Cystitis in a male dog treatment. Symptoms of cystitis in dogs and methods of its treatment. What to do if cystitis becomes chronic

Inflammation of the bladder lining is a common problem in dogs with compromised immunity. Symptoms of cystitis are easy to notice: if your pet begins to urinate frequently, does it in an unusual position, or is nervous during urination, most likely he has cystitis. How to treat a dog in this case?

Cystitis in dogs occurs due to hypothermia and infectious diseases.

Cystitis occurs due to bacteria that live in the dog’s body and do not cause trouble when the animal is healthy. Usually these are staphylococci, streptococci, coli and other opportunistic microorganisms.

As long as everything is fine with the dog, the body’s defenses can easily cope with bacteria that enter the urethral mucosa. But at a time when the pet’s immunity is weakened, a malfunction may occur and the bladder will become infected.

Predisposition to this disease may arise from various reasons. When the animal’s body is weakened by poor care, stress and concomitant diseases, cystitis appears after the slightest hypothermia.

Cystitis can occur against the background of an infectious disease. Fungi, bacteria and viruses are able to “descend” into the bladder. Most often, cystitis is adjacent to genitourinary diseases:

  • nephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • illnesses prostate gland in males;
  • diseases of the vagina and uterus in bitches.

Attention! Problems with urination can arise due to low-quality industrially produced feed. Such foods can change the composition of urine, as a result of which the bladder becomes less resistant to pathogenic factors. Such feeds include, and.

If the infection affects not only the bladder, but also the urethra, this disease is called urocystitis. The following types of urocystitis are distinguished:

  • catarrhal (accompanied by increased content protein in urine);
  • hemorrhagic (hemoglobin levels in the urine are increased);
  • dystrophic (particles of exfoliated epithelium enter the urine);
  • purulent.

Spaniels, dachshunds and dogs with short legs are predisposed to cystitis.

Dogs with short legs (dachshunds, spaniels) are predisposed to cystitis. Cystitis occurs more often in females than in males. It often occurs in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

Mating can aggravate a chronic inflammatory process or cause it if an infection has been introduced into the dog’s body. It is more difficult to treat a pregnant dog, since many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. IN in some cases for chronic cystitis.

During cystitis, the dog’s behavior and well-being changes dramatically. Pain syndrome can make a calm pet anxious, and an active one indifferent to any irritants.

What signs should alert the owner:

  • the dog urinates frequently;
  • urine is excreted in small volumes;
  • the dog urinates on the floor;
  • The dog's posture when urinating has changed;
  • urine is released in drops or not at all.

When a dog gets sick, its behavior changes dramatically.

In addition to specific symptoms, there may also be general ones associated with inflammation and pain in the bladder area. The dog may have a slightly elevated body temperature (by 0.5-1 °C). Appetite disappears in this state. If you try to feel your pet's belly, the dog will become nervous.

Acute and chronic form of the disease

Acute cystitis begins immediately after hypothermia or exposure to another provoking factor. If treated with antibiotics, recovery occurs within a week.

With chronic cystitis, problems with urination recur again and again. In this case, we can assume that the pet does not have primary cystitis, but a complicated disease. It is necessary to look for factors that provoke relapses of inflammation.

The chronic form of cystitis is extremely rarely primary. Behind it, as a rule, lies another pathology:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • malignant tumor;
  • bladder tuberculosis;
  • congenital anomalies of the urethra.


During the examination, the veterinarian feels the animal's bladder. Most likely, artificial emptying of the bladder through a catheter will be required.

During the examination, the veterinarian feels the bladder.

If cystitis is suspected, a urine test will need to be performed. At acute form diseases, an increased content of leukocytes and erythrocytes will be found in the urine. This analysis also makes it possible to detect the infection that triggered the inflammation.

To select the right medications, it is necessary to determine the pH of the urine. Another important point– urine test for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

At chronic form diseases are looking for its cause. An ultrasound, examination of the prostate gland in males and the uterus in females, and x-ray examination are performed.

Why is cystitis dangerous?

Advanced cystitis contributes to the development of urolithiasis, which provokes new exacerbations of cystitis. It turns out vicious circle, and even antibiotics do not always help get out of it.

Therefore, at the first signs of inflammation, a trial treatment with an antibiotic should be carried out. wide range actions. In dogs, treatment of cystitis with antibiotics begins before the cause of the disease is identified, since delay can significantly worsen the pet’s condition. After all the examinations, the veterinarian will replace the drug with a more suitable one.

Untreated or advanced cystitis in dogs is dangerous with pyelonephritis; this disease is life-threatening for the pet.

The inflammatory focus of cystitis quickly expands, disrupting the functioning of not only the bladder, but also neighboring organs. The infection can move upward - towards the kidneys, and also downwards - towards the genitals.

Important! One of the most undesirable complications of cystitis. It occurs when an infection enters the kidneys. This condition is life-threatening for the pet.


Cystitis in animals is curable, even if it becomes chronic. This disease returns when the dog has a predisposition to it, so after recovery you will have to pay attention to prevention. Treatment of cystitis in dogs is carried out at home.

The first thing that needs to be provided to the dog is warmth and peace.

A sick dog needs to be provided with peace and warmth. You can warm the bladder area using a heating pad or a bottle of warm water. It is enough to apply heat for 15 minutes two to three times a day. After the procedure, it will not be superfluous to put warming pants on your dog.

Attention! During the period of treatment, you need to exclude cereal foods from your pet’s diet, and in the first two to three days of illness you can limit yourself to drinking meat broths. If your pet is accustomed to dry food, it is better to purchase medicinal food for dogs with urolithiasis and cystitis.


You should not choose on your own what to give your dog for cystitis. Drug treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after a urine test. If the urine is acidic, hexymethylenetetramine (urotropine) in a dosage of 10-15 g will be effective, if alkaline - salol, also 10-15 g. antiseptics, used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. Salol should be used with caution if the dog has a tendency to allergies.

It is necessary to speed up the process of releasing inflammatory products. To do this, the dog must drink a lot. Drugs such as ammonium chloride and potassium acetate will be effective.

To treat cystitis in dogs, the antibiotics amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, baytril and others are used.

If your dog has chronic or purulent cystitis, it may be necessary to flush the bladder with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions. For this purpose, solutions of furatsilin, potassium permanganate, and boric acid can be used. Washing should be prescribed and carried out by a veterinarian.

For cystitis in dogs, the following antibiotics are used:

  • amoxicillin;
  • monural;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • cefadroxil;
  • baytril.

From homeopathic remedies they use drugs such as nux vomica-gommacord, mucosa compositum, atropinum compositum. These drugs can be used as injections or drops. They relieve painful and frequent urge to urinate.

The most common medications for cystitis in dogs are stop cystitis and furadonin.

One of the popular and effective means for the treatment of cystitis in dogs - stop cystitis. It is available in the form of a suspension and is used for the prevention and treatment of urological diseases. The drug eliminates inflammation, relieves spasms, removes toxic products and urinary stones, and has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect.

Another cure for cystitis is furadonin.. The drug has a bactericidal effect and is effective against many strains of bacteria. It is given to dogs 50-100 mg three times a day. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor; it should not exceed 5-10 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. During pregnancy, these tablets are used with caution. If furadonin causes vomiting, it must be replaced with another medicine.

Folk remedies

The most popular folk remedy for urological diseases in animals is cranberry juice. It reduces the pH of urine, has antibacterial activity, and is effective for the prevention of urolithiasis. If your pet refuses juice, you can give him cranberries. In large quantities, cranberries can be harmful: they greatly reduce the pH of urine and promote the precipitation of oxalates.

For cystitis in dogs, you can use decoctions of nettle and lingonberry leaves.

Another folk medicine is decoctions. medicinal herbs. If you have problems with urination, it is recommended to prepare decoctions of nettle and lingonberry leaves for your pet. These drugs have a diuretic and antiseptic effect. Decoctions can be given to the dog 20 mg three times a day for ten days. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made diuretic mixture at the pharmacy.

Prevention of cystitis

To prevent your dog from suffering from bladder inflammation, it should be treated promptly. infectious diseases, strengthen the animal’s immunity and prevent hypothermia. In cold weather, it is worth putting your dog in overalls that do not freeze the abdominal area. Avoid long breaks in walking.

In the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude all possible sources of infection.. Sometimes they are not obvious: a dog can suffer from cystitis due to periodontitis (bacteria enter the urethra when licking). There are also “seasonal” exacerbations of the disease in furry dogs, who like to lie down in cold weather in hot weather.

The main thing in preventing cystitis is to prevent your pet from getting hypothermic.

Problems with urination in a pet are a reason to immediately contact veterinarian. Methods traditional medicine may only be used in complex therapy, since they are not able to stop the infection process genitourinary system. Cystitis - very painful condition, and treatment should be started as quickly as possible.

Finally, watch the video from the veterinarian.

Cystitis is a severe inflammatory disease affecting the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra. Any dog ​​can get it, regardless of breed, gender and age. Cystitis in dogs can be acute and chronic, and the nature of the inflammation can be catarrhal, purulent, diphtheric and phlegmonous. But anyway, this serious illness, which cannot be left without treatment. Dog owners will be interested to know why cystitis develops, how it manifests itself, how to treat it, and what can be done to prevent the development of this disease.

According to veterinary practice, the culprits in 70% of cases of cystitis are bacteria, viruses and fungi: streptococci, staphylococci, trichomonas, E. coli, mycoplasma, chlamydia and others. They enter the dog's bladder lining in four different ways:

  1. By the ascending route (main), when pathogens enter the canine bladder from the outside, through the urethra. Normally, there are always microorganisms in its distal section, but they are constantly washed out along with the next portion of urine. If the dog is rarely walked and it endures for a long time, the bacteria begin to actively multiply and rise higher along the urethra to the bladder. The same effect is caused by severe hypothermia during long walks in cold and damp weather, after lying in a draft or swimming in cold water or nervous shock. They weaken the body's defenses and give rise to the inflammatory process. Those animals that move little and eat unbalanced and non-nutritious food are also at risk.
  2. Descending route, when pathogens enter the bladder from diseased kidneys along with urine.
  3. Lymphogenous route - through it microorganisms migrate to the bladder from the pelvic organs through the lymph vessels.
  4. Through the hematogenous route, pathogenic bacteria and viruses enter the bladder with blood from any source of infection located in the dog’s body.

In addition, it has been noted that it develops more often in females than in males, since their urethra is shorter, wider and located next to the anus.

It is much easier for bacteria to penetrate into it. At the same time, bitches can still suffer from various “female” diseases, in which the normal flora of the vagina and urethra is disrupted, and can also become ill after mating or childbirth.

Symptoms of cystitis in dogs

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder can be determined by characteristic features. In its acute form, the dog, previously clean and always going to the toilet only outside, begins to leave puddles in in the wrong places and may whine at the same time. And after he has done his business, he may limp a little. hind legs. The dog reacts aggressively to an attempt to feel the stomach - it growls and runs away.

Urine in acute cystitis also changes. It becomes cloudy, the smell becomes unpleasant, it may contain mucus, pus, protein clots or blood. The dog has a fever; she becomes lethargic and depressed, eats less, but drinks more water.

If a pet has chronic cystitis, it may seem outwardly healthy - regularly go to the toilet only outside, eat with an appetite and be cheerful. But from time to time he may write indoors. At such moments, the owners of a sick dog usually mistakenly think that the dog is being hooligan, taking revenge, or trying to prove its superiority.

The behavior of a sick animal also changes on the street. It pees more often than usual, and the male stops raising his paw and begins to sit down like a bitch. Sometimes after urinating, you may see a little pus or bloody discharge on your dog's genitals. With exacerbation of chronic cystitis, its symptoms become more pronounced and resemble manifestations of the acute form of this disease.

Owners who notice such signs in their pet should immediately take them to the veterinarian.

If, after taking a urine test from an animal, an increased amount of:

  • leukocytes;
  • red blood cells;
  • pathogenic flora;
  • salt crystals;
  • desquamated mucosal epithelium,

then this means that genitourinary organs not in better condition and in some of them there is an inflammatory process. This will give the doctor a reason to prescribe additional diagnostic procedures to make an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosing cystitis in dogs

The diagnosis of cystitis in veterinary clinics is made based primarily on the clinical signs of this disease and the results of a urine test. It is confirmed by the following data:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • culture of urine and smears for genital infections, which determine the type of pathogen that caused the disease.

An ultrasound is also prescribed, which determines the condition of the kidneys, bladder and urethra, and identifies sand and stones in the organs, if any, in order to differentiate cystitis from urolithiasis. The bladder is also examined using radiography and fluoroscopy if there is a suspicion of the presence of stones or neoplasms in it.

The bladder of dogs is also examined using a cystoscope - a special sterile device that is inserted into it through the urethra.

The bottom of this organ is especially carefully examined, since it is there that the inflammatory process is most often localized.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs

If, during diagnosis, the dog whines and does not allow you to touch its stomach, this means that it is in pain. In such cases, the doctor immediately, without waiting for test results, gives her an analgesic for pain relief and an antispasmodic (usually No-Shpu or Cyston). If there is blood in the urine, then the sick animal is prescribed a hemostatic drug, for example Dicynon or its analogs, as well as Vikasol or its analogs to normalize blood clotting. To alleviate the condition, the doctor can prescribe homeopathic and herbal remedies with a mild effect for the dog, such as Stop-Cystitis, Urolex, Furagin, Cantaren and others. They destroy microbes, relieve inflammation, increase the outflow of urine and remove salts from the bladder, and relieve pain and spasms.

Once the test results are ready, the veterinarian will select treatment in more detail. Depending on what caused the cystitis, the four-legged patient is prescribed:

  1. Antibiotic (Ciftriaxone, Baytril, Cephalotoxime and others). It is chosen only after a mandatory sensitivity test, since an incorrectly chosen medicine will not only not help, but will also harm the kidneys and liver, as well as delay treatment and provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form, which takes much longer and is more difficult to treat, or cannot be treated at all.
  2. Hepatoprotectors, probiotics and sorbents to reduce the harmful effects of antibiotics on the liver and intestines.
  3. Immunomodulators (Gamavit, Fosprenil, Ribotan, Westin, Immunofan, etc.) to optimize metabolic processes throughout the body, activate macrophages, improve the blood count, stimulate cellular immunity, increase the nonspecific resistance of the canine body to various infections.
  4. Antihistamines if the cause of cystitis is an allergy. At the same time, food and care products are changed in order to find the allergenic factor by elimination.
  5. In case of severe intoxication, the dog is given a drip.

Along with the main one, concomitant diseases are also treated. For example, if there are pockets of persistent infection in the dog’s body or worms are found in the intestines, be sure to treat these diseases as well.

Cystitis in dogs is treated at home. Along with the medications prescribed by the veterinarian, the sick pet is given decoctions of diuretic and anti-inflammatory plants. For this use:

  • lingonberry or bearberry leaf;
  • horsetail grass;
  • corn silk.

After recovery normal outflow urine, the bladder is washed with solutions of antiseptics (boric acid, potassium permanganate, ichthyol, Furacillin) or saline solution in order to free it from mucus, small blood clots, sand and other unnecessary elements.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs will not be effective without proper therapeutic diet. During the course of therapy, the sick pet is given complete rest, given plenty of alkalized water and transferred to a milk-vegetable diet. Millet is cooked for him and oatmeal in milk with the addition of grated fresh vegetables. Dry food, as well as fried, smoked and salted foods are excluded.

A common mistake many dog ​​owners make is that they stop treating their pets as soon as they feel better, thinking that the disease has already subsided. But that's not true. In most cases, improvement in the condition only indicates that the treatment was chosen correctly and it is working. If you stop therapy at this stage, cystitis will return, and this time it will be worse. severe form, therefore, treatment is continued until the veterinarian confirms that the pet is completely healthy.

Disease prevention

In order not to think about how and how to treat a dog for this disease, it is easier to prevent it. There is nothing complicated in preventing cystitis; to prevent it, owners should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Give your dog only clean, filtered water.
  2. Walk her more often so that urine does not accumulate in the bladder and distend it.
  3. Accustom the animal to water procedures, bathe him in warm water.
  4. Make sure that the dog does not lie on a cold floor, and that there are no drafts in the room where he most often visits.
  5. On frosty days, put on dog suits to protect her from hypothermia.
  6. Treat caries teeth in a timely manner and gynecological diseases so that the infection does not spread throughout the pet’s body.
  7. For long-haired dogs, trim the hair around the anus so that after defecation, fecal particles do not accumulate on it and do not get into the mouth when licked.

You also need to bring your dog to the veterinarian for a preventive examination every year to check general state the health of your pet. This makes it much easier to identify any disease even earlier. initial stage and treat it in time, without waiting for the situation to worsen. And the costs of material resources and mental strength in this case will be much less than in the treatment of an already advanced disease.

If your beloved pet has become lethargic, drinks a lot, has started going to the toilet, whining, or, worse, anywhere, you should not punish him right away. It is quite possible that the dog is sick and needs to be shown to a veterinarian - such behavior may be a signal of the onset of cystitis (inflammation in the bladder).

Features of the disease

The disease does not have age characteristics– both old and young animals, including puppies, get sick. A separate risk group is formed by small breeds and short individuals (dachshunds, for example). Bitches get sick somewhat more often than males due to anatomical features structure of the genitourinary system.

In general, dogs get sick less often than cats, but have a more pronounced clinical picture.

It is very important to determine the exact cause of the disease, because only symptomatic therapy is a guarantee that pathological condition will return, and next time it will manifest itself many times more strongly.

Symptoms of cystitis in dogs are acute and chronic. Chronic cystitis is a condition that develops against the background of some other primary disease. His symptoms are diluted clinical signs another pathology, so it becomes difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. In acute cases, the symptoms are pronounced, difficulties with preliminary diagnosis does not arise.

According to its manifestations, bladder inflammation in dogs is classified into:

  • catarrhal (the urine is cloudy, and protein is detected in the analysis);
  • hemorrhagic (obvious presence of blood);
  • dystrophic (externally the urine is practically unchanged, but tests reveal epithelial cells);
  • purulent (the name speaks for itself - the presence of pus and an unpleasant odor leave no doubt about the form of the disease).

What symptoms to look out for

  1. Increased urination. You can only notice it in pets who live indoors - he will constantly ask to go outside or make small puddles right in the room. The volume of urine produced per day does not increase: the dog goes to the toilet more often, but in small portions.
  2. Impurities appear in the urine: mucus, blood or pus. It becomes cloudy and acquires a sharp and bad smell, not typical for the normal state.
  3. At the time of urination or at the end of the process, the dog may whine in pain. Males stop raising their paws and urinate, crouching on both paws ( a clear sign cystitis). It is clearly evident that the procedure causes pain and discomfort for the pet.
  4. The dog does not allow you to touch the belly in the crotch - it twitches its paws, squats, whines and tries in every possible way to avoid inspection. The abdominal wall is tense, like the membrane of a drum.
  5. With a protracted process, general malaise, lethargy develops, appetite decreases, and body temperature rises. Signs of intoxication may appear during development purulent process, because a sick animal will increasingly try to hold in urine in order not to feel pain.
  6. Cystitis in a dog has symptoms similar to urolithiasis - more serious pathology, which is excluded in the first place.

How to help a pet with inflammation

The diagnosis is made by a veterinarian not only based on the owner’s description of the pet’s condition and clinical examination, but also on the results of ultrasound and blood and urine tests. The rarest form is allergic. Usually placed after all other species have been excluded.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs at home is permissible only after it has been examined by a veterinarian and the correct medication has been prescribed. The cause must be established and eliminated simultaneously with symptomatic therapy.

You cannot feed your dog “herbs” on your own and uncontrollably, because... in case of an allergic manifestation of the disease, you can also apply to the animal more harm. Herbal decoctions are not prohibited, but must be agreed with a specialist!

How to treat cystitis in dogs?

Treatment medications are prescribed, dosed and combined strictly by a veterinarian! The disease is not cured by eliminating symptoms alone.

  • Bacterial infection. Treatment of cystitis in dogs with antibiotics is used only after urine culture and determination of the sensitivity of the microflora to one or another appropriate drug. If there is no time to wait, the veterinarian usually prescribes broad-spectrum drugs or nitrofurans (for example, furadonin for cystitis).
  • Hemorrhagic factor. Dogs are required to use hemostatic agents when blood is detected in the urine.
  • Secondary diseases. If, in addition to cystitis, pathologies suspected of causing it are found in a dog, then the underlying disease is first eliminated, and then the inflammatory process is eliminated. Or treatment is carried out in parallel.
  • Flushing the bladder with a catheter carried out with antiseptic liquids and only by a specialist! A good way to cleanse the bladder of waste products of microorganisms and reduce the risk of intoxication. It must be done after the bladder has been emptied. IN in rare cases antibiotic solutions are used.
  • Allergic cystitis diagnosed very, very rarely. In addition to antihistamine therapy, the diet must be changed, excluding potential allergens.
  • Complied with during treatment special drinking regime– plenty of it and only clean drinking water.
  • Feeding your pet should be carried out either with special feeds intended for diseases of the urinary system, or the diet should be formed independently. The most famous foods for cystitis and diseases of the genitourinary system (including urinary stones):
    • Royal canin urinary s/o and Royal canin urinary;
    • Hills Prescription Diet canine u/d;
    • Farmina Vet Life for dogs;
    • Purina urinary.
  • If your pet doesn’t like ready-made options, then it’s best to give cereals (not grains), weak soups, boiled vegetables and dairy products. It is better to exclude meat in any form for a while until they are removed acute symptoms diseases during the treatment of cystitis in a dog (but meat broths are possible).

Medicines to combat cystitis

Painkillers and antispasmodics
  • analgin: 1 tablet/20-25 kg or 0.1 ml/kg body weight intramuscularly symptomatically, can be repeated only after 10-12 hours; Contraindicated for small dogs, puppies, as well as animals with severe kidney pathology;
  • no-spa (drotaverine): 1 tablet/10 kg or in a solution of 1 ml/10 kg into the muscle. It is better to give it in tablets; they inject it when it is not possible to give a tablet.
  • Baytril 5%: 0.2 ml/kg intramuscularly for 3-10 days. Do not mix with tetracyclines and chloramphenicol;
  • cefotaxime: twice a day after same time 15-20 mg/kg up to 1 week (but not less than 5 days) by intramuscular injection;
  • ceftriaxone: daily dose 20-40 mg/kg, divided into 2-3 doses at equal intervals, course duration 5-10 days;
  • furadonin: dose per day 5-10 mg/kg of dog weight, which should be divided into 2-4 doses per day at regular intervals. Course: up to 10 days (but not less than a week).
Solutions for catheterization
  • furacillin;
  • saline 0.9%;
  • 0.5% protargol or tannin;
  • 3% boron solution.

All liquids should be close to body temperature. It is better to rinse more often and with small portions of liquid (from 5 to 25 ml, depending on the size of the dog) than once with a large volume.

  • suprastin: 1 tablet/medium dog, ½ tablet/small or puppy, 1.5-2 tablets/large individual;
  • allervet 1%: 2-4 rubles/day. 1 ml/5 kg of weight (or 0.2 ml/kg) subcutaneously or intramuscularly until signs of allergic manifestations of the disease disappear.
Hemostatic drugs
  • dicinone: 1 ml/10 kg weight per thigh. It is important not to exceed the dosage;
  • vikasol: 1-2 mg/kg into muscle, maximum 3-5 days;
  • calcium chloride: a maximum of 5-15 ml is administered intravenously (slowly), depending on the size of the animal. If it gets under the skin, the area should be injected with sodium chloride to avoid necrosis.
Homeopathy and herbal preparations

They are used only in combination with the main treatment.

  • Cantarene injection: inject into the thigh muscle or subcutaneously into the withers 1-3 times a day for a week to ten days or until the condition returns to normal; for chronic cystitis - once a day for up to 1 month. Dose: 0.5-4 ml/animal, depending on size;
  • kantaren tablets for cystitis: the duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian, but not longer than 1 month; 2-3 times/day for severe forms, 1-2 times/day for mild forms; single dose 1-3 tablets/animal, based on its size;
  • cantharis compositum: administered by any injection method at a dose of 1-4 ml/dog repeated every 24 hours until the condition normalizes in acute cases and every 4 days in chronic cases;
  • urolex: give orally 1 hour before feeding, 3 drops/kg body weight 3 times/day. Give either immediately undiluted to the root of the tongue, or dilute in a very small amount of water and pour in using a syringe. The duration of treatment should not exceed 30 days;
  • cystone: 1-2 tablets per day, equal to the body weight of the animal. You can take the entire dose at once, or you can divide it into 2 doses. Full course reaches 4-6 months if the cause of cystitis is stones, and up to 2 weeks of symptomatic therapy in other cases. Taking the drug is not advisable without an appropriate diet;
  • stop cystitis for dogs (see instructions below).
Herbal infusions
  • pain-relieving herbs: corn silk (cannot be given for a long time!), peppermint and lemon balm;
  • have a diuretic effect: knotweed, bearberry, oregano, horsetail, St. John's wort;
  • relieve inflammation: licorice, St. John's wort, oak bark, Birch buds, ginger, marshmallow root, parsley.

Different herbs have different properties. Decoctions are prepared from herbs different groups for a comprehensive impact. Take 1 part of any herb from each name, pour in 250 ml of boiling water, infuse in a closed container for 20-30 minutes, strain and top up to 0.5 liters of the total volume. Give up to 50 ml of herbal liquid twice a day, depending on the size of the animal.

Drug Stop-cystitis

This is a whole series of drugs, which is represented by three herbal complex means: Stop-cystitis in tablets and suspensions and Stop-cystitis bio also in suspension (the veterinarian decides what to give the dog for cystitis from the above). The drugs very quickly normalize the animal’s condition, eliminating the symptoms of the disease. The “bio” form allows you to constantly monitor the condition of the urinary system as prophylactic. Stop cystitis, in addition herbal ingredients, has medicinal components in the list of components that explain its action.

Functions of the drug: antimicrobial, antiseptic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, saluretic (removal of sand and stones from the bladder).

Stop-cystitis (in suspension – up to 320 rub./50 ml)

Available in various volumes (maximum 150 ml). For individuals up to 10 kg, the daily dose is 4 ml, divided into 2 doses of 2 ml. If the weight exceeds 10 kg, then the daily dose increases to 6 ml, and the number of doses can be 2 or 3 (3 ml or 2 ml at a time, respectively). The duration of the course is determined by the veterinarian, paying attention to the severity of the pathology, concomitant treatment and the course of the disease. For the purpose of prevention, 1 ml is given once a day for the 1st week.

Stop-cystitis (in tablets – up to 290 rubles/20 tablets)

Give 1 tablet twice a day to dogs weighing up to 10 kg and 1.5 tablets if the weight exceeds 10 kg. For the purpose of prevention - once. Course 5-7 days. The tablet is placed on the base of the tongue or given simultaneously with any food convenient for administering the medicine.

Stop-cystitis bio (up to RUB 350/50 ml)

This is control and improvement of the functioning of the entire urinary system. For periodic course intake. Dosage: unless otherwise indicated by the veterinarian, then give 2 ml of the suspension to dogs weighing up to 10 kg and 3 ml if more than this weight 1-2 times a day. Duration - one week during an exacerbation. And once a day, 1 ml for one month for control normalization of the condition.

Side effects

Not noted. In very rare cases it was recorded allergic manifestations which disappeared after stopping the drug.


There are no special contraindications, except individual reaction to the constituent components.

special instructions

Suspensions must be shaken before use. It is important not to miss doses - both in tablets and in suspensions, because the effectiveness of the action decreases. If a dose is missed, the next one should be taken at its scheduled time without doubling the volume.

Prevention of disease occurrence

Cystitis is easy to prevent. For this it is enough:

  1. Always give your pet clean drinking water.
  2. Be sure to walk 3 times a day - 2 times is not enough. Small dogs can have litter trays in the apartment. It is important that animals do not endure for long!
  3. Do not let your pet lie or sleep on a cold floor (for example, cement or tiles) or a draft during the cold season.
  4. Treat bitches in a timely manner gynecological diseases, preventing purulent inflammation.
  5. It is definitely worth carrying out preventive examinations with a veterinarian once or twice a year.
  6. Do not walk female dogs during heat in places where there are concentrations of stray dogs.
  7. It is important to trim the hair around the anus of long-haired dogs to avoid fecal contamination of the urethra.
  8. If there is a tendency to diseases of the genitourinary system, then it is better to feed it with special food intended specifically for such cases.
  9. Timely vaccination is mandatory.

As a result of hypothermia of the animal, weakened immunity and concomitant diseases The lining of the bladder may become inflamed. As a result, veterinarians diagnose cystitis. In dogs, the pathology manifests itself quite specifically, so it is difficult not to notice the problem. The pet turns from a calm and friendly creature into a nervous and frightened one. At the moment of urination, the dog squats unusually, whines and tries to quickly lick the genitals. This behavior is more likely to indicate inflammation.

Predisposing factors

Any in the intestine healthy dog inhabited by a wide variety of microorganisms. When the pet is healthy, bacteria cannot harm the body. But as soon as the immune system fails, they immediately begin to attack. Cystitis in dogs is caused by E. coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus. It is these microorganisms that are the first to rush into the bladder in case of health problems.

Pets that are constantly in poor conditions, receive poor quality nutrition, or are exposed to constant stress are most susceptible to the disease. Dogs that are frequently ill and regularly suffer from hypothermia are also at risk.

Cystitis in dogs can develop against the background of inflammatory processes. In this case, treatment depends on the pathogenic microorganisms that attacked urinary tract. Animals diagnosed with urolithiasis or nephritis are more likely to develop bladder inflammation.

The problem often affects females who have pathologies of the genital organs. If there are problems with the uterus or ovaries, it is necessary to take preventive measures against cystitis.

Cystitis in dogs can develop due to low-quality food. Cheap brands contain too many flavors and dyes, which cause changes in the composition of urine. Increased acidity irritates the walls of the bladder. The mucous membrane gradually becomes thinner and becomes more vulnerable to the penetration of bacteria.

Types of pathology

Treatment of cystitis in dogs depends on the form of the disease. After all, pathology often affects not only the bladder, but also goes down, causing concomitant diseases. Veterinarians can diagnose the following types of cystitis:

  1. Hemorrhagic. There is an increased level of hemoglobin.
  2. Catarrhal. Characterized by increased protein content in the urine.
  3. Dystrophic. During a urine test, a specialist diagnoses the content of particles of inflamed and dead epithelium.
  4. Purulent. Dangerous form when there is pus in the urine.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs should only be entrusted to a specialist. Based on the tests performed and medical history taken, the veterinarian will prescribe necessary medications and procedures.


There are dog breeds that are at risk. Animals with short legs, such as dachshunds, more likely development of the disease. In females, the bladder is more likely to become inflamed. This is due to the structural features internal organs, frequent pregnancies and childbirths.

Veterinarians consider mating of the dog to be a nonspecific cause. The procedure may affect the course of a sluggish process or cause a new disease. The latter happens in the case of an uncontrolled choice of a sexual partner for an animal and the introduction of infection.

If cystitis is diagnosed in a pregnant bitch, then its treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. This is due to the fact that many well-known drugs become contraindicated. If the pathology develops into chronic cystitis in female dogs, then their sterilization is recommended. The fact is that constant pregnancy undermines the immune system and the disease is difficult to treat, because many pills are contraindicated.

Cystitis in a dog: symptoms

A loving and caring owner usually notices immediately early signs diseases. If previously the animal was affectionate, friendly and playful, then with inflammation of the bladder it becomes nervous, irritable and often refuses to communicate. Painful sensations force the pet to constantly ask to go outside, but in the end there is no urine at all or it is released in small drops.

In order to start treating cystitis in a dog in time, every breeder should know the symptoms of the disease:

  • Constant urges make the dog irritable. She often asks to go outside and may begin to crap in the house.
  • During urination, the animal makes sounds, squats and constantly licks the genitals.
  • When trying to go to the toilet, liquid comes out in small streams. In complicated cases, it stops coming out completely.

If the above signs of cystitis in dogs are considered specific, then pain in the lower abdomen and elevated temperature signal about general intoxication of the body. Lethargy and apathy of the animal also provokes complete failure from food.

Any breeder should be wary if a dog does not allow itself to be petted. The pet is especially nervous about attempts to palpate the stomach.

Acute cystitis

Medicine for cystitis for dogs is selected taking into account its form. The disease is divided into acute and chronic. In the first case, the signs of cystitis in dogs appear quite noticeably and any veterinarian will immediately make a diagnosis. If treatment is prescribed on time, the prognosis is favorable.

In acute illness clinical picture clearly expressed and the symptoms clearly characterize progressive inflammation. But it is necessary to take a smear and urine test to identify the nature of the pathogenic microflora. After this, a course of antibacterial therapy and medications aimed at eliminating specific symptoms are prescribed. It is also important to calm the dog and relieve pain. Therefore the doctor will recommend lungs sedatives and painkillers.

After a properly prescribed course and following all the veterinarian’s recommendations, the animal is completely cured. The whole process takes no more than a week. Relapses are rare if preventive measures are followed.

Chronic form of the disease

Cystitis in a dog brings many unpleasant moments. How to treat inflammation is decided depending on the form of the disease. If the pathology has acquired a chronic form, then it is important to find out the reason that provokes exacerbations. Chronic cystitis is extremely rarely an independent form of the disease. Most often it is provoked by a number of other problems:

  • urolithiasis;
  • tumor processes;
  • anomalies in the structure of internal organs;
  • tuberculosis of the bladder.

Therefore, if chronic cystitis is diagnosed in a dog, how to treat it and the complex of examinations should concern the root cause. Only a doctor, based on the collected medical history, is able to determine the underlying disease.

Necessary diagnostics

An appointment with a specialist begins with general examination and palpation of the abdomen. To do this, you will need to completely empty the bladder, which can be difficult when there is inflammation. Therefore, the doctor may insert a catheter. Enough unpleasant illness is cystitis in dogs. Treatment at home is acceptable, but in the case of an acute course of the disease. A blood and urine test, in which leukocytes and red blood cells are sharply increased, will help determine the form of the pathology.

But before home procedures, you should undergo a full examination. Only a doctor can prescribe all the necessary medications. For this purpose it is revealed general level pH in urine and sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial therapy. At chronic course disease, the initial problem is established, causing constant inflammation. To do this, the following mandatory procedures are required

When treating at home, you can carry out many activities yourself. But to carry out the above procedures you will have to go to a veterinary clinic.

Therapeutic measures

If cystitis is diagnosed in dogs, the doctor should select medications for treatment based on the form of the disease, the general condition of the pet, its age and health. It is important not to delay contacting a veterinary clinic, otherwise the problem may develop into a chronic one. However, not always Taken measures lead to lasting results. If your pet has genetic predisposition to the disease, it can return again and again. In this case, only strict adherence to all recommendations and implementation preventive measures will help lead to lasting remission.

It is useful for any pet owner to know how to treat cystitis in a dog at home. Of course, all procedures are carried out under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. Shown to a sick pet dry heat in the abdomen and pelvis area. You can use special heating pads, in the absence of one - ordinary plastic bottle. However, you can only use warm water, avoiding hot. The heating pad is kept in the bladder area for up to 20 minutes. You can carry out 3-4 procedures per day. If the animal goes outside, then cold period From time to time it is necessary to put on the dog warm pants with a hole for urination.

It is important to completely review your pet's menu. Cereals excluded during treatment. Salty and spicy food prohibited. Doctors recommend feeding a sick pet with meat broth for the first 2-3 days. If the dog is completely switched to dry food and weaning is not planned, then you should purchase a treatment line.

Medicines used

To effectively and quickly defeat the disease, cystitis tablets for dogs should be recommended by a doctor after full examination. The optimal dosage regimen and dosage may depend on urine and blood tests obtained. So, if the acidic environment predominates, "Urotropin" will be effective. If there is an alkaline environment in the urine, then it is necessary to prescribe "Salol".

However, tablets and mixtures will not have the desired effect if the dog does not consume fluid in the required amount. The owner must strictly monitor drinking regime pet. If necessary, water is injected forcibly using a syringe. This is the only way to speed up the elimination of pathogenic bacteria. Ammonium chloride can enhance the effect.

But it is not always possible to cure a dog at home. If cystitis is accompanied by the discharge of pus, temporary hospitalization will be required to rinse the bladder. The doctor uses a catheter to inject an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solution. The most commonly used is furatsilin, boric acid, potassium permanganate. A similar procedure It is best to carry out in a medical office under anesthesia.

Use of antibiotics

Antibiotics for cystitis in dogs are prerequisite complete cure. But pick up suitable drug It is possible after the tests and it would be better if they were prescribed according to an individual scheme. The most prescribed medications are:

  • "Ceftriaxone";
  • "Monural";
  • "Baytril";
  • "Amoxicillin."

Often practicing veterinarians prescribe homeopathic medicines. They help reduce frequent urges and reduction of pain. Similar remedies include “Nux vomica-Homaccord” and Atropinum compositum.”

People's first aid kit

Dog owners always come to the rescue folk remedies, which have proven themselves to be excellent. However, they cannot be completely replaced complex treatment recommended by a doctor.

To reduce the acidity of urine and constant irritation of the mucous membrane, you can offer your dog cranberry juice. But it's worth remembering that a large number of berries leads to precipitation of oscalates.

Quite effective and have therapeutic effect healing herbs. If you have difficulty urinating, lingonberry leaves and nettle help well. Besides antiseptic action, the infusion has a diuretic effect and promotes rapid elimination pathogens.

Prevention is important

In order not to provoke inflammation of the bladder, it is always important to complete treatment infectious diseases. If the veterinarian finds it necessary to prescribe antibiotics, it is important to take them for the recommended time and not stop them after the main symptoms of the disease disappear. Pathogenic microorganisms can be suppressed, but not completely defeated, and as soon as taking the pills ends, they rush from the intestines down the genitals. This is how cystitis often occurs.

It is important to ensure that the animal does not become hypothermic. If this decorative dog or lacks a thick undercoat, then veterinarians advise walking your pet in winter in special clothes that cover the belly. Craftswomen can sew such a jumpsuit themselves. The main thing is that there is a hole in the abdomen for free urination.

During chronic infections, it is important to find the source of their spread and target it specifically. After all, sometimes there are cases where cystitis is caused by completely unrelated pathologies. Such problems include periodontitis or gingivitis. Veterinarians advise closely monitoring your pet, regularly conducting preventive examinations and at the slightest suspicion of bad feeling seek advice from a specialist.

How you can help at home

If you can’t show your dog to a doctor, then until that moment you can help the pet yourself and remove pain syndrome. To do this, you should always have medicine for cystitis in your home medicine cabinet. There is a special type of drug that is designed for pets. Veterinarians recommend using the Stop Cystitis suspension. The product helps relieve pain, relieves inflammation, removing pathogenic microflora, and has a diuretic effect.

You can use tablets that are used in the practice of treating cystitis in people. Enough good effect gives "Furadonin". The drug has a low price, but has powerful action against many pathogenic bacteria. The tablets are almost tasteless, so they can be mixed into food. However, it is better to entrust the dosage calculation to your doctor. It is important to consider the dog's weight and well-being. The drug often causes vomiting, so use is strictly supervised by a specialist. Among the contraindications is pregnancy of the animal.


It is better to prevent the development of cystitis in a dog than to treat it later. The disease is quite unpleasant and makes a friendly pet nervous and disobedient. An animal may start shitting at home, but scolding it is not recommended. Such incidents are caused by constant urge and uncontrolled urination. If the problem has gone too far, you can put a diaper on your dog at home.

Cystitis is inflammatory disease bladder, which can affect not only people, but also animals. Pets with reduced immunity are especially susceptible to this disease. The symptoms of this disease are most often not very clear and vague, so the owner does not immediately notice that the dog is sick. In order to recognize cystitis in time and help your pet as early as possible, you should study the signs of the disease, the causes of its occurrence and various treatment methods.

Causes of cystitis in dogs

Dogs of any breed can be affected by the disease, but females are most often affected. The most common causes of cystitis are:

  • hypothermia;
  • inflammatory processes located next to bladder organs;
  • various types of infections;
  • physical injuries;
  • stress;
  • malfunction of the kidneys.

Inflammation of the dog's bladder can also be caused by poor quality water which the pet drinks, and bad food. If your dog is dry food, then it is recommended to buy holistic and premium brand food for it that does not contain components harmful to the animal.

Cystitis in a dog: signs and symptoms

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. It is difficult not to notice the acute form of cystitis, during which the following symptoms appear:

As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, who will order tests, make a diagnosis and select correct treatment.

It happens that acute form of cystitis goes away with virtually no obvious symptoms and develops into chronic. In this case, the dog seems healthy and only occasionally “misbehaves,” that is, it may go to the carpet or to another place other than the toilet. During a walk, the dog often sits down. In some cases, yellow or pink spots, and there is blood on the penis or the end of the loop.

If chronic cystitis is not treated, it worsens, and the symptoms of the disease become much more pronounced than in the acute form of the disease:

  • the dog often pees, and sometimes sits down idle;
  • the pet is reluctant to move and lies a lot;
  • the dog whines during and after urination;
  • the dog has a tight and painful stomach;
  • there is mucus, clots, and blood in the urine.

When visiting a doctor, it will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis using tests, for which The following studies are being carried out:

  1. Pap smear for genital infections.
  2. Bacteriological analysis.
  3. General analysis of urine and blood.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment for the pet, which the owner will carry out at home.

How to treat cystitis in a dog?

You can start symptomatic treatment for your animal immediately after taking the tests, without waiting for their results. The doctor may prescribe:

Already at the first visit, the veterinarian should give advice on keeping and caring for a sick dog. In no case should they be neglected, since any little thing can worsen the pet’s condition.

As soon as the tests are ready, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Generally cystitis is treated comprehensively:

  1. If the reason inflammatory process become bacteria, then after checking for sensitivity, antibiotics are prescribed. It is necessary to choose a drug specifically against certain bacteria in order to cure the disease and get rid of a lot of problems. In addition, the dog should be prescribed one of the sorbents or hepatoprotectors that reduce harmful influence antibiotics on the body.
  2. Natural antibiotics, which include licorice, rhubarb, and elecampane, can help cure cystitis. By taking these herbs in a ratio of 2:2:0.5, adding a pinch of bearberry to them, and pouring boiling water over everything, you can prepare a decoction for your pet, which he will have to drink 1-2 glasses throughout the day. This decoction is also very suitable for douching the animal, which is recommended to be done in the morning and evening during cystitis.
  3. Almost always, in case of cystitis, diuretics are prescribed, with the help of which it is removed from the body. pathogenic microflora. Instead of medicines As a diuretic, you can give your dog a decoction of parsley infused in a water bath (4 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). The pet should take two teaspoons of the decoction 3-4 times a day.
  4. To increase antibacterial activity, prevent the formation urinary stones and reducing the acidity of urine, it is recommended to add a little cranberry juice to the food of a sick dog.
  5. You can support the body’s immunity not only special drugs and vitamins, but also with the help of a decoction of tartar or thistle. In combination with antibiotics, these herbs have a positive effect on the general condition of the pet.

In addition to treatment, the dog needs a diet, which should consist of meat broth, milk, millet and oatmeal. It is also necessary to ensure that your pet always has clean drinking water in his bowl.

You should know that it will take at least three months to treat cystitis, during which the dog will have to regularly take all medications or decoctions prescribed by the doctor. If the course of treatment is completed, and some symptoms still remain, then a break is taken for a month, after which treatment continues. All therapy must be agreed upon with a specialist.

Prevention of cystitis in dogs

In order not to treat cystitis, you need conduct the following measures prevention:

Cystitis in dogs can be cured. The main thing is, at the first suspicion of a disease, do not delay your visit to the doctor, who will prescribe the correct treatment. By following all the specialist’s recommendations and paying more attention to your pet during illness, you will ease his suffering, and a favorable prognosis will be guaranteed.

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