Vasodilator folk remedies and medicinal herbs. Herbal pharmacy: vasodilating herbs

Age-related changes in the body are accompanied by some unfavorable elements, including narrowing of blood vessels. In most cases, the reason for this is the formation of cholesterol plaques on the endothelium or vascular spasm, as a result of which they become less elastic, their lumen narrows significantly, and a deterioration in blood permeability is observed. As a result, all this is expressed by circulatory disorders. And not only older people, but also quite young people face similar problems, so the question of how to dilate blood vessels at home remains relevant for different people. age groups.

What are the causes of vasoconstriction

The reasons for this condition are quite varied, and they can be classified based on two large groups internal and external factors.

TO internal factors, causing narrowing of blood vessels include:

  • Development of stenosing atherosclerosis.
  • An inflammatory process in the wall of blood vessels, accompanied by swelling.
  • Congenital pathologies of vascular structure.
  • Progressive damage to peripheral blood vessels called endarteritis.
  • Blockage of blood vessels blood clot or embolism.
  • Various metabolic pathologies.
  • Genetic predisposition to such a pathology.
  • Endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus, obesity and thyrotoxicosis.

In turn, external causal factors can be divided into those reasons that narrow blood vessels over a long period of time, and those that contribute to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels.

Long-term changes are caused by:

  • Vascular trauma.
  • Development and active growth tumor process close to blood vessels.
  • Bone pressure.
  • Excessively prolonged compression of blood vessels by clothing, accessories or a tourniquet.

Promotes narrowing:

  • Nicotine addiction and even hookah.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Frequent exposure to stress.
  • Frequent hypothermia or working in low temperatures.
  • Poor environmental conditions and lack of fresh air.
  • The presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia of any type.
  • The first stages of development of ischemic or hypertension diseases.
  • Repeated frostbite of the upper and/or lower extremities.
  • Presence of Raynaud's syndrome.

Signs of narrowing of various groups of blood vessels

Certain symptoms make it possible to clarify which vessels are subject to narrowing. Vascular changes have the most pronounced effect on health:

  • Heads and necks. Signs of changes in this area include: dizziness, nausea, occasional fainting, tinnitus, blurred vision.
  • Upper and lower extremities. In this case, symptoms will include paleness skin, hair loss on the lower extremities, slowing down or complete cessation of nail growth, a feeling of pain while walking, a periodic feeling of coldness in the extremities, even local chills.
  • Cardiac muscle. Changes in the blood supply to the myocardium are characterized by the occurrence of arrhythmias, angina pectoris, shortness of breath and increased fatigue throughout the day.

Important! Narrowing of any areas of the vascular bed is characterized by a deterioration in well-being, which may not always include everything listed symptoms. Therefore, the appearance of even a few of them should evoke an idea about the root cause of the ailment and about finding a solution to the problem, namely how to dilate blood vessels.

As for the narrowing of blood vessels in the brain, this process, which becomes chronic, develops in the form of three successive stages with their own symptoms:

  1. Mood lability, that is, its frequent changes, characterized by a predominance of irritability. There is a slight decrease in performance and mild difficulties in concentrating. This corresponds to increased fatigue and periodic headaches.
  2. The symptoms of the first stage increase and are supplemented by a feeling of tinnitus, a subjective feeling of memory deterioration, prolonged headaches, and rare and short-term loss of consciousness.
  3. Loss of coordination of movements appears, and symptoms of dementia appear. All this is accompanied by loss of ability to work and disability of a person.

The right foods

It is a well-known fact that the foods present in the diet directly affect health. Therefore, in order to maintain your body in in good condition, it is important to include in the diet all the necessary micro and macroelements, as well as vitamins and minerals. In order to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to consume foods that dilate blood vessels:

  • A variety of fruits, vegetables and, of course, greens, which should be part of the diet in any season.
  • Seafood and fish, excluding smoked, fried or canned. The best cooking options: bake, boil or stew.
  • Meat products, especially beef, turkey and chicken.
  • Dairy products with low level fat, but not low fat.

At the same time, the presence of those foods in the diet that make vasodilation impossible is unacceptable:

  • Animal fats. This is primarily butter, pork and lamb, sausages and lard, fatty types of cheeses.
  • Alcohol in almost all its variations and especially beer.
  • Caffeine. Instead of drinking coffee drinks, it is better to choose weak tea.

Vascular dilatation is also possible when consuming:

  • Oatmeal with strawberries, which also strengthens and cleanses the vascular bed.
  • Small portions of red or white wine or cognac - about 50 mg.
  • Regular baking soda. It is advised to drink it on an empty stomach, dissolving a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water. However, this remedy is unacceptable when hyperacid gastritis or stomach ulcer.

Traditional methods

There are quite popular vasodilating folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven for many generations. They include various recipes for decoctions and tinctures.

Valerian based decoction

In order to normalize the vessels, you need to take the dried roots of this plant and completely pour boiling water over them. After this, the composition is placed on water bath and boil for half an hour, then infuse for another two hours and filter. This decoction should be drunk no more than four times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Herbal collection

For collection you need herbs such as yarrow, immortelle, common chamomile, St. John's wort and Birch buds. All of them are mixed in equal proportions and poured with half a liter of boiling water. Then the composition is covered with a lid for half an hour or heated in a water bath for at least ten minutes. The mixture is allowed to cool, filtered, added a tablespoon of honey and divided into two portions. In order to restore narrow blood vessels, the first portion must be drunk immediately after preparation, and the second - at morning hours on an empty stomach.

Garlic oil

Using garlic oil gives results quite quickly. To prepare it, peel one head of garlic and mash it into a paste, to which add a glass of vegetable oil, mix everything and put it in the refrigerator overnight. When morning comes, the mixture will have the consistency of an ointment or thick cream. She stirs again. Immediately before taking it, add a little to a teaspoon lemon juice and eat this composition half an hour before meals three times a day for three months.

Hazel tincture

The dried bark and leaves of this plant are carefully crushed and poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel or other thick fabric and infused for an hour. For the purpose of therapy, take one or two tablespoons of infusion several times a day.

Careful monitoring of your own health status and a timely response to the symptoms of the pathology will allow you to begin treatment in a timely manner so that vasoconstriction does not become chronic. A various means will allow you to achieve vasodilation at home in the early stages without the use of any medications or going to a medical facility.

Arterial hypertension, once considered an “age-related” disease, is rapidly making people younger, causing a lot of trouble and reducing the quality of life of people in their prime – from 30 to 40 years old. At this age, many do not want to start taking medications, considering it premature. And indeed, on initial stage The disease can be dealt with by using herbs to dilate blood vessels in the brain.

But you shouldn’t self-medicate; it’s better to see a doctor and get examined. The doctor will give recommendations and use for treatment chemical medicines or natural – it’s up to you.

In older people, the reasons are clear - aging of the body, loss of elasticity of the vascular walls, cholesterol deposits in them, which have accumulated almost throughout their lives. In addition, a weakened nervous system, when a person reacts negatively to even the slightest troubles. The result is hypertension in an advanced stage, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and other “delights” caused by impaired circulation and, in particular, adequate blood supply to the brain.

For young people, the main reason is living in constant stress. Hard work or, conversely, its absence, lack of money, lack of proper rest and nutrition, poor environment, reduced physical activity and increased nervousness.

As a result, headaches, memory loss, chronic fatigue and other signs of an already incipient disease. More serious consequences are stroke and heart attack, which are not uncommon today at 30 and 40 years of age.

In order not to push yourself to extremes, when initial signs(and, of course, after consulting with your doctor) you can start taking vasodilator herbs for the brain. The causes of vasoconstriction may be:

  • Vascular muscle spasm;
  • Clogging with sclerotic plaques.

To treat and alleviate the condition, you will need herbs that strengthen vascular walls, antispasmodic, sedative and detoxifying. bad cholesterol and cleansing the walls of blood vessels from it.

Calming herbs

It often happens that I get nervous and have a headache. Or at the end of the working day a person is on the verge nervous breakdown. Stress is one of the first reasons for the development of hypertension.

To avoid constant nervous tension, you can use herbs with a sedative effect. Some of them are taken as an “ambulance” for stress, others recommend drinking in courses to achieve the desired effect. Almost all of them have a vasodilating effect.

Valerian and motherwort

We put them side by side because they are very similar in their action. But there are also significant differences. Valerian acts slower and more smoothly, extending the healing effect over time. Motherwort has more powerful action and is suitable for quickly relieving nervous tension. Both plants have been used as medicinal plants for centuries.

Valerian contains alkaloids, tannins, microelements and minerals, in particular, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, bromine and others, so necessary for blood vessels. Valerian decoction is recommended to be taken regularly in courses of 10 days.

For it, not only the root, but also the leaves of the plant are used. They are brewed for half an hour in a water bath, and then infused for another two hours in a thermos. This decoction cannot be drunk as tea; it is taken 3-4 times a day, a tablespoon.

Motherwort can be drunk as tea, but make a weak infusion, since in high concentrations it can have too strong an effect. To improve the taste, use honey and lemon. The herb contains flavonoids, which increase the elasticity of vascular walls, and vitamin C, which strengthens them. Acts as a sedative and antihypertensive. Helps well early stage hypertension.


This herb is known to everyone, but it is more often used to treat colds, stomach disorders and as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also has other properties due to the content of organic acids, vitamins C, A, E and trace elements - calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium.

Chamomile tea relieves fatigue and relaxes. If you drink it at night with milk and sugar, you will be provided with good sleep.


Delicious aromatic tea– an excellent remedy that calms the nerves, relieves headaches and stimulates cardiac activity. Melissa leaves are rich in essential oils, flavonoids and organic acids.

They have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls and relieving spasms. You can brew one herb, or you can add it to tea.

Lime tea

Linden – extremely useful plant for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Lime tea will relieve nervousness, relieve anxiety, strengthen blood vessels.

Linden decoction has the property of thinning the blood and protecting the walls of blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques on them. And all thanks to the same flavonoids, in particular rutin (vitamin P), contained in linden blossom.

Herbs - antispasmodics

Vasospasm, which is most often the cause sharp jump pressure can also be relieved with the help of vasodilating herbs. These herbs are antispasmodics.


It contains flavonoids, potassium and magnesium; its use will make blood vessels more elastic and relieve spasms, gradually eliminating them when taken regularly.


In folk medicine it is considered a “heart” plant. The fruits and inflorescences of hawthorn are saturated with useful substances that have a healing effect on the blood vessels of the brain.

This is quercetin, preventing violation cerebral circulation, and vitexin, which dilates blood vessels. For regular use, brew 20 g of berries or a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, filter and take a tablespoon before eating.


Hazel leaves and bark are used as an antispasmodic. They contain vitamins C. E, D, PP, thiamine and riboflavin.

Minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc - contribute to the strengthening and healing of blood vessels. For hypertension, it is recommended to take half a glass of bark decoction 4 times a day.

Herbs that cleanse blood vessels

Poor circulation can be associated not only with vasospasm, but also with the fact that the vascular bed decreases due to the build-up of cholesterol plaques. Vessels should be cleaned not only for chronically ill people. This should also be done for prevention. And again herbs will come to the rescue.

Clover flowers

Only opening buds are used. They help dissolve and remove lipid deposits in blood vessels from the body, soothe and relieve tension. They contain B vitamins, as well as youth vitamins A and E.


A universal remedy. Gently dilates blood vessels, cleanses them of sclerotic plaques, and soothes. It can be used in its pure form, in teas and in preparations. Rutin makes it a valuable herb for treating blood vessels, ascorbic acid, trace elements and phytosterols.

Dandelion root

The plant, which we unsuccessfully fight in our gardens, contains useful substances - vitamins A, B1 and B2, ascorbic acid, and fatty acids. It is able to dissolve and remove cholesterol from blood vessels and improve nutrition of the heart muscle and brain.

Dill seed

Like mint, it has a complex effect on the blood vessels of the brain. A decoction of dill seeds helps restore the elasticity of blood vessels, improves their permeability, and normalizes arterial pressure. Contains essential microelements, B vitamins, PP, ascorbic acid.

The vasodilating herbs listed above are far from full list. Herbs that combine the properties of different herbs and act comprehensively on the blood vessels of the brain also work well.

They include birch buds, rowan fruits, wormwood, blackberry leaves,

St. John's wort

and yarrow.

Are you your own doctor?

It is generally accepted that herbal treatment will not harm the body. This is not entirely true. Many of the plants we have described are included in medicinal preparations and have a fairly strong effect on the body. In particular, sedative herbs are contraindicated for those with a pulse less than 60 beats per minute.

Therefore, under no circumstances try to prescribe treatment for yourself, especially in case of serious vascular disorders. First - the doctor’s recommendations, and then the use of herbs that dilate the blood vessels of the brain. Be healthy!

Vasoconstriction and frequent headaches and dizziness accompanying this disease torment a considerable part of the population of our planet. Unfortunately, the lifestyle of modern people is far from ideal; we ourselves are destroying our body: unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits - all this has a detrimental effect on the entire cardiovascular system. Naturally, at the first signs of vasoconstriction, it is necessary to consult a doctor and be treated only with medications, and only as prescribed by a specialist. But in combination with the main therapy, you can add the use of decoctions and tinctures according to recipes traditional healers

. Vasodilator folk remedies are quite effective in combating this disease. But before we list all the folk remedies for vasodilation, let us remind you why vasoconstriction is so dangerous, and what consequences can this disease have?

What is the danger of the disease?

If a person’s blood pressure is normal, then when the blood vessels narrow, too little oxygen begins to enter the heart muscle tissue, and therefore the heart begins to work harder to obtain sufficient oxygen saturation. It is because of this factor that blood pressure increases, and the walls of blood vessels experience severe overload.

  • With narrowed blood vessels, the cardiovascular system begins to malfunction:
  • the patient suffers from regular headaches;
  • there are frequent surges in blood pressure;
  • the risk of developing heart failure, heart attack or stroke increases; with more serious complications

A cerebral aneurysm may develop, and sometimes patients are diagnosed with memory or vision loss. Let us remind you why a cerebral aneurysm is dangerous: a formation on the wall of the vessel can block nerve impulse

or nutrition to brain tissue. But the most dangerous thing that can happen in this situation is a rupture of the aneurysm, as a result of which blood enters the brain tissue, i.e. bleeding occurs in the brain. Therefore, when cerebral vessels are narrowed, treatment and a series of examinations should be carried out as soon as possible.

What causes vasoconstriction To the main reason for development of this disease

include the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the walls of blood vessels; the plaques grow like a snowball in a certain area until they completely block the lumen.

  • The scourge of our time is excess weight; unfortunately, already 30% of residents of all developed countries suffer from it. The passion for fast food has turned into a real cult, namely, fatty foods are so rich in cholesterol;
  • in patients diabetes mellitus, hypertension and atherosclerosis, cholesterol surges are also observed.

If medications can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist after a series of examinations, then vasodilating folk remedies for the brain can be prepared at home yourself.

Again, it is better to first consult with your doctor about certain medicinal herbs.

So what folk healing recipes help dilate blood vessels and improve cerebral circulation.

Effective herbal preparations

Medicinal plants and their preparations are used in the preparation of infusions and decoctions to expand the blood vessels of the brain.

All herbs are divided into three types:

  • soothing (motherwort, chamomile, valerian herb, linden, lemon balm);
  • antispasmodics (hawthorn, immortelle, hazel bark);
  • vasodilators (mint, clover, rose, parsley, dandelion, fennel).

If the patient has an advanced stage of hypertension or a cerebral aneurysm, many medicinal plants are used in combination.

Folk recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for vasodilating folk remedies, which, strictly observing the dosage, can be prepared by anyone.

First, let's look at recipes from calming herbs:

  1. Valerian decoction. Everyone knows that this plant, in addition to its calming effect, also has an antispasmodic effect. To prepare a folk remedy for blood vessels, you need to take 2 tbsp. chopped valerian root, pour 200 ml. hot water and boil in a water bath for about half an hour. Next, the broth is infused for 2 hours, filtered thoroughly. Treatment: 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Store the finished broth in a cool place.
  2. Treatment with folk remedies is effective when using a decoction of chamomile: brew 20 g of the plant’s flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink half a glass once a day after meals.
  3. Tea made from linden flowers is also very effective for constricted blood vessels; linden relieves nervousness, relieves stress, removes anxiety and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. For this, tbsp. Brew the plants with a glass of boiling water.

Recipes from antispasmodic herbs:

  • Get rid of severe pain scalp using hawthorn decoction, this unique plant It has both antispasmodic and sedative effects. The recipe is simple: pour 2 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. hawthorn, cook for about 5 minutes, then strain, store in a cool place. Reception: 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.
  • Also, to relieve spasms, using hazel bark tincture is effective, for this purpose 2 tbsp. Brew with a glass of boiling water, then leave for about an hour, filter, and store in a cool place. For treatment, take one tablespoon. 4 times a day.

Herbs for dilating blood vessels in the brain; there are many recipes for treating narrowed blood vessels:

  • A decoction of mountain arnica, for preparation, you need to take 10 g of flowers of this plant and pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about half an hour. Take tbsp. 3-4 times a day. Store the finished broth in a cool place.
  • Infusion of the herb Astragalus six-flowered. One tbsp. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 4-5 hours, then strain. Reception: tbsp. 4 times a day. This folk remedy perfectly fights hypertension in the initial stages.
  • If a cerebral aneurysm is diagnosed, then a decoction of Vinca minor is a good treatment. Recipe: 30 g of crushed flowers are poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water, take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Vasodilator herbs for the brain can be mixed with various alcohol tinctures. For example, tincture of valerian root, crushed hawthorn fruits, tincture of mint and eucalyptus, Corvalol heart drops are mixed in a large container, 10 pieces are added. carnations. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. It is recommended to shake the infusion every other day. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator. Treatment: 30 drops of tincture added to 1/2 cup boiled water, take traditional medicine before meals.
  • Cooking is great for dilating blood vessels. herbal collection For example, plants such as birch buds, wormwood leaves, chokeberry fruits, St. John's wort flowers, mint leaves and yarrow are mixed. All ingredients are taken one teaspoon at a time. pour a glass of boiling water and take 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  • It is useful to take parsley seed oil internally. Take 20 drops three times a day.
  • Garlic also has vasodilating properties; some folk remedies are prepared based on it. For example, one medium head of garlic must be passed through a press, poured with a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. The product is infused overnight in a cold place. For treatment, you need to mix tsp. ready-made product with tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is best to take it half an hour before meals three times a day.
  • Dilate your blood vessels with the help of Schisandra chinensis; for this you need to take one berry a day for two weeks.

It is worth remembering that tea also has a short-term vasodilating effect; if you are suffering from a headache, you can brew a cup of green tea.

As you can see, there are a huge number of folk recipes for dilating blood vessels. The main thing is not to forget that only a qualified specialist can make a competent diagnosis, and folk healing remedies can only be used in combination with the main drug treatment, which is prescribed by the attending physician.

Vasoconstriction is a disorder that manifests itself in patients regardless of age and gender. Symptoms of spasm in the form of headaches and dizziness often plague modern people. Why is the tendency for such complications to appear in Lately Has it become more frequent?

This is all due to an incorrect lifestyle, physical inactivity, eating disorders, and bad habits. All of these factors have an extremely negative effect on health.

Sometimes alternative medicine is a means of salvation

Folk vasodilators are emergency measure self-help, using them on an ongoing basis without consulting a doctor is impermissible. Such actions may cause irreversible consequences. Treatment should be selected by a qualified doctor who can determine the true cause of the spasm and select medicine impact.

Traditional medicine methods certainly have a right to life, but they can only be used as an additional method. The doctor must select the drug with the optimal effect, assessing its interaction with other components of therapy. First of all, you should consider the causes and danger of such a deviation, and then methods to combat it.

Popular traditional medicines for the circulatory system

What is the danger?

When a patient's blood pressure is normal, but vasospasm occurs, insufficient oxygen enters the heart tissue. In this case, the heart increases its rhythm of work to obtain the necessary component.

Against this background, blood pressure increases significantly, and hypertension can develop. Vascular walls At such moments they experience severe stress and become thinner.

Consultation with a specialist is necessary before any intervention.

If the blood vessels in the human body are narrowed, malfunctions appear in the entire of cardio-vascular system and a person can feel following symptoms(depending on the type of failure, the intensity of their manifestation may vary):

  • constant or recurrent headaches;
  • pronounced changes in blood pressure are recorded;
  • the development of heart failure is possible;
  • heart rate increases.

This condition is dangerous due to high risk development of heart attack and stroke - these conditions take the lives of thousands of patients every year.

Attention! With severe damage to the arteries, there is a risk of developing an aneurysm. Such formation is a real “time bomb”. The formation can completely block the vessel, as a result of which the process of transferring nutrients to the heart or brain is disrupted (see Signs and symptoms of cerebral aneurysm).

The danger of such a condition is the rupture of education. As a result of this complication, hemorrhage occurs in the tissue of nearby organs. Such violations can cause disability with complete loss of ability to work or provoke death.

A specialist will tell you about the dangers of the condition and help you choose the best remedy.

Based on the information described, it is worth concluding that narrowing of the arteries in the human body entails danger.

Dilation of arteries using alternative medicine is a temporary method of improving well-being, which is not recommended to be used continuously without consulting a doctor. In fact, vascular constriction This is a symptom indicating the presence of problems in the functioning of the body. In any case, the cause of such deformation must be identified and eradicated.


Doctors say that the main reason for the narrowing of arteries in the body is an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and the ratio of substances of small fractions. The formations “stick” to the walls of the artery and accumulate in certain places until they completely block its lumen.

Excess weight as a cause of disease

An increase in cholesterol concentrations in the human body often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Obesity. Excess weight develops in a person against the background of certain dietary disorders and lack of physical activity. It has been proven that obese people are 3-4 times more likely to encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases and are registered with a cardiologist and phlebologist.
  2. Systemic pathologies such as diabetes mellitus.
  3. Patients suffering hypertension, also face vasospasm.

Alternative treatment for vasodilation can be used only after comprehensive examination body in combination with medications. If a patient regularly experiences headaches, he should consult a physician.

A specialist with a broad specialization will give the patient a referral for examination and then refer him to a specialist doctor. The video in this article talks about folk methods dilation of arteries.

The best for health comes from nature.

Features of the use of traditional medicine

Despite the progress in the development of modern pharmacology, patients often prefer to use herbal remedies to combat pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

This desire is explained by the following factors:

  • with individual selection of the components of the healing mixture, therapy will help achieve sustainable results;
  • folk remedies for eliminating spasms act gently and do not lead to side effects;
  • the price of raw materials for preparing decoctions and infusions is not high - often the components of the collection can be collected independently;
  • the product is completely natural and consists of herbal ingredients;
  • the list of contraindications is small compared to traditional medicine.

Experts do not rule out the possibility of using herbs for medicinal purposes.

However, it should be remembered that the use of certain herbs is contraindicated in patients with following states and pathologies:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • systemic pathologies endocrine system associated with organ dysfunction;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Herbal preparations should be taken with particular caution by allergy sufferers. If you react to any component of the composition, a generalized allergy may occur.

Fact! The effect of using herbal decoctions and infusions appears 2-3 months after the start of use. Therefore, they cannot be used as the main means of therapy for patients with serious disorders. Delay in such cases is dangerous.

Vasodilator fees

To prepare infusions and decoctions that dilate blood vessels, single-component and multi-component preparations are used. The classification of herbs according to the principle of action is discussed in the table. Some of the plants are shown in the photo.

The instructions say that to achieve the best results, it is recommended to mix herbs with different effects. However, it is not recommended to formulate a collection of healing potions on your own, based on personal preferences; the components can interact in different ways.

Not only healers, but also a doctor will tell you how to dilate blood vessels using non-medicinal means. Many representatives of traditional medicine do not refute the healing capabilities of herbal remedies.

Attention! You should not give in to external security. Plants have powerful medicinal powers, so cook medicinal decoction need to be followed with dosages.

Valerian decoction

This plant has not only a calming, but also an antispasmodic effect. To prepare a decoction that dilates blood vessels, follow the instructions. 2 tbsp. l of valerian root, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes steam bath. After this time, the broth is infused for 2 hours and filtered through cheesecloth.

The finished composition is stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.


To prepare the collection, chamomile flowers are used. The mixture is easy to prepare - 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers are poured into 150 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion should be filtered and drunk in two doses.

Chamomile has a sedative and vasodilator effect.


Linden tea has the following qualities:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • eliminates nervousness;
  • relieves stress;
  • eliminates anxiety;
  • helps strengthen vascular walls.

Pour a tablespoon of plant flowers into 1 cup of boiling water.


The composition helps eliminate headaches due to its antispasmodic effect. The product has a calming effect.

To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp is required. spoons of hawthorn, which should be simmered over low heat for 5 minutes, then strain. The decoction should be stored in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l mixture 2 times a day.

Alcohol tinctures

Tinctures to combat vascular pathologies.

The following infusions of medicinal herbs have a vasodilating effect:

  • mint tincture;
  • hawthorn tincture;
  • eucalyptus infusion;
  • infusion of valerian root;
  • Corvalol drops.

To prepare the medicinal mixture, 20 ml of each component is required. All substances are mixed in a large dark glass container and 10 pieces are added. carnations. All components are thoroughly mixed and sent to dark place for 2 week.

The finished composition is taken 30 drops daily.

Attention! The composition has a pronounced vasodilating effect and acts dramatically in comparison with previous infusions. Before using the component for therapy, you should consult a doctor.

When preparing formulations, dosages must be observed.

resort to radical methods therapy is not necessary. Black and green tea have a slight vasodilating effect, but they should also be prepared with caution.

A strong drink will help you cope with a headache attack. Strongly brewed tea can provoke an attack of hypertension. Such means for dilating blood vessels are indeed effective, but it is impossible to choose the appropriate recipe on your own.

What dilates the blood vessels of the brain? Such information will be useful for both young people and older people. As can be seen from medical statistics, the need to use special medications arises in many people. You can prevent problems by including foods that dilate blood vessels in your diet - this will allow you to maintain your health in good condition without resorting to synthetic drugs. Let's try to consider what dilates the blood vessels of the brain, which options are more effective, which are the safest.

It is important!

If a person suffers from diseases associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain, in certain situations the doctor may prescribe special tablets. You will need to follow his instructions very precisely, without adjusting the recommended program, without canceling it or replacing the prescribed remedy. But in the absence medical advice You should not abuse drugs. If you often experience a headache or other symptoms indicating a lack of blood supply, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to identify the cause of the disease and fight it. Attempts to cure symptoms if they are associated with pathology using home methods will not lead to success; you should not count on it. You need to treat your health with extreme care and attention.

Well, what if discomfort rarely bother you, then you need to know what dilates the blood vessels of the brain, have it on hand suitable remedy so that if such a situation occurs, you can quickly provide yourself with first aid.

Relevance of the problem

Changes in the quality of the circulatory system of the brain are often observed due to age, which affects a variety of organs and systems. However, as can be seen from medical statistics, the problem has now become significantly younger and worries not only average age, but also boys and girls.

Almost any person who abuses alcoholic beverages or tobacco products, knows firsthand which pills dilate blood vessels in the brain. The problem is relevant for those who lead an inactive life, move little, eat salty, fatty foods, have overweight. To sum it up: an impressive percentage of our society faces, to one degree or another, unpleasant consequences impaired blood circulation. Doctors are calling: if you suspect serious abnormalities, there is no need to delay, you should immediately visit a doctor in order to preserve your health and quality of life.

Vessels: what affects?

What dilates the blood vessels of the brain, which contributes to the reduction of the lumen? There are quite a few known factors related to diet, physical activity, bad habits, the opportunity to relax and recuperate. Stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the human body.

To optimize the activity of the circulatory system, heart, brain, you need to exclude fat, fried foods, salt, add greens, vegetables, dairy, and fish to your diet. Vegetable oils (olive, flax, sunflower) will bring benefits - however, they are not suitable for frying, but are suitable only as a salad dressing. To improve the quality of your blood, you should pamper yourself with berries and fruits. If the body receives vitamins and minerals in the quantities it needs, this has a positive effect on all organs, including blood vessels, brain, and heart.

Plant components for human benefit

It has long been known how to expand the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies - plants and herbs that have a positive effect on the condition of organs have been used by healers for centuries. Some are good as a long course, others can be used once. Perhaps the most popular option is drinks prepared with honey, lemon, and ginger. They activate blood flow, supply the heart muscle with the necessary components, have a positive effect on the immune system, and strengthen the body’s strength.

An alternative option is tea brewed with valerian rhizome. The plant relieves spasms and perfectly calms. Take a glass of boiling water for a teaspoon of crushed rhizome, wrap it in a shawl and let it brew until the liquid cools. They drink gradually, all day, one sip at a time.

Pepper ointment

There are a variety of folk remedies for dilating blood vessels in the brain, and one of the good options is an ointment made from hot pepper. For three dried pods of the bitter variety (no need to separate the seeds), crushed in a mill, take half a liter of liquid hot pig lard (not boiling water!), mix thoroughly, let cool. The product will have to be stored in the refrigerator, using small portions for rubbing. Treat palms and feet. It helps a lot if your limbs are chilly and your blood flow is slow. At the end of the massage procedure, you need to wrap the treated areas with a woolen shawl.

If you don’t want to prepare the ointment yourself, you can purchase a drug intended for external use that dilates the blood vessels of the brain at the pharmacy. There is currently a fairly wide variety of specific products available for sale without a prescription. Many are quite cheap and accessible to the general public. Please note: if the problem bothers you to the point that you have to use pharmaceutical products regularly, it is probably time to visit your doctor.

Alcohol products and blood flow

There are so many rumors and opinions about whether alcohol narrows or dilates the blood vessels in the brain! Some say that it only makes it worse, while others are convinced that this is the optimal treatment for any ailment, including those associated with the brain, heart, and blood vessels.

Experts point out that under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels actually expand, and even a small amount - a tablespoon of the drink - is enough. But in larger quantities one should not expect a therapeutic effect; the result will only be toxic to the liver. Alcohol cannot be combined with most drugs, so when taking a therapeutic course, resort to this folk way is strictly not permitted.

Vitamin PP

It is marketed as nicotinic acid. Famous positive influence on the cerebral blood supply system. Under the influence of such a drug, which dilates the blood vessels of the brain, the flow of life-giving fluid is activated both to the limbs and to one of the most important human organs - the brain. In practice, the effect is felt by tingling of the feet, palms, head, and blushing the cheeks.

The drug is intended for long-term use - daily after meals orally or injectively, the duration of the program is a month. For adults, the dosage of tablets is three times daily, 2 tablets (100 mg). Nicotinic acid cannot be used when stomach ulcer And high acidity juice

Aspirin, analgin

Perhaps these are the most famous and currently actively used vasodilator drugs for the brain. Shows a positive effect for minor ailments. The dose must be selected individually, focusing on the general condition of the body and disturbing manifestations. It is recommended to seek help from a qualified doctor before starting a therapeutic course; it is strictly not recommended to prescribe program treatment for yourself.


This vasodilator for the brain shows quick results - almost immediately after use. If a spasm provokes a severe headache, just take a pill, and after a short time the problem will disappear. If the situation repeats, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause - there is a possibility that the syndrome is caused by a serious pathology. Alternative remedy with a similar effect - “Spazmalgon”. Both have proven themselves well, have long been known, and are considered by many to be almost a lifesaver.

Inexpensive and reliable

A good option is Papaverine tablets. In pharmacies they charge only 10 rubles for one package, so the availability of the product is comparable to the analgin and aspirin mentioned above. The product is one of the indispensable products, it is recommended to have it in home medicine cabinet just in case. The drug helps eliminate high blood pressure, relieves spasms, and headaches go away under its influence.

On sale are not only Papaverine tablets, but also suppositories for rectal use, an injection solution and a drug intended for use in childhood- the concentration of the active component in one tablet is lower than in the regular release. The product has a number of contraindications; the manufacturer warns about the possibility of side effects. There is a possibility of development allergic reaction. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use to investigate the causes of vasoconstriction, determine which remedies will be most effective, whether it is worth using medications with papaverine, and whether they are suitable for a particular patient.

Vinca alkaloids

Many people know that good effect Cavinton tablets help with vasoconstriction. The instructions for use of this drug contain a mention that the active ingredient is vinpocetine, that is, a vinca alkaloid. This group of compounds has long been used in the pharmaceutical industry. Medications made from natural raw materials. The effectiveness is characterized as antispasmodic, the walls of the vessels relax, due to which the lumen increases. Vinca alkaloids have a positive effect on brain tissue, activating metabolic reactions.

Proper use in accordance with the instructions for use of Cavinton tablets and other medications containing vinca alkaloids can improve blood flow at the level of microscopic vessels, since platelets do not stick together under the influence of the medication. The use of the drug allows you to provide high-quality nutrition to the nervous tissue, which has a positive effect on the brain as a whole.

Nootropics to help people

Drugs in this group stimulate brain function and have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. They can be used when wide range pathologies, including those associated with mental disorders. The most famous representative of the group of nootropics is Piracetam. Instructions for use (analogues of the drug - “Nootropil”, “Memotropil”) contain a mention of possible intolerance, therefore the medication should be used only with prior agreement with a doctor.

The price of Piracetam varies around 40 rubles per package containing 60 tablets. A solution for injection is also available for sale.

Combined and effective

Perhaps almost anyone to modern man Anyone who has ever encountered such a problem knows exactly how well Citramon dilates the blood vessels of the brain. The medication simultaneously relieves spasms, eliminates painful sensations, has a positive effect on blood pressure, increases the lumen of blood vessels and lowers the temperature if fever is observed. Therapy with its use is widespread not only for headaches various reasons, but also colds.

“Citramon” is quite cheap - about 10 rubles per package with a dozen tablets, sold in almost any pharmacy, and is included in the list of vital drugs in our country. Experts recommend always keeping at least one tablet of tablets in your home medicine cabinet in order to provide first aid to a suddenly ill person.

Grains and beans against vasoconstriction

Positive effect on the condition human body provides whole grain. Bread made from such a product is rich in dietary fiber, which helps remove toxic components from the body and cleanse the circulatory system of harmful cholesterol. In addition to bread, oatmeal, buckwheat, and brown rice will also be beneficial.

Legumes - beans, lentils and other representatives of this class of plants - are distinguished by the abundance of fiber, protein structures, and iron. In addition, these products contain a lot folic acid, and here fatty acids not at all. Including dishes using beans in a regular diet helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and dilate blood vessels. It is considered to be good preventive measure against stroke. Fiber, which legumes are so rich in, has a positive effect on the peripheral circulatory system.

Asparagus and cabbage benefit the body

Asparagus is an excellent product that effectively cleanses the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the brain, including the blood flow in it. It is considered to be one of the most powerful natural cleansers arterial system. Obsolete inflammatory processes can be eliminated by adding adequate amounts of greens to your diet. Active components, contained in organic material, eliminate minor blockages. Asparagus is a good side dish and has an exquisite taste, especially if cooked correctly. The product is perfectly digestible if seasoned with a small amount of olive oil before serving.

Including dishes with cabbage in the menu will bring excellent results. All types and varieties are suitable, even the usual white cabbage, even exotic ones. All varieties are rich in minerals, vitamin complexes. Regular use the product in food helps prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, therefore reducing the likelihood of blood clots, circulatory system maintained in a clean condition, the gaps do not narrow.

Pathological spasm of blood vessels leads to circulatory disorders in the brain. A decrease in the minute volume of circulating blood leads to acute conditions (ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, subarachnoid hemorrhage) and chronic diseases(vascular encephalopathy and vascular dementia).

Spasms can be prevented and relieved at home using folk remedies, proper nutrition and medications.

What is the clinical picture

There are no specific symptoms of constricted cerebral vessels, with the exception of acute developing pathologies, for example, stroke. Chronic spasm and symptoms of contraction develop gradually. Some chronic diseases (encephalopathy) develop from 2 to 10 years. However, any pathological narrowing can be recognized in the early stages of development using the following symptoms:

  1. General cerebral signs: headache, dizziness, fast fatiguability from simple work, irritability, sleep disturbance, increased sensitivity to light, sound or smell, drowsiness, lack of desire to engage in work.
  2. Autonomic disorders: sweating, constipation, diarrhea, paresthesia, shortness of breath, palpitations, decreased appetite, pain in the right hypochondrium, difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction.

These symptoms are characteristic of many brain diseases and are therefore called nonspecific. If you find such signs in yourself or your loved ones, contact a neurologist and undergo brain examinations.

Folk remedies

List of common household questions:

Coffee is a typical tonic drink due to the fact that it contains caffeine, a psychostimulant that increases the tone of the central nervous system. Caffeine constricts blood vessels in the brain. The drink is indicated for people suffering from hypotension. However, the reaction to coffee is individual and can be paradoxical: in some people, with small volumes of the drink, the blood vessels can dilate and even cause drowsiness.

Does alcohol dilate or constrict blood vessels in the brain?

Alcohol and elements containing it have a sedative effect on the central nervous system, dilating the blood vessels of the brain.

Does cognac constrict or dilate blood vessels in the brain?

Cognac, as a representative of strong alcoholic drinks, has an inhibitory and sedative effect on the nervous system, which causes the blood vessels in the brain to dilate. It lowers blood pressure and relaxes the arteries.

Does glycine dilate blood vessels?

Glycine is a nootropic drug. This pharmacological group affects brain cells, protecting them from damage and oxygen starvation. Nootropics improve metabolism in brain tissue. However, glycine has no effect on vascular tone and does not lower blood pressure.

What dilates blood vessels and what folk remedies can be used:

  1. Green tea contains catechins. This flavonoid has a mild dilatation of cerebral blood vessels. Green tea also lowers blood pressure. At high blood pressure You can drink 2-3 cups of the drink per day.
  2. Valerian herbal decoction. How to prepare: add 10 g of plant roots to 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. You should take one tablespoon 4 times a day.
  3. Garlic oil. How to prepare: Peel one head of garlic and crush it. Pour 100 ml of sunflower oil over fine garlic. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for a day to let it sit. The next day, add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the mixture and mix. Take the resulting liquid 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Collection of plants: chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, immortelle and millennial. All parts must be proportional (1 to 1). Mix the dry parts of the plants and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. Leave for an hour. It is recommended to take in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.
  • Hawthorn. The plant lowers blood pressure and relieves vascular spasm. How to prepare: 20-30 g of dry fruit, pour 100 ml of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. After cooking, strain the liquid and let it cool and put it in the refrigerator. The next day, take 1 tablespoon before meals. It is recommended to drink for 3 months.

Exercises to dilate blood vessels in the brain can be performed at home. The following gymnastics are recommended to dilate blood vessels:

  1. Starting position – standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Make circular movements with your head clockwise and counterclockwise for 2-3 minutes.
  2. The situation is the same. Raise your arms fully and interlock your fingers, making a lock. Now do 4 forward bends and 4 backward bends.
  3. Starting position – lying on your back. Extend your arms to your sides. Now you need to raise your legs without bending your knees. When raising your legs at the hip joint, you must ensure that lower limbs and the body formed a right angle.
  4. Starting position – sitting. Place your palm on your forehead and press on it, while simultaneously exerting resistance with your neck muscles. You need to stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. This exercise warms up the neck muscles, expands main arteries and improves blood flow to the brain.


Products that dilate blood vessels:

  • Garlic. It consists of essential oils and allicin. These are biologically active substances relieve spasm of the arteries and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, allicin prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • Ginger. It also contains allicin, only in smaller quantities. In addition to dilating blood vessels, ginger enhances immune protection and has a detoxifying function.
  • Lemon. The citrus plant has a weak effect on vascular tone, but in combination with the vitamins it contains, lemon strengthens the wall and reduces the risk of developing atheromatous plaques.
  • Honey. The product does not have a direct effect on tone, but thanks to trace elements and compounds, honey normalizes the rheological properties of the blood.
  • Kalina. The fruits of the plant should be consumed fresh for expansion. Viburnum reduces blood pressure. Please remember the limit: 50 g of product. So, if you consume more, viburnum, on the contrary, increases blood pressure and heart rate per minute.
  • Green tea. Expands the lumen of arteries. For best results, drink with lemon. It's better to drink in the morning.


Medications for dilating cerebral blood vessels are divided into the following pharmacological groups:

  1. Drugs that act directly on vascular smooth muscle. They relax the walls of blood vessels, reduce the peripheral resistance of arteries and veins, regulate tone and lower blood pressure. Drugs: Dibazol, Apressin, Sodium nitroprusside.
  2. Drugs that block calcium channels. These drugs block channels that allow calcium to pass through and trigger excitation. These tablets prevent calcium from entering the membrane and developing an action potential. Drugs: Verapamil, Nifedipine.
  3. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. These drugs prevent the passive form of angiotensin I from turning into active form– angiotensin II. Medicines: Captopril, Enalapril.
  4. Angiotensin II receptor antagonists. They block the receptors that perceive angiotensin II. Representatives: Losartan.
  5. Potassium channel activating drugs. The drugs widen the channels so that as much potassium as possible enters the cell, resulting in decreased excitability cell membrane and the cell's action potential is blocked. Representatives: Lonitel, Hyperstat.


To ensure that the vessels are in normal condition, you should adhere to a set of rules for nonspecific prevention:

  • Avoiding stress. Balance between work and rest.
  • Normal sleep. It is recommended to sleep from 7 to 8 hours a day, but not less than 6. However, the number of hours depends on each individual.
  • Balanced diet. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, herbs, juices - all these products contain vitamins and biologically active substances that affect vascular tone, wall integrity and rheological properties of the blood.
  • It is recommended to visit 2 to 4 times Gym. Loads must be dosed. For prevention, you can simply go for a morning jog and do gymnastics.

If a person often experiences a headache, which is accompanied by dizziness, it’s time to take vasodilating folk remedies. You should not hope that this is only due to overwork; quite often this condition occurs due to vasoconstriction. This disease is called atherosclerosis.

Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, there is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the blood. Since it is she who supplies this gas along with other useful substances to all human organs, their deficiency disrupts the natural functioning of the body.

Vasoconstriction during headaches is especially dangerous - it causes fatigue, stress, and dizziness. The consequence of such symptoms can be memory impairment, as well as other problems. It is very important, as soon as such problems are discovered, to start taking vasodilating herbs for the blood vessels of the brain.

Herbal treatment for narrowed blood vessels

Treatment with herbs is called herbal medicine. It is often used to dilate blood vessels. But we must not forget that all folk remedies are not able to fully replace modern medicines. It would be optimal to combine traditional therapy and take vasodilating herbal medications.

Here are the most common recipes, the use of which helps to dilate blood vessels:

  1. A decoction prepared from valerian roots. Take 10 g of these roots and add a glass of water. Then boil for half an hour, then leave the liquid to infuse for two hours. You should take a spoonful four times a day.
  2. Hawthorn decoction also considered an excellent vasodilator. Pour 20 g of plant fruits into a glass of water. (you can take three spoons of flowers and add the same number of glasses of boiling water). You should consume 3 tablespoons of the resulting decoction half an hour before meals.
  3. It also has a good effect hazel decoction. You should take a spoonful of dry leaves of this plant, add a pinch of its bark, and then pour boiling water (200 ml). You should take two spoons several times a day.
  4. A proven vasodilator is Kirkazon. Take a teaspoon of roots or herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours to infuse. Drink a quarter glass before meals.
  5. Leuzea helps to quickly expand peripheral vessels. For a liter of water you need to pour a teaspoon and leave for two hours. Drink a glass of decoction three times a day.
  6. Schisandra chinensis helps with VSD. It is taken three times a day, one berry at a time, for two weeks.
  7. Seed parsnip taken for the heart when it is narrowed coronary vessels. The drug can be bought at a pharmacy and taken three weeks before meals, one tablet at a time.
  8. Medicinal chamomile promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the brain. Pour a glass of water into four tablespoons of the baskets of this flower. Then drink half a glass after meals.

Brain Remedies

A separate category of folk recipes are vasodilating herbs for the brain. Strong remedy - Baikal skullcap. The roots of the plant are medicinal. They contain essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, and resins. Skullcap dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, relieves spasms, and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

The plant is excellent for hypertension, when a characteristic symptom is increased blood pressure. For treatment, you need to prepare a decoction of skullcap. Chop the root thoroughly and brew it in one and a half liters of water. After insisting, take a tablespoon every three hours.

To improve blood circulation, you can use a mixture of herbs. Buy a tincture of valerian, hawthorn fruit, motherwort, peony, eucalyptus, Corvalol and mint. Pour all the ingredients into a bottle, add 10 cloves. Cork the bottle and put it in a cupboard for a couple of weeks. Shake the contents periodically. When the specified time has passed, the remedy should be taken half an hour before meals, adding 30 drops of the resulting tincture to half a glass of water.

There are vasodilating folk remedies for the brain that cleanse blood vessels. In this regard, a recipe that is based on soda. It's quite simple to do. Dissolve in a glass warm water a pinch of soda, then drink the solution on an empty stomach. The procedure is repeated every three days. This recipe is not advisable to use if you have neck osteochondrosis or a stomach ulcer.

To activate the functioning of the brain, you should use essential oils. They stimulate the nervous system. Among them, it is best to use bergamot, rosemary and mint. It is enough to add a couple of drops of oil to the aroma lamp and inhale the pleasant aroma for several minutes. The procedure can be done even when you have a cold or runny nose.

To improve brain activity, you should do every morning gargling, throwing his head back strongly. The same action is beneficial for the nose, as it massages the brain. Besides this there are other beneficial features– this action is useful as a preventive measure for inflammation of the tonsils; it clears mucus from the nasopharynx.

To dilate the blood vessels of the brain and relieve spasms, a proven folk remedy recommended for everyone is perfect. You need to take the middle one head of garlic, peel off the husks, mash them thoroughly, and grind them into a paste. Pour a glass of unrefined vegetable oil, stir, and place in the cold overnight. In the morning, stir, take a teaspoon of the mixture, add the same amount of lemon juice. Take the resulting product three times a day before meals. Treatment with this method is continued for three months; it has a beneficial effect not only on the blood vessels of the brain, but is also healing for the legs.

It turns out that there are vasodilating foods, the intake of which helps restore normal blood flow in the vessels. Our food is quite capable of replacing a sufficient amount of medicine, fully providing the body with everything it needs.

Therefore, it makes sense to study in more detail the medicinal properties of the food consumed.

  • Scientists have divided products into several main groups, each of which is responsible for certain parts of our body. Let's consider those that contribute to vasodilation: Products with vitamin C strengthen the walls of blood vessels: dill, rose hips, currants, apples, Bell pepper
  • , sea ​​buckthorn; Products with magnesium
  • , sea ​​buckthorn; has a vasodilator and diuretic effect: leafy greens, watermelons, buckwheat, oatmeal; with B vitamins

prevent atherosclerosis from developing: liver, nuts, kidneys, yeast, sprouted wheat, raw yolk, bananas.

For a whole week after breakfast, and also before bed, you need to eat a glass of fresh strawberries. Then take them for another 10 days, only in the morning reduce the dose on an empty stomach by half, and then take a glass before each meal. At the same time, it is recommended to eat a head of garlic daily.

  • exclude eggs and meat;
  • limit your intake of bread, sugar, cheese and salt;
  • exclude any alcohol, including beer;
  • use flaxseed, olive and corn oils to the maximum;
  • add wheat, pea, corn and rye sprouts to the diet.

Healing drinks

There are various vasodilating drinks, but chicory holds the crown among them. It contains many useful substances, therefore it has a beneficial effect on all organs, relieves fatigue and excitability. Its properties allow the drink to be used to prevent anemia, tachycardia, coronary disease, and atherosclerosis. The drink also removes cholesterol and is good for potency.

Is it possible to drink chicory often? There is no clear answer, since everything here is individual. Although the drink is natural and healthy, its frequent consumption can be harmful, since not everyone needs to dilate blood vessels.

It is also quite possible that there is intolerance to some components, which completely excludes the possibility of using the product.

When considering drinks, it is worth mentioning the vasodilating effect of small doses of cognac. A small sip of the drink relieves migraine headaches. Cognac perfectly tones the surface of blood vessels and increases blood circulation. This invigorates the body. A spoonful of cognac in a cup of coffee is especially effective.

Red wine also dilates blood vessels well. However, you should not consume more than 150 grams of the drink per day.


Traditional recipes have repeatedly proven their effectiveness, but first you need to have confidence in the exact diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, it is impossible to do without consulting a specialist, since a professional comprehensive study is required. After all, otherwise it may turn out as in the proverb: “if you treat, you cripple.” It is worth thinking carefully and then making a responsible decision.
