How to treat thick snot in an adult? Thick snot

The formation of mucus in the nasal cavity is an integral part of normal functioning body. Healthy man notes that such discharge is transparent in color and does not have a thick consistency, but it happens that the mucus takes on a different shade. This situation can occur due to the active proliferation of bacterial flora. Leukocytes are called upon to block the vital activity of microorganisms, which themselves die during this process. When dead whites join the destroyed microbes blood cells, discharge from the paranasal sinuses becomes green or intense yellow color. They may also contain blood.

Many people do not know how to treat green snot, but this information is very important, because the intense shade of discharge from the nasal cavity indicates the development of a severe infection. A color unusual for a mucous substance can be a symptom of tracheitis, otitis, pneumonia or the formation of a purulent substrate in the maxillary sinuses, which is why it is so important to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner.

What pharmaceutical products are most effective in fighting germs?

To find out how to treat green snot, you need to visit a doctor and have it done laboratory test. The specialist will determine which type of bacteria is the cause of intense coloration of discharge during a runny nose, and will prescribe the most effective remedy to block his life activity.

In order to prevent severe complications of a runny nose with a predominance of green mucus, therapy with drugs of the following categories is indicated:

  • vasoconstrictors,
  • antibacterial,
  • antihistamines,
  • decongestants.

Yellow-green discharge is one of the symptoms of upper respiratory tract disease, so therapy should primarily be aimed at eliminating it. Relieving the manifestation of the disease alone will not be effective. Prescribing antibiotics is an integral part of treatment if the clear discharge characteristic of a runny nose has given way to the formation of a purulent substrate.

The use of nasal sprays and drops that have a constricting effect on blood vessels is necessary to smoothly cleanse the nose of bacterial waste products and dead leukocytes. Medicines of this type relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, making breathing easier. It is advisable to use such products immediately before rinsing the sinuses with an isotonic solution. It is impossible to carry out the procedure if the nasal passages are blocked by thick deposits and are accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane. Before clearing the accumulated mucus, you can drip Tizin, Naphthyzin or Sanorin.

Each of these remedies can quickly relieve swelling, but using them long time Not recommended. Nasal drops quickly become addictive and also dry out the nasal mucosa. Medicines containing essential oils can ease breathing during bacterial rhinitis, which is accompanied by the release of thick mucus. For example, good antiseptic effect Pinosol drops have the ability to active ingredients containing pine, eucalyptus and peppermint oils.

Local treatment provides a good effect antibacterial drugs, for example, “Bioparox” or “Isofra”. You can also purchase a more effective medication at the pharmacy, called “Polidex”. It contains not only an antibiotic, but also anti-inflammatory, corticosteroid and vasoconstrictor components.

In order to relieve a runny nose, you can use medications not only in the form of drops, but also in the form of tablets. For example, Sinupret herbal pills are suitable for the treatment of rhinitis.

The antimicrobial effect exerted by the drug “Protargol” or its analogue, the drug “Sialor,” is widely known. Both products contain silver proteinate. Modern research showed that such medications should not be used without the approval of a doctor. Silver salts can accumulate in the body, so treatment with a colloidal solution of this element should be done with caution.

In people who have bad immune protection, it is not always possible to quickly get rid of yellow-green nasal discharge and other unpleasant symptoms of the spread of infection in the body. In such cases, increased intake of vitamins and strengthening the immune system using the following methods is indicated:

  • It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, for example, take a walk in the park, if the disease does not require bed rest).
  • It is not recommended to allow the nasal mucosa to dry out, so a certain microclimate must be maintained in the apartment. Wet cleaning, regular ventilation, and the purchase of special air-humidifying devices are measures that will help alleviate the condition of a sick person and speed up the recovery of the body.
  • It is advisable to replace store-bought drinks, as well as coffee and black tea, with fruit drinks, compotes or juices prepared at home. An excellent source of vitamins is a decoction of rose hips, so drinking it warm is recommended during the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • The diet of a sick person should consist of quality products containing a large number of micro- and macroelements.

Competent treatment of a runny nose in an expectant mother

To avoid complications, green snot in an adult should be treated with means recommended by the attending physician. This precaution is especially relevant for women carrying a child.

During pregnancy, many medications are prohibited for use, therefore, noticing that a runny nose with a predominance clear discharge replaced by the formation of thick yellow or green mucus, you should see a doctor immediately. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are prescribed to pregnant girls only in extreme cases, for example, when there is a threat of oxygen starvation (hypoxia) in the fetus due to the lack of normal nasal breathing in the mother.

Since the appearance of green or yellowish discharge from the nose due to growth pathogenic microflora, antibacterial therapy is necessary. To prevent harmful substances from entering the systemic bloodstream, expectant mothers are recommended to take antibiotics. local action. Their use should also be approached with caution: consult your doctor first and do not exceed the dosages specified in the instructions. To make breathing easier and remove mucus interspersed with pus, you need to rinse your nasal sinuses several times a day. For the procedure, it is better to use saline solutions or Miramistin antiseptic.

Adding iodine to cleansers should be avoided.

It is important to understand that during the period of bearing a child, herbal medicine can cause much more harm than treatment with well-chosen pharmaceutical drugs. To avoid allergic reactions, it is advisable to avoid using essential oils and also do not take herbal infusions uncontrollably.

Recommendations to help combat nasal congestion

The appearance of yellow-green mucus is one of the main symptoms inflammatory process V maxillary sinus. There is an opinion that regular warming of the wings of the nose, forehead and bridge of the nose helps to get rid of nasal congestion and pain in this disease, but this should not be done. The formation of a purulent substrate during sinusitis is due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Exposure to heat will only worsen their reproduction, which means a person’s well-being will worsen. Such self-medication is extremely dangerous, because an acute inflammatory process in the nasal cavity can result in meningitis or other complications. Heat exposure should not be allowed even if a person has polyps or blood is discharged from the nose. The procedure is also prohibited if there is an increase in body temperature.

If you notice that the mucus secreted from the nasal passages is no longer transparent, you should stop applying bags of hot salt or sand to your face. Warming with a hard-boiled egg is also contraindicated in this case.

Quick treatment of green mucus at home is facilitated not only by modern medicines, but also special medicinal fees from dried plants. Before using them, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and make sure that there is no individual intolerance to a particular plant.

Regular rinsing of the paranasal sinuses will help remove thick green snot. Today there are various isotonic solutions, however, mucus can be removed using regular saline solution. To do this, liquid with the addition of sodium chloride is drawn into a syringe (without a needle) and the solution is poured alternately into one nasal passage, while the contents come out through the other maxillary sinuses. In case of severe mucus stagnation, headache and difficulty breathing, patients are recommended the “Cuckoo” procedure, which as soon as possible relieves the paranasal sinuses of accumulated secretions.


Curing green snot is not the best difficult task, especially if the medications were not selected independently, but on the recommendation of a specialist. It is important to understand that such a manifestation signals that an infection has “settled” in the body, which, if not properly treated, can lead to serious complications.

Nasal mucus is a secretion produced by the glands of the epithelium of the cavity of the external respiratory organ. It serves to clean and humidify the inhaled air. When a person catches a cold, becomes hypothermic, or develops an allergy or respiratory disease, nasal discharge increases. Moreover, they can change their consistency and even color. It is by color and consistency that you can quickly assess the patient’s condition, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, without conducting any additional research.

Reasons for changes in the consistency and color of snot

To understand exactly why they appeared thick snot, i.e. what causes them, it is necessary to take a nasal swab, which will allow you to find out which cells predominate in the composition of the discharge. If a change in the consistency of mucus is accompanied by a change in its color, this means that some cells have been destroyed, resulting in the release of a specific substance.

Thick snot always brings great discomfort. The body produces mucus with a dense consistency when it feels the need to protect itself from dust, dehydration and the ingestion of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The most common reasons for their formation include:

  • hypothermia;
  • allergic reaction.

What does the color say?

Thick snot in the nasopharynx, depending on what processes develop in the body, can have different shades. For example, if physiological mucus suddenly thickens and becomes white or foamy, this indicates an infectious or inflammatory process. This phenomenon can be observed at the very beginning of the development of the pathological process or at its completion.

Nasopharyngeal discharge may still be thicker in people who constantly breathe dry air or those who drink little fluid. This means that the treatment of a runny nose is not organized correctly. It is the presence of pus in the mucus of an adult that gives it a whitish color. For children, this could be a sign of allergies or teething.

Dense colors are one of the symptoms chronic disease, it could be pneumonia or bronchitis. They occur when the body is actively fighting the infection that has become the source of the disease. Viscous and green discharge also occurs with an advanced runny nose, but at the same time, it may indicate that the body has finally coped with the virus. The fact is that when leukocytes die due to pathogenic viruses, pathogenic microorganisms also fail to survive.

Sometimes adults have yellow discharge from the nasopharynx, and sometimes even. Experts note that smokers most often encounter this, because nicotine, when it reaches the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, turns the mucus into an unusual color.

If yellow discharge from the nasopharynx are observed in non smoking man, then this cannot be ignored; they may signal a more serious illness than a cold. Only a doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Thick snot with blood requires special attention (). It means that pathological process moved to severe stage of their development or take place mechanical damage mucous membrane in the nasopharynx. A possible reason could be increased blood pressure, which requires urgent treatment.

When an adult has stagnant fluid in the nose, he tries to blow it out; under conditions of such a powerful load on the capillaries, they can burst, which causes blood to appear in the discharge.

Similar name, but completely different condition

In nature, there is a disease called “hussar runny nose.” Some people, due to the fact that they do not know what this condition is, its causes and symptoms, confuse it with unpleasant condition nasopharynx. In fact, hussar runny nose refers to venereal diseases, which was widespread during the time of Charles II. The hussars were very loving and often changed sexual partners, and birth control was not yet known in those days. For this reason, every second man had a “hussar runny nose” and was a source of infection for others.

A sexually transmitted disease affected the male genitals. Most often transmitted sexually, but there have been cases domestic infection, i.e. through linen, towels and washcloths. Doctors call painful condition“hussar runny nose”, because the attitude towards such consequences of love without obligations was almost loyal.

Methods of influence

If fluid thickens in the nasopharynx of an adult, this definitely needs to be dealt with only if there are no serious illnesses and contraindications. The very first thing to do is to provide plenty of fluids and moist air. This helps to dilute the stretchy liquid produced in large quantities. It is necessary to do wet cleaning and ventilate the room daily. Inhalations can also help. You need to try to blow your nose and rinse your nose more.

A doctor may prescribe antihistamines or cold medicines. Some people use recipes traditional medicine, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

Quite often people have to deal with nasal discharge. A runny nose, or snot as it is popularly called, prevents you from working or sleeping normally at night.

How to quickly cure snot? It all depends on their cause and nature. In order not to complicate your life, it is not recommended to ignore such discharge.

A runny nose (rhinitis) is excessive secretion serous fluid nasal mucosa. The process is caused by exposure to toxic, infectious and allergic agents.

The mucous membrane of the nasal passages is abundantly supplied with small blood vessels. Pathogenic substances and infections provoke increased permeability of the capillary walls, the liquid component of the blood sweats into the nasal cavity.

After this, it flows out or flows down the back wall throats.

After the introduction of viruses and bacteria, the mucous membrane actively produces a viscous or transparent secretion enriched with antibodies. It is required for:

  • suppression of infection activity;
  • preventing its progress through the respiratory tract.

It turns out that mucus in humans is a normal protective reaction that occurs as a result of exposure to negative factors.

By the color, degree of transparency and consistency of nasal discharge, one can judge the nature of the inflammatory process and its cause (virus or bacteria). Also, the features of the exudate will tell about the condition paranasal sinuses nose, necessity additional treatment, for example, the use of antibiotics.

If everything is in order with health, a small amount of mucus is released to humidify the inhaled air and cleanse it of dangerous impurities.

When a person’s snot is abundant, becomes thick and changes color, we are talking about the development of the disease.

Liquid snot

There are several reasons that cause the release of clear liquid snot. First of all, this is an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Many viruses are characterized by tropism for the cells of the nasal mucosa.

This condition lasts approximately 3 to 5 days. After this, the nasal secretion will completely disappear or move into the next phase. Bacterial inflammation is characterized by thick discharge.

Transparent snot in humans is accompanied by symptoms:

  1. increase in general body temperature;
  2. constant sneezing;
  3. nasal congestion;
  4. headache;
  5. drainage from the eyes;
  6. stuffy ears.

There is also a physiological runny nose - the production of transparent nasal secretions. It does not flow out, but flows down the back wall of the throat. This condition does not require drug treatment and goes away completely as you adapt respiratory system.

Other causes of nasal discharge include:

  • exposure to allergens (pollen, pet dander, medications, food);
  • injuries to the nasal mucosa (adverse effects of high or low temperature, mechanical damage);
  • vasomotor runny nose (failures of regulation vascular wall, increasing capillary permeability);
  • (due to the action vasoconstrictor drops with long-term treatment).

It happens that clear mucus from the nose is not snot in a person, but discharge cerebrospinal fluid. This symptom is called nasal liquorrhea. It is diagnosed in cases of serious complex traumatic brain injuries accompanied by damage to the ethmoid bone and meninges.

When such an injury occurred, a course of clear liquid from the nose, it is important to tell your doctor about this to clarify the cause of nasal discharge.

Often, cerebrospinal fluid and nasal secretions are distinguished by the concentration of protein and glucose in them.

How to treat?

Treatment of snot during a viral infection is similar to the treatment of a runny nose accompanied by thick discharge. In both situations, it is very important to maintain a special temperature regime in the room. Frequently required:

  • ventilate the room;
  • humidify the air in it.

Inhaling humidified air will help clear the nasal passages of mucus and make them easier to pass.

The only exception is the fact that clear snot in a patient (before the development of bacterial flora) does not require the use of local antibiotics. But this is only relevant if the doctor does not think otherwise.

It is also necessary to rinse the nose with saline solution or pharmaceutical preparations based on sea ​​water. This group included:

  1. Aquamaris;
  2. Snoop;

Cleaning the nose is carried out with a clean pipette, a syringe without a needle, or a small syringe. Do this in a standing position. The head is tilted forward and the mouth is open. The healing liquid is drawn in through each nostril in turn so that the water washes the nasopharynx and flows down the tongue without obstruction. After the procedure, you should blow your nose well.

Similar washings are carried out for adenoiditis - inflammation in the pharyngeal gland (adenoids). To prevent liquid from leaking into auditory tube middle ear and the development of otitis media, it is important to strictly follow the nasal rinsing technology.

It won’t hurt to do inhalations using an inhaler or nebulizer. It is allowed to inhale vapors of special solutions or decoctions medicinal plants. They are prepared from chamomile, mint, and sage.

The use of other plants must be discussed with your doctor. This will prevent unwanted allergic reactions of the body to herbs.

If it is not possible to treat with plant decoctions, inhalation is practiced saline solution. It is diluted with alkaline mineral waters in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can take any water, for example:

  • Borjomi;
  • Essentuki No. 17, 4.

It is strictly forbidden to use oil and alcohol tinctures. This will provoke a serious defeat bronchial tree, trachea. As a result there is high risk the development of so-called oil pneumonia, which is very difficult to cure.

Vasoconstrictor medications will help relieve nasal congestion and eliminate snot in a sick person:

  1. Xylene;
  2. Nazol;
  3. Tizin;
  4. Rinza.

Medicines in this group can be purchased in the form of drops or spray.

There is a fundamental point - treatment with vasoconstrictors is carried out no longer than 5 days in a row. Otherwise, a rebound runny nose develops.

Doctors sometimes prescribe drops based on naphazoline (Naphthyzin). However, they should be used with extreme caution. The substance, even if the dosage is slightly exceeded, can cause depression of cardiac activity and disruption of the central nervous system.

To minimize the risk of developing side effects, stimulation local immunity and suppression of bacterial activity, herbal medicines Pinosol and Eucasept are used.

A mixture consisting of bacterial lysates has an effect similar to that of a vaccine. Due to its presence on the mucous membrane, such a remedy stimulates the immune response.

Which in turn protects it from the introduction and reproduction of similar types of microorganisms. The course of treatment will be at least 2 weeks.

Thick snot

If this symptom is added, we are talking about initial stage acute respiratory viral infection or bacterial infection of the nasopharynx. After a few days, the color of the discharge will turn yellow-green.

Patients experience thick snot when:

  • allergic reactions;
  • constant inhalation of dry air;
  • polyps on the nasal mucosa.

In some patients, the presence of thick and clear snot will be evidence of proliferation and inflammation of the adenoids. Such discharge from the nasal passages can begin with an advanced runny nose or improper treatment.

A nose clogged with thick mucus prevents you from breathing, eating, and sleeping normally at night. If a person’s snot does not go away within 10 days, and the air in his room is dry, the disease worsens. Without treatment, the disease will develop into a chronic form.

Thick green snot usually occurs at the very end of a viral runny nose. This occurs as a result of weakening of local immunity when favorable conditions for the life of the infection. By by and large, after the destruction of the virus, a pathogenic infection lives on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, to which the body throws out a large number of leukocytes (red blood cells).

Such snot in a patient can sometimes begin immediately after hypothermia or when a person simply gets his feet wet. In some cases, this may be an allergic reaction to:

  1. flowering plants;
  2. pet fur;
  3. other allergens.

How to treat it?

With this type of rhinitis, the doctor, in addition to recommending liquid secretions, may prescribe medications to thin thick nasal mucus. Such remedies will help remove snot from the patient’s nose. Often the problem can be dealt with using Rinofluimucil and Ximelin Extra.

The use of antimicrobial agents may be warranted. These include products made on the basis of silver salts and antibiotics in the form of a nasal aerosol:

  • Polydex;
  • Isofra;
  • Bioparox.

Doctors in in some cases give an appointment to eye drops: Sofradex, Levomycetin, Tetracycline. They wash the nasal passages. Similar treatment it is necessary extremely rarely, since the first named remedies cope well with the inflammatory process of bacterial etiology.

Most important medications In the treatment of thick white, green and yellow snot in an adult, topical antibiotics will be used. However, they do not always give positive dynamics. In such cases, it is recommended to take systemic antimicrobials inside:

  1. Amoxiclav;
  2. Augmentin;
  3. Azitrox;
  4. Sumamed.

The dosage of the drugs depends on the severity of the disease in each specific case.

Snot mixed with blood

Often with rhinitis, especially when normal nose blowing is impossible, streaks of blood appear in the discharge. Usually this symptom is not dangerous, unlike nosebleeds, when a large volume of blood is released from the nose.

Blood streaks in a person’s snot can appear in the following conditions:

  • frequent blowing of the nose during rhinitis with thick snot;
  • drying out of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages due to excessively dry air in the room;
  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis);
  • influenza infection with damage blood vessels(including the nasal mucosa);
  • a lack of ascorbic acid(vitamin C), which can easily be compensated for several days by using Ascorutin or similar drugs.

To strengthen the walls of capillaries and prevent injury to the nasal mucosa, it is useful at the first signs viral disease use vitamin C in the permitted prophylactic dose. This is only relevant if there are no contraindications.

In addition, you will always need to maintain the correct temperature and avoid dry nose. You should blow your nose only after instilling a few drops of sea water or saline into your nose. The procedure will thoroughly moisturize the mucous membrane and make the snot in patients more liquid.

Be that as it may, it will not be possible to get rid of the discharge without consulting a doctor. Only at the clinic they will tell you how and how to treat snot. The video in this article will tell you where snot comes from.

Runny nose (snot) – unpleasant symptom, which accompanies viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic diseases. Sometimes snot occurs due to hormonal disorders in the body, for example, during restructuring hormonal levels during pregnancy. The most interesting thing is that, as a rule, snot “sticks” to people who are predisposed to colds.

Someone takes care of themselves, trying to maintain hygiene, dress properly for the weather, avoid contact with sick people, but still walks around with a snotty nose.

Another person, who doesn’t think about all these intricacies, eats ice cream even in winter and doesn’t get sick.

In most cases, the starting point for all diseases is a weakened immune system. When it fails, people begin to “catch” viral infections, which are inevitably accompanied by snot. The discharge can be clear and liquid, and sometimes the snot is thick, cannot be blown out and brings many problems to the patient.

Thick mucus in the nose that does not come out carries the risk of complications (sinusitis, otitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, etc.). In such cases, the main task is to liquefy the thick secretion (snot) as quickly as possible.

The mechanism of snot appearance

Mucus, found in small quantities in the nose, is needed to protect the mucous membranes from pathogenic microflora. If existing rhinitis is not treated, pathogens can penetrate the lower parts of the respiratory system and cause bronchitis or pneumonia.

When bacteria, viruses, dust and other agents enter the nose, increased mucus production occurs. Discharge is normally considered transparent and moderately thick. In this way, a kind of cleansing of the nose occurs. The person blows out the mucus, which eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.

The snot itself is a mixture of mucin protein, salt and water. The thickness of snot is influenced by the protein mucin. If the body itself fails to protect the upper Airways from an infection, and the immune system fails, a disease develops, in our case rhinitis.

Causes of thick snot

Nasal discharge may be different color, from transparent (“water”) to dark shades, sometimes with an admixture of blood. In our article we will consider only thick snot that has different colors.

White snot

– sign colds. By acquiring thickness, snot “signals” the completion of the inflammatory process.

As a rule, such snot appears after a runny and clear runny nose.

It happens that thick white snot lasts a long time, i.e. a runny nose lasts for more than 10 days. In such cases, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary.

It is necessary to exclude the inflammatory process and the spread of infection to the paranasal sinuses. Usually, a protracted course of snot occurs in the absence of rinsing and medicinal instillation into the nose.

If the patient notices that foam has been added to the white thick snot, or, for example, its color has changed, most likely, in addition to the viral infection, bacterial “brothers” have also collected in the nasal cavity. Any change in the color of the discharge is a signal; nothing happens out of the blue. Therefore, “colored” snot is subject to mandatory differentiation and treatment, of course, if the patient does not want to become a victim of chronic nasopharyngeal infections.

Thick white snot is often observed in people who stay in dry rooms for a long time. If a person drinks little water, then this is also one of the factors in the appearance of thick white snot. Pediatricians note that white mucus of medium thickness is a frequent companion to teething in children.

Yellow snot

Seen in smokers. The nicotine in cigarettes mixes with mucus and upward path enters the nasopharynx. may also indicate stopping rhinitis, but provided that the mucus is slightly colored, and this phenomenon lasts no more than three days. In other cases, we should be wary, perhaps we are dealing with a complicated runny nose and the beginning of the spread of a bacterial infection.

Most specialists “don’t like” it, because... such a borderline state does not always allow the doctor to make the right decision.

There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, but it’s not normal either. Whether it’s green snot, you can safely prescribe antibacterial drugs right away.

Especially if general health the patient is not impaired, as if subject to observation, but, sometimes, one rinse saline solutions does not give any results, and one morning the patient already sees “green” on the scarf. This is why doctors do not like borderline states in patients.

Ideally, when yellow snot, carry out bacterial culture from the nose. But, and there is a catch here, the result will be ready only after 5 days. So you have to choose, either wait until the snot goes away on its own, or start curative therapy blindly.

Laboratory doctors conducting tests confirm that with yellow snot, in almost 80% of cases, bacteria are inoculated. This is mainly staphylococcus or streptococcus, but there may be other pathogenic microorganisms.

Neutralized bacteria, against which the body's protective cells resist, color snot in various shades, ranging from light yellow to Brown. In this case, the thickness of the snot can change daily.

Green snot

There is no doubt that green and thick snot indicates an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

On the one hand, this indicates the fight of the immune system against harmful pathogenic microflora.

It is she who dies, resisting the neutrophils, hence the product of the disintegration of this “battle” - . On the other hand, there is nothing good in the fact that there is still an inflammatory process that needs to be stopped immediately.

Green snot most often occurs due to untreated rhinitis. Bacterial microflora, developing intensively, can cause not only a runny nose, but also diseases of the entire nasopharynx, as well as lower sections respiratory system.

Thick snot with green tint meet as if acute rhinitis with a protracted course, and in chronic cases.

Brown snot

The reason for the appearance brown snot mycoses, smoking, the presence of blood in the nasal cavity, ozena, scleroma, sinusitis can become.

To differentiate the disease, it is necessary to undergo examination by an otolaryngologist.

Thick snot with blood

Bloody discharge in snot occurs due to damage to the walls of the nasal passages, for example, during normal nose picking.

Sometimes when blowing his nose too hard, the patient tenses up and small capillaries burst, hence slight discharge blood.

In the case of polypous growths, there is a risk of nosebleeds, only their nature will be more intense. Also, an admixture of blood may indicate other diseases not related to the respiratory system.

In this case, the otolaryngologist will tell you which specialists you need to contact before the examination.

What to do if you don't blow your nose

If the patient does not have special contraindications, to eliminate thick snot, it is recommended to do the following:

Traditional methods

Don't forget about folk remedies, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in treating various types rhinitis, and at the lowest cost for the patient.

Kalanchoe juice

As a traditional medicine for thick snot, instillation gives good results. fresh juice Kalanchoe.

2 drops are instilled into each nostril of the patient. It starts in a few minutes severe sneezing, snot, in the literal sense of the word, flies out.

Most patients think Kalanchoe juice one of the best means getting rid of thick snot with greens.

Tea tree oil

Before instillation one drop of oil tea tree diluted with five drops boiled water.

Inject 1 drop of solution into each nostril. The procedure is performed twice a day.

This treatment allows you to stop the growth of bacterial microflora, and, as a result, get rid of thick and green snot.

Honey drops

Honey is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. If you are allergic to bee products, this treatment won't do.

You need to instill two drops three times a day.

Honey drops dissolve thick mucus well, the patient begins to breathe easily, and the risk of sinusitis is reduced.

Homeopathic remedies for treating thick snot

It should be noted that chronic runny nose with green snot is sometimes difficult to treat. Endless instillations, inhalations, warming, physiotherapy, give only a temporary effect. As an alternative, patients are often offered homeopathic treatment. To achieve the desired effect, contact only certified classical homeopaths.

As an introduction to homeopathic medicines, let's get acquainted with the most common remedies that are used to treat a runny nose.

Poisonous fighter - aconite

This remedy works great in cases where thick snot is difficult to blow out and there are symptoms such as fever, dry mucous membranes and sneezing.

Aconite is more suitable for acute processes with a violent onset. Symptoms are increasing every day.

Quite often, the cause of snot is allergic reactions, in which case aconite will come in handy. Severe nasal congestion, swelling, thick snot - aconite will come to the rescue.

Thuja occidentalis - thuja

The drug is loved by many homeopaths. This is an excellent remedy not only for the runny nose, but also for many other diseases, especially those accompanied by various skin growths.

It’s not for nothing that thuja is called the storm of warts. Thuja is prescribed for thick snot that is difficult to blow out, and the patient often has associated symptoms.

This could be a cough, bronchospasm, or the presence of nasal polyps. The color of the discharge has a yellowish-greenish tint. Patients often complain of ulceration of the mucous membrane.

Classical homeopaths chronic runny nose Prescribe rare doses of thuja in high dilutions. For example, thuja 1000 once a week for three months.

Patients note that while taking thuja, their papillomas have disappeared and there are fewer moles. What pleasure homeopaths get when, by eliminating a lingering runny nose, they manage to solve other problems with the patient’s health.

Meadow lumbago – pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is considered female drug, and in most cases this medicine is actually prescribed to the female sex.

Meadow lumbago is a good treatment for lingering colds in which thick, difficult-to-discharge snot is observed.

Patients complain of a constantly stuffy nose; the medications only act for a short time, which forces them to constantly carry the drops in their pocket.

Often there are accompanying symptoms such as impaired sense of smell, hoarseness, painful sensations in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Potassium dichromate - Kali bichromicum

Thick snot is not blown out, its color has various shades from pale yellow to green, there is a burning sensation in the nose, the discharge is acrid - Kali bichromicum will come in handy.

The drug will also solve the problem of nasopharyngitis and polyposis of the nasal mucosa.

Onion – alium tsepa

How often do housewives cry from fumes in the kitchen? onion juice. The essence of homeopathy is to treat like with like. Therefore, when using the drug Alium Cepa, you need to pay attention to such a symptom as an allergic reaction. She is the one who becomes trigger mechanism the occurrence of rhinitis, and thick snot, swelling, difficulty blowing your nose - this is already a consequence.

If the patient is allergic to onions, i.e. arises frequent sneezing, lacrimation, redness of the eyes, and also clear liquid snot and discomfort in the throat, Alium Cepa is prescribed.

Patients note that when they get to Fresh air it becomes much easier for them.

Another thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an alium tsep is whether the patient has a complaint about increased sensitivity to various odors, especially citrus.

Indications for treatment with Alium Tsep are also foul-smelling discharge from the nasal passages, while the mucus is always thick. The immune system in such patients is greatly weakened. Often there is a sore throat, cough, swelling and soreness of the eyelids.

Black elderberry – sambucus

The drug copes well with a runny nose, which causes following symptoms: sticky mucus in the nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, while heavy discharge none from the nose, sometimes they are even scanty.

Sambucus is especially useful for a whole “bouquet” of complaints during ARVI.

All symptoms of the disease worsen in damp weather.

Calcareous sulfur liver - hepar sulfur

This drug is often prescribed in pediatric practice. The peculiarity of hepar sulfur is that the cause of the disease, as a rule, is hypothermia.

During the off-season, patients have not yet adapted to the new temperatures and easily catch colds.

Your feet get wet, or, for example, you eat ice cream and your throat immediately hurts, or a runny nose appears - all this is subject to the calcareous sulfur liver.

Patients prescribed this drug are prone to purulent processes, enlarged lymph nodes, prolonged low-grade fever, herpetic rashes. They often complain of nasal congestion and pain in the nasopharynx. After recovery, such patients often experience a “temperature tail.”

Gepar sulfur is prescribed for various immunodeficiencies, as well as for patients who are ill viral infections several times a year.


A runny nose is a condition that needs to be kept under control. Any change in the color and consistency of snot should alert you. Thick snot should be thinned; breathing difficulties should not be allowed, which, in turn, leads to oxygen starvation and other complications.

We hope this article will help the reader navigate the treatment persistent runny nose accompanied by thick snot. Be healthy!

Attention, TODAY only!

The appearance of thick snot is associated with infectious lesion nasal mucosa or allergic reaction on the influence of stimuli. Such a runny nose should not be ignored, as it can lead to a number of unpleasant, dangerous complications. This is due to the difficulty in draining viscous secretions that accumulate in the nasal cavity.

Violation of the outflow of secretions worsens nasal breathing, leads to stagnation of mucus, which creates comfortable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Subsequently, it becomes the cause of the development of inflammatory processes and the spread of infection to neighboring organs.

The formation of nasal secretions in the nose is a normal physiological process that represents a protective reaction. The body is trying to cleanse the nasal passages of foreign particles, bacteria, and dust that have settled on the mucous membrane. In addition, mucus produced by secretory cells protects the airways from dehydration and foreign agents. Normally, nasal discharge is clear and moderately thick.

Changes in the production and viscosity of snot are provoked by factors:

  • dysfunction of the immune defense;
  • use of tobacco products;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • viral or bacterial infection respiratory tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

With the release of thick snot, especially in small child, it is necessary as soon as possible. To ensure that the treatment is chosen correctly, visit a doctor who will determine the cause of the snot. Indeed, with the allergic nature of a runny nose, therapy differs from methods of combating an infectious disease.

Treatment methods

The selection of medications is carried out by an otolaryngologist, taking into account the stage of the disease, etiological factor, features of symptomatic manifestations. Trying to treat this kind of runny nose on your own means deliberately putting your health at risk. Self-medication in such cases is impractical and even dangerous.

Antiviral agents

In case of viral genesis of the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed medicines. Treat severe bacterial infection antibiotics If a runny nose occurs due to exposure to allergens, antihistamines are prescribed. To thin the mucous secretions in the nose, mucolytic drugs are prescribed.

Isotonic solutions

It doesn’t matter what color the snot is, if it has a viscous consistency and doesn’t blow your nose, the main task is to maintain nasal cavity hygiene.

Isotonic or saline solutions are suitable for this purpose. They improve the discharge of thick mucous secretions and normalize nasal breathing in children and adults. For the nasal rinsing procedure, take 0.9% sodium chloride solution or similar drugs based on sterile sea waters.

The following products are popular: Aqualor, Salin, Morenasal, Physiomer, AquaMaster.

Saline solutions

A self-prepared saline solution is a good alternative. In a glass of warm boiled water, dilute 1 teaspoon of sea or table salt. Washing will help a short time will relieve the annoying runny nose and accompanying symptoms.

How to treat children

When thick snot appears in a child, it is important to remove it from the nasal cavity. Medications in such cases are appointed to individually, and only by a doctor. To alleviate your baby’s condition, follow several stages of self-therapy, discussed below.


First of all, viscous mucous secretions in a child are diluted with saline solutions. You can take Aquamaris or Humer. There are no contraindications for saline solution from the pharmacy.


After rinsing the child’s nasal passages, after five minutes, carefully remove the softened mucous secretion from the nasal cavity. To do this, use small cotton pads, which you first soak in Vaseline or vegetable oil.


A special aspirator for suctioning snot, a small rubber bulb or a sterile syringe without a needle are also suitable for removing nasal mucus.


Upon completion of the activities described above, place nasal drops prescribed by the doctor into the child’s nasal passages.

In addition, it is important to observe the temperature and humidity conditions in the room in which the baby is staying. This will help prevent drying out of the mucous membrane affected by the inflammatory process.

Provide your child with plenty of fluids, systematically carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the children's room.

An important condition in the treatment of a runny nose is a systematic visit to the doctor. Do not prolong the pathological process and do not self-medicate, because without knowing the reasons for its occurrence, you can only aggravate the condition.

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