We use laurel oil for hair. Just set fire to a bay leaf and see what happens.

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt the culinary abilities of the noble laurel leaf. This spice is so popular that in almost any kitchen you can find a bag with the prosaic inscription “Bay leaf”. But this is only one facet of the benefits that the evergreen Mediterranean tree brings to people. Wonderful food is prepared from its leaves. bay oil, which has powerful healing properties.

Healers Ancient Rome and Egypt knew about medicinal qualities oils and used to heal patients. Folk healers used and continue to use it in their magical practice. And, I must say, not without success. How can this fragrant flowing substance help a person?

Bay oil for health

The healing power of bay leaves lies in the essential oil contained in them. Its healing properties are multifaceted and are based mainly on the antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. In addition, the oil is capable of:

  • Relieve spasms and pain associated with them;
  • Reduce pain syndrome;
  • Calm the nervous system;
  • Increase sweating;
  • Raise the overall tone of the body;
  • Stimulate mental activity.

The fragrant product also perfectly repels annoying insects, which is also very beneficial for health.

Bay oil has proven itself well in the treatment of varicose veins veins and joint diseases. It relieves inflammation lymph nodes, headache attacks and is successfully used in the treatment of ENT diseases, especially ear diseases.

If you don’t have aspirin at the right time, use laurel oil, it has the excellent ability to quickly reduce the temperature. The oil will help with pain in the stomach and intestines, normalize kidney and liver function, and improve appetite. To normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, it is enough to add a few drops of bay product to a glass of kefir that we drink before bed.

In the slushy off-season, when colds and viruses become more active, bay leaf oil will be excellent prophylactic, it will increase resistance to infections and boost the body's immunity. And if you have good immunity, then the body’s functioning will not go wrong, and any type of allergy will not appear.

For beauty

The antiseptic properties of noble laurel oil have found application in cosmetology. Many products for the care of problematic and oily skin are made based on it. Cosmetic product lines for combination skin also often include this component. Cosmetologists advise using laurel product to care for skin prone to inflammation and acne.

Creams, lotions, masks and other cosmetic products with “laurel” act very delicately, they:

  • Gently and gently cleanse the skin of the face;
  • Soften it;
  • Dissolves and removes sebum, removes excess fat;
  • Relieve irritation, promote healing of scratches, cuts and wounds;
  • Normalize metabolic processes in the skin.

Bay leaf oil contains types of fatty acids that regulate lipid metabolic processes. Therefore, bay oil is used in the treatment of certain skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). It has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin.
Including on the scalp, which means that an oil product made from bay leaves will help in caring for your hair. Its ability to disinfect and strengthen, increase blood circulation in tissues will be very useful for improving the condition of your hair.

Bay oil for hair is used as a stimulating and tonic; it prevents the formation of dandruff and eliminates dandruff that has appeared. Restores the structure of lifeless, damaged, excessively oily hair. Strengthens hair follicles, eliminating the cause of hair loss.

There is a very good universal mask for hair growth and strengthening, which can bring it back to life, restore health and radiance. Recipe:

Mix bay leaf oil with jojoba or coconut oil so that the total volume of the mixture is 20 ml. Add essential oils to it:

  • Lemon, rosemary, lavender - 3 drops each;
  • Laurel essential oil – 4 drops.

Mix all ingredients and apply to scalp and hair. Wrap your head tightly in cling film and tie a terry towel on top. Leave for half an hour, then wash your hair.

Since the product has serious activity, bay oil at home should be used with caution. Pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years of age should completely avoid its use.

If you do not fall into these categories, play it safe - do a simple allergy tolerance test. It's very simple: drop a little oil on delicate skin the back side at the elbow. Rub in a little and wait. There should be no irritation.

Avoid overdose to avoid unpleasant consequences. Laurel oil can lower blood pressure and has mild narcotic properties. Therefore, intake should be controlled.

How to make healing oil at home

To obtain bay oil in industrial conditions, take dry and fresh leaves laurel is not older than 2 years of age. They are extracted from them by steam distillation. useful product. During the Soviet era, large-scale production of valuable oil was located in Georgia.

But there is an opportunity to cook it at home. There are several ways, this is the simplest and most accessible recipe for bay oil: put 2 fresh bay leaves in a glass of olive (sunflower) oil, leave for a week dark place. You will get a wonderful oil infusion.

It is good to rub it into dry skin, smear it on your elbows, heels, and dry areas of skin. Can also be used as a face cream. Apply to the skin an hour before bedtime and fine lines and wrinkles will be smoothed out.

You can make a healthy cosmetic product for yourself this way: count out 30 pieces of fresh, dry bay leaves and grind them in a coffee grinder. Pour a glass of sunflower or olive oil and leave for a week. Then strain and use. This oily liquid can be used to lubricate the nose for sinusitis; it will help wounds or cuts heal faster.

A wreath of noble laurel was a symbol of strength and power. The beautiful, fragrant leaves contain great reserves of health, and they are available to almost everyone. Look in the kitchen cabinet, there’s probably a bag of laurel there. Now you know how to use it not only for culinary purposes. A laurel wreath of beauty and health will decorate any of us.

When you open a bottle of essential laurel oil, the smell of smoked fish will immediately hit your nose - there is no other way to say it. It’s as if you just caught it, cut it up and immediately smoked it fresh. I warn you to imagine: the aroma cannot be called noble at all - many women even find it difficult to tolerate, dilute it with other esters or use the hood only for soap making. Laurel vegetable oil does not have such a persistent aroma - it smells like the spice itself, so it is much easier to treat with it, you don’t need to get used to it.

What plants are bay oil made from?

The original habitat of the Laurel family is the coast Mediterranean Sea. There are three varieties of the plant:

  • Noble laurel. The oil is found in the leaves, flowers and fruits of the tree - most of all in the leaves. An extract from this plant is used in cooking and medical purposes. The oil is a viscous substance of light yellow or transparent green color with a specific aroma - somewhat reminiscent of smoked fish.
  • Laurel Kamara. Distributed mainly in indoor floriculture; in terms of essential oil content it is inferior to other varieties of the Laurel family. Practical use found only for the leaves of the plant, they are used as a seasoning.
  • Alexandria Laurel. The plant's homeland is considered to be South India; its main value is its fruits, from which tamanu oil is extracted - a dark green, thick liquid that has a strong healing effect.

Tamanu oil is obtained from the fruit of the Alexandria Laurel tree.

There is also the American laurel (Pimenta racemosus), it belongs to the myrtle family. Bay oil is obtained from the leaves of this plant and prepared for perfume production; it has different properties and methods of use than laurel.

On Russian market aromatherapy is thus represented by an extract from only one plant - Laurus nobilis (Noble Laurel). You can get both essential and base oil- it all depends on the production method.

The concentrate is obtained by steam distillation and in production - the raw materials undergo heat treatment and a hydraulic press. The output is 3–5% oil or 30–50 liters per ton of raw material. This directly affects the cost of the hood.

How to make bay leaf oil at home

Base oil can be prepared at home from bay leaves - only the leaves, if possible, should be prepared fresh:

  1. For a portion of oil, take 25–30 leaves, grind them - it’s convenient to do this in a coffee grinder - and pour them into a plastic jar with a lid. The container can be taken from vitamins.
  2. Pour the powder into a glass of unrefined olive, almond or sunflower oil heated to 50°C, close the jar and shake it several times.
  3. Now the oil needs to be removed and allowed to settle - this will take 2 weeks. During this time, it is recommended to store the jar in a cool, dark place, perhaps on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Just remember to take it out and shake it regularly.
  4. After 2 weeks, the green mass is squeezed out, the oil is filtered and put back into storage. Available as needed. The shelf life of bay leaf oil is up to 6 months.

If you only have dry one at hand Bay leaf, you will get butter too - just in a slightly different way:

  1. Grind a pack of bay leaves, pour it into a glass bottle and pour the leaves with a glass of warm oil - olive or unrefined sunflower.
  2. Close the bottle tightly and put it in a dark and cool place for 10 days, remembering to shake it at least every other day.
  3. After 10 days, take out the bottle and prepare the pan hot water. You need to unscrew the cap slightly, without opening it completely, and place the bottle in hot water. It will lie there until the water cools down.
  4. After this manipulation, the bottle is again sent for storage for another 10 days. Only then can the oil be filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Instructions for preparing butter at home - video

Biochemical composition of laurel essential oil

Laurel oil has healing properties due to the combination of components such as:

  • Cineole is a hydrocarbon compound, a monocyclic terpene with a camphor odor. Acts as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent.
  • Eucalyptol is a hydrocarbon, monoterpene, a strong stimulant with antiviral properties, due to its high content oil may cause skin irritation.
  • Camphor is a terpene ketone, a compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It has antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulates the growth of new cells.
  • Linalool is an alcohol that itself has a distinct lily of the valley aroma. This aromatic note is not noticeable in the oil. It has a bactericidal effect, stimulates the immune system and regulates the hormonal system.
  • Pinene is a monoterpene, a rapidly volatile compound, and a strong irritant. Has antiviral and diuretic effects.
  • Myrcene is a monoterpene, and due to its content, the oil can be phototoxic, so it should be used with caution.
  • Geraniol is a terpenoid related to myrcene. Has an antifungal effect.
  • Phellandrene is a cyclic monoterpene hydrocarbon with a minty aroma. Acts as an antibiotic, removes fluid from the body.
  • Eugenol is a phenol, that is, it belongs to the class of the most dangerous compounds in essential oil. An overdose can cause poisoning of the body, so oil containing eugenol in high concentrations must be diluted before use.
  • Phytosterol is a steroid alcohol found in oils that can be used internally. Helps cleanse blood vessels.
  • Fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6) help maintain skin tone and nourish hair roots.
  • Tannins - organic compounds, which normalize digestion and help cleanse the intestines.
  • Vitamins and microelements improve immunity.

Laurel essential oil contains up to 50% cineole

Benefits of laurel for beauty and health - table

Area of ​​influence Effect of oil Mode of application
Digestive system
  • Increases appetite, relieves spasms,
  • helps with heartburn and bloating,
  • improves digestion and promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body,
  • treats diseases of the oral cavity.
Respiratory system
  • Cleans Airways,
  • treats throat diseases, viral diseases,
  • has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
Inhalations, rinses, massage
Musculoskeletal system Relieves pain, removes excess fluid from the body, which has a beneficial effect on joints. Compresses, rubbing
The cardiovascular system Improves blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels Massage, compresses
The immune system
  • Increases immunity,
  • makes the body more resistant to seasonal epidemics of viral diseases.
Inhalation, oral administration
Nervous system Helps reduce nervous tension and restore sleep. Inhalations
Integumentary system
  • Relieves inflammation
  • treats acne and acne,
  • helps get rid of age spots,
  • stimulates skin cell renewal,
  • eliminates dryness and irritation,
  • strengthens nails,
  • stimulates hair growth.
Compresses, massage, enrichment of cosmetics

Not only is it used for treatment essential oil, but also basic and healing decoction from laurel leaves

How to choose and store oil

From laurel leaves, both essential oil is prepared - a concentrated extract, and vegetable oil, which is used in pure form.

When choosing an essential oil, the first thing you need to look at is price. Quality oil- not something that is sold in a pharmacy for 150–200 rubles. A 20% concentrate will cost around 500 rubles, and 100% natural Laurus nobilis essential oil will cost about 1000 rubles.

The label should not contain any redundant information. All that is required according to GOST: the name is laurel essential oil with the signature natural (or 100% natural) and below is the name of the plant in Latin. Not oils - Oleum Laurus nobilis, but plants, that is, simply Laurus nobilis. The back of the label should contain information about the manufacturer, conditions and shelf life. The responsible manufacturer usually does not post any excessive decor, photographs of the plant, or descriptions of useful properties - this is a marketing ploy for the demand for a budget product.

The oil should be stored in a dark glass container with a tightly closed lid. Avoid exposure to sunlight and heat. It is best to allocate a place for the oil in the refrigerator and keep it there. Shelf life is up to 3 years, the manufacturer reports this on the packaging.

Storing oil in a transparent jar or bottle is a big mistake; the composition of the oil changes under the influence of light

There is only one requirement for vegetable oil - make sure it is unrefined. And for the expiration date, of course: treatment makes sense only when the product is fresh.

In pharmacies you can find alcohol-glycerin extract of bay leaf. It is intended for cooking home cosmetics, so if this is your goal, you can take this tool. Or make bay leaf oil using plant based. It is quite suitable for skin and hair care.

Dosages for bay oil - table

Precautions and contraindications when using bay oil

Bay oil is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the components in its composition. The substance is potent and can easily cause an allergic reaction, especially when taken orally. Active components essential laurel oil causes uterine contractions, so it is dangerous for pregnant women to take it only externally and then with the permission of a doctor. You should avoid treatment with oil during lactation.

For children under 3 years of age, only the use of bay leaf decoction is recommended; the oil is dangerous for them. Adults are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the dosage and follow it. It is easy to get poisoned by bay oil. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, general weakness. Signs of an allergy: skin irritation, rash, redness, severe itching. In people with sensitive skin In case of overdose, burns are possible.

People with serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract must consult a doctor before use.

Use of bay oil in medicine

Laurel is not on the list of plants included in the state pharmacopoeia - that is, medicines are not made from it. The only thing is pure medical use the plant was found in the preparation of injections. The allergen from the leaves of the Noble laurel is included in preparations for diagnosing allergies. The oil is used for research in experimental pharmacology. In production, it is used as an additive in phytotherapeutic creams and ointments for muscles and joints.

For self-medication, it is permissible to use vegetable oil or a diluted extract.

Indications for use are:

  • Nervous disorders, stress, depressive states, memory impairment, sleep disturbances.
  • Decreased immunity due to serious illnesses or surgery.
  • Sore throats, colds, sinusitis of varying severity.
  • Vascular disorders, varicose veins.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, joint arthritis, radiculitis.
  • Neurological pathologies.
  • Dermatological diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergic rashes.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: constipation, flatulence, gastritis, disorders of food digestion.

For colds and viral diseases

Bay oil is useful during the cold season - to relieve symptoms of the disease and strengthen the immune system.

How to use:

  • Oil burner. Add 2-3 drops of bay oil to water heated to 40–50°C. If you don’t like the smell, you can add 2 more drops of lavender or any citrus oil. Leave the lamp on for 25–30 minutes, during which time the air will be cleared of germs, and even if someone in your household was going to get sick, it is unlikely that they will now.
  • Aroma bath. In 1 tbsp. l of emulsifier (milk, cream, sea salt), add 5-6 drops of bay oil and dilute in warm water (30-40 o). Take when you feel like you're about to get sick. One procedure takes half an hour, it is recommended to repeat every other day until you feel better.
  • An aroma medallion with 2 drops of essential oil is useful to carry with you and inhale healing vapors in public transport, on the street or at work.
  • Massage. Laurel essential oil is not used in its pure form, so it must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l of any vegetable oil. Olive, almond or unrefined sunflower are suitable. Rub the oil mixture into your temples, the wings of your nose, and your forehead every day until the epidemic subsides.

To prepare a decoction, it is better to chop the leaves

Not only the oil is useful, but also a decoction made from crushed leaves. 1 tbsp. l laurel, fresh or dried, pour 2 cups of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Remove from the stove, cool. Before taking, the decoction must be strained. Drink 0.5 cups before meals to strengthen the immune system for 3 days, then you need to take a week break, then repeat the procedure.

acute respiratory infections

Acute respiratory infection is accompanied by nasal congestion and cough

A painful condition with acute respiratory infections is accompanied by a cough and runny nose. Hot inhalations will help: heat 0.5 liters of water, add 3 drops of oil into a container and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes, covered with a towel. Daily procedures will help clear the airways and speed up the removal of mucus. Do not inhale at high temperatures.

At night, make compresses: 1 tbsp. l of vegetable base oil, add 4-5 drops of laurel oil and rub into the back and chest, then wrap yourself (or wrap the patient) in a warm scarf and lie down under the blanket. The compress can be left overnight. Repeat the procedure until you feel improvement.


Carry out any procedures only after you have cleared the nasal cavity of mucus. Alternative Treatment oil does not replace taking antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drops. Do inhalations - hot and cold - after taking the main medications prescribed by the doctor.

Aromatherapy sessions can be performed by anyone; cold inhalations will not cause complications. Add 5-6 drops of laurel essential oil to the aroma lamp and light it for 25-30 minutes. You can carry out the procedure every day - it will not give a tangible result, it will not relieve swelling, but it will be useful for strengthening the immune system.

In consultation with your doctor, you can do hot inhalations - just remember to rinse your nose first.

How to prepare the mixture for inhalation:

  1. Heat 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Add 3 drops of laurel essential oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus or fir to the pan.
  3. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of crushed bay leaves as a base (1 tbsp per 0.5 liter of water).
  4. Lean over the pan, cover with a towel and inhale the healing vapors for 10 minutes.
  5. Repeat daily, 10 days in a row, then take a 3-4 day break.

At chronic sinusitis An effective method of treatment is drops from an oil mixture. Naturally, they are also used only with the permission of a doctor.

How to prepare the mixture:

  1. For 1 tbsp. l almond oil add 4 drops of laurel essential oil.
  2. Pour the mixture into a pipette.
  3. Place 1 drop in each nostril in the morning and evening until the condition improves.

Additionally, you can make warm compresses with bay infusion and inhalations with a decoction of bay leaves.


Bay oil has an anti-inflammatory effect even when used externally, so compresses with it are useful for sore throats.

Hot inhalations are also suitable for the treatment of sore throat, only the dosage is different: add 7 drops of essential oil to 0.5 liters of water or decoction. Repeat the procedure daily. You can simply inhale a decoction of bay leaves if there is no oil.

It is useful to take aroma baths. For 1 tbsp. l sea salt, take 4 drops of essential oil and dilute in warm water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week until the condition improves.

Gargles are useful to reduce sore throat. Add 1 drop of oil to a glass of warm water, stir and gargle morning and evening every day until the condition improves.

You can relieve the condition by chewing a bay leaf.

Warm compresses can help cure a sore throat for both adults and children.

How to cook:

  1. Heat 3 tbsp in a water bath. l vegetable oil - olive oil works well.
  2. Add 6 drops of laurel essential oil (at the rate of 2 drops per 1 tbsp of base).
  3. Soak a handkerchief or gauze folded several times in the mixture.
  4. Apply a compress to the tonsil area.
  5. Tie with a warm scarf.
  6. Leave for 4-5 hours or overnight. If a child is sick, it is enough for him to keep the compress for 2 hours.

ARVI and influenza

For the prevention of influenza and during seasonal exacerbations, aroma baths will be beneficial. In 1 tbsp. l emulsifier (milk, honey, sea salt are suitable), dilute 2 drops of lavender and laurel, dissolve the mixture in warm water. Take 2-3 times a week. If you are already sick, such baths can only become additional means treatment - appointment antiviral drugs no one canceled.

Light an aroma lamp at home every day, whether you are sick now or just afraid of the virus - it doesn’t matter. 2-3 drops of oil will be enough, the lamp operates for 30 minutes.

It is good for health to massage with an oil mixture. Mix the base oil (any odorless one) with essential oils - laurel and lavender, or laurel and lemon, or you can get by with pure laurel if you can tolerate its smell. The calculation is as follows: 2 drops of each oil per 1 tbsp. l base.

The massage should be performed for 5 days in a row. Give to the patient before the session herbal infusion or expectorant syrup.At elevated temperature massage is contraindicated.

How to do:

  1. From a runny nose. Massage the points located at the wings of the nose and slightly above. Then massage the point located above the bridge of the nose - between the eyebrows, as well as the points located next to the ears. To make you feel better when you have a runny nose, you can also act on the points located between the large and index fingers on outside hands, on the inside of the wrists, under the knees, at the outer corners of the eyes, on the transition line from the head to the neck.
  2. Against cough. Lay the patient on his stomach, lubricate his back with cream. Massage alternately both halves of the back, grabbing the area from the sides. Perform pinching and popping movements down the back and back. Rub your back thoroughly with your entire palm, from the lower back to the shoulder and back, until redness appears. Then use the fingers of both hands to make horizontal tucks. Pat your back with your fingertips. Quickly hit your back with the edges of your palms. Now beat with the ribs of your fists. After this, place your hand on the patient's back and ask him to cough. Then turn him over on his back and rub his chest with your palm until it turns red. Gently, with light circular movements of two fingers, rub the cavity located under the Adam's apple. Ask the patient to cough again. After the massage, put the patient to bed and cover with a warm blanket.

Acupressure with oil will speed up the healing process

Bay oil for cleaning blood vessels

To treat blood vessels, oil is used with caution - remember that it is toxic. Before the procedure, dilute 2 drops of the extract in 1 tbsp. l base oil. This is a mixture to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins. Rub it into lower limbs twice a day, but not into the veins themselves, but next to them.

Ingesting an infusion of bay leaves helps clear blood vessels of cholesterol.

To prepare you need:

  1. Take 5 medium sized ones dried leaves, chop, pour into a saucepan.
  2. Pour them with 1.5 glasses of clean cold water.
  3. Place over low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, cover the pan with a towel and leave for 10 hours.
  5. Before use, strain the broth and drink between meals. Let's say you have breakfast at 9 am and lunch at 1 pm. Then you will need to drink the decoction before 12 o’clock, and next time not earlier than 15 o’clock. You need to take the infusion in small portions, literally a few sips, because the product can cause poisoning.

The course of treatment is 3 days, then a week break, then again 3 days of treatment. The interval between courses is at least 3 months.

While taking the decoction, you may experience intestinal upset, nausea, frequent urination. In the presence of serious illnesses stomach and intestines, heart pathologies, treatment with bay leaves should be abandoned. The possibility of treatment is discussed with the doctor.

A decoction of laurel leaves dissolves cholesterol plaques and removes deposits from the body

For the treatment of muscles and joints

A bath with essential oils helps to soothe pain in muscles and joints: take 3 drops of laurel and lavender per 1 tbsp. l emulsifier, dilute in warm water. Usually such a bath helps to relax, and the pain after it subsides almost immediately.

Muscle spasms are well eliminated by a mixture of oils: add 1 drop each of lemongrass, marjoram and mint to the base. Rubbing with chamomile and lavender oils will help relieve muscle tension. mint, Rub the problem area gently, without pressing. Perform once a day until pain decreases.

For joint pain, prepare a mixture based on any vegetable oil, preferably unrefined sunflower oil: to 1 tbsp. l base, add 2 drops of laurel and rosemary and rub into the area where pain is felt. Rubbing is done twice a day until the pain subsides. Rubbing helps with neuralgia and myalgia, rheumatism and radiculitis. Do not rub the spine with the oil mixture, this is contraindicated.

In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to drink a decoction of bay leaves with for preventive purposes. The course of treatment is no longer than 3 days, then you need to take a break. The preparation recipe is the same as for cleaning vessels. When using essential oil, proceed as follows: drop one drop of oil onto a piece of sugar and dissolve. Eat three pieces a day.

For older people, compresses based on homemade butter. It is heated in a water bath to 30 o, a cloth folded several times is moistened in it and applied to the sore spot overnight. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

An ointment made from butter and crushed bay leaves in a 2:1 ratio will help with joint pain. Melt the butter in a water bath, pour the laurel into it, then strain and cool. Ointment is also applied as needed.

When using the oil externally, avoid rubbing it into the spine.

For bedsores

  1. Take 5-6 leaves and chop.
  2. Add unrefined sunflower or olive oil to the cup.
  3. Place the dishes in a water bath.
  4. After half an hour, remove and cool.

Turn the patient over and dry him wet wipe, then dry.

Lubricate bedsores with an oil mixture 2 times a day. You can apply a napkin soaked in bay oil to the sore spots if the affected area is small.

Lubricating with oil is useful only for bedsores of stages 1 and 2; more complex cases are treated only with medications

For digestive problems

You can stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines and improve your appetite with little effort: you need to eat 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 drop of laurel essential oil every morning and evening. You need to take the “medicine” for 3 weeks in a row, then take a break for a month. If the functioning of the digestive system has improved - you will understand this by the absence of problems with stool, pain and cramping in the abdomen - you can no longer take laurel oil. If there is no improvement, after a month you can start a new three-week course of “honey” therapy.

Intestinal obstruction is treated with a decoction of bay leaves:

  1. Take 6 pieces, pour 2 glasses clean water, put on fire.
  2. When the water boils, cook the broth for 3 minutes, then remove from the stove and cool.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to a glass of water and take 3 times a day an hour after meals.


A herbal decoction with the addition of essential oil helps against gastritis:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of dried yarrow into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Add 1 drop of laurel oil and stir.
  3. Drink the infusion an hour before and an hour after meals, half a glass.

In order not to prepare a new portion of the decoction each time, you can make it for several days at once. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks, then a 3-week break.


Herbal infusions from bay leaves reduce discomfort during heartburn attacks:

  • Boil water, about 0.75 cups, chop 2 bay leaves, pour boiling water over them. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain the broth. Take diluted: 1 tbsp. infusion - 0.5 cups of mineral water without gas.
  • Brew 2 cups of boiling water, 1 tsp of chopped bay leaf and 1 tsp of oregano, 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Take 3 times a day before meals, 2 tbsp. l decoction.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of chopped bay leaf, 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort, 2 teaspoons of chamomile, pour a liter of boiling water over the herbs, leave for 3 hours. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l before meals 3 times a day.

You can take decoctions with bay leaves for no longer than 3 days in a row. For people with stomach ulcers, the use of bay oil and decoction is contraindicated.

For weight loss

To remove excess fluid from the body and lose weight, you need to drink a decoction of bay leaves (6 pieces in 2 glasses of water, leave for 5 hours) or a drink of bay leaves and cinnamon. Take 0.5 cups of infusion before meals - 2 times a day for a week, then take a break for 10-14 days.

How to lose weight with a bay leaf and cinnamon drink - video

Bay leaf for treating oral problems

Get rid of unpleasant odor You can get rid of stomatitis from your mouth by chewing a bay leaf. The same method works if a person smokes or has eaten onions or garlic, and the smell urgently needs to be eliminated.

At dental problems rinse your mouth with the decoction. For 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. l chopped leaf, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. When it cools down, you can rinse your mouth after eating until the pain subsides.

To whiten teeth, you can prepare natural tooth powder. Lubricate the enamel orange peel, and then powdered bay leaf. Leave for 5 minutes, then rinse.

The causes of stomatitis are different, it is treated depending on the nature, and bay leaves help remove bad breath

For allergies

It is believed that laurel oil helps cure symptoms of drug allergies - so say those who have tried it on themselves. The recipe is this: add 3-4 drops of essential oil onto a piece of sugar and eat it before meals. Take 1 piece 3 times a day until allergy symptoms disappear, but no longer than a week.

Take off allergic rash and skin irritation, compresses with bay leaf decoction will help:

  1. For cooking, 5 pieces are enough, chop them and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water.
  2. Pour into a thermos and leave to infuse for 3 hours.
  3. Then cool the broth, soak a napkin in it and wipe the sore spots. Repeat the procedure until inflammation decreases.

You can relieve skin irritation by regular lotions with a decoction of bay leaves.

Bay leaf for women's diseases

If menstruation is delayed, its arrival can be accelerated by taking a decoction of bay leaves:

  1. Grind 10 leaves in a coffee grinder and pour into a saucepan.
  2. Pour 2 glasses of water, boil and cook for half an hour.
  3. Remove from heat when the broth has cooled, strain, and you are ready to drink.

This same remedy helps with scanty menstruation. You need to take the decoction 1 glass per day until the desired result occurs. If a delay in menstruation is caused by pregnancy, taking a decoction of bay leaves is strictly prohibited - it has abortifacient. If your period is delayed by more than 10 days and you do not know the reason for the irregular period, before using folk remedies treatment, consult a doctor.

For skin infectious diseases

To treat foot fungus, add 1 tbsp. l emulsifier 10-15 drops of essential oil and dilute in hot water. Soak your feet in water for 15–20 minutes, then wipe dry and lubricate your feet and the skin between your toes with vegetable oil infused with bay leaves. At the same time, get rid of sweaty feet if you have suffered from such a problem. It is recommended to carry out the procedure daily until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

Take full, non-sitz baths with essential oil (5-6 drops per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier) ​​for skin rashes, psoriasis, they will also help get rid of increased sweating and strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to take a bath for 20–30 minutes, repeat 2–3 times a week.

Children should not use essential oil; a decoction of bay leaves is useful for them: you need 7–8 pieces per bucket of water. Boil the water, then cool it to a comfortable temperature for the child and bathe the baby. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week before bedtime.

To bathe your child, prepare a decoction of bay leaves; this remedy will help cure skin problems.

Using bay oil for personal care

Laurel essential oil promotes the renewal of integumentary tissue cells and restoration of the structure of skin and hair. In cosmetology, the concentrate is used exclusively in diluted form, otherwise it is easy to get burns.

Ways to use oil in cosmetology - table

Application area Action Mode of application
Body Softens and nourishes the skin Enrichment of cosmetics
  • Tightens pores, treats blackheads,
  • stops inflammatory processes,
  • restores the protective layer of the epidermis,
  • Lightens freckles and age spots.
Oil masks
Lips Helps prevent and treat chapped and chapped lips Pure oil, oil mixtures
Skin around the eyes
  • Nourishes the skin
  • prevents the appearance of bruises and bags under the eyes.
Enrichment of cosmetics
  • Restores structure and stimulates hair growth,
  • treats dryness and dandruff,
  • reduces hair fragility,
  • regulates work sebaceous glands.
Oil masks

Bay oil for skin

Since laurel oil is not used in its pure form, we learn how to prepare creams and masks with it.

How to cure problem skin

Problematic facial skin is wiped with an infusion of bay leaves in water (1:1) or ice cubes from this decoction.

For oily skin You can prepare tonic:

  1. Take 10 bay leaves, chop them, put them in a glass jar.
  2. Pour 2 cups of hot water and leave for 3 hours.
  3. Strain the broth.

If you add 2 tbsp to this infusion. l lemon juice and alcohol, you get an acne tonic that can be used for daily facial care.

If you mix 1 tbsp. l of this decoction with 1 tsp of liquid honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp olive oil and 1 tsp lemon juice, you get a mask that tightens pores and refreshes your complexion. Mix the ingredients and apply the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse.

To cleanse your face, mix 1 tbsp. l decoction with 2 tbsp. l blue clay, stir, apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A nourishing mask is made not based on a decoction, but on olive oil with the addition of bay leaf. For 0.5 cups of base you need 1 tbsp. l crushed leaves. The mixture needs to be heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, then, when it cools down, put it in the refrigerator to chill. Before use, strain the oil, add 1 tbsp. l ground oatmeal or oatmeal(ratio 2:1). Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

Bay oil treats rashes and skin irritation

Recipes for dry skin

To moisturize dry skin, prepare a mask with gelatin: dilute a package of gelatin in a glass of decoction of bay leaves. When the powder swells, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and mix everything. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To nourish and soften the skin, a mask based on a decoction (1 tbsp) with the addition of sour cream (1 tbsp) and sea buckthorn oil (1 tsp) will be useful. Mix the ingredients, apply to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse.

For lip care

Laurel essential oil diluted in a plant base will help get rid of herpes: 5 drops per 1 tbsp. l olive or almond oil. Lubricate the inflammation 3 times a day, it will go away faster. To care for cracked or chapped skin, the dosage is less: 2 drops per 1 tbsp. basics. You also need to lubricate your lips several times a day instead of using balm. It’s good to use sesame oil as a base, but any other unscented oil will do.

Bay oil for hair

The oil is rubbed into the scalp, massaging the hair roots. There is no need to distribute it along the entire length. When you apply, put on a cellophane cap or wrap your head in a bag and tie a towel on top. Walk like this for 1–1.5 hours, then wash your hair with shampoo. Hair washing products, by the way, can also be enriched with oil - only essential oil. You can make a mask no more than once a week. If used regularly, your hair will become stronger and look healthier.

Laurel oil stimulates hair growth, makes it stronger and thicker

There are several more recipes for hair care masks:

  • Mix corn (olive) and vegetable bay oil (leaf oil) in a 1:1 ratio. Use as a mask of pure laurel oil. The course is 10 sessions, then a 2-week break. The mask nourishes the scalp.
  • Mix 0.5 cups of coconut oil, 6 drops of laurel essential oil, 5 drops of lavender. Apply for 15 minutes to the roots and along the length of the hair, then rinse. Repeat 1-2 times a week. The course is 15 procedures, then a break for a month. The mask nourishes and moisturizes the hair.
  • Mix 3 tbsp. l burdock oil, 1 tbsp. l coconut oil, 1 tsp avocado oil, 1 tsp homemade bay leaf oil. If possible, you can add 2 drops of patchouli and 2 drops of ylang-ylang. Apply for 30 minutes once a week, rinse with shampoo. The course is 10 procedures, then a month break. The mask strengthens the hair.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l almond oil, 1 tbsp. l jojoba oil, 8 drops of laurel essential oil, 2 drops each of rosemary and grapefruit (or juniper - optional). Apply for 30 minutes once a week. The course is 10 sessions, then a break for a month. The mask is designed to strengthen and heal hair.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l liquid honey, 1 yolk, 1 tsp cognac, 2 drops of laurel essential oil. Apply for an hour under a cellophane cap and can be washed off without shampoo. The mask nourishes hair follicles and eliminates dandruff. It is recommended to do it once every 10 days constantly - especially if you have problems with your hair.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l castor oil, 2 tbsp. l homemade bay leaf oil. Apply only along the length of the hair, no need to touch the roots. Put on a hat and tie a towel and walk like this for 1.5 hours, then rinse with shampoo, rinsing all strands well. Do it once a week, the course is 10 days, then the hair should “rest” for a month. The mask nourishes the hair and prevents split ends.

In case of hair loss, aroma combing will be useful as an additional procedure to masks. Add 5 drops of laurel essential oil to your comb and start spending more time on this simple procedure than usual - comb your hair for 5-7 minutes, massaging the roots of your scalp. You can comb your hair for a week with oil, a week without.

It is useful to rinse your hair in a decoction of bay leaves. It is prepared at the rate of 30 pieces per 1 liter of boiling water, steeped for 2–3 hours, so it can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

Is the oil suitable for aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy with laurel essential oil is carried out with increased excitability and insomnia, for stimulation mental activity. Cold inhalations and baths will help you calm down, collect your thoughts, and gain self-confidence. Just remember that the aroma should be pleasant. If laurel is difficult to tolerate, dilute it with a few drops of another essential oil - any citrus or coniferous oil will do.

Not everyone likes the aroma of laurel oil in its pure form, but in combination with lavender the smell is pleasant

Combining bay oil with other essential oils

Essential bay oil combines harmoniously with:

  • citrus aromas (orange, lemon, grapefruit);
  • cypress,
  • juniper,
  • pine,
  • lavender,
  • rosemary,
  • incense.

These mixtures can be used for aromatherapy, added to aroma baths and used in making soap if the specific aroma of laurel is unpleasant.

It is recommended to use the following oils as a base for preparing oil masks and compresses for laurel oil:

  • hazelnut,
  • argans,
  • sesame,
  • St. John's wort,
  • evening primrose,
  • wheat germ,
  • coconut,
  • almonds,
  • olives,
  • sunflower,
  • jojoba.

Improving the quality of cosmetics

Essential laurel oil can be added to creams, lotions, shampoos, but in doses, no more than 1-2 drops per single serving. It is not recommended to store cosmetics enriched with any essential oils; they may lose their valuable properties.

Bay oil in cooking

Bay oil is used in Indian cuisine as a seasoning. Bay leaves are used in European cuisine. You can experiment with the hood, but you shouldn’t - the oil is still toxic and can cause harm to health.

In European cuisine there is no need to replace bay leaves with oil - this is expensive

What other uses can be found for bay oil?

If you regularly light an aroma lamp with pure laurel oil indoors, drive insects out of the house - mosquitoes, mosquitoes, fleas, ants. For cockroaches, place cotton pads with 2-3 drops of essential oil around the house; for moths, you can make a sachet and put it in the closet.

With laurel oil, if you dilute it in a watering can with water, you can treat cabbage seedlings - they say it helps against pests.

You can master the technology of making Aleppo soap - then you will have it at hand natural antiseptic and a makeup remover, and for my husband - a replacement for shaving cream. True, for soap you need 300–500 ml of laurel essential oil, which is an expensive pleasure.

The cooking recipe is old, it has not changed, it seems, for several centuries. Pour olive and bay oil into a thick-walled pan, preferably a ceramic one, add soda and a little water. This whole mixture is boiled for a total of a week until it thickens. Then it is cut into pieces using a rope and dried. Previously, from the moment soap was prepared until it went on sale, approximately 9–10 months passed.

Aleppo soap is made exclusively by hand, the craftsmen have their own secrets of preparation, so one batch is never similar to another

Miracle oil

But most often essential oil is extracted from this plant. Bay leaf essential oil is not only an antibiotic. It protects against viruses and bacteria, relieves inflammation. Bay leaf essential oil contains a huge amount useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the body. The oil is used for aromatherapy, which can be easily done at home. In order for the essential oil to start working, you just need to drop three or four drops into the aromatic incense burner. If you inhale the oil at least a couple of times a week, all insomnia and depression will go away, it will be easier for you to work, your mood will improve, you will always feel cheerful and happy. In addition, essential oil perfectly purifies the air in the room, so if you have such oil in your home, you will not be afraid of illnesses.

Thanks to this oil, you can protect yourself from diseases not only at home, but also outside it. To do this, you need to buy a medallion, which is hung around the neck, with one or two drops of oil inside. This way, you will inhale its aroma and not a single bacteria will stick to you.

Also, to improve joint function and blood circulation, essential oil can be rubbed into the skin. If you hurt yourself or strain a muscle, rub the damaged area with oil. Within a few minutes you will realize that the pain is going away.

Making your own butter

By the way, it is worth noting that essential oil does not necessarily need to be bought in a store. You can make your own oil so you always have it on hand. To do this, you will need thirty grams of bay leaf, which you need to chop thoroughly and a glass of olive or sunflower oil. The bay leaf is poured with this oil and left for a week in the dark. Now, if you have a cold, bronchitis or pneumonia, take one tablespoon of bay oil twice a day after meals. The oil treatment lasts eight to ten days. Also, the oil will be an excellent help for rheumatism, arthritis or osteochondrosis.

Bay oil will be a miraculous helper for any nervous disorders and insomnia. It can always save you from a sleepless night if you do aromatherapy before bed. Oil can also become almost like a nanny for your child. If you drop a few drops of laurel oil into a medallion and leave it near the crib, your baby will quickly fall asleep in a sound and healthy sleep.

Oil baths

When you come home tired from work, aromatic baths with bay leaf essential oil will help you. Drop a few drops into the water and within ten minutes you will feel your body filled with vigor and energy thanks to the oil. In addition, such a bath will become a preventive measure during a flu epidemic and will protect you from a variety of viruses.

Bay oil can be mixed with citrus or almond oils. This oil “cocktail” is used for aromatic medicinal baths for colds and flu. If you take these baths for a week, you will not only be cured, but also protect yourself from many airborne diseases.

Bay leaf essential oil should be in every home, as it can save you from many diseases, strengthen the nervous system and improve immunity. Oil is truly a miracle cure, practically a panacea for many diseases, disorders and bad mood. A couple of drops of oil a day and your health, along with your mood, becomes much better, stronger and more positive.

Laurel is in most cases associated with Olympic Games, success, victories. In addition, we know this plant as an aromatic seasoning for soups and broths. However, laurel has a wider scope. Essential oil is obtained from it - concentrated and potent remedy. Laurel essential oil is used in medicine and cosmetology; the product improves physical and psycho-emotional state person. At correct use Bay oil will be effective cosmetic product and medicine.

Composition of laurel essential oil

Essential oil is obtained from the leaves of Laurel nobilis. The Mediterranean is considered the homeland of this evergreen plant, but it is currently cultivated in China, Turkey, and Russia. The healing properties of laurel leaves and fruits were known back in ancient times. IN Ancient Greece and Rome stimulated with a decoction of bay leaves labor, laurel sprigs were placed in the baby’s crib for more good sleep. Laurel essential oil is a concentrated and potent substance that fully contains the beneficial properties of the leaves and fruits of the tree.

Mediterranean plant can be grown at home

The broadcast includes:

  1. Cineole and terpinen-4-ol are powerful natural antiseptics.
  2. Eugenol is characterized by high antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity.
  3. Limonene has disinfectant, wound-healing, antispasmodic and tonic effects.
  4. Camphor increases blood flow, tones, and accelerates metabolism.
  5. Pinene has an irritating effect on nerve endings(relieves joint pain).

Laurel essential oil is a viscous liquid of a yellowish or olive hue with a specific spicy odor and pungent taste.

Laurel laurel essential oil should be distinguished from Tamanu and Bay oils. and basic tamanu have their own beneficial properties, but have nothing to do with the noble laurel. To avoid mistakes, choose a bottle of oil with the Latin marking laurus nobilis.

Thanks to its evergreen leaves, laurel in the Christian tradition is a symbol of immortality, eternity and renewal.

Cosmetic properties of laurel essential oil

Laurel essential oil is extremely active substance, therefore, it should be used in cosmetology to care for delicate facial skin with great care so as not to harm health and beauty.

So, bay ether:

  • fights excess work of the sebaceous glands;
  • tightens pores;
  • helps get rid of blackheads;
  • treats pimples, acne, furunculosis;
  • promotes fast healing wounds, abrasions, hematomas;
  • lightens age spots;
  • smoothes scars and scars;
  • stimulates cell renewal and promotes rejuvenation;
  • has an anti-cellulite effect;
  • has sun protection properties;
  • strengthens nails;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • nourishes hair and accelerates its growth.

Using oil for skin care

Thanks to the strong antiseptic substances in its composition, laurel essential oil fights skin problems caused by excess sebum secretion. You cannot use bay oil in its pure form, as it can irritate the skin.

Before use, laurel essential oil must be diluted with a carrier oil.

Bay oil is used in cosmetology:

  1. To improve the health of your facial skin, just add 2-3 drops of ether (per application) to your regular skin care cream.
  2. To treat acne, diluted essential bay oil is applied to the spot. A few drops of laurel ether are diluted in base oil - argan, tamanu, sesame.
  3. The ether works well against colds on the lips. IN in this case applied pointwise (if it does not cause acute skin irritation, then in its pure form), 2-3 times a day until it dries and the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  4. To moisturize, tone and rejuvenate lips, add a drop of ether to shea butter and use the resulting composition as a hygienic lipstick.
  5. For pigmentation:
    • To even out the color and whiten the skin, you can prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. castor and sea ​​buckthorn oils, a couple of drops of laurel ether. Ready mixture Apply to face and let absorb. This procedure can be carried out regularly.
    • Also in the fight for an even skin tone without spots and freckles, a mask of grated green apple (without peel), 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and a couple of drops of bay oil. Apply to face, leave for 15–20 minutes, then rinse and use moisturizer.

As an anti-cellulite agent

Laurel essential oil tones the skin, accelerates cellular metabolism, enhances lymph flow and removes excess fluid from the body, so it is effective means in the fight against cellulite.

The ether can be added to anti-cellulite creams (a few drops), dissolved in base oil to prepare a mixture for self-massage or aroma bath.

Bay oil is often used in wraps as an additive in store-bought cosmetic composition. However, mixtures for wraps prepared at home from natural products are no less effective.

One of the effective folk remedies is honey wrap. Add 2-3 drops of lavender, bay and lemon oils to 70 grams of honey (preferably liquid). Apply the composition to problem areas, wrap cling film, insulate with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

If you add sea salt to the honey mixture, you will get an effective anti-cellulite treasure

Bay oil for hair

Laurel essential oil improves hair quality no worse than an expensive commercial product. Suitable for those with normal to oily scalp. As part of masks, shampoos and rinses, essential oil fights excess sebaceous glands, dandruff, strengthens hair, and activates its growth.

Uses of bay oil:

  1. The ether can be added 2-3 drops to commercial hair cosmetics (per use).
  2. Instead of a rinse, use a decoction of chamomile or nettle with 2-3 drops of laurel ether. This will strengthen the hair and eliminate excess oiliness.
  3. To awaken dormant hair follicles, apply a composition of burdock oil (base) with 2-3 drops of bay and cinnamon oils to the roots. Next, cover your head with polyethylene, insulate it with a towel, leave for 1 hour, and wash off.
  4. To nourish the hair and combat split ends, an aroma combing procedure is carried out with laurel ether. Apply 4-5 drops of oil to a wooden comb along the comb and comb the hair along the entire length for 5 minutes.

Bay oil in the treatment of diseases

The disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and irritant properties of laurel ether have been used in medicine since ancient times. Essential oil is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of various systems of the human body:

  • used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and colds, sore throat;
  • fights sinusitis;
  • is a means of preventing and treating skin and nail fungus;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • reduces the level of anxiety and nervousness, relieves nervous tension;
  • relieves symptoms of joint pain;
  • eliminates muscle tension and muscle pain;
  • removes salts from joints;
  • lowers sugar levels;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves headaches;
  • tones the cardiovascular system.

Psychologists advise conducting aromatherapy sessions with laurel oil for people prone to depression. The smell of the product is inspiring. No wonder the laurel is a symbol of victory.

Treatment of joints

Laurel ether, in addition to antispasmodic, has a warming property, therefore it is successfully used to relieve joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism, and inflammation.

  1. Aroma bath. Add a couple of drops of laurel and lavender esters to sea salt. Dissolve salt in warm water and take a bath for 15 minutes. This procedure will soothe the pain and relax you.
  2. Rubbing and massage of sore areas of the body. Dissolve 3 drops of laurel and rosemary oils in the base (olive oil, jojoba oil). Rub the prepared mixture onto sore joints. Massage combined with the healing properties of oils will give excellent results.
  3. To remove salts from joints. One drop of laurel essential oil is dissolved in a piece of sugar, then the product is absorbed. Dosage regimen: 3 times daily for 3 days, then a week break.

Laurel essential oil for blood vessels

Laurel ether eliminates headaches caused by vascular spasms. For relax painful condition use aromatherapy or apply a pre-diluted product to the temples. The soothing scent of the oil combined with its antispasmodic effect relaxes, soothes and relieves headache.

Aromatherapy with laurel ether will soothe headaches and bring relaxation after a hard day.

Bay oil is used to treat hypertension. To reduce blood pressure, conduct an aromatherapy session with laurel before bed. Or mix the ether with a carrier oil and apply it to points on the body where the pulse is felt (wrists, areas behind the ears, top part sternum).

When treating varicose veins, it is important to reduce the load on the vessels in order to speed up their recovery. Remove toxins and get rid of excess liquid Can massage and compresses with laurel essential oil:

  1. For a compress: dissolve 5-7 drops of laurel and rosemary ether in base oil (unrefined sunflower), pour into a liter of water, soak a cloth in the composition and apply it to the affected area, leave for an hour.
  2. For massage: add 5 drops of bay, rosemary and cypress oil. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the skin until completely absorbed from the bottom up, bypassing the vein itself. This procedure can be carried out 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Bay oil for the treatment of colds and sinusitis

Laurel essential oil is an excellent preventive measure. colds. Aromatherapy sessions with essential laurel oil help strengthen the immune system and disinfect the room.

However, if a cold does catch up with you, laurel will also come to the rescue. In addition to aromatherapy, for acute respiratory infections, sore throat, bronchitis, it is useful to carry out inhalations and rinses with the addition of ether:

A runny nose that is not treated in time can lead to a serious problem - sinusitis. In combination with drug treatment methods will help traditional medicine. Laurel essential oil, which has disinfecting and immunostimulating effects, removes mucus and reduces inflammation. The treatment regimen is similar to treatment for a cold:

  1. Aromatherapy.
  2. Inhalations.
  3. Compresses. IN warm water add 5 drops of laurel ether (dissolved in a base oil or milk), soak gauze in the composition and apply it to the bridge of the nose and forehead, leave until it cools, then soak again, and so on at least 3 times. The procedure is carried out every day before bed until complete recovery.


Laurel essential oil contains a large amount of cineole, which has powerful antiseptic properties. This substance in high concentrations causes irritation and allergic reactions. Therefore, bay ester cannot be used internally or applied to the skin in its pure form. Before using the product, be sure to conduct an oil tolerance test: leave a drop of diluted ether on the elbow for a while, if there is redness and discomfort no, the product can be used.

Laurel essential oil should not be used:

  • if an allergy to the product is detected;
  • for dry and sensitive skin, since the product can increase sensitization;
  • when caring for skin for more than 3 weeks;
  • at reduced pressure.

For pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 2 years of age, taking ether is strictly contraindicated.

An overdose of the drug can lead to allergic reactions(taken internally and externally) and headaches (aromatherapy).

In the presence of chronic diseases Before using the oil, consult your doctor.

ABOUT extraordinary properties Lavra has been known to people since ancient times. Even ancient Greek doctors found use for it in their practice: for the treatment of the respiratory system, digestion and musculoskeletal system. The leaves, seeds and fruits of this shrub were so popular in medicine and cooking that its reputation as a useful and “noble” plant was forever established. Unfortunately, only the lucky ones living in a warm southern climate can use freshly picked laurel shoots. But let's not despair: for culinary masterpieces we have dried leaves, and for home cosmetic procedures- bay oil.

What are the benefits of bay extract?

Laurel oil is a real find for damaged hair and scalp, because it has excellent nourishing and anti-inflammatory effects. Of all the extracts known in ancient centuries, only laurel was used to treat wounds on the heads of warriors. It contributed to the fastest and effective recovery fabrics. Wide Application This product in cosmetology is based on the richness of its composition. Bay oil contains many elements:

  • laurin is a valuable triglyceride that restores the structure of the hair;
  • oleic, stearic and myristic acids nourish cells;
  • tannins dry the skin and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • phytosterol prevents premature aging And .

The effect of bay oil on hair condition

What results can you expect when using this oil at home to beauty your curls? Noble laurel will restore the structure of damaged hair, bring brittle and dry strands back to life, and give them shine and elasticity.

  1. A large amount of vitamins and antioxidants in the product will help stop the aging process in cells and stop excessive hair loss.
  2. The regenerating properties that laurel oil has will have a beneficial effect on the follicles, making them work more intensely.
  3. Natural extract will have a positive effect on the length and thickness of your hair.
  4. With regular use, the product can even prevent baldness and get rid of dandruff forever.

With so much variety on the market, it can be difficult to know which type of extract to choose. After all, there are several ways to obtain them.

  1. Fatty laurel oil is produced by pressing seeds - it has a thick consistency and a greenish tint.
  2. Also on the shelves you can find oil obtained by water extraction - also laurel, but already essential. It is transparent and resembles a viscous liquid with a spicy aroma.

We hasten to please you: it is permissible to use both types of laurel elixir. In addition, manufacturers often mix fatty and essential oils themselves - this is also not dangerous. On the contrary, laurel essential oil in its pure form can be dangerous for the body due to the low content of narcotic substances in it. And in combination with the second type, it acquires the most beneficial properties.

However, be sure to pay attention to where the oil is produced. It is believed that high-quality products are produced by Mediterranean countries, as well as India. Seeing enough strong action This oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy, serious illnesses and, of course, in case of individual intolerance to the product.

Another piece of advice: the specific smell of this leaf does not disappear immediately, so it is better to wait a little while preparing homemade laurel masks if you have an important event ahead. However, the use of deeply cleansing shampoo and aromatic herbal decoction hair rinse will instantly eliminate the problem. To “dilute” the pungent aroma of laurel, you can add essential oils of sweet orange, grapefruit, rosemary, lavender, vanilla, juniper or cedar to any mixture.

Recipes for laurel masks for beautiful hair

It is very simple to prepare a valuable hair mask from laurel oil; you just need a little time and imagination. Try the following recipes to get noticeable, long-lasting results: shiny, strong locks without dandruff or oiliness.

  1. Honey nutritional mixture for normal hair. The first step is to mix 40-80 g of cocoa powder with a small amount of water until thick gruel. Determine the volume depending on the length of your hair. To the composition you need to add 25 ml of light flower honey and 30 ml of laurel oil. Then you need to rub the mixture into clean scalp, distribute along the length of the strands and put on a cap. The mask can be left for several hours and then washed off slightly. warm water with mild shampoo. Result - shiny hair with a stunning honey-chocolate aroma.
  2. Bay oil mask for combination hair. For this recipe you will need to lightly beat the yolk of 1 egg and add 40 ml to it fresh juice aloe. Then you need to pour 35 ml of bay oil into the mixture and mix the ingredients well. If you have very long curls, multiply the amount of products by 2. Regular use of this simple mask will give your hair an attractive appearance, removing excess greasiness and moisturizing lifeless ends.
  3. Softening mask to strengthen roots. If your hair suddenly becomes stiff and brittle, laurel will come to the rescue and give it the necessary softness. Mix bay and laurel in equal proportions, and then add 10-20 ml of sour cream or homemade yogurt to the composition. This is important for additional hydration of the strands, as well as for more comfortable application of the mask. Use your fingers to massage the mask into your scalp and distribute some of it through your hair. You can wash off the mixture after 25-35 minutes, be sure to cool water. After just a few sessions, you will see how your hair regains strength and a pleasant shine.
  4. The simplest recipe for using laurel oil. If after a long day of work you have no energy left to prepare a mask, simply apply laurel oil to a comb made of natural materials and run it through your hair. You can even leave the product overnight, and in the morning rinse your hair with warm water and a few drops of lemon juice. Even alone, this oil will be effective.

On the weekend, you can prepare a more complex, but also accessible at home, mask from oils. The heroine of an interesting video will tell you how to do this.

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