How to treat silver staphylococcus. Diseases caused by staphylococci. Risk factors for staph infection

What is staphylococcus?

Staphylococcus is a bacterium that has a regular spherical or spherical shape, belonging to the group of positive non-motile microorganisms. For humans, staphylococcus in some cases is an opportunistic bacterium, one that always lives on his body. But pathogenic staphylococcus is also isolated, which, once inside the body, will definitely cause disease. In addition, it is widely distributed in nature.

In the presence of certain conditions conducive to this, the bacterium can exhibit pathological activity and cause an inflammatory process in any organ or organ system of a person. This could be the skin, nervous tissue, brain, heart, digestive system etc.

Staphylococcus has a large number of strains (27), the most common and pathogenic of which are Staphylococcus aureus, epidermal, saprophytic and hemolytic staphylococci. Each of them has varying degrees aggressiveness and pathogenetic activity.

The danger of these microorganisms is that they produce toxins and enzymes that are pathogenic for cells and disrupt their vital functions. Bacteria have a destructive effect on connective tissues, skin and subcutaneous tissue. They cause a number of dangerous diseases, including sepsis, toxic shock, central nervous system disorders. nervous system, pneumonia, purulent skin lesions, general intoxication of the body. Often complications after various diseases are associated with staphylococcal infection.

Staphylococci are resistant to environment and have a fairly high resistance to antibiotics.

Types of staphylococcus

There are three types of staphylococcus, which are the most common and harmful to the human body:

    Saprophytic staphylococcus most often affects women, causing them inflammatory diseases of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys. Saprophytic staphylococcus bacteria are localized in the layers of the skin of the genitals and the mucous membrane of the urethra. Of all the types of staphylococcus, it causes the least damage.

    Staphylococcus epidermidis can live on all mucous membranes and any part of human skin. With normal immunity, the body copes with this bacterium, and it does not cause any damage. But if somehow epidermal staphylococcus gets from the skin into the blood of a person with weak immunity(after surgery), inflammation of the endocardium (inner lining of the heart) may develop due to blood poisoning.

    Staphylococcus aureus is the most common and dangerous looking. Susceptible to infection equally adults and children, men and women. The bacterium can infect any organ, causing inflammatory diseases, the number of which exceeds a hundred. This is an extremely persistent and tenacious microorganism that can withstand very high temperatures, exposure to direct sun rays, 100% ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and a number of antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus causes purulent lesions skin (boils, boils, styes, etc.). It also causes a large number of dangerous systemic and common infections: staphylococcal sepsis, pneumonia, toxic shock, formation of ulcers in the brain, heart, liver and kidneys, osteomyelitis, food poisoning, etc.

Symptoms of staphylococcus

Symptoms of staphylococcus will depend on which organ or system is affected. The degree of their severity is influenced by the aggression of the microorganism and the condition immune system a specific person.

Among the most common signs of infection are:

    Pyoderma. As a result of the introduction of bacteria under the skin, a purulent inflammatory process occurs. This may cause inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as hair follicles. Among the most common manifestations of pyoderma are folliculitis (manifested in inflammation of the upper part of the hair follicle), hidradenitis (when the site of infection is the sweat glands), carbuncle (when the skin, skin tissue and a group of hair follicles become inflamed), furuncle (inflamed hair follicle, sebaceous gland and connective tissue around). Wherever the inflammatory process is localized, it is always accompanied by the appearance of purulent masses, swelling and hyperemia of the surrounding tissues, and painful sensations of varying intensity. In some cases, there is an increase in temperature, vomiting and nausea may occur (more often with carbuncles and hidradenitis).

    Rhinitis. By causing an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa, the bacterium leads to copious mucus secretion, which makes it difficult to nasal breathing. This is where the most common type of bacteria settles - Staphylococcus aureus. In this case, a person can be either a permanent or temporary carrier of it. Most often the patient complains of following symptoms: difficulty breathing, impaired sense of smell, increased secretion of mucous secretion, change in voice timbre, mouth breathing. At the beginning, there is little mucus, but as the disease progresses, its amount increases and it becomes purulent.

    Sinusitis. They are characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the paranasal sinuses. The maxillary and frontal areas are most often affected, which leads to the development of diseases such as sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. The disease is very common in the practice of otolaryngologists. Up to 10% of all diseases of the upper respiratory tract In adults, sinusitis accounts for the most. Patients present following complaints: inability to breathe through the nose, rhinophonia, severe runny nose with yellow-green discharge, general weakness, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, increased body temperature, sometimes up to high values, pain, localized in the area of ​​the inflamed sinuses. If the infection is acute, then the thermometer shows numbers up to 39 degrees, if it progresses to chronic stage, then no more than 37.5 degrees.

    Pharyngitis. They are characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the mucous membrane lining the pharynx. Often the infection involves nearby tissues of the tonsils. In this case, the disease is called tonsillopharyngitis. Patients experience the following symptoms: redness back wall pharynx, the appearance of viscous mucus, a sore throat, dry cough, hoarseness, pain. All these signs occur against a background of general weakness, elevated body temperature and decreased appetite. According to statistics, pharyngitis caused by staphylococci is diagnosed in adults in no more than 5% of cases.

    Laryngitis. Accompanied by the presence inflammatory process in the mucous membrane lining the larynx. The trachea often becomes infected, which is called laryngotracheitis. Distinctive feature Staphylococcal infection is the presence of purulent discharge. In addition, the patient complains of pain in the larynx, dryness and soreness, changes in voice timbre, even loss of voice. In addition, there is a low body temperature, mostly not exceeding 37 degrees.

    Bronchitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation in the bronchi. Most often it begins with the development of a pathological process in the upper respiratory tract with a gradual transition to the larynx, trachea and bronchi. The patient suffers from a cough, which can be either dry or wet with sputum discharge. If the bronchi are damaged by a bacterium, the sputum produced will contain purulent contents. In addition, there is an increase in body temperature, up to 39 degrees, shortness of breath and pain in the chest area.

    Pneumonia. When lung tissue is damaged by staphylococcal infection, it has severe course. Statistics indicate that outside a hospital, a person can get this type of pneumonia in only 1% of cases, but inside a hospital, staphylococcus affects the lungs much more often, on average, in 15% of cases. Among the complex of symptoms there are regular repeated increases in body temperature. That is, it periodically rises and falls, which manifests itself in the form of chills. The patient suffers from severe shortness of breath, muscle weakness, pain when coughing and even when breathing. The location of painful sensations is the chest, they are associated with stretching of the pleura. The sputum becomes not just mucous, but with purulent impurities. The complexion becomes bluish, which is a consequence oxygen starvation. Often it is staphylococcal pneumonia that leads to the development of lung abscesses and pleural empyema. The most serious complication is sepsis.

    Osteomyelitis. Manifests itself in purulent-necrotic lesions bone tissue And bone marrow, as well as the soft tissues surrounding them. In adults, the spine is most often affected; the route of infection is hematogenous, that is, the bacterium reaches its destination through the bloodstream. However, the symptoms are not too pronounced. The temperature, as a rule, does not exceed subfebrile levels, while the person experiences pain at the site of inflammation and disorder motor function in the relevant area.

    Food poisoning caused by staphylococcus develops acutely. Often, the first signs of infection are observed within half an hour after eating contaminated products. Among the symptoms, patients note: abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, feeling of nausea.

    These are the most common diseases caused by bacteria.

However, in order clinical picture, which is caused by staphylococcus was complete, it is necessary to give the general symptoms caused by the microorganism:

    Local increase in body temperature. It is the local increase in temperature that is due to the fact that in this way the body is trying to cope with pathogenic bacterium and prevent it from reproducing. This method of protection is called the bacteriostatic effect.

    Hyperemia, which is formed due to a rush of blood to the site of inflammation. At the same time, the vessels dilate, and the outflow venous blood decreases. This is also the body’s protective reaction to infection. Thus, he tries to increase the flow of oxygen to neutralize the toxic effect.

    Tissue swelling due to increased vascular permeability.

    Painful sensations caused by pinching of nerve endings by swollen tissues. Damage to the vessel may also occur due to excess blood flow, which contributes to pain.

    Impaired functionality of organs and tissues as a result of their damage at the cellular level.

It is important not to apply knowledge regarding the symptoms of the disease in adulthood to children. This is because signs of infection will be in different ages slightly different. This is especially true for newborns and children under one year old.

How is staphylococcus transmitted? Causes of infection

All diseases caused by bacteria can occur as a result of the infection entering the body through a violation of the integrity of skin or mucous membranes, because it is a permanent inhabitant of human skin and mucous membranes. In addition, infection can occur exogenously, that is, ingested through food or through close contact.

At the same time, we should not forget that some people are permanent or temporary carriers of this bacterium, which also has a significant role in the possibility of transmission. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria do not manifest themselves in any way and such people pose a particular danger to those around them.

The following are distinguished: possible ways transmission of infection:

    Contact and household path. When bacteria enter the body through various household items or through direct contact with the skin. Sometimes it is enough to use someone else's towel or bedding for infection to occur. In this case, the bacterium can cause both an inflammatory process and simply exist in the host’s body.

    By airborne droplets. That is, a person inhales air in which bacteria are present. The most common source of infection is sick people who release bacteria when they cough, sneeze, or simply breathe.

    Dust. Bacteria have the property long time exist in the surrounding dust. When it enters the respiratory tract, infection occurs. This path is called air-dust path.

    The fecal-oral route, which is also called the nutritional route. In this case, the bacteria are released when an infected organism vomits or defecates. An uninfected person eats foods that contain staphylococcus and becomes ill. This often happens when insufficient hygiene, namely through dirty hands.

    Medical instruments. Infection can penetrate into a healthy body through poorly processed medical instruments, which is called the artificial method of infection. This happens when passing diagnostic procedures, for example, during bronchoscopy, as well as during surgical intervention. An additional danger is that instruments may be processed in the usual way, but they contain bacteria that have developed resistance to specific processing methods.

Except existing paths infection, there are also reasons that provoke a person to become infected with a bacterium:

    Any disease that causes a decrease in human immune strength. This also includes frequent and severe stress and irregular sleep.

    General hypothermia of the body. This reason plays a leading role in the development of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. At low temperatures body, the work of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, which line the nasal mucosa, slows down. Thus, it is much easier for infections to enter the body and provoke an inflammatory process.

    Available diabetes and disruptions in the endocrine system.

    Bad habits such as smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    The presence of the immunodeficiency virus or AIDS.

    Chronic diseases.

    Age. According to statistics, newborns and young children are most susceptible to infection. preschool age and older people.

    Viral infections often precede the disease becoming bacterial. In most cases, this is observed with influenza and ARVI, when, against the background of a decline in immunity, the staphylococci existing in the body begin to exhibit pathological activity.

    Prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops, which disrupt the integrity of the nasal mucosa and promote infection.

    Inhalation of allergens and toxic substances leads to trauma to the bronchi, which can become a provoking factor in the development of bacterial inflammation.

    Insufficient hygiene.

    Eating contaminated foods.

    Violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes or skin.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish four degrees of staphylococcus. Moreover, each of which is characterized by a certain degree of activity and requires different treatment. It is necessary to distinguish between staphylococci that are definitely pathogenic, which are destructive to blood cells, and opportunistic, which contribute to the development of a minor inflammatory reaction. In addition, there are also saprophytes that cause virtually no damage.

It is knowledge of the degree of infection that helps doctors more accurately select treatment and predict the nature of the disease. Although the division by degree is rather conditional, and the prognosis largely depends on the level of immunity infected person, as well as its resistance to bacteria.

A doctor can determine the degree of activity of staphylococcus by taking blood or other materials from the laboratory test. He also decides on the need for treatment and the nature of future therapy.

Stage 1 staphylococcus

If the immune system is normal, then this degree of staphylococcus will not be able to cause pathological processes, which means that treatment is not required.

Stage 2 staphylococcus

When staphylococcus is detected in such a low diagnostic titer, doctors most often do not prescribe treatment. However, it is necessary comprehensive examination to identify other infections. This is especially true if there are any complaints about pathological processes occurring in the body.

If it is discovered that a person has a concomitant infection, then staphylococcus must be eliminated from the body using antibacterial therapy. However, the need for treatment is determined by the doctor and depends on each specific case.

Stage 3 staphylococcus

When it is discovered that a person has stage 3 staphylococcus, most doctors agree that antibacterial therapy is necessary. Although in the normal state of immune forces the bacterium will not be able to provoke infectious process. This degree is considered acceptable, but with any disruption in the body it can lead to serious inflammatory reactions.

First of all, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at strengthening the immune system; if it does not give an effect after 2 months, then a further regimen therapeutic effects is developed individually in each specific case.

4 degree staphylococcus

When grade 4 staphylococci are detected, it is required specific treatment, although such indicators are considered only potentially dangerous. It is important to prevent bacteria from becoming resistant to the drug, and it is also necessary to determine the sensitivity of a specific bacterium to a specific drug. Only after this can treatment begin, which in the vast majority of cases (if there are no signs of inflammation) boils down to increasing immunity, getting rid of possible dysbacteriosis and vitamin deficiency.

Complications and consequences of staphylococcus - what will happen if left untreated?

When antibacterial therapy is not started in a timely manner, this can lead to serious complications:

    Endocarditis. In this case, the damage is heart valve and inner layers of the heart. In this case, the patient experiences joint pain, increased heart rate, decreased performance, and sometimes body temperature rises. This pathology, in turn, is accompanied by no less serious diseases, including heart failure, meningitis, etc.

    Meningitis caused by staphylococcus is characterized by purulent inflammation membranes of the brain, accompanied by high body temperature, nausea and vomiting, convulsions, and severe headache. Moreover, even timely started therapy is not a guarantee that the patient will avoid fatal outcome. Mortality with adequate treatment is up to 30%.

    Syndrome toxic shock often referred to as a symptom of staphylococcal infection, however, it is a complication of the disease. It consists of a shock reaction of the body in response to infection. Wherein drug therapy difficult. The patient suffers from elevated temperature body, up to 40 degrees, repeated vomiting and diarrhea. Blood pressure drops, and the likelihood of death is high.

    Blood poisoning is another formidable complication untreated infection. Happens in that case. When a bacterium enters the bloodstream and begins to poison the body with the toxins it produces. It is sepsis caused by staphylococcus that is the most common blood infection and also the most dangerous. In addition to extremely high body temperature, it is accompanied by severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, damage to the liver, intestines, lungs, and brain. At the same time, antibacterial therapy without a preliminary antibiogram often leads to high mortality among patients.

Treatment of staphylococcus

In order to get rid of bacteria, a competent selection of antibacterial therapy is necessary.

The most commonly used treatments are the following:

    Amoxicillin, which is able to suppress the reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria and promote their destruction. It has a fairly wide spectrum of action and blocks the production of peptidoglycan. Use regardless of meals, no more than 1 g three times a day.

    Vancomycin helps block the component included in the composition cell membrane bacteria, changes the degree of permeability of its wall, which leads to the death of staphylococcus. It is given intravenously, either every 6 or every 12 hours. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

    Cloxacillin. Helps block membranes that are at the stage of bacterial division. It is necessary to take the drug every 6 hours at a dosage of 500 mg.

    Cefazolin. Possesses wide range action, prevents the production of bacterial cell wall components. Can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly, up to 4 times a day.

    Oxacillin. It has a detrimental effect in the later stages of bacterial development and contributes to their destruction. Used intravenously, intramuscularly and orally.

    Cephalexin. The drug prevents the synthesis of components that make up the bacterial cell wall. Must be taken before meals, every 6 hours.

    Cephalothin, which disrupts the ability of bacteria to divide normally and also has a destructive effect on the membrane of staphylococci. Used both intravenously and intramuscularly.

    Cefotaxime. The drug is aimed at suppressing the growth of bacteria and preventing them from multiplying. Used both intravenously and intramuscularly. The dosage is selected individually.

    Claritomycin, which prevents bacteria from producing their own proteins. It is most often used in tablet form, although it may be given intravenously for severe infections.

    Erythromycin also interferes with protein production and must be used every 6 hours.

    Clindamycin is also aimed at eliminating the ability of bacteria to produce a certain protein, which leads to its death.

Before you start using this or that drug, it is necessary to conduct an antibiogram. This will help identify the sensitivity of staphylococcus to the drug. Conducting such a study is important for the patient’s health, which will guarantee that the bacteria will not develop resistance.

Treatment of staphylococcal infection requires strict adherence to the frequency of administration, time of use of the drug and its dosage. It is important to take the prescribed remedy not until the first symptoms disappear, but for at least 5 days. If it is necessary to extend the course, the doctor will inform you about this. In addition, treatment cannot be stopped; therapy must be continuous.

Prevention in the fight against infection is a necessary measure that doctors around the world insist on. Firstly, this is due to the fact that every year the bacterium becomes more and more resistant to antibacterial agents designed to eliminate it. This makes fighting infection especially difficult. Secondly, staphylococcus can cause serious harm to the human body, so it is easier to prevent the development of inflammation than to fight it later. And thirdly, treatment with antibacterial agents always involves certain health risks in the form of various side effects.

Therefore, compliance with the following preventive measures will help you stay healthy:

    Timely elimination of possible foci of infection. Dental caries can serve as sources, constantly sore tonsils, overgrown adenoids, conjunctivitis, unremoved tooth roots, boils, barley, inflammatory diseases of the genital area and urinary tract. Any source is a source increased danger which should be eliminated immediately. Moreover, harm can be caused not only to one’s own health, but also to the health of others.

    Prevention of ARVI and seasonal influenza epidemics. Regarding the latter, it is advisable to undergo vaccination.

    Cleanliness of the workplace, home and clothing, ventilation of the room, especially when there are a large number of people. It is no secret that not only clothes, but also dust are often contaminated with staphylococcus. In addition, it is unacceptable to use other people’s items for personal hygiene.

    Playing sports, balanced diet, refusal bad habits, conducting active image life. All this will strengthen the body’s immune forces and help it resist possible infection.

    Compliance with personal hygiene rules. With regard to the prevention of staph infections, it is most advisable to talk about regular hand washing.

    Eating clean, preferably heat-treated foods that have not expired. Often the source of infection is confectionery, canned food, poorly processed fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and milk from cows with mastitis.

    Timely treatment of wounds with antiseptic and, if necessary, antibacterial agents.

    Visit a doctor if you notice the first symptoms of the disease or if you suspect a possible carrier of the infection.

    Careful processing of instruments by medical personnel. Avoidance of negligence regarding sanitary standards.

    Refusal to go to dubious tattoo parlors, manicure salons, solariums and other establishments of this kind.

In approximately 80% of the population, staphylococcus lives on the mucous membranes. For some time, opportunistic microbes do not cause any harm to the body. However, any decrease in immunity can give rise to intensive proliferation of bacteria, and then staphylococci become the cause of many dangerous diseases. Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous of the entire group of these pathogens. It provokes most ENT diseases, intestinal infections, skin ailments. Getting rid of a disease caused by it can be very difficult.

Staphylococcus aureus is a very tenacious bacterium. It is resistant to freezing and drying, and is difficult to be affected by ultraviolet rays and chemicals. The microorganism can live in dust for about 100 days, and in dried form - more than six months.

And most often, the signs of infection are similar to the symptoms of purulent bacterial tonsillitis:

  • enlarged tonsils
  • loss of appetite
  • sharp increase in body weight to 39-40
  • swelling of the lymph nodes
  • severe pain when swallowing saliva
  • drowsiness, general muscle weakness
  • redness and swelling of the throat
  • formation of pustules and plaque on the mucous membrane
  • unbearable

People suffering from frequent sore throats, exacerbations chronic tonsillitis, must be tested for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat.

The infection can penetrate deep into the body and can cause complications in the heart, kidneys, and skeletal system.

Without microbiological research determine the causative agent of infection judging only by external symptoms impossible.

Symptoms of staphylococcus in the nose

The nasal cavity is one of the favorite habitats of Staphylococcus aureus. Its appearance is promoted not only by a decrease in general immunity, but also local immunity.

As a result of hypothermia, excessive use of antibacterial, vasoconstrictors or in the presence of an accompanying virus, staphylococcus begins to actively multiply.

The general symptoms of infection are the same as for diseases of the nasopharynx: general weakness, signs of intoxication, redness of the skin of the nose and the appearance of purulent formations.

A pathogenic bacterium can cause, as the infection spreads, the patient's eyelids swell, nasal congestion, facial pain radiating to the upper jaw or forehead.

Often, due to a rapid increase in the number of staphylococci, frontal sinusitis develops. It is characterized by pain in the forehead, especially above the eyebrows. Nasal discharge may increase in the morning.

Self-medication in this situation is prohibited. The gynecologist must prescribe medications to the woman, taking into account the characteristics of her pregnancy and the presence of concomitant diseases. The acute course of the disease is treated with gentle antibiotics, bacteriophages, and immunostimulating agents.

From local funds use an oil-based solution of Chlorophyllipt for at least two weeks. During treatment, you should not take a bath or warm the infected areas of the body. When exposed to heat, bacteria multiply even faster and spread further throughout the body.

For the safety of the child, it is better to find out about the existence of Staphylococcus aureus in the body at the stage of pregnancy planning, having previously taken a test.

People with strong immunity live with Staphylococcus aureus for years without even knowing about its existence. That's why it's so important to take care of your well-being. In addition to the standard rules of a healthy lifestyle, it is important to monitor hand hygiene, choose products more carefully, and check their expiration dates. It is necessary to wash your hands after visiting a hospital, public transport, or a supermarket. We bring most of the bacteria, germs and viruses home on our hands, on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. All these simple rules will help you get sick from dangerous diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus as little as possible.

Staphylococcus is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease. It can be detected by donating blood for the presence of coagulase. If an infection is detected, treatment should be prompt.

A sedentary microorganism with a regular round shape, widespread everywhere, is called staphylococcus. More often it does not pose a danger; a person tolerates the presence of bacteria asymptomatically, so they are considered opportunistic. This is how most strains of staphylococcus normally appear. However, if the body is weakened, staphylococcal bacteria enter the active pathogenic phase and cause an inflammatory process. The toxins they produce (waste products) have a destructive effect and can affect any organ. Staphylococcus in the blood is especially dangerous.

Due to their high resistance and adaptation to the action of antibiotics, diseases caused by such microbes are difficult to treat. The most effective antibacterial drug today is Alpha Normix.

Once in the nutrient medium, pathogenic staphylococci multiply, releasing large amounts of endotoxins, exotoxins and enzymes, which, in turn, disrupt the normal course of cell activity. For example, one of the pathogenicity factors (coagulase) causes pathogenic clotting of blood plasma and the formation of blood clots.

Of all the pathogens of the genus Staphylococcus, 4 types are most dangerous for humans:

  • golden;
  • epidermal;
  • saprophytic;
  • hemolytic.

Staphylococcus aureus is named so by analogy with the shade of the pigment it synthesizes. Causes purulent-inflammatory processes in the patient and increased blood clotting. It is this microorganism that is highly resistant to antibiotics and is less treatable than others.

The epidermal type of staphylococcus is most often located on the mucous membranes, but with a strong immune system, the body easily copes with the infection and does not allow the bacteria to develop. It becomes dangerous when weakened due to treatment with antibiotics, as well as when the immune system is depleted after surgery or chemotherapy.

Saprophytic staphylococcus causes diseases of the genitourinary system. Hemolytic is completely safe as long as the immune system functions at the required level. In the opposite situation, purulent plaques form on the skin (pustular formations, boils) and inside. In the lungs, heart, genitourinary system provokes inflammatory reactions with heavy discharge. In the gastrointestinal tract, it causes increased flatulence and dilutes stool.

Since the disease is transmitted through the bloodstream, if it is advanced, the spinal cord and brain may be damaged.

Paths of microorganisms reaching humans and symptoms of diseases

The staphylococcal nature of blood poisoning is characterized by the following characteristics:

The methods of penetration of staphylococci into the human body can be either contact or non-contact. Airborne droplets are the most common route of infection. It is enough to walk next to a sick individual who is coughing, sneezing or simply talking for the pathogen to be transmitted from him.

Contact – poses a danger to people who have wounds or microcracks. This method typically involves the contamination of damaged areas of the skin or mucous membranes with pathogens (through shaking hands, kissing).

Food – first of all. They can become infected by receiving food that contains the bacteria. Both people and animals are carriers of the infection.

Testing for bacterial culture

If there is a suspicion that staphylococcus is developing in the body, first of all, there is no need to panic.

Detection of microorganisms in clinical culture at a concentration of 10 to 3 degrees in asymptomatic carriage does not threaten humans. You just need to take care of strengthening your immune system.

There are many modern drugs, such as Alpha Normix, which freely cope with the infection. You just need to see a doctor so that he can examine you and, if necessary, prescribe tests.

For precise definition Whether staphylococcus is the causative agent of the disease, biomaterials are taken from the patient for examination. This may be blood, the contents of pustules, sputum, and in some situations, cerebrospinal fluid.

Significant indicators of the analysis are the detection of antibodies to staphylococcal antigens in the blood serum. To do this, use the hemolysis inhibition reaction, the reaction passive hemagglutination. At the same time, the sensitivity of the bacterium to various antimicrobials to do later right choice medications to combat it.

If a person belongs to a group of patients with an increased risk of staphylococcal infection (due to past diseases, other reasons that have caused a weakening of the immune system), the doctor may recommend undergoing quick test for coagulase. Such testing is reliable way determination of cocci in the blood. If it shows a positive result, then the causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, if negative, it means epidermal or saprophytic.

Number of bacteria in the blood

Unfortunately, very often a person infected with Staphylococcus aureus finds out about it only when, due to a malfunction immune defense The bacterium begins to multiply rapidly in the blood. Although timely detection of the disease and treatment with Alpha Normix could radically change the picture.

To avoid such problems, it is worth having more information about the behavior of the pathogen and tests for the presence of staphylococcus in the blood.

The number of bacteria below 10,000 indicates that staphylococcus is present in the body, the norm of which is not exceeded, so treatment is not required.

If the bacteria count ranges from 10,000 to 100,000, it indicates an infection in the body that can be treated with short-term medication. If the value is above 100,000, it is necessary to urgently contact specialists, as this means that Staphylococcus aureus in the blood is dangerous.

If 10,000 bacteria are found in infant, it is necessary to urgently treat the baby. But for children older than one year, this concentration no longer poses a danger. Staphylococcus aureus present in the blood, the norm of which does not exceed acceptable values, harmless to the child. The question of the need to take medications and which medications should be used is decided by an infectious disease doctor.

Consequences of an advanced infection

All kinds of enzymes produced pathogenic bacteria, once in the blood, can lead to serious violations at work of cardio-vascular system. In addition, once the bacteria enters the bloodstream, it spreads to all corners. As a result, the formation of purulent inflammatory foci in the internal organs may occur.

If the process involves the heart or brain, lung tissue or kidneys, stomach and intestines, or long bones, it becomes extremely difficult to save a person’s life. Basically, these are advanced forms of the disease and the likelihood of death is quite high.

With a significant expansion of the area of ​​the affected areas, the following characteristic symptoms occur:

  • daily temperature fluctuation ranges from 2 to 3°C;
  • severe weakness with increased sweating;
  • sharp decline blood pressure, fraught with coma;
  • shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, spontaneous loss of consciousness.

If the analysis reveals a dangerous concentration of staphylococcus, the doctor immediately prescribes a course of treatment to the patient. These can be antibiotics, bacteriophages, antiseptics, immunostimulants, vitamins.

In an advanced stage of the disease, the patient will be placed in a hospital under medical supervision.

Treatment of the disease

It is impossible to independently get rid of a microorganism that has begun to develop in the blood. The decision on what and how to treat more effectively is made only by the attending physician.

If the disease is diagnosed on time, at the beginning of its development, then it is possible to carry out outpatient treatment using new generation antibacterial drugs such as Alpha Normix. Achieve positive result not difficult. But in order to accurately determine which of the remedies is most effective for such an infection, an antibiogram is performed, based on the results of which further therapy will be prescribed. The most effective and frequently prescribed drugs are semisynthetic antibacterial agents, protected penicillins and aminoglycosides:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Vanmiksan;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Neomycin;
  • Amoxiclav and others.

You should strictly follow your doctor's instructions regarding taking antibiotics. Any deviations from the course of treatment can make the infection resistant to the type of drugs used.

Effective in the fight against microorganisms staphylococcal bacteriophage, which can be prescribed for both monotherapy and complex treatment with an antibiotic. Before use, the patient must be tested for the sensitivity of the infection to this drug.

Immunoglobulins, the action of which is aimed at combating staphylococcus, as well as plasma from donor blood are considered an equally effective method of treatment. They act as natural sources antibodies, which help strengthen the body's resistance to infection. Also, to support the immune system, multivitamins, frequent and abundant drinking are prescribed, and the body is cleansed of toxic substances produced by the infection.

You need to understand that treatment of staphylococcus should not be superficial. An incomplete set of medical prescriptions may not produce a positive effect. Arises high degree the likelihood that bacteria will remain in the blood and continue to multiply. It is also necessary to remember that microorganisms easily adapt to medicines and it is possible that you will have to change medications several times throughout the course.

Because of this, during complex treatment it will be necessary to do additional blood tests in order to monitor the dynamics of the patient’s condition and achieve consolidation of success.

Staphylococci, having mutated, become even more dangerous for the human body. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health. It is quite possible that a mild cold will later develop into a serious blood disease due to bacteria that have entered the body.

To prevent the disease, it is not superfluous to remember: if a person is about to change his place of residence, travel to countries with a different climate, or is scheduled for surgery, he needs to take care of helping his body. Be sure to get tested and, if bacteria are detected, undergo a course of treatment with Alpha Normix or other drugs that actively fight microorganisms.

In the human body, along with beneficial bacteria microorganisms that are opportunistic in nature are also constantly present. One of these types of bacteria is.

The number of these microorganisms increases significantly when the body is exposed to unfavorable factors. Their quantitative increase provokes the development of various kinds of diseases in humans.

To prevent possible complications, every person should know how staphylococcus manifests itself in adults and what measures should be taken if it becomes more active.

Staphylococcus is a spherical microorganism that belongs to the nonmotile type. Scientists distinguish two types of staphylococcus - an opportunistic subspecies and a pathogenic one. the first subspecies may not cause harm, but pathogenic in the body will definitely provoke the development of diseases.

Under the influence of special negative factors, these microorganisms are activated and cause inflammation in the various organs. There are currently twenty-seven different stamps of the staphylococcus bacterium known.

Once activated in the body, these bacteria produce toxins and enzymes during their life activities. These substances are very harmful to human cells; they disrupt the process of their vital activity.

Often it is staphylococcal infection that provokes the development of complications after various .

Bacteria of this type have increased resistance to exposure external environment and to the action of antibacterial medications.

There are several types of staphylococcus that can cause significant harm to humans.

Saprophytic staphylococcus– this bacteria stamp often attacks the female half. Microorganisms provoke the development of inflammatory processes in bladder or kidneys.

The localization of bacteria is the skin of the genitals and the mucous surface of the epithelium in urethra. This subspecies provokes the smallest tissue lesions.

Staphylococcus epidermidis– settles in one or another area of ​​the dermis and on the mucous epithelium. This is an opportunistic type of microorganisms and with good immune protection they do not harm humans.

But when this type of staphylococcus penetrates the blood of a person whose immunity is weakened, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process in the endocardium. The inner lining of the heart muscle is affected.

Staphylococcus aureus– this is the most common and insidious stamp of a microbe.

Microorganisms can infect any organ and provoke more than a hundred different inflammatory diseases.

This is a common cause of the occurrence of purulent foci of the dermis and a number of serious illnesses such as staphylococcal sepsis or toxic shock.

Staphylococcus aureus is firmly resistant to adverse external influence and the action of antibiotics.

Clinical picture of the disease

The clinical manifestation of the disease depends on:

  • places of localization of bacteria;
  • the degree of aggressiveness of a particular type of bacteria;
  • level of the body's immune defense.

When diagnosing staphylococcus in an adult, the symptoms of the photo depend on the specific disease. Staphylococcus bacteria provoke the development of the following diseases.

Name of the disease Location of bacteria Clinical manifestations
PyodermaWith this disease, the skin around the hairline is affected. With superficial damage, folliculitis develops - small size an abscess, the center of which is penetrated by a hair.

When the deeper layer of the dermis is damaged, a boil is formed - a purulent-necrotic inflammation that affects the hair follicle and the surrounding tissues.

With particularly deep penetration, bacteria provoke the formation of a carbuncle - the process of inflammation affects the skin, subcutaneous tissue and a group of neighboring hair follicles.

Ritter's diseaseThe skin is affected. Otherwise, the disease is called “scalded skin syndrome.” The symptoms of this disease are to some extent similar to scarlet fever or erysipelas. The rash appears the same as with scarlet fever.
Epidemic pemphigus The damage occurs due to a special toxin produced by bacteria - exfoliatin. The surface layers of the epidermis peel off in large layers. Large bubbles appear at the sites of this peeling.
Cellulitis, abscess The deep layers of epidermal tissue are affected. In an abscess, the focus of inflammation is limited to a specific capsule. It prevents the infection from spreading further.

Phlegmon is characterized by the spread of inflammation along the tissues.

Staphylococcal pneumonia The pleura and lung tissue are affected The patient has pronounced poisoning of the body, severe sensations of chest pain and shortness of breath. A large number of foci of infection form in the lungs, which can develop into abscesses. When they break into the pleural area, empyema is formed.
Brain abscess and purulent meningitis Brain tissue is affected. Bacteria penetrate through existing lesions in the nasal cavity or on the face. The patient suffers from headaches, neurological disorders, impaired consciousness and the occurrence of epileptic seizures.
Thrombophlebitis in the area of ​​superficial cerebral veins The infection can affect the brain and joints. Osteomyelitis, an inflammation of the bone marrow, may develop. Pathologies of a neurological nature arise. With inflammation of the bone marrow, all layers of bone tissue are gradually destroyed. When joints are damaged, purulent arthritis develops.
EndocarditisThe inner lining of the heart muscle and its valves are affected. Bacteria destroy the heart valve, causing blockage of arteries in the periphery, the development of myocardial abscess and heart failure.
Toxic shock and food toxicosis. Intoxication of the blood and gastrointestinal tract occurs. In the case of toxic shock, the patient experiences a sharp decline blood pressure, fever, painful sensations in the abdominal area, diarrhea, nausea and headaches.

At food poisoning Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain develop.

SepsisInternal organs are affected. IN different organs person, a large number of foci with secondary infection are formed.

Signs of staphylococcus in the body in adults

Staphylococcus bacteria are diagnosed by laboratory tests.

Material for examination can be taken from the throat, nose, ear, eye or wound.

Important! may be ambiguous - positive or negative, but it is also possible to detect the presence of a certain number of bacteria in the body within normal limits. This condition does not require treatment.

Signs of staphylococcus in adults can be very different. Let's look at them in the table.

Location of infection Emerging pathologies Characteristic signs
Throattonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitisa sharp increase in body temperature;

dizziness occurs;

the tonsils become red and swollen;

a purulent plaque appears;

swallowing is accompanied by unpleasant sensations;

loss of appetite;

lymph nodes enlarge.

Nosesinusitis, sinusitis, chronic phase of rhinitis body temperature rises;

intoxication of the body occurs;

the nose area turns red;

small ulcers appear;

nose is stuffy and sore;

chills and weakness occur;

breathing becomes difficult;

Specific purulent-type nasal discharge appears.

Skin coveringdermatitis, boils, folliculitis, eczema, abscess, pyoderma, pemphigus foci of purulent inflammation are formed.
Gastrointestinal tract food poisoning frequent bouts of vomiting occur;

diarrhea develops;

nausea occurs;

pain appears in the abdomen;

specific rashes on the skin.

Important! Sore throat caused by staphylococcus cannot be treated with penicillin-based antibiotics. To eliminate it, stronger drugs are needed.

Bacteria can cause quite serious complications. Staphylococcus can cause a variety of symptoms in adults. Everything will be determined by the habitat of the bacteria.

The skin may be affected, gastrointestinal tract, mucous epithelium of the nasal cavity, throat.

It is important to diagnose the presence of these microorganisms in the body in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of the disease developing into sepsis, which can lead to the death of the patient.

In contact with

There are more than 27 species of staphylococci in nature. Most of them are absolutely harmless to humans. A separate “sad” niche in this diversity of staphylococcal bacteria is occupied by Staphylococcus aureus as one of common reasons purulent-septic lesions of the human body at any age.

Facts about Staphylococcus aureus:


The source of staphylococcal infection can be a sick person or a bacteria carrier.

Risk factors for staphylococcal infection:

  • Any damage to the skin and mucous membranes - cracks, abrasions, punctures, etc.
  • Failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene.
  • Primary or secondary immunodeficiency, such as AIDS.
  • Prematurity.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial, hormonal or immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Adverse environmental factors.
  • Chronic somatic pathology, for example, diabetes mellitus, diseases thyroid gland etc.
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases any localization, as well as others pathological conditions.


Manifestations of infection with Staphylococcus aureus depend on the location of introduction and aggressiveness of the pathogen, as well as the state of the patient’s immune system.

Staphylococcus aureus is capable of infecting almost all tissues of the body - from the skin to the peritoneum and internal organs. It can also cause general blood poisoning.

The most common diseases caused by S. aureus are:

  • Various pustular skin lesions - pyoderma. Based on the depth of the inflammatory lesion, folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, abscesses and phlegmon are distinguished.
  • Purulent mastitis in nursing women.
  • Lesions of the upper respiratory tract - rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. The main sign of Staphylococcus aureus in these cases is the presence of purulent discharge from the nasopharynx.
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy. Staphylococcal pneumonia is particularly severe. Intoxication symptoms, pain in chest, since often in pathological process The pleura is also involved. Characteristic is the formation of purulent foci (abscesses) in the lung tissue, which can break into the pleural cavity - empyema.
  • This pathogen is the leading cause of purulent lesions of the musculoskeletal system (osteomyelitis and arthritis). Such pathological conditions develop more often in adolescents. In adults, staphylococcal arthritis often develops against the background of existing rheumatism or after joint replacement.
  • Damage to the inner lining of the heart - endocarditis. Occurs in approximately every tenth patient with bacteremia. At the same time, in short time destruction of the heart valves occurs with the occurrence of severe complications and high frequency fatalities.
  • The toxins that Staphylococcus aureus produces sometimes cause severe intoxication in the human body - food poisoning, TSS and some others.
  • The first symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus infection in food poisoning usually appear several hours after eating contaminated food. Nausea, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, and watery stools appear. Usually these symptoms disappear on their own within 24 hours.


It is reliable to say that this is Staphylococcus aureus only on the basis clinical manifestations in most cases it is impossible, since the symptoms of such an infection are nonspecific.

An accurate diagnosis can be established by bacteriological culture of discharge from pathological foci followed by microscopic examination. At the same time, the sensitivity of the microbe to the effects of antibacterial agents is determined.

On nutrient media Staphylococcus aureus forms smooth, convex, cloudy colonies with a diameter of about 4-5 mm. Such colonies are painted in various shades yellow color, which determines the name of the pathogen.


Staphylococcus aureus is treated comprehensively.

Principles of treatment of Staphylococcus aureus:

  • Suppression of microbial growth. Various antibacterial drugs and staphylococcal bacteriophages are used.
  • Antibacterial agents form the basis of treatment. It is highly advisable, if possible, to use those antibiotics to which the identified type of Staphylococcus aureus is sensitive.
  • The most commonly used drugs are the penicillin group (semi-synthetic, combined with clavulanic acid, etc.). Aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, tetracyclines, etc. are also widely used.
  • Be sure to carry out local treatment antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments, creams, lotions, etc. Typically, such procedures are prescribed after surgical sanitation of foci of infection and evacuation of purulent contents.
  • Correction of violations immune status is carried out by prescribing immunomodulators, antioxidants, vitamin complexes etc.
  • For specific immunotherapy use antistaphylococcal immunoglobulins and plasma.
  • It is imperative to carry out full treatment of concomitant pathology, which reduces the body’s reactivity.

Curing Staphylococcus aureus is a very difficult task. This microbe very quickly develops resistance (resistance) to many antibacterial agents. This is also due to the uncontrolled use of antibiotics in cases where they are not necessary.

It is important to remember that antibacterial treatment of staphylococcal infection should be carried out only in the presence of its manifestations. A “positive” test for Staphylococcus aureus in an apparently healthy person is not a reason to prescribe antibiotics.


The main complication of Staphylococcus aureus is the formation of purulent foci various localizations. The entry of the pathogen into the systemic bloodstream is fraught with the development of severe conditions that seriously threaten health and even life (sepsis, endocarditis, meningitis, etc.).

For example, when pustular formations are localized on the skin of the face, Staphylococcus aureus can be introduced into the bloodstream meninges and brain with the formation of meningitis or brain abscess.


The basis for preventing the occurrence of staphylococcal infection is to increase nonspecific immunity. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe personal hygiene rules, eat right and give up bad habits.

It is important to diagnose and treat all somatic and infectious pathologies in a timely manner.


The prognosis depends on the localization of the pathological focus of staphylococcal infection, the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment.

With mild lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the prognosis is almost always favorable. With the development of bacteremia with damage to internal organs, the prognosis sharply worsens, since in more than half of the cases such conditions result in death.

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