Symptoms of enteritis disease in dogs. Drugs that can neutralize endotoxic substances. Treatment of enteritis in dogs

Enteritis in dogs is a relatively new disease, but it has already gained “notoriety.” Back at the end of the 20th century, when the first cases of enteritis in dogs were recorded, most pets died because they had no immunity. And today more pets die from this disease than from. What kind of disease is this and is it possible to protect your beloved pet from it?

Enteritis is contagious disease, in which inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract develops and affects middle layer cardiac muscle - myocardium.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in individuals aged from two months to a year. According to statistics, 12% of sick pets die from this disease; among puppies this figure increases to 30%. If the bitch that gave birth is not vaccinated, then only 20% of puppies have a chance of surviving enteritis. In case of infection, gender, belonging to a particular breed and other indicators do not matter.

In modern medicine developed. A timely vaccinated animal rarely gets sick, but infection is still possible. In addition, a vaccinated dog tolerates the disease much easier and, in most cases, other than maintenance therapy, no other treatment will be required.

Infection occurs from infected animals, as well as their excrement, saliva and urine, in which pathogenic bacteria can last up to one and a half weeks. The virus is resistant to chemical influences, high temperatures (up to 60°C) and acidic environments. At room temperature it may not die for up to six months.

Types of enteritis in dogs

There are two types of disease – parvovirus and coronavirus.

The first type of virus, once in the body, affects parts of the intestines or heart tissue, but damage to both is often observed. The virus begins to multiply intensively in intestinal cells, which leads to their destruction. Getting into the blood supply system, it negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, changing their structure. The composition of the blood also undergoes significant changes, and much more before manifestation primary signs diseases.

The mucous membranes of the digestive tract become red and then eroded. All these effects are irreversible and cause severe intoxication of the animal’s body and its exhaustion.

Parvovirus develops quickly in a growing body, since cell division has a positive effect on its growth. This is why the risk of death from parvovirus is high in puppies.

Coronavirus, unlike parvovirus enteritis, does not affect crypt cells, so its symptoms are milder and much less likely to end in the death of the animal. But even in this case, everything depends on timely medical care.

Coronavirus is only transmitted through feces, but the risk of infection is still high, since dogs can touch feces, as well as the place where they are located, and bring the virus into the house.

Symptomatic manifestations of enteritis

There are several forms of this disease– intestinal, cardiac and mixed enteritis. In each case, the development of the disease occurs rapidly.

There are a number of signs common to all forms:

  • vomit in the form of white foam;
  • repeated, with an interval of 30-40 minutes;
  • in a dog;
  • the pet lies almost all the time, not paying attention to others;
  • A slight improvement in the condition occurs only during a walk.

One more important symptom enteritis in dogs is. The dog cannot restrain the urge to defecate, the stool becomes watery, and the urge is frequent. Comes from feces putrid smell. In this case, feces can have any color - from yellowish to red. The redness of feces is not associated with blood getting into them; they acquire a similar color from homolyzed red blood cells that have penetrated into the feces from damaged vascular walls. And this is a sign that it will not be possible to save the animal.

Intestinal enteritis can occur in dogs of any age. Once in the body, the virus behaves aggressively, destroys the intestinal mucous membranes, which leads to tissue necrosis and secondary infection.

The intestinal form of the disease is accompanied by weakness and lethargy of the pet, while it does not increase or a slight increase is observed.

In some cases, the dog does not indicate the presence of the disease in any way, eats well and is active, but if you stroke it on the sides, it will tuck its tail between hind legs and arch your back, which signals pain.

Also when intestinal enteritis Due to severe painful symptoms, the pet may become restless and find it difficult to lie in one position.

If a puppy born from an unvaccinated bitch is infected, then, in most cases, the disease develops instantly and the animal dies within one to three days.

With cardiac enteritis, the animal becomes lethargic and drowsy. The dog may not experience severe pain, but rumbling in the stomach often appears. As the disease progresses, symptoms of heart failure appear:

  • inconspicuous breathing, or, conversely, loud, heavy breathing;
  • mucous membranes acquire a pale or bluish tint;
  • the pulse is barely palpable;
  • The pet's limbs become cold.

With this disease, most cases end in death due to acute heart failure.

The question arises: “How to treat enteritis in a dog?” Enteritis is dangerous and insidious disease, so any delay is certain death for your beloved pet. The sooner the owner applies for medical care and it will begin complex therapy, the higher the dog’s chance of recovery.

One of important rules is that if a dog shows signs of enteritis, you should under no circumstances feed it. Fasting in in this case is a huge help in the fight of the affected organism against the disease, since the absorption of food requires certain strength and significant energy costs. But you need to give your dog as much water as possible. Boiled water cooled to room temperature is perfect for this.

As for medical therapy, it consists of a whole range of measures:

  • taking antimicrobial sulfonamides;
  • use of drugs to prevent heart failure;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • novocaine blockade;
  • administration of drip medications to prevent dehydration.

As soon as the pet’s condition has stabilized, you can begin to give a small amount of food, these can be the following foods:

  • rice porridge cooked exclusively in water;
  • pasta;
  • boiled lean fish, cleaned of bones;
  • meat and fish broths;
  • dairy products – cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream 10%, Varenets, fermented baked milk.

You can add chopped boiled egg.

Fatty sour cream is prohibited during illness, raw meat, fish. Whole milk should not be given as a drink. All these products can provoke recurrent viral processes in the body.

IN complex treatment Enteritis in dogs also includes the use of cleansing enemas and gastric lavages. Pet owners should know that at the first, even the most insignificant, signs of this disease, it is necessary to give the animal an enema. Even if fears turn out to be in vain, in the case of enteritis it is better to be safe. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is suitable as an enema solution. The amount of liquid is calculated based on the weight of the dog.

The algorithm for this procedure is as follows:

  • For a large pet, use a regular syringe; for a small pet, you can use a large syringe without a needle.
  • The end of the instrument is lubricated with Vaseline or rich baby cream.
  • Inject initially 100 ml, then repeat the administration.
  • The animal will pass feces. It is necessary to administer the solution until the feces are replaced by water.

This procedure will help cleanse the body of toxins and prevent them from being absorbed into the blood.

Often enteritis passes without diarrhea and is often detected on early stages very difficult. You need to monitor your pet's condition more closely. If the puppy becomes lethargic, shows excessive anxiety, does not touch food and lies for a long time (this behavior is unusual for a young individual), it is worth seeking advice from a specialist. And if vomiting with white foam is added to everything, then this sure sign enteritis. And if the pet is dear to the owners, you should not wait for the worst, but you must immediately deliver it to veterinary clinic for treatment.

You have a puppy at home. Of course, this is a joyful event, but you must remember that it is also a huge responsibility. First of all, you are obliged to monitor the health of your pet and try to protect it from the most serious diseases, in particular from parvovirus enteritis. Today we will tell you in detail about this disease, which until recently meant almost a death sentence. Now the situation has changed modern vaccines represent a fairly reliable protection against this formidable disease, and veterinary drugs allow you to cure it at almost any stage.

The most important thing is to prevent the animal’s body from becoming severely dehydrated, otherwise the chances of recovery will drop sharply. So the sooner you get your pet to the clinic, the easier it will be to treat parvovirus enteritis.

What is it

Indeed, it is better to start from the very beginning. So let's start with the definition of parvovirus enteritis. It's spicy viral disease, which causes inflammation and necrosis of the intestinal mucosa, as well as damage to the heart muscle. Most often, young individuals aged from 2 months to two years are susceptible to this disease. In this case, a person cannot get sick. Outbreaks of this virus most often occur in spring and autumn.

Causes and development of the disease

Even without being a veterinarian, you can easily recognize the signs of parvovirus enteritis. In the vast majority of cases, the disease affects dogs under 6 months of age. The causative agent is a virus. When it enters the body, it begins to actively multiply in the epithelial cells of the intestine. This leads to their mass death. The animal’s immunity is completely blocked, and necrosis products begin to be absorbed into the blood. In response to this, the body tries to defend itself and turns on the blood clotting mechanism. This leads to microthrombi and disrupts blood circulation in vital organs. These are the kidneys and liver, lungs and gastrointestinal intestinal tract. After the coagulation mechanisms are exhausted, bleeding of the intestinal mucosa is observed.

But all this is not the worst thing. Parvovirus enteritis in puppies occurs with complete refusal of water. Usually, already on days 2-3, signs of hypovolemic shock develop, and acute renal failure. In turn, damage to the heart muscle very quickly leads to pulmonary edema and heart failure. So, in a matter of days, the disease destroys all organs and systems and kills the animal.

Sources of the disease

Treatment of parvovirus enteritis will be effective only when we know exactly where trouble is coming from and how to avoid it as effectively as possible. So, sick dogs are the source of infection. These are virus carriers that release large amounts of virus during external environment. These are feces, urine and saliva. Rodents, insects, and even people who are not sick themselves are still carriers. Infection can occur through contaminated food and water, through contact with a sick animal (sniffing and licking itself or objects infected by it). Infection through bedding or care items is possible; it is especially important to take into account that the pathogen is very tenacious and persists in the external environment for a long time. It is resistant to heat and ether and chlorine, alcohol and soda. Therefore, taking puppies to a veterinary clinic for vaccinations is not the best the best option. Usually they disinfect tables with alcohol, and this does not have any effect on the pathogen. As you can see, there are a lot of dangers around, and you need to learn to anticipate them all in order to prevent this terrible disease.

Prevention or risk zone

It is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it, but this is especially true for such a terrible disease as parvovirus enteritis. Prevention is primarily aimed at increasing the resistance of the pet’s body itself, that is, resistance to bacteria and viruses. If this natural barrier is strong, then there is no need to be afraid. In order to increase resistance, you need to take good care of your pet. Good conditions maintenance and quality feeding, timely prevention helminthic infestations, gastrointestinal diseases and avoidance stressful situations- this is half the battle in protecting your pet from enteritis. Why half, because the second falls on preventive vaccinations. IN modern world It is unwise to reject scientific advances in the form of reliable vaccines and hope for chance. Be sure to complete all routine vaccinations prescribed to you.

Signs you need to pay attention to right away

Today we are talking about parvovirus Symptoms, treatment and prevention - this is the information that owners need in order to respond to alarming changes in a timely manner. First of all, remember that the disease develops rapidly. From the very first symptom to the death of the animal, only 3-4 days can pass. The maximum that an animal can survive without treatment is 7 days. Vomiting appears first. It is impossible to stop it; forcing your pet to drink or eat will only make it worse. It is necessary to remove intoxication intravenous infusion special solutions.

Sometimes, already at the first stage, gray-yellow diarrhea appears. The puppy completely refuses water and food. In this case, the condition worsens very quickly. Even if the first symptoms appear in the evening, you should try to take the animal to the veterinarian. Until the morning, painful vomiting can lead to a critical condition. IN as a last resort, call the nearest veterinary station and tell them what is happening. Every doctor knows how serious illness is parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Symptoms, treatment today - by collecting all this information, the doctor will be able to guide you on how to help your four-legged friend.

The situation is getting worse

So, if treatment has not been started, or is unsuccessful, vomiting will continue. The stool becomes foul-smelling. Very often blood appears in the stool, and sometimes worms come out. Accumulates in the mouth thick saliva, the animal does not have the strength to swallow it. Eyeballs they sink, murmurs are heard in the heart, and wheezing in the lungs. In this case, pronounced tachycardia is very bad symptom, it means that the cardiovascular system affected too much, and the prognosis is disappointing. If the body temperature was initially elevated, it now drops to 35 degrees and below. The abdomen is usually tense and painful. Shortness of breath develops. The mucous membranes lose their shine and become gray or reddish. Even with correct, intensive, but late therapy, mortality is very high, so it is extremely important to organize treatment as quickly as possible.

Clinical signs

The worst thing is when parvovirus enteritis develops in puppies. How to treat a young and fragile body when the virus destroys the heart and liver, kidneys and immune system. It is enough to delay the onset by just a few hours, and even if it recovers, the dog will remain a regular client of the veterinarian for the rest of its life, since a huge number of chronic diseases. The incubation period is only 4-10 days, and the dog begins to release the virus into the external environment on the third day, when symptoms may be completely absent. This discharge goes away within 15-20 days, subject to survival. This disease manifests itself in three forms, each of which can be lightning fast or acute. If in the second case it is quite possible to save your pet, then in the first case you may not even have time to see a doctor.

Intestinal form of the disease

It is the manifestations of this form that parvovirus enteritis is most famous for. Prevention is to keep the dog’s intestines in perfect condition, then the immune system will be strong, and it will be much more difficult for the virus to break through its defenses. First of all, it is quality, balanced diet and timely anthelmintic therapy. In this case, the acute form occurs with virtually no signs of enteritis, the puppy shows a loss of strength and dies within a few hours. Mortality is very high, it is about 60%.

In this case, anorexia is observed, complete failure from food. Very strong, mucous vomiting develops. 6 hours after its onset, the dog develops diarrhea. In this case, the feces are first gray, and then become green or purple shades. Very often they contain streaks of blood, sometimes they are mucous or watery, almost always with foul odor. Body temperature at this stage is most often elevated. In this case, vomiting and diarrhea very quickly deplete strength, after which a state of shock sets in. This is most often the case with parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Symptoms can be as little as a day ahead of death if you fail to stop fluid loss.

Treatment of intestinal enteritis

First of all, it is necessary to provide the animal with complete rest, because strength will be required to overcome parvovirus enteritis. How to treat must be agreed with your veterinarian. Eating and drinking are completely abolished until the doctor allows it; forceful infusion will only worsen the situation. Highly recommended to use Vaseline oil, which envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines and interferes with the absorption of necrosis products.

In order to provide first aid, you should have "Levomycetin succinate" in your first aid kit. This is an antibiotic that is aimed at treating diarrhea. You will also need No-Spa and Analgin to remove pain symptoms. In addition, "No-shpa" relieves spasms, which means the urge to vomit decreases. "Analgin" together with "Diphenhydramine" (two ampoules are taken into one syringe and injected intramuscularly) perfectly reduces the temperature. In case of severe and protracted course of the disease, it is necessary to have saline and glucose at home, which can be administered at least subcutaneously, in order to avoid dehydration.

Cardiac form of enteritis

It occurs much less frequently, most often as a secondary complication. After suffering enteritis, after some time it is observed acute lesion myocardium. That is, we can diagnose heart failure with a weak pulse and Most often, animals die suddenly due to disturbances in the nerve patency of the heart muscle. The mortality rate is very high, reaching 80%. It is very important to include Sulfocamphocaine, Cordiamin, or other drugs to maintain cardiac activity in the treatment regimen. Finally, there is a mixed form when various lesions cardiovascular and digestive, respiratory system body. This is typical for weakened animals with a weakened immune system. Wherein clinical picture may be blurred, and the symptoms are very diverse.

Treatment of dogs

The sooner you see a doctor, the greater your chances of defeating parvovirus enteritis. The symptoms will rapidly intensify, so put everything aside and see a specialist as soon as possible. It should be noted that the treatment of this disease is becoming increasingly difficult. The virus mutates and adapts, and doctors invent new schemes. Treatment is symptomatic, so the veterinarian will offer his own regimen for each patient. Most often it includes sulfonamides, antibiotics, heart medications, as well as saline and glucose. However, the fact that the number of drugs produced specifically for animals is growing, it is not becoming easier to defeat parvovirus enteritis in puppies. How to treat this or that animal, sometimes you have to decide along the way, observing the body’s reaction.

The classic treatment regimen necessarily includes a polyvalent serum, that is, globulins against enteritis. Essentially, the blood serum of an animal that was vaccinated with a special vaccine, in response to which the body produced antibodies. They are the ones who help a sick animal overcome its illness. In addition to globulins, saline solution and antibiotics (Ampicillin and Oxycillin) are required. It is equally important to block vomiting; Cerucal is used for this. Every doctor always prescribes Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine that is an excellent antispasmodic and pain reliever. Additionally, "Sulfocamphocaine" is used to stimulate cardiac activity and vitamins.

Parvovirus enteritis in cats

The clinical symptoms are very similar to those we have already listed. These are vomiting and diarrhea, depression, fever and elevated temperature bodies. However, high mortality is only in the hyperacute course of the disease, which is not so common. The acute course of the disease is characterized by anorexia, damage to the intestinal mucosa and rapid growth of bacteria. Probability fatal outcome from 25 to 90%. Subacute and subclinical forms are much more common, but cats recover even without outside intervention. Specific treatment no, the doctor can only prescribe maintenance therapy.

From dog to human or vice versa

In fact, there is no need to be afraid of this disease. Parvovirus enteritis does not occur in humans, so take care of your sick pet with complete peace of mind. But you yourself can become a source of danger for your pet. The virus can come home along with your clothes and shoes, toys, and various things from the veterinary clinic. Please note that they bring a variety of animals there and, just by going for vitamins or anthelmintic drugs, you can bring domroy dangerous pathogens. Their resilience is truly incredible. Neither cold nor boiling water affects them; chlorine and alcohol are powerless. It persists in soil and biological waste for several years.

The fact that parvovirus enteritis in dogs is transmitted to humans is a fairy tale, but treatment must be taken extremely seriously. If your pet does not survive, do not rush to replace it with another. The pathogens of the virus can survive in the most secluded corners of the booth or bedding, on fences that young animals like to bite, and simply on the ground. Therefore, if you live in a private house, you won’t be able to disinfect everything. Therefore, you need to wait two to three years and then buy new dog, definitely from a vaccinated bitch.

Enteritis is quite common and is characterized by inflammatory processes in the intestines. This is a dangerous disease that can affect both young animals and adults. Enteritis in puppies is much more common than in adult dogs. The problem may be viral or non-viral.

The first option is more common. The pathogen enters the animal's body through saliva or feces. It is impossible to recognize the problem immediately; only after the incubation period (from 2 to 5 days) does the first symptoms of enteritis in puppies and dogs begin to appear.

If treatment is not started, the animal’s condition will gradually worsen. In an adult dog, this period lasts from several days to 1-2 weeks; puppies without proper treatment die within 1-3 days. You need to contact your veterinarian immediately, he will prescribe correct treatment and will create a diet for the animal.


Enteritis in dogs is classified based on the lesion or pathogen. In the first case, two types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Primary. If the disease affects only the intestinal tract, it is classified as primary enteritis.
  2. Secondary. When enteritis is not the main disease, but only a symptom of some other disease, this is secondary enteritis.

From the pathogen side, several types of viral enteritis in dogs can be distinguished.


The disease affects the intestines and only in some cases the myocardium is affected. There are two forms of the disease:

  1. Intestinal. Affects animals of any breed and age. Progresses quickly. The temperature first rises (just a little by 0.5-1 degrees, it’s easy to miss), and then decreases (after 1-2 days).
  2. Heart. Appears in puppies up to three months. The pathogen penetrates the myocardium, disrupting the functioning of the lungs and heart. May cause irreversible heart problems. It is important to notice the problem immediately, otherwise the puppy may die.


Several types of bacteria can cause bacterial enteritis.


There are more than 2,000 species of salmonella in the world, and you can catch them through water or raw/spoiled food. Meat (raw) of pigs and chicken is especially dangerous. Symptoms: gurgling sounds in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, fever. The first signs will be visible in the first 1-2 days after infection.

Symptomatically, salmonellosis is similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so only a doctor will probably be able to determine the disease after passing the necessary tests.


You can understand that the animal’s body has been attacked by these bacteria by a noticeable symptom – profuse diarrhea. They can enter the body through feces or dirty water. The bacteria are destructive to young animals (up to 5 months). If you notice the first symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, fever), immediately call a veterinarian. The sick pet will be given antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medications, and may be given an IV. The process of recovery and rehabilitation is long.


Not proper nutrition and prolonged stress can cause the appearance of clostridia. Signs are similar to others infectious diseases: lethargy, diarrhea, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting. Antibiotics can help cope with the problem. But you should not carry out therapy at home, so as not to confuse the dosage; it is better to immediately call a doctor.

You can avoid bacterial enteritis and related diseases, just carefully monitor what your dog eats. Do not give him raw meat or allow him to eat anything outside the house, because you cannot know how dangerous this product is.


With coronavirus enteritis in dogs, the tips of the intestinal villi are affected. The disease occurs in two forms:

  1. Easy. Not dangerous form diseases. It develops slowly, adults do not die from it, cases of death in puppies are rare.
  2. Spicy. Develops quickly if not necessary treatment, complications begin in the form of secondary intestinal infection And concomitant diseases. Puppies can die; dogs under 6 months often die.

Read more about how to treat coronavirus enteritis in dogs.

Sometimes dogs can develop a chronic form of enteritis. Metabolism is disrupted, the body begins to deplete. Regardless of the form of your pet’s disease, you must consult a doctor, otherwise the virus will progress and the consequences can be fatal.

There is also non-infectious (non-viral) enteritis. It appears similar to infectious species way (diarrhea, vomiting, etc.), so you definitely can’t help but notice it.


Only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment for enteritis in dogs; it is impossible to do this at home. But in order to understand what happened to the animal and how to behave, it is better to know the symptoms of each type of disease.


Unlike other types of enteritis, parvovirus does not “drive” the temperature, and there is no fever either. Therefore, many animal owners do not suspect that the problem is very serious; they attribute the symptoms to simple poisoning. This behavior can lead to serious complications and death of the pet. The main symptoms of parvovirus enteritis:

  • abdominal pain (this can be noticed if you touch or stroke the dog);
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • strong smell of vomit and feces.

In the first days the symptoms are not too scary, but gradually the problem gets worse. The animal will have diarrhea, but at first it is watery and clear, and the smell is unpleasant. On the 2-3rd day, diarrhea may be bloody, the dog will whine from any touch to the stomach, severe vomiting(sometimes with blood).

The death of an adult can occur in 5-7 days, the puppy dies within 1-3 days.


Bacterial enteritis occurs in adult or older dogs. The reasons are poor nutrition or a love of street “delicacies”. Main symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea (sometimes with blood);
  • stomach ache;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • fever.

It is important to immediately go to the clinic; modern veterinary medicine quickly determines which bacterium caused feeling unwell dog. The sooner you get tested, the more like a doctor will prescribe treatment.


The symptoms of this type of enteritis are similar to parvovirus. The main symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting, but unlike parvovirus, there is no blood in them. Adult animals tolerate diseases relatively easily, but puppies can be seriously ill for a long time, making it difficult to endure the recovery period.

Both adult and small dogs need proper treatment, including antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Against the background of coronavirus, a secondary infection may develop ( pathogenic bacteria), an antibiotic is needed to combat it.

The disease can be mild or severe. In the first case, there may be no symptoms, or they will be minor (lethargy, drowsiness, poor appetite).

The animal’s immune system can cope with the problem on its own, but you shouldn’t hope for it. If you notice the slightest change in your pet's behavior, get examined by a doctor.

If the problem occurs in an acute form, then the symptoms will be noticeable:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • refusal of food and water;
  • increase in body temperature.

Not viral

First, diarrhea begins (mucous with foam). As the disease progresses, blood appears in the stool and the smell is strong and unpleasant. It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of non-viral enteritis.

The animal is trying to free digestive tract, so vomiting occurs. It may contain bile and blood. The pet begins to lose weight sharply, he does not want to eat or drink, so he becomes very weak, practically does not get up, and sleeps constantly. His stomach hurts, so the dog may whine due to any touch.

Enteritis in young animals

Often, viral enteritis appears in young animals, and adult dogs suffer from bacterial species diseases. In most cases, puppies “catch” coronavirus or parvovirus enteritis.

Symptoms are no different from those seen in adults. The difference is that small dogs are more difficult to tolerate the disease and can die if it is not noticed in time.


There are several main causes of the disease.

Lack of vaccinations

The risk of infection in a puppy born from an unvaccinated female is very high. He can “catch” the virus simply by playing with an infected animal or smelling its feces. An infected dog will begin to infect other animals, so he will have to be quarantined during treatment.

Helminths bring a lot of trouble to the animal (problems with appetite, exhaustion, vomiting, enteritis, etc.), so you should not treat them as commonplace. Yes, this problem is not uncommon in dogs, but it is imperative to fight it.

Infectious diseases

In this case, enteritis is a symptom. To get rid of the problem you need to cure the underlying disease.

Drastic change in diet

You can’t suddenly switch your dog from food to food. natural food conversely, it can cause many health problems. The same thing will happen if you suddenly stop feeding your dog fried or fatty foods. Make the transition gradually.

Weakened immunity

Weak immunity leads to the most various diseases. Proper nutrition and a complex of vitamins will do their job, and soon there will be no trace of problems left.

Poor nutrition

The dog should eat at the same time. Food, be it feed or regular products, should be fresh and healthy. If you follow these rules, no problems will arise.

Incorrect food temperature

Not all dog owners know that food temperature matters. Too hot or cold food can cause enteritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the causes can be prevented if you properly monitor your pet and periodically get tested at a veterinary clinic.

The right diet

In the first days of illness, the dog will refuse to eat - this is normal, there is no need to force food in. When he comes to his senses a little, an appetite will appear, but there is no need to give your pet everything, the food should be light and dietary. Neglecting this advice will have consequences: the dog may start vomiting, and there is a risk of complications. For the first 2-3 days, give your pet:

  • rice porridge cooked in water;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • plenty of clean, cool water.

On day 4-5, add to the animal’s diet:

  • lean meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat kefir.

Share daily norm food for 5-6 meals, fractional meals will benefit the patient. All products must be fresh and natural. Make sure food is not hot or very cold.

Proper nutrition alone is not enough for diarrhea to go away, so you need to take medications that improve intestinal microflora.


Although there are several types of the disease, they are similar to each other. Therefore, we can highlight the main methods of combating enteritis:

  1. Enemas. They help cleanse the intestines of toxic stool.
  2. Droppers. They are effective against dehydration, which is sure to occur, because the disease provokes vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Antibiotics. Help prevent the development of bacteria and reduce the risk of complications.
  4. Saline solutions. Restore water-salt balance. This is another one useful method combat dehydration.
  5. Enterosorbents. Use Activated carbon, it fights toxins.
  6. Painkiller. Helps relieve stomach pain.
  7. Drugs to support the heart. Puppies and older dogs especially need such medications.
  8. Vitamins. Supports the body as a whole. Vitamins are not given immediately, but only when the pet begins to recover.

Knowing what type of disease your dog has, you can choose the right treatment method:

  1. Bacterial. Need diet, antibiotics and special drugs to combat diarrhea.
  2. Parvovirus. Treatment consists of proper nutrition, taking medications to support the heart and medications to improve intestinal microflora.
  3. Coronavirus. You will need medications to support your immune system and fight diarrhea. You need to follow proper nutrition and drinking regime.
  4. Not viral. You need a diet and means to improve microflora. Take off painful sensations Painkillers will help.

If you suspect enteritis, you should do the following:

  • separate the sick dog from other pets and family members;
  • periodically measure the animal’s temperature;
  • Make sure that the dog is clean, remove all discharge immediately;
  • change the water periodically;
  • look at your pet’s feces (notice whether changes occur in it);
  • You cannot force an animal to eat, but your pet must drink (puppies can be given water using a syringe).
We do not recommend treating an animal at home; self-medication can lead to complications or death, so it is better to see a doctor right away.

Consequences and prognosis

Even if the illness was relatively mild, there is no guarantee that when the dog gets sick, no complications will arise. Frequent complications after enteritis:

  1. Lameness. The problem disappears within 2-3 months, sometimes after a year. But if lameness appears in an elderly dog, it may remain forever.
  2. Infertility. Infertility, like lameness, can be either temporary or permanent.
  3. Heart diseases. This often affects dogs that suffered from enteritis when they were puppies (at 1-3 months). Less commonly, the problem affects adult dogs.
  4. Polyps in the oral cavity. The problem is solved surgically.
  5. Developmental problems. A complication affecting young animals. If a dog gets sick at a young age, he may be severely delayed in development. Over time the situation is improving.

Of course, much depends on when the disease was discovered, how it was treated and in what form (mild or acute) it occurred. Most complications go away within a year after recovery, some can last a lifetime. If the disease has become “attached” to the puppy, then the most important thing is to identify it and cure it in time. If he survived this, then everything will be fine.

Older dogs often experience complications, but if you support the body with vitamins and medications, the dog will feel fine.


Simple preventive measures will help prevent recurrent enteritis:

  1. Do not allow a mother who has been walking outside to see the puppies right away. First, treat the fur and paws with a disinfectant.
  2. Get vaccinated. The first vaccination is carried out at 2-4 months, then every year.
  3. Do not allow puppies outside until vaccination.
  4. Clean your pets' things more often.
  5. Don't let your animal play with other dogs outside.
  6. Watch what your dog eats.
  7. Get checked periodically by a veterinarian.
  8. Conduct preventive treatment from helminths.
  9. Don't give your dog hot or cold food.
  10. Make sure that the animal does not eat outside.

Even following these rules, you cannot be 100% sure that your pet will not “catch” the disease, but you can significantly reduce the risk of infection.


Having adopted a dog into a home, a person must be aware of all the responsibility placed on him, because in order to raise a healthy and happy animal it will take a lot of effort. Four-legged friends, just like people, suffer various diseases, including deadly ones furry pets. One of these insidious diseases is enteritis - inflammatory process viral nature, which can sometimes be quite problematic to cope with.

What is enteritis

Enteritis is understood as inflammation that develops in the digestive organs; in addition, as a result of the disease, the heart muscle - the myocardium - is often affected. Enteritis refers to viral pathologies, is quickly transmitted from one animal to another. An animal of any age can become infected with enteritis; puppies and dogs under 1 year of age are most often susceptible to the disease.

According to statistics, in a bitch that is not vaccinated against enteritis, the mortality rate of puppies from the disease reaches more than 80%.

Currently, virologists have not yet developed an effective antiviral medicine, but in a timely manner will help protect the animal from death. This does not mean that a vaccinated dog is not capable of contracting enteritis, but in a vaccinated animal the disease progresses much more easily and death in this case is almost impossible.

Infection of dogs occurs through contact of a healthy animal with a sick one (through feces, saliva, discharge from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose). Usage general subjects Caring for pets also increases the risk of disease in previously healthy animals. There are often cases when healthy dog fell ill with enteritis, but did not have contact with infected relatives. Scientists have found that dangerous virus it is often carried into an apartment on the owner’s street shoes; it is this factor that is the cause of “non-contact” infection.

Types of enteritis

Veterinary specialists know 2 types of viral enteritis: parvovirus and coronavirus.

Parvovirus enteritis

The causative agent of parvovirus, having penetrated the dog’s body, destroys the large and small sections of the intestine, and the tissue of the heart muscle is often affected. Parvovirus is able to change the structure of the walls of blood vessels and even affect the composition of the animal’s blood. As a result, mucous membranes digestive organs become hyperemic, erosions almost always occur on them, and the digestive function is completely disrupted. The body of a sick dog suffers from very severe intoxication, which ends in dehydration of all organs and tissues, and then the death of the animal.

Parvovirus was described in more detail earlier:

Coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus enteritis is not as destructive to dogs as parvovirus. During coronavirus infection, crypt cells cannot be destroyed, so the disease is much easier and with less likelihood of the dog’s death. However, coronavirus is dangerous for puppies, because they the immune system does not yet have sufficient strength to overcome this disease.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Depending on what type of enteritis the dog is infected with, one can judge the signs of the disease. Parvovirus enteritis has 3 forms:

  • Cardiac;
  • Intestinal;
  • Mixed.

With the cardiac form of enteritis, the animal experiences general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, severe shortness of breath, cyanosis or pallor of the mucous membranes, bradycardia, cold extremities. As a rule, the death of a sick dog occurs from acute heart failure.

With the intestinal form, the dog looks lethargic, drowsy, there is a loss of appetite, and an increase in body temperature. Then the animal begins to suffer from vomiting (the discharge is usually foamy and viscous). Through 2-3 days the pet develops, the smell of stool resembles rotting meat. Later 1-2 days the stool takes on a bloody consistency, the dog begins to experience severe pain V abdominal cavity, whines at the slightest touch to the stomach. The final stage of the intestinal form is dehydration of the animal’s body and, as a consequence, death.

Coronavirus enteritis is not accompanied by such bright signs like parvovirus. The animal may refuse food, but still drink water; diarrhea and vomiting are rarely recorded; abdominal pain is mild.

Coronavirus enteritis has 2 courses:

Acute – the animal quickly weakens, lethargy is noted. Often, with this course, a secondary infection develops, from which only puppies with low immunity, adult dogs almost always recover.

Mild - appears mainly in adult animals and, as a rule, is asymptomatic. A sick dog loses its appetite, is weak and indifferent to everything. After a few days, the animal’s condition improves significantly.

If there is a suspicion that pet contracted enteritis, under no circumstances should you delay. The owner must take his pet to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible, otherwise there is a high risk of the animal’s death.

Diagnosis of enteritis in dogs

Since enteritis in dogs has similar symptoms to other dangerous diseases (salmonellosis, hepatitis infectious nature), according to general clinical signs Only a preliminary diagnosis is made. Final verdict veterinarian shall be carried out only after additional laboratory tests:

  • taking fecal samples from sick dogs to detect the causative agent of the disease. The most commonly used method is polymerase chain reaction(PCR);
  • hemagglutination reaction (HRA) allows you to detect virus antigen in the blood of an animal;
    general analysis urine;
  • ultrasound examination of the sternum and abdominal cavity;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

During post-mortem diagnosis of an animal, the specialist notes in thin section intestines, acute catarrhal hemorrhagic process of an inflammatory nature. The mesenteric lymph nodes are always filled with blood, swollen and increased in volume. Also, for pathoanatomical diagnosis, a histology method is used, which makes it possible to detect a decrease in lymphocytes in lymphoid tissue small intestine and foci of necrosis on crypt epithelial cells.

Treatment of viral enteritis

When a dog is diagnosed with viral enteritis, treatment should begin immediately. Parvovirus is especially dangerous, because in the absence of veterinary care, the animal dies within a few days. Coronavirus often goes away on its own, but only in adults who have strong immunity dogs. In puppies, coronavirus enteritis almost always ends in the death of the animal.

The following methods are used to treat enteritis:

  • administration of hyperimmune serum and immunoglobulin to sick dogs;
  • saline solutions (sodium chloride, Ringer-Locke) are administered using droppers;
  • as nutrients– intravenous glucose solution and ascorbic acid;
  • application antimicrobial agents to suppress secondary infection;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • painkillers to relieve spasms;
  • cardiac medications to improve myocardial function;
  • antiemetics, which help prevent dehydration;
  • adsorbents.

During the first stages of treatment, it is contraindicated to feed the animal; you can only give clean, fresh water (if the dog is very weak and does not drink on its own, it needs to drink water through a syringe without a needle). After a few days, the animal is given some soft food or liquid soup, it is also recommended congee. The animal should not be allowed dairy products into its diet for a week. The entire time the dog is receiving therapy, it needs complete rest and careful care.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

It is much easier to prevent enteritis than to treat this disease later, so the right measure prevention is considered animal vaccination. Small puppies should not be walked outside until they have received their first vaccination against the virus.

It’s easy to prevent your dog from getting infected; you just need to follow certain recommendations:

  • shake out and treat dog beds as often as possible;
  • do not share toys, carriers, or equipment with other dogs;
  • do not allow your pet to come into contact with homeless and sick relatives;
  • feed your pet only high-quality and balanced food;
  • deworm dogs in a timely manner;
  • Take daily active walks with the animal.

At the first manifestations of enteritis, make a diagnosis and treat self-treatment animal is unacceptable. It is important to remember: with coronavirus (in puppies) and parvovirus enteritis the animal can die within a few days. Animals that have recovered from the disease usually acquire lasting immunity for the rest of their lives.

Consequences of enteritis

Even those dogs that have had enteritis may experience lifelong complications in the form of lameness, infertility, dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract. Often, dogs that have recovered from the disease subsequently suffer from heart failure. In small puppies who have suffered a dangerous disease, there is a delay in development, and in the case of the cardiac form of the disease, there is a disruption in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Viral enteritis is dangerous disease for all dogs, regardless of the breed and age of the animal. Only timely immunization and vaccination, quality nutrition, as well as careful care four-legged friends can prevent the development of a serious illness.

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs is very dangerous contagious disease viral in nature. His characteristic features is dehydration of the body due to digestive disorders, manifested in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. The disease affects the heart (myocarditis) and all parts of the small intestine. Young dogs may develop leukopenia.

The causative agent of enteritis is coronavirus or parvovirus infection. The latter type predominates more often.

Mostly this disease affects puppies under 1 year of age. But in older dogs it is diagnosed extremely rarely. A pet can become infected with the virus from a sick animal through its feces. Carriers can be insects, rodents, and even people who can carry the virus on their shoes. The person himself cannot become infected.

The virus is very resistant to the environment. Prolonged boiling, caustic soda or potassium, as well as formalin can kill it completely. At the same time, high temperature (up to 60-80 degrees) and acidic environment He’s not at all scared. When frozen, the virus can survive for a whole year.

In an apartment, enteritis can survive for about six months and all this time the pet will be susceptible to infection.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

Intestinal form

Parovirus enteritis in dogs has the following symptoms in the intestinal form:
  • upset stomach, refusal to eat;
  • diarrhea (in this case, feces acquire a yellow or gray tint over time, turning into dark brown color having Strong smell, may be with blood);
  • incessant vomiting, often with mucus and bile;
  • the pet’s body temperature rises to 41 degrees (in this case it should not be allowed to drop to 37 degrees or less);
  • leukopenia (in 1 cubic mm of blood the number of leukocytes can decrease to 300);
  • dehydration;
  • lymph nodes become enlarged and inflamed;
  • the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed and swollen, it becomes uneven, erosion is possible;
  • the spleen enlarges and has fibrous films.
When stroking the sides and back, the dog arches its back and hides its tail between its hind legs - this indicates pain. Enteritis destroys the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, bloody diarrhea appears.

Heart shape

Typical for puppies under 8 months of age. Death occurs from heart failure. Symptoms of the cardiac form of enteritis:
  • general weakness, lethargy and complete refusal to eat;
  • limbs feel cold to the touch;
  • weak pulse;
  • the skin has a blue tint;
  • lack of appetite, the pet drinks occasionally.

Mixed form of the disease

Enteritis in dogs can affect both the heart and intestines. In this case, the virus is called a mixed form and includes symptoms and signs of the two types described above.

Incubation (hidden) period The period during which viral enteritis in dogs does not manifest itself in any way is 2-10 days. How younger age animal, the shorter it is.

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus enteritis is less likely to be fatal than parvovirus enteritis, since the form is not as aggressive. It affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx when it enters the body, colon and small intestine.

Light form

It can occur hidden in adult animals. Since the symptoms are similar to food poisoning: weakness, lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea. It may go away on its own in 2-3 days.

Acute form

For acute form characterized by rapid development, but death is possible only for weakened puppies. Symptoms of the disease are: vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, apathy, weakness, anorexia.

Ultra-acute form

Occurs in dogs under 2 months of age. The puppy may die 2 days after infection.

Outcome of the disease

Most often, enteritis in dogs is diagnosed in autumn-spring period and during periods of extreme cold.

Due to uncontrollable vomiting and constant diarrhea, the animal’s body becomes severely dehydrated, which often leads to a coma. Babies are often still unable to bear this and die within 1-3 days. In this case, they talk about fulminant disease.

Acute enteritis in dogs, the symptoms of which are described above, lead to death within 5-6 days from the moment of their onset.

In case of infection in young dogs older than 7 months, the heart muscle is affected. As a result, the dog behaves very lethargically. If the heart muscle is affected, death occurs in 70% of cases. Small puppies die during the first day.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the age of the dog, but also to the breed, since decorative dogs are at greater risk of infection.

Confirmation of the diagnosis To confirm the diagnosis, the veterinarian must examine clinical, episiological or pathological data. Diarrhea and vomiting that does not stop or respond to antibacterial drugs, they say that this is parovirus enteritis in dogs, the symptoms and treatment for which depend on the age of the animal and the degree of damage to the organs by the virus.

During the illness, in 50% of dogs the blood picture remains unchanged, while in the other half of the sick the number of leukocytes decreases significantly.

Enteritis differs from plague in the absence of purulent conjunctivitis, nervous and pulmonary forms of infection and a sharp increase in body temperature to 41 degrees.

Treatment of enteritis

When the first signs of disease appear, the dog should be immediately shown to a doctor who can the shortest possible time determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy. Since the slightest delay can cost your pet’s life. Having confirmed the diagnosis of enteritis in dogs, treatment should begin immediately.

Elimination of vomiting, diarrhea and inflammation

First of all, you need to eliminate vomiting and diarrhea, which lead to rapid dehydration. Every day, the dog needs a drink - a solution rehydron, potassium permanganate (should be weak, barely pink) or chamomile decoction. Its quantity is calculated based on the mass of the animal and is equal to 35-40 ml per 1 kg of its weight.

To treat diarrhea, enveloping and binding drugs are used - sea ​​buckthorn or vaseline oil. They should be taken three times a day, 1 small spoon. To combat vomiting, your dog is prescribed medications. cerucal, barium sulfate or raglan. If these medications do not help, the dog is given intramuscular injection every 48 hours. serenia.

Inflammation is relieved by taking a decoction daisies- P about 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Maintaining immunity

To support the dog's immunity, she may be prescribed fosprinil or forvet. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Take it in dosage 1 ml for every 1 kg of animal weight.

During the treatment period, it is very important to support the sick dog’s body with immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Suitable for this vegitan, T- and B-activins or immunofan. Small puppies are prescribed the drug Bensap.

Replenishment of microelements

To replenish the amount of microelements that a pet loses during vomiting, a solution is administered intravenously sodium chloride. The first time it can be done in a hospital, then you can do it yourself. In this case, the bottle of medicine is preheated in a water bath. To reduce the load on your dog's kidneys, you need to do it no more than 2-3 times a day.

Restoration of ancidosis

To restore the amount of acidosis, a solution is used sodium bicarbonate. Its quantity is calculated as follows: 0.3 ml of the drug per 1 kg of animal body weight. The medicine is diluted in Ringer in a ratio of 1 to 5.

To strengthen the body and improve general condition , a solution is injected intravenously into the dog glucose (40%), calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, vikasol and sulfocamphocaine. These medicines added to solution Ringer. In addition to this, the pet is prescribed administration duphalight and metrogil.

If you are scared on your own or cannot get into the pet’s vein, an injection into the neck area is allowed. Therapy includes the use thiamine bromide. For small puppies the dose is 0.5 ml, for adult dogs – 1 ml.

At the first suspicion that a dog has enteritis, it is injected with serum or immunoglobulin Giskan. A day later, the injection is repeated. And so on up to 3 times. Depending on how much the sick dog weighs, it is given from 3 to 15 ml of serum.

The use of an enema and gastric lavage has proven to work well. To do this, use boiled water in which a little potassium permanganate is dissolved. The amount of liquid is taken depending on the size and weight of the animal. The solution should be pale pink. The enema tip is pre-lubricated with Vaseline. Rinsing is carried out until clean water appears.

Mandatory during therapy is a five-day course of Essentiale or Heptral. This will help the liver cope with the increased load.

Elimination of spasm

From antihistamines good to use Diphenhydramine It also helps relieve muscle spasms, restores capillary function and relieves pain syndrome. Its dose varies from 1 to 2 ml. Moreover, the smaller the pet, the more dose he is prescribed the drug.

Helps reduce muscle spasms no-shpa. It is administered according to 1-2 ml 5 days. No-shpu can be replaced cerucal or papaverine.


If antibiotics are needed, your doctor will prescribe ampiox, ampicillin, tetracycline, clafarone, chloramphenicol or polymexin.


During the treatment period, the animal needs a starvation diet for at least 2-3 days. Once your pet's condition has stabilized, he can begin to gradually introduce food in small doses every 2 hours. Chicken broth, rice or flax seed broth are ideal to start with. If your dog refuses to eat on its own, you can try giving it liquid food using a syringe.

After a few days, the dog is given a boiled egg or pasta diluted in chicken broth. During the recovery period, food should contain a lot of carbohydrates, which will help replenish energy in the body. You can also give boiled sea fish and fermented milk products. On initial stage It's better to give up meat. During feeding, the animal is given drugs that restore normal microflora intestines. During illness, you need to stop eating raw meat, milk and fatty foods.


The owner must always be prepared for the fact that enteritis in dogs, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed above, may return at any time.

Vaccines are used to protect your friend from infection. hexodog, pentodog, etc. The vaccine showed an excellent effect Multikan-4. But, you need to take into account that its administration is quite painful, so before injection, the ampoule with the drug is warmed to room temperature.

Prevention methods also include measures such as providing the animal with good nutrition, disinfection with sodium hydroxide, chloramine or formaldehyde of those places where the dog is.

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