Increased body temperature. The reasons for its occurrence. Causes of periodic or constant slight increase in body temperature

About ways to measure body temperature

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in measuring body temperature. If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can touch the sick person’s forehead with your lips, but errors often occur here; this method will not allow you to accurately determine the temperature.

Another more accurate technique is pulse counting. An increase in temperature of 1 degree leads to an increase in heart rate of 10 beats per minute. Thus, you can approximately calculate how much the temperature has increased, knowing the indicator of your normal pulse. Fever is also indicated by an increase in the frequency of respiratory movements. Normally, children take approximately 25 breaths per minute, and adults take up to 15 breaths.

Measuring body temperature with a thermometer is carried out not only in armpit, but also orally or rectally (holding the thermometer in oral cavity or in the anus). For young children, a thermometer is sometimes placed in inguinal fold. There are a number of rules that should be followed when measuring temperature to avoid getting a false result.

  • The skin at the measurement site should be dry.
  • During the measurement, you cannot make any movements, it is advisable not to talk.
  • When measuring the temperature in the armpit, the thermometer should be held for about 3 minutes (the norm is 36.2 - 37.0 degrees).
  • If you use oral method, then the thermometer should be held for 1.5 minutes (the normal value is 36.6 – 37.2 degrees).
  • When measuring the temperature in the anus, it is enough to hold the thermometer for one minute (the norm with this method is 36.8 - 37.6 degrees)

Normal and pathological: when is it time to “bring down” the temperature?

It is generally accepted that the normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees, however, as you can see, this is quite relative. The temperature can reach 37.0 degrees and is considered normal; it usually rises to such levels in the evening or in the hot season, after motor activity. Therefore, if before going to bed you saw the number 37.0 on the thermometer, then there is nothing to worry about yet. When the temperature exceeds this limit, we can already talk about fever. It is also characterized by a feeling of heat or chills, redness of the skin.

When should you lower your temperature?

Doctors at our clinic recommend using antipyretics when the body temperature in children reaches 38.5 degrees, and in adults – 39.0 degrees. But even in these cases one should not take large dose antipyretic, it is enough to reduce the temperature by 1.0 - 1.5 degrees to effective fight with the infection continued without threat to the body.

A dangerous sign of fever is the paleness of the skin, its “marbling”, while the skin remains cold to the touch. This indicates a spasm peripheral vessels. This phenomenon is usually more common in children and is followed by seizures. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Infectious fever

With bacterial or viral infections, the temperature almost always rises. How much it increases depends, firstly, on the amount of the pathogen, and secondly, on the state of the person’s body. For example, in older people, even an acute infection may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

It is curious that at different infectious diseases Body temperature can behave in different ways: rise in the morning and fall in the evening, increase by a certain number of degrees and decrease after a few days. Depending on this, we allocated Various types fevers – perverted, relapsing and others. For doctors, this is a very valuable diagnostic criterion, since the type of fever makes it possible to narrow down the range of suspected diseases. Therefore, during infection, the temperature should be measured in the morning and evening, preferably during the day.

What infections increase the temperature?

Usually when acute infection there is a sudden temperature jump, while there are general signs of intoxication: weakness, dizziness or nausea.

  1. If the fever is accompanied by a cough, sore throat, or chest, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, then we are talking about a respiratory infectious disease.
  2. If the body temperature rises, and along with it diarrhea begins, nausea or vomiting, and abdominal pain occur, then there is virtually no doubt that this is an intestinal infection.
  3. A third option is also possible, when, against the background of fever, a sore throat, redness of the pharyngeal mucosa occurs, sometimes a cough and runny nose are noted, as well as abdominal pain and diarrhea. In this case, one should suspect rotavirus infection or the so-called " stomach flu" But for any symptoms, it is better to seek help from our doctors.
  4. Sometimes a local infection in an area of ​​the body can cause a fever. For example, fever is often accompanied by carbuncles, abscesses or cellulitis. It also occurs with (, kidney carbuncle). Only in case acute fever almost never happens, because the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane Bladder is minimal, and substances causing an increase temperatures, practically do not penetrate into the blood.

Sluggish chronic infectious processes in the body can also cause fever, especially during an exacerbation. However, a slight increase in temperature is often observed during normal times, when there are practically no other obvious symptoms of the disease.

When does the temperature still rise?

  1. An unexplained increase in body temperature is noted when oncological diseases . This usually becomes one of the first symptoms, along with weakness, apathy, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss and depressive mood. In such cases, the elevated temperature persists for a long time, but remains febrile, that is, does not exceed 38.5 degrees. As a rule, with tumors the fever is wavy. Body temperature slowly increases, and upon reaching its peak, it also slowly decreases. Then comes a period when it stays normal temperature, and then it begins to increase again.
  2. At lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease Undulating fever is also common, although other types may occur. Temperature rise in in this case accompanied by chills, and when it decreases, heavy sweat occurs. Excessive sweating usually observed at night. Along with this, Hodgkin's disease manifests itself as enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes there is skin itching.
  3. Body temperature rises when acute leukemia . It is often confused with a sore throat, since there is pain when swallowing, a feeling of palpitations, and increased The lymph nodes, often there is increased bleeding (bruises appear on the skin). But even before the appearance of these symptoms, patients note a sharp and unmotivated weakness. It is noteworthy that antibacterial therapy does not provide positive results, that is, the temperature does not decrease.
  4. Fever may also indicate endocrine diseases. For example, it almost always appears with thyrotoxicosis. In this case, the body temperature usually remains subfebrile, that is, it does not rise above 37.5 degrees, although during periods of exacerbations (crises) a significant excess of this limit can be observed. In addition to fever, thyrotoxicosis is associated with mood swings, tearfulness, increased excitability, insomnia , sudden loss body weight in the background increased appetite, trembling of the tip of the tongue and fingers, menstrual irregularities in women. With hyperfunction parathyroid glands the temperature can rise to 38 - 39 degrees. In the case of hyperparathyroidism, patients complain of severe thirst, frequent urge to urinate, nausea, drowsiness, and itchy skin.
  5. Special attention should be noted for fever that appears several weeks after respiratory diseases(most often after a sore throat), since it can indicate the development rheumatic myocarditis. Usually the body temperature rises slightly - up to 37.0 - 37.5 degrees, but such a fever is very serious reason to contact our doctor. In addition, body temperature may increase when endocarditis or, but in this case, the main attention is not paid to the pain in the chest, which cannot be relieved with available analgesics.
  6. Interestingly, the temperature often rises when stomach ulcer or duodenum , although it also does not exceed 37.5 degrees. The fever gets worse if it occurs internal bleeding . Its symptoms are sharp dagger pains, vomiting " coffee grounds"or tarry feces, as well as sudden and increasing weakness.
  7. Cerebral disorders(, traumatic brain injuries or brain tumors) provoke an increase in temperature, irritating the center of its regulation in the brain. Fever can be very different.
  8. Drug fever most often occurs in response to the use of antibiotics and some other drugs, and it is part of an allergic reaction, therefore it is usually accompanied by itchy skin and rashes.

What to do at elevated temperatures?

Many, having discovered that they have an elevated temperature, immediately try to reduce it, using antipyretic drugs available to everyone. However, their thoughtless use can cause even more harm than the fever itself, because elevated temperature is not a disease, but just a symptom, so suppressing it without identifying the cause is not always correct.

This is especially true for infectious diseases, when infectious agents must die under conditions of elevated temperature. If you try to lower the temperature, the infectious agents will remain alive and unharmed in the body.

Therefore, do not rush to run for pills, but lower your temperature wisely when the need arises, our specialists will help you with this. If fever has been bothering you for a long time, you should contact one of our doctors: as you can see, it can indicate many non-communicable diseases, so without additional research not enough.

Body temperature readings indicate how healthy a person is. When a malfunction occurs in the body, the temperature begins to rise quickly. But even its sharp increase cannot be a reason for panic. Ambulance You can call, because a thermometer reading of 39 or higher is a fairly serious reason, a team of doctors will definitely arrive quickly. How to bring down an adult’s temperature of 39 before the doctors arrive? This is what we will try to find out.

Reasons for rising temperature

High temperature is always a consequence of serious processes in the body. Moreover, when it is accompanied by painful sensations in the gastrointestinal tract and throat. This alarming symptoms, indicating some pathology. In this state, a person experiences discomfort- weakness, weakness, apathy, lack of appetite, bad dream, general malaise.

What to do if the temperature is 39? First of all, it is necessary to find out the causes of the pathology. Most often they can be like this:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Extensive inflammatory purulent processes.
  • Poisoning by any chemicals, for example, medicinal.
  • Disorder of the body's endocrine system.
  • Collagenosis.

There may be other reasons that cause such high promotion body temperature. In particular, when small child teeth are being cut. In an adult, this condition may be accompanied, for example, by toothache, which just indicates a strong inflammatory process.

High temperature in an adult

An increase in body temperature indicates that the body is resisting infection. Since pathogenic bacteria cannot withstand high temperatures, some of them die even when environment just a few degrees. Like all living beings, humans have optimal mode, in which his body can fight the disease. However, a temperature of 42 degrees is the limit beyond which in most cases death will follow.

There is a thermoregulation center in the brain. The signal to increase body temperature is given by substances - prostaglandins, which are synthesized by the body itself when an inflammatory process occurs. After such a signal has been received, the thermoregulation center of the brain gives a “command”. The body reacts and uses all its reserves to increase body temperature and maintain it until the inflammatory process is eliminated. After which the blood biochemistry is normalized, and the thermoregulation center sends a signal that the body should return to normal temperature regime at 36.6 degrees.

What diseases can cause fever?

Most often, if the temperature is 39 and cold, then these may be symptoms of a cold and flu. However, it is not always these diseases themselves that are the cause, but their complications - pneumonia, otitis media, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis. Meningitis belongs to the group of colds, but infection may not occur as a result of hypothermia. Sometimes this infection is transmitted, for example, through poorly treated drinking water.

Another group is diseases genitourinary area. Acute pyelonephritis, for example, always causes a very high temperature. This may also be an exacerbation of chronic processes, such as prostatitis or inflammation of the ovaries.

Diseases gastrointestinal tract are also accompanied by a significant increase in temperature. Moreover, these are not only infections, such as dysentery, salmonellosis, rotavirus and others. Acute processes of chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas often give rise to high fever. Not to mention banal poisoning from poor-quality food or overeating. Appendicitis is especially dangerous.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that high temperature can be caused by inflammation of the joints, arthritis, radiculitis, gum disease, furunculosis and other pathologies.

Therefore, symptoms other than fever are very important to determine the cause and should be paid serious attention to.

What are the symptoms accompanied by fever

The main symptoms are familiar to most people. These are, first of all, different painful sensations- in the throat or abdominal area, in joints and muscles, head, lower back. When determining pathology, you need to focus specifically on pain first of all. It should be noted that you cannot diagnose yourself, especially when a person is experiencing pain. Only a doctor can accurately determine the disease. You can waste valuable time self-medicating and best case scenario, the acute process will turn into chronic. In the worst situation, there will be a mortal threat.

Fever, in addition to pain, it is also accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, this indicates a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing - colds and flu. Problems with urination - renal pathology, prostatitis.

Usually heat accompanied by chills and a feverish state, which sometimes increases and decreases. Sometimes even confusion occurs. Therefore, a person at such a moment cannot be alone, unattended.

You need to know that a temperature of 39 degrees and above can last for several days in a row, but the body’s strength is not limitless. Therefore, you should not hope that everything will “go away on its own” and the temperature will drop. It is better to call a doctor who will perform a professional examination of the patient, determine the cause of the disease, and prescribe treatment.

Temperature 39 without symptoms

Sometimes a high fever may not be accompanied by any symptoms. The cause of such a fever may be simple fatigue, severe stress, physical overload.

The development of collagenosis begins almost asymptomatically. This condition produces high fever, sweating and chills. Only after some time does pain appear in the joints and muscles, and changes in the skin on the face begin.

Rheumatoid arthritis also causes a strong increase in temperature, and at first does not manifest itself with other symptoms that accompany this disease. Also, without any obvious manifestations, thyrotoxicosis begins, in which the amount of hormones in the thyroid gland sharply increases. A little later, symptoms appear - tachycardia.

Overdose of some medicines is also accompanied by an increase in temperature without showing any other signs at first. A few days later a rash appears on the skin.

High temperature in a child

Children, especially in the first years of life, tolerate increased temperature much worse than boys adolescence. How dangerous is a high temperature in a child? The heart rate increases, breathing quickens, becomes heavy and intermittent. A headache appears, loss of appetite, and weakness are observed. In general, the entire body is included in the process and works in an enhanced mode.

In newborn babies, thermoregulation is imperfect. Therefore, an increase in temperature is often not a consequence of an infection in the body or any inflammatory process.

The body of a child under three years old gives off more heat to external environment than it perceives. Therefore, hypothermia at this age can often lead to the development colds.

At the same time, temperatures up to 38 degrees are not dangerous for small children. On the contrary, it indicates that the child’s body is actively fighting the disease. Temperatures up to 39 degrees are usually unpleasant for the baby, but this is how the infection can be significantly reduced. When the thermometer readings exceed thirty-nine degrees, the situation becomes dangerous because it can cause complications, since the load on the cardiovascular system is too great. This pathological condition may be accompanied by convulsions.

Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the situation. Try not to reduce medications temperature, if it does not exceed 39 degrees. Just make the child’s condition as easy as possible so that he can endure this period safely. Dress him in cotton clothes, remove all external irritants - turn off the TV, computer, excess light. Provide a calm environment and warm drinks.

It must be remembered that viruses easily adapt to antibiotics, and the only thing that can safely cope with them is own immunity child.

Doctors especially note that an increase in temperature indicates that the child’s overall body is healthy. You need to worry when an infectious disease occurs without a high temperature.

There are some contraindications - children under three months of age are at risk of having a fever. Therefore, if the increase in temperature is accompanied by fever, then measures should be taken immediately.

Dangerous for children who already have chronic diseases neurological, cardiovascular, temperature will be above thirty-eight degrees.


When the situation develops too actively and the temperature exceeds the limit of thirty-nine degrees, it is time to take action. What to do if the temperature is 39? First of all, you need to call a doctor. While you wait for him to arrive, you can take medications.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 at home? All pharmacies now offer wide range special antipyretics. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are sold without a prescription.


Paracetamol is one of the most common and effective antipyretic drugs for high temperatures. Its action is to reduce the production of prostaglandins in the body. Thus, paracetamol does not eliminate the cause of the disease, it only fights the symptoms.

"Analgin" is the most powerful tool against rising temperatures, it is also used by emergency doctors to reduce excessive thermometer readings.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid- help to bring down the temperature well, if the cause of its appearance is an infection. Very effective and reliable means, which has been known to mankind for more than a hundred years. However, people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases This drug should be taken with caution so as not to provoke an exacerbation. Therefore, in order not to irritate the stomach, you need to take aspirin tablets in a water-soluble form. It is better for pregnant and nursing mothers to replace this drug with another, safer one. Women during menstrual and postpartum period It is also better not to take aspirin, as it thins the blood and can cause bleeding.

Ibuprofen is the safest antipyretic for high temperatures. It is successfully prescribed to children side effects are minimal, there are practically no contraindications.

Folk remedies

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in an adult? There are really wonderful folk remedies, which are used in addition to medications and facilitate general state body.

Herb tea

What to do if the temperature is 39? Warm drink is recommended. Various are perfect for this. herbal teas. Well-chosen herbs will help support the immune system, remove toxins from the body, relieve symptoms - sore throat or stomach pain, eliminate nausea, reduce headache. And further reduce body temperature.

One of the most effective remedies in the fight against colds is raspberry tea. You can use both jam and dried berries. Even leaves will do. This drink is brewed by adding raspberries to regular black tea.

Perfect fit lime tea, mint, with the addition of black currant leaves and chamomile flowers. You can brew these herbs separately, add them to regular tea or with raspberries. Make from these dried plants herbal collection

For gastrointestinal problems, make a decoction of rose hips, St. John's wort, nettle, and oak bark. To reduce temperature at kidney diseases lingonberry leaves are suitable, corn silk, bear ears, horsetail.


What to do if the temperature is 39? Enough effective remedy, which alleviates symptoms and helps reduce it is a compress. They are usually applied briefly to different areas body: to the forehead, wrists, temples. The idea is to act on the skin and thus reduce the level of heat transfer.

For a temperature compress, water at room temperature is suitable. You can make a decoction of mint, which creates a pleasant feeling of coolness on the skin due to evaporation essential oils contained in the plant. Of course, after preparation, such a decoction should first be strained and then cooled.

The fabric for the compress should be cotton.

The compress should be changed every ten minutes so that the fabric does not have time to heat up and is constantly cool.

This method will help reduce the fever faster. However, it must be remembered that a sharp decline temperature will not only be unnecessary stress for the body, but will also lead to unwanted side effects- heartbeat, for example. In addition, if the temperature drops too quickly, it can also rise sharply. This is too hard for a weakened body, and can only lead to a deterioration in the general condition.

When an adult develops a high temperature without symptoms, it is always a cause for concern, because temperature, as one of the body’s reactions, does not occur out of nowhere. However, the absence of any symptoms is scary because it is impossible to immediately determine the cause of this condition.

The optimal temperature indicator for normally occurring processes in the human body is 36.6°C. However, there are times when the temperature becomes elevated for no reason.

On the one hand, for some people this is the norm: there are people for whom it is always 36, and there are those for whom it is normal - 37.4°C. On the other hand, if a person usually has a normal temperature of 36.6°C, then a high temperature without symptoms in an adult means some kind of disorder.

Why does elevated temperature occur?

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or a consequence physical impact on the body (burn, frostbite, foreign body). At elevated temperatures, the existence of agents in the body becomes difficult; infections, for example, die at a temperature of about 38 C.

All fevers are divided into three groups:

  1. Low-grade fever, at which the temperature rises from 37 to 38 degrees;
  2. Febrile fever- temperature rises from 38 to 39 degrees;
  3. Hectic fever- temperature increase from 40 degrees and above.

But any organism, like a mechanism, is not perfect and can malfunction. In the case of temperature, we can observe this when the body, due to individual characteristics immune system overreacts to various infections, and the temperature rises too high, for most people it is 38.5 C.

Causes of high fever in adults without symptoms

An increase in temperature or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. And in the absence catarrhal symptoms reason high performance Doctors can determine the patient’s body temperature by isolating the pathogen either directly from the local source of infection or from the blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of a temperature without signs of a cold if the disease arose as a result of exposure to opportunistic microbes (bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) on the body - against the background of a decrease in general or local immunity. Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory test not only blood, but also urine, bile, phlegm and mucus.

Causes of fever without symptoms may be associated with the following diseases:

In all situations, an increase in temperature without signs of a cold indicates that the body is trying to fight something. For example, the so-called low-grade fever, often - low level hemoglobin in the blood.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

If its growth is observed, then it is worth bringing down the temperature using antipyretic medications - Paracetamol, Aspirin... you can also use - Ibuprofen, Nurofen. For children, children's Nurofen in the form of a sweet syrup is best suited, but Aspirin should not be given to a child.

At 42°C irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex and possible onset fatal outcome. But this rarely happens.

Temperature 37 without symptoms: possible causes

Runny nose, fever, sore throat are all common occurrences. common cold. But what to do if the temperature is 37 without symptoms? For what reasons does this occur and how to deal with it, let's figure it out.

Causes of fever without visible symptoms:

  1. Onset of pregnancy (in women);
  2. Weakening of the immune system;
  3. The presence of any sluggish infection in the body;
  4. Pre-cold condition;
  5. Depletion of human energy reserves;
  6. General fatigue, depression or post-stress state;
  7. Venereal diseases (, etc.)

Basically, a temperature of 37 without symptoms in an adult is due to the fact that there is some reason that caused such a condition, but it has not completely overcome the person’s defenses.

Temperature 38 without symptoms: possible causes

A temperature of 38 without symptoms can occur quite often. And the reasons for this temperature are not always the same. This temperature may signal that or is beginning (with catarrhal tonsillitis, the temperature rises slightly).

If a temperature above 38 degrees without symptoms lasts for 3 or more days, then this may be a manifestation of:

  1. Rheumatism;
  2. (this is characterized by a strong stabbing pain in the lower back);
  3. accompanied by surges in blood pressure;

The most unpleasant syndrome is the persistence of elevated temperature for several weeks and even months. This is most likely:

  1. A sign of tumor development in the body;
  2. Serious endocrine disorders;
  3. Leukemia;
  4. Diffuse changes in the liver or lungs.

The only thing that all these cases have in common is that in any case, the increase in temperature is due to the resistance of the body, which means the immune system is fighting.

Temperature 39 without symptoms: possible causes

If a temperature of 39 without symptoms occurs in an adult not for the first time, then this is a clear sign pathological decrease in immunity and the development of a chronic inflammatory process. The phenomenon may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, febrile seizures, difficulty breathing or further increase. In this case, you must definitely contact a medical institution.

A high body temperature of 39-39.5° without obvious symptoms may be a signal of the following diseases:

  1. The presence of a tumor process;
  2. Development ;
  3. Manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  4. Chronic;
  5. Manifestation of hypothalamic syndrome;
  6. The presence of viral endocarditis;
  7. The appearance of meningococcal infection.

Finding out the reasons for the rise in temperature to 39° C in adults is challenging task even for experienced specialists, since to establish the cause it is necessary to isolate the pathogen from the blood or source of infection.

What to do?

First of all, see your GP. Very often we are simply unable to notice certain symptoms, but a doctor can easily identify them and be able to diagnose the disease. It is also necessary to take tests; they will help identify many diseases that do not manifest themselves externally. Sometimes your doctor may order a sputum, urine or blood culture, x-ray or ultrasound.

If the temperature is very high, you should call an ambulance so that doctors can provide emergency assistance and decided on the issue of hospitalization. In any case, high temperature is the body’s “cry” for help, and you should pay attention to it.

There is hardly a single person who has never had a fever. As a rule, it (high body temperature, fever, hyperthermia) is considered a manifestation of a cold. However, this is not always true.

The temperature, as a rule, rises under the influence of special substances - pyrogens. They can be produced either by our own immune cells or be waste products of various pathogens.

The exact role of hyperthermia in fighting infection has not yet been established. It is believed that at elevated body temperatures, protective reactions are activated in the body. But everything is good in moderation - if the thermometer shows 38-39 degrees Celsius, then the need of organs and tissues for oxygen and nutrients increases significantly, and, consequently, the load on the heart and lungs increases. Therefore, if the body temperature goes beyond 38 degrees, it is recommended to take antipyretic drugs, and if this same fever is poorly tolerated (tachycardia or shortness of breath occurs), then at a lower temperature.

Reasons for rising temperature


If an increase in body temperature is accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, or cough, questions about its cause probably will not arise. It is clear that you are a victim of acute respiratory disease viral infection(ARVI), and in the coming days you will have to lie under a blanket, armed with a handkerchief and hot tea.

While ARVI is the most common cause of fever in cold latitudes, in southern countries the palm belongs to intestinal infections. With them, an increase in body temperature occurs against the background of typical gastrointestinal disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bloating.


Body temperature may increase significantly with an overdose or intolerance to certain medicines(anaesthetics, psychostimulants, antidepressants, salicylates, etc.) and in case of poisoning with toxic substances (cocadinitrocresol, dinitrophenol, etc.) acting on the hypothalamus - the part of the brain where the center of temperature regulation is located. This condition is called malignant hyperthermia.

Sometimes it is caused by congenital or acquired diseases of the hypothalamus.


It happens that in the summer, after spending several hours in the sun, or in the winter, after steaming in a bathhouse, you feel a headache and aches throughout your body. The thermometer will show 37 degrees with tenths. In this case, fever indicates general overheating.

The best thing to do is take a cool shower and lie down in a well-ventilated area. If the temperature has not decreased in the evening or has exceeded 38 degrees Celsius, this indicates a serious heatstroke. In this case, medical assistance is necessary.


Sometimes fever is psychogenic, that is, it can arise from certain experiences and fears. Most often it occurs in children with excitable nervous system after an infection. If this condition is detected, parents need to show their child to a pediatric psychoneurologist.


If, after hypothermia or an acute respiratory viral infection, shortness of breath appears, the temperature rises, and at night your underwear becomes wet from sweat, a visit to the doctor is necessary - most likely, you have “earned” pneumonia (pneumonia). The doctor’s phonendoscope and X-ray machine will clarify the diagnosis, and it is best to be treated in the pulmonology department of the hospital - pneumonia is not to be trifled with.

If, simultaneously with an increase in temperature, sharp pain in the stomach, do not delay calling the ambulance service medical care. In such a situation, there is a high probability of acute surgical disease(appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.), and only timely surgery will help avoid dire consequences.


Particular attention should be paid to fever that appears during or immediately after a visit to one of the warm countries. It may be the first sign indicating that you have caught some kind, for example, typhus, encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever. And most common cause fever among travelers is malaria - severe, but quite curable disease. The main thing is to contact an infectious disease specialist in time.

Prolonged fever

It happens that low-grade (37-38 degrees) fever lasts for weeks or even months. This condition requires careful diagnosis.

Fever of infectious nature

If prolonged fever is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss, and unstable stools, this may be a sign of such dangerous diseases, such as HIV infection or malignant neoplasm. Therefore, all patients with long-term fever are prescribed an HIV antibody test and a consultation with an oncologist - there is no such thing as excessive vigilance in relation to such diseases.

Fever of non-infectious nature

A prolonged rise in temperature accompanies autoimmune diseases, For example, rheumatoid arthritis. However, fever is not the first thing such patients complain about.

It happens that prolonged fever is “responsible” endocrine system. Most often the “culprit” is thyroid if it produces excessive amounts of hormones. This condition is called thyrotoxicosis, and in addition to elevated body temperature, it is characterized by weight loss, tachycardia, extrasystole, irritability and (over time) characteristic bulging eyes (exophthalmos). An endocrinologist will help you cope with this.

These are just the most common causes of hyperthermia, but the list could go on. So if you feel unwell, use a thermometer - perhaps it will help you find out about a health problem in time and take appropriate measures.

Oleg Lishchuk

A high temperature without symptoms in an adult does not always indicate a cold. If it persists for a long time, the person needs to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Fever is a sign of illness in any case, even if there are no typical visible signs

general information

Mechanisms responsible for maintaining a certain temperature range ensure the smooth operation of all functions human body. They also regulate the rate of heat exchange. Located on skin thermoreceptors monitor information about external temperature. Control internal indicators carried out by central thermoreceptive neurons. If the setting mode is violated, then the response to the corresponding signals is specific reactions aimed at resuscitating adequate indicators. This is accomplished through the endocrine and somatic systems.

Note! There is no single definition of temperature norm. For many healthy adults, it ranges from 36 to 37.5 degrees.

Character of temperature

In an adult, an increase in temperature is a consequence of the production of pyrogens. Some of these proteins are present in the body. They can also be components of a microbial cell and come from outside. In order to find out why the temperature rises without cold symptoms in an adult, you need to clarify its nature. He can be:

  1. Wrong
  2. Inverse
  3. Recurrent
  4. wavy
  5. Hectic
  6. Laxative
  7. Intermittent
  8. Permanent

Main reasons for the increase

The temperature always rises in the presence of illness and you should not console yourself that this is a temporary phenomenon, since it is one thing to overheat and cool down in 3-4 hours, and another thing to walk around with an elevated temperature for 2 days

For incorrect temperatures, no patterns are characteristic. It rises with, endocarditis,. With the inverse type, indicators may increase in the morning and decrease in the evening. This is typical for brucellosis.

If the temperature “jumps” over 1-3 days, then it is called recurrent. The causes of this condition may be related to relapsing fever and malaria.

With the wavy type, the indicators rise gradually and last for several days. Then the temperature drops and then rises again. This happens when typhoid fever, lymphogranulomatosis.

The hectic type is characterized by fluctuations in indicators within 2-3 degrees. The next day she returns to normal on her own. This sign indicates that a person has serious purulent lesions.

With a relieving temperature, fluctuations in indicators are 1-1.5 degrees/24 hours. They do not return to normal on their own. This happens with focal and purulent diseases.

With the intermittent type, the temperature is first high, then normal and low. This may be due to malaria. Constant temperature lasts for pneumonia.

Reasons for increasing to 37 degrees

Indicators may increase against the background of:

  • severe fatigue;
  • depression;
  • emotional “burnout”;
  • development of indolent infection;
  • reduction;
  • gestation of the fetus.

Sometimes an increase in temperature can be associated with a pre-cold condition. Often this symptom indicates such serious sexually transmitted pathologies as.

Also, the temperature rises due to the fact that the person’s defenses are actively fighting the infection.

Reasons for increasing to 38 degrees

A temperature of 38 without symptoms in an adult is observed against the background of:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • reactions to vaccination;
  • allergies;
  • digestive disorder;
  • hyperthermia;
  • regular severe stress;
  • physical fatigue.

If the temperature lasts longer than 72 hours and continues to rise, then the reasons may be associated with an infarction or progression in tissue structures cardiovascular systems s inflammation. Sometimes this sign signals that nervous regulation has been disrupted in systems and organs.

If a temperature of 38.5 persists for several weeks or months, this may indicate tumor growth or a leak. endocrine disease. In this case, such nonspecific signs, like, sudden weight loss and constant weakness.

Reasons for increasing to 39 degrees

If the temperature rises to 39 degrees and lasts for a long time, this may indicate the development of febrile fever. Other reasons for its increase include:

  • the course of tumor processes;
  • meningococcal infection;
  • infective endocarditis;
  • catarrhal

Temperature 39 is often provoked by a malfunction in the system of the subcortical center of the brain.

Note! This condition can last for several years. Sometimes the body adapts to it.

Sometimes this symptom signals inflammation in the renal pelvis system. The temperature can last for a very long time.

If the readings sharply increase to 40 and rise higher, this indicates hectic fever.

When it's not dangerous

The temperature can rise due to normal natural factors(overheating, various indicators), and due to taking certain types of medications.

Sometimes the answer to the question of why the temperature persists can be quite harmless. An upward change in indicators is observed against the background of:

  • overheating;
  • emotional or mental fatigue;

In people suffering from neuroses, the temperature often “jumps” and normalizes on its own.

Changes in indicators are observed in children aged 11-14 years. This is especially true for boys. A syndrome appears, defined in medicine as “growth temperature.” The child grows, this process is accompanied by a powerful release of energy. An increased temperature does not affect your well-being.

When it's very dangerous

An increase in temperature without symptoms may indicate such dangerous conditions, How:

  • height malignant neoplasm in the liver;
  • stomach tumor;
  • development of lymphosarcoma;
  • kidney tumor;
  • colon cancer;
  • pancreatic tumor.

Activity tumor cells accompanied by the release of pyrogenic substances. They provoke the development of fever. The temperature rises to 37-38 degrees. This condition is accompanied by symptoms such as aches throughout the body, vague headaches, nausea, and abnormal bowel movements.

Increased performance when taking medications

A sudden increase in indicators can be triggered by the use of certain medications. This usually occurs after five days. The main provoking drugs include:

  1. Cardiovascular drugs.
  2. medicines.
  3. Iodide medicines.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. Antibiotics.

Of the cardiovascular drugs, an increase in temperature is caused by Hindin and Alpha methyldol. Anti-inflammatory drugs – Ibuprofen, Tolmetin. Antibiotics: Isoniazid, Cephalosporin, Penicillin, Tetracycline.

Other pathologies

The temperature can vary from 37 to 39 degrees due to the development of:

  • vasculitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • Still's disease;
  • rheumatoid;
  • lupus erythematosus.

This condition is accompanied by aches throughout the body. Fever that accompanies increased temperature often indicates vascular pathology legs Most often diagnosed are deep veins or.

If the temperature increases after injury, this may indicate the development of pulmonary embolism.

What to do

If your fever persists for several days, you should visit your GP. The doctor undertakes to refer to:

  1. X-ray.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Sputum culture.
  4. Analysis of urine.

Advice! You should not take antipyretics thoughtlessly. After getting rid of a symptom, there is a risk that the disease will progress. This can lead to unpredictable consequences. If the indicators increase very strongly, then you need to call an ambulance. Depending on the patient's health condition, a decision may be made to hospitalize.

When to shoot down

If the temperature is 39 and above, then urgent measures must be taken, and if it stays at 38 and below, then there is no need to worry too much, because This normal indicators if you have a disease and lowering the temperature in this case is NOT recommended

The safe threshold for adults at which the temperature does not drop is 38.5 degrees. If it grows, then there is a serious danger for the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. When this condition persists for a long time, a force majeure situation arises. Brain activity suffers. If the fever is very strong, the person may become delirious and have convulsions. There is an exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Note! At 42 degrees, the cerebral cortex experiences irreversible consequences. Against this background, the patient dies. But such cases are quite rare.

What to shoot down

If the indicators are growing rapidly, then they can be normalized using:

  1. Nurofena.
  2. Ibuprofen.
  3. Paracetamol.

Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever are treated with salicylates, as well as glucocorticoid drugs.

What else can you do

Depending on the source of the increase in temperature, may be prescribed additional courses treatment, the completion of which will ensure a quiet life for a long time

Elimination of the “temperature tail” in thermoneuroses is eliminated with gentle sedatives. Psychotherapy sessions are prescribed and massage manipulations are performed. Recovery is facilitated by attending choreographic classes.

Acupuncture brings great benefits to the body. Caution should be exercised with herbal medicine. This is especially true for those people whose indicators increased due to allergic reaction. Some herbal remedies may aggravate the clinical picture.

It is also necessary to adjust your sleep and eating patterns. You need to sleep at least 8 hours. Spices, salt, and alcohol should be excluded from the menu.


To ensure that the temperature does not rise for no reason, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. This will help avoid occurrence serious problems with health.

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