Loose stool with blood in a cat. Diarrhea was detected in a cat: what to do to restore normal bowel function

What should you do if there are blood clots in your cat's stool? An animal with diarrhea may develop a fever. The pet refuses its favorite food and loses its previous activity. Bloody diarrhea in a cat may indicate that there is pet inflammatory processes began. Urgent action must be taken or the animal will die.


Signs of bloody diarrhea include:

  • the cat's urination becomes more frequent;
  • the pet does not touch food;
  • the animal suffers from constant thirst;
  • the cat loses interest in the world around him;
  • frequent bowel movements lead to rapid weight loss;
  • The animal does not have bouts of vomiting.

Causes of bloody diarrhea

Loose stools with blood can be caused by several reasons:

In what cases can you not do without the help of a veterinarian?

Treatment by a specialist may be required if your pet has the following symptoms:

  • the animal suffers from pain during defecation;
  • the cat's stool turned black due to internal bleeding;
  • the cat showed signs of poisoning due to consumption of toxic substances;
  • diarrhea is accompanied constant attacks vomiting.

What are the signs of dehydration?

Severe diarrhea inevitably leads to water loss. The cat’s blood begins to thicken and metabolism is disrupted. The animal weakens sharply, its eyes fall into their sockets. The cat's skin loses its former elasticity.

You can understand this by pulling back your pet’s skin at the withers. When released, the skin fold will return to its original position very slowly. The mucous membranes also change. They become very pale. The cat loses interest in games and lies in one place all the time.

If no measures are taken, the animal may die. To help a sick cat, you can use a 0.9% chloride solution. Fill the syringe with the solution and inject it under the skin at the withers of the animal.

The recommended volume of the drug is 5 ml. Before administration, warm the ampoule with the solution in your hands. Drugs such as Aminovit and Gamavit help cope with dehydration. If a cat suffers from bouts of vomiting, then you should not force the animal to drink.

After examining the cat in the clinic, the veterinarian asks the owners about the animal’s nutritional habits and living conditions. After receiving the results of laboratory tests, conclusions can be drawn about the severity of the disease.

The cat's feces are examined to identify evidence of infection with worms and other protozoa. Diarrhea in small kittens can be caused by rectal prolapse. This process is considered reversible, and after a course of treatment the disease goes away without surgery.

Treatment options depend on the symptoms of the disease. In case of poisoning, the cat should be given. Children's Smecta and are suitable as drugs for removing toxins.

Ringer-Locke and Aminovit solutions help prevent dehydration.

Digestive disorders may be associated with pathogenic microorganisms entering the animal's intestines. To destroy harmful bacteria, you can use Enterofuril or Levomycetin.

Do not try to treat a cat, as it acts completely differently on animals. Taking it will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Stop internal bleeding in a pet you can use Vikasol and Dicinone.

What to feed a cat with bloody diarrhea?

To get rid of bloody diarrhea, you need to adhere to a certain diet. During illness, exclude dry food from the animal’s diet, as they can cause malfunction. digestive system.

In order for your pet to get rid of diarrhea faster, you need to feed it food that will not burden its digestive system. Include in your cat's diet boiled chicken or beef. Don't give him pork as it has too much fat.

The cat may have allergic reaction when changing food. Should not be given to your pet new food, which may lead to a deterioration in his health.

To alleviate the cat's condition, use herbal infusions. Oak bark has astringent properties. It can be crushed in a mixer and poured with 2 cups of boiling water. After this, close the broth with a lid and wait about 30 minutes. Give the prepared decoction to the animal 3 times a day.

To treat bloody diarrhea, you can use rice water. Wash a handful of rice in cold water and add it to boiling water. The broth should simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

You can avoid bloody diarrhea if you vaccinate your pet in a timely manner. This will reduce the risk of contracting various infectious diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of the furry family member. Do not feed him sour, spoiled dairy products.

You should not walk with your animal near garbage cans, as they are sources of various diseases.

The cat must be vaccinated regularly. Store toxic substances and household chemicals in closed places. They should not be accessible to your pet.

Every owner who loves their pets is not indifferent to their health.

Such a problem as loose stools with blood is quite rare, especially if the animal is not suffering chronic pathologies. But if it does appear, you need to think about whether the cat has a serious illness, which means you cannot do without the help of an experienced veterinarian.


Experts identify many reasons that can lead to the appearance of loose stools with obvious traces of blood. Most often these include:


In many cases, toxoplasmosis in cats is expressed as colds or impaired functioning of the digestive system. Within a few days from the moment the pathogen enters the body, the animal will look lethargic and refuse the food offered. He has vomiting and diarrhea. After a certain period of time, the disease enters the latent stage and the cat does not feel its manifestations. Severe forms toxoplasmosis provoke the appearance of copious purulent discharge from the eyes, large amounts of blood in the stool, body hyperthermia, symptoms of organ damage respiratory system: cough, sneezing, wheezing while breathing, shortness of breath, etc.

The acute form of the disease destroys many cells of internal organs, causing the appearance of areas of necrosis. Based on all of the above, the final prognosis depends on the effectiveness and timeliness of treatment of the disease.

Helminth eggs enter the body domestic cat while eating an infected raw meat, when a cat licks unwashed vegetables or fruits, and even through dirty air. Even those purrs who have never walked along the street are not immune, since people bring helminths and their eggs on their outerwear, shoes and hands.

  • A general malaise that is very noticeable in a kitten.
  • Fading of the coat.
  • Loose stools, often streaked with blood.
  • The animal's tummy is tight to the touch and painful.
  • Cats constantly lick and even chew under their tails.
  • Appearance foul odor from the mouth of a pet.
  • The cat refuses food, or, on the contrary, swallows too large pieces of food. But, in any case, significant weight loss occurs.

We must not forget that ridding an animal of worms requires accurate diagnosis, as well as the selection of appropriate medications. An experienced veterinarian can help with these issues and perform certain laboratory tests.


Various bacteria that live in the intestines of their carrier can also cause bloody diarrhea in a cat, causing various ailments. Protozoa can enter the cat's body along with water, food, or after licking the paws with which the pet stomped in the tray.

The clinical picture of the pathology, which was provoked by protozoa, may not manifest itself immediately. If the cat’s body does not have the amount of microorganisms necessary for an exacerbation, the disease has a latent course. Most often, the owner notices that the animal has stool disorders with sharp unpleasant smell, gagging, dry skin and brittle wool.

Against the background of poisoning of the body, cats may develop a specific allergy in the form of a rash. The activity of sick animals decreases, and they also completely lose interest in food.

The severity of the disease depends on the state of the pet’s immune system and the number of pathogenic agents. In the zone increased risk There are animals that spend a lot of time on street walks.

Foreign bodies in the intestines

This problem is considered very common among cats, as animals often swallow various objects. These include: needles, buttons, bags, threads, small parts of children's toys, etc.

After entering the gastrointestinal tract foreign body The animal exhibits the following symptoms:

  • repeated vomiting.
  • constipation or diarrhea with impurities of blood, which is mixed with feces due to trauma to the intestinal walls.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Lethargic state.
  • Pain syndrome in the abdominal area.

Often, prolonged presence of a foreign body in the intestine causes a severe inflammatory process that disrupts motility, and also causes the appearance of areas of necrosis with possible transition in sepsis. IN similar situation, it is impossible to do without surgery.

It is not necessary that all of the above signs be present; some animals may have several or just one of them. If the lumen is partially blocked, the kitten may still have its usual appetite and more or less normal stool. But, in any case, if any of the above symptoms are present, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian, because they can indicate illnesses of a more serious nature.


Inflammatory processes in various areas intestines, which cause digestive disorders and symptoms of general intoxication of the whole body. According to the nature of the course, gastroenteritis is divided into hemorrhagic, purulent, serous, fibrinous and catarrhal forms.

The etiology of the development of the disease can be very different:

  • Irregular feeding of the pet.
  • Feeding the cat rough or processed food.
  • Same type of diet (dry food has a particularly detrimental effect).
  • Complication of already existing diseases.

The reason why a cat developed gastroenteritis may be salt poisoning heavy metals, medications or a banal allergy to food.

In animals that have become victims of gastroenteritis, the following symptoms appear:

  • Poor or completely absent appetite.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Liquid discharge mixed with mucus or blood.
  • Vomiting.
  • Pain.

When examining a cat's mouth, the pet may find copious discharge saliva and white coating on the tongue. Frequent and severe diarrhea can cause the development of dehydration, which is manifested by a decrease in skin elasticity, dullness, and sunken eyes. The tips of the limbs become cold to the touch, the mucous membranes become pale. The performance of the heart muscle is impaired, the pulse is weakly palpable.

In the treatment of the disease, one of the main places is occupied by dietary food. At the same time, veterinarians take into account the personal characteristics of each cat breed.

Neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract

Such problems are rarely recorded in purring cats, and cancerous lesions account for only 1% of all tumors. Cancer often affects the small intestine, especially in older cats. The causes of cancer are not precisely established even today. All cancer tumors are characterized by rapid growth and spread throughout the body.

All signs of the disease will vary depending on the size and location pathological process. This may include vomiting, bloody diarrhea, rapid weight loss, bloating, pain in the abdominal cavity, voltage abdominal wall. Sick cats may show signs of developing anemia which are manifested by pale gums.

To establish a final diagnosis, the doctor examines the animal, conducts fecal tests and a biopsy from the lesion. Treatment is often surgical; the final prognosis depends on the size of the tumor, its type and the possibility of removal.


Diarrhea with blood in a cat is one of the obvious symptoms serious illness, the treatment of which often requires integrated approach from the doctor.

  • To begin with, the animal is put on a starvation diet, which lasts from 6 to 12 hours. During this period, you are allowed to drink boiled water. Feeding begins gradually with small portions.
  • Experts advise giving your cat adsorbents.
  • Any antispasmodics: no-spa or papaverine. Sometimes, a kitten's no-shpu may manifest itself increased salivation, therefore preference is given to papaverine.
  • Probiotics like Lactobifadol for cats, Vetom 1.1. It’s best to start with Vetom, as it creates all the conditions for recovery normal microflora intestines.
  • Antibacterial drugs: Tylosin, Ersefuril.
  • Droppers with Ringer's solutions with glucose.
  • Hemostatic agents such as Vikasol, Aminocaproic acid, Dicynone, Calcium gluconate, vitamin C.
  • Hyperimmune serums Vitafel or Globfel.
  • IN in some cases blood transfusion is prescribed.

Therapeutic measures aimed at getting rid of diarrhea are always carried out using droppers. Drip administration is used to get rid of toxins, to restore blood volume and for additional nutrition.

In some cases, due to massive blood loss, respiratory failure which can be cured with a blood transfusion.

Without fail, cats are prescribed substances to improve blood clotting, such as Vikasol, Dicynone, Calcium Gluconate or vitamin C.

The rest of the treatment plan consists of the usual procedures used to treat diarrhea.

If you find bloody diarrhea in your kitten, you should take immediate action, but first you should identify the cause of the diarrhea. These symptoms may indicate both serious diseases and the body’s response to any irritants.

Cause of bloody diarrhea

There can be many reasons, but the main ones are considered:

  • Change of food.
  • The appearance of a new product in the diet.
  • Bacterial or viral infections.
  • Severe stress.
  • Infection with helminths.
  • Binge eating.
  • Poisoning.

When kittens grow a little, they begin to be fed with food or other products that were not previously in their body. Diarrhea with blood can cause such a change, since the body refuses to accept new food or the stomach does not digest it well.

Another reason why kittens have bloody diarrhea is trauma to the body. Kittens are very active and often get injured during play, which can also cause bloody diarrhea.

If a sick kitten is with its mother, then at a certain age the cat begins to bring all kinds of food to the kittens, including rodents that ate poison before being caught by the cat. It is she who can bring in some low-quality food that can cause diarrhea.

If there are other cats living in the house, the kitten may get helminthiasis from them, which can also cause bloody diarrhea. Also, bloody diarrhea in a kitten can occur due to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). In this case, a strict diet for the animal is necessary.

If, along with loose stools, the following symptoms occur: vomiting, refusal to eat, lethargy, apathy, thirst, the presence of mucus in the stool and sudden weight loss, then this may be a sign serious illnesses, up to oncology.

Methods for treating bloody diarrhea

If the kitten has been diarrhea for 1-2 days, then you can try giving it Smecta or Enterofuril suspension (1.5 ml 2 times a day). But it is advisable to give the last drug for seven days, even if the diarrhea has passed. Congee can also help stop bloody stools.

If diarrhea is the first time, then it is necessary to arrange for the kitten therapeutic fasting, but definitely a large number of water. You can replace the water various decoctions that strengthen the stool, such as:

  • St. John's wort.
  • Chamomile.
  • Oak bark.
  • Flax-seed.

If the kitten will not drink on its own, you need to give it a decoction at least 3 times a day.

In case of poisoning, it will help get rid of bloody stools Activated carbon or potassium permanganate. The latter must be diluted carefully so as not to burn the baby. internal organs, the solution should be slightly pinkish in color. Potassium permanganate causes vomiting, thus helping to cleanse the body of poisons. In addition to decoctions, the same drugs that are prescribed to people (Regidron, Gidrovit and others) will help the animal, but they must be given in smaller quantities.

For owners who have just become the proud owner of a kitten and have developed such an illness, they should not self-medicate, as it can only make things worse. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who can diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Digestive disorders in domestic cats are relatively common. If your pet walks outside at least from time to time, problems with digestion become even more common. Unfortunately, not everything is always limited to just digestive disorders. When a cat has bloody diarrhea, it must be taken to the veterinarian. There is a good chance that this “trouble” indicates some kind of dangerous disease. Perhaps it poses a danger not only to the health, but even to the life of your beloved pet.

Diarrhea is the rapid “evacuation” of semi-digested contents of the small intestine, accompanied by cramps, intoxication and dehydration. Total feces excreted by the cat increases several times. By the way, if your pet has diarrhea, in what cases is it advisable to call a veterinarian? Frankly speaking, he needs to be called whenever the cat has some kind of “problem” with digestion. The specialist needs to know when and after what they started, and how the cat feels at this time.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in cases where, in addition to feces, the stool contains mucous inclusions, a lot of undigested pieces of food, etc.

Never give your cat “human” medications unless advised by your veterinarian! So you can “easily and naturally” poison your pet!

Predisposing factors

Very often, diarrhea is a direct consequence of one of dozens possible diseases intestines (or stomach). Secondary diarrhea (which arose as a response to the pathology of another organ) is much less common. And this is good, since it is easier to cure a diseased intestine than, for example, kidneys or liver. Thus, in most cases, gastrointestinal disease should be suspected.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease. Also a huge group of factors. They are often responsible for cases of sudden, spontaneous “bloody” diarrhea. This happens sporadically; if the cat has access to the street, the owners may not notice anything for weeks. Again, the problem is that inflammatory phenomena can be a consequence of poor nutrition, allergies, etc.
  • Intestinal tumors. A real scourge of old cats. Most often they are found different kinds lymphomas and adenocarcinomas. A relatively “characteristic” symptom is alternating diarrhea and constipation. Unfortunately, intestinal tumors in cats are usually diagnosed at the most advanced stages.
  • Benign polyps. Certainly, benign neoplasms do not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the pet, but they may well be the cause inflammatory processes, diarrhea and obstruction.

Other nuances

A common cause of regular diarrhea in cats may be pancreatic insufficiency. But, unlike dogs, cats suffer from this pathology very rarely. How are problems with the pancreas related to diarrhea? Everything is quite simple - this organ secretes a huge amount of enzymes that are vital for digestion. If they are not there, the food stagnates, the digestion process stops, and blood flow occurs in the stool. putrefactive processes. All this leads to damage to the intestinal mucosa (that’s where the blood comes from) and to diarrhea.

A rather “interesting” cause of bloody diarrhea may be vitamin B12 deficiency. Until now, the mechanism of this process has not been fully studied, but there is still a relationship between vitamin deficiency and diarrhea. Vitamin deficiency is diagnosed by biochemical analysis blood. As a rule, the condition of the animal’s intestines returns to normal after the administration of multivitamin preparations.

Another reason could be systemic diseases. Implied serious illnesses, in which diarrhea is only an indirect symptom, mistakenly taken by many owners for the main pathology. Systemic diseases that often lead to this result include: hyperthyroidism (increased secretion thyroid gland), liver and kidney disease. By the way, vomiting bile additionally indicates problems with the liver.

Clinical picture

Of course, the main and undeniable symptom is diarrhea. The main difficulty lies in determining the location of the lesion. Eat a big difference in the treatment of the small and large intestines. In particular, if a pet has problems with the large intestine, the owner will be able to observe the following for their pet:

  • Increased frequency of attempts to defecate.
  • The animal will strain very hard.
  • There will be clearly visible blood in the stool, as well as mucus.

On the contrary, with lesions of the small intestine (except for cases of very severe hemorrhages), you most likely will not see blood in the stool at all. More precisely, stool will be a blackish-brown mass called melena. This is what digested blood looks like. Accordingly, in episodic and rare situations when it gets into thin section intestines, the owners may not notice anything at all. The feces will just be a little darker than normal. If a cat goes outside to do “business”, he may well die “safely” from intestinal bleeding and anemia.

So the conclusion is simple. It is not always possible to learn about diarrhea (except in advanced situations) “visually”. However, when an exhausted and exhausted cat begins to walk under itself, everything becomes obvious, but it may be too late to treat it. Need to look at general state your pet and check it often. U healthy cat there will never be traces of feces on the fur around anus . If any are observed, we are 100% talking about diarrhea.

Maintenance therapy

In mild cases, only supportive therapy can be used. First, you need to give it a rest digestive tract. It has been proven that starvation diet within 24 hours helps in cases of mild diarrhea without appointment medicines. Please note that, due to the nature of the digestive system of cats, depriving them of food for more than a day is strongly not recommended! Can be extremely Negative consequences for the health of the pet.

The second point is purpose light diet, which also allows you to relieve the pet’s gastrointestinal tract. In relatively mild cases, you can feed your pet boiled rice and chicken for about a week, but in case long-term treatment a special diet is required, which only a doctor can create. In addition, if there is even a slight suspicion of food intolerance, it is imperative to exclude all possible allergens. In these cases, they are often used special diets prescribed only by veterinarians. And further. If your cat regularly experiences problems from dry food, it is better to stop feeding it to the animal immediately.

Probioticsgreat way many digestive disorders. This is the name given to cultures of beneficial microorganisms, the intake of which normalizes the digestion process. By the way, they are prescribed (should, in any case) after a course of antibiotics. Please note that today they are releasing special drugs specifically for cats (and dogs).

Besides, treatment at home should include giving sufficient volume of liquid. A sick animal must have unlimited access to clean drinking water any time of the day. Besides, in special cases It may be necessary to water your pet with special electrolyte solutions, the choice of which is also advisable to consult with a veterinarian.

Specific therapy

In general, the treatment of bloody diarrhea largely depends on many factors and underlying causes, and therefore it is difficult to talk about anything specific. But still general provisions need to describe:

The prognosis depends on the cause of the diarrhea. If everything can be solved with the help of a starvation diet and simple probiotics, then everything will be great. In other cases, long-term therapy may be required. So, if your pet has cases of diarrhea constantly interspersed with periods of “severe” constipation, do not think about what to do, but immediately contact a veterinarian. It is quite possible that this way you will save his life!

Most cat owners will immediately become alert if they discover. If ordinary diarrhea can also appear from simple errors in the diet, then blood in loose stools- a symptom of severe intestinal inflammation, in which the cells of the intestinal mucosa along with the capillaries peel off. With such a pathology self-medication is dangerous and ineffective, since the tablets are not absorbed inflamed bowel. The cat owner needs to know about the most common causes of bloody diarrhea in order to seek qualified veterinary help as soon as possible.

Possible reasons why a cat has bloody diarrhea

    There are several most common reasons The cat has diarrhea mixed with blood:
  • viral infections;
  • helminths;
  • protozoa;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • foreign objects in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • tumors of the stomach and intestines;
  • allergic reactions;
  • damage to the intestines or anus;
  • poisoning with toxic substances.

Microbes develop in the cat's intestines and are passed into the cat's feces. external environment. This stage lasts two to three weeks. Other animals and humans become infected when cysts enter their body orally.

Cats have toxoplasmosis flows like respiratory disease or gastrointestinal upset. The animal becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and experiences frequent vomiting and diarrhea. After a short period of time, toxoplasmosis is suppressed immune system and goes into a “dormant” form. If the disease is acute, there is bloody stool, purulent discharge from the eyes, fever and symptoms of damage to the respiratory system: wheezing, cough, rhinitis, shortness of breath. Toxoplasmosis, which is severe, can kill a cat, as microbes invade the cells of many organs, causing tissue necrosis. Therefore, one should not delay in providing adequate treatment.

Worm infestations, a possible reason why a cat has bloody diarrhea

As the name suggests, there are a large number of diseases caused by various helminths (worms). There can be several ways of infection: through contaminated water, meat, by eating soil, and even through the air. A beloved owner can, without knowing it, bring helminth eggs on his clothes and infect an absolutely domestic cat that never roams anywhere.

    There are symptoms common to different types helminthiasis:
  • dull coat
  • lethargy, weakness of the animal
  • diarrhea (mucus and blood may be present)
  • purulent discharge from the eyes
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth area
  • hard, painful abdomen
  • poor appetite or vice versa - increased, but the cat still loses weight.

The cat has diarrhea with blood, the cause is foreign bodies

Cats are curious by nature and often strive to eat something inedible: pieces of foam rubber, toys, plastic bags, threads, needles, sausage wrappers, New Year's tinsel, etc. Sometimes these items can come out painlessly, but there are times when they cause intestinal obstruction with her acute symptoms: frequent vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, pain in the abdomen and palpation of the abdominal cavity, constipation or diarrhea (sometimes with blood). This the condition is fraught with the development of intestinal inflammation, intestinal necrosis, perforation of the mucous membrane and sepsis. Most often, immediate surgery is required after diagnosis. Even if the obstruction is partial, and you observe only some of the symptoms, the cat eats and goes to the toilet, do not rely on chance, but show your pet to the doctor, because such symptoms can also appear in other serious diseases.

Gastroenteritis as a reason that a cat has bloody diarrhea

This is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, accompanied by symptoms of indigestion and intoxication of the body. Often it is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of the underlying one.

    Causes of gastroenteritis may act:
  • viral and bacterial infections (distemper, colibacillosis, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, adenovirosis and others)
  • feeding low-quality food, low-quality dry food
  • poisoning household chemicals or toxins
  • taking certain medications
  • individual intolerance certain substances, for example, in the stern.
    Gastroenteritis causes such Clinical signs , How
  • refusal to eat or poor appetite in a cat
  • elevated temperature
  • vomit
  • diarrhea with blood and mucus, very frequent
  • colic - painful sensations in the intestines
  • dehydration of the body, which manifests itself in saggy skin, dull fur, sunken eyes
  • the mucous membranes of the mouth and conjunctiva are pale, the paws and ears of the animal are cold
  • weak pulse

When treating this pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the inflammation, as well as carry out symptomatic therapy that eliminates dehydration in the cat, vomiting and diarrhea. Important role is given a special gentle diet, which must be maintained for at least a month after visible recovery.

Neoplasms of the digestive system that cause bloody diarrhea in cats

In cats, fortunately, they are rare, about 1% of cases of development. oncological processes. They occur mainly in old cats and are usually localized in small intestine. Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor, its size and the stage of the disease. The animal loses weight, the stomach becomes swollen, hard and painful, sometimes constipation and defecation disorders occur, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea with blood, pale mucous membranes.

To make a diagnosis of cancer, a cat examination, a tumor biopsy and a stool test are required. If possible, preference is given surgery followed by chemotherapy. Recovery directly depends on the type of tumor and stage of the disease.

Making a diagnosis if your cat has bloody diarrhea

To determine main reason which has caused bloody diarrhea in a cat, a doctor or veterinarian must examine the animal and collect medical history data - how the animal behaves, what it ate Lately, whether there were any special situations or stress. Lab tests And examinations will help diagnose all the features of the disease, its severity and the magnitude of intestinal inflammation.

An indispensable method would be radiology using contrast agent , which will help identify the presence foreign objects, tumors, damage to the intestinal walls.

Suspecting helminthic diseases, the doctor will order a stool examination.

What should an owner do if a cat develops alarming symptom- bloody diarrhea?

First of all, you need an animal put on a starvation diet And provide enough water. Whatever the cause of diarrhea in a cat, it will be necessary to administer healing solutions using IVs. This is necessary to replenish lost fluids, electrolytes and nutrients, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

To stop bleeding they use drugs such as Dicynon, vitamins B and C. To restore the intestinal mucosa, enveloping and astringent drugs are used.

At bacterial infections a course of antibiotics is prescribed; for helminthiasis, anthelmintic measures are carried out.

Anyway, the course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician - veterinarian taking into account the results of examinations and the condition of the caudate patient. If you strictly follow the doctor's orders and diet, your cat will soon recover.

IN veterinary center“I am VET” is held full examination and treatment four-legged patients with digestive disorders. Treatment of complex diseases gastrointestinal tract carried out by a veterinarian - gastroenterologist. You can find out prices for tests and doctor services by calling our center.

For your convenience, we have provided the opportunity for a veterinarian to come to your home with everything necessary equipment and medications, since owners are not always able to come to the clinic on time and wait in line with a sick pet. Nowadays it is possible to carry out some examinations (ultrasound, x-rays, express tests for infections) and therapeutic measures at home.

All this for a fairly reasonable fee, comparable to prices at a veterinary hospital. Call us and we will be happy to answer all your questions in free consultation. We work for you around the clock, without holidays or weekends!

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