How to keep prolactin normal. Reasons for increased indicators. The effect of prolactin on pregnancy

Prolactin is a pituitary hormone that stimulates milk secretion in both women and men. Excess prolactin disrupts many normal processes and causes various abnormalities in the reproductive system.

Almost 40% of infertility cases are a consequence of increased prolactin levels in the blood. Exceeding the concentration of prolactin affects the functioning of the reproductive system of both women and men. The most common problems caused by excess prolactin:

  1. Amenorrhea.
  2. Decreased libido and sexual desire in men.
  3. A sharp drop in testosterone synthesis.
  4. Discharge of colostrum from the breast.

A prolactin test is recommended for every couple facing infertility. The upper level of the hormone for women is 20 ng/ml, for men - 27 ng/ml. If the analysis shows, then with a high degree of probability this is the main cause of infertility. In this case, you need to find the “culprits” for the high level of the hormone.

Why is prolactin elevated?

Prolactin is often elevated when taking medications. Thus, antidepressants and contraceptives lead to hyperprolactinemia. A physiological rise in the hormone occurs under stress, after training and poor nutrition. The analysis will record an increase in prolactin with anxiety, significant exercise, consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks.

However, it is worth remembering that every third case of increased prolactin has an unclear etiology, that is, its causes are not clear. In this case, eliminating provoking factors does not lead to a decrease in prolactin.

In this case, it is necessary to correct prolactin levels with proper nutrition and a mild effect on prolactin production. For this purpose, substances are usually used plant origin. As a rule, experts recommend preparations based on chaste vitex - it stimulates the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone and at the same time blocks the production of prolactin. And only with severe hyperprolactinemia do they resort to hormonal correction.

Nutrition for high prolactin in women

Activation of prolactin production occurs when mediators of the sympathetic nervous system are released into the blood. In other words, prolactin is a response to strong tension both physical and psychological. Any stress leads to hyperprolactinemia. That's why great importance has a recovery period after stress, including nutrition.

A diet with elevated prolactin levels should be rich in folic acid, which:

  1. increases the digestibility of protein foods;
  2. stimulates hematopoiesis and testosterone production;
  3. increases estrogen levels.

There is a lot of folic acid in liver, meat, parsley leaves, spinach, eggs, and vegetables. However, most of the folic acid is destroyed during cooking, and intestinal diseases and strong tea make it difficult for this substance to be absorbed in the stomach. Destroy folic acid medicines and strong tea. Folic acid cannot be fully absorbed without vitamin B 12.

Nutrition for high prolactin in women should include, along with vegetables and herbs, not fatty varieties meat, they activate folic acid in the body. In addition, if prolactin is elevated, then the diet should contain nuts, linseed oil and seeds. The optimal diet is a combination of vegetables, fruits with stewed meat and fish. For cooking fish dishes Fatty varieties are better suited: mackerel, herring. You need to eat liver once a week, eggs - three days a week.

Men should also follow the diet if an analysis of prolactin levels shows an excess of the norm.

At the same time, you need to exclude from your diet foods that increase prolactin levels - these are gluten-containing foods: bread made from white flour, pastries, biscuits, all types of cakes. Canned foods, smoked meats, boiled sausages and frankfurters increase hormone production.

Compliance proper diet and taking medications with Vitex extract will help normalize the hormonal balance, especially if its disturbance is caused by stress.

A complex has been developed especially for women with functional hyperprolactinemia. Clinical researches showed that taking Pregnoton during three months normalizes prolactin levels from 1000 MIU/L to 300 MIU/L. At the same time, if the level of prolactin is normal, then taking Pregnoton has no effect on it.

We are used to blaming it on hormones various states our body. Appeared excess weight? Hormones are to blame! Overcome by depression? Again, lack of hormones! Sexual attraction or decreased libido - and there they are again, hormones!

You can’t remember the names of all of them, but during the period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding, women constantly hear prolactin.

What is he responsible for and what function is assigned to him? hormonal system? How to lower prolactin levels in women if diagnosed high content?

Functions of prolactin in the female body

Prolactin or lactotropic hormone is a biologically active organic substance produced by the pituitary gland.

The main function it performs in the body is to stimulate lactation.

The hormone regulates changes in the structure of the mammary glands during pregnancy - it is responsible for the replacement of adipose tissue with secretory tissue, for the proliferation of milk ducts, alveoli and lactocytes. From mid-gestation, prolactin stimulates the production of colostrum, and after childbirth - milk.

It is important! During breastfeeding, the prolactin effect on ovulation is reflected in its inhibition - that’s why nursing women long time retain the ability not to become pregnant, although they are sex life without contraception.

Lactotropic hormone receptors are found not only in the mammary glands, but throughout a woman’s body, but it has not been reliably studied what function they perform. Prolactin was also found in male body, but in lower concentrations.

It is assumed that the hormone takes an active part in such mechanisms as:

  1. natural anesthesia (reduced pain threshold);
  2. stimulation of orgasm;
  3. immune reactions;
  4. growth of blood vessels;
  5. functioning of the central nervous system.

Under the influence of prolactin, the female sex hormone estrogen and the male sex hormone testosterone decrease.

Prolactin norms

The popular wisdom “Everything is good in moderation” is more relevant than ever in matters of hormonal balance. A jump or decrease in the content of certain hormones affects the human body with lightning speed.

If the concentration of prolactin increases, this may also affect the course of menstrual cycle, and on the functioning internal organs and reproductive system.

If the diagnosis reveals a decrease in the hormone, this may signal diseases of the pituitary gland, and during pregnancy, it may be postmature.

Only a specialist should prescribe therapy that regulates prolactin: how to increase or decrease its level. The norm for a non-pregnant woman is considered to be from 400 to 530 microunits per liter of blood.

When is treatment for high prolactin levels necessary?

If prolactin is elevated, a diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia is made. There are two reasons for the increase: physiological and pathological.

In the first case, treatment is not required, since a jump in prolactin is not a disease, but occurs during:

  • deep sleep;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • sex;
  • stress;
  • physical activity.

At pathological condition When the hormone prolactin is elevated, how to lower it depends on what causes hyperprolactinemia.

She may be:

  1. organic origin - with tumor processes in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  2. functional origin - due to diseases of internal organs (liver cirrhosis, renal or heart failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.);
  3. pharmacological origin - when taking antipsychotics, antihistamines, synthetic hormones or antiemetics.

Elevated prolactin occurs for other reasons: surgical intervention: on the mammary glands, in the uterus (abortion, curettage).

Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia may include the following:

  • sexual and reproductive disorders (infertility, amenorrhea, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, frigidity, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders (excess weight, increased appetite);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • headache;
  • blurred vision.

Attention! Self-medication for hyperprolactinemia is unacceptable! Only after an accurate diagnosis and determination of the reasons for the increase in hormones can treatment be selected!

How to increase and decrease prolactin

Low prolactin is usually a rare occurrence. Treatment is mainly aimed at lowering the hormone. How can prolactin be reduced?

In addition to basic treatment, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. avoid stress and depression;
  2. maintain a daily routine, normalize periods of sleep and wakefulness;
  3. give up bad habits(alcohol, smoking);
  4. replace oral contraceptives to others;
  5. eat fully and balanced;
  6. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.

Treatment can be either medication or using folk ways combating hyperprolactinemia.


For drug treatment For hyperprolactinemia, dopaminomimetics are used:

  • ergoline (derivatives of ergot alkaloids) - Bromocriptine, Dostinex;
  • non-ergoline - Norprolac.

In case of tumor processes, therapy can be lifelong with a maintenance minimum dose of drugs.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes against high prolactin are very effective, aimed mainly at restoring the menstrual cycle, suppressing lactation and restoring hormonal balance.

Herbs - powerful sources of phytohormones - act safer than medicines, but can manifest themselves with unpredictable side effects.

This is why herbal medicine should be discussed with your doctor!

  1. Tincture of common twig. For preparation, use the seeds of the plant: 30 g of raw materials are infused in medical alcohol(200 ml). The tincture should be prepared by keeping it in dark place 2 weeks. Take the product diluted with water: 1 tablespoon per 50 ml of water. Once a day half an hour before meals for at least 1 month.
  2. Collection No. 1: hops, scrofula, motherwort, adonis, peony, mint and mother liquor. The herbs are mixed in equal proportions, 60 g of raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.
  3. Collection No. 2: hops, passionflower, hawthorn, St. John's wort and lemon balm. A tablespoon of the herbal mixture is infused in a glass of boiling water and taken ½ cup twice a day before meals.
  4. Douching with infusion of sage herb. The infusion is prepared by pouring a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped dry sage. Douche once a day, at night.
  5. Elecampane. The root of the plant needs to be crushed and a tablespoon of raw material should be infused in a thermos in a glass of boiling water. Take an infusion of ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals.
  6. Potentilla erecta root. Pour 100 grams of crushed raw materials with a liter of alcohol. Infusion continues for about a month. Take 25 drops three times a day before meals.

It's not worth the wait quick effect from herbs, but there will be a gradual decrease in prolactin naturally, smoothly and without harm to the body. In case of side effects herbal medicine must be abolished!


What function does prolactin perform in a woman’s body, and how can it be reduced? Most full information Only the attending physician will give it.

Any drug intervention in hormonal background the body must begin only after laboratory research blood and specialist consultation.

Video: Hormone Prolactin

Prolactin is a type of hormone. This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland (brain).

If the hormone prolactin is produced in the body in excessive quantities, then this phenomenon is called hyperprolactinemia and is often dangerous to human health.

The hormone prolactin is responsible for the reproductive function, as a result of which it:

  • Promotes the formation and development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • It is a regulator of sexual behavior.
  • In women during lactation, it prevents ovulation (leading to temporary infertility).
  • Responsible for the functioning of the maternal instinct.
  • Contributes to the fight immune system with harmful microorganisms.
  • Stimulates the balance of substances (calcium, sodium and water) in the body.
  • Helps cope with stress.
  • Affects weight gain.

Doctors note that the effect of the hormone prolactin is currently not fully studied: it is quite possible that it performs some other functions that are not yet known to medicine.

This hormone promotes lactation by helping colostrum ripen and turn into mature milk.

Thanks to the hormone prolactin, growth, full development and production of female mammary glands are stimulated.

Prolactin - important element during the implantation of a fertilized egg. This hormone also promotes rapid metabolism and helps speed up protein synthesis.

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The level of the hormone prolactin can be determined only through a complex of medical studies:

  • MRI of the brain in the area of ​​the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. If the MRI results are insufficient, then additional contrast is performed.
  • X-ray of skeletal bones to determine possible irritation in bone tissue.
  • Analysis general condition thyroid glands
  • Ultrasound aimed at examining the condition of certain organs (kidneys, liver, ovaries and mammary glands) to identify possible pathologies.
  • If a person is overweight, then the level of cholesterol and blood sugar is additionally determined.
  • If pathologies are detected on MRI, an additional examination is carried out by an ophthalmologist.

Normal indicator The hormone prolactin varies from 120 to 600 mU/l depending on the age, gender and health status of the person. When increasing acceptable values of the hormone prolactin, a person is prescribed treatment.

To determine the concentration of the hormone prolactin, it is necessary to take tests from the 5th to the 8th day of the menstrual cycle.

On the eve of the test, you should try to eliminate any stress and remain in a calm state, since the emotional background significantly affects the test results. The day before the examination, sexual intercourse and exposure to heat (saunas, long stay in the sun, etc.).

To determine the level of the hormone prolactin, blood is taken from a vein, always on an empty stomach. During the day, the level of prolactin in the body changes, so it is better to choose optimal time: the most reliable tests will be those obtained at 8-10 am.

In what cases is it worth getting tested for prolactin?

You should go get tested for the hormone prolactin when you are worried characteristic symptoms. For the female body, such symptoms may include enlarged mammary glands, sudden release of milk in non-pregnant women, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and lack of ovulation (infertility). In men, the main symptoms may be a decrease in general sexual desire, impotence and infertility, sudden headaches and breast growth.

It is worth noting

Both men and women may experience frequent headaches, sharp deterioration vision, permanent state depression and stress, weight gain. If a person is diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma, then it is necessary to be tested for the hormone prolactin.

Test results may be unreliable due to the influence of many factors: prolactin could increase due to stress, illness (even a cold), bad mood etc. During pregnancy and breastfeeding of the newborn breast milk the hormone prolactin is always produced in increased quantity: this means that there is no point in taking tests during such a period; high prolactin for pregnant women is the norm.

High prolactin: symptoms and consequences

Symptoms of elevated prolactin levels in women include:

  • Sudden release of milk from the mammary glands although the woman is not pregnant.
  • Hair loss in the genital area.
  • Violations in monthly cycle(irregularity, scanty discharge).
  • Severe decrease in sexual desire.
  • Increased fatigue, problems sleeping, sudden loss of mood.
  • Inability to get pregnant: Problems with ovulation prevent you from conceiving a child.
  • Functional problems thyroid gland, the consequences of which are an increase in prolactin levels.
  • Osteoporosis (also common in low level estrogen).

Pregnant and lactating women always observe high levels of prolactin: they are characterized by an increased level of prolactin in the blood, which is the norm in this condition.

If you suspect that your symptoms indicate high level prolactin, be sure to consult a specialist. IN in this case You will need to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

The main problem resulting from an increase in prolactin in a woman’s body is the inability to conceive. A significant increase in prolactin levels inhibits the synthesis of certain hormones that promote normal development ovulation. For this reason, anovulation occurs, when any attempts to conceive a child are in vain.

Consequences of elevated prolactin in men

The manifestation of an increased level of prolactin in men is characterized by a weakening of potency and a lack of sexual desire in general, since there is a decrease in the amount of sex hormones and sperm produced by the male body.

Production volumes are decreasing male hormone(testosterone) and at the same time a significant increase in production female hormone(estrogen).

High levels of prolactin in men may indicate the presence of certain diseases. Prolactin will increase in the presence of a pituitary tumor, cirrhosis of the liver, constant stress, damage chest etc.

Prolactin can also jump for physiological reasons: exposure to physical activity, lack of sleep, excess intake of protein foods, etc. In this case, prolactin increases temporarily and does not affect the hormonal balance in the body.

With high prolactin in men, the following consequences are possible:

  • sleep disturbances, prolonged depression;
  • excess weight;
  • growth of mammary glands;
  • decline vitality generally;
  • Infertility and impotence are possible.

Prolactin and testosterone in the male body are in the following relationship: the more prolactin in the body, the less testosterone is produced. Therefore, the lower the testosterone level in a man, the more different problems may cause prolactin.

Causes of elevated prolactin and how to deal with it

The normal level of prolactin is different for men and women: for example, for non-pregnant women a prolactin level of 4-23 ng/ml will be considered normal, for pregnant women - 34-386 ng/ml, for men - 3-15 ng/ml. In girls and women after menopause, the prolactin level should not exceed 19-20 ng/ml.

Depending on the research methods used in laboratories, the results laboratory tests may vary: in each specific case they are based on the normal levels of the hormone prolactin for a particular laboratory.

Increased level prolactin does not necessarily indicate the presence of any diseases; the hormone can be elevated in completely healthy people.

Reasons for increased prolactin levels:

  • Presence of pregnancy, already at 8 weeks of pregnancy the level of prolactin increases significantly.
  • Lactation period.
  • Severe stress.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for donating blood (in connection with existing standards in laboratories).

However, elevated prolactin may be an indicator for identifying certain diseases:

  • Prolactinomas are when a tumor develops in the pituitary gland, resulting in the production of excess hormone.
  • Hypothyroidism when thyroid produces too few hormones.
  • Anorexia.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, on the body increased growth hair, infertility may occur.
  • Kidney diseases, hypothalamic tumors, etc.

How to reduce prolactin levels

Treatment for elevated prolactin levels depends on how much prolactin is above normal.

If the increase in this hormone is insignificant (up to approximately 50 ng/ml), then prolactin will decrease on its own; you just need to adjust your lifestyle and stop taking medications that cause its increase.

If a woman is pregnant or nursing a child, then prolactin treatment is not required.

In other cases, prolactin levels are reduced to normal using the following methods:


Prolactin can be reduced by two groups of drugs:

  • Ergoline(preparations of ergot alkaloids): treatment is carried out with bromocriptine, lactodel, parlodel, serocryptine, apo-bromocriptine, bromergon, abegrin, dostinex, as well as cabergoline preparations (dostinex);
  • Non-ergoline: Treatment is possible with quinagolide preparations (norprolac). Products for reducing the level of the hormone prolactin are produced by large companies that have proven themselves in the pharmaceutical market: Pfizer, Novartis Farma, Apotex, Gedeon Richter, Serono, Lek, etc.

All these products are available in tablets or capsules. Only a specialist can prescribe the drug necessary for your body.

Herbs and folk remedies

Prolactin increases sharply when there is stress in a person's life. In this regard, it is necessary to take medications that eliminate stress. To such means in folk medicine include herbs St. John's wort, hawthorn, elderberry, hops and lemon balm. Decoctions are made from these herbs and drunk in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime.


For support normal level prolactin, it is necessary to strictly maintain a balance of work and rest. We should try to minimize the strong physical exercise, observe a sleep schedule, take sports walks. Coffee and alcohol are excluded from the diet. If the reason elevated prolactin If a person has certain diseases, then the disease itself is treated.

Prolactin may decrease on its own without treatment in the following cases:

  • The end of pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby with milk.
  • Reduce stress levels to a minimum in men and non-pregnant women.
  • At the end of puberty in adolescents, when girls have sufficiently developed mammary glands.
  • Restoring sleep patterns.
  • As a result of the treatment of diseases that provoke an increase in prolactin: for example, treatment of mastopathy (pathological proliferation of connective tissue).


There is no special prevention for prolactin: you need to eat right, not self-medicate, and try not to sunbathe too much. If you have problems sleeping, it is better to replace sleeping pills with valerian.

If a woman notices scant discharge from the nipples within two to three years after childbirth or abortion, then do not worry: this is normal condition body during such a period, treatment of elevated prolactin is not required. The main thing is not to squeeze the contents out of the nipple yourself, otherwise prolactin will continue to be produced at an increased level.

Hormones in female body- a capricious thing. Experts associate unpredictable behavior, upset feelings, depression, or increased fears with them. However, without these helpers, important physiological processes in the body of a woman will not be able to fully occur. The hormone prolactin is of particular importance for the body. Its increase or decrease may indicate both the development of the disease and a normal physiological state. Let us look in more detail at what causes the deviation from the norm of this hormone, and for what reasons does it begin? hormonal imbalance.

Prolactin - what is it?

The anterior pituitary gland, where the hormone prolactin is produced

A hormone is a protein substance, the main amount of which is synthesized in anterior section pituitary gland Its production also occurs in the endometrium of the uterus, kidneys, intestines, liver and adipose tissue. The functions of prolactin include preparing the mammary gland for breastfeeding, stimulating milk production, regulating the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

When studying the amount of prolactin in the blood, the phase of the menstrual cycle, age and the presence of pregnancy must be taken into account.

Acceptable indicators

Symptoms of the disorder

Signs of increased or reduced level prolactin in the blood does not leave its mark on a woman’s health. Most often, this condition has a number of pronounced symptoms:

  • Infertility;
  • Early miscarriages;
  • Menstrual irregularities. Menstruation becomes scanty or disappears altogether. They can also last much longer;
  • Release of milk from the mammary gland;
  • Increased hair growth in the lower abdomen, around the nipples and on the face;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Weight gain. The hormone increases appetite and reduces metabolism. And this, in turn, leads to the appearance extra pounds;
  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • Deterioration of vision and memory;
  • The occurrence of depression;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Increased fragility bone tissue.

Emergence similar symptoms Women in some cases attribute it to lifestyle and bad habits. Therefore, if there are changes in the menstrual cycle in combination with other symptoms described above, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of elevated hormone levels

Hyperprolactinemia occurs due to various reasons. Conventionally, endocrinologists divide them into two large groups:

  • Physiological reason. An increase in the hormone is associated with pregnancy, the lactation period, daily rhythms of hormone production, increased physical activity or sexual intercourse.
  • Pathological cause. In this case, the imbalance factors include a pituitary tumor, endocrine diseases, disruption of ovarian function.

Also, increased prolactin can be a side effect of taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, opium drugs, antiemetics, blood pressure medications and birth control pills. In some cases, the pathology appears after surgical interventions(curettage of the uterine cavity), abuse of protein foods, psycho-emotional stress, vitamin B6 deficiency and radiation exposure.


After the appearance characteristic features For hyperprolactinemia, experts recommend consulting with several specialists, since the disease can be caused by malfunctions in various body systems. When communicating with an endocrinologist, it is necessary to answer questions as meaningfully as possible, without losing sight of even the most insignificant nuances.

When communicating with a doctor, be sure to focus on all recent health changes

The range of laboratory tests in this case is very extensive, but first of all the patient is prescribed:

  • General blood test.
  • Blood test for prolactin (mammotropin) levels. For getting full picture This study is carried out three times: before menstruation, during menstruation and after menstruation.

You may also need additional examination kidneys and thyroid gland. For this purpose, an analysis is prescribed to determine the amount of creatinine and thyroid hormones in the blood. If the latter is high, the patient should undergo an MRI of the brain to rule out a pituitary adenoma.

It is very important to obtain accurate laboratory data because the slightest mistake threatens serious complications. With increased synthesis of prolactin in the body, pituitary cells acquire big sizes and begin to squeeze optic nerve. Similar negative impact causes vision problems. Another danger of increased prolactin in the blood is excretion from the body. large quantity calcium. A deficiency of this mineral in bone tissue causes secondary osteoporosis.

Ways to normalize prolactin in the blood

Treatment of hyperprolactinemia primarily depends on the cause of the imbalance. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not necessary to lower prolactin levels. After childbirth and completion of the lactation period, it returns to normal on its own.

With the help of drugs

If any pathology is detected, the woman is prescribed medications, helping to reduce hormone production:

  • Dopamine agonists: Bromocriptine, Pergolide, Cabergoline ( new drug this series).
  • Quinagolide belongs to the class of non-ergot-containing drugs.
  • Homeopathic remedies - the most valuable are Cyclodinone and Mastodinone.

Folk remedies

Treatment is recommended simultaneously with drug therapy folk remedies. Very good at restoring hormonal balance and soothing nervous system decoctions of hops, hawthorn, elderberry, valerian, motherwort, lemon balm.

To prepare a healing drink you will need:

  1. Take several types of herbs from the list to suit your taste (a decoction of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn turns out to be quite pleasant).
  2. Grind and mix the prepared raw materials.
  3. 2 tbsp. herbal collection pour a liter of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting broth.

Drink 200 ml daily for 20 days.

It is also recommended to replace regular black tea with a warm chamomile infusion, which you can make yourself or use ready-made tea bags purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare a chamomile decoction, 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the crushed raw materials and let it brew. Drink before bed until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.


Efficiency therapeutic therapy is largely determined by a properly selected diet. In some cases, hormonal imbalance occurs due to the appearance of extra pounds. Therefore, reducing prolactin, first of all, must begin with normalizing weight. Therefore, with elevated hormone levels, a woman’s diet should consist of natural products containing a minimum amount of fat.

Also, during the diet, deficiency of iodine, iron, calcium and other equally important minerals and vitamins is not allowed.

Authorized products

Vegetables and fruits Legumes Dairy products Sea fish Low-fat varieties meat

Prohibited Products

Sweets in large quantities Strong tea and coffee Alcoholic drinks

Other treatments

With a properly designed treatment regimen, including medications, homeopathic remedies and diet, prolactin levels are restored within a month. However similar treatment may not always bring the desired recovery. Most often, this is due to the increased growth of a tumor in the pituitary gland, which compresses neighboring structures. The only salvation in such cases will be surgery. Selecting a method surgical treatment determined by the growth and size of the tumor. It can be performed either transsphenoidally (through the nose) or transcranially (through opening the skull).

Video: doctors about the hormone

Normal hormonal levels in the female body largely depend on the timely detection of hyperprolactinemia. It is no secret that the disease does not arise out of nowhere, and most often, the cause is a lack of attention to one’s own health. To avoid an increase in prolactin, endocrinologists advise paying attention to disease prevention: follow the rules healthy eating, avoid stress, control your own weight and exercise. And an annual visit to the doctor will guarantee your health!

A fairly small part of the population knows that prolactin is a hormone of the pituitary gland, and quite often it is called the “lactation hormone,” but a small part of it is produced by the endometrium, or inner layer uterus. Its level should be within normal limits, because a decrease quite often leads to various kinds of disorders and consequences, and, therefore, it should be increased.

The following types of this biologically distinguished active substance:

  • monomeric,
  • dimeric,
  • tetrameric.

Why should prolactin be increased?

When high content of this indicator in human blood, changes are possible in reproductive function body, in the menstrual cycle, which can subsequently lead to disturbances in egg fertilization and conception. This hormone is responsible for:

  • regulation of acid-base and water-salt balance,
  • development and growth of mammary glands,
  • phase corpus luteum in the menstrual cycle,
  • conversion of colostrum into milk.

There are several ways to increase prolactin levels. One of the most common and simplest is breast-feeding, since it has a protective function and is a kind of contraceptive, preventing pregnancy during the period of breastfeeding (lactation). In other words, its production continues as long as the woman is breastfeeding, that is, during the entire lactation period, and as soon as this process stops, it stops being produced, and pregnancy is possible again.

In the body of men, this biologically active substance also plays a fairly significant role, since it is with its help that testosterone is produced, and water-salt metabolism is also regulated. If there is an increase or decrease in the norm, then it is important to properly regulate and correct it.

Checking prolactin levels

In some cases, for convenience, tests for other hormones are combined with an analysis for prolactin levels in the first days of the menstrual cycle. In such cases, it is best to donate blood between the second and fifth or fifth and eighth days of the cycle. Blood should be donated in the morning, on an empty stomach, a few hours after sleep, because the time of day can also affect the result (most often, the concentration decreases upon awakening). It is best to take the analysis twice, preferably in different laboratories, in order to compare them and perform the correct interpretation.

Normal indicators

In women and men different standards prolactin in the blood: in women from 4.5 to 49 ng/ml, and in men 2.5-17 ng/ml. Preparation for the analysis begins several days in advance and includes factors that contribute to an increase in its concentration in the blood:

  • Refusal of sweet and junk food;
  • Sexual abstinence;
  • You should not have a breast exam several days before the test;
  • Avoidance of stressful situations;
  • Limiting physical activity.


If prolactin levels change, you should begin to find out the reasons this state. The most common of them are:

  • Physiological. This category includes physical activity, protein or carbohydrate diet, as well as periods of pregnancy and lactation. When physiological reasons You should not treat this condition, since it is considered a normal variant.
  • Pharmacological. In this case, the level of this biologically active substance changes while taking various medications. This is why you should tell your doctor about taking medications.
  • Pathological. This cause must be identified and the necessary therapy prescribed. The pathological reason for the decrease in the levels of this biologically active substance may be hidden in tumors of the pituitary gland or liver pathology, for example, cirrhosis. Also among pathological reasons highlight the presence oncological processes ovaries, prostate, kidneys, renal failure, it is possible that the hormone level changes when various pathologies endocrine system.

It should be remembered that this biologically active substance has sufficient big influence on human body. In addition to its main properties, there are some additional ones, among which are:

  • in women - contraceptive function,
  • in men – testosterone production, regulation of metabolic processes, sperm growth.

If prolactin levels increase, women experience problems with fertilization and metabolic processes, can develop various diseases. Men will also experience similar problems - sperm will become less viable, homeostasis may be disrupted, and main problem may become impotent.

How to raise prolactin levels

In order to understand how to increase prolactin levels, you should understand the mechanisms of its production. The main ways to increase this biologically active substance:

  • Healthy and good sleep. An increase in rates is observed in both sexes during sleep.
  • Regular sex. Unfortunately, this advice This applies exclusively to women, since in men the concentration of the hormone will not change during sexual intercourse.
  • Medications. In some cases, people are shown drugs whose side effect is an increase in the concentration of this biologically active substance in the blood. These include psychotropic and narcotic drugs, antidepressants. In addition to the above, similar side effect have H-2 histamine receptor blockers used to treat stomach diseases, as well as estrogen-based oral contraceptives.


IN for preventive purposes To reduce hormone levels, you should change your diet. It will be useful to add millet, legumes, as well as rice, lentils, and nuts to your diet.

Carrots and cauliflower. You should not forget about apples, pomegranates or ginger. It will be very useful ginger tea. Soy, flax and sesame will also not be superfluous.

You should give up bad habits, limit tea and coffee. Under no circumstances should you be on a low-calorie diet.

To increase prolactin levels, adequate therapy should be prescribed, and in no case should you self-medicate, as this can lead to infertility, menstrual irregularities and other pathologies of internal organs that are difficult to treat.

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