonnaise, cottage cheese products, fish.

Pathogenic microflora enters food:

  • at the manufacturing plant with dirty hands of personnel, unwashed equipment;
  • when transported under inappropriate conditions;
  • from non-compliance with the rules for storing and selling goods in a store;
  • when the terms and conditions of storage of food products are neglected by the consumer himself: consumption of spoiled, expired food products.

Buying goods from dubious kiosks, spontaneous markets, or from unverified sellers, allegedly selling personal products, increases the risk of poisoning. It is especially tragic if severe abdominal pain with diarrhea began at a southern resort. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of food poisoning among tourists in exotic countries due to the lack of immunity to local microflora and the consumption of unfamiliar food.

What do abdominal pain and diarrhea mean in women and men?

Hormonal changes can cause pain in the lower abdomen with diarrhea in women during menstruation. About 30% of ladies note intestinal symptomsincreased gas formation, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. Similar phenomenon in women it is caused by increased intestinal motility under the influence of hormones.

Almost 15% of women suffer from irritable bowel symptoms. Abdominal torsion and loose stools arise from nervous experiences and minimal errors in eating. Colic and strong pain in the stomach usually go away after going to the toilet.

Also, pain in the right hypochondrium in women can be a sign of inflammation or a cyst of the right ovary, ectopic pregnancy. serves both women and men alarm signal about the presence of cholecystitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer, stones in the right kidney.

The following can cause diarrhea in men:

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption.
  2. Increased physical activity.
  3. Too much fatty food, binge eating.
  4. Alternating periods of hunger with episodes of overeating.

If an adult man has severe stomach pain, and diarrhea simply twists the intestines, this may be a sign of acute food poisoning.

The first symptoms of poisoning will appear within half an hour. The feeling of heaviness and fullness increases, the stomach hurts severely. Breathing and heart rate increase. The secretion of saliva increases, which is swallowed convulsively, and nausea sets in. Then the contents of the stomach come out. Abdominal pain increases, accompanied by cramps and cramps. The temperature rises to 38 °C and above. The poisoned person feels weakness, chills, dizziness, strong cutting pains in a stomach. Begin frequent urge to the toilet with loose, watery stool. Vomiting, diarrhea and increased body temperature lead to dehydration. The mouth is dry, the saliva is viscous. Lethargy and weakness of the whole body. Possible loss of consciousness.

First aid for poisoning

It is important to begin first aid as quickly as possible. Severe, continuous vomiting and diarrhea, body temperature above 38 °C are a signal to call a doctor. First aid consists of gastric lavage, decontamination of toxins, and elimination of dehydration.

  1. Gastric lavage. Give the poisoned person to drink 1-2 liters of clean water and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Continue until complete cleansing stomach.
  2. Decontamination of toxins remaining in the gastrointestinal tract. When the stomach is clean, give activated carbon at the rate of 1 crushed tablet per 10 kg of the victim’s weight. Instead of coal, sorbents Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan are used. Take up to 4 times, with an interval of 15 minutes, with boiled water.
  3. Eliminate dehydration. An hour after taking the last portion of the sorbent, replenishment of lost fluid begins. You can drink weak sweet tea. Powders for dissolution in water - Regidron, Gastrolit, Tsitraglucosan - contain salts, glucose, reduce aqueous and salt balance body.

Create comfortable conditions for the poisoned person. Lay on your left side, cover with a blanket, warm your feet with heating pads. Do not immediately give fixing medications and decoctions. They interfere with the cleansing of the body.

For the first 2 days after poisoning, you must adhere to a gentle diet. Eat liquid rice or oatmeal on the water. It is recommended to drink more sweet, weak tea with homemade crackers. In the following days, avoid fatty, spicy, fried, smoked, pickled foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Treatment of diarrhea and abdominal pain

After removal of acute intoxication and recovery water balance begin treatment for diarrhea. Modern medicine offers several groups of medications to eliminate loose stools:

  1. Probiotics – used when the balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed, after long-term use antibiotics, with decreased immunity. Move in colon bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Pharmacy chains have wide range similar products: Hilak Forte, Linex, Acipol.
  2. Drugs that inhibit peristalsis are produced on the basis of loperamide. Most famous tradename The medicine in this line is Imodium, it will help you quickly get rid of diarrhea.
  3. Antimicrobial drugs - antibiotics, sulfonamides are prescribed after a series of tests that determine the type of microflora, its sensitivity to drugs, and the presence of contraindications in the patient.
  4. Enterosorbents - activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb and other drugs absorb toxins and retain them, removing them from the body.
  5. Application traditional methods in the form of infusions and decoctions of astringent, tanning plants. They use cinquefoil, oak bark, plantain, shepherd's purse, sage, St. John's wort. To prepare the decoction, pour a teaspoon of dry plant material into 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave for an hour. Drink 100 ml half an hour before meals three times a day for 10 days.

Reception medicines, including herbal ones, is associated with caution due to the presence of individual contraindications.


Prevent loose stools and their accompanying unpleasant sensations It is quite possible by following simple rules:

  • Don't eat with dirty hands. If you have nowhere to wash them, have antibacterial wipes with you;
  • thoroughly rinse vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • in an unfamiliar country, drink bottled water from the store;
  • don't use raw fish, meat, seafood. Everything must be boiled or fried;
  • Eliminate foods that cause frequent bowel movements from your diet. Some, for example, cannot digest milk, others cannot tolerate cabbage or apricots;
  • buy products from trusted official retail chains. Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, the expiration date of the product;
  • use laxatives under medical supervision;
  • Don't blindly follow newfangled diets. Losing weight in three days is unrealistic, but ruining your health is quite possible;
  • adjust your eating habits aside healthy eating natural products;
  • watch your diet. Don't overeat or starve;
  • try to avoid stress.

Preventing diarrhea is much easier than eliminating its consequences - dehydration, weakness, malabsorption of nutrients.

Diarrhea and abdominal pain are symptoms of diseases of various etiologies. Treatment of a disease begins with finding out its cause and eliminating it. If frequent bowel movements are caused by inflammatory processes of internal organs, immediately contact a medical facility. In acute food poisoning Provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible. Establish a daily routine where there will be room for 4-5 one meal a day, 8 hours of sleep, moderate physical activity.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

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